ai'LINCY GOOD8, J ELRY ____ ____mTODé.TC, M d J ri pton of first-Éols god# ?dé 1£8ta te prpetj 0OLI1D'A Y PRESE1qTY )IR SALE Al1oisv1il<hhe wiSell at the lowestpt fb11 oiçew4, LUCTIrONI Cash. eo save money and time cail at B&rett's,.oppositeý Dawes'sflotel, ",Wbile -Mrs. Barrett attends, to the Fancy d ur*vdisre. e, mèt fr way~twilnt êfùidns ü Il brs- suasTlîçvsoni, ansi tgrp Business, but wiIl, as 'usual, e I il YC t >' Eet ut telais readyt~ jodw.t~sots oîotose who wish to get a good likeness. )IT -SALE, Whib,Dssi,8d, 1878. - - BLIO AUCTION, ON r.-. ,De'r lth,18$~DO0-MINION y 0'COC , 1L EBSat*, lneluhigrsleî.w'" re bul4ugs, 'knsirn". *Fo r a d le --Sto)re 1 EELD. -FARX)" Having bought Mr. Smith's intereet in. the Flour, & Feed, business whicb han bean uTriad On under the name dc"i im of émiih ~ei maingway, is now prepared toloffer aniy qusntity oP' FALLiÂND SPBING WET LOUe, At -the lowest Cash price, wholesale orrtail. Qats, Corn, Chop Fpeû, J3ran, 8Ix";Sand Peau ootently kept on hau1*a4rsIa THE DOMINION FLOUR k FEED STOIRE, Poec. Bîd, 1878. Crosby's Block, Euét Door, Dundas St., Wbltby. .»es,à azas 50 o 1s.lobt, Tbmsoo Tbhe , ,au ae.arssu u T 'l4li*am ceas lss &id, lws z sEauNo. W0 Aesbu Wicl Pa iu" h otindl aeea,à udot. 1-t I; 100Acrs. by tpom foa "'i 1hl veil . onwatsrsdwitli sprnors lwe l# lain blgb 'Pittaof ciljvla1ion smud1 0s 'Wei kzowu as onseft he béat steeà ana painUfairmsa »O talTeare slftwoul scies O an ozobard, g chîrhoice.frit Tii. buildlnim art an flut.oe, l1e ie toey aewelln ;tresle od an enty ad . acal le 01holdi;g cmtDwdiese; n h " 1 USIC -BOOKS O LE T. pics**s4Su». - SThe Blaelcsmitb Sbop, Dwelltnglionne, and promises, letely ocnld by Mr.-Gao. .~X~s I I~5P TA LE HOLIDAY PRESENTS kA:vers, Hauzer'. Corners, Towot Wbitby. »'I S Ti T Bor.partîcuiars aply te- -W. giva below a lisi of a fiew i thbuit JAMES BICE, -- an MudimasSgnopular collections eti bound piano 'To Fatch Bras., or Yeoman Gibson. TE]iM5, -Oa-tant, c1 the. purchpntpitasovo5,88.4t miosay down; o*ebaln 1»thrsesmenthe, andm ipusof maril!ie.aymrpî ado itt> O.2,17.4 the balance on Mortgag e orfit. yearo, ps'. rcitc ieipis 'able wth sevr per cent iterest. A oes iodars te ti 1EWARD i STOLEN 1 J. L. PETERS, Munie Publisber, $, L. FAIRBANKS, le., 5090 Broadway, N. Y. Sinisa trom the cwner's promises, Port Aueionear. - Whtby on Manda>' night, Nov. 17th, one W. Ir. BILLIJiQs, INSTRUMEN'TAL MUSIC. 'umograt Waggon, bedy painted dark col- - SoIclo~'fer lxantos, Pir> Pigers Eay msic.mal bad4lo cr with wt-ite stripes rod wituels withblaie-k Wbt7s. MtrfrnutrVa ge ris. Dess u.aml aDo, 1.75 lstripes, and straighî sÇatt. #5 remueS mu iid ~17S~ 49.15 oungPieslà t.or> 1gpJy.175 Pa" to au y persen alving snch Informa- Poar l>)is. "y.5 dance munie. 1.76 ontonofaîw th leS t ie epeis.lo 1ARD OF, THA1ixS. Musialecrea Ions. Moderate difficuit 1.75 cnito ftt iit c)- Pleasnt Moeories. 