Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1874, p. 2

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ty. At &,oý- Nvith orange Colore past six 0 *de" MX. Blow r r"U6d thitht Et, lýuj. Robinzon, là aie cha', the flall.109 ha"- naI Mirs 0 sites Gertru tweed. 1 aris 02»iU-J. 4d witl, litige and baniieis ahilest a elcali SWOOP Up de 4w Nere-thon rom, se w thon Genle jk Co. c ta the cc 8m Clau-1 ill the fâlit,911 loi4d.OOUd W- le Il in th t, Archie Rusland; 2nd, outiollors ïlepStýdèli. [Wo givé clr POWûJý te giv otTliird-avenue ndlýOIL the wo 9kro &]th ffe rell filomi a, thatmuce il, û(ting Win. -Cie" àte lau«," aï ing up. the 110 M7 wore, loir 'Ilotir. 1 usez, aL thmuands _Of r. the. âZe, Our reception. And, 1310JOU-11 Monday peoplp,. réel id won bIÇ4-ýÀd MA27 U el. jud Morning jud lit, - ontheir "==M t- nliety*aud lowering, At th abo loui -111, 1 d vc Collier the fire, déparý 7th CI Y the Wenther appeured te have Very Ilttle UIKlr!4 eolunaelle'ed tho prOcegs Of blow Bru t Harper. socertain the obeapent and mont COU- site'lié WOU- in s4w 'th =0 ee e à*or of,, (Cofflthàrd'a ýý DIVISION a pointeil to wuddï.zwi Si The Specia, comniittaeap W"o ( te y larger, en =Y, thi ý PER ANNuM. effect in. damping their ardor, alla en. in, ci) the buildings witir gunp - caffi town than L a An eu Our toi owder, là FRanie Someriflle - venient place for the orectLfn of a posed lenditure- b"n Utile 2nd, Mathias monoy on,1and, ut the builçling-3 Mount, of notice of tàuoiuul. About ten O'Clock the var. 1, experiinontûd' With us; Brd, Mari Ë' hall and the probable tout of the saine, would 90 ln' âYor-01 the ýCî1dwolI s!tè Whilby, ion& Lekeu commence4 entering the wertlainall wooden aurs Colline; 4th, Wm Rapp. beg Içave te report sa fonows . and cond musa thst ci-tlié MOCË%iiog,' . born'aiid, 1 ýýursýY, JUIY J-ý6, 1874, illoren 9 and wolila 2nd Clagg.-lgt. ýV811ne ROdd ; 2ai, That thejf bave remvea the follow. Inotitute 0 tSm frola il t quartérati fial only have the elrect of Maliiig a quick- 0001-Si-us Tyo. ha inconvénient an -ont Of prol 1 A ad belection. by thoir bantis 01, Munis «a dUplaying or blaze. g Oflers the W& ýfr'0 libél on a M_ Ir t1joir banners, and frl iliat tiznoVÈe Tho Peut cilice builàýg, live 'hotahif thoy King wàà to-ti lý 1 8rd Clus--lot Mary Greenwood Fzam Mr. E. Caldwell' the Caldwell ut. *ùeýhâIf j ti block, fowo. - ougoaUy) bo say-1 The aile tien efolir town, ieliders JO weather.begau te c1lear up unil the Sun' the Barjtiist cburch on Wabash aveu "a" rance Cochrane From Mr. W. Coulthard, the Albion ýY82= la Iiià hu int«tion b P»rticularly ilireetud te the poi ci 0 _ 2nd,ý ligtel prope Il ri f flop Ã"t now te 00 for the Caldwell > block# 'al. lige HO& tel shine out mout gloriongly. After all and ecarly an the, bouge ri son ý the west, though ha could not go Much, ircýr name'l-tl the proueditigo of the Irown Conneil hâd aýlgdtÙbled, and dinuer pýartak' DIVISION ni.ý Pro=, Mr.:Iýràper, the Souëk pro, hilla whon bd sy The séribb on-of aide of the avenue, the Adelphi theatrell ' perty, comer Dundu and ByzOn-d».iý ý pre"nd:d 'tO bel Ïidvoost- givobn eloewbure in those eSoluwlùno; The si the différent ilotelo, the grand pro- and au immense amount of preperkf Geo., Jltuton 7 a let CIaSsýý_lst, Ellèn Boblam 2ni, ý1àg the purchage of the Coulth 'rd colle. as does tlu silbJect of placiug 4 Ilew town hall Jýu cession was formod. Ji Xatl Allie, 'the one-half acre where nor* make his 1 exubraceil- the bave beau destroyed. a Cron 4th, t1je central bilsinego portion ofthe town Oshawa True' Billes, the Victoria aud At lut ac Minnie Johuaton. postoffiCeotomdo, $6,0W, -,. , -, a te what - Xullie Rîry î 5tbi Aunie lawne eth, the- good dent was bore Sula a ta izain si I confite the fire was princip- .11 After due illia, carefia Vonsjidératio considered tho« contre -of the town ing.thýe à one, as Illin roaders of this palper lire Dufferin Lôdges of Young BiiMn.ý4; the ally confineil te the Michigan -avenue 2nd CIEWS.---Jet, Cli, *,therald ; your, ý,rego , 'W and the contre of the population. S&Ylàg a g( awitre, that lias engagod the attention Port 1 0177, Greuwood, Bowinanville, bokýund the ' gnd, Pred Rotteh imend lie roader6ý report States wheu thot te ym C'eýnsidemkioii thé Mr. Blow, afterý Cf Our town fathers for mail Idontlu alla lYbitby Young Britong, and, the je 3rd ct4qq-.;ist me Campbell; 2ud, Party Offei6j by Mr. Draper. 7 vvriouff offers re leeSL!I!t:autinl the May hoar Wvëd,' net , now finully bumed there will Le Utile aigu Ed. Griffla - Brû, Est but ýthàt thé Présent location of the Paut. The COmmitt(je appointed for Oshawa, (G. W. Garth,' Masterj Whit.- but ruine - te mark thn course of to.days Nellie SnO;ý ; ber Prial ; «IL, 1 - 1 But, we ari F4 G là TÉe second report of the spécial coin. towlz hall was in the right plue &fier an", inwo the purpose ' reegivea.quite à number of firo. The excitenient in the city îr re. Wrn.