Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1873, p. 1

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-V. anO tue M«t attention. q w" more ully iuter,ýrOyeIï ------- sent' . ment Of the lie" le l'ive! Cà va for, th ýar4 P' 1 1 1 ý . 1, ENTRAL IROTEL, -e-,cherish,,withý th«- and.-nand for Ud 'tic* -Inan clac. Nple. witijout tt are Eakoîml thel inem o- * - - higheàt, holieilt, CAIN ' %wý 'W Il I T B Y ' A -G'p d 7'1,9welt, ta tions of 1 NC BÊOrGÉÀMý, air !ýAtéh o ey arc are e Of purest affection -msî-ý by IE[eaven thaï; yon -4 àréum. y As JOHN'BAILEY T., very bë*t fý'thè inoet tu father-ý:1JIes8eil hulk - lovellimpl- B, ATLOR SIM 170e 1,]Ropnlt le Of the kind, evei inirça MP ny, TOR"' trheer '07t e ômmunitv.> for doine tji, ary, urgea b hé a The ahève hôtel hý, b,, 1 . quýt C y- 'T feelings, and the, àIid.theýý and %rnislied. %o Il ne-ly fitted clay d well. Se work Tet while situation, thé-Cath a accommodation snd'att,,ti' k SPI 8 Iljug ut Wm 48 ta 69 The 1 ed ýOf he JK.44 no'w .#40ý the partig mOý ten C-À -ill lna ëýMfortab P flag Of gratitude Ili hoiît 000' ing and attentive hostlers, on. Gond ot&bl- attention is aigo lu dutY te the éhip.- dia' calleil te hie hie -cycle au the fheacé cifice, South P- BTAB L 1'13 frE D ------- A1VDý lac wixix Cou YANRNG 1 1831- SIANIfRE,!D]Rllti- Farewell te mothe>-:Ûrst class %he- ho ed'aloud- Then kart, ',Yugeinent* for gpocial ,tain -COMMERCIAL ýR, Wh 1 ing inio a, yehemenc,ý 1 - . 0 latincheil ine on lifas stormy scap ý OW, ý.ýC ý er Of Il Tbu eld And Weil 0«,bliahed C OTEL Thev ar4"RnTipnor 'Answer1iýue en 'cameron, 'In- lir. arc PrePared to in &Uý Ompany to ànýyti1Ilt' ni the ff ho cried agh lumi ana Dr. MeMichael, Q. C. kind -n - _eue question, 01, the plèd ill-got. fç pro > -yet m"fffarinrad. ana ar» ged rue fore and aft Of telru%, a t M > lagace el bROCK W sav'q thp o Weil caleniateldto, Pr o, Dý] go t« us Jow sa those ci gny Il I T Er Y er timbers sparý, seul 1 Ir yi;u W esta lis 04 Compati, wau lgrmO'i bn+h'191-,or and 'ZÎýkee-p lieernheeulhk in good Mair freed, ýîtZouOrtaI Canada, CALDWELL, PRô Ms MIR AM, CUTTERS, workAd yonr own 'Hold f rtàlated and non- Pitt 1 y h Ta tu- the finialler crait. the 'Lý - ETOR. &T'A nreqnqlw,. th es ýCO11NTY 'CROWNrý.à."TTORNEy POB sured for uIre. "%rdOui proRerty in- are, oegily wnrkeil. àtid 1 1 f yme Inere y prudett 0119agemetitg, and il rates, upeciaUy low ij t 01 ordez, and sold 'AI -Pa il t ister-iovely Yaý wealth, 'fo Nôta' P bile kê FÀI"Àlîxs, J, cat "0011nniôdation auci imreriorWinés nnt; 811011 be Matineil Faw and were sure of goliit,, Couv q"m and èigiii. Gnod Flikbh-n gu 2, 4,Wifh 4nrtwýçtbér fuir Dame, to be s1lared wjih S. ýq all a f 11991 Vr OýÏiëdy ' 1 sq., latte Office, Brqck St., WbiÏbyý 1 1 Z (et 0 Your earliest l- cell t Own tboruey, Brbek uare, and ci? ove-with his Street wilitiý,. ýOd ship a ýýndèrpr"e storeu 01 tlrùth and l' ci, $foc il elm 'iNever Vshe'intempted, wildly, yet haiids.vpif, GR«D T BMR RAILWAT HOTE And take lier imder lise., ove, 014TAM lwith trOU)bliffl energy,; leuil them Dot ATTOBNEy CONMY MUTUAL .,SCUrFFLERS, n WHEELBAIRROWS, Farewell ta Georgê---ýthû jqlly bo&tý prudent -peut, in Goa and, INSVRANCE Co'y, Ailla au ýfhj"È And idi thé li th . ly. - IY neeàtmr,' V-1m. in g Of rinOw ttle émirs aoat 'vine presence--ý hated yolu. th ýcamin" in Chrénc"y for lm "tg the "Cent in hoine's delightful bay; DOW? force OutMiýl-, ellice - m ez BROC Iffavinsr rrorq Whon they arrive at saifing a iStOP, MrY, and heur me out 1 The Mary. BT-s WHITBY. PATtios takin O"à lof ýllgrpWg 