Po on'yto =k o hé W sMS eme.... e.... .. B darkneso ao» orie-n. 4oiip*augper. ' pr, 1 ome, Ba&lai &e 80 orecfag o t NosrMmlithePPiue of KnIke. Bogk AL e AT T E WH T Y HA A up st te sUilJand u0g 1Ilok A THapUeB.PEA MA y ~,u Ilewlnlov v'W is Mcihie MoGuire. . p....... Undtbspakl atMYcalngtut Kathleen Ilchase, Do. Seart... 80 TU Io no tob isiDa ba . er Sog.ciae.8 t- . GERRIE d& 00.,1 HE IS&DRTI8T i& laie sheut anS vo etMina çh«horBasla lAughg, but there fineo usd. Thei. leà UCt.s,.1t<Oo o5. ____________________________ Do eue e .11m over u>'kessGivà aus Drliug, me e avet Ils.Do.'Z ____________________________ ni)e eo u e enrel i ay Du . u!tes..................8 ,or presenle and tu" r......YlltOn..as ( carned Ovelr, 1h.breew do"u or o esd&Do. iHapi......40 W HI rep et btbe one.kom M f« IN9TRUMENTAL.' 1 - wau mc. oe ~o le.eme erEvénualBones'.... .Mceu.Wlilson 50 MY ufe; o ideonMy bolde e Tv -.....ocunéa. MaylatL,6 1000 mifait to few m.0tte . V~ Gnxeeocqu enu fe. .ce P«4«, 6 C H NA0 A 1800e; tecall dd900 Dict'ofrôtut hé SivUhh.....ant ylaehUff, 0 OE.A li111e b.d now emppy. And vif. , anBoaq-STO the B . do-maylaîL, 40 *oLceitt. cf ngar orada Avsslg o 1... ~~ hart tee;',and opl Wilsonaned m m diael 01h. weald give hier elvu raf#e aimosi, toi *enpHont$masa. .orceiL.:Wilson 80 Y wakefit idailit bud looýý- anfaretô .......... .M.iG" W nt,5O thket m dnb1u00. c sros eTrem>»ing lasanîrea. t: iC k a uea et b anS aý cr beY. hero as ho e ?«i e meof ...apie.Kke 0 useu e-Pce. v esM.rkà d C Itre plture Tltie-pages. -AT Se ensreOur trolios, and!vixen PI - T fi re -lead vo oe - pl onorrecelpt o! marient viii~ ~ ~ t% haOrotoa eaVriylies. Adms * 'bec! ne ts4ns over heiem-' >suif thy rem la.PETERS; 45 oorodwaNYBSON &SPA . . Ll LL S l ama iving noar Louisville vent TEM STEAýRoen 'RTY OP TORON. > father, wblo WVvry ica. on hie 0 odF tDesdH gaysz baaak vithafh usiclan lie wae met 50b>' F t eue whao sald0aisfather vus doead.èsdHoe nysz "H"eIn GobI," exowtà ëd ltfhé ote fromh 100 Ibs. each upwrs so, ea xbenses, OnIy re. Vreeke Steamer "CITY OP TORONTO 4p.Il00]u el ofG d ago min aiitorln.Iv vasScaS anSDicie) icaverdanyfne!Ynes rn il lune ad t , an m , en Sb., e t na now ~' cool'a, nr insa : steq». u., . ad ik, adlemara Blow, or Early Rose Potatoes. Cleiain$,il~net l gdlnm, nS O.1 m anCd 5p.au. connections for the net o odicso ad aux ials , Ceveland cincesnu le 't Nov eork, Boston, c L9 soap asat'm next le cigity. ai'l?, iNsw t at No. 8 Ft- od Butr oralo Tikes na.nirmtinetN 50Tubs ofG o Butrora O net nOcOeessilY iîrevdesî anti viect. . MILLOT, Agint. wih the Highest Market Price will I>e paid in diExcunmfita partes acconimodaled on malt.ASHat *La.'y. foike ake he Most pai.,,'lng application te Mr. Hm>'. Mhaakegisiee lknlIt mot. Whllby, fuly lth, 1874. GBO2&9PREL' publie 8Sill-Beadiliest le' do aay I SALE Ot. - 1874. thing liw hi.se poe br.FWhitbY,, c.151h,184 Thon. arte vatuustabtions il it, but "O ET P R " the leset desl-slle Il a Pollce.stalion. F R S A K-l Thor,.ila3tac snob thiug aido ronniag 210 acres-nean ]lrooklin, Ontario. X ~ ~ T. oare off the Crack. laystpnill npplyto the pro-nietor ontflacprernaies, ý~d __ thene.