-M 7 j1arper .-..0 ý -1-- -= ---" --- , pencti Of TTV ÃœA tnatter y Who -han.be 1 ený,arra blé fetture, titis ogie-J. Li Poters. 'J"(3111y à fflUýnes the shape the aille tlist à hamTiffl, > le- 1 le M _FV 'iý M.' F. H. de Rimai, N, 4 one of th 1 tý1 dog, whiob A b!eOndn!0,ný11'o, Of r. the Grit Ré. t 1 iligh m th w"i bis Bb'ya ne on fflsy-lftsmwîî-thgý ýWt ýýXU44#J Publications--l. L. Petërs. taIl nihn and fr'ýW wl'o@e _ foinÃëë"*Hl do Dnke of aïde partie, îf -fe,,en IBY-là W-Towcoýfp of Pki,. b,,,.i.e roll fianacs freem LI issue na y tru -,Zlliulni*h Già ùd ý - CE. ný the: sèné tw sketch Ofl -,,ýDuohesà "01, be oeeh Xsrii Alexà o ' as ' -L=e loin, à ' 0. on being the Most familiar. othéro sagert,1 thtellpeewnhoels Or Stabe th Il ring. ple Of Other atioils be. on q I-ý lieve, that,,w 1211IL dý th a cià ? -deèpië an y ut 'au 'Illed hY a set -of P. T.-'YanSi who, lm. nIads, tb. Ren" every fi 'TI that the ghOst bas been geen leaning th' -ili. ý eived-bYý. e Ileves and perinrers. ito a attitude à &' thi 't with both JZ on LI it elirty bira a ptudy, 0. bands cira staff standin lat r atribute& By théCourt hOume stops, or walking slow. of thed na Adý" î sym f les P" ly b.êiwbêù thé a The hich au viai swawn fFra and the,-ëntr=ce à heii, mi-e eýýtî4, f»I t 4", -4ëd the eýiatUdfortunes, of the betWýh the -Col. p essuré, dockers Petu tle gage, a OLBOEM Vfj. ONLY 50 PER t "the witohicg th ýrO'ùe Upou and -gare, -beur of 'ight." ýVaiTj3y.,-,& - match bf t w-é regiop WnOw fuit ýOÉ ïùéï the interigit ïttà éliif In bat-1 -n'a ANNU14. Those Who have Thora the land, âùd, Iineà t,ýe of>,tbr. bride. ig- b :7ôf ýà i -t Z 1 ý Iiii had the 'temeriby to borne and whitkV, Cricket clubs was la, à PaRO-Pic ý8 - Be., _a a rio le e UR Yi ' approsch chei'ibogiii Mid Lake At leastbe ýgprnmar- ýý,tJIô n niizht ià tmdp.r, playod here On Colden;l rà Wqéïl the >Iple of thia country. -torr:ý -sight of on, 1 r ità lights ce Whllby' ýl'hllr'sday, JQ1ý 81, 1873i allege thst on thoir a Thursday tant., Col. nurkable fa And Cal28dig,ýg their b pproaçh if bas 1 au borne went firgt ta the bat, an ýobadown depth and fe ai',' the royal firià ily Orthése realmigthm argtùbéutà tà raIns for HOM at once 'dis a sciersa efA al Pling-, one ai, exista 1 1 . prove ýth the gaping Çvorld - wt lu a flame of 67--run>st, whicil anelie Uroo .11 ýsnOther If l'Cag 8Y£ýpath Il W-ift for the Evidence. 'a re si king, wa'n 'cd by WhilfiY bY 81114Y Pond'B a very q Ose an excý-PtiOcal thDt we have been ruled by men utterly As çv» shown on -the éc. -disbonmblè, iapgraded, prev were Il KlIand a charmin c ýmaYsèem,ý it 8 - the one of of union oý1Ãhe Prince of Wales' iliness, Impôoëibld lits it ii k fà ýet Oùm Iý ' into -the ru 8 fil tbeir first innings, Il)' the Opal- the Personal fortunes of the - members t1intthere are me If the grave chargea brouglit fOM&rd Rmnil. ' Others- gay ý that', the mont aecond inningg the Colborne pl P£enoe;"-fOuru finE, viêlwa from the of the, reigming dynasty carne n Who write of the able"' 8OrrOwfQI moaning bu been hurd, te tan ayers - or home ëdý4ýicti6ù of the dovernment Propnmd greut National Park, u ev very clogely te Engi il ho and up tire score to 99 rang a eared in nu Art journal. in a là lialving arts ; and lu il Positively jubilant ettaijn, The -the z against sir JOIIU A. Macdonald and bis procOed from where the ghost makes Whitbyý97 te P noin tous a a, ngrëo4tia'. Cam. Quildagues inthe Governm Wà ke to Win, ou going ta ton de r* WO MAY gay, withont exaggeration, lükgty' çà the ont be prov- ýitsflf st first visible, and in f"t al, th,,bat- st.ý six a15 eloquent full-page Picture illus. thatthe marriage of anyohe of Our a ôelock.' Thisthey did tratfýà ý*,poem called "A Good Dog. Royal Prin monta, of foreigners are reproituaed with Duffl sa ý go bé truc, thora can'be but one of versi a te ýVha eees or Princesses ý çxciteffi evident gleel and even -the solomni AOËA ans are given à tire 189 wickt The remAining illustrations, ItY Of Yin, opinion, that lits retîrernaÃŽt fro 'bas been sel t Dot Fucceed, il' d0il2g, ail finý much the mania interest thià ughout the the grave lî made' te serve aï a groanq. exan: Pli and board of what peo. failiuR fer 66 rune. The Wbitby plav. work* Of art, are G1 04 of Déer, - el by long* and1readth o our worla-wide Work of ribala jesting. Coula , any- abov, would bc inilisteil UPon- by sa indignant plq peraî#t ifi- . §pecht; "The siter Empire as "uldýbe cansed to, anypri- thinq ho more en Calling the -Court lioùge ers complaineil thst thewickets aboula lierp e " Ot ntemptible, ;Dore un. by hi Ghngt." Lantniglit quites gathering have bêen drawn a , No truc pooplj. 