Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jul 1873, p. 4

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glept, si Mds, ycars ago, at tcdo M 1ubso Théisck ioxwas smmeeaeily res- poGdd4te by the 9penlng O!, thc :or froni within. Aun aged wômau, néatly iresui; and *ho bai cvi. deutly risen fri ber Whlc, watt the soe lumate o! tic cet. 'Bleus yonr heant, girl,' Said the dame,- au shc cntered witih bervisi. tei, andsaitdown the wieh agan r there înst besemething particulie abot yu t da' ,foiyou dici mt uscsiteokneck.' 0-a t &I was afraid soins one mighth witi.-you, motter,' said ticegir, Whe bai taken a seat opposite to tic 'And thougiht a neigibor bild been icre,' replici tic -dame, 'tuis surely wouidn't have frightoncd you sway. But tti suthifhc you have f1 t seniethissg. to say te nie, Catlian- i,'ecotitncd ltic speaker, kindiy; oeut wit it, my dean, sand dépend upen tic best counsc lOUl Hanai cen gi-ve.' Tic yeung womam biuciel, simd diid not immediateiy speak. tobis wile, Catsaninc?" Baid th dame. 'Ho has, siotien,' watt tic reply. Tic oid woman bogan to hirr carsse4tty at tise wseei, r Wdll, my Jour,' said ilie, after a sihort paie lis mot this but what C ou long expected. Ho bas youn hart; and se I sjuppose, il neefis ne witch te toll whsat willlie hoeicend Thii may he ail veny truc, but ticre watt somthing upôn Cithar- lne's mimd wiîiclî struggled te ho ont, ami ent il cama.ý 'Dean Ilaupai,' said sic, seatissg iserseif olose by tic dame, ansd tek- ing boid o! bier bansd, 'you Ihavé beau a kind friesd-a paent-ta me, since my owu jaoonr ption cied, and I have nooanc cisc ta look ta a for aivice but yoursolf. 1 hava mt givçn William sau answen, aid wouiid met until I had sîseken ta yet ; eepeially as comtlisg-ae. ~You. once said-' - Wlat did I say, Cîticrim 'iiei- ten-rupted.tlmeolad 'womau ; îsothiug afainst tise snaîî yen lave, surely. Ie is, freru ail tiiet I hiava sesi and lsoen, kiudd beartedl, iudusstrioîs, and cv-ony way Well haved.' 'YesHaumai,' roplied tise youîg. woman ;-,but yen once said, after I hai brougit ii i eeý nsce on twice ta sec yen, tiat yen did net like thtie-;those sort- o! uew fits thsat somnetimes fail upon h* é veil in compauy, I hsave oftcn iieticed- ticm in cesHanuah,' contiuuîed Cati- arine, withi a Hgh. 1 ,'Plague ais my 61d theugities os b gue fan saying any suds thisg ta vax yen, my dean ahild. Hacd mot se çaneiless a speech, Cssthaine. Ha wýamtau ehd seidien, yen kusow, a gaed snany ycarii aga-befane lie usas twenty, anmd fouglit fer his counîtry. nec May bave soemu sighis thon thsat muade him grava te think upen, withs- eut tise lesie cause fon blaînimsgii- sei!. But wiuatcvcn it may ha, I ineauît net, Cuthieine, -tihat yeni shouid tukea passing userd iike timt thet.If hohias me litho canes, yen will ceiiy sooth oauand malce hisu, happy.' AsItise -wethy dame spulie, lier visita's brous ceared, andt a!ter came funthor ceonsatian sc iloft tha cottage witi a liglît icant, witi tise tiaugittiat lien old friomd appnav. cd of!