Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jun 1874, p. 4

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D~.t-th1IasaeoI erplf.4 Marta, .t lUts us u&frIMarUe LVI>', Rm AI wl gh b, u w.il itadfr t tllsn n. md opue doo e edy~ ThO8 Spns' O4SM>ýlùet Other evanlng tbe nle m1ght hoedis. agcebe u i.,BacnteRomancef R n '01 t>I gY OU't Lter your otoldai Chauspr VO?>' ns O M 1cC4 f-tJ pin Bqwu u a ir, sfir ad >osett el rhà' ed jg- & âOv ale iue~e nnoy me,, in thie middle; lie i*jas prouffl e as rpuusansafpn 1 'yulr ut ihLord Warring. boldo but the trnth mugt be tbld, lie ~ asa,~sar-is do,,ecli 1dBrht oit)htel q lay<like afend on the «lidil..But, E fiseure Yeu, a littleuIo the 1est cme imofrorn Ibis vice,'lie vas everyth1n Electro-Plated a d F n ~in the world forpai~n ofayk4: and fice, and hi. heart vas 00 lovingsn= so saying, otff lie gaîloped lu s'earch of a tne,~itleawy unl i *e~In grrat, variety. (3 0 auflt's M0 Rner, IO carry Lfaria's :mandate he trod onâhe bïail of!thiestl lingdown Spetà osii'U àh-.ý tPa& Y Baoha, commanding hie at* b> the fepidÏr. He lerked lu a store tendance that eveniug. acidiewa that ho tCîry off Câlicb, Jeans .J&V4rES JOHNSTON, (To 8BuO9M2XMUCD.), _ d a nd sheeting, vould have tickled &-caIf and made bhe brute lgh in Practical Wa.tchm the face of a 'quartery meeting. HaR Goldsmlith's Hall, Whitby, May' 4, 1874.,- -The lHouse o! Commons. cut quit. a Aag viing s~darliug mous-, - b~~~aché, Whih h.IarÃœed te adore aud,_____________________________ Thn London corzespondence of the cherieli; for one girl bl d aid, as file Boston Ad'.rtiger-, iiu eing of the droopeci lier proud l ead, that it weuld- 110u1116of Oommons, and 1h. manner ln kil ler to' uýeo tiki um erïsh.; 0n« B0% ý r whieh il le governed, soa'.:ntigres Sunda>' ha'd search, the etr'aiglt roai e ho -E:Il vhich govern admiesion to 1hé. Hou8e. thé churci, àileeding-te.veice o! thÏ)A RE of Cominons are capriclous. Ladies ecornier;,sud demereiy sat, 1k. a Young who cesire te ait behln<l th. caework tabby cat, witli tb. saints in th. far ' h miust be taken personally to tlieir gseb mnererH ag1.abrsd ould informn the p c iè~ fN h 1ebers cf the Législature, Oudo! bis eveet veice was heard tuggiug away and Vieihinity that they- have entered into parieei Mi o population cf thé Britishi at long meter; sud we speak but the carry on the Ph Enprroonmfor ocly three or tJour trnth vien Wb- say liaI tis youth eould yo th P ooga bsn sfi" rl aTe n iuindred eau ho found lun thée'Strang. outsng"anangryLIneaquito. -A .Barrett, and beg toSOIiciL&. COntinuernce of~h a more' Un 1e ." EvengIl ie sllgl iolscn h a e. Vsf li adse age extended fo IMir.3 ett. Our - modîls~gnaingy~.