*Gould. uny ou ; t the Imi 1 by, (Prank Clark, âhoterj Cr. litwbui, mittee in référence tbl the moneys ac. &IL The town Was on the, ove of en 66 , proposais for the sale Of eliii6l. site. (N. Brokonohire, Uuter,),&£;hburn, 4%V. poi'ted'ai beitiýg-iutense. Divisiozi IV. Cramât to the towà froin, MM. Wateoù'i; crill -PZOBPôritY; Iota were in -de- ne subst, (We give thoný-in cletail,) Which thoy J_- Brown, bluter,) Balsaib, (T. C. Mu. There lst Class--iat, Fr estati, &ho 'fmàù' the Municipal Lol mand in the neighborbol of the pré- rOPOrte(l tel the e m'ore of verdit accidents-oue À ank Xosurè 2nd, Puna Alw te 1 ' - :: town lot i Outicillé And froin AVOY, M.J Greenwood, (Win. UcKit. firemant fell through a roof a 1 unie Nourse; 3rd Ale Wilson; 4th, ne,, ï reCOMMO 1114 'Or (la gent tOwft hall.- Re éonsidored IUIC)Ilggt theul Ail, no than M Wall Armie Wioke. blecbaàiëel. bon eite-aë inconvénient 80 the saine 80quainted torick, M.,) CIaremOnt,ý à * Joluisol killed and a policeman hadý his log 211d Class--Ist, Mar-v A. First, yourcommittee bug te report thoýPrel town hSlI,ýland woula ... :,the -streai with the town can gaîusay the fact, but and Cherrywood (Jno. Dick, JLý Lodgeo, brokcn. An enrinil belon2jug te il,@' flint the above Mentioned Moneys ohall for Wall lot as - the Most oeil- loto, the Mary %Villis; Brille Mary Webster. tbo'Cald 'l'a& the maïOritY Of the mnmbero of The procession waa headed by the Vie. coloureil men wüa burned. Conduct--IVru. Salin(lero and Mary be a»ropriated for the oreeiôu of a tral, or. the Corporation, with thet perverse toria Baud, and thl3re more A130 the J. Hopper. town han--Ana for. no other pur. The Mayor found failli with the o&r tOwn-1 1 Wh' Rtitiliclit)' whiert sometimes polfflesgeil Duffelin Band, the Green leiver Band, whitby Races. pose. '0 of the fûid Staied residéuts 1 ANDERSON-ST. 601100L. l, 2ud. Thât they have, r' eceiveil forthér that ite ao0ptance would be tanta. thiq true,? '"'qu "Olcthed wid, a little brierauthor. and thé rort Perry, Bownianville, and' lot Clasr,-Iob, A. B offers of sites ' -Yeu 2 If ityll, have picked Ont the Vary worst Of Ashbtirn Bande beading th N'ewsome, rhe %Vbitby Races are advertised ta aller ; 2ud, *r. E. -Caldwell for monnt te, makinir the coz one-quarter o Pori. air respective bike place on tau libre èn Byron Street, «OU, the tenant of iÉ&t idoubc,ýdiüpto" what ErO wu ýlle [Illich. They liad before thon, Mr. Lodgeu- lu Thursday' -and Friday, 2nél Class-lst Book-letI John no,. for 01,000. body. He was personalky opposed au, about Sevan bundred - Froul Mrs. Caldwell sud- a te PI"Y'o atraiglitforward, inanly effet, of Oran 28rd and 24th inst. AU the horses lit a ; 2ud, Herbert Reynolds 8ra, F. aughter, thé town hall froptint ber Brook no" 90me]2 &Ud 'Yonug Britons niarch. au g on oit vrho ton- the Toronto inceting ivill, -me . are toidy Turner. for one-half acre on j3yron-st., opposite or Dtmdu streeta; ha beli",dithoed a d'R plà an excellent site, on terme than whielà sa, in procession. The streets llrd Clag" nd Book-lot, Ida Till - - n'a rasidence, for #14W. ward bc entored for the Nvititby purgeq, ýand - Dr. Gim fronton Byron etreet; and whiU ho the nothing CoIgà ho more liberal ; gr' thronged te, witneNs it us 'it Passed- Mllry Others frozu a distance are el. 4 h aime 1 1 POSÉ; Mce and the mm afftee, ýoffer, and wu in tavor of Mr. Draper'a ower for thaï: 2nd, Vary lýfactionell; Brd, H. 11,1 Prom Mr. Draper, the site between gave MT. Perry crédit for Ille libéral and at hOMO variens PrOPORitions te sell" AnY. Of the milles, '(Iaughters, and peetfàd. l'ho track i Class-gra Book-let M. A. Till. . me allOrPal-tof.decidedlythe M«tel # 8 in splendid, order, 2nd 1!',ý Alardoiielf; 8rà, Matthe foi $25 pçr root, 60 mot Al. rosi office igi. sweetheterte ofOrajitçewon having coma tire that everything will ha Ho] en. ily lotaswhathe consiffered, a the 'GazOtie ble '3W within the oorporation for t and WC are ri 100 fe0t bY 66 feet, on the norih-west natural market site, lie now âorgdthg, beillg dOàO Il own lu from the Pountry, and wearing Cerned. ' If hall and market (the Houck propertyll) doue as listial te mulie the Whitýby .5th Ciags-4th Ucok- jet, Rebort corner of the Rouck property, no7 accelnance of Caldwells Olier. Ille favor8. The procession wite laces net OnýV succesofqI but accel Howard « 2ûd, Mary Reynolds ; 13ra, Ownetl by him, for $1,500 Mr. Fairbankeýrwmùea thé IM[ayor'a its own nest Y bail the offer of the VsIfiable COUI. marghrtlied by Bros. James cibrnpboll, Wu). Anàerson. 