'If, on the Other band," the f r; V Dôésh YOU Paddles?" vite'hou"hold by a like eventý affect. m=iy,,more Satunie? mln Chim toeven'ololock, aîtër S'huiburous*Ékëteh by W., M. Cary.. ingoneofits.iningtes. As our saýCr tee him'hola Iýhat political oýià iono lie brou charges of breNfuileu are aliewn te be alisembied ariEund the court bouge rail. that !Our the, light baing,1ýdéCidéaï "'Shoo, Fly 0 'Pickin Flowers.'l membér of, the profession fal$e ;-sud Sir 'J'Ohugild bis cOlleffloi; ingo,-andremained theii until-nearl-v against tirebatters. Th ta W a 1 a ail -Y Tbo:liiemry,,,COnteitB Of- LlC'-'ALDUM Which ail Enaliabmen love and 'hocour maý, desires ta ses this great charge wîtl alisert glial: they are absolutOIY ÃŽÃ1809 twelve o'ci O-CIL te, sage Own, këep Pace iýîth. ita ýgeme of ut lagainstourraienproved'.Lrlue. Tliçre, He c i ând are -the Duke of Édinhurgit bas a spécial are times when it would bc right to ex- prisol And glial; at the propa rtain ý-V-haýt COU 6 to lie tbOOM'riu this mateb,-'ýnathe thig'! mândi LI o; 888tir- time a full and be seen, but st t UnUd"Il inteèëtin 0 hold'on Our ý pationsi, seections., With ait Over a Party victoryl VýO ' r The kat hour hurried home lent five Whithy batters, w ' ho Are e us there iè An' olil-faalii6iedý préjudice, ode, butthe nature of the pregent aile- staj 'ColuPlOtO 6xJ)lnatià aýWillbe giyènof to boa Colà ana- disappôliite4ý, at the .9imonR'st 'the st the, club, ý "Sequiermell by È, . in favoir If Young men 'assuming *tire gistiOli" Permits of exultation nowhere nf ýght would seggest a non . Aýpeà ranco of bis glicstabip. bowled fâr in average of one ale., Il , by auties ýf marfipd life, and becoming butragher eaM-lor univerpÀd serré doubt at th jhlt blugh-theù, no Jan- Alger t4 departure Of the Orowà , how." aPiëCe. White net endeavoring 6A - fecéliansous haads of fa run Clara P. Gurneoy, _The in milles while' etill in ý théli If bhey lie 'pr6ý-ëd - to be* articles are , à r6a thé, AtIautié 11n, au full vigour and prime. The late Prost- erving-theý sure y no Main de.' IÉ gUage eau lie t0o'strang in 0ondetouing @ver, it W atated filait the appai-itibný ligtlé' 'the victory, for their opponentgi old'I.4uer," frotuthe.-ýpeuof $bat grace. a nt Lincoln expressed a - go 1 nuin'e, 89M eau ho but sinéerly for t] the 'non Who have trumpoil, them up lian again Been by two respectable and *e ivouldpoint out te the Whitby play. Writèrý - Cbar1ès,ý- Dswson A'Ùklo-Baxou on ré'. fe' aille. ibé4ioi-ibwMl Tefléetioü- th and blazoned them forth te th Shauly; "'Old,.-,Néw;Ëngwndý-, Iý Il Ceiving &M at being ýe world CrAilible people: that it wag a fait figure ers the silvifiabiliby of having- in the T Lard Lyons tire officiai mon eoùldýbeifound*in our mIdgtý. wili- Coutril against the tionor and integrityof thé, walking hpavily with à cane,* sud ire. - future an agre(IMOnt entered into Mot, 81311110110ément of the Prince of Wales' ing to, jota in a eoijapi 'Naturd'a Forest rVolume;,, ple" 'y rao ich: coula- gnage re and written by, Elizabeth ', statam; and a mmTiage, fie rejoined with the genial net but sericmaly injure -Zewl, How i Pre"nt&t've& 01 the Cà u"à ll people- quently oCopping te look up at thé sky. ftlllY undailstoo(l as te the time OfdrAvir. ve amusing article ëaUqd déPreek remark, 'Go -thon and do likowi good n'amie sud prospects, oïmply,ÃŽn the meaný board grOan while making ito rotinds ing ';tumPs. Raid they ilone go tu this od itieg,"'by Gath Brittle. -,>-Music, Art, The Dake of Edinburgh 19 now witLin hop& tlist in the end,. by' book or by Witue and aÃŽven, Opinions shoula be nus. wearily throngli . the gro > incla - infront -mst-ellthê gamoivould havé been won by sud Literature reçoive, enoh, dareful a few Montils of entering on Ilis thirtie- crack, thev, miet scirambli tube, office. forna« a. This, we believe, la ail that Of the Court 110,180 building. Tilerp them, au they scored more rune in the Attention. The popme in thiA ý number th year ; the Princens ývhose band in Whicheverway the matter is viewed we to Iffir 1116 Monde 01 the Government naît for. are, as may- bc expoegodl al, 0 of are, "Found Wantingfl by Xsry' B. about to be conferred UPOU bila ta soins Bee nothing warranting hilarity. stage Te impartial m4n,-tho weight of evi. surul - a rts rat innings than théir qpponents. -BPodly; "An Uncollected Sonnet by, ton years lits junior, and is reported ta 4enoe lm iges ad ta what the trouble in, and The fOllOwing is the score: Edgar A. Poo ;" d'on tire Biverl 'b; be possessed of great porgonal, âtbrac. Ousy docidedly DPFa4u])l*io Av -IseunAlfolp COMPANY and ta ýà %sInst the eudf. a détermination avotvecl by mariv COLBOBNE. Robert 'Kelly Weeks; and 14A Good tiens and intelligen e. Tire approsell. -MuaDER OF THE SWrNDLEit.-Udder- ho haý bility or Xcà fuiioà ý-Who bas, in no Parties te ftd out ail. about it, and if IST XxEmos. 2" Dumas. Deg," by S. Lang. Subseription priée ing-linion, it may bèl, fairly said,' offers zook il;- 'lot a nice Dame; one miglit Witnoi lois than algittl'diiTaiént"nst&uoe@ been lt be à trick ta expose thnne who worlici G- casey b 0610r 2 c et Il Rame 0 $5 incluilinfi Chromos "Village Belle,, every reaxonable prospect of happinems. very instly bc foriziven for ilistrusting sny M conviotod Or.111,1ýingwilftil misoteâte. impose tilts latest ghost hoax ripou the Leake, b ooler, 0 0 Garrett, Il Sutton & Co., publishers, 28 Maiden stand, wili Brtlcec ViLthison'. b osier,4 net olit. 28 and Ilcrossing the Nour. James 'ne Princesse we are Riven ta under- au Undorzook. The man who bas just that hi monts la Connoëtion witlà thede Pacifie Commurrity. Jouen, b Ham. à fatheson. 