96 17 GEO. CRI13B: 1 be Golceen Ciimes. Parlor mugie. Kinkel. 1.76 Port Wbitby, Nov. 24,1873. 48 lm Lto, etom Myin>'mcor. uais t e eBrillant Gems. 1.76 Teubn*of the Y PireBimulae.4 the clU. Ths aboya are aito hound ln, lotbvilt T0S9T.1 ze£gnIUYfrt m usacinsvn ies, Ices 2 60 eei. jL zuy rosse s rro M destruction on lt e enPsris olody. A collection ofiausic sie cua lie T~. MRS.RAM. for aantadPlve4.0U1 a ~c,>Ttusday. IltNov.,a Lad y's Mink Mui.- ~~ ~< Elega uhd n t n d gesibewuu W'ty n )hwo __________Poe. __lot,_197_8. _ 49__ tera Ecihon cf Stranfas' Waltzea, in 2 Tbe filder will b. îuîtai rrwarded hy volumes,prlca #8 lu boards et lu clotlu leaving it ai Hamilten & Co's, Wbuihy, or LOTICE la bsrelw giv&ua Bat applica.. -et B. & A. Sxi:h's, Oshtawa. LN tion Mi ho mada to tbe Leglla tire otf TNAD s . Nov. lütit..471 theb Province et Ontario,aIitnaSsson al'48PeusaSFge.coh5.e titreoZ ( or an Acf 10 Incoroirate &Comuaay Bah 4PrldsndFge. ot#50 tobeiisla <l'a OTA!O EN1'AL 11 Ilain4 Books. Paper coverscoacht 1,60 IW "COP ' 1 frthe"lpseoa bidigBasthoen's88 Sonates. FPulit, 8.5o 1 ýt4rî, o omepout n ak on Coces Vane. .0 T E PARKERn CUNU, oIton Georgiean Bey, si, or Ciol' as s 5515aper covers, 1.50 .ln tsevlclnty et tse Town of Colliagwo'od, Cbopin's Polonaises. p 2.w0 Decembr Jet,1878.Chopin'@ Nocturnes.20 Decmbe ls, 178.Citopin's Mazurkas. 209 ~ Ciroptn's Ballade. 2.00 BL NOTICE, Chopin's Preludes. 20 P - Chopina.Sonate.. . 2.50 Meneisbnn Cmplote Piano :ks - NDSA ocm R Fc oleiio. Flgt. InS oeas,6PAR0 B-au o4,Ston 4, acaThe saie, . vo. oi., 8400 SEDSMPFRCCLA Thesaime, ve. paper. 2I004WESTls.ID10.CT as fuiJ15 :- - - Vol.1, containîag Coreeutes, Fugues, & Th-1a lteocupanto sn l14, esue The same. .Svo. Gili. 8.500-________ ______ eciay bouseuilding, or lot, shail cause Tbs saine. Bvo. Paper. 2.50 TARR WNE ibe idealioppoitebisor br buseVol. 8, coûaianiag Capriceios, Andantes, M. ~ T A~B WNE building9, or loà , te bu properly swept ana &c. 'Folio. 0111. 05 elesn)ed witsn necsusary, as tareas tenter Tbe saine. Svo. Glt. 86 l E-H eue ff rmobstruction b>' snow, dirt, or The sane.8vo. Paper. PinSos 2.00 Applications receeved ta Dec. lotit. Ad. Clatit, 8.50 WM. BARBER, or NTCZDo. as Piano Duelis. Clatit, 12.00 D. DELONG, NQZC f bershy given titat tseaitove Mozart's 18 Sonates. Elegauci> bonnnd, s.00 mllbu výigluenîly entorced tram titis Scbuberi's 10 Sonatas, 8.00 Nov. 12,1873. Trustees, Uxitrisige. dt.Schbhert's Dances, complete, 2.00 44 Bp order, Seituburt's Piano Piaces, 2.0 ' W_____ Schumarn'a Foreat Scenus, ù easy piece (80 S H AW A JACOB BETAN, Papier covers. 0 . Ciie Contabe. Scitumann's Piano-torie Album. Eieg. SO E~A UATRN O _______________ antly houaS. Full gilt,210SÃ" -A U CTRN 0, Witby, D c. 8, 1878. 4 The sane. , Paper covers, 1.00 RES.LAWRENCE BAÂNK.