Whitby Chronicle, 13 Nov 1873, p. 1

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Anam, ;ue L ,M..uO muAswlth %A rrl taAlsentnueadertiuumiet BU'&Ines-s Direo to-ry, THOMAS DOW, W41IITBY À0ENCY,.- H..1B. TAYLOR, CACRT & CONVETANCINO LA ,,),, ..t.Wlng Court Hou»., Ar- rangements for speclairotainer of Hon. Mr. Canieron, Q.C., anA Dr. McMichaeb, Q. C. C QUNTY- CROWN ATTOIINETTOIt Ontario, Iisrrister, Solicitor, Conivey. ancer, NotaryPublic1 c cOffie-Late- neocupedby8B. i. Cochrane, Esiq, ate ,Cown Attorney, Brock Street, Whitby. ARSBAT-TORNET, CONVET- imcer, Dopumty>Jiegistrar, Master Ex. raordluary, andl exaîminîer lu Chaocery for the Couty of Ontario. Otilce, Court flouse, Whltby. BARILISTERI & ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, Solicitorin'Chancery,Ctnv aucer, dison'a store, Broda Street, Wlitby, Ont. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN AChaiicery!Convoyancor, de., Canning- ton, Brock, C. W - )AIIISTEII AT LAW, SOLICITORIN 1 B.>Chancory, Couveyancerl,&c., &c. Sim- coe Street, 0slîawa. (.1 Vs<lN. s11'II-LU 'Il ARUITU, ATTORNEMAT- LAW, B Solicitor iu Chancey ns u ovny NOta7?olbic &c. &c' ffico-McMi1au'ba ,JlcY,13rrdkâtretWhltby, Ontario. ýTTOB)EY -AT-LAWV, SOLICITOIt 1-N . 0iCsncey, Cwiveyancer, LandA Agent, &c. Offic-'lt PIarrisb s-atBock, Iirock St., UxhelAgo.' -B IIITIS ATTORNEYS, SOLIC- itrNotants 1Public, ConIvIIyUn. £,flce-Bl<roiStreet, Suetcfpont Offce, rOWN CLIC AND !gREASUR71t. TWhltby. Oftico-.Town haUll Hursf, from 9 tu 1 o'cleck, JNPriCTOR 01P PUIIITC SCHOOLS for the Ceuuty cf Ontarici. AddIrca-- Rlaglan tPeut L.fflce, Ontlario. mJ, <lr'NN, l >, SURIt);..rO THY, COUNTY IlAOL, s yron Strbgt, Wltby. G 'g HOSPITAL LONDON, E'NO., tise oye R. O. Il. f., Oisawa, 'Ontarie. ,f*ý'DTIST, '(SUCCES- ~-1--'or leu W. H. Cas-A.) -5 LTDental Roomo-DunislitsSelt, - - Wlitby pves- Ms- Jamesessum Store. Nitreus -Vxlde 4;i aAmliitereti for tise. painiesu ex- traction cf teutb, C, N. VAR*-, L. 1..5W. AL-â -'bT ,FT imecs-ed on ail blas- -JT atepri rcipese! tise art, as chou p as tise cisaeset, snd asu poi as tise beRt. Téets 111» i th CelA ant i Slaer. Testis oxîs-ateti vtthout pale, ly predunna local ansesithrala. Doutasi tecuns-is Crase- au's n le -luc, eves-Atkinssun'u Dnnrg Stos-, Ring Street,Os8hswa. -5 ISSUES 0 F MARUTAGII IICENSES. Street, tlrne. ileosr tsshu 'es uh TAIIS DitlillING ANI) HIIAVliNS' - L aleis, ];rock Mt., wbitluy. -Jt)N iVeJLFElNI>EN, A GE7NT F011 TUE CEII'1ltATII») SesultilsOrssite. At Msss-ieeWurii of JoIusluisnWiaudn, sa twitl> JUIIN eAut il, L ICE NSEDAUCTIONL'ER FOR TEIL Ceuuiteu cf1QOntarios, Yosskmuid lPeel. ltculdonto--Lel l8, 6tisCouesselon MiaIsus l'eut Offite-Un4ion Villot Sales sttenuted sa rie ho srteul anobles, inti ouaremsoaljss tenus Teýrnes-ajis busaie atl jlla i nîti as lis CsuUsoNIeLF i lsufuis- Ifs-.Cartes-. #L"Vl IAIRBIANKg,, .1 F ClliE)AUCTI4sNEER VOlt-li H o[ 'uul f tsuitu-uaiua' bgstg)retuiru tilssuikoi ftai be l'rîiIasiroasuaasaeejsurt-ifr. lubtestol upusbiias, siî tus)auiusiss-ua tIsas la.e sr'Ïepus-sai tus saaulct salems situes-i, s Towavor os(.aeuty aI ru'aesasule rates. Ar raigineittais-ursi a usaslau ussslo s-iber su thse Csuswnlusrs OfUt-ior ai asluy oas-auOffilsa- ls-fcdu Street, Whiiîîy. N/EUiCIANT'l"lAhI.Ohl, CL(>'lIIIE,1, m L Clatiier, fi>uas-us Uýtistieigseis's 'as- tiureutà male ai't in tie b-set utylu andîslâlae-s fasiion. A hlue stocek as!Clutiis, fs-san w-ls-t Lanal Jaîlaer, iresS ts-eet, Wiisuîxy. A large quaauuty uof ail julaude cf iuasies s-cas stitly on ustai. IJNDsJIIl'AIiNt.- -"ssi'i'ufa si sj. - lIiÉ aisul ttundeul uisahas-t sstiuue. Csîiii.- kept couittusnssly usaiiisj. A liasrmee (aslois- uail lises-si tens-ss ~ONZY TO LENI>. Tise undtiriied as ssy momesnt cf Mase- ey te Limidsluîsuî i'sutrua ss-'lasa'u 'seçrsty, sas uueesljy hases-Ilalisioaf!Litis-s-t, Loasuiteau lerelsalut lsnesete usuit bue Ilevenuul Impirovis ams-is aid %Vilal LassaI .fon sale cisesîs. - - isvelunenslmagsloiein Nlunis-iltal Deltai, t us-es, Iluîuk, anal utises- î,rketataîsle Stocke4. Fos- forlier jsasticssiinu upply te JAMES IOLDEN, Officiel A4mignee, Bs-ers,Ac. OFIE- e iurDsnisiasuBanuk, 2lIc: ~[SIlM*U SI1-CI1 WIillby 13s-eaââund Strinsg ilusîsJ, t1 fer Soîroo, it sr, îusalsusQisilsîIt-, Pirties,A&,,, &o., viii uiUsisiy tLleset ni Applcatiouus issueSbcals a iado eltîer Isosa. AiIy on by lettve, (post esid ) t'Oe J. 11.'LFENISEN, HDRXàSE MEDICINES. Alloustsiptleuu o! tiiese1t Ilasue bedi- clues&kopt conetssnutly onu band nusudfor cale lus k thse Witby Lices-y Stales, Li"io ebhar-ge fur s- asics. N . -I(A . i E.O'DIILLY A T 'H E R LT,. Cl3irk Division Cour't, Tpï CIek, 0tis'osnsiiues lus P. Il., Lanol Aga-ai, Ac., -- - Ar., Atuuniy, Catsy Ouiienle. o Y A L I ", oL r JAS. IbINGF, - UitLRIETOI. Vlrt.easa 005 nssosltio.Amsple aali W 'i lît i ataIL, rst reas ts- eo;iirelJa VOL. XVI-I. w D. E LLI1ÂY, NTÂRIO HOTEL BR 00K LIN, ON74-0 * (IT£ .AWEuVp) AGENT POUTUZ WNrTBY, ONTARIO. ISOÂTE R8K IREIN. 0.,PRTER WAKEM, PROPB1ÈB., 0f Canàada Apurely canadan Iitution. Alu Agnt nA ppsl~r fr 1. anaa Speroracconiodatlon. Table,, s lied PexnaeatBuldig nA avag ocety frtehpbct,,asason. Genuine M11ors. ban ofmooy t bw ate ofIneret. c¶as but brands. Rillard room. Iloony __________Md nAsheds. 8.t B ii MWA TBE ' ~AmEB]RIrCN OTBL, A ~surance Uompainy. CAPITAL, $400,000. -ESTABLISHED :83s. .This obd &a n eestablisheid Company are prepared to acte pt rleks in ail classes of preper,t rates as 1ev a. (houe of suy veU etallsheeld ompsuy lu Canada. Ieolated sud non-hazasdous property lu- sured for three yeane or boms t specially low rates. *L. FAIRBANKS, JR., -Offce, Brock St,, Wiitby. 