BJ5T0 the put 1 t111lt18 WiIway tyrna ion ItO-n ep.cià ly sir lin Mac- tent e M Lhs i oe Pweî aim. llenent peos!afort he freor; dos1I-s ones',,0ete oelea!ntlgccring ti.dctI. onrtion fron a vig enterod hto-n bcen Mre e -h»h4ý r hei.of conscience, W. coun~t ht ave cre- corrapt bargain with hlm. &$oin, iI2~l$ -Lv~ ~p~j it b.ettefl r.tht 1w olden, The statemeilt reforred ta prýeed& % wy, Wlt i_ Mi a o &CO..i in it cspacity of baaging'director of -se follows- siedyb ùéotet té &s 2~4~ ~V U o $%aIailt~ , would b Aguilty ofmpuch poor 1, Sir Hnh Alln, of Rvènsctag, i n Ad a co ise e -fin. 59i$a -itej se unJust an at n ,g he , dieeof pei. aad say ug-,,tyrefrrduo t s gye n..ou spoken to hlm ou the subject, Mr. fl dhII4.sworn eoeadsy- xedJI ei urhrneýo ht den explaino that the men wore dis- Tént 1 have for eome j , puttak» p'roject i SEYW&Ays.I z sierd, enaotrong interest inuthedeveloument tryiiýrà tai" hSýMm 5~~ V ~cbarged by Mr. Kimbsall,the superin- o! railway commnuncation througiont bers of Parliamnentwohd loua Q~g~n:ie av ontii ~a o pohng q~. ue'lsythe DonionofCah. adistic o!co utr l- n j~th ,r r w a eln en~.~ tendent. for qnitting work without tu oiino aaa u ato. ~ i h anaiiau iPacifie enfer- SiLY 15o pzit M4NiU. ion arî»aa-had tho. nen voted for ti 1g h etsd' Qei.ttiheu wich I was interogea, and. whq -- muagug irecor oul ti.y bve "m inces ti. fcfliieso! om-wr. dispospd te fardier thein, mlwuld Mà naging. directoi ould ÃŽhey have imunicatlon betweo e s i!saboard aud b ddi terej,,lu n 1sb Wlilîby, lThîmrdsy, Ju1 1(), 1873. ýbeau dsclîarged ? And w. might à lso Westl rnorîca. And tJst Szuongat bliedffmo m ronoy snd lent sornie __________________ask'-How were the. men w h othor projecte, My' attention wua early MOnY e g> sit in thi.e eection of Koch work te vote for Mr. Holfedsdrctd onte heefrcnsrcigpersons as e re My friendsanadM!in The Rault f Manfactunt' Flsea raitway bto Moutroalsthie Mxost WhaOM I wasinteremteilbutwrj ou Dcepa1hz.AaLgla, e Vote . witii 2 Weo îey dlscliarged tonoP Not weterli -Atlantic eaport sud thli ai. lany understaudiug or onudition with InluSouth (Ontlio. a bit og IL. Now smre of!t'bene very dc 'occan. tliem or suy o! them s te Parlismen- dicharged mon, wiio are talpayori, The depout goos on to trace the. ary support or assistance, in the evont Tiie questlonable expoin !Bp contributed lhir mite towards bnild. development o! the. acheae; how liatI of thilir eleclin nti iia plyig li. frO"wit unrntiul-r îg li roilsud arapYing thhir certain Amexicau capitalisîs uîal pro- ways- I- expended imni !money, sp- plyin the ross ith utrùthul-o ing'he ruMunitpal' onne teilponedtproaciiug mo1ttu baldotentntiiosee-ineutioudos to put lt mthldy-inaccnrate telegraph- shareo! f .mncplbnsgate oe eti euethe0 nil li anhs lueaasI o eelvIiosda le de*pateliom dnring the. day o! polng for the. purpose, and te nue - lina road, aud we refused; 1iow liaI de- perfect rixbt Io doa; but I did net tte lu Souli Ontario, resulîed- disastrougly wliiaiî thcy havaeIîelped t e tablimhi as ponent enterad mbnto gociatione withhinu hos. lelters, Dor in ilt the facI, that ho ii oat a mn> o K.> olau'm eamans of political coorcion agiîîmt aid capitalists with a view te seeuriug auy portion -a! those sumao!' mouey muphpoo ri. of noeofy wgr.tîoade aI t hem la amiserable mean degree 'of titeir assistance to fimacapny wermouî, or whe. eevof byhem or. f wres 3eiat ee hs tr opn.1 ere paito ereh eim b o liiGor a digtanco ddnped and depleted by t, revauge, liaI no iiih-miutled mui witii Sir Hugi add- on tliefr beliaif itlyoinictya nruetin nvoed. After lie an houest oul in lii. body, or any nîce And mora parliaularly, I declare that a, couatderationiii auy forma for anyad- 11oon clssPateh waç forwarded te To- seusa o! hionar in -hua composition would ther. wau no intention expressed or îm- vautaga 10te eîn conactian with the, rottosudplaardd o ~ iob hae rcouBeplied. eiîher in lie agreement or iu lhe Pacifi Bailway coulracl. rent, sd pacaded n te Gobenegotiatione wlùcla accompauied il, of I depire almo te ste furtiier with re- bullelti lAt Iloideh wUIs 6fty aliesd, AohrHns eomrAaie plaoiug il in th. power of the Nortiiorugard ta lte auvelopea ud the. papars - Anthe Monst eforer ssaied-Pacifia Railway or auy otier company wlîieh il centaine, which wore placet] thousiands of dollars ,ware bel ou hi. What the Remult will be. or body o! mon te obtrnct the enter- lu tli hande o! thc Hon. Mîr. Starnea snceau. AU41 he wager would have prime lu auy manuer or way wlîaîever. short~ before my departure for Eng- b e e a s! e n n gl -o a _ e e 1 . r - - T e b t r o! a c t - m o d n u o i r D e p o n e t n ex t tra c s lh e listo ry o f la n d , w it i Ith e d leiza tio n o ! lh e P a cifi c pÃ"rt only correct. But -il wauted the. columns-v lu refoenece la lia wautou et- th MePierson Interoceauic Comny Bailway, Iliat upon beiug iu!ormed by gratetsntaloft-uhflnu A n ac o teOsaw Rfrmr nMr. st ineolîoa i.Cn pauy mad tuelaI aIl nogoliations belween my groat emeutialo! tratndlthmm AIgno ack o! iethm Cwompafoyer onformer American associatea and mymoîf tifme thhroug<louîthe dy wsMr-. ZephialaBlair, la ugmive l ajmlwtîa e bamajgamation, andi ai- onthie ubject o! lie Canadian Pacifie HOlden lahid lu tha wbab. Bidiug. uha aska tuaI have driven soine o! Indes ta tie stroug préjudice wîiaîî ex Ratlway must cesse, large demanda Tiie houirly raturna reelived aIthlm tii. best mon ont of the party i'anks. ilt ucranqatr gia mn were Matie upon me by Mr. MaMullen. offica througlîout tie day kept-us wel Dr. MaGUl, Mr. Chiester Draper, Dr. aans-a prejudia. lie aaya lic did nutal iaae foprly upnalegeordexenuur lnformd o! the !aal-and htheiy- nc- Gunu, Mr. J. Humer Graanwood, Mr. mitre lu sud thon-tuwratd yhm orcme.aiufrhmli curacy ia 110w !lijvorltled by a cara. Eh. Bit-reli, Mr. <lien, Mrt. W. F. Cow. elgrmfirnSir JohnwMadnald. Atoltim.eanderis alng t~he psudoils fnl analymis pi lite figures. A calcula. au, ud otlters-sorn o! the oud sud a leiter ftom lte late Sir George E. frientis rcmained ctuneated with il. lieo f te per centage o! lie total vote, hast meo f the gnod t form triiPo Cartier are publisliedi; hoti simpîy i-a- Thotte demnanda ai firal were of se ex- tensive a cliaractor ltat I decined i a- takiug avery polliug placee u detail, but wlîo refuse ta follow wliere tlhe laîlîîg te lie manuar o! amalgomaiing logeuher te entai-tain them. I was dia- gives lte followiug remnît. iowlitig Git liefo&a r chooses ho lead ltae Mcpherson or Outà tio Compau ,y posedti t relurn ta my American sage- Witi ton per-cent polledth te figures oaute destruction-have beeon ilum from wiîî lite Allan or Qnebec Company. ciates auy rnonoy whLici tiey uiiglii stood :- ime la. lima asuilei, sud flie result Tlîey relate hoflite proportion of D'rec have expendoed lu elte malter, sud I Gins, HOLDuN. ha s. beau hie dawnfall sud digaom- ltors to, oaci Province, snd lte question !