Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jul 1873, p. 4

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enough for any sensible o =Oflito Mr*. .Edge, a -gOC& mneek little SOUItg ast.- eh.wil, relapped issm ebo4iest silence. -ishe only oihd à soi is*r4 ig1îand presently. b.. gan Sa110w iitac. 'Homr, wil you go ,with -nie to' Sunl's lêniglt'-, tiin't you co: alone?'" 'Alone, how would 1$ look U'Lrs. n'f tempr-for she liad àne,though it dUt not oiteos parade itieelf-,Waà roused. I suire no0 neglectful of thos ittie attenltions you 15804 to pay me once;j yoss never Walk witli me, nor 1ick up niy han&lerctllf, 'nor notice Mny dres asy8o once did.' 'WeU, afic.Uow cau't b. forever waitiisg on a wornan, can lié?' growl- .4 MY, Edge. , YOU >COUls be polit. enough to ?wfs.Wateulat niglt, irhen you siever4tiouglit to a8k i 1wanted sn$thngtlsougis you knew perfect. lywoU l hat.I1 iad a lieadache-I aon't belleve'you Caro au mucli foir hie asy ou ueed' to.' And, Mrs. Edge looked extremeIy pretty witli1 the tears in lier blue eyci and a qliIver on tise rbund, rosy lipg. 'Psliaw,' safd the huiband pccv- lslfy, llNow 14011% be silly, - Maria.' 'ind in tise stage, yetcrday, you neyer .Asked Me if I Was Warin enough,, or put My shawl arouxidc me, whlebMr. B3rown was so affec-- tionate to bis wife. It was mortify. 1119 entrngls, Henry, indeea t was.' 'I cidn't ksiow woren were sucli, p f0o1,' said Mr. Edge, as lie drew t on hie overcoat, to escape the tomi- I pekit wliich was fast approching. b, 'Arn I thé sort Of man to make a Uinny of! myself doing the politù ton asslY sort of a fesiale créature ? Did ~ Yeti ever know me to bo conscicus whether a worn had on a slia*l or le 9 swallot taie e ccat il'd Maria eclipsed the blue eyes be- liind a littie Pooket-liandkcrchief, ! and Henrtise ssgvage, banged the lu door loud? enoug to give Betty ini be tise kitchen a nervous tr.a 'Raining agaisi I 1 do believe we are goingr to bave a second edition se' to t e'ldelugo,' said Mir. Edge to hini ef that evening as lie enscone. bl cd six /(eet of iniquity into tise Souths de, West corner of tise car nt City Hall. 1 'Go ahead, conductor, cani't yon -tiO: sec we are, full, and it is dark l. i ready?2' ,*-' eqi 'In a minute, sir,' said tise con- te" duetor as lie lielped n little woman, 6 witis a basket, on board. llNow, tee] ir, move up n littie, if yon please.' 1 Mtr. Edge Was exceedsuîgly Coin. tlisi foi-table and did net want to move, but tise liglit of the lamp falliuîg on, tws tise pearly forelieadl and sishing, goldei liait, of tise corner, ho altered ma his iind and nxoyed up. fen( 'What lovely eyes,' qnoth lie,-1 icniqll, a lie bestowed a sinèle cha aupleging sinle. 'Real violet, 6 tise Colot I mnust admire 1 Bless ty-f mie wliat eyes. There, sisa-has 'A drawn a confounded veil over lier 01ou t face, and tise liglit is as dim as sudi a tallow dip ; buth ose pretty eî eyes l' Thse fair possessor of thioe blne twO eyes ohivered sliglitly and di-,w cd I lier inantella close-around lier shoul. 