-llir faiiawiug tise course' te -wiislier inciniations ied lhen. Cathseine Smithî was indeed wU ean- titîci te psy respect te tisa ceuncile of Haismai, Thé later md nover been mam-iei, auJdcspoet tise greaten part o! bier lilf in the service o! a weaitby !amiiy'at Mrpeti. Wben she. watt thoeeticàwido'*eJ Mo'tisar o!. Catharine isad (lied iu Newaastle, H a-unai,tholsgi a friand menaiy, aud no relation, bad sent fer thé erplian girl,- thon about ton yoans e! ega, mmd lied talion cane oa!lber tili she greW'fit te maintain hersai! by ser- vice. At finding hersel! unabie te, working life langer, Hannai bad wcil in anc o! uis sox as the sligit, gracoful, figure and fuir, sageiens countenaunce o! Catherine watt calcu- ttS'idoin one o!fusonankind. Seme- tbing o! this kiud - usas in tic thougits, of old IHamnals usîeusCti- arnme aud-lie~r -ushani viiteà tic . Muiy a future visit watt paid by by tic saine parties te Haîsnah, sud on ecdi successive occasion the oid womau lookcd nairowly, tien as un- obetrnsiveuy as posiblo-iDto the state o! tic young Wifë'fi feelings- witi a nsetien's anxioty ta kuow if 81ic was bappy. For, though Han- niah-soeing Catlscriue's affections ta -- be dbeply 'egaged-iad made ligit o! ier ousiarly rcsuanke upon tic stramgèinmo nstunupiessant gloom ocasioisslly s! mot equontiy ab- Sei'vuiblc in thc looicand md n er a! William Hutton, tic olJ woin - aà neyer been aile te id lies- mimd of sxisgivnings On tbe subject. Foî' * ý ma m ouis mer uetarmne's mer- nage, iowevce,, Homiai eoiuid dis- coves' notbussg but umaloyi isappi. nesin tse -air eand cooiversation o! the youti!nh wi!e, But et length Rauoh.q's aurions cye dii percivo somiiil2glkchoauge. Outtisoine S"msometiies to e&U, whcn vis- itipg tie edttagé, into, ftsof abstrae. solk howic-bW becu ob- seq4su,*wr ubaniL 1ic aged - I~t gratly distresse4 st i tbou4t lwrdurCatarineboiag jserval alie old finds. ifven wtxn snecacce fon tic fiaet tinta- a motion, aud with ail- tic beatitiful prids of a voung inothcr's love presented 0Ir ? abs te Hanftai, tic latter could c signe of a secret grief imprniCJ on Cta;tinin's brow. Hoping by( ic couneilâ te bring relief; aun net latst took an oppotunity t toit ' lie young wifc- whAt sic bad oiiserv- cd, and* besouý'ht ber' confidience. At flrst, Catianine etanimerci forth a hurici iijsnrance tiat ebe was pcrfectly iappyandin a' few sec- onds belicilsen owa wonds by bunat- ing-inte teane auJ e6wning that sic was vcr unbappy. 'But i caninot, Hannai,' ocie x- eiaimed, 'I camuet tell the cause- net even f-e ye.'.- 'Don't say é0, my poon dean Cath- arine,' neplied Haunai ', it is net curioity that bide sme interfono.t 'Oh, ne I Hannai ' neplied- thic youbg wife, II know yen speak ýfrom love te me.' 'Well, tien,' continued tic daine, 'Open youn hecant to-me. ÂAge 1s a good adviser.' Cathanine was ieut. 6I'l yeun hîssband hansi?' askcd Hatsuai. 'Ne, no,' aried the wife, Iman couid net bc kinden te weman than hie sta me.' 'Penhaps ho indaiges in drink in privato.' ,,,Hannali, yen mi-take alteg-etiser,' wasCatinu's nopiy; my husbamd is as froc from all suai faunts us aven man was., -Miy deer cisiid,' said ticeta the Young wcman, aiumost smiiing as tic idea eont-rocd lierhbaud, 'yen -are not s3uspiions-meot jealos-' 61 have nover lsad a mmeot's cause, Hansiai,' auiswared Cathus- mne. 'Ne, my griefs arcnaetotfe that nature. Hoeus aine o! thc hast o! husbande."' OiJ Haniai watt puzzied hy these replies, as muai as she was dis- tres8cd by tise uaw oen avowài a! Catharne's havssmg soea hddeni causîeea! sonrow ; but saeiug that lien youiig friand ceuid not malta up hanr mid ta a di-iclasure ut tic time tise aged danse gave up baer inquir- ies, aud toid Catisarisse te tîsinli sen- idusiy of tise pnepiety o! canfldisig ail ta lien. Hicais îhiereceivcd tisat, ou înatiure cousidenutian, Catharne waid coue to thea nasolutian e! sceking côunei uit the cattagre. Andscise waeiat -l¶risg. -lu a faw duys sfter tiseirl iate aauveresat-u, tise Young wife came te visit Iiaiiisali uguisi, and ufter a littie atsecut and ernbam-as-ecd taik ontered upen tise sulbject wiii watt upprmaît lu this nsofa bath. 