0- ý,;1le Won ý9 ie 11jaL 'le was Dy Long Oildo the, Weskëgt Whôý i - ', - aie It was deoided that the dFmonstratio, è&ndillate that av" th , , là nOw Making ouch a Un -, ià OË %111qý- M ý- Godozý le themètt-*kked e liffl And- whél propose4 ta bc got up in big Il 12 1 . ONLY Si 50 PER ANNUM. )'ce forivard ta contept the Èià ùg. .ýfrinren,-and à .Du and ppriurer , ur.ýsýaith, isý by- ollould .89sume the lorru of a Grà nd beiniz taià In' tib'e,"WIpipem ý May net against big own iiLbeiýnt, or,-, the delan. moved thif Ã&, WhIlbY, Thmà y, Jü1ý 24, 1873. Political Banquet, , It wax algo arralle* of the Milpport ho had bail, Say man, di nsPPrOPriste- dant" iothatvery tbing., 'Bntof Mr.- ofhewýTo-stEkMOn 'ha réquired 90M 6 ed that it should take place lit the tovvn il 90n'éf Mohammed Shsh,-one of the Offlibrd-1 Ahall oPeak AgaU4 for fi-t forthwitw-, tO,ý rëMOVéý a b The blidlan with a legs exaggerated opinion of him. béýM of Whitby, and that the 'drill shed and 48th ýebifAreii of 'ÃŽle lâte, &tbu Mâal, , let, me speak of the ecene to-dayf w4pn frOm the'à i91iwà ý' bëtweeÙ-" ,4" and self into excèll Who le telling the 'Truth agricultural grenade alleu golf than James 1101den, wotiid'foeýl alitant chhe 265 ch1Iýrsn « Fath AIl 0 e, le, , 1 5 in the 2ad -CorioaWidu, and put said gines.fly &loup M bc prucur- whoul a loîëd. wl)iu aolhamed of the regult----or at, toast Shah, Who dieil in 18U7 lie hi" If etZ #atte igtate Ofrepair (ao=à inz net any appel 3foNnilen, wijose naine - fre. ed and made available for th# pur'poRe. wcald have the decency ta rom., is the happy fthey of - .4r ý atjetr, Ptifé P à of inttômnt yôtith, Cil n a t jhii: survey) otberwà è this COUD building a siat qututly Moutioned in connection with it lui b 1 cou loft with Bir. Gibbs hiniself; and three sono, ail grOwn Up or nearly and whom, "the defendfinv, swo 0 a wal hold - him, peeganally reiponsibl. action of the allant. He bid the power of a bank go, tbo;uh lie in onlyforty yean of ajZe. bail degraded,-sppeared in the *itaegs- for ali daulages that'Irnay, herenftýer bécanes, Marta the Pacific Railway charges againgt, ta decide on the dey, and lie bail al. t hi baek; in 1 box, and, in a voicet.whose avery toue thé GovSmen4 lige publighed resay intitaatea thatP--,if Thursilay, the, the P"ttronn of a rt"lway and 1 théY lialie , alieady Riven him ha peu by réawli of hie neglect-oi de-' gaid Raneo9à series ta lislp him-ý-the alvantaze of being a twelvemnachilaren Shahdpe .- carrieil 1 irreoistible Conviction > with jt, îA21t, 00 te put said road in"' repair, and the codait of lt-tt«m '*Ith Aligust will moet the couv -blancs of h'il told berwaimple. and pathetio story. the clerk do immpdi&toýy gond Mr, whic t suit documents int-ended to rosi ont of the toiWn of Whithy and bis bý bis Official tifle. tghali-in-gh la Wili remeniber that, on the former à 0 pjý lneulpqà te the Government of-to Asv bis collesgues in the (1 v.weirnment tha t, business connecticin. He bail the par. a goluie rater within hie domïntnnoq, Yeu 64th ý Hall a COPY of tilà resoldfin. Company., day will be nameil. ,An executive com. a-uf, MaRter of the liveR and zoodfi of all trial llthe deféndant," then 0 Cela- --A petition signed by Thos. Wadee with Ultra or the toast Of thom-9 most extraordinar Ronal, assistance of sucli able men as bis Rubjeetq ; ha bas the right of desi« 1 i*nant," oworel, thot, baiera 'leav4llg was progented - colui 1 characiter. In these ho charges thttt Mittee-- composed of leading napper- n infinenceil by t Mininter, OfI Utts- - MeXen7iý, Wood, Edgar, Elgland in 1858, hé hait given ta Mr. obitractf ailling of eprtai air John A. Macdonald, Bir pilano* tarit of the illand Revenue MrIg , Dating bis Aticéelisilr ta the throne. The on on this Zhway, fil front of of thé towns 10 Dymon(l,,Jolïn O'Dnnohoo, Jiphn Ide. whole reVenue of the cointif belli -Godffl la desle&, -paokotj" which con- lot No. 6 in the 9th con., whoa nu -ma. Oro, for instau Hisicks. the tais Bir George p. Cartier, fýOM- 'the différent onnicipalitieuý juille .: tliei't di'épogid, ïecetIt idveilie, . 4 At- tâtuda t6 tiia*4tig «kdo i tien the olerk wsé instructea ta natify Northera Boa Keo,,Wn, and ý of tlïe,,local memberg Of igu of 9 lion. Mir, oui Riding bu beé'n ap'poiutëd, wîth J. B" Ilon. Mr. Langevin Persia have beau able ta amAgg a large ýçXMùTo1r, Nov., 1869. the Oirehwer of iliglivrave to remove power ta preVe mit, 'ni (Ittorney-General of Queb Bielteil, Esq., reeve'of the tovrnghi of this anil the âdj(Ji , ulz Riling<, Mesom. Privatte fortune, That of the prenant ý If it ho au eh obstructions fnfthwiÃh, Oro three etati, eé.) Mesure. r£rowýVII andm4tëord. l' true thât My cousin Kate White, Of the Montreal Gaxotte, and- Whitby as chairman, and W. IL ffig- The foIIdýving accountswere orderea coption and i labad a bâter Shah le reportea ta amoulit to tour Doifghty should piovii to be enciente, ta ha Psidý of jý the Publishers of the French paper, La sub bý - Dickson, relief of In. For £û,ýde1f I si -cotnrà