«Srrotjlngscofmpeustme Mr.dMsfex- Pickerng .for...... 4ss6 of biso theime sudver iice uex- Towns~hpWhitbj- ilrea!li..rt,2Se snc2sai o! Preà ideucy. - pêleu s; 'but il appearedte bmefileat lhe T B. c Whitby.. 28 19 iiiaidal course o! coorajon began. By O!fîlîem, Sur Hugi msaya: smn whiclî lie demaudeti wam muai T(%nofhaWs su..24 12 ad by, lte ranting rosi-ans, wwi nt dclr gruaier-in amounul han ail suai .,s5 ..........47 161positively udexpiicitiy bremus u opnsscoir osil - - îtot listen tb frientliy Moderato coutîsai, ltat, excapting 80 far as au underta unhaemeroscad I oîlnat culy liby Total of vol 165 126 will bb lftal alo île ilu licr glory, ia ing beiweu the Gover-uma t and'. y-iareg lhle. holnar co-i-apon- Me1ýJorlîy fer Gibbs,.........s rave audgaitout as ilîey li, wiiiîe the solf ia exitregseti in lie forcgoing cornes- rtn ahml -nue Oua-isnthbbt vote, poioi....21 lotsweljiguCpbe wî ondeuce, I lîad noa agreemeui of any dni n rtn ate nwnne 201 honst willjiil(gin, apilemen w k inti or description citlier verbally or'n omewuiat incousideraie, I iad placodti ailît twotîty, per cent, the numbor ho fotînt taking lueur stantd ofithte broati writiug, iv utysel! or ilironigli tony otîter il in hhoir power toaunoy me bv lhe ofL voles wotîifi le 588. pmfrio -alafrnpicpe,~ oo, lu respect o!flte contirat for publication of tliosa letrs, anti I fear- Tien P1101- Glbbs, 3'-llol0deu, opposei to sîîam ,and eiiagolgism. tie Pacifia Railwtîy, aotony' atvan- teirtulicionuîryicn mgtI lo 277-înajoriîy oir Guis, p~ ~tag e hob aonuferreti upotlue inirespect tti ulciu nthe commua o! cor- 277-rnaorîy fo Gibs,82.of qit. The ltusmeo! thiecharter, the tain papers wlîiclt bave mantifostetiun- Thirty per cent wouliî gi-a 882- SERIOUS ACC1oaNT.-;-Saht-day last, Scmoa to o ie oîsuIia-caing Iosîility ho t Canliani Paci-t wlicht alan, aeot-îing inthedalotnlaio li son of M i-. M n oy, o! Alb anmy, N. 'Y., luges wîiial, i -a b n ie grantet itl, f theRsiiw a, igiin jueng an I t ros ets woui ho lte exact numbor of votes tompot-stily* residing ig Wîvty, wasth proportions in. wiiahth stock wtl5 fore autîtoniizuc an atrangement ta ha polbod, ýOf wlîfaiî tlitane were for aaiously itjijîrel by an explosion o! taeho distnibutati, having beau matrs maile wiîîtli i-. McMtillen, iy wliiai a Uilis, 455-Holdeu, 427-majority for gunpowiler. Ih appeýars tai thet.utile for Inegotiation andti ettlaumeuî np tb u vy ellgshnMAroia te ast moment, snd wereouonv cioseti emnvi-y muat b le as tItan ionigltae 0 il t(.28. feilow, wîîo b only six yeans oltI., pro. antI ticcidei upon wltile lte chîsrtc-r ew a maîssoisIapii1 l IuntIi motie way, ftrty jper centla tytntb tban tnntgs i en hteacll Iecr'paîto!lI gicter portion aI once, but itie romain- enre a umbr o blnlicarrideqthebeig pepaod n te erl -tof he ng sud a consitiarahthe portion on lte wouth- gîve 11801. Poihei for Gitîba, contenta of wiiich lie teamtiati into a prasetît year. Ani the perronsa who oiainu-y o! lIte httens ta me after te fh3-Holdan, l12-majnnity for Gibbs, lieup ; aud, wîtiîe stttdinig over il, it fitî;oly comuîosaul lia company wena p rasant session o! Pat-litimaul, shaulti 81. , xldt.Helsui nifc aeoîîy daîî ei upon witltin a fi-w tiys o! tîîey neot bu pîilsiieti in te inlarval. exploed. Rs hads an facewere tae»bisueo!flte chai-, I mysuif hoingr Titis wsss caordiugl due Mr. MaM,%ul- FiftY pur cent-1474,-voteg poltuti, hadly burneti, antI ah ona ime fears parmitteil toanisaile onîy a similar loti receivudth Ie giester pst-t of lte 1414.-GiIbsi, 796-Ilolden, Q18. Ma% were outerlaitîcd Loi- MA1 eyesiglii. Utn- amount a! stock 10taI at tbsMnbed by smare nwtihm n hr.e jority for Glib, 118. don blitaskilful cate o! Dr. Eastwootl -othien promintit mamiers of the coint-sm aied b ltltlm oe od he e pany. msne a îoeiiiouo it AI, tweiva o'cik, <L-whten tItane waa hiowever, ltae litho anfiMrer, wio ieat-t O!ltacî-apoucnepuds eth unvbopos lu lie ot-m of a choque,thie about 11 porcent a bite nOfntholecItarpainoicsnfliypsutow ot ofdagarloerar avel.pi- containing. lteltte bet About00 pecent f theentir votehie pins nanftlly, s tiov outoo!dagyrbuliefofmlIteie samesaine ttarsrAwiiici polled, tae figures stood-Gihpbs, 948 - aud recovcring rapitily. With rnafence ho cettain pt-brute snd liave beau îînblislîilun tc Moiti-cal 0 H1olden, 813î. Majorlty for'Gis, 125. coufillautial lattai-s puî'îisîîatî ibis <loy Tierali blîls mot-niug. togetier witliîn TVi l oexact accordîiwititli t e- JAS, H. GEstetE & Co.-WuV wonld inthte Mont-ual Hcrald, sud ho certatinoone or two otlita, wmtii io not appt-ai- luriasdileu receivedi, anti with ltae an- tilvt-clthe attention <il oui-reatieuste tataitîctts uittose h-tiers twiticlt May litilît wlticit woti li ave eçtablisi- uudttndoenfit toWthbis offiecetai, ai 1felsat-s. Gerîie & Co.'s aIrertisemeui, appi-ar ta couifliat lu sointe udlegie witîm ed t tterupttreo! ail nugotiatiotis bu-a ndo Glth' wa 28 ltatiOvn- ue ltcittopeas l oît clums. tîtu Lrogoinz. I mîitl, lu justice ta mv- teoil thé,titi- tricats antdmyself. Anti.r ridat Gbbs'was128 lind oer te wicliapparsin olie colinis. euifoffî-r cartain expiauatioua. I tiesire tiis ai-F-tit-nt w-os maie, on my bue-t whIeioting, Yut il was aI tii lmatinto tîta 2scate i- viireiard ta olta ctéra Ibl li ai!, wiîl i-. MaMulien., witiîoîît ltele i-AttOWAiit, &C-iiatî bîB-olir tav weru îvtittuu u inte confidptnce of cottcnt-nee or knowlauige o! any mot- i theu Iying tbspatali on bolitaI! o! i-. direct tie attention offurmi-rs