0 NTAIQ FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE CO'Y:- HEAD OFFICE, BROCK ST., WHITBY. -This Cnpany-imeures Faon Buildings, Country Churcheo, Sdhooi Housse, sud their Contente, ai ratee a. Loy se thosie of any weil-estbished Company lu Canada. JUST LOSSES PROMFTLY FAIDl. L. FAIRBANKS, Ju., J. B. BICK.ELL, Secretary. Preeideut. Mr. D. IIlbbdsy ile ne bouger an agent of tiais Company. R OYAL BRITISH QUKEN HOTEL, PORT PEItRY. JAS9. DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. (AT.&z 30100BOfouE.) WHITBY, ONTARIO. House newly renovateil and farnished througliout, and put in firut-c1aas orer for ho reception of ¶ùests. Anonenibus to and TOMau rais.Firt-eussample"omSu. A LBION HOTEL, WHILITy, ONT., A. MASON . - PROPRIETOR. The Albion bas'beon thorougbly renovat ed, and the public will fiuA every acconuno- dation snd the bout attention. c ENTRAL HOTEL, BitOup'il Au,O0NT. JOH!eýBAI LEy - PROPRIETOR. . The abovo hotel has-been uewly fitted u and furuished. Gueste vin fluA comfortabli accommodation %nd attention. Good stabi- iug and attentive hostiere. 0M M ERC I AL H 0T EL, 9110CR BT., WRITBY, E. M. CALDWELL, PEOPRIE TOR. lIest accommodation and superior Wines, liquors and cigare. Good stabligWth en- closed yards, and attentive ostlers always on the promises.. Charges moderato. G RAND TRITNK BAIWAY HOTEL, Ar w-RiTa-YSTATION. Splendid accommodation. Beat Wines sud liquore 55 (ho bar. Attentive oullere. WM. O'NEILL - PROPRIETOR. L UMER I LUMIIER i I Thse unilerigueti lsviug laeuu appeinted Agent-sud aIse Shipping Agent-for tise extensive Lunsbs's Ils-suof Meurs. Smtith & e., 0 e îeneFales, bas epenedin connee- tien vith bis ethes- promises, au extensive iL U MBE R "A R D idin (hoeWlitby &- Port Pers-y Rail way tien, w-buse ho Ieepi ccnslssubly on lisa s lar-geaati complete stock e! Luniber o! ail kinda fer sle, visoiesabe sud setai.- l'laueiug machine, anti ail kinde cf w-ork ex- satutoti pronsptly, te ordes-. GEifO. CORMACK. Whitby, May 27, 1879. 22-tf F ARM FOR SALE. Titat veIl-knevs rt as, lt2t, lnd con. cf Wiby, kîsov ast THE DONALDSON FARM, Ani au nt present in the occuspation cf Mr. N. tsy. Centaine 1190 asese; about 1W0 1uileereti; dw-eltug, eulbuidingu,ansuniabie 'siice;sepienlid os-tIas-A of auacres in'exîcut. Apîuiy te- JOHN A. DONALDSON, . Gev't Ernigration Office, Mas-cia25, 1873. lIt! Tes-cube. T HE ISOLATED RS Fire Insurance Co' 'of Canada, HuAIs Os'naz-Kitag t.,ccs-.Chus-ch,Tos-onto CAPITAL, S5oo.ooo. 1 epositîd with (iuvernmeni $67100() It w-ahi adjuet aillobsueff villotat deiay, and îay oves- lhe cash AT ONCE. Bois. ALEX. MeKENZIE, M. P., Presitieut. JOHIN MAUGI14N, Ja., Manager c AL ANDS WuOI0). A. ALEXANDER, aîsvassg pssiua'lthse Ceai andulWeood Yards 'ut Mr. Jolin sKoltîs, bis oteiuifos-msal cuns sauiers tisas (lasy illsi dtise ps-s-iseseceas- sasîtly and l pi'sifuliy supplieul, andul Woodt said Cual delivered astishe lsweab pricisu. itaviig parcîsase a srge tracsoe blet wou anfi is asths- lask Lukes, a fnll and -xlusbess suîuply wiiil e sa-sys kspb coa Iienauilie rates antifullb moasnre gaa- suteoti. Ccal avigîsti ou the Teown scales. A. ALEXAN2DER. Wbhitly, Jniy 9, 1873. I )IIUiNIX FIEE ASSURANCE CO'Y., LOSIRARD ST. & CIIAIINO CR0SS, LONDON E STABLISHED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MoisFAT & CO., Ageuts fou Cuals. JAMES DAVIBSON, Manager. Iusus-sucea aganu ice los y Fis-oas-e ellecI- -'uS on, theîr isst faces-elle termai,-anul Lase aii aitîsut refes-enes te tise Boas-d in Lois Issu. YEOM0.%AN GflISON, - Agesnt, Wlll>b T Vise înles-igusied desires te infasnun hi, tricide su and treus Uiet ho liaseagain se îuinet i usisa at tIse cIA WHITBY LIVERY STABLES îla-ving sussas-esecd tîse numbes- suA quai> s! tise tut, ansuitaie taanesutimpreves tise cessseyances sut vehicles on île ps-sun- ses, lise hussie uy being in a position te mecsi the wants of customere la e sst a shiare sa; 'slilîlpatrounage. 45' I lJA114- E MOlI LIL Al E. , N. B,-Coeared couucyanctu fan familier sil lauiles. lPromptîsattendante, aselises-ta for, teaulentiers. N. RAlY, Prespsietos-. c il 0 c E AP PLE TI R E E S, -A-n T- HOME NURSERY, Ir-autwtv ta feus- yeas-s o! ago, enals-aclug ai SETH C. WILSON, Lut Ne. 3,2na Con. Ficke 'msenou ingutso, Rosasul,'st Office, WIsitb. V ALUABLE FA1IM FOR SALE. Beiug part et lot 29, 7tls concession Scots Couîsssy o! Oitaio-100 acres, 75 elearo, snd lu a geoul, lIta e! casiitiosn. Gesa Awulling lisonne, ansd extensive ou(isuihdin; lu gooti repais-. Appîy ta tiseemuer, SIMEON TIFFIN, on bise prembes*- Lektsle, Nov. 14, 1872. 47 w LRSTERN- ASSURANCE COMPAI- HIEAD 05'ICE, TOIIOTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - $400,00 50554nT Fusa souris OnIsufs, JTOSEPHI HOLMAN, BIIOOKLIN, ON', Mueo Agont for tSeCANADA FARMER- ML'TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Headi OffiCe, HIAMILTONs; anti CITIZENS' INSUIIANCE COMP'I Motreel, Fus-e, Lite sud Guasantes - D e p u st m e n t , 4'4 lIT %L, . Parties taldng thse train and leasving borse. WH]I bave them veil taken care c!i tiltscir returu. GLOBE HOTEL, BROONLIN, ONT. JAS. POWELL - - PROPRIETOR. R OYALCANADIAN HOTEL, PORT PERRY, ONT., H. FOY PROPRIETOII. Superier accommodation. Gon -d stabling and shed room, and attentive ostiere. w ESTERN BOUSE, DVNDAS STREET, WHITBY. The undersigned woubd intimate te the public, that the above promises have boon nc-w1y fitted up sud renovateil throughout. lIu hure and Ci -*u."Te Croam of "anada' ise puR h;.eWine z,aiLg- er,wheai and retai. Bo.adr taken by tho week. JOSEPH A. BANDEL. N IISSINO BOUSE, COR.IRO AND GEORGE STRZETS, TORON TO,- ONTARIO. JAS. T. 3EWELL, -Proprietor. Terorto, Aug. 12, 1878. S-m ROIIERT JOHN YARNOLD, OFFICIA L ASSIGNEE FOR TUE COUYTY OF ONTARIO ADDRESS-Bex 9W, Wixuv. 