'Your committee, lifter due délibéra- logie of net wanting te have the town this 1 bral Il thard cerner lot, and the other propole Of lVfiitbY, and Matthelv Campfiell arl'i able te SPOIl mcn for honer and fair JOHN-ST. 14011,'l'ave agrend te recommend tha hall on ol of tbe-princip'al etreets,'but te Which the resder la referrod. Rirby, of Oshawa. ýValterCoulthard, mention- desiring te bide a handsoine buildingon DIVISION 1.-PORM 1. in thoir first re ri, and tbat the back street where nobody coula, see WhitbY, JuýY nd lowtlYt they bal the orer et the After the tnerois in the drill sheil, Ilcading-lot, Annie, Gibson 2na town hall be orecterupon the north. lie OU the question of economy ho- UOOISAii0s' 112fititute aitefreet and wlicrè a utaud mari crocted fer fil,, F&n')ÃŽe -lit-eli3on; 13rd Ansotatia Wood' muet corner of sai(j lot. thoüglit theris coulé[ be no diffioultv in vnitb) 1 . flio for.1nooli the sky was heure and Annie lçe "bey i101'bel-ste]Y Choooo te build à speakers, fluil scats wore alun plaoed flotted ivitli flcýncY clotljlet,$:. White Ri SPelling-113t, Id Ilpr. ý%bitbY, 4th Jaly, 1874. deciffing botwoon the Mechanies'llal hall upon au oitt.of.tho.iwqy' pilles fur Ilidies, the breffireu took up thoir, '*' a Willioli; 2na, Feu: Caldwell site in favor ofthe former, and 1 Af potato Patch bobina Mr. CaldM "the robes 01 an-wis; and gentle ivinds nie jackstin ; tri' A lvoo(lhollrë, sur 1 hereby offer te the Corporation Of 00 saving's, large amonfit of Morley. It The reeve .011-8 places in thiat, 14pneions llliiijiu,-, which I*an-ngd tl,« ililsh'ed facen of the multi- (th Smith, Annie y * the town or N%',hitby thewest-balf of My 01400 f0jý Ji 1 Tue ztk - tude of chili'4ren ta whorn it wlac iii(loii(j lot, being nne-IUR au a-ore, for the aum Crammer. Wall ho sàid-their (111ty te 90 for what munications 1411ble, and te pay was ývell-fillod. The cIlÉlir wlir, t. cn Gramruar-lit, Aucirew 1,,Orsythe would boit serve thé intersots of the Frein B. bl not Only inconveniently by B a gala da>,. The drive from Whitby 2n4j, Anair Criluitner; 30, Aunie Rel. pose Of Il *Id, ro., Geo. W. Garth, CO. Nestor, id at, all gansons ý of fifteen hundred dollars,'for the pur- town irrespeative of wal *' Anyof the bila collecteil Rifilated Rid ta I)Iltunr, m ing a public hall, roserving OfierO Of dites made Il 0 contended, ý was correctly ; ire away from (ho principal WIJU lllfrt)(luced thé VariouA slèeakei-»,,. pleasure; but ut aile, 73arou of the venr A. Fors fe@t for à 'âne ai thé PrOferlible te Caldwell'u, and hé partie. or, sublnitting I)IILiinous Portion of the town, but it in 1 Thty würel Rev. Hr. it is dêli-htflit- GeuL1ý' GIoping liàltli;, A. 1(eller; ?rd, fils Wilcon. yelle ; 2211d, eastern end fliereoi. UlArlY referred, te that of Mr. Pel as as ]lie ' eort, of wet lot, off tlie low aide of the bad bccii engagea aG inter;;pcý seenrit) Of tho jayo r-4 %vith trées, sini-je and in Aritliiuitie-1tt hi. CALDWEL ThOs. Hortcip ; 2nd, Le bain.- ai once libenl and business like. liday, decousi dtrpet"tllatwould reluire a large ox, sud wlio delivered a ýIiigtliy addi-ces groltps, aud the COMY faiiý bouses A. Forsythe. This wac withdrawil ant,.1 the f0IIOýv. Another dispute here'arose Between by tho conneil Bave bre6brs. rUlTaunded by 1.1avilip, flelas of graiu, Dralvîrlg-lsil A. ForsYLI'f; F. ion subrtituted. Mr. Harper and the Mayo Ilinglititre in dmining and =Oadamiz. ýîîd ýrau(luseil, over which cool mliftdows gilde, like Jacluon. il ne te annal- partmont, ack f1w io wake à si Ail fit fer building Mr. 11uït, Brotifillaw ; and Mr- the brenth of biliiificent Ood, présent Y01M il. Tu the Couueil and Corporation of and thé relative powers of Cach; whitby, July sth. gamatlugivith the 310chanicil' institnto by-jaw No. 42 J't'rt)ope"- The Priceq $1400, fur such a The lzoittir- art (-vc'r picturn, "0!!'d'ng-Igt C!IIE»';-IF;t, 'ý'ZPftîp Hop. 01 whitby Say ng "or rural pea 'vfallic, fillie grl id iduo oloot exorLitaut ' Wall quote'l varfoils PJtsý§a4,éb frcini M', u,ýi ana Featity." 11 propose te SAI tLe we.,t.hult 0 bOtIl-Lrentleman had a gond deal tonn, ÂUdi ce aboui, il puuing the wool el, office, stating f 4ý)jen the pticem or note 6fiffible bliii(j Gee's second %-,oluute- of' Lho lliotùi-v of' The above i:j Pointher gelu fr ' 1 1 ý let, edotainiti,, itn nY Th,., uni the -,et, Charlie- llaldonlj.,; acre, reserving a vOi- w4s ai longtit taken on Dr. appruvea of «b3 '119 lots 112 the 891110 IleighLorbood a irelaud tu ulicv; flint cv(,n il, the üpiu. (7ltc.ýritt'. effie ji' 21lâ, L'voline, Westeiltt », 3rd, (jeý()rgp t a th's cil. and the ro !ce yollug uiau %vlio Ivoo bouge. lu [le of Il foc Cross the 'tisid lot, fer amenilment-fflip latterai; will talion into account. The et ion of triglinien, and frisli Catliclics, penneil ît viat, i, d the surn of cailh; or one-quarter net ai ail prepar a cordin lie tcon Coula Le proce g1ving, lin acconut of hi$ 8 n se E. wertot'tt; 2arl, C, Of au acre on tht north.