Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1874, p. 2

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was 1.6ý- ý1 ý eeý 1:1 Danbu got Ou 01 Me t%' a un Uni dw for sale- ohm toiiïiiàa _w a «4-- cocher scitn4w.-J" à ârst ÃœM9., Wbitby Mgh SChCOl___Gý Il. AB the distance ÙýOM Chicago te Bnffà. The Great 9 7t -1 - - '_111 Robi la in gS miles, sud' te Not haïe--u hq-« givins it PtLbut.T., . - lwty werenot mis. union. 1111", whieh in almont due -Retribution j il!, Over là Own thé ut froiù 1ý1ý_Tbý to f the emîn"lx towu -Troperty, OuDinrittué - the Straits Of M&CkIn The great Beecher scandai stw cou., , MoMB . ta 4.T'é' &a Card re. -Pre", thon linues te 4 on his oWn :fertils î[nd -ths commendécl B ri 0 Sonsation of My syment of t1w; tio of 1 it ses= Clear', ihat in Crdin. th th,; 1101W. t ci the Washingt nue ut "oOuuU-ýWJù- BAràeff;_'117-10ý,Wjd apout' 'The New tbe Co board, on nt où bsgébus Élander, Cbaiý- ""ons, and with proper attention York HoM14 -Colla dayr, 2M iMt 1 0 abould lx yffl VbeoSay Much sur_ afflecting My character, a, &na exertion a Vary large trad agitation of the malodS'ons compost of -ng in, thot paper a Jqtste. ed in an 0 sud johnWý4 #q,* Obt> Xiù # priseil on'C", lure, »p0ýrtw« adopted. it'WOUM ONLY 0 should îundal." The peurs t ment Ur kiy paper The 50 PER Aiqlqula. ho., Obtéfiled in grain, pork, loin eilect thot 1, City and hl b CUL one 0 un repeatud-in C]Erüùiï* -019191apm, , faillit plat for Mpooa .2..Y, and nl"tB,. détails whiela would c= 4 Wth " Y bresth, with thât and oz Whby, Thu" y, àngm t very eOMMuuItYý hntwlloh are anY Moral the T the motter of tiens. Wüb aggrava. 1 The Clark 6,1874. »M'UDOýative Mt" Of frojehL mail a nuinerous1y à about ha oite te the »tep".Vem, Thou petiflourd-rringto cimning of The niaVùtudeof this. thronigh, the New York' serveil up by and ýtbe next breath againai th, infamons tter- 1110714 roS-mendinir th rio 0 ri; alld'Bmkiyn press same., _ IÊrom 1 1ýe îtstements are u a services or evening t The ont, the 00 " did 1, entnd agowayf rom the West in Yë -nt , Illow ma to'say the i te end. They nobL-lung end thaîa fro pabnInui Wlù,,I, evidelâtly no, thin 1 are p =ifôlm - rate of .0 M OPP ure invoutioz= a âhadow Charges bu arly 'r'oress'týq with delights. 0 Gourion il IL ý obted in, the of truth te made. né te tl we are lut wolllorfu, *Rwdeot and the t4, depraved =roi appétit« his &",ci was no AxOTx» north.e" orm4d that Ma Meeting proportion of a =rPer wotdd 1 Il - $10 as Co submit the three rgouo etorla V snob Sour. of the provwOng theroot whioh le Dow large Portion. Of their r:aýU20,iâwu ý. Dhwý Qi th» on. Great B re4dérs, *iies te ors, I'woam Mr* Mng gava notice th*t lie would swfffl den ritain udlng lu wsy te And the - 8 ha bean zublishod üntil at the next Meeting introdue, a by.1,w ged and b t&Ao central via the dt. religious preo,,,,-thom Dure to do »m inu»Ort until Ted. corn- y ýVcàing t, when lu.- te ÃŽOUÉrin and make Vau the purchactu With patel ait the -luway COMMY., held Lawrence and touchers of Public Morais, Who - iu;ee Mittee, 1 voted atnictions were inýt'y iiiveà te M property as annottoued little pron Io exciting aurions aPProheu- Against horce te go OHuiturs^tO pweee an thejoilltilý,noli- by, 0aldweil Wédue Royal sotel, in tà î town, on difool unhin the ci New York, la, th& -racing, and are OhSked But, on Intiom by of thiscouneu, for therej lik oday log, it was docided annual et the brutafity of a Ur 'Who bave given th Oum thrbr the pùr- àt"d-up light agrésa, it u lie =-Y Z ô , P086W building the town hall esch, ehjs -That t)» lino ôf pro ý , ly I ,,,bdng therëon. 1, rep0à New York rïâi;; --4he wà0o Posa 0 ýThe Mayor retired lrom the CouncUý ever " l bu the ranwar 4zolumire aboya M&rred to, ni fout id di&hM, up and support It Beemed te and t1à note 'bu iàglyvbeen .- ymou oe, fë délayé a the reeve took the oiuù.i of fiîd, or n'ont aime' -*0(. tavor-t %0, thé following Passage la f0mJdpý'f# gunàhed WU fu'Wt Pa'rticulirt, and -thel WB t lantil. 1 J an the b Ir papei cou' > 01 WB like the 8 vad -8 XOEE LIGIET WAXTED. ahy exten sblé"ivhiok ma be IOUUa frÏM " compétition 'Ogardmg 0 SOC r vOni 9 spi Whithy u b ured. Ur. Draper, Beconded by Mr. Smith, a At Sam time W#h YPOCritied théy omýt> heo jt on their -, BROWN. movea that lampe bepimd at the t* the enom', Rubor ta th» village oi front rivak outgi"je tldo Only go, te tun - WB net ilave it at Own site, B't " Ville, " Sa'd ÃŽ4 ettiMy Vear grourinq Bon Of respect *4ilh JUIY Blat, 1874. Pýwbyterian e jethodist Church u au th ý'ud tlance tO N@W=Urk0t, thus form. " A cent or eîýo per bushel, or oven a inhmeý the Saveur 01 thé- daëst The 'Vote te salait the 0 âÏL if U and thet the d 004 la on»OtIOUO With the Toronto ma " ynàmoxu pàar 01? % question bu bée ne site te the rate. 