- Weler's Coi ete ao Warks. Eîug- Wu mraae tse foilowing Stoves and oeil ST. etly boun F.ul git, 8.50 tewholesae and retail, et our Wir in Noie s Os ore'. ia biaDvdn VOCAL COLLECTIONS. caitingisud as well flttu ilte huit Amer- ,Y gventhata Diidel 'eu Stores. No stove will bu taraud out pttwe.e liepr cent, peru n mi up.Siing Ligitîs. SacreS songe, 81.75 but such as mill fit Weilllu ever>' joint. on ths palS up Cptal stock eft Ib lIntitu. Golden Luavus. Vols 1 & 2. Collection T E I RU PI tien bas ibis drty buen deelaed anS tht et songa hy WiIl S. Haye. eaubi, 1.751 TI TIM H tbhe iemilie h payable atitls HÃuad Office Heerti & Home. Collection otitomesongal.75 la tte prttlesi direct draft l'arlor Coul and Branches, on and after FRIDAy, lts@ Piresîdu Ecbnep, " 1.75 Steve 4.mthe ie Dominion et Canada, and 2nd ef JAN%'UARY, 1874. Sweet Souad», 1.70i we alone have tbe rigiti to make it. t bas Bp order of the Board. Pricelpus Geins. Chioce haleSo, 1.76 sncb a draft as wili give a good liru about as - K. ~. OCEHART Tie aitove are also baund in clotit, git testtas a wod i'ove, and aitirse sane lime C.F LCl AlRler. ides, pnieu 2.500eacb. Bacit volume le no controlled b>' dampers tirai it nueds Tomae, NCa 2. 108. cntains about f10 moittrth 1chioee onul>' tg he ed once in 24 houri, if nucessar>'. TootNv.26 88 49 vocal munie. t lias a clirrkerless gratu, witich wl le Thé Opera ai Home. Clatit, gilt edge 500 teclinkuri la bu removeil uasily whîboutw TJEDB Contstning prinicipai songe tram 25 dumpring thte aubes and coulli à e chber standard operas. stoves, and il bas et te menth i te ueed FOR BUIDIG A CHU CH Germea Vokleider Album. 40 seags, a ballon' iroa ring witicb all uhe noxions gai FOR UILING'A. HURH aglith anS German mords. Papi-r, 250 genurates. .uaaeecaping into -tire room.- Wl» . reelvd ~Mendelioirn's 76 Sangs, edited sud in -t bas mica lghtte, ebowing lte fife opposite Wiib eedb>'th underslgued en hee- part translateS hy nMactarren. Plao, tbe gpaie, as wel as lte loplîihts, makiag- hall c i te Ilulldl Commttl, upto lstof clatit, fnll git, 8.50 itlolok ver>' cieerfnl, anS we se1itcteaper Jslulp ieufor bldaeBikCtr The sm, for a deep voce, 8vn, wit ttau an>' slave cf ils size in Canada, tOat lin~ ep 8x2 0.copeeih original moras. O vols, paper, -acit 2.00 we kuon. We give mtit acaît ifonelbon' FWTZN H A GU? NXT D . ot, eacli 8.500sud damper te match. FLFTENTH AUGUT NET. Ooe'e mut ulOdius, miitt nen' eyra-THE "ARGAND." M Bican~d Stoe furmisteS ou the spot,, ell phonies and piano accotn,. hy Balte. ouiier insterial tg bh. tnasbee by >hs, Con. Folioa, eleganily houaSd, full gîlt, 8.0 The leaSing Parler Coal Steve efthlie U. 9. trbr. Motter Goose,, or National Nursery' bas prucieely thrs saine imprevemieute as tite iTenders may be for tbe enlire Job, or for Rtyme,ieautituîly ID. by Daîziel fi-o "Triumph," te bhut yoet rm, lte deublu the. Masuir> sud Plasterlng, inelnding ex. (As k for Noveles edition, or y u iii rrw et lgbts, lIere riiilerles grale, lte gas cavation, or for Cerpenlur sud Jbiner mark gui a cbeap phtograpi cepy,.) iroarrls 1.50 ring, tIhe samne draft caduc ltorôugit con. sud fer 1Painting anS Gleztng aeparsiey.Thte samne, elegami>' bounuS lu elth, pili 2.00 trot. and ih bas la addition a retura fine car- Plans and sî!ecMfrailons and terme et pa>'. Scbuman's Vocal Album. 