A..H ddison., AIJOTION SALES. On Frlda,c&. ard, St t esue of J. B. Bicakoli, sq., noar Brookl batiks, Jr. Allotloneer.' On th North parof Lot No. 9, tihe 7tii coucession otflyut Witby, Satnrtlay, Stpt. 27th 1878, fam stc ImpientaȔ, &a., the roperty 0oIl OnLot No. il îhe S oc of East Whu:by, on Wedneadlay, C1 Xý#1878, farmstcm DaJB l, Ânjînor. ONLY Si 50 PER ANNUM. WIîIîtbyi 'hu.day, Sqeit. 25, 187E Tise Royal cârnmlsgîoli-.Mceting The liat of witiiesaea urnisfiedth t Commisaieners la new about exhanste and consoqnently the. enqniry wl likel lose000dti uweek. The Gov ernor Gene rai has lbut ,no timo i emtmoing Parliament to meet, ac e rdingto liii promise matie on the. 18t] of Augusu. Parliament will meet oi theii.8mIof Octobor, wbhen theevitient, tâakn will b, laid -betore oh Houa.s Until thon speoniation au tu tii. an& dispiosition of the. charg~es amouints Ic Vary littie.. one - thing ia certain ti avidence due$ flot prove tîtat tii, Gui tramont muid the. Pacifie Charter, ai ehargeti, te 8fir Hugli Ail an and thseA. Mericans. Tii.evidence on tIhe con. tmary proves flhat it waa tIhe settied poiicy of tho Governnieat to excinti t enâercans altogether rom al par. Uecipation in tihe Charter, andt îat euth. Indtvidually or collectively they fad Dn unawledge of any agreement said to have been entemed int between sir Ëugh Allan aud bis American trienis -on file subjeet. Thi muelin isa, -Tii. M~r ungh Aili=aictutribtdted a Iafge sum Ã"Ymonocy ioisardsaoui eectiosi tanil in ihe ntmwïst thiede sc'dao~titid . A -- te the merality ot ipending moniey 1< carry eleetions, ne une-will deny the practiete oa vicions eue. But Who at citiier aide can ruse up aud cast the * firat atone ? Tie only reniedly is a atringent election law wliclî Wiil prie. vent botlî tIeseubscribing and paying eut ao well as taking ef monauy, anti * holding candidates, electors, and aI] otîterg stnlctly amenable te tthe law. Tliut Io wlîat la requiredt and-what hie country enlia for. *Grand Union Ploughing Match. The grau& union plenghing mnatch advertime n l -tîer columns to take placq en Tuelay, 141h October, bis -fair te surpass thse district match te be liîed noa Port Hoape a weok inter. For thte latter, prixea te the amenit cf 8850 -oniy aire offoeot, and iIt ia cenfnedtu t thue.ceunities withiu the. district wiîoae secieties may have coutrubuteti $25 te tiie tunds, Tih. comuiîîe ofe the union plengbiin atchi offer 8880 in prize- *opon te firat ciasa mon ail ever the Do. mitiion. Tii. latter fhas ais e .advan- tage et being heldini a inneli more anitable ldcality andi lu the. midst et tiie great agrienîtural district whicli produacea tii-.-boat plenglimien, andi frein which meat oet tlom compete Ot illatces.op ÀA Maiden Assize. Tise titty levod upen Mr. Shierriff linynehus, st thie opning efthte AsRizes now gel ng en, tu present tiie Jn.ge witlî the cuztomnary pair of white «loves, in thse absenc, cf any case fer triai on thoecrisinal caiendar. This s not tihe irai tins. that tiihemirminal ri- et-I tii. suie -at-yi, pecacean - South Huron. Tiie eleetion couteau l unth Huron tor the. Local Legisiature prmsuea ho bc s tîîneo-cot-nersai figih. Mu. Bialîep is -tIi,' Retors -canidate ; 31-.Geo. Came,- h"aOppositiuon, anti Dr. Worth- lugloi' etu nt a iatespurance sun. Thb elétioh Witt halte place shuotly,- the présentl usiuimr haring accuipteti a Shrievaity. SW. bust-luwit.h extt-om' regret tuat tise High majîooi is abouit te love ithe services et se capable antiweil q'ialifieti a telîhers M. Bryant.- tbe final assis- tant muaster". Mr. Bryant ha now beezî 'onecteti wiiîthe. seheolas for a.- penioti et npwÃands of 5evten yeana, tint uinig al tluh long ime lie lias net oniy dia- chargei i.th utleo o e ii¶oiiion satia- tactotlly, anti endeareti himseit by hua kintiuesa et sauner tei is pupili,but -- he uas uhewu liy bis conteus bea;iug, -getiemsnly depez-imeut, anti gooa t.,i iZeuahlp, an oxampi. te yanng anti aid well wortly o! imitaÃŽion. Mir. Bryant -9008ea ho Tronto te pui-steie bsUnivers. ity stiles, anti carnes Titi huis lb. biessinga et parenhs as well authie kinti. est wisho tfnieiudu ansI pipila for suc-. ceslu bistflut-re cancer. TuTTon TA Ià Karmu np fres 21t cents, luti yoar, te 2 cents anti01 mills tise proesaiyear. The OnOunt lerieti i '72 was oniy *04,000 à g4lat *18,000 j four '78.- The lue-e bas been princi- Psflv o.nseni by lb. .ddtleubl sehool expenditure-..b.b>« *#5,2U6- Ibis yeun agalnt $2,9U lbhe>year betrs. SBe 4"'0 additiona aproraien ontroetse dsilseon ç~sobool debousîresanti items --of.expuaas. luncannectoln ith . hfirea and the flze bigadie Mkeup the resu. $XW PORT QMcg luu nes.-A nw it r- ib. M the Wr bd MI re *t, It ,s Lee 't ift Xe us theu uxtmeüe. iThe town ixad a populo-. *of bout fivoUioijsand ; snd tiseré lé-" sai t te fou<er i4undred puisoneru in theii pace, dis,-gr.stor'porslou of wiom aro aflieted with this terrible diseas- wich i-is saiti te b.eofthtiemost isilig- amt ansAi-tal type. 'Upwar&s of!fý ilaedt pet-sons are now dowu with andi in a few sIsys on. hundred sud <t ty-six desthi aiv.enro.Te hz-ein lunIthetown fasamu, te lb. inà edos &blé. Tii. intemnts sez-kg o twet thiz-ty sud fezty-. day. Physliansaî sud s usumber of nurses frons Ne* C isu av o'efas-re'tipndot'à te .ci for help. anti-ouiier meana cf relief hai ben pouro&it.te .triekea toiw e- frens allurending parts vwih a g. orons baoud.