'l Lane. regain the faith-that of the flirlireil in SU nrrest on etisipieinn, in a just 2 c O.Bay, Il Osier 0 Orthodox Greek Churcli-în which fille Wef;tchcstpr, Penn., hegan- a Corser of robberý BIlw",Y Charges. To Con-demn mon Tuttlec G, Ray, Il Ham, 9 Il Hani, 0 lise Iléon barn And bred but the child. inlà wy'! as Williath Uilciemnok-. Wil- A-1 040, 0 G-RaY, b Osier 20 b Ilfathonon, able Ci beforeillad on hie impeaolied and Un- STILL ANnTUPR OLD ToWNI§MÀbt Dr. strongcLafugb(laier', ObUathemon, 12o' Tno Pacifie eeSlander-case Il and the renofthe royal pai*rittlieir union liani waii the brotlier-in-law of one "Dr. existiný supporteil testimony, would lie Mani. pA ' W. rage, 0 et b matbooo 12 a laingb Osier, 0 Witnesses. aboula be blessed wîth oiTapriiig, wili, a a an Pssy-goingý person. who Ji RTVD.-ýUr. 11enryý IlallnaM dieil nt MaXbec, b Ugitlienon, n' 2 le matliegon, 1 al, Complit fogtly UDJUSL TJIO lime fa now nt bis résidence near Bronklin on satur. 4' In presoui Me -ullough, le Matheson, o il Ham, it ta à tated, be brought up in the Fro. an.instirance on bis life for #22.ooo, band when, the govertiment will net day Iggt; bis H. Casey, not out, 1 run out, a To the Editor of the WAttoy Cironil,. testant creed of this country. fairbr of l'Io wifia, who was Underznok's trient i refflailis ilitérreil in Extrao, 9 Extrao, 10 "In point of rank and station, the, sister. One day there was an expia. Yi n'a v only lie howril, but tho fallest explana. the W(jaleyan Cemetery nt thIlt place Total Prince and Princexs witl stand upon an sien in Gosses la'homtery; in tire ci - jar 07 99 DE-ta Sin:- larr C od 1 upa, Lot un wait for on Monilny. He bad resifleil in whitby WHITBY. Prominent as great equal footing, sud boîth Russis and cd ruine of tire building wpre fonnfl the whom t'lu Ovidfucë, Aitil on it pronouncej a. for ncarly forty VIýarq, lier Dumom. 2" INNINOS, "Figure Head" in the piratical craft Englaud will have Just cause te bi, blackoned romains of a humait boilv ýeiI on t cailtlla sud impartial ja Igillont, rather varloug oflices whiel, lie flild fýr a Iltithaitoni b Loake, 2 b 41110ley, and, frnm mie Bongouithc lmakdil) Jones 4 il Joneoi, Slanfler" recently lannelied from the prouil of the alliance contractea by whiell was Allégea by file wi(Inw and liait k, t1lan port 'ýt Ibursolveil ta bo carried numbor of yeara, an aimé, Armotrongc Ilaaob L(takol not out 1 .0 rit Yard stantig Judas MoNulien. LheBe twO distinizuislied mombers 1 Uýd('r7OCk tq be'thgt of 0099, and 011 jar ya ni gager, collector. Marshall, blyone 3 te Jonem, a na upon the evidence of this letter. tlicir reigning dynasties. Ta spenk which application wag made for the conapir, 4waY butoreliand bey a hostile spirit of criêr of the court, and inengongée ta tilt, 114'nlrlg'c & Il page." 9 Il Jonali, 2 pilforf r. tilts degk-breskiniz buriziar we first of the bri le. silo, à the fiaugliter of' ainoutit of the life inpliýance. - Ilav, Il Page, 24 run out, 4 80 faIr, Botter. pattizansitip into pronouricing an un. county conneil, Ilotier, le JO '0' 0 1) Jones, qi arocalledupontopinotirfaitlit Why, the Czar of 011 flic Rugginst. tire dister tlin cage in net appeuliar one,. mritirv Just condamnation. known in' town or colinty: ilis a b Citzov, fow mon werc bettrr R.v, b.InoYFles, 9 0 »ruce, LI Page, 0 the man l'a mo excotrimun"ted. of the Czarwitch, degtined, aile day, But net long sfter Lilial Gags hein- failli. Nittri, tel Page, 40 There la Dot a firally How al Ivolfaildan, bioncel, 1 1) Jones, lire nt PP"19 ai, linq a credibillty in bis ice.orilisig ta the Drilinary probahilitieg iiiippofi#ld ticiul, a stranger aie liar PreAence witl in future bc tnisgea Garrett, net out, il b*Jonon o corrupt- fissura. He is a more le or. of hie, ta ascond the thrýrre of Rufiiii a waygide inn wal, galion ont in the 0-liployo what the Globale Ottawa Correspond- from thalle postal wliere lie' wali the, Extraie, 21 EztÃio, 0 Éli5illa himsolf coula tiot P as Alexander III, As ta the royal wajzgnn of a ensilât wav Il -ont ýnOw îayoï C)hjqervefl Of ail ohqervora, and t!l,. :Tî 50 waters tfiat would cleauge Iiiiii. Like rl rom Totat - Dame fil#- bridegroom rarer. as tholigli t', , a a t f bis rank na the latter had courtýougIv entreate'l illttielq of Cach suil ail of whi-li IlA dis. Goliari--ofold, Lis leproi4y shail cleave prince of the F on 1 royal of England file roriner tainke a ride. The man lit White tire Grit-Roformers are clamor. ANOT111M VICTORY FOIt THP JOÙY- Unto bitit, sud lits sécil Ãor ever. Hf, lie in the lieir ta the linkedom of Co- thé, waggon and Ilig quppnx.,tl new ne. Depress ing. for inoetings, and petiblon, ta th, Chargild 90 PtuciptItly. frim illiloss wa. lias net even the dioLmal pluck of bis bourg, the bratlier-in-law of the Crown firiaintalice iligappéared. , Monthaîtrier. Govêrnoroeueral AK&itlgçt the proroga. ve linuizlà nnt 'InhAppy prototypel He bas unt Vot ry hrl(Ir. and bis alt grov BrApi-m-The Jolino;ton Hf-appr. Prince, and of Prince Loitig of Hoi3içp,, ivardg, the lialf-1111rieil hodev of a rnlir tien of parliament 14,ulilclti. for ha hivl beril aliolit a wook nirtritiractoirefl by the Brown à Patter. pureliRgetl a fiplil %vigil the rowaril of and bnth brille an 1 bridegroom are con fleréfl mail %vas faund in 'WpgtelloRtrý'r The a on 10th Angugt, herp the colle] à verijou Of how 1110 @Isn(,(.r confinfeil ta bed, wam rntlitlr tinoypéet. "ad Manufacturing Company, of WlIft. Ida iniquity; Doigtier lm fie Ca',et, flown noetélil le a Icillýlrt-fl family lie of al- wooda. This must have l'eýbll thê migg- WAM forgea, aud the Matinfr 1 Pli efr, -11foinnin