Gd =esfer tee obins~ Wnoe t fiy Baby and 1 rish Earlas of Scottlsh Fai .THE E AL or E£ME. lin- nnnly. ~Jon Criohfton, Baron, Viscount, and Earl of Erne, ihti.e nly pegr in sny eue cf the, tiree ceunfries now bearing tfiis old Sceftish name. If ietrue that the Bute familynoir SE the. nainee ofCiclifen ta, that ef Stuar1t, fer the, reason, expiied b.. * loir; but it le net their. patrenymia. Ii old da'e0 sud befere tuis brandi ef the Criclitens, iras. lieuses are comparatilvely modern, ias .urelicd, the. naine of Clireclitan, modernized -- Criiton, iras represeutcd in the, Seettieli ýeerage by twe, distant faillfes, viz: the, Visceunts Frënd.' raugit- and the Lerds Cricliton cf * Sanquhar, lafferiy Earla ef Dum- flies. The. latter fsmily is new rme. prcsented sud their tities enjg~eà by the. Marquis cf Bute; sud frem -thiYormer (tlhe Visceuintà cf Frend- Fauglit) the 3rsent Earis of Eruc --in freiand claun descc4. -' Crem Caefie, in tlý ceuuty Fer. managli, the. seat cf the., fauily (in thicr possession abeut the. -middle cf the 1l7tii ccutury), is eelebrated in tiie family as thie scene cf an sect cf glat resistance en the, part. cf- the then pessesser, aud cf -a bloody slaugliter cf the. King's (James 11L) trceps, frein whichi i will b. seen fliat flicffsm*ly 1is Whig, Orange sud Protestant. The. lero of tis écoee ias David Creiglifon, of C rom' dCastie, fatiier cf the. first -Lord Erne, sou cf Abraham, Creigli. tan, M. P. fer the ceunty cf Ferma. nagli, sud grandscu of Jochu Creigii. tan, of Crom Castie. If is observ.. able, that tihe tarilygeneratiene cf Scettish flamilles who seftled in ire- land lnterinarried a good deal witli eacli other. Tins, we flnd John Creigiton's wife te have been au -Irvin., sud Abraham's a Spottis. - - WOl d{Major-Gumal) Origliten, Stii. defender cf hie castie, ieff au onl son sud successen, 'iv, 111 17(8, iras creatcd Lord Erne, -a titi. taion frein thellugli cf fiat naine, near wmmci Croin Castie iras situstea. Lord Erne iras sjucçeed- by hise sou, wuc use crcated Vis- count iu 1781 sud Earl iu 1789, in both cases retaiuing flic sameiaine. Hie mas graudfafiar cf flic prescuf Lord, iuho is titird Ertri sud feurth Peen cf the faml. -Tii. second titi. cf this faxmiy if; Visceunt Criclifon, though, ase in the- case of the Granard famiiy, fliere is really no sucli titel fihefamily. The later alliances -of flua fsmilyliav-e eec ted c them in iflsoveral notable naines, as the. Herveys, Msrquesscs of Bristol, the. Lords Wliarncliife and'.outiiweil, thcellowards, Earls of Wicklow et- Atîs-s the at of the b-i-. ".sri* to SLW:. 'Ic m he e- -mark appliets, ire observe agni fliaf it iscurious t nate. that severai noble usines once familiar, in the - Scottieh Feensgl have noir ta be sougit, ouly in that cf Ireiand. Ta£E LL5OF Gq5F>E. The Earis cf Gosferd are Buron. ete cf Scvfland sud Peens cf Ireland sud cf Great Brituin.- The family mas founded by Sir Arclibald Ache- son-cf Gocford, in fthe eounty otf Haddiugtou, wlho, laviug beca Sec- rotary cf State for Scotlaud, Solici- ter-Generai, sud- a Senator cf flic Cdllege cf Juâtice, as Our judgea ucre.fermeriy sfyicd, iras- eated a Baronef cf Nova Scetia in 1628, 1k, sevenai oflier Scctfisli gentle- inu ucsettled in irelaîxd. IH. settied in fliaf country about fie -yeâr 1611, sud neeived large grarits cf land in the ceunties cf Antriin sud Cavan. Tii. Scottieli Banonetcy dcscendcd to thie sixtii Baronet, 'uvio ini 1776 mas creatod a Peer Af Ireiaudl as Lord Goaford, the. designaficu being -taken, cf course