-The terrible nature et tl lu in wourge -wil b. beiter und atotifroi ou the ututement of a privai. et r mte Ocia No on. ailseketi bas as yeit recoverd Oune iy yu ear of a ase oslqui a corps. us aiaiting tise tearse, Jý point e1uaigunt fatality, h' aUrpasoi onanyyellow lteonever known luntme r Dci. «fois. A tew casée bave been reporta te., et pensons.idrejiping dewn iunlte mires t,- au sutiti l e atiack, antino qwifth meseger et deaiJi. Such is the terre of the. lnhabitatnts, that sa timpode ha set in, anti wlile es'eq railway car lui p been laid untier au embargo, stage r* uuniusg f<t-c eiiciiy arcecramsae --witiî panic-strickeu paasengers. Busi noums inaiment entirely autupeutict. Ai retient ad-vices show tiai the pestilent bas net abateti, but bas exieutis 8.te - NeW Grleians, where S T a =spreadig with fatal elToct. Tih ca5tîseoetthlsterrible yvitatien ha et' been ascî'ubed -te the reihioval et the ral on tbe B.d Rivet-, on wblch flic tewl lu locateti, thua ciraiuing fici.water troî the a considértable portion ef the landi, tii -ti' ,,eayn mantIenetfwhicb, tun expesur, vil, te tiii sn'sý raya,, gave ont peisonu y-- vlpeurs. .-0 ti n How the Maîher Standst. It The bondon Free P-respertineutIl on resta tI if lie Gnita were te lie'telc %ce that tlue Miniiaterial party tii not aipeni as. ay seney ah ttie lami geuserai electio, ,ai tboy wtulni nt beliene ithe ulatemeutý t autdit any eue seaub sassemi ualtIih te Gpposition Tome eqnaliy nimbuons, the. t-. sane amuount ef incrednlity would exiat, as ButithuaI wax net tîte question placet &.befure parliaineut by Mr. Huntington, n.anti if it dbeen ne eue wenld liavt thoîigitwea-th, wiil, te disons, il. Tht main aile gabuon wam, tuit tise Goeomo sl mrent blîa corruptly seldth ie Pacifie r.> Charter te Sm HIugi Allan. Wliait they el. dtwithhei. aney it ln aattey «et, in t1winimiet-pt-opesition-wiucliit will tk ut iieou Il ho tiacaisa wliea Lo- he mjorone ias uensubatantiateti. ir Wliaî wo at- aal wailing fur la, lise ful- 611tunent eft lIs promise given la make ttisschargo as cesat-as neon-days. Meut at o thewitessianeti by Mr. EHntiog. ni ion have been alrcatiy examineti, antI sn ne aigu> ins auwn et tiseroutier b.ing Saufy aueau'ei' pro thian in April lest. ýO ludeotl, ilioUiaiimsaoetpeople wlîo Ter, inuluceti te g«emoéou lenurîcte echarg. Le es thuenliane tnt-net thteir louciaupon ùtIses new, seeiug'tiuai the brase accus- et-ai shirk tise iqaue. 'ney nse lunbth acourse suiti a waum t fmain eseli hue. selvs; nd uclia bea ofg'ooni faitli - owamd the country, as te -lesat théi g conviction ftnai there lanenotounatiin ýIfur se set-ions a change. Tbiahs iew tii. initier stands I CszEimonuY OnTUE STATIoNs0OF TUF, C«oýs.-This intereaîing anti pions Cathihieccreony waa proformeti ai the Clintcii of St. Fraucia et Sales, Dut. fins Croek, on- Sundîy liait.Ber. Fater Haytiea uficiaieti-upecial pet- nuission iîariug been granleti by Ilia Grîce tue Arcbîbislîep fer ltie put-pose. Fallier Ilayten, ou huait;noceut trip 1t rIrelanti, brongbt ont with his a fine s)tnet fpictiitc-ailtmonnieti auti ram- eti, repr.senting the serre inl aceaea in the passion Bf cuir Sînieur, wich weno hun-, witlt appropriate ceremnenieu ou tise occasion. Tii. picturea are quit. an addition hoetise inierion decoration etflteeliantie weil fiisetilchelii builJing, wisiciî atands forth a meu- ment efthile enurgy anti perseroranco et Fauiien Hayuheu anti a cruditable testimaonial te tise piuty anti libcraiity etfithe Catîtolica of Ibis mission. 1 SLAueeEieuu REPORT CeirTRADIcTaco. -WVo lave been requestete tatte, anti we tle se upen the vriy beai athherity, itailiere lu ne o uanuhtion, wiiateten, fer tise report cli-culatet tltrnieuift Ilîi tue liaI t-ain weutwimd orer tie-Granti Ttixuk.pt-orlonis telhe cisange et Gang., wibb lie tii. evening Express, passing ou Friday Gcl. Smd ai 10.15 p. s., anti thie last train eastwurd wll lietise Morning Express, passing here outhe the. sarne day aI 7.15 a-.am. Ail truffec wiil theu b. anapeucleti ntil lbhechanuge in the, gang. is effeeteti, wwlaiehl ex- pectedti teb. conupleteti by Montlisy nigiit lhe 6h prox. Tee BADi.-The Griblia Erpoitm- as- sorts tisai 1h la 'tho onîy paper lu Sim. cee iliai boltily atirocates temperunce", andin the. very noxi coiumn bas tise feîlewîn:- "W.lias'. trieti Ellis & Co's olti Bye Brandies, Gin anti Rus, ani eau igb.* iy recommeuthiem for punity,iflarou- anti shrqngtb. We wou dltisreugly n.. conuseutithen te th. publie for metie- inal purpuueu. Meicinal pupouieal Gh, psbaw i Pa.RICE EDWAIID ISLAND» ELEçTioNs. -Tseelsiona iu Prince Etiwart is. lndt, lelti on Wednesday¶uf lasI week, resulteti in 1sen iugrsupporters et the. Generumeni tte .Deminien Pan- lament anti eue uoiitary Opposition. Oisons AT Bsosanr.-The village of Brookiu onjoyeti lis fis-ut Cirons hast -Friday whlch atlracted, an audiene -of about eue hundret ai the attenon exhi bition anti very few mono in the VMarroan TO TIE GaUtAxFà evowm4.- The ViSiters tte oConîity Faim largely sv4d1sd theuisolvofet bminvitation' a! Meu.asrs Mdge k Yarwoet is iit theb Wou appolats4tsotoz-y. ' perty within thse tu rojdaisar, as Ulo >. centre Warti, #269,850,1i n soi" Ward, 0137,488. d Total,#706,712. r. Vaine of,,e pmpoerty exempt from Ytaixation, *4,000--lesving $702,712 oe, re whieh - te l.vyi the. taxes;, other thati' n aebooil taxes. a- 'The timatea oxpendiltun. exlse items: Ce.