s sKvqL3tu 4 -iJ. laas(l~ent éise bliesé, 559., -v ou Wood, ian tn:ag tiHoldén, Emq., Mau 'ZeAcI MRtOr 1ated-.-J, Draper, Direct-or. Thns me have James SecLi B.S. T. ad III; tisreo Jsneý-ahIl uck se. tr- rcpéoùanm-The pîbor diri are Meoura.C. Draper, John Duý L ' 1 . Roisansd Ealmard Major. 'C tise noir 1ýanag1,iteut,. baokad asit il ml Le by ample umpans, O~. Sz~q ER -êNNUM. enmts mudaéhp tuiiug a geeti finiehsetilu,t wbktby, TIhllrîdY, IY 22. 1873. speotily wmél eo4uippéd sud @il éd. Anti this in ail that in nec 'tii.Bonus By-4aws. - sy ta maké limé lin.eue cf lise paylng anad miotsuucceaal in thé Tu.xxxrow, msîssey) the b0qul by. nliée. Thé prospects belere thé - lamav aie té Le voteti upon. Tiat fer LY And Port Pennyrad are cf thé gin.isg (livetliousancî dollars te W. D. llsteniogtdescm-iption- Cunuectiui Hîhur ~Co. Ilaq eo i hiIramn., Ibrée gréat peintseof înade, -thé v Mr. Ilepbislru deéining ta scoépt thé of Lakte Scugog, Lake- Simoe Otuiitieuq s 55tathé punsuanéîense2ploy. Goorgii Bay mitb Laite Outanlo, - m uent oaI 4fty imea. - Tiser. ml iii îsre- securng thé immense trate'ol fore o oilly the ts me maiuî<ug luin inlandtwaters, the' WliitLb&rotile,, CI -ek Iscxtiy, subcixctet fer thé vot-s stands milhucutscopétr.C elf théaliho. lî cn ViTe qiuslii , -saut tise ilL"aid oeerya e o Vile- ae nd m-rc hIresîoss t ibisvautt Iato are irba arq nue tesLaig a leseehetl iterentI for Ther trafflo lesnouedy mai lLug S the,'- tue thé débéotunés willihav ne ilht, anti issu net j e final cm teamixa - tmeuîy yoans. :* Ahitruie by tisebholding eoflme ason.,With frioen'OIq Jet bY, haviug ait inteouét EUsoDOed men mise lane nom iisont n- lis sfutur: prompuuity auni mélfas'e, ill tà émnélvcu witii tée ndcentsking1 voteferthôe b.la1j.As ubomu hast iraI- grarîl msnlr-CÂITL,.the C méek, thé alansut af sititioashtaxés, muni aIfmîielsdrivés ai thé aI thé préseul eAseuuenl, miielsoul ltsoilndusry-isgsocureti. - bave te Le impuped oti osîtbe a c>. isaI, tisensst wilih oihow. For ti paratinehy Isifig ug n - O la n1 e OréAsen tedonbt tIsaIlise minsu ot)[xîs ou evéu-y $1000,ones îsy-14é liai; luçon tutu ueaus aI uocurng Tise establishmntut cV iaeeinauînfue- caîital, hsls e milI sntthé eungy tusniusuwont lly i60 tlsé nucleus for bs aPctYasinaglsg tirirtior tIse p-dtin hopltiaion muis tIse]have nOm Lepe fIan tisafuture aI -twya wiol brînq,. wosiîî lobly psy tIsé WlitLy sud ParI Penny reati, an: hutérée'It[lon tise débt, these timuluesîmey s gréaI imrthsanu line, miti Whi moaIli gî ta ltae establlahîmeutoet isarbem an tise terminus. This in w ofiesés-Io tlIsa i iey u;oulti have tIsatitheo people of WVIiILy isave se long Io - ffocî ha orîain-oleuuîgine thé bm net feniard le, anti mîicis, mii cc a9go4ti tarI irn tisé igut direction. As; age, asd a greator reiancé upono su O4îssmu,Mnti olsemiere, eeOnsute . ussa aolusor may Le nearer aI accompli tary wmeihi foIIoý nomeher. Iu passing menit tian me 1usdiulély tareti ta tIi se Ly-iawl, lise puepile eýfWitLy ïli pec. prove tise eArGéstusess of lîsoir intentIonaThé trausefen et tIse rmailunspokon 80lIsaI hereaflercauiteuoce mil Lé pîscesl IL décid stuisfaction on ail si- lunIlueir promnises. - Tisé goo e eelîs ta Tisé mon- nei at tisébéai of tIseout feiloirtisépassage aI tise, l y-iaww- Prise arc leoket upan mIls cantides moult, me 'une pénssaiet, go 80015 us lucky mei-mhse bavé beau ahir Lé seniuu appreciatéatIhat thuesé irb prosperous andI eicoeessfil lu bLei. prntluy Oppose lîsesu, menîl Lé fore-.mlsrtckings. Ausneiro that il lise tak mnus u ek'ig Ié dphes tothuers. Place me moult lue aoru-;tt-ose1aeil -Witl Loanase, t-ctis e xtent of îmenîy psragisig mont tomants tisé alé dis - Illsmsasl i ollans, a capital oaIoeehuis, tors îîrsanaîhy. Ve dit int fi tii-ouI thueisaniullhans ut bail lneest i liil xune bLioeti te Lé, anti w lu -ma*tnufactures irischLd e seceîrîlluneîreeuleâ teus us liii resmull tof tI, tino y0as-, 5and lIse population fmiy Luth mas'age-tuénl. But tis, me c Increusési by eue thsesîant seuls illin millimîg le tAdmit, arase ta neosinal tissu saune tiuuueAt oYfin eanséhe' ax lent frein tIsé Luilnonee egacy I ta pay tIse bonus moîîi liane immndîgti111ie1, hy atîerus. Tiiey aIse iahuoî demis te a mue n eling. 'Bit let tîsese uler thsegreat 'lisadlvarsîage 'of ilus ii-st Ly-Iaws Le njecîsls, uîcandIié'-, tî perience. But tIse grentost ilfcuil bye tl aal futsureelletof datnntiuîun f ahI mas tlieur ess-y, anti thisr Ly lise establishmnxt fmassuflctcîreg. ccssani9rlY cenjunet ni) a lisosani othît tNul a caipitaîiset-or in &Ds utîcînrer us tîso iaily lunlts-m pulls. Thssy ihaveég lauchmoult agaici trust lis cîsauces Of ccli31it oftîseir diffi citie9, animé si 811000s8 te tis he celuine promises of thsé glalti Ii, ou vemy accoîmut. Anti au ptepleet iWhiiiy. - thua laIe wos-thy presilént, (héclen n TIsa peuplé aIor am tts é &uni.. ile>toe L. inglil itii otiu e im arap ag6 ais 1 goal séiséi leail bus le éstub- again), ie retirssi mil-His blîsîsis lili iJttOfmnmufacturse, aulnti ow lionoxs tcik uiporlxîn'-necifons.a lancé as a large rmuhDaurin~~g tosu'u0-f prove s thoromîgili sudt joyahla ne gest -éstoî'pnie. VIsitby - IL fus liéf. anîsonion natural Auvntugea-witIx lie DalxeSm ergE.Cte. aïvunlage cf luing lIse county tamis- aho SrGbreE Crir 5usdirlsnsplnid harbor-is lightiugly Sir George E. Cartier dinul ut LentIo P L,î9ul Ovér mItls etirrnug wercis as a Englauh outhuenwriingcof tIse e21 sl* ow eis.Iolu is îl? Peophe a-sk. usaI, lut 615 ftaMn., as tIsé téle-rapis in. 0f course t-@elnéhy lu-fer il is tisé ossy fenmns us.