Whitby Chronicle, 11 Dec 1873, p. 4

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andbeitesl ART DIIP4XTMNT7187d. Théillluslrationsof 7h. AIne éhéaviota IELY »D 'À ' v Qr4ide réputation, anti lu thé art cen- ig to wiely kn w tresot Europe ih la anaédoittédt act that is wootienta are éxampies ai tlhe highéstrpar- Ae Smunallen; étlan e ver attaineul. Thée aramon .reut t hvé a l eady give I icae lu favor ai steel plates"!, sarapidi>' ils mhloe i, e bo q sayteîdmngtaa inaa~o euere«tand dizcrèotln- ~lam9réat'sbrtI i-s tute which rco nizoa the îaolvxatsg vispapr. AUthe n o msperlerartilatie quulIlîy wiilu greater fa- rappe. Al ii, ttwi lii"'of productuon. Thé wood.ru±s ai Thé tfoul fl nlh whndnsod ela oaaés al thé delieracyand laborai. weseuted Ili a teoloar, bttr eî inL i 5 eé ris Il if a fiat-rLte. toi'>'paper. kThe bout tales and roumances of currént literétura aré. catreltuli>' sletatiand leglbly prlnted 'lu its nost t.oh andIinstructive arti son agi- cultualoplcas eguiati>' appéarit' u lsde.- Iti uindépent.3,t polilcal paper, b.' Io" t ieprysud w..In, naclle. It igb la for prituelpié andi for the lection of the boat mn uta o4lca. IL éspecially dé- Volés is eneroies ta thée'xpsure e greut corruptiono Ihal niov veaken asud -dis- grace aur coutr>'.IllanoLs'a as and aaks no f&earg frettn thélé supporters. It réprf thé faujhions for the.]adieu, anti t he mararta fer thé mois, éspetfly the cal- leaaarketw, tg whlch It paya itariîculai at- * iuali>', il ite chéapeat palier publish. cd, l 1 a yéstr wvl éccuré it foc an>' aubseri- ber. l u alne-sauy t e au club in * orlér tahlitys 'Thé Wuekly nSta' Iliis rate, Aîuy aise win torseadéa uluglé de-ilimaril gel 0 )lve o t; iitg agents., 1,'11y WlEata esSligé, 5colinn. Oaly fl s 'or. Naetllacaltiraintis rate. Tio utituacta Str-Saie fisseas thé Ialii'ySun, #2 a tsar. A discounolai2(per vet t la liulaf10 orover. 1attijr of 28 Valunaai. Ilsy C aion avec ai Uth e$rs oc2 ea. flubscnip- Lioauprive 5W cent. a mntinth ocla year. To clubs cf 10 or avec a discount Cf 20 per cent. 46-ot t "TIE SUN," Nev York. W IT1.YP. IRAILWAY. TIIROUGH LINE FBOM TORONTO TO PORT PRRRY, LINDSAY, BOB- CAYOZON, AND FENELON PALS. The Sîýarnç-er "ONTARIO," viiloave **Part Plerry ovar>' Manda>', Weduuéday, anti 1"rlday; ut11ai 'il o'ik, a. o., an thé arrivai * * f thea moruuluug "rslrai rm What a, hlch çontscîtailtthé Local Trainbfront the * liait, ud the Express tram Tarante an thés G ruadi Trurnk lEstiva>', arrlvlng lu Lindsay att3 o'tclvtk, p. im., Bobcaygeon ai Dp.ma.; I Feuélaa P lleai pn in ul$O 'Pnesas>, Thaiemday, aud Satutida>', aI S, a. tu., sm'lvtug a i Lidita)- nt S, a. nui, aad Mt l'art 1erry la limé e técaettl iirlIe Grand Tmuuknlw sia>'mixeti going' West, sud Local sud Expresgolirg East. FrutaTorouta ta lloIca geon .. 