~ 11 vii.sorambled lier92ar, e1k. tahe 'average - tore are n.de to feei Ilue>'are présent belle of'îhcity -s'ho' van prend, but n- on sufferance. J one cof them ventures bl e teIt ue .bd hé 1... L T G A IS & A B R T P tdu ofa speech b>'rdvallie cheied wnx vas n pity. 1But 1ý okinut a la bter, or te aselethi. ee.. asid e fiom ibinavice she wu$nevehug Wl 1- b f "' q1 elghî bY a gl9a, helis touclied aud bduie noewrl d ue apl n d ier always b ofund 'of a suA Eulit y ad fih busblie, and tle "Royal" Rouse boys, firt-cîses style. Chromo'sl Albums, snhPicture Frames t ahsrî oui Priietbsbeen directed ag- nt biiar iethgmuele.sBue esut ways on hand. lthe vriîers for bhé, ne aepape n Yenaaheil, litingis ax chen ut baie ff E SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO COPYING PICTURES »~so hte erae nIlrpo.the e n euloced iniarmics te meel lier;DE ASDFINB DRLTr Si . trs' gallory7a fropt beneli ou which dit but ah. gave hhem the shirk, for sh81a10. t lhe reporte s liohoare taking notes, and lovod the youug eierk thal saug lili. a Cail as'earl tnhe dfi as ossiblet obtain agood -a baek benth on vicli'are gentlemen hugymsquilo, o she hemre neddsit wlmoe dty i iste omnint p al e i, hawed, ase.sighed and she lebaloslIn flic nemI momnting's- papers. igchawed," tili er jsws sud lier hearl Tis eeio l. 8 9at.I.r w.evre behh brokn, silo walkeid by th1e In connection with tha ,above wve alwasep foeble old gentleman, wbo ite hlaI!tiié store vii. b. sltod b y lhe door avait- olargn il1k it i eeking hai rclaî blcking Rsie m ative tlen. ion araised ayarkeep on hOf Righ toinsans ni chr, cad icack lireyas with a prottspi" se, ndJewellery, raney G~OOas, and T y iga wd ieigtinhewys etried te enset the proudgecoruer; but to TJ wljks-look il mb b'is head te exelude tel lie plaiu Irubli, lie just grbnzned ;,r ae ii11 joianm'res ndoeprta a> tlr' flie latter clans froum e gallar>'. HeOtii. yeuth bo lovad the, devout amen-lu tow. k1Remn rier Baret ad c, ertiàyO tÉë -B could nol understand vii>' lb,>' hould cre. .SwnL:ýRiebeBrett iuý,gàd, opposite te Ontario Bank. l- tIlere. Il was oxplaitied tb hlm Bcorner.tb My th - that 1he large numbers prinlaci by" the ]ro'.S.,Wiîv My 111 muorning papers uoessitated the. going Literas-y Cannibale.- te Prose aI se early asu hIal Idice Wfts ne lime tb waiC for the transeri . A ItAC1HO? EIUCA&TEO II3AN-CATERS. tien of!thlie ePrter' notes before wril- fD V 9 fP ing, but tIié guardisu of tho iuse. des Revd. Cluarlas P. lîsb D. D., givos II LL// S A/VO- G9/j CEIiIE, nL reami lesding articles, sud ho ad. a" ilteresting accouint off seine remiirk'D ?Y G D " 1 tered emi l ioinI, thal, reporters,-« sud able savages ihieiî have cone ondes- oui>' reporters, coutl i be sdmiltl. ianotice :- -)Ilub;equeully lie agreed te grant oue 'TIi. beasîliffiî isîaum off Suîii-u. lransfarable ticket le each, of tlbe uaily two sud a haîf tilmes as large as ail papars. Il in amaziug tisaItIi news- New Englaud, i ibabited,by four aud T e u d is~ e s d~ 'c1 n. papesn quietly sublilt. Lord Chasles a 1111f zmillionsm of piuple amour, wlîuumt-5 Risciil sace luinthiimalter ou hi.s ovuhardi>' any nipionar>' effort lias au yel well'selectedsok f foornd~aut Ouuneoe~sio, Ib..been aade. lrarts cf tl:eis nd miwers dsoko eve' b.0 resillei aI a public prayer. lun1the possession cf tise Dtiteli, ud ineetliig but lier. bis euergy Eand lu. otiier parte vore iulîîmiited b> indîpen-8 P11 N LN)tUVIi.jPi, 12U J telleclual espacil>' euimiaîed. It -je ient trimes or pîitneipalities, arruong ridiculousi aI l oie lîd ba aloweil 10 vbom. the aita people, or 13alai, l' affeetthie ceniveience uand edifleation were reluseseutlemi s tue mool iitelliîgeîl .