ýj1L_1L4L -à - ju -L L L 1 DA-Y, ION Il 0 TEL, 1ALB LAY JULY, ýT 0 NI B BU81necisis DI"POO 13 lit 0 0'1£ LI c 871, n AGENT von Tft NT,, Midnigh't' Ut 0 p À IN T E D Jas RÉgaine Of Canada INS., Co., PËOPBIETOR. Oh .4 -VN BISK FIRE the solemni nu t 1 Who bons U , goo 1 TbaUbiou b ted no i talis WRITBY -M RA N purely Canadien Institutio bee,, borcghly venvatý Ub the huoh ci *18,p the fan , a A Irblfo will fin.1 acuemmo. the bouts abëvë little r1l", pitelui Pr TROxAS DOW, Afflt xnd &Pprsboý for thê Canada dation the P86 ak e s S"t'y 'haho thli, ilsky . they t a 1 "lit Building Md sgvjm end e best attentio ru lo:f ïo, - 8 Sity l1ý 7 Chiev t mis. money st low rate$ of intereft, la, ý2 à l!'AOZR, - eue, W" they 0130uneed 31 Thon thowatchers bý file a 1 4 theMý -, cruBakeiMthth@ n goo ' and Who thnSý like ail danger. C'g N K, Montai) =.O no" ew frit Ve- N'y 0 IV. jou4 Th Y. 'Ir deapot8, can18 in r than,. beinginmufdctn"d ]Port Mug angoIs patente@ th 9N, e Boat nt midnight love te gOý W II I T B'y B âO u GH ey an oee"_gý M made 0, ]INCY, If, 0 NT the very béat M&telý4 and an the =est T_ ýýqh the poorbeartwoonour, breath, 0JMVaý JO-UN BAILE-Y t ald fain deny, t H. B. TAYLOR, ul 7 Perfect article of the kind ho eye of îhe All-jqeeing date net.,, but- The abc TO the farmin frotroducedt-O ve hotel'has been newly à , communi for doing the work Brisé Perhaps Dor&n AGEN and ftLrnig tifekIy ang gained, T. - 1 tted u 9 weIL se g lit from #8 te 89 ý, by his agni- ------ &__ý ' , hed-' 4ueoto,,Iu lind htJ-noo CAPITAL, accommodation mda comfortab4 aplfte, pro ning duitYq elle or tiwg points GOOd stibl Particular aftention T iearuuiîo. 'te blin Of Borne value DON ing and attentive I..tiors. caed te bis Ob.< the ëOlénin au and' , apart frotu the self.gratifleaton hi 'reward Of doing a go _T A W, V 8 T A'B L 1;8 M 2, D ROOT AND noi OstofbÀbysà ùâ Juin ne action. In the fi t ý place hie il Offlen, snuth wînIz C 1831t. D19ILLN. C Who mnfromentot In nolort Ifonge. 'Ar. Thà old and we R' ent midnight 1 a ra nerous and r,"Cial rptiinor. Of non, b6 eotablinheà CO' c OTEL, They Am, =Uerfor aille -ta tenant ne-raa& ad y Dio mpany te any mangions illOss te fc)rgt old Cameron, Q.C, i1re prepa"d-to a., 8 lu ex CI«,« - Yet =«il -thin ý of the kind Par Rndýnear between ri' grleVances, jq,ý Q, C. P= , at rates jw n au cI«,« ci red, andaw* the p.W.., 9. BROCK 0T., W ýfcfiloülà tèdto Come w1th w Curred froni. pieTce establà ad C ose of any WOU 9 1 TB y, savé the limer Iloilo labà Ë 1 1 ý '0 ail Shes and re Li_ te.* Pony in cana". "fîSTRAW.dUTTERSýyor= i,ýýl Dimly eonsc 9 CTY, and lirotest 7 fýwons from Ailey Z, M.', CALDWELL, un, a ailin and ber father, sorts of people., r»l-t.d net bought hitu igoide thi OV -CB(),W$ ATTORNEY pop 4ured fer th"reely,««Ûl-oreîeaogo»at 0P1)réoopiýeureiyilon,, Il q.Buooorto"aa7nd cigau gus ci the strile # thiey am e"UY -worked, "d Wm nuwiwng,' h 89 tenalia .£mis cOnling forward se sotivoly te Au or Wines g0t out of ordà ana soja st 01 lue. c rates. ccommodation and very 1". fi _NTY en aze liab a Loth te meet ÉLPtlë 9"rd in adverffity ýthe interesta Godd of i3nifoitnr, convoy. Uz with en- Ancer, Nntarv-Pnblfe &0 L. FAMBANES y closca - Ostlers Oh, the solemu, silètot mi thosewho, bal; And attentive -ing once been WB fris of 1 nenutded hy fi, , 1 a th. Pry= Charges moderate. always on 8quefO ilind Ré had Changod into hie noie H, Cochrane, Esq, late OfEcs, Brook St., saed bitterest foes «Of ïçui4. 1 T Whou the s'ns the 4&yUglhl 11 'î ilown Attorney, Brock Street, Whitq. urn find stalk like before us, a -popular im solan, ýthe fer" ONTAMO P.;RAND TRUNIC RAMWAy crOTH-9,9 wnrxe,,, Ban ta keep un tryst, vency of whidh - hop fi p, Fi ROTEL, 81=111d express, tii Even by the Po orest fhà n le, ÂT WIbITBY ST,4TýION. ThOn'thegood déédo couroted giâtots blé rfi3ý l:i plibours, pro AnRISTUÉ',,,&TTnRNFY, ýINSeRA;VCcý,ý 0Ã"ý And gli other kindg or ' 5 golden jauni, 1 In the sunahinef ' g Jack Doran's bad qualitie Meer, De ty Regiotrar, bfower.px. WX O-NEILL r.ROPRIETOR. ment& with sa th à ariewtnral Impie. 'Undernentbthe starry Zf'ijjtll Te now 971r.xnmfn" in chancéry for FMAD OFFI 0 rouant ImprovMents. Only eh forgotten.. IlAnother advsntage- 'top connti of Ontario, Ofâce, court Boule, CE' BROCX ST,, WRITBY. Parties taking Raving Procured one of Rân»ra New runkon-pigmia boum. ad tfint, ju ail ýrébabjI!ty whitby. 