%vegt cornr for iules of Order ail(, ameudilg 4 te the ey obtained frc of lialf au acre oppouite, un the l'qui Ring Jarues IV88 A bail Lravelf; fro don n0l'hiliry. mitting the ai let %Vbit!)Y te ])UninG Crock. bY K. Cawerou and G. %1,10na- the Flint Or.51,000, caell. 0 of ""' atroot, Wu bouglit for $50t),- Williaw of-oratl."i) wai a JuAund liber. J;it"jl;'-;u'i 'ý'cý;t i,-i afLt,ýrliiiii, in ued Ih, bouse. Both motions mcre il, rnet out of -der') properly filled and Was, conaidered d0AY 'Li thalle Te al Prince- coucluding page tu tijo lifi, of* t;ln 111*illtt 20el, 1 1 E. M. CAliDWrýLL. The vote was takgn, howevec] E. Wekl In On motion 0 tôwn*hall ai an on týhýt, site pro. Dr. Gunn 71 jç:ttc (,ce ýVootilionse. liay, Es'q., ch. Town hall coin. _ lowing Recoun 'l favor of brechaniest Institute Nite -let F', 'le iCod 110"tl, while thé P ý6ï1L town hall le Al'iu us IL1111 9 Westoott Sir viii-floti iii the disous- on hide lille b the plfttromi -Lillit bain il gels," mail p(iiieufuiiieiiii 1ý7II llaîrbauku. ?'loger$. Carson, Harper and paid: in Win, r oluiffi; ard, Nottie Proud- Sion ai; ta thé sitoforit town bal] mat standing, OnIY a film blooko further fow wOrd". ty ', 1 Whn wol"(,l Lot foot. Amendtnout deciared lest. 2nd con., 826. Nouth, wOqlll Le au latter absurdi lia bc wijl, Litute go to Duifin the old site of tho Mechanies InÉ After t1iisý il eullectiojl w.).., taken Ilp CreL. p Aiitlij'ot'c-lstG- Woodliouse; 2nd ha 1%11'- Smith's irreguIarý amendment lumber for brid ty. 80 intieji ý Il 8 boen favourably bl)oken of. The One 1vould Le no More couvénieut te in aid of il,() llrc)tO'itltut orpharis* sublituity :J 8ra' Frank Braiden auà 1 di W94 then put, and was voted for hy gart for money y rectOrs Of the lustitute retpeeLfaily Kingý Sluit'bý Or usuful fur général 'l'ule, und "fier givin,ýt thrce licarty submit that in the ratepayers, Hopkins, Doue. %vork donc on Balrani Conucrvativc Aszoc;ltion. lIiNtOrYIýlL, E. ýý,CStcott; :,'nd, L.,r. 1 the ovent of a site being val, Betts and the 31ayor.--6 John Shier for «)WU plirposes than the otherw Tile cheers for the Quepýnthebrethi-cu iilloi-t- "fst Blow ; 3rde N. Proudrocit and C. t ýt t j al)OVC site le a favorable one. suce botween 1 1 5,e^eC11111ý1 'or a hall off the main Street Nays- Messi-i. Draper, Fairbanks, Lention, in appointing, a colà-lùittce tilt ly afterwardei ' l'. 1 Ray, Harper, and Cargon-5. tank thoir doliarture ta 'l-lie el 2 Inl(lellby. nd further, flint if the necessary Se. On motion, the cotnLuittce Il $8; Thomas Dc al, was for the Purpose of providiuel, a their respective lin Le ýsinith ; t) de Min- Lu Ali we hava 1 Pickerin- iiirt litt the oraln,,, hèll, n bon rose $17 45 ; Adam ut Btîtl- ni on dation for the Institute, -inelud- anti, reported. lumber uscd Il Rit 011 elle of the front strects sairltliebest of Moo&riloiitnti quiet sai il on " ' a ")rd*, i&1o Citineron. Ing library and roading-room, be rThcre ion fil(, Sth ilimt., and cIeetqý.1 the Il lit. isbed in the new hall, in furn- wati "0 'notion for adoption $8»02; John Il eiLlier Brook et Duildati titreet-wl, ru provailod tillonghout the d y * of the Cliluse as aujeuded ; Ilor -was 68 . 30; and the 0 Lhere fi)llolvflyg o1ffl1CV1-ý, l'oit, their opinion clonvtlniont acceils Coula be hagi te the marc un signe Of druuk-CllIjc!ýc glad ta couvey rd sain the Institute would bc thore any substitution or Mr. Sinitli's lius Enzbury, foj tho above lui 10 thp un coliiýidera. al- rwenly- Mr. Joseph iviieL; l're6t.; Mr. W. Tiioinpiýoii Prank Clarli-; 3ulttlýl, +civil resolution for the clause in the report, tl)wJj offluen and in a public libyary and juin Ou Our- strcets, and iii il jl"itrance CoeliriL;lç., tien Of reýQiVi!t- Ntieli i l'ho reeve pi p Will.u. ilecottinicidation. lier in filet a Word identffying hij rer rejsding rooLu, as well as a Imll, whiel, titi WcIl au in all Ollici. respeets the McAvoy, 8ilýc'Y Mr. y. Gibsoil, 'rréa- that thG chair. others. prayin., flton of Ale 8eýýO1ld liclailf-1-Ist Clai; J. E. FAREWE LL, utiou with the report, go coula be profitably renbd, and eu te procession ana celcli-atioii 1vas very bill-Cr. W P-1,11,11 lia, Surali Thojuas 3ra, OUMIý TON, Prosident. juan orthe 82 and 83, Istý t'le weigh àcales- Te un oir cither of croditablo tu th Jalle. IWlUlý(0)1k. nothiug*l c coulluitice virtilally reporteil r'tatute. J8 wllo t0ilh Intrt ili iL l"ATA9ý TO Ti(-,tj-i- Roiiý CIRE -18L. CIlai-IeLý clark The town clork inforined tije coulleil tlloge atreets, and pitch upou a back s 'rd, A. SoutInvell. %ý'Ilitl)y. 7th Jiily, 11471. f On Motion of. ,jjal )y "t-reet Ou whiOll te bide a ptiblic biiiid. Golden Wedding. Firüt Re t.1ile Corporation of the Tovni of pad aj1j IN, ( il 0 t 0 informalit:, of the procecding'S.- by Ur. Holiday, a(jet.