'water- Committee wathod il 113ked, in it Ouly a Ceaeyne"" , oârri0d, and the By-law attend te the Borne as Without -bu W:ý --and we kno* the Right ý_o_1jc,, YB 1 lie 0 tango the zetn ave _y would ton' thât bas overtaken, It lent., Bock Other, Again; Boucher? In the co#tio ave laftn Ë«eý 1[luturned'to defest it X$Innarket to mough of the on page 280 - Cu"ent of trade Valley thst -qàoji The GasgilO, id roforring te the Afier renmke fro. Mr. Blow, Who- ' rOlIr sui Not'&W""90 river will be hors or de. s, livoly -à& W'th 'hese co"&Par'P enwiedon bis hâve te do without a ninch-vexed quea"ýof town boil ait 0 Put in -a claint for a lump ait the There wu où ýMporfèci facilitiet, tort Mrs. Boucher IrÏUfOr Many à, day te coule. quitq nneOnýCiOudyýbirh ont the , e near st.-John9s Churh 1 corner on rom " 'rý4t Stowe's Publicat. BIS >0,,t ,Vhitby ordinary ti iPe 111 F-xgfturs ré- " ha# increaied on of the lying Byrou As tu, M etiolto I believe 1 eau in thin tmth WhOre, lié said, the crossing was 1 and contin, P019, go qra"& 'radO iu 's ieauld, it-idu te rsooll', ;roVOZUIVIýII& W&Y very Muck greaier rnuo j1jan yeu, ,or t-ed tbat déthe, tâte by evazy member Of 68 dAligOr01110, and light badly neded, an& the ab te V e"Thm !MMOIU&tely oser thé Open. the Couna. New,, 1 hopq the ed WB =derstand that the dieaffected for lampe et therailway and tiens of the The "me authority furnisi, grest Publie Proacher" took bis aisterlo Of the Chi 1 ý,nid1e wilibe bonost itlor 4, 'ntend te 048,81.18tO a Petitioil te the hsIf-waýý betw -bridge, tertian ffl4 'UR ?ý the st«k booki, on es the: "fià in, th, chr4jet.. r', id eau' the bridga' sud the, Xèn- 1011OW4 £fuma. font or -which to correct that Statuaient Md -ton C-O=-nn4u ýî7'Q','. theux te subruit the town Muait. imb4ý= ho is the editori and (J' r- truth ifit ahould-ohame the d motter te the;* ha%- Maigre -Bay. î),ra bilà luge in the intérest of th th The 1*99"ggtO auwunt of ceroids by Bol& no doubt ii 7*Àopayem unît we bave . or and urors bore 0 Company 0 î5t. Lawrence route, te )d that "liady Byron Vindicaitedfo fur. DANIXL BICTTS.1- numerouszy gign- banke, the ri -roteriëd te Win ha iwid la the te - tby, ur yeara, -ufshed -edmplëÏe proct of th in inteneitj wu of Whi 1856 te 1850 Inclusive, ig', 0 guilt of the we the fire ma water commiuset te be Brougham, *OU are âýfraid- th(bt *ùî6ýù Daniel bu Net a àoubt of it. Snell a petition as reporw At the ùext moetinei a as, il liville, M8 -te 1811, Inclusive, 1"98'440 bus.; great pont and bis hall-doter, Mrs. beau getting into bad compazq of lots, Our contemporsry rofers te il 111= y. Newnmrk#4 and Bruàf '790 bas.; 'L Who M ýl ; Put on au 6rdý #à 85 , oie Wre - Charged S" of 'corgaaf' COMParicg thf tWo période - by 3fro- élu - ho noyer" (W' eh$ by r rt of COMe, ceare which a dMtbtiOu IrOM the board of 'St0ýw8 witll the horrible c would have given the the way, la the lirgt intimation va have - Smith proseiited the iepo ly a Mighty 81,692;850 bus., or lob eer ce, t 1 The rimO Of incest, salle the relief CoMmittee. lit etatud thât in direct= tien 01 bis name to 00 very foeuâh, bail of the motter,) would ha Mmlor. th ferred te - ed from the will ho Prenant, ri orcier te 1 Beécher la now accuiedwith the sedue- a latter. gÀ .Mt Buro1yý scarcely onaly signed 0 eau of Nicholu'Brâdy etiboîttiw abova nulleme tO tue cou. On of rhoodore Tfltou, them, they rooomme of the north wile, ý wità have read i _Ueàrly oky, and thf ndod no Statua four-fifths 'of the eldoration of'the public. te 18M, Jaclugive, 176,M,- WhOM ho had belOre. it W&B Printed, or, ratepayers being Ã"à0sed te plûing the sum, but that assistance Âhould ho 9 te 1171, Inclusive, 222,. beau f6r iieny yetro on ýaUH and 811 as ho la, le would net bave hall on à back strent. granteil him from time te Jima. por !ng démon. lit la thé intention of the d 'un The Ga-zeile the okdmvt Thos. Caudon nëthîng ing crash a ire0toro te 07,5,8à8»;bl:; morgue, comparing the torDiB of the Most lutimatO frien shiP. Adopted on bis Own thé false etatements telle the trath br once-but th wu and made tl a Compétent engineu te make twO -Période, 45,U9,202 bus., or oijiy 2& And thora are net wanting Doop-le Who it Contains 1 New bore la the roof didn't mean te. en it recommended. The r'eport was adopt- But the des prolimin-bry lmrvey of the whole lino, par c nt i NViiu a Bée the liand of rétribution ' p ed. a in the Pub- that Dan did, -- one breath, vote to The COUUOU adjournad. net aven a st once$ and, It la coedantly anticipât. these,, go'éoucltw;rol Sures such 40 lie disgrace that bas overtaken him. '6submît the OFF FOR BIS EbLIDAY.