anti pri v»até iittrcotreiii inte nibusi o! tnuy lir o! thcGot-rnnitî-notte oL whîom Heludon was !arwarded ta Tornto, liaIattrs bta teur stock o! -îharduwar-a, ». maltai-s cngroaiing mv attention, anti vure awa-e ltai te papi-i-shl- hen te Hoideu waa 50 aheti. rbdywtils aeadiinupc esieinteladof At ana o'clock-aî whiic Un-i it[Sac atint.] pouitywîîbsateat ictnpa ipAo n lv iteItni ! . Sar 3 - ~~tiont ian miglli ane,-bt-en bîstowud At in iîei May bcofa!ly acceptudti talscventy DOMiNION f VtezitCoîis, - Mueraf. îîp<îu Ilim liai tlîey beeu intetîdetifor 'HuotiALLA%. per cent o! tIbire vhot-ae wss pniied, Lcuwem & Poweill anounce a raduetion puttiticatiouî. Aitlita saune timu, vîtile Swor-u Iefora tnue ai Mon-) ci in somtei-spects tîtose leitersarsme not tnt-ai, tliiF foui-ti lay of hE lIme figures m;toot-Giliisilîto-Hal- lu pricoa. !nl annmuer goods. Tlîey stm-fcîiy accurale, I couceive ltat lic July. 187W ) den, 958. M bajortiy loti-bbs.a,152. almo admertlise tic receipi o! a large lot cireuttstaitcus, 1e a greal uxtent, jîsti- J. L. Buautiiy, J. P. Gc Thieuce foi-ward Gibss mroboniby o! clicu suîgara, ltas, &o. fieti or exansui time laug-uage; usotinlu Titis la a compiele answer tii the toi- ta hourly increamei, 8ao taIiltot, with -- --- lim. sertion tuiaithie Govrineit tare netl 80 par cent palleti-Gihîha, 1274-Hal- Tis TwEdîai.u"-Tlie Oraugaînen Aiutiing talita refarence ilu et c- -h la nfi vt sbv don, 1087. Majanlîy for Gis, .187. o! Northt Ontario inienîl aeleîî-ating lt er.bliaAancnnees uliteptn.Sir Hug A lbanoute wttncessd 1 stock îe Fusys tlîat lie rugarioi liasnl. Sr ui onait co s Anti wlien 90 par centi waa polai] lte couting 121h o!Jiliyai Uxbriiige village, auli-American ci-y as a more prejuulicu orwsrîî o! lis own accord, places ltim- wi figures atoi- Gis, 1480- Holdun, sud te bretiren o! Southi Onarlo ai alid abways relieti upon Amçýi-ist aiti sei! on ltae witnass stand-sud wist- tl 1224. I4a.lorihy for Gib.,21M. Tii. Oshtawa. lu lie avent o! tic Eng si negLiaton ttwepping anti wsihiutgsud gnaahing o!- ed. Tlîe Tintes is ane o! tie hast local difrectly or intlireetly, auy ineti tlub. OHWJ s.Ids ocn toeeti" amongat Iliose vîto placed- ralil- neopapara lu Ontatrio. Bi viyijgl ua slale -a! uncer rey 1 te y Li-icdsansd supporters lu 4à ceenogh n th tritlfulnms r tebaiubv. anti I tltiuk il la uunccssary South Onttar-io my warmest iaukls for suceenogi u be Iritiuluma ! lta ----~------ -for yen ho visil Nov York on tItis hîusb- Ite uatosîtoand disinteresletlsuppuort iii tiespatahua sent tlatopaper, la intînce . Tows CoUNCIL.-Titere va. tno ioael-tîcps aI pi-cient, or ahtall iii yon hear aceortliedte bme turing the late contesl. 0v îîîem ta Itazai-ul lii- mouay au lie tntg o! tle Counail ou Mouilay eveniug vîioltue nesultit likeiy 10 lie, Noiwiilîstanîîiug lie comîined offorts Sia ~emul a li eleîlo. -lasI, Loi-vaut ofa q uurum. Public scutimunt seeme la b. eciiof' he Opposition fi-out iitin aud with- eau resut o th tist le roai siail be builb by Can- ouni, I fuit assuredt laIthie coustituency i.' ]3LACKSItITtI STAND FORe SÂLtp.-AI- adianeonîy. . vîticl ia haiouenroti me thiice vithit is ces tlard firn Han, George Br-own, lantion is directedt lthie atverîlsemeut Yusbiuy oifileuce, voit ouea tI onit nt cdi t. il,,, u--o! blaaksmiîiî atantd tnd tivelling or i- [Siguetij HUGH A L LAN tut-n lis baci upon its aid representa. 1ov wcar'd -ouiii.e uijcî aLlia eCanadisu Pscifoi'aslway, andi lie affidanilaf -Si' Mugi Allatitconînues-as il viii for Raome tima la come-to be thte finil fui ubjeal o! genersi énususion. TuaI lte public mind la vcry iùuLai divideti a. la lia verdict ilitIo'ughf tici hoai- -rivod ti Ireapecîiug lte course tlen! hy Sit-iungi Aliuîu-wliio exanai-ating thie Govermnuet firn lite charge o! Mr'. -Huningl 1on- va are fi-., ta admit, *Atq la tiecodnneucion o!flin. Geai-go fliown'm natne 'viî th le allottto! stock matie by Sur hlugli Alleu, il lan OnîY ai- liaItiMr. BrawtL aoluontiharo thie f11uI henftheliadenial wiichtle g1vse iemtaement-and bu lie paai. ive manuar ho, does in lie ifitlovlng - ard: tîureff-enoce te lia use o! My namae b1, 1.Sirgi Alisu lu lhe Paella BRail- vay eori-amponcienca Icub;ij;hed yeaher- dlay, I daern it due la, my1 ficntis Ilirougltoutthie countrl'1, bsay, Ihat ln Prnpoming te reservo $50,000 ou thet stock the i Pacifie Rsbhway Comppany foirny Ubsai-"à iptian, thie lugge;tbou wa th etoA Sifrm H1911AllaIn alomia, anti -- - - - vilauthoituy fram zme or ienow- 10-19BOuunY Prt. I bave ne-ri in miy oridiet lu sny - onlrach or vor O! auy lllêdependenanîon' public -,aid; antitle.Pacifie 'Rlwav C ac-as~ sale un otier comuan. Hov ta go West. - Tiis lean inqniry vtihi cirai-y anc sitaulti lane trnutùliy antieeoti fLai- lia strta ami bia jouny, anti a ltlie cane laien lu examnnatuan o! rotnes wîll lu mauy cases save much iouble, timne anti rney. TheGii.Cietgo, Bum-iimglau & Qunuy Rail-asti banitaiieveti a splendid repu- -talin u it'o lasI thnee years as thie ueaduug Passauger Raite ta the aWest. SIarting aI Chticago or Puaia,Ili-nis du-actIlîraugla Sotîheru Iova aud Nebi-aska, vitit close cunechhour th, Cali-nia sud lie Terrilories'. Itll also ltemuai-t lino anti bost Une Iç Qninayv, Mimouri, sud poiti lausa aund Nov Mexico. Passengers on them vay vegtlvard cannaI do botai- han ho haie titis route. This lUne bas publshieti a pamphlet' eulilla-ti"iHow TO 0o Wtms,"ýWici conlaina muai ralîtable informationu;as large, correct miip o! lia Great Wcet', whiihai e h aainei fres o! charge by -ý adtireasig thie Genarol Westcýut Passanger -Agent, Chiaga, Buruingluin SCOvrA.