Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1874, p. 2

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r, mj Z ýn llie ait P lit in contre - BO1üýI ît, Toron py , r g. cautraît to numrin f ovince. arc Y 0 rty op 6 t' Thi -three 'ti luotion.etit.-L. F*ùimnks J l"Inir, fffýp_ -and lying tm4l at that-i what bjgffl candidates n ture., as has aval the con' supple r. -eupp kiffèr, Jolin appeared, sud of the tmeteil, itud dame -Toronto Rani Fýiý fortune- ta bc' 6àîhpclL-d-tný a paaing Bi xile a co 1160. bécu our', crâne« 0 oàüië- -éf th the à -Ùltlý - a -succeeded i --ta" lu culth. 5 Th burdou'of Élie A'Caid--ai, Ti of tw_ýf Psý VP, Malcolui cameron was appointed chair, dailie-04 ý ind "of, lother Wly informed We give 1qjOw -,ýhe -nu- Sf the me- 4ýè;î 1 ma tho- J:fý * that sowý- schcolbuy, wril -Jae, 11, man. The following rçï,ý,)lutious werf. ý 1- canadien, pap=o, oekeýfUl AppIicAntàý and the ochool Ïkoul sbire' et the G Tc Coibaëf4»-Townài 01 Wilitby. pa"ed. to bls idii iý"àne of ovünjïiént surplus and ille best proufs -Which W hiiaàn et h C y èý beqùe#. Arotio soda w*tsÏ_ýJas, ',la, ,pu, ; , ý, came., lq4 L 110 asputc- ILd-U bayala II& Ireland hm lieeh -the- W, 'blo c!O. P. le4islation t the foër of Xe- -û Aillaud Dale. BrûôkIîn';ý Florence Annua ý4jôrt-SL Lawrence BaUL sooonded by Mr. willifLui Blair, -tbat IwLitby is a jà ý a' iJý Green, Ian8dowm Co. 'q bà given t Gerrie, He 8L $0bool; Jemi tu6I-omSm of thiu-provioion»l llâp-had a, fit of' h the wrongs or other years have beeti $ball ccusât of a Protiideut, Vice--pre6i eônoiliâtory 1 ana ùnpàïtàL,,--,,Man$ 01 nry n'a building à new towil -Boftr, froor c s) "Agents ý,h dent, Managing Director, Secretary au rd 6 et file time lie Nvrote"Perhtp lia -a nui and Trea5urer, Carrica, df cour-crig," (Nie r ýè1jüw15) ppreskve' moved and the partial and>:.o jima n a ]Mopp, e rH, cHnen St. schooli; ýËe ; watee h&&ýriOdvea -,a tionof former timea bas been re- st.., Sshool ZÀDi- >, fffý8 Ot," inducon Uovod hy Mr. P. W. Gien, -collded w:fl net pýtLr0uixc ut; Rem - St. School; B. C. >8 yron le te 1 "Cod4wëuýt _ýîîu'; Bî buâ- Nvith their lofty pudiatFd. Th by ]Erou. John Situýâou, Hon. Malcolm prescucil bacautie -,va bave Do hall, and ccume Of a0là e eftecte of thii improvea -Mowbray, No. 18 Pickering; Aunis, B. treet, ëf a quarkr-àcre jor #1 0 000, lie was tar ra Gaulorou be #F1081dent of this Board,' on ard bcoomingeore sud -, y>om, Mri, Caldwell, of itwcùld ONLY PER ANNUM. Fair pluyA Je far conuquently the toyn is liontia to more ViRible. its légiti Nourse, Henry SL School mima refererw go ta Smith, Henry St. Schoo ëd H mate influences aveu in ireland: The 1 Ana, p. frcý1 Mr. D=rr, of 100i6o f@et, «eo4a oui Jolin Simpsor, sec. wreok anil min. And mo ni. of ceneUries of miaralé and§ lot us Strickland, Maripoos; Carrie E. Tay.- ou the -,n»oith.*ëif ôornfw-of ýffio Hetý. if Ébat 1 lýbltbY, Thur8day, hly 1874. ov ;I , of conne, be loir, No 4; W B. Bunt- prerty for 41?5w. ý1, :requ=u 00 #a 4Y W. -Gleil, that ý Mr. John WiLh insuffarable êffronteyy ho puis -Y C>f oppression, canuct hitchurch; Tho& -the- Ramor Groeuwood bc Vice-pre ident or £CI lit the stakinent- 'ing, Duffine'- Creek; Alfr bat Goulmittëe $p recommend wactins si L-flaced iii a lew years, sud aveu presont; Rickie, How thi MOncY in ta bc L41d out_ this Board. -Cailied. Thore is searcely a 1 JGýUow citizen illti0o "'Il kindness cauriot remove Henry, St. School ; Ilobt. J. Howard, ed tiie pure" ai the Coulthard pro- why ý no The Further Duty of x0voil by ý Mr. J. H. Grifenwood, Who, will net Leur witnassto thisthat the bitter iaemoriea and unremnable derson. St. school; James Johnston, pertyat #9,M, sa they ilid., la thair werls, as the council. uconded by Mi, T. P. Whited'that Mr,, for the ]est ûît£-eii ycars tiié,4wu lins Henry Sb. School; D, J. Lake, Henry fint report, of pÇop, ght bas St. Solwol , Frank Masure, He«7 St. on motion Chanter D bfj Vana,4ng Dire * etor mml-e no substantial impro% former wrong.doing. nùt -Éand Ébe SolicOI X. W[160n. Eenry St. Mr. Ring, the oouùcû went into àt the natal pahever of thoTown of this BOZI-T',rýCarried ultituatoly itÏ desired effect' Coin- was to Ale of W, P-ay, secotLaea by town bu conneil, on Monday- ovouing, et loast b Mr. j. thio year. , Nota tôwn Iotý, iraproveil moderate kleh'OL moved Mr. C. Draper, secollided Vre exoel)twltat little, tas beau, doue prooforthijq is geon inilie mittee on the nport--3£r. Blow in tlieý - cording, à n,,,,d Ébat, Mr. B, bv, ne dowanfla uiade by the Iiiends'of Ira- chair. could sa; me little progrefs Wad' Lawder bu appointeil secrétary of w buildiligs, end but one or, ýtwo land, and the moillerate spirit in which DOGS Po us- opoken made in deuld. mx».