'IT ders. terri 'Are you cold, Miss ? Praylionor thi me by wearing rny shawl. I do neLtlihre( need it nyseif.' Hi Bise did flot refuse-gielle uriur. lions ed sorne faint apology for troubling siair Iin, but it was not a refusai. <lieu] -"No trouble-nota bit,' Said lie, tisee witis atlaority, arranging it on lier >Out t tapet-ing shonlders, iand tisen as 'tie kept younIg lady handed lier fare te, ile clice. conductor, lie eaid to iuseif, 'wisat aflIn a sîcuder little liand 1 if there is go0t1 an3tling I admire in a wornan it il caie a pretty-hand. Wonder wisat kind 4W~ of a moutis ulfe lias got ? it mnust be Iinatt( a-deighstful, one if it corresponds con'w l witlitise liair and eyes-plague takcf Bu tise veil.' <out t( flut plagile, wisoeVer tisat inySti- Ili cal vower rnay b,dîid no tak- p- ye; trances we liardiy blanéie -ù, when elm tise car stopped so suddenly tliatie -waYsP eauglht at fles armn, for tise squeeze it, tisos hoe-gave tise pi"meroy iand -any sent 0: mans of bens" would harve donc tise iatWi samfe--it was sucis an invi1ting. lily tûsÃœ - 'AlOw 'nie te cari'Y your baskèt patli O1 Mliss as Oui- patis lies in tise saine cIe.G directýio,' said LMr. Edge, courteous- fec1siP ly reilevsin-bel- cf ier- burden as lie wvIoYi( SPOO a2id-andniavbe ofitîd of any les. diffiesityyou'taej;jy r,.4toiei WOWoi ASsi' délglhtf(s? Mr- E4ge itnrgot tIhe wet strects md No pItelsy drknes-ise 3tliougit.he was papere nakig on roses, Qny ans lie ap. of tise1 prooled~ss ooheegan to feel wortisy nevvous, And wished the ilttie isseoog- cd te se iito wousld not iscldon ozs J ig"lt inâliif iupofsig Maia ebould m attise pondenc winow-on helobhoàu, as *sheofteîî Wall on] Was, h<>w coula matters beexplained 'A!4 P tq ler? lIe coulcdtàniake her be- quwiedn t lievethasthe ossi,ywanted to-be polite replied -to thse fair trayveller. Besides Jis YOII 1lC, swehgdcarations in tise moi-n. 132g-4he ivoslId be sure -ta recail reniei'él 5topindW h, ,at thie riglit wa tise, Awo ldeewau Or. m1jhl to so berrunUp thse lâ,!Old 1irslàoI . Tise]" 1n walla a'oocsncss gracions,1 i-cm 'eartli ILturued týoan, iJ - o ai la WhWiLbjy. April 1, 1878, -- how Ansit Priscia4 ill c Uthe 'atheetiebise dome was lit. PrptWjas ned. j o k 1'e d w i t i sa m y r ia d o f ti s 7 ig t , I & M N S P OW*L L . If.you tell th ait old iarpy will 8parking diumoisdg and al _____7_,_JAME _POWELL evor iheur thse last of it',' aid Edge clear save whlero the yonu.,1th,187. 1l', yeàeàin eoin napl fcoung STmLAWENCEBANLtE Ee_ 'Vcry- probably,' w h ro ing Ving espràtig - . t isepr- soc rpl e i- e , n4ls u N otie fi hrbygvntctà i eu vNw oisiciok! bis -nidfastbcing roc-led to sleep ini its of Ton Per cent, On téSâi bed Stockof M.