'New ga'! ------------ --R the train and loeviag, horw,., r4fparI fflëI1ýo«, (ô,ý, May wifidom, eather Sauge 1 eartil is, wide9,>Ànd upon hAr SPrending 'TLýsn, I This COMPS" 1- : will h b Of thé ýM0ýf ýn7hrlë-t'A of A lia, g u i ?o - b th Ave t . em wfIl talion cure of tM theïr the kinéi je heir way. 1DoBOJý ïIeU &reýhiIIs ýand plessant val- hims aaif Umres Fa= Buildings -t-rn. J faý,rCr Kzirilir C ouutry Churché, Schopl HM;ii iïd thei; nne mablêd ta exp.enf,- al] lorepr fOr Farewell je all on'life'a rude main and richer than, evon the yet COOUY entente at rate, ------ _hl 18 and &TTOný4ÉY T 1 hyalleys. of this green, -.&TLAw Well-euiZtU«bld C sa Loiv au the" ýOf Any LOBE IMPLËUIENTS And though we MaY >naler Meet Z, - 1 bi, Sn4citOr IR 'C'hance1,ý', Ompany in Canada. 190 EL, Th-ugh stress of un 1 laiiil. evei JUST LaSo -itzt vibieb hé may bc favoreit-, chearly, ex- Yet flulamoned p stormy weather, àeirBànýsarùeS More kind'y Upén thon; tý3ct'n9 the' treal Plegmph 'Ût '181r the mon. go PROMPTLY PAM. reditiolifily, end'to guarantee , complete Satie. We' the Board slave, lqOIter, and tbeir grovpS ta yoll, M 1treetýWhit 0 0ADýT'l l FAM AIMS, in., ONT. faction iwftu cases. Port of love, l4ý wers biïghter. Brock -'-il Un bc moored tOgethýç,. tlieirýl bitn dow'ù Secretary. B- BICKELL, JAS- POWELL PROPRIETO'B: JAS. CLATTON, beyond the blasting vôtee of Most,ùn A ni, Pro n And mall"S batred, breatheý ont a 'lyon dure Ltrü, - 0 loner sideet. ()XUnDATION. BrSk St., Whithv. par lise 1 And with you, . - $1 Mr. D. irollway il n c a1IýAd as the lady his life 1,-I TT11«y_ thja C Agent of MAY Ilth, 1872. - th SOLICITOU IN Ompally. iff OUSE, 201Y Thc Pe. p O'Day; or, John Doe. o queen Of their 'lent beautyý, is the voies 1-on, BM-k, how happy 1 coula live ail8d die 0-uveyaucerp kc,, Canning. HRNIX FIBE Ass RED * 1 How' boundtohe MANCTIESTER, ONT., M ANUF49TU AT THE CHAPTEIL XV, happy' aftff al' I bave ýsÙffered 1, and and lie etep Loi Our last scene necesi;arily changesto how changea, 1, XBARD ST. C,«,&RMG CRO B. PLANIL . . . pnop.RIF FrOM, what I WAS, tim. LI UN(;Lllçli. os, LONDON. Port pe ' M TTO R. rJ'y Agrieultural Wo the groun, from what I am 1 If Yeu bute me now, Bataille purp, 'ARRISTERAT daily. Ev. which lay about tfirea huadred. yardsLAW, SOLICI 1 TOBIN EST Stages ta and from Whitby Cali rks, '18 befire Purcell's lieuse, from what I must ever lie 1 Do Dot 0 «P ABLISHED IN 1782. ery tte fi ment silf-.ýni coêstorli'l'Icary.conveyan ,lu paid to, guesta. LZ"ZL'O CXLEMIATED À=191CAN DOUBLE front cast me cffý cet, Oshawa., ce ilr' Grace's regidèree, nearer ta MÛrY l'fie continued, rail_, thon Speke 1 GIILESpIE, MOFFA the-road that led ta and columauded' ing in his Irn ut, lier falot. 'Save me am wi T & Co., Agent, for TURBINE WA TER W11EEL. Hlwlri.i's quarterg. arh, ànI the Doit., Canada. ROYAL CANA 1 DIAN ROTEL fr 1 ta lie guided IIING Nniru. gg , ý1ýM1iisc1'i110h1w JAMES DAVIDSON, Man'afer. TRE MOST tCi)NOlfrCAL WHEEL NOW Héra Purcell lind, frotn time ta time, rise, 11arrý -YOIL, S* net atIttwer me 4 ARRISTER P013T PERBY, ONT., IN USE undertalien considérable iInPro%'eineiitj;, t a never, ' made yen ta lie dowu--ane- B ATTOItNEy-AT-L,&W, as 47 ',0, t oGo ýp Chance(7 and iluoiven.., ed affAinst lutte by Éire are effee. 11* Foy PROPRIETOR. flftlwringllituself iliat lia ilouge sur, bc an outcaqt fro MOU 1 a-lue 91 Notary publie tu . tha most favorable terme, and LoSsem ni ce-memmango vaid with-out roiern,, tu th, Board in Lon Supmor aci Pamsed, in every respect those of the Thiuk of your (;ad, and ptay ta him. 