Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jun 1873, p. 1

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. I Y G NCY, H. B. TAYLOR, aOhc, fousb Wlug Court liasses. Ar. yang~eentp for spM eai solsr of Hose. Mr. Catném*i, 0.C0, aud Dr,McMlobatl, Q. C. C OUNTY CROWN ATTOBNEY POP Ontnlo, nnrrIstcr, Soffleor, Con!sy aniae' 2otary Publilc &c , &c.Ofie-Lis thmCony Ota. O'. ,Cort ]Roge.q Wh*hltby. - AGNT viatRMx -I$OLÂTED, BISÉ PIRE INS. CO., OiCOasaida.A.purly CanadianaInustimo. Als' Agnt End appstmlsofor the Canadaa Permanent Building and Savissa Soctaty, for lotus of mouey ai ow ratesoffutorast. -BRIT.tSE A"mE.RICAN A sursîice , Company., C APITAL, 6400,000. E 5T A BL'I 6 HE D1831S, r. This oad ou esl atabiàhed Company art preparsd to. accet yfakas n & classes of pno~ao~,anatsaaw sathosaeofanuy Wou ZIsolated auZ.iszardous pro ' ,uirod for rrtyyarso ls.a n.e~o L. ÂBAKSl. Omeuc, Brock t., hby r j ompm tuei'ri auqinfr4, -BAiinirfTpTER& ATTORNFIYAT-LAW. Jsolielter ln Chan(.Ory, Cnnveyancer. Wntary Pliblio. »c. Office-over M r. Ad. dlao,'s store, Brook Streset, Whitby, Ont. C-IfARLPeiC. lKF~LLVR,ý A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chsneerv, Conveyancer, &o., Canning- ton, Brook, C. 'W. LYBARRIST ATLASOIITO>.R..N _DARRISTER, ATTORtNEY.ÂT.LAW, . Solicitor lu Chancery-sud Ineolveucy, Natairy Public &c ,&o. fceMllia' Block , Brock Àtreet Wlsltby, Ontario. JAMEN LtIfON, A TBF. -ASOLICITOR IN &C, o nerrConiter Ln Aet &cbrg. fc-I PritaBlock, Brook St.. WlsItby, Ontario. 1J'IIJAN FIUT<)N, ~OWN CLERIC AND TREASURER. J..Whltby. Office-Tawn Hl. Haurs, from 9 ta 1 o'clock. INSPECTOU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS for the Cannty af Ontario. Address- Raglan Post Cifice, Ontario. Il -J. ( XN N I. ,, SURGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, SByron Street, Whitby.___ ci UYS HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., «Y thse eye R. O. H. L., Oshawa, pOntario. %V. A 1)A.XUM, ~ 'ENTIST, (SUCCES' sor to W. -H. Card.) Dental Rooms-Dundan Street, Wiitby,over Mr. lamesau's Store. Nitrons OxIdo Gisadlruiltered for fise painlessex~. traction af teeth. C. W. V %t A. .. . g2TfLETE inserted on nl the' 714W Llatest prinaiples of tisa art, as cbeap as tise cheapeiît, andase gond as the haest, Teethis filed with Gold sud Silver. 'Teetis extracj-ted wltisout pain,. by producing local suseathesia. Dental bains- Céow- "Io nuew block, over Atkiuass't Drug Store, R1ing Street, Qshswa. 3 I913UUIl 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. Offce-Townl Hall. RIiidence-Byran Gtreet, three doora uarth of Town Hall HTAIR DRESSING AND 8HAVING X Salioon, Brook St., Whutby. JIOIN WOLPE.NIJlN, AGENT FOR TH E CELEBRATED AScottish Granite, At >Marbie Wariss oijonathan Wolfende, Dundas St,, Whltby. L GENSE D AUCTIONBER FOR THE LCousties ai Ontario, York atid Peel. Risedence-Lot 8, Sth Concession Markham. Post Offce-Untonvile. Sales atteuded on the shorteat notice, sud ou reasasilable terme. Terme eau bïe made sud bille priuted st-the CsusosscLx Oilice for Mr. Carter. -.LEVI VIPiRItIANK%, JR, TICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR IIE .Li Couuty ni (.turIo, bege ta r0turn thansafor tsliberal patronage heretofora bssitowed upan hlm, sud to announce that hoieni prepared tô coudurt sales eltiser lu Town or CGounty nt reasanable rates. Ar- raugements for sales eau lie made either ai tise CsioicuL Office, or at muy own Office, ]rock Street, Whithy. lUIERC ANT TAILOII, CLOTHIR,& .L.Clothier, Oshawa. Gentleusen's gar. meute msade up lu the ist style sud lateat faashiai. A fine tock of Clathe, from which te make s slection for Gentlemeu's sulucuer nuits. L u oier îenSret htyUMBER MEECHANT, CARPENTER large qusutity ot ail kiîîss ofiuben con- stansUit5'a isal. UNDEBRTANING.-Fuuarali f uly sup- SlIed salaattendeS ou1 aIs-utnotice. Coffili cepi contantly on bauid. A leicee Sa ire eslîberal tes-ma. 1ONEY TO LEND. Tisa sisderignediss aw anyamani aifMon- ay to Lauîd aposu ltarn or Town Plroperty, ai ussusually Loy Estes i in tereat. Lotus eau lie reputd in suisata suit bar- toweurs. Severai Improveal Psanasud WiSd Lais for sale cîsep.miei uncplDbn torts, Bank, sud other markettâalei Stocks. For furtiser particulare sppiy te 1 JAMES HOLDEN, Offiiai Aciguce, Broken, &c. OFFICE-Over tise Dominion Bank, Me- 2Mllssîs Broche S., Wlstby Bpril Oci, 1872. 15 Whitby Bruse is dSting Baudoi, adapteal for Soireefs, PcsieIlcrissQuuedili Pa.rtîsat li.; d&a., wil i spply lts Sa sui lýateat Kualo on noaseoabie tenus. -Appication# imct lie made ailier poison- -aiiy or by latter, (poo a J, tLeN N -HORSE MEDICINES& AU desors.ptioess ai tisa bil Hanse Medi-' cines kept eonsatiy on issuS sud fer sala àt thse Wibly Livary Stable. - INa ch arge for avice, . RA- -E. ODE LLP A T H E R L> Y, Cierk Division Court, Tp> Cierk1 CoMmselnnes nB. R., Liut Agent, ka., &é.,, Atiseriy, Couiy Ontarioa. Afist~th , SPiM-2n, 18721 8 ~OrI&L JIOTIILP -WIITBT, ONT. 0 NTARIO FAIIMEBS' MUTUAL INS/RANCE CO'Y HEAD OFFICE, BUCOK ST,, WEMTY. This Company insures Farn Buildings, Country Churches, Schaol Bousms, and tissir Contentsat ratasas Lowgasthon ai any woll.eetelsbLed Compansy in Canada I'US T LOSSES IPROMPTY PAID. L. FAMRANKS, la., 3. B. BICKELL, 1Secretary. . Ptesldent. 