'Hannali,' said Ctharine, II four You can ses-va me nothisig-I fdar ne living beinigecu serve nie., Oh, Hanîsals, good us My isssband al. pears te be-goed aslîe is-thiesa is a dneudfui waiglît mpenIs i4 miîîd whicis clstrave his ppouce aîd minle te. Mlas i1tise gioeuuty fil:; whieih yen as I nticed in iiiin, aire isot, I fosor witsont eau-se.' Catharine wept in silencea for a moment aud eantinnedl All I know o! ti4cisa r li-ises frem ie iexpressiani,;-Ili$ di-aadful expsessions--wiiclia eis isieep iiy miy sida. Ilunîiis i lic speakis iii brokaisîsIiiigîmge aof wîîu',rdt f Liav- ing caînmitted a iniîîdei-! lit usut- tors about tise 'streaining 1)'iood' tiîtt lie dî-ew'froonutih innacetnt victissi. Alas 1 1 havaet esî-îtuis ta Isaw thiat lie Sp)alçq o! a youmîg wosnaii. Oh1, Hatiais1f cis, -anitt!s fpar- iuîes .eitis cc-eivcd simd %vss il- led by hii ' Ati Cutisarisiacaiti thcis clime -llid- Jened, aud buried 1i-r face iîs tisat oi the baise wliici siîec mried iii lier armis. Haussait i eck tlaer of tuîs, but ion geod soisne led lien uit emîce ta suggac;t, for tisa cansfant of the pon wif,that il usas îucrfectil- paossible forliser insumd ta imaginie himeaf a imurderer lu hlis slcap, slld lias tea muis teiidaes<es simd feeling ta Isarsu a iiy 1I llimh, wliat arn I ta thîlk or dIo, for I un N retciicd ltt It Nvas lonsg are tise aid dameno e- îuicd te tii question. Suesmused deepiy on wiist itîd beoi tald taliser, -sud isi ticesnd sid ta Cîtiharise- IMy îîoor aisild, I caiîsiat bèlieve that William is gniity or iviat tiie:sa circum.itauicers lrsy sescsigis, ut ii Joan. But if tisa warst ba toue, it i-s betten for yen ta kucus it thun tîu ho in kcilling suîspenîse for oves-. Go and gain hie confidence, Cutlsusiiic; tel hilm tist ail lias. cîtîse te yaîsr aur, auJ gay thiot Yeuî do ce0 by My advicc.' Ilaummais cantiuud ta utaeipersuasions o! tliccaaink iisd for sainie hune long- an, aud ut lemgth senst Cutisansîma homo firmi.y reselved te folloiv- hie counsel givèn ta han.c On tisa fouheuing> day Cutisarissa amîco nieraeîsnsentcd lieseef ut 'the abode of olJ Hanniai, allsa as SOci as sic antercd, axaiaimed:; 'Dean motlion, I liavc tsld hu iiI1 Hae iieliea homoson taeaxpiain cv- orytising te ufitbath.' Tic ail iv'eiaas dita, net exuctly canipnaiemit buis. Lilas homot,'said sise, 'gsvenaan xîluîsutiam ta you 2' 'Ne, Rainiais,' sîid Cathlarne -'but lie is net gùilty. When I bai epek- ed fo bim as yen desired me, hie usas delnt fer a long tume, anJ ho tien took, me in liÙ3 urss, Hamnai, ami thon- kissed me, sayiug, 'My, darlhsg Ca.thanine, I augit to 'bave eonfidcd in yen ietsg bafora, I hava boeu unfortunate, but 'net guilty. Go te 1idiHsna'rj and I wili set your mimid'tt eso, as fan asis t OtU be donc. Had I knowms bous mucli you userae offcing, It woulJ bave donc se before.t These werc hic thse age eof meeen, 2 UU ie . reug Party to whieh I Was attaobeaaémy. self was sent to Scotlad, where w. remained-a few minths, being order- ea again to Ei;gland in order to, bc trammported te the Continent, One unhappy morning, as we were paue- ingeout of a towpj where we Iiad restéd on our march southwards, -ny cornpanicins sud I chaneed to sec a girl, apparently abolut fifteen yearg o!"ag, washing clothes in 1a tub. ]3emg thon the-mot light. hearted among the light.heartede I took a large stonie, with the inten-ý tion of, epiashing t.he water against the