ittees thrn'any, former millions Sterling, one-balf ropre»ntýea YOU are te make ail neceuary- arrange. digent, $9 ; of J. joyne, do. # for'Orillis bail- n' Candidate againfit Mr. Gibbil over bail - dI&MOnd»ý the lairirest, - the monte; for berý gâing, ta qcot 20 ; of J. à clsurvc, indivi4luillY 4ýd côUective1yý *0 cs"7 out 411 the arrangeme La. 1 Non'of 178 carats, ana oth laüll, au, Smith" do, $4,50 ; of J. %sa do. flot. the concerne' h- lad a large outil of monov subscribeil Mons Yeu Are to seo thst Uptôn le properly with having recolved' W90 illami ci 'The mouillera of the Rtones, forminq ttie Crovrnllieell,ýer 60 ; and of Ma"". copp Clark Of sta. pany à worse 1 fýr him to carry ne' propared for lier until I retura or abc tionary, $15,72. Money in Connoction wità ý the tee will me . the election and hie Shail in the fourth sovepelgn of th, ed by euch grantina et again At Brooklin, air te. > ' - ý P marries.,, You are ta à hOwýgre3t kind. Tho Connaît, ad Ilifl supportemli il adjournetil W the fm parties may fin , ft, nothing unsaid Ynas Of th- pdùqaft. *bidb tok the naos të lief, ïttid jet heË.hjýf everything of the Pacifie F4iiway Charter ta si *Morrow (Ériday) ut two O'Clook. , , '-i e liot i-quell games in r or landaus, lu the wliv ý of meney And possem ôd ttio «Own - alter ýýâ 'dvil elle requires. If site romains single hiondse In llugh Allait *, thst in the case of the Bir John A. bfacdonnid, iion. Dr. war. It in within Pa promig4,g in oraér ta geoittevotpé, And the POiýer' Of the untilIcomebackI*illmarryhdr. In nowepapers the Moiley W" Paid Tupper, _Han. Mr, Tilley andý other Peiiian Monnych to alter or tn overmif the avant of My Cousino desth Yeu are A Sad Picture of Spain. thoir fbr inembère of the Mi , nistry are, expeetpd vêt wjUli all thos'e influences in hie the exigtînoz law of succession. Ali the ta take charge of the estâtes on my bc. more pluck, an affl ort, sud In that cf Ministers favar, lie watt- heaten by a majority of laws ôf Perola are baud on the Pre- hall, t'O keep the École p ASBASOIXATE]b.-MadtM, May 2lot - tOwmbiP stOré te carry the elpetione, Mr. BfodUlleng tO ho presont, sud it tg bolieveil that 242-thn la copie of the Rnmn the atlm, And ta the 6monstration will bc aitogether rgest mainrity Mr. Gibbs thatigh The j&ayor of Àlbodaéer, inVaIenýa eau have bette laarmtive,'%.If wliat lie »Yi be trac, and ever polleil-and nearly throc t[ni power of the gliah id sibooldtai à lm biilv r(t][lait the dOtttgOI3 At PfiW8 Peltil. wax assasinsted 'durtng à local dis: snd.1elavO Oril big evidence la ta belleil. Oneof the grestest over held in this 09 ait Bd filit, dg it M fidi ôbpnged ta the Re. turbanc growin Blidwd City b Ved, Certainly : , irrélat as lits ninjaribil of 08 ôv& Qr. a g out of the recent ber eust6niefd, puta au Uizlv look on matters.- But in part of the country, ai; ivell as one- copiait doctrines of the Mnhametan And it muet bc kept tti mind that electiMs. White, 1PAr, tljà n a lfr. NeMulleu a crodible witmotio p train, the pr.ominent luembera of th(. Yfar bofore, Mr. rpligion. The Shali fi; regarded sa the *heu pressait ta gay what this mestit CARLIST Succicos. - Bayonne, July thein à . wholesc 'Ml;te liad ta contest the Rielinir single. ViCPffPrPnt of the Prophet, and it le 48 lie swo 218t.-The Carlist force which asservis, and b, Where lie han made the charges speciflu Government hkely to-be pretient, à nd re that lie bail sfduced bis bas just ricli township-c nough agalnot the speeches ta lie delleereil-te which hfL"(IP(l Rnfl atone ; lie roenive(l n f guell that 110 claims implicit ohpdience. cousin in July or AugnAt, 1852, that the captÙred the town of Ignalatta, lis natter Mars ]non Any Of the parties, they 0"" a Th. m-ajoritv of the inhabitantg Of seiltiction teck place one day wlien the cOmmsud of Don Alphonzo, suit liav#, Met ýwitil a ilst coà trgaietion'. Much polîtical sl'gne.ance will attacti the Olltfiirln sur-rt solieited by, and Peroia are 'Malioruedans, the total they hall beau walkiiig aLone together, cOInPris8g 8,590 infantrY, 203 c alry, $ange ta patron t te -Mr. Holilon ;-11is corntuitt,-e number of digsentette 1 av Bir Hugh Allant In' 1% swom SMI&vft, At this Particular time. Further and sen lot sniogntinit ta and thitt the satine ofthe crime was a and dirais pieceo of artillety. In con.