Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1874, p. 1

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wW VOL. xviii. ~0 Busiess iectory; A=aauao Yopny W H TB B IB H E TA LIAE zBr O' 0i AioE . A lil1II4ro THOMÂS DDrecoW, Ti >d.a aa.A o ompany c1; Aro~ ~ ItîO UoIi Wir thnzimc th -nd£e wers Bt W~ tT~ 3y AG-INOY, B O trn nuor 183ru.olslylor b Y'(Xut vo -elaaveslw 7o y u~ AI; bffe.ly1u Thà . TAYLMd "WLOU M IB ANKS hom any. bu an os B w Uoou o.)nd e S ho plmbrsoitf or,0 Iv1ho- ahe ru»aja% ou W <' BA K jun.àtk" ])Muiah1eRr agîb o M. J. AÇDOW LL, WI T B e Y, O RRT" C G W*fraR, rge nA a~ 1q ~ tl1II*êVO11poand pilayedgson,-... iit IlY U'lAs0.Am-'AN vin AUC rates. B ..- B , a- -th-proPParle ngaa. 1 R. Ae i tent in .W"fl 'f'POàuIIofcomarme" dirmct e n oncont as ZaUffli llat ML/T AL NSUR NCE COn. "'P oons iu,21h387 4w a R, On. t De 0 and &a A 3n ta, ioiodtauho s, h LANC EYa O~ V YMIP NG PAmooBS' rom L rU sÇ u 'gl o iij<> S hvetllt-W[itmse tn j asOW- I vOicé,1oe aowvzlb uoirwsdm t~~,1 n1nis, Oainarn, Q.., ani Dr. cMjohl, Q.c~ O~î E, BR OK ~ . ~ A" I O R O EL, rS Railloli a TEErIAJjO.ç s or w gwe a 'govorireeen, va tAnd eaq wis a brcrn ar in aftut ~OoouiI.~~ Bro# Stréet, E ., r "aia$E A.U inock vey ch - -$bt t noIn« Whch lé Wtm iw ponzo xnemb z., c thé (JIo o m or ing, ud bo àm.fr,,,ý Ib& S . H Céb andt.pay iud. T1wMblacn o' m7 éov *. 'u h$- ènt a.MLh AveATIoOO v e m c v . W) a l.g nli e t r u é b c emr o u x h o d , 0 , . q u e l y b ,, .l~ RBA FFCE, B O . f., ICKEL, .. . z e o B I GIBA. mpe onA4 e4;hs e rv osy ar tgT téti! tLt IVepr, a oigmt c o i n y ' O ix .R U C UAT H P I N O . TeT . P R f lm e e g " t W m ,ô tb a s mE& H a trBristele slicth~or n* = oBth hi lelie -6i I'I!Oer EY X Pub 5l ft on ta ab ra E&S Rthoanu teofé- n Oamabytou . -r atehbu aon aduns wronbe Adontsu hu asg re ethaembepatotépo. ant mary41 e ofbr. u Concertab miSoiréeSÈte it da d ndC I su= O i. E R E u dys o Spenidacom odio. BICUt l nes C;RUIi RALWAYNOTL, W -rom 0 té eas.prauiei o v hic b vil--------cthes, sudck,éro ___________________________________ ver., .1r t*omMe aiove ___________________________ awsy ethericiw ufekéti on th infclloviouCopay.gm thé, n cilmrcà 88z Fr7 Âd ne ooy erc cinàsod.g u i ut vBr ~AR 5T RA LA O 0 &bM.DiA therrme.rmim fulstleuIr . tho24eniJtOn ,ho. undstci ';-try, through ahootingMd y e Ohosvore gat as th PartLjg C X LL ]a RB ti ac Lngloiae4a ,In sudh aane lo' Alld lneth ae a mart'ruh c nthi atie Dcyaguo, sbuy hv atrie ssu tir vi hé bsur b vu.'Osita l a n ti. e n l y C lotdifeav o k ul vb T h é b s d i e s bd ditioaa otu gmb isemCa r îW .21t-antvei"'r liy n lby uy t, m onbe em. Ingteba run n udrthewhu ThAnd eJo rateha, w rsanta rneuu;sdgoodyh.hobr-,c re voyan thvthh. thre~éua e -po 0Cagsmd t.htén