Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jan 1874, p. 3

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lavor of -the exien I Il mi roulti sonal tise ndul. -andi their for a thse 0th rper, 3etl lu MaMtaee eof iii'* 10 arase tUn eosnmlll.es for thi syar. -, aMsUrv OF 'ru NAi. LOT e bd1Wt vas thon. prceededi ser. Fairbanks anti Smithi,'i $-w1th. is. follcwig rm ro. Draper, Donovan, Har anti Ray, speelal cpmusittee.- msotion, tise mayer left tisee ft«n fainn ess able 1h. gp Tm STAKDING CocxxrZss. the netu ofethlise oimitte, elnesnmed, anti Mn. Draper, ia, repxted a oio ý *mno aund Addesmest.- Mes ,van, Ray, Smith, IHokkins set.e and lspmemn#.-Moî Bette, and Draper. a, and<Z Waer.-Mesns. Has andi King. 1 ieig- Mosans.Draper, Bd 'airbanks. eus »mPtem.- Msuns. Hopi and Gaii. ilieafiomsste Offic.-Messn.' loy andi Botte. ou. (Jemsnitte.- Tie se f s. Carson, Bette anti Xlev. lf CYmits-e Sr Bil S anti Fairbanks, wd of Hoaltl.-Tlie Ceuiscil. Drsaer, econdeti by Mn. Bel 1tise adoption oethlie report. Blow objoctesi, ant i ussiei n ual course bingfeloed of goi mxnlittée cf tise 'svole. Draper lied, neobjection.1 t in a position te spoak as rau thse preetice tise leut Iwo yeans, anti,lin ovlug'-tise Le titi s -folloving. lie olti use mpl Imeved tise report lu ofu etutyau chiaLnineof, t twee Of course.-il vas coi Ir any geullinoas vised neta of diereprte omove for its c ious in suy vey he siigtisll Hâpe r -sud Mn.Bey, boliv nr.Blo v as misteken-aud th ras nothlng unusuel lun ov: ~optinf the report lu tisei meor hati dose. 'Donevan-,vas lu favon et goi nMltte niMrý- Ring bad OU71 ,otaeeny member sisou ki yo: OUI t th ip a lun va- ýnfi uld Mn, .Biow's motion, secendoti by Mr. Smnith, -wa thon carnied and the court O eh t itlto cpnsniittoe of tiso wiols on th report-g~r. Bette iu tise chair Mr. Jlo* zuoved te ainendth Ie report' ky bstituting tise naine of Mr. Draper fér ,thst of Mr. Ray as elhairmau of the cmmlttee on streets. MHie scson foi dolug 0 wau, -ho saisI, tisaItie otiser two Wardu lied the.chairmssuship hsst nO'he ouhWadaun-ohave thse hlaimnan, Desides Mr.IRay wae dapu. ty reeve, andi had tise dutios cof tise 1Coucty Council to attena te. Mr. Harper contended tisat Mr. Bray's expenience entitled him te tise ohatnzaneisip, and dit net osea any rea- son W7hs oig e tyreav e ionld ' lg e ld fom oing hies hare ef Uri Ry woud bewell pleased if au. -other, -hairnan isati beauput lu his Place.- Ho would ho vary happy te be rele-ed cf the dutieeewhiiis a4 ocu. ped jggood deal cf Ille tino, and ceet hlslmeounethlng lu iheir discharge. Mnr. Draper moved tise adoption of th. report sas Il tood. Ms'. BIcw'ea moudment isaviug been Put was ývoted down-the noyer aloe ÉninuIls favor en a division. Tise othen clauses cf theê repert were tihon fmoesivly aidopted, sud tise re- port roporteti mid adopteti without Mn. O'Doucvan, oecondod by Mr Ray, àbtalned leave te introdueeà ay law te appoint a igis Seiool Trust&e, Dr, Ganniboing reîfring trustes, it wai mcved tisat lhe b.cze.appolnted. Mr, Bette mevedi li ameudmont theenaine of Lewis Mlilu. Th. amentiment wei e eted-îise moyen only belng lu faVes 0 it, sud thse