2 t, ta Lidiay ....200 Whltby ta) Lnsay ................. i 25y 49 i Bobcéygéan.,.........i175 TI'ir)Ih Ticts rau ieha si of thé G. T. ter Thcoagia ltel¶pts ai 1ev ratés. Fat- ternmtase., appiy ta t e Agentsé. An>' lnfgeruuatlau cuti héoblaited b>' op- pîying tai .. iCi xwALL, - JAS. HOLDE'N, Wltlîy, sept., Ma,18713. l3 U 14 l Y, 1 8 Fois C LOTHING NEW GOODS 1 A.-lNJW S1YJES! l'or L'a1Il aitl Wut', iiirert'ivc'l aitie tillt] juêlori t staiiiéaM uOsitawa. Tiht 0stock liubt a HEAVY OVERCOATINGO, FAN- Cy VESTINcIS, BROADCLOTILS, âpial ali the zuiréét patuiets îfor pauta, &te. h Irwlle loirria t', lai fex clleant matériau, ilt tw lis iriely wyul affunI acbhuwur arilI Io' ta alcguaraittl t2tUluth b>' t.' yard, an4 celoi i augiti ulaéwltar matieu p pomptl>'. A la&rge ot Ign ltesdy-uuadle Clothiag on httti' AsMl ir a Inm utut>'osop, ai guiol tîsterlaîl, purchaiero eau lam certain ilue>' aili satlgel stop paila, but Clotho$ ltIaiIwet1r. Tu'>'then. 10.GUIILEY. 1 hièelay torbald nuay persans truadlung nim wf. È 111%ér Wooidmnfi, otati teanut fori - ik net ual psy>'débta of Iereantesettu as Iili tI nu>'boit sndboarditIrout any ladt catuse or provacation., PlkeiuNo. XtIRA WOODhlUMP l erygliathét épullan lb liaride tea le Lgilative Aumeetbl>' ai Onta- 'Niii pay tée ihItalp&O, ini euh, for' thé Wig mi f A îleédat i .taaYardt a le o u i, &1 hu,, if, 2in, e Ick ALite, 1ijlu, 1Ji lu, an>' ontmaaîIW1eaer Mm 1ins, -îl awood, 1 lia, auy 'wiath, if iv, C"e, 10 i lî in ue, 47 OshOaswa. F1"eUIIED.] &MY iti. Ii diinto esigna b>' the moemrof ý.àe National Acauiemy, and- other'noteil Aneielan artiat,, Thé Aldine will reproduce eyramplee of the itest fareigi masteca, select. éd bith a view to the highest artistie suc- cesaund geatest general interezt. Thug thé aubscribér to The Aldine will, ai a trit!- ing cout, énjoy lnh ie wn hanté, thé :pieu. surés sud refintug influences of true art. Théequarteriy tinted pates for 1874 will b. byThon. Moran and J.D. Woodward. ,Thédh4jrlstmaaisaune for:1.874 wMilco>tain spécial si appropriaté thé éeason, by our-bét art1sfs, and ll surpa%& in élime- fiens any C44pdeéors, Iivery subscriber 4o Thé Aidine fur thé r Ar 1874 wlll Tacqlivs a pair of chromtos, thepnýhrsof The AIJne, byThoms Maran, whose gret, Colorado pîcturé was purélaaqed b> Congréai f or ton thonéanul dollaris.Thé éubjeceswere choacu ta repre. saut "lTe Eart" and "The West." One is a viý3w lu thWioMutinNw llaxnp- ahire; tot ler gives the Clills of Green Uiver, Wyouin% Territnry. If any enhécriltor éhoulà flndicate &ltafr éti fr acaigure érlitet. ihe pulAis.iirra will ser itît ghu fIome,a imw and bF-au. tif id chromo, 14 x24. inches, repréîonting a liti!. lialian exile %vlinie te q,-s±g cyéce- .For 50 centé extra, thé chromnos Vvilllie sent, muutéfi, varniehefid, and péepaid by Thé Aidiewill, leraiter, l>e Abtainatie ani>' b>' énhariptlon. Théraé will be no re- duced or club rate; cash for bénhéciptionis must ho sent ta thé publhehr direct, or handéd fa thé local eauvasser, withant reg- pousllility te the publilheo, Lcxept in cases siherethé ertifucaté la given, bcaring thé ftawcimilé ignature af James Stition & Ca. LiANVASSERS ~A'E)-xypereon wlehjng toacat pérmanejail> as a local eau- vasser wi rocéive fulil and prompt informa. tion b>' applyittg to JAMES SUTTON & C'o., Pablisihu-r. Méide»n Lane, New York. Octabéar 28th, 1870. 