wils a natiee or "Y' "as been auýar"ptl nOther ont C Lier. and gr th Grit-subscribcd pieceR IrÃŽil,,r, and Most blond Yi-lati(,ngliip wi Lit 1 lit- Crowij iniz xtranger; and the man wlin invitpel ber trwli Il which gono and hangeil IlimoeIL n a word, Prince of Doninark and file Kinz ni' hini ta ri1o was probably U-lilorznok. victory. At a grand trial of reaptra. next yeti the oliarges Are likoly, ta bc aellit with. Somnrgotxljire, in Enelari'l, (End wal. lie in ont of court. Il) file whole 'Almanach de Tite miir-lereil Mail iA gnppngecl to be sion in a givcn il, (lie - Globe of Tueoilay by itu haro Marcil 1911, and ws ennlq(.fluptlt. indi'r flic atlqpiegR Orthe Coutity of Sir Jolin A. Macilonaiti bides hile Gotha' thpre will notbe foiitid the- Gol 9, wlinaperptintr abonthig pi'rann neRs. T Ottawa correspondent ly 62 yeara and 4 tnontilq nid at fi, Carleton A41ricultural Soçipty lield near time, like a prudent and experienceil Dames or any royal couffle entitied te ail lis availabe fundg, had hppn in bid. Ottawa en Ttiesday lagil At whiell the #;Ciiteoman. Fouly utruck at by ex.. c1gitil kinghil) witli sa triatly and na ;n!z while tire rare(. of collecting the, "The ntory in toij by an ex.ruiniottert time of Ilin 919,CIagp. IIA caille ta thim entries were very numerous, and ire, b powerrul icovdreil,,nt4. In t1wece derno $25.(W due on Iiig lire ingliranee waç lie doina 'IvIv) in doualy a oolintrýv as far back ai; 1821,). and aftor parte fftatements--ènfoýced ta étilonot, Cratie flaym. the dignity of raval ilviiiim. carri«I on, Udderznok even at aticerned lit the -Pacifie y his political position - concedîna MilÇt have great l« li&iiwav- gcandal, titat the important A phort litay in Bath, flnalty Rettled lieuriy ail Lheà leaililiz, manufacturera in every congtitutional advantagO to hi» tics dépends rallier cri tilt, niultitufle ni' kliowr) that Gnqq lind bis Motif-V abnilt, Ostgaript'to Sir G. Citytiolli; Jetter or, down il, Whitby, whore lie rosi(104 for flic Province, flic Johnston was unati. recklesi, tand I fe4r inaliRnatit ad- théir pomsegsions anil on the Ryeatntgfi Iiiin ;-he kn--w t!à at Gaga was Ãg gond cd lulribc file 2 ith of Aligumt lagt, wiliell imotisly awarded tho firgt prize, In yorsaries) lie demandiel an inveAtiga- il[ tlicir power tlian (lit flic sintiquity of an fle.ail ta the commnnitv wilo batl factory. t directs file long porioil alroady tunntinneil. tljri)wtl 0 the sondinq or 02), -ail ptiblic contesteil triais, the John. tien oriels al; abat[ cnjupel llio;_glall,14,r. il loir liticage, The Guoiplig, IL is truc. knnwn him . why net kill iiim ? But, cd Ill; val dOnýld, im fologory; tjiit lie- saw flic xj)ýak upon vath, witli the whille. 0,Y) te Sir J. A. Mac. He roîtreil a large fanlily of 18 Childreil were govi,,reitrn lpril)eto CentlirieR bierori, wlionn wai; th... bfýly fatind in thel asheq Oriýzinil latterait 1 t "ton licappr, inantifactLired by , the ers ta volve lien lilit liot COU. -11 01 whom with lits willow gurvivo gome violon of the Peixitentiary before the Bornanofiâ wvre bêlant of in tilt, ilf Gosses lahnratoiýy ? We wili not tain the pOQtaCýipL Tite oignis lien. him, Threo girls and two boys are Brown & Paîtersoli Marinfacturing Co., thein, and an alarming caution to thitik ranks of rovalty, and the Ilriiice, no a PlirgilA the rpi-altiniz itiqilist. Thelze mince are golitlui'u tri iiays tilat tlie Governmorit Rtill unmarrioa and ]ive with the nover falleil W varry OIT the firat prize, ttoice ore they lie once. Ail the worlil Of Qucen- Victoria, stands 111 the aile- feimPlA (lefailm of a triip fitarv are aban. wIll, borbre tise'intis proximo, appoint moth - ilito tire Can sec thaf a font ailvantage hus befn cè%sion ta a thronc whieli wag great dintipil ta tire blood-eurdit'lig n.vt!l. a ciý)rjlmiosiou, catùprlsing probahl 1 M 1101117Y wali -a g,,niiil lionomt Bnoicy GAOL.- Michael Gallaizlier, tuk'r, of the interval, between the "net powerfui for hundrediz of ytearx bc. writer. price in 0 chier Justice of eault Province 07 ttili ul't" and bis obligilig rn,,tnnpr as il who l'ad belon committeil for thirty charges and the trial itself. ýfore Bassin emerged train barbariom. Dominion, for bit 'a ptirpligeotinvestigat. pliblic officer triade him IL favo' Surely men must ho mail ta, accept On the other liand the Empt-ror of FftioqTP-.4f',D To D-ATTI - DY q. Tite Ottiti rite with laye, (ton of whicli lie had served) for the atittements of a proved slanderer 89 lingots may fairlv claini ta bc the celivril -A frw (lava azo Womt(-rn patient re. very littic litllltiugton Charge». The içatno, all witii whanclic catile into contact. ofan district it bon. gotitieinan claitas that thé, Gav- drnikonnestl witl disordorly coutillet, prool against the well tried and patri- y E uro Il eati'so,6,ereijzn in rank and portril, that while Et party of yotinfr 'r erii trient Wili fie aille, bY unquentionable à UDDw DRATU OydbA%; OI'DItrsil"p,,YT. for the Coufitr e9siitail union inav justly boast bore thp le ly bralte gaol en T.Liesday afternoon and Otic xtatagmen wlin have donc M ci, ; £nt thKcWlilren of this Anglo- iioraons werf, e'njoyin7 a iiienie, ont, of 'w" ý -' wJ eviiloncet tSturn away from themaelveg Eli7a triade his Cocapc ta the WOO110 If ap- idonce of finel ýy ? Wliat woulil the