Whitby Chronicle, 8 May 1873, p. 2

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k liretier. ebru&Co.- O1<LY Si 50 PER -N UM WIîlby, T'hutrday, M4iy 9, 1873. ACCOUNT~S.- Failler , whouI Ré- cousts h ave been lat.Iy senlt rous tht. offiece, ud ail Othoin u uer fors a- vertiuing, printiug, asd aubsoription, wiil couler s, tavar by remittiig tise arnoit of ihelv inclebteineu,. Prouupý ressi.tncn il sveus-snuch trouble isi jexpenue.. Ail snbscriptîorns, ,it sisesîl be bdrne in minci, are payable strictlu n dvauco. Bonsuss By-laws, Followiang up their former resolu._ tien, and carrying out the well under- stebsi winiiel cf iigroat bulk of th*, people of Whitby,, thse Town Council -Lave this week nubmlitted for the cou- slleratios o( the ratepaycsn threo by. iewo, granting bobutes, te aid in thse emtssbiirsent of Mansufactures in thse lewis, 'Tihe fi t for grantlng five tlsonsand deollars te tiseMucige k Yer- woosi OrgalisMantnfscturlng Cempany. *Andt tiiue are tiseconudtions upen wiieils ielo eonus p; te b. g yen, The Comspany shallhave a capital cf to~n * thesianfi dollars., lesr et aIl llabiliiies, te begin witls. Tisey shial within two yosssf'rcm thec/Inalpaaeissg of th by- lace Inerease thal capital te 425,000, cîsar cf siIll labilitiee, or coniisueously isîssîdey for thse sncceeding ton 'years thj(i-reafter, on an average net lass then lfçte' men.-Fer lise perfermance cf these conditions, Mr. Musige gives -91101 aei4offlcient bond s8 nàt b. acceptable to tiae coutscil, andi on hatiding over tihe bond, and esstisfacterily shewing that thse lear capital steted la invested inl thlIe l;itiesoe, thse Compansy wilI receive debentures te tise amount cf 42,600. 'sylesover it cao ha slsewn,- witlsin twe years, fhhat lhe Company has increaseil its capital stock to 025,000, or tisaitisey cau continuouenly glve employaient ta fil'ty men, tlsey raceive thse ote iotaI. mient of $2,51%0 debentures. Feiling te carry eut tise conitions eoftthe bend, sssils pentblty or- dansagasaccrise te tihe tcowi i Lm nsy be fonsids by arbitrators fiinpartially cîsosen. Objections lhave been taken by tise opposients of tise by-lawp te accepting a bondl as security. Tiîey conteni fer a iortigage, itisar on firet-dlass property, ai ss elsattal înnrtgag-e. W. tbink, look- ilcsg uttheiiiwlsle soatier, suab a cde- inanid iii, Pis in-4tance osuqt be reg4rded as îssss-cesonatile. Mr. Mosige t. net Iiikciy ta imperil tise cash capital cf hie Ccssspany, sandiVoie hie vainuabe time foitise sake cf gelting twe thoneansi fivss lindcrei dollars, or five thonsansi dollars towss of Wiitby debentures. le givem Iliii bond, with tIse penalty sttsîcisd ta its nonfiifllmuet, and tisai bond isosi 8Lbc acceptable tate stown ecunil, wiso cf course will take-al psOpc'r jrccacticls before aaaepting it, tisit tise intercete cof the tewn *are pro- îîsrly proccýd. Mfr. Musige cernes hacro witis tise Iigiîst recomendatieus, trainsimanagers ot banks and ethers wlsrn lie lis given as; reterences, as te hie cisaracter and meaus. He han tise chîssiater cf being a close caeful man tooa ite tîsat will take caro that hie pro erty je properiy insuresi ; bce knows tIsat giving a inortgaga wonld destrey ii cralit, assd ho effeýrsisl ties ecurty tisaI _ugfiýta'lebc requires et bimte t give, ansi suds as reamotlable. busness mless ssonîi afik for. It le net fer men in faver cf etabliibing manufactures in or nidst te cavil and fimd fatult with tise security effitres by a -busBiness man, bringing bis capital ansi werkman loto thse place, ansi settling dowu *to, estab- lisis a large trada in tIse towss, - andi'te nay tiaitihe soeurity lie osiers shahl net It %usceSiahesiai the TGw u euil usai Mr. -Misiga liendeai te buvesi mucuts lu the purase ofetoten propas-. is, ansdtisera e 1111e doubi but tisai la viii do se ifta gs-caiance suffiss, but te seeha te usd liiste de se, lu erdar tu gis-e lstheo aàmorts-ese, ansd-se exhaunt tise caspitaila v ouisi require In busisses, ouls! ha, bs-anticipation, -killins- tisagoge for tise golden es-s-. Thisislenet visaitisapeopla cf tise teo et Wlitby 'siairo. Thîl e i net visai volidss-vs hier inleeseî. Tiihe m nd bs-iv propos te gis-a a bonus o ie Meese. Hepburn & C.,-ef $5,000, tes- tisa -porpese et assttlg in eetlheiiu a volesela boo and mise. xiniufatery. Tisa conditions requirod are iliat th ise-secusitsjpHat/torg (0 Ceth. e sut-il-tlmat thes-mintalu thlie business for tan sears, sud-empîti> ----net legs thian fifty men durlus- liai ilenlosiTise nature et tie.~nem ts -t ueî siatosi, bottt imimnst b.#sts-. faclory tqtihae cunci . Iluiis, -an l the oiher case, tisas-s t no rassoisté - tar bnttisaitishe Ceunci vill use liai thea ecmqily vblch they accep*t. sOufa-. oenst~ ilsfr. workmess on ilseir dweflhnsg, ansd on al other property ansd sources -of inceme. In submit$ing tises. ib-lawa lthe couacil have sie . heu dsty.- It in now for the retepayers te sic their duty iby voiing for t'hemi. AU who have the. intereutaefthtie tewn sud itsfuture prqs- perity ai hieant wil do fie, Thosa whe wouisi have the. towur.maiustaRnsate as itisa;,go back inaiead of advancsg for-~ wsrd, will do ther»verg'e. The teut isuow put wheiliqr tise peple ef Whitlsy waut uautatues 'or neot. Their vote ou lhsb..l~aws will deei,tii. question.' la praseutlug ithe preseuit by.lawm tie seroncly oesomission wlilah wa regret. hi. ithaitIi.e by-law grant- ing tise Whitby Manufacturing Co. et Messrs. Brown & Pattersn a benus, was ut inaludesi with'île ethers. Tise by-law hasi been reaiIy preparad, but et tise laie IQur ai whiei tisa etlitrs wore "ene t1ismogi (12.80, micis'igit,) thse couneil weme in ne humour te aitertain ilt. -It has, however, enly beau defes for tise moment, and w. trust wisen iniroducesi it will, like tIse oiiers, be pesmesiansi-snhsmitted, ansi carried isat tisa polls Extensive Fire su Whltby. Friday lest, sisortly befere two e'cloak lu th eatiemnocu, fime breke eut lunlise cehier etfdiae'irug nieraeof Messrs. Jas. H. Gerie & C., corner et Break ansi Dundon nireain. In a few minutes efier tise diseevemy, tise entire building wu wrepped in feâmes, whiai very npeedlly communieated te tihe adjolu- ing buildings, Nortis ansi West, on bcuh streets. The members ef tise ire bri-- gade, wilii-tise uew Merryweaiiîer teamemngine, wera sisortiy on tise grcuud, andi wisan iiving-gel tis ean- gIn. fally under way, dud mcii excel-i lent work. Tii. conflagration extensi- e nBreok t-est ta tlie -ne w Weliee block, (wlîare itn Iiser progrese was arrestesi).taking en tise wey Mr. Yule's ji.