-Hlon. J. W. Jlinston husvlmig, on accotait o!fis advauced &Re.. deelimi G. W. TIoIULLEN, Piclon, ont. Fiiitiuowener, blinIalh efforts ho amaîgoale altîithte Ontarbo company Lolei Li-aun liaI ine, sans lte choIe- muant, *tlle efforts ot aIl parties; inter- estut lu lie prajeal. ver. direcledtol- vuirds prournythgte association la- gethtar o!flte moalt praunincut men o! bath comptunhea ln lte ew compnny. ta b. incai-porati utunder lte tut-ma o! lte Gonci-umea Act o! lia prenions st-salon. And ti l as as lte re;uItlo!' lues. effortsltai lte presonh comarn y vns formtei, compaset ilu a utajmrtiy o! butstamca a!ofgentlemen vithu viom I lîsti un commutnication ivinlever, ont ual bu aiy ireapectas tshie couaeqnéee a! tony nnderstsntiing bieeumyaei! anti lia Gavari-tnt. Fi-rn liaI lime ato comuîuniation helveen mysel! anti my ftrmer- snaas ocaseti, laving beau fiily braien, off by mysel! as soon se acertaineti lic teaire o!flte Gos'. arnintm. A nd I state ftsîhier po8i- tîi-lt, ma uo monell dert*ved fram am- fand os-fs-rn a»y ofL-mitAmes-ian air- ancialem a-taezpen4ed ins.as8isftiny MY frbeads or- 1h.friesdà of te- Gaeran- s>uettai 1île s-ecsuî eneraI elections., Viol e ihî regard te theu.cohatruehbon vblit toppeate 10bu inleude te labe piacati n)on tihsaernus l in e lat- Iei tuèfen-edti a s te hoet.preliutiusm-y ex- pense Paacnuecletivil it te charter, I satae «moitI poiiiveîy anti cxpliily, lia I ove ma~e uuyogeennior came ta any undrtautlug o! df uy kimiti or desciiption vili lie Goveramaut, or any o! ils, memiera, as la the pay- ms-mil o! uuy um o! monev- toa ay one, or ln ui y, wayv wlatever. lu cousidera- tîoùofîMreeelnethe cearaI forthée- ettrIAiq I 0.1edécare tiatI-Itit lirie, vienlie'souglt re-elecion sesa Munitler oaithicCrovu. Thissaiue %ras !airiy plat'eil before lie ehectona, andtihi. verdict rentureti is, confidence lu yonr loto raprosenta- line anti iu lie A-imi nistrstiou ofvwhiei bu esa nember. Tic rneiiug iefeal ans- taîueti iy my opponeul is monpthisu my mosi sanguiune frientis caulti btvo anticipateti. Al i hnar lathi. men vito sa uohiy straiuod evot-y nanva Lor lteê figlîl viticiuntieu lhasl niglul vihta njority neyer befone stînhuati in any prei-rons truggle. 1I alsl evei'remem- ber viti grateLul feelings the avdily itht vîici ltae frnliaanti supportai-s espouacul my cause outil aihaittutl a i-e- suit vîticli mill maie itsul!fuiet, nul omly ilu-"gluriaus oltiSoutîliOntario," but inua-rmy portion o!flte Dominion. THOS. N. GIBS. SoiCEOai-Ma. JAMES RaSa, OF- Bîtaautn-LE. - B3elleville, Jnly 5.- James Rosa, oirerly cleri-lthlExe- cutive Council o! Ontario, commilleti suicide a isIerasidence lu Ibis lavu, thie momnig, betvecu nine sud tan ýýc1O ,k, hycuttliug hie Ibroat viti a naror. Ho vas faundi" lying Mu is dressing noom quile -deati, lie jugular tond larynx babug cotnpletely seri-d. Te decasui vaa iighîiy renpectedaud lie sat eent bas lastaI agloom amer the ami-e canmunil. Mental depi-esaban, anounting ha ohemparary inmnity., vaa tia cause o!thiei-a-eh at. An uiqueRt vas ll, lte enitieuce siovedt lat'1h. deceaseti vats insane anti lati béou se fat' a monuti. A -verdict vas rethnied in accardlaucewitih hese fuls. - Mi-. WiIliamsr, oneuoallie edltors of thpi Ontario Worcamaas, bas heen ap. »wayt-has notas yel afforded ue ail particular com!aort. As mare figni-, 1 hay are gPoil enoughlu i the-ir way, hi 1 ho headings attacied tb he two'cal nis makltheni uuplsaut, inasmuej 49 they suggemlt- hs1 'Mr-. Gibbsà bi tuen re-elocteti by a larger majorit. -than he oves' baldbelore. lWe are Sm forthe-remnlt, for w. ist winhad aui hopod for' momeîiug bulter. ýBui, ea South Ontaio avideully hopoîl au wiehed difairenty, we mumt be- con tout to let itbave its own -way in 1h, malter for tlisi. ima. But fi la nly ,South Ontario, fiat ib& aPoiken, anti as il has aaled in the samg way for the blut elit yearsthe Befaral partY hum incui-rd nu lbas, -hough ii hamada no gain,. * * To the Gai erumenlthe resull la noutdl vicorvtheBowmiauville YeuhntU t,)d , A SPLEiNDID Vri'roity. - We verf hopeful af s diffoeot result, but Lact are facto, sud lie facto lu tua case ant siOn bld. Iu lie rment leuaion ilu !South OntariaoIthe Reformera wçeie d. uy hi-sien. Moudar, th.e tia! ofJune, 1878, wibl, for trsny long yoars ho cone, lie referret t by the Conservaîlves wit a feeling, sahl we Bsy, excusable prude, Ou btai day tiey pileti np a mjority o! 285 in s voi-y hotby canteatuti eloal. ion, hhe Reformera doiug ticir beai ht prevoul il. If ih ho rlhih ho give lhoua la wiîom honar la due, tuion honor te lia Couservalives o! Sonuth Ontario. Seeiug it is 'no use cryiîg over spih- eti mille,' tut ne gel ail lie consolation vo can oui o! our defeai: lel, Mi- Gis itsaChritians gentle. man ; 2ud, Mr-. Gis ie o fint-citosa fuan. .i-ti, Mr-. Gis issan Euglisimau,sutl from-gooti old Devonshirte,wviici cau basI-af ils Lord Chiancellor King, Sir F. Drake, Bisîîop Jeweil, Sir Thomas 4fLtîeon, Sir Walter- Raleigh, anti t hmi sto! ailier celabrillea; 4,h, Thif I Ibere ilany goo in tthe Cabinet, Mi-. Gibba wihi unqnastiouabIy do is bes, ta uuilize il for Itis country's bouefit." Frorn the Hamiiltan Spectator, (Can-ervative. vI as a pitceidbatila hutwetn lthe Goremimeitsnd the Opposition. Titat vos the issue matile by the Oppuositiont thîuuteIree. Witlîonî ioss o! prestige or a!' psrly st-engh, tItiy coulti have, silowoi Mi-. Gis te bu re-clecleti vitî- O91 the troubleo o! t:contact. Tic onIy ctunaideration vîtiit coubldhanva lotI ihcuto Oppose hiut vas a belief tîtat. tIîey istigainati etreuglt lu nthtic ounby eluce Iasb alectiouî, vîticl vouiti înîîîui- hast Ise!!lu inlue couuîest wie,tcî lt- madeti, and h iiti itit lionortat theti- selves lt-Py conîti have artîliati. Tîtu ufi-al o! Mi-. Giit,said lthe chie! organ. mi ha "aun cunpliatic conetuîîation o! flie Goeruueit," tond per cotntra luis uleetion iy a lttrgelîy increasetiltttijctt-ity must be hteit 10e an ampi gtaie cutiorsp- mnt o! ht. The pt-etouse tint lir.Giblîs' non-y vas theo auîsco! his eletion le i piece a! hîypociticaI catit, lu the Lite Of lte -Open boasi o!' Mr. Iîttieuuon inmination uay, ltai lie votuliust' uoney. rthat, 1hp opposition la :JIr. Gis iras a party biitldul as tîiey %tri-tt- arut-il from a !ricitiy soun ai-uit oul I 1e, is uow no douit patent t h at atiers."totep-y 'rare La Minerve, Q. Tic Hon. Mn. Gis, Miubstc-r o! Ini- trîtîl Reyonna, yeeleriay seitiemetila brilliaut viatory ; he lias beau oecteti by a umjoriiv o! 242. It le a inilliatlviciai-yntierlthe îrcuîîîstatîeps o! lie coubliel u in iiti he vas engaget. Sineq .1t-. Gibits vas omitîsteti, cnet-yone oLfbthe prominent Gts in Ontario ruesiteti in SoutthOui- trio ho ttimka irnupoîithe ut-tvMii- Len. Titay tat Lfoi-speaker l u lltbst yV consent o!flthe party ; E. B. Woodh, t;inmeti "Big Tîttinîlen." 