5teRm engffi-, (one of the still môre. rued the 1 wu have thern the train and leavinc, horgeo Oh*the bleaied silont midnight 1 The boys- of' ilB tt This Company inuures paria Bnild, elitaken careol til, thIr the kind manu e complote of the;ý iétrict, return. facturai,) thme l'On the smoke of battie b own applaulied bis intrIPI ILY ta the skie' i TI Country Churchéloo School ]qOuses "Po nowý"abIed te executee undervigneil à Aside a mom anglwllîspero a 8-' Kilk (;f)ql>fbvfl Contente at rate, t their AU Orders for entýýOw8 us angels rose 'net. lost'on Doran ARRII;TER'& ATTORNFT %ý«jj.@nÃýýQoâ S as LOW asthoooolany bfPLE3fENTSý Nearent whon we jqoezjl alloue. quick e4r, tba '9 el b: -AT-LAW, COMPADY lu Canada. G LOBB 1TOTEL, -itiT 'lot contain a t the whole barouydia of At Solititnr in Clianely, à -bfçh ho may notrter man 80 fit ta 1 )Onveyancer. Crohaore of the tliM on nocturnal expeditio., lad cent, Notary omce-(),V#jr Y.4 JUSt'LOSSEs:l>ltoMpTL-y PAID. BROOKLIN, ONT. - n au Caus. lie faVored, cheaply, ex. difibrent., kind, te lori art, 1 r, 'Ad- oly, Md te guarantee complote Bat!». Billhock. dl»Ou'O Mure, Brock Street, Whitb of Ont. Centrate their ab si JýB-BIC1RLL, JAS-POWELL plloplIIETOIt. IrOct their llà lf.conceivea atho JAS. CLAYTON, CHAPTEIt vii. strength, *and il, Secretary. Prosident, In fac CCOUXODATION, Brook st., Wh th Rhiali Doran strictly adhered views. t te be thoir Captain, KPLLFR, 14r- D. 1101lidaY ix no longer an agent of fluST-CLASS à voluntary PrOmise lie bad given' state Whou Wl ile TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITon IN thi& Company- à fay 14th, 187,q. te the Things were in tjli8, thora A Chancp.rv, Couvoyanc., &0 Ned Shen, and ýsougb OIJI Pierce Sllea after his illne tolý, Brook, C.'vV. X -,Canning. RRNIX FIRE Assu.RAN R EVERE 1TOUSE , t croiloore ju inoliths, was'at leu es Of two f",.ty ANUFACTURED AT every Place tliat could lie supposed te in lis gtli able ta restitue t, th p ýCE CO'Y., -)fANCHEBTElt, ONT., M TUE aflOrd hile secrecy and glielter Ow, person, the purfluit afto, e LOXBARD ST. & CHARING CRO * As bc-fore stated, it was t Alle r with J, B. PLAýl\,K. Port Perry AgrleUltUÈal Wo y and the Murderer of lir-r p go, LONDO-J. PROPRIETOI1. fie Lyeneral Dorguls manly conduet arout-q- fürze.i stages te and from whi, fkS, Opinion that Crob hail roached dw' ARRISTER ' AT LAW, SOLIèITOR IN fby call dauy. EV. Oore had net rêtroovéll Ilis Car fron, arf. ESTABLISRE D IN l' frein trie neiý a Illindred 117111(r ton. With d Sim. 782. OrJ(attOlItiOli paid te guests. LEPPEL'S CELEBRATEn ÂXEBICAN DOUBLE oilliouriioo(l, be bein- Jro. 11i(ýS : Ilis fat] adm** ,ces Street, Oshawa. quently &ee ieilbro GILLESPIE, j«OFFAT & CO.,Agents Ibr 'TURBINE WA TER ri, eveu ut a lato 'tu(' Pierce C.)Ill(l ni) uýht thom togtller water (.-. jý - Canada. always alonc, air(] wajkijjý ut pcr'od t avoid feeline ROy-ALCANADIAN HÃ"TE Li WHEEL a quieli rain, i - 1 cce, his short gun in Ili j itude and-full forgivelless towarj g-rat- JAMES DAVIDsON, Manag,, THE DIOST ECONOMICAL W13EEL N 1.0 110 thm ca.qually encour, Ow IN usv , ýin those W Z 1 O'd rival- ýVlen Dorati once a -bis swell ATTOIRNEy.AT-LAW, PORT PERRy, ONT., Illre ru- timps, B S()IÃŽ(?it6r in C rianc, Insurances against Ions by rire au eff,'t 1-1. rý0y - . 1 ]lis Offer te join Ilim in 'C'o' Il' on tl'e most favorable terme and Lusses C.m Notary publie, &V., &c. t'y and In4olvenc PROPRIE-TOR. iný, t Ill1,u0ýr 1,vho averred go, notseem Operatig)nj;e'ýa bond Of amity ail future green 11.y Observation. But Ili' was im- nothini BlOck, Brock Street Wilitby, Ontario. Lid witheut reference te the Board in Lon- SIPerlor acéommoclation. G ;uers Vainlý )ked te, ineet - tjii, M,; bands the sï, pun S modiniOlY formed betwêen th à Aied roo coil stabling wfre over and orer shaker, e jAlIEN LILU()Ng MI and attentive ostler, Path lie nüvý,r cros.q,,I. 1 1 old Ned YE OMAN GIBSON, - - ----- Elliiiii Dorân plit 11 hi An'l W11116,811011teilforthi, raidvaý TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Agent whitby ------ wits to work, the Cup was ILS JOY and approbation . oi*pate i -A f _ _ W ESTERN HOUSE, and ill'every %vaY availed hirroself Of mo-re than Once pledeed te continu Chanuery, COI'vr'Y'Lircer Land A the assistance success ; and- the Yonne &0. Parrialela Blo exte " , of Ilis ýqu1ýje1't1, over the Pue]' other the greatest ' roien Called thing bi T HE DUNDAS STPEET, WHIT11Y. oisive range of' e0jIntry friends in the under ]lis world. head, ný obe(lierice-tlx"ýlt' it inight bc riaid, liav. 