to dsconinueVbdJti.eaA -X V l U.1 RIIHAMERICNajaNTÂABO HOTBL. - ustine 88 D irec tory /Assurane Com pany V V o z È O ~ J ~AANI 4i I~ 0 ~ a~ * ' O U A J D N ,~C P IT ÂA I , 400,O O . E M B B E T S . b i -à « d L A 014TARIO ~~~~~~PETER 0,W4KEhe t s nd eUo*«dà tZBoTO2j n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ olodapin. T a len' .. O hawaand e No too nt P Wi n ffo?n m rInP O t814, u TRO>U.S DOW, Tis old and woe $MoabIuahâ Compan h aobet inbr a.oBn. .6 *oioonoîI ad .1 1,8~ an ------ sin8A N , tratés sa w au thô»O s. y HOTELbut surg aie ilel l i. t Wdfro4a IMjoPint. Coul 7 e:w o kiaouwy hW dV dngi thne r iltibrl 1o Iqo OOlI~ aale arrtof yoin W H 1T BY  GE~N o , oued for thzoe years or leu Mt npeeiaélylOw R A , ~orast the o l#kOffic, Whiîby. 5oe a il.DÃ" o aaaa4 or soaneweir.but ammi! ones and fe i ih co. ip l. e dignfa O oxr ffic, Brockt.,W ijy. sc rî u 11v odf aota 5OM ' W HITB,'Y, N TA B; asnderdthon, Mand ua,>wby youe thTheld b.&indeuf rento a'bathree onate L AnJJ A' O N NTA RO FAR MZRS' thrugN OutCE. puo ta tovt, aI lb. uafor Te d>Oectalelplant'1salkin pWise While ut litdon H . J . N A C D O r( E L Lie - H onoua. i W l"1 a 50 C Oi rÃ" U etl b y a es b t $ e e s' Idif o w la I a am ab leb. ta o jo f~ ________________ IbAnhomnbus iokrs teb r.ewed e 1 n fi y I bapalmoidhi.or a ngn beg .inf1 e pr;o f gINurSUnR A-r.CE CO 'Y . rom aU tins. aus.$ample ro, e. To W ho m * aor f cblin l e o i. r ra h r l o e- b d e ye n ia na u e p~t ralgm $fr pecw reoter of Ron.Mr. UTUAL I_______dmping____ ItLeMav' a lda ya, n H i~ï~ FFIC E ~ ï~ K st., ir' ~~jAOZU.I O N H-O T E L, laves and"t bau a ndhe i aenFrbh b mi oo w e réta m aitfroum th ' i e e t E a i ht a h u . ' u l b a gelnQr n., L B IiN Htb,.L , dit auperior te al oCn the. tablé,, f n l y o e e oa ~ ~ el9 lt a ~ Q.O. ~r~ c a 0 sc auilpartiles an ,a behlle* ow in hih SU t e, 'Yzgae sir , b t w al a h e ue p ce t w n a u m e a l e m re n p OUNTy CRqWN ATTORN oEY FOR TisCc npany - menures F r BuildingsXrar r, ~ n~to~~ glqou a g ia ~~~~~~0'i ecs:: bIs Opîilonsofh., E. FA BWJI L, LL I~, Country Churches, School Husesan i r A . MASON POP 1iI ni i Bà 0h, a en ôclaion Sauraythe grate ; Aw ,ua~e«rPitt~ aapneb iepaef oate c Ontario, arr sle.. 6frciftir . veI aas etyau tfopr oe ny grant n it n 0 ar Ba~î ar, SoU lto Con ey ont nta at r tes au OW u th se f a y Rockôon Mond iy ft look very chee f l.and ew onelboCh " l r e onRois O; whhm~ 1 u ai t ns . . o . c r a n e a t e , ei l s . ea t C m p anai nwC n a d aT h e A l b i o n hu ub h eu t h o r O g xy r e n o v a l aw e n o i g i e i h i a u i z ï b o * i I b a o * .e-B u t goo~ d~ .~ crne o.,lt --Cmpn and h bî w i" u Ùte= m paaçstattCntion.anion çFtomat ch. AI" iï Il * ... Zrw iony ro tet hthyj. UST LOSSES P PL PAID. donaneitt bee .,atte to. au û8tan ffrn îc ut on a ltonney, Broa Streel, wii PROMnTue ,,.. e r v -f blone 4j,,~1qar L. F I R B A K S, n., '. B B I C E L L, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _gain ât__ _" Yodg em en t of t hi u cli t 3A. TT IIN Y. .W .Hoildy l noloner n aentai L HOT Euit ermm wJ fi ftur, e b.ri y e ÃŽ THE "-ARgAU<D" Nons ,Ltthe red monsa t;grew b ra eaIepo, oitboà ý7 tSwIat eati JAM u EI U Oa ow -Socretary. Preoident. - E N T BLEÀ, PLNG- heReadngTarlr e1o,,e 1-TMe.'old Ot r ea ncs dtrm e. ~~ YLJ Y J O H N A I L E Y P O P B I E To W hitb , Ã" oto nrte ,s7 Tthe0TW hY .1 ________*_____________Ur.D__ Ia aiuaenIlo ger an gen ci-h s précisé V lie Ma T oe t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __1_To wm aofy I h at a.