74r, D. Hfolllday is no longer an agoni of this Company. p HRNIX FIRlE ASSURANCE CO'Y., LOUBARD ST. & CHAMIG CROSS, LONDON. ESTA.BLISHEDi IN 1782. GILLÉSPIE, MOFFAT & CO., Agents for-- Canada. JA3MESDÂVIDSON, Manager. lessuranees agaitsat bas lsy Pire are cffect. cd.on the masS favorable terme, and Lasses pu ai thout reference te thse Bo4rd lu Lau. don. YEOMAN GIBSON, Agent, Whitby. THEIR ndGlb, Liverpool and Londonan Glb IN.UR41NCIICOMJPANY. AILÀABLB ER 270000 Lasses paid lu course af tiirty-iftve ycars exceed F&RTY MILLIONS 0F DOLLARS. Cisilus b y Chicago Fîre estimated ai near- ly $8,000.000, are being liquidated ase fait sa ajustedwitout deuetian. Seonrisy, p t a sutad Liberslity lu adjuet. ment t e ts epromlueut featurea of this weaithy Compay. Head O0 ce, Canadllrancis, Moutreal. G. F. C. SMITH, Chief Agent for Dominion. L. FAIRBANKS, JR., Agent ai Whitby, Oui. JOHN L. WATKIS, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, D13AILIFF SUDIVISION COURT, AUCTIONEER, &a., &o. OFFICE-In Bigelow's Block, Port Perry. Pcrt Perry, lune 24, 1872. 26 NEW BAKERY & FRUIT STORLE. RJCHA fil) SNOIV Begs ta announce that he in uow prcpared to supply everythîug iu the Bakery and Con feotionery Line At hie aid stand, lately accupied by Mr. J. Arnal.. CHOICE FRUIT 0OF ALI; K INDS Kept coustautly an band, iluBasson. ORANGES, LEMON-S, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, PRUNES, RAISINS, CHEESE, TOIJACCO. BitzAse delivered daily ta customers, sud ail ather rroaisions sud gooda delivered as Yhoice E3rauda aif Cigare. RICHARD SNOW. Whitby, Sept., 1871. 837 R È EMOVAL. dhanremoved his BOOT c& SHOE STORE ta thse premIses adjoiniug thse Western Hotel, Dundas Street, Whitby, where he in uow prepsred toexecute ail orders for Work. A large sud select stock aunisand. Repairiug doue ai usuel. JOSEPHE A. BANDELL. Wbitby, May 8, 1871. 19 LIvEBy1 The lnndersigned desires to iufarm hi, finonsd patrons, tisa oha&a again re- sumed business ai tise aid WHITBY LIVERY STABLES. Hsving encreased the number sud quait~ of tise stild, aud aiea added toansd smpraved tise couveysuces and vehicles au tise prem- ises, ise hopes by being lu a position ta sucet tise sauts of custamors te monit a hisare af public patronage. C HARGESIIMalJOhFArE'. -L N. D,-Covered canveysnces for familles sud ladies. Prompt ateudauca, as isereto- fore, tea ai qrders. N. RAY, Proprietar. C : H . I C E APPLE TI R E ES, A it o tr T2n'000, -AT TRE- HOME NURSERY, Prenom tt our yaarm ai age, embraciisg ail tisa beat Vanleties. SETH C. WILSON, Loi No. 8, Sud Con. Pic-kering, an Kingston Rond, ut Office, Wiitby. V~UABLE FAIlM FOR SALE. Beiag part af lait529, 7tis concession Scott County cf Ontario-100 acres, 75 cieareif sud lu a >good sitaeaifcultivation. GooS dveiliug haunt and extensive outbuildiugm ln good ropsir. Apply ta tise avuer, - SIMEON TIFFIN, an tse promises. Leaiedele, Nov. 14, 1872. 47 WSTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY HEA» 077CRTORONTO-. CAPITAL STOCK, - Biooo .LET 0 OUTE oNIARia, bTOSEMZIHHOLMÂN,DBROOELIN, ONT. Alea Agent for tisa CANADA FARMERS' XUTUAL INS'URANCE, COMPANY, - HeadeS Ofice, HAMILTO;Msud CITIZENS' INSUItANCE COMP' Montreal, Fine, Lite and Osarsutea Deparùment, S IITl, - s 2,Sot0,000 Bcooklin, Dec, S, 1872. lain4g F OR ýSALE. Lot- 4, ots hlai, 71is con, -Wlitby. D-saillng5 barn, &.,-th,out tlinee.quarters -Appiy te- Tise Alion d tiso d le N HO TRE BROUGHAMi ;ONT.,. JOHN BAILEY -'IIOPMIETOR., The aboya botol bas been newly litted u îal frnisbed. Gsee awm finft comfitabl accommodation %nd atten11On. Goodmitabi- ing sudattentive hotiersi. BROOCK ST.ý, WKITBY, E.M.' OALDW-ELL, PROPMITOR.ý Bext accommodation asunlesior Winou, liquors and cigars. Godstibllne, wlfh oen» ologed yards, W s'attontie ostlàrs alI*ays on tise prémisse Charges mbderâte. RADTRUNK BAILWAY HOTE, AT WHNrTT13 STATION., WU.'NE14ILL - -PRÇOPRWTOR. ialtling the trin and leuvlng horées wilI have themt well taken care of tiRl their retiern. G LOBE HOTEL, BROORLIN, ONT. JAS. POWELL - PROPRIETOIR. -FST-CLA5S ACCOMM5ODATION. jREVERE BUE MANCHESTERL, ONT.,k'- B. PLANK - - - PROPR1OR. Stages toansd tram Whiitby ceEl dafly. E v- ery attention paid ta gueta. Squaeand ,#iIgCun 8SCUFFLE11S,« WHRýLBARPIOWSO Atil othmr Isinds ofAwcsluàImi montswlth aIl tisa recent lsswrqvomesstu. Havin ipvoured onu~ apwra Ne-s ~tem tegise. <ssecfthle mati -comPeteofi thse knmauaue,)tiseunrscse nos esesabled ta execiste aul ontersfor PAIRMlNO MPEE1T wlttT -hicis ha msv ha fs-vord, cesepiy, ex. peditlasssiy, and ta guiLrantea complet. satis- faction lu euaes. lAS. CLATTON, Brook St.,-Whitlsv. May 1ti, 1872. -2l m ANURACTURED AT THR Port Perry Agricultural Works. -luESEL 5 CELEBEÀTÊD AMBIRICAN DOUBLEz TURBINE WA TER WHEEL. RYAL CANADIAN IHOTEL, - R0 uu N TEE MOST ECONOMICAL WE.EEL NO-s IN USE IL FOY - PlIOPRIETOit. Su i-ion oaccommodation. Goodl stabling- su ed rous, aud attentive ostîcre. WESTERLN 11OUSE, DUNISAS STRsEET, WIITIIT. Te undersigned would futimate ta tise pullic, -tisaitishe