41-tf BL CKSMITH 'STANtD & 1It)USL Foy salé lu théi Village ai Myrt1te, a rni iilselsmitlu étanul, itl, gooatl wellinig house and da.lvng barn acre anud ne-igll,witli gooui bearlng orcharul. Appil t- Y. W. sculili, On the proîniaié1. Myrtlé, July 9. ST0 $20 PERl DAY. Ageuts Wabt- elièhcr éex, yanng or aid, itaot oure uî>ney ét worlt for us luin tcir staie tuuneyita, or aIl lte tilne, thi ta auvting fîl»e Partir. ularfi froc. Address Gý S.UNSO.N & CO., Portlandl Maine. .27 M T I C Julia, 'tis ai thé. I sing. Saug. Jiays. 1M.e Why don't yon came haone. 1' .6 hic 'N éath th w av s lier sp irit w a iu rg. tuc Give iny love toalal ai hîunne, Stuwart. lite- Tlsiuk af me sametlate. lajggie. 61 30 Softly éhbiné thé stars Ai Ileaven. Pratt. 1.i ers and finnds, thât they have just reeeîved a Large Stock, Of Neiy Frits, CHOICE FAMJLY GIROCE1RIIE, TEBAS, CflINAe OPAL, GIASSWARE, &o., &o If you want to seleç5tfrôrn, ithe:vlelý L&rgest, Best, and Cheapest!Stock- of (3rockery, -go'to dIBSoN 5SPÂBVEtLLs. If you want to 'Select from -the lar- gest and best Stock of Glassware. GTo to GIBBON & SPARVELLS. If you want the best New VLilàfjïa, Sultanas, Layer, Buncli Raisins, or Curraiuts. 'Go.to- GIBBON,-SAVLLS Wths If5 you ant the Very Best Fail Goerieli of al kinds. Ga to GIIISON &SPABVELL'8. If you want the very, very beist. and Cheapest Black anud Green Tea, be sure to go to - ~ 'GIBBON & SPABYELL'S. Ail kinds- of produce taken in ex-- change for Goods. nmThe highest market price paid in Citsl f'or any quantity of good Butter and White Beans. FllESH-OYSTEI1S ALWIAYS ON HAND AT GIBSOTN & SPARV=L'B, SNoveniber lUth, 187i3. Whitby China Tes Store.1 3r 3v ~I~~T THE QLD . i E ZS "r'A, -B 1, 1 S H E' D WM. TILL,- New MITDGE& TOIA N D. A'FL ASSOI1tTMENT IN Lockets, Rings,, &e., &o~, &e. 1:rWbieh for Quality and price, IÙefý Coinpeétition'. JÀMES JOHNSTON', Practicai Watch-maker. Golulsmith'a Hll, wVitby, Cotaer 1, 1878. FALL -d WINTEI? CLOTHINO f JOHN FERGLJS"ON Begs to inform his custorners that- he is now int'receipt of a superior Stock of Cloths, lTwee'ds, Vestings- -1- o,&c., very select, and suitable for the scason, whichhe ie j IS T A N _ , prepaceatelumalte up lu the beat ityle, anti ut thé éhocleal notice. 