.e, e Grand Jury woid not for a i~st b. unrlirood ag- iwic#g#o, 8 th4E thcY wer'e E P~T LeJl. *N P*4*1iit B1o#R 0111? o ir number R1?4DILY SPeé Noice- mae. is ay wothird. f 4hefd.. Debu$~.. fo tane..ta the top, of itkïwal, and oouid- Debettiri fo Ontrio. BBÂDIL Y AND EASIL Y hae #cab l)onùiýfpnPDe-Sb. £pr.-w'so lnwch. Suah if. the.surprising annoutneexent Tabe-..ofam.gtit, Àf A&qOCiatOn. nmade l inehPresent 'n fti.On 7ryprtelin other olumni, and slgad" BLPU iJUIEIeForemnan" ~t~ ti~ ~fru ite. lWho ever for a moment drelitax t e lad a Grand Jury:cf gaol. breakers ini ONLY 81 50 -PER &NNUM. Ou 'not'in thiupeea.ael aw-aoidnng --------- o0nty of Ontaio? Tii.only safety je. Whithy, Thursay, lURO 18, 1874. ýhathey are neot ail d-eeperiâs" et the. wlck.d work. W. have 11at eonsolingi -------- statement from the .éforemilny ,But,1 Whltby and Port Porry Extension Who--whjch in, tint dangerons"I ONE,, Railway Mdeting.. of the number who 80oIlreadily" nmode Tii, anzioutieement.nmade in these his way up two-thirds cf the. wail, and1 cunnlatweek-« meetings te- ie who eonid, "soeAD>u.Y ANDUc» &infvhave1 held at'Little Britali, Oakwood, &o.. iiou1ted the. top-sihad he'been se dis. was , r<ther premature.., No 'iefinite posed"'? H.e ertainly requires l'ooking tine han yet beeon fixtid upon for the. after. Tii. watehful eye of the. high1 puIrpose. Ait We con at preffent uay in Constable should b.ctienstantiy kept6 thaIt the meetings* will lie held shortîy "Pon the movemeuts cf tltat agile Graud1 and thaï; their due anIncwicement wiil Juryman. Tiie publie safety demandau appariu seaseijable time in -ties, col. it. Mr. Haruden, pthe proper dis.M unins. Meautime, WC would asuggest, charge cf hie duty t~his Queen and as 3we have herotofore don., that the country, siiouid have presented tbat'o leading gentlemen of lthe frent-especi. jurynan'a nome. And the. County At.- lly those Qf Whitby and Oshiawa, boti torney cuglit te have taken action In a of which townus are se deepiy concerned the. motter et, once, and fe).t it bis P: ehsIould.conujit togetie'r and settie dntY telhiv the deings cf this moleru r upen e united plan of action. Jack ShepQard brouglit before- the notice cf the Court. It could hiardiyG Mission frcm, the Irish Agrçultura lih. within the. bounds cf credibility di Labourera' Union. that; Mr. Ralpli Harndcu has edded Irihpapers7e id by th. asmail thetudy of gao l-breaing te hi i 'o ii ftht appintinent cf lirmany other seccopihPls adta Peter O'Leary na a delegate ý"Mem he Was tht performer upon the ce- or Irish Agrctlturai Labourera' Union te caxien11? And yet who oins cold have Or Canada and the, States, te fulfil a mis beenn the "ONE" c 'lever d'expert" amouget1ÉL Ps Sieu similir te tilat Wich.Mlr. Arel them, al? Certainly, if hie legs be but t perfermeki for' the Englieh labourera- one*half as ulinhie as hie fougue, ve Bi Xr boiing ths appeinîment, the. Free: mi.-ht wcli credit Ralphe capability nefin: in am', Jo,ctal add- ionly fer scaliug a wal-"' easily and ?f Wë oedscacey sey ttot w.e are rendily"-. but fer succesafliy getting au ilotin, aer femigrAtien-*tja, ten ug aY lier diffieîtftint. the cotrary, we déPlOre as muiCîîon taly liné. But thon, oniy te think eft i any eue the departure eftio le wer ofth depravity eoftti. thing 1 Baiph lIte country'@ yeuth te enrîch, aferei»gu anetervrn rahrteW lantd wit)i the fruits cf their keen brameHrueti.reey race, thi 1911dstreng arma. At tiio saine time, if ciass-leader. the speecli-maker, Who n Iniaiimen are te emigrate, it in well that could se tant Ioliticiane wffiî swallew- fi i tiiey shOnld know as mneh. as possible ing ,gilded at"-hoadliebbW about the. lands te whieh they are about and sinker,"-givjng leexous in thé art ait te remeve. Great mlioery has eften r1o- l4nlted ewiug te a fais. choice.ef grnd cof gaoi-bzteaking i What a spectacle h.e "Y ti.e migrant, and for these reaosen muet have preeeontùd te tih. amazed unu- w. have mueh pleasure in mentioni-ng sopiiisticated jurymen, as they watehed anti cemniendiug a mission ta Canada the revereud Raipii, etrippeifi ceoat, à ta hn ySM.Pte ' ay r.0 vent and hat, with leeves tueketi up, pr lias been delogeted hy theisi. s .-ri adi hie atcckiugr vamps, vigorouly C: culure Lbouai-' nio tef)fi a moninting the. sal, and giving, them al mlssom~simierte hatwhih Ifr.Aru-l a practicai illustration cf hi$s successful performned for the Engliai labourera- t, fle gees ont te report on the condition mode et gael-breaking1 Wltat a figure a cf the. Irishi emigraxîts lunAmerica, ounlie muet havteut 2? Why it bents oid tja -t'le Iset fielhie fr emigrration, and the. Faffin liîllow. Fafiri only tatîght inv. was not fûeasîbil, meens et directing tii. enlih thicveSt hov., te cleverly pick peck. st-tain Ã"f Irish ini iation from tiihets lrdn i.fra" utu Te large towns to tiieLan. .Mtr. O'Leary eR 7%idn h frra" ntat gens e ut hy tiieAllen wiiicl isaillefio t-en Gnd JurOrs cf " Ouri Lady the b. i)crry ou Fritiay next. R. is a man tof Queen" iii tii feloxions art of gael. dut * greet inteligence and large expet-lence, broaking i 01,îvickcdnore cof the ' a total abstaitier, himiseif a labourer, human h T.Whtlete oi and a man wlîo tiiereûighlv undensitanda htiytewoicour the. wauitsand wilîes ocf hie clase. l.eemoning te ? 1onesti virtucu, itptu8 Iti gees ont entiroly indepêrîdeut et ail ex. Raipii Harndin-gone i-swallowcd at toruai influen4, but fui!sFie with tip in the. ucepeat deptîts cof iiiquity! oi (Lotteru tete Arcliuishop etf Toronto IOO .iU1LIPObI1I< fsn aîd ocher distitigulished perseus. Theii. O-nlLNbbai(-it--- es repeirto et a man eWeil loite fors nil intelligent autd eullgliten.d pinon CONFEDFRIATION Life As.,40eîArîON.