30 1songs, ryiag iLhbuai»raund and under te mhole ment at thbofailesoet mur Eng. anS Garmi. mords. Paper, 2.00o boitom efthie ptove. GEO. CURI'IE ' Do, elugauti>' houaS iu clatit, fulgît, 8.50 "'NEW AMERICAN", sru'y la Building com. Wowe ndn. pebvwok Port Perrp, Dec, e . " . 422i , on receip t fte marked pnieu,;?.a- Coakiug SWei -raov o o ie ln lgnes ceueailtîegIruur îo,ooe re zc,(w ,usýmade in the UnitedStaltes. We qifote ltse STRAY STEER. icai ubjects sent frue on eppication. follomîtg tramlte circuler et 1878: "For 7 sAddreas&-. ears lte New Yeck State Agnicultural Sa'>' Came ountae remises o et us rbraawardud il lte Firsu Preminin anS luai >ear rosi and mbItts fI>'as Mid seer, on or about J. L. PETERS, 3/liele Publifiber, il iaok lte Sbvez Medal avec ail lte hout 27tb Neiember tant. The oamer los requested 1 59Broadway, Ne!Yrk !tapeursecopt to ttakehabim Ansd p;ciarFeu, ter. Inclanrd. It okcÛigtels w e vis e i M e Ã"d tCHAEL PEteY,- 0WHMITMY OCEI nne less Ib go ,Clna sorutgENIz lwHm1 mycN' x1 _ 107 FIIIST PIIEMIUMISI Lo B2, (1 oln P., TO GAVE INTEIRE8T, At varionis exhibitions, emong uhem Dec.litS, 18781 -A prisidehied ote e uhseribrc -iiTite New Teck Slate Pair, plunîe cal ea ieisoffice and settinte ceir ac. ieVctri ul ar WESTERNceunis before lite isi December, 1878,or 10 Tite Illinoirs Stete Pair, - per ceatinlueret miiihe citarged tram let Theu MicigaStete'Fair, Oetec laal,and att accouais unsutiled aller Thee ?s'em Englad States Fuir. lte ltitDecember wmlii hobandeS over for Tire mure sald. fit lintse States la collection..:11870, 7000; 1871, 8,000; 1872, 10M00.This YEOMAN GIBSON, >ear il bas be n m icve ba dng'A. n Old No. 1.ti-lanker gaend npeovesl.yain«fot Whitb>, iov. 19, 1678. 47 W. soli Iit it or mititont ltsecopper reser. ~wU4,U1'1AltO. - rvoir, sud ltee stiro enmng ls The Grgat Family Neave a s a, a i- .. ... -Ibindt ci,. r.A _ i<Ia OftLY Stzoe PER-'yEÂR 1 Balance cot lb fo1i-pee rmr Op>bî EEXAINATION nom to lit eJisnt 875, ore Prom T stnlçtly in adysuce. If ceutaium Sparkling Esllteriais, pipor CANDIDATES FOR Nse"sIienteCorzesponlleuce froi te Ceun. PUBLIC SOHOOfL TEACHERS' fi"., Choices Fmil>' Rem' , ~strs, Wls sud Humior, Cariovs ns .fentc, &o.c Second aad TueSd Clauss Certificuies "short and Siret» le oui Motte, sud me clai toe ore ns n ulegs isaceth"an Wl» bhelS, (CD. V.) intse Auyote an ,journal. urPicplo, ilu ~tics Refera-i;nlTOWN 0F WHEITBY, toe,5SlSl'M"orl metmeerae - C:IMI<cxG0, W. 