-It;t Clustt-ist. 0001,gp9 1 "1' J'if Whi -t this was being disellus On the croction or whicil a large il.1.1; 20d. Lucy Aujiie by aý luLt -,Ill 0 the reeve be ana IL Itt)Oti. flirce u'(.Iock- ,t yolttl,, 311SCELLÃŽNEOUs. and requireil ta awOunt of In On last, stli Wilboil ; 4tli. Wiiiifrùil Newt Per the purpose of a toivu liall and ,. (11),.,Iolle Or 1ILLit maitwil 2ud (je utliel 0118Y Would Lu expeuded, and blrr 011. - towla ana public plw .8 as Mr. Donovan. bronglit fil> the relloI.L Eucellelley the Aud whieil waï, orpActeil wailla Le an orge bilicà, ýJDM(, Li Of the Standing committep, cil finance d tt 1 1 colebrated the flitiotil J J, Lycli.1 "iluifil ; 2ro, lýý-onurd (;ib. COrPoratiou of the towu of U"lýtby il , *,,et, 1 f'rtl'âmOlIt te the towil id reverding tlie thoir witriingj in colupàlu%. wiLli a, largli VL ht-reafter detertoine. 1 r)lv IjýllYillg te .or the recommeueling paynient Of a feu, sniaà .,d bt, falliti., frimi Prank Clark.; '21là, £ýi11o111il2g ProPerty at the price and accoulits, whîch was contiflored in coin. let con(.,e86inil of firiginai intention, and fis, %VO java "0 ninill"el. (et th'-ir grity(ýlëllil- to a ropf- 1 tertui% t J luitten of the wholo-xir. Botte in t.i là-Litation in asserting coutrary te the Ntypi .116,1 il sta od lierenuiler : ue 1 by ourveyed und( dren, alici ;;ans Lýufl Iauý, 'ýu, Nlli*i;i A-ucl*iC-ftu Ilotc], at 1 .1- j Nt. Thaf; varant Plut IYiuq OU tht, c'llàlr-and adopted. 1 Elon. Commissini '411les of the mat maintity of the 1 ock-8t. between Barrott's O""-tlOn wai brirli in Brecliin, bcot' (Il , Clark ; 2nil, >, %', Ctien of bir. ]Rarper, secondoil 1 and permanent ri 1114, el' ofnbcta f, -de Lizzie Wilk:,on. C He V;mýTu 1 by f cil nt the front tir] ta 'tual land, in 1797, ilmil ib a de-,ceitti-ant of' il Martlla Warrolk . q , alla directly Oppocit. ta thf) Committec, en town -udi 1 cool ta Ilow men could ba go ililftllly blind te that 011-Ou4h "ini-1111 Ti)(Ittiab; itilli lae. Warfolk.' ""u- l' 6ý fvet fi-ont on roperty wat; requesteil ta CoI1eCtý the 1 le 0, 14A ýl.l,,q, ;_ -, ljol'.! and End inr.trtimentt; as the players bad e and Il duty, and ta tire anoient and noble Scotti,11 faillily te Ili. G -16t, b'i-alik Clark d.,,tÈ of about 11),5 1 the instruments were the whole tamil' 'nterest Of --the Gordong of 11POI! l-iý: àwtd. -nuot 'l'houii)son. a ]ail et disbauded 1111( On motion of 11 as Le roiect ail the uther ticitt is nenr 13,1 TIC v.-Lig 13 n , 9 vide, colitainting net in use. Onded by B. le. 1 111joral, Abe i-,defiiiili ire. fol"rcýt-Iv Co1i[Jfýr4! wifli t1#0 Watrýlri (100d coiffluct -Dudley WoodijouE., or over One-half of au acre, for sites for the one thov Ila 0 solected, qe il, ti', only remaltIllig ý;oii of' il il uw. lit tle 7-50C, Payable in tOW71 oiX et tho neit Meeting introduce a bv_]aw on the Trcasurer -Uln of Fý Mr. Ray gave notice flint lie wolild solved that, the ri tt eau OUIY be aeeoUýtcd Vfir un the aud Icil tlin iýrofp-r,3io-n (,çviu, te Tlir. entureq' 20 yeurs, ni pa'r btb9,n2er "City of Tor. Pr e'j't del) principle that- erous family. in vim ho WUILLI(iileý0(j 11ZIVili', ll;,-l by ýr ton per cnt off for (cash f.lini. i., for the purpose of havinrr iliA fOr il](; sula of fi vi business as a iliorblâ. 1 a tirrt ai Jj1ln.,!Pný il.. froif,à P 4&ýjjPe ý_19rPbjIü@ 0 Whou the !àmüy gsv«'ý ana &Oral, lix Yeats, she 4LÃŽ67, _1: Pix, " ÃŽZ or Who esmé ta' eee Iêr, -ébon llie WA# child-iï-uiè Rome,' not, beam of him fWIMeiii yêamiý, âââ- hopeoý, lever, gavà About - *,Rl2g zhim: again, that alié mautai 1890, ohé notion M moue -in ther city,'àud'got a friend ta WÉje to-au -&O-_ naintatice of là' J)j la ft4buýrA saking ly the "am ber a sauAtiôù' ÜÉ à T«Di- re, In à short timenietteréme Ù1ýornnng "or thst 8 situation had beàý Secured and that abc ehould:zSme on 'n'melatOlY, It took lier a Week or, more ta -make proparations for ýth a final de na in thië meantime abc re- ther letter from hà employer, enoctéd about ber lâtory vihieh lier, friond immëdiaw munieâted. Y-c cru- and on the a ilApied, ;ZyereSd4 lier departure fmPittobar remvedsk.1etterboui bar . brothor,' Denuis Tbi. litter oontiined séme aiightfflinform- -atio Dnnio iuý -hor: tbM h_ Jiad%, n trYiDg ta find lier for moiny para ; t4st ho Wu aceidentally toid lier naine sud'wher"bants by the gen- tleman who had engagea lier to come -t'O Pý'ttabwgh* That lier reply to'hig inquiries Pla-d lbeyond a doubt the fact thut ahe waà bis long lost and anxiôns-, Re would moet ho, nt th, Union depot and take lier ta hishonse. Ta make a long tory he, she found lier brother. Ho is a retired rallroad, corutractor, and a weethy man, Thà ii not ail. Four yem ago ber ,grandmOther, Mrs. Ruth Anderson, of Cincilmatti, died, jeaving a fortma or .t*o hundred ana fifty th-usand doUars > ta ber g=d-chjld, Afie Anderson if she were- i ' ever found; and-ifnot thet Defiids'ÉhOuld- become the beïr. ý Alke is 210W the -pos3euor Of thst fmune, she is twentY-two YOM of iigo, is not uncomely