ftesae.Tefa oào o At varicua exhibitions,., an lbqors "eur starns.Belia. cbd anes-rWuMiglit bL. . séen hurrying to t Tng 2'okfanme'texoklsMynetc W Whttthe bar. Attennovveiven upthé busineesiet thé it ed sStte & , ut he Whie Mysaxneld ,onè n dv A>4 IE LA M, OL, CI - L UnM BT R V A- RDATIO N. N, - 02fg 3'5- the circuler ofoNew erkStéîép 7aAndgent her ru y traue ,asutun , sd h ý Chuëer, Couvelno«, &.t &au LarNBE, aft0ér vhat thappéntheye.tht. TehStreetoutshawa. FaLrW'CuleEILLu- -asuEchapelstetpeaNew Yrrk mstvbule 1h. yonng J Ado4"1,oethé hity JA. P WELL . PROP ETOR. 'webr- siéascfThéve isPmnla ln ta yf uay f ythig h~ , ,,ee it too the ilver edal er Tho, LunthaIsys o né by pa FOS T E C U fu0 Tu R I,t NDévturtyThébocatan S ate'Yen ch Ourti li r c mpes t ely c Uxbitié.'Bbok, ~ Autioer square, biteckugta thé baudeor stnding s t oheéu tonlimés hettorlrthu: _____________in ____________and hereeolsoti eteteilLivetéLutaes Lu We-mie suoher tade, rhortugButmé sboad bs frauds.cn. kii hia,-yfokruoviî brnga y Lz.t.fo ai, libsaa niputt 1 »v yerLtba ddng s. hré hthe wrsrae i PhneLg mahinesud LOdaEf OEL, pbielmutrhotve et e But vilali asi insut, ÃŽ sftéor e 11 Ptrn. Ataru ehiitongmogthoau50I 8,O'WJu3; 1872, uiO the <'lleue'if.e chbyur sars.culh , frxu h siltu u edaor uitdv~smn ney J A E S Lthé, irUB E Y R Dy a . s o Co bec nTa-claN ew r kfraglairto tet e TTORNET. JAS. ~PORTEPL RaRi, vati'., Bia theubusinessI ofITe VrotSat îa 1)-hn ndysgn y AT-LA , k MCI LAP, Ajn te Gity&rtO. CORMa iK l. F y . . P OPRITO RB sf-1i:z i ud e, t .a furniali. TelIvllio i tout t hecpe e-Iearai, W o sthelsu Myb sanrningsen s, mi1, __________ chargén WY tal wol tmeto-. vosiesrf sudo e;e Th é ch ir Se airmgcbst.h- Y neugh t '1.vssbero Mme saos onrsiu thrs nsanutil frIlntltt i ' ffie--BOn &treét, Soforiacf Poil Officedue rir ccm odtin. iabtu t téTeheiby Nerv uf- cm an Satesan i. f myenofnbMy shen'î b'oasani feo u éi &'BO lCks-ovkaS.' ____à_larg _and _omplot _stoc _of __ AruWn Zuad.forualés we i ail uhtho gnoseatut , us ood.u Whty,(aro US O B- nt eircrsu tAueetaasOiePrne Abber, sudatpthé t a nadiar. relacé ay portni f iouintevetates o anpLîwel rti ladinbo cn. PlOu âhnad& id fo e.R Y LC N& INR T L aeu tetion de présentt for7W;181,8 nov72 1 h . si W m ke yae ta gotlerroken....s grealrstivautage. =Ydeéda,;ameewitvitli 'évery néc sud a devala i gead shotgmt Eàioawsat S N Y, OI.G O CR A x OT E R N HOU TS.,,. .BiJ.llsICnas esies qeue' n hé eau Beids é bti ba-gansu Ifsreoont.