vraille es, as advooà te(l by Mr. Dingtenan vs. -Dingman-. îïià At *m n'y 1 Pa men ttgg, 116jboura in reforeu »tô Thëýopen ng 'of, t, 0 si The Aldine-Stitton & Col The latter palier says etou. At thu former, Whie com« tu iýý- uïlaaay,- IS94 took place with it, which was settIed bet*é"' the flu roail between lots 82 and 93 in Brd wu, on Th B. Tho Re Mar4-,srot Wigitriau-J. V. Unin, Mencetl nt' thè'ý reigideu" Ã"' f Wra. P8rti-, And- a COUliffltdiecffl Jacob Rei Tùo ]3owiniinvine lino i A Hoskin for plaintiff - J. B. -Parewén I-ÇY ýà H Ãœ'gnâl'lGrWa Lî".ý and aUiLtiOt -, ýké ha S incream- Mater, Jr,, of Atha, on the '22bd, and othitr&.aokinz fora tzrant of morgey - 'W ma et, Stoven-atitali & 131-0. ling iu popuLrity, aud the project is som'a $I(I.OW wêro re Llized,' the Sharv vir. Thom fa il -Lire Wes W mà re.üiin of . prové tern te uliue- celet 'duct:ofit New J. Cartipbeil. r.t idf lit y appro;èciimg the perW Wh ptow- A credit-ors' ilowiu£r sccount-A were orilered tuent. The-lollowiniz is the.sp clooà a-Ãaoj. EI)P'4 & Co. th en animitis tit1l nveriikting $387 api a. bill to set aside il eech thpir ban giclai Noticorg- en ' paid: Michael NighAwanfler for frotu the throne, del.ivered by Hiâ Ex. ingion, el SI) ýO Votes on bonuses Will boýtik -au a eged fraudaient -'tn lie etiey tire Gevernor Genera convAYance by the defendantTlwmpoon *brk the charg ar.iware-ffiteh & liro, At C -mbr 'y and Feuelon the pro. The iinimiU& sold igt Thistlu Site the t'O the defenflont ý W. M. Willcox.' lit cou, $105; Jameo apil es for ieuitilià elleEll on. Genlkmen of the Senla.t ha, Miller, reitliz- wili be recollpeted Ébat Tir Wween lottel 84 and 85 :in'ý7tk Sion éoüý lwportant Notice-J. FI. Addition. eot hits bOen f4vourab)y reveived , residonce of Mr. John - ,OnýPOOý was bridge OU, qaie line,,0181 87; Igau 13. Paturo' blumieul Montlily- tindh-.,Ydespite the iiidueueefi whiéh ed on -ail average about an equ LI O'Onvicted ut ILE la8t SÃœmmOrAmizëg of Orttri, for workbetweeli lots 6 And 7 in Gent1ýMen Of thir House Of Commongt fore tllotl3 opucial Notictoi-- are nt work, (the stuùe évil influen- k--ýhe actual difforence bein a rgonlin setting lire te some buildings 2ud whI, $12); Wrn. Dixeil for roail Il In accordance with t amoun 9 npon the farm lu dispute, and he work on Brd con., $50; Ambrose4lBoon givýen by me lie infirmation eveil AUCTION SALBS. 008 tlbtt dulitroyëd its firot cheinc, of W" 1 rat the close of tire last in the iüv $uuce88), is bèginà i'ng to, regard it only about fifty-thrée cents, per, on thiet Occasion brought titiller h*b"' for work on roads, 3100,25 On lot 00, in the 7tli con. of Whitby, With serions attention, And both hegad, in favor of youli', Mr. Miller, 8 cor1ýuIç frotn the penitentia 7 in order CýW1or)qe session. I have cactimil Parfiattreutto, Prornoter fatal lit 'a Ilifi evidence. This ully set out - be ilitutnoned at the earlitgt mOinent LuOile tif 1 -milay, Oct. 8:), 1878, ?j Aumtin for work on roi rg %I tlïg p i min Hartriëk for cedartimber, #7ý las. after tue reccipt of the ri-port of fi,, Offlei-M in on Thug ock. Mariposga and Darlington have taken sale. The higliest priced linim, to 91% 9ils, #49; ', 4égila lind aloc t the prop.rty Action- We tigain ivish to, po ne appointeil by lue te lu. loweil in Jalaud Pil-4, L ýairb%à I&s, J was'an: imported cow purchi".cl by dOfraulodthbLeçtwflen 11 m and W"100% tO P Irner for p)snk aud workon te, il , ce il; in when lier swore Beléhawbers for plank quire a et certain watters conkiected ks, er Auction. that this Une in into of Mr. int out crottitors.reHceeivfuedrt one cent u A witmilui a Pacifie huilway. Gol'ernn' ftr. one which W,,. Maïor, of wbitoyale, trrhoamthwoiihioaod never ý $16 70; Aloi. Waddiel for tire Canadiau t*,Ojliitructed'etu notfà il Wbobene- at x on accoutit, of the gale of rit on Oth con, 'on lot No. 11. Oit lot No. 1 cou. of ficiý-1 in the highéot degreo to- $ÃŽ260. Mr. John 'Roche, ut Toron. the lands, and but a few dollars on se. 1w.0; Jus. Siott for' work on Oth coýnl,4o3,u- 'mriiiguoicovnideiliseogeerovbetanianedcarue.uf uilierclohilogiCdoorma.. fénce. T 8. in the tit1à the outit of the chattels;' Wwèoz denieil COmmif4mi 1-'iokerillg, On r-iititY, ýO0t- BI-,- 1878, whole of the territory norffi of t1à foi, bought a bull calf for, $40Ã"fi and ' MA on oath ; but Atter Along and lia. lot No. 1, $10;.Wm. Scott for work tien. Tire report will be laid befort cordauce enfile &0;, th 1 a C 01) oth col) ', on ' 10 i No. 7. John Parliament, and il will be, for yau tijois bo'yourE Utita stock, farine iinplotü li lin of 1 tkes, The un railwà y aliao secttred two heiferà at *, $200 lient bearing, the case being conducteil Murray for plank and woïk ow roads 1 , te determine wiletlier it cari Lie of aînî tenions. ]For'tY tif Mr. Muèglecat Witldifiold, that. eau be of any use t a w e.ul. M tjor Greig, h it with markeil ability by coansel, on both, Li lirbatik4, ir,, auotioner. was country ÃŽs one that wifi bý77i6it)lf, Mrs. 14. E. Pogt for'oefin" tini- 4. la tl for 11011. Sides, hia Iiprilolilp in a lucid judgment a 1 gravoi. $15; Win. Parker fier *1 À bill fer tire consideration aud the cotnu ()fi lot N m. 15, iu the tfit con. of E anet-oidy those lincii -ttn carry wooal unbrotood Was -bu)ing gave juilgrigent expre9siniz bis belief in ére Illeill guel illet c- car Wood - - secured soigne excellent Thornpsoulâ rather titan Willcox'o mory. Nb. 44, atnengiru-ni 01, the laws in f e in the- iViiftb.y-roti Ttioâ,IaY, Nov.