'It is', the don. fer, fight, and PýLjence 1 J-1 ÏtImâ Whitby, Ontario, ýO-InO(1utjon. -Gond stabling Old pr(,Ijiiet,6-ri; il, the Deiglibourilond. for YOII 011 my benîed .a boa ranm, and attentive ostiers. Surii, indeed, waki the case, It wag a wilf pray er to exact il,' 'JA ta YEOMAN GIBBON, ut. n kneca, in the aud autaociL by "IsOmO edifice, of modern construe. 'nornn" WII 914 UP, uni] in the gent, Whit ESTERN ROUSE, tien, and niglit bire f4ay down te aleep-J will DoLlirt SOLICIT,01t IN lie liad just pialited shrubber, 1 ,Jý1 eh e Chancery; COnveTArrct1ý Land Agentp Il B W iês 'LUI, grOves ut vacil aide, ana a-ý,aidNt in tours, in tremblink, anlýl -ijjlâ mau p4rzùhs st., T DUNDA9 STIMET, WurTuy, t 1 ý,1, th Uxbridge, 1 'le bugom tbat rose ut its back, anc'e Of the past. Binq wiés wy cri Liverpool and London and GIO& Th. underoi W 1ýa%«Rnag!!- OxPOct IÃŽO more ira . abort, üeurv gued WmId intimate ta the EL Rheet of wati'r, whiell Il tu MIry 11,111elle, that the AbOve PrOinises have b 11ile in front wus a al"acious lawn'and Grues. In the Divine Presence, I re. '.L*'Or " Cr, turning thé Course of a sinall mouatain- 8, L co.ilpANV. "ewy fltted UP and -novated throughneuptn 8trvam thut tvas o fIlled by Peut, he ils prondly and foncily beloveil is fori'it, viiii ATTORNEyS S()LIC. flest Liguer@ and Cigar, 'ýTlie sutUciently neur Ilim lY ýfàrY, and no mort, And ho circum. Pre - ' lors, no es Publie vAMABLZ ASOUTO, 027#0W90W. Callaýa,'alac pure Rhine wine for the pu Byron Btreet, S.Uiï,,f ,.,-yan(,,.ro. Walz's Lag. rPt)re. A Iiim, BtýttleP. cati lever make lià li and well. T lui legs no Il ugaiu,'we fiai Wh est Office, L dit in course Of thir -er, whOleflale and retail. Boa;àers talieu by lidilt atout. Wall cuelosed ail those im. rig, ]lis YOU swear', said lie, Suddenly &,4,0 loricit to ---------- MILLIONS OF oLLj&E.S, JOSEPH A. BANDrL. IL, aild cwn'oo% Chicago Pire estimateil ut near. -r'.'wear it W 0111tKide the wall, ftnd immédiately (tuai and ULJI Arc boing liquidâted as fast am djusted ILSON Ho fi flic IJOU'&e, a risitigg WithOut deduct USE 'I'l' brow feil ')IacklY. Ite fook Il TOM CLEEK A'ýD TRItABURvR arompt P jeu. * Security W ufrortic-ci a view of the wl-roull'le 'Jan", sud, widIfing rapidl , Id hei ment and Liberality in adjngt: 0 ý lùi-ý; Glu.- 'Town H&IL lieu edoservi 71 le' tu- Ipa(k tO lier father. Mien, Yafter a Mo. gother witli ti)(I gwellin', Ililes of il-iolin. Are Liiere fromill ta i 0,&.Wk ment of It 1 Lessej; are thoprominent féatures e rt""It'R silence, turning ta Purcell, lie give lu a verd 01 this wealtby Co A. WILSON, il,., pROPRIETOR, tlit' se I)CI-Y, lurled in ' -lier arouLia, elirielicil out - 09100, cana al ana si ilisoi InfanýiDlh, Mantrel. 00till', lip in the distance. 111 1. . 1 ',le detiervt G, F- C, SMITH The nubfieril)er bcg, te 'Out 1 ail ail liour lifter Doe liad dûs- 1 j3 t 1 "SPI"'!:OU OP PUBLIC BC Chiot Agent for DamL;Ion. 411A the pnbljrý announcetniriendg ROOLS L. FAMBA elierally thut My destroyer every way 1 Party, in a de NK ho bas Opened Patellied theil, As Illetitiorie(J iL) t1le la"it tl a lather of eartfily happinegs- *LaÉe ilis lile., eJît.YAgentat Whitby, ont. ýhc ubave new flozel In tile wr 1"-le COuntY Of ()Iltarlo, Address- )ter, t rest of all-voilr JýOt1 Lave, a"d Flilin Occupied 1"22"nL-- hnrn. Village of.Ajih. lied from My Ji a 1 'YOU Jiaglaft Pont C Mec, Ontario. Tlie bouse is and lt4rnif;hed in 1 liand liai; cigttt'a the pu le "'tc' OIIN L., mollît thorOligh and cortifortjLljlcý mutiner. P Word, anti liai actif, lue-l)at]islled uie-tore n'a frtn suilleil 1.10e, st every convenien t the and leliiiii IlOuritilleil Ilowards lier you isbove eoqtýab]!,,IMfnt, Wines, liqeea rWord as botil pitee(j ni, ana down, likol, 1SURGE.ON TO--I,ýlir, tiers, and Thege Wbeelg 'vre are now tnanufacturing 1. tuuk awuY the Dama men. 