41 FRP.EE- SITE! TOWN OF WHITBY. -FHEE SITE WIBE GIVEN to aly Misuactuing Company tîuilding au egtabbielîîinc-îît in the towu. J. IIAMER OREENWOOD, Mayor, Whitby. Xhitby. Fcb. 26, 1871 9-t NEW BAKERY FRUIT STORE. Ilegs te aneunce thathli jenov prepared to supply everything in the 3akery and Con/èctionery Line -AI hie old stand, lateby accupied by Mr. J. Aýrnal. CHOICE, FRUIT 0F ALL KINDS Kept coustanrtby on hand, in seasen. ORANGES, LE MON S, SARDINES, LOBSTEJRS,, PRUNES, RAISINS, CHEESE, TOBACCO. BuîrAD deivered dally tecustemere, aud dl1 otiier pTevlsioue and goodu delivercd as ou?' be erdered. Lhoice Brande e! Cigare. RICHARD SNOW. XVlitby, Sept,, 18-71. 37 The undereigned lias rcmovcd bis BOOT & SHOÈ STORE eo the premises adjoiuiîîg the Wesern Hotel, )undas Street, Whitlhy, where ho is uow 'repared to execute ail orders for Work. A trge andAselect stock ou hand. Repairlng loue as usnai. JOSEPII A. BANDELL. Wliitby, May 8, 1871. 19 f 1011 SALE. Lot 24, *eutis haif, 7tiî cou. Whitby. >welliîig, barn, &c.,-aiout three-quarters feured. Situate.d a mile nortis o! Bronklil. Apply t-. JOHIN CAMPBELL, 7ti Br.ki.a. 1 -il - A. B. OAMMELL. THR0tu QHiLINÈ P "Fi T ... Wour TO_ 0 T 1 0 E P0RT'PERRY, LIN*DSAY, BOB- h brev ive ~atannlc1in wl1b. CA.YGEON, AND,; ENELON - its ' made by teVcoi away Comn t vaALSd -ting ' tIse noit session cf lthe Lgisiturs of t1.- out-of. upecWlslÀcla latlng ta <thse eaieCounpan aPortPerry every Manday,-Wedneeday, enA. puf-ri the tori!Àr, 9; b fa> ivn rtiser or..Prlday, st il a'clock, a. mi, on tihe arrivai, tuer, ÇQ#mpasi lrelation-tao! ofthe mornip-g Train froint Whitb, hich ee bnisonf lvsyaIfncpaiyconnectae- vll h 1h. LocIal inrlfrm th.i e , or portions of a MuicipahitysdforotilerEsît', sd tise Expres 1ros Toronto, on -th. of titi .purpass la eference ta, -thb.:powers cf (ho Grand Trunk Balway;an-in L indsay.i de7epi asarectars of-lb. ssid Comny. 1at clock, p. ni., flobcaygoo0* at 5 P..; the 0 G. -LîAILAW,Prosldeut. jFouelon Yabi, at 7 P.p. .. * -~e Toronto, 28rd É" [375 - S.RaMMRuaus.-LeaVes Fenelon, Pelle, ontsev _________________________Tuesday, Tisursday, sud Saturday, at 8, a.,wèr ni-,srriving at MLla >g, Wî , ansd'at JESTRUCTION On- TEE PIANO- Port Ferr1latinte taconoot vith the N" FORT13 AND ORGAN. Grand TmrÉ allvsy mi»ed- going- West, a fuhs -anud Lotsl aud HxpresgoingEaet I ng FotTorontoteBobcaygeon ....#2 50'mugi 8INOIttG AND SINGING CLASSES TAUGHT 1i ", "di to Lindsay.......12 (0peari" Whitby te Lindsay.......... belie' MR.021109 . IGGNS BA., tg diBobeaye ...i75 ian. MR. EOR<E C.WIGGNS, .A., Throu0ih Tickets ean be bilAof the G. T. atr Begut teanounceto tis lbe viiiundentake Agent, ,Toronto. -ir- the instruction o! pipils on the *iaome 3M~~ Throngh Fieights; at loy rates. For spous- aeonsd organ, on reauou.ien0.M1 term erne r., spplv te the Agents. -ed te Aise Singing sud Singing Classes- Any information curn bho otained by Sp- ýpartiti instruments tuned. Enquire at Mn. Geo. plyiug 10 of Avo fllake's-opcusite Mr. J. Hamt Perry'u,, B. R. KIMBALL,, JAS. HOLDEN, theory or e uusth e h snck Office, vsnaauy. jSup'l. tan'g. Director. Whitby, Aug. 201h, 1878. 85 Wlsithy, Sept. 9Is, 1873. 89 F OR SALE. FA"i~ FOR SALE. A frst-class TrameCottage sud * acre lot, TeSuhoehnrdarso o o situated on Centre St, neus tihe Wesleyan Tist-nedte South eu bn red ses- aces ofN. varhdobe. Nevly paperdanA voro-asrand Lot No. Tventy, in tho Tisird Concession sudrdoe epaneedudand. ocA r of tise Tovnship o! Pickerng. Thero l aa frui tors, pning er an nov one. Go good trame hous itI setnne celiar, se fins frui tresoprng ater an ne fece. yonng os-chas-A on tise premises. The place Appis' tu- ;s vatened by s living streant sud by three J. K. GORDON, nevser-faiing-springs, sud lu distant about Orto- Britesý-, wisley, ihree toies frointFrenthma'Bay anA tvo 1anA eue-bai! miles front Dnffin's Cs-eek eta- DANFORD ROCHE, t ions on the Grand Trtank Rsiivay. Drawer 795, Toronto. Above parceis vibi ho seolî ihen legetber Ss-,,O 255 1873. 89 or separately te suit pnschaaere. A lonàgtis. -- ned es-eAu w-lU hogiven. OT ICEB. Fer fustiser particulars appiy on lIse pse-t N isesetheoues-, THOMAS BURIKEI, To Whnm if Ma v (innnn . VAMVI17UTT By32 Vit. Cap. 32, Sec. 28, ail parties as-o ps-eh»ited front sellilng. ilopsing, or- deli. verng iutoxicating liquors ire, sud sites- lshercfseven o'clock, enSas-ay night, tilIbthe ure!f six o'clock on Mouday Os- te atsr,. E. FnAWELL. Sept. 10. oiiw ib. 87-Ot T'CELEBRATED CARRBATRACA eParties iutereste-i repa-ticulasly caution.1 M INE R AL W A IE R. ad agalue an nemn f sclause, Io unsurpassed as a pîsasant anti- cooling asil tem iblu future le utrldliy enfore- apes-lent. <sue os-r tso glassea e! Cas-rats-ada ed. ovs- enin efors breakfast, or on su ALEX. PRInGLE. empty atomacis turing tise bob veathes- aili Licenue Inspectos-, kep yens- systeus cool sud heaItisy. Cars-a- Town ef Wiitby. tracs Waten stands unsivalled as s vauiasle Whitby, October 14, 1873. 42 nernediAl agent in casaes o!fEs5,itual Censi- Stien Derangemeut oethtie Sunatoi anti M. WILLCOX, elslo, Chrcuit, luflamnation of lise KiA. W . usy, Gravel, Goust, Rheumaim(s eciaily L I C N 8 D A CTIO EER of ail kindu, Dyspepata, Eeastbern, kcidily, LIC NS D UCTON ER andassa Pus-gaive attes- a debasch ilte un- FORt THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, AND eqnalleti. Fer sale by Hetels, Dnngglsts, andatiehere. Triw-n>bhi n fc! is a a&. (arsi avniznis aWiolesale cf thse prejrietr- B EGS te tissuk hiesnany fs-ends and tise publie genoraily tfs-tise libes-al patron. age besteved upon haint turing tise pass feus- yeare. Esving novw givon np tise business et B ' if IltenA, lu future, te devote My w-Iole (mmne to tise business of Anctieucen, CollectlugAr& Il aill tesey oudea-vu,ly prompt and tarefial attention te business, le give ful satisfaction te sn vho may favos- me ailis (hein Sales or Collecblug. - Bille drangisted and Blank Notes furnse- oti fs-os o! charge. Alec Bill Ssamps slvsys on baund. Ar-aun t ne an le made for aalee Ac.. at tise =C1REse office. Whitby, Observere Office Prince Albert, ântiat tise Standard Office, Port Fers-y. W. M. WILLCOX, Psince Albee, Sept. 241is, 1872. 