- 411, 1878, th et run by the shOrtest unil Inost 'Mr. Brown, bro' 11fý»esinfr ^Ork ou sit-10 1 rôaI saverai Provinces, relâting tô'tlië repm- '0 believe farin stock, irrir)lotnëttt#, &a., tlisa ro- direct route to a lako pore. Though animtt,,, for Dow Ptrk, as ilid aiiio sud ni-tlèiëd a decrete for the plailitiff hetween lots 6 linil 7 in 7tli con.q! $40; sontationi of the People ýiU Pirliaurent ill'ÉhA sui with comts.- Attoriiey-Genfi-tà l 1 a 11, 1 li Ù tý erty of Nfr, Salucoi Totui, L. ilptir. the, BOww-4nville-ý lino, unfortunately Mr. W. T. Betson ofEdw M'It John D. Speari for platik for brý mitteil te yon. a e, eiý faillis, Jr., &ucLiouûer.,ý arà burgh- for plaintiff; Hors. Adam Crooks QC., iý 1909, ill auin 1, sale BY . 1 1 1 pis k en III LIOIL MI fur Bobc:l-.,-geon, prOpOscýs to fol . $5 15; Fred Ileon for laYi"4 le postpottenient of titis measiue frieux 011 lot No. 19, lit lit@ btii cou. 01 IOW Il The other priuc-îpal parchisers of for defendant. rý luisit session, Yeu will have the ativail- Course th tt will loive this village a E Ili.1 Ver ThoilLption and Fijhe bridge and other work, e8 25; J inges letter afin WhiLby, (fil Friday. Nov. 7th, 1878, cattle were Mr. Criig, of Edmo "-A. r"ier sud lm Mura for wilrk On 1 041P, La-re of iÙelizfiing in its ibr(eViiiiOllf3 the 'Iresseil ci cotisiderâle distance on one side, it Uton; t'Ili file'el by*. tire pla'nt'ff te "elt âsde tle $51 ; Wta. Pallister for Plailk. og 50; Finviticp of Prince Edwarti Istaùtl,, nw reý1nt'8tiuf farla fitock, liul>letaeutts, &CI, tb" P ië flot the logis entitled to sueh ou Mr James Grahain, reeve OiRe tell, will of Il'$ allut, fi'rurerly res"f'ng Ri Hrvvy Ferrier for Wark un 2nil con. on happily uniteit te canada. WLY Of Memilld- Seingon et Scott, L. joli,, Wilsoll, of Oshawit; My. Cantgington, by whieh will sire left aD Mission a port as we eau give ît ; for it wili 0 0-11: AUP* ýjlL Wis Il aixbaillim, Jr., auctiontrer. lit' lot 23 $10; John Irviii- for wo rlie Catiailian Pacifie Bailwa hër property to the defendant, bfrs, viottily be an immense bienefit toi Wm. Kerr, of Whitlly; Mr. John Fisher, tire darrgyliier of an old friend. plied te widow Juives, $19 5,J; Win. Company, to whoin a rnyalcliarter wu, . i Oo tic'giaJ Our neigh plaintiff at Br,,Irik for work on side 1-os,41 *b(-- grumelle have, I regret to say, beeti fin, iiireiniscs- bourse and to the country TWompson, of MývrtIe; Mr. C t1ilwell, After the examinstion of the tween lots 2 and 8 in Ofli con., S21 25; 5. A let noithofthisplâce. F(,euelon,'Bhould out lAngth, un 1 the production of let- Abrîrm rI tt to, able te make Alle finauciai arrange. this lino lie complet of Eliiiois ; Mr. Pritchard, Pilce gr gl'avel 8frPIicdý fer ments n,,cet;i;ary for the coni;truetiu*,, Elon. tire ed, will Occu fers written by thé testatnil somet years - Ébat great utidertaking. Tirey lieve. 'lotie' itbe rost1q, $12 2) X. Fleiirv, l'or îroaiI ut loi ail admirable position fer the dev,7.. Connty, Illinois; Mr. T. H. Arm- be.fére ber death, it, appenred thaï; the of t scrapers, $175 50-, Levi Nlaekp,ý for therefore. executed a rurrender of tlieil Ing' a Co opinent of à trade of wood," Éitrong of Markhîm ; aud Mr. Wni. will otily carrieil out intentions prov Lrraveling ronds, $6.5; S. K. Brown cllartýr. 6 In tri ONLY Si 50 PER ANNUM. ionsIv expressed in - these lerters. The lie liling liridaril on GLIi con., ý anil Whiell bas been accepted by :I&Y of U20 Darlington his submitted a by. Hodgson, of Pickering, were all. buy' plais;tifra connsel therefore submittedi "or ut trio. Yeu eill, I trust, fi-el yourselvet, Whilby, Thlir.ýday, OeL 30. 1873. 1 &W fur $40,000 in aid of ýtIie project, ets Of villitable lots ut the sille of te a ileerée ilismissing tire bill with gitlier work, 810j, Johti 13iti-ntà for calleil UpOu te take steps te secure the- 011, sulniÙe wrrk cri, 8th Cori., to be votel upon On the 18th of Messrs. Birrell & Jolinston. L tinbo without pro, udiene ta brinz an IIvoy for work $84 31 ; Jolin Mý- eurly. commencement and vigourou_ lfr. Hunt J bf twepu lots; 8 and 9, 111 pro«;Octltion Ofthe construction -of thug and give November, and Mariýos.&'and Eldon averaged $80 apiece, and pigs fro action ut law à 4hoillil lie be sa adviseil. Stli Coli., $80 ; Jus(-Pli Ilickingbottolu railway, And thug; te curry out in gond 7. On tl If -Will hie jet through ?" a In E. Fitz,-Pralil, Q. C., for plaintiff; J. A. for work on rvails, $1 we are 1bid will follow suit, Wilde $25 to $50. To the scareity of feed Boy-1 for ilefen4lant. 5 Mackip, faith tire arrangement made with ihi. Ct)turnil3sil thoq- WhO' have not scel, $10,000 morte is expertod front Fune- at home, this wint Paxton vii. Crandell.