-OnisIting o D es o d , n g of théi wh:le reading publie of hlis Unit. and intreting; a trie osieiatili ofvri'y nd o Drs G- d, in ge ed indo. aou a o mmb Oll-, oeeju u i-îg icyfdOf the Jutes t fashion, Colored Siks, Shaw]~ --*.-~.terior central pos-tionu of tho fiuilui- i Manles, HouirGnhns otnpit,&. One eotaugh'e Storls. mediatciy noutlî of tlie Aclinesa, witîîicy ighriCtosPit,&. wlmoin fib a Dteliaraeuûivli as-. i ~ ~ ~ Çf,~ . A nnster ofthéIiGospel told me, in 'Tii.Batlku wore geu,-rally mialin] CI1C ii U0 Ca. ..LSILCilQf.an, 1871, lîiata mnenbes- off lis congi-ega. inoffensive, tiougb Beprceýan.] rreveige« otherT- i ,i (dî, ti a füll stock of Gelit]einen's Fuirnishlir tien camialhouas, for lia irsI lime in. fnl in limes off confliit. Iu on. roi;-Cod c &c teieated,,sud bis boy met bils ou tlic pect tlîey vae Ibehénesl remarkable C-ooq (e, c loor stop, clsîuping bis. lbamissud ex. people anyviiere 'te b. foundl-ceiîîlT.w~ Cldii Papa lise coma bonuel, Ha led caunibale. Tluey la a wiîlten 1?n, 8 FSIL Y R 0J5[ E nielmedt dé boy by flim eshelilîer, swung langum.-a sud bocks, sud muaI oor tise I~ 7-I 1 GZ .L1K~~j> humu arepumi, slaggerad sud fal lîsth eopeplae onîd rend, aud yatt bic-y -are hall , ThaI ministes- saîi te me (I couli cannibale. Theoy bail au alphabet off rieas, Colfeesr w a d efn S g r tell yen bis name if uecessry:) -I theUr owu, cnusiting off lweutv l-o ,rav'n spent thé iniglît in fleat bouse. I weuî latter.sud fave voivel points. 'ft-r -New IFruits, (,C. eut, b4rsed iun>' bsow, that flme niglil air lauguagO vas quile original, yet 'imple -' migbl cool Ct. I viskeci ont, sud down sud melodioua, mue like lhe Ihulinn, he qursan bbc bill. Tics-e wae hie ebilmi dead; v riîîen likeoeus- ow 4n, r ight ta.1 ft Ï -aîines. he best XVines, Liqo', a there is ve if. nl trong convulsionscsh>'y le. sne.], and mlCue ed a il.] ihe. Ale and Porter in wood and bottie. -aundb se ep. A mabutl hiryyars thaI region. of age nsleep, vitis a deami ehild inlath, 'Tîseir books are vsitten ounlIhe inneî- J.,,e- MU RPI-iY, bouse, baviug s bina mark upon fiuebas-k of a upecicu off palm troc, Ilueir peu temuplewvie-alle couruer o!flb. narbie eouuisinig of smesatvig, or 1the fibrhu-u-S.,IIÉh stape hldcomein ucontact a-itb bis of a leutoisliink mi liof A certain A.11-il, 2d, 187-1.t., h17 10Ïiîaseh. ewung hulna sotiud, aud a R m ul thenillsojico off the su.-tir cane. %vife on tîho brink offis.gi-ave. For os-imas- ins-poses tic>' isiuo %rotc 'Me,. Gouigl,' mid nu>'frienul, 1 eus-e-upen enoolli huimbue elieke,soliie - . cd tie drinkIle b1usd bld me îirnl I two luches ln diamneter aul wo or hiuet romain't1111lihawaoke, sud 1 dimi. Ilrea feîh long, uuaiing a -ieu-e, il WhJen lie nsve leh..passed bhIaîmmimigit hc, big enouigi te b(ock a peî , x o ver heface sud exciainied: dowu--conveuieiiul'for lovae-s delivîrmie"ïs 'What le lb. malter 2 Wliire amn 12 hheir O-tvn epistlas, if thu'y uhouul.]o Wvheri lnu> ho>'?' be gsaciolisly s-ciiivctl. ' 'Yen Canuol nSaoIiun.l' 'lis-literai-y vors ;aeu OaIl>'nu-. -'( .T ~ C T A 1.Tr- 'WIlîoe ie uy boy ?' lie inquired.' mi-roui, ani yet net s-es-y visn, counsite ~ j ' L J -S i'A N J I 'You Cannet Sse iim.' iug las-gel>'o!fîocks off uiviration, jug- . 