- - TI.OS. 1)0W, BQ., " , On. drýwbâ0k cf false Ccflii le hat Ontario Banke, Wiitv. 01h(Y canuol b. gnusshd in case of nage. Brohiji, Sept. 12th, 1874. 8t Wîigpoofetna atebasket je ONRO g-ting oel purjuaws t hat JOR-- NTA IL 0R/N G ES TA BL 1IHMENTj It is a fnauy lhlug Alont a dentlst DEALER IN- LUMBEII O TRE ,WHITBY Chit or e tpsIofaster lie Commission Herchant, Shipping sud For. H T Y gels es ciai. A s lU 'o - U erders prompl utbedd. (Next Door Northt of Dominion Bank.) atarI te get a dollar aberCer than by htyOt.lb 14 oan8ingi. Au unt ceupicd posant stand in lHant. "vALIpSE AND TItUNKS. fond beainshie notice, ,Clos@d fer iu. A larger and better stock of Ovrcot ventcny..". LEÂTIn VALISES e-ot Te cure deatfuss-Tell à amanu jlteIes gtavncln anni.1s ceul tepay111 Monv. - ngtheBestPaternR hP. A%;,éi-oIL.A J Wlaers Ju"nthe 1wsweetesd. 8oeg Cho. DAnkg .................... 'MY Sean old HoCher. Song & Clan. Ste vant................. .... 8 I. i. The new andc Whitby, Sept. UtII, -,NoTicjE. rai= p&oae xt iiith tonand Fil- AMES H. rÂO for a 5&fl 1 Now, is the tibne4o buy good ftndý-cheap, Furniture. H.igboizgt =f the business lately camrÃIe oui by James . asoie taka th W'ftuty ofin'tmn b isny ona hikvs- - aWoal -udwe euasueci teat ireareprpared to dço.a WOU by tixem in the-future a i. 8 Sa lihs doue inthà - puat. Ordes bymaTlILL & JOHt.tNSidTO. claas Establishmeà t in the Connty.. whirefunerals refui- l y , pplie o, 88 CARRIACES &BQI~ Beg to inform. the public generaily, that .tley .ha've opened a New Carrnage Factory, on Dnndas Street' TWO. DOORS WEST of the -POQST'OFFI'CE. Where the are now prepared to mxonte ail work il, the Carniage M.king Une, on the shortest notie, and msad of th e bot ]na,- teil sdfrs.casswRk AN TE-Dp. A ----k. ZUMLe.1--AN<D D -- -. ,.A.LvquLmDLu veUJaaa ý l LlY JUIY2ti, 187. The, Most disagrecable of ail short ofT edsad W llasrtdI1 GtOP-4tailway colisions; SARAÂTOGA TRUNKS, oT ed n elasre rèlltra iitrlok. gen. &c., &., at Gents' FnrnishingatCR E A T EXCITE M ENT Melanoholyep, aohv el WILLIAM ga a rp e o ple dr a reit e aveth M aIl O U p k e r , S arneWt et.Safljer -dad IluirnleserA. P [R 1 N G L E S AT TIHE A!l.nleasarit port of aritlinatie-- tiOCK-S1'., WIIITJiY. '111il42111 fmils.rue_4_174__t Gents' Best Fur Caps and Rlats, Caps, and Fur Goods BROOKLIN 0ROCER Y STORJi What le ev doig a tte-ane ___à ___ l rey timec -Orowin 2. A largetstockaiow onering at irresi Wh~i leonl gosipabot amani. ~APWhitby, Sept. 80, 1874. siciudai agaunt a woman. A ANrDeWOOock f Be sure and theess Tho pursuii ovon cof Chu Ibast thiiag AL NDW D. table inducementsiBesran tryth wihî feigl uspcct ie~Q etuPc!Wib n e syo Mon Cari truly feel for (1 _ cr lT ler8 of hiLncksrr nd, DSM IT H S H A ~ CHOICE TEAS ÂND COFFEES Lt 0eêls five yoars in prison t kl have iPre a very large and weai senioet YOm,. =OthOr-in.