-This was a $8.50; John Grahibru for Work on ronds province Of 13ritisl, Columbia. A inea. lication of e er, alid the pros, bill fileil by Win. Paxton, Jr., aizainst $90 12; Mrs. lié-n*rv Lorrgr fier stipport- sure fur titi* purpose Wili lie submitted grosses Citf etrt0on with lori. Of the Iltter the Peiýelon Falh; sure of the- MOney m Irket lit the cajole cringloli fi) enforce a contract 'n"' ri el""' 11 rllol;tlllq' $12 25; Witi. titi your consideration. 8. Mr E q11i,ýitioJ1, WC will OXI)Itùl : The piper is tyâ: other side is attributeil the want of inade in Nov, 1872 bv Iiim for the pur. 14. MilIor for luinber for bridges, $20j; The extension of the boilads of thé 9. Tige fluý-,Ii Nlunro for work on ronds, $10; Dorainiosi bas Canseil a c.orrespoudiug starnos W artiiit I)ror4elits lis Defendant of six village lots placed in _Wîth the picture Of whether his (Mr. Fowler's) a lareger attendance. Notwithstand. ýin"aP"i)rtroPnpri-y, on one of Mr$- C- W. Muthows fer clothiug li incrense in the work of administratioil hopes with regtril te Felielon wal whieh theré child adopteil by lier froui Lhe inunici- and seentes te cali for additional aosist Allait and a cir,:iiéi riii,, with Sir JoIlli INI &c. ing this, however, the competitimi was a spring of Walter. The defenop or will not bc relised we cannot yet m set lip was, that the contract was for pality, 62o; Robert AlcLeurraît, a bligid ance in Parlianient as, weil as in the wag PrOll was good, and substantial prices re. . 1$25. 4xeautive Governirrient, a bill où thi, COrnimisri doit LItl iiiý)urltod on it g Lay 0 il) tri.4. Undertalite- te 8 ly ; but it (10es scein tlivr lots than those olaimed by John Haiglit if; instructod te build a sutýjpc"t Will ho laid before Yeu. 10. The ialleil tl)eloi1- p teific, S(l il,- Là if hîs I)ri)ject il al suddelllv achiev- alizeil. There is blit 0118 Opinion? P'l t tf. bridge over Duffin's creek on the side Your attention will lie iuvited le with the c d d", and gohrg lit full ','allop. 1-1011, ed a degree, of popuLrîtý whiell and we clesire Jeu note it, as te the The pltff. proveil the contract, and mail between lots 14 and 15. tlie consideration of a bill Jor theostab. 'Sir Hugh George Browil îN Ill tL,0(1- in the pos. Otheris have long iitrit-,rgled to obtain, fairuems wîth whicli these sales würe that aligrtly afterwards he took posses- The petition of Jacoi) Ileilsy Was lishwent of a gerieral Court of AI)pi-al. it colitairef étion and dug a flair POUCI, for tront. granted hy appropriating tire sain of Measures relathigIo otir uaviga'i e ition of riiig-illister with a fo au(,t have lit List dioét froiu inability coyiducted-thei, were without ro- érect d u 11. Tire rniid - to scoure it. I, e a lin Mo or jj;ied over it and did $40 on the weïsterti towtili:ne, provicliniz watrs, and te the iuspeétion laws, %% ili eil file etl ble wlilib, lit t-rlced yWobe, in Iii8 Il ind. majorit Il lil Élis village a large serve, and lie hy-bidding, and the soille garilenin_,,.- that in tire spring fer tige townsliip-of 't%-Iark"tn graiet a like 'be laid bè-i-cre Yeu, as aiso a bill ior tir(. and tiftiirt, y of the res'iýents arer in 1873 lie followed üp hie works until bir Jolin litt8 jtt.4t ill v lul.t. fltVor of it, and the sanieseeins to be auetioncer was deservedly eompli- about May, wlien lie learned that di-ft. sum on sagne rond. establislirnent of a Domiuic)n Board of ceoiléil te throll"Il 01 . le hoop, hcla by Ilis the e Ise in the township ; -and if Mr. me . ntcd, 071 1111 sidesfor the courtesv di-9piited bis ritzlit te these lots, Ktatiu.., - Mr. Miller iiitroinceil a hy-law which AgriCUILUre. Whose tint was reati thype sevfrlýI tingles a-U'l pasis. 66 The suljf-et of the law relating te Of witncss that lire %vas te have italien six lots It Fowler h fil not recently licou en-et- exhibited ky Iiim, aild the good il appropriatinu tire suffi of $445 55, insolvelley WW necessarily engage ýoUl _ý(A1eiicy E, Sl I)iifTorillitIlfi lit ti-ý,(- r I-I fardier soiith. 'rite parties net beii 0 112. or , ÉtI a"it Ltill', mi,ýveral r tilway pr 'g "eef'ive(l frOlu the 'Jol'o iciIalitîIýs l'und, attonti a. JIj is pr(ý1),I-ylllg 1 m oJerts judgitient exercised iii the discharge able te agri, which, sooll caille to ilothili'g', Iiiii -il thig suit was the Censé- to tire support et qelicifils. Tire efforts triade by for et spritikg lit il of his duties. quelicé. and aise an ejActraeut in thé, - the severai WIJOR0 nat, çoillieil till kitli Noveuiterr. p grille have 'Luther Of lunch prescrit elle would, we titillât, tricet QtlpiIli'e. Boncli brouglit by deft. apinsi , rovinceli, as Weil as by iiie Dourinion, sin filer iiize hold up by Mr. ýiilien- witli as warni a- reception iii this Io. Paxton. m 0 'to encouragen etiii4rratioL, have filet, Witli 18. Two zie, il, thc Centre of whicli are the cality ais ho could (le8ire. But it COOL BUXGESS Un-1 bis ft(itl'It'ral)le tieveral othpr witrienspi; we-re calleil * V olia wlio exant- sucetisa, and a large nuwber of valigable Aulleil ait 1 te app troupe are again on tire way te Whith.y, Who proveil thug; Paxtoii't; naine Was ines tire