Aller with cqiial pýi1I that their fathe, 1 boys killeil a inake and tlinu-zht- P al' bpt), Pardon, relict of th(, 1 Et witiiess weigli befort, ]cas y thrilw IL arotind the n-ck of a eu" ou aPJIO"ragloola -ofcotnplicity, and saill pears that while ongaged by a court and jury ? - r vanne lady. Site was gzr(-atly frigliteln. ishiuq pro ;Ill Mat- ov was a son cl'Etiulatid and their mother the uotnmisoiiqd boing appoitited, bila tata Win. Pardon, ail nid art-il highly a danghter of Russia. PA, faintatl, and waq rÃÃaclo quite, ill. a't'tulýtely House WIIL bd proroguod At Duos UPOII Psteemed maillent, oixpired iqii(lileiily al) ron Ili raking soute grass in the female Yours triily, bite trade, itil inueting. yard, lie triade a rush, and got clear off. * e. 1! *We have no doubt that the royal Slip rpen,,Prel, linwevêr, but a few flaw, the Boucit r'rittayuiurijin4,last. Tliocati.geofiler. notwithstandingtlie matrônls alarin marlia(,Ie will ffive rise upon flic Con- latAr. unexpertedly tueetin£r thp bov in death if; éjuppoied to 11nye boeu alla. binent to any nuinber of inzenions ru- the strpnt, elle wýq sa shoekod hy The MsJOI ItYý at noon Again. -antl call for assistance. He lias Dot To the Editor of the WhÊtby Chronicie. mours of international alliances uni] recollection of bis net that abc waq Lion ci tlp ploxy. Her roinaing were interred at been since rûeýpture(I. encret compact. But we are convineild tlirown into % onnviilsionqa A careffil correspondent, 6,ScnuTis. St. John's burial grolind, l'art Whitlly, DLAu SIR : na (lied. A "'eP"red f that the union betweeu the Houses of nonjowliat 'siruilar case is described hy 1 bering bus bas ÉOO analyzeil the vote in on S'Unday afternooti last, and were ExcuRsi .-Tite steamer "Van(Ipr- onble ta 7à i:LaIý Romanoff and Gliolpli, 'pogf;esses,' ta the Evansville (Ind.1 fournal of a rý- ot.jur columas, audglipwii Ilow - litterly "followed ta the grave by tr the vente in Pick- -lise the i4terr-ot3,ppd phrase, no politi- daté;. whieh gava --,Dr. C. W. cauneil aile of the hilt', will Couvey excursioligts frOm ering and East and Nvest whit. cal significance. Brookr. of Rayflold, EL, was in town 1 "me trou grotinîtess iothe - olà itu that Mr. Ho,. largèst fanferal cortegns that ilafi evel, Port Perry ta Washburnels Island, and by, in order ta refuge the articles In th on Saturday, and relatp(l ta a gentle._ LOW Chur( den'w8salleadatncon. Thishasbeen talion place in thisvicinity. back, on Friday, August Ist, at reduced Globe and Oshawa Reformer, Claiminî Conflagration in Baltimore. man bore a Rail case 'if a voting, lady Churcli ut , no gatiAfActorfly dons - already that it Ili faros. Et msiority for Haillon of 46 at 12 who lost ber life by a shock ta lier l'IL ille lie -only going over th L-Aenossp.-Tlie Oshawa Vî1idicalor c'elock. f donï4hink the articles are GREAT DESTRUCTION OF PRO- "f'rves, Causeil I)V fear proflucteil hy Pose, inust e munie ground again. -ý The Post worth the trouble of. an ansiver, as Tite trutit in that Mr. aibbgs Opporients says POST OFFICE RFMOVAL. think vfry few intelligent péopie believe IIERTY. findinz hinrgelf in dangerong pynximit'v panied by i will'not lie pernuatled te belleve the "Tite Whitby Junior Lacrosse Chil, 9l'ce lias boeu temporarily removea te bas "thrown lit) thn oinnn,,." -1 .... a word of them. trutli no ruattop le- 'l- OU e-à 11 -9 -wz w4do d'a" P W, C, of Son. agmeW In 14ýý_1'C, Ir Dubltný'à "The mnd or fout d' ý1 . ind È au .,f"ead$4 X1ià ýç ed, ad, l& -iW bé tbe . VI aï bé rte, Mr- by M, -4 alid M Porter r.. li . ý-1-stà te(r1 th, wes". le hy, Mrs. Eue ýý lot, ap., - elderl U, es, the plaintiff, an .Poe. lüzbéy ten"lei wà &ý'Ox8Ulinéd 4'lir nt urwgtw,ü.-, riï]à ha had kUOWn'ýthé ýdeýý t1 a .ý1P. ail bis afetime. Ré , 1ïý .particular nue pu to lier UtLon- hé, bid rèr lie trUted him, before - thà k like Wý,. à à ùÊ, - ),0106k- On thoýoùggestion Ofýthe ilefenâSE4- the who purchisedthï-ee,,,b, bis in- ý,trsetene ci w nus i ' Ãt ý Clinbra"d hi0h Mr-,Davn' p- bat lie to OcSpy. t Uer previoui; to th" : the ", ce of diLntproposadnumu,,,th.,, 1 had >ad fit, receiveda notice to quit, Vfid having a- One chfld sick with me, and not wanting to th sa , leavé'theýh . Ouw, Mr.- Davis seýnt me to il bis the ROV"Mr. Vanze 1tectOr-ýOf St. d the Catherina!s Churcfi, to'sak if my, 1 Dame ýn iff', was changéd to Davis woulà . -irthrow Lt ha the!, lândWy back three- months. ý1f ex. (Laughter-) A daY was fixed in De- ;,#en- cember, 1871, for the ragrrmge; but it sfiwe lu Pootpuned by the -daMndsat till the a add prince Of IVa"e Thaulti Who ýsaDt in the meantime ' 81 .for the derea. total Ja7ut, and toid hiul if ýhe regretted what audj ho liait doue I wOUM relieve hiuÉ le wiZ tbon- sai 1 ha never loved a womau but Pol- mé.ý ý (Laughter.) 1 Offered WM 2100 was if ho wisfied to marry another yonnle 14ety and ha refused, He made - soine, r, to, ý111y-ý _9xCuse on the--. day before that; 3,PPointed for the-mà rree about the lads, rias t-O ObLain One--the > SýMe -size. He =611 Cà tue agkiu, and said it could not lie ýith, donc. . 