-Mr. N. W. wiý ed, th'at à lino of nuw,%y Will be found motter of the town hall rapituygrowiug!avoyr weaittabblwishhîicàh"the bherO la, as 8 cOntemporary observes, -sit Brown, the wortay président of th, Publie School t'eachers' Examina- PhlurOug 'Or euy gràdOs and ourves win St. Lawrence ric te ho Omething d'a 0 te the ratepayers, and i. th. .,t -Brown & Pattemsou Manufacturing ThM was U Io being regarded to "Y the leust of it, Ji gainst the S&MO.11 Rare are the tion. compare favorably wit.hauy rOad in the and Made use cf Siugular in the fact that one Who cruel. proceedings; Company, leaves io. battle. The Dominion. fer thé niovement of day (Thursclay) for The following je à net et the ouccess. enveloped t] Western prodice, the directors of the IYAèPersed the Character of a brother B 46Mr. Ilarper moyed, seconded by M the Lower Provi3de!;. Mi. BrownS lu, candidates for the ofice of publie dance and Ill -Tje publicwili bu glid te 1, and a lister, happily tbe gathered int( obra thfit Ontario Cen-,ral Bâilway maelves boyond ay, that the sélection of a si r- trip is àeriànea to combine both busi- chool teacher, ut the exaclination, hela Ëre, and le thiii- Company the, reach of slander, should heirseli, town hall, &e., being of < such 'r nées and pleasure fer lie bas bu Raftway Company in resny4a earn., abould feel strongly encourdged in us %ýà1lO yet living. have tu fool what t a portance to the town, a Y.,,,(, ont im. est -au4-znealls buainans a the oz. "'nées in Whîtby, on the 20th ànd fonowing taneougly fro 14 y lug evaly GEOrt te COMT out thoir pro be drown in conneeVion witi the affaire of the rapidly narrc V«t'that tào Directors will, D- the, POAéà undert" U to its 'arly un' te là vu- the rePutatio f and submitted te the people in Order Company to trangaut on bis journey. dsý18 of July, 1874: a 0 a brother, tufia't they Mfii lia nOC088817 Meus and exertions ! a CLASS Il-GiuDs B, seemed te be requir. Complété fulfilment, The people along Who la likewise of a world-wide reput&. ve S' vo'ce 'a décidiug After the verY guetessful business sea- Antoinet p 1 r ed for the speedy accomplishment of the lino frein, Whitby te Georipau Bay, Byron# dragged in the miri. . "Movéd by Dr. Carson, secunded by son the COdiPluY bas achieved, wu te ame, John Collin, City, and se( thoir É Samuel Sheridan, Anirew ý Kester. Proposed éntepi... theY Moy rest assure its littermosi Thora arc many featureu la tli-» ci, will aid thora in Ur. Blow, that the connuil go into coin- think friend N- NX has earned the CLASS III-18T GRA minutes prev jeu »Pro lendÃŽng a willing and holPing band, by The Public Holiday. Mittee of the whole OU the résolution. riglit te epjOy lis homay, as WB trust âfaggie DE. rain ted muwâywlàicll promisé te estab* Cvery reasonable elicoura" ment and "Alter a short discussion Ur. Rarper ho will do, wkile &t the «Ma time in all the subjects. wheu the twc Euh lit as a financial success for It 09 -ro-dây-Tfiujýs amended hie résolution by adding tilst , - Spro. assistance, towards the auccessfui corn. (18Y-Will be observeil 'the COUUCII forin itself into coum.ttoe tàOing a Shrewil 3troke of business and Frank W. Yaraold. embrace it a joctoys and supporters; a great boon te pletion or au enterprise which Will PO in Whibby se a publie holiclay, in Of the whale thereon, which was catri. ý9 ining a knowl0dge of the rosources, 2ND GEÀDE. bad beau une: tle dIstricé thrOuffIl which it pasus, through ur ficcOrdânC43 witli the-Proclamation issu. ed, Yeu-Bay, E 9 pair- &C of Our Mariâme neigliboun. sale Jane Ruth Mitchell, Chos.j. NoIn was falling bc thoir Iniast a Stream Of nùw ed ty ille M t" r' canon in tyre, For half au li, and a voinabl* SCO;aeiou te the existing and foraign comm b&Uks, BETTS, Blow and Draper-,ý home te hhu. Kota Mc ay aivi cW011, were no dist irri., ayor. An excursion Party -ý;ay ing, Smith and Hopkins- elliolàcla Ce file commerce of the Do. gate the country te bc traversod witil a opte Waghburn Island will leave by nt WiUiainS.Virtue, terni il genei ocial Amos Rowkins. the descent c r'oh llüw Of imt)roveinc-ut and Co. ONTARIO ItFLE AssocLITION.-At It in te bu Of the "tue gauge al -tj3e it Pro"PL train by ýVh'tby and Port POITY Does net Dan vote ý bore. distinct 'r- Railway at 7:30 this morning, and F IY meetinn- Of tilil Association, recently J. Bongard 8» le over Y. &Zrive at'port rerry Shortly before Dîne _QR submitting the dite te the decisiou held, we learn fiom the Vindicalor, it Il. James, Ã"qual. Wm. 0. Johmtont mailpis alter GrAud Trank; It AffOrds a ehorter road Lu,)ij)ku, rixiji:n, 1*41) t;lilp.