frein fie old pro- penty cf Scetland. Nine years Inter -io was ecafed - Viscount Gesford, sud bis sou, flic second Peer, - was advanced te flic Earldom cf Gosfbrd in 1806, and iras duiy succaedcd by liii sou fhcseccnd Eari. Thîîs Peer. Aiuchibaid Braazon Sparrow Achesone lofh Baronet of Gesford '2nd Lord Acixeson cf Cfencairmey, 8r4 :Lord Worà gingfo- 4th Baronî Qeeford, 5fii Viecotunt ocford, sud 4th Sauri of Geefrd; sud of a aS'ue- ty thie array cf S.otfisii* ns nau ~ltlee, lthe Scottigh Baronetcy siid thie Scttigh deset ampýiy jnwffy.ue, by elali noblue - mbrfziiy alo ,et$Uy Bopttiei. Thi e nm ef mer, ajost.y. iOuU enu ie Vela1420 - - nîDe Queeu visited Mr. Fraucis Leys, fariner. A.fter geveral otiier calle Whitby, May 20, 1878. the. Queen îreturned to Balmoral, _______ iisving, spent- seëal heurs M the glen. ed the tlietres. iuthe e q14 r hknow -e what in<onveulencëaé te oApl were put )>y deficiencies 'of stage nuinerous cust-..n properib*è,whicia' sevidenced by th}é ~removed Nl~owing-* anecdote:- When the re. uawned . Ms. Siddons wae play~ig R in'Dubli , in the well-knowvn tragedy Il! PH E 'S of Mecýbeh, she, as 'Liady Mabethi," came te that part where a drum Wherp the~y have p sbunde, sud she exclamei, 'A drun1I a arumi Macbethidotli come.' Thero i Y O D was Some diificulty o riieglect in Ob.-Y RY (O iý tain'ng tii. necessary instrument,, an teber amazement a trumpet sonded. She immediatcly saw how OUR MILLI] absurd -it mould b, 'ta say' inm, whle the weil.known' sound of the. otiier met the, eprs cf the vast sud. WIvill be open in a few d ience, so se. aid:. 'A trumpe t! a Styles cf trunipef 1 sud stopped short amid breathiese silence not kuewing how C L OT H IN G te rhyme if, wlien s veice from the gallery calied out,' 'Macbeth dofli As usaal. in the ].aïcst st sfump if!,' at which fie house. broie draw attention ta aur lai oùt4nt *one peal ef, laugliter and1 applause, and the. tragedienne &ad. We have also ini stock vanced ta the. feet-liglit3, aud bowc& AND LIQUORS. her'aekuewledgemeuf for the, relief. 8h. afterwsrda tried-te flnd eut wiie Wlitby, April 3th. 1873. it was, but faiicd te o se6, aud neyer - fergof what1 she censidercd the~ most genuine piece cf wif ah. had ever met wth ini all lier expereuce. * . * H AHà UNTED Sunp-The Detroit U* U Free Preisô f yesferday tells lie foi- lowing tale:- Somewhere about - the. year 1848, a taunt tepsail- ad tepgaiiant.sftil riggcd vassal cama upen the laies called tic J. C. EXTRA Daun, built af Willow Point, on Laie. Ontarie, which had a -short*- theugli eveufful career. Wiien starting out on lier frst veyage, there warc strange foebediugg ameng N O W lier crew thaf semetliing was wrong aud about te happen, sud ou reaci. Laike Erie. she capsized by a Several cases cf thei squali and part of lier crew drewu- Dress Goods in ull cd. Subsequeutly she. was tewed inte Cleveland, wlien some bodies 11 0 were feund linfthc forcastieanmd buried. - Slie was- again fitted , eut, Great bargaîns in I a crewivifth difficulty put on board, and ta avaid further disaster flic toluq, Wooile,îs Sp' iiievitable iierseshoee ias nailed te and caps, aud get flic mast. Thië, it secins, did mot ebviafe lber troubles, asift was claixn- JUST RECEIVI cd she 'urus launtcd during the watcli heurii cf flicnigit, aud sean aftcr becume a total wreck îîear -ET FR S Roud.Eau-on'Lake Erie.' A &'etfish clergyman liappaning At the Populir Dry te go intoe lc curciyard whle flic ment one dor beadie iras empleyed, ueck.deep, in digging a grave, thus