*rate, 492b; noteotsuantiun- ade? discoiut, $15,000; due McBrion's estate.82,000 ; total ameut t tih, do- l.benture tiebt fer -the yeam,- *5.488--et - whieb $8.897 paid eut et preceets et tnotes-dis;ceunteti;, salaries;, 81,000 ; ap. là prpriation for wt.lls, *500 ; streets, _Z 18; and ti ter rmiscelianpeesaitems, - 800-makiniz a total et 621,041.. dIleceipts--Cash, $750; tlog tair, *100; weigh mcales, *60; arrears en last year s roll. 0100; advance te Seheel Board, lr $8,012; unnseld scitlool debentures, $8'. a490 ; debentures nnder fire engine by- &law enseti, $1,289. Leaving te be previtietifer, upwnrds of et18,000, making tiie rate for the y.ar. -10 mills en the dollar. A by-law fountiet on the report was ensxt introtincell anti pasei. Tii. rate 1 for sebool purpeses inclnded in the' by- iaw là 71 mills,, maki ng the total rate tom taxes thse present year 2 cents &J Ming. t LiGHTINO THE STREETS. 1 Mr. Harper bronght np the report et. the standing committee en ire and wa. 1ter, ecommending the purchas. of ten lampa anti posta. at a' ceait o 875, for the purpos.etflîgliting tise streeta daim. ing the winter meïnths; aisOe i.p-ly- ment ot an acceunt of $71,50 te Wus. Tlîempseu fer repair etfiîook andi ld- dem wagen. Report adepti. Anti hv a sulîs qeunt eseintion, mnv- Pli by Mm. Lw-itr, teconiedl by Mr. 1King, the eommittee weme autisorizedtu te procure the lamupsa an erpet tiie pesta, anti inigtruet th Ciint Conatable te knep tiie saine lillitd from 5 p. mu. te il P. .m., tre latOCt. te lat Mardli uext, anti aisa tiat ene adtlitionaii amp b. piacei at the cerner etftii. Meeban- ici' Institut.. CUICXFT Mà rCIr.-A match bptween tiie Greenwoo.i anti Ciaemont Cricket clubs was played-at Ciaremont on thse lljth- imat.. Tihe gamne waa clouley con- testeti, andi msulteilunthe, detet oteii Greenwooti players iy twe us ouily. Claremouit scoreti 62 in tise first inninsîg anti 81 iu the seoeni*; andi Greeuwond 50 mus lu thse firat anti 41 ln tih. seconi. Owing te the unutnual prAi;ssure on our ceininus, wc are unale te give tiie scoreil ul<tli. 'wons MAGAziNmu.-Tise September1, nusher et "Woods Ilomselioil Maga. zine" is on ont- table. W. always havea a god word teaitiy for titis publication v -ft.is sncb a Witcme-ouleid book-go CI witie awake, aie livstiy and-it'itertaiiiin- ing, Set alwayase oChiaste and refineui.e It is a regular littho go-alleati, tee, ansCI tiie cenparison between its nutnbers 9 will urovo.* V. lean ttisitise irmofet S. S. Woodl & Ce. dfissolvet ini Marehw lat, tiie 'Ce." (S. E. Situtes, Ilayor of t, Ncwbury,ý retaining possessionuf et Ii magaxtiie, antI rocailiuig H. V. Osborne s ('Jenorooi'( as titér. Se, tîtongli tise publication really ellatigetI iahnnîs, it. ti lias net su.Céred frein tise nînag ment O cf a new publisiier cr uew eduitur, but 'P uncler tisr reîlomblel efferts ef t& s net-. getie prorriCot(r, lias gainei uew force.W' anti new attmactis-enems. l'le.e uly cc ene dollar a ycar. Atîdmesa P UWOODi0s OUSI.-OULu MAGAZINE. Newbur-gh, N. Y. Sales et Clydesdalcu. Tlii.fulloanigsales eftilioto-uil htrtc Clyuleuuiaîo herses wemo etecettly iiale by Onr t-eiturp-isiuig rieni.lit-r. Jaunes I. Danitison, ot Baisara Piekea'iag. Sua WALmrt SCOTT, ulla lt ron, azeul Wyea-a, gel ltv Sir- Walter troua Damhiiug 2nu1. soit te Mm. Bell, of 1luintington, P. Q., ton 01,8009. -Sî'OmAN,'S uPutîIzIiiatutik, inpot-teti, solti te Mur. WVilliiii hoffut, Cuyhîuga Ce., Ohtio, for 51.881). BANK'îU, baty, agle 16 naienthus, weigîîî 1425 Ibas, «lttI 6 fi'týt 10 incises, gel l'y Couqueror troni Dat-iing Cul, wîtici won twenty prizi>,s at omt- Provincial and le. anti Linilsay, Ilîcombe, MeDonalal Ce., Illinois, for 01,000. W. bail the opponluuiy ofut el ug iisis apisîditi animal whtile paaain- ilaromîgli en roitte for lus fttim-e home in tIi. Weul, andula flnoa apecirnen oet lus breeti hi welul lie uliffieuli ItifintI any. wltrre (u im ie continuent. W. coigmatil. lite lir. D:tviuson oetlime t-cuml e!'ftla ventures uo tan, andtiit-qt liai htia fi- hure epuýrations u in ie sanie directioni rnay prove equally t-eaunerative, lIn. Danlulson imuputeul a !e.' weehs ago twe spemîuiul Durlitts ituifemu, "Mysie 36," anti "Orange-Blousom 2Ch'. purluasoui ah a ligli price ffum Mrt. AmoR Cimie1îslauîk-, Settpytout, Aber. dleen, Seothauti. Th-m peuligreca con- tinsiasuei huIla as "fet-ul llazlttn," Mrt. Batea's "Graudti Dmke," "Mýýatîtcuerc," Dr. Uniekinurbuan," &c., ail weii noleti le tain.-Canada PFerme r. FaîllFaims 1873. Puoviticial-boniou, Sept. 22, 23, 24, 25, anti 2. Norh Ontaiio-Uxbriige So Pi. B0, Gel. 1. Eusht York andihamkhauî-larkiam 'Oci. 2, anti 3. North Brocla-Canningion, Tisurs- day 2nti Oct. Bmook-Snnierianti, Tneuuiay, 7iis Oct. Rtama-Oct. 4tb. XVIuiîiy a Eu Rat Wliitby-Gushawa, On Tis-daîVOci. 2ud. 'Piceting-Brogiaim, on Thnrutiay anti Pnitay, Gel. UtS anti lUth. Thc Pr-ovincial Exhibition. Ile Provincial E.xiition, Dow belng, hul t ahLondon, promises te b. vemy succosuful. - BAîNUIS lPROFITS-The St. Caîlieninea News cutinlatea Barnumn's profita for tb. week i. exbibiteul in Canada ai 478.000. Tht, receipia are -esisaei ah 018,000 per day, anti Barnumi atver- tises is expensea ai- 85,000-leang 818,000 c1ear profil every day. MEETING 0F PAulIAMEzT.-The De. minfon Parliameni bas been aummoneti te moet for lia dempath of etbusiness on the- 2lofetOcloer. Ba.uouni.