Whitby Chronicle, 1 May 1873, p. 4

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i toisi t '.1.r C. -ii Mtobn ?rcai s the fo ligiost, ulgir by beir parente. s fonusie te Fr-aserr sseerai t tie sinsàw tire giioet wileh (te proena, by Mrtterieus - p 't pe ssecus Degsll'vo avi béai ue eliated from igle la not re-ot lni th.grave iua y 's maorts! i-smaius 1 e4 utitli jicel .bail dû ber parsmour, whà ïllt aiielei; àdinin-, Tit nrvlpus é4j @ peesi rapirii ail avoy Lonilon, antd, wass oon in eve-y buody*@ niuti. Two clergymnen ex. se~*iltirirbelloffth tirie rnaturrs aiaratea-o e ircouirds, eud Iluore wax DO Isck Of eredluts person s ey to -believe &sl tiratluey Ieard, *sud aruci more. Prrsons eofail rauks fBekei I tIrsehaitanrldhoieue, fitari the flatter. i1)gx,serallIngs, snd rappiugs, suri *e1titt ,; wcutdri-ng, but euine jhat1oite aâge ot ruiraries wrrs not oudeti Arig pergoserîs imunenl for- wtt or iearnuitg wiro viisiter! thoelieuse faveur. eri by hlie glrostly visils wee Horace Wuipoeensd Dr. JoIusoni I waut te heur itl'says tire frmûr, -u n cse f ii s nziug bItera, rfcr il (r Dot ail apparitiei, but atuariiîon. wr- icoi out itire opera, ,*ndaithanged oui clotecs ret Ncrlrgîilîaiml jHontee, The Duir.o 'o!eek, Ladiy Nortliumber: Iartr, Lsni7 Mary Coke, Lad yBe-tAir-r, ýnud I, ailluns a akuey.cô>ab, dreve to iqrszôt. Il rainei lunloirenta ; yet Irle i an. vas fuli cf rnob, sud the ]'euse§ fuill. WA Coula Det gel In.- At -lasI they ilacovceri l vas ltreDuire of Yorkle: uridlte Company fsque<nzi tter-us aî ne eanollr's pookets iTehoe wiliî leborr'owed, sud te whlah tirs iost bial anjeurtted, was Armaii andtimiseible. Wlien we enter- ed1tie caimer, t in tcir' vare fifty -- peoPie, wifit Doeliglit butl euataliow. craislle aI lie end, vo lumitiei ever tira bed berfrthp ilîtclliite viron i te giros (Ã"iIilel. AItiseo top o! tira roont are ropeiq toe ry e'etircs. 1 asked if va verc te ihave rope-flancîug betwaen tira - --acta, Wo liresrd neîing. We atayrud Ifir ait Aheur afler eue. Provisions ai-o senltalltoe ironnes like - forage, ad ail tire triverrua sud sie-itouses ln -- tire reighiboîrlieod urake fortunes.'" Thrre were sbtero flire viallorsi, 18*oer, *bdhU etîreà il(o surggesît uIn lii. seltucis tnilht be. prerlncedl by haturai arndlmecitatriral means. These unbelievors toolenp tl irenoeriuz, i-e- uuured waluseol, and sirifled tlhe beil of MIes Parsons, wvirent ls tister i uon 1 ing vitir lier.bauds eut cf bd ; but t e sounris eoatlnuied, sud tuieur ,turf- toctual efferta te discever a lioiutten cf tie.re stery ouiy breuglir upen lheui eritictulo andi rovilng, 'Tire girl vas ramoveile oanoliier hou,,., bur thlima onisioved lier, arir tire Puliceâ ereet inrorseni. Il rose te ltme Iigirest pitch vimen il l'e- carne irnewa that tite glirst bad. cou- sauter! te go te tire vatuls baneathit . John's Cimurcîr, Clerkenweii, wiîere Miss Fauuy, haniteen inter-ednd tr 'ibLehrPeec -kuewa by reppiug Thiusîtrernge assignaticn was icepI l'y Dr.,-Jehnrn and tre lwe clergyn vito malutalted tlie supernaîgirai char- acter etftire the scauule iroard in the -hanttlni onke. 