- » wb of?' Y -' ' th e ll> r e , ho ta k e t hth etolew oabii menteuli,&. 1ème1.rM. d J IN BA E - Pt dlson'u sore roo treWty#OtM I TO .38. 42 r , tegaime draft under tho o«h con. Haw from tbe fnllhe p& p disi to r. JohUn ys; wsi we ,, th ugî ss-l StretWhlbyOnt BRITISH QU EN HOTEL, The above h ôtel au iei7tun fie cr ceive tiPdP eung fbmfho "-' a or e pf iig thebatu n and nit or h wIdarIhdhe altlepxioia bltltlfa>eo em atno a. atteutio. n odtM.WILLCOX, ottom af lhe atov. y e. .Ye Ws sccshuo Ihasni CRARLE C. JELLER acco modaton milattenion. ood aibl. No apeal t the alatocouIz templmeete 'DeanMaria howem youwîthcourlI- 50,alasne oi ~~ JAS. DEWART, - -PROPRIETOR H T L LIC E N BED A UCTION E R C kig tvi w m~ 1 frtcia Ti flitd y ton, rck T, CSrI I OR I r i'Ei . Ongad tent ive hallera. * "kig to e n w A Mra tdf e fA N f" i ho ghafete± yro r lo goums ly on 1 plteih anM Alin Splendid accommodation. Bout Winea c OM MEiRCIALedSaes e ut te druh ogy ot LYMAN 'NG 0î, . , and quorsataIthe bar. Attentive aber. 3 O OK ST., W IIIE TORTEu& yeapONTRIaNDtheow ng ok tata c la » 8:"r1 7o'y A en, fr - ovd rmtsf? upstu Iael,' tt>e oin w tbs -'erMrn' re sbl Ivuo ARISTEIZ T LAW, SOLCTOR INIE! î E a. o m ttniv uîeauîîo: EM.t CALDWELLealth aa eprae iti.rott y is neletyu alco ffce hmdi it uk C.haucaryCu , d i thePirgt ramiuriaid lust ear Wherei uod opra fth o t B h neyc n eacr& .& .Sm U B R ALmmd atioLL, PnR iOPE iRT o wn.ltP, of 31arinnce& G'artw rI"g t i oo h ile Fs vr iteb a iy n would b1h nat foltoeyo Sca LUM~~ ER liquora Winea thank bis man rienls and the Engi&a.d lt oo un hia w yaa tb rvrt my father'san- * me P ave ntal e p veratyad, fortetve 1hsa vernByb Ieerly lo"uoughtlp trn , ;ai t oye oftu 1ý eie G#- YOIJNG 8.1111-11, LL. 1;., Theunderainaît baving t OJponti hepoiss n es hnforfrhlint bo u pp iu ed th p om se . Chargea m oderato. i e bs ow upon 1h12n during lie Pa"m four d t a<, uglon boi e, n if I d r s yi.i h a e bn h f Agent-and a au Shippinmg Ag nt-for the _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ years. abilneSIhiw>me1à hRI T R e, beene - T-AWr xied ,beforer IrmmeMesfs.cmithif Ir 1 7adI illEMIMedThmyselfi lao ththIrih ca ai N13 ry Pubnc., offfle-FMnelon F oUs, bas openad,in cennec- ( RAND TRUN E RA JLW ÂY HTE , a vft in t flo nw utu ete" 107My Atva ion RxibtsT PRE' IUm S f T a m iy t at ho met e in v o m rie a wo al ab u h m, ut I ho g t o ly u ARRITEI, ATOIIIIy. ATI AW exensie Luube ti-a aiMeers.Smih &given n Tiithe etpotao tij Ou t- w a h ce air a..crning Niock, r eak tre'± i &-o., &0-~, lns htien ith his otixar promises, an extensive HO EL hBale if, tenith le busins ofA ciness ,o T eNwfr S t a v ti B o k r k% re hty OnaiAT W IZTBY STATI-dIN. Collectnt Le'. eu a u ho er h N w o kta «p ta____ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ _il_ E -The Vermont State Fair-, f ygv d srat f m L U M B ER -Y A R D WM. 'JNEILL PRO Ib'Wull my endeavour, by rgmpb aid ThÉ Iinois State airj, C N ASFG.i et f ? ocson, Nye lowyn ft -JAMESe LAMlON, -PRPRIETnn creuiattention ta business, fo give fll h ihiaiii Fiyt OSse ATTORtNEY.AT.LAW , SOLICITOR IN iig bty P r Puiy Ril -- satisfaction t ail who May favorme withhT héN w ng a ta tes Fair. C NV SS NG - lene ie w aî y n r b u s m , a d hutsta o l a a a e o h s ChanM, onvTaýerLan Agnt, ay taton,ývhre o kepicousîatîy Pries taking the train andjaavinjg houses theirSales or Colleetin.A RS TRY lvrm Uxbnlgs, aitBlock, roc t ' i l kinde horvala, whWallao md retcars oefuBi.lsdre arge. k otsndinih. Th r w r sold o ofit inlthe Statés in ANz îsoracevrmnyt hoddftsy bln lu . Adno, osfotisepsef OlBce--lu L am Ortiy, myedean esariasI.nover, met;t1871k of000e1872n 10t0aolhis ho theffor. l'lauoing machina, aid al kinds of work ex. AiseBill Stampm alway on hand. yeaux b i ba inau mproved iv adding iah she-rf err t e d o unc u esto ~ t a y pe ei p sto d ftr cue rm t ,teO e.Arag m nseulem d fo sasles ti-cliolcar grite aid mica bts in front.