* building ,oeccupiesi by tise Menireal Telegrepis Ccmpauy's office, -and tise Express offices, wiiiciser burues te tise greunîh Tise sufféerrs on thie treet are tIs asctern Star LesigaetofOddsiFellowe, 812,00, M. Kelogg, sewing macisine depot, Mr. Yale, tlegrapli andi express agent, M. Gorsdon, barrister, Mr. Ansderson pro- vision store, ansi Mr. J. H. Adidison; dry goods, tise 1,0 latter principssly by tise remeval et gocds. On Dnsoras; sieet ils. flarnes axtenciesi teJarnes;on's groaery store, a higdi tlsree-etory brick ands tone bùilinsi, wlsere again they ware arresees by tise gooci services cf tise siýre brigad1e witls tise angine. Frasscis' greccry store wiss complelely guttai, ansi M. Jameson, Dr. Adiamse, 3etil, r. Fergusean, taller, the. Do- minion Telegrapji Company's office, andi Mr. Snow,, baker, al sufferaci consises-- able lese in lise remevai of gonds andi furuiture, tise ire -isavingy repeeteiy ailacke l liseir lîremisas. 'The *posses- sion of tIse ire etiine lias certainiy beau thse mans lin luis instance cf sav-' ing a large portion efthtie tcwn traom destrusctioen. Withosst 1, andi witl tise isigis wind prevaiiing et thsa lime, tise great damage tisai isigît lhav-e resuitei cen scarcely b. rcaized. As il is tise Ionsel ineavy-being estimentesi aite- getiser et àsrea$80,000. Tis eastate cf tise late Ms. Gairie witl, we are very muais grievei te leere, suffer mon.i Tise lces in estimalaci et $7.000, wiie the building was insurasi for oniy $2,500. Only twe yeare ago lise iansi- sceme cerner store was put np, and was quite an ebject cf attraction in tisat censpicune pari toftisa tewn. Tisa steak, vainesi et 84,000, wes ineuresi for 82,500, and, tegetiser wiitiste bocks ansi papeme were wholiy dstroyes- tise nudcennoe sandi fiercencise witis wiicl the flamee enveloeoi tise entire building cutting cff ail chance of theur rangesi. This action-reai action-on lhe part efthtie proprietor,* in as prompt as it le cemiendabia. SALE O0F "SIaR WALT-ERl Saeî'."-Mi-. Jamues I. Davideon, et Beisan, sohl Isis ine. lîmea-s-eeraid stellion, Sir1 Waler Basti, lest veais. Ms-. Bail, et Hunliegaien, P. Q., vastisa purcisaser et b880. Sir-Weller s- lou t fMr. Dasideo'e lamons brood -mare, Des-h. lus- IL., vIse is cas-iesi off the lange numer o et tvsnsL.suprizs aeh Locel anal Provincial exibiitiouns. Sir- Waleter lis aise, me es, taken -en pris-es, lu tact has cars-led off prizsas veras-ar shovu. Ms. Balt.isee sme gentleman- e purdliesesi Prince Ros-ai, anolisas-cel hmed bs -Mr. Davidsen oui of Darling- I, about- three yas a aso, sod noies i i "sha tht Comauy e lable for sny "geede or ocher moveabies affecte tisai '5may b. lest or stolen eilieat, dssrisg, "or after thse ire." Tht. t. a very siringeut condition; but-all ise more noeanary toisbe r.- memberesiwisen tise panicofe fira Pre- vefle. _Wenregret to sund dat on c ceuni t lsauo-observance, seme-L'of eu 1 tewns won, wvistaimesi aciesi nly hastily in, ramovirsg their geccis et the. late ire, are iikeiy te have trouble in securlng ssinpeusation for damages frem dia companles in wviiaistiey are lusuresi. Tisa condition, aboya pub. iisised -cennet b. tee widaiy kuseve, assd wil, we trust, isava'-tis e ,eat Of iluduaing lusurare te- examina thier polician witis more -earafcti, attention. Iu lise ps-aient itotase, visera insurens actes inlugeed faîtis, beiieving, tisai uhay vas-e doing se in tise-interesl et theIn-u urasse. Cenpsssiaso as weli as themzel-, vas n le a%igtise propety, we trust ithe literai woncing etftisa causes may net b. insisteci on. -Desu mÃ"S-oe Te FS-useBarG.4os.-Dr. Oisn isas given île sssm et 50, andi Messrs. B. & J. Campiel. hava, sent tiseir abaque fer tise iaudgome sum et $20 te tisa Captain for lis. Fira Brigade, sas tekens oet hein aj-preciaeiou ef tisa efficient services ofthtIe Brigade ai tise late re RsEseVÀA. - Mn. Gerdon, bas-nster, bas remeves i îl office le tise premlsee over Mmr.idisen's store, on Break etreai. Mr, Jameà Forrest cf Aelisbnn, las a splendlid oeayeamoi Durbam bull edlf for. éale. How le go Went. Theile isninquiry wiiaisvery oe slsnld Isave truCtlfully ansearesibefore ise starts on iis journey, andi a littia cama. taken iii exemisstien cf Routes viii lu meny casas sas-e muais trouble, lime andi money. Tisa "0., B. & Q . lrnnung from Chicago tlrongli Gaieeburg te Burlintglen. lias achîlvedea splendid réputation lu lie hast two yçars as tisa leading Passeuger Route le the West. At Bsiriington il connecte vits tisa great-Buriington Rioute vii als edil- meccl tisougi Sontismn Iowve te Nebras- ka andi Kansas, witli chose connectiens te Califibria andi the Tecitories ; andi passengers starting frein Ontario Coun- ly Canada, on tleir wssy westwari. can- ust slc better tien ta take tise C., B. & Q.andi Burlington Routa, Thse Lina hias puiliqhasi -a painpiet cailed "Hssw te go West," wiieb con- tains usuchs valualule insformation ; a large coi-s-cal map cf thse Great Wpst, wii ccn he htainei free cf charge hsy addsessing tise Generai Pasqenuer Agent B. & M. R. R. Burlington, Iowa. We will seuil a ccpy cf car paper k'nt a copy cf "Paters Musical Monthîhy' for oua year toa ay eue stnding un $8 50. 