'lcay deseenril iniuî tire vault, a"Rirroiemniy arjirred Miss Fanmuv te slgnlfy liri presarica.- iltit lti>. vax no ras p use, armditire trio de- litllei l IIron iraviug lheard or iseon ~uythit Of& fasipehnattlc iraiiraçter; basr~ebelg sulreetulth ie mortifi- action of boing me4reiiassiy rititelrint a saliricril poom ri ettlen on liceOcees- glou by Cirurciltl. A rumeour nov got aticat fliraItire coffin bariteon previeusiy openeri sud -tire corps. ramoe-d; sud lbe notion tiraI sucir retrioval anruir!affect lte ruoveluenle cf tire spirit o!fltra docese- eid,'sirrvow wgrooSKsud material are tire popuar notions- f'et ir@OUI, aven inaCiattan ceunItry. The broker %vioe ian bien hMiss Fauuy's paramour. Ithhotrpou liailire coffin epenad ni utie pire.et oftire Rer-. C. AIiricli, tire -- racler of lire parudr, tire clerk, the sex- * totn, tire rnertaker wvira tulperform., eid tirs fgrnerIansd irimai;f. Tire cOrrî vaws ouad l ire coffin, auJl jutlglug fron tire appe-arsuce lb priant. or!onua loug iîibsequenl exenuinatieri, te viricir ve milproeetiy rfeui, with Ifttlo or neo evidence etfnlacay, 'rhe failu-eofettire giiosî teappear', or, ntaIer te nrake ÃŽttc*preseencokuown iu tire vexuit, t-erugthoneri tlire impres-. sion oftfetioIcreclu Intie tiraItich nuy a- toutous condc beae-l u ir e ermlîer et -MissPre-ous, vire 'prorluced iry nclurai snd mc niocalmeans; sud ltëý t-eôrted lb nev ltests fer tire deît&c'1 tion o e i mpoosar. Tire girl'rr mdl was remioNreelfu'om tire-; beaistega tolea iammok, chng teon thirocliiag, ge ta no11li corrmunieatlon cou Id!exisl v'ith tira fioor- or valui, and' wierailsire.e tirer! te eest,lirr-itaudusud, teet vere t1e. Tliat rlgi4tueno Urrril were iread, arndit 1scemueiltaI Iiry depanilaîl liponf tirs. girl irsvirg lber haudsataIliberty, and lrestlng upoii a bedaterir. ,O04:tira nrxt-oceaoion,; irowever, vicen the. tial abject ,reau- ,oesoq 1, centain tlie odý -of thp WQMAW ,ose apîrit wssitÀad je have Jiuf lrteItou.. ip ýUikL&rPe' ' tSincelhat lime th' vautirtis ~n te in décent erer, ar ldime wihh ils ghaaîiy tenant rer.aoved!-, X 'grhieg~pr e ibiug4i aý>h1 ktre of7 er taîy ef u n Illeg~ tjnited Stales. I110 1eigl4t Aeue1ria i e "Ine n Titu ne iinrmrrsqq uc me oep iIWcMa 4 hall over th.er eq0, wi$<àpapts a ,bct' Arjyhe réelyý,to gM, w n the »Arlve. Whm t11.le ph givel thre alairw, il pvlngsop Z.