- OtOreil- reeeiveil no Contributions of ynnnp,.y more flian 14,09î), fitates pooitivoly-,i-no *Mtey derb"ed more dotailed particulars will ho an. The iatter consigt, Mill near the village. Now gr. dits. se suce the itlLot encoego, flie allow tll!s front anyfmd orfmm anV 0 notifi-cécl At the earliest possible ma. frnali ofilsi(le-nor wef; flic hât lifinà el Of Armenians. Nestorittno, Jews, and fard in bis testimony gave the who unicipal '-authoiities of, 11aréelatia taxed se narrai y jo, ment, rounl for Jjýjnj for,;nýçteriptionj; at home Gmebrpà or Paresse. The Arrne star 4 ]lave or an" ad a committee of saféty ','gtdrlt 19, but il nian of the 11sealed patket," and hie and are pressing fuie, service. CRI inee A moricapt «4#oeiateg jua# expondeà tolielp ilatinn la estimated at «69 t "the defentlant." Hors -,,le the warranta it. popi ny was sufficient of itoélf ta dellence, an âge meddlesome wo liail unt a bank and a railway failli- toutim' en bet*éen thfeor los 'ofi 8 a8t'igiMI MY friendil, or the friends lieu, ineludina bath Protestante and Couvico Civic Holiday-Grand £xcursion. hîm. and the a(ivantaze of thpir patrou. Roman Catholice ; the jewa st 10,000 ; wliole story sa told by Goolord, 'and twenty and forty yearà . and bouefit Xaý .f the tlettemmept ai thé recont gon. A Towx SAexoD AND Buay». fige at Lis distinsal, and ypt ho wax and the Gubbren At 7,170, The Persian you will osé, in the trot place thât Madrid, July-21ot.-The Carlist er«I elmçtiong.", rd riday, lot Aumist, in in Lo observotl (It-rfate(l OnIv a mniori Priestlinod consista of mally white the defendant nayo th F3 i r Pra; orderx. 0 paper was 0 fi lhgauvae .1010,11incks, sa regards the 98 a, Public 11,011flaY * Part Perry and' tY of 0,9, The ArrneniAugý&re U114er twý sacked and Il rued the town Broughar Own of Whitb And rnnrp,-ýfr..Wliitn OI)tain,,d A tim- MnhnP%. written in 14ove 19524 i)oofÃ)rcl oitvg fi lada. y, accorli.ng in lias Roman Caillette. was * Ãtten in Dec., 1851i But thig la mpllloific ChAeeb >made agAingt, hlS, avftx In the t Inrity in a ship tntlniéipalitiep nTmIiecruef itxhesmwlboieeitnoi itané, ri À bindt4(i Il ttiptown' eitef0lged ýtô» the le latiers of ititté 90th, never tac #olemwy docupe thitt r tilever asked Proclamation$ of the civie enthorities nrdç Atmonijina and. XeotofiELI)pi ast of the discrepancies. Mr. Cosý says tllà t 19vain Io Compelleilta become 'a itnd never oblained, etther- ý# jean or in both places. As will bc gopn hy wbilA lér, TIoli1pn was boaten in ever bilt foiýj ditid neVý.' net, it fett jtjgéý iied gnýAtjd ftoul à ià i.fb*à fds Ëdûcâý in bankrtipt. Àt the tf 5ury 1111 pay- -pif il, an gum of moneyfrom S advertisement, a*grautl union pxCilision rolintcP-,tlitY with the ilngtle . pirdeptin" tifin foi à iIvà uciný in the < upper el afr nient Ilà deiedà ., ahove gullie, ir Hugh "spa, Waterford'aýà izie*here abolit the 15th aile but the A Ilan, or front any vertlon om hie bc. froul Wliitloy 1o Port Porry, atitl thenc a nf Pick-ritl£t . -wliera ýVbit.-nnblY and enlleizes stippu, CtIti ta Most him Madrid employas atte plait j6-à êý dut of act Of justice ta a rtod by Public fundO of 0 ber, and saked me îolýf,-ttilig the inannpr in whieh Mr. are establioli il, Durinoz the ad, Who ikeïe, /oamguy other persan, in col&. by boat ta Wumljl)iira TsJatjdý ut, t,:Llcf! TAign Of At Bath. Re came down ta Tichborne the reve ' y hi,- - nue. The soldiers are paid b freren2igrpprenet ttec . tion wîth'ilt6pacijle Railway. 1 Sellizog ]]an been appointeil ta take Tioltien anti Lis monde trogteil Lira in the prenant Shah the revenué of Pernis on Christmas Eve, 1851. t ots'Y- loans thken£rom the Bank, It in but . This Un bas incroagitd. The receipts in 1868 ing in the, bonne At thst I way ception of a triu for Iiitn like a TrOlAn. time with my? usturâl te beliave thRt tllis la a last furthoP Étale Most pgpt'ét*velji éhaé the Place on that day, Titis excursion wili were £1,144ffl in May, basides pay- wils. I renewed my conversations "Pelie3t- The soldier lanst, sana b. Govermýtoné nop - entered injo any -form a principal, fCature - Let Mr, 11nlIéti ho adviseil ; lZive up in-nt in kind, making the total revenue with him. s rr or . il, the day*N I récollect thêta. In th, dePrived Of Ili PAY, A iv il At that of 1 w aqreemend Io glive the Pacifte -Pailway, enjoymenit, tl'ft d f JqfûblA kind Of lialf-,wliininz of £1,965,000. The incnrne ip in excelis ffrot place they it would net simply ha féderal, an&TCIIY, ilay"o aMý A special trait) will leilve 111 19Z Of big, nid go enase tnakiniz of exppnditure, and Persia han no &-%trains ilellicht lie-haël in fl'nding Miel% but brigandage througliouit the peniti- pupils ant Chalrier for monetarli considerati 0 holiflays. , Subn on# WbitbY station ai lialf PaRt sevon in fit national debt, The balance nubs, There will ho Pillaging, buroint, rif-117 a Lot him et due tc) DouglitYo; feelings JuAt the 0111110 as M sidered incumbi of illus kind." , and killitigivith impunity. ei4 te all school Morning, I;toppitjjz fit all spiterlil 'tliri,,.,itf-ninzii of pont) "P Ilaggiré on argaunt of the expelig.-o or they werc six months before. ' During ATremPTzu AOSAOSIX,&Tl( ti At the , Instance of Mr. nos. %'Vhite, stations and arriving fit the Port before le- -the war conclu(led in 1828, amcmntinor the whole of Unit six menthe; ho hall )Y, - Biar. te whiell we rec the dglitnr of the Gaiette, Mr. Abbott .1 Thêre the fine iiteatnpr n'nl rt-meml)pr that bis Prorent pottition in abolit £2W),000, Watt Cancelleil by ritz, Jidy 210t.