178W&NTEDI. . ONrAy, xâth- DECSEMBER, 1873, WeoSer gresti iudueuneats te canvassr4. At 18,pm4o se>dClama. And on ___fra rz à t rradi nth o-TUESDAY, X ith DECEMBER,' ^D umi>' of puai offices sud ai an>' lime Tii. xýml t fCandidtes fornl t of theypar,but N OW la tie Most, favorable u c extlËuj I e-10aà Iimoi, s egiva lhoba , , >-clesce01 » ha bun iSe S i. l grtst DwatiWbçro. Seasi us Damîe s oeclm enclag on smfut"yougo hePrc dr eula PRIDAY, mliii. DECEMBER, Ma an soe udto ovW ppe7, ; tsmli hum ceai or maod. 9dU- w Partes huplng tram us eau et eny tume replace an>' portien§ et eue staves ibaf me>' gsit hroken---a gpuai advauiage. J. CAEMICHAEL, Preaf. Oshtama, Nov. 24,187a. 4 S C ASH FoR LUMBER I The Oshawa.Cabinet Compatiy Will puy ua l=tpHcu O n ufaj Dciivc'red aithichYard ut Oshawa. [8QZUARE.EDGRD PREFERREDJ Oele or Aah, 1 in.,-l,2 la, any-mltb. But ter-aut, 1in, er4y midth Rock RIra, 1la , lila, an>' ISt. Comnaaoaetr Elsni-1 in, uny mlSllc,, Beaaruoot, 1lin, auytmldtit. - S ljlin, 518110 or 16 in 'il ,,'-armm, buy your hardware, 8tovyp, iwer NtdCheap E 4 r b, e ,78. â à r;o4,.d PBý j iD stoves, tovepipes, HAërlU & RC) Wu J . HIOKf E & O <IÂTIlKLâ &O'LEARY. Repef ' mjtÇ'»'p'eetion of their lg tokq FALL AN» WIqNTER ,GD nels, Qùits, Bed Coi<ortoýfrs, Ladies' 5, stripted Shi" Hosiery anid, loyepMf Gent ' Fur Catps of ail kinds, Shi Nleck-ties, Coilars,>' % Lamb ool Shirts and Dratwers oi FRESH FAMILY ýGROCOERIES. WIN;ES, -ND -LIQUORS -JtTSTTO EA The abov, ïoôdi *11be-soid Clieép for Cëash. The liighest price paid i cash -for Butter. Whitby, Nov. 2Sth, 1878. -'W . J. HI K E & C t n un ig-r-ieed- Uredit " yst >~~~ < C r u b l i" g i i 1 J Iu f t V 49 I- rts 82 Co cal Ca: Dr wc 100 pair Blanlets at an awful sacrifice, 88 pieces Scarlet and Wite Flannels at 20, 25 and 30c, 60 pairs Corsets, 45 cents per pair, 7,000 Linen Towels at 8 cents each, - 82 pieces Canton Flannel only 12J cents a yard, - 10 bales Crash Toweling at 8 cents a yd, 50 pieces Linen Huck Toweling, 121 c a yd, 800 pairs Ladies' (*loves, from 2tc per pr., 400 pieces Prints, good quality, flot trash, 10o yd, 600 pieces excellent Prints, l2tc yd, 96 Col. Quilts, large size. only 90c each, 476 pieces White Cotton, from 8 cents yd, 97 pieces, of Horrocks's Cottons, at lOto yd. JUST RCEVE Large additions to our already Extensive Stock. NEW CANADIAN TWEEDS, NEW. HOSIEItY, NEW CLOUDS, ~NEW--FLANNELS , N'EW WINCEYS, NEW CARPETS, NEW FUIRS, BUIFFALO . ROBE S, NEW MILLINERY, NEW TEAS & FRUITS, FINE FAMILY LIQUORS. HAMILTON & CO. McPhereon'a Block, Wbitby, Nov. 1878. 