5mi- he lay miten tme , nomatio o! Mi-. Gis 'as proclaimei, ut.emGlobe entoteti oui île a 'upaig-n. Iu a way Itlius tevot- ?, oait day, Ivo colutunus 10 deinolisît tie noir Mittister. Mn. Brown veut ito lu wii lus vit-le iteort, lie hlian Id grutigu la sabisLy ; Mi-. Gibbse ita -aten htitu lu 1867. Titis victot-ylias au immenste siguibi- once. To vmouquisi Mlt. Gibus. tii-y Leance iint o!fitaîing otolorseti ail thti oent-res o!fbtae Govet-ntieuilt ilîî-bng te hast st-selon. Tlîcy i-peatati ltic xilies a! tie Globe, ag-alusu liteMitieiF ry, in theie alter of lthe Ppt-lîtiuro' lecliesu ; lthe cita-ges o! Mi-. I-Iuittitg- on, etc. ,tcey resuîscitalcd everythiug ihtîcît hai bt-uiit mueuledthuce at six -are respcctiut lthe Faderai Govrn- aput, antidu it-spilas o!ail, Mu'. (flube ta been electeol by a majority o! niear- Duses vere ilovu towu, feuces pos atid, ti-ees tiprooleti, fildts o! grain vebiati, coi-n huluf laittunoti, ant in nue insances corn uprooleti . Erery. toi-e ltefieltis-looketi ike bakue o! - *ior. On lthe Zanusmsilie river five iges veeu asieti acay. No trains il 'go osIo! CincIeviiIa beforna lii. ly. A nlUmber o! fel o! railrosd ack veeu vsicti aay.t Circlevillu, Oiuio, JuIy 35- ScasIs : oer lis arerfiovut Le extensive J uom cofi eIluila isviciuity, pro-V uly i-uiuiing fi-on five nutindedti ta a ousu4 acores o! hraom coi-n. e Milwaukee, JulY .- Theterbnle t-m] wici sw.-pl over Wisconsin toi-rday proveti s'aiy diasti-us. nme pleasuro pai-hies ah Green Laite, c sconain, uilte ssiIing yacht H. B. 9 umsaro, ware atruak, by ltaeatortm, eir hats were capsizeti, sant enly hl ula seul ta elorniby.b Sl. Jospi, Mo., JuIy 3.-Tii, terri!. hl wintl aloirn on, haeuil hto! lia 4h cl Bw ie, Steamar Mounlaincer Lrom r fasteuingri.. -Sic driffreti -agaluel c( eluritige,,bauiby wi-cckiug a boatl sud ,ju i-ting some o!1 bhe guya o! lie 'bridge si nm heur fastenings. The tdtomage o aa 0>bridge laietlmated aI *10,000. ît venly tiays villîbe requireýl .ta moite ilk enocassary repaira. Tii. Moulitoin- il rla datuaged in the upper vonk te hi eamnount of Ikh0.Tiero e sno n ;u.ance Tlia: term aimo unroofet is uses antidaniaged thi-es sud ai-opa. cl eun Spi lic ai-t ig] vil tri loi sou rii vil tia- ruvg bt-e bit liol yes Soi Hal lhé sou thle lte TvI tha bou -c he man-iYof lthé Gà muIÃiit4ý ,' - é-- Caad <azéttie, wihdisa<owed lia l- Act paseat dring -hea pramet session nY of ýParliszui4fer theaamiolazrationof -mosîathto mmittaas of 1h. Senate andI lu Hanse o! Gommons. DI* ,KM. Doa-ion nuovoîl that lia Han. Sir eh Francis Hinaks ho callaîl ho gis'.es'i- M5 douce be.fare the Commihlee. ty Mr. MKaDonald «askeil tat : hin.l Ystruclions given to the Comilltea vili tirefrence la lhe examinalion Qf vllnss- es eeue read. 'I Tii, inetruchionis, véea lIu re!erwad In ho,-sud % li The Chairrnsu saliý-The lustructimis o! the Houeo! - Gommons vére liaI as lie oxaminslion of witnessio should be ,l oùipath., m1 , Kr. TiaDaad-I b eg lbave te ruove at n arnentîrnenl ho lhe remoinhion offereti v-hy -Mi,. Daoi. Il le as foliova- 5 tWl.treas, lthe Actpassed ai 1h. is sessiou b! Parlismout, empoweriug this and ti lir Gomrunllleeio!fIii Honorable oe Houaeofo!Commana atinilaer osîhia ag te vutuosses via ahailj ha xamine he- re fore lieut,lias heen disalloveti by Her tn Majemîy lie Que,,,; sud viercas, lie d- cammilte, vas, inatractedte hoexamine lImte vwiluosses csllad bafore them lu tis etinvestigationon oasti;- i l, liereo-e, bt resoived-ti- li luh.opinion, o! Ibis o.commilîee, -vilnesaoes cîtunal hoexam- Lyineti bofone hie cammittue lifnrhr t- insîruceetiby the. Hanse." Le I tiou't wish (Mr-. MaDoualti sabid) te )r malte auy aobservation except ho cx- Le plith le grondîs on %vhieli Ilis amunti- ment le muimilleti. The Cammittee 1- are avare thin lWarler la unablethe iluivestigahion te pi-oceeti in lthe manner aoutemphaîetil y Parliamut hanti cou- t emplateti luysl parties, bath thase maktng lte serions chai-ges againat tic i- adIministralion sud tumose oppoeiîîg tm, su Ac tos passeol ta enable the aiInvestigation te assume sucaisosaemu t ciaoacter as ta comntan-l Ilie confidenuce ai o ail i-eisouamle people, sud eitie- Labriug ht igîltthe guilu o- innocence o! a the parties imuplicateti by charges so seriatms anti iolemn. Parliameni passeti e an Acti iîiat oulîl runder tie pro. y ceedinga a! lhia Committe. ai aIl enents ta suelt as vouul be likely ta commanud the confitdence a! lie contny, iccause - evei-y person eoming bufone ltaecn- minitee voulci net only lue bouti iv tua i-i-gai-tta te ia owvu rcîtnenand- con- science, but by lie !nrther aohemnity o! an oaui tond the. penalties atbociuing ta flic. violation o! if, ho gir..î trallî!u teahimony ou thet maltera citanguil. Ai aumy i-te, viioteunthe motive, Iliat vos lt.e loy paceetiby Panlismani, viose servants ve toie,-tlîe lav solopt- ui iy lthe Mouse whim'iappointeti us, andi vîieu, lu miev o! liaI iav, anti trItn lthe bill liat pacceul lie Hanse o! Coînnous, itistruatailti 1h15 ouitîuteea sipeialiy as 10 he Mode lu WIicli tis exautiuation ivtste t taie place. Me- ag-seul tuaIinsîc-ad of pnoceeding niler ait-eutaanees wbmiei verenetalatiel- îatli, blîey sabulîladopitiithealterna- tive offi-re-tio! actiug, nudar saBRoyaol Commission, couLai-ring on thecoatu- muilice tic sainte poîvaresea was itent- etl te bu couLai-i-d on lhmby lie OatIit- ibil. Mn. Blake iraitobligedtietdiffat- Liout uit Lt-lent, Mn. MeDonalti. It appoar- edte ohm lithe Carnîihcee hatl ai pt-ritect niglît utuimer helie ecumetancea te liroc-uul iii fliueuxauuinohian of vituessus nua uilt-n oati, sud if iltubail taI; prfect niuli, he baliered ti l as ilmeir ittîpert-aive luuy ta do sa. As toe tue issuîing o! a Rotyal Commission, tîîattt conutî not clatîet.hie cammituae, as; a conimiîuea o! Panliamenit tehalte cvi- douce untier oatît. Tue labours o!ftthe a connitht-e must, lthent-Lai-, lu suci casec esc ; iiîoy coud net(do anythmiug. 