Nc;vetti!e(-r Aldiur Will lie sur- settlerm bas lieini adileil to our populti. of leýtcrs "Out. 23rcl." 11cKenzie 1 tiplie gris to us that Mr. Fowler's 1 lie twt (À'OUI)t'tllut %or] Will cou- "il ; flic- fu lis wa-iit of -st tbility in the past was and are advFrtiseil te appear nt tire 1 put on Lhese lofs on deft*s. plan, and prksüd ut tire siiiiil)tuoii-;tiess of it4 illLiq. ti,111 titille your libt-.ral gliil te tllis in1portaljt engé,r sent Ilitï tingOr Ãœge his nose, titi it wero to, MON apparent Ûlan reiLl, and that Meelianies' hall on Fritiay evenirig next that ileft. stitted that lie bail sulti the tration.1z, lis Weil as fila I.i,,Ii literrirv II - 14. Thpi disoolicert th-Ce ri(ler,-wliile tir(. Go his-rather rapid -iuutýttioiiti wero te a loir in question fil Paxton. y and pi For tire dpfénce tire deft. hirriself ruirit of its poetn -ose. Besitles il Gentlenien of llie Houà re of Coinnionli, 1 rail allil lius the illseplri<tble veq grcat cýxtellt the result of eir- Il typon tlwt night %viii-ri Lirips the two fÙIl-p:1ýae Pi(-tlllpq, titis r(Ist:li nt.ll i-vitvo an ilntirp.ly opposite accoutit of Il I haiýe directed tliat the aceiurits 1 14 fi e a gl Lý14 tq- his Cyo, alil with ho Id turri. 1:111risttiiecti over whicli lie Il td no -sport and dance, LI of wilich Burns titi! hartiair), aile] denieul ait knowledgil nilmi)er corititin7 re, 1) rôel fief ions of throe ofthe pagt finaticial yeur shail le » laid a;'ýce itilil ( cil tt)wttr(lï' the rider', ittixiolisly eifiitrçpl. We look lipoil Ilitra simpiy says how of Paxton't; il-nl)roveluellts till tilfý celebratpil strel enfrriivin!!p, wliieli ajoute before you. The liromp(.ro.,-is con-litioli ilie;r aller tq kt bililder Of a fir,.it- --"'%Ii!rrv. frivtiffly cýtýiiiitrv foIL f;pi-inff of 1878. 1)(4. aise calleil Iiiii wo-ild cost; :lt tl e S',Jots tio jfýs ol'our larniers coliiiiitivez, aji.1 tire ri- %voilid rail WiltOIL-14 the ý0ýJllIt Of this ILSt Torether diri convient- * lorother and mendier person who swore . , verrup lias been sirticient to meet all t'Il, el ts:4 one, too-in seýýrcIi of employ- To lettrit th-ir nits, aysd I)oti t"fiýIii- stocks, t -wi thirty T Le AI litip p-c- itidinil II Io icirtain stigteinniitq aileged te have charges upon if. Tir(- estingates for the juilip.- 'The' ficeli Of With whieli ol)j(ýet lie prqjeet- AllIt haud thoir been ronde Iv IlaxÉoil. tur Is arn e-,-(ýrv %v tv as 11-ice ;es the 1 tlsc.,rll i qistring veur will- Lt- luiil belibre yfou. 15. Il) a elitrtetur.4 of the (IL3, tire lýILCa(t ed sevorill lilles thtt he thou-rht Thit sttir Corupariy of Ca lie Viet- C'iancellor takinc thp state- Tit-I firqt iiýiigtrLtioti i il 1 riiey ira%, é lipeu prepureil witit fin(! re. in v-triolig positions aï- iliterosteil pay, tif. .1 Co., ilientn of deft, cierrc)ljoramted by tire vit-w or L-tliv but flot ineûtilig levith has a rotitine-lit.ial rf-piltao, r"",*-"e" folicbiii. iii L71. gar-1 te fcolinsisy. lis wi-Il as tg) the elli- ýileotir igoirient froin inter- bilioself is a ziatit in ]lis litre, and lie "tllf'r wit""s.",»"e . ..... rI>noýuuced a decree i Allil theli wu Il tve the 1 1 Mr. Dit 0 mtcrCout)ty.Neiý, 'iorlç, Il-,, Iýiuspiijnii vieney of* tire punlie sorvicé, mil 1 trust ï-stoil loe iLties, lie Ilitil te abandon 1 a, 1 fier file pltff. Veille en-ýttfz. flint the supplie.% %viticli art- iii-cel, il 1 ý now with Iiiiii proffsqionals Ébat Vair EýlteIl, iïf elle N;tliý)i1ul et Ali -il the qil(,ýît«t(ýit-Wili hc got thrrilý,ji ? olic I flo-i. '.%Ir. MoLvnt an:1 Mr. Ehbels flS will bt. grauted witholit after tII43 (Vtll('r, antl try vi',ry lil(Le it. Ilii Excel. itir.till. lEs lit, -tho Bowilialiville ranriot lie .1iliek Jailtif.t,,- j J«>,r ibitff.-iýIr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Bil:- lIe d"picts 011 tlj(. w»141 of file to flic let-opie. Who illits, most ci)ol--Iv, evvry ings; for déft. lake il, t1je ITo-ri,ýr Nfar- ilorioler(tble u,,Ittle e r ri te, de8p LteIleý,i Il t'vu prick&I a It Geoi-giali L35y Il Lil Nvý tu iiieil of 11, S il' 1 aller of the town-savs flint to he 1 Colirt four 'lays, haViUýfr sat fin bas a fiiH -iiit:, ý p*c iirv il[ l'A Wliite Gerillenien of Ihe 11ouse of' cuni Mc- tueet witli approval ;fil à ong its iii- qu f1iý-r pl fitl"Init Conspietto Onve in à lifetillie c.oInIpIfýtùl.ýI hatirv forenflon until Satur- M'untaill lroi, tild tended r(Aite, and if Mr. Powler c'tir '1*011l' 14-st attention %V;II, lie doli',t. hoop, aftûr the' in Liguer -or and te linuw what a goû 1 laitffi iiiearls: ilmy aftertiotren. bc ilevoteIl Le tire itlipor'aut i1Jt(ýreqts Ã. rtcvive Il( silent. aqd if-ý Troilio i ý;. 