1 aid 1 would go to the church 1 - nt &ny rate, and tliut it must bc donc. COU. Tlle licLuse was obtained and ail, He [mit- Came a ain in tue moraing, when I believi fje, ept à said. fainted, Owing to what lie wë il He Rot £108 Of My Money to and eXPO d forme, R12d hë never gave me 1 lie su account Of illat, althouà h 1 aok,,i Lart. ý4'm, HO Aevêt returned m othr the martiage ring. y , Cr6lý-examii vara- ýýj - nad bY Mr. Gibson, 0 c-arg-otd whe.n POI. 1'wns 'Bile now. The defendà ït W m go'l.son, nce' iLaughteï.) Itold him I Y r at would Dot. ally illarry Ilita wîthont bis 14ther and Re motfier'g Cow»nt- I Dever- told ]lis par'ents that fieýVfts goiùglo 'llie doctor lu, oraered marryme --Me, for my t e_ 1jealth, toamoke, and 1 am obligeO to "d do so, it isa disgusting habit log? for à a1= 911 f le. I never told Young ý!hed t1lât When*110 MaMed me ý,j bed would never put-a clay pipe in Iny tho Mouslj." (Laugliier,) ler- Richard Davis, the defenilant, ý,,r» youa4l luoking man, ezawine.1- by 3fr. :ew Falkinerý deposed that fie knew the ùIl plaintift 'rom 'bis eilildbi'od" It was elle suggested marrisie ta him. ne not said lie could DOL entertain affection for 2til One who drank and smoked. (Langh-- ter.) $lJe again roforred ýW-tijj joub. ject Baverai times. She . ùked him, Once did lie love fier, aud-be rep1jýd, Pns il hu said ache wouJd bc saying wfiat :)I- *as Dot truc ; and if lie gald not, Il e lie would be saying wliati *as not correct ,or (Laughter,) lie His Lordihip-Thatg de pllyfi"l way- Of putt- a very Meta- iy ter.) UW it. (Laugh er Nvituefis explained that lie 10,ed lier at inerely in tha w4y of friendship. . ýls Hifi Lordship-No man sppears fo- at have drifted-more Jjopeiej;slý into ,atý ie ritnony.. (Laughter.) re - Bxà jùtuation coutjâued._ý_TherO was la any amonut of hugging and kissing. oe Shewai constantly as me. (Laugh. g ter.) e- A ýurbr-Did you take au active if -part in it yournelf ? -(L-aughter.) No. - a -TO Counsel-The marriage was spok. y en of generally, Lut Do day was - ever a fixed. One niorning elle told =a to go à awnY, that tha devil must, have drivOù me there. Mrs. Davisî-the moiber of the defend. &nt , de ied that the plaintifro adoptý ad chy-do came so freqüently to the house for Dick that abc told, ber: once that'she wished !Richard *as tied to lier ma's back.' (Laughter) Once Mrs. Shea wali going 1 home, and Phe said, "Oh, car Biýhaýtý, must I> ý go go 1Mý .1 019 Ur N(Illli](7 Ilqininr A message mini tee expecteil ta al). rianll Tli, caqe li 1 ', f, coinularis Il,')-4", di";Rle Thorn, lipnry Glen. thvy Rot 473 being 10 Paifl th- diLY, iiiforinii (lýritiay.) The ma ou* "Ir. 2il"S""en TlýfLfiri, ýt have been burned, coqtq ivrnil of yor'ti proclalcat Abrallain bobsor). fin. 11 cal' gPelli-t! the atiove ilenning, John Itoss, -,tes l It nd tn alirsliè proac,.liaý, Arn-q civiu holiday in Il tain 489 David Forrist, Thos. B. 13titifin,,, Ben. t s of non"' Tor d ýc1ariDg the day I)v ';Pnilitig 80c. for No. more ti on against ing. 111- 0111ïnq flint lit- hvl sviv.-n in- waitby will bc f0und adveïtised in 72 Pûtors, M ben IL Harrison, Arcliti. MeFaydon. r. nd 13 more t ýh"-ali.lru,1;1121pl is 'ail ta 1 qtJýý other colunitin. "Sical Monfhly ; or th(ý 8ril Grad- hau aluainst y - Lý(l i i i b u rg, as l'lot Dight liumber.4 will be sent yon, Starrat, Jessis, l'an. ýGeoj Brown. lifeat preveents the fir,- liq b,,trtf!irlearrnnnontg twoliçnýmil t;ne 1 tè (3 opf r o% Ivri ï; (j liqii(lrt.n --rtaiti DIrf.ipq. arY Whitby, there were about y .. % Sonle distaýce froul thê R. btit bis bart-i ler qcild flip tiou of the inc Postýpà icl, for 02. Ail(Iresl, J. L. %IcNtilty, Mary J. 13eriiard, Kate Me. ni flvinz cinders. MeKaY, 1 El. Lanrii, Margaret 350 votes Polleil at nanti. The poll. 1 lI:,'1,7,= nhip, absonü, not knowin.g Mr. Wetinesdà y. PRINCE EDWARD. ISLAND ELECTIONS. Potersf 599 Broafltiity, New York. Lartii, Isa4lla Carinielinel 1POOkR show that çvben 150 votes had fire are catell'ný',fro. -In the Province -ut' Prince Edward Cle,ýlhora, Josephine Finne t. lb r . thedamag, bytÃœefire to-day itjpnF;si. z in Nový 1 Baltimore. in Y11ý5-ý;o estiinate of Port, wont into A t'elegram 'Ma" beeil polleil at Brooklin,100 a 4's ] n Il the Ger-nan 1 ýan,- Lyclia ans] 100 at the Toll-firate, Mr. Gibbs was the cireu:nstanco. Ei,,Ijt, A "ntt-,, wi si Osibility for I18lausJý the Pepple are briskly canvag. z FPUIT STFALINIG.- Sin the * fruit Girro,.v, A--iies Thornton, Cathe and ble unilpr d', . a tailor'g shnp, sotnsq tim- aen. arvl açk- Elfen Chir F rode"' 2 aljeal nt Brooklin 6 at Ashburn, blockg of fine [tuilýlin-s have been iniz for the alectidu of six inembers ta season is now on, flic litw* concerning liaý,sliaw, James Miller, Royal Mc- a ormon, iliolui, rick a tie et Tell-gate, or inajority fer 'ýJr. troyed, and t 0 s inareg burtied ont. 0-1 the el--rl<, a ra'If-r Rt'l'initim is ixtý-a-n--r V the Dominion Parliainent, in accor- fruit stealing is Of soirie consequence Donald, Win. Bongard, John steffing, Gibbs, il) 851) votes, of 8. At' close of This ig a ..., w vo"ne Capt. Waraer, dance w4h' the ternis of Union. It im bath to'such as own frui the poll, 477 Votes were polled, giving -ow street. filled witli cal-- Ina". what JIA wnnid takn for Ili- ait inti-of-t t and ta Snell Itateliff, Alexander Brown, and pénters' shaps and box factorits. rnntlqtfLolle. The lattpr Sa probable thà týthe members clected will as do propose ta m Win. Forrester. Mr. Gibbs a majority of 7. The steeple of the Central Presbytýr- çvnlll'l id that îl, teal