1, ut fie entliîan miglîl bu nametiby r tîte Governnnhtlainquit-. imiotahle Im clîî'g.s gaiat ie oveurut.This, e vu kum-w, conld libedaote, uomnevar litho h lu mniglîl bc lunaconîlauce iili ita spiriÃth me iav, tiai bhc Goverument n cliutid appoint pI-rsoti bo inquire buta t] charg-e againtilself. Titis course, g Itowver, watt antireiy apart anti asitie - Iroîn tut-b- role as manai-s a! liaI ai comumitice, sud invoînati disobelieuce ii to tue ut-ters oa!flue Hanse, whiîii Itti l caihet uluon Ilîcuteacaunt htin- a quiry. 'y ,TmIr. Donion hoolt o iimila- niemr la ti îthat o! Nm-. Ititike, anti st-led :-I say hp me u-o i tlîel pntîcoo ai once as a Pot- liaîmîcntory commnmitîca, ss Ponliamrent- v at-y comîinitîcas, have doue Loi- vo inn-lt tiret years bu Etîganti, aut as tdonc lun this country Lai- tue lasi fifty oti sixty- Ji yi-ans-vithout laking lthe osîhi ofth'lIta imitutass, but tokiug ltae enitietîce on lthe ut bionor o! flic genîloman giviug it. Attîl1 vîteut 1 look oh tic lieut af vitn-seacst fliti thînt the fit-st witu.-se le lilon. Sur qu Froais Hinte, Ihiot tuaetsecond or Ill, ha, wlilî anseq-nuncttt muamotetausv s aIl tbue gentlemten lîsul poken of,- use ltaI titis ontIuinv coumh be conunteul bu: in mia otier vay thaî ttio! axamin- Ici tn- vitucasea ami osuth. I hope itIm, thure ai-e inéana viich 1) ve suggerled for uiîeuseines te me b3-vhtic%ýtisexaut- sel ination nîay auilli. econtinueti; anti 1bu motutdtihenefore suggest to Mr'. Mc- o! Donald ltai, insteat o! prsaing aI pro. lut ment lie motion ic lias mao(e, tut. mo- ladl tion for - ite momentlmunbci ho lat P-t tho Commbtte sionîti atijounutil ta- ou nonrov or the nexl day viti lie abject sec wiudt arn juil about ta shate. '- del , Aften soute fui-her discussion lie lit aommstlee atIjouTue t o noxh day. 6"iP Tinrsiay, Jniy 3rti. his Tue cammile met la, reaurne Pro- "ci cecdinga. Tha room vas crovtdlitb anc ,euituenen interestedinluthme inquiry. L-0 A dalsay o! au hiauroccurrati in opcnun facq li tns~es, it lii-. 'ae c egfora icueuthera laol tIheir suab5 au I the Jutiges' buttaI. Upan ord-r boing Sut -alici, mai% Tue Ciusirnan- saiciti liaI hen lie in 01 comunibte a ttjourned yesterday it ami- ohat mun-ed aI a suggeetion matie hy hlm. aide alto s Chairmon- o! lie c mm ittee, vitît8 M - viev la makiung a Comlutuicatiou la by t ihe Minialtur oh Jýtico ho vas l i i Monireti, lu regard talthe poclîlout rou ual riglih-be lakfnuby tfe Gonorumeul lh [ -respct l- o :a comîmunibcation - o-hl o 1À ma~'deh t t perial 'Govprtrneulfor il f nu aht o! lh. Itrpet-ial Pariacuh-o! a 811a1 Itaracter smilar 10 ihat vîtbch -was t'Da armnntmeutt b s mw tian by Mr. Daron ltaI 8ir Fraucis Hineka .iionld bch cslied as the liraI vwitema, an alleration lhaving heen madie mo tmat aLlr recitls il reati: 'There!ore -in --the.apimnion o! ha Cammiltee viluasseà cannaI ha ex- amineti before tlis Comtaittee vihitet being avoru.' -Thesnmotion lu agmaudmeul waa cariled, tirea vaig la ils dri-or ibesi-. Mclionald, Biamichel sud lie Chaii-n; ageIais, Meftrs. Blake aud Dorion.z Hou. MMr. Blake tien iievedthaI hie cominntte asdjaurn to 11hkA.ugneh ho meel alOblava, unless a meetlug a- houtià lue calioti carlier hy qi-dur o! lie Chair-; Tic Citoirman maiti dlhah beforelthe cautmbtlee passeti hie resoluhian i. diemi-ethto meutauorne communia- hions liahat i heen madee ho hlm s Cisirman o! lie commutte., sud aiea same maltera connealet il ihlie order af pnoceedings ttli houog4i il aa riglîlthe puilia simoniti homatie tc- qisinled ih befora lie proacedinga o! lime commihîcee ere atijouniuet il suai tinte as Parliarnunt vas agalu in session, Iu consequetice o!the diffi- cuiuy haI hati arisen by ltt iballov- anae o! lie Oaîhia ActlIta Minisher O! Justice hati sent s communication to hlm asairutan of tuje Commibîce, a copy O! wlii lie vas-informetids-i heen seut lna o each nmember o!the committoa- Ho vouiti i-athtta om- utunicalion, vîmiai vss as foliova : Moult-cal, Jniy 2, 1873 SIn,-ÂAR te Acit iei vonît i ave enabiedtihte cotnmithec 'nov ailtlug in Motula, anti oLvhiai you are aliairman, to examine vitne ssoa ati bas been disaîloveti as being bu- yonîi lte cmpelcncy o!flte Canadian Pai-liamunt, I desi-e la i-inov la you os ciabi-man o! the commithueeIthe off-r madie by me ounuthe part o! the Gor- meuh on utue Iboor o! lic Honseofo!Comn- mous, uto issue a Royal Commission adi- tiressed thelii-geutiemen Lot-uing lic comiuilîcu, îvhiciî omti confua- upon tlim aillite pavi-ne given bticth coin- milic iy lie Motta. o! Cammone, lu- cluîling lie examinsin o! vihue"sso on osti, anti pouverha se-nti fo- persans, pap-i-, anti i-tcorda, anti coulatulthe saine provisions as te votes; o! tic meuniers o! tie commuitice, itii yoîîr- sel! as dhîsinuan, ias vera ot-ulerutil Iy lthe loutsc. Theacceplance o! hie commtiasion vilI ensile bte comttlea ta pi-occu htheu ime ury tond exatît- inîtioi o! vilueses ait osth, ittomt any important tieIay. I vil cotisse a cOPY O! Ihîls lottla ble nt ta osait mcmii)-r of tic comutîee. I imare bue itonor, 1a be Sir, Yonr obudicit si-tvaut, JOHN A. MACDONALD. P. S.-Tme comisuusion wyl cousain t clausie eitiobniuîg tîte commissioi ho repor-t taelthe Speaker o! the Hanse o! The Cimirman, ctutîiiiuiug,, sali lue oeli-vcd lIme Couîîuitteenaer agi-cut as o vitohe timot as lai- as tuey vare a C.oittsittea tlufit-1'hîail otliing ha dio wiilu ony Coummission o!futie Govriurnt- except as lu mîtigt iei htautin ltai- idi-itînal t'opsditics, andîllie aiuîplv -cati tue latter htccause it vas stidressei to uliiiofliciaily lu uic publia capaciîy. -He ism no hîteiatitîn vhii-evar lu lu- clariîg ltat ie vould uatl lîtsitate te aci on a Royal Commis-lau, -ut ouiy on, liecondlition buht e gentlemen t-iomthelii-Housa o! Commone hîsti ap' poiutoti as lus colcagnas ou tItis coin- mtle. vere alco hie colit-aguas outhat coummission, ant if liose genlemi-n ati any reneon la thîiuk tlit louht ae inatvisatIe ltai liîey sitonitiatt upou that commission, lie sitonidtink Éeur abacnca-itpeciaiy ihtlo! thtocei gentlemen vito venu sitliug on bmish glut (Musra.Biake sud Dttion)-a tiaiet-nI eoson vsy iesoltirefuse L aci iisel!. Dnring lie rocesbu- s-cen lthe atijonumenî o! lie Hlonset ut lthe meeting o!flthe commitcee ýesterîlay, oeeliqI o! viutites.csuad ro sapai-ste- memarautta oL othci si-tics hîstibeau Iraneniiteti ta hlm lty %fn. Htiniugton. AIl tht-seails bout Mi-. luntingbtonlitat tiesireti 10 ove siinmonitiahîtibai-n suimutonei ty