in appeamnce, but eau gcarce- IY r8ad Or write. She bas made ar. rangements ta Spond the next two or thre-B Yem at "hool. These facta wO, have dather$d froui the gentlsman in *110se hûnily she livea and from jettera wÉtten'»by lier broth"'botli bdm and Rince oh@ loft ricau.. , , gPtinOOld, 1fass., Jaly 18thý-The re. "arts cOming ta bWil of the second lood in Hampshire counti gay it wa, 'auaed byý-theýgivingWiy of the reser- loir Of IL factory, et the. village. of MM - Ilégold, On Mîâd1ofaeld, Biii«,- which ýmpties into fil" -WOFFtbratâh of Wogt- ield River ut covered hun ' drod acres, and wag built thirty lem aga- The water swept over -n2fi, gardenj;' roado, and severai OuSes move 1 saine -. distance. At %ester the Hampden Emery BU was 'riOnglY damAged. The hoavîest loger i Chester is Dr. Romans LUC", whose es is $10,000, by the partial sweeping way of the emery m2flL Nearly au 16 Valley residents in file vickity of fiester suffored more or leu by dan-ugg 1 larnIs and gardons. Fay & Son-s zniture warellouse was baffly flooded, id the building Was undermined and rned Dartly round. The bigh water- Intinùèd'at Chester for about an U ad it continueil longer the, &îm-eé 3ula have been ranch ninre Savere. A later despateh from the flooded 4liot gays tu-o roservoirs, each cover- e about loo acres, have gone. The Vn Of Cheiter suffcrs beavily in 10158 bridges and daniage ta- roilàs The ýston and Albany iRailroaa '16 very MY damaged for a-diatanbe of nearly Dnty miles. Every bridge betwèen ddlefield and Runtington je wholly-- Partly destroyed. Che Boston sud Albany -nercad nrany Bliffors licavily at Middlefield ich. - The long two-arched stoilo ]go under wbimh the Ufddlegold Dk and turnpike ran was awèÉt away; ý considerable lenuth of track, Mnting in fià ta 'about MO feet, bc- On the Middlefield switch. ana Che, ÉlePot; sight railioad bridges rive of i3h oither unharmed or slîghÏý dam- 1 - Two are of atone casting each 000. Several bridges no bàdly aged as fa need ta bc entirely re- ý-OnO is a atone, bridge Co ting 000; two Others are those lieit ;WAEL htforwaid that the VI lem and Ouc of the MOT, li VO '.01019 LIT., v4ellco)*t M-an Ilo tri the wbitby, 8tà-july, 1874. W1,18, bro ltl,3, 1 Li t m Mous si LlOtijýn of b1r. by Mr. àlow, seconded b bitfiti witli col] the C 311oZed y "Y 11ý-jp-Tsggaj ditionfi and pricen slicuhl of, ILS ws,, Lavo N. Ray. F-sq., ("beÀrmn. Mr 01,11 est tjlo 1 t ý .0 1. 1 doption Of Mr. and P",nýo'v",n 0, Mré- Gordon hAVA eifflit t;fyrlr. lot j;o L'tige t, lie request of many citic ;, f the Town a by by-liý%v tu a vote or the ': the 2 enF. Hall Commit. làn,01112illels Io oxan Pittepayers, aujtthest Ibo gile recciling and thrre tiglglttfý.m 1 ne, it týh0liLý îl oav wj i "Vt con- rli SEvni, hesvO 001"!Iudecl to modify luy former tee ho and io liereby rescinded and a 1ý1O ,hO MajOjitý Ofy 911&nd.children. and sidcrijiz ý,jr. that the COUD il Ot No. 269 ýOtôà alicultl Ie nec, t. cil tic ruzeme iésel elnitu.; tu publie 3faebt Form ProPor"tiOnt; 1-et(Petqting the sale tn thn f into Dzmher of £( committee oit the çVhole MOUS 'that lie net jolie# WC Of their ý,,ijdrc OUIIIDit, itri'l 11 ett 1 IcIt '")I'ullto ]).nrbour on Sattirday n'te' n POrýIiOI1 Of certain loti; for a t,,n alzal-U te 1 . a rosi 1 rernove, he r- 1W.). a'Uend report in necordauce with the 1l"Pr &ny c'roujustances, te ,%so Insirrefl 'tut' tL'rç" r-r'J "UtuLriled, 0 oivii ýgc"rvl(,Lt; yl*afi5 în tlle lluc)n, bilviL'M', os, hoard l'Zntort C. I-fets- 1"irst thon' ai, to, the Ilouck Blook Ilnended flaid Comnuttee aliail the by.law 17 of tho Nons dcrgon, bssrjî-et-.r. mr. ellarle Il Viy J;roposi rosolut'on recOfnllwftdinx decm advisable il, thi O> MItilu piirm ftlrt-'Jorence Of an %V01111Y 01j(ect, The fr ïl This inoting waj; deelsyed - Il, ýý On motion of Mr. i whieli lie ' ive Jollow IlIrre y Andemon tien tO fiell die north end the Pnrchaee Of Cald'ývt)ll*s proporty', 11 'B. Licke!,Iand Me olie of thillu afj IL LIlllister ha Agrec thaï; carried bult 'bw lie accepturl, 1 Witt 1 Mby Mr.ý Tweedie, ii otLý i 081lit-wa j3ati'l ilieir weil, GlIs of Mr. r g in Arfler or otlierwLqe, nitel the 'l a vote of the as IL ýlin,13ter (»f tlle Pr au Co, p1ý1chjýâp bal'n 'A 'Ulvûll DOtice ta, sjubmit tilts Caldwell an all', hi's" without I& Word % 1 iotuiimk6orýbremaplil)-ee to b] el rc Il huve the riglIt to conn.cil a-gain weinlalrivio it j people. Gentie. ffl their playing ljrlu(,,h cridit 1, in c.,,-Ofthe Blookut a 's te ronches ave bcûll Claulou , , a ilieulber of th, jj,. Toréilif) Who Il c1tureli nud-on, Ille saine roinpaily ef;[)Vtprl.,tn sillon tijoir ÏJr. Lang. thu dervien of -or %-.4ilth for %lie liali-on or miroite tu speak. ovainalon preffti-i-ed.livillFell enongli 1 Mr. 1torp oc- if il, be et-Ily Lime witbin two cOD- OPPOsite lots 24 1 Con!;Ultillg the people Caus_ UIL itarlo. ju 1 J 1)11udas streef., adjoillinr Tlint J. B. Bickell 1 il, -IT 1 invier nt Il "t Oi4y about Dion PgrliL&lllent forNos-Là Os a Ti (1 rjq'ý, Isu ltltin-rLiý, Of the Mcrchants' Benk The chairman raled him out of order, bAI be a cou, Itistheirown The old gentleuinu 11.