%tCeoors cf.tire, 'Ù'18l j Istié' P* s ,from tire Chain#, piiumozeý$rhhpoia ofllîc aongino. -The air tbâ lyiraherooru keeps up stoam Ituthe loer al hltint 60 uit ite â1e4ef i 14w ti loàng dbcycu. i.hi uk iftalcýs fi éMie t h,I pf tire aîàkrn liii ýIt limes arp ii4liori Pl Sali t v hr~uis bx rady o ta trt?,:s< Do yor iîtamirr,teefi fv,'min. W Utes Y. two 'antI Ajr laf minutre? Thtirty* ,flue seconds hkia etrrlr1>r r!tre.Tiîey di itiieî u lrt Lquet1rrrtiit" i4, oaw work. V roi ctighit o ea long b4 èýntis top. '* te. c kAfttrpri isec captjairr, 4e iný1rmarie hi tiéra f W fcineritàl Europe erdthé Utvii Hciy ta-i>. was aske-rl ow iieA'4aa"im-.té presseli l'y his vigitt oeen'l'ir~"J. rtusalen," i id Ire lis tire anest Placé I rvef vsiteri 1 Tirea tatrot a 4rorp- cf bl linor la Il'.wiole towtu fitta lrink. e<" MrP1artinon,, on lrrnr tlirrt lisr Câlilfrnia cIri wra ri qinrttz, wrrrted îl n ions. She tl;rrnght wwi t$ley carra ta e findtnil by the linroleicai, -sire wonl ri go on~t there herSeif.- u À (dàugliter lea ainosl alwaye riglirt lia when Sire'ir(leavoutcrrIq, irriiate lier tel melirer,; but it riirltfrrl wliterr tire me mether in egîcaiiy rigllwi are a cri.- tir larpr Ilclie, iriiýries ali site ceên pi titala lier drlter., Moi draw ies Ulea a font nrfwatecr.. Tucase lihe river IrtCOtitee ipet-feetiyi-y sr iq(wiii -ni-m on a lirevy dirw, or l'y tire aid cf a vet sng au-etuber bott ar iist of tweuty ýor-de wae useni for lire axamniuition cf applicauts for Admissmion te tire Junior rrass cf crie of liceSt. Louis Itig scitois tiî rtenneer. Tireo yere 449 appi icants. Wr' pîiit lte -ý umbe wilro faille spc1orecir woril cori-Octly :lnlleuibie, 1834 ; icîtice. 8 miinr,151 ;eligibie, 171 ; ilbyliue, 415 ; oxygen, 871 ~alacetit, 51i; -lnrsi- uesm, 50 ; Jytra, 189 ; %eenr'i, i104; miassacre, 80 ; suiprtiri, 83 ;eyýiitîbi, 17 ; vee-miirn, f182 ; fairriinrt, Oni; ahiimey, loi ; veng!aiter, 2,a; rîirîn- cee-osf, 121 ; 'aliriug, 242 ; guaraitve, 125. Ave-yst-rrngne aceident Jtapp-liredl n rHnetrEtugietr. lately, b e miner viro was waikitrg hlome. îHe lirai tiree ilyrtmile cen--tipe Ocaps.i usail in bliestirtig, ti inatrîulei-rn' Irekit, vien tliey srrddeniy lxpleiir'n, Iei-itlg avay evee-y 1'tsigea ot! cliurg off lite boniY, biowing ew4Y Par-t ofIiriis iattil, and mlakirug a lirolin ruiritstomîrci, brt, ste-auge te sey, brre srumviî-s. A lin mnatei box viicîrlire bil inlire M'aine pocleel, eau nowhere ha founi ArBaAUrmrUL CUSTeM.-lu lte trrerîr tains cf theaTyrolit i te rcule,ofî tire-wetrre-mrnd childe-en to coma ýout vhqoi i is badtinte le siug tlieir natiloui iryrniuntli Ilreyheali r ïIuBl&qrte, fa. tirera aud! brotisansiwc'itirlem feriarire iiiison tîmir retIren. Crb tiro beeitifrri mimoerso! tira Airiatictr rrclim a cistîttri pr-orails. Tliree tire wivçs of flire fn-rit- aruncome 4pwînabotit Fsunset andi sing a meel.y. Afrer iagiag tlire fIe-ml aUItnchey lhsennfor awlrihile- the ansering sîr-airre fraie n-e- tire vabe r, ani cen tinue te sinog etndl iseî unti; tira iel kurricuVoice cSo b iorne over tire irle, telling tient tle ion-ci ocs area aineel ibrnie. Trrt!y il is ameorng tire iow!y iut liis woridt tiat we fini] tire most beautiful euptoins. %Viae intersditferçncn luetw'erm a sedtrnriîieft:ani a fenatjr iei 2-Oaa ts htrrd