- CO HA P TE B oVaIIewI. o kn w ~ p ctto s o vne o h le ds GREEN% IM O & liI1 L L A GEO. CORM CEE Ofie VP ONCLE Ofc. hty b. e; vir n te st iran warming closet ha. Aftler beku, lext monning,Mr abu hip ecutd pomply5te rde. G O 3 H T LOaffiein sfc'l e,,,a,,,about their my AIoaNoine u PublcT CoEYS LIC. Whithy, sMay 27, 1878, 22-tf Di 00EL rN, O NT.OfiePotPiy.9 llth t ean t eppadi wlB rb astofgouehoig sc t- oynpet ' tro o a TTORbleCNve yacrSA . O EL80 ". .W LO , bm-n coal or wood. d yPaMup ;nd r.M lie th po t, JAS. PO W ELL - -Sou h i P stOffce 1OPRIETOB . M. W LL O , Parties bnying fro m us cim ntaI ti e d by Peda b urh yme d Mr. M'Aen imenet hPBé e rp l t- h c o h m la p o l î stMr m i , u alsam ns _________________ __________SA L E ._ Prince Albert, Sept. 24 1h, 1872. 89 replace a iY p ortions ao ur slaves tanyt m e e a n d a o o b I i i î m n o e o e o , ify i, d s u s i , t e e o a h l w u d b h F PI T-,lg à roen a ratadateaa d ndLord Byron tb Isabel; Mr.1he thun swepeae ii sIe egt ffu7f0e T IJOAN IIIJTON, That weil-knwn far , lot 26, 8-d con ai o& --C--IN-R PET-FO-----OhaaNo,24 7. 481f jusPrs ilmo ndig haL ord ses nou here gfan id , dte d iatobley ieor ebl a îm ONCLEUR AND TREASUIlER, Wlultby, kiuown as -R"YA CN HA OTEL, VTLUABLE -POET O AE saa v 417.js onigtorbre ntoreu faykn' Otflca-Town Hall. ilcurs, THE DONALOSON FARAI, -~~~~ vâSsang oxp edition; id Isabel wa i- excite, u ainlyt en. Yurmnbr do pîdsdeladieilii J'. CARMic -T wIHa l, R o rH AORELRR , N T ,Pr a igutthWilm î m d ord W irn uost ni ver. gt e ran b e t b v ac u e f c io s f ly o n.a j c emGt1aclc.H. FOY - PROPRIETOR. lng valuible proparty in-thi ono ht JAMES if4cIiIIEZV, Aidunasiotpréent ithl aeccupation cfiMUr. b A xeaei MkCttage wit th auacre N.tusytaontaon 1l0accos;aboutcf0 » acred VE ERNA SURGEON, pranamng ad orvetting iti alhi ion, ued te a T u ea eusl OMs isol lIn? .& fer lie Counhy etfOO *srlo. Aiidress- office,; spheniiJd oru'al od f a acres incixtent. -acre 0f land, veil enced a na i Asa, DUFFINS' CREER, ONT. auapectiug that, part, aI leaut, of t0, derquse fait i u ub b- Rala PntOfieOnaro Aýl - f ulivtin colir .id mn andlghaba Gadabete naroVeoadmiration lha exciteel vas owing tb te ce W E T R 0 :8 , lord us.,NothW ord. g i riarY olCh nceOfbigoprng tavoiry or Maria.le I JOIIN A. DONALDSoN ~ [~*E T ERN H O U S E a ha iersdn aetc re on Centre St. loge, Tornant. G ov't E tulgraaid GoffiGraduais 0fT RhiT ,OWtaTis Vth erSoury Col- Achance ofrea livingd forbehieaCarded tie leslloisof teelaam asticamio n, selonrbail? SIURGEON TO THE COUNTY GA w acl2) 87.1t ootr bi giutrl aArdsAsoitonedisp T g -c o m p o s e d r i d errb is1ml os18 ,' s g ueco nr a t i ereb htn rb i s m olDe stul esa r aiHrrs su l t atd eor dh o s esnl e s ' Qo ki leut rut; 'hs heun n s w o r a d . ByronStrti-e, Whitby. O , ali'li8e.ltiTi-n,- ua ndersigiod would intimais, betbis 0 of -omah ed of liai-to. lo t hu b; aC F o c m -------le, th at thia ab o ya P r om ises h vb eeaadvae i Mb- yeC .Nauu b r ldtat eini!Dd .es o ou s sW . ce , l o e p l t e m s j al o ' r a d ' a ni g , i d t o b h - o a p