'OrT paper speake for ltsehf, andi you may isnow tise vaine cf "Petes' Muical Muutily,' from tise rtati evémy yeariy subscruber gets abolit sixty Songe. Duels, andI Clicrases and fi-cm fi fty b sixty Piano pieces, wortis et least $40. Music GivLtus AwÂs-We viii order ciPeters' Musical Monthiiy" te liesents for oe year te any eue who wil ssui us taensesibers teoas-r pappr. Tlink of it h Yoe cen gel et ieast sixty Beau- lti Sonîgç, Disais. ansiClisuss, ansi fi-cm fifty le sixty piano pieces, worth et leasa $40, by stnding us tan suis- acribers ta aOsr peppr. Spring Slow-Whitby & Eastt Whitby. TIse spring shsow cf lise Union Agnu. culturel Society cf Witby & East Wlit. îsy, vas heinlutise own et Wiiby, ou Tnegasdylest. Tisa eather vasdeigisi- HeRsEs- 1310051Stelllos-i-3 eutriez, Fi-anale Listais, lit; N. lINCy, 2nci. Stehiion, Susclie on Crr-hg-7, Johîn Hocukar ist; Esivanc Majcr's, Gi-eau Mountain Mors-an, 2nd; Jas. Pove-if s Iassi-y (las-, Srcl. Gene-mai Purpqo-2, R. S. Wilsons, Young Maosatriopar, lIs ; L. HaUl'a Landau Tas, lad. hirass-lt-7,. I. Porter, Scollansi'e Glors-, lt; de., Netisesby, 2ud; John Tisospson'e Forter Ciif rsi. Canualian, Draugit-Wn. hIitciell'e Greallce. 3 s-car od ni re draagatcc- John Da-idssn. S s-ati-adse-nerai puspose-2 Josephs Tisompson, lat; A. L. Farevell, 2ul. 4Ganarsl pupese bs-ced mae-2, Jue. Smithis lt; RitchaerdRodai, Insi. 1Dreus-lut brandnS am-2. Aie-s. Jef- Ires aussiBrs- sus ta; G. Dois-e, 2ncl. 2 seer> olai colt, ganaral purpse- Jehîn M. Ross, lis; Wm. Hei-n, 2nd; Joisu Ecîclif,*rsi. 2 s-car olsi Fis-y genral purpes- R. McClaea, let; Jas. Rss, 2ai. -2 s-ar old euh-e Draugisi cl-S, Wm. Richsardison, lat; Jas. I Des-i- sou, 2nd. . - Spssn (ariae Horses-W. B. Me- Leans. Sis-le Hee luin menes- T. H. Smithis lt; Ws. Paves- 2aa; W. Tisomp- son 8ma. Tees, s-an. pnpoe-2, Des-id Tip- lads- lmt; R. Resha 2nd. Taam, sliaugi-Jclss Keidi. ths e. l-umus abtie tise. Theiase AgsDuias-, m.K-r lt ponchsaser aise beugit a lour-s-eas-old AGaodO-stýan -2,nci.r,,s oeil~~~~~~~~~ fryM.Gos tBeca 70 -ar old-8, Jolisu Dryden lai; G. Ms. Dasissonhis ailli a oeeoas- ols! Tiompeon lsd ; S. Hovdeu $rd.' colt o gnaitpromise, esasenrins- is-il 1 sean oid-4, R. BS. Wilson lai; E. toat six inclises lngisti-eut o eti.Kugll;GTomsn8a. same maee-lba-lns-Il-, aimai i.aileo 'useNmP«trss-so' MueDE-The casel stil reteins tise impos-tesi colt, Easti of lise tuso Tryous chargs-ejý;wtis lie Gran14e, -vois-bing nov 1720 pounsis, mssmdan et Fiser et Seuil iv er, Lake ÃŽlîioughly nî tvo yeamn cieL. -Nipiseesg- le asjounneai ote aext- As- nsmesb, as neitlier iseerpsecuien onrcde- fessa. ver. reds -thUe trilu. Tise 'Axm Mesu Nss," Ceptain Mc- .-- - Alln, master sud. evuar, baens-is-iste Houasmus M-an-Sl, Louis, Me., t'bis port, umade ber usina'ith s esea. bMay 5-On Saturdas ngisi. JohnZen. sou, forRochsers on Mendas--.lest. - ~s u r. seoe a na iul ce vh5h elle.~ hat au anare vau ne pétiion pimnea oppousi ed ilî, ands iùtise malter lied beu aiioee4tos*uad over for such a lesigli et lime il van for lte ouncil te tae ,al lishecircumilausees imb se- ceunt. Mr. O'Donevan remiud.d tse coussel Usai lis emalter baid been dt.essd seves-al timee airoady;-,thal il van un- nea.snery te go ever thé. argumte ujn. lu the ire lace tise Licous. iuspecter roporied unfavorably because ts. Housse ]sAs sscithé uena ry s.- commedation ; umixlho.repotad ta tisebonze isasithe sacemmcdatious but retusesi te recemmeusi tise iseuiusg et tise iceese, Ho (Mu. 'J>enevsn thiugisithl icense ougisite b. e uad, on accunt of the revenue il voulsi birng te tise estalce et Mr. Row., it wostid give Newton lhe meane ot eh- taiuiegàa ilveliced ; several parties ln tisa SentisWarcI hasispekes ihm in laver of gmrning tise licou»,anud loek- iug at dia petition-in bs. aves- hoecen- sidereci Newton- bai an goci a right te a licenne as n uoeéle.. Mr. Wiilie conelciared htisisthse cun- cil isaci nchiigte do lu tisemalter, but set uspesutiseInapeter's report. Tise Council lied already siesail tisaI wes ueeceeany. Mr. Wa taon sekesi vhat Was tihe Là- Censta Committee appointed for? Wlsat was lie us.etfa License Inspectr?2 Andi visaivans e nu eoetappoieing commiitees ansi officers ofthtie couecil at ah1 t ftisemaliens autmusieci te hem van. je b. laion ou: t fisair bauds ? Il vas, ha coesidered, a malter tisat sisesuls net hava been brouglhaera tls. ceussil hsy Mn. Lawden. Mr. Lawdar saisitisaitisae malter isac been aiiowesl te remain before -tise cennail for tis a lst tour menthe, ansi nothiigdone. Thseyvwre tisera as ra. îresentatlvee of lise viole tcwn ; andi tisa malter rens-avd tlaito tist.,laI i a license were grautesi Rowe's asiate weuld gai tise eut of tisa Heuse; lise corporation vouici gel an itein et reven- ue ; Newton tise menus cf obtilsing a living, ýansi tisaitisa opinion of tisa Sentis Wand couisi only ha known te tise counail tram lise pétition placesi belèeon. isem efas-on cfa icenan. Mr. Campbeall, alhisuglie hiasi beau lu lever of tise icense betone aisonis opposa il uow. Tise people cf tise SoiuthsWamdsis tisa laver vau net nequimesidlier.- Mn. Lawder-who aze the peopl - Mn. Campihel-tis a By people are a unuit upon it, ansi uiey lad th. opinions cf lie rnapresentalis-escof lise South Ward, vis e e tise propar judssi. Mr. Kinr saisi ie siouîd lb. guidasi by tise opinion efthtie membans cf tle Sentis Wamd. Mmf. Piip wousid oniy Igrant a liceuse on tise favorabsle report efthtis Inspeator ansi wousid opposea ay resoiuticu te tise cantrery. aighe u a The inoion aigbe puws volesi cown-tisa oniy yens and eays rising hcing Messrs. Lawder aud O'Dou- os-an. STORINO COAL Os-a, &a. Mn. Campbsell bs-ens-ut up hie by.iev on tus sssjecl, viuls, ater being cou- riilared is committea of the whole, andi membere tlnding usai it hasnet b-eau -poperiy prapanesi, ansi tsat it vas eniy veste cf urne spent lunsiscussiug it, tise committee rose ru-partesi prrosa eansi ebtainesi eeve te suitegaixiet tise uext meeting. REPEAL 0F DEBEX<iTRE 3x-LAW. Mm Lawder introduael a by.hew te me- p-eel se muais et by-iav No. 213 as neha- ted ho tisa purahase et a fira angine, &oe. On motion for tise