1 lietori ili the cirelis riliv, elloil"Il V, une alust sec Cool iii sortie of Isis good Il 1 to %,Our eh. et ali'l 1 loir Il C erity tliere seeins 110 reartion, 11.4 far 1 District Ploaghi-ng Match. lifter R. i, i'ti'! r,- 1 * our for IL 1048 CloVcV an(j OXI)eriellUe(j Il()- tt,3 Wo Cali lice lit presclit, why it things-a-il wc tako Alick's hoirest I coiiiiilegit that v delibé-râLiOnS WI-1 1,3. Évil te Élie &t(lv;tl),tage and litie LI rider thail Joliii t to gather Sliotiltl ilot bi, Word for alwolit everything, Iliv grand dislriet ploughifig m son of file vpal" I'A C T l ity of the couutrv." M r. Frt Itituirlf througli. Aittl we offér -th(? thili', ist vii. Illider the. of tll(4 Coulicil of tire wil IIV ce arri'- ami *Tlit. affe-r loilaux, Il OTTAWA, OCt. 23. in quievi-4 lias beell re-arg. Ae-nieuititral et-wl Artr Astociation of are two tell Irr lâtitl* pici 111-tr'q After hearint, Ilis Exei-ilütjey*ki rpeecli !N41 SLI.,r"i":4tion gr tti3 to el ver Lit it 'Mr. FoývlL-r and Il ýfl S 1q)- pointeil Eilligration .14,tInt fil Etitflartil, Ontario. took piacie, on We:Iuesý1ay of of Élie lovii-li'"e ofau art iýt 'fie- t a aud (lie tire rvturn of file illeffibl'i-q 10 its a gond 'ilibject for his liext poar tu be wholly in üartiest iii their and will procenýtI thither about file l5th 1 1,,t %V,,Cli or& file farni of Mr. W. AI- bree.zý, orit oi».'oi)i* thé, SI collil a file 11011se. thZ1 levuliburs front Prinu, citi-Il illidertridng. and thi ' il; baek- Noý-ctabcr. Parties to briný,, corti, ii,.-ar Port Hope. Tire ilay Was eosv Islati-1 Wvre i;Itroýu2e 1. 11). Tile el tip, ali it ils, by the illfltlellc(.ý of out friends or %vanting te eointritinicate C. M. Lair i by Sir- John Maetlorialil dav tif Se fille, and tige lailil in gOOLI Condition, ci] I)iettireK* t-l*,I il, ai' "i-mi %Ir. Palitiei ; ýIr. l'ope lpv Iloii. volirmi. of tý ls,-Lcll rileil ils Iloil. Son tior Simpson, Wltll tlle.u ou the tillipjeel, Wolild linil utile gTiviný- a fair opportunity for iepouch- art, il) tono and Cra%%f*oi-Il by -fs.-;rý , hy Il i 1)1>vuîlg,, tir the. livievin- of the of Bowni triville, thoir lirqject is gain- "'lyellif,ýtit uuIl a 4ati,.,factory grieulis of rûl'Il fi) sIlow their skill, Whiell. wag sentiment. T;le oý1Ifr itre (.5ilitioinisli)itiiti el) doille, lie through Col 0 f. file, ing Iýroiiiid -a-tiongst the peuple of qgi;id, qn te file mark. There were 63 .11r. -Sinclair lev Floib. Al Ivil.-ili iii the Il illil i -or M r, M'ittoil, C Il 1ý -ITiiii fýolisei-r a pirited re-appoititillent of t1ic Coloiit-I lia.q* beeil 1 a nuaiber front a dit,. g j tend Glileb.,; )IIr. ý%Iri)oi;aIil l'Y t-vi-14,11vv bi of il Liailtoti-, the worliijiylncll*!i re. thp northern toýi-ij,,IiÃŽps, i eoifliet b-tIV(ý0I 1týr14. lo'. and I)eCo,;irios; NIr. Davidson 'li). No f, very .1 4 glanee (hil tint coitte. no doubt Oit tic- 1 lIEii_ý!i:1i et U!tiii) of, t1o., fý b v and Carlitit, l* go 11) illi., St de of thill"S We are glail 1 tiolele 21. pre4o tttïvik, is ailother stroke of 1 fortrier experiene.,c lie citu tioýy brim, te cwtnt of thA (lay previons liming wet. '.Il-. Appleby, the for C,.-l- poliev of tlu! while if is itt to, find th tt the direciors of the Port bear, illis r,(1rýices will j'fi lifft-Linil illuch Atilillig tire abspirt %voire two ilou1)l(ý-flIr- pitiezý," te fIý11 iii, tI):,, N. li.. %vas introilliei-d by Iloiie. A. for tal t'ile S une tilile kt *grttt.-,üfiil comphifi t W Iffl).. et Port perry are more valuablù in flic acconi pliqli nient rüvi velâcli w,ýro greatly luiss- 1 il lap"'. VioV of' t!?éI Siiiith and litirliee iSiijjl;iii Ali the "", 1 -s. is ! Il %orv toogi their seats Io flic? riglit, public and to tliû workinie, eltisses-trid oq , itu iig upon tligIir oai They of hil; iiiisqion and in tite ef,"aeierit Il ftil LU I -;tit Iýf ý!Iký lýttf- 1 il ilie spoaker. proviýi--tl 1 JLllý' l,'o juiit ut illis illoincliti -whCli IlLVL. giveit the iiecfýs.siry notice ellar,'00flli.4; dutiés lIt - rfic. fallc)witl", is file, prizr li Clinries Ti-tople Dix. t lio at, 1- L ;;ý;i) (il' A114-r sietiie formai La.,iiiies- bail I)ec-lý priýf.4. t]Iý atteiltion of filet vli;eli appeigirii iii othei- colkillilis. f,)r rFY, 1 fî nt, ig fil v- Ps >n if! ,-rt G_ - 1 1 tikou ilitt) conà dieration oie ti"LL414 ILt Me Iýkte ujialicery liittilips, st tni.1.4. IlVe, however, accept the A- Cx- lýivllillan, Ilub 1 alle, wuït Il Lve bûOn colivinced th Lt the ilëtN of the Coinpany in prefèrence to Y. 8initli, 0. IL Robinson, G. IL Dart 1 ýjo*j(llV Il I.-Liuli, A.NI) VI:c,ý:TAIILFS TO i à lr. '.ýlii(ýlienzie regretted thaï; thu %viiioii 1la"ý'ortulute la-tu, who wa8 convictod '11A Unti Thi-; iS Un inanin S leader of the G.,viýriiiiietit tlitu_,,Iit it j con-silit yo lieir,41iy 81,1teinents, and until we nell, and Ruv. Llailctà t'.ý y whicli every one '111 (ef ilv, 111-f'IICII.i 0 ura- Ilotilil havé, truilifally answered before als aro eomplaining il!* Ilie iiiitijtt)F;i. ex. 1 tu postpolle Liiiit terill', 11poil ut, a late litteriiii Sj8,iit)uï of letirii- find bettùr reýtson for believiiil- the portation of friiit' an 1 ici i %vliieli mlist arise ou the adcIress until, -,ý7 ' In the iiij soine I)uildiii,5'8 ile.tr Vroom tif. contrary, wc tilitll talie tlleir present AN!ýUAL LEVOLIT. lie îîtarts on his journey, and a little Eti-ý,Ià tn(l. and declare thra not (Otll% Mouiiay. li the papers colild lie pritit- wat The annuid report; wie-, prementeil - (11tre taken in examination of routes vit th tun, waà eiklier ilinocelli of - the gloes titis raige fil- prieo cif zar-loti pro- ed and distitibuteil in a few lis 1 ilion ti' notice te- parliainent lis ail evideuce Froui it we ioarn tb.