-law la Kentucky,. e stck n01lthe bust hard and son tCoals oi & ii oiteuf 01 ckiwna S -à 00 -Guaranteed of the Finest. Quality 1 Cen, l!ggt Chestant, Steve, Grate, and bWiaeentf'a ceai. Ài50 a car o o! Bn s-vandi cîi Tii E~ ~ mareCar Fo. vvatchsriIOChsewenry, auiAt the old Frices, irrespective of the Tariff. Greater -sat. t oir a ceal sapplied at whnieà sle iles. &4WEJ3STER" ",ad esoou rdro s co' r FANCY GOODS, iefaction given every day. AR icinde of Farm and Gyarden sadanclag in pnice every innaîh, gel .tbem odBcinul season, adwratd in tvhile- dry and roads goodi. OrdersTewaget herranndttgehr h pepstsod e and altogethrceetohacest.stockil, gW. Great stock of Crockery and Glsuware wbich must PATENT- SEWING MACHINE p oo dlierp helagetth bst the County. b. sold to make rom for more coming on. Ileat maple par onr fr .. $600iag Don't forget the Broolin Grocêry Store-one door eutl le posltiviiy Clannearcat peOrfection peùt Hentock and ine, ivory god.... 4 00 Bu ncahthMancHa. aèttained by amy machine in the worid. îh s acr u ate.Coale ealigS. & E. FRANCIS. I l eis a n w elghed nu tow zi 'ce gar anteo1. O f th e v a lu e o f g o d s ,-a n d o f th e a u ct r n e ab i g B o k ' & 2 h , 1 7 .1 _ ~~Fer particnîars apîy at My office at te hhm to place befère ].is- customners, a good rtie reoki My21h 8 E4NTI1WELY NEW INVENTION, jodardï-nrat gle offlce ciC. Draper, - puce than is often charged for inferior goods. Ejtving aw;pbt way abetonce a grent Vtby,.tigt lEX. A1874, DE 38GOLD AI)D SIJVIER XVATCfIE S J 0O]El N S T O'N'S ininy of Cihe difficulîles and annoyanees itentou aie nlise of chlier machbines. \à Gold and Silver Chains, I IAL WATDBright and Coîored GoldSes SELF- uRmK I .G* REm~ R IRE WESTB JDIE &GrENTLEM1IEN TO LEARN LTELE-GIL4PH OPE RA'11NG Ionai- Brooches, Ear Drops and Lockets, AWARDED TH E FI RST PRIZE 1 e a n i r r a l c a i a p î e l y , e l n c c i - w a y S t a t io n s a n d C o m m e r c i a l L in e s t al t h e G m a d K e e l n s Lrcd -iholtetaeo os ae .i4ddrcs, &OEÂ ~BKR Solid 18 Carat Wedding Rings, A t the Provincial Exhibition, Toroîeîo, in180 aia4 le 50hut iJe cig of hs 1874. ,Toronto, Ont. Jet Jewellery, cogo, a»nd us so ligue, adI 0âe1t,184 5Eët.-ltdCruets & Pickles, ýaY to tincerataaad, hat no lady how.--------- îerpae We offer te our cnstomers for the cosning kiarvest, two dis- ver wcAk or timovns, or hevvru.( l1 Forks, Spoons, and Butter Kuives and Coolers. ic ahieqwihinetladcosrtoemae .achines, o a l to use It T. H. M c M.11L A N, VaesD sk, olTBoe, ure, c vae,.L'SS W okBoerrss c the latest and mo*st useful improvements !of the day. rITII BASE AND PLEÂSUE FriICIAL A.SSIGNEE, EIGHT-DAY AND 8Qý-HOUB CLOCKS, SPECTACLÈS, ». JOlI NS'roN's' SINGLE SELF-RAKING IIEAPER Thea, huttiaote ** Cia, .Vgs 80 i S> lls, Agent for the JAE ONSO7 cîs trotedaclth, lheension oc i hean. flOrAL DSnUANCCu c<ariAuz AMT.OTTý'P- LL WDG ONEWT ETEK«N EPTR hif1v.14,-R00A1. TOFI dur fibrea eau b. chîaatged Lu au nstlantu ivwlhout nauttreading tue e lltCCl. TII» "WEBBSTER" Io lte cniy ma- chine made in Canada hat exceeilu Uilih, inateniai useS, eue! conotrueticu Ilinoeof Amorlcan maufacture %vliio, Do Caustilan macehine eau approacl i l. 9z"eEvery " WebeteÉ" là warranted by lta. manutfaorsafor 8 poars. I'i0yINCIAL IN§URAIÇ(CR Q OPPICE-Ont,qiLean u aig cmpany à building, corner King anmi Sina- cO eeetls, Oshawa, Apili 20th, 1874. 