Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1873, p. 3

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4 on lthe advio. o My bfliesr, sd 'V. en if 1 difeéresi freinthei sastu hepol. loy of suali a cours, whlic I do pot, il If a point upou wichsll uhoulsi b. dis- ~peadhosecphhhirrecommenteuho,~ ~to luios oal Commission of En- -quryW, ltre gentlemen of 0suci lagal Stazi»gè1saracter and suthorltly as wiH ciumnseselhile cosrfdéneeof lhe publie by virtue of tise power conferred epon ine by thse Act Vie. 81 cap 88. On tise ciller land I lhave determinesi cn pro- roging as~rliamet and ho aneounce te, the. inembers of botis Housesa u'intem-~ tiessof thelr re.assezeiiliog inmeitly. coeeoludqd thisir labours. ]3y he meatris-u orppcrtueity-willi e sfordesi for tisa prliinaîyexpurgatlon of these usiappy esathers bafore atribunal' comptent te taise pvidece on oaths. Ample opportueit>' wili bie glvee ta nicesiers cf tise more distant provinces ho malethbeir preparatice in viaw of su A - stumlal session, snd -wtfiin IWoý nisa, or tan weeiss from this date, a fu Parliamnt ofCanacia will takeasu jîreme eogenizancu ol tise caeeow pend. seg belwsen my Msjqîuîerusud tiseir ac- cusera . Gentemen, theý situation we. bavé beau .dlgossueg lu es ctt,,f great sexiety ait embarrasment, but 1 ose but Isope tisaI anas calin restroepecî of ise valouocossidrtions, to b.ekt ie vitw, yoiu will cernle 0tise conclu- it-e,.end ln determînuig to b.e guidait ,hy.tisea atvice cf my Miniateru cn thse prenutoccasion, ineacller words, le de- ciining ho act as tisougis tisa clisrges vîsicihbave lbean advanced against tlnes wiesaiready proven, and le ad- hiesdsxg 19 srtngemeets. ujion the failli cj i % ei tss:y c yoer coieagues are abebiet lirons tiirlaces, 1 -have adopt. c d tliec ourse cmcrt in a ccorfisece wstls ýlîe>Mcixirns cf'ceetitutinnal govere- p . nlimt, s-os1isl ieh lu due ta tisosa whom *YIe Parliament Qi Canihda lias recoin- mendedta lmsy confilîlee. Tue IIAIQU I A8EoI4A" SUNIC ON THE IiasseCOAsIT. ONLs. TiaitlE *Mai SAcs .-New York, Asîgusti 18.-Tise stti-ms-ii p Albania fs-cm Giasgw arrn"- ail te niglit- IBesr capisin reports tise slssikisg cf the slip Abecea, cf Liver- pool, irons blontreal lor Glasgow, iis Auputit 4ti.-At 11,50 p.. ilÏ StrachsU iLiglis, bsarîssg cast by cossîl, wbuît . W-.,siyelisily sud all*steer- inwect inortlî-wsv-t, makissg a et 8 kiîots pcr leour, tise lock-oust re-poric-d a Iiii tcil the port bow. Sberîly atîr - aw tise rs-d ight, thset porteti the liellu bard tehorts1and lstôpped tise eglues. Dirs-cily cu a aqueladng up al;- crt ntly tsnnîh.northi-aact crossing our owm: rii-'yers.e ri nles ha fu speail, usýotwitlssitassdissg whIicllsslo came 'drinfto us, striking us a little ce tise port bow sud ri littia aft tihe r asque'sJ'ore s-ggiug. 'fliho-tima froiu tise collisiont liithsa barque. saillicouiti io vebepn fico minutes. Stoppedi i nles, lcwcred tise quartar-beata to isarcs for survivorfi, tisrew over Vsard bouys sud roea. On. uhan jssvismissng close ta the shipl, cauglit a tlifIe.b<suy sud vas picleai up by oneacf ise bouta; anothar diteti alcssgsida f art ci tise wr-ck sud vas isauleti on lenti. A third was esceed frein the lssrqu's boat, which was full of water. Vise Iboutscontieued ie the immnediahe Ç viciiiity cf the wreck for two andi a half -s, hurs, bu I couid discover no fsrtier tiaescf tise crew. Witis somns- diffi. cslty va cucceded ;in getieg one boat let, but lenlîoiting up the thier il gel atuove.anti waa lest, but saveil th. mac and jtmaided ile ieduiate vieity ofthtie wreck, teaming alowiy anounil itli 4 le tho moruing cf lise 4thiesn l eing ilaylight aseldean tisera was nouthing lurtiser cf thse wrcck in sight. Allcen>Ac carcul surviey of Our ove sip, aned fiesiug tise Ismage, proceed.