'IY'9rPOOI and London and Globe erolillied would intimale But, seemingly acsisted, and u 9101) & to the -ulg on the alert every C, ye fol. six miles y followed, 1) ,')ul)"e' that th'e ûbO'Ve Prernises have been p,-oled te no ptlrpf)gp 1 Cautions ]ýAÉ_RISTERSf ATTORNEyS, SOLIC» lnr'Uttà ýNCE COMPANI. lewly fitted ni) and rellovated th lut lori LI mained the 1 charaetc. quorr, and Cigars. "The cream ci t 11 a t fr7 e creature Charo'-iu Best Li roughout. boure-nabillioge, or Crolloore of the tY or love (et 8 motiveB nature) ron St BET9 Canadu,1 ülso pure ni the surnaine 'iv "710mom. I1ýne en te him ý j "et, South of Peut Oifice, Wine, Walz's Lag. muril F, were ont 01 question) Ivout Venture to er, wholesaie and retalI. Boarders taken by silice th, cri %vas stil ut large lu- in cour" 01 tbofrt ove yeaw the Week, Lut notwitjlf;t,,Llltlillf, the alli- truck Crolloore tiionýj,], bi$ Own grlie place an "xceea kr RTY )EIUI()lqS OIr Il - 1 ri ing it t' TON,* C.'tsiulb JOSEPH A. BANDEL. due te King Doran, a principle il, eOLLARS ignallee ratios, in Borne one ()fwijleli they fi fox rPQWN CLERK A à Cj"Onen-p- estimatod at near.' ud heli moly -ND TREAsrRER. 'y 03,0w, , are Deing ii -dâ e,7pd Ilim a reiii#4eit-tll, niud of. -JL WhitbY. Cfflee-T,,,, Hall. H wunout dodu- 7»ý1LS0N Crolloore's favour, nts. -__ am i gone abroad tlut PO'ýverfullY Operateil for 8 of Silla and Doran prove etion. from 9 tel ocincir. rs- Vrompt Pa ont anci Liberality in ildjust. E;elve(t te oient or ne About L.M.Bes are thy-vumiLnent features Z3 zyl:t IV. al they were on foot, or on tif-ilitit,.N.- if this weaithy Ce,, Otherwise, by dcternijued êouil, WILSON, Jn., PROPPIIETO]R. Hoad Ofllee, Caliaï, 4-W, have IPec(lilY delivercil VI' J_ k, over the Country. Confilsed NSPECTOR ()ri "Yittnell, MontreAI. Ili'n ilote the ru-ours of C and favoi for the colint'- PUBLI'C SCROOLS Li. F. C. SMITH - r bande of his pursuers. This wag noth rOI100re's appearances Of Ontario, 4ddres,_ public te annOnnce te friends band of fi pont C mec, qntario. Ciliet Agent for DoMiýiOn and the generally that lie il ing aise tijan a now tirai opi cc""L'antly, thOuilli indirectly rouelle PAMBANICS, ja., Agent at whitby, ont. ove new hotel in the Vil, Aned Pir the ab as '0 lià ljed in the luinds mou, estab- them : Borne Of thune repÛts Seemed neighboui age 0 Aah- Of 'the population FUfliciontly ble enowy J. jin. fjo., ... burin. The houscla nciv an bewildering and startiiii(p. OHN L. WAT4I,9, a Most ttinrougil and comfortitble Mariner Of file If %vas averreil thou,-Il noue dur, and Pur lO THE COUNTY GAOL GueStil M'ill find évey convenience ut the broad hints given ut the ivalie und fully corne orward toi 1 Rutile ti ed Byron Street, ývljtby. f troopers, i aýove establishment 03-edted (RB we hibve already scenj, thut n cate the FLate- ity Si Wines, liquors and Theoie Wheels we are now manufacturing Crohooru. Lvùd in motifs' t'lut t'le ght)"awll lail frequent. ri M. 31!ýB1fje'N' chigurs of cheflPer thau auY other shop in Constant interco'urse, the best brarids 'iI-ýys keý'1t on the "untry, with ..th OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE ly beeu Seuil, ut one saine refu 'l h 0 îý l"WaYs ilood fitabl'ng nu£] attentive hostlers and we 1ý,ilI give a guarantee with each tl 91) d Étor)le,." and Omentp down by uy's HOSPITAL LONDON BAILIFF BRU DIVISION C017liT, i attrîldanco. ler "Overei.cli protectiou. was uuder a certain stream, in a ce saine prof, cx the eya li. 0. H. L., Cjaw. ýVheeI wawanting thein te bc os well made, May Ist, 1869. and te give as good Sa have hall local opportuniti,, Tloge who und -as a comparison 0 rtain hollow ; tracted soi 18ti tisfaction as uny t'O Observ. f notes demon. th, Iaqtnýý Ontario. AUC'rIONEER.'