accostcd lim, 'Well, Satinders, thaf's a wri yeu're emîîloyed in woll caiculated WibA prit 22 te maie au old Mau liko you theugliffal. I wender you den't ne- peut cf your cvii ways.' The aid wertliy, restirig ou theiencd cf bis spade, anîd taking a pincli cf sumif, C20 D S replied, 'I theuglit, sir, ye kient that G D tiiere iras use repentance in tic grave., A peet sais: 'Wluere are flic dead, the. vanislied dead, i'troae fthc earth that mow me tread ?' If ira iere ta mako a audain guesa, ira Pheuid sa$' flic mostof ticin are buricd-tiougii fus may, nat le fie rigit auswer. A remarkahle dirty uîan stepped in front cf as siail boy sifflug cm a fonce, cxpecting te have saine fun by chaffiig mm. Ile sid : ilic mucli do you weigi ?' The au.swer mWas, 'Well, abouit as muci as yen weuid if yen ocre masiied.' Tii.minu uc came homcme idi a biaci cye sud f aid his e tnt fat ha ha eufying te break lis log ou the lad îlaces iu tic sidewtatk, se as te supportIlis family ounainarges derivcd frein flic city, had lis sfery wound up by ftic iouseiolid boft- jaci.-- Punch's notion cf xîobilify le fiat a inuof birthislecenimoniy oe uhasa remoe. uiçcsters <id scee tling sud lis immédiate pradeces- sers fer mauy cenuruies uofiing ut lli. The. tticn IIe-afl asys if mas soeaconsolationî fa sec s baid-hcad- cd insurauce in. Yen dau't inow that justice lias been deait eut te lin, but yeu think perliapa f it ai. Au old memauî at Liverpool, Ohîa, 'didm't mauf 'cm tfa taie sny trouble sitar se.%vas dead, lut if if iras just dia saine sic'd lii. ta le buried mitli her spîectacles ou.' Au auful sudl-lue checki afftir a foofiacia. C.c.d fisli is aimmys sure ta i. paid fer. What is higlier wuthfe licd is off? The pillem, Iu Chilcago, mcd hmmcd girls are called fine:belles. The mort difficuif guu te kecp clcau-n fouiing.picc. Pensons w'trie uer-complain cf "$short creps"-Barbera. "lieu te maie loti ende ment" -Se thaf uciflier end le boue. A minu fat can' alusys le put up wifl-a gecd hetel-keeper. Heu te keep square -iflitue mold-Den't le round tee mmcii. Thée inu uc carrnes everytiiing blfore hlm-tue imalter. An .e*tom re u wsegoing a court.- iug saidle iras "1goiug to prose.,, w-i Wh dehôneet ducke dip tueir * îa<1sunder *af cm? Te liquidite Wiiy are religions people fit 8ub. jects for entomoliogse ? lecsuse théy -are in-secte. It is a gnafu tilng fer'a ioue- keep whmen tue mice.gef at ler cheese. Mrs., SuinkI#s sarsu fier iinsbsnd BUGGI ES & SLEIGHS. %VHITLUY 4v 22rd, 1870. iad liavlug beau -appoinial eo Sbipping -Agct- for flue bec m f i essrs. Smuih'&- Fanls, lies oeeedin casne-J arpreiies, su extensive %A R C]no ciid, o.h.t a lýa ~AND STERY arge sud varied sto'ck of REPAIRS AS ER I2sTr - LAIRGE STOCK OU1 -NEIW SPRI1NG4 AS NOW. CO0MPL9 - 1ontisting of a- splendid assortmnent oi Ciofis of ail kinds- for- G-IROCERIES. astiienswer sdscomplets takc SHOWROOMS, inys, with a choice variety of New Ladies' Hats and Ponnets. MADE TO ORDER, *yles find on short no)tice. Wie woulec irge stock of Canadian Tweeds and Clotho. ý a choice lot of new TIEAS, Wh<E, A D D 8 O' 1- ---ce------ (NO UCEMEN TS -Ge---- OPENJNG! emoist fashionable and desiralîle eolors and shades at uriheard vf ýp zlI0:ms EncIish and Canadian clotis, Cot- ,ing Shawls, hosle]7, gloves. huts .erai housekeeping dry goods. ING, A LARGE STOCK 0F i 1FA MIL Y GPOCEIlESI 'YGoods andi Grocery Establisb. rsontlî of the Ontario IBank. J. H. ADDISON. 2nd, 1873. 