-Cel. Wullsoes tancy «oasIs store waa breken imite ou Suaay ulghi liai, and s few articles taken. place on Ft-iulîy, Sud Geteber. Tii. Auumtieîi Sale eof-faner goodst. gother moted, pp gW8, ai ýl85 the. year before. The tloowii statenieni otfth»e enries nth i classes: Biot!... ............ Satidie -or carnage.......... Gênemal Pnrpose .......... Dmanglit......... ......... *DeVous ..... ;........ ..... *Ayrahtire...................... Grade ................i....... Fat ................».......... ...ceat................. Cotswelds .... ..... Southtiewna....... riat ......... . .... * aI ME. Smal,..................... Large........................ Fat ............... Grain anud Seeds. ......... Boots ........................ Daimy Preduce .....-.....I.., Penitry....................... Pars Implemetîts....:... . Hortioulture ................. Domestie IMaýnnactnroi ...1 *La.ties Dtpartment ...... Fine Arts.... ..... Mitteelianeens........... Extras ..................... Tii. meceipis ai the gaie amonuie t 01260185, agaumîsi 61147 22 taken i '72, i;lvewing au increase et noanly 812( The attentiauce on the grondsi duriai iii' day wasestimated ti i pwamtis t eigit titousanul. Tue effleera efthi socety were unt-evittiug lu their effort te diaiciarge the ardeus ties imposei on tueas aiistactonihy. Centiuining our rmarts of las week ou thue met-e pro minenit eature et tise exh ibition we nexi briefiy tait up luintirer the ciasa et FAuBtIXPeLEENTS, F oremeast were Oiue celebratetil eaper anti mcwem et tise Brown k Patte-soi Maoatfacturing Ce. Tii. nexi objeet a attention waa a paie-nt eorniined 500i drIi anti gang plougii, exibutoal it Mesn. Miente, Vicanu k Ce., -et Us bridge. TItis imortniat mplesenti i consimucteti te so-v tb. seeti at the tin et plouglîing, andi, hy an ingeniens con. irinance, aoy given quutiy oet ueo te the acre rnay be sewu, on may bi aewn cithier liglît or heavy in paichi ai; occasion shieultirequni-e, lbuowm îuî kiîîds et grain, ndîtwitlî a t-adial inhicel tuay lue turne(] sîuortly aud :quickby affil easily lu any dit-ection, Messrs. Harmun & Umpisrey ebtain- i fit-ai prize .-fuot a fanniing -mai, very ulevemly constriteti se au te dlean two mîmpies cf wlseat ah enee, anti maka four 'sepumrationu. Lt lbas a balance nîteel whicht regalatea tIhe apeeul, anti aun ecemi-e wih -causes a uhiake na vIotent or ir'ewunus us nnay ho do- li. Jaunes Clayion iîad, asu suai, a fie gsuortmont et makes, 'lumuipdlt-ls, sttaw cutters, anti his mnucli atmia-et patnit cîtumu. Mr. Stot-ey liadtihie lolîett self- aijusiinz relier, with mon fret-n nets contriu'aace. Mr. James Walket-s tiouhie-fu-xow lotw aise aitmacteti mnuelu attention, anul no w'ontier, aeeitîgibai witît it t-ree or four acres a uiîy can b. accom- plialieti. It is et light tiiaugiit,uot casi- ly put etut o e r, anti certainly was iniiiteul te exeel any suigle pieugrl i- iloing cliscent wem.. "ie specimnics etfisuçtsesiuoea uhuwn [y Mm. Thes. Itice, eft ilis iewn, «alni rat prizes. 10 2 2 114 87 86 68 68 586 110 25i2 63 114 115 Frein faaring implement te fie arts ia natht ut-anabrupt transition. Botliiavii- tg sîîminuitie lte dmrilsl c tue liie-art îlcpartîment iu lte firt-aiaut attractu attention. lit. Bat-mal liaul au tatdmirable diuplay et pîtotogripisu Misa LIta Ho-Igsou (tianglitet- et Major 1101,,8011)exlîibite tliaea waU'-(,eceut. cud photogrîpi pettraita, mut twe beau. tittsl cayemîs, and asengait the otiaur ,.liiltttot'u iu oil andi wîton coloniru wono lmas. A. B. Campbiell anti lits. A. John- lir. Seibi C. Wilson exîtilitetl a flue tisp~lay et upplea-no le-sa han. twelve vrtietieu--aînengBt themsoseupleuîlit speciuneuts etfuI llcookiug applos. lit. Jus. Pile, lit. But-k. ut Bewmamiviiîe, Ma-. Johin Fotisot-gihi, E . Kin,,, Green, Colermet, Bot-omnn, Sornervilue, anti Mel£sura. John MeGilI & Son lat also giod duispinys. VEOETABLES. le veugetablea lir. Chas. Bell led tise way, anti cirrieul cff tise pt-mu torthie lieut generai collection. The othier paitiple exlaibiioms Toelit-s. Rulil, ht-s. Vaientine, Mr. Goodmaan, -anti Meussrs. Webb, Coleman, Tisoîmpson, anti Berrewman. Tise display lu in dairy protinco wa aIs e mmukably good-iubutter ttioti useér. heing ne fcewar tiaun 43 entriL- mît ail out (nmiiieihy vrty supemion q'u-ality. Tht, principal pnize et 810 iris awardedt telits. Ellia. BOoet-5AND uHeEu. Mrt. Win. Bau-nu exhubiteti very sup- et-lot-specirnens oc ishiu ruit, bobiuil aewet at ipegged werk, au titi aIse Mr. M. Collins. LAIEs' DEPA1ITiINT. Iu tise ladies' depurîmeul lier. wîu tue usual vriety et ail kintis et usefut mut tancy work, whii wül bau tonnd more pinticnliniy eaumemaedt in lhe- PRIZE LIST: MIORSES. Btoos-Stallion-N. Ray lot; L.G. Limton 2nd. -Mare antifeul-Nl. Ray lis. 2-yr olu fiy-N. Ray lai. Hoeacolt et *78-iN. hi »y lut. l-yr elti colt-N. Bay ui. Satitie or rond-E. Mjor lai; J. w. Raymen 2nti. Mare anti foai-P. B. Whbitfleld lst; John Wright 2ud; John Barkoy Bnti. 8-yr elti euire-S. Toma lui. 3-yr old.fiuy-W. -Conluhas-al lai; W, C. Heaî'l 2hd ; BR. 8.Wilson Srd. 2-yt olal entire-Joxucfas-key lit; J. S. eara' 2nd. 2.yr oit fiy-L. B. Cas-peniez lai; J. B.Biekelt£tud; A.. EhhiaiSrti. 1rod enire zolt-H. Moulton lai-;, u.usysuor.2ad'; 1.B. Carpenter t' a ýFi1Iv' ot 78-E; Litig.tt lst; E. Mer- pair ethesesJon mit li;Bir rýeU & JohnÊton 2ad ; Geo- Hickingbot. tom ara. - DmauhitStalion- Wm.. Thomsson lai ant i 2d ; J. Bentloy Srd. Mare andi foa-4ýeffuey Brea lot; C.' Pilkey 2nd. 2-yr olti entire coli--Jos. Thompien. 