&,,., inaroufactured itî the Dominion. lit the period we dùal witli, the montai strated, at the next mOmQntý and by a trjbuteý il t)"% in -4 N T A il 10 Parties (les, habits of, the peasarjtr3, dî0,,ýrcnt pergon, many miles awayý i 9 OFFICE-In Biglow'ii Block, Port 0 Il 0 T E Li obtain it by 'ring further information Caro Of Ireland, and EN T 1 S T, - (SUCCES Perry. - addressîrog their devoteil belief . in the sitting on la certain a Stone 1 ()ri the top district, il, rLATE I)AIvESIl fairy super- of as certain a 'h - than a we( or, ta W. R. Card. Pert PerrY, Julle 24, 1872. fVII-ITB Y, -oNlt. fluttering in f vas, in p PAXTON, TATr, ce., st't'on, will ut once ilecede te the pro. Ãœl, big lank red liai, 1).ýt.,'ROOMS-I)Undue ' - 26 Perry St bability of sucli a statement hl lindi a,2d bis niesonis Store. ,,Itre.",, Whitby ove, ?4r. Ja 1 THOjýjAs WILS Marcli 81, 1869. -Port Perry, ont. Mle appeu], a 'l'O those turnpd W. . red oye S 1 (lý', - 1 110PÉIETOIL "tfllllY Oe as il vratehmý jjC lit 'Ongth 4(IMJU'l"od for Qie polialesoi ex. NEW B"ERY &-FRUIT STORE. l'illit-class accornrno( nd leuVe it for thin te de- progress of Borne of his Mauy nec they sough traction of teeth. termine whether or ilot WC OmMOL dollar pur il ation. Board one ---- ------ OlItstel), in latin," messengCr,ý throu, ily. the prescut instance, the nie ýR1rIFIA lit) NNOW HE ISOLATED ItISK nature. duÊtY 01 distance. ,lithe extreme 1). M. Bega te annouroce that hý à now prepared The prop-jetor tIlk,', orengion in infrm T Andy Iloillobon neýd net the public that If happene(j abolit have given Scrrwnr insorted on 11 LI, having puréhased the ýtbove te BUPPIY everythulog in the this - finie that te Ilis foster-brother a more unbo bute, and preznifieti, wýiirh in Fife Insurance Co, of CanadaI and anonymous lateRt prîrociples of the art Baker now ijtted top in the bi: proofofde tud à ffec,, cently disco elloit ýaN the cil y and CORf6ctlOn6rY Lino Mariiier for the nee, the (informant, divided bc Present treading in hie foot han by nt great. pyrair bout, ealiont, and. an good au th,' At big old stand, lately accuped Liceoinrno(latign of guLfîto,_he i de tween his fears and hie conscience, thu, euth filied With 0,111 ýa1ld Silver, Azmau. by Mr. J. te, Ieave zinthing un HEAD OFFICE- Subtly tn roPer grouroil Andy could ]lave bravea a termned 8 p 'teps. ()ri the E gyptia up t (lonknilliiiij)a to ying to elleet the devil in the 1 1! Teeth extruted withut failli bY producinp rel;uiation ni the bouge r-ilIgSt,,c,,. hurchTor'. te the discover 0 jmaI au*WALinsia. De 1 rt keep c darki. tl;at CI-hoore uý,,boîstd i"(, as readilY as any man. rota "oc)md-in COw- CI-IOICE PRUýIT lie approval of the travel' l p atoll raiglit bc Corne on aatit i a le ta have the "ri'ti new block, over Atkinoçon's Drug Store, OF AVL KINDS liiigCo,)imnreneiitiitivtiyth t CAPITALI $500-000. inaparticular direetioli, Dorauleda alpeen, or pistoi. Xing Street, ouh8m,, Rept coustantly on hand, in geagon, Every attention select Party te th danger ftom blu(icyeon, te geometry 85 'Orun'OdittionextLiidedtog.,,it,,. and ne- L' jZrOllild, and remain- "IPPast-d-tliat an . net be by the Astro -- -- 011ANGES, LIEMONS, SAnDIN DePOS11i'd ilvilli ('invernmen e d alt.x i 0 "Y 011 the wateli. It was came te ajil his Iota of courage now and other In Il UN&T- IN. LOBSTEIIS pliU?;E ES, 1 , $671000 niah is, r S Ove. Of ail bureau CHEF SI,, WIM, RAIS11,;S, te the ilhove the uziflérgignea ami, jiJ-iuý-8 tiley guarded béAngg, arried ut years of tire pyramid BACCO. beglo te illforrn hi-9-old frieilà ., and the e.u8 twill adju-rt au losses without delay, and 'j6'ý'UER OF MARRIAGE Lie tolIrether one Pointeil. Then th matur:ty of iti, parts. Oibee-Town il, -rNSItS. BREAD deliv tomerg of t PaY over the cabb AT üNcE. e leader ered dai te culotorners, and of the bote e House, that ilaving djý? di .-Street# three dnors ri 'U- litý)iidence-Byroji au other a il pre ' ,Osed left a sentinel therv, uni] witlltll.ew Ilis (wo 'vif' net Andy Orth of Town Hall rOvisiOlis au goodio -dehvered as they Mill fi Hon. ALEX. MCYENZjr UOtIlOilan yieldeil te a 9 ' 11 1111-8 te Mr. -Mi cri,, hall escapea nitr la d in bi uperuatural crea. bloc or ered. hos Tri n'%*OrthY and attentive M. P., main bo(ly te search in another la au- turps et ùVîery denominal. -general etrip, c'ce Brande ci cigars. t, J'A ;an after bis ou',, beiLrt"--and otlier à nd nearcr qUarter. 