-nUILDlvo. Of the people 2 Hugh 0. Black, bad buret moi o'clock. A steamer wili bc in readiness was decided by tiie association to send M. X J kso were swept O&qtern market. th.. th'. Northern The Présent depresdou -existing in te take the exc On the Saine résolution being report. a teain of ton to ?orouto, to repre Mary 1%bytri, 1 eql. B- Richardson, avenue, Alleg Or 814Y existlug or projected lino of rail. th ursioniats te the I ed from COM eue artiolei of cofumerce , gland, sont Jas. W. Bacon, W&Y 0 and it in the détermination of the 10 annot be of h mittee of the whole, what the 34th Battali.)n at the Co Jeunie Rose, Non MéKinnon its Most awful w ore the managing committee bave cloue Dan 110, on thé- motion for adop- provincial compctitiont commeni'ng Annie J. Smith, more th directors te adopt a lino free froul &teep UR duration. Ail of the threo articles il James Morriez, I.Way mý1 a excellODt arrangements for ti il 2 Here je the vote: noi are of vital importance, and the pro. 0 ug Relen Johnoton, Eugine Bidy, ausing t] CurveS, 90 thst fleav. duction of thom'or every day noces6itYý PeCtedý W,,, - September ist. 7he grades and sharp amuscLuentg, &0. The party, it is ex. Y aise voted $25 Mary A. Olver, Lizzie Clark. sous in that iûr trNge eau -ho drawn -and at leu Cent leave the Island àt four "YOiLli-Bay Carson, Harpert pair. toWardS paying Lheir «Pennés. JAS. McBRIEN, Wood'a Run, thau - ý banks and te Ment the growing wants of au in- o clock in raper-5. Inap. p. S, Co, ont. Swallowed up On tOMPOting Unes. the aftruon, reachine Preln2iu&rY Match WM take place over The M gth créga'ng Population and production.- ýVbitby at abo NaYs-BETTS King, Smith, _Uop- the Association Range, whitbY, JulY 80th, 1874. eye, and ut Sa D 01 thé Northern Itailway ut eight O'clOck- A kins and Blow-Ï. Oshawa, on the _ 4ýeý bank of the 1 from, collingwood te Toronto in 95 ýprObably the trade in these articles wili pleasaut tilne May bc anticipated for The Beeve gave the castinglote with 20th of August, for the purpose Of Temperance. more were a foilow the Chespest transit route more InSking a selection. This match will three rivera ho mlles-; the length Of Projecied reway closely thangrafn. D'il those whd attend. the nays.- fecii Nottawasaga river'to 1%lby in Only 470 feet 11,ghor As Lake Simuoe in The firemen of the Stuam, be open to ail duly enrolled volunteers; provincial Deputy, W. J, Stevenson, ail day, while than Lake Ontai4o-, jeave at &V6,0, Fire Co. Does net conaigient Dan hors vote admission 6 0110 il fficers flitretc, bave Yi 75 Miles ; Whitby in cearer te outern a dl ClOck, filis morning, for deuil against the saine résolution Irae. The regular associs- 'not$Ued th f wi 9 0 of Fear sickens coroner bu&rlmebo tljtw Toronto tlu 80 feet higher thari Lake Muron, ho tiOU match bas been postponed until Not Lodge, No. 216, British Templars, by rail, 80 miles; Oro abould ha no difliculty in SCcQrIý amiltOn, te Participate in the festivit. bail just immediately before voted FOR ? for the ontdrie, Central Railway OctOber- There will be no practicing for the présent quarter - The Bc and 211111rer by Lake A little over 80 les of the annuat firomen, pic-nie. A Was this not liko voting in the same allOwed on the range except by men2- Bro. Jno. H. Icuott, ............... W. C. T. Miles. uence -Il local passeng a lino 1 1 envoya thelun ut balf faré. breath for and againet the Sumo thing 2 bers of tho aegoc ors and W'f'h snob favorable grades and curves spec a train c i»tion. Volunt«ra Sis. Lizzie Sodon .............. - ýW. V. T. A dispateh frc freight traffic going Out be rail wil, as wure f0und for the Air Lino britch it is expected that theY will leave Now, wliatever difference there May Can lire thoir annual allowance ouly Bro. George Hall, ....................... sec, gays that Frank »'Ive fr0m'D() te 50 miles rail èartialza, Of the Great Western Bttijwa lialuilton, ut 11 O'Clook ut Uiglit, reach- bc 88 te. OPiuiOns expreosed a under the supeMsion of an office Sis. Lizzie Beal, ................ Agst. Sec. mony je congidE 'Md going by Lake -will Save, fi'Ã"M, this branch the eugines ban, 2 y ing home PrObablY between two or in these columno, ditorially The f.110wi.9 are the Sis. M. Faulkner, ................... Trou. able tu, bu found GcOrgàu Bay, 20 miles na carriage, 7 Io-tdod grest cars bas been association : President Offleriseutof-etohie Bro. H. D. Tyler, ........... bas been addrefi # -tdOfl tlirec o'clock Friday morning. alwayo taken that the reports of the Warren; ýrice-Predd ' ChýBp. and- ilo miles cargo und it bas beau a matter of coin. ent, Hou. T. N. Bro. D. Vickers,., ........... :::, iýîü a*neier. Ur. Moulton, te lake 13evOral Private pic-nico are announe. CliRoilCLEnliould be accurate. in this Gibbs; 2nù Vice-PreSident, Major Bro. Win. Smith, ............... Carriage. All - plaint by the spécial coulmitteo sent ej to bc held ait Corbatt's point, and, e O'Donovan ; Secret -Marshall. and te produce 1 a respect wu have never yet b en ch rY, Capt. and Sis. M. Powell, ........................ I. G. papers and loti through Passongari and 'fraight tr&'%C ont frein Englând te 0 quire iuto the argo(l Ailiutant Gibbs; Tareasurer, Major Bro. D. Smith,.. ...................... 0. G. The absence ol ftOm thé lUpper Lakes going out Wil, management cf this railwa dOubtleS8, MaUY Will take advantage of with aidiez want of attention or unfair. O'Donovan ; Loca! Committee, Col. Sis. Eanser, ..................... ;J.R. R. S. Universal Comir $Aval if Soilig crAti by rail, ô() miles rail b Il y and 'te the bOlidaY te $pend a day of rest and nées. Mr, Bette bas been the fwst to Warren, Adjutant Gibbs, thranc es'that In t'lot Part'cular brandi elliayment in that pleasant spot. Captains Sis» A- Pierdon, ................... L. H. S. that ho has gone carrIA90, And, Jf by lake, 2o miles rail 0 engluée Only haul 27 loadud cars, Complain. And bore in how we pripose Dillon and Dickie; Exécutive Com. D. 0. W. 0. T. Bro. W. Robson Friday's diol Crrisgn and 80 miles lake carriage. h For. those Who romain, in town, to test Mr. Bette, veracity. mittee, Col. Warren, Adjutant Gibbs, installed the foll wing officerg 0 Beechèr Commis Tho adv'antageo WhIch thé Ontario W ilO the angincer's report plooluised a amusement will bc provided at the 'Ile can provewhat ho States b ne Bay@ Captains Dillon and White. Ontario 0 f doué not test "%PlacitY of 84 loaded cars. y every Temple, No. 67, 1. Or of G. T. iry Central EAilwoy Co,,-wm dérive bom Afarkt"t GrOundO, A cricket match, Momber of the connoil.,, IVO will place for the présent quarter: Beecher'a statem With 8CYtllibg like Such favorable botweeu the Colborue alld PLWIýIENADE CONCERT UUde dict as best they tha" ehmucut»000 are go obvions and grades and eurveu no are fonna on the h b Whitby clubs, 850 in the bande of the Mayor; letMr ausPiceâ of Basteru Star Lodgo, No. 72, Sis. M. Wray ...................... W. V. T. ' the Br JnO- Il- KnOtt ............... W. C. T they bave, valuablef thst the supori0etY Of Its Po- Air Lino, the Ontario Central Railway b " ce" arrauged, and as both clubs Bette do the saine, If the complété 1. 0. 0. F., il announcee te takg place BrO. Bev. S. T. Gibbs, ........ The Tribune i s't'on over the NurthOrni or Toronto & Companyp ave h'g" rePutationst and, it if; said, ROCUrICY Of Our statement be net borne in the drill sheil, bore, on Bro. Rosa Johnoton ........... sec. ChaP, sent by Mrs. Tilt With Such large and Coin- are vel'y evenly maielled, a good display Thuraday with a liet of Clot 9 Railwai COMPanies je dis. Modious harbors as it will 1 1 t out to the letter bY the minutes of the evening next, lath inst., ait which a si». JohnstoD ......................... Tiens. was met ait the dý cerned st à glacce, and muet %Saura for eacli of cricket May be confideutly expectoq " vu ', '111CU Bro. Thos. H. Wilson, .......... or terminus Of the road, must 1 Town Clork, and by the reports of the number of talenteil and popular ama- ..B. Sec. said 1 Mrs. Tilton Play Will commence at lo ocloék, TW WhitbY Gazette Oven, (Unroliable as tours bave kindly consenteci to Bro. W. Wellwood, ............. A. B. Sec. Clothing if abc wu & '"go Proportion, both of the secÛre an immense trade in timber and motel, doubtlegowill be wituessed by a "Biot. Bro. Geo. Eailf ................... 1 tlwoughýnfid local traflic. __ lumber. And should the I)ronnFwA 1 that obeet is,) the amount wo ed.ak, The Draaapila ara f.- 1'. deVilish t1àiný h, Further &COM»&14ý-f 61- eir ad ppers have a r r ýA]EMjÃŽ:8ËW; -Three feumm 2 *onî the Staes; *u -&»sý thir namu 1,:&&,Glemn"Ruke; ÃŽ,,n& mi%. arrested _FMa Ir we» Y evemnK, in QM for vith the , robt! cd of booti fmm à ahmioswâ, rue Ot thOM - usisted oià-àd 1 temPted to draw Ida revolver. Imang theirbaggapthere wu fouâ aeMjý- sortment of burglar tools, pi" SU& powder. At th' fell through the brea 4-xkët bouse b= oizmw* three Were baýcUY injured. Almcc»ED.