above preasfes hsave been ncwiy fical up sud renavateal throughaut. Ilcai Lis1uors sd Cigars. "Tise Creasu of Canada,' sua pure Rtime ie, Waiz's Lag- cr, visolesale sd retail. Boardera taken b y- tise anek. -- JOSEPH A. BANDEL. - W ILS ON BOUJSE, A. WILSON, JRi., PIIOPPIETOIR. Tise subscriber bege ta enuanuce ta fiends sud tise public generslly tiss e s ias opnd tise aliase ne" isotel in tise Village ai Asis buru. Tise hanse ia new, anS furniahed lu a moS thoraugis sud coieortabie susuner. Guesta vl fSud cvcry canvenieuce at tise aboveetaliisment. Vines, liqîsors, sud cigare ai tise liet brande aiways kept on basnd. Good stabling sud attentive isostiers alwvays lu atteudisuce. May laS, 1809. isti O NTAEIO HOTEL, rLTaE DAWi5',ý WHIT13Y, ONT. THOMAS WILSCN, - PEOPLUETOR. Firat-eiats accommodatiosn. Board ont dollar par day. Tise pi-apetor f akes occasion te iufurm tis. public tisat, havin purehascal tie above weil-kuavu hutel sud premises, whichis l noNv fitted np lu tise basa suansser fan tise accommodation of guesta, hli fa ecermineal ta leave natisiug undone -ou ie p art ta keep up tise establisadei reputetian tif tu ane anîd ta meet witli the approval of tise travel1- ling commuuity. Eves-y attention sud ac- commodation extonîlealta gueste. Iu refereuce ta tic ahove, tise ussiiessigucal lirgs ta isîfaîn Iifs aid finus, anal ties-us- binera ai tise Bouse, chat hcsvissg alfpoteal ai tise isotci snd remiqes ta Mn. Wilson, tisey wil final in Issu a warcisy andi attentivu. bosti "A muan siter hie own iseart'-and solicits for hlm hir roucinsîca patrnage. C. DAWES. Wsitby, May lotis, 1873. M ONEY TO LENDI Rcpayable by inilalsueuts for irons Tivuta Tweuty years, at iuw rates afi iuterest, viais- out comumission, sud at maodenate chargea. Private Funals ta Lenal. Appiy ta- 1May 2811i, 18-12. J. E. FAR1EWELL, Solicitor, Brock St., Wlîitby. 22-tf R OBERT JOHN YAIINOLD, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE FOR TURE COU.VTY 0F ONTARIO. ADDRESS-flax 90, WHIsrsr. di 712J CRIsÂxaST., ISEAJS VICTrOuxSQUAZE, MON TREAL. It.3ý'Ju$inea cxclu8ivcly commi8sion.- 12 y=ar experlence in tise Montreal -pro- duce trae. Retus-us prompt, and big est market pricea obtained. Consignora kept poqted a te t sale of their gooda, prospects, ke~. LIforsnationae ta price, &c., furuished on aplication. Lm 4 trial congiguncnt *GEORGE PERRY, Ja. Rteference: MlEassa. J.o. DOUOALL & Ca. January 1, 18713. lys oooGOOD HARD BRICK.4, Te -be deivered iu the Town of Whitby, bc. tween the lai Jue sud l2ah July, 18783. Tenders therefar will be received at the underslgned's office ta the lth of MARCUI, 18173. J. HAllER GREENWOOD. Whitisy, Pcb. 20. Otd FBEE SITE! TOWN 0F WHITBY.1 A I<EESITE WILL BE GIVEN ay Manuuacturng Compauy bildn a sablismeut fa tisatown. il HAMER GBEEnWOODi Mayor, Whitby. Wistby. 17cb. 28, 1978. 9-ti FOR SALE. A valuable Fersu, inuahijh state ai culil vation, sil uot exceiled lu Canada, beinK Lot 25,-2nd con. West. Willaras, County ai Middlesex, 80 acres cleared. and men water- ed, good feueos, g ood ýbuildirgs,,sud s fine Young orchard pl cisoico fruit ; situated witilu41 miles oV'the"flourialslug village -of Park HiEl, sud costainlg 142 acres. Vor paraiculars appiy to- THOMAS ENIGHT Park IiL GBO. T. HALL, ÂGZENCY AN~D COMMISSIONS, Valuations made asuscaunts coilected. -- Offices over TuE. Cmicz~ Printing office. Businese promptlY ,aiteuded te; lsslsct refdrcncss. Tisese Wisecls me are uow mauufacîuring cisesper tissu auy otîser sop lu tise couantr-y, sud ve viii give a guaranae vitis esci Wiseei varrantiug tisesuta lie as val maSs, aud ta give as goad cati sfactian ai auy manulactnned in tise Dominion. - Pas-tisa desiriug funther information eau olitain it by eddrcsaing PAXTON, TATE & Ca., Pans-y St., Port Ferry, Ont. Marris 81, 1869. 31 T HE ISOLATED BISK Fire Insurance Co'y of Canada. HEkn Ors-cz-KingSt.,con. Ciurci,Toronto CAPI1TA L, $5o0oo Deposited wiIh IýoVcrnMcD , $671000 Tt will adluct cli lusses -uithont deiay, sud psy aven tisa cash AT OINCE. lon. ALEX. McKENZIE, M. P., Precideni. JOHN MACOIIAN, Jus., Manager. ws- M. WILL'COX, LlIENSED AUCTIONEER FOit TUE CeUNTY OF ONTARIO, AND Tuwn.sibip of àlariposa & ('arlwrighi T)EGS te tisanhe hie msuy trieuSesud tise L>pudicgeuerslly for fise libensi patron- age beatowed upen lins durnug tise pait four yeurs. Eaviug uow given up tise 'business ai Esiliff, I iutend, lu future, ta Savate My whole time ta tise busiess of Auctioneer, Cailectfug, &c. It vii le my eudeavour, by prompt sud carefaliattention ta business, ta give fual satisfaction tealal wiso may fior me n-lis thair Sales on Coilccting. Biles draugisted sud lnk Noiese funsisis. ed trec of change. Alto ill Stanipsalaways ounisanal. Arrangements csuulbe made fersasles &cc.. at abs CHONcLEsc office. Wiitby, Obseurver Office P'rince Albecrt, audat tisa Standard Office, Pus-t Pers-y. W. M. W-ILLCOX, Prince Albent, Sept. 24t1s, 1872. 