- r fron ~~ ~ ai Hurs T HE ONa D ONF27,,DUDA 1878.l «n. riceAhted SndIa . Note.157. , Oh avNo.2,W Ilac b-tfu sk y nl ls idntki c MesPubic 2-t R'FoyPP-P-BETO . I fýe o chrge Ilse t 'ouObti Lu th ctoeltethe PROPJoathn, TYg nAMS N. Ru Centaina190 acres;,about theestly fitndtetpAanti renovatti Ilirnogliont ABC O F P BI CH OS lue;délnelublg UdFO le .leera ccors Cian. T Go tbi eetO= h Maefor sal hmi a rwod v »e an twl o nvr Ifro.mnefi 1 F-n l e d m r e a d a t n t v t e r ,si t fFx a x C E oIrc e s ét h e f l v -,a i d é s , T h es d a i l 1 h . t i s a r a ilac e .rSo id£ ace u xot. aaa, iepueEan OCen ffTice ubPrineber tc Vtt îZ P rtebYq R oin uys URGona N , AN I yu a as ASTOily. I-----uen of thé canutry n on b uawèred flarbaroFo Igr.uspiug théaboulal I ESTERN ROUSE, office Port erry. etbrosud-ahèliévédamethéântregardrit.hamu r b~~~Ts wl. .. 'si. ueainru heTeloott U26p O ChERdON.oCn. TEof viWthNaeer.gah11etYronderoua f 'istn, isén, cate Oeéily Pct O y fOt arLe. Aply suRETail. BPrnceAlert Set.tskeu172.17«C enèrgètiPos. BtLu belisif, esi 1 0'oock. ToNn]R&M ]1our' - loverwadegré241878 Andas___prenantitheOccuationof r Th u ersigne-An u ne k Cttage viliteacrh- goi TA e CO UNY GAI, ALSN P tt havéek. A. DANDmi E L. tatLeti on h CrerT cF GRee u rtutattéOide ecua' e.sbp uduta l p URGTON OarePcUbauCvo féné st Hsvng be bora etthe akedPal urph, afer h hsd u van ofthé ea-tiér ende-a(nd dCi" .,)r"Thes vlli détilfcBbisLord P fr the * Mua-naro Adrs- c h 28 lotl-6 eh r ul"-ace nIxt n IP'ab NG u E fcbi u rer iRhlo sdG AetBraInA rtyS URGo EON, ItiAboutS télae fi vnt esanatrrotaiasaa- raIi u ss ,~, -cr58., a j ut-o o oute sî par os.e1 me e u li La ro- idgeLa' mcom Torente.t Ofce, ntaro. aO zaac1- 78susrie ucfere fo aegh oo.tibr c tAni Byron se..., i.o.ega»tand r1873. 281f - ig f1 al poeft N eToùoftiaWrd.C tite tiNalD t essCto, oe gNo ~a~Iutl indspon theEoeka en aa ke, th ouhWr. ie yc. bhm Ome-nBERbNTc. ué yUR R.N IOTE LLL O N , G Fir - SEt- f Pet oe tin hcfothWod.Alo-j o eTronp rmîb ltuet e. N, , s, o -E--P--JAS-T fea ____pNorfhMcre C rWen t hu br cutityo d Alortiers b akedPatMrha trleha nv i igo T-flB8UNf 0, 0 N T tbaud. ordTAIa2 onreso hI o ÇARD - C'y oCana a, bt?' nti du th éye B R-L' Osawa, Onbrie. ,ngbaut-osi 01 paf sudlobis, cons Firti InsurancémanJAthéT, udWpokers, con. .0rucyxaprofessionecft dévotionMti I Tfo:onîo, P 0a »Uolariietor. Ma-. Barba f Mmb.r tiathér st ttea-ésand.,ilpraiso cf'Noatrt rporfPat d1snobn Ang.12, 878.d-r t al th abyprpr. Frntrp'Jand. 184. or ee r o r . . gsétnde t. 'heOn, i , otM .Is-t'y" J' a T t n o , g l , 8 8A le r an indisputab b ti le vil h give r a t 'A terribleepRUperedabpbaysrîLersumeanatMre, ahrougj A-1IzRWE LurM ,OrPî.., ()Yc- ings î ,cor. Ch nrch,Toro ut . - - - iclr l ethé Fonr. geod rpar-hta'ta kuev, Mr.horeinC. 'lysa in C A P I A L # 5ooT V . S. S. ITCHIS o"AlM y P HyS. te teaaPJItAheo n CIS an.1 7 . 'Ite ribe th---- 5550a-lm p osp eA. FUOAR Wl L, M. Uivrsiy.,l M . D A IT L 5 0,o. ICIAN," co utaining descr-iptions f FRANbCIS CLAR871. 