-t,ý Wittlbbl awaiteei witlî 'nucli intercat." Tihis ncw coiuptitor ln the. field of Lite bc.q Wtt are veny sanguine iin tii, itlief Assurance appona for r4uppetrt as a diq- tu( duictive cf tht best i-cadIsh, bot], te tièose it îmesscseee 9aidvantages tint are onjoyCd ti on-ioae beîialie h.ia been sent here, by île forcigY corporation.,T,,.h ai- t ami in the, interest cf Canada as- fav- noss is c,îitinctedl witlî great caution W a;î orable field for emnignatien. Fair, lion- and jcdginent under tiie dire'ction ofas t est enquir-ycaunot, W. foui anaured, fail genteentuotsneii finaccial experience ai-]h tCnda iiicfft spn oycf an thi"i Pcient o e iAssociation, te n Caad t ~es cerpnesas îfield lion. W. P. Howlind, andtihte Vice- ý fortii Inthcrugratad iie-e n-Presideuit, thie Hon. W. Mcienaster. spank -duslry and sohuiety are suro ronds te The statemieute exhihît a i'ery eetisfact. Inu cempeteîicy, comnfort anîd indcpoudercc,. ry degre. cf preoroity, and fte future op Ur t. C. J. siici, tie. efficiettand enai'- ecec3fa et tlie Cem1play jmitte oe M.ir getie Immigration Agent cf thie Ontario mat'Ihoddut. Geveremeunt te tht Southscf Irlaud, have- laiasccomplishefi a gond workle soecur- Ti, AZMTTR'Gosa.-W, iiýad, n- itavo Voi hi "qltera Lsta t -ro e- ti1--fle,1 iud. cfti. ]y; Bocîuiparties are necively dengaged ilti&-annuel conv-ocatien et' University e$ttvassing, anti,9as usuel, toeon. ~Coiletg1e I. oitained, his fn-et Uni-. n r fident cf sucecfs. ,Mn. Scott, opo.Versity yer, tlic fi-at place (dcuble))in by distr ien, M~r Dumble, Goî-ensmeuî, arce'natiiemtaties, anddftic second place for ence eh tiie candidates. gtnna] pnoficieneyý. Whill - Couraai 'hc Local Parlianfiet. MAtiiOtc ExcOaeîeN.-..A graund Me- Robert sottie itÈxnrtion, by the. Toi-ente sud Josha1 Tii. Ottawa 14e'j Pre8s untieretactin Nipissing Raiiway te îsenk under Mtîitii, tîstt the Qutâie Legisîstte wili meet lichetauspicies cf Marlain Union Lotige l3twni in Novoenc, and conelude ftle sessionu la te tae place e on Vduesday, 24thIN, 'ewe Itetere tii. holidays. -Tii. gecerei dec- iust. Oce tare te anti frein ail stations, Newi) fern twivlutt motabl cboiglit abeut by arnaugniîent with theiaiiway ai- Darliti fr*eo ote hoinei. Stitor, J. T«uE>Caop.-Tîî, condition o et tiT 3U Ti.-,Tewel Pik ct-opa luthisteneighbenheood andti tiroin- à JvoohnJ HalheweI i Ontthelonth f te cunt ofOntrioknown steck.broode(lor, Simdn Beattie, Joahn i le uen enonagig. eyr wrc htWin. Miller, aoniOf Mn. John Miller, cf N. Robin, is tentencuraing Neer erctheTliitelo lRa', Roi ert Vuirdon and WiVn. 8tcuffV priospects btter foi- tiefarfere ht tbse L ajrson cf Mr. XWin. Major o e Poi-nt. Neason of lie year. Tii. appearancePikrnaielb th a;tta;ia bil eof the.Colorado beetlinluceuntiesmul- onugailed styortht prpscatfî,ittjt Unni.' titudes ln thé. potato flelda la the nl tuy eton is pnpo.et . Pice dfabac etpreent bu waciiuî aneporting stock cf ail kindi, "for", a8 cee eranouate dt'wbuk at peset, ut atcfül car f theni remsnrkfeI, "thse benefit of - Scugol, ati-the Ire nes of paris green wil putttsennitis odygu îy"Arthurç. ai effecta chteckt ta ils ravagea.Cts COA.-M. lowanounes li,, r- Manver Tant Nzw MILITAser COLLI. CoL hi Bowaeocesl».ai-Bso.k-CG meay be- conaldereti a probabiltty, we rivai et a large quntily cf ceai. HiE -Canule leare fi,n a governmm.n organ, tiret edvcitisem.ent, te wii we wenld <in- Beavers- !qano wf b i en eeee o e u attention et our reacicrs, wilite the location oet tus ncw Military Sciieci, fouti in auoîhei- coiunu. and 1h. snet impossible tisat Coi. Flet. X- .TON'oFTw u os-tcit5 O citer wil bcte- in hst governer cf tItis Tii. publice eamiisatieu Oet fe toir rently fe institution. i.h sij schltis eatvertîsed to e l aco U(nt HiIuse of Oev.seo Uý ,e5t n S Avistos Co.-The week, eorumeucieg ut the Iligîit stiteol aht'rest hb Vinde4aor maya tiat rnoney is pltnfy on Tuosday. r&, edî-jvi girecn thisa andI seposits have beeu peurinsg frite ~andti thlî Ontario Lean ud mtiSavinga Company, P ttcttae..lî ai arcfiiowie Iateiy aI ixle rte ot n.ariy a thougandti he Agrizutural SocietyyeofIPickerlig IRamnisg na t1ollara pet- day. Tihis Ppeake w.l for tmar laeo i, 'tiati7i f iecia thue iiaqttu, October, -rprin ~uu w ris'-.-~'b.Onagemn Asocial. eutertainment wliitako millions ef %s1 Southt Ontario futenti câlebratine -, et h sal nThr-tc ett tafiif l2Utcf iy n WltbytIts yeî-. 25th imt; preccetis for buyL'ng an ergan fiagff .....for the I. O. G. Tf. rnonttie i tlUamai ato have a pilule park. «----- onatet Tisa vilage concil hae tii :Er i Hamilton & Co. have jugt re- dt e mattr i had, cive' alot of new ani fasionaisie pneceding- «oda, ta whicotliih attention of thie andi manuA Co*x ým oO.-The-PnbUIo are ladies la directi. -'Tii. recogu w q9so oounterfélt silver wieh E perliPar pu E op, Bzzvitopoui O ru., - . emaû MIr. 8u"lhsând basb«z eetf cte h"aa i i'I7?I fi ~V~$E !*Of 0 ill i ,&.i. e #O f the case strucUd & n Mruna-runk Waggon Eéaà -m froxel tihe ad of steamboat navigatioi on Frazer River, ta t eetre. orthsie Canfisco GoitiDistrict, a distano f i87d miles. Ils cosl iras uit lemuflian a millonOf dollars, snd running titrough a cernntry flncf engineering dullenlhrens, Lt is e Publie work cf wlsich anyy tbnt - fsy nilgil bc jntly prend. Ti"agreat pndertakingitad t le efet of retien by More tisan on.eItalf tise cont of fjt et tii. mines, and te expense of trans- portation. 15 van oe cf thse on-g-nai termn cf Canadien 'Union propoait by the Columbian,, tliaI tisf.important lflghwaY shoniti b. extendesi throngir the. Bocky 3Montai g--§ion fan easier of, Construction then thet air.ady accomplietid.-te soes p t on the Nos-tiiSaskatchewan. W0en Ouggest, since measurea cf ccmpensation for de- le ainaticenfrctioýn, are in or.