39 A SMALL FARM FOR SALE. -Now fan cale,a amali iarm caudetiug of82J acres, more or iees,which forma part aif-siai fa kuowesase tiseSmithis ata smile distant irasuthc vilage of Dnffiris'Cseek, Pieker. iug, sud liauncles ou tise sautis by tise G. T. llaIlWay. Tise land thiefly couesis af s ricis aluvaldy; about 26 acres are clearesi, anal tises-eia au arcisard ou tiselas-m ot wel selectei fruit tree. A beautiful place, anS vanisi form a camnfortislie reaidence toaa proprietan visa ias a fsucy tan taking life eais%-One-faurtis dawn,and tise balance su thres annuel instalmenti, vils intorcat at 7 pan cent. Apply to- WM. GORDON, O oJ. K. GORDON, Byie hty liarricten, Whitby. Apil30h, 18713. 1 K ING BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Dealers aud Manufacture= ofi nE Elunda of LEATHEI? AND FiNDING8, Cash pald for Hides, Banhe, sud Leaiber. Leatisen stretcised. ;i,»BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHOtRTiNO5TCE. May M f8 72. 2 V ALUABLE PROPERTY FOR'I SALE. Tise submeilier offe for sale tire folios. iug veinable pnoperty lu tise Tonu ai Wbit. isy u-Aii axelieut Brkk ottage wvifi 1 acre ofiland, itisated on tise cornrai ofreen anS ei. peèter Sta., lu tise South Weind. Àhso, j acre ai uit, van fonceS, aud ilus hegtatt ai cultivtion caper WeflLieton sud Git.- tord ms., Farts Ward. j* anuCentre St. South' aftise resédeuce o a i rpe E.. lu tise Souths Ward. Aiea 20 acres ai g jaid, being composaiof aiprt ai lot 18,lOtis eau. ofi Tawusip ai Msur.*, Co. Nathuimbar. isesi. 1 A cean sud ludispetabie tltle aillse givea ta ail tise aboya property. For,.tier1pa. blass ian ppiy ta tisa over. PRMÉRS CLARK Wlsltby, Jssly 187t. -- 291f RVOYAL BRITISH QUEEN HOTEL, - -PORT PERRY, Swc g~in àxISiA5& i 1m-vcc 40aryýubog ;. anieeud4sd 4&gain Sve~sudbaampliflsdg'~ ~ - 4ecoude4I ot hmil, hI'huI5 il e>a aMauffl botiscrBob as ltoxicaetd; - among 4bql»., Il wa xas gpl5l5V e vii ff Aud maud'a relations,iîayoiVein ail, lï et&AY rpoe iaedA, ervy dpiatisa udgasb4- aia ttl <vloe rvhl e rov k aï 7ý b4l. vASte otmrqIii,rçend oicutiu s6 pqth i d tieniIumuvaeae,. .eSB '<ad 4ifqit. Uit rbin vas, icn. il Tisa yoasug mit or i i eâaits in; - Sac , nov ad tce n tgite e d lu opus e, E Andt tieludgevise s,-bu t ïiis1 5uit it queuce of tise diflleuilty o!fliethe oiisg. strauge' - bub pot fcna moenst vas hoietaaions gTisaS oesmlg bableeeses'" snoicisange-; ta malie cii the proper assitouiy anay1 For Maud grean b-oaS, sand rad, sud at outi hiongisSaga, aniserea sngle faiteE rAnS tise W-siti-is dea-M once -ciaspcd elep, aI ane sigle or tise otiser, molît f about - - have s1 i as 0 iaaiuies Wae inuetisha hnov could apsu uandSlha Ailey cunlayed sucS eccaaloal ce-: Bighe liet eha pandoreS rucfssily. - iiaoso!speed in lu nlcavourfingt Boy tisaiïahici lu auSvas native grage b inovatliepty, cf lhan morose gisant- Inl Mrs. Jenkins asiout ni place; - an. But lie pereevereain.lua deept And tisaugst o e t e ins, suddaiseS th taI dud aaccennlitié silence; On1de -or, they E. is anib rkal -iice îusey passeit close by a'cabin,s LokdlgsM aleas radtieiay o f nîcuis ia 1ev - vene acattereit ai at *Ou Mulleros farm, sud Sreauaed vitb p.î distance froeaal oSIer tismoughliitee 0f tise day hie tndéeet doan tise laneam de%6itte places. Tisese vent scanceiye - distingulisabla li the nougsOnf AnS ioiegSoyati reamy track, accut e't lceir siniîariîy cf celourc He hidi fgreted tha't hie came back; sud, ludeait, naterlal, tron tise tain!-d ar StRvatdhamgithv0ae haptssfts cf ruaises, or barren9 Sam mide fir udthanougisld. - Uail, by visich tiscy vere surrasani-s Fan-thora lbc vamen tair as aise, où. »Butll ioping ta Snlng saine person Wboae venrbe sud noutus do mare agrea. ta lien relief, Aliey, iii appnoaahiugq Aiaseranmaiden, aisesfor ludge, tisse wretaiced bavaIs, -crisS ont yithis Fan tise sentimental, tissasanusl-bellf ualge, ail lier usiglil, Craloora ual uc-s ier.- Par Manal soas thongist tise Julga &bore, ferng ta praveai lier. But lier cricg-s Witis aUiei lesruiig sud ail bis ana; -sera uuiîeard,; cr, if board, tise in-a AnS tise Jualge would isave hantereaMaua mates auly crossei t tein, fonelieits,a fair face ansd prayad ho lic delivereal froua tiset For more refinemont sud sacial grece. uniaflleset auderers of th ise ulg $1 If, ai ail nords ai tangue or peu, Tiîey batl eurmounted one range cf t Tise saldesi as-c these, 'h mîgst ihave been, bills, anal nov pressait agaiss anclhsera More saa tiase we Saily sec, siretciî, cf isbaSthis uabltauts csllad s "It ie, but it badn't ougisi ta ba.' meuntalus, but visicis vere uot cf suffi- u -moncîs levatien ho lay cluin otata - Biliiook. titie. Tliey vera, isovevar, abrupt, -Croisoone cf th ise oo.- fatigung teasend, Sarreau asi dreany, - cliequered salîl ieatis sud fnnze, and CHAPTER IV. boeansuit tlincasstuniet cale, tIse malcs On tisenigît of tise munaer cf lier of thc large veoda tisai about fifty os- i tler sud noliser, Allcy Doeiug vite sixby yeasa Satae liad everepres thtis atnleit fnomn a aleep mors tissu usually district. Tisrougis tisese wilîds, Cro- prateunal, tise concequence of Iber axer- hoara for saine. tina journnyed, aud eai cise o!flise aay suit niglît, by Secomn last, after Iookiný long sud canetuily e sensible of rougi pereonal violence. arount ii, su&idenly halteS, alleuount- f Wlceu first saleeued, suc sîrove toe es, anal lielped l Aley aiea taidescendL look as-ounui ler, but hanr eyes wens tram lier inksone eai'nastion. Ils plaeSdi Sîhittfolleal. Then i slotnicalte risc, lier ou lien test, targetiing tisat, tram v Suta stcrong hianal presseS heavily ou coid suit fatigue, anal uissry of mind,1 lier dilst, anu Scame pensen vas ii Slip as velas tram lise bonds maiiclitied v set of cqtneezing violauîîly round lier lien aukies, lt-sas impossible elie conilt nantis a tigit-foldsd lisen clati.s, i stand. Ailey ne sooner toenishal bis tisat not culy anas aise efleahnally ps-s- grounansd %vas depivet et liasnp- g ventait tram sccsamsug, huit scarcaiy pari, tiassee feil prosixiate. Instant.