secnraasiug lIse coulicilivent imb committea cf tisa visela, vian Mm. Lavcier explaineci tiet dehenisumes te tisa amoutol 88,000 lad net been issued, tisai tisa mney would not he equimeci, andsti ti ias oniy retaininîg an apparent deht of lise tovn vhsiclu sd net axial, but viici ,woul hiese to be steted s ifit i u exiet in tise issuing of auy uev deben- tares. Mr. Camipblel opposp-i. Mn. Wihhis asked hiai vas tie sae. et keeping a fictitiona debt lu exist- ence. Messrs. Harper, Kieg, ansi Ray. ln raply te Mi-. Watson. statasi tîat tisa mouay vas not vautes-thaltisae Fr. Departmnssi isill#1,400 te ils crei- it-hbeing about $700 mere lien vas,ý reqoimesi. Mr. Campbelail stooe.ansi elll vemisteilunopposieg tle by-iav ansi caliig for divisiestev ery stage. By- hssw reportesi andsi pesd-Mr. Camp- bellvsoting, nay. Dr. Carson moe-d tle ceunail bte coss.mttea on lie report of tle standi- leng committea ou prntnîs. Report esiopteai ecemnsendsug pes-meul et acceunt of Jas. A. Campbll. BesUSeuseTo xAlfUFACTUtES-H . Mr. Leaden eportesi fren tis pecial commiItee on hnunses te manufacturee. Report adoptes!.' Mr. Levalar inîreducei tisabs-lava (lu elle-r cohumna) grautios- boninsete Mr. Musiga, Massrs. Hepliun, asid Collu nsd Bmothsem, on lise terme tisemein statesi,visicis verae everaiis- ead s firet urne. Ha hhnô reasi tteas fi-as Banks Menas-areansi ciiers lis-lly ecmneusatery cf Mn. Muaise ansi cf hie financial ahiits -le do as e laa proposasi. AcceOUNTS AND PAs-tENTSs. Mas. Tisaw vas rderasi pas-ment cf 025, in fusl cf amount ef acceann cf $74 for keapins- au indigent voman. Accunua cf G. Rssbsou, 815-87 ; A. Mejson, 87.50 ; C. Dawes, $8.75 ; Dr. Hancocha, 89, vas-e pee.nted ansi se- farresi bacha for tuniler information. Ms-r. Harper brongit up report viia vas nepontosi trom aemrniltee oethte vIcie ansi adeptesi, raceuindins- pur. alase ef 600 feai of-boat lastisar lise, ps-ment cf accouni of Gee. Cormack, $16.40, fer hlader, ansi quastr's salars- eacis l e eginees- and fiseman, 818.75 ansi 812.50. Mm. Ras- bs-eusht up reRorl tfcern- mûte, elains- liai tendes-s for drain ,on Broals-sI. lad beea aiertisesi for; tact tenders lias beeni receis-esi fron Westlake ansi Duskies-, $505, Thoms Devenul, ,45W8, sud! fromn Doddss ansi Sôe,,870, sud racemmeuding accept. suc.etflise'latter, a&Wea'fulrtieappro- priation etf8800 ou Brock-st. ou motion et Mn. Lavdas-, -seccusies bs -M. Philp, easesoltion passei cen- situtlng tise Mas-os-, Beove,5 Depuis- Beeve, sud Mares-e. Blow sud Bey-tie cens-t etfsevisio nIor. lie ,premul year. KONTULT ZÀINANZA TTENENT.1 Tlis Clos-k laid bdath tseCeuM9il lis, sot ema n he irs msao f Publiatison lu vbichs liey coulai-b. piScd inutisa' hanet.fethlie psinter, Ibey -iedconclueS- dsto tepubliohs tisa altoetiser lunth. Caseoseasud ns!tt tlsspublshsor ef lIait per hastaed te de sostIe buik sues, net exceedbisg one hundred - dollars, if tise ltah h-avrvrss publiehesi aI ene ;-tisat i.ate sus toe .pais! an 90, or aboutioe half tis. roguslar s Dr. Cansout fnl n os-ad te nîike eut tisa CjaoxtoLz and have thoem innertesi in lb. Gazeeaet#85. Feiliig iu hih, nexi meveai te have tisa b-lava dis-ideai pate oho puhisi lu acupser' ansi Inty, te have them insae lu is e Gaz-ette as vel astise Caotictx-Mr. Campbsel l t e b. shovei'* M fer tisa vos-k.Ail Ibise. propositions ver. un- succeenful, aud ver. votei devu by lise ceundil. Cosissil adjourneai at bal au isour sIter misinigist. l'o Clu Edif& te h /stes-jU..ressile. I bag te -dnaw lie alten- tien cf the preper autierities tb-ongis s-cur colmue te tise manyse-ate cf vanciar daily comiittAs ai bis ses- son ofet is ear. I mean tiese kimming .hoso md off tise sies cf ts. mreete, viser. tley are tisa mont vendant aud ssooh, ansi madle s50 ai lises-pae. f soma unfortunete natapayer cf this Copation. For ms part, I vouls i; ecen those * beautifi ens of tisais-ovu prriss ouisi lake lise sodi f s aiicru'plas-grons, as tisai bensie tise street opposite my premises. Yenss&c. RATEPAYE-R. W. trust tise duelconstabla viii gis-a île attention ote ie neler cern- piaînesi of hs- car correspondent. Tis dslfigunamant et the streels, ai thie sea- eau, isas b eau geins- on fer yam, andsitl la tise 1h vera put a stop te. Reacis ansi Scugeg Sprng Show. Tisa Sping show of ýhiieSociety -vas isals at Prio2ce Albert on tle 29t1s nito. Tii. attenaenca vas vemy laiîr, ansi coulai ciubtleselias-e be-surncishans-em bot fer lia busspiings-easen, ansi fammers takingals-enta-aofethtisapre- s-allies- fine veeilser le gelIhreugi tisa sprins- werk. The- followins le tise-- PRIZE LIST. Bbooci Stallins-2 entries ; so, L. Linton'e Heir-al-av ; 2nd, - Wm. hIr- ing*ts Buck Sisot Eclipse. ImpoedciDreos-islSteiliceTs-4 an- trias; lot. Johun Beistleys Yousng-Ox-- lessid 2nai, Jas. PovelileRol Ilabiurns; Si-s. Johnu Tlcmpeon'e Don Sida Chem- pieu. Cane-lien Dresîslît Stallions-4 an- trie-e lois, Wm. Mlitceî's Gras- Wal- lace; 2oa, J. Grpas's Young Conquar- or ; 8mi, J. & J. Gorslou's Emusicta. Cane-lieu Dreug-isiStaliione, 38s-s. suhs-2 antislas ots, J. Dss-iclen'eSir Walter- Scot; 2nd, D. McFariaua'e Lord Elislten. Gasserai Pns-posa Stallis-S enties; lot, J. Elhioi'e Netiîarby'e Glors ; 2nid, J. Iansen'g Mossîs-oupr ; 3s-d, Josephs Gerov'e Frerci Almii-ah. Sadaila or Cas-nias-e Sicliens-S an- urisian;la, J. Hookes-'s Ciscsles-Kis- bia ; 2usS, G. Ricisesdson'n Meeter King;Orsi, J. C. Galbmaitî'a Es-cel- Sion. Span Drens-isuHerses-S antries; lai, T. (bichas. Span Generel Purpose Herss-S entrles ; lot, T. Tsuvsey ; 2nd, H. Harper. Sesdile Homees - 4 enties ; lot, C. Pas-ne; 2mai, H. Harpes-. Sins-le Drhs-ins-Horses-10 anti-es; lot, J. Hochaisga; luS D. McKey; rsi, C. McKeuzia. Dreugisu Brod Mase-2 antils; laI, T. Ceaies ; 2nd, H. Harpai-. . Sissdie or Cas-s-as-a Broosi Mas--4 antils; lot, Wm. Spanca ; 2nd, L. Bornat; Si-s, S. Bansb ras-. Mm. Scott, cf tise Victoria Hotal, of- larasi a Sweepstakes fis-eu assa second for tle be-el hersa siiovs.. Psuve-h'sRabbis Bnrne teok lie lot ual Thompsens'a Donsida (lampion the 2nd. Beutiay's Youns-Osford vas nol siovis Ion ihs sweepstakes. CATTLE. Durhmis Bull, Ased-8 anties; lst, C. Maneh'e Bail Doke cf York ; 2usl, J. Gmaham'e Ros-ai Bi-use; 8rai, L. Burneti's Prince Arthor. 