29f H NBE gT i e llat di- uâ m hé' e ausn' aahébutln ti ts ti e i a b l o t e s u d T o rn t o ni v eS r i t , ,i s l e i h G o e »d i e a s e s a n ti u l e s f o r t h e ir t r a - s t r u n t , i l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __1_ _71 ._ _ Ti 4 t f d N ia g h t h o t e u b t m e n ' e i s e* s l.e S ént wt é n u t e i m i ru ti l t é tie - Mebr cf thé Collecec lasai $67 eueOaentirugela-eadyuy s u I, G r t 7 0e f o o ft o C n a s î , ps lt d w t kbvern n 6 7 0 s n t b y m a i l , f e f a j h r , te a n y - Tv l a n ' s c e n esbi - b c u l n , Surgons Ontrio Tt ill îljst al lognouWitont elay an roa,,Ythurselt intes ola hast L ady A uné obse -vetsahi or, ené geti dtc îra1in1n9fs oua- cf P h y a c a , S u r g e o n a n t i A c o u c h e u r , p a y O v r t h é C a s h A T O N C E . N w Y r . G B R O T E R S , H R M E D C S h i e M r.lop I b s e i u g , a n t n h ta t o m p oeuv s e u e e a u W a - i n l o n v s r c i v t i dirgoo ns c OnTare. vi dut i ose ihutdbya t ovY a-k.2,171 FÇH R E M D C N S.hs8O ald i u f8 BORNOT.Hon. ALEX. MCK2NZrE.M. P., 17 W IBY, O TRIleePtJiisymo-'nadsy it Pa-aient -EUT JO N Y EN LD, Imorons Dsios ud su1scura- rigdo n' bciubti irfas'o acaule u re f Wann P î D M ,J H A G A r s d n . O E T J H A I oA l descriptions O th b at. H rde si. ' h6 n v r ,B a ar a bi le yWJR, b1, mpApe-,DealOb ne,18mnapatWHITrr )ENTIST, (sUCCES.Manager ro en(' anufactu et aof cLés képI conatauîly un haut antifor sale at Maria, 'viaut Ma-. Cseýsi eS Kintis cf thé Wbitby Livery Stables. ol elu loc sor te W.Il. eard) Oufortelvusr!tTnceéwta-nom fiidof Uha-el ~ D~ îeT~ da-ti) t, c OA N O.FOR THEE ND N8N. A y. 'Sure Mir Ihat's w aaî dc in'- int roig'foaté Csb Wl vsrcieivi acn nihs wltyover Mr a- J boomesDtoeitos mIee.(ooas tra i o n f éét a. tere fo r th é p -ai esA L E ]E, exC- V y 0F O N T A R IOj . C ash P a i i'o r Bn d es, B a ke, s d L eath e -. a- -l 'm - - - - - - s w a t im ]l Having prantdte o i dWood Yard A99, Bo ahe- liehd E U SLL H)S i.'m tt f Mr- Jo n Keith é c t u orauaeue.-9, Missisuia- ELTNG MA E Su Ib N 'im nt, aay.litrC sel stu th pL.-DhaS.ttthe oa l ms. B I G AE T R E N Corrier Matcheah & Msisga min béLu.r s Ct I- VA S. tmersthatthey' -thePromises cn bsmnta'hiea at E B T a se -re i n hi ta tlY and e g ,.sa £î i d, nd o n- M y 1 7 .SH O R T N O TICE . ~D i a-l b as a yo r ee bs ase i é be a vi i h o c r be e i ls p - a e an i f les t hi is i! n i d - (J, N VAR, L.D. ~ tomea Iht thy uly suphet, su Woe - -Thi,; mgificent brick hotel id elcie t lno ta figir a duel illa Ma-.Malny,beyu br adsiapibii fa-th thé Chepest, nd as ood as he Woo 1andâon the ack Llhro8 fll théladensebomassnocf ianTortoilant!e thatatvantare. u breakoailai boîc. athaulbase s wt, oaa" ve.bani n liai sivu urangtaandfor port hum 22 ORILLIA, OT. racka, forMiethérMBua-bara lhal's gouiè55, vithotZoverâua-ni on-ilTanNcras-Wvili lac liraitorasanti yrants tht a hast. immeth ilîstivlth Goaberaead ult nt Sîve py15 e n gen vadt ni -a' » lok e tkipl a iphéSater, A FPkes j4,, ,, - ' Aune, 'Bar a ra o e t a Light tademutiti local an I s h s a w ua 85na -i n v an léét. C O ul vig ed n the T ow n gca e ." 