gb1. She etopped;haietiiy, and socgking te tell, when I thnew tie etone, it strek hen on the heàd, ana shie feu te the gnound, with, I fesir,- hier shul .Ifractured. -Stupifled by what'Iliead donc, I stood gazing at the stneam of blood rushing - from niy poor viotimýs head, when my cempanis, observing that ne ene lied seen us (for itwis then early ini the morning) hurricd me off. We wore not pitnsued, aai iese In à few weeks upon 'the Continent, but the image of that bleeding girl foilowed me ovenywhere ; sandsince 1r came home, I have nover dared toeonquire in tisa resuit, lest suspicion should bce xeited, and I should suifer for niurden. For, I fear, from, tho dnead- fui nature of the blow, that the death of that paon ereatune lies et myj While Hutten was relating bis stary, lio had turned hiseoyes te the window ; but wiat wtas hie astonieli- ment as hae wae conciuding, te hean oid Haunali cry aioud, '.Thank God 1' whiia his wife burst into a hystenicai passion o! tears and smies, and thnew hersalfi jta hie anme. ' My Jour hueband,' cried she, as sooans li er voice- found utterance, 'that town wa's Morpeth? ' It wus' said lie. 'Dean William,' the wife thon cried, II aiu that girl.* 'Yli, Cuthanine l' cried tise on- raptunad hu.ibuîd, as ho îinessed honr te hs bosom. 'Yes,' said aid Hausais, fnemn whàaie eyes teurs of joy wenefat drepping, 'the girl whem yeîî îmifon- tunately strucki is lnew the wifa o! yaur besoin; but your feurs hsave >nugnificd tie blow. Catunine was found by myseif sean aften*tho acci- dent, aud theughi sha lest a littia blood auJd vus stunued fer a tima, she sean camne rounsd ag-ain. Prais- ed bo heaven fer bringing about this biessec e4lanatien 'Amen 1' cried Catharine andJlhon isusbaud. I>saceand happinoas, as muai as îîsually faUis ta the happicet montais, were Ïtia-lot of Catharine and lhen hsusband !romie hi.- tusse rorward, tiseir grat source af isîquictude bo- iiig thioîs takan uaay. 1'ha wifa aven ioved bier iuîsbuîid tise mare fan tise discavm-ythut the circuimstances whlsi ia md caiuseul lier distre8s were lbut a prof of his extrema tender- osf hieurt anticonscience. AuJd Vil- lanwas uttucied tise mare firmiy ta, Catharine, ufter fiuding lier ta be tise persan lhe isuJ unwittingiy in- ,jured. A iîew tic, us it were, had bce faîsîscd bctweeîî theins. Strange wi thi hitory msîy aispeur, il is truc. Tite iiiidu-r*igi-iu' hreiîy nolîlicsi l par- ti-s1 ilitt.d l t o ta liil ,titt in is(ite set,- tlth,oeIît (if ail tccoulita isc îacccry, in cou- of<1i-,i-> lis yr,-nîîîvcl ta loriîti,. Ar- r-1anrciî"îte bave becîs maicele atMr. Ilamil- ail s-uoatt,. Ail accoutis 4rcncin- ir~i:- îtl,-d cifter fist Jely i be plcced in'itio bands cf the Cli-rk oi ti- Divionn Gwsrs i br eUa Tboî loecoîsccrîed are requestcd ta îuîy attenition to titis, JOHN KEITIt. W'hjlrb, June 2ard, 1873. 26 1). OSPECTL'S.- THE BROWN à PATTERSON M-AN UFACTUING COMPANY, 1capital -$ 120,000,1 2,400 SHARES 0F $5o EACH.> Tise abave opansny is lucanne of fonîssutien fotr tIsa punruuscof puneliesing tise Rteal Estuto, Bilinmgs, Macliussry, Plant, sussl gteil-will a! te isa nufam- tnl-ing lîsiues- af lie linawsi & Patter- aan tsmrcstturai Vorlis, in tIseTausîsoo Wliiby. Is iflie ucîv Corupaiiy, Messrs. hl:-own Pa':ttercatî lmta esicribed $30,000U stock, ansdl aller subscriptione isaveala- realy herts ebtaiiesiaînsting ta $25,000, inakiug a total nous subscc-ibesl tif $55i,00U. Il leinturadosita incrduse tii -oate S120.000,, in oas-tieliro- videc ineans for incrcising tIsa