-d ea A a.8 a tIniui o n,,jbus -his day been uadae1 ' ~" T 'T Now inlOnw ' oke, a-Mi. gel isiU. M wêso *180 speIpa Pybon orWo e the iIth, jy, *r JuIyr' çc ....LN ]L. M ].~ i.. conxiutgto be ed dnawn fui o u cat i d an~ d oli ïs tetit, or Lt Ià«sseles. 'vahd t ýlfthe word Iray- hougis tiseair to iieek iti home - K. Y. LOCXH&ET L R E SO K o Ua"i, yjou, M alhave tse 'Prettiesjt above wherc sueh pence reigno fore- TietltsJnl7 furs'ib New'Yerk, if ydu vil leep 0evc?, ~.~ , f r rg u quiet-you shail, 'upon nMylionor.' But'as My spirit wiîiged its «wny --,~ ~ L U Tise ternis wcre sntidfssctory, and onJig, it sem'ed to be joineby -- Mari& capitulated.-wiso -;vondn't e istr spiit, wisom I ssswM not, ye-E And tisat is tise say su e got those kxscw wns tltere-; and n voice -wli N 5C 1ATONIS NOW CO M PLET E splendl& furs tht lilled tise- liarte Iknew not,,but -whiclî Speke te nMy o1 -z>Â, r of ihè 'ra.fedtwithî envy, SoiicCse r iiiad distinct, Uic thdo et'n ,]te falkfncé o Ade i-ap t is winhlas miade 1:elClow cadence of a fan-off tinklin SHÃ"-TE4HÉ ' ,e î acutoshsgd el il-SECOND ANDHo THÃŽBDL'88 CERTIFICATUSGnlre' er n ope.soke ever-sise. Corne witl nie$ and I wiIl show WIH be'b.sd (D. V. lu te fjV TfC, F T ~ 'Q I~ I III ypn a lesson ofic.', .xmNT:i L-IJ.NISH J..LJ.LSY Coi-bing the Tettior. Tison 1 lonjht tisat i drenmed, TOWN - 0F WHITBY, -yet I seenied stîli to stand upon tînt CMECN xT E Ë # ý A Dnxsbury nialis nnndIlieubens tall cif aiud view fli cainiwaters cMacN uT E N E T OUIT. recontiy saw a sitateent thnt cousit. bcneatl. Asnd the voice snid :-- TUJ3SDAY, lôth JULY,  TCS0 1; SRIGIIT &C P ing one lundred, wlien tempted te '$e tlou tisis tal ouf rock ofl AT 9 A.- M., A PLENDID SOKOFlE PLN IT , AS speais an anùgsy wond,would save a wiil we stanid? Tissis a man's -h, .ed 1 .1 O S'I mant a gi-cnt deai of trouble. Thsis conscience; and oçe tise Clm quiet But Coaddates nited otae sthe.o> s. - *FOR8 - tional sssbJects lis the Curiculum for Second statement sonnded n littîe sisigisar waves, with genfle and carcssiuig Clase, 1. e. Natus-al isiory, Botany, sudA.PIGE nt llrst ; but tise more ffe rcad it ov- motion, patting iti base. There are Agnkcultural Cheuastry, must pi-sent then-A.Pm. E or tise more favonnably lic became hsuman passions n'hidis van against selvens ut 2 o'clock on ý1ty lrh1t,17.1 mpi-cssed witli it nnd finaIIy con. tise sou.l. Iu youti tisere are so MIJAz u UY libMrhJt117.J1 hiuded to sdopt it. Ncxt dooi' to snild, so peacefui and 80 istiui thit 1TEEXAMINÂTION OF CANDIDTE Hleulsens lived a mani wlso lias made tlicy sen to offer no resistance te %, . - FOR ive distinct attempts in tise pssst the force- of God!s* wili on -eni-tis. FRTCAS CRIIA fortnigist to secure n dinlier c'f greeni And sec tisou the bigisi star, afar FIRBMÇLAP CETIFCATT IVIr ' sens liy tise irst o! July, * and cadi off in hienven, 'tis tise eye cf God, Wini be heif a t thsmrnePlace, cOmmencing âmelas een retarli y luebens'relotig