2 s-ean subi Durhamn Buli-2 enlie-e lit, James Giabam'a Minisîrel Bey; 2uel, Wm. Spence's Major. Yearlnisg Dus-hem Bul-2 anties; H. Harpar 's9 Esn et Balsam ; bnd, T. Ceates'Otario La. Dus-arn Mi cv-S autries ; lot, Jas. Gaisan's Miren Bell; 2mai, L. BurnalI'e Beauts-; Os-s, lits. Gs-arn'n Mary. . s-ear oli Durhaam (ev-S autries; lot, T. Costes' Rosanue; 2md, J. Gm.- lem'm Queeu et Brock,; Si-c, J. Gra- ham'a Nats. Gracia Bull, As-d-i eniy; lot, C. Thornpsons. S2 s-ear elsi Grade Bull-S anîrlas; lel, E. Blew; 2ad, -F. Womrd;8mai, R. Brown. Grade Mis (evo-S aniies ; let, J. Debsons; 2nd, J. Stenecuse.. IMPLRSSENT5. Buggy viii Top.:lekJawneeEmanes-. Bugy viiot Top - lot James Emanas.- Lumber Wasgn-lst, Joins Heard. Damocrat Was-son-lst, John Heersi. Iren Harows-lst ud bnc, G. U. White. Tunuip Dm-l-lst. J. Pas-km. Sss-ffe-lsl, G. U. White.*- Landi Rolle-2 anti-es ; *isi sd ud a, Johin Heaeds. Hersa Rak-e-lit, J. Pas-lau. Tisera vax. tyc et Brown k Pattes-- son's Piovs on the groonsi. Tiser. ver. not titeses!es-forcempetition but tise Jusigen recomMended liarn iigisis. . Mr. 0. U. White's combluasi Herse- Hoe van isigisly recemmendesi. Spring Whesea-S estrien; laI. T., Manûdes-ou; 2ud, Wm. Poitiecus, ' Basles-b ontris; lut T. Mandes-- son;,,2nd, T. Ceaies.' Peas-lot, T. Manensac. White Cale-S enrias ;, lot, 8. 'Ne- lserten ;. bnc, B. Ecynton. Biask Oat-2 onties ; lot, T. Mmss desson.; bnci, 8. Noes-Iron. 1 - ,Potat6e-8 cuti-es; lot, S. Ban- bus-sy ; bnc, T. Ceaie,- DranithRHrses, -Cattle, &C-WM. Miller jr., Wm. Hazzeeoosi, ansi T. Graam.- report -wlselise-xivas regulas - t- Aller sorne disussions, Sis-John Mac- doal uggestad tlise vhs rsivl-of tise motion, --an -b.clsisogist liseNew Brunswick précedant vas fatal te ý,tue objecitishe mos-arlsad lu viav. ,Tise notion vas lien vllicirawn. --In- repis- te Mn. 'Mackenzie, Sir John Meclen- aid sai ho bas! Use',permiou eofthtis Geves-non.Geuarahlte state tisat i Exaeihenay's Ministars bai asiseaicli W te asseutnte i.atis te Wituass Bill andsi tisatisa aice vas nov unner Hie Excelies-icy 'coueldematien. Heu- Dr. Tspparwvas net preareci te enter jute an oxpianation cf'tisa couduat et .lie Londlon Post Office Inspectes-vilhi nearai te tis alÂhauburg postrnaete- Tise Act arnanding lise Savs-g' Rank Actlwsend aiisis-dtimeAandlpansai. as vasaise otise Act te authisez a heani cf 81,500,000 torimsprovins tisa ciannuel of Laka St. Pater ansitIse River SI. Lawrence.. TisaNet nasp-ting wai-his' and measures as aendas bs tisa com- mithae ounlianking aud Commerce vas passai timons-ht a Connittea cf lIse Wisola, Asies- recase, tise Dock Loass Bill cf lhe Minisier et Marina ansi Finesess as resai a tsi-ai tinesauss passasi. Tisa Housse veut jute Con- mutte. cf Suppis-, lakieg np ths salaries; in tisa Customs Departmenl. Mr- 'Makenzie paslntesi eut tisa large ail- s-entas-es accrusins- te sonne cf th iselslier offices-n hy sais-us-e, andi venid ps-e-- fan lisat tlese parronessoulsi ha paicl is-en salaries alien tiss e s-am he ben-aIn son tIens ceuses. Hon. Dr Tusppen saisi tisatsinca tlisaarrangement necmanslidlus -Ms-. Makenzie hasi bean sugsgestei hy tise Pusblic Accounte Comnittea lest yaar, it lied hîaan adoph- esibs tiseGos-nmneni. A coîss-eselion lisen ansuai ou the questien et promo- tions, l insiaisMessrs. Scaceme, Mackenmie, Anffle, ansi Dr Tppoar teck part Mn. Wilkae reaciste quas- tien et aholisins-tIse excise siuty on patroleusm. Mm. Mackenzie expiainasi te visaiestant an inspection cf pal-o- Iasum xistei. Tîset usan for hoe counsption vas inspecte-sians insomt hua a epeaifla qualits-. Ha cengidene'l tise ettement cf Mn. Wilke-s tisaI lise cil manufacturera enignaly pmousoiad tisa Imposition of hm unIs- vas true. Ha aise took occeiison teieny lIse re-ck- le-se ebelînent bsSir John A. Maclais. aid on lise huetinge ai Lambton. tisat hae (Mn.--Mackenzie) biel iseaens-nas-ad in an ail sppauiatioa. Haehesi ne-ver, -direls- or indiracils-, been connaciasi vilS eus- cil sp enl- jps -Tisavote tai- es-penses in con neeOn ilstise men- as-amant et pssbiic vorfke cisasgeelule ta ras-enuevas lIse-n takais, andI, atter a aihicnssian, as-reesi ta. Is cenneclin -sujul thie brandli et expeudituira, Mr-. Mackenzie mis-s-dlimaitishe scieries cf tisa staff emplos-aiun luis Depatmant elinul, like- tîose oe tches-Governument emplosy-es, b. ginis-uluie-el. Ha aise stekeai for a tebement efthtie emostusîs dune for Jenseses bs -sessais ta Gos-arn-- sent causals, ansi bisa.s-anner h inhii tlisas-ilsibeau espactis-ais- <eau -t is - Hon. Mr. Langes-lups-omised uiat on concurreance lha voussiisppis tise lu- forailon desireal, iscîudins- a iel cf tisa amployees. Ou ise vote- for Gas- ernment Railveys, tise Miuistar cf Pals- lie Was-ks s-as-e renis-xplanations. on visiclisMi-. Holton as-pressesi a viis lle ba infarmeai as, te tisa austhsorits- viicisraiglut andi passens-er rates vas-e regatasi ou tis limes, anad aleao vietiar tisa1'.heed-isees" system bail beau eradilcetesi. Hon. Mm. Langevin stated thtisItise ataet offaes ere fis-ad bs an Orier n lCondei, cIter his-ig heen disansseal ancd racommensiasi te hisu y lise superintandlenti etfbisa limas. Tise "di-as-se-asi" s-ste-m isad be-an li- mite-s, butuoût visols- abisds. Mr. Hohto commeubesi on tisa impossibilits- cf tisa Ministaet ofPusblic Wcrs proea-- i- supernte-udiug tise vai-hingo etIs auves-s. Haeni-gei tiat that tise- Gos-- crament sehai dpreare e meaqura, nsiakius- a diffamant aranugement vils regard te île-se limes. Witl respect Ice tise "dad-eeasl" systens, lia pointeil oui tisaI it vas quite possible te stop ut. -Mr Mackenzie saisi thatwvisen ie vas in the Maritime Province-s le peisi lis fane, but vas