'l iiav COUNTY GAOL, OFFICIAL ASS CigiLTS of the bc chCaPer than arly aille ilflutiliels'on post, and in decp ana the Illeans 1 for DativO exer. argne the otilo, Byron Street, Wliltby. 0 NE Et batid. Gond et st brun('* alm'ays kept on r shop in the coulitry, 1 illlitig and attentive 1,,tler" and We '%'il] gi.ve 9,guarantee With each 'AMA silence, au£' ultu- tion, sud ail the opyOrtuniLyý in leu, tllât tlle BAMIFF 81D DIVISION COURT, II Waya lit atteildalice, Wheel warranting thent ta bc as Weil Inaile. il - brity ist, iso. and te give as gnod saijoliaction as an', 'iýliillifis,' lit last said Flinu ar)(1 bý- W'l'ell I Might bSVe continu- aà luaWiiud, -C isti y P;tili an, 1 '()'ýv ed prelient ivith ber, ana worthy of lier tq yuu or tue, j HOSPITAL AUCTIC;NEER, mallui quiet the lio 'a i-LÃ"NDON, ENG actured in the Dominion, the oye B. o. ii, ,, Oshawa, Ontari Partips desirilig furthey information cau 0. Il te look tu-nigflit., use Il tlie love ! You 1),rttlldcd ana Oiltlaweil nie, :--j,'u, the itij OFFICE-Irf Bicelow a BlOck,ýort L E N D i JktElin it by addressing 21 Vf ONEY TO * Ye', IJisýCOWpaniOn replieâ, -1-first learneil tuteur. and then heartuillade de, W. A 1) Am.-4, Perry.. tinuilig 10 Wu Cou- -ablior tue ! Goa, oh Goa 1 titis is the vor leu aloitu. PAXTON, TATE lit Ce., othfIr Ik About. There %,as an. liaril(ý.,;t strke l' D E NTIST, (SUCCES. Fcrt PorTy, JUS 24, 1872. 26 RePaYabIc bY it'Oialrnent,, fýr f,"o* Perry St,# Port perry, CIlt, a a tri, liaijAe, ftaill broken by Flinn, in away witil lià in Tvrp tu Merci, Pl 1969. ný11ù whisper , 'l never saw it lie Bor to W. H. Card, Twenty yparg, ut lov rate f iriterest, mith- lorlemi)tlji. fill'i ilnict as it is tiiis iliglit. 0 niait Lliat M juat--I am 'net the suaaeu ellauge Dental liuoIns-Dun(J', ont LOrnmisà4ioli, and Lit 8 e t! iujured you', said Purcell. Fliun, liy au itb aver Street, EW BAKEBX & FRUIT STORE, -Oderatê ebarges. Ozide Mr- Jimegnn'a Store. Nitrons Privitte Fonds t, -ý1o,, xujýd ha, OC, au, els 'Not I- must I again repe.,tt how and la ObedcIl fer the palulese ex- Hl', ISOLATED IIISK JI eften uni] Ilow deadjy 2 My poor liad latiteued ti trtmtion ni teeth. R I.C Il 4 tg 1) N N () W Apply to- T il wonhrr %Vhat's L-t-vpj Mailler 1 Wretch, f Begs tu annimince, that ho je now prepared E. PAlWWr-,iýL ng Ilim', a 'lY gentle, kind, and werei dru., tu uPply everythins in the 'AIJ'I woudlier, too on 90-1 Mother 1 11y blooming, hap- LiLa ta ilis 0" ce N. VA"f'q L. I)i N. el FIre Insurance Coly of Canqara, ivlly lie bills Ui 11ject Ilitu liere, justeact' PY, 1111il, till Yeti damned lier, My-sweet IILM OU WI LI'LITII inocrted on all tlie Py and ConfeO'tlonorY Une m.y. 28th, is72, - Of going 111) to tile. and innocent Cauthlen 1 My only Sia. the 22-tf ']3c-citusv lie tc()k hie holy oatb,' ter and My cilly hume lyrinciplet4 of the art At Ilinold stand, 14tely accupied by )èr. 3, said rongea. -11e Was inter, ffl chaap'as the Cheupeliti and ail gond un Ul Arnan, f3t.,cor, Chur(,IiToioiito.. Mullins, 'never te crose t1je bounds o' 1111. 1 Initired me 1 olif dec and cool cesision irom tl, Ibent, Touth Illied with Gold and Bliver, CHOICE R OBERT JOHN YARNOLD, CAITAL, the place whjýrctheystoudiiiilisway vifiain 1 Sec theffe scul'H119 p tcars, and teaud after the 'Taleth extracted withoistiain, by producing FRUIT OFALL KINDs ta ci-osa heur thiti :ihîvering voicel Dent Iloome.