-A -vory và>lusble Mr Ho ki Before you go ary lng upon the muelà vëlxed, and very -thls Board. Carriod. ufacturns starteil in fliat tinie. furLr wit9 tht re diA porson coming back in town - afier tbase demande are urged, "Bepeal of Nawfo=àMeý dog, ýb8lOng4 to, Mr. 'Port- of anoth much shirked à6ud dod#î4 question of Moved by bfr, C. Draper, seconded an absence of tel tlieýUttiou" and Iltbe #bsolute indepun* Casile, Fýx;, , et Port whitby, aud, ChAÙ=auý sud imembn&-,-Order; jet tion bad $110 dixpomal Of the'Oovernmont MODOY ýy me. Wm. Blair, iliat Mr. Thoinau thn Eaw(j 1 or 0' thère gaps Il, the publie dafice'of Ireland" are not now men- pýit ble teàd rekalirly-fint atio Vow'bunppointed Treasurer of iliLs etreets, the 14arlio wooden huila. tioued, 'filera old crie$ of O.Connel, prizeil hy itu ownoi, was remutlY ' POis- The report haviýg beau - resd and the of iti' UT coluing ta thé towm It w48 dccidO, Boird., Carriod. di filX ou thi Mircet corners, the sp.lue hy a vote 01-019fit ýO àt*, that t Uavatl liy Mr. T. J). Whitef sëeouaed lialve ccased ta liavo polver wherewith- oncd by pome unknown periou, Sud 'a firot clause moved for adoption- hors ot ti Vacant lote, t1lo mule pouli or rta - a1t tu conjure. d'Yourix, Irelandi$Wlgw nn bar of other canines <in, the locaty Mr. 14kins rose again. lie com- positi as n2onoy, together with thâ Watson bé.- -by Mr. F. W. alon, thRt the Ontario, 64 g Simitil ýO*BiLeu Or John Plainurtlât sUob boink à fnember ed wa nient water.9' Uiteliel under- bave aIgOý died'from thé Ïffecte of pùW heu quest, ab Bank be the Bankors,'à*Qr thi» Corpora- stood tho Word, Wh of the odmmiaft Ilà w never ùOnsult- Ould be applied te, the building tien, Carli4ti. And mo on. ethor 'moral!' or on. The miscreants, whoelver they are, ail en to conward of Of th ufw town hall, and fur no abc deail and Du Il ý "Pli. sicaV' ils one what was recom- au Ort 1 él Docs tlilstuan know aràything whai. seàýs richlÏ dooervetbe pynishment thst will mende& àad as, Moved by Bir, J. H.,perry, freconded to, dig up its rotting bancs. Tho for ý bis agreîling lie b-ýuxe. purpose. Of couru, the ihtention:be. ýy Ur. Wm. Blair, thst the preaide:nt" ever about ille town ? Every mati and "Penianiam" of not sa very long ago is bc meted ont t'a thèm, should they he. WholY, dismeed ýwith . the report. Mr. Ëi ing ta pro.vido tho Ù.00mtry Afflinulo. blesoli. 0, D>Opài, V. W. Gien, T. P. woruan that knolys nuytbing et 011 Ieo exploded au a tlsjn Thoy !Wi te thocgl#, gou ta mark- a part irai ýgnot suited for obole kiwwn. dation 1;ar a publié libràryjn compliam whits Sud J. h. oreeuwooll bu le coin. tila Prescrit day, imil. insteald of any ----------- litue nt the' wrong end. In the first thers, wg Mittec.to cary out aud do tho.work :C- abort Whi(býV, knowj that tue above with the tornis étthe boquest. A por. or ail of theae, we have "Rome Rule TUE Loire VAGATWX.-As vill bc plue, it was money ý ýhe wanted; it adoption gogo '#a of said columittee 1) iit moderate language and not unbé- usal or the report -of dis #rooçel club y the oth siqu'inclitie n? wil- of tile trubli al, Wit by advertisemeut in c4her 001=126, was. =Orley thAtý dia the bugiàeýos< 7 and in à bý-1c # ç au" of the Act of Incorporation. it lioi:,Sibly conid bc- made. Within coming attitude, inaisting that Irish nottalking. They had tèd, ne insini giveti et loue in Othtor columno, wIL4 Carried. Il 0 - ffil be elôsed, comm t ý appOU, ýa fifteen yc-ý&rïi Most of 111la substantiel loe ýl affairx should be lait to the local tha law OMO 0 imtown Y i tm to purchau the gromâd, -.bÛt 1% at we thinir, oculince mont of tue reaun. In thome golitlemtin wiù bd recoguiz. brie gemprit of Irishmen living in the during vaeation, eveýy da at three whore wafs t , olley ? t was as.ur k stores on the prino.'-p;d bnsiness n29'a" y ho m 1 the wol able and thluking portion, or the rate. ed 611 the qualificatiolla of w8alth, ex. st . tacts of the town ha-le bc n Lui it. country, familier with and alone inter- o'clock, excepting on Baturaayo,,when monsy that would buy it. They lm- fr9m -thé P#Yer4 thât the muJoritý hâd the weight Peiieaee,.enterprise, anct a ested in the matters whieli they ask ta, tby wil, no claitu upon the, Waison Money, and fuùdo'ot 1 ability Wcarry TI, fi,, buildfli of the Dom be eloud et one o'clock. ut argument on thoir aide, sud Ébat tlà out ta successfal coin inion Iln put nt theïr disposai, Thif swell of how did they know, they wlould, aver any aille pletion the project M'aroliont;o Las replacca the eld "Red former storms may SUR bc on the sur- A Ciwww -or GLour.