-Pringle the 4he people*s 1ýý CORKeût Of mpllài-la Philadelphia st New York -à M tO have absconded t. L*OPl'* e-a qusrter Of s million of d'ojljjZ,ý- "D Lou OF -Thet&M honesat &ad ebûdn ve 1 » te' rie « wiw ST"X SAW MML 13umm. _-St. johut N. B., july 80--long & Barnh-Ma atesm saw Millo Marble Covef nffl In. diantown, wm-totsUy destroyed by fire 1"-might- Estimated lm, 080,000; insurance, 'UvOrpoël, Undon and Giôbë, $6,00o. Eigh - ty band, m tbzown ont Of- eliployment. '0'*ý The News. An order bu been iësued aunnnding > the use St. ReleWa Island by the citi. zens of Montreai ne a public park. A subaription fund has been startea in Mon eal to deftaY the cost of sesting the leglIty, of the land exchange be- -Ween the ]Provincial Gvvernment and Mr. Middlemisî, The Chineoe èove.'n'ment haý doter. mined to eigtabHab jk consulate st San Francisco, ùe - subjecte in that City de- fraying the ex-penses. . Basebail does not proLuise ta become Very Éopulir in England. Mze exhibi. t!On'ààme of twocmk,&meTkan teame the Athleties and the itea Stookingér '00' -on pridaï-Y -.:vas vëry nded, and little inte,,,est was Ea:r elyadtrtpie sport. PridaY was the fourth de of the GOO ' dwOOd races. The Chesterfield CuID was won by Dalham. 1 By -the excavations for the founda. âons of the new Law Courte, Temple Bar bas been nudermined to such- au )Xtent that it bu been deemed neces. MXY 10 close this'Avenne to the City. Goueral Sherm4an dues not attach nueh importance-to, the Indien raids 'eported ci late. Stall, he suggesis thé - xtermination of the aborigines as a imple and -cheajf way of putting ýM 12d to those continuany recurring trou- les. Among the passengers by the stesme 1 r ntexio,- which left Sarnia on Friday lening for Dulutli, were some WO len]20nites, who Propose to settle in knitoba. Ju'y Mh, in the ed a récogmition of ou'" of LorCs SP--i-h G-Z. me by Gmeàt Brit- a. Lord Derby stated that- be cýn- lered such action W7o-uld be premature. The Rov. Mr. Whiie, a Roman Cath- C ret' bas publisbe 1 a lettfr in the llcpenjiy Aurnal, w,,,iig intending ýs agains ' t going to the United 3,tea, se thousands of thousazds there unernployed and starving, f!Irish- M -ill Peraist in emigrating, jet tZiezn, - re he, go to Canailat rather the des. me Excise Inspector et LoudOI4 L, - îs makîug au- extensive raid on: "er r eries wh& are ilotorioualy-- akingg the liquor law in seuit by. Mau escaped fiéom the Central ffl.. Toronto, on Wednesdav nîght. WMT13Y Te OJIWE D-; more distant aotern markets for the Arciianibault OU the part Of the for hie impartial, non-polit- %a 1114nager, The appOintMent of Mr. Of Candidates for the sceuil HEY Dy V a C -_ 1 r, Tr ation of East Elgin in the Il 'S le>,--rooul ered -u To ifow icai 'a :,nomination 'm'mb, ýo CoMpliMcýt Owa excen si: rt 1- sale Orgrain, ont one; in fact, no 1 a sittin YORK, Ac. lumber, &c., and for the 1 ', 1ý7meut for the Plot of ground con. an ocinstitutional Conduct',and as. bat Dozinion Parliament, took place last thi', - w Yor throilgh rail fiýeight purchalIe and receipt of tin ug 25 acres and 40 Perches situated sorts that il a earlY removal would bail a ter could have beau made-his weil Th raday the Town Rail at Aylmer. -na ou ""d oeher- western Ports. te Iriaplements Luid tooloi fulmiture, Stove 'Cotu ofý Dorchester looked en by the people of the province wu abilitiest as Weil as the Iligh The han was weil filled with electors. la col the' Continuation 'in = 1 rect west, a 1 "to.em in eLich ho is' M ha cou E&Stem m, &o., and aigu eoal, sait, PlaRter -and nil for which the GO*vern. with extreme disfavor. universally held, n' el,,cgon Irio CntrqI goods of ni, description.. Il offered the sum, of #5(),. U tien a was awi Rail*ay Win Chespeu existin It will open ment hail boa e7ln8nt]Y fitting bila for the posi i W, J. White, of St. Thomas, de- aMrà Twih"eon" bc raturi la Caro týe St. MaM 9 rates, by new, and -impruve existing The suspicions Circuluistances Natural Curio"sities. fui Management, 1 T. ir Dobbie 'demanded a poll nied H for Mr. Colin McDougall. ha had gaving bc mues of rail- marketm, in Lawrence may confidently anticipate a Bot trom its unifo carrSPo and the interior, for the sale of white wheatl connectail with the transaction is in the To the " Taylor's Goose" and the a large and lucrative business st the place wher. rWity ýof gauge witil the CýItraOZîli1lary lige -rooln. Grand Trunk Raflway Win ria sldpperg fEor car ohipaieut to Ogdansbur in value whieh Cabbage-hearl" of the Gazette there Oshawa branch. can!(br 'teriff Munro atated that the two CORNERN CORS- astern St&tëï; for the sale of g and L il ois boa complied with the re. Ofthe velation, delay, au Spring a ne a and is made tu appear tu take bu lately beau added a Cook-Sparrow. quirements of -the Statuts, and that Mr. I.-A special from. ineurred by the transfer ' CO t nOw Whest fer direct allipluent bo the railla oferred te the Govern. And, Ch Jemima 1 Taz Osu,&wà FEMALE COLLEGE.