«.tt Lilere ww, a Filil"llt will in nianv eases save mueli trouble, duce lit home. But. Élie Enzlish takd, ilitiiiielted no -Itiutit the could l!ià ý1 ; siotj,.ý-s wr-r( crâne fur whicli lie is-now in the of the good faitli of tlieir intention. fialling off in tliV mernhership during 1 the year eniling lst Oct. Inst, but tliat, time au(l 111(illey. the l'est of even-thing. Il is ealentatefi Limc to look over their contents. an-i bd. licial, ;L11:1 t graq) tif the "Lvl or eolllll'tttd 't 1 Ébat nearly tiM.0001019 lxiiiiiels apidlit lirepared for theïr di etission belore not 1 There i,, liowever, 114) tinie to be lost the wliole, Élie IustituLe lias been at- Tile Cliietdo, Burling-ton & Quincy , ý1 whÂle, il, et frenzipl condition- dr'ven of, fruit lias Ipfwn sflit to ÃŽliis Modday. It wax a serions niaLter fille( indice %vient( p in tlic work of ti-eti-nt-v fuid j)rel)ýtra- LontIed witli at;ojit the tisani snecess.- lja,ý âchieved a splenifid repu- to dic-74peratioli luider the bur(leil (Pf « ibont 2)ýj0 -iliiw voûlis have rec-litly tation in the last thme years afi the 3ear agrainq1t -ponids weilght after the Honse ideiu.- called tion, tiliti il] stiell beeu atided to tif(- hiPrary, whici ' . 1 leading 1"ýtrspn- r Route to th exported in 1869. *.Itr(-e tirnezi Ili onp yeur, it was propos- in 0'.toir th file Ils vell be 1 1 'e wil it lit, couceived to be es nov - od postijoue fliriller tili Moýj .2s. 'rio f II, fair aliti féasible selle one of tho best fii Élie conlitrv Ail. Starting at chicago or Peoria, it runs Tim (lu witllout an a(h.qui ililli(,ýtott- 11poit Iiiiii. W e :w i' e, dir:ýeL throngli ?ýoutIiern Iowa and Y 111:6- cliii-e. tiit-1) Your E 1 likely fo be accept tble to t'lit rr-l jor. tlli)u1ý,12 t1w intelidmà r stery whieli t1w (ivatIl of Ca-, Sir Jolin ýlacgIoiiLLfiI, in relil « v. urge-1 ri, ý t z if for variolix uliincee!ýstul and Nvl)ra.qL-a, witli eli)." connéetions toi tain Hall, of tize )-;.y ex- thut titue r1loulil be allotveil q-iire th -iii i imilor:t 1 titi thit IL litro,11"v ityý,of the cotility 'coluivil -id111- j proveil et losii, to the fnî-tittite, the cveti- C:41ifornia ini-1 ille Territoriem. It is S' si,;era- i! the Pvid ii-- beilu, Triatle to obtaili Jii.4 pardon, -Or Pt-dit;oll LO tIliý artic We to give the papers J)rop(.r COL) ill", elassf-A. illidier the tc-acllin of N'Ir. a!.4o short lino and best lino to iLlav lie at Ip1l_ý:I1 1).-I il tion. Catin, reliaid the Id will llivo 1) af 1uaý,t a ei)lnlntlt;ttî(jll of -Ilî.-i sen- )Si,. They iNli'ssonri, raid points in Kansas i 1pci. Tiii-re seeiii4 L, i,1iýt-I 11(p 1 Tlje motion ivas carriegl. 8:1aU lir weî e- very atzended. aitil Fo site. aiidl Nour Hexico. Passengers on theïr Io 1 cause for Élie af'-eti of J'olil illay a tllv Ui i sý'i, 1 Alter passim, Élie iinal lie r fary of lititte tûilce, thý(t tlliq Will JJcý support- 11), OF 1 ryl-ç(; essfai tlial, ?Jr. Caun. lias been ën-a-ed way we4w ril eautiot do better than to ILI-ed j ( le 'LPI)Oilituleýt of a Stanili ifi. iviol Io 1 1 frcely Unadti. ý%lI vil 1) the 11011. Eli STO(ýIÇ.-At the Thouisoit sale c Y, et pr et 1 iiii rtt e', also iiii-ml),,rs occu - in trifflicate, y for LI.LiR tieason. tjike this ronte. 1 States Secretary of th-' N;tv it of stOCli, lit Mayfieli'l lust Lill. Mr. Tilt. total receipù, ditring, tite yeux This lino has publisheil a pamphlet very Iljýtiute and celriýjýIl de- sent,>; Wlio liave oblailu-d tlieil- .ýri1cLioiIs-1I J 13iirilli.iiii, (who- tried liiin,) Jamüs 1. Davidsou ptirchaseil au were $94-1 05, Ettiti 111(t OKPAtltlitlire s-1litleil di Hd)W TO Go WFST," ýIr.?Ilielj ellirer; t1lat Capt. Huil ll!Uýt I.a%ýe_ dif,41 ts Ily bribery or frand. rl;olj on thd,ý r $920 57, leaviug a balance in the liands iation ; if a natnral rIkcà .,f1. Tue reasiltis for titi., Sir contaiiiiii Énueli valiiitble iaforn '4, L, idin ýld4ciIon.LI#I tjwu niovL-ol the l.ý.e sp -ciailv and Ili Luy utlierà -if iiiflucueu ill tlle illiported mom-, then ipig for ý$75. i of the troasurùr or ý23 48. The assets î large, correct inip of the Great West, conclusion and titi, à jourilliJL-11t, of file llour;e Uatil Mwj- 1 1 . Ali of wili( The price -wïts considereil lii,,It Rt 1 Of the 1121nitute are 5b,491 Oî), ellid the whieh eûn bo obtaitieil free of charge agrée Preciqely %vitil fil, 0 . lialliliti-9 $888 70, leaviti-r, a balance of* by 2,41111-esming the Geueral Western alreaily reudered. capr. Ila 1 of' Mr Mpekenzie called atte-ntion to Élie the tiuie. But luallk the restilt : assets (wer liabilities of 62,6.52 8U. l'itssfntzer Chicago, Biirlington full habit and a rý»ferg-tjet in Ilir Excellaney's speeeli tu 1 -1 GOO!, SIGN-0114) gond Nifu of Vie sow had et litter of eight. à 1r. TI)e re exposed hiniself ta d-yreat fl--.,:z--, P, port wa.,; ailolitet! tvitjiout, a- & Ouilley Chïrago, Ill. rest-litation of the Rpport of Élie. mondituefft, and the luteoting, adjourneil. the 17-1ilwUY direction, Davidlîon Wry 911ortly afterwards - -dise liaustive IaLinir ; ltï- rý41Ij-!lefI tu thé, Il().Vol Coin tu i.;,4onérs on Élie Pacifie lis vü,,nrdfi the towiI, i8 t1in building sold fiva itt $15 each. thus puying Asf.sýriiLrn HzAvy VPRDICT IN A CMU Bhij) and pacel-1 liolirs in i. e and eloq 1uutter, aile, tillit snob hall Uot yet becu 41Püterp' llfit;ical Mositlily,*9 No. 75, coý.