t l ' aia - p u b u 'O A F 1S i -pad renovatedthtrougiont. ÀA dearaid indaputable tila wflbe given -Hou-ses examined as te saund a . M di bal, ' Wisli m o succeas,' cried hoa, sbalie 1empty C mtlns phOodmUIla oti; bu Ito gi jc ,tt duP and ' m vi frfat aU thave taken lurtyc F rivaringr pu -mcinClaver Aine liasbanbeonedsbiscb nd, asdlaode off.meota"sM & e , , ' ' i i e h m a y c m i - u d erOh eDO Nt E, v n d o w , a i d a i f l c d w h en" aes ea l a i-e' rmnnr n u n s o p ii.n s r e m i a . D o s I b a n o o n u l i k e t e e t t u n u . ' P a l n > ' - lie ye . O H. L,, Oal îwa O n arlo F i e I e ur n c e C o' c f C a n d a, e rwhe esuule a id rea il WBeo a 'a L as- ticu iors apply t o the ow uer. l- ter or _ _ ra h p o l and. A l oud orae. s od ifs baud, m ro dt e w off e a m , t i oî o u b o I h s a ly t o t GU'Y'S HOSPTÂL, LONDON ENG, Cauuathé CiiîrsFRANCIS CLARK. - I_ Offec e at M . T cs. C. annings's. dea 1' sid Lay A une,' Lord War - mon' l ýconver se wt8eiu re, u h r sln %VwAAokJSEH Bea-aNDELby idy k ~llxahanmia i 1V. A[A8l~~~ <, . JOSEpH A. BANDEL. >*b'e Jny 1871- 2 1?tf J i. 1874. 4t i non c m mMount bie hors esuppo e 0 i ba îelv aohrad lî s Csta latlaml ul tod ouLadyro son ta W. 1IL Card.) CAPITAL, $500.000. N 1(KGYugwmn icnsaoda o De ual lloorn--])U idlaîs Street, Who ' de"ath was liouOOO conp111:e0 usn o arep;-engagea, A IMayaSay, on ail cunecmoeentvuIg oie itbyd var Mu. Jamesoli'a Store. Niti-ous )po<',,wit Go ,,,n, $ 7,0 CU- AD.-RO ORFTgWHITBY, ONTARO, C ' 1' inoalreeie ia gfailsdytar in onaû tin iha' . ay nd o1 as aUduulnlstere orthuî î es x.T O O N O , 0 T A i1lîdddr.H.Ja es waîepeim n îg, e th I. I eraa baellyp tinc baveig higs al t a to 0,t u h t il d U tail busesCihtluout d olay, a id O R O N T O . Im p artors, Dbaolrsa nad M a iu faclure ofuai l a id eDr. H. Jm esder er m nt aa b r ipyréoparatiooni> ofo sa id d s n ng , so eim s at r- D y u kî w ' a il u d ANB r pay verthecash AT ONC E. JAS. T JEWELL, Kin l of accidouiîy a au-a oly h i L K -and'u i p fSon, n atiefhnce vici ping thngatiImoet u cl me b ,'aiIlin>M.MAp erair C. N.VARN 1_ ). i.Hon. AuX. McKENZIE, M. F., Toronto, Aug. 12,16878. PrPr;tr. TUCO ND ÇIAINGSsIAhIteuO x nses. n"ppo ýrsApn ol aepooelfryn kptto o C, N. VAnsrtei, al te OH>M. SN J., Pi-ident, ~night-sweats, nauRea ah hae stomach, 1md a night a o eae iicm is ntne TIest pincaiplesof hat M O NnI IIan age Jo., - - ý,yA NOL ,CahLaitior sie shel. d ethz Craddock Co., 1082 Race-Street, ddt- z decency. But ju las bamak- I Ca ne îhome oe in br py IhpeyuvIlhv b bi o »ý" h &» as the cit epe8t, and ns gond as lte. - ---- -- - ____ ____ ____ ____ __ I is p psu- h atbaoa td.l t G l u S l o . O L A ] O D C I A L A S S I G N E E I E T I G M D O O D E O _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ u î p b s m d t a, y o u s e t < » > t h e b n f f a l a a mn dg p o a p l a , li kaAlNa iWgOD .sOF Fo yIA La n y q u a d r i l l e s I d a n c e d o Teeli extraeted wltlîout pain, by puodu riugfj liaETO O D R Nfota rsy oveston wthL r local ausaetiesia. Doitai Itocirs-in CalngO U H R OIE A UB EFIElFRSL i W rigoW obsn oesrospoueefc, a ç wblcoe tisnsD A AL X N E ,Fintentions about you laha h au about -I do mai-ny, Is1 l oe m s1ea Wttdoyu a olwuyfu? o R ing-Stfet,-. John KeiStorbegeNhoÀiniorM S ail87u. -2m e ; lhala * t 1 uî n a I y au,- tleat n at ta talents, m y a s r i y ;- c-e u,1u m ha t y a d w s ' of fr.JofziKeIh, egste infrm ilcou. 