by.law was -passei ap. poiutlng De. Gilun. U r. Draper seconded by Mr. Smnitis, moesilfer tisee apeinhrnent of a speclal coomlitte, coffivo, te ceslist of tise Ma or, Mosans. Harper, Hopkins, Smiuh andthe moyen, te enquire te ail tise Incidentai and ti ter expenossof tise corporation during tise pasi year, wltis thie Vlow cf ascrtsiuiug if au y andi wiat neductiou could lbe made lu tise taxes ef tepeetyear Mr iqwould like te kuow wisat was tise objeet cf lise resolution?2 4 Mfr. Draper-to sacertain, as far as possible if tise taxes eau in any way be rcduced Tisera wcre great complaints outulda as btisah taxes, and ail sorte of cisarges sud rsuspicions indulged sn. He knew ef bis owu knowledge tisat -semae cf tise charges -aud suspicions made on thse streots wec rroneous, andi ho fcIL sure tisai thse dquiry would net ouiy eatlify people outeide, but would bcs st. isfitctoy te thse council tîsemsaçves. Mr. Blow cosdel tise eselutiosi 11sîecessary àsud uncsllcti ior; ltiguored tise finance committe wiso pecial duty it was toeanquireie otise finances of tise tevu andi report, frew in me te ti me,.lie regarded tise rasolution as e filiglit towerd -tise gentlemen ef tisai *- Mn. Rey loolses upon it as a bnnkum Yesolution wisicis ceuli serve ne purpose wisateven Tisey isaitise publisisos statemeuto-from lima 'te Urne piaceti before iisp nutepayerg, sud every rate. payercocult i tnd cut-dataile freintise trseunsr!'s books. Mr.-Smith said that lun seondlu the reselution, lie believed lie wae dolug a services tetise ratepayers. Many 'of th.m-hb eleved were utlerly ignorant of the state of the twn finaîcesa hoi was himieif, long as ho haI beaunarate- payer. , As -a membar cf tise Ùnance. comm1tteélhe saw ne objection te tise DspcilIominsille ise bellevesi that if .they vent te work lu a friodly . spirit thoir appointaient would be geod ; andi -hoe deniedt t1h. motion was forbuuk. un umpurpeses, or vas inteuded loesceI auy roéitosis or vaut cf ocnfideoe-on -tise prceedln2ga.cf tise conoil cf lest 1fr elauaks lsoiught tisaItise he tension via a tlstng uosuafy agneedtc la anud vaslaythe.bézasefiîftise poor mu asvealas thenis, and te p neyent hansl pnoceedlnp being adopt4d, hile ait th àAme tisndon__'pgtisecollecte- thi extension-. cul= nt h. objectedt te, - Mn. Smlth gave notice et a by-leî ou tise @bet, and eter soea funtise - nssrk~ M.Ëtarper, vithdrew - i originel motion, anti substitutetienetiser exten&ing 1h. lime te tise 2uti. of Feis On motion oet n. 0'Deoyau second- ed l'y Mn. Bey, Mn. B. J. Yarueid'*we eppeintei Auditer, »and tise ayor namet Mr. 1H. W. Edieas tise' - secou Audiler. - On motion cf Mn. Harpor, seeoidoe bY 'In. Falrbanse aresolution PaseC instrueting tise chiauofethlie coin nsltee ou streets andi imprevemeuis .tq etivertise si once fer tendons fer isè UreessùyTumber andi stone for use on aise tresta andi sideiraika of th. tevu 1hhe preseut year. 1 - ,,Mn. Huston, Town Clerk,lad hfore tise couwell statomntulof recoipts aud expenditunes for 1878. - 'On-motion ef Mn. Bey, ceuncil a&i journeti, Theo evidence befere tise County CourI Jusige relativa e otise Illegality of tise election for tise Centre