&S bc-en a i;týwricJi Toi-outo pi-,Ijci-8 g-,v(. ing accouTiL Car Wheel (in. se strerlt nort1% of the Lnittee te Liberal in politici t bile ivai; sýûn iboiit iiine miter, tiff by's, thrangli te ti' Mr- Harper insisted that. inasnruch milke approaches the. Of' Lhe 0' a wille v.-ho tvat; on Ittliriay uif-ht and bas n(It tluil Jîlock Ist a prolit)yijonate rate pcr as the Adoption of the report had been clipoi3ite lot 81. betLr %vay of àetting out 111211 bas rducittbil hi,3 rions with J foot on Dantias Street Ui the rescinded, the wliole matter was now 'That John Tweedie uf the . . i1w ! thrc? t.itno:, it wfej-. fiiitoA brcis. huard of. Thore it; maucli nutinber (if - Opinions on Pliblie Ic rctont dficturna would bu, Pol 1 wliole a _e a conirisittec 1 -halls ltty,%ir,4. Eho aviii the ln.é;t beatili', on Frîý1:1V nfght 1 itplicty 0l the rqrL Qf Llle ftiùlldF, Of the feet tltkell 'Vit' tL"'nPJtl'P Witli the opened for further considerption and élay ilý,, men. un said gIrent thn wbol, ýle- recousiticgutiOu Oftlie whole iîub' union ývaI' Oslo Of thc L.loi:t .;O«Vgjll S ;.pi, in and prit an etid, to lier VajTIq!ý est $'5,000 ; 11) sillow Mr.Draner inoiisteil tilinn being bettrit. approncli -et whon the ju«Jon for t], agrrJeablu char'cici-. Mr. eitd Etli"iC-I.,ýiigs that, nic,;lt.- Tý,,j wo- cabie de_ eà Io taire alyny the I)tùl Hecomplâined that- the xneuibers for That J. 1 a eing es Lherefo. 011 of the luinutes id 'Id L Gordon are hftlè*aud active riglit Orthe tu -3. Inade nt the iiiýtnd ilaille wit-i Loai-ùig. froin London says thut bizoctiný, saine provise as to tilo e 0 dings, witil ilie North Ward antl Centre Wttrd to- day and B. F. (,atnl)bt L-it inceting 01 the Cousuca. thoîr adviinced yearsand notwitlifitali4j, A, l'or etht first mL,,tgo et the Queen'5 P i Wil gether appeared to ihe ore ce plotely tee tu liiiild a bridge ai '11se pro. coronei,*sjui-.v brouglit ili a vûrilict of rize to plirchabe the Whole block within two, the sonth . T ni Acrû 7utlings nt the last lueetilig, the former, iks in lits 78tli yeur lie Li I;till %V at Ilvilliblcdon has, been. . S. Warti people of the proaches tliei.p>to > 'te Witt lie dfiL, i;iiil.(Irr comploted, and ho assoýtéu, wero mot prepared to Kiiig strect in the Vill Àïn (0 any one Conversant witIs the rockoued OJ30 of thu fîr8t draugjlIj)l;ýY« thaï, aitiom4 the tiret (;o j./Ilo Ivere jjuali- Thon, as te the Post Office block . If tboniwlnd'a second town hall--and certainly That John Tweedie à ers in the DçjwiLliOll. I"PV,- JUOI, lnj Tsiv, J41,citym WOUI fied tu participate in the second 34-0 this be proferred 1 will ý;eII a sufficient a mot lie willing to, build a second gart bc a conimittee fi Ile» of the Ortler, were wholly irregu. rc are thjý of the üanta%-. niimber of feet oý Byron V-freet pAljair. town hall, pnrý - and simple on th r. and it Witt ho quite colupet roupected in this coiuniunity thau tj', ti, g the inayor'a ofâce, ranning 'wen e and make the approaï ont for atiný- colutoil tc,,, Tire eligag.-d fil cx- 1 tealn-,J.iiýiit. WhiLoinan, of Que- 11, Caldwell block. 'rn laird of Baybiaé, tu ývl'o" ant T. Mitchell, of Ontario a cross the two lotes, nt a Proportionate gentleimen thst thére %.ere r. E;Ojuu v Vrjinoi cle- Ier; Frivate And ho ma efl the the -15 con., opposite lot 'y luember or the noulicil ta Object te, .tteliayerr, Cotincil adjourneil t eir-adoption, and to move:fo lisged PartnOr of Ms joyéi and Furr(irrr-, we clille 40 415L flicy Ici-ý)%V ef tliti oe,!)t. J. P. ut, the Govern liste nés the quantity faken comparer, Ili gust, lit c'elock r a pro. or-(iotreral'a Foot Guards - Colour.Ser- witl, the whole block, en a bama of in the South %Vàrd Who wére, keëding wiïh continued hitlipinecs and ion-til C111l'a ci' botwoen Mr. Tiltru 1 1 9 ajor Gibson, mon, and who would digest this matter. ýr recondidersaon of the niatter. Iret el geailt Baillie, of Olit.