- Dreptiy masIhie I:n1 ta oue tist aI eabLeginéi-aJI omiumg te thé cause of i<bath. Lattenly bli lusaidt t diiufeuc inlut-li elciaructer oatisémon isivésiffes-ét mucIshmeiilyîuuiîx. Heiie lu bolL lulaces. 1n lu stsheul eaiing aurroundeti iy Iis tamily, alter néceivî mese Is pl Jacesti uniteili as auxe ing tisé ast rites ef hiss Chsuneh. H., iaiste llurole tise gsneruh geeciet body uili go ont te Qlur.Léc by Ils t-leis 1cm. Thétuseis et WVhity-or steamesr cfthie 201h, Ly which lie isu ratler thé gceîby oht mus-ien cf lise inleusiedta leb. IO'A'-are Ianoroves- inting fauît miii tiseir amu Position, sud milh aIo nffuiuug Fine ai the Whart.-75,oon feet of Lut- t-o lny anti boiter il. orsltse contrany, ber Bumoed. ss lit-ho'casé cf thue by-lams limuiier 1Tsîesulay snercuiîg ahtut niuîc a'cIoc1 notice, tluey mihi nutAvnsn ahhont ir u tts ie flib- u nin sua~~~~~~~~ cienaa oiea ohan n~ic onflagration miglut hane enilet. Thé eillent route-tram -Lako Sinsucoé niMryw snmak tspiendIi, sutn QonlgisullatetétIese mather ai-kétiseadmirable micunerluin hicîs aise Oumami, umietile ii mnisyoler ul.tias hanthoti, andthe etIsécciéncy Ils vautages ta mhichsme liane huéoré rs-ý' wiichs lIe mes-k mas doué, béyont i al - ennéi, thsey liane énery néasoîs t-o regard praise. Withaut tIse angine thème lu mit- lisepefuxinés thé fllstenmug prospect liht- oubt tIsaI oveny Loanti afthé Lelcuné îLotn. Loi t-hé mon 'of Wiily millions cf leet nom Iyiuîg on tIse miss- Laiit Lut a tiseiselvos, ani appreci. for shipinont moulti lane Leén des- tait-bey ýshotiddeolIse positian ILeir troyeti, suitthat tisemisai-f, el- tam occuplés. Let us lianemrieacen- avatar, anti manehouises meulibhavé tiln a nsd Lé more hoiplul temanta alias-éd t-hé saume - fate. These oeeanctisen. TIsisaise may tesecure irhaoppaset thé punobase aoflIse en- i ity 01 actieu, anti with Il auccén.- gin e-anti especiai Iy soma gentlemen AinI, as a final stop, beltIsée obstruction- cf the- Sauth manti, mua mena tillét higs Po et seaidé ; iot thé creakers bLé mils lie uotion tIsaI usaI portiien aIthe passei ly; leltlhesujie langieil ant tom mwoult nover dérivé any Lenetit lilsienei toaud evéry tan, monlhylLé fremi i-une nom me trust coniced of Asusse afIga Wisucm MAN, 'Vole Ian tIsé tisemistot of tisé picisu. 1') nus by-hama. Tirit Quae's Bxrituaxr-Inumieise Thauxpson, prenions te lus topantuno preainsuscontinue tauLe isaléfou- for. Englauti, mas oulortainet Ly, bis t-he oaiebratiou cf tIha Queoen'a inîhutay Inondé aIa eampiimesstary nuppér, et. intblstoivn. Whtist lh, musie, cricet, Ms-, Hotgsun'u betîh Columbhus, oun conceerte, the "higis art" sud museuns Thnraday eveuiexg haut. Our connes. galelen, lte trong programméeof poenhent infantsaus tisai meut cf t-ho auulaamsits, sud the firememits ho thé loa<lîng farter. of tise neghbprhecd, avatung, the celobratlos of t-be QueèuWo mère présent. Mr. John Smith, iepuly. Bittiuday tis year mill heata once t-b, emeov, occuiuisthîe ,chair. A vor3u- qrandetadthed L.groatest t-lai bsg éven piessais ntesiiss as speul, evomy oe yuot been attempteti is WIitby. 'Ths- présent miokingreoe"~ a pléassinitnip. - omuslîtee hanj1mxg thé araugements ilu nsuaaide molru, sud beping tistI Le hasdutia)e ieavlng nbtllng - ntione au tig> bsing oui a herse tbat moult' théir pas-it téproniie les- tbe roquis,. oequal "Nellsérby."- met$ of 4' caési(on, ansd froit s&H TÃŽs.,uusi4év, beau ahbl leteytaÀ1IuCouLTURAL IMPLEMENTS 17019Tua ce" th visJi te - WLitLyou t a NOTEWEST Âs» PACIFIE 'rO¶'XNoeg. byn*' 4tb vii lé bdallgited eisanti-The Brownu spd atterson Mannîso. to.,W@ Ren raelag a turing Comxpany hasvo madé two ohsbp- mthis wook. - -nés his eek oftwo car lanids of 8-reu. -lOf course a&I I an' yjii-a mt n il taUudin SWAd SPOI'tot f.,*--ftib.-iO« 1UU5 iýsfo IA ý_YM, 17 xm iagluq :coeurse Ipul'osled iu my î4ef htotr 4 th , vn 1uJt rsV mjmwià M&Ã4pr & I I Iwasin lverofýmtmrovas o -On b sredit tôxoraî4 4éyptewu, theake reOtors "but fDot on the anetm smothe 9"bd cwd ea m ade out~, h.le onucili secnder Ouly rwisiu-ia fsvoulnt it. whoni-bis bigger 1srottber woajw.bis yd Couna icli un the by-laws. Of ourse rd,4o>liersII !Thé object is original imotion was flién carri.d. u n e ia s e -pffb. t "Z r rwat nnâgage secoq$ty-,taugible alaudabIéeu. Itis ifflisged that the the a~y u! 7l~wheJ, 1' Seourity ou ialeoat, ,W tM intution, whitefurnlsig a firist&clasa r. 0rnlton brogt in the reprtthingte 9 toerOb. rM 0dte put inu'au equlvaleùtinmê l thé oppQrwiuly'for baii -sa nz pavmnuê f Scoun$e ofJohn Blow, élibie W Ithe bilecand iseos t sfin oangible.,, Thg is s'fair #U04; Wmn. Til. 41 5; G - l. South. make lusuY mou -ate~sdi o to b. "sm o he nosneY tlîat a i tbohote-Ira9-<,-0odOOÃw-, ,$4 82 ; P. Barrett, $8. -,Ordrd.