8-yr elti filly-Jefft-ey Bres lat; H. Runtibe 2nti. 2-yr elti entire eolt-sRicbartiaon Wilson lait anti 8d; W. Thomson 2nd. 2-ym elti fily-(G bMitîdieton lat; A:. Ledinglians 2nd; J. Thouipsen Smd. l.yr entiro-Thes. Perryman lai; D. blcConnaclie2nti. Herse colt et '78-E. Morgan lai; Geo. Ilavidîton 2nd 0 . Pilk.y Smd. Fiiy' et '78-Jeffrey Bres. lot; J., Bentley,2nd.1 Pair isorses-Maw Bros. lot; R. Omm- lao 2ndi; G. Leask 8rd. Heavy dranght stallien-Jes. Themp. sen's newly finported bers., lai. prize- anti Sweepstake, Mn. James Powell's prize of *20 for colts aireti b- lis liera. 'Rohhie Burns.' Wm. Kerr, lot; T; Piînderr. 2nd; Jue. Tweeie, Smti. Durijmrs-13nIl-Y. M. Bell lot; Jue Miller 2nd; Jas. Wltson 8md. 2-vm elti buli-Geo. 'lsoan. Yciarliti-bli-Birm.li &'Johiniuton lot; E. King 2nd; R. S. Wilsion Srti. te Bull calf-Jaa. Wlaitsonlut anti 2nd; liirrell & Jebinston B8rd. > Milcis cow in caît-Johu Miler lut anti 2ndi; Geo. Tîjomaien 8rd, «8-yr olti cew-Gce. Tliiessn ïut'and of 2nl; Jolm in filer 8ril. e 2-yr elt i Iififr-J. 31. Benll latuitu fe2nti ; Jolin Russell Brd. rell & Jolinston 2nd; J. RUnasPll8nl. Heiter c'iif-i'iu,-el & Johnsten lait st anti lrti; John Miller 2nd. es Milcis cow, Canadlian breti-George ieTliemacu lat; Birmeli Jolîdsoton 2ndl 'tJohn liIIPr ljrt. 8-yr old i dt-Joisn Miller lot.; James Wilitsen 2nîi; Birreil & Jîtinston 8rd. .o 2-yr clil liifpr-G, orge Tiiompai e at; onBirrpli & Jolinsteti 2nti. Yearling lipitcm-Birrell & Jolinston 'lot ani Srtl ; Jttlin iiistr 2ntl. d Devons-Bail-WV. L. Courtice lut. 'Y Yearling huIt-Do, lai anti 2nd. Bull cait-Il1. IL. Spencer lot; W. L. Cetintice 2tmd. M1ibeb cov-Tlios. Guy lait anti 8md iH. Hl. Spencer 2nil. 1. Bvr olt] cow-WV. L. Courticelait. il2-yn elti luit,r-H. H. Spencer lat W. b- Courticc 2tîmlantISrti. Y-ariitig lieiter-W. L. Cuîurtice 3ril. Ne-te cousidmreiwerthîy of lut asîti2nd. Hlt.ifttr caf-S. Toatîs lot. î GrIc.aJau.Whitson lut anti 2nd Jas. Mi1ne Sril. 3 yr olti-Jas. loUine lot; Johnu Bus- sell 2ndt. -c' 2- yr û1iti ieiler-Geo. Thîomsen lot alitl 12nti. Yertt-Iinig bcife-Wrn. Russell lot Jae. Vjîsott 2td; 1iirrell & JoLitaton e '-ifcr cait-Oco. Thtomsnulit. Faît Catte-Qi or steer-J. Riusell lut antI 2111. Cow-J.%M. 13.-11 lut; J. Russell 2nti Aymuhtiirc-.s 2 yr oiti bull-W.L. Cour. tie lt. Bull calt-log. Guy lut, 2nd, anti Mut-l co-'utca.Guy lst andt 2ndl 3-vr oi cow-J. O. Guy let ; W. L. Ciuutice 2nil; Titom. Guy grdt. -2-vr OUtI hcifer-J. O. G.uy lait; Thes. Gny 2ntl andI 3mI. Y.-mriiug heiftr-J. O. Guy loi; 2Thos. GUY'21t(l anti 3mi. 11-item caîf-Tîtios. Guy li. Bvts II,-rl-tmlin 1Moiller lut; George1 'riioiut2nt; J. M%. Bell 3rd. Besi tîblandtI ve calves-Iiirrell & Jtiisc ist. jA. TamtbI'luyn il;W. TtiomOI 3rtl. Sii-arlingý rattt-Jobîn Elfori lut ; W. IlodgsOm 2ntl;el. Tatitîllyn 3rd. Iia'tt ainlt-Jeffrey Brou lst anti 2nd; 2 ewes-dtns.. Westlake lut; Jeffrey Brts. 2tt1 atnt 3rtI. 2 sitearliuîg eWes-.YelTrey Lies, lot andl 3rl :Jî)n lfttrd2nt!. 2 we lainbki-J.ffrey Brou;. lUt; Jno. ril mi2ntl :A. Taubn u3maI. ("otswoltl- RiZe!- Jolhn Ililler lut anti 3rl Bit-rt-li & Jolîmîston 2mîtl. blîearlillig raimu-Bit-t-eu & Jebtusteaij lot und2i l ; Jon Miller 2rl. Ram lantb-Gt-o. fHickingbrottorn lut antIl *tîd ; Birreli & Joistston 8rml. 2 1..-Jo iî Mlen laitanti 2î, Sowv, do-S, Terni lut; Geo. Oguton ý2uu ; M. CrawturtluBrui. Boam pig etf '73-S. Tomns lot. Sow pi,-,et '73-D. Lawîou lut. 2 Fat iog-Amudrow Masen lut. GRAIN a&uKaEaD. 3 itutîeis Pull Wiîet-Thos. Man- det-sou lst; David BJrown 2uti; JolinT RussellSri. 10 buslîelu Spring Weat- Thos. F llanideruon lot; Win. Tihompaien 2nd; S. Dawes 3rd. 3 huhelu Spt-ing- Wieat - Bobert Everuon lot; Tises. -Manduruon 2nd; li Wm. Taylor 8ri. 3 hushels Baniey, 2 rcw - Wma. Tb'%rnpuon lait; S. Netherten 2nd. 8 ieusels Barley, 6 rowv-W. Tlîomp- li son lut; A. Letiinghain 2nd; S. Dawes 8rti. 1e 3 hushelu Peau, large-Daviti Brown lat; S. K. Brown 2nti; B. Eversen i 8 bubuls Peas, small-B. Everson'AI lai; I.H. Betts 2nd, T.,Iandersen Srti. 8 buaibelsGais, black-Thos. Mauti.lm ersen lai; S8. Neuherton 2nd.; 8. C. Wilson Snd. 8 lbushela Gas, whte-8. Noeton lot; Thqs, Mantierson 2nd; C. Holt, B Drd. ,50 Ears Strung Crn-T. C. Colo- tc mun, la:; D. ýOrvia 2nd.7 60 E arýs Strung Cern, .12 ruw-avitila Omso a;Jq q7e2 2 bseis Timouhy Soeod-Geo. Lisk 1 1-t; Maw Brotheru 2i. 2 hushels, Clover iieet-L Coryell lat; G. Lisk 2nâ. -0C 2buiesiso Clovuer-L. Cirsell 1l 12 .tsi, <Jarreta, Long BesI-,-Jol Fohorgi lotla; S.lietherton 2asd., 12 Boots, Cfkrrota8, wiiite-W. Les latI;'John, GimbIsit 2nd ; S. Neth.rt4 gril. - 12 Boots, Carrote, Grange-S. Net kerten lai; J. Tbempaon 2nd. 10.1ba Butte-r-Mm. Bila, lai; Jez Dick, 2usd; Miss Baxte-, Smui; Mmm. i Fuller, 4th MisseB. H.,Botta, Ou., 25 lb. ,Cheesie-Davii Lick, latI; Ji Burns,: 2ÙP. S. K. Brown, 8 rd; Wi Green-4th; H. H. Sp.nem.Sth.- FtoyCiee- Jerry Lieu lai .fia rwu 2nd ; W. L. CourSi gril. Stilton Cheeie-W. L. Courtie"le Jerry Lick 2nd.