4 LAING &STEWART Have juat. received a choice assortrnent of .New and Fashiouable DY GOODS, which they îind Io SELL FOR? CASH, ai sceeh 2i,ýries us will quite a8tonisli ail pu8tomera.' The quality ef the of the goodo, and the cxccedingly amalprofit tlîey charge, makes il zeorth while Io ceau and examine for iliemselves. The articles embrace splendid Fur Trimminga, a full range of Home-made .Flannels, and Fancy Flannel Shirting8, Twceds-in Canadian and EngUish Manufacture, Docalins, Buekakins, Broad-cloth, Bea- ver, Pilot, Peter8hafn, Elesian, Whitney, d., dec. Wool Shirts anl Draniers for undcrclothing unprecedented in the trade for superiority of finish and moderation in peice. Blankets and Quiltg, Sheeting8, and Shirtingg, and thte best s8sortment of Hou8e-. holU Furnishinga desirable to select frorn. lu Millinery we have the ta8tie8t articles Io be had. Hals and Bonnets ini all Uc newe8t shapes, as aise Feathers, Plumes, and Flowers, Ribbons-Walered and Plain. Shawls and Man- fies, uuequaled at the prices for whicli thcy are offered. Small wares and Haberdaherg-f he b.ei in Whitby. Our Tailorinq-Department is under the management of a Fir8t-class C.tter, ail order8 will be got up in first-cluss style and finish. LAJING & STEWART. Wbitby, Nov. 12, 1873. P. S. We have ju8t fo hand the finest stock of Ladies Furs, em- bracing Min1, Grebe, Ermine, Columbian Seal, South ,Sea Seal, and Germa» Mink. Labraâ'dor Horring8, No, 1, By the.Whole or.-IHlif Barrel. CASH PAID FOR 1-1 H-lIE BJEANS RH- JAMESON, TH9Eý AGI Dqwi wth Credif IPri es -Encoura~ge Cash Prices Lo k o yo r ner st, prôtt you >r rigtsarie? n yur rath, -and-let -,the, batt). i y' be-Down wt 'Extoxtion, Degth to Ilih Ha-ving purchâsed an immense Bankrupt.-Stock in Eu- rope, consistingr of some of the finest goods ever imported into thie couutry also, a fine Montreal Stock at 50 ots. on the $, I arn prepared to offer some of the greatest bargains to purchasers ever heard of in the D ominion for Cash 'and C~ash only, Remember, the two -immense combiued Vfammoth Bankrupt Stocks--. which are, bou.nd torevolutionize the old high-prieed system. Read the following Price List, examine it weil, ponder nl 1t, utour mnny in your pocket, corne right away before the beui cf the bargainlla are gene, and I will guà rantee yeu wlill fnd our geoda 25 per cent lower lien auy in the. country. 5 iecs rei o,1pansd0 m y,1 etpr ad ics o,1Jo'. rOpee d. 2 ts.9 iee o,20 Lot I8cS0 Tiýê o, xeln 5nliy pie rth 85ci, 8pi ana tacy,1h enslts pero perd, 0pic.s7do., 1110Ca,, Iut pise, 1et... 90 pi4eces do.50, 04 otrS 0 pieces dbeio, celet nakein&H he miite, i piees, Ducgifiteulo, 2e 5e Wrt 45, 78pces Cal 3lack AipacaÉ, verp loir. A full range of the beet- geedsaet bailfpnes. -SJLKS, BLACK SJLIKS. pieees excellent qualit>' Black, 75c.wortb $1 20 ; 18 piéces verp fine, cil belleS leek SicIr, $1 mortit 1 50 ; 17 pOuces Banet Lest Lyons make. #1 75 Wortht 250; 82 pieces Extra qualiiy, it in lthe country, $2 26 mentit $4; 87 pOuces îlered Siles, titese are an exlnaordinary bargain ai les. than hait prie.. Thep an'i c uaghi for ess titan .