-Naturéla dowry get it or nôt P A wil may les mode, only tryix dilipouition of the monoy ig tsr prefer. *ith which Ïliey havo their 1 f,,, of the Irisli Petial sea, but it ils Ut it was another 'th ng ta çot the TheWhol store"; ziust of Éliti br*ok graduitlly rocking itself to, rest, and to &U lier children is a fine bond of bair. Morley. - : able ta oînking it in the purchase of Di aimez, !ho project itself îs a great, cludinc, AilàVif statiopéryt campbell'a Itiu there je a Rings cannot give, lier wealth purchasie Mr. Ray stated disfinatly, ana ap-, subnùtted inii»atured debeutures, tlm paymélit of and a grilla nue, and te Le f(lentifled Glasgow Warellou2e, cID,,vn ta Richarý1- great ouirn,,pl.(.>vijed the policy of fair this inestimable glit. Take are of it, pealed ta Mr. King for corroboration, , Mr,, KL 'kvJlieb ban Already . iléon pýoviasd for. a hesltllfal thut Mr. Hopkins no& col with Proiboting it affords a splendid sona lianJsctuL b-,ick bleck iu whici, playandrigid even-ltanded justice bc lest you lose it, Bearine is agreed ta those whc Il, the, latior cite, the Morley wOuld be Opportunity for the excrciee of the bet affliercil ta ut ail, hazardif. y lire the GoltisrDith'd lutIl and Saundersi ilivigorating Dregsing. oveiy word. of the report, but said-I'Go people. 1 WhOllY lugt Oight of; itil effeet in reclus. business ability-we ware. goiug, in fact, boot and elsoe f-,,.ore, on the cnet ib There may bc rea,%ons of $cinq 1 lis- on, boys, 111 attend ta you."-Those breath, in itig taxation would' bel imperceptible. to gay ýLe ability of a state3man, as Rifle of Brurk st,-eet, hw/e ùsen bui!t B ility why the demande of the rame V;IioopiýxG Courx.-The most stilb- were his.words, and it was astonishing polle of th Iii a word, peuple *oüld never know well as the rt3rioitie6g ci the capi1aIiýýL tilent isj'ioald rint bc accedêd to. We boru cases of Whooping Couggh are ta heur Mr. Hopkins éo back on thom debonture withirahnt, On the i7eet be'ir, il vo there are sud Ébat there might now. But sa it eveî was in > this town. - sulting tj wliat beoame:of lit. lu dis, Other;ît Io Themeniber for South Outario, Non. siile, -More is Lbo LlIge eautle b-' ý lài-ulticig lu defluing the duiles and cured in a few days by pellowa' Syrup Just ai noual, we finit the rieh mon ôf them- that ýinfo ait immedistoly us"efui Mr. Camilion, bita cer.ýaiÀlly the eliau,--e --?y lSjic,'r Llcýl. c)f Mr right.q of the local rend Imperial powers. of Hypophosphition. The olà idole of the town keeping it back, talking about puy offth, foid ùecosaary purpose, one thât will tu brind, his large e stc-rý- aitli 13UL lhe dipeussion of Élie question, siid- this diseuse P.Iwzys runaing a protracted high taxes, ,a deterring people, if a petition Grwýt,,. Fsiit! L the cortic ard of the claim %porience te, bopr lit hor on, y -rthere the putt,-ug fÃ"]-%v for with le3o menus, with grenter enter- of buildiul ;1 wayi be, in more sanses . than nue, a forW&rjiàig a solieuie worthy any mam's in£ al coutrol over local affairs, can coude bat; olploded. is tile 0flrri,ý 1-kýck,4hi, wabeý,ýý1lti1tI lue, P" thau themsolven fimm goog for- Mr. Sm gttità4iîng mouume'ut, réplying of iWelf narue aud bezt gttteutfo:j, and w3 flouit, g crecie,.? fur tile ilover in themsrîves be îegaried as ward -and puahirig th town shea&. moved thc. the question-" What boosine of the not Ébat eva effort will Le rua la upoii town to, stand of buildine ry pres-1 nud pý,bi-jg lika trc.-won to the alli -Empire. Audicy 3abbath Sch-ool--A Correction. These mon wanted the 110rý it fil." To pay as his part to r9alizo the higli exliûctatiuns V f) raie snlýjcclî foi- discuiésion, not to still uutil th - arriment r by Mr. Yu!-; ÃŽ.Le Lrich fit.cré, cueapifýà P>itcppe,ýýi by the objection thut j* Tn the E(Zft&7 of the W7&itby Chroiticle. or lots in th ey glit ai the valuableeorn %Vc go, in' the maint position of the of those wlio liave faith in hint fitii Fre3- -ors - Srarvoi. càuctýil aYaetm thé, 14basib " and pointu cithe a town ta themselveo, and quest., bui by 11,3s . Cibsaa & à I - thon wa would, no doubt, hèar thom which lie i doing won. To Mont, Mr. Greenwood, ruay - of til lianléon, en Dundue strect, dizec!ly or indireItly to Élie ùismeraber- DSàr. slu say-Come on, boys 1" provided and keep of Whitby? is the rà7.tl!l 113 "eu thc adjoit-icg si yoi . G by Mr. Rlci ment of illa empire. In loulciug over the Gazette Ta' entSprising mou of the town amourit of pOrî%tiýjý ýîeeds ali the the right place, as Vice-predident, wil limés, the cor' pice wîth the town and we believo nt turc It is EL grievatice whieh is not Peculi- uf lut week, 1 salir a portion of a re. aboula net wait for men like bir, Rop. tion to ina Ul'elli-Y sud î'ré'èilt , A-t its coraînand, arif.1 we ara gare thAL h3 lvifl bring oicupied by Mr. M'.i-ý-,iý,ýeoii, ýrcrs