-î est tise veyagè. Tise naines of tiseFiu- viyls of tise barque are Win. Scisencck Adoiish Horn, and Cits. Deucker. Tliey réportiug tlite barqu's.anse Esa Abstmins, of Liverpool, 480) tons. Cssp- tain IMontgomiery, t'rom blontiresil 10 Oîaigow ; cargo, grain sud fiogr. ÀANOTUEu, DssitÂouL TaAaoDs,ar-Ial. ifa% Aug. 11.-A ts agedy occunret inj Bsidgewatar, Luneelsurg Co., centisa 170js, Peter Mailman is sepîsosei ta isave lured Ilus wife isto the woYois and usursiarei lier sed-thsen set fire ta thse moocks for tisa purpose cf destnoyieg xli trils etithe crimse. Thso aslsaci thse reins ilio! a isusesîs eieg, cuppcaed te lave ben hile wite, vere found le tise lunet îdiustict letlise woods, sud Mail- esen lue ow usîder arrest. Afler hae casse out eut of tisa wooilî lic wu,;lsçarti <tu t-ste ho Jiang -his ciiltren. and -Asmai neiudiaocisnrepoted frcmu York P~oint (Halifax.) It a pears *tist - a-bail wsaRktl-liiere an t tri M Jely Issett, uitlisallîands ce board'.- foutean - lusimbar. Tise veasa la a upposeti lu ho lita Nevfe)uisdianii, revenue cutter. Ansongat tisose sai ehlas-e goffe dowu il, theisatseti onft is Judige Pensent aud othesn. Hcitna Texescni.-Font Scot, K., Auîg. 1.-A ipecial. despatcit_ froue -Tvtee tlSping, Mynu countp, 'sayu tisa uigar thasilp lace las islgîl ta Messun- e.- i Kellar killesi bis wile, hanr ululer, ansi iis-twoc clilea, ant iplied Ihîir boitas ce Ilia fluor, cvcred t haenwiti stsrsw, cuti then set -fin te ltse lis-sp. Ha was; anreatedt o-day, sud tisera las trongt alk o! lynciig sn. -Fie AT QuEBEc.-Tlîe Cabinet fac- tory cf Mn. Drues of Quebec, vas bure- ail douve on Tuasdiay-lasi. Loos $120,- - 000; iuiurcil for $25,0(lO. Twoscisoon. ans aï the whiser ealk;e bernaI, anti the fine'eiteeided ho Cliut'u luseber ,yartd,-causng as bus'astispati at - 5,000, - McCsium'a broeray lied s estrN' auceape. --A Wou" wFouywD Dm N 01<TEI Gava or igOasuipgzNi.-Last Sneday morulug the fless fonm of Mas, Ai.e wsu duaovered'l lise GledueserCitàe., tely, about fis-e miles Inece Otawa straîcliailos-r tise grave cf lien depart. ed chireu, 11h. vas lyiasg vitîs bez cli onthe msoqnd, suit drauvu tigliti>' aroi'und ber i$4ýk was'a ansdlercief auit autapuron. - liay, grain sud ne t cops ir.ougii. ont iov« setihan sd Cape lBreton p-romtsqe uvl, said -are -empeeted., te,:ha $IIsp te voagof Jormer es, l Wh'o Asested tIsa express useseeger, a mais named John Kîmbail, and. Te- eovered nearly the who10a mensttofthe1 -Aeeording ho tise Californla cniminai code, a person Whso lis been oieos cou- vleted of ias-eoy canuot b. sent le Peu- ihacitiar>'o y MculconvioMon, A mac as rovo guityof Ilrceny in. tise Sa F-aui'oCiiniirour, aud tbat hé huai been previoualy. punshed. for tisaIcrime vga sili -"more ceeriy provsd., But-thie.jury, not wsehing 10, tend tthe-maiuho tise Peniteehisry> sc. huaili oquitted bise of lise lirut offense ansi ,rouglît le s verdict of guilty lu tis econd case.- Thse Bey. Thomsus Joisuston, Cisurci of-Englitadof Bristol'. son of -Mr James Joheuton, anitant Cosumiasioner cf Customs, ws, aocidentrfliy kiiidd near Ottawa on' Mendia>'. -1h appears, tIsaI hi, horse becatiio fÎrhhanied andsi rau a-- way, throwing hlm frein the buggy ho theo grounti.