0 a l m r w t s, m u c s an TavbOck' e-A tklns2on's tDa-ngay Store, 05.ICCEPrniM tha SileRcomdtinfo uamr 'ndate l tetrul'whvebd Ldap MMN.y N C MMSIO S I ght - lyaud eS' I J -iOT uaL islny IT is al ea-v i th sru autccosl ié su h itsen-ot re fora esablshmetWi Zteo0 for. usieer!romfivoutededtailos WIL BE GIV N Vut firon s.mt atacc Isoetoi Co bnîgeegac, obaIatida L'EPY 1 .st wbIheirBad neanies -Il lias aa leaciearmoin n ylaneti, tht in ae l ovioani arnsoonnetpl su co 1ý1oo Au ________________xActe M riands band PatromsuyhBt lie basageiPnrnlirag rt uelt g tfrlfam anes T________TICKETS N. B-Orders for rooms by latmin vastpelet'on caciaaais WcotbJul 9 178. 8ta.mentLuif y slenset 1 f bchhaWge.h yOf tst. Ilherellaocpra-kig.atanden, er pnaetfotad cors'léa-d fil nis ocuansh TDRESSING AN* I, é,Jenrasd h nmbran qgaxatmiIveaynan ow 1q.R J.*H1MER GBEENWOJDn.h7,187s. XetareRUSSELe, btgL lsoa-m. 'Batif énogi,Mr. piiMa ris- inth fa- rub ada-et s fruitîot.pristnlu itea ae i thei ns thé courtnd v ed te an hanse 8 0 T vas 8 seau aitad ' * I i' »ilNA -i' vE xa-T. iss h closset dsré MyronMy14 178he1 Cm oton rom nt sitscfiaui oo in i n aner aré oiy bya vlhl sd oi uaaow vau ic' h4h- vh--a-vosaML utanti\NonthéfuuR. t.. imé te H oer r, yn kuv- ahti srtut, éat - fa-tende ant inipa n thut h 10 norru bis he iby, Pli 0, 17.9I A ViOUo 72. 1-N - - nga ltébl e oréhes r, Miss? -g l oto htp aa et epn h oe f'h le , Bvs us-o 2 - lAsa uéaaéttd nshrtntie.GE~5 N T/5FOUGNEE BUSI SS CH NCE.ansa-sses one of th é e s u d tho offen M - Pobmnamy Uth, 1874. Ba-zoklin. Malanp vs. toc ru.,ny"for hhmh-hsud ben'Au' Sal' theepaumaurLET.uh-reMaleuswhoeéntea-é oLard Warriugu ý1T1 fcardOf thir lies tey'd e'las vo do thtmpn ha undrsipe bas ny- aoulit f mon E bitASbiruséli anti Ma-. Bloc Bar etfiteréserigarl u Obéa--sa ofhénoffetne ceruanat trhee.bu bomgrabisodfuté. tlnshet' issL vaci it h bu is s toki_ 'voef. na -D o butear d f a - F Oh blioy f thélla, ovu elétoéo léaip éaia-se LOn a erpJ i uu esi or HdO LfcM 4a D OO LI O . AUONEER&and&C a cfiga-c I o eWagu ruCeutral e frui résaka-e Aies.p lothéT er Mayft., 99 ut e abuthe insun.lBa is k n w a 6 o u d th eta-th lia- w u d e v mfe b a-et s u munnjsc - Goat Psraiilyea Fdves andWilantinbs-bf auueeatgaod Juepevaa-a18'4. a ns, boyn'duré pothcalons that?'sta- sI MonttPloma,! ocnoura "/1 80 Agenta SfockthéAPCANADA .AnMR'-u BgbwaBak atdit., La hpro sel