Ward vas Mw pien ulhe fonencen. Juilgemnie roserveti. Feuding tise- docision slie nevly electeti zenibenir - have teker their meat. -Tise Ceeu. r- ('nen tise Toro"é Ma iL) )r, morrow; hoir easly il enu preisahm to-day sud abuse isijuto-morrow Mnr.' n Brovn's nev-found zeel tes- a nabid g Tr asdh as ail the worldibof e Baldwiu'a, candidature for tisa Yorik te Division lu tise old Legiesative Ceuncil Dranti te sendtih1e olti eletesmen's grey o-haire vils sorrow te tise grava. - Wisan o.B. W. Scott ires ÃŽ#tise Censervetive 10 renks tisa Globe o fet i hm l'y Cvry e naine that *as l'ad. Wisen ise bepne o.a renegede tisreera e noneveds tee, ,~honeyedti vus icaiste speals et lin. Wheu E. B. Wod vas lu tise Sanfleld' ,k Macdonalti.Carling Coalition tise Globe abused i hm like a pickpocket sud cailr. etihi 'a naving,tearing,belîeving mal- man.' Wiseu ho playeti traiter te Ie gleader tise sae paper gneecoquent lu hie preisé. At iluis moment va Sund vMr. Malcolm Cemeron, turced te s-u away tren tise Lanenke anti Beufreirs, 9foisteti upon tisa contituancy of Seuils Ontario, anti bacieti up l'y tise influ- ence etftisa Globe nevepeper. Tlscee -was s lime Whon Mn. George Brown anti Mn. Malcoisu Cemenon didn'i Iiteis ose voîl toeatisar, aud tiisletise ses-t et man Mn. Browa saiti isa vas tisen; "Mal celm Ceeseern.o? ail mess e tise r womei te beceme Postmagter-Gescral. @Malcolmiletiso e utsîcenelessud un- * business like oftmn o t enatrusteti r vush au office s-aquirnsg tieseiet minuta 1anti igid attention. Hi# eppointment 1 is infamou.#."-Globe, Juise '25 1853. 3 "Mmý. Cameron je a rougis spoken - iumbug. I/f h-ecen iurss a politicai ce 1, pr beapÃ"usacy, Ite hsene guaima foses-sulce agâtst thse deceit &impiy bsceuge e ise a arcature of tise moment, whoee conscience is ssnimpresiouabie, and seiso8e claraeter rs sniqflaeneed by astecedentîy, by recorde pmofes. #ions,-or b any future regapd either for imsllllc+fr tosebijwisom h-e i8 appeurted"-G lobe, 1854. Tisis is theo inu visemthse Globe sud tise-Grils are nov audeaveuring to force. upon Sentis Ontaio. Tue lhing io im. pudent beoent conception. Malcolm Cames-on, besities beiug tise iet un- -pinciplai et politiciens, le a bernacle upen lise body politie et tisa vosekiud. Ha as quite friendly te tisa laie Gev. erusent until liiey p ut hlm ouI ef thsa Queen's Pninles-eiip, irealie iset notiig te do but dnsv a large saisisy for doing netising. He ai once becama e "patriot" aurions te, sacrifice sny numben of hie vife's relations ton lise ceunis-y, anti bas reainet in tisatinl.t lereeiing condition o-rer since. Hea las l'ut oeeambition lu gettingie l'Pan. liament, sud tisai la te socure soe sin- ecura as e solaca anti e cosufont in bis olti days. Pos- eot1mrse, ha is desirous, for lise oinaindes- of hie une lun thie snbluuny spisone, te l'o a pensionenr on tise ceunis-y. WCa need isardly say tisai va canuel permit ourselves tle belle-se fer a cingle moment tisaiSentis Ontario vii neject s man cf indepeindent mesus like Hon. T. N. Gibbs te fastenupon itself sacis s lecîsi as Malcolms Camer--0 on. Tis is net amoug tise pessibili. ties. Tise ivo Outesios ara sounti ton tise