îsit nsthe cofsenen.i.T A N oNEn àOt3 Te lxtmonigaierBo- o sowthtitisa pakofheve-MONDA Y, 21,qt JULY, eus made hii ri-solutios tismuan Iy haine. Asd. now, 1.ook at it AT 2, P. M. rutd lis fiftîî attemüpf to have licou again I As intimated in thse Journal cf e. ES~ e Uf ~ 11 ~ S l niscarried. Tieon lue cnlèéd o e- Auîd I îooked, and licisoîdl'a tics,," tise gold moedal, (grasted byU' 4. B O S N D SH - ens. lie said r<1 iu chansge camne uer tie spirit of my McCabe, Eeg, LL. B.,) will . bcawarded '~Viat n tiundr doy-o men li drnin. Tu watrs aslid anintot the snost suecesnful candidate foi-a FinI.- CVa ntudrd rnmanb h aesdse g ins est Certifleate cf thse higlient grade. - -000: tting your liens tons- up niy gar- tise cliff,' and 1 féit it sisais to it It-isi IPensible that Candidates shonid en ?' centre, ansd liesird tise gi-ont rocks uefufy tise euWInspector net later thhn liubnsws esîte t cl iissguonsii tîinngsi;ard ie orethe 24uh eofiUNL, of shein intention te pne. alrgTto k o Bobos a tmpel - i aoiy ad h feresent thenselves fur cxaminatien. lie undersigned lias alr e so k o mudsoot-a iîew uine, juwit coni- wiîid Iîowled oveî- tie oceau's face,JAE CIEN Lais.en',ldu lresFnendC reBot&Sh t ug into general use; but lie neincin- lbshing it jute foam, and stjiriusg it JAME .S.o.lul nt. ais.4et'.'dUude'sheadi'a-eBo. h ened isis resolution, p'ut dowu lis up to gi-eater miadues; anudtise May 27th, 1873. 22 IPMLsZV73T 3 ge, aftd meekly olisevd : tempi-.At îoaned and sisicked lilieBo t an u e Ia e - louie, two, thrce, four, five, six, doinosis lot booxe, and I feît thse W # B E L L & c 0,U n ootsand i-s m ad to order. jýt ,von, eiglt-' stnolig rock quiven and bond liSe a GUELPH,0NT Then tIse mad neiglîbor, w-b liusd ne d before the bhast. I looked to G 0 , ONT vershoes *ined warm and1 conifortakie. India Rbes ,en eyeisg tuÃŽs answen witis n great iseaven, and theno was still tisst stanr lubr nil o! s uo, bs-oie ini agaisi but not eo liriglit fer flyiuk masses Pni Z E M D A L ip'r.&,&C 'Wî"s't iyou ann-es- my qus o îod coursed acnoss it-â face, CA IN Repuuiriuug seatly doue. ), you rascai?'and strove to bide iLs lieauty; yet it C BN T ORGANS, But stililiReuliens miaisstaissed his still siione fauter, and faiinten, and AND Ccii ct Lise old Stand. uanisity, and wesst on witu tise I folt tise i-cd gnow w-aSer, and tise 4t wild wnves tussednmore tumxuits- M E L 0 D E O ýN S. N JJ.LIAM J3UItNS# Nine, ton, eleven, tweive, flii- iy ns tisat stars giory disssmed. Sole Propuictors and-maufacturenraeof'"The 11ay 22,87.Buxt & Shuie Stoe rcsteWhLy ,, fourteois, fitteen, sixtceer-' At hit it %ia3 gone, and witis one CRGANE TTEII coutetining Scrîb. .l7 -ceBrcsreWhty Tisc mcd neiglibos- stni-cd harder gi-cnt bound tise billows came on, siensa Patent Qnalsfyiug Tubes. n ever. - 1and tise s-net rock was upturnad nnd Awarâed the Ol ea 1 'Seveuteesu, cigliteen, nme een