lîlut as Citait-uau'o!lthe Comumittue.t ae beliavetla n-m-y large ntmitai- ro! tam vcu-e in utlautianca in MontitaI hi tvw, soîne lîad, excusati lt-mseivae for it cotuing immeuîiteIy ait thie enît- t oua iaing aent, and ti lens hbatilne-b tait aitapermission aitCitait-mai ho t ailoweat a stand ai- i-rbll anotitan oy. Tîtase ili-a n tuîe oniy achluuî -occadinga o! lie Counumitîno 'ilironuri m s Chuairmnu uriug bthei-aces, itîtlithe oxceptiaot o! communications i la egentlenmen ormiUg lthe comtîi- a, tiesirlug thcîn la asscmble yoctor. hi y. Hov A TaoroToADONIS WAs "Pov- auo -otSuuday evoning, relatas je, Globe, proinunalens on King-im-oet, etiren Yor-k an-i SiUtcoe, voru umade a speçtao-s o! a "sceuc." AÀ -oîung unlian, deck-iebis ni-mrybtlu "identiy Cousciolima ha iras uakiugý raotateimpr-ession aI am-c-nm-step. ad haut straliug hudsurely luehlîmula )uple o! yîuung lodies anti alerisieu an -etibie edelateiîtratuaa iiusel. tae tair n mi-atoppedatitai ilueoor o! tir home and irabo aiut te anti-r moen our i- utantuencny n-oInte-, ateu- il uip anti did apommi. Thise advna ýingr nacuirl gn'oaionsiy b1thbe hadieos i the youmg jmantieltIlini lie hmati md. a custquoat o! at heasi otue hîcont, r flue seonatdsialen luati- xcusmi lier- of ud alippotlinta tic hanse. XVlit iriug vonulapassotilah -he daoi-sep cours;e l e t kuovn-cm-aiulylimey cressatifhie emnbanrassneuu o! thm dy anti lie confidence a! thte beau. iseutby, bte allier lady i-e-auspenneI i estop viii s peaccf'ul amile anti n uopfuLýe ext-a fine flaun, vhicli aime lineredti iisinothering direînas lu t face o!flthe visitai-. Tut-eevas s su d trnsfaormation ecoc" ou- he tt-a' boiiLf-o aumien cimongine o! shi-ototcloti anti bancliig a!huis ieck." IMe vos ni onceFilme a soitliar I s young lady, for ual onîy tit ie ae lie puuvder, but ha. powdered is ie. FZANFUL A AsT a±A ccîosvr-Ou ni-day aflurnoon, viie Bemuet's" v-mili aI Etcumemilg Q.. vas iu hubl liom, one o! lite hanta employet wos urveting ho gel ,np stais by ltae t o! a dram ,t-voîlng 150 limes-lu* liutit. Vie nexI instant lie hecamo tome iniexplable, notons unlaugltil ,tie -miafiiney, antil vas wvi-e! mid b hy e drum. His lie4ti lanatat 1foor aI evaryg r oaaion, 'ton ng it [mateis, tiR, aIl1ltaI remuouetioo!the oteti Mau vas is deaspitateti. anti ,elestartîl. -The -deceaseti wmaa riled man,_agati 7 ycast-sasd a mia- tie h iberty ofaigtig t p hyoum cuutns if suait toings -are alloval4 andi rlght, ou lie part o!fIliome Who ai lulntt i lhhecharge asud respousi bibiIy af atheil folks3' monay, sud am Sir, - Yora, &c., A SHÂREHOLDER. To.1h. Editor of 1h.WhîeaijClmronicle 1 T h e O s ha a O sitti- o R e. formes-oa!the 2nd mmlt., stops out of! lb vay te atîack one o! lie oaiica reai. dents o! thé Co.unty fai- voliug *for Houý Kw. Glbbs ath l baleeaiou. On reaiuig tic article in question, tha readi er wilI uaturaliy ask- Who is'lie vi-ie in lie Ref.r-serf? who hs Dr. C-- or via lie Onhtario Reformer Piting Ca.? that hhey shîould callin u esion lthe vote casl by-Mr. Zçphiahl Bii-1 a genhioman vwho iesitiecfinIhe Connt long huLott hie," sucleg aboya nim. eti vare bora, sud wvia yul hau attnau ta déend is Qneeu anti bis Counlrj and -support gooti Gaorumeutlbon after lic Reformer tond ail iha Gril babaE hmave passeti away anti beau foi-gallon But "11ke ma *ster, 11k. in," &lie Globe abases anti sîsudereeriy pubulie ppon. eut lu hue Province, ,sudd,50 ils echoot lu suai pninte as tie Reformer sisudders inýlinià ual vouera. If evei-ymuno' vote is to bo calleà in question Imy- any "line-alingert-"éIIReformer can pick uF in tic sbnma or by-ways. o! Ottawa a- Oshawa,th. sooner vo have vote it- ballai tic baller; so tuatl oneel matn cau give houeaI votes vilionthi lenti. honnuils o! tme Giilpi-css bçing uet base viii liai- fiithy anti sisuderous allaces PROGRESS. Booklin, Juy 7th, 1873. Nzvs ai- Smo SAMUNO BAtcsz.-Nss York, JuIy 71h-A Hem-aid Lontdon Spuciai says :-The Hem-aId correspon- detnt at Koarlovu, ieîegrsphs, viae Alexansinia, a confirmaion o!flime a- rival o!-Sir Samuel nd Lady Baker sud panty. Hestide liaI Sur Samuel Baker lies sucacetetedin args'niziug t district Gover-ameul, appointiug Super- butentienîs sud utsing Fatmko lie cic sthoian; Gan-lokoore ieing lteé next lu itmportance. He aiso eahabîlihed elgil mtitr principal pos;ta îmiai from. s cou- n -eich ibu notm Nniie. ta Nysuza, nl olutainel troopa ta compiete lie garrmisoning o!the aounicaliane. An Imptortant geogi-aphicol tiecovcny le saut lalion. been imatie wiiiwilî astonuti im1e saii-nific varti, au ta ,pi-c- lotadsIlittLakes Tatmgnyiksanti Ah- bt-rt Nystiza, pt-rcvoba bu oue anthti sa-te irat-i-s, anti a magnificeut inhani sen 70J19 tiles lu lengti. It is fui-tien aniotuteilitaI vesseis eau be Isuinci- et abbve lie fahls uauted- aLler Si- lloierick l'iciloant i l 10 Ujiji. Baker anti porty a-e lu exgeIlentlicalti outilecoe au once Loi- Souakim, eu route ta Suez. BÂiAuîmARîm AT ELECTImONS mix Eyc G- LAXI.-1Itmay lbe injudicioinluMi-.. Co% le couve Lot-yard as an extre Libaral candidate for Batmu, but lie at-ocions auirage o a icbai ie as cx- uosed is uttely inexcustable. The aru- tuitate vas to adtîress a mneebiîîg ai lie Guildhall, vien- a crowti o! rougis bunsh mbIbm.théroamu anti ahtacket i im- si-if ant Io fientis, one hie agent, by &ntoternug lieut unter cion i5 o! day- ana pappur nsuauif, vhihtempor- îrmuy iud ti-iteut. Tic police, via were ai Itanîl, dilig oingapparent- [y, voro also itujumed iun tlie ycesviti mny o! tue pulid.Tie titi-e gentle- metn fit-st as.-aubteti vune taken 10t teir totai, andîtîla a untun punioti venureport- et] 10 bu cnhlaning gi-at agoîty. Mi-. Cox, h appeans, lurhen assai-tatian atîrnpt iras metîs b casi hlm ont o! Tuti Soutî's TALImCiANS.