$2 50 auywlîere. I mili sel them for 61 25 per nSd. No, persan wiii bu ailowe<l te purcluase more titaun ee dress. I meke iis e raie le keep oSier merchanîs tram buyiag ithe lot. 1,000 Silk Peplin ýresses frein 88 te $5. 100 bandsome Cloîli Jackets, beautifullp irimmesi, $2 50 ,rth 05. 4 iCLORevyTeS , CLOTHES.d 0 pieces r Heavy Tweed 45cyd 6e . 50 piecs Era av Tee, on>' 80 yd., 57pieces Exraoul it,elp 8e d, 0w $ 0 75 pieces Double Widt Beriver, r $0 worth 2 5, 87 pieces Fancp Pancy Cloth, ver>' loi. 3-1000 PAIE~S OF GOOD WINTE1t GLOYES FOB Qi: Also a large- assortment of the. following goods which wUfound Lblously loir, viz:- Tioking, Sheetings, Grey Cottons, Gfûsa =Jotd Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Ribbons, Embroiderjes, Insertings, Fanoy- 3-oods, Breakfagt Shawls, Table Damnashu, Fancy Flannels, Winmey 0. The following special C04j L 1s, would cail pfAticu- lar attention t',aathey,are 4flaema .persoil-only muets once in anufge: 400piees ~rîs iuéyUc d, 83pieces Extra Wide, 10e, 201 As. sortesi Dress Godé, l11W,.78 pieces veryhand-iomà e de, 28c, 507 -Fancp Clondh, 4,0e, 19 pi"ces eavy Tweed, 45c, 1000 Hauidkerchiefs for Ladies, I'32eeRemember the goods in these t-wo immense Stocks are ail first'-class, and nlot poor'ýtrashy- articles, the same as some- houses advertise. - The reason of MY' selling them so cheap is on account of bnying them at 60o on the $ For a, m-a's geow inier Pea Jacket for $2 50. -For men's heavp iner vercai for $5 Worh $8, Fr a he avp (Jnadian- Twed suit mde to ordr, $15 Worth, $20, For a, pair of hcvy fid Clei Pant. $2. 50 Worth $8 0 - For a good pair, of Fine Black Pant, $4 oo orth $6 00.- -1000 Paira cf wmene's hoa-y Wint.r boots ai $1, 1000 Pairs men's long Stoga boots ai onu1y $2, 2WOOpaýrs boys' andi-girls' boots at hlaitpnces, ho ThoW The And a11 arrangd in sai Comeswhlehf DUed l A&gloves sai pfces 1o Wbar. did 1 buy that -That made my market ýWherildId,1Ibuy that rlh durkprin2t, At whkhh my ueighbors tookaà squfnt, Who sold me blakaebreai nsd i&g withwr ia nd meftso var>'stroug, AndSU allainices-uit. a. gong 2 Tirs'Asidison, Where-clOS Ibu>' thon. lsbaeting rate Ansi qUiis thai uWlademp l i rindà Andtaro-e, an iefrj Wbsrae au fiaunein cheap be bonght; < WiterelOr kepts4blargesf Ici ý ,1 Of searlet, bhite sud gre>', if not- -At Asidion'.? Whc solu tomie my quilteai t AnS jacket ricit, in mmich, I fflr, nsi drss.protector.from lhe dutP Wbere do I almays get my paru ?- Thte besite hukit as meR as dâr- If pou dont knoir, pon'd botter ,lard' -At AddisonWm. Wbere did Iget my msdding troussau; Who sold te me My> Beai Thet makes me grand asg Pentaps pou'll thluk ilqui Witure 515 I get mp pretti The latent fasiin for the. Wbere SOS I bnp mp Suni Witit vest sud Irensers, ai Wteru la ASShaen'a, I ment te uneir? Hiu place l'aim sur aual ftego; Oter stores are Srsafully slom- Bp Addison. Jusi senti theb.Ontario Bank, Brook street, 11 miter. pou