Gibl'ees anti for Union anti Pso- grass. s Draper reiterated hie neasous for rite neolntleu, stallng tisa Idhe s'as teo correct tise wrong ipres. aing about, ilsa resuit ef ignor. id istetemeÙni ade at street aud cpuld sea ne reasouTor auy 4bjotlou te e solution. hi steeMn. Draper iras ealedý !peat.d mess;ages lsving been or hlm-to attend a meeting e!f nuig 0 ont.eee visaI object1 M.Wbegalzse4 by tie A Significant Ruinons-. --Tise Cleaveasut Leader enys ; "Canadien pollues tus-niaIs s nev item et iniarsites-r Amenicen needers, in tise rumoeun tisai 750,000 etf Amanican money lied been taken ie oCanada l'y agente oftie Nostisera Pacifie tea id tise Radicale in defeating tisa Canada f Pacifie sailway'sciseme." Commenîing on tis, tise Loidon Free Pree addg' ,Ibise a suspicions tact tisait iseru. mous- comes ilineugis au Anicican sailier tisan a Canadien cisanuci. Hssd rit beecu presnulgated by auy ef eus- journal, as tise prscucucrisis, neo sbt il vesils be sellfe- t aias clection clep- irp b luettes- hswewvl toundoti il uighpâtnorve ta ba in tisecund. But iran isa tact is sttat in a vellinii- tres-mtijournal ou tisa oison sidaeofthtie lines, fer - remove ti t etseacia et cenflici, ant iliTe position teaIhear anti knov tIse rumeurs cani-asse inlu mes-i. eau monayati cinele, il desives use tisen a plssing signiflcauce. Cen il bo possible tisai, afttr ai tisec boasiing of psiiîy issî vahave lied hoard et lote, anti viilo Sis- John A. Macdionaldi badil'eaubranded vith foui changes, tise Canadien Pacifie liailway has been oiti outt tesaNentisernuPacifieuaI'tise prive al'ose specifiati? We shah soec." Mn, Cenieron' netosisof o!Malting ap- pointinents te Office. Mn. Cemeron vas Peetinaster Gen. oral. On lise 23s-tio! May, 1854, 1fr. H. Purdy, of Wss-tsville, receivet in-u formation tisai a peat offici vas tel' epe!si luinthal village vuit ûseoitas peetsiasterns tulis.moantimo ho vas ivailte n by an agent et Mn. Camer- dn's *ise vas couteetlug tise cennty vilS lise Hon. Gee. Broya, anti esked te give bic ývote an ntues-est for Mn. Cames-e. Tise premied posiniaster saiti7h lue asgelug te su pport Mn. Brovwn. TisaI*as the lail bo esard of bris office for ou tIse 21s1 t fJsly teblov. ing, ea more . pliable mua ne Tiseixipon, iras appomnteti pstumster.1 This vas netý l a; fer the unfestunste village vas punisiset as Neil as peen Punsly, for tise office ires celleti Triumph insteati of Wardsvile. -Ho, sted au -05ppe1itouprapr ta the Lmbtou8bield, su insteati ef Iuippontsg il out of hie ovun.peekol, gave; acordlng te fis. 1. eàth ie Govemnin h~ is cviiname - nubéhoisi iniselt and& ciers- whscm nm names are netI menlioneti for a free à grant cf 1.land inl question and&a s=~n la .f m6uey te drain tise sme l'Tia le plation, vas thon Oppieedby g <3mmisioner ef Crovu Lands; not. W' vwitistending, lievever, ibis opposition; Dr S'report in feouroftUlis ,xraodùuy W applicationi -was draw up ands$ro t er ea et thse Coueuncl oancpxpotne > . frenx th. Crcvn Landiçfioofvhrici tise Comaniisioner bail n oviuZdk vlsetover. conieqiontll .ié ai &0en isedti tingling -mclie da snn ie, foeatise.Concigl ml eutanél dr*y nary >r lofor the concngenceefdlise Geve- =,cent; but intlhlie vas foiledby-1is (Jomniosslonor *ho natumUaiçi t iudig-, nans~t e ueo'"-nuüu vrmdioeo4ng ond i ocieaguesund expie=,e im admôooveide e âtif aVtUn of ishss&1zppesnsd wagi Sa6teîcepyinç tise above sa s ar iTise "S9iele" namoti Zr. Cameoc as tise- peoi*uos'horeeived tise petitioùs anti yho #peveO5thse preetà-WUicof tis nrtitiqiseep9rit téthefxecutiv,, Couasiez; 've sav?