ý kilng hlm instantly. Six hn dret-Fýreecih Impeiiahiab met ah Ciieuhurat yeaterday -ho celabrata- tise fete'day of thse laIe Empenor Na. polaon; Prnee Lonusmalle- aspeoi. sIuýb ~i courusof « vwicçi lia aiithat thogi an ailehlie r peulasitle.Eu., peror's taciigugovare-for tise peo- pie by lise people.- DatowwxE..-_Ayoung man eamed Wm.ÀAstlsr, Iately fromIn rmagin etise nions 0'ffirelandl, wau drowued by tisa upsetting cf tie a boat le Toronto bay, ou mon4gy last. Tise mackeral fisiig by Csp.eIBreton ha,% been uuccessfui Bo far ths easoe. Mostcf tise veseels have gona back for a second fare. A Berlein par saysaoeaof tise a- vente for visicis 1h lu weil preparà, i, the deatis cf tisa Garman Emperor. Tisa report Ihat Metz vouisi ha r.. storal ho France hy Itessian in:fluence la <euied le Prussia. - Geo.Doneey, cf Wsts-rfond, Iralanti, wss loch ovaniso)ard frontIse barque Maggie Rleynolds on tise 4tls insh. j Biasi, Farrehi, of Hameilton, ýis slangt.rousiy MI.)1 sauve i A, B. CAMPÉBLL. tice, Aug. 20th. 81 N OTICE 1.- Al parties lavlng claims aainst the .late Hcenry HAnnsrw1"lease sed n uthe "me for %ttleent-ot l t.h"n lut Septsrn- ber nex- a$ sU parties Indebte( wIU please maka a settl.eient ci the sOme with W. H.LHRAL Whitby, Aug. 16, 1878. .84 IN PRE SB Po be publ7ed in November, 1873. LOVELL'8 GUZETTEER OFBRITIS H NORTHlÀAMERIOA 1 Cotaleing the latest sud mont sutheullo descriptions ci over six thousand Citias, Towns, and Villages ln th9 Provinces ci Ou- tario, Quebee, Nva Scotia, New Braunswick, Newfeundlsud, Prince Edward Island, Mm- itob, Brtish Columobia and the Norzth-wcsit T=riories; and general informastion, drawn lrom officiai sources, as tu the names, local- iy extant, &., cf over f itean hundred L'gies and Bivers, wfth a Table of Boutes, showing the proxlmity of the Baiiway Ste.- tioe, and Sas, Lake and River Ports, tb the Cties, Tcwns, Villages, &o., le the several Provinces. Price in c th, 02.60; Price in Full Caf, #8;75. Agents wanted to canvas for the wcrk. JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. )fontreal, 13h Aug., 1878. 84 fENDEBSON'S AUCTION BOOMS, as YONGE STRET. IMPORTANT ÂUCTION SALE OFY 80 Val ua&fe Building Lots 1 The subacriber has received instructions frotu the Commiasiener of Agriculture aud Publie Works, te adil et the above roorna on Tlii Frenchi Goverument lias talesn IS et shea e ergnzelie ailit~cfSpa turday, 6thSet78 asep utorecn et alit It is stated Ihet 180,000 of Prince Ed. witrd Island by-law debenlures havc bccn stolon and arc now afloat. .Four Towïîa have' benu serioual'v <araged - by rccent cariliquakés in Chili.. The Holylicafi brcakwater was formu aily opeeed yesterday by the Prince of Vie Dulce onlf anClCser visitcdl Ham. ilton yesterday andl was the guet of the city for a few heure. A Cablegrare from Glasgow an- nouncei the deaili cf Mr. John Gath- shore, cf the cdr works. DEATHS. STOIIY.-At bis father'u residene, base line, hitby; on Wednesday aven- ing, 131h lest., Mr. Samuat Story, son of Mr. James'Sîory. BROOS-At Oshawa, on Satarday, lOthis t., of consumption, Anna Maria, daughter of Mr. M. Brooks, hotel keep. er, ageil 21 years. ROBINSON-At ]everton, on the l4tls lest., Âne, the belovad wifa cff5fr. Charles Rtobtuson, Reave cf Thorahs, agcd 56 ycars. S ANNS, BOUT DE L'ISLE. I wag for oeveral years oufferlng from Cough, Expectoration and Night Sweate, ýttcstded wfth extremae nerveus aed physi. ii prostration,. My body was greatly ema- iciated, und the geserai, imprçosÀon was tIsai I hail net ion g ta live. I