f11heavili jute sdans, tronbled e Ony edl nty, twenty-one-.. w-n ins; lltlle wiid w-nids laugyised Ever given te suakens of Reed Insti-uments W a - 'You anc a mnean skiunk Il said tish i e 1oninc jey ct its dlowssfil. et Previncial Exhibitious for Proticien-- - U ueiglion, bnclcissg towsu-ds thse Aud 1I fil notisut s-consei to standl cy iu Musical Instrumsents, besides P H O TO0 G R A.P Il (3G A.L- ~LIE R Y. ice. osu air, anid view tise gneat conhliit Du-Semnas and Fi-st Pnizes sit Reuliens face fluised nt tuis of thse elemesîts. Then I knew thnt other LExhibitions ceenun- rge, but lie onsaid l drealneci, yct wssdtliat I migîrt mcnous te specify 1I- 0 rw-eiisuy-tivu, twiity-tlis-ec, tsi-ii- sec thse elsd. Ansd ngain tisle -Oioe Our Instrumsnaraie acknowlilged by Musiciens andi Jndges te bo tise finest yet h Ounr, twenty.five,tu-,tvîx spoke to ine and si produc-ed. Our Stest and mon vainabli n- * L hsfiguse tise miglÈoingot sq' 'Alid ths, too, ix s inue l- 'pres-emesut ils the -- OSOANETTE ," otaining 1 3 .'-A . . e M ] :-I - lie feonce in sxic ehaste ; but Seo tise fle-sce wiuds wiici$tir tise Scribneene Patent Qualif *in Tbee tise et- denly thingissg of hi, peas lie op- Decases ip to fury. Tixese re-tise atthse sainué arene nr Y ous sie etrBROCK T EE ,WH B I il is i-nosîtis : pisitd cf c-vil ius this w-orld, even aasd p!pe-ltlce. By ti woude -ul invention s~os manbo--is-e rca S -'o exitssgtis - uman nsso;s ad - wen umake an struuxenî eneanl ouble Youmeni, ow-ive racal! 1or xciing th * uma pasios a thepower cf a pipe Organ at ats ex-A costs I would kliok x-otr cs-eok- gondjssg thisoun1us L ruin; and tise pense. tf- O P P OS.IT E ON TA R IO B AN K. C ead oven a bar-i ; and I w-cld- tal soc'- w-heu bas talicîs i8 *tic C A U T 1 O N : -t 'westy-seven, tweity-eiglst,' in- dc-ad consciene cf man, LSilled by As -we have purchesed thse sole rigist et Begs to anud that he huas lait on tise above pi-emises, I upted iuin-'wut-ssc tIse imcestisîous ,passions-oife. And mss'utectunn Scnlhuere Patent Qnlihfyingu tv t irty,one, tblirty-two, thinty- sûee w hutie liiglit star above bides, Tubes fer thse 1S5miuion et Canada, we lbore- AN W its fao busoc-oauatitof'îi A ndl di~es trons purciasing ti ns itsfae n orowatit fll1 nd Ieheeaa t ywill bho hable te prosecu- ci-e tise neiglion lisoSe ton tise sow Seoc tis enosdl' -Clou. W& have copyrighted the namie o h tgrpetlry 0fe i e g se, and~, entcsing it, Violently An-sae n eil-oh I VETTB imcd tise door bebjud lus-n. Biàt ing! WhVien tise sunging waves and il ehsfte u il l h nfs mrvmns n bens did m iot-c to lot np on isowiing winds lu s ield tisei wil Fr ur inruments co mutac er i n e- nWhai ç as ed pw for ail pitsels, tu-'n impemsi e o an ie etimeation : anss 5lie stood banîquet of destruction I sais- iotis- frsngsug ou tufs copyrightmennfctrenin. nie n inpo. 1aprtsfrtkn itrefo iesz eayieui bliene nione iu bis ownnyard