1 cÇAUTION TO TIIESPASSEEtS I Att Parties baiud cutting timber ou tho otiu part 0clint 1la i t SCiat, o! Mea, Win We Prosecnted wllh Ciaoutmoit vigor oi M14e I NT TY RE, 10 FFICE TO LET. - AGESNT, WHITBY, Mliie ntachlues eau be examineS. 1ýePrchaseo,- fiorcugl&ty iisrat ina-t/ea uge c/the Mfachin. ' Machines dlvîdbÀu udoe qD EASY TER318 GIVEN FOR Da@. CARSMON &BOGAIT, iim(as, S5Ugeei, .Accouche"-, &o., . l B 74,RD FRONT OpCE. CHRONICLE BUILDING. L IST F TME DIVSION COURS COU NTY 0F ONTÀR101 -FOR TEYÂI1874. Né, 1..... 2 8 2 1 8Ili e Ne.,.. 10 600289 I~ N, . 7 .1m ra No.8 . . 1 eu SOldamith'a Hall, Wiitby, Sept. 80, 1874. Practical Watch-maker. DRY GOOD8 AND GROCERIE9, The undersigned is 110W-receiving a LAIGE STOCK 0F DRY GOODS1 Consisting, of Dress Goods, lin greaut vanetysudof the latest fashion, Colored SilIk, Shairis, A choiceassortment of <Janadian and- other Tweeds , nda v ful stock of G"lee' ' -uru*ishi"'g Goode, &o., &o. FRESH F4 MIL Y GROGEIS, Teas, Coffees, rwadrefinedSugars, Ne*rFuts c &--r The- best Wines, Liquoirs, and- Brandies. AesdPOrter in wood'sud bottie.. TUA1E "«.KING RVF --Z P R . The universal succesé ef this Machine, botia in;lcioseîy contesI. ed trials and ia Che bauds cf h. farmers, vannant us In eaping Ibat# 1 , a aSelf.Lk- ing Reapiaz lMachine, it hae more good, pointe and lersdefects, and. bas mot itbi more accenssand les aCallure. Chan heretefor, offered Cc the.-public., Re were awarded the- First Prize and Diploma, at the prcvin. 4 hal Exhibition, held inf Toronto, l870,in competitlon vith ail the eading Ifachin,. manufactured in the Province; and with oar rment. improvemant., we uqnbnit&t.. ingly challenge investigation and compariagn with conpetirg Machines, we are eatlsfied chat such invoetgation will convince every untrjud oe in&,Chïtw. offer the beat Mower to the Parner for 1872, bujîltI . Do"' ü1î for descriptive catalogues. aik, VA RRIA CES AND B UCGI 1E8 FOIR SALE, FOR -ONE MONTH ONLY, [8zr M. ODONVA'S IIAGE&-B; UIE$, AND - UTT Toallwhomei=go~~ Fentniafb ay$bue Ifrs~ ~ ië ~ ok obrthat ohmli. hnd Sain Girbla vifej, thà Pe - Prsons' - oI l h t G raumy Lincoln, h ù i a vat ne ôiubt tlWcWdow fliker sale! blut O4pta'i WoaM's vi. lbgI±b1aaîColonel Mlb' we believed 4 l9d M reytekoM-posilivel thet P Mà -ets,ýfsfie 'a' bO1&fe~C Iiatitleî ieranat £uluere bth. vorla bluet il waa genuaely beleved lt ethfer Staiton b1us d ie«ialain terria* tlÉh th ird BeteWoonall Bey.'b-ahà t; h eleletr ey lisýe! t'hiaIit was wéUlmonwn ereie!whith iwde! P à t Ferm Ihet~ ~ ~~~n itr, rrne.neouein, saymn&, in leropin- i, l vas eanueter of ià 4 ! t rè. , dm'ofl IatMr 8,~E le i letttâ MXIPliingo tOM 't Mtýr.TrÉé . y ite J- 8.