business, ta domublei ie umot imtitlierto (loue, and enhmorgimîg tis a cpacity of tihe prescrit Wetkis by tIse ereatiau aI aditiuul. huilditîgs,puirelsa>-rug udsiîicunul machlint- ci-y,an mu aieaoblimg thc eus wCompamy ta casrry an Ihîir n'iola businsess ou a etî-ictiy cash basis. lu onder ta shows tise profitabhle busineFs alidy rmade for the lieus Cacpaiiy, il is; ouiy neesiet te clats tIsaI iii eheveu yi-ars' buqinees op- ci-mtions-frai Jmsnuany, 1802c te Ju- tuary, 1873- Maensr. Browns & Puttenson have hocîs enablit, iy profits reuiized, ta taite titi large amousit of Stock ubove. tsICîtititeed a.3 haoinz. becu subsoribesi by lui-s inthetuewu Compauy. 'Tie pro- pî-nty 1 licou envuiîsed unîler lime dirse- tiamn and supesuvisiaîsoa! Mesersý. J. S. M. WVihicex andi Jahîs Tistumpeon, tuso o! thse Proviimmal Dircators, anuti ccipIed by thue Provisienci Bomord ut $64,263 Cfi.- The ealublislîment lias bison in tIse pas- eaa'ien af tIse nous Company simca 171h Fehuar iat-he I rs:t day -cf ils an- ganiu-tin-tie prefi te a!tîhe business amm cug frenuIhiat date. - Application liasbee au mcdo te u Lagislature fer a Chanter i lise7\usuel fofnu, andsi iitîs the usuel mi lits amd privileges. At lime' expiration o! tise lime clahefi by Statulo fisse on six-vroeks) a quenai meeting o! tise Slissreiioidens ai iselIselsi aniotice, for lIme purpoce o! clectiug a permianent B3oard o! Dix- es anud Olicers of thc Comnpauy. -Subsseibîious o! stock in thse undor- tcising are meet respochfuliy solicited. Tisa valua of the steak, as c paying div. idenu tiivesti-cent, nsuy beha nlèddasa -Ietg cosl oub.4;-wuliia the graut advanmoges te tise Townî cf Wiitïy mnt] Cenuty or Ontanbo iis eecung an an- langemienit-o! the favorably kaousm Wankli o! Ms-sers. Doreusa& Pafleronsa - muut t o oec~ sumnitîmev Parties desining.to i'ubscribe fer stock rer req'lesW4d toe riclose nissnorassduss,, per post , utarely -day, stsiting tle nunilsr of sharcs Iicey -wsit tihavei ai. N. LW. IBOWI; IR. J. YABNOLD, iPnesldeut- Mg gocea. snoiUdiaug saIS, uI.1 OI fiU 50 Siowfz hlarnois to10107 0U wloling hnlth,~87. AMES YOWE-LL. Nàkika aheroby givmn Ibat the u *o'ng c4h on the îlloted Stock of the Doiion' Bank, bve bien mide 7 b. Dheindons, and the sane- are payable. of the Banklng oans, lanto. ai foflows 10 per cet. and remumn-of 5 pen cqnt. on h. tJuly, 87 10 d do lot Ang., 1873. 10 loIt sept., 10 "2nd Oct', j() 8rd Nov., 10. "4th Cec. 10 " lth je M 10 éI MthMarc do" 10 dodo"th9Fe o (By ondin aoflise Board.) - R. H. BETHUNE, -- Cashier. Toronto, 281h May, 1878. 24 Gaing Nantis from Port Haope ta Lindsay. Beaverton andsililia. Maei..-.9.80a. M. 1 Iref.... 8:0OR. M. 'Going Nartis ta Peterbora' & Likefisîsi. Mail... 10:80 a. ni. 1 Mixes¶-.....4:20 p. n. Comlog South frai Oillia ta Lindsay, Peterbora' sAdPart Hope. Mixesi .... 2.40 p. mi. I Mai... 8.00 e. ni. Cmiug South frani Lakefielsi. Mixesi.. - - -0:(a. ni. 1Mail-...2.25 p. m. Canneets with the Niisisan Rilway ta ansid Tro traintoand iIntenuevitestations, et Millbraak fan Peterbaro'amd Oilia, ansi With Grand Tnunk at Part Hope bothmoru- ngansi ve isgwth trais HBst auss West, ansi S tr. ansene t 9 a.m. for Rochemter. H. G. TAYLOR, 20 Supt. ai Trains W.BELL & CGO., ÃœUËLPH, ONT. PRIER MEDAL CABINET .ORGANS, M E L O E0O14 s. Sole Praprietors andi Manufacturera ai "The jOitGANETT1i," containing Scrib- fers Patent Qualiyiug Tubes. A warded the On/y MedalI1 ever given, to inakers of Rteed Instruments ut Provincial Exhibitions for Prollcieso. cy in Musical I nstruments, besides