-in Cow- o t - made ellildisli titiller, and 1Juý 00n$t&ntlY on hand, in Ileaeul OFFICIAL beciline sili'nt till F by a re.colleetion, Of all your wrongs. appeais train 2 'selle newblock, lever 4twnoonlo Drug store oint ASSIGNEE l' P0-ý11td wilh G ffernden , $67,000 "'ur linn -King otréot, oiduwa 1 LBUONS, SARDINES, .,Ilowiug M', lima as lie alid thOn, fiend as you are, say net that eÀieapeu train tij -------- 85 LO 1 19 PRUNES, RAISINS FOR TUE It will adjust ail lossel, Without delay, and L nie ailil down 1. 'jack, tilif; Beel us %ver(] again LUme ww tu ÏBE, TOBACCO. lay over the cash Al- (R El l leut4e you», Ife crosseil and presseil ]lis exiellèleil always daligerc BREAI) dolivercil il to eustomers, and C 0 U-V 7'y 0 r' ONTA RIO, lswerle( liands over _W8 facei and the pientifai milialis, tuggolm OU other provisions au Soleils delivo,,d fi lion. A:Lnx. Mc couitrataloe(.'ýs Plaise me" "LI c lt,,,Id,,bce--Byron In lie Ordered. ADDRES tearg, bu",i;t, indeed, throl the inter. Strict, thrce ancre north oiT yh S-BOX 99, WlilrBy. Of Ilis fincers. ýOwn gan. oîce Btàiidu of cigare. --------------- Prosident. 'Au' 1 thin1ý We Made sure wOrJý Of aptala Howar RICHARD SNOW. JOHN MAUGRAN., illi., it', cSititilleil Flinn. 'Divil a ditrop -ud conle, lioltINSti.Niod Manager. Onl Starlight Grikee-speux tu t 1 tIjink sO,ý'tOO" rjoilled the OtLer. y for titis girl wili the White face,; WW 4Y, SPpt., 1871. 87 Word Il tue wret ][JAIR ýeRESSlNG AND SIIAVING set lire ta tlIc Ilcuse in tliree Raid Mullitis ta Flinu, as theY Observed Cowe, don*& Balcon, Brook St., Whitby. ý ý Places.' I- - M 0 V A L. M. WILLCOX, t'le scene- 'Alyself wondliers what ails your nonsense JOIIN %'Vorý,VCi.NI)LPN, -R E W & 'AndIii twenty. Itll bel a good him, about lier, When 'twonly ta give you', Maliius eu] The u1udiràJ9nejT1ý9 removed hi* blaze»' .1 us the word, au' lie bas lier Lad ru, -À GENT FOR- TRE, CELBBRATED LIGENSED AUCTIONEER .ýrI Wonder wbut the Captain intends 'lwali(lher, ton" answered Flinu. Là clencued han -rx Scotti8là Granite. At Marble Works Purcell ?, 1 1 OIJO sthau WoliendenD '111 je- Ilim On the business, au' get eurceli, Là iittie r unaus St., Whitby, BOOT SHOE STORLE 712j CIIAIG ST-q VICTOUTA SQUARE, FOR THE COUNTy op 0,ýWA]ZIOl 'Tuas him in, tý bc cure, or lie's no Ili continued Blul- Sbelis WILù â1tilli, Ço the Prentioles ad oining the, Western Hôtel ' captaiu o' mine.ý IiII8, 1-1 etroile ta Kftvl&na 11, and tue aurnP& huigd] JUII>ýV' 4*Autgoi, 'ruwn.ýb Dundee Street, lp of Mariposa & ("arlwr wlifigpered Captain, musli ICENSED AUCTIONEL itby,* where ho hi no;ý ail Jýüu'rO a blootly-mîntleil dog', 'ilootl a. captain, situateu. liere ul 'Il FOR TRI, Prepared ta exocute ail orders fur Work. A 1--'Buiinesg exclueively commisâlion. lill you lever fail now, anly tell us wilicil cuuid lurtiter inti i ine. Tell me titis ; i no more of it J Cutineieil of Ontario, York and Peu]. largo sud, select stock on hand, Repairing 12 years experience In the thank hie rnau frielids and the On a good, deed in Youi fifé 21 WILY ta rtin wid the girl--doçvn ta the tue aide of tle BC UtwidOucé-Lot> 8, SOI Concession Ugrkiljîîb. doue se usina. -Montreal ene-Ily for t o liberal patron- 6 1 duce trade, Ileturns prompt, and 4,,er0.i . did or] two eli 2' Pust Olnce-UniOuvillO, $11110 Ittleuded on t POU utuer, and strau the au JOSEPH A. BANDELL. rnarkt Prce" oljtained, Conf4igu rs kept yeurs. What %var th'e Torinu eau re"oùublo