-'An attempt was made "'oek an èxecptionally acci4ntal one. Lt the prement Czar in 1 liad the idea that one or ailier - miglit a ça une 0 "' 856. The popu- have supergeded bila, and ibis disent;- l'ore YO Wtl&Y te al a illate ar hall Nfr. FullWa Grý %ad Sir Hugli Allan coule forward and be in reaililiens wi* lation of Persia je about. 9,()00,OW or Casion and evd il" fltt llinl fltnp and think. TI-x Atftnrin- in sien leil ta bis jeavllng the pà per. with Serrano white walking in the grounds 'D' the ROO, emphatic donial ta boat%, &C., fitte4l lip with all 1 of bis ýiIIà ; The âssassin haa been nous by the ointe. 10j)00,000. me. lu a long conversation 1 bail *ith and neighbarho nf'c#ý"mý"ry dit, commrreial eammiinity Witt) thé, arrextëA. - nIllet Of XcUallen that the proprietors dOcOntn]Ã"t)gtion ta convoy exciirq1o.iiist,. , Moiléycil-men a"Iling Ilitu tic contempiateil the grest difficul- RZVOLT OF CaEws or MEN-OF-ýt of the Mast suiti a( thât palier réceived Avo thellîsand ta the » Island. Cjtlverly',% 1 t WlInM lie han ACCIDEV'l' TO Dit. CAà so,.%t.-I)r. Car- ty with regard ta Lady Doùghty and JAR, 'Ple writer lino à dollars or any moneywhatever for lis Quadrille Baud lias bren enggod t . o tn rill) noses if% jnmt as weil son, ai tilis town, was thrown from his hie fittlier. and fi was thon and therc -Madrid, July 21st.-The crews of the --convenient bc wrote that paper that bus been no ýpanish tnen-ôf.wari; Almanza, Vittor- ln4 Support. -Mr. Abbatt tayg- supply the inlimie. Tlie ehixrg,ý of il)(, "rinw" tA Iliç lit pftýtq, Ili the buggy, on - Tuegday night, and go fie- of water---citenf il, Mondez, Munez and Fernando El riold Of tiol4tl(!q. 111 hofli thore igjilqt a verelY injureil that lie was picked up in much talked about. I think lie was te 1 well aclapted in 1 ant poqitive that I dil net go. ta refroglimetit doliartinent attel ticonret induced in do this by a ricollectin of Catol'col 1)av'ng r8vÃ"l 11, t'Je Gaver 1- liolidity-making, Ravonscrafg to.make, and did not-make modation for the a,,,,,, what Sir E dward DoughLv bad done lîttli, ton filliell pretence-more than an insensible condition, and in atill cou. ',nt lias influait a proclamation floclar. touy repnrt.of sny kind moi ta an are in fflloi The schoola- Y pro. the bande of A Aist.class cornMittr.,ý', i-fJi in inako Iiiiii ridienlons. And fincil ta bc4ý in a semewlint analogous ýMition. Sir g Piratiim, and authorizing thoir Cap- sembled at Brou pomi&ÃŽon ta or by Voil with a view ci se. tlillit protence iq jtirf. aq 'ompty, if not ture sud treatment ai; such, by any the grove with éliriliq Say Parileillar lino of whoffl tiarnes are a niiiirlttlt(-Ie tliat -446 Edward liait malle IL VOIV .,,vlion hie son foreigu power, on high usas, action on cltileeý so llaýrnlùrs aq bis boasts and Lis 'rIýtF P1111EN01-OdICAL eOÃœB-,iAL férAtla waa ill that if the child fecovrired ho rdiscelialleous decrees have allia been Broligham, fil Your part toward the Northern Colojl'le,. everything will bc Conducted witil pro- il the Whitevale B would builda chureli nt Poole. The ation Ra'ilwily." pricty and good Ordo -ust in On Ovr tabli! with an circellent èhild did recover, anit the Churelà wag 1".üeà , digwi',4oirjg train public service liam as your cO r. Waglit)tlrti Iq- variety of seannnablë t-eiiii Ilig. The built, and it stands there ta this day. G""'l' Contreras and Plerrad, and re discouïseâ cice à ,nrl Sir fla4h, alter confirmi'ng the land le well- known as one or the trio,;t 'rhe County Crown A7ttemey. main tépics discusseil in,â lively, enter- The conversation was in my office at moving from office the civil governors progress pou 4taternents gors un to gay: beautifill and picturesque spots on the of Cor4lova, Murcia, Pontevedra, Lcon . 11 taining, and always instructive style, Tichborne. He w "' uite ai borne peared one live 11I ueverhaël any negotiation with yon, - Northern waters. day, while in the Court thore. We liwi bý'..t qt.lki and Orense. or yotir firm as ta yonr support of tItA "IL Wliitl)y. j te meet appeur ta be --the late Joseph How,, cap- adults hui-ryin- i tjj, Ccjllljtv Itte.rtlev flltlcitl,, saine en Litiut-Gov. of Nova Sectia ; P white over the re abolit hie cousin, Gen. Parka han been appoint 1 Plies of hot w>a7el radway- proj'ectol I was n4vocating; I Ta ro jecyl rage ici clorli of Llif, pence, relative Moileru -, Orace and lie wae very depressed. 1 remet». tain-general of Andalusia and t which "el q1liry of t] Arieietit and Dr W, Ile gaid. dura, ,neverý'offére4 yéu or gavo yeti auv lie. and Other CôrýesPOnd(-1lts tnll!;t 'L',Xfýilqe l to tll.,, fililitarg. %Vells and the Direôvëry ci ïn bpr his jumping up, and enniary or otIior 'Yorüiiiieration for sny ilitilliatifig that lie setheei'a; Týie Province of Alicante lias deelar. ebriate," whercu ansistance yourendoreil through'vour u8fôruot giving place te tl)f!ir coin. 1 should liki! t'O Lave hig iLecoll:lt I)aqsttl. How ta use Plirenology; The laie That'e what l'Il do and lie weltit ta bd it9elf lnio pli ilideeenfielit Caiiton.