it. The Domin- In East WhiLby, wlien 120 votes; had trbrn'IAVJRate -hiln for fh-ý trnil)l,. capLiird -o acci bc in, politioal accord with the Party ion statutes, 82-38 Viet., cap 20, pro. hpeu polled at iaii Chtirch in on lire. At 1..3,) the of rtii;iti-Y atinthi-r. and faeptionq inq;v 1-li.4 report of t now carryîng on dies local gomment. vides HOW ta go wesj. c. 1 »ivision, 120 ut t-i,,Ceived. inl wloo nt _1ý1o. ,, Mr. Gilpbe's f. -,j()2,i a flerceat portion of the fire was on Sara- ill'l'tl Paill the caqli clown. Tiien li' 9 )r tlý ween Park and Liberty tank thP vntirisz mati ta a toga oVeet, -bot harlir-S, a-11 Tuz MosQu Whosoevor riteltit;,Ol. ilestroys Or da;n. Ti in ýX ere-at No. 2, 26, nt No. 8, etpil thp kniq'lit of th- rlizor ta také- appreciates th _E UBZZZLZXZNT On ýr«B G. T. B. - nuel-q with ilitent ta steal, lis is au inquiry whicli every one 2f an 0.1 streptR. On the South side evFry houý,- dirp, Four Grand Trunk conductors, Haut, root, or Il d, Mr. Yýlélen's majority at N in ti ýgL production fruitý ve 1111Y plant shonld have trutilftilly answered before 40 el t majonty for %Ir. Gibhs, on le square is in flarnes. The tire ta nff of that mntigtaclid.. a mosqnito, flias ýtablo -a. his journey, and a littie va es, 6 tlint J'A vvnnld take thn ntlip.r lialf of bis de nuisance j Williair 8, Coulter and Ilichardann, ]lave grOlVit1g in any gai-den, orchard, pif lie start8 on t at close of poll, wheu 427 t1ils Square came train the back build. finA. skeetpr, file 1 otem Io 11J iligs whicli reach ta the destroyed property at somn fitilar ,jing wure grOuild, l'Ot-Ilotil;e, gi-ppn-liouse or ,? l'ad been polled, Mr. Gibbs ,been arreeted on'a charge of ember care taken'in exqmination Of routes v In * balises on Clay Street. the air with in varlous sumn consprvatory, fsshall, en co -of before a juaticq ., honviction thon, - The above tacts establish beyond y bolongind tg the e- will in Many cases save muell trouble, Among the «buildings ileslrnye(l weré A E!"ntleinrtil while lortnin- over t4 otir lint, and tfi Grand Trunk--Railwayé The MattPr digeretion pence, at the time and nioney. the Pirst En,,Iiali Lutlierau Cliureli on eliff nt th,, Nattiral Brid V ., a ci- a bit., Of the justice, either becol-û- doubt- fi c throu-11 came uP hefore thoss Toronto'police court mittcd ta the cormrnrn gaol or bouse of Co & Quincy il 'flic Cliica& 1 Burlington That about unon Mr. Gibbs was Lexington Street, and the Centri 111*tltalýy dropp-fi bis * pnckpt on Monday lautt and adjournea untit correction, thore ta bc irnprsn,(l Raoraad lias; achievea a Sple aliesd in Whitby Township, Prexb book, con. In t:lroug-Il th, and ndid repu. Yterian Church, on the corner of taining a conié1.-ralýJsp snrn of monev, door, fillitic 011 yesterday. kept ta bard labor, for a In East Whitby, Liberty and Saratogastreetq ny valtiable papp.rs. &o.. whieli lnlzpéf on a the sweete'r, el UY term not tation in tho last three yparg as the and ma Pxceeding on The Reformer gives bini Private relqidences on Mulberry and helf of roc-k about a iiiindrpd and mnskeeter. 0 Month, or else shall for, Jeading Passenger noute ta the West: in Oshawa, a maj. Park strects. twenty font frarn the top. Rit; lirothnr R"ATTA.i'ON THE ýROLIII).4y.- -We fQit and PAY over fin-1 nbovc tho Starting at C 196 Baltimore, July 24, (O.M.)-Tlie fire a boy of twf-Ive years, consented ta ho Oit the tIlfrti bag tO call the attention of Our follow of the arLiýlû or articles sa ,0, value hicago Or Peoria, it runs - vice, of sptinq-J en, or ragea tilt a p4m., but by four o'clock 10wereil with aýr-ope ta recovpr it, nuit the amotint of. the injury doue, Snell direct througil Southern Iowa and 210 qeonrüpligllpd wandered train ditizOns ta the regatta, ta take place nt aum of money, not excAeding tw Nebrdoka, with else connections The figures show a mai. for was completoly uniler contrai. bia dizzv if Dot danger. enty round tip ta the the Bay in addition *o the other a. doitare, ta Holden in Pickering on 8s4, ons task withont accident. orw Settlers 1. 49 ta the jif tice y secin Citlifornis and the Territoiiei;. It - - votes 76 musemento providen for the upproacl and whoseevpr bavit, 'un 18 'CHALLENGING À Juay.- An Irish him and a rewa J_ = of any @il z been eau. aloo the ellort fine and best lino ta Thé Refdrmer clai OfEcer, not very convërsant with inw Elizabeth Arnold, of Perkin, Ili., was; ing hoifday. Savemi niguble, and we eh offénee, againçt thils, Quincy, Missouri, and pointe il. Towi mi for the terms, was lately tried for au assault. k.illeci a fe* daya azo undar peéuliar ered.-Manilob, 01 'ay former Act or law afterwards Kansas of 'ýVhitbjï, at noon, d9ubt mot, ta be well handiod ci-ifta, commits any or the offoum, 1 a o support o fý the Paoh gavé self au a candU AB the-inrY Were coming ta ho sworn, P"rcnmstaýces. white leaniciz ont -of in the sec. and New Uexico, Passongers on thfir a window th are ta clinplay théir we*th rly inci6tiler tion before mentionea., in majority, - 79 thejudge, addressing the major, tobi Mrs. J. A. Du maritime qualities, for a fOlOnY, ftnil shall bc liable ta I)RUilty- or Way westyrard, colinot do bot-te th-M ta nt , IS1 him that if there wore any amouggt w4Y, caffling. it ta ýr neek wu land, Oregon, uniah- take this route. mi. Gibbs beld'ibout his, owýa in th, them, to,,whotn.,he boa ed in the SaMe manner JW in de cage This fine l= übiielied a Pa any Objection eaught, and obe was lield until lilial tlýat mon in t1m them in yet time W ingrous by eho of Simple laraeny. liips from nnon until thst was the time-to challenge the Stra gled ta di p wphletý two Whitby towns ' là eath liberality of thosse not lis yét avinre OntitlGd " IIOW Ta GO ýVJ?14T,#' whiefi -Closý, gaiùea 39 in the town of Whitby II thank y MI Dur loïdship, but, _%vith yoni We Sf. Petersburg deLq)atehý1 Wilht-logr , frt of the.intended sport. WUtTBY BACE9.