00SS Bo D, Wnuvar. G The Northihl f niLot 34 lu lie 7th con- you May ua y upon. ' m aria,' suîd sua, i lta my sensE, b t a my n so a. btl ed fe w rs'du T O A US II , tomers liaItbey will fdnd thie promisese conE. I ox41 EO. T, HALL, tcession oharWhitby, eomps'iaingNo;100 acres e r e d a t h elyoa ntdp i c e s . ft u n u g-t aih nca i l erod aoh t e r . 'îtN o n yme anisa boglr e dia ce ,eb a e n t 'l l a s s e , I n v erib aes i - o a h e I SSUoi? O F M A R RIA Q E LICEN SE S. and o pl f uoily - vtutuablo ci-oehu, aid aboul Ion acres sîster on tins buimas R i C oydî su pliod, aid W ood ahigi shahs of culhivatloî, %ih n wb d Ila-sovn a. oid iceByroul invugpurhuso la-g trct o tiibiter on.U. ..thi'si bAusiness;oi. ls hiola cre god us emar iflunc a r ha1I ,hae Bniut ______________________________COMMISSIONS ng,penapayluabpulI usrntcbni amaidaabiout'dcton Iacresyo Sitreet, tiue accd oars atitof Tows-utRHll, FwP .uE E S 1 Tn hue buuANk Lakes a mil sud acres gond b on the may ba mv regooflstnceion limesb-athon I shauld Mi-. ti on thneé bild sitîl o oligdabyyullhakiantd onrla ifiitel iii vmmna Wa. W3l thîg;'scdMana, ooon uitansha ga exluiusties suppy wi b alsys keopî Valations ule a ildccon ls colected. ab{iigltN.1 ulle teold on reason- ave.' A d 8 sayig, i quitteid the made Europe ringvbim u m;nv Ou~ qiesnas sueyu JÃJHN R8BOIN0ýL1Nluail. TO V N rO fice over TuoiCimos-icL i nt N . .B L , hrn, n. oom with an air of muaI ho jostingMY, Mcgie IlnoaberteAn fI ncsr ga-TO N O WprompllyBsnespomtyatedd n m :mseal cetraipx-1izad n R DRESSING AND SHAVIN O anitecd, Cool weîghetd on tht Townsceaies.igiai l s entas, o hoW.;. -clania Isbo ll810n rock St., Wluithuy. orte A . A EXDEO,3W, W iitby. li e Isb . ra o atte n d o d ta;h , 187C . D L , 7uol , O t., ' B e a rn , a mi e a blw c e nrte ai- lo o k u' M id i h l h a m d a m a i l Ii*m n a r a y. I a k d P t M r Jui j I OL L N E , V iitby, July 9, 1878. 28 FRiEE SITE W ILL BE GIVEN W b ,M y 1,1878. 201y Wifhby, Fel. l i , t 7~ out__the_______ __ntLopdy nid Mn. MalPl, if ey did not ga A _ _ _ _ _ W O F E 7-tfCm p n ' Bk e c a rn s m m ma u g i v u t l t y u l o M ri , y u d s r e a b t ai a e t u î o i t u y s d i y d d hate any M a n lat a a ke b r sî te ,th e as il v ms, of o n t t e isn doG ra tna rde .n A td o i ' t h a li a ,' a o luLa dII a beE sY c k J .W o u l y o u b ili ir e, t h t lc nwSa i A G N -F R T E CELEBlIATED L V lbuilding mii esablis ein a eta P n ' TEAMSHIF> TICKETS IM RUSSELL HOUSE, Isabel colored. 1'1 cire very litîhe alstar's M uid;a idsdaî -,cilg fni afsItbymk ehagi-a ' tu-b deoudaatrhsniai ho ise gai re DN -udliy. Fol.2, 187 . M uyo, C orner M oleheda si i si s g t abo nt L ord W a mningdon, as it happ ens,' ti e s acr aI Sprin f a t o s, m f o i W e o b ok l n l i , n a d n g aîjanîîîan S., Whutby. sTanudarsgnod lie s b inir e.Wht iii 2,U87,-tL ORILLIA, ONT. ul nece asary, I suppose , ab i oin l b r pr vi au xmulaso utt aem agu dn id m m JOIl A -rEit, umed business at e old -- --------- ismgiiotbiklos eoeo i ii i nodrh e msne il M rin's cluacten. I C Ea a i d s b o , i n a t o ueOo f d i a d a i n . ' î t lTi isu e , v h i c b a l sar if t e î p u z z l ednloe ro fitgei g s a n i e I r Isn> s o n n a n t s v i t l m e s h LAUCTIesof Onio, or Tee, WHITB8Y LIVERY STABLES. IR Elargast houssesno bofTornt. ut isfa t.the thouglit of being farced t Mnauny 'Bah lV said Mrs oi ael o e-. R asidenc o- L ot 8, 8titiConcression M arlil iuaî 11 ui uîe cuusedl t],,' uuiuubeu- u d q uunlity h eA W T - C zi S I O ' ' b t , I i î a n s r or i g naoc a g t a a l l k -1 l a -l e a - Th u desine h s