begae tekln De. WHEElLEIS COMPOUND ELIXI ROF P ROIIl>IATES AND> CALISAYA, and im- prevement took p lace isiediatel1.1 gain- ed in weiglit aeddstreegih. M Cough and Nlght Sweats dinappesred, and I arn now le the enoyment ci excellent helth. Msey cf my friands ta whoie I bave reccrzeanded the Elixir have cxperienced equeliy remnekr- able reaoultoa." W. W..SIMPSON, Agent, G. T. E. lli 1 ED Y F R V -We seudil ree, a simple and Bure means cf self-cure, for Con- sussspion, llronchitis, Asthme, Catarrh, Seroi na, and aey disease of the Tiiroat or Lengs. Nervous Dehiitity, Preinature De- cay, Weakneou, and ail disordars bronglit on by youtbful iemprudeunc. TUTTLE & Co., 78 Naseau-sit. N. Y. 'g,, iitd C. aauH,.-"l)Y a thorough ktiowledge of tIsa naterel iaws which goveru tihe oparatices of digestion sud uritioe,aud hya catrefil apuitcatitonof the duc itroper ies Of wull.see cecd cocos, Mr. Eppu is pr il ur breakfast table@ wiîîs a dcliente. Iyiayoý,Icred beverage, wbîch mity save ue 1 nry hessv1doctors bils.',-CivzilService Onziii. linpa4it iplwiti boilingwýaterorl Millç1 Eiticl pak-t is vvis& Cti., IHonsio.oîathie Chamisit, Lndon.' M,sUFCcÂcrm:aa:OcCcscoA.-* We nillI nOW 0iv ast accoult 0 tiha procesa adoptcd by Ms-acre. Jnsien Epjss& Co, utnssfacturers ci dietetie airtitl, ei4 t tiscîr works lu 1h. Euettt. Rtnd, LHoo'Caei' iuse- kold Guide. 40 TRA VELLERS' GUIDE. GRAND TIIUNK 11.1R. Tr-ains leave Wbitby Station as iollowej: Coing Est- Coing West- Express. ... 7.18 e. m. Local.... 8-20 a.m. Mixedl. ..2:50) p. m. Express 10:18 ar. Express.... 7:20 p. m. Mrxcd.... 8:10 p.nî. JixpMail 10:15 p.m. The trains rue b y Montreai time whicls le 02 minutes faster thant Whltby isma. WHIIT13Y 4rÏPORT FERRY R. R. Traies Going, North- Mail. Msxed. Whitby Juncticîs, 9.(00 ar. 7,03 p. Whitby, 9:07 a.m. 7:10 p.rn.ý Porti'csiry, (arrive) 10-130 arn. 8,40 p.m. Trains Going South- Mixed. Mail. Port Perry, (deeust, 6:80 a.rn. 1:00 p.m. Whitby, (arrive) 7:538 a.e. 2:28 p.m. Whitby Janction, 8:0)0 arn. 2:80 p.m. DIVINE SERVICE. AiU Saluts' Churnh-At Il a. m., and 7 p. m.-Itev. Mr. Cayiy Cathdliec hurch-Eivery.Suuday morulng at 8:80 and 10.80 a.minalternately-Rev. Fa- ther McCanc,; resideece, Oshawa. Canada Preabytarsan Church-At Il a. m, i ad 6:80 P. rn.-Re*. Mr. Balleetyna. Cougragational Church-At Il a. m. sud 6.80 p. m.-Rev. M. Gibs.- St. Andxew's bhurch-.. il1 a.m. and 0:80 p.rn.-Rev. Mr. Fraser.' WVeslcyanm Metisodiut C0 c-At 10-,80 a. m. aed 63 p. m.-Rcv. Mr. Saudersiu. CHUnIcsscsOFFIsCE, Auguesi 201h, 1878. Fa~ha.......... ~il 4 I3srley ................80,~5 reu .............. c@ c BlackEyi eau . Ibo &8c Etye . ..r........... 550060o Oâto ....... 0700~400 Ray........ 6 18 Potatees ........80c@ s4pplis, per barraI... .. EggsL................1Ibo 17c Butter............ 15ec917o '-Ciese..... ...... 15 LCBei, hislquarter ..... $- eBeef, fora quarter,... 64 C $ 1Pork, per wt ........60$ 7Obleltens .............Gij5e@Mc perpair. 1)ucks per pr. .......SOC Thse follo-wing valualile 80 lots, cf one acre enccî, andalso twenty lots cffousir sud five acres earh, sitahed ah Mimiro Station, eev- en miles irotu Toronto,on the Great Western Railwey, a portion of the site purchased for au Agneuittirai College and Modal Fanm, and uihhiss two minutes walk ci Mimico Station. TERMS 0F SALE-One-foerth ci the porchae. uoney le be paid ah lime ef sale, ansd tise alance in four squai annusi insial- mente with intereat ut 5 per cent, per an- ucm. LisrSale et 12 O'rlock. malle Tesaso chesp