'l'lie -ri long wliether Solicits for irro their contiiiiied President. an t1eýqjjjj, bapj8j1eeý fe the Pyrainid AIR DRI!,,SSING AND RICHARD S.Now. JOHN MAUGHAN in., alone, ilaviilg bleu wearied leh, fflzooka, or sure saloon, Bruck St.0 whitby. bY, Sept il re SHAVING whit C. DAWE, S. ",Ili" !110u8fîý1 'ViOus fâti- 8'l"09, the tullest credenee and doinin- (a lit il - Whitbv, May igtb, is73. Ãœ.uaer. -il l Prf unc(.)tlsei- » '_ýC ie' 1871. L 1 ]a mýo 37 Ously dropt as1vel). Ion and professeci the stron"est aver- et, al, lines a --------- 0119 lie slept * ' is unknown - 11o%ý l' s'O', te a roncoulitre ivitl, al, NOVAL. wlien lie was aroused by a î of fil- OP-NT POIL THE CELEBRATED R E ON E-Y T 0 T, M- WILLCOX, rinart slap Cil the anli desir- lutter curacy, the ra E N D Ofwliat clas8 sover. J3,t as th, et"' s'OPO W exPre cd te Iiiail race by fur the most nulne A 80ôttimh Granite. At Marble Workj The iindemign.-i-bas relnoved bis. Comin", si scli- 'Yes, yes, avieli, iin mot - rous, the perlmiter of a il L 0 E N SE D lid the mari, scrartitsling. ,,, Irltermeeld"n'y,, und the mi,ý;elllev- , Repayable 1,y justalments fer from AUCTIONEER lois drea(i of The pyraini Twllty years, at Io-w rates of inter Two te up. Ye have tile Itiie bore BOOT 8110E S TO-RE Out commission, uL,1 est with. FOR THE haee ye bloody do., ut last, to 1-ig Heu of their nat Proportion 000,01 the silo j0lly 'ýe.. COUNTY OP ONTARIo, A,,ýýD tire a ICEN,ýED al Moderate4har cal importune ri Il ,AUC'TIC)Ntl,,,R FOR TyM, ýo the Prernises adKiiiing the W t H Private rullils to Lena. -le was notv or] his logg, al-Id Ci d niulri- and the Ileigiii :)Ujldao Street, es ern otel and, wlien Once out in CourotiÛ0 Of Ontario, York and l'col itbY, wher lie ia nOý; AI)PIY te- round, saw, irl.st.ea(j 0,. the col,, plu ' 222 etibits, tire B'saideuce-Lot 8, sti, arepared te execute ill orders - r(jwll.,ýhip 0"ýlatiposa & (,arlm*tighl 1 'a,.,o,-ý es.me ce, ni»ver lef, ilim. Pont Offloe u . -11 - r liai] ex was on dis ance of the CQ"ý'e-igion Markharn' L Work. A pec'ed, 1ljjeý bloo(Iv jjims, e notion, however iliolivi 0., large and select stock ou han fo J FA R 1,ý, ' _Jl 1 îlýsti earélin'g te the the follortost notice, and on reilsoitable ternis B le sales attelided 01 doue arusual. CI. Repairing WELL, EGS te thank bis maný friends and ri within a ;,al,,is Of, Ili,,,' "et frolu Ilis genuille thiS (fi Terme eau lie rnigclelllc, Public generaliy for t le liberal patron. solicitor ierce tjjJ)u;ý,Il if stili 119.11 _ r__ Wbitj1,ý âge bestowed upen hi, 01110NIOLE C)ffloc lIr V bills prilited ut tht: JOSEPH A. BANDELL, Brock St.. Whitjm is 1;110.rýguil ljeld te Ili hin n. îf FVI for 'bë'ýr0ady for 'nextýy8AT. littie Ã01se -, , , , - > 1 ý . aiýy, ý lito lak t-,t 1ette.ý e at,;,theirl- plumage hio.î,,for tiiii, ta ý Apyýj' Mf w1ha May happento, .0bier, O'W"'j 3 Sini, b- - '6 b',aVý,8S prud e 8,Jý.preofèf-the wiù it lm- beën 9 in:the INM VIEW WrrH TRE SpjarrS._,ý Thère- Very snecess OU the M.'t1lýburgt lato- of their dese'iîbéd- _ý - - 1 , , , -,the very aecurate V à - tà li OYed spirit"standiný b_ý Éim at Kas. Whiskers auf] Ili$ h3ir parteil in, thé m vhich is dle. 'Do you kn9w him on that -Qntleraaln at à iJ3 sideî ý[1 l5uette le wuqper,-oKUOW , lm sappi. dc),'rpplied tile nuliappy ta the his 0 ' Ves., Ele wasýeugiiged' va greatly ber Illisle,3noi jii-staivi of elil Te George,, Ile ne 1 ion, w w 11, 'IvItIl Omet Dow die hy, wiry -rd y en ' nIdted Ji, NDTIIÀ'ýFDovE.-Wecùuldult he Fratice ","'Dg-st a, anecdote, ýf jbý Iùsa7 a Cllýqtonle(l to""'4k6' long- Praýmr4f wi ýfada. 11FUt Pýýrj;aajL, à ý and gu8f§t, greatly again ýarkët. ùiS to Btay ta -ýreakfaA .11,3 IIraysýd an(j praye4jý til, h, , f trust Ont 4,uest bellail la imptst 10 ta thiuk of edgi, "Il- qu-ietly alvay, and walking off ; but a&ttOlxlp-tiný- it, II. wilià up the of Of Jil inail's son, 'wIl 13 ta '110W scron w 0 wag asleep in his ellail ill Your fatiler have ojoueýý -ilisppred the gti,-,st. 'Ha< lie got t ý"I ap- t1lA Jewq ?