teis tisai it vas; crton- ars- for al tbe me-mise-isof Pes-iamenl te Iras-ai fi-as.Ha aise s-ave notice isiatlinisoolc on geins- jute Cesumittea of Suppîs- cail attention te ths abusas su tic construction cf île Intercelonsai Reiiway. Mi-. Young<(Monteai) venu advise the Gos-arumasî te gis-a up the- vIola Ibins- andalvs-sthe lots tisaI weuli eccui-fs-cm continuins- te keep it lu or landsa. Mm. Anglun dafenssesi tise Intercolossiasas a national ne-ceas- its-. Mr. Yousng (Wsaterloo) criliaisesi tise inare-ase-s astimetes for mail ser- vice-s. ' Healase nolicei tise large de-fi- cienes-A - et a-nisaas cornpared viths Alten routina business, tise Premier vas intemmes-atesil raspectins- lis-scourse te be pos-stesi bs -is Es-cellanas- lise Gavernios-Ge-neal viii meard Ite lise Catis bll, iicis vas istreducei for tise purpose of ins-estiscatinusthea cisars-.s macla by Mr. Huntins-ton aiscumi îe Pacifia Rallwys-charter. TIse Ps-ensier rapliesi liat isiiExcelianas -lldtle - vice gis-an te hlm bs -Iea asisecre ncer conaisheretien. - Hsan. Mi-. Tilles-nos-ad tisa Ho46e jute Commhtte etfSuppis-. Mm. Mackenz-ie lu a lanstî speechs attack ha-tie locatimon,; menas-ement ansi vonkins- cf thea Inlai-coiessial R. R., ese- pe-iails -vilS es-ansite saction fis-a. Ha diractesi lis axausineihn te Ne. 5' section, firai, .heausa lie visised te cun- ina tisaes-amiuatien as muais as possi- le, sud second, bacause hoe lad reeson te blieee lai lisat sachions prasais afi fais- a fielsi fcr a limitation oethtie exils of Ils. systea edeptesi bstise Gos-arn-' ment, ansi thesocnuat et tie Gos-eru- ment ln reluiiznste isosa centreeteme, anvullb foù uns tsho-lin. 1en detalius l i !ffrent items ret tisa coùontat, ho daciai-estisaitises-a an eves-peant eof-#64,715 viates-er vastise caicuisticis wa ruadle. .- 1 I'Tisat tise pas-meut et mones -to con- tracrt-, lu es-cee. cf cittradi, t. a sroseo violation of sublie anis-; ansitisa sys- fsm of ismonnu'ibthernis a of.nts-set Cas-on, Cartes-, Cipman, CtOlseblnn, Cofiisn, Cehby, Cestigan. Crawfordl, Cunnngbam,-(lus-rie, C(ler,. Daly, DaCosmos, Devdnay, Donaville, Dem- mer, Deni,, Dtsgas, *Dngnay, Farrow, Flasher, Fombes, Fortin, Gaudel, Gens. ress, Gibbs,, (Nots Ontario), Gibbs (Souths Ontario), Glass, Grant, Grever,. Haggent,, Harvooi, 'Joues, Keeler,' Kilim, Eirkpetï-lak. Lacerte,Langevini Lanisesl, Lanthier, Lit*~, Maconaldi, (Sir Johsn). Madonald,. (Cape Breton>, adenalci (Picten), McKay. Mions, Masson, Mathieus, MeAsiau, MaDoit- gahi Mes-nIl, Mitchell, Moffati, Morri- soen, Naisan, Neison, O'Connor, O'eiPeiner, Piueonnaault, Pope, Pria., Ray. Rebullairsl, Robiseois, Robi- taille, Rocisester, Rose <Ciampiainj, Ros (Victoria), Rven,'Shihhlev, Stap- log, Stepisenson, Thesoen (Canihseel, Tilly, Tourangeau, Tupr, Wallae (Norfolk)- Webb, Wisite (Est Halai- mausi), tion-95. Tise motion te go iste Commsitteaet Supply way vas titan cas-nieci. Satuiay, May 8rds. Tise Housesa se on Setisiley ansi treususclei e goosi deel of businase, ansi Hie Exaelieuay tise Goveruor-General came ciown te tise Senate ahiamber ansi assante in lu Ha Majesty's naine te a niimber cf bille, .luahusling tisa Catie Bis. Monday, May 5iis. Mm. Camaron, (Ce-sivli), psesauled the repart efthlie seiecf comîtaee ap- pointeai te examina ansi reportupen tise stteamant conlainac inluMn. Hunt- ingtn'sf motion, saismittins- a rasohutien te tise affect tisati n viav of Ils- absence of Sir George Cartier ansd Hon. J. J. C. Ahisoît, ansitise impaissiiility cf pro- ceadussg vih tIhée investigation vithsout tisam, tisaI tisa Cemmittpeehsoulsi ad- jounnuntil tise 2ual cf Juhy. A le-lIer vas aise atleckad ta tise report frons Mn. Hantinglois, submitteaitisa namas cf semaetftisa vitnerqeslieho willi vMs te hsave axamninesi. Atter a short dils- scun4isn, il vas alacilesul to tatke tisa n-so- lution int cosssisieratiou the firet tiing to-merrow. Mr. Bliske mos-ad fan a Commilteaet tise Wlsole te contîhîlan certain msoin- liane for an adsiss te Hpm Msijslv, pmaying thtissie vili ha graeioushy pleesesi te direct tisai Canada sisoulsi ha consisîti-sihifore any concession et lis-s ighsts h aei lu ftusma.ansi te diriect tissuc snbsteps May be tlie-ns sisahi, lu Hem 1ajastv's juilgusenut. bc hast caicîsielei lte pracure- tisa casiessiasn te Britishis ulijecîs cf tise fi-ea navigation cf Columbia river. Haospportesi hie motion setconsieprahupia lugths. Hon. Mr. Tspppr followed, occups-lng1 lise tie cf tise Haussa oiu te aix- 'clock recasq ; lhe canpia ledlsy mas-lus-aiu e-isenfliment tisai aIl tIsa yar4ls afiar "tisi" ha sts-nak ont, aussitis a feiawius- suisetituiei "'lt le net fer thssuadisan- tas-e of tîs&Dasninion ta se-apaîs et tii time a cisseusqsan eos tisesas-onismat- tai-s settiasi ly tise Treaty et Wasisiug- Atai- recees. Ilie- iehiata was continus- ail by Hi-.sgrs. Ysunns-, cf Monts-cal, Tisamzsan. oftCariisoo. Pattargon. Wsoo-l, Glass, Wsaliac cf Norfoslk, Bosiveil, NelsoandtusiBrousse. Meekenzie mas-ail an amnaninunt bo tise affect tIsai an lsiulabe a-es ha préeantei ta em M ýijs'st-yreprpsentiug tisa risbt cf Canasia tea ha conukltha- fore tise concession te tise Unityd States cf tisa free a ue-viztion cf tisa St. Law- rence, ansi tiat tise pu-aple of Canasia sisoulsi be consultai batore a cancassian cf any et her nighinstu ie future, ansi tIsaI ste-ps"snay ha talian ta securse ta Canada ail aucis sissas se esoalîl eujay ou tise prisîcipie on ichi ils. concession cf tie navigation cf tisa St. Lawrenca vas mele. Afte-a e hns-tlsy eluata., lastins- ull past misinis-it, Mm. Mackenzia's aiunînl- vas put andi host-ya4, 65 ; neye, 90. Di-. Tuppam's motion vas casrii on lise samne division. Taeslav, May fus. Mr. Canes-an mos-ail isis rsssltion rasipactins- tisaPacific Rsi5way carsges, ta asjouiru tili te isrist yack la Jily; andsinlu <ing seu, axpuissed tisaI il vas iuaceaeary ta lies-e tise tise eu'isisne cf Sir George E. Carties- ansi cf Mr. Abiot ansi cf Sir Rugi Allen. A le-ngetly dis- cisshon folowad. Mr. I)ericn offeresi an aenesnt te tise affect tisatiut usas lesirable le proceesi vitîsant dsiasy siths tic ins-astig-ition. s-. Dariou's malien vas volesidavis hy asmajurity ofthtsi- oe- yeae 76 -snys, 107-ani Mi. Camcron's rasalutions carild on tisa saima dis-isiozi. Pickcring Spring Show. Tisa Sps-lng Show of tise Ag-sicutusai Insportasi HeatsyDraus-lîl hersa-s- lau, Jasas Stars-, Maskias; 2nl, Lice- ses- auji Gilai, Pickering Orsi, Jouis 'rîomipson, 'sVimîlsy. Cana-lien Drssu-it-isl, JîsisuDucst-lo don, (nainmaof lied, Sir Walter- Scott) lusb, George Laing-, Pichacin-; ils-, Aies-. Nesosn, Piakenins-. Tvo-s-aar-ehsh Colts, Draglt- lsI. Jas. J. Daes-ssoi, Pickering, (isupi-tasi ccil,,valuthing l10 ibs, naine Eatst Grans->. Twe.