'Sîsai out o!fun>' a>'. I wiiî See gles->' ud the umeut abatus-cifableaz abolit WY boy' - Te uvoid confusion 1 hook tIse engin anti destiay off hie gi-en,61 iA 13 1, 1 il FiD 18 3 3 - 1 Siu te Itie ebilm'.beiiue, sud ase I fatta nation. Il vilI i1!ccue, Iluerefore,i tus-nemi dowlImetéshootatnsd slowed huma hîsalie>' sami nm bition. If ltuey 'ry~ r- - e , cor e .tteremi aa luiek-Ohi?' shouid receive tisa Gospel, lie>' aeue n W 1,. TE., J li .~i uiîosi oa-myue hlreugli the anie oing 1Comptluet0 trimil l' ~ ]ib'- ch~1, 63 uuiy.Illuave iu ratreuichineit salnci uarcea-r, tldsns, --lt) n ýltYOt)#QrJ 88 0 Wouuosny, espeialy in bsalite. feassI for a-hielu us boy fiéven y-meOff a-l luen fis-a zediansd killoul, anud r 'tst-l, rie COOLNE8" EXPLAINCO. , le b. esten for tilmi nasoff lis 0fuoli' ' (10rhue-orrible saune iluthieBr flot-- omittod Si% yeau-;, bfone lliheiiail- Li farualy. ,Tlii.Duec iSI oy f',11 W ase hem.TheMiiuuuinnî -o "",i#r"j )~%llAliI lu 'i os-rowîi li I'ricsn \aa, pectfulit- deeline.] tie nvitaCi uo T r" f tI II cusimpug.irom ' nn urctumoiîîg tIlîsna "' îrpmtntth e lihot euidti t ler Royal A largenuibun o! s-mig uiniss -e_ 00 .ililes. a-ho tbiolugliîleE;mly ho îîi10 5rue eMntoalyiî lu îînnouncjtu urrmoa t ua cw Soron the cor-- !,.toanud tlon wastze.] as-ounu.] villiýuperios- mud tIieDavvson rilu h. gorrmvlt urN wSoe haui ls-t-ea les-lins orsoys-a ~ >'~moî~< nu] lisa-i,- iv,-iuer of Bî-ock suddDanuis Strocha, vo tube 1hiïoppos-hunit>' o!tha.uling the ilePulc for thea y ierlparonagb n npr hchw aefc unliutas lbaffas-e !nie0cul.]sposli. - ye. jivitation beau mafkinu- a totur of tlmevs ;-- a sdsaiOciu tck a-ei ave Éevd ofiîi ss !tIi.ocrs-anc xmenuie-iisofIoluiiunftie Store occapiomi hy-susica 11e fis-e. ~ Os tc eu i e Ilueir ieaf tîset lia daye oof lia Runniasu ani a!flice boct quaslit', wvaras- de.hes-miaad ho ruaintain oui- reputation for Ei'mpire ara aumberami. At Wss-reusburg, N. Y., Duosid Mmidul qeiliug uething liat the purest articles, at the lovest remuerative prices. piekemi up iii thie s-cet aliaI ho,- unpîoa- ALLîuuu IILý:SUuca.-Tlio nman a-lu)edm a steve. Upon tiilîr, il elco oisatyon hn a f111 rrpplof the purestm picke.] p np c cuaintaue mon dsopp. f a i -su, - p keep cnsmîantîy hand suus-ng, Lt soihlmsgaîî.misesuful>', It a-as a niti-o-glyc urn, D TIG S 'A N .r E N Miiser ! ls nteio--Tia cook rxploda stead in bhasting-. ll lie no TAIT Sý1- 1 AT " tlic doctes-. liet miiuko taoney-GeI au appoint. n flie MinI. y ý wggise es-o - net nppsoprintely i pilllerg o! Sociel>'._ w'eek miys yen bu>'yens- mamie obeeet. On Suadays yen have h. cheir. 'h le saidt ho be the. coaaceing link n tise animal séud lie vegetabla =S. IGs- Yoti AU i-Masama - iLooh ebis, 1 promimed Pol>' a reeenî ihe uatered -the 11..R s'l, and mts it hlow-becauge. h4 eau Say- t yoit are, hhey ar'e Il -, A cariosil>' in isostI> lui îîupl i lb. Ormanco e u IWacdinumc censistiug e fdsa I a i C 'onla ste bullet itupacted iSu tie air, a-ii asm piokominp boforo - Patei-mbnrg i 18014.