b- onnaOhofami a orCEMENr] . Ca-efoek. ite a ughofi u men eu utt o Es~ tn es-lae h e-I ua JM SR L E ,1m9(aeOri')ai nWbitb, gether viii bis--Lu-bradé tnsinoa Mary St.,lunoir thé minet il s-lb hymbis iocdia180e0insislpateCasPaeent mMpsoved Ar ngilevérteMLadyhMaryPémbea-g LO.UR AND FEbatvariohé daingeathere?' - r~~ in é epit n ras oksai&o. n CTIENS teU ÂN E OM'Yr. FRST LA S TAND - snd olp txhos t b o te cr ,aniu, a oeblLd -ul ti u-? R vcnbti b SaF aInp-Ove thPs-ns ntiWi a nts ouleal.Pie, -t ani Garsnîc UM ER e SING ES OR ALE Bd"t*ulm nwt mU aiSS M e arls-loup filate holi d Lé W5selo ma c nt CLoP e M yteNT'gevit bUant aut ualU.isa-lu' tu a Barokant chir ruB ceka. CAPITt AL, -o reetsise -frth . -rm n N rin o isa Klortoh o h fer salé abeap. pént, nt e v theilvii o on usiness emn _a- crngadd îat o rsvo.i tarhm. W ilsseu5 eJst tatMa.O'éupaIloi laybonregsru Invesîmépîs mfmd elucoeah DebensD mrcm enl business-La lierugu'WoCar-a théow- arh thbbolsélfilasmat steminitd ishOèp whee liekeeps ilsdoohttlo bucher AIreW paFén SAL .i. a ebe sa-kîaîiîé t *îcc Thsbsbibnss-sonhatssd er s e e sueel fMehai a i'n. uy"r,-n rBAahSmO - fan a JAMES HOLDEN, . OC. , 78 2mr -bi siiTeaniraai e vill b ai tue cfuitsacptent Pat 2'Ptentîrnpoveddé ith é naoyo troZrvhnh' a o h pt ac ossth si S ep een. xc usv ly te tbi s é ia nce, ut bacruénî,e f the-a___a-' abingbefsoo..n a» bet lou S- heGret Lue e a-ariens aI x-th Cllra intastnienii andString BndecapuetMilIbi s i~Aoti byondo, 151, ngeow un vrU. S A.fiet a h T h e s b s c r b e r b s f o o n e t b i P a r t - O n Y a f l h a l a m o n t r e u i r e a o veS ti n t i é e t ! d a wt hé, b lét h ' 1aa mé mh a for PorPicEO-na lo o i ion nku' M C as. or or prd cenam e a ivn fo te spoo ' t hs-ta-bp.' c'Iruounryparts %a ileono r ti a, a uoty o onr the;g ad qu tce. orrAoiiruaL e k ow . an l ct rh 1 20sa dithsé h . P > M la i« , & . - o , W i u p tb . b o u t a F L O U E b y J a n .t2 0 1 8 7 ,D.A .SBL . C A M P B E L L . J A Sol d e a t a s l f . t u th T . A a - m a n tlp i s . J . A c U t E ri n gP t, ab ahnT a a a -or .t v : y u k e v F a h é mi I aisv i l ,"y is . Apliaiosratp rueramp seon 4 Uic, et.23178 9 rugst AetMa-t;,whremdesI uart:me s utha- LBrOoTok :i ude St.,br a ni cf M forhanii u taery, Clicw ce, e oua-o laiastnobedyultareomseiadie vith sa Whulby.Brasa ND1N RUiÀdeOfféed. OResabctlie fr aeBh.i-Mla Tie aLmé tiovu aenceetextbusia-ly te .1=2nov O'Rilgy'o udd l~,T US ICI M S , Bstthe hésGréassFa-ie Modal s-t ie World's - s v ny a-oa b' b'1 x b. enat va tsa-dao PRINCE, postiaLBLERoT, ONTs-idacs uivéssi eprag ataaut-ge ci W.are boa av lot s réo olter f m ne, or 'liutr bulét tenrus. WhinCoutby, Jak n wl r n . 20, 1874.. ING. Wootoi. e Bar g .MannfuctorB. B.20LMa-.