& il ec ited. >ape fosn.ta gui- Inand ecocomv iu honekeeping, fr pyOs A centc wAi~ 4B~iiOW abs1n5i S w juI ,cu nsue o h own th stion c epl beiug amonst the aco îihuientg,.for #10. balancé ciairné& to bitdue On-u " cnoý alt à o se soe 905 Sont fteow onht enllgheu th Te ost of tuition l a ob. rom $89) ta ega prhaqe4 'Whie Mr. Kirk- or I*iter II- -Th ' has yr wt.Eer ili ttirL Tb ]ad was héad master, stands over for morie talv oarinzof late in bOtzh>enO,. ratpaérwit. ér~îsOn ~<> ~ #10Q per annin, -sud there is ta be-no further information. tibnt particulaly, s as rai w bfittug, Pr.hi. bgnwihte ed-"f ây départinent. .As wo have gala, thé In, vespect ta thé iténi cf 150 5, or iuthe popuarBreh Si on'A WIit-"f ouse"sud enaied with elthor abect jea laudableue u a-o é r iifr unung-airplrn adnaid a spéeh on-thé Hntxtngton mot"I think mysof-"my view of i" Wrcm d c~s hargs 10 said -by$ is Hj e f dit hsV' or direit upon thié ve0at luténreat cf R. & at sMiivl,, 1r. Hait enqufred *ho.olhed g-e been's mastetly ef~rniatoa9 wate .,Cmblunthé town, as AenlUeleuet for atPrésent, a if r ee au karu, thé ordprP > the groatéat off-haud pbiiipplcsaever mer so fo watli mpiedtobeh neo thér institution, of the kiud, arran!r- TitéChairmüan-! 'id not. deiivered luns a- id~ égsaue aun oeu o ht i d t .heéd aiter thix plan,,has here.tofcre existed Mri. Ormistôu-By order of the bnild. 1%nd moreovor. it ih olaiýnoé&thà a4 3t "a' ,adsiuosrity bunt -whieh every - Man"'l aâTéFnaué oofgéluta e xIg oomittee. thé effoot cf bringing baclj saine douht- thèse- sensé irliehas 'heard hlm can cnl, 1r. Ham-Did Dr. Gaula consent? luinémestrnwe aigsce a twboily ncu-déneémiuaticuaî, sud ïils a. 1fr. Ormiton-yeo. Mr. Maokenzie, mont uuquestionsbly, read sderrihcslis goi- a'aÃŽlaene e becoufined ta thée 1fr. Hai then renmiuded thé Boaicl-'idslastIl that anymtau Conla do !irg, loa, wengeaddnes. l culdnetimmdiae ioalty cf Oshawi, but wfl cftueprinciple laid demn by Dr. Gun under unfvrbecromlnst paitla te priavoke à , la h<o hs r.lée pen te thécoeuutry. Rvd 1f.on a former occasion, tbat ne seatsbekis ocaun nOt'altogether,,witli. eede in . Deill th premen, ad cigisatr 0 sboui bée ordéreil witlicut being a.lver. ont snooess. .Iluâst'-tiiùesl*ke themeé, élP snt ea hédpnyevédmad Dnuith réietsd rgiatrchestifr aud the furnishlng cf thé whenmitb littie oppertunityfer niatur- eddiu amrtgage as seourity l h hépoetilnihyepknosu el th adfrow pnt optto.îga tsko eithat sreall, ir81Mudgé Ly-iaw, sund mheu lhé came te l ihYsoe f n cO1 honoe ocméiin bedbtriae'sia.Xwi the persévérance with whioh lhé han Ho, (Mr. Hain) agreed mith thé dooteral eaor iace-aptl. m it n 'eated the.Cellins by-la"w, lu which a mort-predhiobeteérétebrou in that, aud monid wigh taste unqiuésticuably true 'that thé mémbér h thé gagé le thé seourity procsedb be hie ojprinciple carrcron iedet. But, wl e-thé for Lanibton hail a mest forididable tifléCl . - -p wsue e émaî hse so. diie ar v3atd io luihésfer task boforé hlms, but it ile oq3ally, true z ionrjothha.eo ho hen thé souts more purrhased h-y Mr. thatlihé acquitted hisseif *ith crédit. téthaï thé 1cm eliuhod put np a fivo .Onu FiiLLaW'S HALL. Wo are ileas. Dartuil, as a momber cf thé builbina Ton yearu ago foir persous weuid havé coin. thcusaud dollar building for thé Meurs, éd te léaru that thé Odd Péllomé < cf mtté,h o ae t 'm of ma iuedtathis modern Alexander ither Colline, sud rént it ta théi t Pt. nonin.u Whitby have decilled te purchase a lot wheu lie hall ta 'ieal with théemae. ouli! ?vor havé takon se commandiug. With aI rent for ton yoars. "0f course," te anai éreot a building fer s h.ilI sud RHo charged thé doctor with ineuutt . apeition, anud bis uuccessouiy shows* here nue an on oxposionofbi ow, é as etgéroou acna heeo. Té .-whalt a doqgeti détermination ta gain a who se n epresionof lli ow. h wasLode rcul roose heron.The Mr. Han&T aise found fault mith éovaed abject eau aclcompllh. 1fr. again laughied at, mheu hée mas tld ta busildinu lu ta ho 87 foot front,. Ibrée thé course takér, Ly Dr.Gnt~suad *P- B. Wood aise titi geetiservice lu tlemaké hitdeelf acquainted mith a @mu-at-oares high, mith mansard roof, an sud llr attention.t h items of te e that débat., but hie mitticigist thé 111 erig o muicial airtha th con. esinedte é aoreljtte hé am.ceut. xpeuse of thé miniseorallsqta, though r, tou cil haofti nSemé dlawnhut te cosI à n tool< tplaca rîeîer imamén.sély Crolishé!Iire byshisbyshedsi ofofthé rt cihalne right te buy or huili, éxcept Se wortli' sud orédlitabie aunud Sto.tie ari sim sôtané uc ove r Hual"'e rîeratedt' a We 'for corporation sud msthaot purpeses. iug désorves a libéral lilpiug baud. tpîsains giemson thev Dr. Gnon qýdthé ots fiagavrateadt the# Thore mas, as ire havée tateti, ne argu- Moernts. rien suPer. G couevert ilt n a luIdicrnouc ttounlétr. CONTUPLTEDNxw CHOL Huii. Mers.OrmgtonandPery.He;may net havé inteudoti it, but such lid of mont mhatover adiluced againet the -I poaTE» Nof m he oOL o flint».