Diplomas and Firet Prizes et other Exhibitions ton nu- merous ta specifyl1 Our Instrunieots arececlcnowledged by Musiciens and Jusiges to bc tse finest yet produced. lOr letest andi masSvelueble im- provement in the IlOtaaANxzr," canteaining Ucribnier'si Patent QualifyingTubes, the ef- fi-ct ai wlîich ar ne ta erl double the pawer at the same lime renderiugthie-toue smaath and pîpe-like. By tbis wonderful invention w.. cen zueke an Listrument ai nerly double the power af e pipe Orgen et hell the ex- pense. C A UTION: As we have pcrcbesed the saie right ai manufsturio' 5cribnerÉs Patent queiying, Tuibes for the Dominion ai Canada, w. bere. b4caution aIl parties from purchasing them e*cewhere, ae they will be liable ta prosecu. tipn. SVe have copyrighted the nae ofa "THIE 0BRGANýET T E" Fac aur Instruments conteinlng this won. derful improvemenit. Any manufacturerin. fringing on this copyright will bc prosecut- ed. Illustratesi Catelogues furnisbed by ed- clre;sig- W. BELL & CO., GtUELP'H, ONT. Guelph, Jan. 2th, 1873. 5-l7 s TEAMSHIP TICKETS Whit.by, Apdit 1, 1873. 14 iy GENTLEMEN: :pRZ 1INc --CXLE3-I'l LARGE' STOCK NEW SPRINGt GOODS. [S NOW COMPLETE 1 Constisting of a splenidassortment ni Cluths of ail kinde for Qentlemeni wear, sud a comploe stock of GENTS' FIJRNiS-HJNG GOODS, TUE NEWEST *OUJT. à SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW SPRJNG BATS & CAPS. CHEAP FOR CASMI A. PLUNG LE. Wbhitby, March l9th, 1873. 12 IMPORTANT N EWS BOOTS AND SHOES! The undersigned lias a large stock of Ladies', Gents', a nd Uildren's Fine and tCoarse B3oots & Shoes [Er-Boots a ud Sho es made to order. j: Overshoes 'icd warm an'1 comfcrtable. ladia Rubbers, jg- flcpuiring neatly done. Cali1 at the old Stand. W'ILLIAIM 3UBNst .May 22, 1872. Boas & Shîte Store, Bnack stress, Wlsitby. J. .A D D-1-N8 ---00 EXT/M INDUCEMENTS àI NOW OPENING! Several cises osf the most fashiwnable and desiralsle L)ress Goods in si coiui-h and- shades mit unheard vJ JO-W :L=-]Fv 1 lm Great bargusins in Fm*g-lish aund Canadian cloths, Cot- tonsi, Wooiieiîs Spring Shsîwis, hosîerj1, giîsves. has and cmsps, and gerserai lîousekeepiisg dry goods. JU'ST IECEIVI[NG, A LARGEt' STOCK OF BES T FIESH FA MIL Y GROCERIESI At the Papulmr Du-y Godis uitnd Groc-ery Establish- meunt one door sotith ai the Ontarîio B3ank. I'Dnessmaking, unde-r the superintendellce of a first-class lady from Montreal. Wis'itby, Apî-ii 221sd, 1873. .aTHE J. Il. ADDISON. 17 ON T AIRJO- By *A/Ian's Magnificent LiUne LOAN & SAVINGS 00., 0F MAIL STEAMERS For sale-, ta andi frai Bitain, et loweat rates, anid ail ncceesary information cheeriuily given byGEO. YULE, .Telegraph endi Express Agent. 'litby, March 111h, 1873. il L UMBER 1LUMBERil1 Theunudensignesi bevisîg heau ppainfesi Agent-andi elsa Shipping Agent-fan the extensive Lumber fini of Messrs. Smith & Co., ai Fenelon Falls, bas apened,in caunec- haon witlî hie athen promises, an extensive r--eLUMBER VARO Adjoining the 'Whithy & Part Perry Rail- -a Sttion, where he keeps cantentiy an auYdSe large andi compleis stock ai Luinber ai ail kinds for sale, wholeale andi retail.- Planeing maehine, and aIl kinda ai wonk ex- ecutesi promptly, ta order. - GEO. CaEMACK. Whithy, May 27, 1878.' 