forme. Whitby, May 8, lKi. - sterl ail tD Sale, of th'j' u Ilim duriné" the Past four silencv, and keep your place 1, ex. evtTy turn over. bilis printed nt the Ittiormittinnp.g t prn Pects, avilif now given up th, buirinces Of kille'l a -u,ý-,,r elaimeil Ravanagli, stampinZ ut hiiti. by tue jugu wall 1 a priel., funlished Bâiliff, jutent.. Il future, to devote my 'WC Cil»xlcLjc dînes for Mr, Cae4ýr, 1 V P, P. y 1 t-el.4 t-ial coetsignment WhOle time to withdre-, uttering an -avoch ;' iy ai, tue liottom. L Collectilig, &c. business of Auctioueer, 'Ait' I allai an attorne ilt 9 4 ly. Dou% bc Ma 'lis CaPta'n weut on, still addreàs. ruslita Alter tluln GEORGE Prrilty, Ja. 't will bc my clideavour, by prompt and talkin. Ilere they are,, lu'"' Purcell-'look ut these unhap,)Y The nndersigned aegireg te Inform hie carefui attention to.businel,§, te gvc ,Ill bas cre aay cou'a ]LIý'.ENSJD AUCTIÀUNEER POR THE, friends and patro 1ýa%*aufigli, %vith Purcell by hif; sid 'tien. and learti, over and oyere how rupert ai a pistol, couil y 01 baga te return ne that lie lias again re. J:;o, DOUGILL & Co, el th, ikd for the libéral putroitage heretoforer aumed buoinen ut tfio o1j Janua , satisfaction te ail Who May favorine with and the î ou liave curacà met rY 18, 1873. lys their Sales or Collecting, - "'St of' the party lit the sanie y . 1 found tilleul, wati heurit. b1stowed upac Ilim, %ad tu atinouace t Bills draughted and L order the bat 'lank Notes furnich. y 'lad, jtct,,Qut, appeured, in- 1 lideed, riPe for mY liurge-and sonie of la a morat-ut ýo je prepartid te conduct allebi èlfflle. 4. WHITSY L / VER YÏS TA R [,FÇ. -1 -1 -1- - 1 re c Xd jea cobr ,oba n weeleia idn tboselit appi e as a id ai e u.T M uàes-gë tamie the p it aobra th iad .ont e of m by aP a c a a nli hthéla sltaofa-hre a e goohdaé an emd vryateni to theglndu nder hlisai;nde e sI a boý-eu t vean o r thltess Mdo -& gooeekattacked ias au nes eizbé ed The cobr preapd or btteso cei yorld qmt e omo-dthe sroke, and temnoa te u o at, andZI unobr a e favourbleth oporjj uatn i devctmjsi heeen vjua on th" -ory .The he Ã¥'AÏth k le F nce broha r acil od.ow 1rlùî -t t u ,- ose sell a pa e qe aru. erenal anythmg wedthe csnae boite toh , r ad attced himo n ot-10s, An it e his t me or choneisonee ;i1 _2d s hesakei-idntr, s a areal , ry u the ors ro the bitues, of ny~~ ~~~ a esrS eayun e, teort I aleedth breplu ut maaoo;' n a ug nd e iCIr hae ately ad in Lverpoo tl, r i dout1i oe fths iarre- corn ,' oil lte ý,ne I l at a ggu ea i tÃ¥ l pMine wa, on AugeustL the871,in e0 h r r, ln s 1ý1r twé ti eeon ]1s 2o, the¯ vesel bin thepnate Mn r0- tan c e as renew e o ,0pie j y ,te i somfth eaA i e on iipsi Ofiis etl . the oIil Saemtawret o e mirre BPfav coba re e a ountic noras nc e hat the prye à te bnbyfita an thed mpe ou brmg %h thever, that xi t orapj r [yOqituld ol o the lace o t n M , aeind d],eied favcd o of te Phe -sar lir eeivra:ý lav hos iakeep ore irubntd l g a o sdeal by an ný;eer Mnir bills,. elleelied : "Ohi ne r loheSnemchby flkof thr am egltionth a n us dn osn8,L ! thab th e can pa jut aweg , It e ays l Toh ast c *kind l -l WL t*ý .1 u ,- osj e,,ur d &iebn yfèëu1 altlllh-Snk cul ) àub d iii a nh aehmo ,a atupified, and ste 1 rowers. Several Improve SETH lez& l' retOrteil Kavanagh, on fire 1 My roporty a il ING BROTHERS, Mie now sa, in what eau you my MY wea th 1 Day for sais, chemp. -j 1 ràrrào a na Wild. Land» C. WILSON, ORTG-&GE SALE.