89 WINNING, HILL5 Ar WARE, Moutreal. Whistby, July 2nd, 1673. Ius-27 AGENTS WANTEI) Te canîses tise etnty off Ontario fer a nov Canadiat Wesk- PEN PHOTOGRAPHS 312 pagea. Ps-ce $1. Great inducemeuts elles- ou.Adres- FLINT A- CO., 40 Cissrcis St., Toroento. Augnat 26tls, 1871.85 _M1ANUFACTURED AT THE Port Perry Agricultural Works. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOIR SALE. LIE1rssnL'e crLcsaaATirD uMEsICÀIN DOUBLE The subociber offere fer sale the febbow- ing valuable property, in the Tewo! Wofîit- by :-An excellent Brick Cottage with j acre cf band, ituated ou the corner e! Green andi St. Peter Ste., iu the Southî Ward. Aisen, j acre cf land, well fenced, sud iu a high state o! cultivatton, coruer Wellifgton snd Gif- fend stg., Norths Ward. -acre ou Centre St. sentIs of the resideiîce ef C. Draper, Es" q fis thse South WVard, Abie,20 acres o! gond land. being composed cf part of lot 18, luth cou. eand Ownship of Murray, Co. Nortisumber- A cbear anA indis5,utable titis wrilb be gi*vt., te ail thse abeve property. For further par ticulars apply te the owuen. FRtANCIS CLARK. Wbitby, Juby 1871. 21k! IÇNG BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Imperters, Dealeresud Manuuacturers of ail Kinds e! LEATHER. AND FINDINGS, Cash paid fer Hides, Bark, aud Leather. Leather istretched. .sBELTINO MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. 'stay, 1872. 22 GEO. T. HALL, AGENCY AND COMMISSIONS. Vabuations miade aud accounte collected. -1 Office over Tar CRROe-iCLR Prluting office. Business pronaptby attended te; hîghest refoeont. Whitby, May 14, 1878. 2M, s TEAMSIP TICKETS - ---- ---- ~ L~B>' AlIIas Magnificent Jiverpool and London and Globe INssURANCE COMIPANY. AS'ÂiLA5LI5ASSETS, 627,000,000. Loso asid in Alucuurse o! tirty.flve years tu-ced FORTY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Clalme ly Ciicago Fis-e estimateti at near- y 68,(,000, as-e beint' liqnidated as tast a. Allusted wisent deduciion. Soonsity, 'roempt Ypn~sent aud Liberality in adjuet. tei fii ossare tise las-minent feâtureî -f ibellhy Ccmpsny.l G. F. C. MIH Chiot Agent for Dominion. FAIRBANKS, Ja., Agent ai Whitby, Oui. JOIIN L. WATKIS, )FFICIAL 'ASSIGNEE, BALliT SBi DIYI5ON COURT, %UC'TIONEERL, &e.,&. OFFICE-lu Bigebov'u Block, Port ers-y. Pcrt Penny, June 24, 1872. 26 SAL ÀlE. A valuable Fart, lu a bigi s tate of cuiti- 9: tien, soin net excelle in uCanada, bobsig sait 25, 2ad ton. West Williams, CeunI' ! itîlosex, 801 acres tiosred, and w-alvae. Auc 1, good tonces, gocd buildigup, andas fine ma' 'sgos-chas-A cf choce truit ; oittuted e itau4 jmil«e cf tise dourislng viuageaofi20, 'es-k R151, snd eontaiulug 142 acres, on Pirsparticubare upply te- sol-i THOMS XNGIR 0F MAIL STEAMIERS For gale, te aud trom Britain, ut levesI rates, ant il neefusasy informationcieesfuil given by Wbitby,: M ONET TO LENDI Rtepayabbe l'y inaments tes- fron t, Tvonty years, at loy rates of intors-u, wvus. eut commission, end aI moderato charges. Pnlvate Funtis te LouA. Apply to- ifaey 28t1m, 1872. iul J. E. FAREWELL, Brc t, 22-ti TURBINE WA TER IHEEL. TUE 310SuT CCONO)itCAa vL WE. zosa-IN USE These Whcela w-e as-e nev msnsfacstssrng <heaper tIsaisassy athes- s}aop in bIse cotants-y, ad e i gvs s guasa-scîe wsiensh -Wheei vanrauting thent te hcs; e lmade, anA te gie as geesi satiefas-tion lts sny aiaufaclured in tise Dominion. Parties deui;iint' furtises-iniormalleas can ebtain Il lsy addrseciug PAXTON, TATE Ar Ce., Mscli, Pers-y St., Port Pes-ry, Ont. C OAL AND WOOD. TIse undes-signed legs te reburn hanies fer (ho liles-si sud inecsaing patronage ho bs been tavos-ed ith Is uring bis three yoare in business;, sud iseseby iufenms tus&- tomes- thel ise bas;nov fuor sale ail kindep of lise bout Anthracite anA Bituntinons 0 (DOAI M LieBEST HZ4RDWOGD, AI hlebaesI possible prices fer Cashl. JOHN BLOW&A CO. Wisitby, August Itis, 1878.a IN FRESS5: To be pulali8hed ina Novembcr, 1873. LOVELL'S GUETTEER OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA1 Contai ning the laelt and Most autheutie descriptions o! over six theusauid Citiez, Towne, and Villages iu the Pro~vinices cf Ou- tarto, Quebec, Nova Seotio, Nev Brunswick, Newfuudlaud, Prince Edward Island, Man- itoba, British Columbia sud thse North-weot Toriteries; sud generaf information, dravu from offit4id sources, s;te the usmos, bocab- ity exteut, &c., of over flfteou laundred Lais and Rivere, with a Table o! Routes, xhowlng tho proximity of the Rsibvsy Sta- tions, an& Ses, Lako anA River Forts, te the Cillas, Towus, Villages, &c.,,lu the sevoral Provinces. Price iu e oth, #2M50, Pricelu FuU Cali, j;75. Agents wanted to canvas for tise ssork. JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. Mfontreab4 9th, Aug., 1878. 34 3 ]HEIFERS SRTD 'Xwo two-ycar oldansd one yearling boifer frot tise promises o! the subacriher, lot 18,. 