em vc d, furnisied a d cn u tdM A p n M aria, if you go d s ie lon-tnu a 'Plas G d, th ng l ara, yo bau li ta firtes i u oh ic, ud ou. -Sal s oiuulue ici i ohn hue t hé t,d, an id clso udd ,'d to uuid n r T f l f l r o u v o uld p ut m e - t h e s o r t e t nh one , n dM 'nA l p i n ele to l o u dyt h cs o m a t h u nga n vaTemmrmeg ay;-I ayhobay lesaiaineYi fauepdasntbu ylire Do 8 E ko ST A M P FOR Can d aLbRu tie n,'. Ipa iningre L yrd - b ut a t oil you ra t) v -u g y o i . l i g - :M unii-pal D ebîo.. WA P T S T E N A S U R A C E O M P A T "N"L'WA KIS - 'Yaeyoulava; repied alt-a vStoclksaids-AuLn agoy ofindecsionIau Oh, ys, scbTuslotni tb m-be ld Blle Seseuic lipuolaFts aWiu a idsy Rejj ydlrsyu;w ehrh orbat F er - - - a i -. a400r,000. er las- ho vi al of tie for sale t ni T e. >-f-ac- - - Iuasuiîas one uiuu~ o ou-i-- ~ e'~*ule - --.- .esc w Wt pseuae u e hurs, 3aicsudotier Muicial obua.-, TOuNT: ) FF CI AL A88 G NE U Sreo gINESS HA NCE.he- owmrmf VLIM.ID NC. pruin e ayu hv acîce hnsyo valpee- e pin i digse vl I lî I as ny ala a ilt e ao nho fibiyM7 ntryo ne. I ar n sur e L od b eai g it o eo I , o i l r o i in u i g a E g i i e n i m ra e i g a o u e a I W arrmnAslagn ulmitlras Fou; vhetier le Faon bei21R00y; ajualesfor irlau-k-ha tsalIe hoBvteel amilnvasrso OFFIE-Ovr uth arketili hsl Stockse.ý,oCAPoIT i t RAL STOCK, - &C. E, - h e mîrigs eieeto calrie remfo -llé_______________________and____ j WaggoisBroch-t., ih hlm.OBF Ct-Iakagelirea totkmPrn. ail wyou,. onoubeencolob.FnyrtusaIu tacsu.ntaio. heabusiaisauo tt-limaithetrWim'tllthtaserapn i f oM l l l a e , -iau k s . , W l aiit a l s1 g 2 1 W C a -I mse l y e a c mauo v ib a st o b e , b e k p t s a k al m ip-l lt,17, l5 EalOfclAuiTs;ad Puiy lasing M'Alpiae, unâver, lie t-anis oenf'biopacent,î mugie loyer lattnca FoY or Conlylotteliro.(Aiohomm a InIl, se bas aken l ta eminîmenaiail 1, ficnveuiuceî pîrycular yoî mainjsthIFtmia am t 1110t> anythingtofa n ho i wmuikl whtq eim e rtr ri uie na . ' hos bcier a r e v hefnl o-l o e r i h ea Z, t h ti> eadmi t-ilio n a re l y uf n l, fo h a huhaii g a o t e se te i n f hi h o I, bB AM B L . Cun ffý-hattunssl bo n ds aot e:entsU eo RUILDEîB ANDSIIINGLESti FOR SALE, lipoeu, a Wou]l~ M-e 1 l , S T o t k e t b s t p e w C o h s a d Syl S o u m l t p o r m l i i c u o n i l - h 'o-aTh i s I s h n î m i l î I;e n à s I b a n l a c j u î g laea Mu oi -euuîuubîruumao wl emd tesia optn e tah d *O n stor e a e ai Iga lt-d oklg hie 'o 8 4 t f 0 r~~~~I a > e a l l y m i e l f i l t e- g i , t o a e é e y t o h i fui' ~~~UNA ST.,sPi-nl-, aad-aos <ring-'AL, - 2,coo. uesurn'uilerta o bilai fu-sae Iiaiheosbs havé, U ME a ms it mmneniuh m benî-thotn ilmyseon, ashvavIeel leotiR on They ohiprisea ion ber rtonariciestimationd unR Sviu-io u a A g r c o -à o a n11 oo rt-sp t a I Ia m b e , h i ghey 'sfron dsam p ln tUn isr eivl e reo r t eiba la n c ea lt e ilot a a ptIbv e n t The subsciber Ilhe for sale ut hie Mi quavakoinil!, Motgi>hfalaydiduaaeIgoooi.atakellinenoase oaaminuteM 0onbutao;0 vleicsatmnha.' A ppailiti.uîna el tou; li bondii ac.nd87 ll t 49 itfhorhî na Uic, lae ourestilWood.los aivuh tuîillu 'IN A .'00olung itcosi vebot-l isi p ub - U tic , S eptessonC hiwh ieth eo ru in g;s m ul bu>llateaarv endnoe on ecimeingeta Irehthn l t- 'I o!ha gefo dv cé l(, tl ti is niA N b a e ofb sn s ai u b a - u.D m -ug t ei e f- ies an Oc. m e n N.NRACONTRACTOJI, buoPOeet - CîtetJssand Stbuesosass gal lenadmiresrsmo,' Ihougliil.baveta-aettep toobb d iggel B. DE LIlkiduoffod.Ir45l LO H OL B T E A.D, dnon reasbly iwlà e- fomam toc n, ;pfor I onl aebetrbrn e viie v a UTnu vii hamile ou- Spuug id Sommler aide . ap g aLtsel 'my toe" ivinatthnonyt hii 10 bAveltnd; ashAn T .ir-eU eIoe; luî D n Ail J.