18 .33.] PIROPRIETOIR. I-arlor Sets, New Bed-room Sets, -New I)ining-room Sets. And a liage stock of Cane and Wood seat Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Sofas, Lounges, Bessteads, Cupboards. liait', Cloîli, and Dairnaski Lounges, Couches, &c., &c. A fine stock of New0-ut Window Comices, cheap. Tlie Jargest aîîd clîeapest stock of Pictures ever brouglit in town, al of wlîich lic offers at lric-es that mrill-not fail to Suit the tintes. STie -ilndersigned -wish(,, to state to his old custom- l &ri. nn cl i t i itri I O u if pi m ni . falV 't fila' «h a ut sur 5J STL À U±A n "J SEN Nfaî lh. ieio bonîlit ùIuit, uor sold out, tuad je it o way connecte-d with Dinita firget yuur cutr Iuut.loar. 40C an> otlie-r esrtablihmatent ini tioaa. I long ta 1we thé dear 01 omui os teart 3(iti Little ireo'tîita'arcoma lisiten i'. 11)c ~ Uuetku i sal- ag tc fRay Xy ever>' thooglitiaesutof ie. ltays 35 ntrie ra uul- LreStc f ey Mois i reod g ectve .Alto ami' tna made Coft'ttts conttnttly ke1cr t on ttd, antd triaurneul b order te tsuit cus- "L; uiie" tilii 0,!itîo jtowaer', on ;laort notice. Furter.uls full san1î1lied with ei-crythling. Ta erîot ai ila ti-is a o. éo ;t, te '- 0 ot- PÃ"ST-PAI D Iuipr raulluarro ~îy .il t. (lit r MY hi l 'v e tulo, Aui t w,' i-? St--t'. tUe-r 0,> lov é Iope uuit lti- " itaici . 80lte NOTLICE.--1110 undersigned begs to Dat itmu me nti. mdi..7119î,. i Nealliltauttthe aid/uW i. ilias. lite î-'tii'îî in c-r~e tliaîsteit the iuhllabitants of Wlîitby, and om is lt lu-atiî e v.t. r-uttrl Thé oéé'é:eet'et h i n li;. ie; patroiis geilerally tlîromrglout flie country, for the ibe- ON RE El PTid 1plitrotlagio exteplded.to iîîî w1iule carrigoui business iii tlie town, andi begs for a conintiance of the same to wtlHi. lucot,. tnc o ghou atî r 0t I Godl husuur houe. t Qýi-tIet .o-ji SSl(" r Cet tia tutîd litthe lî.tr. JIl -ei. ;35cJAMES H. SAMO. Diare lie éutritin k ot!f e-' Ee? lIate, Ill y> Simit. iétt. 1.Mt.le don. derulihIiItr, htîîm.lt tave no lhow. Logaé111 nttuc a a-y. l'Dot litil 'lina, F r iu ! Furniture! 0Of TH-E Oysters suai ai 'ut2 a.u. i-tvyi-éart. Meti Over thnt Iilliaws -alc. lPratt. lic Stuthar, itj(n arttevc.a tuer. Ducelitej The Tt'aii. Drindiii for utale voies. jo1e Pearl a1 Manericu. Caprice. Insi. KInkcl.110eC CciikWavea. lastmemntat. id 40C Ballte ot-Saratoa.-Walfi. Fite-huigit. li5C Moriaigzeplirs. l¶tlé Knti l cjnirltslep. " tihetep MABKED PRICE.' Autuu Lùavcg. lint, Icinleél. soc Thé Bééparg.. .6 .6, 085C mollie Daclng. Id " .0 eo La Zfl lla, Il Id :3c Danse Cubsine. - "g "di.400 Merary Giris~4 Galop. At 0e "AppThoaugldes. -Seluottlsceé t&' 50 Ms>'P 1'1. 1 lsc>.M5piT3 Fleur des champasValse. reonal, 80e Publiltai sîtisut pasîpalul6 ahce8p etf prie. e>-'- ý- , '-1 J. L EES50 rawyN.Y.' Oct, lis. 46 Now is the time to b'uy good and clieap 1Fiiture. Haviîîg boîîght out the business lately carried ?ilU by Jamps Il1. Saîio, me taîke this opportunity of inviting his imaîy fricndlý; to givu lis a étal], 'and wo eau assure al tbat wè are prepared to do as wvell by thei l u the future, as Mr. Samo Las done lu thje past. TILL &JOHN-STON. Oeders by mail promptly attended to. E~T~JIING.The only first- olass Età S4, ii îtheè County 1#v funerals are ful- lysup1ïP 17~ YVUtby. Ã",T1Lcr' kit,'H197 TON. jG L A S FAib FOitSA. B 50 a-ces lu théeruarti, eu-i afLot 13, Cuti con, ai Pirkeriaag-auéil god-AhtauéIl acresg ol ttravood and rail -linaber. i!arrn ieil1 vatereuil. New sm ratut' îwelling, 1'xl'-lti barri, 50OS0i. Terras Ilitral. Aîpply O i rat.J or Oa thle pre:-aLeeel. NOVA, 1873. 