ali put Lir to Irelata thut even sulit-Il intinicip- port of tha AuVey SaLbaili School, in kins ta go on; if they did the town hil: baud 0 ;, plie up wil.hin thIil tîwc spoken of. ai Piatters cauvot bc setiled with uf whicli it wAs stited-thae Anna MoLar- - 0 M ai hiii well would stand still [grever. As for tb r. C d, race shunta bu usai known energy to bAi.i- in doing Il pu t There i-s lj't,., 0.1 éýt ri%, bl*à oi ý0lllin9 ber0ru the Imperial P is- en had received the first prize, having taxes, the Old. grannies were always lanc-the 1 bitildingup the'lown. Tô mink the Of Mr. Draper, â!; 2%lauatnng Dfrecta.., bilildinzt:: put na ýty Col. tiie ninnt. But freland, finin îÎte local )c- recited 850 verses du i the year, fiarpiug upon that string. No town bave ampl, ring tuonby in the way Ettinu auti pit2t bistory reoiq the griIý-v- whicil would lBad people to believe W's worth a button that liad no taxes fer fire euF w stmit bekwi&r(lj;. or to stand gtill alto- bolirive, fittle exporienoe as Y,, Ir _t t.ý the týaý Propagea wolild be little iieed bc eaid. Ile bas Lad, lai aLý)-iiii 0ilialic) ýljýtitli blo2k. arfil Cannot sec IVI113' Ébat our selioul. was ebbing very low, ta pay. Whare yon imw a town with he tlicughÏ _Nj)Jýý ()ver f..cýýjs ýh., t of what is found pel'ilectl3e PraCtiCablO ffllâ aild in justice L car schoel 1 think il; ance cfecially, nnd we low t;xes; it was a sure thiug that there . either to tl getlitr.' It waii but placlug a check Elle. jetit if Ila brijl,, ave the wore no improvemnnts going on. illioli the euterprise of the town whon bueiues,; fo Leur ;ç:-.,:ý of the Domiuien e'thc , n Caiiadià aboul pitnati ut; tl:o îawe ,;týott Blocle bt. lau'e, block :n Perfectly safé J il be tuy duty as Superitteudent tu Il Mr. Ejng said it was wèll knoveu te town, and -r f 0 kwpossible or sa dangeroU9 in full repurt priiited, wliich is u fallowi; r to Id be put fýrtIi to chargiug hifi uffie?ài tititie!i, thaf lie iu.Jýs- -%,.-Iiieh oU thj Brtish Islands as raltuy see-M to TITY. AUDLFY S. S., ENDISI Mr. Hopkins thût it was not intended fer within i ()là&, -Ivery effort shou ;-'i Ba!-.',- aud tLý_- oi Meij.qrs. Hi iiie it. %Vhy should paltry to go on with the town liait until they able. He go alioad. The ex enditure of the known te posgesa at; u brý::iJî_,ps innn, lsi, 1874. wkre quite assured. of the Watson that bc uroi money wil, riuake Mt)UOY-Will brwg in Vie part of the work- enfui 0 L r tho Falicti ni,17, oÈ, a fer, ndays; 2nd, p and Priogie. flific ure £1lu il ur,.,4tir-,n about ýiic location of fi lÂceif or l'or atteadanS-IbL, Mâtrv A. Plick- moncy. He asked the inayor ta titate, the taxes. I.ittCd tC hiS illîlding4 pslt Up 1)y t:l.e, latti :>Ir. ti -!e. 0 lInt1riu, 52 Su for the information of Mr. Hopkins, bankss am revenue. Aud not ouly Ébat, but it enre coula Le iii au L"ter MZ. rane, now oth. ý.J il, Thoiuus Puchrin, 51 whother Élite Watson liequeut could be 8upportilla will aloc èkop à present leak tu the town Li-,wdei- is leruýùra7iiutitiy wý:1 titt <1 'or abd ýjr,. jetitw;iii.ý,% auc. varioulî Si, Stulli'àeus auil rettied relied upon, aud wben it was likely ta ware bc aftel more euprSce thau Élie treasaiy by saving the rent of a Division bis poý,t. Of that- -v;tj Làv,ý iiiideniable f ij:IILLCý.ts Ga flie , Urâl2i. fin - Total uulouut ïecited Ly clasii, 3 968, The Mayor re lied thnt there was no Kù1gý in Pr, Court adieu, fire (.-Ugine building, &0. personaljiý-ýt-,%ý,!udga. '%«Ollt-tjt,-ý-Jýortiie çon.-, C ai thil.; dis;tunce, 'and witil p is wortli ? Thc-re may bc 0 tained whicli hala The dif#çulty now wiH bc te decide kind rvuld have -i;cuv.rt:-d t1je TiiL-f-ýý a- -ý, 10.0 Donc)-e.L!-'s car- 1 Our Canad-,n:-t 0îlle-ýienca, wO cal' lst, Mary ýUU Puckriu, 1,8rét, inantier of iloub wlitttever Lut t lipun à site. Aud liere, unfortuaaflely, of a better man u.,- tory, pluluill,, fUcý Feo tieir roftRon'il)l nez;f; nor of October; Ébat the estate ivas ample, He would t' e 2nd, Martin Maillil, 1,510, monoy wouJd bu forthooming by the Ist %vere talii;i ihe i grcatly feil tboir forve, AII this. how- Second Class Cirls- ix where all théoold local contention The other genfleuieil a6me;%ted with ?'e hi ovnr, ia fur peilpIp on thé oLlier &!do to Total-amount recited by clade, 2,942, taly -.f"Ïpl j, niber preu ,dthatthotown wonla raceive it if proper time ulild tieldoliueuti cornés- in. Thore is no theni tire all-frow el. yarwood, sýttLe fi-,r thamsfilvca, and in much o. %vaY 1,it, Mary F. Walters. 