--- i 1h ipropose inCuLos Angeles, Cal. bo etublish a beat angas-faotor>' L>cd. eperaion belweea farmeresud caital. The Beusch for the bolies off victimeg cf lie Missisihpp dflomi us beau alan. donemi. lier, as-e about thirI>' bufind L guiGtiemanha-ing hiesluair eut b>'a taîkaîi-. JPiber, wae anketi lica- h. would fike il done. 0'If possible,' repli- O.I1the genteauan, "lu in lence." - t'Mr. vintoria Woodliul ban been 1le.- DysufAnniline, IDyes in Liquid and Crysmal. We have also receivcd directýr- Englnld , a splenffd as- sortunent' of HAIR,-TOOTH ,AND -NAIL BRUSHES, Ds-ing <embe Ci Vulcsnite aît a ro.=- Wlitakes-', soml'aatiY-dyiS p. IsuCnl tkidain',, & ILiiame'a PeramcsEenVss. i rsma, anTaieys L sok.aîsods lu Wlno nad PapierMciie. - Plate Glane, Handuti I-sos-g, Fi n' enCessned. e. Mes-eceo Pusia, anti peeket Bocks. Marc aGa asd ma ks-,e* Bs Turkey and llonaèy'-Om're Sp'onges. , se~ hmi,~,'a - A. full stock cof Eamps, Globes, Burner81 Ohimneys, &o.- W-hltbY,MS'184 - - L I 'G& 8EW A T , T H E A I ' é I ' 9 . t r BROOKLIN G O E Y S1OE]~ J F. iiHI' & o t mrwy nadau of the very la- A largé stock now offering airs - table inducements I 13e sure and tÉr the CHrOICE TEAS ANDC1UES Guaranteed' of -the FinetQ it - oacsand G,,enerâli Groceries At the old Prices, irrespective of the Tariff. Greater sat '- isfaction given every day. AU kinds of Farn and Garden Seeda in eason, and warranted. g~Great stock of Crockery and G-laâssware ýwliicl mut b. sol.] ho make room for more coming on. Don't forget the Brookiin Grocery tore-one do& eafit BotolMsajo Hll7. Merchant Taloring Establ ishment JOHN FEJRGUSO -N Takzes this opportunity to inform lis Seueîtion QI ýs, Clotk's, Tweeds, and Fancy Ve8tiing, at IWhieh lie is prepared to miake up into Gentlemen's Garments, on the shortest notice. Every ar- Vis, ticle guarauteed, and a gÃ"od fit warranted. Hats, Caps, Collars, and Ties, and Ld ail kinds of Furnishing Goods. ing- JORN FEIIGUSON, Whitby, ApAf 15, 1874. 16 JOHNS TON'S - SELF-RAKING REAPER id AWARDED THE FIR ST PRIZE 1 At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. )Y. W1e offeî- to our cuishomners for the coming Harvcst, two dis- firnct Machines, which in style and coustruction, embrace the latestand most useful' improvements of the day. JOINSTN'SS[NGLE SELF-R>AKliNG REAPERi THE " RING 0F REAPERS."1 The niversal success of this Machine, both in closely contest- a.] trials and in lime bauds of tfrieras-e-, war-rantîns in ss-i ng that, as a Seif-Rak- lue Renýing Niat.hine, it ban more gooti pomntsand Jase defeets, and bas met a-ih muont-saccess snd less fuilmire, bluan bes-etefore etlered te lthe public.* >CAYUG-A JUNIOR MOWERI WFe were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, ah the Prcviu- t'isl Ehibition, bel. in Tom-ento, 1870,in conupehition withail lbhemding Machines munastc-d Cnhe Province ; sud witb eu- recamit inuprovement, a-c uihesitat- ing' chmalaenge iruvmusîigmuion sud compmmean wih onupctirg Machines, we oes- satisfied thît suicli investigation wilI convimca evar- unprejumicad misd, thu wa aller the best àMowen to tic Fariner ,for 1872, bult lunLima Domnion. -send- fes- descriptive esteloguas. BROWNI & PATTERSON. VVilIby U1ILiA N 'THE AMEF lus- Iigli Besonant W eight stops, incdu "Harmonie, os- YARWOOD'8 "MELODEON-ORGA4N" lhantinomn, RosoieomiPiano case, om- '-t- biuiag the power and variet>'-o!f'1h. Organ wulli the. saecînes sand pus-il>'o! Mclotieoa tone. Pa-tentea] re4.1878. Trade Mark registered le~8. - ~ u~ u.