- des-, fiat Columbia anti Manitoba shail1 uite in the. pdicy cf completing a waggob rente, ovr-witici five-ton wetns, drawn by six mnules on horsts,, 'Coulti pearsD.tise valeya cf tii.Up-, par Fraztn-where if new terminals-- te Foi-t Edmonten on the Saskatchew- te. It coulti not ceet Moi-e fhan the present Colmbia division, anti migit retiily fellow the rentes wiih tis liai-cati engluecra siiall select. We epprehendti iit tht Mackenzie coves-ument te overlookiog tise juat demneof ofi, nainlend of Bzitisi Jolensisa-tis, veiiey cf fi, Frazer, sifi the, importent Cenubo gelti dis- neit et iLs source-in fie anxiety ta placae thte.Vancuver Ià haipoliticiens and newnpapera.- If the Ottawa Gev- 6mssnt egi-ets ta conmience the~ con- à truction et a railroati at Victoria at prosecute it te thse Seymour Narrowa ef British Columnbia slefl reliove lie sluiou ofthlie stipulation lu tise i -c la 'en. Yea. rusux amUy, 18>71, ire tufleipete tisalfie representetivea front se asilemd lu tht Local leogisleture vili have a rigitta ffilsiet upen lie lim- tediate extens4ion efthe Gi-anti Truct 'argon ltot eEtimeeton. We hope liel tlîey milij-sato a pti-eufony te- tanit tethatoefet; eut me teel con- deuce tuat fie Mentobeailelegation ili lit-ily support snch s ppepositiou t 0fttawae." Gcii trocs the. "Gazette."' The tditor s'acta lahav-,routanet tise eoposeti railwsys. H. telle ns liaI "ihoeounty couel entrat-y te expectation vi-i-bd lie rail- ,y scheeee,." Ant lintise next -sen- sIcu-, tiiet tise Omtario Centrai seiseme as îlet brongit fcs-srarti et ail, ent ut lis. only bill before lte councilc s fonrlu thoetcesion. Viv~ra wsm-nosbill hetone thet onuicii., td iou' ceunitMr. Draipti's icheme a r elesîl mien il e-se notef eu mIre- Thie next seistence, about fth-, cocmsty il unctu anti railirsys, is six incies long.si faites cp liirty-tmo leatiet limese: il would ti.ty tie scutenese et eus-0 el tucntl, PuIr. JOs4epla Pierson, te mate iE isci-graiunn of et i. Ictiect me A xl st'anttly have suit snytiîing shboat G gnmtntuar. rthat s-omsld apîteni-tlea' luilee a spilinity in lts c-oluiuneoftru Gaett'll. au Sitaiue of a collteheboue o"psgglc t-'ruuniusg asay fri-t nss lil ian. Nol cne-cto.ti psart as gecti ec sfory cf "TItis littie pig m ent t sei rket." -an iotlier,unde- bite liteet et Eicpe. lis lai t," tells ust it fmcittb, boys get of ikeel for playing tresef. cal i isat i. intentid ti tflese te be e atm tiimcnta-y pufl, ut are toit heur h r>Beat ie, Milles- and tihens wlîo ailS gosno te Englalact lhy stock, pai let-lionuue-."fon tfie gotiof lie wus Leiy,"-the iriici acdei, ta il efirit thaï repor-e ts ne s-et luLin Town Counecil-tto ccontenetsetofcol latwi8, to ant ia~. iil te nendcns cf bthe t:ie.b tai-e bLd hat itot ns-e tfroiel.nlici-hoses, ant Ils.bo 1 rtnamey-byvl,cle88." (tires'.) Tht q ht litene-mainte-o et iComm-l ey, ,uîcil protsaet'ings mill appt-an next iras -, appl ceusst fey mili-uhen isty luave mis 1tfet trot tise HNCacsica. aui a se on huda itinilus. pusi ftis flues- is iniscaîecl a neme.tut 1 Andtihle igneramnees h misi- oeth et à L (titre are noms lire or six tiff- en ts-ying tîsoir 'pi-cutice liants, as f] asuse Lie pat-nonege ofthfle insti- suifs s mii su-Iich tiey as-e counleetet yca Dr.1 tes- it up> presunse ta play tiei, ig] a i ft.e I sL. i:o~sutr.-î feller- al dli Tih the appoilutuccuts lfor Lia, Wi- dcci i-icI, mnatieet fie laI. Contes-- otiiet tHaumilton: te, a 1Vandesem, eupes-ennuatesj; iii ]iariughou, aupernuxorary; -,nef p( E. Sacilesau, M. A. nasi t'es -Wm. H. Lairdt; Devidi B. r-e i, suptrsnnuat. ab- tnte mile-Jehn iiretiu. ev castle-ote- Addison, A. Mr. lutnma tus ille-Newten IHill.Tces-e iigfon-A. Campbell, Thomas MTut Jaines P. Meticeif, superann. Mess, -ing-Gcerge T. Richîardisen, a l tam-Tinas A. Ferguson, I. lison. fvillt-EpimtL. KOYlt-, One te To Ilî Ige-Jeisu 8. Evans. 3Albert-Samliel C. Pilip, jr., w renrieg; Samuel C. Piuip, snp- coersy tet- * ob upliet front Prince zlisc rigat-Jebu malien 3r-John C. Wilson. tc Gto-go Leeci. - sPtoc gtln-Tian Cuibert. spde IL ina; Le Do- treaiv Pacy.- Il -- lu «ronou a uaisextensive ns, il te meuiufrequecut sigil et have about lthrs-eantia ai tfOquer, minfes of.teilory, go li. rocs tenougi ta ts-ect a Cf Scificieul- dimensions tu temhli i ~ fthelatest-bore cf is visible en -leust, That i repieont illenea s leenIdent .coosiler that in tise tocade 1871 lii- Irado, comserc,, 2fcturez mure fan ceoblei Mifion cf - qus- lag iin the IM. rlment ssi, WC rtzat.. I i 'C J Soule ahwson, b lng., H À z b La-mg ... GF Flaib Osier,,,,,,,,,, 0O P Piheër, c1Bey, b Llg J. , W.'Fraser, b'osi,' A G Jackson, b Osier..... aRBacoers, e andi bOsier .. R ezbOsier ...............1. EBurtoen ht ont......... Byes , leg bye. 5, ides 1 . .. Total............ 2» snesense. W B Wallace, bLaing........ H Reld, b Laing............. 0 P Pisher, b Laaeg ...... R HW a nt b O sier . . . . . . A G Jacica oLsbiu, bie.. J WFPraser,ia*er ........... G I al, b Oeer ............. Geo H on, tou-------- B B hstiers c Matheisen,îb Laie E Bron, b rai;g....... C J, 8el, nefut...... yes 11, iiis8.... Ibtil ............ RaBy, c Bur-ten, b Reid ....... A Armnstnong, rs ouf........... luB Laing, b G Hal............. F Heygate, rua eut ............ GRay, bG(kHail........... H Osler, c Rogers b GHall..... J Miu4flaî bià kl . ...... G1 Beegomugl, c Wcrti, b Fisher .... H Gars-af, oe Hu, b G Hall...... Toa yt1, d8........... 8 Re,.c Fishes, b G Hall ..... J B Ling,eG Hall, biFisher-.. FHyaeIlG Hail........ I oc id, Ib Fisher-..... *Am Âsrnsî-ng, tnt ont ....... G Ry, nt ot-------------..... l3yeî 1,ides 1......... Octane Bank. The arsnal geucral meeting slareholders f tht Onftas-l6 Bar hei t lt Bwsanville,,ou Tuceda3 There wss a ain ttendance oet hoidera fro thtii.towu end ceigt iceti, as welleas a nunnier from-,To Otawa and other places. The, bm et the Bank ton the Past yeei- has large andtiartfctory. The directora were enableti, Peying two lialf-ycei-iy dividende per cent eci, te dd $85,000 t i- est," besitica leeving a balai ver $28,060 attheii credit f le aed lees acceent. A resolution Unaniuomisly aetpe enatitonizic removal et the heati office te Tti ae son as tht ueceseary eceoma titus no- lu prolgrese foi- titfp.i art cnipîtteti. A resolution was eueo passed i e ing the. capital stock efthle Bank I cmr etf650,000, te bie liottedti xisimsg sliarcholitss, on the 1 ictober next, et pas-. TIi. dis-t Olcteti for tise ecsuicg year a-t RoII. John Sispace, IRiglît IHon.:S A..Macdonald, eýx-Gev. Howianti, 3zewski, WV. McMunltity, Donald Mac in Dr. MGil; anti at a suheet Meeting efthe new Board, -the1 suci Smmpson was electeti Presil tti lce. W. P. llowlauti, Vice-Ip Intermn Chancery Sitticg:s. Taylor Vs. Confederation ILife ociatien.-Vic.Chiacei- lBlake1 n adjonirutti sitfing oetheii. mîhoC(C ee on Saisday ast, te fsy a'es id ovr freux tht Sprng to-m tonw ftim,. Tht case waî cone which iuseti some local discussion, especil long4 Oui- Oshawa neigibore, and hidl it wasS'onglit teliol the.apte ite hable ton an assuratnce of 91, n roccipt for $18,75 for a pi-eut- icI1 te an agent iien tise applicat as mati,, in wiih rcceipt if waas o [jf etalet iit tise mcuey wes tal hopreminai for tie assurance lie onenouthe condition fiieti npaeny accoîtte thef .applicationa Mda peicY ; anti in case they( do (so30tiîc miieeof tihe Moncy wc, rapaid. The Comnpany decided. ensurestie lite, Owiîsg te thte ge (L tere wes deiay in retcrning fh ie anti wien IL was tentiereti back tS tcclineti hy tihe plaintiff. In t ieation,.tuie plaintiff in reply te t il question se te fanily hister ethen any f fie parents. unci Lts, brothers, or nisers, hati dieti ecnsry, sci-otulous, cor otiien cent sial diseaso, hati saiti "ne," wlui evidence wnt ta show that au une i. applient-a brother cf. the plI: - w h ha resid e ti in tie sa ine p icx i.e aplicant, for yeans, had bon ring' fos sci-ofisie torabout twe.t s, anti s4 ui et ofconesuption.- MJeGill, iihetho ecu Liee tten Phyiician, ln bis exaîminatiena ituese ie, the case, saiti thcseé wer !ve etiringeet types et coustitutiou staeses. he Vitue.Ciianellei- tid fot fibinki iesarY le ai yup tiheoeidence iii fi I Aspects oft hecase, non te lîci ma-gunsent cf thse ceuceel for fli dents, btml ig-iuissed te plaintiff' ÇVkfh Poste. luntoing se, tise Cotir ired tiat tlies.Ceupanies coulé possubiy SUccc-d Le cari-ying on busi iftiîey conidti e-ly en lhe aner 1te sch vital questionis as tie one 0 nei-, andti LtIiL wouil hIl [incas if thIîy shonit ie tc heliable tsucli iîirepreseietaf ions lDti oc- i. tO solicitor for te ýItff. wae Me, e, anti withIs ics as cunsci T. ýEsq., Q. C. ; fer th ic dettr. ton, solicitor,.tutti Hon. E. Blake, sennal. - #.-- - Pubic Notice. t nlabi(an18 of the iillayges of ntaro Cou-nty. are pitasedtiateannonuce tis. i- eto Dr. Fraeks, tiie tamomîs Eeg. tticia, fi-m iii ttack etfiheu- r, fIn t tt h. le eew vitdting tih. k, whlols was liter. for fnalnin~ ,OO~ - izwJunGxes,-Itlesnne. G. W. I . clairtw'as ro dcetian a a verdict fo n o iti v t 'ft an i i ë -o 829rendered for ptt.0.Norefeee -~Wor1UngtOsa'v,. Draper.- Action ecadanb he .0 for braei- of cntra<,î. Mitewuon Goded. - - - and Farewell for plaintiff.- W. H., OfE. Himes,ffering te ppI B ilin i and G . eir for d ft. Pl eltiff ning roda.- --- -4 laimedti tirt ledtefendant litadiagreed, 0f E. B.-Oolb;ammg 20 d -8 _ puea. oiia utity otf'for detaimiin Meo, throegb ord -~b loye 'cnpie . rutdeten.town anthostities, i spùtttng dowi 14den1 refese t t ceept thse barlsy when hrpi pla. On motion cý f Mn. -...40 hipped, antithat ho wcnaéatrwards baîjks, Il wus roferredte tacommiti obligeti ta sal itil a a lo a , Tise evi - on , streets. d ouce fo r thse defendant w ent t o s h oew - m F E 4 T E -....0 tatno centractî wiatever Isatibeen TE71 EAREN! - entereti into. That defendà siî jh.-j Mn. Harper preoentedthe t e 3 -.... ()siply inamts-ctiplaintIff te actas ii. Sne e waenccà n iiofthe ., -. agent ana advise ibm wheth ,n ite could recomm en eip y e tc ie c .2 prcine e f, Prt Ps-s~' ariel t aof John Blw, cec,0,75, Z. -~certain figure. That -plntff nover eleanirééomnde te.,88.25. i sg ent letter or advlc, bun repiy, but bi n aitr côninn det#165,e pch asîo ---- steadlied aomedays aterwas-ds, whiin - upn tat acout dfendnt ade- In cmmtteaef tie îwisle ...- 0fusetet accepf. Tite jury fouistifer Smith lenfthe chair-tise reÃŽort tii. l a i n t f, ~a ti p te t, c m o tio n t a la y o v e r le ga-o s elb 'i-At tulanse until next mnilng Yaieg rattn e8 Wa8buý.- Atio -of ow, o -hifollowieg division: 22troyen, te recover value' of saw-iogn -lolotte, Ho kin ;Nas -picitetiup -inLait e Sugog " Keen ing, o -7 dent. Verdict for pltf. for $195. J Ëasr>n.ais 11;erpe -0 . Farewell anti W. M. Cochrate - forTE TOWN MAL. - ptf, John Billinga for deft. Iun eply ta Mr.Fairba.nks, Mr. E na n y v a. W I ite .- In te rp le ad t a e i I e s e i l c m i t s t l n t .... () tr.e y rigit of wneraip te certain pro town hall was prepà 1to l report 0 perty. Wifldrawn. Leave grentedte if fie Mayor ef: reeve wrt proe ovde siisittif ;ie pieferrati, however, having- .....v.Dr 21.Ati n iconucil present whenthe mette: -62 egetycens. ad. etitti , on.agi- - brought up, se tint afterwartis ... t2 ee o npsy 87. SettlE. Ferellfo,r emglw bo ene> graoinas for cossplalet topaW. H . ;illin rewell'o r df. pff., %On m otocf Mn. Hrper, th. SaW .Bilnsfo et mitte, were allowed fus-fier tirs t 86 Joseph Hall Manufaeîuristg Ce. v8. port. 0 ffa i -o d e n . A tm o n n p r o n s s r y n o t ,. D IV IS IO N c u O F I E -4 Englsindfr d. Vritfrpt.L. Mn. Kang statedti tieiedita 1 n g i s o r p l sC e .u r i s a s i n s t r u c t e t i , a b o u t a n g 2 JosephttHall '.r«nuactung C.v-frteDvso or lr tae -- 29 elly.- Action sfer ptice cf s-es e mviinCor CckaIac macin..P.lon29 . or ] rf~ en et fissethey were ncw payia pmafhiJ.e. Ferewil ed.fL. Egls frHe itatibeen offeredth fe office ne, pltf, J.E. arew ll or d ft.cispiei by fie Cierk - et $60 per . Ge-iffi lis v8. tSarfes.