1,224, were in a position fo comply with the 1 Mr Fu 111 laek of suitable sites. But overy mien dowuwui-ls-(VfthOUt PrC,'ÊU:Ilittg (0 SUY th') aai 4ýn1U;,r;Ld, gLe Af7 (,onfributil to the prosperity Una i l'hillis Bell, ie 6 Of C0111par. f. 1,21() terme of the bequert. arlid wantb Ébat in which Il ifi Illinself par. that thore are anly degrait 0 011 1Jpý!4L if Third Clasq Girls- Surelv, Raid Ur- Xing. if this is the uclýls; that ticillarl iliteresteil chosen. Ourtown isou 1 , - ý Total aironut rtoiteél by clazs, 859, un'y 0 .!Or' f il. iý-ol,ý in dijl, Iloruf, lýule avitation is, blection Mr. Hopkins liai!-as to Pr-pe' cour ;y -ut al]) gentlemen rf tiic Liglicst Ilz)t tl,; %-erv b-Ht the :- Iýý, Élie moncy-tho mayor'g explarfation falluwed up rf,'adero will be ablu tf) judge of Élie character, Loth public fin 1 if, 2 ïï on, the whole'sc ar we ýa% Ii mai-1, the moderation of tone jet, ý4ýnua Metween. 804, fflit ta satisf hilli. aud Lfý ýi4e ;:"ily 't'y , ý:1d liv trýicli it ÃŽ' churacterized, rnd the mVritffýOf the sevel'al sites placeil in of the befÀ business cap tcity, -lfi th vu., nt; C(*>ICI.,,,,Lraé;%,p rraronablerlessof the ob- ud, Mary 13cll,' Mr. Fairbaje, in aineudment to the - Mr. ffity competitioli, and on the wraurrie Over haluls we bulict'a tile Ontario (ir First clali.; Boys- fret clause of the report, moved Ébat necessity fin %VIi1.;,ýy jf ('U; if is by olitf4a, 2,057, *111ait ille romrntttuc;ti-otio, letiving the io safu. ehould thora lie anv fiti'.111.e, ii, 7ntst be un at a ýotaT1ainouut reeWel 1 the sum to bu dorived from t' lie Muni. pay tig a del 't'o'rt Pr R).):t ]y rnp*-ci rate, and ils 768, cipal Loan U'ù',ýct'tléJ. Wo under. will iiot bc frein iveut ô ÃŽ capzcity, but, sliolle fi1ý-I 'iUraollil Univ reasonab- 2nil, Win. Walters, 1 woula follou 18 0 -in, fuad bc applied Ta the pay- ing tu ail thl 6tand that otlieir equally sititubic loca. nz . ; 315. ment of tic sellool debentures, anil laok of carne,-L,,cp.,i lu Ille ,vork. ]y Pillý, 110J)e flin., ý.L 'un di-citant Secoud cl;,.gb Boys- that ail actiou in reference to the Wat- that a inarb' ligne have since beau offèred, and upon (Illv i. 'Nijl 130 to Ilritaiti a tower of Total amourit reciteil by claies, 776, son bequest bc loft in abeyallec until for thu whol, ruc.[.' tho eysu ut a-, - j let, si.-nou rucliriu, 292, the money is eired. to bc to plao iitre-l'-til, cf ivraklies,4, and rec much morc reasonable and Éfitter terme. ST. rAý1flrClp'ý1, tlie !;"7 . ôf ii :Iat Il , 'Mi-. King condamnait tlie amenduient the 0ild Feli .11 i.. 1J(ý i, 1 , ai U à ni They will ailso lie brouglit forwaril st -3Ve owe an tu the -ýJnt1cl'1ÉlM ; 1 as most unwise. The town, ho -",ici, if there harl Élie next meeting. The- Cheapést and of ibis Socicty for a 1 nxight Cale that t1hid oditor of Élie pr,ý,.,tiea1îy mrrc -lit(] nicre Total Uwýt Yt!citc(! k-y wa8 now in a fair way of gel ting wliat built, therc -ç the BeAt arc the Only two words by Dot notieing their ].,lie fimial ,,at:i.ýrinr, was Bo much needed, a tum, hall, a agaiast the il ali f Giizeite wan preserit lit the anniversary, mattcr Ébat Was of (Cheers auti whîch ruemberx of the council should It %var, ve ara very uiucli pi,:are!d Lo 1 11 ty, and tu postpone that immeiliatis Dr. Canot ,jeed ai d. 1 thitik-, he-affl the report reuil, bu bc gilicleil in tliýir (leciaioil, These are luitru, ouu of tbà wc)ëit Puccef;,Irtll t-.v-rlt" fil-l% L:10 prenLt t'y t!jn.,, "'B attention heuulit in order to pay off debitntureti the atneu(]!ui t)ieonlyconsideriétiohs by whicli the of the kini LI)ftt has tallez, pince In Irish ellould bo inguencetl;,ýWil 1 the conscript the way of a socis-1 aqretublyiu Wjiitby 1 .3cfi, alonc, havc der, î'1411 ', '-" 1 wux witli "me of the fair «e:z that hua twenty years to rua, and &- Caldrlell lia rjc;"-,Gl if thG-,C arc Lai!y 1 tliat causpil ilini to Make moli a Llun- portion of the bardon of whielà shonld positively hai 111l"Il ilà c.ýUî 1. ý1U tbo a Fathers of thé -tWn of Whitiyy provo fur a long time. IL wotild be now ta Yonn. truly, l,- Ç'r ( properly bc borne by the future tax- This shewed thomsolues to the ocoalziou,, and somewliat ton late-ill fa(,t -the da.Y ti'18 ILLI-ý,lld0à,; RAU Lti!iýiLi, ýL payers o f the tdwn, waa a m . onstrous as lie was lai lu placing tholi public duty before ait -after the fafr-etiiillouLy after- tii pimi,- JAt3. 131. 'ÀýIADIL ip-' -.W-:To-byilltôorpi aa Northm -, Ç' I -, 1 iié, Ttw fpljo,ý- -1 - j Tpporý,-wài Ihý -,77 Dirèctffl bave pleinre in pri- OÙ their first an ý__:reIport to liold«a of tu im, Bank. Bank wag Oreuàüd oý illé lah Mt PObruarlrj'=d' Opened ita houde for businesà ýOn - thé--, 'favom... rr xw t= thé eZ ho of ýtwgjdncti with a Mun, araonnt of Capital, , Owing to the gtîiFgine.