ý coteries here ail paper ta qinse enterprises; nor did.yoti muniéationj;,eotiiplainiiig'of the liti,,tliq lir'ard il (lent, flirougli the Oakes Anli's) N-C. j Living ta Work V, tiie llo'ùble à eok. iL wrote A pappi propose ta sward, eviilently " ' pj-(ýgq. about, Ille "l'nt %,Vll4él) Worliing tu Live *, Power of Applica- and thrëw it acrosg te me, and The majority in Cortes ect of redid] hup ever (lirýatly or indircotly propose thst ta whiell Party Persecution is Cari-ieil, tion ; Corripuloory Attpuilan-ie ; Study "Itead tliat." I resd fi. 1 triait ta move a vote of censure on the Gavent. P' 1 allotild do go," ailopteil of dissuade hitu froul fi, but lie Raid, "No; ment, for declaring insurgent crows Siiffice it ta gay, in consequence of the way parties vot. fille Natural Sciénec; Turning te borrow a Cja.ý Mien we have the t;wôrn afffilavit of ad at il,, late Clection. 1 niwic it our litixinpss ta ascer. in Lifit ; The Rê Points l'Il do it." He folded it in au clive,_ pirates. Billin 8-of the s Were WC to: tain %vilat the office is Worth. froin the ason Wliv ; Agrieul- It is reporteil that one Price, a lutin- the propriétors of La Minerveiin whieh print all the Comilà Unicatinfis recc-ivt!il 1 Ea-111 Owl I-landsome Facex and Bail and signed fi outoié!e, 1111emoran aujolifil, of the, fLecourlt flien ta be prff. titra I-Iîntg Progress in Virginia; The tape, and gCaled it witli hie own spuil. ber of the lutpruationai Society ni flibless of the -1ý Ute telluwini I*quttge 1 Fiplitcil. 011 the a( dum- fi emPlOyOd- lu this lisait, there woultl Le lie roorn -colint we England, in in command of one if the could net ho exci foll-1 flifit, it ivat; for two qtiartfi,.t- Dispositions, oie. This Publication de- Private and corifi,].entiali" He gave it revolted men-,)f-wà f. it witli ptieli bilai- journal has net received à iïy in the Paper for ýnytliillg else. Our 1 r, e ri* e 1 ta nie ta lie P, uni] it lay in iiiy desti tic (if a good âljpe front ilin first 187;3, ta the -q ablindred thousand Stibtierà bert; e ve atttnt of money Ira in Sir eugh Allan, advice il;, Icave the Ilerittoýrs" iOý thom. 3'ttli 11ILo.; tlà ,,t tl#P es al, romii Pr, Oral - fur years :rftemà j..Ig. He ppeçr gà nature of the orfrom any a7ent of hii, nor has anj/ Adçli ýý1 p selveg. -Li-,e down their glander. Ti of Ontario, fç;r 1,11 the i)iiqi- ý elle CIFtr', litinst the $3 a year,. with t e Ch nie ÉnY ôtljéf dbëildleiit in IjiR lits, A ilani oi P^aaiÉè fiallfaali 9à 'bbers: 'titiller man" bat New york. Q. Do yen remember the terme of gairê gik7ilir] promese ever b dV?ô il norhas contemptible conduct coitiplaincil ivitil the offico (Ilirin*g it ? A. Perfectly well. 1 aftorwards For menthe past oùepicions have beau litc-rary prefflicet tj-at dedncting 5124.12 for - #&& - ever alzpportleltr,7hllin for: ý '9111, iry obon effects lis own cure. Spread cf Chôlera In thé State6à . destýýozed it. It was marked, "Meuler- aronseil in our mind that, an organized consitieralliont, or for M liveil Of per- to the enor- foruui where the a 'Inis includes -Ptiýaw alid conflilf-tiLià l," in- -bantl Of rolbers were operating on the speaking magna gonal îféferosé.11 This 1, otatement "'iruE ROB40-i llousp«,,-,£].ig (*Id qfq'Vi0ý(19 retiolored t4oe w1jole daysili Évansville. luit., july 20.-A des. aide ag weli. lt weit on. Ilvif 1 e.iarry Une of the Union Pacifie Railroail, but wpre Ãý bc woij ofthé prgprietora, backed up by--the entablislied and well known hotel Lus 0,4;1ýtnft On tll"ýý trial for Patch from %fount Vernon states tbat my cousin within two (or three, 1 am for want of evideticé ta sObtitantiatte a à lr. McBrien. tue nw6r#teo;timony of the editoro;,in which been latoly undergoingc a compit-te rLrýo1l; anI oite or there is little, if anychnngo in the chat. net quite sure which) yoars of this ilate, stutement te that effect we have fD. ;ered Rn excelle I)ritl,,e foi. a gilnilai. PUI)Pogp. Not eru. It is reporteci that six deaths ce. I promise ta build a churcli at Tieli- maineil gîtent. Recent developments, ,pou the impoétiti they ttafë-l'they have never written change, internally, and le liew1y etireod there to-iley, and threc ncar the borne ta the Blerged Vergin." A little linwever. liow beyond the sliaJow of a Sehool Law and anythiýîq, on the oubjgcl of Sir Huglt .4 foie liiiiidred Iiljfl filly ilijlletrs a Y(mir ; doubt tha Il sue i - la the case. Durin- renovatel and litteil up iri ' find titis i q One of the "jt)lg" siiiplirljl;. ýff»retliîn half the popula. lower down bc wrote 11I almo intend ta t 1 sential necessity Allan or hi# raitway.P#tfejopriges for style. The lialt aliel b(ý(Ireonifi liýtvi- witli wisici Mr. Farc..vell 's Ilaffle ig lyitve-lt!fttitetowl), many hundreds of riebuild the linoc ai Tieliberne," Tliat the acarcli for the body of Mr. Peratl" the te.leiliile profé monotary conoideratiôtto, or from ma. beau é9largeil, a-ad ailier alteratiolis alitl f,,r wliielà the ùjiitarin tlii--ni coillingtto this City, Others are was An ait] idea of hie. son, supposait tu have been foully dealt vocation of colitini iives of pdrgojtdl tniere8t.." and improvomptit» made to jriftke the, bas biqqi go preparin- in leave unlest; a favourable By the Jiiry-lîii; noms was signed. with by this gang of thieves, large and not as a stçIt y the illail an'] itm r",ttelitei;. Occurs ilameiliately, No pre - He t fi fornially, llsigijed, 1.1. C. ides of $talon gonds were failli', ci ric'l b ellange ', t profassions, and il And lantly comen Attorney-Gencral "lto!joon Ilousc" a rnost desiral)[é qtop. tétice of Luminimj Las been made for Tic)-t-urlO." Tilat was Niglled by Ilim- IbY"ltilile railroad detectiveg stroma along rives Our schools v In fuldition to thé, above, frotn our à . . ... . 