- The Paris F~igaro statua titat tic Shah'sttiscns at-c net-y uuncius-xeeiiiug 200- andta lilt-vy are ltheinosi aunions tant o! is bggge givos soute de- tails o! foumi. tte is a golu sua- o! five- poits, anti is cuppooot ta hava icen toatesiat by tIlue,asutaýy llsteut. tL le callat -Met-zoum, anti as ftic ne- putatuon o! ittoking- conupunabons imme- iateiy coufesa. Wlieu the Sliai's brotiien vas accriseti o! troasan soute urne aince, thé- star vas liovu loin, ut, terrifieti sud ororcome by ramai-se, oi anowet isa liquitie. Mis cotîtes, -on vas, o! course, tthîiiuledti o ils ýfflcacy. Ha vas haniaied. Tic. uext ânpontoui talisman is a auben!f amier wiah felI fi-ou huennen lu Maiomet'u tune. IL la suptoi;ct o rentierthe Shahî innuibuorablu, anti- lie woarm il iboul is noce, Anobier .s saboittle box Iif e Mlu e n mertia, sud heitut1CIPAhy tond. The German money let tomost aciiy trnslalablic mb ou- ovu 51 ve musai-ls for a doîlar, an nt mbEng-i ti s=noeu aItv tenty-four marks c ra pne.The nov Anal-bit florin, )w usedtlhronguonutlie Ausîra-Mun- F Lian Zalîverien, thtat le ta say. iuy for- l mtillion peoplhe, is equivoleu&t o to-r- hl .elgit couits gulti af ou- mnoiaey, or la e t Engiieli Ivo shillings.' Iu a fov ors au altosinifai-m moîîey wllM ,usut by aIl lte leatiug uationseoa!tle B nild, antI tins tu-ado, commerce and f sincas made more oaay, certain sud s aile, iSays liaMoiitrent Gazette : "Tiare a' a ' B eecer scanda ' in cotnec tuomi' ih tic' caloreti church ofa!Toi-auto.B . Mi-aWshinglou Peaiina, roceulyai nm the Southi, lLceuseel o! o Btntiinuy viLhi vives o! Iis fiocit, asiug greal sensation in1 coîotred12 tadistincIt oaks o! esi-Ilqualte i- re faîlt aI 5iCalierinea-ou, Snnday, fo t1 nodamage vas (doue. Aduel vtos fatîgit on Mouday-Iaat E a'een M.M. Eanc and De Cassgnac, lut tiLi TI li al i lui linl anc Fi- iv 'lii for no ga ty1 the ya bu voi bus i lie' fro grog can wr but bAl lie.vas on thte brink o! sta-valoi, hhey --setlotion hbus a iife-renî of fwels.bin- tg dred flai-ina. The Prince, however, a-- s utmed hie fonner haita, sud hefare: -long lie lia pledged nea-ly the violat a! i IÉRf-remit ntil ýthe year 1880,- or- - - bans., I-esrning this bis relatives de- 'r aclareatipublicly liaI hbeywoule Dot bsn. P snylu1ing furster fia do vIi ith i. Ig Thenceforti, 'Prince Charles becants-a tn regular caufide man, sud <final- « iycarnaton - uti fai-gr. ne h ouli order gaods fram ig ^n alies a nd lu rnauy insanca.hi rsl crs . Idnan, vas aufficienî ho maka -tem ex- Vy ocute lie ai-ters, Iu IbIs manuar b. 19obîsinel many -saluable artcles.-whièh- B5 '.a ah once cauvertei. at rainoui ratas, IL into csallm FinuIly th, police cantianed 5e Mrnichants,,against hlm lu a cnt-d ite -newiiapeoi, ajid lieu - lia prince b.- 5came a'sboplifter. H? vaa-gin l she scl aI Cariai-bue, ru Janlsry isl, 1ad seuteucati l ttva -iks' impriaon- LYmeut. Thte higit sentence vas undoubts- Tediyt-nette eexaltetilrauti, sud s t- cleat violation o! lie lsw. ALler serr- ,yinghîletva veeka in piton, the de- giadeti young man veut la deu-Bad- -en,wvierehi. inizinuatet i viiiaspoar t ilov, vho entrualeti ah ber sss'lngm, -amôuuliug tho v lindred florins, -ta ilut. A. secuiiy ho gaçe lier aevoi-sl spurlous ceificatem o! depasil. vltici, upôn helng axaminei, vere foundti o w havre beau forgoti. Duriug the hial the in pi-esident asked hlm.vity i. isti not i- t-led ho malte an hianel iving. "What à vos I ta do 2" asiceil Prince Chai-les; r- bat-k. "Work,*' repualiedte Prusîeïil " Wore 1" exalaimedtihe, pnsouur,, il scorufully ; Imy rsult daceËual permit; a me tla van." TANDTURitiS.4NGum.NAty INDiA BATTLP. -Another isanguluiarv- habile -villa hie iuIns qo!flthe Fu- Weu'lias i-eceutly - talten place, in vîmici fot-ty loigsi Asin- hboies a-a repontti sd s ingbeeu 'v5p. e cdi oui,' a termnilit implies he indus- acriminahe siatigiter o! mou, vomnen, s nhi lîbren. Tic Hmlena (Moutons) jHem-aid giues tîtefoihov-lni pai-tia!arg- -Ou- set-ut, just re.turuetifi-rn Bentan iringing lthe pariaulars a! ai-i-cent, IltI belvuon he wvibesanduth ie ludiena, vîtilu tentinatet ir as tally ta lime lat- rter as tiatihle engagauetau ofa!- Colonel .Baker anthe i-oopa vithhelia Plaans' Iimnree yesna ahuce. Sorne ton tisys aia a partv o! vaîfena, via hail berralm n 1 h. 'Wioop-np contr-duritig lthe un- lire past vlnte-, aneampei on lia Tpu- banu, nar ýBeulon, expeetlug te i-oaci lItIpla-e nexltiJay vihltheir packa o! polIs. -Duning th. e -hi, h-r, soute Indiaus choIe ltheïi- hanses, sud vare Lai- ont of reaci vh-itinmoruing camne. The mon vi-ul ha Bouton, pracu-- e t herîhomses, amrnunitlbo,.and bon o! Ilium left bu puranil o! the . hiering ludianx, m'awlng, as hy sta-lut, lthaI tii-v voniti i-overtheir proper-y aven if ilîey hati ho go la lb. Snailitean for 1h. Rai mon vas si-met viti a Huni-v rifle andti tv large revolvers, va. vweIl maunteti. ant ive gondi pack animais, wvere taken sang e illi lie puu-l. 2Thiet-ail vuasitoon foun], anti litPl pu-srshsed foi-yard mugit and- dsy, vlti but smitaresta, umml hy a- rrielai a amal hi-ading-post aI Cyprasé Maunitain, 200 miles vitiuthe fliitist bardi-uc. Mr.tley fonmiencamputi foi-r t ges o! Nartit Asslnihalues, vito met bthe vîithcs viti bava slrang anti guns coaketi, cftvhur tumat hey knew die vitea v-i-oaflen a fel v iti -he lu- dlions v ia an talen'tiir horaiL ual tic Cm-ces hail siolen tii-m ud onuy lefi lueur camp he day baLai-o; bulttat the Crees van- lic Aasiuibioni-fricuti, andi liaIthe vhiea utigit liane vit - fifflit ticy dealr-t rizlih haro. The iteq tobalebit-uir vihtili tet-a-ding- PoRtl viimcautaineil alL sîlaze.n wtite traders. By hese they vane niso bld Ihal tue tu len i orset bail pacacti tue- day previauts, ttlthe Assinihoinea vcru isinirthe Ci-ees, tond itad i red sevorai abats luho tti-paspot. -Il vos de- hormbued.l la altai hua senca'eipint ai A«ainhuinea, ant t do il ou theTi- tiban -plan. Acconiciy. aI tie du-st break o! dlay lthe ucxt morniug bte six- sixteen or senenteen wites, attactet sud ebi'chnaily viueti ontthe Lou- l od- tri-, vcry fav umcapîug. Oniy ana vîtilu man vas lmbiicdr and- lie vutas jhol- hhi-ough tiahu éart by avaounieti Indian, viaut le puranci] m lthe i-mai. Tii. nane oa!he man kiiele sEtivard Grace s unan wefl kutc;n lily lie people o! Hlp.ea snd PniakIs Peon vaillys, sud lu rnany alther parta-of Maulana. The- i-eutains o! Gm-oc. vene burbedin lutle reari-o nothle port, sud lte buildéings affer t-rnaving lta contenta, vos lunrueti ho t-ho granuti. -Tva a! ýho men huai]- à ,t Iva agaua viii -r*oluca anti fu-, atîti arbti Lfor i-nmt-an, wvile bte atuer siartici]nantt ou lte tra-&l !tinf -es 1- -e t - ir- - r ta 1 ti 1