- k- citement at the Boa] doesut ha try tu ATrbkoteil.ljeSntkiTchaohmaadsapapnodiuMterd JMohr.nTAbros. full corner in the coi of a Québec people and the Chirrup 1 The pour little ocrap, p have an interesting time next Tues Y, frefet froin on tholottilwa and Sb. Lawrence rivera, ment. Th eroh- The Oshawa people are expeeting te Mr. McDougan had appointed Mr. opened at 67o felf t the cars Of elàting linos te those Of and in the Province of Queb'e. Québec press are firluly couvinced that ad on the top of the Cabbage-hesd,- an4e 11th inst., wheu the corner atone of Archibald Blue as his financial agent. When there was a lui] thst railway. The train maen The the diffèrence in value il; se between bursting his little thimat in imputent the female collage, which is in course of The Shariff Il to see the day's rec full train 01 IcAded'freight sage 01, a importance of this trade is great!y Price went up te 64c; re from ffl,000 and $50,000, and not sa between fury trying te make hiraself heard is ereotion, win ha laid. A procession tors tu b vised the elec. undervained. The spring wheat or 4160,000 and $50,0S. It is te be comical, sight. The l'Cook-sparrowa avm ad mouth of Nottp'wu&ga river te WhitbY this section of the Province is in snob d known that the cornt o at the polt early and not te for shpment of 1,021, and roturu wM be 100 a note that the farra of Leduc is situait- would like to soar-soar tu the Il fle cy o'clock, in which the Fire Brigade in nIoOimteirnatiOn PrOceedingS tèrMinated. was great confusion ai ignow roquired from MileO 1 sa thAu favor with the millers, and the trade is a the Win be formod at the drill shed, at one A meetiný was then organized by Mr. COuicgwOOd te inereasing oo,-rapidly,->hat a' much a orchester stre lis close tu old manner the frog in the fable ga gporters, Whou ope- ýVàitby, via ýýTorqnto, 4ýpd r D et property u 8 ou two Miles frOM, the City whiile the eloudlets"-- but it is ouly after unifbrm, the 84th Batt. banda number MoDo Il' -went up tu 66o thon i average expenses of rallwaysturn' The larger Proportion of our spring wileat dî for main. now f a City limite. tried te swell himself to the aize of the Of BOC'et'es, elght Young la es tePre- wère aches es, leader in bill mas a market in these. directions th senting with banners the difforent Pro- Mr. Ca"Y, X y the two candidates, tenance of road, -------- oz, ha makes the ridicalous atterupt. P , Mr. Wallace, of Nor- 8sotuerg Làrge quantitiei way' rePalrs 01 Ougin0s, thàn la taken for export tu the United amitist the eej l'ePairs Of Cars, Md for fuel is ab t 50 states and GrestBritsin put toffeth THE Mine, M. Pl. price ou VICTORUIý first 11811 " bust" in the effort. vinces of the Dominionand the citizens folk '%a MI one firm alone sellin Cents, par train mge -run, obolýing a alla everything indicates that or, eod of the nOw Victoria Railway will ho will take partand march tu the Collage SUICIDE or Il LonD Il GORDON.-A million bushelo. The OAYI09bom Georgim BaytoWhitby those Very SOGIL tprued in Lindsay on the 5th of Au. grounds. The corner atone* will ha laid dispatch from. Fort Gar tinuedand dealers bas by Ontario Central Railway 01050.00 . mark eâàteru =Ho Win afford a hdme Tim VoTzu'Lis-ifi.-The voters'list ry, dated Au. gust and the grading of the rond frojjà Of.t1S town of Whitby for 1874 is now bY Mr. A. S. Whiting, Président of the gust 8rd, says that Lora Gordon shot colluting house with et for the entire Surplus of our thaï 1 himself on Saturday last at iùs rosi- puichase to get their on Cach train as - compared with the opring w1jeat ion o ka three Ã"'cldok. When route from col Crop. The railway Win Point to Kmmount is te be Pro- priàted, and ready for publie inspect . Cedar Dale W r douce, Hadingly, Manitoba. Two ivilitby. 14wood via Toronto te open up new Markets, especially in Coeded with, we learn, at Once. on this Every voier in the town 'should make Engliab détectives arrested him. Re the crowd buret the dot Thât à large trade ber, C . 11ter, for Uw enrobage and through ý_ 9 il itb, but finalli In occasion they are te have la b' tim9,' it his business ait the earfiest moment CANADImi FRUIT PnospzcTs. - The qaid ha would go with . them if they 'Dg that the tme Pfece Weago &ha ohip as it ie expected thst general belief -.a that the present year would, net take himi through the states pare w other Western ment te 'England of wheat, peas, MOwatý the non. Mr. to sec thaï; Ida vote is pr-operly recorded wül ehow a yield of £rcit in Nia and went te hie room ostenaibly, te 1 persed. -It is said bilai ports May be confident. H0n-ý- MI C. Cameron, and thercin. Th gara pré- .pork, butter, choeso,&e.. ltwülbene 0 nu-ber of names on the never parallelled. The prospecte were pare fôr the journey, but blew ont his of amall dealers will 'i for theOut" Central the millors, and through thom the - were in store 2,059,7K Y ralied