- net Le M K fi Your hand, againý w have 1 yêt harnied the lis, it for this, Plunilerer 111voltments made in Municipal, Debon t NO- 8, 2'id Con. Pickering, OU lçinggton - meail ? ,0 ý,1OD, ai Rosa )at office, whitby. lady 2 HOW 1 IKÉLvanagl, when t a Certain Mo R me nere 21 lie a pray. lieight, &and bc quick pi. y in thrtkTagOcW'the,, f o1j1ý0Vwni juTRBviy&luab' %Porteras Dealers an do U draw back a turom,13'Lnk; antl other markotatable'Stocks. Under and bv ViTtue of a rower Of sale in ONTA I am I disposed te harni was it for this yon lej let him advance-!,E Fer further particulgro apply tO a mI'oer??' Lesialedudccedf Howard, till tbere is cOnti]2ued, turning in 10 YOurs-you will be 'JA31E$ 1l0LDEN,ý V LUABLE leAinf FOR S'ez a Uanulacturers of au rWon f0ý your interferenee. Maryý fUryreopnealtÇiatvanaah. YO of TWoliwintbi3otlit*Nluuinfllboeurtj on K1e3liat'nu d 14, on the 18 liot yet blotched. 0, 911117 1-if you have ever learned - Oincial Assignec, Broker, dm. Being;part ci lot, 29-,7th concession Scott Rinds of Will Yeu net advance and speak with &For this P-Fool, fool, Prepare your- aneholy tone. lier own sakir, for my East tide of riu(,.Iid Str£-Ït, in the salil Te ah paid for Rides and at last walked some aces towards OFFlCJ;ý1-Over the Doznùdou Bank, Xc- County of Ontario-100 ures, 75 cles,=â of Let Nuirbt-,r 27 în the Second Concession Ca Bark, and -Leather. geauee !, cried Purcell, suddenly cbang. Motliný 0ený ,plgn of part NDINGS, She hesi tatoël, wept, wrung herhands, Mercy 1 1 am DOW below your ven- saved your life-yon uý, (;,,d of the Toumship of Whitby and Ceunty of atul in a good state of cnltivatio wn LEATHER ÀND FI ing Me tone an Vour oc Millitli's Broek St., Whitby, Ontario, will be pot d am a beg. land they $hall, theri Dpril oth, 1872. là dwelling house, and extensive outbuildings up and Fold by Publie Beather stretchod. him, and then suilder . opped'on lier a Mr fect 1 Look on me, I in good repair. Apply te the owner, Auction 4b the Royal Ratel, in the said K3- BELTING 31ADE TO ORDER ON knees- éyour ljea*was once generous ag m lialt y fle!et 1, -8 10 1 -SIMEON TIFrIN,, T 0 W N 0 P W B I T B Y, 1 and noble - it is yet brave, and ought te ýT Now they au frée aie Whitby Dra," and Stri0gýB4n48, a4là, !a on the prernises. ON May, 1872, 22 'Bise, MM- rouua Worid, l have vrayed and cried Mary" eytavaugg Parties, ko., &c., will oupp y Ilie bo#t àtnâ M SHORT NOTICE, be ueneroýý P she said. " rý would I bave yoube 1 BY the still gourous, thoi for suire QuadM I; Lon4kaale,-Nov. 14, f872. 47 @> 1 this must not be must bock t SATURDOY, THE THIM FIRST DAY OF Mky, INSTANT, -yon should net kneel to 1 wetet foraiv 1 t Foi, snob d oceve and IiÃŽt-droadfol coi late;t hilisic on rouminiable tormsç, A, D. 1878.) ut-the heur of One ci the' clock me t'lie cried, hastily, -,,tbough gently, bath burned with thirst 1 Th - AI)piicittiou& must be made elther person- STERN ASSURANCE COMP"Y in the aiternoon of that day. ARTNER WANTED 1 COMPelling lier to riu, no, 111 My leave himp as all of U hirste(j, and My tongue 'Noble, ý thongh. ucý ally or by letter, (post oui te W Z p are t 1<1 - 'PUY aweak and tréubled andams 1 avie - Mon it , and..Blnieked the lawo he lm this J. WLFENDEN, jWith from Three te ]Pîvé Thousand Douars joined mm, now submittingto'bo(red Therpareonthe-saidpreminesseplendid girl Il re- Yjjeý 0 it -Lojýk'at your 1 give up yonr despératÀ Whitby. -P OTYZIOE, TOICOWTO. new frame cottage and Out-buildings, a good iu S Profitable letinýnr. again Il eelland pump, with otherconvenieneesle 1 'te inve6t m soli 't'P'tal byý ýý 2rofii; forward,, HE B L CAPITAL STOCK, 8400,000., and the plàce la alse weU-Ïonced 'ng b»lness 'i tu town of Whit Apply 'Ile calcul for Goals -sale and bear While lie spoke, thý, cîackIing of Wila Doe. broke in wil gua"ed at one hwidred Peir cent. lzaIso sygung orchird therean, le alates and glao.4 was h è, a T The above WM W sold subject to a Prior me,' adil Ravanagli, when 'they Lad thmugh had intende HORSE MED101NES.