6th on. Whitby. ,One cg the 2-yesr nids a dappie rod sud white, tis other, alijgbhtbrin- Aie with reddisis neck ud vhite facs;-the Yearling a dark r*, white starOh foèrehead, white legs tram -thée kate-jôluts dovuwards, whsite lau s&d white, spot aoneue aide; -Any peMon giving sach information as viiilad t4) Omer recovery *M !bo .uitably revardeci, ,ot us1 whose in thei artigs -for Sbsaktf etuli -Andain lsa aen aualys tise si huntin agreei entaI Aluand modes] Tak.e travels or rail enceIV 3rradied base-mets!, esud wi owri enjoyment fros, the lire, srnisis vapor4tes froni th. sii patiles".,should be., ý sigtl-"W. Make'too sa about Euglbihwti Jeu vnwitegstiserneelves havé 'e iu thse ",Wyih '-but noti s." They býelieve' lu- tie fifil ,.Of tihe "Globe Tiseatre4"sigz Be o! Anu Heataeway,,vho beq 0ber Ila fcather bcd"ý-th, ale o! writisg Ieft by tiseI 7su." Tiseyhaveia veil-sust 7' wisichî wernay elaborate r"eveuiug.t" lu tse- meau forget our aulboru sund colle s only chance of notonioty4 eir defeitce of tise "Folie." Whave gel mb ti h 1sesrape' WC have Our "Central ef[psae"- Hatulet atldressi of 'Yorick, tise jouter, afier B aupther I"bus'" la ou thIlt o ur Hambungli Irieutl amui strovertet I ntique of that BPI uer of "Shakespeare, andi litai critie, Ludwig Tieck."l - le riglit agaîu I We canu,- author o! IlGeistersueht-(p sg> s truc poot; sud we' wibi hizu tisaIt at dashini traveler snd Arab dreamer, id Freiligrath, botter expressE eru mmid of haunteti Gern 1ibis impression of hie Eu 1s, translated by a viler ge ;lsen parapirased-goious Siangan. "THE SPECTiIE-CAIIAVAN. 'Mit! c.ae nder- WiL ste r u osuewir.3 anlieds- ruetlu "Tw-at at Midnigbt, unthtie desenI, vis rnteti on tise gronnd: Ties-e my B3etdaweena w-ers-eleeping their eteetis wvossretehed as-ouad Iu tise farnesai lay tise moonlight si .Mounutains o!f(lie Nile, Anti the camel bulse ht streas-t the foc msny an asid ile. usWiîh my caddie tes- a piliev dia I pui aveary heaut, Anti ny Eaitan-clotîa unfoltietiae linthai w-auliglitly epreid, Whiie bI-itie mn, as lise lapiluel as'atcisnatn e! my baud, Lay m ac ilsaraartiand pistole tei sbaaaserng on tise Bandi. "Andthie stilînos s-as unbceken, sa mosmenits ly sat-y Fos-ein ue stray belateti vulturo, i hIas-kiy deaan bise sky, Os-th Cisc ssetissg e! a seeping utee t ai Or tise isui-et arlike mssttes-inge of dneuiasing Betiawaoos. "Whisei, Iciolti! s enAden sendquliake1 ateesi the sarIs anAdnison, Rose a M'l yheat of saos sfo Thnorcenssers-gaaped vi(b les-s-e Spectre Caravan i "On they came, (heis uelese faces la, Msesca eves-me ; On tisey came-, long fies o! cîmels,E vuonseus sahersathe), bore, Gutides aud merchase, yentisful ranu biseng pitcîsers in thein hanîje, AAdbehluitiuena (os-soe! hiseusemui 10asuiuig, sauuisas as tho saune "Mes-e andb more !-tlie pîsanten pa es'ershauloaved allIthe plains, Yos, thes glluaseal>- camel loeau-a gu-es a S ie uetr.siis; »arse And tisesa'iirling (oisin clouais e!sa fus-ans li tialy t'as-bs, liese, efesat us lisdja... piigsimss-tiso suarlo ounuthir bsats. "Wlieass-e as-e kuesa't(e Nigis w-s as lis-usail a-hisn Dessibu adsA cegi feunul, Lonsg ago amid tise eansuti vereesa blnes yet lssaIs unound, Risc bl cieons frein thse siscnec of paulou ansd bons, AniluAanpocesaiou mss-chle Icis Canba'a HeIoy Stone. "AnA yel icone antimes-e for over i (lese pt in pemp alcssg, 'Tub I ;sked ul as.can, tisedeet hlelti a musler liss-ng t Lo! tise dads are isere in myriade ; tisei sa-es-d o! Hades w-ite, As w-iis esger visîs, te ps-esc beoe Balelus-tte1 Sts-aits i "mess 1 epake,1'O taneeals as-e fs-nulg your saddles oves-y oei Never uail 1wfore these sisadosicav If Ibseis- gas-sents ruelle pasl yesi, if glana-es reacis yen bers, C i-), &mssilleh ! and thab mnigity sîsail baniais every fear. "Courage, cerstitu! si nonw-tise lassaing far a-sa-e;t, Soon lise weîcome<lavis vill mnn skies, in gela sud oninseen vegt, Alla iu thissujeet air wiIl meit away phatatoi-sisapes ferlas-n' Wisen agesu upetyonn bs-owou e otions--iadof mes-n ' - Thue selemn, utatol>' msrlncil o! tisaI vWoiuay pagpant lias tbe tish anti pontp o! Teuton maguili altisongi bMaugan accorts Ibat il i O! tise tamest o! Fneiligrstb's pipe Here ila a ng o! Lnlw-ig i w-iich yon sîsoulti place aItishe ha yonr columnu. Tises-ecanuol ho unytluisg se « itely lovely ; nover befare, lu a ti lation, w-as tise moIre se ateurately cerveil: nos- th ise rsy music, ner pool Passion, so delicsonsly nendeîi Net anu tent e! rovsy beedulh or jes-ky -contpreiseneiou, sitîsongis ton lu E-nglisis-lngs to the Po tisat 'prince o! transistors,' poos-1 once Mangasi I 'tise masse!tfisedun istence' tersolis i Bay 'tise mn0 buntiret seule,' andti Iose w-hoL hia w-ilcomprobenti yon. Ho see bora te natt achas-m t e Gs-an pc -te supply lise tbeught of grade, w w-es vsuting lu bis original,, te ma, perfet-au u is e instance of île sent translation, vîsicis ho tiecorate lise audition o!flise 'Twtiliglit S Otetsrvise ho lias matie il pesits ltes-ai. It is tntcn fros tise 'As-ai gia Gernianica' o! lise Dubiin Us eity Magazine o! 1842 tÃ" 1845, ai i, casileilunthe osi9inah o! Tia, "Hcerasalieîi," but Maugan caloi it AUTUMN SONG. A lithoe bis-A flow thresmgh tIse deli, AnA w-bore tise fsbllug sabeamuftell lievas-bled Ibus bis sa-ntrons sys "Adieua1iadieu!1îgo avay; Fan, fan, Muet 1 voyage es-etise taniligitst uar," Il pies-ced me througb, tise seng hieo Wsth many a uveet sud bittes- peng For wonndg oy delimions pain, e viii .t lai 1 iver ol wore antd-a draofo1j+fl 4eflohemuisu blsck lead pan-.4 tiise iore than I-dlo thse steel Penl men~O 'fit to write tlsorny (ireekl iest,) - as mnucinlutise dan s eves-. WVi-tbor a fitidier, tise M'aoro!Wisiga wa tIse ligii[tiug o! bonfs-ce on SI. Johs'eIlîico les-ne round tise bonfss-e, te, Ea'e be a remuant e! Pagan rites, by vîiis, turing bis prognoas, tnany fWsg- vîsicîs