%('RSON ST. SOROOL, mas thé offect névortixéleas, sudthé itby benuses, sud me enly notice those cf -uprunéa h rolefrtut 1r. Hamst calleti atteutim nta thé Lad seuse cf reipcuibility- thraughent thé chat Mr. Campbel ta elc u ttrmu uroe eeigmsheda h tate of Anderson St. Scisoal, ansuun. Chsrnber mas te saule exteut lomereti [Ok aI capaoity cf thé in by mixait inteîli- Anderson Street School bouse au Mon.. gesAteti thé cailiug af a puiblic meeting by his humeorons argumentation. If thé au-gn1o eliso hmovs~L day eveuing, wien a résolsution mas of thé ratepayera, asi te thé béat Inca- genial D'Ancy MeGe hIsaipben Ibère ,Our- pestomenluolaverlofwputenuseupea te bctien for a nom sehool bousge. tii.fun manît net bave beon aIl au one ish oelin ubl aI t Ly- Tisowerecgui nts - builg tin n erptin ltr pse. Th ev. Mr. Fraser sudt oth'-r mmbérs smie, for lié névor coulti reoiaI tlIe omp. liat- n avo o th b-la wee oget nd'blcaingla Lé creoti liienTxe approvéti af the ceurse. as thé meut tation of oxclsaugingjetesud reparleés. ex.aio teshépenteCmpbig héééerîyte u t teDotpractical thing thas; coutlLé douée. 'T rémemîser mell hem hé teck t he stin- o-takteontu oshmariudtlthesongil meeting, sud docideti upon by thé HEAD HSATER. cul cf a vory protentieus speech o fr-; lu f tkenin Oshwa nd hatsouhtBoard cf Scixeal Trugees. Thé committee ou thé appoinîmeut - , TIsat gentleman, s yeu nouw ta of teh exacted lu Whitby, il was n f a héati master lu thé place aIf1fr. iraq net by any moulin s giant lu uta- clsfesîd tlîat thé corporation aI Ou- CRICKET MEEczrNc.-A meeting OI Marliniz, résigneti, reportei vrbally- tinré, sud theugli s gooti soliti rossonér, ,er* hua mèwre - satistieti mith, s second criokéters will le Isoldthia <Thursday )thé subjoct ta Lie taken Op at thé uéxCt w55 nmbat diffusivo anUI pneseV. nec, înortgage for thoir bonnus aI. fivé. ovoning at thé Ontario hôtel, irbén meeting. Hé lilî stns finishet s long arallon ~'Y lhuead dllas a té laI actryeu embrs ésion cfplaingon hé Revi. 1Mr. Fragér timelt uponthe mien D'Arcy cemmouct-"1Mr. Spéak- un.s t . addlast h ia atr-nmnbr esru fpaigo h réeatimportance of making a dosirublé or. .Tisero mas ance s littîe min, man. u.promises mortgaged aIready te tîseir Qnoén's Birthday miii sent ini their choicé, sud the groat réspensibilit mnu, sud lhé ball a litIle gun, gun, gun. 1,, fuil value. Thé depnty u-oéve, irlien nanes.' . that rested mwitl thé beau-d, andti nreio'1 a -tie shot a litlo duck, dnck, duck 1" dis- asketi thé question, sait iehé oul<l se- ~thse adventiging for a lieuti master-for 'rh*Ane argument mas abgolutely ree cept £1101 secnnity. Andi vol, (altlsongh AcciDENTAL DJtAT.-A youcsg lad, "in sucli a matter they slîenld tgive ailkuoeked juta a ceekéti bat Ly Ilual Litt lue ippovei ltut hé ou,,l tble hé. Chas. Lyntié, aI Whiitby Possible Publielîy se as ta securéthéofinnicénturgenv nonsense. Anethor 'ls déclaati bins-If opposod ta accepting township, hall bies kul broken by a Lest tpacîser in tîseir poer. bgle hE W o mas camm rionns tomr a9i-tmrgofexté oas o-kick Irait a herse about Imo weeks ag îastDr. Ttioker qluite ceneiurredti ib the orig tlenig M o noble priou afi8l orgag fonith Mere Co- sipeaker. Tlîey mantei a mase-frlT erruti"gAndsthenralmienda are lina h Couîlalabsurdtiy anti self-centra. frein thé éffeots cf wmhieh lhé diei ou second te noué otljer; lie also sugcý't-sî. "nsil rsf nt t sé chiovouxe9 ~ dcton o anter Té uéeing-v.~Mouday hast, et that thé amon'xî cf sais-y Le stated Isu hie continuelta inveut the m&rl i letin tIese aleertisemeut. mtb oulrlyow seedt hve insuet [otWeil resninded ietat iise thé saine ADJOURNUENT cf PARLIAXET.- Ac. Mr. Penny sailltitsliphaï alreaiy BranI.t' dnm eist haegn édilihsrlily isici seneénom exhslbiteti cording ta tise snnousspméuet maie by neceivi ltIrmée arutliti,ne ren'0ic bthat lino Tiicsf, but unuil Ihis el' lu opposition ta thé beunmsa Ialtidrové Sir John A. Macdoanaldi, on Ttneuday tbey îi"stba ul e iuk1asaosso vichelirtd o th ndéiema cuaex-oe ity the 6srst principal inannîaclory frein night, Parliimeut mil pnobably acijonutstory chîuicé,tnlui t qile agréed tsaItiprsse l eniatipaosudhbislacé can éx- itie u d lie gpapir ta limaIrmeze.seméiethienglt, hie snay provoke leviîy, n"Whitcuy te Oshawa, sud tuaI but Ian to-dayunutil seuté limé lu Anufft. IIi5CitLLANPOUS. uInvrtedlgtslfeighepo Pt l-a Viîymgtnwpuéste Towc COU-tciL.-NO meeting aI tlisé Mr. Hunn ncallil attention ltiste totype alirsys exciteti. Tusctarara, 1re JosephHall Work. It is a plain asmuniiofl oleoihiaysvesituffoHeury oft.LScirY oo.,Siîowoeverwever nex no liapatatetabutt""sem né osspliHal Woku.Il u a plin s cuncl o Modayovélngformau cfwhich wal; spokesi cf lu a conversation- pumnpi'u," sud iu sure ta maké but, * ta ccstnron suse caon make it, that our aqsmi. Mnbr run u imyb éea ebr.self fbIt anti fearéti, if ho continues s et tewssnen eaunover securé mnanufue- Mayor, Meusrs. Blowr, King, Lawtier, Mn. OmissIon gave notice that l'P stéadîfsat.8 POturcs by exscting te lisard termes frein Phlpanihss. onl ttiénx etigmn l Tîxe session mîsicli it mas tbought ng tîo7t yslcll eréaogt~~téftre moéiaepf the - Boardi ho moil close Ibis moék is likeIy ta len et MscGîvýic AmAx.