- Best Firkin of Buttter- Mmm.1 rEverson lai; W. C. Bateman 2nti; Mi Eli r. -POULTEX. Begt lot cf Pcnltry lu pens-fen kSensait; C. Mathewu 2nd. Pair Black Spanlh-H. BRunule lu H. M. Thiomas 2nti. PaimýBmhma, light-Do. lait; C. Mi tisews 2nd. . fi dark-Do. lgt; do. 2n Gamo Fewl-H. Buntile lot ai 6Pair Bantama- W.. YaIby ls A.Ale>xnde 2nl. ý6Denkinga, whte-H. M. Tiios lt. 66 66 eiered-Henry & Soj lai ; S. Hoîman 2nd. fiHambnrgo-H. M. Thomas la Heuîry & Sons 2ntI. 46Polaimis-Do. lait; do. 2nir. "GCochin Chinas- Samuel Tcn Tht; -Hèurm b.Sous 2od. 1 Aiy otiser variety-H1. h. Theai as s, 66Gesse. largo br.ed-T. C. Col, min lai' Henry & Sons 2usd. .4Duuritv-Ë. C. Coleman lot; Toma 2néI. ..Cinary Bfrdsa-E. H. Betta lut Jas. Bic. 2uui.1 Pig-eons-Hened SôSns lai; T. lMc ton 2nd, Guinea Powi-Jani.arI'i-etielai. Beaper-Brown k Pt*vgon Man'e en., lit. Mowing Machine-Do, .DtMai well 2nd. WVagon-M. G'Donovao lai. Gaie-hiers, Plinien-M. O'Dorsava lot; Wm. Bîmbniigo 2ut; C. Dawu gri. -Plouigi, any uther kini-Jas. Wah er lai; Wm. Poîrtemr 2ndl. Tut-uip Driiî-Jaa. Clayton. Sit t fHarrows-N. B. Allen. 2-hiers. Cnhîivator-Jiio. Mane. 2 htorse Relier-Jas. Siory. Straw-t'utier - D. IlaxweIî, lut Brown & Pattnsomi Man'g en. 2nél. 1-ioite Ctîltivator-Wm., Porter lait J. Iluaimce 2nd. Straw Cutter- Brown & Pattersei Man'g. Co. lut; James Cinyten 2nui. Henue Rake-Jis. CLayton. Fanuïug Mill-- HartnaniUuupi]re & Ce. lai Brown & Patterson lian« Co. 2nil. Washing Macîtine-Wm. Matuewio lot; Wrn. F-unscu 2nl. Tunuip Slicer-WVn. Porter, Chînnn-D. Maxwell. Huit doz. Hay Forks--A. S. Wiuitin, &Co. 64 ianuirp Fout--Do. 44Steel Hoüs-Do. 6. Scytiies-Do. Spec.imeu Hutra. Siees with canika- Thoanas 10elot ; Kempthîum & Jutit Specirnen Horse Slioea, witîîu cauîku-Do. lut; Do. 2nd. HORTICULTURE. 12 Tab>le Appies. Sommuer, nîmeti- 'flues. H S-nuIt lult; E. Kinig 2uid. 12 Cookiug Appfles-M. Tliwuite lot; Jotin Futisergill 2nui. 12 Table Apples, FaIl-D. F. Burkc lut; Chtas. Hoît 2ndl.- 12 Cookin-z Aphilea, Fiîl-W. Green lut; D. F. But-koeBol. 12 Table Apples, Wintem- D. F. Bat-ka lui; W. D. Bowemnian 2nul. 12 Cooking Apples-Jois. Tomlinson lut; Thes. C. Coleman 2not. 12 V,îniu'tirs apples, nameul, 6 et eacli .D. F. But-k. lut; S. C. Wilson 2uui. Display etfA p piesm-S. C. Wilson lot; John Etotliergib'2ni. 121Table Peurs-h. P. But-k. lut andi 2nd.i 12 do Winter-S. Somoivilin lai; WVin. Peut-sou 2ud. 12. Pluina lesseni- E. King lut; Tîjea. C. Colernan 2nfi. Collection et Plumas-A. S. Wbiting lai; issa Gordon 2nti. Crab Aplies-MUiss Brown loit; D. 12-l -11aoe-.C Cl~a li;J 2 Sqîîasqhes-J. IleGill &Sun lai; Thoq. Rileiot 2nd. 2 Pumnpkius-Jas. Bot-newman lat; I. Frteunch 2nd. 12 Tub:. Carrots-Mrs, Ellia lot; T. CuCleman 2ad. 12 Table Turipa--Jas. Berrowman lot; Joabua Webb 2nd. .Specimen Driedi Fruit - miss E. ,X.nise lai; Clae.,IHolt 2nd. 'Cauneti Finit-.iMmm. John Dryden ust; Mm.B. Fuller 2nti. Pt-tit preserveti in angam-Mra, Val- untyne lut; Lsaac French 2nti. do wl*thont sngar--C. W. Carti ait; M. J. Snsuuh 2ngl* - Jelley-Miss E. H. Betia lai; Misa ,ary Iriob 2nd. Jar Pickles- Mmm. Ge...Valentyne uot,; MissEnsma Bette 2ud 6 Cucumbers-Chas. Hoit lst; T. C. lolepian 2nd. 7- ýý ,i 12 PÀrsnio-T. C. Colemsan lot; Js. -ô geaaieCeiemy-T, C., Colemans lai; rohm Fothergili 2usd. 1 - lPecic Wite jOuions--T, C. Colem.u ait; D. F. Burkle 2usd.- Bed Gusiena - T. C. Colemsan ust; Vh u. Hou 2ud. PiklegGios-do 2st ; ao2nti P e ta to (G n i ôa i -m _ 0o i e l ot; T . C. Coloman 2nti. bIB ~2nti. 10 yds Rag Carpet, wooen wari %Sk Mrs. J. Meienan lai; Miss M. ou-Smith 2ud. Pasir Woolen Bianketu, s. ns., Mr h- J.. MliLennan lut;' Mrs, R. Deve:! - 4 64 Blankets, f. ns., W.1 Bowemman lut ansI 2nd. - SCoverlet, heavy, Miss C.- Great Io Jas. Windmill 2nti. ,as Coelt ib,-IiaFrench lit SMmm. J. E. Gonhi 2nd. ' Pair Woelen Sioekingi, Mrs. H.3 '; homas loti; Mmm. J. MeLennan 2a, à $ : Sticks, Mmm. H.- M. Thoni lut; Mmm. J.,MeLennan 2nd. a;1ttCeouoreti Steekinga, Miss Nsi R. 66 6 Secku, Mis"M. Harp t lai; Mmm: S. Gross 2nd. diWoolen-Mitta, Mrs. J. MeLsi -nan lat; Mmm. H. M. Thiomas 2nd. Plain Woolen Yarn, Mra, H.3 SThomas lat; Jerry Lick 2ûd. alait; S. C. Wilson 2nd. Plain Ct-osa bantiet Yarn, Mrs. M. Tbomas lut; Mru. J. McLenni d. 2 d. md Plain Denble-twiai Yarn, Mmm. H. ndTbomas lot; Jerry Lick 2nti. st Plain Win-ter Tweeds, W. P. Bowe t;man 1-t andi 2nUl. as8 Pli S e Tweeds, W. D. Buv )n Wla Ru,,,, B. Harper Sen. lait; Mr . ihïsn2nd. t; W tion lug, KIÀS C. Groat l t stLidjie 2et. -lt LADIESu' DEPAutTMEi<T. nsl Clîild's Dreas, Mra. Sîjnelcb lst; 8 And'rewst' Society 2mîd. m- Genis Shirt, isanîl maie, Miss J.i Scott lut; Mms. Squelclu 2nl. o- Gents Sisirtu, nmachine matie, S Atidrews' Society Ilai ant 2ntl. S. Piece Work Quilt, Miss G. Neabe lai; Sarabh Wrightt 2ndt. - ýt; Log Cabini Quiît, Mrs. A. Jelinuto lat; Miss Mary Somervilbo 2nd. t. TuftiQmilt, Miss Jeunia Somervii lut; ht-s. S. Grea. 2nicl. Knit bed coenst, Miss J. Ormuston 1s Misa P. lBrowni 2nti. Famicy Kaiiting, Miss Gunn lut; 9.- W. Card 2nti. Latly's Dres, Miss Ernunt M;1 J. pot K-lot; Misa M1. C. Lynie'2[itd. Collectionî et Lady'u Utiereloihiai tuilrs. lHarper lut; is C. J. rie riet-2n'h. '~Diaipiutyet Ladya Werk, Misa C.0 -Fermier lut. '~FIat Berlin wool for Ottoman cuvel 11-" E mma M. J. Peut lat. F-a1 ncyittimîgt Misa C. J. Fort-i lut is May Somt-.viibe 2nti. Crouctuet WVotk, Mliss C. M. Stepien lst; Miss J!f. IHainden 2nmI. Tatting, 34isf-M . J. eillison lot; Mis C. M. Stophtr 2nut. Applique Lo-t-hu . 