ant i isg. Ail asoujsd and about iue iras cd. - psiitw5 epoexe ietos on cuûtig, whileliihus-jssgthics daissse; isd ierfan on- i dfllustrated Catalogues furnished bu' ad- p-+1- w sie -~es- oncoiftii,, hie i ]Urun ticldakies;an ft, ardNvl ressing- PLLtues es lar ed & <acc,4LQeÂv '.piYd1e. Si ansd flaslsiing cyca eloqsuly iv ss a red giseeye-t eouîd distisu- W. BELL & Co.,-- med Iis judgememt. Wiîen..I1o gui-;h ougIit; and1sidIeserd n groasi- GUELPIS, ONT. 1A IS M RA-ISA DC SS usp into tise ciglitie s iss;ifc issg, as of a migisty mass in dire Guelphs, Jeu, lOtis 1878. IIN SMEFAM SAN ASS s to tic doon iin sosue iaisi. agosansd fi-cmbelon-as-ose aBn - - __________ a n o , . ,Nobuies dn Tby, lieubens, mmm, what ig tishe hsxotv, "sulpins-ous vapon n-ids ni- OB un Yess sus8scok s sto6 .i. N uiesdn ci- witis you ?' se said. 'Do mnost elîohed and took nwaymy i nSnas isito tise lonuse-' lircati. And sgain tise voice spoite4 A. BýAIR ElI'I' it liedidn't let mis. Slie came ta me and sid- Wlitby, Jtfly :ird, 1872. 28 ly and said :tisat stas again. , It gnon- bigliter- give bis-Lb te treihoeli - b lcses sy -fleGEO. TIlLE, 4 ~ces-set jsliould ie done aa-y iith, Telegrapis and Efpressi Agent. i become put-o asîd Judy js i, tin if tiec irls cnn't live nitisout Wlitbly, Wnir-is lti, 1873. ~~P P NfNr"e- <hilme mmd pemetseles to tise leiuîg squeezed, n-o suppose imen esun ---.JV_1 il ' duty in Apite o! oves-y olis;ta- lie found wisho n-ond sacrifice- tliem- I1rLAND RAILWAY 0F CA'NADA. - al!,mter ail, je. but a soîfll selves, As old ns n-e are, n-e îould - T I M E - T A B L E nùd àinui't'scil is iàtiseÉman rathser deVot6 tlsree hou sady dd hinselfto thse iuiduigusuce witllout a cent o! pay, asta brevet Goiug Northi frein Port Hope te Lindsay. ]9A.TCH. - & ]BROTI{IERI passion wme -rD Y 10joy corset, tistln sec tisese girls <iyiug off BeLverton n u la fllois man. * ii tiat manner. Office lionne al---------.9980 a. m. 1 Mixed .... .-o:(lp.m n th he ae cev-gti îsostany tme."Going Norths le PeCei-bo< , tà â Take pleasure in announcegtxtte ie eev.gtes linst publiuhedmu aodotMail...100a. ns. 1 Muxed ....4:20 p. m. iusual suppiy cf [?armt.-rs'. i"upiemnts, 6pades, Shovels, Forî-s,-- ha flÂ's e cfn tnoe i A flatimore îsaper say$ tInt a Ieterbero'asid Foi-t Hope. lsks os&, late Dr. Caba-s-ns whc1-mi 0ysg danise w-as i-ccently diisai- Mized .. 2:40 p. m. 1 Mail ...8:00 'a. M. prdscton H iasca15cd froin one ol tise Iargesstjsiclul fac- C-nugýSoth f-on, Laiel&. -D IR E C T F R.0 M. E N G L A N oef prouiownaRe ws canti t-ici luin tacity, beemuse tile wnf iMxd .... 5:005 a. nM. 1Mail-. 25 p.di ,ra e h zsais s > , n q o s n c d ~ t ie v in e g a r . b l tI«m i d o t ! asu d fro su4 T o r -on to d m , m gte a &too o b e a s s n l r e s t g n , s t p o u c h e s , àtMilibronsa f teeitW ndormu fusk uci eft tr e ; plendid va]n ly Ã"ne tbisîg JO cure lier. An ni-k is* iow being buit by a vitisGraind Tiink st Port2Rose batt-mou- Wes- ay lyl at is t ît, d octor ?,'in . mi i Ou t nest, in anticip sti n f t ie iu8ý and ev esing l h t a is t sia*b d , sI, - -1 1 t1êir-'uac cminge, sIre nxt flod-uof tonne tiied b>-bis n-i-e --H. G. TAYLORi, - nG 't ni>' Ydeni-docton ?'