tistheebholest Blsk Tes lise wved produfes eau b. soll tlie'ptbU sati!d4'è*biohi ueo' low as ho routier thsa sale cf lefarior qualities ueneessauy. Wha lise 1bejt' Black Tes can be bongist A4SU.a pouuïd 1h iloas sesenuewisea o btoy poor, eahy; tashelensa Tes ata few cents a poud Iffsu xuQnq J - dlojsuhsrefore. reselvasi ta avoisi ail second sudisir cians Teas, snd ho'confiua hie buainet to 1 Hg'h-01a8s-Te& A lone, It is ýwell known that al high cases Teas are thosa vîsicis are gatisered in eearly Spring when 1he ieaves are hurstîng wlth sucelece.- Tiss are first crop If-as, full flavcred, ricli aed juicy-whareaa iow prieed tans are gatiseresi, or rathen naliad, frornun- dar the tracs ln antunuiven the leavas are uithereti, dry, 'anai sapless. Tise difféene betwean final cnop Ica sud infanior descriptioes la sometising mar- vllious wisan lastedsi ide by - sida-tise ou. brisk, peegent, sud juicy, the chen stale, flat, sud iesipid. Tiser. is s great différeuce a eu luinfinal cncp tes, some cropa possssieg rnuch more stnength aud a fluer flavorn sse has. Tisera AINDREW HENIIDERLSON, are aise several varlaties, th. Auctilouen. teemeti bieg Aug. 121h, 18711 83-2w D ESIRABLE FAMILY RESmDENCE. FOR SALE BY AUCTION. That beastifel rasillanre oua moil. east ci Whitby, laheiy ownesl by L. Fairbanke Sen. Esq, now occupied by K. F. Lockhart, Esq, coutaisîueg 6j acres land, bau of which ta ccvared m-ith bandsome shrubbccy, choir. garden sud fruit Incas. -Tii. pnspety le weii iencad, withhgoal oul buildings, valus, cisteres, it, f ormning onea ci the moet de- sirable residenees ini tise eounty. Sale wiIl5 taka place at the Rayai Hotal, On Saturday, l3th September, - at 2 'lork, p. m. Tzeus.-One lisird down, balance le 8 aquai anismal insiaimeeta wilh istenast aI 8 par ranI. Possession f rst Octeber. K. F. LOCKHART. Whitby, Auguat 121h, 1873. 22 w HITBY RACES Tha Ontarlo Turf Club Fll Races wi!> coma off over the Whitby Course, ON FRIDAY AND- SATURDAY, AugUSi 2gli and 301h, 1873. )IRST DAY. -$12.5 Teo=rivo Pus-Cpan teail horgas that caver beat 2:50. First herse, $100, second, f25. Mile heaha; ibrea lu five, ho hamresa - #175 Pcocsxczy Punsz-HEandicap). -A dash cr Tva miles. Open ta clli Dsimios-bred borgsa. Firsî hense, $100, second, $W0; ced 9255 to third, if more tise tirca start. $225 HîruîL KzxrEsPn' Puesz-Opan hoailU herses, T. C. W. i'rovine-bred herses allowad 7 Ibn, 0150 ta firut horse ;1#0 ta second -s andl 025 to third, if moe n sutira. slart. Mie heets. $515 TuoTnru Pusitsi-Opan toailU graen herses awsseilentise Ccunty of Ontario abat ces-ar won moitaîy.:30 to flrst herse ; $18 ho snestud; ced 1) a hoirds, if more than titres tart. lMite sets ; Ilirece is-a. .S'IJiXONDDA Y. $2100 R!tr,z i.. l.cr-Hauiilii-ap. A idasît oi Tw i nles, over SMisurdl,-s 58fel tiri es high. Firsiliors, $180; second, $50. 5180 Liiotzs' Pua E-itnds-p. A daëli ci Os-and-a-ltalf heu selles. -0100 to final hoiess; $10te0secend. $1751 MI:sttlNis' 'vssî:-Open te cli Ittîrspeis. $100 ho finît lions.; 150 t0a scend aid S5 8to third, if more thaîs thrceaaient. Miii lisats, 3 ti 15, teharsiessa. POeST SWrsEPwrssF--Of $10 each, with $i)o(sdilesi. Second hirse ho save lhis stake. Daah Il miles. iSULES ANO ILEGULATIONS. Retrance. for ail p roes, 10 per cent. Ehtries t-os, ct iii o'eloek, p. m., ce Wed- ncaisy, Aîsg. 27îis. Races ta commence eacii day at 2 o'ciock, p. m., sharp. -1 147- Arrangeiments have beeaee ith the. Grand iruek ion nture ticketu froc ail stationsa betwean Beileville and Guelph