-Action for ne- cessencing lot May lest, wlnfch cf te covtry cf account fer belta. Tise de- secepheti. akwas fonct waa tisat tii. belte supplisti wene Tise ceundil atijocueti. ýy hast. retten anti tsees. Verndict for teff. stock- J. E. Farewel andi W. M. Cocrne Liveiy Cor-espcudcuce. hisour- for pif. P. A. fins-tilfes-deft.' craonta, _COURT-oF SESSIONS. Tise Monfreal Star, under thei, uiestsS cf t'Lively Correspnutince, publi ýs b e a u T i e Q u e rit v . l3 e la l, E le o u .- - T is t, f l o w n e t r i n t e C r i pnisonet- ias inictiltfer breakieg m t, olcglte efCitl after anti damagicg property Le the t pisco- Nitît case now penting before s, f 4 pal Ciurei, t Glasgow. Whts-n as- courts in tisaS ety. I at ise oeueW] te tfi a-ignet slite etusedtai ho pie. A juisy Mr. Nielti optutti, beiievicga i sc., cf was empaucileti ather thse usuel legai - itwsfr iaelbiga he a Profit frs te try vhtetiies-tise piiser act iatifw F er iltaifng tiei-.r s w a m u t e e t m a l i c e o n w a s i n s a n e . T i i . t e l s c a n . F r o c i g I e l gý fte jury fouet ewes inse. Ontienet by for 10,000 :- roct o lie C ourt te i. keitt in custody t a aw a it t O .IGf e E W R oa- the itiasunt of fi. Govrenor Genea. CitAimin CeenpgoEDAt t-rpose Tihe Que s vs. Proiidfoo.-In this : " ort ope. Jan. 13, 187. - case, limA p sti u iîs-s of w hich h av e a - D EA É T E T - Iarriv d b ore sael' ct-as- s-ady bùen given us- reatin, the jury seuntdt fter a long tandtedioms jouri by th romgtinl a erdiicteor assault ggaint I wiss I fied stppewith yen anct e the te defen a t. Sente tced t a t ieati day , for after 1 pt o t f t trai [ett 01medias baril labor. [As te sentence met e Yong teiiow On tie go. He seLon exceetis the. hwo menthe, the, piisoner going te Cobourg fadt'dt, anti t s the wil be scuf te tii. Cntral Prison.] et me te go wili mim, 1 cnsenteil Sir J. M r. Kerr- an r M. ]illiîgs d c.tn tit fe w e w nt an ti got beastly dlm uk bel C. S. prisont-. TJ E., Fareweli, Co. Atty, fer we came home. I don't know how ek y, the C nw n. - w e g t ic i. at a iL 1ht certai ~ n e t T e Q i - e v s W t . J r d a n . - T h c i a s n e f t h e f r u i t s f c a e f u l d s - v i n g , Hotu. ususoner shoti indicîcti fer dischargieg I wss tI iviego e ut l'u the- fhol i e n t, i re -a n s a n ti a sga u lt i it b, v io le n ce . V e r - l i e v s g e u e1l f e i Presi- del gîity e assault. Seefeicedta t four-hioglt ns info Le livry yard t I ~ 1'-s "t eoteîy gol. o e..(You know ow iL la ycrst The Qrecen rs. Wn. IIwary ,IeZ b"I athe 1endyotte mont Josepht Beckett/.-Steaiogtimbe-. The. shah bete lesuinet i. menti. F2 grand juty fctnntl No bill, iecause of are tiings progutseglneniti li te insufficiiey in value et the piopti-- self next sprine, as nty tatiier btap hlt ty.iaisdte haed eut tht neetifel, sa y eut- M . Fartew ll, tise Cocîsty Attorey, ntay oit cnt fer me eintise senti lase cetiductedtheti, riminel businessturingl Mancis. Tiga are vtry dciili oe iail Tii, Grnd uy aietc thcisgle way cff rae. I may vei-y liki wI.have t go ta Oshawa next menti t Pialtstxr heip wiLh sfoek-takiug anti baienci ýe u- Th uif it te a s bjec fofr co tig-ratu ation books, &o., & . [,Ooo ftat lhe caitniai- cf crime is se ligit, 'Anefier montis ef-wori- n u tc ,iun anti but oue of fie tcw cases bnought for me.-lIR make up l'en il linen tiots betor. thein hcing cf amîy vony serions ceme te Mo4freal. pcc- cisnuacfcn. I"Nohing fui-Lier ho say et pressu ýken Tîat Lie grand jury visitite jeul. sa bye-bye tli I se ycnle the sou i0on Tirpi-. nîsets iarti prstu cenlicei City. Iemembes- me thotho girls, Je t ie t i c i -. n ie a n ti M is a W a iss o r L i. G iv e t ih e sd TIatii.ejury focilntheLiil eumeeL mY ove an"i a tnlr.Gr1 i dit sei-cpuieusiy acentanti dean u iihevar--regartd te Mis. Sait, Auinie anti Mi )nid ions »-arts. Tht celle appt-ai-etatebic.Taie-en. net Nm-cl careti foi eut citan. Tiie pi-ontre I romain, youn ettat-het cinu, 15). bore a ready teiîensy of lie itutiumE ce-. lrnatnicnt receiveti t tthe auts cf thse P.S.-I cwe Bob some souey t kIL jailt-n anti lis famiiy; tise ivol,, in lise things 1 gel when down. I feul hlm tiie opinion of tise jury, reflecting muciiei wanfed payaient ta applytoe fof lise credif on ail cencorued the i manage- $10 on acceunt." i-y, ment etftiie Ce. jeul. Tii. "Jenebe andi Misa Walworfl les, T e jury wo nit urtier sb nit,enttd r were stafelt t hfe co it te have bts cf this iseat hset hey found tihei yard empicytes cf Mn. Sait. .11- ou tîte wcst site oethlie jeu eone or f-ir milt places iviene pisccera f ociissa- t A Nw Yome CONFDENCE GAin.- île tivihy coulti wifionh dlificlty RcaitlteChieries Antieronearelis-etSwedsh sei in. wall, andti iereby effeet tfiels- escape.- ceptain, lafely mar-Led a lady le Nev' ce On.eoft litetopportunitien ton escap)e Toi-. n- st-et t nct i AU f hic i mot espctull sb. ciesene steds wivege. Tteh Att t- hstiiîle ostrsptll'sil e unt et prepety takeniwoh ruit-ted. RALPH HARNDEN, $16,000. J u n e l i l l , 1 8 7 4 . B A n B A io u s M a n t A N s ll i c ]E a x a .- - ----Cicago, JUnDO -Aspeciai tespalcis font Des Mines, Iowa, saym John The Dueieom ef Conaught. Johnson, tallr, fifty ytsis of age, wse tenuti lying in tie gulter, is skiuli Thtis titis, contetret on Hie Royau broken le, ant is hieat gasiet inlua Hliglisese Prince Arthursi, is net quite figuttul manuer. Near the body ws new le tise Royal Famuly. Prne Wil- founduti n velope coutainissg a note in liami Heny, e yoecger bretîser et- George whiciu was written. 