ÀMalony&asvkilt asptest aoraChea-- .Get cou. Over lOés . énenLtc Ibaini dingete bisund &Apelcusmh unt n a deo. ha- or on - rave Ulica, . P.CR.BEL. J M ScLATN Celn-tPiadl .A A T aau, sr Br the taiu nthtosatibt o Alby r by SS sait 87.îoîo ANGLOA ab...- and____________ -g W 5h.,t eesoora. Sentle ffor ause.bbneha-utetiDiiCals-- 7 s érf assursiipa-étheptMuh Of th IÇ- PU D, Agennt, Meuireai, Pavhea-e medéla ébctaIfie oldieP a yAia-h e .neqarloe otfraohu é'oivol- el A JiW .kiiiIuBNN n, uaiLr9ps - 'nrra i excu- t-à , OLPeDeN, oHOTELZN, EU- AIune ababuies n WhLlb. PaoOdAs'kRT,»<a .BFOaSAL, ,- vlli lrsAND LOTwhia vilhé cna-le on à or o eu tea-1, m met or10,0(ptosf Oak,-- B .-Tl ofi e Boafrvi e efrébgu.m2 w eve l Pvrs'èoaiaMardiia.l. u e é-sessI'Aa P shéŽJh a h&rs Iroh. Ion aL G.-ySONM'AIop ias vus Outahor tJo: Fouo.,p SertPcraue.Ane de "a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l tUc s e ep e i t ler c rr a e u p .rtland LMaine. 8 A DGR OW P O RE O TE Nov, 5,1878.& -- JNIIb", »O ND aeY TouLeSnD Reqis,nanove r éivé hlohst&hs., 5 am df fi; obséiate-rmisevédit RysB Maria. 'fWbat vassodchipfo as. E théate cr o Ln, n qusa-. -Te tret er ,tp.gte;Wérr anh A T 1(2 R L5fThéaboé cmmtiLuiele crutaud laio , D i La -t$ w i by h r n gt e O 'nofRiby th t l e il , a t L d u. I a t as-ig mcney eilentahbbo a-el boutPst?'8ve aea luina MM% fhpanforibb n sttAncee sud sook bnda zust au For ase, sévnai Tvu-bot tvc 'Aboua MatL Zhis ' - .at hoa-,ntehe1rg&methir aboten c ,tiuilvilli'lits ut saboxutlènui prcueS ti t ictCu. - - -- - théli gleén bsI 1. Diaettor cf te Boues, sdÉa bagemBrck -= 0use.For ' Isry' ca-epMra, th Conrlslnr a .R. aniAgnt it, Vetntpon Cméria a- 0000aoo.in élMAORet. W & . .1 R. R.I* COMPANhavYnni 28, tsry C nny Onuto tOn,,,o',n d. Lumbér, ý. IC , -in, terras, ta - zù h.of s'no 'Pt re téoars ! htbtp'Braa ho Le rnorabh oMLOa-dMOUcY. aarc 5¾iflél ift$e wstheeon> letlehi. I gueaan alr "d1ad rhuuaa.f thsîcf f'wtr..bru aéz?' ý lriélLhièro1 106ard d, ait o- me~~yo bo-pPOUa~i au& oimk la a mm .e>'éhi, üt.No oi ý -ê'h table - , v rtat t-he btonv er latéawlae h ut r, vau Ltf),Vor hlm, evoeha her mbt" Ol m dffrnt peopIe.'" Liottt i L rd W a ri-u it net u ch ré )rCcumesoltht ff this Étry 'bc ruc ? - M ,y w ttétid by Mr. Mn 1 V>"~ )=O h hii llosud pesnet iii, ar s u i c re, c ni . vs-s oreut a ou th as jut gret delglitcf th cor asam tht a vi W bI- aet ilt Apn ar-you à ou ay bat- ehsusu, yo themavJct "ane poue, MY-.Llraot- ve int rave kepte lhr a t hençaosantbogt for bdieay, dlber= Su le fo se riaoniugheeré .aveis u wfo vundwt tor and 0 -'-douto o eu anteyto dning t héèi aeVifuee ng agénci oen thé 'I o h v seretfora a do lia dcr- agifyr-egnt étlaispler.,b il -Ib c sd sae voub e. fr héepost s-taré Lord v Wi argelolithaintiréji abe Io me oinssheu aofa