41)tf Ju vla1o. MINCE ALBERUT, OCT. 9,0, 21 is ide, WlM. IIÂDGEBOW - Pitop-inIETiro.- iriSfi-lng. Thé aboe.commtotilona hatlihaté'beau Dtck aelyrcnovgad utamitéti th OUglaut, ,ani sd ls m ~1ae~llaaiufor, tha ce- veuslent poInt foc Camnmew reliavéers IL GIBBS Iihldrcinae tns R G-OW WAREHIJ$VSE- & CJ AMPB13E L'L flcg ta anytonuco iliat tioir PuIll oitt Winlcc Stock ln aonw to a nd, anti hs"ithu muceass at rauninantl ast cati uiwa>'s pIce ihem in a ?OSITIC'N TO B3UT GOODS FOR CAMa sa that thair custameru anti thé public Mb y cri>' au teing -wéflserreti wiih a goati article, andt ut thé lois rai price,ý having --bie a-tre thé public for thé lait 22 Te'ééin lu btbY. Their stock titis semson is hargerltan raer, Mr. R. Cana pbell vas in Britatu Ibis I!Uium, imét bits irportetidirce, oanc a! thé tinrét stades ever choya lu Whitby, ana vbieiu serte- cd in thé tolkn-Hutg Steamcm frotit Londotn, Ltra.mpoal,, anti Glasgow, vit ,-Phiian0,, Prueattan., Heuuitaea, a. 'gteé, IliU,,Scolfkénel. CircaWssin, Pèzes, .4aisatu!5,Pal-:t atilas Milo, ieerre, Polyntué,ieM ', >séImat empluatm; sud fuerti lù- ta ex%~ aect;4 la arria-t' lail -The pricea ai thea""T. goaetéba vdn, flt ei44tt5 have b"e arel mtiasiU a', vel as'thé lai-geaI wholèsala hia s inha lauai&dià *15*cuu the>' ara ahet.p-t-r, fr.a-z i te facittai -hé searcites imore diligeoul>'titan tIre buyens tram b1ontrei l r . oto, ta fir.al the muniftuxrtnrarîo aré haral-rapfor moue>', or vho May lao an ave-r-steielc. As tie E xport*Tr'da lunlritain mvssdull tis Sumizùer, hé toanumare SPECIL BA1IlAUGAInI-thaiju uulaIl. C. vwas the oui>' Mécelant in ibis Town or Coun- t>' whti sacttIo lritain for their: PullStook, junul . ilOT TRIS ADVANTAGEa- v*hieh very, fév wl-holsale, andtpanoue of their cet-ail cox>npetitutrseau ébaré in,-beaities aaving thée *hoe-, sule profit, -uhiti 011 reteilmnit uthiA cotant>' puy.- 1;a thelr aterk ias " vil kuoa it launtcéssacýy to enýutarerlé, Suf it l aays>'lIa tué>'IV bia-ctaigýeest 0ofa ie,-DIffGOO0DS, MýIILLINERýY,-CLOTUS, READYz., 'MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, - 1CR: ERY, AND GLASSWARE, lu Lhe Coilnty of OAâHo. An early eali.8 is'xtUy Ail orders promptly attended to and executed ini the best style. Special attention paidti l giving a saaisfiactory fit. Ail kintis of Gents' funnshing gooti.. inclutiing hala, caps, umbroia, &c,. iDall anti examine. JOHN FERGUSON, iilothier & Gents' Outfitter, Dundas St. Whitby. Whitby, Sept.- 24, 1873. 