1'This is Lie twenty- III., ivas craetet inl 17134 Dukie et seventi man we have killeti, anti we Gloucester anti aise - Eaai of Connanglit,' will neyer be taken alive." Rbe-y la andt tses. iles pemmetl te hie son, tie ssposeti te have been the lcetive, as seond tute cf flhf t reation, but be- t he vieIL-n'a watci andi pookct-book came extinel t his dtth iu tie year wee (gen. 1834. le ie net rue tisaIte present bu even the second instaece cif eue o et . CJ&Ni-OP GArniE ON TUE MIDLAND. Rioyal Familfy ieiug dut-eely eonetted -Tse change ot geege fron t fve feel itihitLe sistet- kigilm y an Irish six inçies te foui- four feet ight anti a fitie ; for exemple, lie Prine.of Wales hait incises over fie cutire lin, of tise le Eeml cf Dublin, as ra s lgrant. Midieuti BeilwaY tram Port Hope te fathen, the Dute cf Kent; fti. iate anti Onillia, snd frons Port Ho p e te Laite- prisent Dukes et Cumberlsati have ai- fieul, was acomlisiseti by suon on v-ays enicyedthltie titi. of lesfetWedeestiay. The tise eonsnmt inl Arnagis; tht inte Dukie cf Cambidige doing se wu-buut tirsîve heurs, andthfie iras ci-estei Duite ot Tîppts-ary, sud bis regeler trains irere rtuning on usuel£ son, the preaetf Dukie, sîil boîdthe tisefuetlieattennoon- Tisenewirlecont.t Earldein; fh. Deke et Edinisurgil tives ced rolling stock provided bly lte Ennl of Ulster ; tint late Duite of Sussex Company anseof-&,superon description, wan aise Baron Ariclew, lu fie Couuty andtihfe managembent of ltes-cat isla cf Wbcitcw ; andthei Dulie cf Clarence, isigitly compllimÃŽnteti on the veny suc-, aterwr- iRng Wilan IV, iras cre. coesfug eemp ofm, thle great atet les-i et Munster in 1789, -undsrtcklng. 0 MAIL STEAsIER .WaE&MEu. -T- tjNu,1 M Â r M ATPO T R opz stemer Prnce, Altteil. M . jfli î .. ,LitA - -_ c4«v5ât a, 'Ail ' miýWtithei m cn ~ ~ 7 ~ - 5 t ~ n a n sai aec et ry.f n -" " n ne - l - î e s to p - W tB i t i t - u ~ E e e d in , c h a i r. i c i lt n r r s l è tr ~rws 'sylinnini:j %,"zone oft sons.> housand miles i lar u mn; . FrguM1 inacia w4iiid% , -extendieg ftýrm lt, - Atlcluts ý1 entorzx r lise ob~;ouLr l> ~ima s t" te theli oky Mount"ausm. ae sten tmcf hé - hà & liýcf Man . ari l es-st seIsfofothet-a mages Petes-boro' District-J. ]3rooa, chair-' NeYoek hiandnlilnna nd Blnis ar tofe--mae;levIllareJ inac l erear andtfi imamens. undevelo>ed Briish a taent frbuai. niomwee ibe u tair. BeilleWni. Bnigs ,. Ciement chir.,WMricau Wet-1t, and -Amenecan North-ii. gos hé1É the produtions f th. tee cen Redl River D ila-G neici nchaiy. a 8c1mmc1i Portion. Sans 5ts-iwaýý cD- oeg, chair- copaatv ,011 9ad lhuh YSL"D-b man. ' D:gil-chir ccuploti or .tiwe." must bccon- day lent, Petebo o LVEd qute amc p tisais-mis, oubi #pi8etprûiXctvte'6 - lie future coeanming M-11- c d qaeite a Mis cne -ri.tse Toronito Cnerence, tie hea hI4t ifesistess 'e.n.remte frit, sa p Glasagrccystore andi Blai, foo iseria memers erepopmtaticff 1toding-tgam, str Loisgforti 's dr i goseryhléti Blirtoie M ltoi iesiosieeantfertile fef<li, yet tis te. Dus- fi-e a'iunprOgrea, anothes-n rh reotelectoti iy ballot as memisers cf theEmspire leaycenlËfiâuea 5e1 cfoutin Denelaton & Heu', r onufik ofFineS Generai Conference,:'-Reve;. D r. hyto liesusteà înce and coeau.sw.- ofBot fises rese sppooe. 'id-»-Wood, John Pette, Dra. Gree, Byersee, Is li epoil li vn e O- fre iensPPdiaie, ahaelctek a1Les. Jefersý, MeCalens. MeDoreil, Joues, ofethle nobleafut s ttuag,-h elegracustasnian .tna a eai waUs, Beëi, arpei, Poole, 3-Ms-. NleBeei eprime necessities--for lie support et - wir th ler .r I a, -he irs aïb Is-lB*gg, -ok, C il emanon -haW la er ornG d , f e nt, m nt at Ovsy fie ne, esy -Witel.ti vatiroutgiby, Ilose, Siaw,,anil]d ' .-of franip-orfýati 1viiitntue 1ssps-o- ffge' iristlh was fortunately savea., Tees On motion, it»was resoîveil tj vtiet, orliegiganflégenle m odsn - otrbt utet, litang lite -Byfinet Picten ou te econed -'te construction .attaleedi lacioked and _-i ffltehier aane m Pi-at nnue Ctonfes-nbeietiiith layed by tiseir ironâes-tl ovesflair, esyone , day lu Jusit, 1875. --neoetiequate celeS, 10 tise famuisiing lcahdb *nsigi epoyr East la affordeth le teemleng West, and nPlaee a vy 'arguseg exten, san TEE LONDONeiiCOMPIî5uiucz- . milions cf buaiels ofthfé choiceat fcod itintyta 8Ve las-g d isenten th % ay Re. oh A Wliasprsien;lsat v-- ares oený,de ryé casfiubokandas the aifount bcd ncw 9 torn 'Rev. Jamnes Gi-ay, secs-tan,. wiluit rans-Aflantio bueges-. bots on tolnanazicndhsdy t, anti Hamilton District--J. Giay, chair- vith despaiing tyesisen. o huadaidcudhrl ont fa man.; H. Joeton, fisancial. secs-ctas-y. . 4. Hlence, -aitieugis lie naturel higit- bO képI] secret any longer, ho poured mi Niagara. Distsit-G. B. Saundes-son, mvSY of iwlich, ira have spoken,-thp tceai o, C twer t li boknani -set isae c- fu ciairmian; J. Preston, finanelal sec- waters cf tie Laites andtihle St. Lair- le oc~e i m.Ufnua ýr ras retsry. se cb sntbens riiiiy ln- kvfor binse If be-loch ciray tise cnrs-en liere Brantford Distrit-J. A. Wllmpreveti as te mat, if hititte mae f tigr li i u-- i S chais-sat; J. Philp, insucial secretsr. «sheeltianti vl iiii-fle cnt -gs-at chBoit, n thc d be1nerýTinienl b ces, Londonu Dùsfict-Wm. Farter, chais- erfery flrongi minci tfis exhansfiesesuI fc i e.ne.Ti itk te r.