% M a au fa c hu re d - S o le l > b >' n . Special iducements to Clubs of three and pwa&rds hn localities viser. we have ne agent or dealer, HAVIiJUS -ECEVED HEI New SprUinçj Goods :NovelINCLfUDING;, ,, as.n Fer: urthseP5-icua Lot No. 1, Feb. 25Il, 1874. PB0SPÈOTis. THE BROWN if gocapital - $120,ooo, at-joo.SIHARES OP $50 EACH.* The. aboya (Companes inCacourseo!fer- -matlan fer the pus-pose cf purchaaing the Beau Entat., BuildingsMachmmery, Plant, and-'god-wmilof tise nianuofsoiRmg humi- nase of tise Bs-own & Pables-sea Aisieulturai ,Wos-ks, l ie hevaowncf Whbltý.- lIr lie amy Company, Messrs.-Brown & Pattassashava subibed Wisa&oack, a otIier subes-riptions lbaveails-ad>'beeuocb- tainem i aeunting ho $25,000, mkng a total nai uebscriUad of 855,0WO. 1h la lnteaded te Cncesaie Ibis sm. to 8120,000, in os-des- -1 ps-avidemeasfer incs-eassng tise business ho dopuble lb.e maunt bibies-ho done, 'and culas-gag th. capacityoetheii. aent WorlS b rcro of tiaa-cisaduutioeal ?sîIqaupur ciaig additionel machiner>';and ai e n- abilng lii.amy omasa' bcarry on thaIs- visehe business on ashtrsctlyasah biais- In as-des- ohowetsp-a.bubsinesseslread- mae tes-tise aev Oompany4 St i la al' aa- ed ho*state biset Ca elevea yeers' business, aperaliens-frem lanua->, 1802, ho enarv 187-MXesers. Brova & Pattes-son have been eaabled, b>' profites realieed, ho hakethbelarge amenaI ef Stace abuve-metioned as luaving been enhecribemi by hemîn la ie aev Cor- pany. Tise prapertyU&ssbeen valnmd umadas- tise directioand s eiuusviea cn f Mes-s. J. S. M Wiliex enona biaTisempeon, tva cf lise Provislenel Beard - ah 54,268i.-The establishmnthuasbeen> in lbepossesion cf tbenea- <Cempany' ince l7th Februery k1aIt- -tse irst day.a! Cits arganizalien-tbe pro- fils of tise business-canmmei.]' ram liat date. Appl'cation bas ýeen made ho the Legisla- turc frsaaChar-tersmthe s.asi fermanmd vstb lte asuisi siglts andi privfiegen. At lise expirationo e tihae statet b>' Staturts ffis- us- six Weems) a general. meeting of lhe Sisseoablden aCilb. isaid, an notice, forsthes p as-posaetfelecliag a permanient Beerd - of DCreeleres adOfficers oethbmCompany'. SubscrCphions ofetoclk la tise undersk- ing sue meet reepectfau.i secited. Tise vaine of the stock,'as sMpaying di-videa inC- veelmeut, nu>' es-gaduasbeing-beyon& deubî;, vile lb.gréâst ativantages 'hoalise Towv cf Wiitby sud Cauntot>'etOntariC, Ca secumnmg an anlas-gament cf tise farsabi>' lumovaWorhusoetMaeses. Brava &Pathasse muet ah once cenumend lisemeelves. Parties desCing le nubeerube fer stock are raqucetaFu rti ter e ! enclosea ene-ndn, a p et a-Yday taiet- iea nausr1e7isa-aiof JAMESRH.ASAM. Furniture. HEaving bouglit out the business lately carried gsPer mn 'sis eeld eieap PartIes on by James H. Samo, 'us-e take this opportunity of ln-vltmn ig 3. RAMEnuRfGBEEEWopt lis mauy friends to gi-ve us a cail, and we can, assure aill MayUE GrE- or. that we are prepared to do as. weil by them iu the future, Whioby, M a> 141h, 1873. as 'Mr. Samo bas done in the past. Ti-LL & JOHNSTON. Orders by mail prompfly attended to. JJNDERTAIKJNG.