-ear-ehsl Colt, Causudian Drans-Ii -Lit, (harles Pikas-, Pickecring-; bns, George Misiuîeton, Pickering-; ral, Colin Piîip, Pickering-. - Blei Hoses-let, Francis Linten, Pickeries-; lnd, L. & G. Linlon, Pick- as-uns-. - Sa-iSie or Coaci Hama-laI, Joiin Rusymer, Markisams; 2lîid, Rîlycrîl Ma- jors, Us-bisi-e; S, Simson Be-ai-, Pickering-. Tvo-s-an-old Colt, Saidia or Car- miesi, Jobhn L. Bas-kes-, Pickerinig I2si, Arthsur Gales-lien, Picker'ing-., Bull, caiveal eluce Januars-, 187f-lPt as-d 2ndl, John Milles-, Piakes-lus; 8ri Tises. Bannai, Pickerngs. ý-Busui, 'calvash sinca Jenuary, 1572- ml aind 2usi, lirn- & Johsustei, Pléean s-; Ori, John Wilson, Pickering-. Aga1 ul lýIs~lt,,Jolsn wVlitgou, Picl- Oras-us; lssi. GeMmllfn, Markiiam; Sis, John Miller, Pickeariong. TwauIv lbse. Tnu-opSai-tJ anal D. MeNeh, Picàenins-; 21ad, Jas.t, Davldson, Pisikaieg Tuvo busl (le-mSea- .C Fuller-, Pickesiins; 2ùd, Joseph Nigle- ceepl and uienestly ipeete ia.Pet-- Trstuve Whfby Station sUI10i1v": iiicisâns eft tsi aieelhave aivaye haen Gong Esut- Gohng West--. vutiste super-excellenc.e otisais- pris- Expires.- 7:15 a, m. Lees.... &S*M . aipies andi purpeses. but I am-n net se Mixasi-. 2;50p. m. Express ir4fa. s ure tlisai iiey pratice a very close an- Expreu.n.. -7:20 p. ~.M IzL. !!pu alysigsoetuheir motives ansi bciuas, tise' - EnhIMaloIe6pan on tisaeutes- isand Ilt. sbut fair s- e ea7 trains rqnhy Montreaitlime vich in tisai tssy exîsubi an extmsodinary apîs- 22 minutes fanier IiseuWhitbytisme. tuais for diieatissg thisatseutios ansi -WRiTBY &m POR E BRY~.R.I aimseofthlia dsvarsarias. 1 have an Trains (Going Not- - Mail. Mtxad. ides tisat a mora e aiexate opposition Witby Jb.ctoss, 9-0 a.M 7.0 P.. voolsi iave a botter afeist, ansi listas a Wit1y -9:07 &.m. 7.10 p.m. mae malter ef pollay a lees intense and Port Ferry, (as-nive) i80on Sllp.m inciivaestlea ouls i teiniuitely be-t- Trains GoingSi outh--m Mixe& - Ia Ian withae mines- componente of tish c (e &M &m. t>sasLzDp.m. ftleraioss,- Tisa iii suacesefthlie Oni- W7Mb 5WYJ 8a.m. f2Sps. tarie majorily ilu lus, tisa fis-st session of Wisuuiy Jsinetiom, S".ea.m.-2: use Secend Panlilameut of tisa Dominion Dl-VINE SERVICE. le likaiy tle ataili a s et srengthisansid lisera is ne qusestionutisaitisae Gos-arn- AiU Sainte' Chusrc5-At Il a nd 7 -. ment eisppemin . rystahizing isto ea<cour- m.-Rev. Mr. Cayley. part andsi eli muse, visichis l iite î Catisolie Cuc-Ee uayToi ilfiutte fracture from vitleut; vilst8:30ise au ' 10- da nc-aiseayv.F& il vil ba but lu tisa . nains-ai cous-se oft « canssiaps-anissrc,-Âibla. - hblue lai isey sssdigai acralesi and &-WOP. ss-ilqv.Mr. Blentyne, tron tise eesily disintagrateai nnile-,vho, Cesigsegaionai, C5ureis-t l IaL M. ea lu ahi Lexishaturee, deaun il Us higheit. 6:30 p. na--Eev. M. Gibbs. axercîse cf wissiom te vateis lsw -île St. Aisds-a'sObusc-t -1 &.m. ead U p.m.-PRv. Mr. Fraers. ses-acious cal jnmps anai te jurnp lsesu- Wesleyass Metisedint Chssrch-Ât 10-30 à. salves acondlnghy. Statesmeuelsp- le m.ansi 6-Jp. m.-Bev.M1r. Sasudemion. a ui uig.bt politues, in ganes-al, ______ ara aL gos odaf a sasamble. ______ Altisongis lie attractive pover- cf On.- t'HOSPHOOS, LIME, IRtIN, CAL- tarile lusefailas e ds-e w tisa -oees-Ps-su-_rHELER'S cmor ervai RH-i L i sincas luto comms-union, tise Dominion plisates, assaiCalisaya cminses tise vais-s le apparanlly net :aiesiîui. Of stmcng able remadie, in tise ic-m of e delsessua cor- magnetla propejyils, fer one by oeath isecal Phsosphoeron, a braia fced.; Lime, au ont-lyiag commuiiseare, aemiug lu excitant eofsntrition, Ihon, a blessai sakes-; about as lest as va cen mature tise ansI Couinas-or Peruvian Bas-k, tisa oniy terns c liaIs adisceon.Sauy ltîl spcifla for cil t s adlever, ansisll-oond'- tersoftheradision- Sncylit %s o f ners-ous prosrat issaidgessessi PsincaeRaivari laa evicanîly nmusu5e i p aibiity. PhoWas snar-e thi.e n1yagens lier mîudl-(relèr awkwensi, isn't 1h, kuovu liaIt faessselaon ctise scis that tise lady shouishaeeaemasculine perfecting the digestio i c ssimat iopnsof cogome ?)-te mary urfortunes, uess, and determni-' thefoan tionofssuret aono mn?) tfe mait n se our51j-gsuebleesi, -Ne combieatien es-ar dincoverea i ' ansi~~~~~~ ~~ e.rnslifes la l m î -ssuskablinlabusiding sentulop wihi net mar-lian evn. She vante orr s-n dewnvsnth elai complaeinte tisaiisave isehp in s-ariette wsyq, asl wv a cn aïs-a eretofors nesistesi ai es-ines-y methodu ci fiser greet esisantaes ae s-am nalead- trert5Iieut. §SciYai ynlsimoggsetm. ilionai axpenete oume;elven.. Weauo~ .Vs»Q E%-vciuc e-- s-usas-ailises-cons-te ansi diclier pestai husi- A m 1 IatiCanI& sg siensofs eS5iy, nase better ansi ciseepes- tisn sise cen, presuatura es-, a&sc., isavhsug lied un vessa jueqt becausa va havealal lise mens andies-amy advartiged remesis, lias discoverai a appliances aireecyin luopeaeien, asdsai am iinsne-cfsi-ns liS evi oly a esel expansion viii ba s-iaded 85.21g free te isbigovU,-;muferrmAddsit, te seat ber case., Tlien h le net î.n- Il H.lBEÈEVES, -78 Naenau sSt., Ne Te-k probasble tisaI are loogN.ova Scutia,New Septei-ur 2ud, 1872. 38 Brunswick, ansithtili-t litia -Islaundl erenklsoj,. - lrps'.--c...