%Iio , M , #3,000 for the whole ; the coiýpôràîsti011 If the suggestion were mot adopted vi, of tlayi;. anit '51r. Thn of both of ojjtario ; aild - Hanwelr. All the algo to have thp liglit t'O purchage the , business that Englauci never (ter, the Pmposigouà thon be brought for. partîvi; tu elYoct a abuvc are eLàtitled te a prize of £12 and wliole bIock at a valuation any time epelanotruegotflltehet.otwo wnn'llablul tnto'trllùei Thn OE;iiego Ti"wj ira, and each, put to the Vote ana la Witt bc Koeil LýV advortisaltient hl colliproinisc. tu wear the National Rifle Amci.itiob4s w'th'n two years- ýted witho-ut diâCU@fjiOU. -wé wore lt on fi whau sway.froui hom Dut obylng sowetg rosimting the ether culululusi, Jtéis, Il. Gerrie & Ce.. bisoges. Vail 'Was the QUIY te bc , ed to, the pub back the lîves of bel C. DRAPER. bock street, ho coula mot soe Wllftt was get are offezing note palier Titi; WEBOTEU SfeVIýxG who, gSn lie by 'the ex. ruintnarily sont te dent] and envelopes, got into the second stage Moved--liýv (i.y.sLnitli, that the CIAllae tnelubors, Auý of expori. at 100,3 Attention is directed, to tild adve p cond prou-ntj, thau, Toronto, rcis,. Inît'yeai. lu the Contest fur the ýuex. of the report ou sites for town hall ba 1 Onse- ne cOnde=Od it as an absurd. lier little bill ci Wholezaie prices. U Wcst- tiicy, au outrage in fact, te bnU a go ,Çd zneDlber8 of Vie councilo of the Ej2v6lopzs one dollar a ment (if this flrgt-c!aog ke aitélria the [ollowing half of thé Caldwell py Verty for the declarea that prizo liave boe uifuded by inserting thercin th ' wn hall on the Cala wéll "block, and thojii-Ïýnd she will get es oforddrj and tileirwaug or eqa- note 1)apor thoustivit, and viinglmacti7inc)- returaed winners:-Cal)t. L the Demoralization preva une dollara reaul. Strie ' IL ;s anytllit)i', of t1l". Capt. Macpherson ; Lie*UyttonÙ"'.- SUD2 Of 81,M. were thon P-sticinb-led pro. r te draw uy IL for Cash, illey îay. hiud, yct iritroauceci, anfl once jjoi i3 NaugliLoti-. Cobur Artillery. Ontario Mr. Ray argued that, th'e Caldwell férable. letter writer front Puert4 mitting it, luiduigently beforé Mie 7 PrfifFITCj Io nt! ý(1tjIQ8-k; jýZ ILL (yuce th'? Private JÏ!shvr, ýjiitario ; and Captain property was tee fur out of tbc way Mx. Blow repeaiedly callod b1ý. 'D'rà. tbat "en avaoilg tili 120il, but it id mot *Orth wwle; and 1 1 - 1 1 . -- 0 0 that in buîlding the firat town hall the, deà -thoes mAtterw gLulcgly-op@4 unteüAnteli blWdlng in part ed' t thatl Morgan, Qutebec. frorq the busineas part of thê'town ; per to oÃŽdetana, the latter ingiesti. people therc, je littlo at r'IXE Ar TUE BjLY,-A clelal)i(141idil best, (lis simplost alid thé étigiebt MOrk- w was in liWeet Order, was.,Vro- C-ToU, a show ý of ferainir MURDza ify ALuliArle.- Was the first znistake made, and lie for Ceeding with bis adireée, whon i4r. iuoaeety.,, The élîtnate ýi44=0*lveo in tU leiNJI& juist nérth of Mr. Foxlii, iv»ý, bllrne(j T«f-, or' P., July 13 ..... ýYeg;ier- 0 by MM nre Loo niueli for »cý ne was notgoing1c, follow, up ýtb# BIGw left the chair. 0 lier ; Front lay woruing %fre. Jobu iVoodtt, betoin« inakirig à similar e"orýýnow.- Mr. Draper bRviug taken 'hi, ýýî, dowmpli Tu" y ntglit. IL tiolongca, îtld Y0lÎý0 rýr0,etz;, Toreniè, 'reill be ing "sudileuly insansi shot lier hnébavd Mr. Ru -Mr. Blow resutned'thé, chair John Mitchell, tue 1: 'ffljý4. ý,Fournw and G.JolftiotL' Jiave« we belleve, to c4pt. Kenneily itn;l ivatz :r0und IL !1,)-,ise, an'l ilip ilew, nýIIi1e yet !Il bed, IdÃœiug Itiai imtantly. and nousiderod thst it would b throýj-' jfr. Ilarpu suggeatedtýA£ a tbO land from New Tok, ô, boom daly Installait in"tho; -"blb«o not insinied, The rire Company %vas pi*opriÏ e ký Ler, Mr. Geo, Drovn,.formerly of 13110,then witlin razof intijetoti a hairi- iug &*ay #1406 tù buâl--on the Ud- wholo of the procoe4ýgs vvere irre2ular the ýf, xitkMi-8 of J'Uded süd prompt in tùeding*oUt W1&Ji-.ý,thê Uüity -tlie'hèàd and noü of weJÀýb1ock eldla tlinv *Oàth«, but ébe le wiws, lûtû, ",üatàa-; itàà. South-westem cotmtier, of this ainong the nelv settlers, whose have,,been dcstroyed fdr two ma urgent appeals must bc ruade 'hem to-benevolenoe for conýRbu- 1 aid of the starving people 'Who miùs und@?-the homiestésd and ýtion lawi,,but Who have been to obtalu âubsiîîànýe ftom their ýocause of, the destitution osaud grasshopers. Contributions cf or 01,111lin-9 should, bc addremed eral R. R.--Èbley or to C , K. St'. Paul, - ProvifJons or their De0ded. My celobrated remedy har, lucre ý of real merit than azy ciber ion for Piles in exij;4nue; the [énce in ité favour je it - never »O'Ï ee fion thonsands .11 voueb for and serofula,, salt ÃŽlro -eu Ind .111 di...m of the skin. 401 notice.) reet of the greatest- triuinïph in can bc ouly transitoryï - wbüiit sigts in the gratification of id pernicions habite; and- à to subdue the pmsionz is the antés, of manteil vigor, &ni of a fitronk and longlived znan. we voi-y.explicit directions on accompauving Fellowg'.Ev- ýtes, for Sowever çoickly'a Il rùeover and appïoach tg- IIILt bealtli, lie must àbolish and Practices whieh indue ;e, and whieh may tend to J to the London TiMO8 sayzt, ts*are trying to drive away' màTondents by shooting them màny Germens have already froni their lines. nent bas been arrived at be- i and Japan with regard to of Fonmosa ; China payà the r the expedition, and kïaran- of foreigners, and Japau Un=gemeni lsud ýnto 'National ýed on ý emeâllm"i

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