39 NE~W FALL 1IMPO RTATIO N Si A COMPLEE STOCK IN ALL LINES 0F GOOýDS.' West of England, Canadian, and Scotch cloths, &c., &c. GENTS' FIISHING GOODS 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION. The GROCERI DEPAPR'IMENT is replete with a.choice selection of Teas, Coffees, îîew fruit, spices. Best tobacco. Czouds at priées defying legitimate competition. D)undas St., WVhitby. Septexubor 24th, 1878. 39 JOHN ST 0ON'S SELF-RAKIN4G REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE! At the Provincial Exhîibition, Toron~to, iv 1870 We ofier te our custoiùers for the .coning Liarvctut. t wo dis- tinct Machines, which in- sty1tu and constructionî, ont brace the latest and inosL uffI -i mprovements of» the day. JOHINSTON'S SINGLE SELF-RlAK.ING REAI>EI THE. "RNG 0F REAPERS."' The univertiaIsucèces ofithis Machine, both iii closely contest- cd tri !ithe banda cf théelai-mers, warrant >us in éaying that, as s Self Rak- ing eanzélie, it has more good paititsand Ie bs délecté, and.ba met 7itb iter,e sccess anti lés a (alure, than heretofore offerédti o thé public. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER- Uef were awarded the Firsit Prize and Diploma, atîhe Prcv;in. etiaiExhibitiona, beld in Toronto, 1870.in compétition watb ail thé lcsding Mfachinesl moan'utàcturéd in thé Praviasce; éad wifli our récent improveuuentâ, we-unbesitut- [ngly challenge Investgaton U Xcomparimsaur With competlrg -Méachines, We ara watlnfieét ébt aucla investigation viii couuvine ee4 nrJ.adced nuint, tbat-le Odfer -the béat Mower ta ibu.îarmner for 1870, biti h ciiit.~"ea for d«M~rptiveCaO g Ù &PTTRSN LARGE STOCK O)F Nla,>EW FAL L GOODS K OWM COM PLETE Constisting f' n splend1 .1or ent - Cl 1isofaI.k, d'. o (*etlemeu'ml wear, sud a complete stock of GIENTS' FURNISHLING GOODS, THEt A"~ A. PL kST OUT. - 0F HATS &a;CAPS.aj rr LAWLER& Be.t Family Orôc Wines, Brandies, Bo-ttled Aie& Por-, ter,& G nuie Sirito'us Liquors. Best Fine Fla-vored Teas, VerY.Stipérib"r Freçh Coffees, * ,w ad Refiûei uars Ceap Finely cured ilais and Breakfast BBco]n, *New Fruits, Lobsters, Sardines, &c. Anexte nsive assortment of Crockery Il The Right Pàlce for Family Grâceries of aÉ il nd- OLD. NO. 1, Whaitly, Sept. 16, 1873. - BROCK STREET, T. LAWLEB ý& coi- I'MPORTANT N EWS! BOO0TS AND 8SKOES The undersigneci bas a large stock of Ladies', Gents', arîd CUblcreu's Fie anîd Course Boots,& Shoes -Bosand SoesW adeto oâe. LUBo n hesmd t >dr D Ov-ershoes iHued w-tru ni avicomfoî-table. Inia ll- ubbers, Slippyers, &e,., &C. le Repairifng îîeuty done. CaXiii thlAe old :Stand. W 1iI.1~AM Ma>' 22. 1872. LAMIPS ! o Q t.,. t.,. 0 ~j) liURNS, l Sî h e Stoiru, liracl-inretrc, WIaitla JLAMPS! LAMPS o 0 z ri} TH É-,-M -aVEýU A large lîssortr neîît of plain uuid fancy Lainps,-Brackets, Chandeliers, Gilobes, Sh-adei', Peiectars, Buriters, Chiinnoys, &c-, Just Ileceived ut J ESH. G E R I Di &Co. t-1e' Be-et Cod i , svliolesalo aud rct ail. Waty, Se pt. art], 1878. - 3 S MOK E RS ri011 A OOD SMORE 'USE T}IIE MYRT~ e- N AV Y. See T. & B. on Each Piug. PIIICE. 