le- clus-ve, ta Wlitbp, ch cee and one-a-ls - N. RAY, Sa'y sud Treas. wlitby, Aug. dlii. 82-id I( EAT AUCTION SALE OF more es- SOUCHONG, MON INGl AND KYSHAW CONGOU. These three classes, when' realip fine, are beysshd compare. Tiie best cf all Teas, and cf these llsnce, Kyshow stands pre-eminent as a PRINCE AMONG TEAS! he bass ow securei I*ciiIites ror exoouting qrdesof evpry description wiib the great est promptitude aud despatch. The, businesumn Toronto wM11b. carried on under the style and firm of the g~TORONTO FIRNITUIJIE Co., At their exten sive Warehouses, 187 Yong-Street, wiïth the undersigned as Manxager. 'in, Wbitby the. business wE s4rtfrýecr rie, o ibel lyhýmel.' t bthplaces parties eau seletfrouithe bost assortment, aud largeet stQek, and auy article that rsaaà&t be found at one establishment cen be iiumediately supplied from the othxer, or from the Factory àt eowmanvil1e.- Durin te interais of the undersigae&'s ab- sence from Whitby, , Mr. BE. J. JOHN8TON, f(whom customers villfind cburteous and 'obliging),-iIll have the generl superiâten'ence of business there.- z'-In conséquence- of these'new ar- rangements, the undersigned lias to particulary request an immediate settiement of ail accounts now outslanig*n overdue.- aniad JAXEB H. SAXO- Whitby, August 2th,18. GOLDSMITH'S HALL! WATrCHES, QLOCKS, SPECTACLES, &c., &C5 JUST OPENED ôUT Lo:l WJIitb*, July 8, 1878. WH TYPHARMAOY: We have received a full supplyssof the foflowing: Best quadity Paris Green, - w Tidmafr's Atlantic~ Sea Salt, -ok Carbolie Disinfectant Powder, 'a Bromho Chioralin, the new Disinfec- tanut, Non-poisonous, y Bishop's En glish Citrate ofMâgnb'ia Genuine West InfthlatLie -XOffi> A complete assortrnént ùf L"arus wit &Morris'Pertected seètacles; JAMÉÈSn. GRBIE & ôo Opposite L. A1i's ,Bookstore. Witby, July 8th-, 187&. 2 FA R MERS, A ATTENTION Desks, Workboxes, "Vases, Toilet Sets, W aercie u sa upyo Meerchaum and Brier-root Pipes. To ar-rivé,e arly ini September, an assortment of HARVESI TOOLS Scythes; Snaiths, Cradles, Ray Forks, Rakes, &c., flrsti quality, cheap. ENGLISH GOLD JEWELLE1RY, MACHINE OILS-Stock'si Extra Machine, Black White 0112 a superior article for iReapers and Mowers. Wiech having selected persoually, can confidently stato, that quality and price cannot be surpassed. JAMES JOIINSTON, Practical Watch-maker. Goldsmith's Hall, Whitby, August 20, 1878. '73,- NE W FA LL GOODS, AT '73,1 H KIE & O'LEARY'S, CONSISTDIGOF Dark Prints, White Cottons, Grey do., Grey and Brown Winceys,Fancy Wiiiceys for shirting, A large stock of ready-made clotli- ing-CIEAP. Clothing made to order in. the latest style. Now, it must not for one 1 3"A fresh supply of Family Groceries. moment b.smmneilishat the teas on- dieniiy'solti are ihcse Teas, pure and simple, le thaiin ltegrit>'. A smalpor- tion cf -scmeonee cf tlises asometimas used lis e iraeuftnre of tisat incon- genices mixture visichis lu 50frequeetiy necomrnendéd by tise unakilieti and in- experieeced dealer; but I venture ho -ssant tistl pure uemnixeti tes canuwith difflculty be obtaieed oven isy thise te visoLu price. leneoisbject. In faet le- diacnixuleahe mixing cf hea deshrcys lise fieened sîpple qealities wisicls distinguisiies cnc gre-wthfrons seothar. Andti il s-ulti fot ho more uawiseeho spoilivinhagces of cisoice vinna bp llenti- ing thein ogothen isaphazard, andi thus hrngieg lisee cmbination dowe te a deati les-el of mcdiocrlty, tIssu il la te reu ailidistinction cf characlen by s Iiatenegeecss confusion