me>' be sure te meel Tite gay,, the prudent, lthe alite- At Addisou'o. Addison's 0e quit. a prsfty store, Wlf b al lbh latesi styles enS more, Be sure you neyer pesa the -dor 82 Ring st. Est, Tocno. Nov. 19, 3m, -47-Ot E ITENMINE REDiT SALE PURE-SHORT -HORN d0 HIGH GRADE C4TTLE, Té bs msol ishi mtiireserve ai- WEDNESDAY, DEC. zot, z873. aaenpre hieS coasandi buffers, six bulltuiinAgoM ighgrade ceira andI b.leirm, aisimx stees ansd oxan. Lunch sti M. -Sais te commence ai noon. TEEMS--AU sus-etf f0 ansi nSe cash --overliast-amenS1l mentse'credif mili bu gLvenhby furnfsingesatd t"seaurîly. A 4isoutoti7 per cetwMmhe &- efer Anotioneer. Nev. 12, 1878, - 6W At Âdinou's.Wblty, Nov. 51875m . C RPR 'ai ~ LA >lak S WOOD,-FOR, SALE. cîbar folk? The uhicribur bus for sale et bis MiUi site& ake__ eur 'Utics, a quantil>' et-four-.foot Wai maRs Addison. A. B. CAMPBELL.- IUtice, Sept. 289,187. - - 1>' saml, R EE, jusi eaui- .Oaae>earling aire,,irbie, looro Leieester- bruS came *laoe-prufises t ncriher, Lot t Acdson si 8, 8c5 con. Whithry.-The owne is requesi- eS te taestir "e saewassud psycharges, aibormi hmch. eolacorlg to lsm. A COUTS AND- NOTES. Thteundersieaslves notice ibet ail se- Ceuntsdet L aebeen left mIit fr. Gea.T.Hait, lanlte, CirouijclaOfce huIS. ing, for côUolcn - unS uso thal hiaecontrk> over theai muIl ceuse mlter firat af December naxi. AUlnotas coming due-sana uysitlç te bilm have huen dupasutud et lte Dominion Bank, mwheratheimay-be retireS. C. DAWES. Wbuthy, Nev. 1g,1878. 47 1'4e unermigned aoffrs for salaete prem. ises l irbici big huuinesé for t.e munulac- -tue ef Agrkett;l ius m lements, Waggenm, et. laipressai carie on lanlte Toma cf tbihytoge er mtbhms, inaebieyasidplant et uver>' Sescrlpti*on.-. Also bis dmellih ouse ansilot. The jle The turupike rossi ttrongb people' heurts. I find, Lies through theirmnutsi, or Imisé tae. mankind. BGOEFAILY 12 lU brigtMuovd for $1 00, 20 IbsRic. for $1, 20 ibm Baisiun for $, Blck aud Green Teu £rom 2bet. te 80 oie, per ,lb., cal 01185 oe, per gaIo n. Pickles, Saume, Sardines Lob.- store anasiumen. Presh suipply cf Java, aind Mqcha Cffee, whidi, ncýtitandInoe the AnS ou minet, it muilh. toaS on examin. ion, an excellent business la heag nei ru. lu il hdipsofh patent riglifs intlsousma,.nmlub sme=lcapital iis oppoetunl>uitat sel adom pressais liitH. Deirng10retire. à = b usines-onne- ceuni t te naermigausinmdis- ponsdto îteks fils step.- Tearma wMi»b. maSe 10 suit a sompefant purs>' . On]>' a anuli amenai requiresi Sem, ansi ample lime given for ths balance ou -JAMES CLATTON, Brook St, Wbuuby. N. B.-The abovs oSfer mill nef lutre mith fis business michit mlibe emeried- on- ne usuel, anS repaire promptly executed. Nov. 5,18973. -. 45 TUEFi SUN. iT â]yl SEXm--Kr.y~-ai» .x Sugar - NOTE TI so Eun4y, PAND GET, THE 1 FIRST PICIK 1 imc !ffl u» :p n 1 O:m n 1 s rr -BEST FAMILY