-Wé mili esier hiih h vuuru u ltéprolongétilntirer te subsnuit ta Parlia- el tîxin.Oshmamits is oot usné Peens Mni~lMotlîy" e é ssîtnronsof the Higli Sciîool. * nmont tIse terme peon mhîich it may hée s-anetenpxising towu anti great min- ferr0oneyear le any on6ý4who wililsenti at1u11'nd rpst o-amtPrneEmr nacauenigIeit-la-ondcrtinustn ubenhesthé Canadian Union, anti dîcta pt- s mu tma Wertineust! on sx ieta eour pape..Think Accidentai Death et Mn. John Sheddcn. i il Il be mou if the endti e achei by s extent - - t ontre Wib fit oieugét aI least sixty Beau--- thé lasIt days of thé ceurrent mouth, tixat e - l not in Ibal position. Il lias yét ta tiful Soegs, Duets. anti Choruses, ansiIa sor an lduîWehav ass il ml elub rbwil délayine évén Ia take tIhe firut. stcp lormaril, sud lu coin- fren iiIy te sixîy piano pièces, wonîhi tiat 11fr. Johin Sýisdedlssx Président of tisaI insîcîste secuiré se desirable an n tIsé Toresite anti Nipis-ing raiîway mus aobject. It is net tixat tisé addition mil i npeting iîh its neigliboun lias te givo ut least $40, Ly sending ni; ten sub- sccitiéually kilieti at Canuinglesi hast le ef immenso value, auy moe thauis h a littIé moe. Anti irbt is iltishe scibers le eus- pupér. Fniiay eveu ing. Mnli. Sliilies>, two Nabeîlu's vineyard mus ta Abab's osatel, ai ci afoleofail? Two thesi ivdIta inéi W i etiaep fon aé ait y ag atbe eteun utit It iii round offsu il mre oui. ter- - l te aterall Tw thu,;ad fve ianded e wll sniI a opy f or p pnccprceoied to Cohecouk Fihsy fer thenteseanti help te assure thé intogrity M, to dollars, ugaisxst wirbi et Nouatge & anti a copy e1 "Pétera Musical Monthiy' pnupse ncf bcing presesîletaI asale of hi$ af thé Dominion. Besiclesa ilmli ré- 3d Ysrweed Companîy ink tén thousauti ferr0one yeur te auy ene senduxxg ns ews lande, andtiianngfiniplie thie tîay's mnoetIsé fuhernin upon wbich euch m dîollars, chear capital, IQaviug tise nuin- $8 50. Oun papor apeaks for itseif procéotiing lia company lbIt thé village achemés as Genérsi Buthén's are but Ca [s~~~ ~ be9fueeulyt n Its u'.at e u ui Iévieo about 0:30 anti mou edCanningten a- toc ready te place their lèvera mith 0 18 iernf en'sniloyd ot o th qus. nd on ay nowthevale o bust miné o'clock. tievenal etftheair- tise viem aI intretucing jealousies sudvi 10 tieux5 Tlîat is tIsé total et the firat iek. *"Pétera' Musical Montisly." frein tise esters; inchuiinz Mn. Shiden, aîs-eppeti misuutiérstantiings loto tise Canadian aI A If mitîsin lune years îîîéy inerease limaI last thsat overy yearly aubsc-iiuer gels upen thé plaîfoni nd u remainéti tht-ne family. Yen mIll probably say thst i about sixty Sougs, Duiets, nitCieruses a few minutes. Wlion tise wiitie bleir this is ratuxér a mixeil motaphar, butfa capital te 325,001, and thic cil are anti freina fifty te sixty Plana pièces, Mn. Sliétîuen appreaclîséthtiséfront of it lu net mnch morse titan tiese wertiofaI Ssat.isfud with lthe accurify' tise Cons. manîh ut east $40. the a lu i nonie ot pupon Dmcesthehammbrsidts 1 - the , w, épeeeks sopDa ohsla me mér aikti d iset Patmy receuvesa s Isrther bonus of f f~~I ront part ofîthe ie ctors car, but, irben ekmutcmu cm ietsnirm 2,50 ollrsaI om- dbetura. OFFICE OF GEo. C. GeoomcWI & Ce., reacing tW take liolti cf thé naiîing o unen the Miinistiy bécanse of Iheir IL 2,0 dsoi l ta fe rseof kuem-u le aithatre HÂrova TutET, BOOToN. - M"f-. the Car, ie ateld iinto a lndtîrap Pacifie Railmsy iniquitiés. à . e ns xuiî ne sat a ar atnfusttss l a e eo teais g u en H peht.a *h4 ail.o f heGr at Fu e u tt m a - Ai Buriluglon il conuécîs mitîs î0 e mnt aI thé lilîfsiIatepg e bcg in the oret. Tise fllhoving are thé uassof onl M1it. GeorRcsoxc, 8s e mlI sut gréaIBunlington Rouie misieL i.ms di. platfom, ahsughliéemuet Isavéeloten thé suffimer s amaras can Le naI présent Hu Oer- uéens Ihoerbetusmo, until Le stéppei inta ascetainet :-On, Daly streét, Mrs. Rail, favoably knoomuse;tIsé preprietor of noct threugi Sonîhonu Iowa tu e r> tireur, sud thiereby mat bis untinly Grant, Mr. Bénail, cf t he Bank Nation- ibis thé obLsas> liuse, is, me regret ta eeu, ka anti Kansas, mith. chose connections teatîs. yaIe ;Chus. S. Oaveru, of thé Russell theé about leaving Whithy, anti bas rusade te Calforuis sudthtIe T, 8i as scs Tiré teceaseti gentleman mas Ibi ul lut ieuse ; Colounel Wily, Mr. Humphîries' ,rrsvgoinénts for takingz up lis future passengers slarting frai n tarie ouCo off inx tise priméeof bis manuxot, allercasse factary, Jaunbs Borigtte Bt. theé au«hiviug assistet by bis measîansd Lise ay= c, G. H. Preston, Wm. Fing- tLe( s-bote in Hamilton. HO hue cousu- Iy Canada, on Iheir may mosîmard, eau- ahiîity lu briuging thé Nipissiuig Rail- lant, J. K. Ansîy, Wmith n, Charles tlmeO quz-ntîy calloi au auctien sale at thé net de-botter, Iban ta take tisé C., B. & roa t t a Iigb sîsie efficioncy, Hé mas B3i.nusu, cf Hoeol & Ce., Wm. Loin- tise1 botel promises, (particuhers cf wmiih Q. anti Burlingten Route, net moe than abouit forly yesns oftage, aine, and M1r. Gaverdéami, On Cumb,4r- liheu wIlL b ond iu alnrlising celuimus). TsaLndha ulih awaîuue u aaunisrniedl. sud bis sutten lanti streel. Mesure. Mollea. Ou Ster. an el TireLite hupubishd a ampletanti ahockiug tiath miii Lé beari ohfant-tret. J. W. PéachY, W. A. Beui, tiel te take place ou %Veduosday, 2311u lust. calliti "Hnm ta go West,"wmni Cslcen Ité dep regret Ly ai who kueir hlm. W. Farquhar.,William Kirkuin, Mr. soti Before lhsetiopartuné thé maîy Moneud tains muchi vainabié inbormatmon ; a Humpimles. jr., Mr. Morse, Mr. Casey, subet aI n0r Reben intenti teuticnirtg hbu a large correct map of tiue Gréat West, Taz FALL OF Kuv-Rhrsum cAs- Mrn. Cummings, John, Burns tint B. Coin, eoinplimntary suppor, annaugeti tu whçhcan Le obtainéti free cf charge KEXATION-RUSSIU ANDTuitsg.