17 IITH'S HALL! IDISCT-Tl-jT4 8A&ILE. o0 f iving decided to visit the Enropeun Mriets, I wil1 fron tliis date seli out the presens stoc-k of Jewellery, Faticy Goods, and Electro-plat. at a Discount of 10 per cent off Present Prices. !ýr ,SPEC'I'AC LEI'S lT SUIT A L1 SIGITS. GOLD AND SILVEII WATCHES, At vtrvIlowp -ie fl avi ng ptrso ndaly exa min ed Pach wateh I can confidently guarantee satiasfactory performance, and quality also. Chidrens' Carrnages and Perambu- la'tors on haud, and wiIl be soli cheap fol. ca3h. JAMES JOTINSTON, Practical Watch-maker. Goldsmith's Hall, Whitby, _Mardli 12, 1878. CA RRIA GES A ND CUTTER8 M.O'DO0NO0V A N'S. SPLENDIDLY FINISIE D CA IIiIA ES, BUGGIES, ANDOCUTTERS, EN"XTS' F1INSHJING GOO0DS, THIE NEWE ST OUT. I SPLENDID STOCK 0-F NEW SPRING HIATS& CAP'S CHEAP FOR CASHI. A. PRINGLE. Xhitby, Mlardi 19th, 1873. 12 IM PO RTANT -NEWS! BOOTS AND SHOES! The undersigned lias a large stock ol ~axsGents', an>d Uhildren's Fie and CUarse Boots & Shcet- BE1ots and Shoes made to order. c Overs-hoes *ined warm an'i comfortable. India Rubbers, g Bl' epairing ueatly done. Calt at tie old Stand. Çiay 22, 1872. BURNSt Bcot & Shus Stors, Brook street, Wbitby. Mv~ P-HOTOGRAPH GALLERY. BIROCK STIREET, WHITBY, L~OPPOSITE ONTARIO BANK. The subseriber keeps- constautly on - ANI> A LARGIb A;SORTNMENT OF' Furniture cf'Every Descripti"on, Consisting ,-of Drawing Rooin, Parlor,, uiaiîtgIRou um, antd Bed Rooni Sets, 'of different pititetiis, car- ved anîd plain, and fancy painted ; Sofas, (louches, Biireaus, .'Sideboards, Centre and Dining, Pxteusïion Tables, WVardrobes, Beadsteaids, Vs at-No)ts,- Auithstandsý,Dressinig Tables, Hair- eloth' arîdCaiie-s;'eted Chairs, A rm Uhiransd (hildreni's Chairs of difleentt styles, Looking ('isases,,Spnring Mattrasses. kicnre -Franies, &o. A stock inuci supenior fo fiat of uny othler retailhonsé iiî fie fi ado. Ris large expérience enables- hlm ta iant a al his btock heîîg tof the best mnatenial sud worknian., ship, 'and most tasteful design. SFunerals fully supplied.-Rose-- wood tC'iskets -pleridid.New hearse. SOLE AGE NT FOR WHITESIDES PATENT BED, OQ Agent for fie sale-of Sewing Machincs, sud-Cabi9jet 0îrgans, of buperiotr minufteinro. Cuitl and exa mine Ihis immtense stock. Pnices stili fnrfiei reduced. Whitby, April 2, i873.' THE [EST AB LLSHED The uîudersigîîed in returning tianks for tieliberal patron- hitherto extended to the aid establishnieut, for ncsriy a period cf forty years%, de sires te eay tha t lie lin ias ntntlardu a targo assartnuent cf theme tus: odcrr, and cegant Stý les of Anîd trusts -oy preper affertion and moderafe prices f0 se- cure a cntinuance of pubulic latronage. PracCOcal upholistering. Fttrnttuie ne- ,tufled and covereci. Begs to, announce iat lue bas built on fie above prermises, Undertaking & Funerals fully Supplied as hýeretofore. A NE W Photograpli Gallery, 60 feet in length, %Vhilci he bas fitted"up with al fie latesf imuprovemeuts, and tom sud imaprovtd apparatus fan tsking pictures,i from life-siza toa auy required dimeufians. Pictures enlarged & accurately copied. IIANIDSOME FRAMES AND CASES. On Suadays. %Whitby, Juiy .3rul, 192. SPECIAL ~Some splendid specîmens of l'îcture Fr.ames, andf uilci' ing. Itemember the Old Stand. JOHINST-ON.'S a. m to6, p. m No business doie SL-A IG R A E A. BAURE'l'J' ATTENTION ! DIEECTED TO A PURE NATIVE GRAPE WINE, M<îuîuitactired nt Cookesvi le, Ont , by a French Wine. Manufacturer. It je more pleas;aut than a Claret, aud lias the virtue cf a Pure Grape Wine. 81 50 per gallon. Five gallon lots at a reduced rate. R. H. JAMESON, SOLE AGENT, WHITBY. Aiso AtlpSii for ic Celebrîited WHIITE WrIEAT WHISKEY, a higlily rectified Canadian Liquor. Whitby, Mardi 26, 1878. - 18 1- USUAL [ GEO. YUJuE, Telegraph aud Express Agent.. 