'M. Barrow tuman lut; M'tiss J. L,. Smith 2nd. nEfnlmriîilery 0om i tislin0 MNiss C. J Fermier lut; M ro. Sqiel 2iî .. Enibroidemy ou Lace, lins. SquetIcl y ist. P- Emrnhafilering on -Silk-, 'MVisu E. Lynd lot; lina. J. L. Sih us 2n >Eiibroisi-rv iun Worated, M'>a C.J Fermier 1-t; Mrs. b'quelcli 2nd. Emibtoiiery un Cotton, Mius C.i Fermier lut; Miss Hill 2nil. Ruiaeih Bet-limi 'Vool work, lits. JacIý son lai; Mids E. Smitus 21d. Fiat Bot-lin WVool work, Eatiter Thiomoalut; Mrs. L. liackey endt. - German Raiseti Work, à Miss S. ij Gnous lut; Mnu. Squelsh-211d. d Guipire Work, Mmm. J. L. Saith Clienille Work, lits. J. L. Smith lut. Mexican Neetile Work, Miss M. - Haunuen lut; luifs Mary J. Allison dcnarnontal Needie Work, lis IlM 3. Altison lst; lins. J. L. Stuiitis 2nd. a Specimnen et Braitliug, lirs. Squel hi lot; Misa Annie At-melî 2nd. 2Specimen et Quiliing, IMiss aneu Scott li; ir. J. licLurnan 2nti. *Spe itnen Boul1 Work, lias C. Stipliens lut; Miss Jettmîie Michael 2nd. Sp3ciincu Lace Work, Mmi. D. C. Mac- douaclliut; Muss L. A. Gain 2îtd. Wuîrked Sii;tpot-t, lisiC. J. Ferrier lot; 1Miss L. Allisou 2mad. JofU Piliow, lira. Dr. Cnt-don lai; Miss Hili 2wl. 9Tmilut .Sel-Mru. J. L. SinithIs lt ;:-Miss Cotton Ticly-Mia.a Gilchrist lut; Mias Maýoolen-'--U2ai E. H. Botta lut; Ji Humpr, Sen. 2tid. Biloti t'idy-llr. L. Mickey 1st; Mit-a J.L F.*initlî 2uîd. Otomtn-laHill. WVax Fmtit-.Mr. J.wt-totu t. Waîx Ftowrets-Muaui C. J. Ferrier lot; lira. Jaucksont 2i. Wa.xStia-iitiiBuîrlt Crayon. Druwtung. ony aubjeet - D. P. But-ke lat;, Dr. Tuer 2uti. ColonutiCrCt-son, unysoubjeci-liru. J. L. Smitlotis; lMi.ullau Hodffltn Cd. Colored Crayron, suimnalu - Mmi. J. L. Smith lut., Orbmntnal penmauihip - Rosa. Mn. .Shuater lut ant id. ,I M'appîng-Geo. B. Yule lut anti2. Cti Collection Ambrotypes andi Photugraphi -A. Brttatt lst. «Ph=mimphPortrait linighei in Oil-Misa Ela ld« olt; A. Banrti 2nd. Pastel Pîinting--Mru. .A. B. Campbenlotla anti Cuti. -LAURTi Paim Mon'a Fine Bouets, uws m Burnus lut and nd. I -" lueots, peggecl-Wm. Boras lut; M.' Collins 2ud. Kip-Wm. Bana lut; M.Col- Cuwiîhid., But-ns lut;,M. -Wm. .Barns lot. Sçt Single Hamneà s-M. Porter lut. Pair Heavy Hors. Coarean-W=. Porter 10 Iba Hoaey in Comb.-Iaaac Pnench 1f. fleos Wax-Misa C. J. Pet-t-er lut; W. D. 1iowermai a2d, 10 Ib6 Houtey, stnalned-Joa. Webster lat; Alex. -Waddie 2ad, -eoinlChair,wtkm îflni ol~ Miss P. *~ownr - Hexigon -qatlif1-ia M. E. Tlsomntan. LaIes' rmig resa-Do. 2 frames pffesse wps andi 2 bouquets tiied igiowera-Musg Mary Irish.- Pieaaad flowna-Mimi Stanr. Pen ansI ink sketch-lira. J. L. Smith. Laniscape paintinag, Indis tek-Misa G. Nes itt,.. Chroh eorff, parler orgau nd- orgaatto -Jolin Dale.- - Hair wreath anti vreatlî o! leather flowers - A n s e C l e - . 1 Photographe a sIambrotypes-A. Barrett. 2 cases fancy birdaa..MLIrish. Cnt flowem:a-Im .P.C. hMacdonell. fluas-T. Eilicîtt. Counity 0of OntaieaPafAsslzés, Tii. FaîIl Assizes fo-r d1%W suit tý1o Otario upenetilon g &, à t. ifr Hon. Mr. Justice Wilson, wa hlo tok tis 81stton the.Bench i bol*y efLer eue'e oeclock. Amongst thei. gent4aist.fthle long robe preseuut-wer ; Dr. "edfcmliael, Camemon, Q. C0.. «J. E. eaire wel, CI5aint « Crcwn Attorney, VW. H. Blinga, &_ . I Smih. J. K. Gordon'- W. M. Coehmae,- P. A. Enu-i, EH. L. EblWs~, E. C. Campo- bell. N4. F. Patergn, C. E. Enghiali, R. MoGee, H.' J. Micied J anier Grecnweod, A., G. Mcy illan, GRAND JIýRT. The panel et gfflmu jurors' having leu caibei ever, lte llowing «enle- men aaiawered te tiejir I nases-ani wre worn .: Jas. Sqneîchî, Esqi, .Fereman, S. K. Brown, 'Sam' Bomownsan, Wm. Major, A]Serrl Win. Omvis, A.G iuha-, Johin Dickey. Iî at S. Flaimmeurfeli, Jqs. Eii.çt Samailel Holman, TVes.Grabhaur,. Elias Hutigsfon, BiEu.- Mooee,. A IAIDEM AS5ZE. lis' Lor-lahipO n adaireslîgtbs'-guauti jury, rmaiti be waa glati tsi b. abl., w aay thaitisher. were ne prisonemm cenuietl iu tise gaol on any charge toeb. laten; that tliere was, iu tact,no businese fer theon, andti thîeie-wlpr, h appearent, nu persens ont on bail. nH, aboulai fes ai libaerty te disebarge hthosrom fnnrth- er atientlauce, but tiie Couunty Attcrney huai represeuied that l~e undeérstectgia ceauplaîntu was te b. entereti againsi, soeerouemmn respect ýo a nuisance- whiciî, stnlctîy spealdng, nîthougi trieti i the Crowu sitie, was jDnt a crlminaI effence. Ho cengratu atedthienon tîhe very happy atate cf the ccunniy, bie- ing eeaupieteiy froc- frc4xi crise ofaitay kiati. T4ze Sitorif liai1 accoriling te ite uiai toutes, pt-esc ted iîim witb a pair et kidi gloves. His emtiahip almosi regrottedthits, for tiser. jwaaseoittie for tuie Slieuiff te do lun htse timea, lhe tlîouglîtthe Jidge'onghit ta, be eit the oxpunse et pnessniing 1 imsolt with the. glotres. His Lorduhip touelntieu by in- stt-ttting tise grand jus-v te examine anti pt-osenthtI aIe of ýtha «nol, afier wlticis ho coti i ee no nepsaaity for de- tuining thîer turtlier. k. ne lýieicvii aide eltmteen recordai have oo etertitifon triai. Tbey at-e. wi., Aamaiou- .. H. Billinga forpii; G. Y. Smith fort deft Sorbet-ger ns llreaw71H. L..Ebhels iifort pîtff; D. L. MeIntyn fer defij Xatkis na MeLean-, - - F.Paterson h fon pitif;,T.* S. Kennedy' for de!