- man; J. Wakefleld, fincial secretasy.cernent cf commerce tisaIs: yet tise pnovod fatal ta hibatOchme. Ho6iras St. Thontas District-E. Evans chair- frhffic cver it las-esi rmniu arrstetiyostes-day îy - bis employens on man; G. Dicleson, financial setiretary, ameunu, ant isl rapitIly- ncs-easing. ahi-re f bngý a tOthuIter, anti ac- msade Chathiam Dishsict-Wiiliam Gs-iffin, The, shipa cf t linatis.en mcv, eo leigedti asce ex.,ent luiegeant, office chairsen; D. Bseflour, fluancia sec. over a grand tissougls canal, noie taxeil utlinSsmediately attes- ire 'l aISixi anti eap. retasy. by tlla non cntsollei by stctiolters, left, anti a warrant tas been - 155ud, but ag- ~S-rnia District-P. Bas-iy, ehuirman; anti bresilenougi ton the evointiene et 'no trace cf bisai18eyet kuOmu W have, w oc- J. C. Slater, fimandiai seds-tta-y.' an armada, Tise casryin g capacify' been founil. Tise ntimete SOnbi Year, Guelph District-. Homard, ciair- theinr squailsons eau aclive la limited belcgs te ce ot our mlot sespec -table, ires man; D. Sutherlandi, fins-urial seci-ttas-y. cniy hy thse supply et tisher antibs' familles, anti greef ryspathy la felI 'rgs- Wellington Dietrich-T. Costorti, foi- theis- construction, anti tiseaccomt- bis frientis. His esla urice Duns- cliairuxen; Wm. Haute, limandiaI sec- modiation cf ilets suitable sfes-building, tord, ant i alafrontLintisay. *H. e ic ref esy. fies. OCupable efunelisiteti moblils. mas-rietiriais, -about 28- or 30 yeas d. Gotienici District-C. Laveil, chair- tien hhey are alite calcuiefttes-forCol- 4 man; H. Reilseux, ineuclial stertry. lectingtii. contributions efthtie my-isil A pretfy yenng wman eot Louisyhi. heat Tie following ministers irs- electeti insigificatt ports, os eleig i ameti Pauline Seaxist, sotel for lie lsbes as members of the netGencral Con- massive stoi-ehouses oet Ciciagos or Mil- beufy t ien ais-,5whist»bail es feene--ev,.WllamEvns iie,waukee. Tiy aeoexcellei by ie eunusual1engit f5atee,afi gy-Gray, Santipracu, Fouies-, Laugtord, freigit trains, howevem-, ln adaptation oiikiniuthego rasewneî about fro fie Siseti, Leveli, Preston, Cestoril, Wake- te fie experh on import utetin et the s'eaetio sis m-nnexpnec hicii fild, Parter, Griffun, Berr-y, Howard, ceuntry immetiistely about fie exil of - esto sifsnooias cernlg Bas Dicteen, Grahaem, Eby, Stephenson: tise St. Laurence. as fie gain in chtap_-,'mes- bais-, wirbie ian bone about bier 5~ Andrews, A. Hurburt, Rycituxn anti nss et maett-ceriage fr short dis- sscdr.A u iot h ertr 'set Foresan. tatices is nef sufficientiy gi-et t p me" leave tht"-en hn osiua tutt it1 was resolvil fiat tise firet annuel tes- tratishipsent fron thle truisutary nea returneti aie areusedth ie famiiy. Conférence meet inBi-auntfordtou tise i-adesof lie interior. Foi-titis sud Rr metiand-on n tha er aitelre- SI'firet Wetuestiaylin n,1875. itintisetiresens Ontario andi Nostheru fear santi fouti fiat he.s- dasits-f 8. MONTSEAL dON5FEIENCE. Neoirkcsi lalusys tomras-I a lasge as lie ed thtoeute ef h it aide ofin r.proportion oet is-proilucta tee itahfifet is efsadeben eut Rer. Jasas Eilioth, Presitient; Rv. pot yrail.netycnie. D,,Win. Scott, Secî-efary. 5. As* moult bc inters-el fros the 'A BEcs-RCedAn- ALLax-asci.-Aseng thI Menti-eal District-A. Smtleraut, forgeing, tiie las-bers cf fi. laites in the'results oet h- Czar's lativisit te len I chainsun; A. B. Ciiambers, fissancial nof meliy be considereti aaelns i Qeuamthrsienhesn ~ serehmy.titir shippigtht shipplng cft these. fteGi-anti teAlexis,. anti Hon Ma- tat- -Kingston District-J.' Elliof hcair. Varions obstacles anti requisite disait- jsysyugs iche-tePics s~ men I. Kts, fiancia secn lar i-iies preveut tbir ts-ftainleg titis Beatrie, is talteil of- in' Continenital fi-e Brockville Ditfsct-G. Meliilcîtie, disetinction. Hence ft nectssify tor i- ccIt. Tise Grand DPat. la 24, sud fie ciairman; M. Pearson, finecl sec- gneat stations cf transter, accessible, i icens 20. years cf age., Camal- inry nefsary. cikte ein d utthe. fieesa fet iase ilii emethe bGiai- ;Dmme' for Perth DisLic-Wm. Scotf, chair- ocean. Anti froni fils necessity basses it te tis country tire minIeve agot Ho n, meus; W. Megill, fenanitiai secrctery. nprucg fixe magmnficent mesmpioes, une -PemroteDistrict- R. Wiing, factenies, misai-ies, okset lvaes l a fiue iooiting Younsg man anti has 'ort~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dhimc .Hma ieca tntr.c i iyc ockandmitose atrlgiven pnoof of tise possession ocf ooesil-' ch ai m a n J . H o w s , i n n ci l s cr e a ry of t h e C it of M o u r e a , w o s e n at r al e s-eb le ta le n t. S n c b a m e r-l g s,. if if -, tf> Ottawa District-W. HunIer, chair- atirantages et position, supplemeetet toot place, iroulil et course iloubsié- the sut man; I. W. Sparliig, fineucial stcretary. iy extensive railway sud camalcnnec- strecugfh et the fie fiat liahe niseeof om Quebe Dljttie-.il. nt, hmitis- oins, bave meule ion tii he encl ty cf fthDe , c Ruinubux-gi thoiseGkait î. sac; D. Coiunoiy, fineneisi secrebary. Canada, andtihie ciitt spoeito-y Oet tisD ueorwt ny. litanstead i iaricf--Wm. Haustos-i, gi-est anti grewsný commerce. Ruts alie o iteBia us ro- chairman; L. Hooken, secnttamy. 6. Gnatifyleg, omeve-, .55 s-e -----e Fce Frenchi Ditrich-I. Beslanti, chair- present cicumteuces cf tfus ecf-hieru THEt AscmEXAsietcQtEsTOs--New - et mac. metropolis, yet uhen we cousidtie a~TYort, June0 12.-A Hnuolulu lettes- lu penTt foilon atse micîcsal e- cI e n t c iniîtea c xer Setates tha the new Ring, le hie open- eîy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pnsnainst i eea eic- iis iti l asbor, cix binreti ing speech te Panhiauxeuf, oppose thfi toence :-Rcvs. Ruliobl, Scott, WVlitieg, mailes fron tise Atlantic,* lie Eugland's cession cf tise'Peai-l Iflande te tise ung Hall, Mellilchie, Sutherliandi, HunIer, greateset leviathaný, over-sietowinges sbtfvudacomr Bieuti, Blackstock, D vs e sot, su d eio e s fo t M nsst, o- United Stetes bu t- o re a m er DavsHasfrdstrd shnoer fbmMinesta O ciel treaLy mith tht Unittil States, anti oi-e Douglas, Megili, Bonleeti, ngiish, even serviceble boafs fron ttht upper ssuisidY,-tO fie Anes-ealien steamship îConstable, Hammout, anti Sparlig. Sasktchewan. in fine, whon ire re- sfoppimg, en roule, aI fite Sandwicb IL iras reseivedtihhit tItis Conférence stîber tbsat IL has been fthe naturel Islantis. at, moet le Kingst on on fis, tit- Wetîa.s key ho s mater commuunication, amnd a rel day et lune,71875. ceunts-y cîmmaciet - isy if, eniveileti Baxaes-ca S -IoETEit AS TE TA«,,. --. * ins fhie moniti tonextent os- reseurces, me THI FLIGIM'.-If ,yen have e gooanda, 9m DEATH On Ma. HABLvE, M. P.