our auceetonescrificeti te tbe gels of furze, innumerubi. cuve' bonus, psipsiblo ity o! tise cartis, tise dis- bai! tise trunk of s goodiy troc, anti the - peners-o! ligisI aud lent, or vhsotiser lb cutis-e *ebeten o!, a hersew-,a atct,, c oueteto01smore ýrotent onigls, 'A0 for the purpose of; isanig .kinti o! eahenetiy. admit mie caunot say. Non giory upon lais inauguration, as Weisll as shuail w-o pase te sunlait any grave sur- o! exciting tise'new ansIecllnsiub mis on tise malter. Tise people tisot- w-hich'tseted 1't. - - -- selves, w-ho are tise aclual inceudiarios, Theý Msyon' aisr vas, tison ic c act give ne national account.. e! tise o4 (-youieconiet biet rt1 maigof!w-bait1tie> do. grass>' bencis before descrlbeti. A feaus- The unexpiained ps-stie is, wibi lg ibrOvu piteler o! heme-breavetiaie vo write, lsmonbabiy fallen imb detay, vassndetite bisa; ho quaffeti il, -like mauy uinilan sut oven more intel- vising gôoti Ii tô 10al 'arouuid bisa. ligible ones. But tise bondirs-as e!tise anti thoen the vessi vwas pasac -tin,co! iàre twenty-tlsird o! -June, 1779, lu sud course afles-- having been repleuied, as-aunA oun city, blazed graudiy'sud' w-hile esoi pmayeti a long ,reigu for'the-i nusuerouuly, To aa'atevor point o! tise isoiy and ssnsionslsy eolaoti civil mag- suburîs, or o! tise, distant couubry,'tha satrate. -ee i citizen turned- ' i9 gauce-ýaiong tise Maurteen 3Malien r àxc. Amidet ail isigis rosa, or aItishe corner of, cross. this haif.fre1a, half-sonsseeatne, nie'5 osA, o-lutis botom o!remole val- profounA. ilenwoensýnod. - l ae, or umsn t he bosonis 'o! .1111 more "1leutIstnvee fIloy, as a distaut bille, .ahsmns etOfla&MOarOeee,hh fs"h >d "Ia ec ls 1 Even m ti the astaof a;lh# twn. th. e lubie yé mademe MyrOwÊ 3 whe en ju rycli 1s. vison -. 0 In lu iisne11repeouuters the formerlsil plac - - been vigt-onsi dragging up witb slion4 THIE MAYOR 0F WIND-GAP. o! vittor ,a Ietpust p i'ntocftiss egroat1 ytthta* 1f ei soote."- - - igigratinai audance- e! everytising , been CHAPTER. IL requiredi- for aszbonfire of gigsutio 'di- 'mousslgons.1 .. li7jf CD.- Mausteen MuSer, vison promisiug ' Tise lonr-w-ielsia-for evessing fell. ITeylsu protection ' tiste lovers,- Annie -Tise iiile w-au hespet, tise brauti wau- lu tise Kennedy and George Bluniloli, madie'appiiei tidif -,a its f:;iantes .uhol up, ýhate bis tender o! Patronage vibli great cor- l' evon unto tis lkie," young sud nid. - hédislity sud bbÃŽndnouu o!f masiuer; lustre ~a an t uss, maidti mmdwidow-, boy ue .w-as athtie, saintefiie, au hoetretebeti andi girl anti chiAd, sent after lt a Cloud- 5e ouzly forth bis right r ansd open Palm celssaviug ehouto! exultation. 'lBard towirds tisent, an assumuption,- as il At (hie cnisis o! tise mystie festivity., ;tained vert, of power ti' reilooen .hie pletige. a fellow uuooutbiy uvabieti frous hiei S0nt0'Ho annaane t snseif, i il ibiiseTe- uek t(qbis beels in 1wisetr ,aw nopes", stime, memberoti, as IlMatyor o! Winil-gsp,"w-suga itslosnskati-ld cetore, anti vo feel bound te show thaisahi was iug a stick w-ibis a puffed iiaddser bled exiOte net a inorte einpty titie. 'ta ibe extrontity, fisîppedl anti bauigeA -Ourw At th~e tinte o! our ebory, tise only bis w-ny Iîreugiil\eoiey crevw-iis a" aLisOenotrance troin thtie etropelis te s w-oh- as mucis sgility as, hie csubrotas clotis- Park kuovu city in tise sentis, of Inebaud, vas î'ng wpssld permit. Indeti, ise- rosons- ug tise slong a rosadvisicis descendeti almeet 'Mei a great haIf-lanset, dancing boair., Booth. precipîtately front eue of its subtarbo e.ow-s feliovet by anebiser m"an o! ,tapie" Let ne pause a-moment nean asaIlle iu proportions as muecular as ýhie evu, noessutise botatdary wail o! titis resd, anti fantaslically dressed'lu fentale ýattire;- bendi i te a glance below- us sud arountus. and vearnug a gs-otesquely IO,-sifie 1 trule Tlsoroe sà besAnliful river a consider- ntask, anA as-ted in tlise saine maunen able detisî benealiscar place o! obser- as hie supposoal prelecton. This -abe.urtl et canb, vallon-Ibis river flove tevande; us. pair dasiedti lrongis tiese eoutiug gisoal. Leakiug tiovuardls it is, aI the farîbeet tisroug-, tealiug lndsiecriunlnately tisoin muet point of vision, Ilglasey waer," entootis biove on oves-yliseati, viicis biov, like g9 Ori-5 anti piaciti as a mirron, intly lntaging the vends o! a babbliag longue, were rFer- ite haute unnd ovensadoving trees, .auti more noiey tissu uscîsievaus. TIse os the durkoueti isythe reflexion o! lise massive ppeople, isoveven, isaif o! tîsein own ac- 'man1y.fendaI edifice bow-cing higis above il. tord, s-anisere sudtises-e, puarsusetiby e Ten hlis ios-ly structure crowne tise lefb tser tva grotesque ses-geaule-at-as-ms. lns- bank o! aur Ilgbaesy avaler ;'le tise uttl tisese active police o! Miud.gn-p Clan- iglit il eteais s-rnuindaprntorey Of!. bi atigmsed tin ta thein satisfactio n. greenet verdure, sudied vîtîs noble 1 Aftssr a laile fissue os-sen w-as neeloncti,- trebs-o. ThePtiîadow o!flise builinig on ani he proeidýinge ts e stvn t'a h e îsebigl is eyensl 'las net fali cutireiYif.rw-a-uîw-utS offciai s-egnbasity. across, anA tise stsubecas bnigîstens thse - -At eue siale, visero a bin e o! tem-ipo.