ý, inth, lis monoY'market since it& 1-noep M, yet it. tic it hàà dons & fair amôunt of . business,. as exhibited ýy.. the, following state- l!e ment:- Éïn, ce th' e. oi«. iug Of the Bank, sud- 'ing Wth , Jans, 1874,. aiter dedacting working ho 'B'LPRns0d, intefflt ý»- in imed "d jo per cenL reduction, on -Ëi"linùn. Do 'Sry oxfflsu... Piretdividend paid 2adJan 874 ... 01'2,9ffl 67 ýden& $id 2 n d YCY 1874 ....... .... 12,858 60 L tg ïd $25,763 27 .87,873 26 Liabilitics. lt, Notcs in cirenlation" ... **«' #868,252 Oq Deposits payable on de- t& InaDd .......... - ........ ...... Ï154,718'55 re Deposits payeble atter no- L& tiec ........... - ...... ......... 102,959 20 SI- deveinments depoaita pay able aftei notice ......... 5û»0ûûý 00 Duc to brancZm and agents 8,14267 Un'olainud. dividend ....... . 622 09 Dividond No. ýý. payable 2nd July, 1874ý ............ 12,858 60 Total Iiiibiliiied ýO the j public .................. ...... $897,468 il Capital (onbmüed $7ý60,- 000) paid up ...... . ...... .. $426.180 73 ........... 2,202 81 TOn Aber cent mterest on - èý= &ry exponses... 2,NO 00 s Cain-ed to balanci of pro- fit and loge accotint ...... Y,573 02 ai r Gold aUdý cuver coin -on hand ...... U e30,485 ici ers ......... "*«**" ' .......... 141,58800 Notes and cheques of . other banks ......... - ...... ý- 75,562 55 Due by other banks ...... l5t686 2& Assets in=eRately avail- able ................... ....... Notes and bills, dàýèàunted, curient .... .......... q1,6151M 75 Notes ùmd ýjïîïucounted - fo oorporations ............ 25.Ã"W 00 Notes and bills disconnted overdue and not spécial- ly seared ................ -11,00000 Proliminary expenses anâ bank furnitaie ............ 20,79266 81,835,164 81 K. Yý, L0CKR,ý RT, - FourDircetclis havé apenad.elovgu agcuci0seight Ofthese are at points wheretherisareno other beukofficoo, andbythestoek taken andthe depo- SUS received, and circulatimm given, have been a great source of àkûU9th to the hesd grâce. The Usual inspection of the effices, has been made and proved satidactory. In conclusion, your Directors- have tg titate that the Cashierg Mmagerà and Agenta, and'other officero of the Bank, havé discharged their drities wM zeai -and fidelity, M of wwlch is respectrully submit. prè'. 1 ý - - _- - --UMMN$161- 1 ao 1 gratifyilig to the rý rIr tý 1 jjýw pý,, le iruyg. ualn-.t,.vIi i i ituc caaisi LOI ;i evvernor, thattbeviwi2aultwoafya suitable publie -haï, "0 il business. ra cn.1 diuuOy W-1,8 86l'veil Le 900d attend trade au Ise M tilt fripnds of thaefustittition, tiow 80 rapffl- crip!iau of 5.1W 4 1 12g 1,11at flic S JIO rr.- ti.ri ofrierý.. afterwliichatldresse.4wero Mr. O'Donovan said they bad board f,9,001) wag flig.: ,,,, lo3s wll, sulq C good deal ibout a town hall and mar- On this it îa: ered by tilA RevE. Messrs. wade, Goff, ket. They had donc withont tirent for urbwing ' with popular favor. W, 0 froin, t1i,10 sud Gcprge, and the Hon. M. tlirect attention toit in other -OOIUamd. u c J. H--la Purry, P. 0. RoborF ing in the '%om time and lie thought tlii3y cotilit ýIr. to ro,*'I;ii,, flain -bitir. The proceedings; Cameron, Elder Tatton bc do witbout thella for rouie time longer. oulthard's loi, 'Wu rinderatand thât a briuelà is about The Race3 L-allt WeCk. f, . G. ; ichn V. 0. ; J. C %vers brouglit If flie bail got sufficient froin the Gov- a speculatiozi ir te-ia Lo'r'n in 1'. S. J.A. Parki-r, -P. S. te ri, cloNe by a st)-awberry The Races ut Darrié, andt Hauliitcu G. of théi St. Lawrence appeur te bo appre.' lait WtOk LttrLý,-téil CX'O%%JB te t!kvî%ý2 t-leo," ,,Yp4ýIrt tu 1ý0 1 Tlm churcù fs te be a fine- brich build. ernment te build' lie 'voilld bo 6&tisfied of it' l'étitig Opened lit ofihaw,%. fihe onicero TT, J3. laylor, 1'. Sr-yr,.iiiel lialwer, IV, iig- 80 x 50, wiýh 'a lofty tower and they would require ton .. fift.on thous_ lvaor of Caldwe festivaL te do so ; but as. they did Dot, and eg Mr. snifth n 'j'ilin Tt. B, t an, C'. ', j". pier4on, 1. >âc, ait([ will be'ancther viistoil ad the riglit, men In the right plàc(,E. Both werc Th j 1 lar li.j!;, 0. G. ; Chw.. T2ýVlOrq tilt tovn. ornanient te and dollarti additional taxes, lie thouglit Dr. Carson e pidgo.aud Wu have no doubt thst cadcr thùugll be;ug habl lit th,- 107, o N'. G. Gý0. L. S. N. G. ; 'ug ou, and el it would ba botter te whit awkile. Lfýi tbe :i Mount of csrýîùl tuana ement the Bauk eavh injut htvo uo, j (j tý R. fi. Tillotrias ýUý-FYEOTti TEMBLY liUUItICAs4L' tlicin apply the niouey now te pay go: èOntinuelu noutioli and prompt.r. from the eue? tornadu on satin-djy . 0 4otracted off tho sioýts, andin live years or 60 leit haël alreadv eFA Or ti)ý,, utiter. ThM hý0;- thefk. if"- of.- bljw twenty-threil fraiglit eLrg they would bc able te do better, Bc+,. a;j(j nov. t1jgt '6f muron ltltd O.Uebec RAilway, , , P ' i.4 el Cippoaticit l' j.;ý ýj- S. Rov(i. A. 1). from the ùIlek or ille penusylvallit. b9r to apply the monoy te juanutacturês. causo fliere garded ad t1ic iuuà;t Litý:ccueftll tij I.