-e could se aven breatise. Ban atrasud ly lie etasopeiltota aise lier, sud bis sav-a sukîts, tac, avare firmly banni, snd ail age nature nature seemned cu-hisel aitli1 stnugglee te tree isensaîf, te epeale piSy. Lownin a iiug escaped l lin, aviscua or give alarsu, praveit ineffectual. lio saa lien tensder ankes eut ana l becal-t WVlien tise bandage round hiermomethis g frosu bise pressure analfriction cfa luit Seeauvel cecurt, tIse veigiss on bIse rude cord tise bounS lisa. StilI lier cist, to fan as lier bsviilsres! on ie inkes, lie isaily undjîl bisai 0 ceuses conlil coiuprelssnd visaS vas canal; tlien gave liberty le lias- arme i gaiuîg fanavard, ceassi tet inceuvenience aise, ana liedh lier a stop forevarul. I ies-, andalonasg nitis uses- Sy-clotliee (lu Ailey,unuminilful ofetesrythtug bn-tc wiili, w avils u dacf baiug reasiy her suisfertnaes aldnet observe thtuail ticaseal fon Pies-cs Slea's aarly cali, sice thsay W, -e aI bhc door of a anises-aSiet 1usd hum dowu au tise ontaide of *the cablu, ati.eciso-isocra stoppai, suit. Scd,) pon Aileyynus -wurapt lu tise aitîs tise buil-enil cf a pistai iviichliehie cevenliu, sud tison liteit np by s poner- tire-s freibis breast, lenockleatiudiy. f 'fnl as-su. Tises-e as a lâseg panse, sud no anas-.I During ail tht is elbiSheard anu B e klocleei agalus clil louder ; anal te vaice. Shiort, lîick -breahliiugs, ase cf is second summeses a siquîalisg, t eue istily anal labenicufidy esuplayadi querullouis veie ecundica frein avitlin, tg alone came squameuler face ; but, as askiug wso wus thare. t slic vas raiseit np, ais indistisicb dus-se, 'Lt la 1-Crdlicona,' lia ans-sas-ca. gruuuible a l on nus-mur, s-aaclied Tlhe liasciivoie acraunediscame cIter- i ber eas-, andabslie came cenvinceil t a oaiiii lsasdissatiefiecl cadence ; foot.a i.le avas tri.utealilu Sis ruffian sas-t îîy stiapus vers iseard iuîsisia, and liglî itsltg one ual et lier a-s so. Suddcsily dis- tlîneugli ,lîe claluka cf s baally-inade -a tus-heu luncefriglstful a mannes- frein andîsi alf-rotten door, avieci, afters- ny 0 lier sieep, excese af terras- at tisa siscov- eluakings aundccaleisgs, at hast hl a ery complictcly averpoweresl lier, snd openeci.M se laintedaw -ay. From lias visiasu tisat appeareul, Ailecy si Tise calalanal pisîcIiîieîg lasi of Ils drew bacle lu natural ternor. SBisalSe ainter'a nighît redtoreS lier ta anima- lioard taiese, cdli us ail countiry girls a tionu ; but lia-r ,»ongists c nainneal Icar, cf viicises scndldiug an ithe laIt,a vagua as if lu a tcrrifflc dreani, sud sile and hilam" Ilenselves -unliaies analo -s juat sensible of being boarne napidiy corners ta do deesaoa! icleduase ; aise c alang, lu tise clîil cf coma percoo of' tiouglît just susci a Selîsg nov aheoitlle- a great strngtis. Tha bouclage tisat liait fore lier. It vis a croue mucii unîlerp lisais îeS acrta licer mentis rehaxeui, anal bus middsle siza cf aomen, sud mado fali off for a moment, ana lcis areamae it cl i-es by su unusual bendinlu-tisec sienS. Suddenly lise pasou vise bore lace, wviic sent bier soulders andl h lier atcîpppst1anduit hwaa again tactencal usaS fran-sa-Sranal albu, almost tb ac cu ivitis sncb increasea ps-ssura anal level salishes- lips. Her face migbt a violence, tlîat Alsey'a breatis andsonsa caus a parcisment mask, looseily alapt- a ses again fallilit -r, unitaelenalapsead te se ns, anal hserefore cssivslleilT lute a encon. u- nuto innumnerabîs uninkias, eh à WVleù necavereal froan luis sacoutd fit, s-an iengtisaays- sut croassysys, sud I eyes sud isuts -sers lotisfs-cc, ail liese anal thosa, anliont union, heginu- cs mnfinhiuavlng Seen remoeai. Har lng, or anal. Ont cf tuis face tise chiau ceit-pacsecsicu grsdnsiiy nehurneal, sud caine like a pointeitlornu: tils monts, ti tisa caulit accertalu liers ituation. she visen cioceal, sas but oeeof tisa nany F n/ci on iuorseice, anal a man's ainn, vinie a asanuS il, anS, vissu open; fi fs-en beiisisa, sasseal round lier waala. sisaied Ilobitiss gume n iont heeti. ti Tise trasty air liait lunusiieti lier flashi, Matt gsuy liaiss hsusg Sa-su bie h anal tinglat aveu Ilireuglilier bancs c.lces, eccapiug fs-an an aidset lianul- as lies- tesîtiscisattered, anal oves-y joint baschief tisat euSis-ely caves-cahiselisait, e sisoole aithsaealeneas, figlit, sud tait. analas ekuotteal snier thse slningy i F asfuily sud sieaviy did tse now . arn Ss-at. TIse resioattise figura, vitis its 8 ier iseai totalookia tisaheface of liers- etume, dae ual invita description; couduclor. Tlie meen las-euh oadhy il avas yitissrcitskinanal loues, fout w upon tliaï tacs as lies-cyes ixed on ah, anal disagneeaise, nutls but a te-sals-aedass sud-daiscovercal lie biteons tasînres c f a! ceng. Tise oly Irait about the',i dnsgglg me ?' - is ode terrifleit Alley. B it.l, esgerly v .'Ycu'rTe iging ta youn only hoea, cale iseg, aitiseachange tisai took place ti Ailey, aniera anoe tnt sarrau'anat a u ise eshuras o! b'er ailnaordîsary cc neet yosi' lie ansvsrad. . canulctar, agalu lied evary appeita in . what do yen menu by thai 2' ase Sivent- hilin rain tise isfanous intentions ba resumiei. 