- e-vogreen o!fIse gsasy ps-ameutes-y, antid r euie soee isgi-ceusols ceew uligîstens tesdge otfise tiros-tises-e.lisati been es-ecteifortise occasion, est, g, ad Lookissg ucares-,fticse emotlaly-fioviisg ftisemos-e ageti portion o! tisemen o! A; vater s- l iss-upted; it falluina iquiti i Win.i-grap. Squatted_ ou bbc grount su (hoesect oves- s sents-ciras-în-usl-weir; il,- beiow lisonsversrngtid, (Is-es etinl aansrusesuou son a short space, babbliug tiseir beet isigis-caubeti caps saidlsolilaty esnsanti oddying, but immneditiesy berleatis gaismeule, bise as eideriy fensales of the ne ifl ias agalun esumned its piacial clas- inipalty. Illf-a-Aazen sycamaîre rp my acter, andi as il ýflevss noiee!eely il le chlairs, plasced nean tise iencleis, avre aspatitaa uvales-mis-non, tisnowng 5ni) te>aceaspieti isas neuaay gney-iaalesi,. cge- I tr my us, as w-c look dowu, ftisebiue anti viite lasokiug, anti very alti men. oppasitel ta andi kyï ant i oiageais ils bauiks. A ito thsse gatisenet tise prosîiisdlîuaa lithoe fat-tso on,,aisti w-e ce ilttbiing gsroup, o! oves-y infemiar tige as- degre 7ai a- aven a second bannier emmilar ta tise (fer age mcaaat degres) o! tise Aw-cles-, former, ana, l Iîsu voose sigist o! it as o!f(baisplace. ave att gaiebos on fs-ontns, tise msnical Tisheaolis !s'lbwav smisaIin uts-av. clamer o! isest descent ascensliug up ftn,(l laisaaggeriisg, usiferainisse, ulal- sailiusg te ns w-honc w-e standu. bs-fensale, lais ceanpassiau, atrobe up Loaking lovars-sc oancity,wviuli sleanas èsow-a, pjanssIinas ail w-l lia it u w-atesta osas riglist luthse valley boîsoati ts, ,Lsusnse attitsudes anal fates-t of. ftise ne- :, n' e sec e lie sîs-latealroofs o! tise quis-ot grasltvs, lit tihe sarns tinete bsat soneisasses. Abasve tiîese, ut diffèreunt points, lhiseis- ,r'tata-eqie trickss abunlantis- risc tise cupoin o! tise towu-isali, tise caugeth ie louai mes-inesil lsey aifs-asteal Iand, claire (!fa ëcs-h, sud numeues as vy- tea jiscauultaasucc. Tise glas-e of the sn eucravucdti1w-crs and rs-tins o! cians-cis obnis-i ossa ii Spîveen tti sealed otansi moasteries o!fliseoien lune- citi-a-ssandtihie eoufrantiug lias-otage, sa r, andti isse latter mpatinguan air o! neyee-cut t tise fascis0o!ailglowea L ke isealsti ssstiqnity, pictuneeque oven lu decay. sista, iile (loir hatoks e anens »dtin tis (he As w-e look vo couceive ne ides eft' ie black sisatia. etreotset s-lunes, or albeye o! a paîsulans Tise nsssmming fool la staaatv ap- sysirts toavu. Hanses, anal cupaba, anal mmced proacisedth ie ahti mou seatcal outise (oves-s, ant i csnnbbitiagmanastos-ses chsairs, flounisiie I lais stick vithis ts ap- and o! seein te bc ombovered inl trecs, fs- len sîace, sîs-ctel e lr ugainst tise idens i Teyliensandti sasunerge. gronusi, anti attemipoi a few unwieldly Testatsly feudam i aldisng castiung snavesems. An geti man as-ose anud ru!e- ils sisatiuv outlae nains-ar elaw il, caisse fos-w-atnl. b)ossir uas ans-v(0w- nsloou tise oee aud, - Neigîl-ssstis' ail, hl hicscul(]andl aastchi cathsedrai[0on an ensiiiîemee, w-sus tise yansg e'ye. lbelon le tise. i'ands igesuat hle nissnt s-unu'i ber, bounsts ifliut front îny"nts. lime ire ila biazissg ic, and tiseailier exi-eiity; tlise latterrsisisîg fur ftie mia-summînc,; ftise Ese o! St. ushave as asisse 'of falisage. Juliin; Day is coine nanugl tu ns again, caal. tas Ini lie caiadie iltauss, bhoanal tise ps-aise be gia'en atlsave for fice ssifs is-o-m anti fs-uting ns, (le e a ris-Ilofau ntbi-s- yean. eas-e laisaîîtilu' ta - ,,u zisîtry af meauaw--lauul ansi tillage- ehisaue a Mayors-o! WiuuI.gap fus-tise liea-ne s-onons-lies, ta uvsiis tîsli aud yu-as (hats atome ns. Fiftaeti casisi-sîsasa- Coesse-, antus rtie-oas-odilstant bhIe taitaune- usegususe c-anse anaîi-gne rince it 't'ad laine fnamusîg Yin tIsepictame. ftiePtemsan Ansi hat fic tiseMtyoslslp ( hein Tihe sisal fs-ansvisici w-e bsavctalicno!fs-nie anti aeuoves- nu. Toa isiour tii glaneet'feurs-setîsensIrishs city lac lias- kept tlie pace ian' tise Chrnistian j Siseirsans, and si e tili, nansetiWiuti-gap- gtsati-%- i ladle ocnruJours ati outside anti goond reataou tis-eevas, sud is, visyans- tlia-soils ; qssasiing tiownaseuc- Ise tise se calleti. No mtler froin t sIpeint mages, suid 'niellons, makin' a -sottie- of tise cuampase tise wiud biev, vietses menb o! ail ans- quas-reis, an' kisepin'I iSIil] Irointhtie glcoony sautsi, isunsyiug aiotsg ns ont o! the lasv o! tise evu belo w- wibis it lise black r-ack, sus-chargeA aviisth tcre, tIsaI migist bri-igii ln ck on us, eu vatl vapons- anA nain; on frein tise beicterons if ave issol ay tiig te do viti iL vicsnortl, aahiringtsefos-e i slest,lsaalor Honest seighbours tisat boas-in ta te, whol frst orfro. .fli piichng ast sct- y wrd oesturittisai a tors lieu- cdl thahering tiese eua-Aake ; os-fs-ont tise ester os- mare worshiipfuiies- Mayorn os- -oulli-veet, Aiviug ou (ho busricane- Jaurleca Maison coulAn't louliseli ic; teh asail tieseaeine. Es-ery bisaotavas eway on Wiad-gap." euîretoasail itsefoifIbis passage anbp Like ociler-reporte-sa! papulan ena- sU are tise tevu. Heuce tise place aîstiineti tory, w-e usiglit lave lroken up (ii bise appellations o! Wiui-gap-a nain" spoeehs wtis nsy parenthhcical chocs-s. f their it lliislts, sud muet robain, until tisee latokesatu ans i Iis sniject arés-st .vasloueseus-renis o! ais- ceaat te wvistie, maîle fayotantes o!fans-s as auy aIses- Dame ta isowI, ta pull, ansi to hlusaten frosu piaube. speaker cirer lias boen isaftie 'atcis aaok acorn esac-of tise Ž-t-ti's oyes ofo! us-brolliren. Ve lhiuk, 5ev- meeon atîmespîsve. oves-, tisst w-e esowmas-c s-al ait by CUiîsviliug, Isowever, asolise situation keepisg urîs-visole Volley o! banss-is ltbise uiay sîpcsn, sa rasnge o!fbisatoisaul oisses for tise clooe e! tise onation, andi by dle- titsstretîseti p anal aven tise asecusiug clarine ug visstrictbs-utS tisI lie -air roati, anti, ai tise isse o!fvisicis vo vas seut, ufter eur- frieuti ont dowu, etis tise spoak, ia greates- numbors tissu ut tise wibh sisoute o! oves-y calibre. Tise nexl pro-se-ut day. -WVIsenusilc people iustant MattsunMbaionly public ac- 14,ere shoulA have cboacn Wind-gap as un clamiation vao; re-olectei mayen o! s true abodo, vo are neot exactiy avare. Per- %Wiud-gasp. coue lis tise-y set eflth ie salubs-i>l o! fle Maurbeen las- Issu seatcti ou one o! "Tise'informuation on thtPoint l "iTheéni 6eh',w-hy-lou,t yoenataup your ýni.i 7' -1. "Wlynet, wýv1g "i laan exce-eut panly'" ":Nobjuet nov; but thero arelpei "Tisefathiandti naier'ira"o pot Yet' sixty." "ti l truce-but ailo'w me to observe bisat w-e arc about te hiave thse CholeraR." 