-iu Mr. sev'.t. b-, a trip-01., GLA, cy T)r. (-'::1-.!Ou, surgeon. Crulitral tie.-r Lewiatown, Pg. They would have the Odd polio h&jl "Ir johui povler, l'lie illaerntignbla yet favoreil that hau ri j A bri Ige over the Juniata River ttimn fluished scion, ùnù it would ws Mr. Smith, Pi )S s1c votie. liolled J. H. PelrY 1tnu "ciltu A. Pai-kcr t f kdling Peven men aul enougli for the ritflWay Man, le a$ piesoùt In -this Io' managed courfie. At H-11LIiIL-pn t7r, a S Uý (unding i rrosent, and unde $1,500 art(' ficce i ty, Urgjug the welicirie 0 - cal. Qtitcii'i, Plate %vril; wv*,,i Irýr* J' n(IUPI SCOT r. Ji V,'CrO iteprriranltbLtivp;t. f 1 ý cil e0jjsý-jj 'ive others very ciroumstances le WOUI(l support thc Caldw the Hnron n ";t?" 'J ; II ' ý-r - - awl -01Y uniendraent. The Uayor %1 Il Air, uý;l-l vor:, i addrest5es b;49rt wjdý Qw.,bou Railway. Under tlle -ri-J tire cailediati Dý j,ý,y tcý-cuiiiiýr .... ...... LI 1 30. Ly î!cz; CjYiecri;, Cuý r(Airhig X. A"; U.I;DIITIFfJt DAVGUTEU. - HER Mr. Ilarper z;aid that gentlemon titik- (ýeg2o in this 1 was won by lviv ......... . ... .. ýë JA ed eoi groupinu obsuse of the Company"à &Ob, onbrat'?; Hilltf-,& Penzel Nortil ......... j. ïr. P'l ry, Es.q., cytoUd,:,l FALT11211 AND BUTDEP, aS if the ruoucy coming froin the he wants to greilp thé 8110T WHILF SU£ was ai;tcitisl Monicipalitius Of 213à.; IVIndetoite, artl. Out -(,t, die MAI14gfiý.,Il .......... èl In il Goverument was Prescutly available.- of the couneil b, Otihawa, Whitby, the townships of large nuniber ut 27 < ut) tô tire bretljren of Eask-rn BD."k; AWAY wiin «P Lovou.-Cinein- nati, july 5.-At Riploy, 0., labt night, He calleil attention te Mr.-Cayley'& cir. fitar Loilge iu ;ýuuoulpal)y the GrAilil cular te show that soins for 61,500-a wi aitrie* Ouly liv. éý;i1 (t,91 John Cotifett - ahd his son Taylor were tinte Inust elsp conSiderable aeserted, and wi )Vhitby, East Whitby, Sind Pickering ti3rtOd- The time recorded îs II, caïring, ' e L') jjiý1 filité reuidance, fi beforle the money hositat ttillIC)rê, El, ; ulV LI-, el" iviiero hù ehot, and tire latter killled by Charlefs sO ion, when would bc got. te, te jÃœmp dowL from which ho proposes tu get a b nus- r-etiitriýirig Offleer c1wiré tac lýc,!! 1iad jirqittrod a eurtiptnous cýu'iorilaiu- Levislier. Ile was visiting Coslett's '£lie mayor, lie appealed te, said fur the' salue Pi IICCixk4,,,4 .1 th bc ic I)eiorc noui), Laviir; a Lrif rrhe iuvitaý,,4On was ;.Cueptej danghter azainst Ler futher'a wishes; ing of 8150,0w, ghicg stations et DaMula eý 1 .10 JIUUI." ation enoued in Cozlett's bouse, plied for, under the provisions of the doing, the public alwal Potiti p,.,,i-ty ùjijvyc.a il au altere e money could Sot whenover ap. coWa bot com, Crook. Whitby ttnd, Ooh DoLuiuiou Day j7aj; in rývvjy li; 1 y one Vuiva may and ende-il in Leviblier shooting him in A't arti in circulation fur a upèOial là6eting Succoss, and 4 niost Agrc*qtblo ri.-.45 tO ne, «vould net g. 0 t e bout. the thigh. Leýigher lied, eceý.n;panied ùr. fLay taunted goule inembers wibli in Th fa oudunco Was V was in favor of ft Of the COtluty Coulicil for, tho purposé Dry by Coslett's daughter, wheii they met alway5 findiuËr fault anà biinging for- the ilopuby repve Of subluitilak a by-làw. We have no Amon,,Ut those w'Lo homoreil tLie or". or lvhit- . ' e, %loubt bât thât the ne dOn with théir d 9 Teylür Coalett M another brother iii ward quibbles and teclicicalities %vben Fhould zise, reli, . pres,11ice wure 1-1rin, bi. T; L of ýjv. la, 1. 0. 0. rî,, th" titrect, wilo par ued the pair cesdi«Y autaber Of to they had nothing elso te go baclc Upon. lea%-In tu sif aimil, litimes ýwi1 and .1lisa cameren. 'a the:- !-xl-41 locir. 4-ý»I FrWay ne despispil such à pÉtry course. Did further iiifc)r"Mat b* bbtaluid t'O Sfvérai of tho 1 th firff a ;;rl . in orry, as- 0 affray at Ironie. Levislier %peoial moetilig 61 the Ceaucil and thaï; leadini; 94,Lltlèm,.,n of the ýîis purenerp, 6triking Taylor in le ab- they Menti. binsincos ? If they did, le'. wasnilling te do ât nnty %Vuro aL40 notic, .41, Co 1 J '1éý ejj a a i them dispose of tire question like busi- parea te ko où É, W 141 bc liubtutited. etkb4o alioilfyilt sistf(l j!Y D. D. G. ML Parkte, inst-nlléid 1- (10illez. cauking ilortth in one bout. ness mou en fts merita. ti ni and bc waA i du throill, (100a ulusie F b 'd; t& ;ug offirera for thu prztient c Wu c.j2'r'aged "ujt4ýt. 1 AIr. Swiny4rà reports that the Prince Mr. Draper stated'that there wcmld ana ready to pli l'Dy, DOMMON TAý?M'.