% C.ise.-Alt. the -Waterloo Assiies, itupnre attno.ý;pliero. ý>f additions tù, the new li's first ilivestincutoind retiiuing the Vo1Iiýlo and ZIP. ilon.'. for Nogtu')er, is to hawl, aud contains IlpId tit Berlin On Tues-lay last, the opieiv ciýisue(l. TIie e;;tt of this brave Sir Jolin Macdonald thon explained ILIILI j-, figilie. and Init- 0 ;w illid tlirce others to the t of Que Chur- greqter part of the day wax taken up aud in lomitalile explome was tragie tu CI dffl tile OilliqMiOn Wftt; due tO llig lffl- ROYAL COM goc)d. its asnal suinuli witi the citru. con. opse- of Prepton, va. but it is a relief to know titat the ru- ing accitleutally opeiied the packagp, ottlu chiliery for the niýtuiitacture of pLt- Oue of the s imo litter was sold at naos, -and Inîtruméilntal 'Piato [te 1 o ý Mnsic. Tueik. which exciteil intense interest uiourA concerniulg treacliery and l'oui which ho founti wax addresseil te t TILE GOVERMC foriu caj:â, &.0.. This hit,13 pï8t been iletitirs. Dirrel & Johnston'a ijah, T'his work is printed-froui full-size mu- and was tried in a crowded court room. play towaril him are utterly loasele.ýt;. Speaker, aeï which- ho had inteuded dune by the M'ýýuagigg directOt 01 noteil el6owbore, md brffl ht a high aie 'plates, and gives évery moisth sover. The plaintiff il; the Cnanty Attorney of The conclusion st whicli Si-crotary rliduld be refaitençd befaîe presonta- Robeson arrives ia ail the more valu- tion. Ite was prepared howevert, te The messa the whitby & Pýrt Perry Btilwty- figuri. al songe, Duets, ohm-usez, and pi- Wellington County, and the defendant his evident anxiety to arrive Latin a doctor practising at Guelph. The de- able frcÃm submit the report.* tiir John thon pre- E-irl Ximber -in the town. Tho ilew is Pieces, te the amontit of st lesqt 64 , fetifiant was cliarged witil baving balai nt the trath of the Tuatter. ýThe allez- sèliteil a intagage ft(lm Ilis Excellency 18739 trangm -fivo CAIIRIAUFS FOR À NOSTU AT COST are and yet alt the PublWier asks Lq the c-rirninnI interconne with the plaintiffis eil poisanin.-,« was fpl'. by bine eli and tratimiuitting tweiity borbe power, Nome lot iý the rerort of the Commis- tiqs Vin V.1101, the rnacLiiiery of a coNtjy des now cellitig at M. O'Douovau'o estab. rrioldgt euni of 30 ceià t- y wife, nt Pros-on and Berlin in the BUD2- Élie prciiil)téýrA of thé e7zilptihion as Et sion cr il per con anil Fvitietice. the su!,ift.,t 0 lishwouL parties destiring tO Procure Those fond of Music can save Moue tuer of 1872.ý- Thé Wimiiial actat théni. ilio Aluprie...l pý»ôp!v, Lýnti The motion for acliclirnmelit until %vitti tion, and, we ar6 told thaï from sicarriage or bug y selves were tint proven,- tint the circum- in tien teda-,atioii.q thorjughly, Mondiay was t1jeu. carried, ýtuil til ÃŽy should avail thew. by sending 80 cents for the e evel Sir iý. of the ilëfetilant'a guilt' were so fie-acteil, ith fi iiess. ag wfli as N'ovember w rrn z al. Flouse adjourned. .-tiso forward- tweilty to tývi-,nty-five Ilion will be selves of this opportunity Of gettiffg G' number. Addrese, J. L. Petel,115 599 i ' * of and illus duew horror stippoqeti t4j liave, kept ei-aployed througliont the win- firot-claës article lit cost price, sty**iijz that the jury gave a vériiiet rion inne Ling, Broadway, N $5,0$)0 ilaïilakëf; à >gýiaët hirn, The der. a* -teindled theso frtlitlesq ter ow York. ]LOYAL COUXTSSION UPPOUT. the cljargeý Tais à soi-nething like gî-,,ingl siinply pinve'l n"I'.1 t'O Iltive ùXigtà dý pleaec Your ExcelIcn cy. LAyAL ZticTiéN.-Xý Ouituet ý'4in- i tendent eall,,d no witn£ýses;. mopoms 1 DiifYý.riýi rptn Pl ineýLllhlg te li, -ve the railw.Ly work. CI C. Heruan, the -htiotvn ý ýf. C. Canlerûn Q, C.. B. A. Hitr'n'sôb lu aIçiný! !I;1 î8terial) bas bà :h electeil by a intijérity figliter. ilierl of Co 14n'uptian ou Q, ýC., niid S. B. FrAoMen. Q. 0., fr ADD;Sù.';'.9 POFT10 ADý'r,:R_ -The uadersigrieii Commissioners, aIiý ehopolin tliè town, 'lze 1 ri,3rmt\i, this, , 1 rorec Llic-in Ij.ý Ê.t.11a -read bv evéýy>LotIy. pointeff-hy ILoyal coiMIUitýîion, 0 upwardo 400.over Mr. David, the Op- y> raorni wliu's Sta- Plaiutiffait(I Mr. vill be e -the, Great Sealof tion, on thp -ctilon Paziüc, Ril-ay, éu ofLondouforthe deferdant, wemthe J to tliena uutier position oandidat& roum to'san the fozuuolltLi -Both 4he ý,Thgfeý -was -à rAÃŽ4 on ifà ýbà nký id' ân- 'ty f,,ýu ot l th, evt. of î iër p ýpreaAnt.à et 411111, itd 0wu', - renlsjMý«.b4c(eM Aw% 00»r kwry of die Auglo Americ*u butel, PrWco Al..ý 1-kr wax Min over aud kwoil y à trailil on r1je c"e 4, IV h p r in! té-l on th, Mf Cie P.11 Cip eni sni lie] Olf ha gtr Bii re lin] liti ,fini 'lac "si em Ny C1ý1 ver L'le ,mp Ily tily pre 'Nf r, hig rpe in in(à u bofore us. and while we regret the ont- lay of nioney b ' y al] political pnrties at Parliampritary elections, nuit ilosire thé ninst gtrinzent mpasureg ta put on end to tlýlé practicé, WP at the romp time o-xpre" our contitiiied coiifirlence in Your Biie-eUoniý.v'R ailviserq. and in thr-Ar administration of pibýje affairF;.' Mr. Gla", Who eypreqge(l tlie pain it had irivpn him ta si-ver party tie« "ex- nrimspa jjimsAlf nppnsed t'O th.