* akfi tile boFiriý reply, j, Owal fittne toue' 'lNo.' said ille other 'WOII, theu he ain't hait jolie ,il- thp boy au ' rppIieý hi 1 ý il (201j'posed I1imseIïà ý,;.i. Z q 14P; whercupon tne Zuest had at once.' Loitei had )LIrty WmITISA Tii.,)nUGH,3pD _jýaM lest. atiirnu!, accordii2g to coininol, aCCïýntatjoý of th, 1ug, LS CI", thut i_,ý tll(3 re,111t of carfui oli.m. bree<lil),,, pLice ta .ýr à ft tablîll .ILI tYpp, and le ; i11t,ýr'-breedin11 to rcl, afq it co',V$ -Till , rhort 1) C» bried-to s!ýÃ"rt-horn )J70. bti',Iez, atlà the M,,-,t be rj rnn i.U of Vie rts, or 15ý; ,ýG Or Ayrshires t1w -jer3eýs0 Iliýrtfi)rl.q, &C. j3at l'Al if a -101'3f-y 00-.V iS brOd to an 119-il both buLi.lild cow m:LY at be- the OffLsijrirl, Of,3nch (if Union ýVîjI lý l')t be but re lirfteW,,i,, ,rr:,4t be cou- ne , lucu-4y in Iiiii- , lu ardt- the type ir- l!Iay ije Pr,'ýSerV(?d. Me halle tllou*ljt that the futiniest Of Lâat af th e llotl";ahbi'l au, wor(ý -0f ne acconat by tf UI Fteike or ow lýý - blg;ýý,tr,3,of Treveî, wilo on a- fi xocul day ýfor the pros- plices ros", il, die ln.,Lrjcet sa rose the price Of ti,238 prayeri, tille pions I)pr,-,ars ta PraY Ett Rit unless trl;i, OUM041. To las, ' - gels , würe tIle these liffledictions wIlq not La lie tIlouýýaTý Of C'ty COI-POration ha-, subj the strilke is stjccieg,;fýI -mitte4- TiiE -ý7'ALjyE -oie Tnlý_, this la Your library, parlr, o1ce , c , tore, _ýshop, some othà r place who-Ire it will bc doLà ît mat Ltýr i, we loge ew limllutes lu the ILy -ý)1 -j' lu.- bourg in x dy, Dai-S. h., lftiu- loït Ion, lay îs, il, a yý,:oà l 2 5 11V, igI in II vuar L'o Min. 4MY , 6 .1 u is, in a ýear 12 î 2o i .41 iL, 4 ai 11114. Jo.it e"I' daV 1, - iî, in à We teust tLat the. fâle yoil ý hfarts of tl'046 wlio cail iw ta See j!,1.3t for il Minute., W.Vi once askr,'l 110 liaI m . al 1 y deli,ý,eraýl lu the HotISL of (!oýnjaons whîci] the té Iiiiiii. ýWhY, ta besure,! said Il., 'thAr,3 al-' tl-ýl si in thate, qp.?ecll wjj;eh e mally aill, ý 1 dill My t lare al.a.,U'tUy illore ýVllich ÃŽ wi:;j laï said.' A shOeinalzar exhibits in -l'; ""'ÃlOw ik 'l'cet et i)rowil pap3r o.,j viliel, is sllot"k il tIl(ý Of 011 it is pmted a card Ile worils, -Lèt - t;ji, Mlfl cÇ)Mýý * ' L Iwit writteil qna sigilOd by 1fr. Lifireýl' n. fil2 Polir ClîinamllTl is no . -'uuu, con- ed there, and k The flurt 07 lot 18, lfth on: But if they conceived cy f.1, ý aT tIllued to nititte. 11114 4111V nruou"t of Voil a,, the w1ille -AT Tir£- GEORGE, Pr. IRII-y, jn. rray, CO- Northumber- bear was visibl his bu-. thnt CrOI1001 0 owner kept h ne to Liinci on or Toivit property at 0 : 'Lord savelli, ; LS7 is dus ulilleulimy - "lit Dot to bc Med'lled with, in cerise- 1 profect an Save Us. d quênce of his I1efcl encýe : M118s"S. J.I;n, DovoAýtr, CO.ý A clear and illdisliutablmtitie willbe - lose connexioui Specilled ke eut L-11,11, Jali2ary 13,1873. Pl-aise Lottrili eau bc l'opuif, ili Sillild te suit bot. HOM E NURSE Pl y te al] t'le above PrOPertY. For furfb 91ven lie toi identity 0 ndeed, tvith the 1 roitelied in tolekr, til From two to jour ),cars of a lya liculars -pply te th. gained the liai robberies had latel 90011 POOPIe. Darine 1 testified that lie wa or par. Thady The honses ofletvlee fr Running with 11 his inight Y becoule equont. 1 the wan reach in, for isalu dit-il %V1 il Litild, the bout Varieties. ge, ernbracing ail -n wentioned by ërohoore PO-iled of thi-lir little Open' lit Off. Jirn M'Ilitl)Y, July 1871. and there, indeed, founil là na xcis CÈARIÇ. long wherp. lie liad been tolil to look for rick were t IIJIUCIC in xlillicipal J)Ubetl. SETH C. ývjLSONi 29ti ils complu. 1 OD HARD ER ------- 'il't And -P'Undered of everYthing awfty,. 'I rughed 3. 2n(l Cou. Pickering, ic;cs, R ý. Tl ry poorest were des. continueil the wit OYAL BÉITISR QuEEN ROTEL, them. Re di(l net fa" to rel unýIo And urofi' Daljji' itil 1 other 1114Lr]Wtatable Stocks, Lot Na. 200,ooo Gd ate the this was porildtrated cotelied him 1 didi Fer ft1rt1iýe Imirticularii appiy to 7et olnce, whitby. el' ""JgstOu To b(ý dfýliverfid in the Town of adventure, with Boule littie additions, Y goule unknown but it was fountheuf whitlly bc. and linfliscovered gang, every trace of had, throwed it., J4VNIE 8 J-1OLDE N, tiveen the ist.1 PORT -pEnRy. calculatLa effé however, Une aPil 12tyj jjjjy, ont inaufty, etFuraolmly to di M ' ýWelly ho OlUelul Assignee, Broker Tenders 1873. ' this sguiste ftéhre Etotroicas t1hiad hai-tibsterrattoesevaded the civil when lie tok - ' b therefor will bel received ut th, ward n drowsiness and Sube- powers. Nowý had beard of over -way in; I a Vie Doininion D undPrtiiznedls off JAS. DEWART, _- PROPRIETOR. qu to engage ruckthen2 froin the Counsel. auk, VIILUABLE FARU FOR SALE. faut of his ow Crolinore, it gt, 1873 ce tu fýhe few were found willin half illaji's 13yock St ýVbiLby.