upon, u Other distinguisliigd Pomnages from list are as, fonowit --No. 1 Division, n8ver more favorable, for allah being the brains with a revolver. ' -- -Iidlw&Y id. evident,- Ir= the ja t thst &ýn- Toronto Will be present besides jeaa- case, espeei Hy 'th on Thursday held by ers, bY COIlveying to eastern an ha sVroun 1 Ing 201; No. 2, 197; No. 8, 201-tota4 a wi peairs, apples and The Roman Catholie Bishops of who are oaiàto have 7 thu r and aùW 599. Nam ý plum . The peach crop, also, bide faîr sum «' Whfu lake Eàghsh maTkctg, the! liqur, oatmeal, es in a number of Instances te be mu thau nsuaL As for Britain bave, it is Stated, united in a under control at Chicaý Il = - Chicago to xixigotou; or aplitpeao"&O, At lower rates of fiight The combination exten 'Z', towns and coulitzy. appear in two and sometimes the three the omalle ît, there is no faarbut that protest, addressed te the Berlin Gov- 4wego haýo rulOd as 10W As 61 tO 7 thaa.they are ùow paying, and withont divisions, thé- voter baving, howeveïr, the wili ha an ample Supply. The ernuient, against civil interfarence in New 'York. The Ban ante, per buohel, American currenq, subjecting them te the annoying delaya ()'M£IUOrY',9 but one vote in the town. apple Crop is of course the Most p rt- occloqisotical, affairo. farnielles the fonds, tlite a large part 01 twa trade bas been tin Shop, at Beiverton, With its con. was a *=an affair and of any. Lant yeàr the Se a 0 A Son.of Mrà S. Spence,-bjéewer, of c'te ZPensesnOw incluTeà in transfer. tents, was totauy dmtr-?Iedby are last Coun v nad -Delaware, wao drowned où Baturdey Dne over the Northom Raflway. The ring t4£ir gôodsto G. T.-B. cars in tains 18U names ; in Division, No. l' The township of Pickering Bot con- poli &OM Niagam Pared te thdroom Cornai loportion 004 to tbo Nez- Baturdey might. The * logo is about y at. over 01,000,000. The wing oneo afternoon whilit bailfing in the River thern rail. Torouto« lit Win igoird to. t 188; No. 2,'199 ; No. a, 212; No. 4, «press themselves a- co"Ilont thât Thames along with hie brother, neither ay ýw, b0m Mout two, cento, par buoh. ho f&r=rO Ifflf the " k- bemg p4 tuey in aged three y9ars, daught of the wealthy townohiÉs Of P104etingi OUFOIL 178; No. 5, 180; No. Op 22o ; No. 7, the amount will be more than double being able te Wm. 60 Ibo; It 14 very, qu » ' :The"cauoeof the fire wo A'not kn«owu- 219. - thio se»On. Drewi, East Whitby, fell Mtionable and the drovers Who 'Purchm- CnAxezD The date of theProvinci.ý Tueuday nigbt, the 21el IM0112du thoir cattle, ùew ana inuch'rgquir,,l Tu, àfmrr"y COIJ,]C, oz.-The site of î Wî=»Y MGR offlo The Cýwusti don halvlg prepetratea - child wu'gl ------- blCheew Show bas baoulchangea from, ber neck. The gàj q At ùomtw for f 'M and exporaug th < L-The atten- the atrocités Ztg whicli tbëy.ýimire ootoberýOth and -7th, as at firet an. "p i porting proposed MM nommed, te SeptemberMb, sud Octo. 4ng, hear ,ronto and jk ëott wok àtbotà herses, o tary Collffl *in be tien of parents, ga&rdis», ma pârtiou. beau chargedi, ont#-undonscib,Ãœi that'ar pige, &o'. it lirin e1îtÉfý Quaboi or Siton, lary of te the, a& ber lit and , 2nA, in conjuliction with h",ba»m got up am %été Iwvdy boýn-at ti»bnun of the C"t. MOIR probably achom is direetea to Il L ne 'the letter pisca, 9pelAtivez ýe=pkYèa in 60, au the West 1 1 ed,_ UGHTHOLM.-At Whitby, on Ilth, the wife of Mr-. Thomte tbolm of a son. ýHRANEAt Fenelon Falla, on ly, 7th July, the wife of Mr. M. hrane of a son. ,KBIDe«E-Prý'DER.-on the Ily, by the Rev. W. H. Cairnduff; Minuter of Beaverton, at the ce of the biide's father, Mr. John Ige of the Centre Rotel, Epsom, ielmins G.ý fourth dauglit-er of Elder, Es of Ma .q. ra. DEATHS. ýL--At IVMiby, on Saturday, Igt, Wilham Frank, infant son V. B. Nicol,-of nurniiton. 3s.*-At whitby, on Monday Frank R.,,infaut son of Mr", bbs, of Toronto, àged 8 montha ays, - - .Comtorois.c -'«By thorangh B of the naturs] laws whých govern dons of digestion and nutiition, carew a Plimation of the fu, ci well-oëfe= coca Mr E Ud'oiLr breairiait tii. 'WI2". flavored beverage, whici, mm any bea% do'tS., a ade simply with boil- 1pouch packetis labeUed Pi's Coc, -Ilon:ýephatie Cham. MDE OF COCOA.-Ilwe WM now 3ount of tbe pro5ýe« Àdopted by mes B"s & Cé,, ==utàctmý articles' at their work& in tile Ica& London."--Seo article in--- romhold Guide. IERLER'S COMPOUND EljlX. PROSPR&TFIS & CALISAYA. Pro cut June W, lm 'e for a nùmber of ' bu -y2g= been oin Asthma and Div-age ci tilo ,r reathin was short and quicj4 'f distre» and appre. lui g death, and $ho "ma dzate M'th eneral - debility. i Of the eleu in on on id, k

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