50 LOW TIJAT ALL CAN USE IT. July 16, 187S. 29-3m DÃ"MIiONWA REROOM S, &POWELL Are receiving, a large Soct of Faîl and Winter Goodsl. In 0-lotfi, Waterproofs, Scai-let and Shirting Flannels, Xen'st tnd Buy'aKNuiLteul sxiuî..anti D îwerd,, Ouate, Vessnd Over Coate; Hatte, Caîté, &c., Biltckand. Colorcd Silko antd Poplins, Satin Clotho, Sergere and Vc-Iv,,ts shawl-4,S t, Striped ilid 'Plain -Wiuléçys, Fâaney,-Triumiuge, Glove. tand loir1 uieUndér Clathing, Blaxiketa, Quilte, &c.,- every- clase of -god d rtablo for ittc appruaching season. MILL1NERY, DRESMAKING. AN-D TAILORINO - TO ORDER, À Large Stocki of G eeral Groceries and Crockery. 1; a.TŽJsA. t .," 8eirary. Whitby, 28th February, 1878. 10 F RSALE, A good Mfll Site en the Eat rné1r Lynda's Creek, an excellent locat1.mn for, vaper miL «. WIU b.e oI& cheap.Prt 'building ho beencoumrgedl. Applv to,- Wbit1byt May 14th, 1873. L IST 0F TEE f V.SION COURETS C0UI"NTY 0F -. ONTARlOi, JFOIItTEE TEAlS 1673. Whiu.by, Jar. lot, 11878. sde DO MINION0 LUR& FEED, STORE., Théeunderéignéti beg to infatua thé inLrab- iants ai Whitby and vlcinity thal Ohé>' bave, opened, a Fleur and Feed Store in theé prein- iàs latel>' accnpicd b>' Mr. Jamnes wallai. an Dundas Street, Opposite the Robson -10118e,- Whéré they trust hy ]oep"ug évérythitie in iheir Une alwayé n an uata b.able ta viver satisfasction tW custotanèrs. Bratn, Shorts, Oatmaa, Cruclred lVbéat,- &ci, of thé béat qualt>'. FLOUhl-Fal Wheatspring, aud Mixédl ---ad al l inds ai Feed,Ielig at thé lauréat living priea for rush:. a.1Spriiug VWȎat Flour at $8 12j. * ,SmITII & HMINGWÂ.Y. Cash paid forllidaFanrsrdc ZrM 0.r. VINN .= ro é.p4r, W..a.aJQi. New York. Sold by &Ui Druftiatai. weBELL CO0., G'U 2L PH, 0ON T. PRIZE MEDAL CABINET ORGANS, m E L O D-E ON S. Salé Prietrés andMannfaetiurera i 4'Tb. eGANE Z,"containing Scella- eer's Pteuf Quildying Tubés. Awarded, the Only MedalI1 Ever giron'to.maltera ai reefInstruinuts ét Provincial ExÉWbtÏons for Proficien- cy in Musical Instruments;, béaldea *Diploao éandi First 'Prizea at atheExhibitions ton nu- mérouls ta apecify I Our iantru mnents are oceknowvleelged by Muaiclans land Jutigés ta b. thé fini-it 'et prodnced., Our léta-at sud inasivaluablé aun- lîrevemei is lite" Ioxurzcootainlinj scribnér's'Patent Qualifv-inj TubeR, thé f fa-ct af W-1l li re ta nearly doubie tbe roWéL..- nut thé saine turne rraaderinig thé tan.e M0001 andi pipe-lllé. B>' thîs wtandérin inva'ention ive eau utalc an Instrumeént of neuly double thé paver of a pipe Oigan at halftbéex- pensé. - C AU TION0 N Choicel Gold Chains, D R Ess - J: 41.- - rie t Ai -t- e 'i I ~ j liii ~ 1- ~ -v -s e- j' LOWES , 1 ý , ý ý ý : ' " ý 'l

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