* Belug Part of lQt 29, 7th toncessio oth of MARCR' rPI(Ilidid accommodatinl e J. RAMER GREENWOOD. and liquors At the bar. Attentive ostiers. personally in the pursuit aft r Crohoore. showing snob reà oiutit),,, CjOse11egsý and ,sest wineg that a person the witues@.-OMay 13pril Obli, 187ï. *1 whitby, Feb. 26. The hint given to Tfiady lftddnwny --- --- là County Ot O"tAriO-I(». acres, 75 Il 'ISea'ore"d' 9td el'evern(lsa of character, wal lery likel Oypi interposed.the c( and in a gond statu ci cujtivýticn C Gond SMALL FARx FOR SAIE. appearèd to bave Tenson in it. ruent Lisait affltaibed u s l' C 1 dwOlliPg lieuse, and extelloi-ve Outb* MOrtal 'what ho Miglit lack in personal prow. in gond repair. Apply to the Owne F IR. E 1 AC S IT -E ! esg* tO ho the leader or elac uildings A Mixlit, wlien put in competition with a mand au acquittai w1iiLbyý Dr4tffli and Strisig Balidw, aile ed r, 1ïow for sale 4 Person Who was 'concealed and foudled band of secret agd adroit tlY Such à 'Court. The prisons for Soirev4 ý1i i . xcurniong Qllltflri le"4 SIMBON TIF FIN, omaU farm consisting Of 82j bY the Mischief-doing ýgo Par of" v., &c, ,%vin ulll)l)IY die bout alià on the firem, is ki)own as the Smith Estate a mile distant BeeMed flot only usele il, b Od people,' This-etrong surin, entering a, d;relfiug which forms Part of whal- 0 U x deeperados. r unic en ruiià oxiable tiernili. Leaukdaie, Nuv. 14, 1872. 47 3 of DuMne, ëreek, dangerons inotrfjaen niain. ned A- reward, gels iwhich ho protraded 1« Atued, trseomeeizy iancetohuntgdilorfechtýi!SOIIII lwoebewreastehoeeorumtread bv with intent to steal. Iseo. Ving been Often met clear thst ho made al Ications must bu inade élither person. TOW N OF W HITBY. 'rom the v"lzieed on the south by the G. T. and beau cept Bliiah D hiniself, and one happo ally or by lutter, (polit sui ing Picker- rs,. Who were either sup or subscquent t6 the Murder immediatel R'illwa?. The land chieily consiétg of a rich two Otbe r wýý, and stretched about 2a- te -------- ;I Orchard acres are cleared, to the general su erstitio or or"' of the D Jý OLFENDEN W STERN ASSURANCE CoMpANy a in the teeth of tý 1), - ed de nd there is a on the farm wis ÂR alluvia clay in.0, liad been offered for hio Appre 00 mlttlug,'thë t1efb Bi . à FnEE SITE WILL BE eir qualmg toi elh whitýY À IL to any Mariulacturing compani ýt.b» siou ; but the new suspicion selected fruit trees. A beaut of Yvon ben charges that lie OFFICE, TORONTO. building an establishment in the town. would form comfo ilul Place, and lish a character for unparai' aat T a for tking Iff agi 11L DEST rtable rosidence te a leled cour. ed, made him au object o a mention tent oi'd*ë' CAPITAL STOCK J. RAMER GREENWOOD, Proprietor Who has a lancy e e, an refrained from au experinient interest, and Iling. , No p $400,000. Mayor, whitby HORSE M ÉDICINES. Whitby. Feb. 20, 1878. en th Increaaed cana Man enter à L which Was likelY, if prosevered in to e Pogge ContitatU8 were AGENT ron soUTIj ONIanlol V1,111110ne-fourth down and th 1;alance entail bevvitched cowil, bligh accordingly stramin one half of ldgbody-ië Ail descriptions of the bout iloren Medi. - ------- il three annuai in8talmeniý, with' tetl faces, 9 overy nerve on half but? Inel; kept ci)Dmtanti r on hand and for sale at Matter to, - lit 7 per cent. interellit withered liùlbg. Ay the look ont. ..... 1 $hall the whitby Live ÀIYI nigooKLIN, O.LVT. F Applyto- and-entire abduction di hoýrjVer, -?OSE PH zrozjf 0 It S A L E. 0, even the whole crohoore-naà bilhozo baffle of the law anà jthe fact the ury. T rY etables. Alun th of thernselves or Iris Dow as il L-ýO'No 011-arge for advice. Agant IOZ the CANADA FARMERS, A valuable Parmi -in' Pursuero 'as 'WOII his , old. 