> -saeeuqnisný ls4o lihe-nater'ùd are eessvincedti lt it waepefectly'correct ho 1oingqo.. -Tisa 5r o4iàiierr is ti. whole atatéas*i,..rp. lies te hise' * *iyof lantiaske&-d , a cres steao-,t 1,00. In.. ÎÏ' 0 ^ohr-parfimlr pEnnuùtIl" 1versio 1 cnrWandi -oa eaamny be Thi" ,Glèbe" gees on sud esystisaI Mn. ,ea süsed tise prop ot6~f the"sied"beause tiseyver pceqr, aud challenges hlm te eue a ýmore able *opponent. TUs trial teok place anti il - ppearedtta Mn. MeKellan ires tise orinal app iant for tise landi., Mn.i Cauxero n a esis ti or 14,000. Tise > - "Globe" ef Apri.-,27tis, 1854, lays oflit: - SofMt froigthie recuit of the gpsite f tSnannidsroiZgtise charge cf conup. - inaantMW.Çameîèn-it shows very clearly te our mind tisaI 'tise-3uty, canterneie fan more tissu strong as. picion tis at every word publisisoti -by-" te Brantford "Couier" anti cepieti tise 1shield" vas true.ýýb-- Tise "Globe" fho owe-Ivtise verdict iriseawarded. 'ie dafndants Oum. monetiBaltivin atac-ice as ituesses, but visesi emleti upon tise Juilga rualoti tisai neitiser Mesars. Pxica non Baldwvin coduld- givo evidence on acconut oet tieir1 >oatisias Executire -Concillors. Tise "gGlobe" seys:- "Here vas s dilemme I But there wae ne escape for tise poor defendante. Tlmey Lied joined issue anti muet pro- ceed te trialTise defeudants irere completely diaarmcd sud ha-ring ne defeuce tise court cisargedtheis jury tisai Mr. Caneron ires entitiail te e verdict. Tise jury lied but oua course open te thiesansd tisey fouud £20 te le the precise vaslue jetMn. Canerons injuned e clnrecten. TÈ i8 jus-t such a victory as1 weuid siuk auy etisen Cabinet Minister i te a lavel of ibis inuand lower - tissu tlIai ne man wouid wisis hie venat t eucmy." - i GOLDWIN SXrrI N ns eTaîrzCos-osî. -London, Jan. 15.-Prof. Goltivin Smnitis made a speech bafora tihe Cou. grâis of Trades! Unions ai Siseffieldti lest uiglst,ilu tise course eofirnicis le ex. pleinedth ie systeni ef Corneil Unirver. sity assd sdvised imi gration te tise United States, Mark Miler sud Patrick 0'Neil, h fIsisersuan, vise ere lest of tise New. t foundlanti banirs lu a fog, have berauCt pikdup alter six days ef terrible si guf ns uanopcunlbest l -Mn. Nicisol Milloy efthtie Mail Ci Steamiseai Lino died ai Toronto Satur- day. MÂBRIED. IÇEALE - 9TEVENSON.-At tise Mause, Columbus, ou tise lot is t., l'y tise Bei. J. B. Edmousou, Mr. ueo, Neale, V. S., te Miss Anu Stevenson, hoth et Brooklu, Ont.* - CLERKE-GIBBS.-AItishe W. M,~ CisurcisOsisawa, on tisa lothis mt., by tise lier W. T. Bieckstock, Fred. A. Clenka, -L, L. B,, Attonney.st-Lav, Clu. cinnati, te Helena-C5 V., eldeet deugis. ton et W. IL. Gibb's, Esq., M. P., of Oshaewa, Ontario. WHIT13Y MARKE TS. Cig&QICs-E Orisc, Jeu. Liai, 187t. l'ail Wheet ........... 