-Lon. Ilillinga. On OttAWA satrOeél,W. Pst- force take place an thé ovoning of tise 2711u by adti.essing thé Gêner-ai Passéngor don, uiy 19.-A spocilito, thé Daily orson. About fine eoohook the ire massea inst Mesrs. . DwesN. Ry yToeoraplc, datedTiflis, May l7th, syx proîîy wmoU untiar conîral Tise reas atice lus. Msur. C DaesN. ayJ.Agent B. k M, Il. B. Burlington, Iowa. Ihiat tLe fussians bave tlkon Ruinaa t a#150.000.lio K. Gardon, anti G. Y. Smith bave un- TIrKsnl rsnr h asas Piéelar 7 unnber of buildings burneti tisé dértaken thé manragement aI lIe affair. ACCOUCHMENT Or THE CouXTESA OF cM u rn ligLI. arg 86. tIsati We Lavé oniy te stWchgt Mr. Robson Durais- Ottama, May 17;- Thé A telegrain te tire Landau Timnes, AHam iCux-thiseu, Ks., 00555 during ii long résidence lu WiitLy Coontéa aIf Duffonin mai safVdli-h dolren-Iat St. Petersbunrg. stts that thé iylt.JmsBikowowsPo C41 cf a tiamghtèr this momuing. HonR uaiuaus reacbéd théeKisivan tsrritai.y Mylth-aosEskun rb a sm Las melltieservoi thé higbeut compli. Lradyship sut infant are doiug moU. mithout a serioe oanuter. Tiser.je arrestoi at;Weitmcm-e, 40 miles frain thans mont là is Iiédaanti nciglbors oeupuy inlkluSt. Peterunrg nom cf thé an- bore, nseétimne aga, for sal&Rge 1théie Moll.à y Rouasz.- San -Autoine, nexation aI Bokîsara aent -Klikarti, u intioceul assanit on îLe mile ef a mn-n or *Taxas, May 19.-Thé Mexican robbers, mel asne hina, Thé Russian press re tramaoi Marquette, sal maiuacquittet l mpsdtnm eti Westnîoréeusn Pnitity. On Io Futr >toiGr Ts nsoaewKleokspoo sud LpéiiIndilana are, again présents tIsaI Ttrkey iStotterng wimsIl Strs onn .mut o S ir Toýà x.-cai White, -0on thé mer isxg citizens andmi isoveneintu, ai' protiets Mrqetehat thételate am f h TEÂx.-Cptau Wltec 81h,~ -hords aanti ésett. ime sn comuixj Whou herorubles w < nete udmIe l. ate cm e tL hati Le bgLentscor uV s of hé Svésa 5 hva beu hsau~ euIuuiuîte su Bixpsiailihten h aLléluthecorEmi @hsot hot hm diad. idIo h aehuthd'adclmnt n azâýilto eal He thon took BM iiétte'o tiro siiisllf thé compétition cf the Wlîhiédn Teaus numbeérs killhad umnstaios Lotis tuvittilcate lber interestu. tThele aa e.liorsbos u lait vok lan-Tormontr,: -naides. Thoawuma arumour on q he- -'. Tisey oanogiatohu n .ont cfa Mpessibwe, * he sarent te-daay that théeLiovorment VIEuNÂ EXPOSIIONo INtVrEDY» A lft theut Saylng that uho h killet Vif Th e oma ft e fer nd51 gi gnon tkll e ath~ c tt~moe cniitiralytrain n gsroute fkqm. Ausin ta -Fort STýosu.-Tise stormy mésihér mhiýl. hu bitathrsu a ala]ait kl Othék'COME ?" werecoitiderbly olo, h11J0 ,>L Itét Ibis side cf pri-évuId at Viens for the ek éol i at- hirmiother. Au sasertas inleune s a belair thé average, inluconséquence ai Fort >MekamîçMIitobbeti, anti îeven olsùisuateid an the l4t in lea gale oaI x-the.ueighbars féameti taouter tireisanus'of th lthe ýnuf4vî-aLle state aIf thé méathor. Mextican a1iÙstege usurtéréth. traordtnsryvioleintlueLaftemnoon a unilireinforceti. UpciÃŽ enteringrthéy 'oh Ruât of wind broko lu thé glass mesteroru IpulMms. Marquette lylng secrog thé e n .rteo rangfs fireti ovoi more 2M9,5oJ Mas rAGs. i ecrm>I> ia L xlbiinb...b ed l>a anu-lé stateéý deaitd nd eot ilu g éd the ust ebsenane - ubiuu s a au18tes simes isu the-- Àgis ai-tn thai hié cotfldnet isnppee-tlstsy lieà laîi t a s tv i s é t h é C s aw , t h é r e s o i nt i a u s m a s m a n w o u l , m a ë t ei fi it t e m n o n s u n - t o C u u î x an invason- cf lie, prérogative. -He besshébeluet-themtoýbetme.- herç ope caîleti espeoiaily on- Lie i-entis frein , Mr. Huntington sagi e oceepted ths. braves-, Lamer Canata te maintala the nights etatement cf thée .ltbos gnIéaFýDunl cof he minonities. Mn. Mércer mai af anti altiscugishé béliened, thé Goemr . the flm-st ,opinion thmi Parliamntcould net con- ment go. hé consrnsst e& DoanuveutId bis cUIt uatiiutianally interfère, sud, hé believ'odr Lé more glati than iraultiho to bèlieve lLueis s snoL moulti Le thé décision cf thé Jidi- Iséthi arges Laseie.a anti dovole of fo,îs. beéà vs' cal Cemtte.of -thé Pnivy -Counei, dtion. Ho mai preparded ta substat- hé saidiI but hé urget t-LinuvleW aI tIse action late thatlh bathue gravent evidencecf sud me ef hé Hans" eIstlsession Il ms tho Sir HgËU a lséi itatéa- bas long toty of tLe Geverniéent ta bavé taikon 'rangement ho hati madé mllh tisé Gev- tesrfibla tLe opinion aI tIsé Jutical Cotmite érment. roans of-se Privy Conoil ou thé case ut-atti Alleir sonse fus-thon disuoen lIe tom, but byýboîlsadés, sud1la tisé montinxe ta Haerni iled, an Mn. Dorin'. aménti. tnibutabi milishît t-hé sanctiou aI thé Ganomnor mont, mhch mai réjootoi; the vote the min Gênerai' 1ta thé Act'mlsicb casstitutét standling 101 ta Go. . atrOce,î thé gniévance semplainetiai. Mr. Aug. lInemforeuce te ltse proposai -ta mahé gas 1u lin, lu roply ta thé. Premier, toclareti thé proceinga aI the Committe.ps-i.