-Six ne And ilsileinf" --nd atwtic callli-fl were folql_ýtllip Dilà vb-t>ii itllon 1 f ho to getting the Gov. that w1thoUé-1ý 41od w wires iudufged i6 witil hearty ýcr1u '. Edwari 1riýuâ %il-vay Wili net bc in no ilifilmIty as and six notki of lian4loozne new Inotru. , 1 1 f 41 1 Il Uncil subterfuge. But wil, ou -ty lz3t, wai L'Yti 'p> t. jarcil A Jamit, C. P. à condition te be handrd over by the arliment mOneY, Bo 006n 88 the CO Monts have been plàce(j in the -èrbitby thrOUghOUtý the beaul.ifui I,-icu-an(ig of »Jity Ofý45- ' ÂZ112.11 pre- -jOb,ý) xillir, H. P. Loeal Goveruuieut ti; the Dùm*,-tiou LM dediared the lbsulu!r Of its 2Pe-aprm, pared to do thie, ýe ( V .1, al-wit a;q rena!!, we an3 teH. ýr q Gporpýo Blake, S. Auu,3.8 crove. Thcýu waj ftý Séptember. .1t was te have been band- tien. He advised caution, and was net go inte the purchi office, whicli le no 'la vory complote ut V. Fi)èj.*ical ("teol-ge Hoyle, J. W: eil Over on %Veùnesday last. in favor jàmolf of encreasing the bur- t.Itionsatifi- dollarm, Alld Officièce, wurking Otilor.- 1110,oSn. c*. À, cat-ion, Serile. den of taxatica aPpealiag ta sortie tw,-nty thi An awkward situation was causeil lu PUDY'have now thrae fflla by a w1litby lAdy by thA 'ri-cr.u. the SUch was the s t UPOI3 it aft.-rw*arj wirce , où the Ji. Taylori London Ont., làst Thursday. There ro-tlplyoý, th, municipal ,,, Pi-ri, -w Njcgston rond te Montreâ! ;' illiajority (if sw OVýjr licr ()i4aw,4 Co were no agents inittructed, te i«ue mar- intention the, as there-no enq,ý two, V ;a , in- f! sanction of the ratepayero shon'd , POt'tOr, The &,fi&' ri ive ure rleasc(j tri ir- tilf,. h Id i bebides the branob from E1ýe2G0L P.C- riage licenus ýunder the now law, t 11, 10 learu, realizod alewar a of Wij f,ý bc obtained to the matink a debt. Ta linullstuitptultltne 9 t *ai onijal inclined individu. P tbit the money obéclil bc applied WhiÏbYtO Lind4àY. The Dominion the inudg; of th IÙW'19 »pidly gtining in 0 ne w presbytery, dc, Dg au »ýcjÙut of tbis als were compellêd te postpoue the fui- "Y w sho to the bui:diug of a town hall and for tdut, ;2e!ýtbave pnblic favpr, ýUtýlo*clock. rel, g gC04 ile < i'-iltful g-z'.hexiq- bai u1iJjýâ t6 fçach fillinent.of theirhopes sine die, no, other purpase" IWSO t0king the mâfý for thât purpose 1 &M ýrW'eOntInuA te do se while th- fy? Mie POOM9 Whieh took thé pri t Bal- Id The lu7orninq Éost says thaï; the -fer out of the bands Of the ratepfi'yon cient., oj ,4 tlie IiiRb 001»Ol Aacric: 80DA W inx Ylpon inch FzYfpý ý,î1l appear :rZ te Hé:* Ur, .0-nie war', we arc t< ary of Iffr, Sergeàut fvrh bas beeu without consulting their wisheâ, The al][Movecnts Ï&PPM gwï#smu -Aext weeki 41W th 881.i hering indeed ere teil -Ils _qucstýon of is town l" and muklet bad -vond it. ]ff tlný vol, 444, qýà*wg a,ý,fa=IA fXý= tk dl MIIIC in the United States, aith'oi-gh it ad not exteÃœded itself to Any oonsid. rable degree in this couný neverthe. 3sa touded to enfiaonce the- difficultis rhich, the promoterg of bsukil bad to neoilliter at the putset to >get the=- 'to poil working order. It gave him iuck pleasure that one portion of the ,port rêlating to the number of ranz officei -opened thrâcghout the MntrY, had not bffl objected to, -and 0 find thst they were a wSoe of rength rather thau véaknoaq. In Oclusion ho thanked thm prosent for *àng him the bonour or oceupying the à1r. The resollution waa the], unfiain'ouf'. carried. asim aloo the following: NOved by Ron. D. Reesor, &oconded Mr. S. James- TlIat the following added to the existing by.law, rthe Sk ý **Tbat, the remùn'eraï-ion to be owcd to the %siddnt-and Directors aerlül(;eë wLaIl be the sura of Mper ànnuLn, this amonnt to, be ýeàftýr iiàîd' out 01 the profiw Of the titutiOu,ý "ft distributed amonget the Dhutors, mi such a ýnDèî, aid in imèh Proportion an the ira May, reL.Olvé"frîra lime to timé." ýh13 OamO gOntleineu also moved thst > ýum ' 01 #BOW be Zlaced to the Nt Of the Board for e ren'umem- 1 Of the PrèSident ana Directors for W P&St services that such sum May 'd proportinataly divmed -amongst M as the Board at their noxt meet- inuy determine. carried. PhO Prosident then remmed th. Wf and thanked, the meeting for the lation passe(l in bis favour ana Ised, his 1 Il - 9 ex- p easure at thé large num of sharabolders presenL ho gerutibe ýwinjz as 0 gentfointeà 'gave the thers ap mon el«Ud &à ýctors for the ensuing year;,W. F_ 'n, J- COwan, CaPtain Thomas Dik - Flteh, Ron. T.' N. Gâbo, 1, leson and A. Thornton Todâ. .r. J.C. Fitoh was elecw proiBidëüt. Mr. John ýCowau Vice-preaident. la muting therti*elosel le fouy of allowing bm-lto-" play firearms wu amply fflustriiffl re. OMiÃœg.éýL ý'A , lAd, 11:0t, diJnot ,go off immedistely, fflr, I»wm-the- Mfflýý ý e-J

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