-It je i lu Oshawa, and loat 84 in Picker.' lordshipla përmistaina, 1,11 defer thst ;,Iýihoh!orlw . es am, ntended ta containg 11111101, valuable information; a ing. n vi)n. Kaùffmaii,- Cam. 1 t 0 vi am. Dnuedn 1 mon nd iý!bev manier of the late Rncc ý qýh1 eipeli. ceremot'Y till after myý trial, a iva, will f0vance witil le ! the of in F il hold'a f£Lll meéting, on second week in larget correct Map Of the Gre go year in the face 1 ilt'afflit me, by',the pipe: tion againat Kh z ,,, churge -of alioltà f" , r li a SENTENCED Ta TUF lit wé,st, I think fç* candia r, Vil cll&UeÙqe every-mother's son - SADO 00 ran lis n upon the wilil Tnrcnrnnà joseph Thomson, of valientyne, in September, over the Whitby course which cou bO Obtaine-1 trac ýf whiéli eau all , ho estab-' 0 them, and have 'em oütI t'on. tribe« Who enutinfially Il' cl the whon liberal purses will be offered. by addressiug the General Western Jisbed by1à 'rAfýrënce ta the- pqll books, 14udan foreps ring the late carn- The Republien the townohip of Brook,-whose trialfor willnow havê lâny doubt as ta the tact A hâ trm visited Ariobat, Cape paign, congtitutly 1 liangin their Passenize Chicago, Burlington 'thâl Mr, Gibbfijt-d the tbe-ýpol1 from Breton, on Thursday afteTunon, whiel r flanlif and rséar g on éroozi was mentioned last week, was la' Parties toWhom Ta£ CHROXICLE Quincy ý =, ,Chicago, IIL ýthe very mort. , I bear that many de. braire, it is estimated, fi-Ã"ru 20,000 ta the a fonna »guilty, and gentanced ta thepro. ig not regalarly deliverod by the carrier votit, bolievprg in the -Globe wt-rél" Vinow 1 Penitentiery fqp $lire@ yséars. ' will confer n favor hy reporting the A mart loti. overboard ftoin the swam- back Mr. Holden-to a largA oit t in ore-sa 1 yu that Au Iowa paper ta 80,000 panes of glails A despateh from Baltirn' -------- or 13ohémian; whe.1 near Caughnawa$itt Toronto. Perbaps the ab am n thA iDsUlýatl0G in tle, burut- district, ig orrow-hesd Sevoi le. ove flizures at 10,011, -À tant ridY ; and liow one Of the pas, ib Pro. Ouniosionit the Offi raylýs1.,,,îfke, Ilefr confiý lence. a ý littie in- A f r b na the entire boèn ftinn(l in th', lernal, as Icigt $510 in a Toronto vincial Exhibition, t1jWý,0aV, wili ho Songera oný board blam lo lity of Faro Dank-high roses for aseftd les- IOQR is Dot -,"tiiiistted ta elréeed oneý ý!lnd the owner J PiL CA98ON.- ho friande of Dr. es the Captaà l their Pr-e4t an luillion, dollamlhv anone. and $Omo in- iboüt-nineteeifYé tor nqt having-Stoppeil the steamer Ida organ. hold, at London. çommgnçing Ç'q 4p- CoÃson Wall 1E, glaq ta iearn fliat lie is RnranCe nién no ýstî1J, ut the 10 a 06 as, týM"ber 24 1110nt a-biiieto the rescue Of the Touro truly, u ý, 0 t And pu iù As of rooove îlla ýQia aie 1 £48ý'Jt 01 Lig, fïom par, ibat the port,. ta exoeg4 6403 -fl , Y-1- Who wu *oeu owiwwiug ih: the obipf Wo learn 7i ' ' 1- uthf 1 & , 1 _ à :- ý 1ý - "-SC>RÇTI-NlýÇI,54 ý9é" pigils are A040*- OLIYVbmpo - - Jate The chalera liau Aj' UUUU lia tue wortil if avery onels private intentions and hopes were to bc made publid.-N. Y. Eveninq P08t. DESTRUCTrVE Fiaip Aï- FLpxzLoN FALLS.-Fenelon Falls, -,-ýjqjyggtjj.- rfiree dores, One tailoring establisli. Pût and one dwelliap, house were )urned-herethisn3orniug.ý The storé-s. )eionized te Meurs. JaweR Pctwers, D. Wo6dzüan, and A. Calatti-, The IlilUn- egtal)lishrneà t, belouge'l to a. Th Pr perty was aliinsur. 0 Ielong (1 except that ýine te D. C. YOO'Ilnltn, wilose losa is probably bc- weeu 8500 and #1,(M. Besidlea the bovd a building occupie-1 by W. Calli. Sn as a grocery'and another one'occu- ieil by Il. Campbell es a tailorine es- iblishment had tà bc PuIled 'down to iake a gap and stop the flames. It ; hought that the fire was caused by ot ashée. AN AGED WOXIX- IIURDE"D. elLa lid ÃŽillia 8 rt, Penn;. July 24th.-Isa- ged noventy years, liv- with her hasband on a farin about--- men ruilelq from thieýcitv. was brnfally mrilered lut night ýy bein-g shot irouglâ the héad, Iffer husband, John 'OBride, was k iocâed down with a uù and, méemed severe entq in the md, and when found t1is afternoeu as lËnk on the floor, weltering in bis 6od- but living, The old eopie lived DUO, and were ou . pposef to bave a rge sum of money. Tlime thoul"Ind lIûrs was found in thq hongo. Tliere no clue whatever to the murdemr. Australia lias offéred to pay the pus' o of ten thousand lahourérs - frora eat Britain to, tbat colony, so much ,s she need men. :t la reported that a serions engage- nt has taken place near P&mpOlUnA'ý Spain.'in -which the Carlist forces succonsfal. .bibit on i declared to '*" 1 of rýap,,,:rs mowers at hi:ùly fýcurýble to'Ameri- .%hu.nc 4L %nrrAni E, of Iýuebee, ion, the foot-waW. on ýw= z jii 0"