- Whéthu -tsIthé speech juat delivereti masa veto. 1méwre ex tisane aI fallaclea, and t-baltisée mm- Si- J. A. Macdionaldia tisnc a pro- ioclcing s luge cf danger ta thse Fêterai Constitu- pastlion maulti Lé counîmued inta a douiré ill Le t lieu more mère sasn-cnomu' le Iriglîten ta bide maltons hée uboulti thes-elore vole 'The Dru thé nienibera Of lIse Hanse inta valiug- Ion tisé repart asglb stood. > Le m demn tIhérésolution before il. Hé Mn. Cames-en'mtonai ias carnieti. for accu complinetiglial a partiali'case auly Iu thé Hanseiecf Commens, Saturesay, availsbu Lsd been submiitett l ai officema, an agreemeut, mas ars-iveti ai, that the speetiily. eviteuhly Ionrlise porpose et suppostung Speaker îbould untitsut-that certain éze-c'iss the laregone conclusion oethe Mviste n eut meéta Lé atinancet tathe Hunt- seug il of Jusice. Ou e-onaluiing Isis speechisigton Cemmitteéeon thé e ortificat.of vontlsté after'recosa, hé matie a inoeaénosltisée chaimxan fer necessamyý conhingén- the liut: sppéah ta thé Hoaseta ecnnéjustice. oies - James Mfr. Masentieli-uteti the rosehution, iHon. Tiîley, lu meving hteRos JhnD sud arguodtatIthe Fédérà arlis.go - Comtt no tiato onste Joeph Do unent 1uid an nudeubtét nrigîstte inter- reseolutieus in reforéncé t-athe adi*ni agora), Jîd vt-e un lIse cinoninetancen prs-eetota o -ineEdwari Iglauto teseunion, Georgoe1 il. Mn. Hiilyant Cameron pointed ouI et Prand aice nthtetem sCausérO tIsaI il mas naltishe os-ginsî Blleur fcnane nteaIuinr ElP contuthstrobeein lu Bthéwckeslios - Eies m n i L t é I o n u h e l u o i r B n u a i r c k M r . M a e n z i e f al l o m é t , e x p s é s i n g J o h n S i batd arisen, t-bat thé Hansmas.- ské ibissatisfaction aI thé pîrospect, cf tIse H litt, urge tise Govenumnu ta voe, but telLes-llandi jeiuiug thé Dominion, sndt aiket ijr ;Jaun more receut messuros, mlîloL l conît iial aillthe airs ai atatemenîs, Kelie, ual Le deuied mère strictly mis îthe sa e pcsdabpérfinaud. asy lempetence aI tise Province aI New em ion k, Lé.pnitei. Rsie a Frasr,1 Brunswick. Mn. - Dorien comipluine 1have thé ouiers r ileyprioit e Frasé ills-, J I* ual tisépréniaus spoeaker liati attomptot Tise pmpetioninuthon ciau iésy DoGl,J tabigteissue ta tise dimensions of a S otin Mastincamiethe. oug Da)nati !sspnte ovr an oèl xesnn aiet Comiîitoe ou tho rolutions in W. O'Bri This centronersy, hsoméner, arase cut'oI relanénce ta tisé expert dulios an ium-. S- Nicha s clause u isethéConfeteratiux Ac, in-Lér in Neir Brunswick. -He oielue Gilnray h serteti Ionrtse spécial protection oetmin-, ont tIsat itmas -very inoonvenieul Ion Sith, J. oitiea. Héessomot iIal net only li-Iaï yPrviceehoailometi ta ievy auy Marin, 1 lie New Brunswick L-gisatum p aid dihiès il phesed,aud h hus Len tisogLdit oiennetij xc attention ta lise désire expressecil LyLest ta- relînbursé Nem Brunswick for Dowait, lue Canatien Punliameutlhaul year, the ubsunulaumeu of tise éxparriîuty on Stewart, buI tiséY iat actnally luSggeilActa in limbe- I aagoi-brinfrNv AIade letiauce etftisé décision of s court cf Sentla, t ulaeour-agintIon Nova Ahésute law adverse ta tIa.stauté se obuoxîcous grade, anti mas, rented uocessry Ly Tisé fe ta orié.lhinui aItIshe ppulation, 1M.t-Le Wsingo rsy agsu Smith (Weoatenu) ié h tIif Hou Mr il-n trteéa f fthe John ,e Lini local iegislaîiau coula Lé revisét premier, r.vethe, aiLe roqutentatséc Jhnsloe cuti npéssed by tise Fête-ah Punlis.ta the Ha -Lénste. scf hé chéa mnt, lionr*hen Constitution ir55 a Allen soain discussion the Cbmitltoee L 1 sham ns su a meckary. Heagunet ut réporttil, anti- a bll masintroducetilWRBELE eome lénglx un igab grnut uagaisat foundéd on tiesé seitians mhicb mas iable remant lie motion. Dr. Bergi u uppartet tis e nd a tinel anti second humes. . liai. Phs xotion. Sir Frauda Hiiîck-4 disappron. Hou Ifs-. Tilley mavet tse RHansel- excitant of et ofsny inlerternce mii tise local eC-nnit t osidér te n Ifgishutlil. Palmer jîcuseil tewt pc at heé ethéandsluivtinsaalcaoi moîtiou. 1Mrs. Cosuigan anti Mr. Jeîts mîhrepcteldbIatiial tie %?pci nfo cipprtei i. M. Iacituzi 1ud of atlie Provinces of thé Doinion andti t-s c1n nueti lithégre aeieibeal lent-tise paymeut cf certain subusises te tisé known thal enedwitl thegreaest le atenmutie. A uebato occurrmo authé Me- pes-feeting t1 ion le tise speakera onLut'hiies, aut tien, irhicîs maspostpanded, anti thé food, and-di munti it atenerally coucetet thut lise Committéeenase, repos-tedl anti auketi bood, No iueîty-îhruî section etfbisé Confotera- léave ta Bit again. sa remaanl an Act moult give tise Feulerai Punia- rasn domn sent power ta luterfere in this eesluènm Thé reoeutienusprovidiug Ifon an in- héertfo-é 1 Ellié uninenitios wmli thé Local Légi- oreasé aI tué salaries oatisé tmbera of t.ertnînt. -tus-e. The question tison onuîy re-îLe Prbvy Cauneil mes-ésaptedinuCetn-- nainot mIsère thé cage of Nom Brs--mitIce. ick justitieti mncb intorferne. Thé Monday, May lots. MuiAMI notion cars-lot lu théeHRouge lasI year Iu tise Sénat. yeslemtay, thé Galti- thé 71hIsu ane very Isear tiechanug that ltmé Act mith's Incor-poration Lbilmso médat B ou, 1f.A. liste Nom Brunswick Legiahaturé huadti lis- t ime aut passet. Etily Dan elaleti thé pnivbhageu of time minorily Iu House oflCommoniq, Sm John Mac- Thoitas lus fNem Bmunswick. TIsaI point s-e- tauahtid statedl that LeoIsad-been inelt.t WOON- suluot undocitét, anti altsoughlisas ed isy tLe Gaves-uer Gêns-a ta inform Michsigan,, r, the iogab opinions of tiséhaudtht-e Hanse tisaiHMo Excéilenoy hail w01, Sé tiser inticatéti as probable tIse aI- deensé lthis duîly ta apply to Hon Ma- Mauactu rmatian cf tîxe originailuirw, yot t-bis jsay'a Govorment fortheirn suiîsis IiS ie1 s net yét certain, anti meantimé ailluins-elèeace te t-Se action mlsich thsé éy meeéasket ta deomuastea "udeniHase ofolCoinsbat réquostot inlm BOBINE is operation cf lise subelidy lairs arising ta laite on the Neir Brunswick ScIsool on Txutla- it of tIse sistute, cf mhuich tisa miner- Lairs. 