-ROB-ERTSON, (tlpvardoci eigbl yeaaýw-uLtb. 8 Iving, Toronto.) Bookee1lr, Nevedeaier, Siallener, anuideaer in Fan.y GeoU[se &0, (Bengcugh'0 Oie! Stand.)Brook ýStreel,'Wb '. Oh'GA-NS cà MELODEON' ORGA NS:ý THE -MUD GE & YÂRWOODMXFG CO., MANUFACTURE THE OBLEBRATED kMBERICAJ!iýoRGN: Style 5, $ i50; Style 7, $175; Style ~ 20 LI Handsome IRosonant Walnutt Cases. ALSO, YARWO0p'S " MELODEON GiRGAN."1 -In handsome Rosewood Piano Cases, lhighly linished. A lberal discount-for cash. A special redpctlon 'to Club -of Three and upwarda. *and examine Our Stock jInt0 mezs SPIREIPARED FOIR:THEK W. je, HIKE & 004 In anticijpationQù of a largeé ý and increaising trade -tluls -Fali- have, purohaoed'.m'ore extesivey tan uuaiadlu afeways'their, stock wiil béecoinpilét'in m'ailýu its- departmeuts. While thankilxgt& epubic gen- erally for the liberal siippcert' they - have reC-eived in the past £W' they trust, by adher.ing to thiat straightforward and undevilatmig rule, of doing business which has charactenized their establish- meut lth a t éi t Ç cnInuneofpbi N.B.-The highest market fIrar ro u e & - Cos ~"tY I.XV 3L'TEtH SWTEL OL STAND, OI Nw. TIlLrS,- POPETRI New BParlor Setst Neewdinroom Sets, seat Chah-$,' Tables, Bureaus, Soli Cupboards. 1Rair, OIoth, andDan &c., &c. A fue stock of New-Git M The largest and cheapest stock of in town, all of which-he offers at pri --OF WHII capital - 2AcS SIrAnRmnOF amnto 5okauore-mennoned u II&Avng been srubscribeaby thluain* t he aiew Cai- pan>'. Thé propertylaaa been-valueS undr thoe oîadae noOf)8 J theProisoniý oâi a - W.8.-Tb. eettablislnient hie beeh' th -e - .ou! Ciae new Cotapman' so. Vh ebruary ligt -the Crut day of its organizatiou-tae po fito of the busuescomnecnc..efronat- date. A Iitclmbeek aet.lntheLegis tCu%r ,aCuter ithe. umdl ou., dn villa thaousuel A tuaanSMe, esL-At the'expiration of liti, e Z 2bySauC raineaoin- Cetie tock, aU i,. puang indOn u douit; wviie. tie great.,aaranleges -ýý tias Tow of Wiitby anaCO=euI>'of Galeie lu sgecunlng an eniargement of ti. farorabi>' known'Woùa om essrs.Brown & Aterson muet at once ecmnad heansevez. - Parties desining to subseulbe for stoek are requestea-to enclose:me=mraum, p-rpeut eta als lyday sCaiic*the nutbar ob itres lias>' vih tb have aIleteS N. È. ÉBIOWN, R. J. YÂBNOLDI, Pelot Seoretair' Whftby, 28th Februr>, 1878. 101f 0.. Box 158,0lIreeluyn, New Yorki. Flue ternifor sale, 95 acres souhu li o! Iot 17 and 18, îsl con. -Wbitby' -TIti farm le veli kuovu thlave 'berna lhiUy8l OÉaItiC tuformany purs. Ifan i,-iû e' craer fer saulugrovigansusimt&large nùuaber ocaltËeansep ovna buing for fty lihalofcab!è, 7hob",e she iaepsd pige. Wefl vateedC<OtUg for 4 wcrknaet To be solS sstine,or lu two pmrtf, vlCh Ime4ate possession. Skp. D. D. BLADE, Oshawa or B. MeGEE, SoiioOmà Wiaibby, July 141h, 2874, 15 I. or en eV auý c 1 1 1, 1 1 ýl 1 1 1 ,from ý 1. - - - < ,, - 1 > - - irottA for a - J- A M--R TILL. &- Jo!î',. SrôN 'l Ttif ff TILL & JOHNSTON., 10-ly ME, SSRS. NE WPOIRTI LLL Woiti[ç i-ly 1 It 1 jw-. qp M JUXN 0 CAYUGA MOWER is». j iý 1 SweN -8T TOMS - & JUNIOR THE f E S T A B L 18 H E D IJ N D EJR COST PRIC]E