-- The oly fii'st- Ilass Establishmnent in the County wbere fanerais are fui- ly suppbied.- TILL &- JOHNSTON. WIliti>', Ochober isi, 1873. 40-1>' Whiîby, April lot, 1874.. FRESH GROC1ERIES SELLINO- CHEAPER THAN EVEIR AT LEWS HO GK'S N W TAD And ail kinds of general Family Groceries, lat recl1uced pri- -ces-cheaper than any other house in town. SPLEASE CALL AND EXAMIN-E 1 Cash for Butter, Clo-ver and Timothy seed. AJso Tim- othy seed for sale at lowest prices. The new ,aud cheap Grocery store south of OnitaioBatik NOýlTI CE.- --The undersigned begs to return bis sincere thanks to tlie inhabitants of Whitby, and hiti patrons generally throughouit the country, for the libe- rai patronage extended to him 'wshile carrying on business in the town, and begs for a continnance of the saine to bis successors. Royl ail-ia 'er I NMAN LN FACTORyI f qICAN ORGAN,' Valnai casa, fi-on fous-to îding ',Vox Celeshe", an.]d 'tee Coupler. -THE MUDGE & YARWOOD MI- co.I IM POIRTAM .T 'ýÉ Ã" EUROPE AND -AMERICA -SALNO TWICE A WEEIC. THE NOVELTy> 0F- THE AGE! Tiôkets ho and fs-onu f'aenam-, Lives--- An ingenlous piece of mechanism, which can be aan-ag- MI, Leadeuide-, Glesgev, London, Ca- din 80itins, and cOuve-ted imb an Invalii, Parlr, Lusa-y, ReZ- bus- lree, EelrdxmsîAmnsterdam, inWlhnRoclining, Sipo0king, Stlldent'rs, Physioiaa's, andi Delltist's Dcnmuuusk, Norway, sud Svauau. Chair, or a Loange, Bcd andi Chilti's Crib and Swing. - Steamers sail fs-o Nuielv Yai'laes-ar>' Circulass vihh explanahor>' diagrans sent fs-e. on application. Os-ters Thuirdi>' and Thurde', Les-ow, s-.e-> b>' mail or othera-ise receivo pompt attention, aumi Chairs carefuil>' anti secure]> Wadaettday sud Fsidsj. packed, ehippemi to an>' adoireess on s-aoeipt o! price. Admrese- - Fer fus-lies- information eppI> aI lise LILTIDY,,a&Wisiltbyh OIf.- M NEY 10 LElIDI elnt 1 iotas-est, prsývtnlýn. - - <Poersale, ee-elTo-wa iota, -o0Fuame Rennes,: sud a large Brick Hou. For- tars-m, appl>' ho G. YOUNG SMITH. Wistby, Fab. 111h, 1874. 7 HOUSE AND LOT' FOR SALE, OR TO liENT. C 01)Frame HuseSeven ao oi;ne d in tise Tava et Whitby. Apply tb 2WM. n1ENcEP W. H. BILLINGS, Seicitor, Whitb>', Wbitby, Dec. 9tis, 187s. 00-1! ARE À,SDDLBBRY. - T U E I S O N MA N U A C TURer , N4 G C Oj m e S.,L E S A L D MNTREÀL. P. O. Dreyer 292. CII hIA CES -AND) BUGGIES8 FOR SAILEI FOR ONE MONTg ONLY, SUNDEJR (O-ST T]BRIC E M. O'DýONOVAN'S, S P L ~ D J 3 L Y F I H E CA RRIA GES, BOOTSAND SHOES ! The, undersigned lias a large stock ot. Ladies', Gents', es-d {hildrenis Fine aud U'orse J3oots & Shoes. E1EJBoot a >dShoes made 'to ûrder. 0Overshoes liued warm and comf6rtable. India Rubbers_, ~'Repairiug neatly doue. Cail at the ýold Staend. - -- I~ovItïsJo th C Cea o. AND CIITTERS, THE E.. FRÀNCIS'.' DUNDAS SUGABSýý 1 W. BROWN, R. J. YARNOLD. P. 0. Drawer 292. .0 Patent RATE JUST, ILECEIVIED T'- STREETý WHITÈY.

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