- Mongege 01 aïbout #M, Wliitby,ý p. 0, , ybu loved me once,' 1 - pl"e . ýeî:V a nie cobd after, the flame eh 1,98inéds rather dWant éMary, tlié wiudows and door, clear and guided Titie (Total ezpwnod et time 01 sale. Itamh Ub, 1878, 411 descrip't4ons 01 the best gome Medl- Ai.-"Àp.t jar thé CAXÀD,& PARME V« tortue and fartlerpaticulan apP1y1ý like a broadoidi from7 soma oppression YOft-,wàîý-M oine ke tconstautl h 4 and for sale et iYoi dit you did Il vehem grest hip. - Immediately followed and té the hard lot ta tige WhFtby Liery 8yt*i%Ï)100"' MUTUAL, ixolysANCB COMPAN 1 YAM ANKS, rAT-iqABLE FUOPERTY'FORB<ÀZE. te=ptina lier. 0-the volumes ý of smok ent'y in- the Smwonkw et it ià hyýutter povertyal Y, Or te magoy,'thiako, and c"âDg, ind sho à Auctioneer, V -,.ithagh,, fliat in "t gouerous 1 wmgq hope -a UrNa charge fur a4vice. Rend Office, ILiXILT'QX; and xa Traitons I will net cair léesors. GRIEFNWOOD & McMILLM, amid the red light ân4.ý1ý CITIZENS' INEURANCE Coury, The subscrUw offers for spi-ak of a time when we of th bills _ýky relief 'You cau never- Vendor's'Ulicitora, wûre children tagotlier A Very chîm- 1 arOun'l, white àà insuy Mtnem ye are, a Whftb Ing valuable pr 11= us t, E, O'DELL, 'Y operty in the vape r tha the sun calla from the bot. H e Montreai, Pite, Lifé and Guarimtee Disted thio 7th day of lUy, Aý D, ma. b -Au exceUent B;Lk Cottage with j acre ish time--I enfIld Dot love then., 'n 11, the. vallpy, The maon had ut, voi-ce bas ssidAt, Forg 1 A T H B IZ L Y Departmeut, gland, eftnated on the cerner of Gréei and 61 could, and dia. with 1ý111d e and ihere in - the sk> black inAustrious, This galh OR St Peter Ste., in the Sontb, Ward., Also j "0"*" -Vou acre of land, well lemeed eadin highota'te My whole heart, soul Vrratheo of clonds moved, siroýn Clork DIKIslon Court,7p, Clork,, villigin cagt> ffiy hopeit-antdi,ýhzz ÀA, alow)y alou . g ; 'w ë throingli th ' Apt f able, Officer, "a ail the Brooklin, Derý 2, 1872. À valtiable Fann, in a Éigh'state of etati- ai cultivetion corzier Wellington and G«ý à i Cominiainnor in B. B,, Land Agtint, &a,, vation, mil not exeelleil in Canada, be, fora sta., NortL want J'acre cm Centre a 1 t ' , 1 liéar me. will. If va" à dm,, Athorty, County 011mrin. Lot 26, 2ud cou. West Winja. Corty ,j "fýb ttk-é refjdené, .1 C. I)ranop V-- in des. hatwpeý in left you and my native, coun tttlhprlv P- "t, 2rif]. 1872. 0 il 8 «A L B. lalbil U13-1110 production or the orikuow ifl don-tet thon never should get thom in the Meil WhO talk About' their MI asmume ta le i,-,,Itd when A to P3YO VIIU be (16POuded. on 'Class deaà.be'ato." eased city surgepu adapte,,,,, 18 Pis" for collecting bis fees.- two bells ;. wben q» ran one aut kuew the fee 1 wae p and .le visitor out; when fie r, the raug servant gald, thinky bave forzotten toý-ipve Doctor and did n0l"Pen the door, Mu- was paid. whôr adperintedds 8, sunmy, aving oomion . ta ilxwliogate r papils as'w the esuie wler, le folloivin g mamùt repli; by à littie ýher.,iàys mrts-Y - -lié; jsutý ýomjîwîý; iy ni&e, ip"n:"boller-3- out bit there, anything to suirod, a sporte -mot near,"&, 00 Màbmtbp --but Fou uýght, Walk à.

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