22-tf F Alim FRuSALE. Thet weh-known tefrni, lat 28t Briscon, ai Wlsitby, known as THE DONALD8ON FARM, Anis es etpresent hlnlice occupatian of Mn. N. Haj. Conteins 190 acres ; about 150 clearesi; dwelling, outhisildlngs, asd mitabhi offices; splendid orcisard oai8 acres ho extenlt.'4 ppyto- JOHN -A. DONALDSON, Gov't Emigration Office, Msrcis e, 1873. làtI - Toronto. BRAND CH1ANCE IL Iorai,150 mres of exceilent lensi, situ- a 'adwit]sin 1ofaà mileiai the Maket Square attcTw !Peterboro'. i19., ashea vily tiniberes. .Wood eélling readuiy aI 4 60t. 6,5 tsar cura. Incorporatesi Febroary, 1873, Punauant te the Act o! Penliament, gth Vic- torbe, Chapten go, andi Amensimenta. Permanent Fixed Capital - - Shares, -$30 Each, $250,000, Payable cubher et once, on by Monticly Instalments. DlIRE C T ORS. - WILLIAM. McGILL, EstQ., M. b., PrSDEmNT,, W. F. COWAN, ESQ., Vmaa-PUBsmzENT, T. N. GIBBS, Esq., M. P., F. W. GLEN, EsQ., W. H. GIBBS, EsQ., M. P., FRANCIS RAE, EsQ., M. D., A. S. WHITING, EsQ., W. H. THOMAS, Esq. - J. S. LARKE, Esq. SzcausrAaa-TRAsîuitn - - T. M. McMILLAN, EsQ, SOLICsTos - LYMAN ENGLISH, Esq. B"isero - - ONTARIO ]BANK. - THSCompanyi.à prcesarod toa asvance snoniy sipon Towns or Country Ra Estae, n ouno-o$20anuti upwards, for from twd te twenty yesns; psey- abii-in monthiy, quanhiniy, hei!-yearly, or yeanly instalmneiss, to suit, sic con- venience o! thi borowcr), at iew rates o! inteniet. tTic Cgùiyany, f* i spu. pareil ta icceive deposits of 81aSliti upwards, sn(d wili aalôia teriaIat tic rate 'o!. six per, cent., per ancus upon tie saine. Tise'Stock o! tic C ompmony bcimgz piedged s ccuity Iûr al deposits. moud beimg unden ticr governmnent of Dine-, tors-oàf long cîîseniencs iu business, usho are usd1 kmown tle e omiaI côminsuni- ty, an. excellent guaete se oiféed for thc carcfuh investment e! m'omey left on deposit. Dpto set al l imes usili eceive thebiguce«t Trate o! l-uteneet, consistent uiti the, smty antiproper wonking a! lIseSocicty. - Deposits under 650may bewuiti- dm" w ustisonutnotice, imd uithout amy forfeihure o! interesl, iu accontiancc uiti tise tfith tables publisti thlIe objee th ie Directons being to encourage hab- -its of cconoinisuitmdfrnÊality raIson tisan thc ncalization o! large profits. Tic Dindcons, !uliy convin'eci liaI oe eo! thse Sirntstépe ltoianls lime i M- provemeut ot4heir fillous citizen; s ta o encourage a desfiteta Mav, and sec=i- ut thiliicàiigs as a wisc provision for-future contingencc, in offering cinsenions. PWctures en1arê IiANLISOMI SIGN 0F !THEC ROOKUNO C II I *~ i The subseriber keeps coiit-antly.'oii IIAND A LARGit ASSOMTMENT OF Furniture cf Every De8cription, Consisting of Drawing Roomi, Parlor, bining Room, and Bed Roonj Sets. of difilereîst paiteris4 c ar, ved atnd plain.- and fancy pninted; Sofas, Couches, Bureaus, Sideboards, Centre and Dinin- tPEtensioàn Tables. %Wardrobea, Beadstëads, Ue's at-Nots, A.ashstands, Dressing Tables, fiair- cloth and Cane-sesited Chairs,_ Arm his and Childrets Chatirs of' difierent, styles, Loôkinig lasses, Spiring ,Mattressesj Piclure Fîimerits, &c A stock much supeior to thit of any oth er reail liouse ini the tiade.' His-large experienice enables l to- warratit ali his btock being îof the' Lest material, and workman- ship. aiid mo.st tasieful design. gýj-Funerals fully supplieèd.