1 1 . - culmet, iwhoin onower tn MOU ullen'o :ng p!ace. Met Brothers IL (.1ayg, and the City lige a dosert. self, and the meal remained tinhytiki-n thp liti- charize that ho recoivlid £ii-nilfi fnw -- - -- - %- - -- M12 lu OC4 it leillu eonbin to p Su' - nSs 1 The Tà bà bly"*811 kà 6wn 11, thýat_ the, _i"ý , rhëels-wh- , ve beau uïed with tue- M' M 'sorne of thé )r 1 mèj 'c'Orb1ïieýd paper non eates dýtê th, a, PaPer, ând bolted- Y dà Pluement ja Inditý. On 9, iiight 1ýhei%1 'Thé -Br,ý-- raR the watchworl&ý 11w wae '12ma, as e gentry. - r-Afber ýe bad P=J =kwardà Mâéd'fcý*ý )r time, One of hWown, Mne up, SM the sentinél cl=ý im with, &Who ýgoes th«e?' The soidierý nowered, 'A Ãriind,' 6re »hé - freind-, or' dfreind,' replied the faithlui -watch, rin sbe dinna bring'ta Brig à '-Pertli i' lier, shelh shoot., The Bighnp of Winebester wà kilM a satmýlay by falliýg from bis home bile riding at fult speed on hix way to ord Goweis country seat, Re, ýwa&: cSmpanied by Earl- Gianville, ana ýr. Gladstone awaited thora. -Thé Bis- )P's neck wu broken by the M,_ and lath was instantaneoas. One of the minor annoyauces of miner pe7i Mo siolsriz, or prickly hast La lready coma with the bot weather., foW drops of lime juice taken oc- sioully in water is said to be the best rrective of it. The cholera is reported to be very liait Vienna, Austria, and much alarm, I in coniBequence. A ion of grEdmimn, of Oakville lof about five years of age, was aeeL atally burned to death in a barn, licli cau;zht flre on Thursday. An Irish team bave - carried off tlâe, cho, sheild at Wimbledon, being the'l Ob time-tbat Trigh riffpmen have car-, ýd off this prize from- the English- M. - A noixy ýiece of croekery-the cup- at cheerg The Great University Boat race ou B Connecticut was won by Howard. Mi Indiau squaw bas just à ied st ýD08ÃWr, Mich., aged 115. She had Irty 8quaurs (infante), à -.-kani;ag nfwspzper wrrti;pondents the leffialature make asRprtiong and wk 'em up' by saving, 'l'va got six [laits wbîëh says iel go. In orphan under aze marrieil bis fé- Je gaurdian recently in Illinois, and ,l tliged to cet ber written ennsent the marria-e -before the wedding Lid také Pli... L woman at Union Hill, N.J., bas' a arrosted for habitnallv pouring lin« water on the siclewalk in front lier bouse, for the purposp of scalding feet of býuréfooted ch-ildren- v dauffliter of - Mr. Dusenberry of was instautly ià i- ýYhtl<i>gnbtton-i1- Thursday, One of giet'ra atif brothers' sM*e also, ly injured. L Mau named Wm. Eurley wM iir-- itly killpdby lightning in thé drill (1 at Newcastle Thurs(lay, where ie two hundred penons took sbelter n arain itorm while wituessing a. ie of base ball. St. PetemburgJetter says that fpgr,- ýdred and fiftý GeMu residents of rfria havé left- in a bad,,r,--br tbe- ted States becansc the 0: vernment; areil themliable to ebforced ugUtý. serVic0ý he'Kbau of Kliîva bas signeil a con. tioù to pay Russis two million roti- iudemnity within two years, in 'i of which he is confifined on - bis Due- à e cup pregpnted by _Bennett, of New York Herald, to * lié competeil at Spring-field, Mam, ou a two- foct rude, was ipon by M. Bowie, bis Dowinion, Secretary 'of the tiý91-Lacrosse Club. convict in the Mississippi peni- ary dug, A tunnel 123 feet long and out. Re' used the handle of a a, and was nineteen months about man iný Wayne eolinty Penn-, à Inat ne muet examine 811 the witnesses -tiruilterweho are in reslity thieves and -%Ve are pleakeil to find the official the City from Cholera occurrarteddetuotldiayin leant dancing, wlifi 8 Waq seiqougly injizr",il Od silice lest report. The fi en bers of the ang-take the goods and Ntatement, authorized by the member Tucsilay last, by beînl-'thrc)wn in front markeexd onsheisaburideforoegiLLradflieygoBof timp mu ra of the worst dYe and n'em- called the !'poetry of of the Goverument, etating,,tlint ifi oc Gazette Contain the following ainotrcst adcliffè minatefl one of the, the antiouncements of inilitia of a tjiowinz m,,Ieliilio white the horses was est fid to swear that the "defé-n. oeil-them, te unscrupulons men, who uccessful of gatheri taras sny part of those communies. appoint. ov LAtip, Scuao(i.