up, cudthie of iuer is ?roft lovrr. Of ail tir0ýeittinehîofo!mn's iife, Iisi umcrr'-iage lrielite Ipast concerri nilitir peple; ypt of 1111tactionsrefor>-life,. il ta moat meiii]lcd nitlir iîycUber people. kards, titergli, as inr Mnnriurn tiare te neliquor cold tri-. A westernm reporter bearis an article, "An itirrur ili ite ismarre." Afler- readtig iis description tire correUlir lm, lte ireRtIiing rfor tiraI reporter wenld l'e -iis consteat rempanionghlip with lira insane. 'Vîy ta a nice rîmînarrici ladly arr an- emrriy?-7.3ecrtrie, aitiormglir ir ai- ways a M1148, silisostrne cmi. At cacre î, tle5cUrer'day, erre of tire vocalils foumîl iccrnoicp tlirirrit;'Sure sIerilmd il, but IvILtIottny geeîil c-ffe'. Wbaî musical instrumr-nt 'lors, a elbap publie lieuse remind necof ?-Wlry, a vile inn o! course j - - WlaltantIredifferenco betwee thlit 'augiue driver arnd a patsreng-er vliteIras l iris train -O4ne ismciglt in front, tire cuhr i e-t eliinci. -Tii. Fie-c l ic-pbe-etlcs-Tin Qîcocu e! Slre(bLtJ.). -" er! out ltire lever ot puubiic opinion. Miliiuen' bille are tho tax wl-uir ,tlc mual. ex licas Co pay:for tire l'eeuty of tire fernala. Il is nanties te bliI'yoruiý m en andi wô mna les-hiaveiy up: tfrey are ai- ,wsys Iesing beari-I. Ae tirorns ara*.'Jti uoté a er r pi- té ioveiy .Wotep,. A femare iful dresa is n -r lirprotccted, Giar eMOuey-a yourig iteirees. To gt ai llreck for dinner-Jim noto ltae iiver. - cause he shows iris teetim. It isa agoor! Ihing b o a bor-o-board, but ortimms a ver-y bird Uiing le bl'o cn'rr-- -board. A Quark syai -tsg coexpii ttjit viiicr vétlg fient o l'iadct acter le -a bail lemper. A laeiy's hore ade-cea 'nigttb 'lIàta leng vhile; cire nover- cae4-isif cn. Tial yourug mai fo ýj .,,n.e. Mbia. É --Al - offcesgzt.3uoitro accresextent., JOHN A.,DONALDSON, G i Otv't Emlgrati onOffiae,- eacr~, 158. 13d - - Til.toi pDR9SPECTUS. WHE.'6ROWX- £9 PATTER8ON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 0rFlWHII'BY. 2,400 SHARES 0O' $50 BACH. îrtna4ou foriË»nejo4f~ncrsr It Ae Hc&0Es rul, u1IinWa><Macirine ry Plant, eondgooii-wtii c f tire ianufac- àring biIRineRs o! tire - Brown-& Patter- ioýi Agrienlîriral Worko, ini the Town cf . Iu thec uaw Company,Masse-s. Brown kPattL'rspn hava suiqeciiberl -Sf10,000 U ,eh, tad hie nre-pto hv i ua4y, bi ob ltained saoeunting le 500,nanga tcf ai uew omsulribed t' #55,000., Ilta oinlendcd te, inerone ui;sim atro $120,000, in oriler te pro. de meîrua for increnrsingtlias riness, .6 iablc 'tire amnooint btheric, dote, and~ mier-giîtg ti capaciýy of tire proet ýbrksî by lte cection cf aiîditiortai îtlitgspu'elasugarrlitiurimachin- 'yr anid aise enalltrgirle rew Coarpauy r carry on timiir whltob burietues on ei 4îrîctiy cash i raRie. lu crdr rtUcshow e iprofitablie bueineeselmranly imarde for e rîew Comcpanry, il i0'oniv rieerird te rite th#tin eleviiii yr-s' bugitresop- 'atiene-froor 'Jaraiy. 