41 15L4 el25 Pprn'g leat ......... $1 14 i $1 15 3anley ..............1 <05 $ 1 10 o'es.................. 7c500o Btc Eye Peas,....,..75c @ 10 Rye ................ 550 600 Pais..................ic50 40C Raey.-.*.........*...*,S*i-$16 1 Petatee...........2cCal35 Apples, per barreli...82 E ggs .................Io @20o lutter ............... 18C @ 230 chee Se............... 13c @ 15e icef, iinti quarter-....$5 @ $8 - Seet, tare quarter....04 0 5 Pork, percvt ...... ;.... P@ 06 Chickens ............. 2540oper pair. Ducks per pr........... bc@60 L<nkcys, per lb .... - - 1e 1210 3-ee..................e6@ se. wooi ...............sa@ SOcis. Coal, per ton .......... $7 @ #8 Wod.............. $0 00 @ 66 c Pl C D Cl 'W Iip ftf-Esps's 1Cocon.- tra. liii, '&sd V"sssortissg.-" D3y a thorough lsnowledgecithie natural laws which goyern the operations et digestion and uutritieu,axid by a casetnl application efthie fine proper- tics et weIi-gelected cecoa, Mr. Eppe hau f rovided our breakfast tables with a delicate- y flavored beverage, which may save us mrsny hcavy doctera' bils."-Civil Service Gazelle. Male simply with beilingwateror Miik. Eepce slble-À.E's£ Co., Homoeopnthic Chemists, Londen. M/SEUFACTUII OF'Coco .....We WillnOW gi- n accouit oethtie proccss adopted S>y Msr.James Epps & Co., nmanufacturera et <ietetie articles, ut their.works ln tise Etîston Ra, Lonslon"- Ses article In Casll's Boueclsold Guide.. 44 RIEIEDY FREE-Woesenil tree, a -simple.and sure means et self-cure, fer Cen- susuption, Bronchitis, Asthme, Catarrh, Scrosla, and any disease et the Threat or Luu11s Nervous Debilititi', Premature De- ÙaY, Weakness, aud ail disorders broughi on bY Yenthtnl imprudence. , TUTTLE & Ceo, 78 Naau-st. N. Y. TN rE WEATMENT 0F CHRONIO L ASTU{-G DISEASES, attended with IeW vitality, feeble digeston terpid liver, constipation, sud irritation kf the kidneys ail bladde'r.,aveid the nueoetalcohollo tim. ulenta, peartieus centaiuing strychine, va ahaoynas snd verrines as tisola un- mediatseeet h te everstimula te eys- tem, prodnclnE a feeling eftiemporary un- preveujeut oof i b. a relapse sud gener- ai Prostration. -ERaical andi permnanent benefit reua freintie use e remdi« tbat excite -nutrition and create pure, bleod4 Dr. Wiseelee'&Zoipounci r i -Phos- phates and eClissyg,,h a CiseinlcaFoodi tisai supplies the Iraste ef brain a tmuscle, iuvigorates mind andi body, and impartis su elaaiCitY ef t spiritS that giyeB nOW zest te NEW -ADVERTX8EMMNTB. FOUE ÂAND PIED, e4ebe eini rathe>yub- lie ., et busines in. 'd, lte Teudenulo b. sddreudeftAna Obalnnant0 oon gtreelaces- -7 ,pnvexsnt I é ÇO mu TY OË N A IO W Beeves ef tievarions i M TOWN 0F W TLE6DAY, JAN'Y Vr-th1874j t 2 nt ith.CueIl--, n- onert s CeO oist f 0ntsrxiô. 12'I1aeoàuito asinal- lise County ~~~~Wia~be rcntio esti i.