-Tile tuent dant,"'wlin liad declared that she was cotre little where they come tiiOnfi et of Ille dècÛmentis publislied Ù101)ts- Wtovet --to be Lietit«eolc)n(,I. wore riiiiiiing away.4 severe etôrti), accompanied With light. once bis mistregs, wasi net the bigh- long as tliey eau frein 80 am durin- this se g9t thein, Cheap, SUCI, miglit be allowed t( Witli thera tends or plitpôýtx to impli. Major Georgé IL Pnrhiell, retirêd froin nitig and a violent windf that h-18 been boffand chivairous Roger Tichborne astate of affaire jeulateil tO the intention of poi-J q3ate any mémber of tile Ooverument £Ommand of No. 4 Company 84th liat- et. wittiossed fur years, passeil over Port whom @lie huit loved in maiden parity. imbue passengers over'the lino with an day of united met talion ispromoted nq iliz of flic Cotineil last Monday ûvPning Perry and vicinity l"t Thtiraday after Lady Radcliffe le now 89 years. She -assurance of personal safety, anit intprellange of lie Y ligre0me114 Prowiee or under. il, for want of a quoi-ilin. MenArs. Pliilp, mpÉeial e. noon, causing great injury te th, grm, in etill bandsome. Slie is the wifé of strentious efforts should be made te ci] occasion %tanding to*mnt, or t- further the literally 14,velliug it tu thé whieli su consideration of efrieielit fier%,icc!s rvuil- r-lari)ii- atici King were the onlY memý uprootincr trecrg, tearin 9foithil, and Sir P,,,iviLl liadcliffe, of Caveriwell, capture the ga'ÃŽg and bring theon to Mou prý.sý!nt at tlle bour of g fencog down, oi I have renen granting uf the cisarter of the Canadiau 6red 4Y him am Chie[ niusketry iiii4ti Castie, and ilie fil the only daughter jutitice. -The men thing of a borrow, eeting- and doing other daniage in its course. ard ghd Lady Donghiy. Tiiz MosT NoiaTiirn,;.- Pa0ille itailway Company, Or the con- tor at the camps Of exerciiie, Niîtýcara. vilglit o'douli. On Lake Scugog the winit seemed-le oSfltesiwrà iEtehlwus the cousin of Roger Tich- frein the Polaris have brouglit te the compliment, but Pla tract fôYýhP building of that railway, 0 SCIFSCE OF HKALT11 for Aqý, cutrents uleeting causé 0 Tu alonost approach a hurricane, and two borne, and lier father's objection$ to generosity. -as compensation for aosistance at the in an excellent numljer, openin,, witli au brigade, we unilersf ro a the Inst Osil.twt FIVE BRIOADE.-The enti the interuftrriage of cousins, on reli- United Stat-a au Esquimaux' uani late général élection, or for pecunisry illilstrated. article en and, have roccivd rare- pljënotnetion in thé shape of a Considérations Of the Car water-npout, which appeafed te rie te uds, was the real cause of Haus Christien, with lois wile and four . any kind, or upon suy reït 0 Of tlie a nevi and lifindpoine uniforin. the height of teu redt. = p1brture frein England, and children. He was takea on board ihe UlqlbZTFN'rlOD;AL grotindj, or for any oison ; The Confessions Of the lotte sir vû p 4 re il inconsisient ' Ef dward 14,1,tton I3111wer in given; 80UT11 ONTARIO of all the subseqtipnt calarnities that PokrWafter she reached Disco, witi, ýry spécial' corem - È ynar, wilI bc lield at tile A Tfip TRIAL OF THF CLAMANT.-Lon. followed that event. I abould say h-ýrP hitz wife and three children, While the' Figaro gives the fol] with their duty, as members of the Gov sifis 17ULL Silow, thin ie fourth- Sir Bartle Frerp wh gainst the BotTy; an excellent article _ý,,icultura1 don, JulY 21-The trial of the Tich. -what would havolyeen better si;à i«l be. vessel was in winter quartera tl Sir Bartle and big ornment' those cou=uuicstiOUB auà Du Green corn, givin" a Ã107011 av more Grounds, Wjj4Ljý>y, On Werinestiay and fOYO-tliat the defe knowle a born. The birth haviug do-urnents are eithor ;bsolu ýorne claimant on the Charlze Of Pecm of the tact that Roger Ticlibo taken place on a United States veoisel- -- Pedition lup country, entirely fa!ge tety con." MO-108 Of PreParlug this universally used Tittirsélay, Sep, and igtil jury, was Vesuineil this morning, but a P.-aled packet rue . left uudér ilie national fiag, the child in waridered, from the &Kcla Of fond; Causes and Cure of SU,,,. next, aiment immediately atter the Opening With Go@4ord, -seems te bave been thýir way. After oc 'rey 811 absolntely fAlOe ImPrO961011, mer-Complaints; jî(ýalth of the court one of the jurera jaintej, statement meardievebdy frGoomî;fournd innocoanutaifotuerF; claimed as an Auvrionn citizen. It Resorto in A. ROBRIN celved a nea 's liu Thot th; arraugemet referred te by waï; born 100 miles, farther nortla than ýrO the lalé- Sir Georg, Cartio, merles; Signe of Madne;s in D0ý ; and fortunntc G À CLOTjims un. frein the effects of the heat, and an ad. the défendent made his appeà rance. in any habitations of men are known tu lipnM, proceeded tc 1 in thepub. - ' 'R ý, named Aunic -Harris, WaR joUrnmont until lo.morrow 'Was nepeas- liotiod letter Of tbe vllriOty'of other ricli reading, iuelýllin,, ary, The thermoujeter -stands at 85 in England. Seldom bas tiiere been a exIst, and with reason, is belie Au old bègresa appi s"I't te gaol for one inonth, last week, -the shade. ved te "gus&. Ingt, à mwers to Correspond more pathetie scene than thastdin the bave bad its birth placé in a higil and gavé ýhem soin Wal'au arrangement perâonsl>tôhii2 a yenr. ent. Ti rnig for stertling, C1otbesý fiera a line<in told itude than anY Pther -living- "If and Sir Hilgh A 111w Vôl. begau with Agnew-0 yard. Mis Court Yesterday, wlien this humain énvoy à t once, convPl Allant independent july. Sent six months on trial, fur Tho Muni Co etteaud- soeing num of, sud until publinhe Port uope, uuçils Of Petorboro', the atory of lier first romance and'her beiug- blaék balle suspend ourg, Kingston, firet love. She je now the ýhappy wifeý -ai ticknown ý tio 'il'ob and Bà eQIMT Te CAIrADIAN ItMzxzN.