-IpLONGo.thehastlJuraondl the- foing M of lnQ t Mariaavea oue icvlsuul~o îin 5d C ourt, l o aI , W001 lta, a qomitieyef four-footl AYTON a o Iiamoteneoring tis fth h e O~r W l .,yy t myuat W é nc ovncl M.Baha ti tl The sbscuiau- f'nurou-rsle ioifsoIINomily.i ort i&.Cncesio, y iD-liDe l sOrTmeNt i iaiitndstvanet IhaeIr gl o ro me' An pa ara &. "Nhar ga o r mîvciOntarit. lue oarsB.- th et e abor o ld e ,d A BC C BTn wO OBoolnock tii.,tP u el a IZ liaNT. opn h, a 1nd A iONws a dLenzyonsoT e ne&ok f A th erl y 1 72 . 86 F ocring , h ave. lo v o l.a' -Pl u = ,aa dlCahe e rts, niab jectatlaalie c e ssaiery eou bm ycerta nh a p a ,' sa lIoM an ia, a'ili nmWyoho nte mm trîidriv N - R A y ndi'Ois =s sandcî, nuitvannesohtbus theis ll-net getit!>pagofersi buii not l -lie uie-s-ga- -b-- -L - - MPBELL.2 xnaI ii babl ai cofi- iccm gte-n , erî-'î sholI 11k.lIaI c ail Ibnge-. funil L eý 5 TO 6T0LPER. laubAgebld not gis',hnîlanoniBor" 0thome velmare, -I mi GrilolIaItabject>Tsteidlmyt6ghaaudmel.'nt itstuup E.oDE LCahfr in> roluc tioFecn orsecoh r r tte snl pTEEs bvlee.nd paera 't e ô' Nov. 8,1878. 4, f CLOTH SOLD BY TsisYARDtien veoneevepyintbjfcr vommercformMahie forOpusuleonce; It; aWueof tho bav rectio overSunday Bassood, kIl.ý bein nl, 174. 10taol arris Porladaie.___________a sabin ad FRUiT che bodSquare blven isti-sin ovrlok lenoin, m cnemlae volt J. LONGEL.MAJor AUaihI R O b Mn..Mai Wdmuhofea ÉekofferOe ATHERLY Whltby, Jan.ste nd 20,a >874.e 4oGLENa IMILLà y tint I voupli at ayo1w o Bvlm ontpu ln Athenbv OUT. T.toud, 1872. PnnwauXAindnT, aNT. Fla 'i- e ,,taanlfn. au laid. As;il vasAmi Mx rAs. RINO E, - PROPW-TM.For ae GEr O et. p IIOPRO leve utimr cres hty i« us ertfôi w wr a ,sglo el. afIy,»- 1 3M à ,asevel m ,s I anse C esîB.tBidentatu '--> l'- -',< vil nolp gel siap goorlsinscbulclat&ies queoer-omeiin M ieuaqaimm; vai o arie atooy atI Btla. 3 4 9 # r " V 4 ý b ; n ýî l D i e . 1 8 * , j " f T o a ï b s t o .. 0 v e m m a mg- Mâta vi, Tybe> hylulo rraae oeira y mle syIi i-I c~ Ipeulo pla z &nt, M' od foig minutai ikt j" -te -te 1 at - -, 1ý,ý yý lý 1 1 - - Vý 1iýýI1 -0 oýp ".Y- ", h, Mh ÃŽÃ, w vé du mq&lim gîèate1ý W, id da var - la î1 née1hef n0w-Yon have pjayj-ý- fÃ"r me .,qyýnt go te jea;M IsbaU net Ès à bléi.;dà "lelà i' 1 yoti kuow?, wli, , u douli-1 - Po" we' allai "Y always though4l, replW'Xr. . j3". y bain, laughingtoo, as ho iùvarïab y-did 0 when ho saw ' b ' ' - ýjiý, ý- - though a"' di" h - evem it might a "Ã,,O's a stance' ýt 8 the Jlg.was the.- National, dança à f land., 'Among 'ilie pe asantry,,. 0 ysazyed Marià weil .1 What thon will you dan,,?, en- quired Mr. BarhanL *Quadrillés and -waltzee,, 'Quadnllej3 and waltz es' 1, lie Y"8p- tired drikék tiresome -l'na Éo sorry 1 1 fun 1 e e or mah ,Whyï I miglIt 88 well be in Eng. land, !£Yon dance nothing but- quad. rilles and walt7es I-J have been-three wesks in Ireland, and ve not seen -iig danced yet Il gRave yen 1104 reallY?