'Croisoore, as you, isope <o sliQ, belioned -ba:e baiS avarde lbin. s tee tisa light o! tishenrdtotacome, FlIuiiskierei nuerhiees, ami nsing Se carry, ne bale te my c-su ioinq--to ny tb. Insu hanàiguage, tiesPund anS iSlým dS Failer' o! ; w hOý c.sse opealed itigh tave 40 Ha remaineit ileni ; froin ahat:ýmo- mOM e eca±on himmz -- 5 tivè, anieiber tisrosegh suilennas on ;'là tisanana of the -Goit of- Heaven, go celby, or frnuabstraction o!tisought, Cgoisore,' AilIey- usl,'ka isot 10 me, ed LtaasipUAcsletaeicoe, -he ts ly chilui ofyourai master andIhb coulâS ossiy ne pest len passioseate adju-umstnesa, thie vihiaia you isieui t tas ha (ot raisn, t eah atise danarf aI leugtb e-, Tàik,'and!repentt ici t ~.Resione Bi pliait: me to my faucon tisig, blessed, Cistmu s n liey,0 Ailey, you suitd myseli, thciamoi'ipg; adsuS c>âhial Wa revarded' pr nihare ounfanînuste, miséabtle Dnnlug tis saldress, Orohioore grean- sco creatures t' and tishe limachjataly- tuilas 4lly,,5tggeraitbackwtrit,- apu î sucreasesi tise peeoibis honte, lic<ld. ed;jagiutthe'damp Wal of thse weh- rns iag ARley tigliter on lier seat;; and, e ut n, apiieadhsIolmùds oven-hie face; a; from tise saifines of their, aourie, unit Aily, a*wi mc s. e IiiÙâ sset and i and lier eiisauste d a giCated sate, tiolight, qtara p,.içelJse1ped,, -phiyandetu~e aisé could nsot conuinue tiseouaverss- ipu$pe'sgeg4~~* ireh tim . - 1, ilxiSs uecrs. suidiium luus hie bs I e is lq a ...,ne ....> cr e ~ s -utt53 usjas oser Oa e i'sg Biset ainie - or!ilsi, - ina=- table, spd sq few chairs of thaoe osmou ajola in tse recovery of s fike regula est kiud, Ou oe of lthe lwo squalully. wiloh 1bail ban cspuued ýytise nai- furnisbog bedie, wlsich thsoplace illoocon- as, tisai aise wua prontoweal usan Aisu tisneal, Alley was lysseg., Il apearel nsguy.Aftertse war, elle becanie cases . exiraordiuary, tisatinl tOe uidsi of 8ai ntsiniqasa agambier nd ud ellisi ýc>55fOà eliredsand tablera, sud vile furuilure, taa sehé d beau famous as a -brave gUOsetibiii tse materisis of lier .bcd sisould be soluller aud lu two hostile oucouitere onra featisess, sa luzun ,y.tisen aimosi natuoual ber udiisraty fell Jead bûattîlirwlio tg aveulu theo oes oftlie botter sort oif sword. eTiese econd of theat4i Wolf frc farinera. Tise .uucsrthly-ookiug -old!-duels arasa oui of s duel intise dcsrk ones tu, arcature, who isad opeclcd tise cabin between two officers, lu wisic s ie liai snd 'l door, ws uppofting lier ou tise bail as acted as second ta oua af ihein, sud luin îg aise recavcrcd, sud spplying strong. wisicli bath of tiseprincipalicro e aiah. erty, hi 1smelliug plants balier nostrils. Ovér Tise two seconds bion- ongsaé< ftiriouq- 7111t' lier stoad Craisoore also, bis counten- ly, sud IsÏbiolla's ikdvèisary foîl .iad vit %noe beariag uearly the samne expres- ai tise lirif:firtui. was only tisonrtir senu as wisen h liiad spoicen the barri- tist ashe disovarea tisaitiseo vicii W"seit ble words tisai ceprivedl AlIey of lienlier brother. Stnnak wltli reusorse, es o seuses, andl thaï tiE ruug in her cars, aise aouceaicd lsesslffor a wisile in a ne aud sud irut lber seul. From tise aspect moateyg- by tse conuivauce of-tIse cisc cyo sud -presance of botis ler compaulout, moules, sud ilion> satesfor tiseCost, wltih1 tise paon young girl again slirsuk, uownder caver of nigisi. besails with a uew cause for aversion, sud-' At bise end of tbse dasye journoy, reniiyà terrer, ififinitely. mare powenful tissu aise feulu i. wiiis iwo deacniers, wÈca poasibi' sny sise bildbafore feil. And ln Miis were, about- ta crsa tise Andes in ssarah your R atate we muet leave tise fanloru Aiiey, of tse Dorade, tis i ¶agiuary river su2d yal nistil, lu the proVness of liese tony, ase lice sandla of wblcli were supposed te a aires again cames befane us. be gsild lânithtis- ieleles dismouda. la- ivien iî (TO BX COIcTINUE0.) abelia joiued theainsd tisey tunnel reiy a0 bisair jaded t aeeda, essbwsrd. Aftar know- cundunin.- tisagreatesi -hanilasipsand J'os say8 Remankabie Imposture - -Isabeila de 'privs s ne bcsbt o o - IpCisa Aranza. panions accumbeal, leaving tiseïr houe-, rOIs1J - la bleaclî upau tise lofby orage of lisý_ "alse ti This aingular womnan was bon at St. 