tvbat but he'tsys left lto puent Wél rap Lardtho o ihu pand,novery sw uinrothé vro-o tdin tfey'ct bavé Othé lia-èsof ieroIbt tec tai e bi; héMr-én Ã"Y shtnsd ournn' sailo. mti I b ati my akul utc he "0iblo thé àtvapâmn ft hepLu s isake, pourge sd PlassutristM av o, iglit àis Lard pan ai Y'lM-. lmsbou sut have dit cut 'Oh u vol a o ribtéforap Lamani:e antv t0nelvasÏs fietf carsut bêas-yode 2Lu a-eyhnsmbp It~ oi h Ie antia 'a. Maey, IMr.g aronferbt er--a murd etin' seali Fîtea- Jourohn; ht.u' a-aýO- théfy'bhliptiReglinog-bingehS obre. sa- thS ndn. bootfr, tasci fbra ashepst blP-ë caetL, bs-utikuc thédt-alla milauné.'ll 'Dg-u ls-caao-inge, Id rtherhuaad Laturebocltithé ttrengiȔtlai thé M'AI' anloméat lé, b fS-t ar-ad et he lmb ut e a a e cm Pull-sanaosi mtelablMY Lordtheore- ?- t te otaons hteutmnaséoa- fr - Wi fota-,.- b ruy otneandcte, thn, I cntomorherthé t nifne ais Y..br ah Vhl ferrais l an ehp' Wo tru t vlefo-? ersaétith o Btte o ArchérHs-a-aut béerahi, and smon-t tlatpourhesi pet, éanatihonain --i bs 'Onthihon Mshther shya-epeat-n, » e théfler: lut 1hamn' tcur boy s u lite caul-p ut h onyia tha vhon sbout kneyerteti Ivlownys mania'fth thé soebd En ls od-en mut u sand plefant misthake rcher I'ru ta vo. Civi sI aI This ia rMlogééoetiasdous ci joéa endg >aghe- -oi ieWa--igto ps--t, aioreas Soesibtepe IyaLrd .o he aryees ncaeut, buther Coly - a[nd n abst iTs A of.'sad eae 'S i r llen c !' n t l é o ph ntp a nd a r. ' 'Yarvlrap hônseletdat v day an 'Archefr! vlponIpou paon riter enat pé Yu, alil 2vtseretn Mla.t vofory, ugily, lof thé .ar cfoMye- stupitati nov sMr.éybiandlkypap. boh, LIe's frpii thýenglsh Lord ba'd goi' te te ot,' otalyasudateflugy laugiéthé arnphthetions. sséý votal for,àélîh y teaf'r;nt orra' ohis raaler Ma-. M'lpe.tué ant o o el e,'repheýthé persouttsu d titapltetreod esryeAoes 'M'a-. s m'Ahpn. noseeosierap i threand ats,' pinestioé entp.s-um. orrndnýr an - 'Weilr;, fr ais e IIyto n!' a nàtht.plalla--a reevdvt cal 'ai Igitea- bphe Warlesngofans,su iot ratÉtreiorse bpthétAen. 'Lgadive re -ner suenletteréov u ÙParlism, eu, mphonét a.Yo 'Hus tieréoré, dbaorhae af thé bre Wh canthiba lu qeson msoure lasrrIugdnon, a- Fizgrsl, ut ea1,fr id aher suti-mawln pour min a -Xucérf o piosn., or pou are stopp âhg th pla Ils lé' adPaà 'Paithi an' viseé léssièng fGti, von top tantbongér,'otethlu Ifgasu vota rtetsti adu&pa-bit -t back ot laishobsd _ cmat 'Me forsa the ragePanidat',éa! idoh Fathr Jhn, garevloug t. of on urue rotn?' -'tPa 'Me. t-n bwesuu s L, uthier man iflas Lodi savonsé' sud "ymwk îsméd ~ ~ th caoud iaéf é - î ra-e Johotn, norono ltA. ,sinarmi'frityàkkWi b s' for theOraie-xaandldaouké, :- 7a- h , --itsntc wv4_vi 1 e~-w otuiI*X t a

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