'is£hro g.w-as conclsided. X-mridou lay beiug askpd w1hy ebh - bsad nover married? réPh,4 ti.sI'he wse w-ilig te getu t erae É8àiss6- day for forlvY easw.g- GRO. TULE, Telegrpansd Exprees Agent. M1as-eh 11, 1878. i GE s mRR J R PROUC COM I5 N tiai Cil * 2j Casie ST.srxsABVITRIaA su"Ix, MONTREAL. .O- e'Bugi,ness ezclusivelg cemmsion. 12 yesrsexpmeece in dio Mantreal pro se trece. IRelu- prompt, aMdI meou aktprtcos 0taieA. zConsigne.ucp utoe aute sale of thi- gaodu, prospe Informations. ta pnic, e, ., furniaheai appilction. £' À tral ceeseignmmss ties!., -gin' its round in raBpu. Làeê,, m pa.ss 11e -G ip .W-dnôU ayl-',ieîK If tLofe'ý' sfsy' dsýiiy"doiiî t - - -;i of cýucarre1s, or atiy undacent condùlct, brnug tise offendhor befère me. ,Ad se'o neigLkhosri; goid health to, ye agiag - and laearty ançl prosperons may vo al bc,- man,-woiuan, as u lil, ouUé[ à'# - yeuug, until St. Johns Ev. cornes ,ruund (oasas tise next year." - Tise IMayor tOk buotier villinc. 'draulit.- Newv cheere swore givon at anl oIso coînhstibles wee throwii.on 'tise fir. 'Tise piper 1 and t l ollét~ preceded anA followved by tisaIl boyo;sui Ssudogil," adjourned -tean adjacent level- spot, under tise clameorons direc.- lion o! Melïw 'o ,ad-h dance ehu i n'ceresud -iltise qu 4ickly conamene -lsalls if,, suaiï.ge)ur for wisich Irish bosys and gis rs e sôijnetly celebs'ated; - Manrîen Mlienpoesessedieis.osier a.,mchair in quiet diguity; bis conucil placed tbiu eser chairs et lîia nigist aud aii isleft; tise .othÏer oid men, sud ail ýtie old womeu, kept tiseir former stations. Tise clsildren st un a ring rounsd tise blaze, aud beFau pisys suit- - ale t ieir age. Over thse wisolc Mrlaunteen kept bis eye of anthoniy, or- daiuing order, euconraging amutsement, talking agreeable go'ssip;- occsioually- basting bis Sheebeen; - cewmianodin- tîsat tieseaime beveragié should ,,soisteno thi-- Piper ' schanter, resin bise fiubdlen'e boiv, gi-e i-o thee daueed fot spirit for tlicir «pastiwensaaud (staperlnous injinc.-- tinailoUtIse _well-practisod tfougues of thse nlid wotsen seuted near bis'Chasir. -WL end bise cisapter ,by siaying tisat liais local practise of electing's 1",Hayon of Wiu.gap" la oulvbtaken, fronûthtie traditional authos-ity of - tise place, (whbicis, loweven, la net-to eboquies- tioedm,) and Calia by no inea . s apply geuc-(ral1y te thse pcuilanities of thse Irish peuple. 1 ý 1 (TO BE CONiTINXUES.) A Ter.nible Game of Carda. À IIUMAN LLFE AT STAXE. .1 gaime nof 'csrdlu inw-h abusun i fe '.£M ut etabte was Piayeil on liiù> Oui of Si):temberfit tise.Blitter HUel. fd'- i cjby, fous- yotang &studenl5,euenco! wliosn. Sitfrss'! skyer, w-as nu-.iamen' Cali frouaîicr 1 t apperirs tîsat lsq i'asr men hli onntcly beon inticute fiiude, anti tlsey met ai tIse 8wcita Tiv- eru, wiacre-tlley lrank as goati deai, anti fiusbtly tlaey began te îJ'sus1relOeo thsu Coaunt Ottenderf Calleti Moyer a cowarilly Jewv, wisereupenta te lutter disalleugatl him iimuediately. Moyenl, in natoue oÃ"f grisatexcitcsnent, preoei"( tisai cli four shoniti repair te tise Bittes' Ilotpl andth ies-e play a ganme of 'sely, six.' Tise laser sotaltishootl Iiseit' withi a pastel. Tiss proposition w-as cetsand tise four sulets renpair- ed ta tise hôtel. Tisey ,'r'lenealwiue .andi cardbis t5sc brongrItt up tea à pivte ro and u-ILdeken, euoe- of tise four~, psacisred two loaied.7-sistola frotuan: isili aîigiridotarer. Tisefoureis-,,- stuibc:at alalI thee cards, sud Oitten-ler au-I 'Meyer scateid tleseeeles, a- pistail lyiug, by tiesei-be of encb'?Tise firet, few missutes th-, gaine remaineti ltafiost eveni. But (lieu -Meyer obtainct a, ~iugle ativastagoam Ote-Ion!useu lise wuýps blos, eu'ldenlyjnmpcd op, ud' oxclaimuissg,'"Adieu îny fiende." ecsei 1bSa liStl asusi sot linuseif tlirenis -tise nsasîtemple. lie fe n csea etise ilour, iwnse isis cossr,ssniers stoadl as if jenri4ied for a, niesuent, andti isn usni Col froiu tise reaus.- Xbaeta 11hopropn. ttez' of tise IsotL issatoned imb the reent lie fonsatihe deaul coant lvitg on -tise lioor.-fIle gFan alannt and-:tise poise -s-ew e a80is aiRer tise, fgitiva stmdents. Latte un tise afternoon tisey aseeeded ln arreàtig- lusnids, w-ho miadtû ie asueve mternent. Moyer andi Luikeu esuapel a.merai tise frétais fron- tien. Otit-tadis-! vas tise sou o!-a. weal- tisy lastad preprieter. in Westpisalia Av tise lime uf lais deatis he was ouly Prs-f. SûedViCk w-as -geeloeizins lun a qariry near a isigis-noad li Egiaul. siressCd inlia rugssuit *for bthepurpose, -anletniking ,vigoussblove w-lb Iiishaut- muer upon thse rock, lin a travellingf cas-nage consiug up etdpped -nt tise pliace, anti a gentlemian within becton- col ta tise prafessor ta conte up ta thse door, as lie vaated te kuew bise wssy te tjise resitieuce o!fst nableinan intlsat Lecality. Prafeasor Sedgwitk havissg nuswere-d tlis', anA varions cithen ques- dons put ta ltmVary reallily, tise gent- leman, pleased w-ils w-bat ho decoSed tihe intelligce sO ud CiVllity of thse qtairrymn, offerot i hm s eihling. w-hicS Vas received wit i isante.Ti 1 E Il

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