cf qualities ie tan, but su ha sela no otiser article cf aep description lise is enabli to keep le stock evenp variety tais aaa U es- teemeti by connaisseurs, sud tes-ilisonsm le them intagrihy aN. fizportesifrom, China. J. H. ADDISON Clajuns for bis system of bus- nasa seotiser feature, vii:- hiat tisera cen ha no mistaka in tho price or quali- tp cf aep Teas perchased from hlm, au ha pleilgas hiself ho seaU oely Carniages, Buggies, Waggons, Slaighm FIRST CROP TEA Will halte place ah S. WALKEY'S CARRIAGE FÀCTORY, Town cf Wiiby, ou FRIDAY, AUGUST 29THs, 1878, -At 10 'cleck,, a. m., sharp.- 1 top Plilsecu, laver covar, 1 liglit Buggy, portable hop, 1 top'Coas-box, nealy new, 2 Yacht Troy buggies, 2 ligt roilingseat buggies, 1 oen Phiaton, 2 Damocrata, 1 fane>' ceai-box bugy 2 second-baud opea uggies, 1 roil-ovan sat piton, uecod-haed, 1 double siigi, second-baud, 1rofloer seatm .1i 2-sealDomor =sih' iuiralght-frossh-dasiscutter, I inoyPortissisi sigi, secoud-haed, Y..r4jX Id, y Jack tiseBarber, TERMS-Creait wMlIbu given te lut Jais., 1874, A disecoue of 10 pen cet off ior cash, Tisa aboya caubu linspacted on tise prece. lse,und my apeslaaiaI reduced pnces 1 isy a pretusb re tii. day of sus-lio.- ilmut b s il udne reserve, au the une derulgnad la sgivleg uP ts buiness. C. DAWES,, -'Yormeniy Walkey's Oid Shand, AT bIIS WABEHOUSE. There are eight classes of superio r Black Tes asd five classe. cf uupanlor Gree Tes, escis cf uhicis J. H. ADDISON wil seil pure aad un.- mixesi. ADDISÙN'S! The- I'opular 43rocezy- Dry Goo da"l ýEstablish- The highest price paid for ail kinds of Farmers'.Produce. HIIC=IE & *'LEAIRY. Whitby, Aniguat 5, 1878. 82 NUMBER OL D N UMBER ONE 0ON-E! RICHARD FRANCIS Has oend business at Olsi -iil fsed as usuel cisoice andi freshscsmr ~ILY G3TI~OOEl:.jiE 0f ail kinds, and of the best quality. Also, Wines, Bran- dies, sud otisor Spiritous Liqucrs, Ale sud Porter, &o., kac, Whoiesalc andi litai.1 CROCKERY AND; GL-ASSWARE 1 Selling ut less than Cost in order to make a clearance of wisat is laft sy lise laIe fine, snd make rocun for new stock. Plesse cal at Old No. 1-tise coi-non store ilsoif. 1---e Field sud Gardon Setis. SWisitby, May 20, 1878. c OAL AND> WOOD. Thse uedersigeed begu te rature thaules for tise liberai and iecreasleg patronage ha bas been iavored with during hus lhraa yearu lu business, sud haraby tuorma cus- tesper tisha has uow- for sale ail klndp ci the hast Anthracite sud Bituminous BEST HZRDWOOD, At ise lowest possible prices for Cash. JOHN BLOW & CO. Whitisy, Auguat Sit, 1878., 82 c OTTAGES FOR SALE IN THÉ TOWN OF WHITIBY. To bu sold cheap for Cash, or ou ime, thre. brick Cottagiu ou Centre street. They are cominodions, -with excellent cearge.- Wcll snited for machances' dw.-iing And are nov undar a renti of 22j da spar meuth. Appîy Iearly- ,à1 - 1 ý - JAMES WALLACIE. cous. xhxo A»D exozOU gra',, TORONT'O, ýONT.RIO,. JAS. T. TZO 1BTUIIDMIZS.. We are about recciving a stock of American dloor lockse knobs, &c., to wliich we-invite inspectioli, with our supply of butts, hinges, glass, putty, out ana other nails, genuine7 Englsh white lead, boied and raw oil, with ail the leading colors dry and i oil. jý G oal 011, wholesale and retail. Croquet Sets, Cheap. A few Cabs left, cheap. Remember the place- HATCII'& BRO. WVhithy, July S, 1878. 28 SIPECIAL ATTENTION! DERECTED TO A LOT 0F OLD RYE WHISKEY, The flnest Rectifled Liquor that can ho had. 5 gallon lots at reduced rates. Also Malt. O ]E T!r- In case of good quality, to arrive. BEST ORANGES AND LEMONS. * R. H- JýIMESON, Whitby, July 16, 1878. 