-,Ycs, opera. fRe thinis lie cau mentier --S p.szran. Oifiî'datsecut-ybligwIlldns--tokf but~~~TJIR docos- osiy prsoibetie soîsi., -viite lead, paiuitricils, psitt>-, glaâs 4.c e-tse>- do not ft-ke- tsei,' 'Plense, ai,, 1 t TNTEhTAEiCNULT' ks mal lu,..nneEsgii -witty honiopaîis's rjcind. Dosiin ttakes bie phydie reg'isr,' suid - W H 1 T B Y. - - Notiesy lirei"g vn, hat or th em: -AIMSTItONft STOVES, snuootb castings, Splendid ba Ti dpcy o?"r's b lmpoyer.- 'n et fSip , rdrad& l r e. Bun lât- select 7us >, lse's gettrng sons msted, sa saz uAgsauay cith )utle Of Weuington's estates el Go pi-ecions fast.', - -UntdStatsofmer"bas bien etbish We ai e expectiigafilSpu fCude' asi ,fw - , Spain', areé Caled 'tise foi-- A Wjconog es-aiB ,-oen aortpiltasa ttio e sn Md ýim ythle y'sant ee . ftuiI- zid tlsmt1 - - iç e4rtCoal bou, lampS, thimnays, &c., uit te e poted" clsep l bûe- - 0F THIE The subse riber keeps ec - IIANL) K-L.ARGIS. AbOR'-j 'Consisting of -Drawinig - Room- Pa rlor tining Roc'm, saud Bed Rooni Sets, of differeîît pititerilîs, car- ved, ind'plain, and fancy puinted ;, Sofas, Couches, Bureaus, .-idebonrdsi, Centre anud Dinsusg extenso asis1adr~e, Beadsteitds, Us ist-Nots, bshwssistands, Dressung Tablis.lHaïs- clotis and ('assieested Chasirs, As-m hsi, and ('hildreni's. chis of diffus-eut sty1eir, Looking (ilasses, Spring Mattrssses.. F'icuîure Fiîn-s, &c. A stock unsuâi superior to that cf any. othes- retaul bouse is tise tradç. -.ms large experience e7nab1es, him to warrant all i-; tstock beîng of Lise best mates-isl and workman. ship, and ùiost tufateful 4ýesign. #:3-.Funerals fully supplied.-fose.., wuod Caskets -và,I1endd N'ew hoes-se. SOLE AGENT iOLl. WIIITESIDE'S PATENT O*BFD. olF Ags'rît for the sale cf Sewing Machsines, alld'CabiueL Or-gi ns; of' su pesios-m2un us icSut-e. ('ail and exomine hiâ immenîse stock. Prices- still fus-tise:c red uced. JAMYES H. SAXO. WiibyApni 2 188. Sign o! Lie Gi-et Ressking Chiar, Brock Stroct.'« THE. QLD STAND. [ES'I'B ,1 SH ED, î833-J- Tise unscersigîued in returning thmnks for tiseliberal patron-7 hitlsostt extW'dedtsu the old tstablislsnerit, fo- sueurly a pas-led cf loi-t yeurs, deo sires ta sas- Ihat lic[luse ow.on liard a sar-goessortmeat cf the seituuodis-c endi - 'legent styles et z -- Anrd trusts by proper attertion ansd moderate prices to, se_ L IST 0OFTHE DIVISION'COVRTSî cue a cesnnuince of publie patronage. PrectIce uphslâtering. Furi-nture re- 07 u îull d s d c s-ccd.C O I JN T Y 0F ON T A R O , Jndertsking & Funerals Fully Supplied as -heretofore, FOR TEE 'TE AR 8g SSome splendid specimens of Picture Frames, asnd GiId- ci-.kf ing. 