- appoint- ment of thé, Royal Commission n-r,-uin-, that the Ilonge of Commniris was su- ý-reme nver'the Governov-General, and, Ave-ü the, Thrane itFwlf, and its Etuthor. itv should not lie Fiet--aside. His own npinionë when the Uà ui;e siijourned in Mayi wax flint the 11nliqe wnnl4 not procet-il -to bnRinesA on the 130) of Au!r; but that if occaaiÃ"n reqnired, it was not prëcluilpd from'doing no. Those wbo nýetf-nè1ed that if the Pvidence sitowed thé Minintry toi be' guilty, the Houge à bciulil haVý left them in *ýower for an- other yt-s'r, did a ýIeat injustice to nterest of the eourtry, and con- hydeclaring thRt the evilence flýlaucoil b.-fore the Con-zniFmcl" rire- rluded any snppogit.lon flint Z- 'Minio- try wêre tint rmilty ëf the charges laronizlit- against tliem. _Ifr. Baker, of Mig-,i;qnoi. ýsl1rpnrted thé nmpndmpnt to th--l amendment in an RhIe rpfpcll. Mr, ýTamAs YonnR, in a verv able Np-peh ftnalv7ed thA evidleni.,e, ft(Iýlupo(l hefore thé Cnmmigginn, anýil _Dni m-ild- vnrted unoii the facts that the evidence flisclosed. Lecture andDiscussion at Brougham. For THE CauoNICLE, Tlin rl;§;tnq4on wlicli tank r.In-A on fli'. plafform af tllè- Uninn Pie-nie in rronglinm Pli thé- 4tli of TnIv 1-t-At will lbA fresl) in flip M;njîq of all wIlà wi-re « ,irpýspnt. Tles-, mir wnrtliv Tnqnnetnr of rnhlic 941nols .1nil Rov. 'Nfr Sel-.iicfiir ct, al. Witli ro- rAc-irtl fil erýrin;n riiii(-,,plpp forirne his, (Nfr. ellu-atinnal-rlntfnrm- flioi-ivliolp eii'tniriatin-7 in flin lé,(-,tnre IjýrA on flip è-výnint, or tbp ()tli incfilnt. Til- linint in ilim-ncFinn wný-'l 81,rnId t,,neliorf; enfer the profeqqinn prilfoir. RtAnallv. ril- ta cnnlý Tlia lpetlirt-r. i-, the first plaep. point- Ad nn+ tlip Oro olinnt-O in flie Trnqtpp Iln",lq ta fliqf or Township 'BnrirýIR : li'n 111611V PKplnit)-il ilip il iii fçrlv.tntaqpq ag,.;n("ntttl with TrirlOpe 'Bnir'Ift witli I-pcrpet ta flic nrofi-rginnnl ,tpn(,]Ipr. and linteil lintv fr(,Gllpltt (le. nnrfliros wprp,,-froni, nnclý it reqtiirpil. Pven- ileinirnle(l. 'Soc- 0-IdIv. lie pfflArLyeil urnn t'lie nocargity for ilid- expri-;Qin!z or flip rorr)rnlpory ennlitinnq of fl ie npw Belinol Lnw--.; tlipré- beinî_- in thir conntv nlnnp. np- wnrag of fatir linn-Irptl, elfflerpn not nvailîne fllimfzAl vos of any of.flipiliý-nný.4 ýift-,IueRti»n sa Rmply providèd ; a"d lastlv. "rrivi-Aý-at fhA plibinct in moin -prilforgionat tsïicltn-z. ITO eniorLd.(l unnn fliiir silbiert wiffi nnliqivd wnrmtii of fpplin£r and fr,-fillnéýx and vi-our of flintiqllf. (Ipl;nt-atinz.*it)i ant illtl-fm- tîon the imnrnpriet.v of entprinff the tenchinz Profigqien tinri-lv from ppeiin- iary motives. for it is-'Pvi#IFllt if sileh motivp.s or ' P eônfri)llinz the prissions. lie (the, tpaclior) w;ll bav.- rame ilarliniz sit1p isgTis--rpc!pivine maire- Ãlian a ilne rropnrt.ion nf * the tinin and attention flint glinilla. hé, filib"t-vient ta sellool stireps.q. The Ipetur-r vpr v elonrlv and rnfiçfncti)rilvsllnw(,fl tliprpaçoilablenpss - of thi'. position hi- si) con-- vinringly, arnliod hig to au Illibiasseil miifl * ren.flpring al] rAnclu- , rions irnpnqqil)lt-, but tbat bis (the lec- fnrêr's) prineiple was'the riglit one and bis ro.çitioli irnprp--nahlp. Upon thé Ipetnrpr reruminz his sé-at, Rilv. Mr. Schiisti-r, wlio arriveil while thp lecture wnq hein,-, il eliverp(l, wss.ý 'allpil ta thé- iplafform. He plonkèd bis rilafforrin with à fli-orv ta tbe Common 44 thà t qf-11nol syqtprni ilf Canada, viz*: ' ýffi(-,ipncy in thé-, élempntaiýy_ biiýti)elipsý ýonlîl not he arrivfd CWI a tpai-lipir for >Rch sepairatp brincli wTis rf.-tainé>(1."- rhe truth of tlie position is ail 1 1- )lit its appliration ta thp rnral q' )f a ennpnr,,if;vply.voTi iz arid struzzling ýommni1wêaIth iq vpry -qiiorfintiable, mil 1 arn enivinced it is -si-) utt,-rlv-iln- nitahlf- ta thê wantg of file p-npIp- flint t #'clos nnt evpn dpriiangi )n the rAv. izpptli-rnan rogliminz Ma ;Paf, 'âfri Joli" Phillips the noeti,14r, évidontly %vîth an- ambit-on lireetnil-tr> the eliampiongliip of fittinz- y In..Vprinff the flornanils of tllê gQi1qt-ý Pt still . Ile aq.nrnel a-pos. tiori, and nwinz fo thé «.Ijtýnesq of hiq ar--iimpnts finall vfairilid vins.-If in VI.-aqine harmnny with the ýriiieiplé-Rlit- rofýA -ta IN ir ---- - _1 nlil a -National Convention- in Lon. on -nt ClirLqtruag next, '*te defi-te and pprove the precime ùnture of t1vit po- Lical îronpëetion whieh Is liereaffer to ibszist betwëen Great Baitain and Ire- mil; and it is further propo!;,-fl tbat 31n agl-regate Ineetinz, of IriF),Mrn nin all parts of thé- world bc lit-id in 1 yde Park ou Dec, 29. to, ratify the if- arations and proceedingý of the coil- mtion. 28-- 1.4 niglit tjlf' sti)re of Messers. W à J. PiL*ie wag enfored nt the frcýnt (li)()r r forein.- the lock. Tliprp was.-a q1lail-