'ie icthé judge. The vatiO21, go . a bigh State of cuit* WU. GORDON boeir chillireu whichever happened to Sometilul our friends, Sh«; Doran - p 1 of N. li A y. - MUTUAL IN-SUR CE COUPANyi il net excelied i2j canaday bain', or te, Bayside, Wmtby, the Most cýmoy, with nothin but and A yerd 'Guaty As AN Lot 25,21ld con. ivelit williams, CO;nty 0,j J. Ji. GORDON, 1 a besonif ndY,'fell in with the th t .or the bandle of a g 0 , er part3ý,ý od Middlesex, 80 acres cleared and won water. Barrister, Whitby. left in their Éla itchfork and alitaitèd, follow! 1 and not iùtý E- Rend Offlec, HAXILTON; and ed, gond fencoo, gond bail ce, and éhauýéy by the proposéd on * neuP SOMIe hint, halî IT116 JUdge sent elTIZE Ns, INSTJRANCE C03,1py Arge, and a âne April Bfth, 1878. band fliber -*ide, in comizion part to two'yéars, , Young orthard of eh - i - 18 8 Of the 906il people,,. into a gener- cause. But ail efforts , in ruit ; situated al likeness of the 'wýént for nothi 'vitbin 41 miles al the flourikhing vinage ci - 1 A pri ol corpse of the Peirson -The gante, left théni ing it to th 8 = 8 Olork VIvIsIon couýj, Montreai, Pire, mie and Guarantea iiark Rin and contammf 142 acres. ixe BROTHERS, thug ravislïçd, while the victim. pused -1twas rath still in faùltf and the innocent part eut OIY Te cierk, Department, Vor pýïticuiars K a life of déneptio or extrâordina'7---ý,Without ïka., Ablierly, CoLflty OXTARJO, Commimoinilèr in Il- Land &Uut &0 rtPrTL. TROUA:$ WHITBY, fl ir.V hall contrived within apply cour in the 1 a il, ý J6llitYý and splen. Ming to be a Whit More la dreaA of withhim, "Xie drath.9 a Pr-benaiotl.' , To the c0untry-poopie, AthOrIv F'Dt, 2n-fl, 1872, 0 -BrOokliii, Dec. 2,1872, l2m49 -WhJtb'F# TulY 24, 1871. Doran'h, -- - continuelà flied and wolest him, anfl Who allan Pl gorne'neighbouring yZtý bey were belîefworthy, who dared not çv A poor youag =a fel ti-20 '=Potr., De->. =à M..u&.trr. of, ith au béiress and.th. OYAL EU. T. RALL, ose., Re Rinds -of var. au at night, hi, 'Ip cred to g"y raturnéd, it oui Wante, -faithfui to hjç puýp jà ably oià (' rOboore a trà ek egrance Was as çongent tom T OI L E CY (,Ver, they, Ineanttme, njeeti 1g. thý r&ke them hl W Il 1 T a y 0 br T Lot 21# nouth LEATHER.- AND FINDIN081, hear a wbixp@r of, fa;her, .,ho> liéli, 7th cou AGE NOY 1;8 . . hi$ keoping ail that Dg among ý thom. da , D*,,Ulng, bgrn - Whitby. -AND 06UMSSIONS., TO those Who won- selves. 1A8ý PRINGLE, PI11rT0jjý clesra. Êj , &43-j-about three-quarter, Caâh Pau for Rides, Bark, and 1,illather. dered ut his rool-ha Virst-cial Apply tuateil a mile D&Tth of Brooklin Valuatibugmacle im(]*aecounteco iiWabable motions rainess, and, still Il YOU COMMAnd e' aïk *ncnrnmodation. llected Lestlur ' i j It wore but a dull repctition here te, aire, îpMfEý.ý- 'Itted up illample goums for oommert.161 o osely Mon Ample and te- omce over Tm Cmwxi= printi Moro At hi 'Iloptiou fro hurt or Rive in detail tiietrý£ný diroum&tÀn' dià à mfi.lt ;OZI'N Cmar LL, pt'y ilittelliw M ' BELTING IUDE TO On»gît ON barm, lie _QE Cibles Business proini said lie hild ont "x éj« luabest refisronces. Or the Yonn g 'Officers at the ava --lec-ivea a latter frôn2 the girr he ýehiIfd WM %Vhihcontaiued this 1)4*agi-apli if týnyLjjin, 1 4ùppen te you,' do- inake lement te have your hai, "0 ver. 1 sent on- It is thO exact colour ýet au(l 1 can't get, a pair of curL9 rî9ht shaële gnywhere here., lf-.Possessed Young ruan called ',at Il ln Atlanta, Ga., a few mora. Mec, and asked te sec his wife ,dy of the hOU807luformei hi » ra e wille wu net there ; only th, rs of her'own family were in SOý6$Well ' ' saîd the yo ung ma,, La f thera 1 want Le sac. 1 Your eldest -daPghter lut yorIL musical elitie, iades. superior musical t aYs, '04r cars have Iti thOY Overshadow tuer orgaue 1P Iper iu ClIatham Street, kýh a- Pest-cd on hisý wiUdow vlug notice -The public aýe ÙOt te' Confound th'à sho - ofauother swinffier Wh P 0 fias I(Ithiraselflon the OPPOsite jide is your business «kéd a Prisoner at th9,baz,ýiWeEý )U might Cali me aýlookà mitho,ý did yOU last- work at, that ý'Last night,ý wheu'i heà rd br police, Md 1 madè &Ioit, Ig to the etmy of IgeDanut Of England fMer, he je V, ýew York city, twen ' Re uâted Il ty-fight at -Yà re,, and diploms, si es -m'Canada and isweaithy. ri0à étý'I- titi, Who aïe ik Men yau go- îr. C , - to to