'Anides, Isabelia 'ws aved froua ti- AisPtl Sebartian, lu 159:1, sud was tise iasiglt- lk il yls abntaruntue Ii an of s military olricer, Whaae largeo tf beiug fouud insensible upan tis e xcu famiily sud sinsîl moans prampted iu rauni ;)y twa labourers, who carried, ta hav ta canaigu lier lu infancy ta s couvant lien ta tise bouse of their employer, a sasî in that City, of wVhicisMelitasltriný-so- widaw lady of large possssionus lu tse r. was supdnloress. Tise pocuilatce of ncigsbonnisood' of Tucumen. By tise torts a Isuisellas s caracter displayed tisemei- haspitable attentions of tiseir mictreasi, tlisa voeau au early age. Il was remarked elaie wsse saunrostared ta hiscltis; but wile 0 tisai she bildtise air su.s mauner af s saine imprudences lu wicihie young ever. boy rather tisusutisai af-a girl ; sud ase enalgu iudlulgedi iniber atsumei chalr- senSele grew np froin a fractious assi setf-wiiled saler, wits tise lady is daigsten- aauscd tiful isy oisild jut a woman af masculine aspect, lier -ta hsave preesetel ta lier tie altern- yeur ti, sud violent andi isuspeianos disposition. ative of au immediate departure or wouî Iu lien aixieut year, lisviug receivesl marniage. Isabetla chose tise latter, Siandei a bax au tise ear frein au elderly unuitsud weul ta Tucuu ta msske ar- ten tsi ta wisom sc hll beau impertinent, rangements for lise nuptiale. Tiser iseipe tg she abacoudesi frai tise couvent, wits lier gamisuing propenaities invalvedl- lier chises i ouly two roeli er poeket, sudet lu a brswl wilis sane Portuguese lieuara ont for Vittoria, a distance of sixty sisarpers, sud in a duel witis ans of of anoti miles. Ou tise way,saie eutered awood, ticem ber aslvcrsary. waisiMain. Sise forge ii wlice ashe tagmsedisahrseif s a boy by was sppreisended, sud wasa aan u as evel cuttiug lier bai, sudouvertiug lier dianger of tise garatte ; but a confess;ion tell it% drees juta a jacket, sud ber petticoat lu- cf peijryou thec part cf two wituasscs tise girl toa pair af breecisas. ' againat lier, wlio iad lu tse mesutime tics m*il At Vittoria ais ougist ont a distant been couvictad cof anotsen affence. ginl's i relative af lien motisor, wbo was a pro- cauaed lier ta -be reprieved ou -ts caf-- tise -eb fessor, aud, wibisant ravcallug isarselfin foui. roan ii fier trnc cisanicter, impasiug upaon hlm Thrsiags lie ilfluenoe cf lier intanal. 80 mucl sa snccesgfnlly witis n story of lier deaire cd sxotiser-iu-law, aise- ultisnatei' y-re- Yeun bl ta bca a cliolar, tisaIlic neceiveit lien lu. ceived a pardon; sud lisefdr-t use ashe pisikin1 tali as, andI proocedeil ta impart made of lier liticnty wae ta buy a liarte, -ould f tasle h ai rnia.Tepe n ideatlaPz lee aflepol tue boy foun t tis study se dry, accusation cf haviug stolon itehe rie, maliciol tisai ans day eisc seizei tise opponinulty wsici shabstriuupisautiy -relIsatted hby à picktai allonulea by tise wartsy min s absence alevice similar ta Otisiof tise Jualge lu harrn. ta rab hm cI a emaîl enin cf mouey, tis tary cf Susannas sud tise eiders, andi decasnp. Hiriug s mule, ase sel bmoagltlier juta lutimate acqualutauce L u auit fan Valladolidl; but liad bécu oniy wjiîtiste Aicalile sud bis frienda, sud cxaciiy a few baurs lu tist city misen a l'rawl provcd tise liraI stop ta a sertes c i Do we1 witi scme boys, wbo isad deliîied lier ventures mhicli are nelateit mare -fuily years ai strauge drees, cassd lier ta be tasacu in lunhber inemoirs tissu we ]lave space la sud"isi, chargecby lie police. Fantuuaiely, bise recotîni them liane. Au amour cf tish, su ail'ais ai becu witncssedl by s gentle- Aloalle's wlfe miii a Spanss afficer ritl- man nameal Areilsa, visa mas se fav- was detecled by tise issbaud, sud tis,48 ii ourably impreaseit by lier appeartnuce affair lermisael, lutise dats cf tise cf îlit ansi spinit tiaI ho praourad lion libers. sedlunen ui tise saulicf tise Alcalis, materui atian, sud bale lien luta bis services a ansd lise fliglit cf tise fitisai vman ciotes, pag. -witis Isabella, -wbo wsthc mentis ouamc Isabeila fena ber mew position vcry of saviug, lier froi tise fate o!flier par.-ou"is. caugenisi te lier dispositioik; but aise amour. ever, in îad net beau lu it long wicn lier fatiser Tisa fugitives reaclied Cuzco lu safely tdditiot calied upon Ans-liana, ta inforin lin, as afier many perila; but thec lady isa ber lier au old friend, sud patron cf tise couvent scarceiy faund an asyluinutise hanse up beri ut St. Sebastisu, ofibis dauglster's figit. cf a relative wiîen lise Alcalde, -sicatise pati rioufis tise girl admittet lin, Arauza isal pursued tises wits veugeful lu- oid; TJ lid noS recogiss ber lu lier disguise ; lent, ws acessutereit ou tse lisosld. aw un, but, faing daeoetion, aie isstiiy pack-. A conflIctesueansd bise Aicalde fell tgisin,' sil up bier daohis, snd left tisa hanse. beucat tis aorlofatie female ausigu. Tbe itc uSe now reaolved ta get eut of tie con- Tise latter ws immadlstely attaoked t, h. try, sud, learuiug bIsaI tisquadron cf by bye servants e! tse Alcsde, sud atatiug Pernundez de Cartaya was about ta sal culy tisa appearanca cf tise *poice -pre- drsseal fram Cl. Lucur for tis ewnvWanid, an5 vauteal furtiser bloodsied. Tce Bishop besns liaI. sailore vere greatly lu requcat, clle of Cuzco, visa mastisa uncle ofushe minutaies of îirad s mule, anal set cul fanliepot lon tise Alcaide isd.d alaise, now in. acte of i it aas.On ier rriaI ise onu natarposcdansd iook