- $1,00. 8, il. Wollo, Other towns have been troubled about of a noble gentleman and the mother of London, Jaly,9,1-A banquet will b and fà nçying themý t the etherrÀaèmbers Of the Y Publiglierf 389 1:ýÎr i>artie3 te wliom Tur, Ciano.,;Ictp lier Iside 1- st Bichmond to-Diglit in ho e roomai popped. thém G*vlerJ4MOnt, Broadway, New York. k; 110b regularly (jet Ide Children.' He stood by nour ly diffregarding the CI and that>it ad no reforence ivereil by the carrier the lega ty Of avmgiug, bank otock. 91 1141 wili COI&P a faor reportiiig' the Thé ýamséss;or1 U#OegOed the otook se other *hile éhe reliteil to ý the grayiliaired V - Cà à iià ian rifleotien, who are h8re reinonstranceg. Aftf Canadien P&CIfi, 0 to the by pro ' Of tbe harter or contraët, IIICUOVAL OF T OsnA,,VA OHOA..; j,,ýjC. PertY, and 119affifithis action appal, Judges and theattentive w -jurymen , the lo particîý&te in the Wimbledon con- came the o* ner of-t or te the iii&ntinglof either of theiu. TORY Te cjmiesion ai the office. würe ma-le at the Court of Revision. nad and * ple eto-ry of-her ýgir1ie;h af- test. Riglit Hou. Visecunt Bury wili Icarilin(p What bis j -BOW?44*YILLF,.-Tlie Ã"SIIýtwil %Veloave yet scen hut one décision by a feetion.alnadlnher maiden love-; se that preside. And ýthât '-it the earliest possible mo'- otgaU',,F&C!tOry bas b0en rernoved 1 FALT, Assiz£sý1«rjjc fall assizs f,, ýjj.jýge jpna , she'inight VindicatW ber (air faine fr6na broke into a violelit a lie issue, and that by strà ugera,' cried lie meutthe*hole of the facto and Clrý B tho CI the stain thst the man wlio pretends to The CarlWe of Barcelons have 'been owmaitvilleï where a site of six ý> norps 0-untv.'Of Ontario> will be. lield, Judge DurfOws,'Df Ki'2UOtOn, 0011firming bflh ýCc n a my war trophies, anà Cumétauces will be laid before a tribun. 0 the legaIjtv 'of asoeiwiug bank stock et uni nit to lave been lier badly beaten by the Gaveriltnenttroopg D the Soper farm, te the south Of t'lie nt ýVhitby On, Mônd4Y, September 22nd, stock beld lover had engt upon it, and - no one that after a battle'. wliieli I&Bted eiglitpen Bartie's inquireg, ini SI compétent tý roè6lyo ovidenc, "". Town, was grantea frno»cf ýChaTg Mr. Justice Wilson i siding. b.V a universitror by, 'a, Te- wtjat- lie liad taken pect'ing them, undèr ontll, pro---..- sidfait as au agent for one net residiug bea'rd ber fiad the aliglitest doubt of heure. Avery largenunihorofpersons were no le8s tixan the P0ý,'r1GAL ADVEUTisEbfEN " iii, Ontario Wag, hèwe#ýr, declarerd ber truthfuluess. It ig all upwith the are said te bave been killed and wonno- Who f s to lin 'believed 2 CRIC"T' MATCj.ýCOLBO emies whorn lie had Wbn ig tell. Wnrrà y vs. T. - Itfen- emptâoni taxation, defendant, I @hould say ; -and, although ed on bûth sideg. McM --A cricket ipateli betivee tion le ilivecteci to tile colitcntt;-Of Mr 0' 'Sir Bartle Frere, j 00312, ý-- il the. it is impofsible to predict wliat inay A in vement lise beon started in the 'was ill with iudiesti ç0mes forward in the otl';Pwtxu Who nolbor'n() and Whitby criciiict clùbg Oou$PicuOus POQtiCul adver. A Buciios Ayres correspondent giveo - happen in thoq course of this.eltra- Eugligh Ronge et Commo'ns te obtain char- Win lie playeà et the Market IZM'Ullie t180111,04t ia. Other columus. an accoutit of the dijî4ýovery in the F!rô. 1dinýýryt!iâ1, it seoinlB-equa Y 1 -P - - . --- ÃŽ. . î 7 is. .. ié., p. M2. 5,10,p.m. trains rum. b Montreul tiiiie which is Lito -lasteý îLn Whitby time. HITBY & PORT PERRY IL B. Going North- Mail. Mixed, 'Jnnct!ýn, 9:00 am, 7M p.m 9:(Y7 iLm 7-10 pm- Irry, (arrive) 10-«80 ILM. 8:10 P.M.- Going South- Miied. xSiL -7, (depart, 6M o-jl2.. L-W1pmý (arrive) 7.03 ".w, 2;zo'Výa. 8:00 a-m '2.80 JenL DIVINE SERVICE. tinto'Church-At 1.1 a. m., ana 7 p. Ç'. Mr. cay lie Ch.hý-eyivery Sunday lilorning à d 10:30 a. m. alternately-Rev. Fe Cam,; regidence, 0shawa. la resbyterian Church-At il a. 1 p. M.-Rev. Mr. Ballentyne. egational Churcbýým-At il aý m ana ý(. Gibbs. - tdzew's Chimh-At il a.m. ana 6-M ev. Mr. Fiuer. - yau bfeth&Uot Church-At 10.30 P. m.-Rey.-Mr. Sanderwn. VHITBY MARKETS., oxýcÉz OY]FICE, July 28n% lem. ....... il 80 Lit il m $l 23 à 81'25 oft a 6ký ý1- - - . 6M à 87eý .>ý - Ye Peu - - ...... 75a e 88o .............. ....... - ....... I., 81c @ 40a .......... . ....... sl6ý@ 18 ........ j.. 80c@ )er barrel ......... $B'- ........... . .... log (CI& qnirter ...