701MtORSALE. Tbat well-known tarin, lat 28, Oz Wit7k»own as HATCII &BROTHER Take plisie in annoincng that they -are, r ceivisig their nanal =ppyof Farmeors' lpemexîfs, Spades, Siiorels, -Foihks, - aies, Hoos, &c, DIRECT FRO'M ENGLANDI! -polwder fLuka, puirchased before -thee use; splendid' value. Our freuVda in,thke,,côuntry building il find our stock of la.t~ lfoes btta bngscut ile, omle. e enI.Aise, genuine Euisb whie lsdpait ils; uty, glées, &o'. - A -ARM ST it 0N i STOVEIS, - moothi castings, splendid ba- ,Ikmr. Bity no other 1 -We aie expecting a full supply of Cildzen's C-abs in a few AWARDED, THýE FIRSI PRIZE At the Provinicial Exuiibition, Toronto, ini1870. W-e offer to our custcmiers for the ceming Harvcast. two dis- riîu:t Miwhuuîes, which in style, and construction, enibrace the latest and niost useflul imprpverments of the day. JOIISTON'S SI NGLE SEL.F-HÀJU(NG IIEAPEII THE d'RING 0F REAIPERS."y nhe uîîiversal succcs- of t1tis Machine, Loth in closely contest. -il trisils uvd in the hâands ..f the lamers, wrrnh us il. s.yisig #but. jas a Self Bak- I<L Rvs;.ing Mnebine. iih"beimore ggod pniitznd lems dtfecia, snd busmet- witl. maore Succesa e otidless f.tilutre. Otin berettofore offered ta tise public, CAYUTA JUNIOR MOWER- ff.e were awarded the Firs-t Prize and Dipfloma, nt the Prcvin' i"isI Exiihit ion. lield in Torwtt, 1870in ci aipetîtîo wîh ail the leisding Mnclii-. ,,siitrdin the Province ; andl with aur recmit impîrovementai. we unwhesitatt iligly clitllenge iiivcstigntiflf and comphrimon wîthcompetirg Machines. we anre siuîtsfied dia: ,.uch investigation wilI conivisire everv sunprejuidired nitda. ubat wa ofier tiie tlmibower ta the Faruier fur 1872, builC in. thé Dc.uiniaei. ~~Su sor descriptive catalogues. E O N&P TE SN SPRING AND -SIMMER. IMPORTATIO--NS' A COMLUE STOCK 1N ALI, LINES 0F' DES'S cGoc At Spal Buri., 5 Chronme erijntioa. Price s e GLY remitviaf Ta,;;, ~SÛnburs iFe kles, rampLes, .5 e.. alse fer Cha eL Haids, CkiWleîut, Frost Bites;,mande Lipg.- Prie 28 paer Baffle. Sold by all Dmtggists. v f1<C T O a 1 -4 TOILET SOAPS 1 Ceiebnated fer ibeir uniferin Purity sud Bkcëlceue of'Quality. VIcvORaauCAIMOtoSAPoI. VIwrosxa SuLPHEX tSCAP.- 'VîcToax± GsvCzaINÉ- UeeEv ROSE, MA» WnaaOa. Sold by ail PkIl'gtsta. L OT F TE DVISIûN COURTS COUNTY 0F CNTARIO, FOIR TE YAiR 187. Nu..:IZ_2~ t PNo. i;.. j 0 i2 j Z. IJURNiBAM, Wbitby, Jan. lot, 1873. Judg.e. DOmI1NIO -0N FLOUR,& F-EED STORE. The uvdersigned beg to iuform the ilabab- itants ofWbIitby and vicinity that they baive Dpened a Fhour mad Feed Store i tIýe rem- o.e )=lat oceupied by Mr. James Wallace, nDudsStreet, Opposite the Robson House,> Where they. trust by lceepi»g verMtin- their geal ao band, to be able ta pve, 1atifCtion 'ta11.1ustamers. Bran, Shorts, Ostineal, Cracked Wheat, &c., of the best qwaiity. FLOUB-Fail Wheat, Spig, and Mimed. -sd&Uai dsdaetFeed,isellig at tha owestý living priiéea for cash. NO. 1 Spring Wheat Flour at J3S 121. SMITH & EMINGWAY. Cash pald for alkirudsofFarmierF prodbce S .A-1Ti. p ORT W-eITi3Y £ PORT PER11 West cf EngIsui, Canadian, sud Seotch eo GENTS' FIJRNISHEING O1'- EVEB-Y DESCRIPTION. The GROCERY DE,'PAT'MiENT is replete selection, 0f Te"n, Cuffees, uew- fruit, spilces. - e JAMES M SAXO. Sigu cf fie Great Racing Chair,: Brook Streef. OLD STAND. 18 3 3*.1 0F VER YSUPERIOR IWORKM4.SIIJP. Tia uederslg 1 ý -r