-Ayi- artesunisetimet et lie magnitude or et hait akeeeare cf if; once gene antid tit mo,-ïOmI., lime 15.-Ms-. Wrn. Harvey, gromtii cf Mont-tai, but s-atbes- that it me realixe ifs as ftam os-e tian ire Sp- - s M. P., for Est Elgin. tuidyesterrey ibas legged mesO tsilcingly behintidts- ismeciat, ifs prsesnce. Tise Ennes atrormon et hiescire reelteeces, tees- communitits, mol possonsei of ils anti- taking fis. place-nf ail ether haie drens- miles frocs tus place, of smeîî-pox con- qumity or exceliency cf situation New sngs, because if is hssalthlsfste fithe in - tacteI et Ottawa. Hie mes buriti lalst Yoi-k, Pilateipii Chicego,-fiest il anti teligihtll te use.- 'oi- night about mitinigit. lirsy preesu- meclil secsn, slionlil neyer have onts-i- . B s-tBure, enter- S ci-ets-y etf' if tien is being taten te prerenh tth, dis- vellet Montr-el. rioreign Affaire, saId in te- Houe o- i- case front spreatiug. Tise cesceaseci 7. Tel M1enti-el utas isesmoutriveileti, Conteons fiat-tic British <Ybeerrsnment, gentieen m as bighl see ut -anti froi a ven.ty et ceuses.- 0f fise, ha&. mot tecicieti metiser- fley- onlil à 'rsetdhrad i et iscs a one lseaty esetioined, 1 ishetlari-ti-senti delegates to fie Interionajt! gloo ove tis ueghbunhcti. nese os- incompletenes etsauy mosh ogeeaott ete rse ,ri goom ver his eighourbod ilesirable anti feasibit, thongis expen- - - aott, eta Busl Lesses Bv FeeE.-Ti, works cf tise sive, imprevernents le lht dis-etess Thi-ty tfisnni ocf ochetonf's: Nabional Ciemical Trealment Ces- anti capncity eft hsse chamueis Of cont- ittetifo tht Newir TestHeralet have, -peuy, in Newr Tort, mere bus-meteon municaîlon. But lise nost pourtaiieem psintel on tissue papes- for secst aSatus-tsy, lose 875,000; eiso.e Lenetieayis nlumeaie sososalscrulatIon in France. .The day bfouse- s-Asylci, ab Lexington, Ky., $200,000 ; nef. surmounhtable by isuman stîll os- e sailet, lie roesiveil a fel.rM ffM- several buildin gs et P efrolia, Oï n t., s-- îa ..ser,-mo n e e t a t i m gi l t - G m e ta. a ln , ' one1rn d a el.. Fni ay aten oc o ti. Gr ndTrnstok t y a . T o npeak specilicaiiy, the y. - ReilmAy meer Westom, fuse higit meggcn1 Lauretbien Highuay musI b, suppie- -Ms- .crs is Iooing after a bons im misitis lhey mere beleg ri-mm meby a entt adiperteetet by efficient, di- 1et18150,000 fremthfe-groupedtoanships train as tisey ment cressiug thi noîL..* A mecI anti eas rtei ilmeya fs-ens oetDarliaigfon, Clark-anti Cave fo ard sen etfitheteaseti couple, mise mas MutslbBoston cr Portland. 1lie. Huron & Queise -Blay, aleng bi i c e t tfeisfie, is set-ions-. To Boston on P erlantd isecause tLie,- A el ra s fo t Q bt saes it ly ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w shue .a - i e i su m n i a h u ip s ient t e pieces on theso nec t a GIr-r O E ncPoEn-Tise Anesicei facilities. By e systcus et canas scen' Escunisdrn h aeo h ib pilgimste omehav 'meting ft.e St. Lawrence anti Laiteecundtaimte stur Le ae et lto 111th pili-ie h Rene avepuesentedtihfe Chsamplain mihlie Hudson, New aith iý'saIttsleabse'ecplil pope mifis $100,000 asels castelt of goit Tortkînay sueceeti in--diverting te ises-teir lrs nnggehs. self sorne pos-tionof etf-slex fronathtie tii. Terri AÃ"aIcULTuRa.. LAsouREU.- Berlin tespabcises sey tise tifférence cf summen expert mi e t limés oves-- Newirik, lune 12.-A Lonton lelter behircen tise Rietive et Egypf andtihie. tests tht Camatilan river hisrborn. But neya, fie striking egricuîtural lebourera S ublimne Porte are seos, and imlii iike- navigzation ce tise canais vmouiti be et cf Englanti pretes- idienees at nino shil- Iy invelve tise tue counts-ices ia ar nt mcl siorber- yearsly turatien tissu linsig, lthe aentdgleen tisen by tte complications.- upon tise laleta,tey give ne solution Union, than te labour nt 14 te 16 sisil- Madrid joui-nais essert t tthhfl ie Rletspro bt aoeetuWunss-cas-s-lan.Sngd e it Rajîoadasie. ce tntnui ilanl Tii. atioritie in Montireal areaeabout eveutetftise deatiaetfitePope, tise Beo'n conl built ou. elifyzmest tepresteute -lmenty-fous- pernons irises Speuisis Goves-emeb WilIl cdaim fis. shoter tissu uouid ise possible te Newr havé neg, ttt av tmcld cietsvetoir. ,eicice hesc or. - -vaccinateti. -Neglecî t ftumsimple ps-. c e s s e -. *9 . T h e r iv r e y t i en li e s i e t i r e n c a u tio n g a i s t .h i s f u l d îs e s c f s s c il The compelition bote ecean Pos-tland sud Boston. Tise fermes- citypex me-as en-fumai. as ie la exlraoriinary. sleauxniip Unes, le tise raIes et steerage hgs thie atvatgîset greater pmoximity, passage fi-es New Torkthl Britisu anti cf ieisig the Atlantic ter-minus of a An examination cf lise beach nt San ports, stihi continues. One liceoatiyn- sagnificent tireugis lin.oetfs-eilway, Francisco bas been madoemit a iew of tises tickets for iteen dollars, 'an u- mie nom cenfreis thne oniy approact aelecting fihe mst favorable spot fer otiser offera te cana-y fto utellara heas te thIlant et Monts-el. But Bosto laniling a cable ta connect' witb Cisin tien aqy othes- competiter. h the i edanfage cf immense cem- anti Japon. Tiipettic eginî lie rlur cf mn. ercisi aut manufachurhiig intes-ests,, Mn. Giadistone bas fiesented a pet1. lysa, M. P., ton Monts-tai Centre, base mhici tiementi large importations frnul tien te lt he ousse eof<cemons, aignee ten ismisseti. aissoad, girlng atiditional surely tb by 86»00 labouers-, aatieg connty ands item suipn cf reluis-n argoas front Europe. boroegitfa-aeci. Tii. Quebcc Turf Club racestate place Tise trevel andt saffec of which it bath. "Hese's yoer -money, boy, and <~i an ti141t andti SIpi-ox. Tht Queen'o contre, reetly-incs-eass th oui eiiyju acly se ri Plate un lbei-en for on lie finet day. monte oonves-yourg milroadn. If han -Tie IsksBunvun- aeama a, &:,amore, soutierly barbor, :ps-etically !--il, Teele-nsbi&- trais-v M Il A L 1