~piae te Woý Oeu484 4 L0 ~ART" - UMO SSz , GT Gradtete efthlie Ontanie Veiennr Col. le, Toronto. Na ,. Haviug bden avardelth ie Dipionmetftisa 4gniuùrad Ân Ars satonhhl n- Whieffl el et isnfCae, -off Hese sueias tesonanees. Medi- cmoes catuty ou hanti. Ailentiers l'y latter on telegrapis pnomptly attentiet-te. Ve'Office ai Mn. Tises. C. Jennings's. O 0NT]O LOAN & SAVINGS CO'Y. Notice hs hereby given that thse finit ÂNNUAL GTENERAL MEETING 0f'the membere ef this Company wilIl e helA attse office eft thCempauy on Wednesday, 4th February, Proximo, At 1~2 o'clocls, noon, toeleect Directene aud generally transset tihe business et the Comn- pn. By erder, T. RH.MeMLAN, Sec'y-Treas. Oshawa, l2th Jan., 1874.1 F INIt FAUM 170BSALY 195 acres, seuth-half et lots 17 aud 18, lot cen Whitby. This tarminh weli known te hav been highly cultivated for many years. Ith asn fine erder for grainUgrwsng, and sustames a large number et cattie 4ud sbeep. Cenvenient buildings fer 50 head 4f cattie, 7 herees, sheep and pige. WdUl watered& Cet- tages for 4 workmeu. To ho soid entire, or iu two parte, with immediate possession. DANIEL D. BLADE, Oshawa P.O., Or B. McGEE, ESQ., 8olicitr, Jan. 20, 1874. 4 AXE NOTICE té!- I hereby cautien iuy person or persens from; purchasing thse right ef auy et thse heirs-at-5aw te auy portion et -Lot Ne. 20 in the iStisConcession, 2Tewnship ef Breck, County 91 Ontario. Nor will Iab held re- spil nirayjdebt contractedl in my :sai withou my Written order. MES. PLORA BR1OWN. Canulugton, Jan. IStis, 1574. 8-st J ON S M.WILCOX, 0f thse Town ef Whitby, has been appointed (IFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, ri For tise Ceanty ef Ontario. AU business entrusteti te hie charge lwffll le canefUly et'- iended le. Wbi*by, JO diaI, lm. ir s OUTHONTAZIO ELECTON!1 MRe 0CIBBS' BROOMS, TJPSTAIRS, OVERZ libers" offers 88lllf%~?P~a~u~~raenral Farnors Produce. il anuary' 1ia ,874. - -: - NHi-WrBV Pf1ARMA,.Y4ý HME lREM0VEDY T0 THEItR - ON'THE CORNýER 0F BBOCK AN])DJJNDAS STS. Whlitby, January 2lst, 1874. OLDSýMITH'S HAkt- )ted for Goods, unequalled iunuti ty -and Price. JAME S JOIINSTON ,to returu thanks to bis numerous friends for the very i patronage bestoweti ou iusuuring tise holiday seasen, anti nov uzitil tise arri'jal e! hie Spring stock-ý JE WELLER Y &- FANCY GOODS AT A DISCOUT O F 10 PER CENT. A -few Gold watehes to be sold, great bargains. Silver watclies very cheap. Ail reliable and warranted time- keepers. -JAMES JOIINSTON, Practical Watch-maker. Goldsmlth's Hall, Whitby, Jannary 14, 1874. 8 THE MUDGE à YARk'OOD ORGAN & MELODEON MANUFÂCTU.RING CO'Y., (LISfITED.) Incerporated under Lettera Patent, 1873. Notice la hereby given that thse gen- orlannual meeting of thse Shareisold. ers of the Mndge-& Yarwood Mannfac. turing Company will be lield at thse office of the Organ Factory, in thse town of Whitby, on WEDNESDAY, JAN'Y 2Sth, 1874, AT SEVEN 0'CLOCK, r. M. 13y order of thse Directors. -FRED. MUDGE, Manager. Whitby, January lOtis, 1874. B A R R E T T'S NEW FANCY TOY STORE. ! SUGARSY, 000 FRUITS, Great Sacrificing Sale of Photograplis at, Barrett's New -Gallery. 16 Good-" Pictures for $1 0C0 0Don't, forget the place-opposite the Ontario Bank, Whitby.- Wiisy, Jais. 14, 1874. A. BASRETT. ,"The iChronice"GLASGOW WAIREIIOIJSE, 0 F FI C E. Consmiltee meels EVEBY EVEN. ING (Susideys excepied,) et iseif-peet seven o'elock. f:ý'Ail supportessoe Mu. Gjusa- luvitd oti e 'e -sent. puar YEOMAN GIBBON, Csainua. Wisitbyeu. 