- op.s us-l foi-m a lagisiative union, l iii s Ss ié od C ,nle - ltK-g. Bs- a thsrengi avent iustaad et appe-enins- in Paruea- 5mowiedge ai tise naturel iaws vicielgaves-n tuent lu fractions, tisey viii isave oeatise oparattees of digestion andmnttisonand reprasantaîlon sp-.,akins- fer tbrea-quan- byea carefulap licthon of tise tus. presse-- Ici-s of e million cf souls. Tisat viil r-of-l- = ur cocos, MUr. EB,- as rrvaù=beskfattabieswttisa rl s-reatiy simplity settere, ansi if New. - ydlvereai lieraes vih ais sueas J-teanesal ud-es I belleeeh.118vill mens- eavy doctes-s' bîll."-Cieil Ses-ice- -came te sesa h bar ads-antstge te join Gazette. Mae simps-y-witi beiliugwate-om lise Union, tisemseitise lui 'mresti viii ilk. Each pac5set le iabe5ld-.Tne.Errs& iss s-amy ltile bçhinsi aitisar o e t ie Cco, HomSopahicClemiste, Londion. iargei- Pros-inces in tise Dominsion y 'veu accMROPul cf iii preese adopts s lam lu influence. Masesase. James Epps & C.,manufactuirers It1ie ot courseundarstoosl usai Hon. ai dietetia articies,- et týesr voras lunlthe Jossephs Houva le 1e be tbe succeseoofetEuston Rond ,LondossY1--ieael's Hese- G-ni. Sur-Jas. -Dos-Ie as-Lieut-ios-ser hla uie -4 etf Novs-eSolie,aaid i i hea efilîing- climax te etreer et long andi vaW-ts-iacl N]FW ADVERTISEMENT.. patrietisu , for letl iiiessemias gaywvisai tiscy like, Mi-. Hova'e conrsýe bas beau, on tfic vhsole, oua asninenstly edyssute- FVIREM BULL5 FOR SALE. giens te hie parbicanu Pros-inca, auui --- usot lass late-heDominion. Ha Is-One s-par olai.,Appis- la- liaul hie fanlte, aa'itilmay ba liai soit- -JAMES FORREST, asses-tioni vas not bisa leesi t fisem, but Ahun lia bas alto pros-ad iisîeif capable et Mss- 7, 1873. 19%si telt-abues-etion, andl it oughît to be, antd' _________________ w'il lie, ramemisssed le lis credit thst W\'-A N T ED isiua esjayins- tis almost nuboussîlas cosîfilence cf lus* couirylsien, vIsis y A gooi Sers-euh Gis-i. Apply te- ri-asan cf (visaI lias beau considereci) a LMRSJOHNSTON, lins-e bliniar vaeeproeskai sito oppos- GoiaisnitIi' all, Wlsulby.- itiou te Confaslaralion,lieails-eu tisstk Ms ,17.i cf fosfaitsns li ais tsor by making oe-r- My7 83 tares te tisa Gs-erssmaut aIOtawa for au asicaisie saîtlament etfbisa difficul- 0N C T I C E 1 lies. It vas no email sisk, en-d for aN tisa lia diiisuifas- lu tha estimation et Has-iug lest eus- Boaka inu liiale fis-e, va hie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~wl outfindba is esniien a ' je~i arties vlan v a vedaims hioldfrind, bt te mgnficnt e-againbt tes ans uuedsateiy-asssl eattise malla suIte of tiss operation os-escasa aill op- orgs-va neanI.0.Uýý-ý puitiau, eud et tiis day liera is pro ba- JAS. I. GERBE Sm CO. lhiy net ns masslantisa aist se aullen ansi wsitus, May 7, 187M.19 diseoutaneal cousus-nityvise commande ________________ mare confidence asd asteautn tels ol s-aies-anRaes-rmer. At lest islie iTHEmBOWiN Sm PÂTTERSON lias-crsema repose, andi, saouls te say, iseT 1needsssest, ftashiongisonce -a massletfiM anufacturing Ç C povertul pliysiquc, ise le nous-corpomeal- is- frai, if notwyak. Lat us isope tiset Ntc easis-saniaIaeonasi . c ie ii mcupeaesani lis-a long enoughsiSs-aoi celJ iss re gen t o liassecdaa îte enjoy lis latesl loora ansi discisarga stock efthm Institution las lisa day baen lis lateet dutias with pleasure te hlm- muas ansi pas-abusent tisais- office, Bsock-Si., sait ansi banafil tes lassa is heloe.Wiitiy, on- or beforie tise Ahi day cf lusse Ottawealeis othsbasy ansi say. -Tisa uaxt,-ansci on tise 9ti aey-af huis nexi. late hall gis-en by tIsain Excellenciee N. W. BROWN, Loi-siansi Lady Diferin van et course 5PreaicIant. tisa as-cnt of lise seesst for or bseaj Wby, Mas-tis, 1873. 19 inonude, but va isad soeagrovie lu tisa - pubslic press ecausse cf tisa. non-isià-- FARS< FOR. SALE. tieofatisememcantile alernenb, ansifi, ealsusion vwas dasiguasi, tisaisthleparties 'Lob 20l inaSi-Ba cencestionoallie townsip visa madea ouitisae liste deserva te be of Wlsitby. containe 100, acres; about 79r acres et vool1; Ive geod -dveilingsbannas, ceussurasi, for 111eraimer lainlutise day stable, and offics-i--thriviug ni-dard- 1taesi-av sualidistinctions. Tisen -tise -,ainplessty et vater. A spiencflsferm, Gnards gel up a hoep ou tlheir cvn sec- elîharfr s-gsuzng ci ril _pu uosens, ousit, ansi, as yen musy vahi suiposa, andsietoustea itliin abot Mue sslesof1 ecnit ~sls-idgraîy - . Wil-YAs ssv v f ts.mn Dca-ADUraisACCIestaT 0-lis-EGRAND Tauses, NEAR SsmSNTE. - Mouireal, Mas- Qns.-Tbiis moruins- -as tisa Port- hanSâ Express, heiaG. T., R., vas pasins- lise -Il siepost, ne-ar Seiix- cule, the lisra lasi cas,'c Pulls-an and tvo dises, le-fitihetracha by meus Of c detactive s-ail, liccarnaeleacises fromeinîemest cf tise train, sud rolasi 'lown an e-minkmant forts- feat iigi. The, passe-ns-arawiuhiu ne-cassesils sue- lainasi dreaciful injuria. Tl)iis--two. wondeal parsons 'cama mb ,Menîmel lus- île portionosut ' ie atrain laft où lie tracha. Sema vena leit aI Si. Hyacin- The casuahiies as-e, Mn. Geo. Hus-ban, of Upten, P-Q, savarals -oundes inl- temnils and coi bilîsabout tise basai bm ax sift at St. Hiles-le; Vary Ras-i. Dean Stock, of Besiferd, P.Q,, van in aile frI-aies ar. neareisi th. Pullman, Lec.- brulseandceut,vwhiie s nombes-of Jies ibe ara broken ; tIse suffamer vas cas-s-ed from thiiè-clpot to Dr. Sttsck*o For 1873 iii isola i hafisml ttius SATURDAY. THE 17TH DAY 0F MAY Iu thea Tevneip Hni, Bncugiena -LC BEO BEA'] Pickering-, Apnil, 1873. M ORTGAGE SALE. - lYncha- said bs vis-usel-fa Poyer et a castala Mot-eg thea loioing v prcparts-i tise TWN CsFWHlT3 Town loIs' Numbe-u 12,13,; andi 14, Easl Fide of BuciliSts-eet, in tis a n cf Wlsitbs-, as laid cnt on Kente% plan cf Lotl Fumier 27 lu tise Second Cou efthle Townsisip cf Wlsiby ansi-Cc Ontario, viii b. pujt umpansi sehai b Auettn ntethle Ros-ai Halain Sali TO0WN OFf WBIT ONr i s - s i Y 4a~ s

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