'Remembe-the Old Stand. -~ :r ~ 1 s i~ JOHINS TON'S Z. Buliim w htby an*latr18. - Jd I:")A>ELF uP% oeINGDEAPE R] 0IIN AWARDED THE FIRST' PRIZE 1 FLOUR & FEED, STORE. îAt tise Provincisi Exîiibi Lion, Tiontoy in 1870 -The ndes-signed beg îoinform tbe inbs. itessea et Whitby and eicnsey hat tbeylsave opened a Fleur sudFe-ed Store in the prnu. isles latelu' eccipied bu' M. Jaumes Wallace, on Dundas Street, e offer teo our estunes-s for tise corning IIarvcrjt. two dis. Opp oslte the Roeson House7- ut Machines, whicis in stylleaand construction. entbrace the latest and'most useful inuprovumerets of tise da.. Wiere tie>- twst sonaeèsito b aeryti l .)IINTON'SSI N LE SLE-R K -~NG I A sati faction srs' obaleo0 Drýn, Shorts, Oatneai, Craclced. Wbeat, SING E S1.F-A1(XGc ofthtie best quele>-. THE -RING OF REAPM~S." - FIlWet nadMixedý. living pnicea for- cash. e ulliverssl succc'ss of duis Machine, Loth iin elosely contest. Ne. I Spnlng Wheat Fleur at 3 12J.- trials as"clSantthe hsaics ;f the -farisers 'ewerrant us i sasiig ilt. 'lmiasSelf RaS- -Ti E IN W Y hIeing Il.t - ita, il hec luese g' il poi ti-s ad 1.5 ulit te.ayid las met stltui - - S Iu & H M N re succî-ès fcul lest;, fiilure, tthîî heretofsîre offerel Ite pblie. cCashauiaid for91eralli a m, crIrPioduee lI'wAYUGA. JUNIOR MOWEIR 1-S&. Pwei-c sîwsirdedftie Fist l'size zond iipioma,,attse Ps-cvin' ExfiiltSicn. hclil lin"ts-mîs, 1870j,î - najètitini ti t sîl the lei-dingitiicliiii -iletist inl the prontce ; rs l it eirs-ci-at ilîrv-er.we îlisie* I. s'tîslti-rsge i"-vcaîigiit c Ctiini i-sa wivith cssmîeiitg MecStlies. a-e Crs' Aft fiei ilitt suis- iinvs-stigationi wilÃŽ I îeiii'e es-es- iiîiijis i i d.ii a is I. the -.I O t ile hexi M ecin ts he Fariner fur 1872 bîiilt iin tit-. Desiaiei. w se.id descriptive catalogues.e BROWl-1 & P-&TTERSON. ME HCWEAK STrO - CAUTION.-Aî p'esiute bu be. ias SPRING AND, SIMMER - c - 1 P D7MonJ' ju"-~ -MP ORTA T I ON S E OT WHITBY PORT PEBRYB.B A COMPLETE STOCK IN AJL LINES 0OF. RESGQO D Sa. Zn Mixe- Wlaltluu'Inction, 0O00 a. i' 28pm ct f England, Canadian, an d' Scotch cloths, &c., &c. f 6Z,92e07n-='7 80pm. jNTS' FJJINISHIING OOD )fj5ep NGanGbster, 10 12 a188 Prinsce Albert, 10 01a..ns S 4jaP=- - Worts LtsWeigst in Ooid I A SpaMifle-for -Cute, Woind-, Biaises Bans., Scalde, Rouil, Piles, Pie,len, a, Olsr-,ic Bisase. Of tseSkin cf,.sanjde,- crupton. Pr25e per Box.Sold lu>-1ailDusugists V J-C TO0 R i A CA1IIOLATED GLYCERINE JELLY - Eunlineutly tise Ladies' Favorite..- ZnrB-ýauffsilzgtueCamsp lexion, ando, rovik an, ubr, Freckiss.f/ipa-. FotBites, ands- ore Lips' Pio 25c per BottIe Sold bu' aU Drsggists. TOILET SOAFS 1 Celebrated, for theirnifom Puit>- and- Excellence of Qualitu'.. VsdreuiRÀ CAIMOum s oir. VIcTrxu 5Lp-irzE Seîp. «VCTOBU .GLYCxmRirX, HoNzy, ROSE,- AMa Wnsiol. ro;dby AI] Dnuuggis;tg. -

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