-I'll ses what I eau do-for vou at tue 1 bail, thon; but 1 can't promise Te tell the truth, Igm allid'onr ýraà and fashion will go into fits at the t thing az.. nô iait- of auch à - C,6,tlgsanYwherabut in a poor- In. or a gentiematls kitch n But at any rate, YOU can dance sud e t118M d£iÃoed. to y.,,r Ilearts col Seo 'if YOU.don't mià d eing. the Bervaut's- seud for Paddy tito pipet di- rectly, if yen likop foi this evhning., .'011, thank you 1 . thank Yola 1 dear mià oWýilmet I, hig eyes already d4neing W'th delight, as lie exclaÙned-',A piper a real Irish piper 1 oh; what capital fani an Irish' 1 ejrl--and Irish servants danpingI ji9til-1 woula not have , cd CD . tO Ireland for a thou. ,sa i Pounds 10I wouldn't, 1 declare 1 , - or would 1 liave ha hd Y,, ML" it for double th,- ,lù 1, said Maria to Just at that Moment a little bars- leggedt red-headed boyp'peepea jul alla having 5UýveYéd the ro-ýtn was prepar- ing te Witiltlýaw'ari 681je , &H], exclaitaim, Sn Mg tinit;,ý1ýhnjhe vrat stopped by Maria, 1Vliat-areyou lookinqfOr Mekelleen? 'Lookin, every placé ÃŽO*r My tacly, "'nt Miss; an* c3u*t flud here.' - V, wlly=wbat do you want of lier, eehelleen 2! The masther, Miss, that sent me for 80, My father ig ritUrnea laill Isabel, Lastily -t - 'ng aeïde th" )ODIC Elle hail taken UP On r. Barham's Iltrallce-, I didmot expect Lim bu,.h. o soonf'-W eh b servation had it «n the fait fui aheript 'of l1,ýr hought, would- ve a-, . Se, jord Warringdon-is re sa 2 1 diii 01; cet him back se soon il - ;ÃŽere is MY, fathers Meeholleen ? Below in the kitchen, Mis., what is ho acing there ?l Seeing after the Eliglisl, -1,ord iý never can't remember tha name ho onhim, islisa., Seeing after him,' repeated Isabel_ JOW do yon meau 21 014 nnthin.- very pertickler, Miss, y a fall ho got from his horge., 6c'OO(I Ileavensl'--exelà imed Isabel, £tily-lis.hohurt,?.Iýfeehellean, c,,-t ýu answerl ' Throth! I doult know, Miss. but I re gay ho is-Pà u'deon toula. t me he: ered' Mâter Kelly telag Tom Lanui. nt Mister M'Alpijacg Man, that p&t < 'rPby èaid 'twas Xrs. BI'.Donogillïi ýnioil thlit hed never ate a bit a ain., 'Nonsense, ýfeeheljeCn,, interrg < Lria, perceiving Iga apteil bel frrov deadly What rigmarole story, Lave you at there?--zý'Vhat does birs. H'Don- ;h know about the mattèr 2' Faix, I don't know, Miss, but every in the conn thry does be iayin, Mr& 3onogh ig nghty knowledgable in - aril tê physiés au' cures-now well, said, *hin Barney Sullivan% -horse clitted an' smashsd intirely, that 1 niver ate a bit Miss?' 'Yî%Rý'hnf. T-A et_ -11 -- elleen hung hisheadï and ecraD. :floor with the l#- gest digit on bis ýry cleau littlefo à t. Mr.ý Barham ) usy, watching the little Irisil 11tini rom one bare mottled leg ýther, sestebing ' bis hW and ig the floori while under-going terrogatory, that ho never observ- r much more important a cirenm- Mià - Igabel Wilmot seemed to S Lord Warringdon'a having from bis horse' and Il never like- a bit agaiü," than ]Woehelleon it. iei Isabel, love,' oaid Mari&, é jet ,and see how the cmw really ýeUeen, in hjWk gloeatogcaping ber examination from the yonng "a amertain, for sa ther 1 the En 'a r actually ff nil scampered off ýe]beUeen. 't bc frightened, Isabel,' sMd as she felt ber oijqtWo hand on bu arm-1 you ýmay be cer- nothing very serions or my ould, have sent no ine8sage by Moehelleeù. Lqieku proved correct. Théy ord Warringdon staniýLn b of a group of ialffly 9 'ilmot, Who was inspecting the igst arriveil ria Andy MI. ommamed Andy the Post. mnt looked a EttIe palor than Ld bis arm wu in a aling; lie did not appear byý any astate to ju8tify the ommous t of Mro. M'Donogh, as'de. Meelielleen on Paudeen's au. which prediction really rau >11 he was not turted' go beld, EL bit ffliný-for therela many bis life Upon a gmal>r pro., dtc find yoii still in the-land 19 L'ci-dl and t biaied yoiý"--""