1.1-1 lthobriale'a i y tisapps-ovet. His ôwn-eingg mes-e Alter seversl i lls Lad'been stivauced I all M. A. fanes-eofuîleuominaîional. etucatien, s stage, M1r. Cantmnighst presontot tse af WLitLy, lit hxa liates-n fonulnoosamy te el- repart cf thé Cammittee on tise ment fosixmiry of et a comproamise Ils tIsé Roman ti-oct route to Europe. The ativan. itholias on Ibis question. If lis e tlgea of tisé Port aI LouisLu-gmes-o sian more unfavorablo ta the logahitvpeintét eout, aler mnich thé motion mas lIse Newr Brunswick lair îhey moulai miisul-amo, t-liégavemumeut -omhsing Cxouzc compéihd ot ainltefre. Hg deaureti ta consitér tIsé question -fdrhy r 1ingPulWsét keep ahI secs-as-ian feeling in abeysncp recése. Spring Whes ýt uile the Juil oCmuîiittee np- A long débat. teck plucéen¶fs-. Tay. Baréy .. td tIse Iswir i must Le msinlaiued. hos-'s ps-isting conînacl, and finahly a p,,. .. ecenli net Lui regret tisé caurse pur- division mas taken au a msotion ta su-.»iaeit Bye P t ly thé Nom Brunswick Legislature e-ese tiserates of prntiug '27 per cent, Bye ..à . il thé uesias as etill unter- mmi irwas carniet, thé vote beiug 71 sei2y jutiia -Ibna. aiemu, frandi 7agains. ing tiséesste aIOfîLe.question ai tblu Tise Hause tiénresuineti théedisons- . )mont, voe for lIse motion. Mn. sian an tiie résolutions couicerniiog thé ptatOê - - lby arguedti tisIMn. Maeozio's s-es jostuxent of lbe tebte aI îLe Pro- Appiés, per h itin iras illogical, sund thut thé vinées. Eggu. .... sd Léing as il iran amcb ie, il mas Tse résolutions *weéreporte ifroit Butter.. ong te inte-rfané mictlie lair unlil Cemmiîteantirs-osa sfinal antisecond. Chees .. aegahiiy isd been dptérîninèt. - limé. A biilfaundei an tise resgohulians -BeLe, blua qu Ifter soes-rai otson speeches on bath iras iutrdclueti snd reand a fis-tt imé. >Béef, fore qi es sud s divisionn Leiug tlikon the 1-- Pork, per ewt -son mas cunnled-yeas- 99 ; usys, Feantul Violence of the Conflagration Chees.. n tsedéut o 11r.Cscrn' ea the Mlne-Frthen Lama afI Dueil'aPorr )ntitent thatte oselect Commiee 'Life--Lateït rniey u atounes, mWood and bus-uung énbers mère tse. freply te Mm. MoKeniie. driven- iilto tIse ais-, aunait, flan»se Sis te Ceam ' John A. Macilanalt idtithé pair- aid i bemite noises acoompuyixg 1themSarp, t-Comusiîieé iric ols menîti oetnuexplosions, givim'g thé bahéidut a vid TERMS 0FS if July,menu ld e ut thé same.'as idles ofaI scnie es-ption. Those OasIs; ove- tIsI cleue éé actuiv asession. mise mituoosset ldesonibéel l s rest m hibêiéi 8 uu, manager; P liýDUnU an, Thornas Glen -I t, and Richardson <underground ma- fhn Bowan <fgafft'r), E. BMMrus, lurais, John Emery, Kenneth M, Arcbibald - Csmerou, Johrn tbert Duncan, Colin McLeod, ýinolair, James Cummingal, T. J. MoKitchen, Alex Parvis, es XcPherson, jr ;John Me- John M 3oKelvie, jr ; James D. MoRsae, D. Shaw, John ). Hailiday, D. MeNo, Hugli T.cawpbl, Samuel Hall, MeDotaid; Johli MeDonaîd, ýMoDonsl'd, John MoDonsld, in, H. Freeman, J. meeill, olsrn, H. McGilvray, M. Me- M. MoDousid, A Guy, Angu Euhll, Mat Doyle, Mattiiew irederick Joues, J. Wpbb, 4J. Deluney, Alemanrler Mo- et. George Stewart, Finlay W.-Bogera, Andrew Fraser, SMurry, H. Campbell, Colin~ 1. ý nail, 59, llo0wing are the saved men Ifly injnred . Robert Mcleod, imit,. Boderick MeCharles. !OBOUS, LIME, MRON, CAL. YA or .Perim suBsrk. DB. MIS Compound Elixir Phos. il Calissys combines thesa Vain- iesluthe form of a deli cacr- sphoron, e inloao<; -Lftuc, au fnutrition; -Ironq a blond nisher; ra or Peruvian Bar, the Ouiy ochil land ever, an a li>ond,- iervous prostration snd general- Phosphates are the oniy agents 4set ixnmedlately aun te stnsach the digestion suddassimilation of ltenm=niulgthe formastion c0pur )cozubination-ever discovord Mle iu building ne coastitutions with Old Copliants th"t bave reaisted aUl rduamu7 nwmels of 8cM bysill drnggita. LISTER -DÂNFQRD -On et., bY the Bey., Mr. Sauder- -.roliibald MoAllister, to Miss nford, oiy daughtor cf 1Mr. Fauford, al cof Whitby. -INGERSOL.In Owusgo, on the 7th inst., Mfr. Robert éretary -f tho Joseph Hall iing Comipany, Oshaws, sud iIngirs oil f Owasslo. SON-WOOD.-At O"twa, 'Yi iat., at the residence of brothor, by the Bey. Wm.- "I fr. -Ben>amin Bobinson, ,Ont., ta Miss Iaggie Wood, fHuntingdon, P . 7rTY MARKETS, LEB Orez, May 21th, 1873, .I....... il 0$1 45 .$1..... 8 1 25 ............. WC 65C ......... 5e67e 'e"..... - -75c83e .....87c .-8c40Ç ..... ;...6 18 1........1.c170 4rter ... 4 ..... ... 125c perplr. 7 b...... -7c 10c ,DVERTISEMENpS. SALE le HouscsOld Pnsite. kItATiO%.~TLé usai eroohamati