Isabedlle, into su iua iifficnlty lu bcng asippsd aa a cabin- aiace. Suieiad beau vouudedéf, anîl, redound boy, suithlie naît day biesahoraes af feccomnsg faint milii tieese o*cf blooîl, nasa, an Siýusin vans lefi beisinal. revealed ta tise prelate tisa secret cf lier claïlatic Tia vessailu inswic sése ssiled -sas sex. -shis in a'recked au tise coasl cf Penn, sud de. Her wound vas ual serions, ticougs willî lii crIaitb tise crcw, Isabella sionc e- thlis effusion cf biaod vas great; uni, ove,?ali naliuig bytise sileocf Ithe Captiis, ou lier recavery, ashe reucateit ta lias Bis- prida, ai erlIOs sise aseisteit, wliau lie starsu lsd hiop ths traege stary cf licer ife. Tis eîie subsidel, lu tise construction cf s raftl, ta lier beicg cisimel iy bhe Clsurcc, YWisaî [heu aise farced open tisa treasure-cisesi sud rcicased frein civil jinilction ; sa o v wits an axe, sud teck cul a isundred tta instesil cf being brouglit ta trial 'gri wi leubleons. TiseCaptain, beiugonidsd fîr sisyisg tise Alcaldeah ie vas anly wt i udim,feillie Siae sesuvisile andeavaur- caîîed upan tb resumne tise gars cf lier The fi ung te gain bise raft, sud vas drnwned. sex, sud enér, s couvent..Bse rem'ain. Acas tt Isabella raachle shaore safely, snd cd ai Cuzico ouly fivo moulhs, isovever. daledt' ond lier vay te Puits, wiscra shins- visen ashe htailuesv e, lirai ta Irans. cd ilu us veatel a portion cf bsneer ýn gainlufer iserseif te -allier couvent ai Lima, , dthnc lic :... pthaecfa ceganisutrf aesu tlis e aw asuea ot faclcftis3a bison taraturs 10 pain. terlaluet -au cfaà veatcy sisipasuce, lu wiica Bshe srrived ai Cadiz towards tise lasa,,au' -hA a s ngagitoas s c&lark by s a.mer-- 1cioa of 1M2, being tiso n bler tihinty. býsJas_ noiseos mc eas wnat sucy arusy are na are on suîlid -ren. A cls -aïy cf c6usieqnsuce lu tise wvanS, il s kuavu tasi vs caiispliciily n binet-tiait vlinl e esy- lie ;-a tlhii, le lenôva l; andsil ien- rr he vi[l îleasting lie viii do il. a reputaion wiffive sasWalln ulaa' ijoymoni, aldla ic f fan ,re-Lter o lisi, than ciii lise rcsuits wisici y aud preteusions .,can compa-s. ianl excelieultliing ý"te h5ve u1 t e- wy as a rmie, but 111e qitat2asgaî se a paon uearatn Tions isauga' il svoul-ie abeaugte Angny reaurce s anlbitt-t ne' ne acnug iu; I li, 1'a5l!aIa- nIl gol woralaaef)rgotteu!i one bal oes aremnuisreil tue-' it le fatenÉaiet tualan auÂlle> sef jingi'fe cf nisyluias, tissu a<bcai- [ynn or pen, Do uo al ata nme sud uttenfion av cn vW.i ye sanie day gi-is ninc ta forget. nrous wî,nuls are fan butter fortuit- au rsmeinoarel. One cf tiselest ta fargetiaiu ineyer ta spq.ssk cf net even lunvisisper. lc youl pisysuate say7 sometiisig unkinit liher., kcep it ta yanrseif; ashe WI it prstty scan, sud feel ai kindly - toward tise person. But if vin visat s Storm -ven wfIlli'uise 1I taw la mcili btsideets ud trid puce lUe fermed, sud vers likely tise psrents wul jein tse qua-rel, sud aile ueciisiouniood-he lu an np- et because cf tisaI crwý ossvnil bai eh botter lai die. ' Wlat v' onli ule of a persan visa vent aiang up thesod b ure antitles ha culS, iaudt issufasteuiug tian 0-u 2 ?jual suchnistaces areisse nsi, tlgislees war-la. Iflis't ien np,' aud tiey wiE lA utlitaIs s ascenîsin ly a few questions. yisow ve ragard aur chiliren. ,ticine God lias lent us for a few nu immenîsi soni-ta train fan Hina Ls infonnet us- that a strict se', viii le requlired cf 1sa great i& Or, do ual even befone mc sa- have tise tresns, tîsink ecntiroiy ite body, suit propane for oser iya snpsrabsulasa of< fine- 5, imay iele tuiois foi unt? B1oy le h wisesltsa tle ona oad?2 Ha4 isîe niotse n tisai long, year,nakeit of Go-I mal grade, thaisshemigbtrmesi i rusi, suit isucaced lu brn-;ùd charge aright?2 Let us leok a& sire vison btie ciilul is four years 'lient cau lie escdoubtihtlai ie aderatanals everytuiag tt iaesalit assapuaka flânuli unespause. alhÉa icanmtisapronul o! bis beau- sua tuessa,-sd apititails fai? ini- ail-arouin i b; mse keeps liul luýi tise lest clotiex, suit in hie ase entains lier visitar- *ith b is exploits ; sud lis variaus cudoependleuce aud disobedieuce, pudndaul peeches anes apoken of as ling praiso ta tise, boy's miauli-- i peraps à a iwiia etau - asex- . io tisai if le igoeson l i h8say aure ase ,isat kuc visai ta (d0 nm.ý lge i linceef enclacan- iOnn ulis infant rmd s gol la lb ual cualcuisteit ta infinite lie uand increase lis irnsordination ? île is eanlical influence ha fela, woelri- s il iise.passianil teste ra cis issgroviis, sud etreugi-heus [sireuglis.2 foioving latter froua tie Due cf lo is atber, tise Kiu",cf- Itly, rssunry, 1869, sud nov publish- he Badical El Imparie aoflefadl- ivamas ncliglit an use vicasnac- t :by Dou Amadeo, tram lirgi ta- Uring lis scvareiguty : "Your y; lb vies wvh xte'eme sur- hat, toril.e finl aime asu it b- previaus commnieion to me 8ubjeci, I1liesrit tram your Ma- lat it vWs sclonsly ui ontempla- i conter ou me tie cramsa o! Ou My neturu ta Ganoa 1 have 10 tay -vie. SBise la aey t me, anhereven I may go ; ta Dy ici wisataver lb may be. To irMaieatv hoan muais I love mv 'l

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