29 LAING &STEW ARIT A T OLD No. ON E.!1 Beg- to announce that they are-16w nffrin, toresnlnrestocknbr e GRxXnEATLY -REDIJGED P ICES- In order to make room for FaiR importations. As this -season's trade lihas alre ady proved.a successful one, bargamin may bo relied on.- wV1TANTEDI - A -Smart boy for Montrsai Talagrapis Office muet have a good cisaracter and- s fuir edZucai - GEO. YUE. Whitby, Augug t BU, 1878. 82 C-ENTRAL EXHIITO,178 $8,000OOOffered Ini Premiums i VR bI bufbld inetha TOWN O1F GUELPH l6th5,1?7s, 18t&d- l9th îSept. OPEN, TO ALL. Pnfze Listo sud %V Paps ecn bbe aI sttbsSét Mes w ci, Gueph, sudna so" thsnughuheulb Province. / Partiesnet recel? q, hefr sntry ticke" Éror t he ho W find them aI tise G-MUETON, JOHN HOBSON; - - Seoreiary, PiegkLdni. Guelpis, Aug, diii, 187. 824w Whitby, July 16à, 1878. 2e-ly. FOR A GOOD BMOKE 138E TUE MYRTLE NAVYI,,, See T. & B. on Eaeh ]Plug.- PRICE SQ LOWYtRA.T ALL OANI USE ,ZIT JuIy 16, 1878. -2m --1-ARRIi1GE8 AND. CUTTERS8Il M. ýO'DONOVAN'SO w' i EST. 0F LETTEEl EEKA58555t5 mcLAis -IITBY POS- 4xESSai OF AUO Bowler snit F-linuaogen,Jas Pab Tine, Tim e. Giens, é. H. Be GrifenH miloaRd e) GenrldJoie 111 Gusysen-Geage W Roi Hliggies Mn ýErnma Re Hertop, Roger RoI Johnshe,o ,mouider Rl Legton,Mcare of fS 'Langmaid, J St, Layee, Richsard Sal rris Ancrew in :Meeken, Elijais W REGISTEED. Hilson, Wm. ' Parties calling for the above will plana. aak fer advcrtiaed laettera -'H. LAWDER, P. M. Aug 2, 187.- 82 Camne into the. pram ines of the aubscriber, Lot 11,Broken Front, Pickering, about the laitcf June, two yearling -helfers, oue red sud the ether *bite. The. owner *arest- cd te prove prcperty, pay expcnaes an take the. anmais away. THOS. LAWTON, Dsiffin ' Crack P. O. Pickering, Aug. 5, 1878.- 82-8w M FRnSALE. South hall of lot No. Il Srd -con. Brock ONE HUNDRED ACRES aU cleared in a good state of cultivaiiou, wcll fanc.dwall ýtcred, and-goodl build- ings.o tha prarnizes,,or if by latter, LcaskdalP. O. Wbitby, 3uly 28th. 1878. - 1.2me FOR _SALE.- A good Mill Site on the. East brauch- cf Lyda's Crack, an excellant location fer a paperrolil. Wil ha sold chaap. Parties building will ba encouraged. Applv lb- I.iÂ1R GREENWOOD, Mayor~. Whutbye May 14thi 157&. .go By-laie to establiali the bide ro&d e- tween lois -10 and 11 in fike 71 Con. as xsozotravelled, andto bvest a ;arif o aid original allowance TIh. Coxecil of Ithe Corporation of the. ~township of Pickering eactis lst-Tsat-porticn cf tih sldaroad betwaeu lots Nos. 10 and I1lunthe 71h con. as now travellad, cômaeng et a point 8 cbgina sud 60 linis. urtherly froua the centre of thea. nocesouad'may bu dtgcribeQ sm 1011Vows tistle say, eommanciug on tise wuster4liemi t tsa mid lotNo. 10 tah.s distance cf S ehain aud 60 links ou a cours N 16 0 WiLron tisecentra ofthsaideconces- M ssni thne~hnce 1 7W8 chaîne mo»re orIsto lih. rear of ths mud concession, th. road te bu one. chuamwide, aud tb. abya dscribed lins to b.5 dtseseut- erly lirait, hereof, sud tisatihe same sbu eow estsablished. 2ud-Tisat ftecitflIAlw ance for roadurweeu] ltsm10 sd Il in lis. 7th con. of Pickering gnta poli be u erbed au folleWs, thilu te SAY, om- menciug ou tise westerl ii itesi allowacfor rosa A histanceofS9cislns FI MA Win ant, Adespena nscu, Adame e, James e, Ànslrew 6nu,AGisanniater W. Il FRANCIS. 1:ýr Bemember the sta*nd id now Old Nô. 1. "'m &,L«r^,re4 1 1

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