7ih, 1674. - 2 s OUTH ONTAIO ELECTION 1 0F? THI ILECTOIRS0F1 SOUTH ONTARIO 1WILL BE HEILD BY a HONa MR.. GIBBS,, AS FOLLOW5:- CLABEMONT, THUB5DÂY, JAN. 151h BÉOORKLINq, FEIDAY, IANY. lOtis, DUPPINS' CHEEK, ATUBDAY, 1715. BLOUGE, MONDAY. JAKUART luth. BRB'OUGHAM, TUESDAY, di 201h. OSHAWA, WIDNI5DÂY, 21as IVHTBY, TRUESDÂ&Y, " 2e AU tise above nietingc (vi l ie- xo ian etiOaiawa>viUbbe hod -aIS2o'cloc1à,p. n. -Tise meeting aI OsisavasaI 7.80pa. Frimnere-questet temalle lienoes.- -sas-y arrangements-m theinovensaati«. AiU parties ara reapcio]y inNitedt le a- Jsuuary tIs, 154, S ýUBIO NOTICE.- -- - Zoek debtadue-Mn. 'ic P Par. tis ldebitied ere by - iti4ed bat tisa sais muai beasatled 1 C,.1LI.the s-.. -W E-1I rrB-Y R. & J. CAMPBELL' IE Seiling Off! Seiling Off! Selling Off! Selling Off! TO MAJ&E BOOM FOR SPRING IMPORTATIONS.1 1Vistby, Jeuesy 14, 1874. DOMINION B.&J. CAMPBELL.1 8-ly WA BEh>O'OMS, Have'replenished. ,their Large Stock of Seasonable> Goods, with Clo-Ã"th ing, D ress Coods, Silkà, Ladieès' l.ýand- Childrens' Furs, and Boys' aps, Robes, &C. #C-MILLINERY -GOODS lu Fit HtsFniý Caps, Feathers, Flowers, and ail the ÏÃ"IVELTIES, IN, TRIMMINGS. MJLLINERY, DRE88MAKINt,, AND J41,Lo)?Iioe TO, ORDER, A large .Stock ý -of, Crocýke Chin a. A' - ~-- - - SELLING AT CO8 T AND-",,HiA RGESU THOS. LAWLER 00OO-' Old No. 1, BIrook Street, Wkitby, Having determined u pon elosing - up their business, offer the whole of their large and well selc- ted stock of GIROCEIES5 LIQUJORS, CIOCKEIRYe AT -GLASSWARE, &ce, The sale will be continued from the date of this advertisement up to the, FIIi'8T DA Y OF A PRIL, 1874, When a change will take -place lu the business arrangements of the present firm. A clearanceof the whole of the stock, (which isthe langest in the County of Ontario,) must be made by that time, and the greatest inducemetits will therefore be offered to parohasers. Amongst the stock wili be found every article usually kept iw-a Fir8t -class Grocery Establishmlent TEAS, WUNES, BRANDIES, ALES AND PORTER,' IN WOOD AND BOTTLES. Fish of ail kinds-Samon, Mackerel, White Fiali, Salmon Trout, Labrador Haorings, Finnan Haddies, &a.e, &a. GIVE A BEFOREBRIS SWe 1 Belect-ed Becomes bioken;* as lie is of- fering. Special Induc'ements, PRfOU NOW UNTIL THR End -of the ýM onth. A WO RD toi-he WISE is su.fficient. SPICES, * THE SALE MULLCOMMENCE ON TIJBUSDAY, l8th OF DEC., 18781. 'And'contiue until the time above sta-ý ted, or until the whole of the Stock is disposed of. CAsH CUSTOMEBRS wmJsave fily15 per cent, and as it will be, first corne first served, thxe ear- liest oustomers will be lu the best position to effeot advaai- tageous bargifins. 12ýI1bs. of' Sugar -for $1 00. - 20 ibs. -of Raisins for $1 00. 18 lbs. of Currantà for $1: 000 20 lbs. of Prunes for $1 00.; # - -And other Grocêrie8s Equally Cheap. -00-- TEAS.-Having, purchases of Teas, -at a greqàt fer, BLACK -AN' :GREEN thnheretofore. y m ACHOICE LOT Or NEW CHRISTMAS [0JR00JERI[ES- I GOOD Fresh BRilButter, Only 2Oets. per lb. 3.H. ADI WHITBY, 1Whitbyy Néee before wa» £fHouse-keepers securing th, Crockery of aUI knds, at the 1 - ýýi e

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