-Ilose-, wood Caskets -F, plend jd N ew li earse. SOLE AGENT iOIL WHITESLDE'S PATENT BED. SAgent for the sale of Sewing Mlachines, and Cabinet, Orga ns, of su perior miin uthcturc. t'ait and exzmrine Lis immense stock. Prices stili .furthei reduced. JAMES H. SAXO. Sigu of the Great Rdsiking Chairo Brock Street. Whitisy, April 2, 1878. THE OLD STAND.1 IlES IA BI1t1S H EO 1833.1 T he unidersigîied in rcturning thanks for theliberal patron-- hithoria exitaîdi-d iiitihe aid eabliilîiwiteît, for- nosnly e pernd of. iitsiy yers, de sires to a * y that lie has suiv on liarci a <e asseetinent of the 1119st modîrs.an.! elegahit st) l-s af Alid trusts by 'proper atte, tion and moderate prices te se- cures a caîiffinuance (if public ps-itronags. Practical upholstering. Furnituis ne- ,4tiflcti aîîd cî.vrcd. UndertekiDg & Funerals Fully Supplied as heretofare.. SSoîne spiendid specimens osf Picmure Prames, and Gild- ing. Rieînember the Old Stand. JOHNSTON'Sý SELF-RAKING REAPER AWARDED THE -FIRST PRIZE Atthe Provincial Extsibition, Toronto, in 1870 WcV otier te our custcmiers fer the ceming ilafrvcz5t. two di- tinsst Ma'c'hincs4, whlch in style? and construction,- ennbrae the latest and nicst usel fnpî-ovements of the day. JOIISTÃ"'S INGL SEF-BR IN BEI>J THE IlK1NG '0F REAPFES.1' The unlV-crsas utýccs of this Machine, i-oth in closely contest ed trials mcd lanthe hînda < f us- larniers. warrant us i, syintg tibt, ssesSelf Uak- na Ileping ,Mlsîclne, iflie tins g,-id pj.rs ano se Cis lfe.-is. suîd lias met ahIt moreaîsucet-ss ad liss iions, iton lienetipfcîe ollerec ta tihe publie. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER- nie were awarded tihe Firsot Irize and Diploma, at the Plcvini efnsl Exhibition, heil in o rantie. 1670.41 c- n-pssititi tis ail <lie lei:ding ilsclîire iilnuîîttstd in thse Provinice ;nand willî oir-i- liet iinilîeri-ment». tire ugîlitii'i inli r slsllciîgc ilive ' galii anda oî,sri.,î Mî!cnstg>laliî,e. s i. r- a,, iified iblit sîs-ls investigationn yl saiîvii.ee ever 'y ii p;rjtudirc iei i.s g bi W,, "itien the liestMower utemiteFiter for 1872. hstil is i teDc.niniuti. 9WSes- our descripîtive ciislogsses. BROWN & PATTERSON. SPMING AND SJJMMER 1 MPO R TATIO0.N's A COMPLUTE STOCK IN.Ail LINES 0F D RE S.S GOO DS.Ir For Bu1 It, Try it, Prove IL. Pnoce 50e pet Bottle.' So1ilby aUlDrugglsti. CARBOLIC SALVE Worth iti Wcight in GoId 1 À Spebiflo for Cuts, W'ousds, Bru ..r Erni, fBcalds, BOuS, Fites, Pimpleb, anit Clsronic Diseasea of thse 2km cof every dei-, etiption. Price2ie per]3.ox. Sol& l>y mliDruggists. CABDOLATED GLYCERLNE JELLY -Emlnently the Ladies' Favorite. For B,<autifying thse Complexion, andifoi- remàoving Tan, Sunlnsrn, Freckles, Pi..nl, .1 e., alse for Cltapped Banda, -Childlainx, Frog Bila, andSiBorLiýps. Fric. 25c per Bottle. SoId by aUlDruggïstg V 1Jù -Til 0 a 1 TOILET SOAF-S 1 Celebratéd for tlseir uniform Punity and Excellence of Quality. VICTORIA CÀEBO3LIC SoAs'. VICTORIA SULPESe"oi. VICToORI GYCEBuaZ, 1HoYr, Roi, .sis SoaibysDUDraggists. L vST 0F TEE DIVISION COVETS or THE COUNTY 0F CNTARIOI FUR TEIE YEAE 1873., No 2ý.... 18i S D ..0.M I N 10 N - 51 li N.' nerige het' t 21 J> t ilsb- itats of Whi a icivi ta liey ï'i luebity Jeuli 1873. Jms Iaae Fon UR& FSteetSTRE Opposite the Robson House, Where they trust by Ieeping everytLing ii. their lins always on hansi, ta be abie ta give satisfaction tao ustomere. Bran,,Sh ortaimesi, Cracked Wheat, fc. ai tis et quality. F-LOUE-FaB.Wheat, Spng, endi Mixesi -andi al Sinda ai Feesi, seing aitics lawest living prices for cashc.1 No. 1iSpning Wheet Flour et <S 12J. SMITH & HEMIN1GWAY. Cash paid f fa i kindbafFarnier's Prodnce S.k Til. p pORT WITBY & PORT PEIIRY B. B. T-IN R-T XYest of Englamd, Caiîadian, 'and Scotch clotil GE NTS' FIJRNLSHIN.G 0F> EVERY DESCRIPTION. Tise GROCEhIY DEPATMU*ýlNT lu repiete 'w se!ectioîî etTeas, Coffeées, îîew ti-uit, Fpiceus. Best - oiôds- nt pnicea defyimg iegîtimate comspetiticol A . OF ý 1

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