î. Watkis vs Cowau-N,- F.» Paterson for pîtf; H. J. laccdensfIl tonrtieft. Teins val Corp. townah p Wiuby-B. lucGee for pîtiff;, W. M, Cochnane four Shuaw vs W. & P. P. Rà iway-W. M. SCochrîane for pîtiff; G.! Y. Samith for slefi.I le Webb vu Rteesor-Du. fMliehael fer Opltif; J. E. IleDougal çS defi. i tiniclartvis 'Milier-Dru. MMliel Jolunaton val Mnnt-c-ýl' C. Campbtell fer pîtif ; W. H. Blhinga tour tieft., lielinuen vs Tliomps n-N. F. Pat. a rsit'n for pîtf; J. K. Kegt-'fer éefl. S-'xion vs Jiawieuo-l . A. Hua-t for spitIF; J. Billaga ifer deft. llltilanI vs Amey-J. Bain for tf. pîif;rt. MchicIiael tour efi. T w qte i;G ib on-A j G . M elfilhan for ltf; W.H. illiig or aloft WVliteide vnsCulnt- MeMiI. latifer pîtf; D. G. Haitt4n oiett.' - CttmpiellnVA Macilonel.K. -Gor- tdonîtot- pltif G. H. Duirtuell*fer defi. Mu'ray ru Poster-J. Iý. Gortion for pitiff; M. A. Wmimýd tonr et4. Murramy ns Lowe-J. K. Gortion for pitif ; N. Kirchufftur fuor d Cam et-en fot-piliff; E. Fit7get-a di onrtieft. SECOND DA Y s Tueutiay Sept. 23. SEDUCTIOO Wilson vs Adecmson.-ITn tItis cuise lte action iras bromiiu by Richard Wih: sou, lu recoven tdamageusqorlise-the se- uluction ol Itis da l itr, tabeilu, agalutust tis e ofent'i Hery Atiun.4 Isaltella Wilson, tlangiter et tise tplaiatiff, was the priuîciaL witneua.1 1Exatuited by Mn. Harriaujaî-Suîe stat- cd tîtlieah s22 years et ago"-inl tîti abutibeen-living i rt h Ie tir- fendnnt'se moiSir teing isne - worklt whiu eaî tisuluctieas toi place. TuiaI thue cltfumuuiit at ptomiaildte murit- Itar, amid ltai he wau td bverei et a cliil, a boy, on tho-29h of'March lià t,1 o u wiiieb ttî&ilehenilani was, lie lauhér.t Tisai use chltiwau borna i11her faîhen's Tomast'.Kunby wau ex'axinined, sa te tIie value of a farta oftfiftyasote, on lot Ne, 7, i hbe Bih con.,of Piekemr, to wisicis tise efeudant- wDuItibe en- tithothe let of etis ilother. H. h siatedtî tit wsas.,ordu lie ween *2,50t)ci anti 83,000.jv No wiîneases were exa l'edfez-theht defence. Mr. Smith adds-e sd thojumy lu mitigation et tdasages. jVerdict for he plaintiff fer *150.I Toms viui..TThe Cerpera ion ef t&te towm.ip of Whitby.-Thi new welI. le knowai case was bt-ougstorward for S the Miiurd tise. Il fai, ýas est et mur routiers are awure, -an sotie <or dam-idi ages againut lie Corpera eofethle N townshîip cf .Wbitby, inb>ceasquen ce C 01 injuisuasine b iiplaintif à , wititreuuli tllin o r dgefrow a hoean sd, vehicle ah, as dsivlng. < wbile Ithe bigewa io properly si giurted sud was allowed b heticacr- W, peralion tô resnaai ina ns f posi- ta lien ilangerouls te trarolers. The bridgo la question - s ittul -near Mr. Bickell'il milla, neak Broiu, en coul the uiccinitioccureti as 4rback aumem May, 1870d'esiduna tIheactIin br'onght la tmy the piaintif, Ms-. Tomat, ain- action lins beco ale swptrate ent rib te Wi wife "on' ler-çtwa behiaif. -' - bMn. k b0 gailuae or carniage bseloJa aeo. Barrt.t. ere--lt-DEt- Spau carriae eossltD ae man, 2ii1d H. Harper. Span euesai pnrpose Iseeo4 en- tries -loi Bt lateisan, 2isAT_ Gra- Iham. -- CATT. 2 yaolil Bull-lIst BE Btowr 1 vear olsI Bul-lt T. CatIma., DHarper. Milcis Cow, 8 ntrie -lt T. batha, 2uuJ W'.Ilin. 92yer il Heifor. 6 entries-4st E. Rim,f2esIW m . E nglish. YeufsrilmugHaier-la§t. John Stoen-. bo use, 2w I T1. C eaes. HIeifr (Isat- 8 entries-lt Josepi- Wrt. 2saé T. -Coates. Ageti Rom, 8 nties-lt Jas. Om- - ban, 2usd T. Cft,tes. Sharliug R ama, 4 entineslot anti 2ud Ja. Grahaustu Ëum, Lamb, 12 c.,'ines--lt ant i ln Jao. Os-alias. Tw n Ewe, 8 e nL-ies--laI andi 2nd -Jus. Graham. Sleamhing £*es, ôO-eutnlea--lt anti 2oti Jas Grahlans. 2 Ewe abe, 4 entre-lai . Sug. gt, 2adJoba Greag. -BainPîýiglt EhJoe. - 5ev ig, 2 etries-lot iui Jonta. Breding Sow, ý2 entriez--Ist T. Gra- Fl jVhet-Tt R.,Sggtt, 2id T. Mandenue."" Sprngz ,Theà t. 4 entries-lt T. Mautieron, 2,id S. Netierion. ,Bale , B n - tie a--lt H . H arper, 2usd S. Nethemtos. -' -Peau--lut S. NtLerton,2d T. Mati- tiersenu. - at, 2 eties-ýlt T. landaron, 2nti S. Nethergon. P o t a t e e , l u i R. M e - Xi n i . ' n ' a . :' ~ Bausl.ury. 1 Tunip-lal J. Stonnbonse. Carrots-lat S. liaitherton. Bpetu--Isi -..Nethprton. Winter Apples, 3 entiieu-lot T. C., Pet-man, 2nd C. Sherrari. _ Full Applea, 5 entnis-lset Jas. Comtes, 2nti T ýC. Perman.,- Pears, 8 eniniea-lut 0, Sherranti, -2nd Wm. Parmsh. - Tomates, 2 entries-lut ýR. Minley, -DAisT PRODUCE. Butter in Tubs, 8 enti--s-atlIfra. J. Sbaw,,2nd Mmm. T. GTaham, Snd Mmm. J. Holhby. Butter lu Roha.- 4 entriest-lat Mrs.. R.Byton, 2utilir.m J Shaw, Ord Mm F. Bain Clîeeau-lut J. C. Pllkey, 2nd J HRol- muan. Do>uEanIG XMNUACTUE. Bianceti, 4 entnie-s-lit Mmr. J. Shaw, 2nti Mmm. J. Camplin. Ceveriet, 6 eniits-lat Mmm., C. Sher-ý ram-i. 2uti. Mra. J, C-ampiin. cnuinterpane. B ontniei--ýlut Mrs. Jas.- Hol man, 2nt Mu-a. S. Nothettn. Pluineî-lit Mrm. Casplu, 2uti Mrs. Win. Nichiolia. Socks, 4 enini'es--lai -Mmm. C. Sher- rami. Mihis, 3 entries-lai lira. J. Shaw. Herse Ste-a IzWtce Fatn UHameau, Caitasî- HmmI5rei<ý andi Gent's Sîtulie-l.çi T <uteTtti.e, Cabinet Wùrs-istJohn Ntt. Pickles--li. Mu-sC.' Shierrar4. Kecu.8entnlesi-let Mmm. C. Sher- rirai, Cn.l lir. J Shaw. -Honey-la1t- "4na C. Sherrint.' Bat-uynolrdFowls. 8 entries-lut R.. McKinley-, 2ud T. Graun. - Lent et Bme-ad-lsi Mm.-J.tarapliu,. uai Mm. C. Sistrrard. Jar Ft-uit, * presere&-lsi Mmm. T.. Graliam. Jar Jeliy, 4 eatries-lat Mmm. T. C. Ferman. Patchi-work Qniltm-ii Mmm F. lDob. sou. - Geots 'a Sirt-l'at lir J. Shaw. Ct-otcetjýWrk-lsî MisJemima. Campio, 2usd Mris. T. C. Perman. , Paticy Kniiling-lai Mms. Jas. Hol- Kuilttd RHeeti-lit Mmm. J-Sluaw. Koibbet Cint-lir. C. Siiermanti. Farmen's Wreaib-lsi Misa R. Hol- Greenhons, Planta-Mn. T. C. Fer- This isanu.1 shenitbhave lu te stants on'IE care hahcenfin WMIi lumany c ise aund sonE The Cbicag talmoati bu. Burling« mes ef Breadi-Miss Bette rvhle 2xd. ,01 Confetoneqy-Mra. 1 Bomnwmi nîa. 1 m ýý, Il