1862. te Jan- ia-y, 1ti71-Prfdeees. IBrowni & Paiterf;oir iva bûcr entablnét, l'y proet reeinl, to aie the large tracourrl of, Stock above. rietter'.od ai;irrrvirig hotu suiscribcîi ly hem inlte n' Cormpanry. 'liree pro- îe-ty liraebeen valîreri unnier tienitrec- ici armi aupiiioor f lesgre. J. S. M. Vilicox andi Joua iTlrrrrrrpnion, tweo!ftiae orvie;ioala Dirrelore, arnd tiercrptl by e Provîsioriai 1Barri ut $64,263 GOH.- re etalclient bacsl'ere in thee pos- eac,jn orf ttirîw Comîpanîy since 17tlî ebrýueery lat-tre fire3t- ray of ite or- Cnirerio-tICe pro)fita cf tire lusin-rie miurrncing frorn tirat tdate. .NV Fr ge col Applicratiorn iresbeen mariute tire' Legtelrrtrre for a Chrarter i tire rsuai Lurm, n, ruivitlt tire ugie!rigtte arid priviiogee. At tire expiration cf tire timir etaîr-ri ly Statrit, fu u sxw ie a gcnural mxe tirrg of tia Slrarelriigere wilil'e ,lrid, onu rotice, foer tire plirpope otf eieatinega errfeaioî iBoarrd of Dir- oCtore and Ofttenre cf tira Cotapany. Suhierijrtirrrieof etock l r it rrrlît!r- tekirrgare mogI reFpertfuily F eitedcî. Thre inirio cf tire toick, a,; a prrying rit-- iîierd ivemerrtr,ay br' regar.1eilas iîeirrg bvîynrtî l rlt ; t'vIile tire gri aU riv.'Liitagmeti to tire Town cf Whlitlry anti Coarrerty ofCOtarie iru er-uring arr cri- larze'rrerrt of tihe f'.rari lrwn WVorkq of M Bre.Jrrov & Ptttrsren rmuet uC once Cornorerril tirorrraovrfs.. I'rrtici leeJriitag ta eiscribe forr rtcrk ire reqrruseita te clrîancroaruirt :rc-r pont, ut arr early day, rtititîg thei gtrmlîar of BIL.res th ey Winslrta have tri- N .BinioW, R. J. Y2AIIOLD, Prci.ilertt. Wliitliy, 2Eti Febrtirary, 1F783. 101f Tii' nnly syrrilipri-parýî1 tram Dr.Churet- iliip, Formula, anîd rCrtifirilta bclie ieicaiiy pur' For in' e ûentiot and cureso PULIMONARY CONSUMPTION, .Ais> for thre r'tre fut Dyglu'peit, IiîonvItliq , A k4ittJ,,I olt Appi'tite, Ge;teî'al DébiOit / i. (C-ttato tai'rity riraiEfnirrc-y.> TururoDc thn 1872. Tîn tira Victmiirilreirieic-ic)r. b-avrior--tlie exariied tli.i eetills erniynd iru tire Victrrue Chiniril %Vorliï-, irn tiahe; prrationt of tirsVictria Syrrp reo1yjplogp'riiti. iThùtierat hîy- pîroep8litrre ual are reliemicnll qpncc, arnd ity. Vntr-. yrîrp rrtIlypaîd ait,))tea ,-ilrr- deirbtt-iit:7 ror-n nn'iy ia ce lc tlrciitt' H-fENRtY IL. CROFT, Prnof. ChLiiiry, U. C. Prie. $1 per BIltî. Soi/t ly ail Druggistti. V i C T 0 IL t1 COMPOU'ND FLti x E=rmvvRîCT niOFu w ATD.- 2000GOOD HARD BRICKS, ÃŽD o b. eliveire4 in the Town oof Whitby, b.. tw eeri the lbt Jane anA l 2th Jil, 1MO. Tenrier thereor wiU be vecelVed at thée unnleroiels office to the, lOth 01 MARCH, j ILUMB GHEENWOOD. Whitby, Feb. 2q. G9m D AILY LINE TO RLOCHESTERi. *4-4 Leanvcs Coboreg er-ery trerng et 7,30l, ande P 1ort Ilu pe aU Il orlon-ýk, for ltoe'irester, con- neellrg tre ii rli New Yark Central arte Erieîr lteilwaye 3for li points Eeet, %Vet, snd itoutir. R E TUH N IX Gn Leave Charloitte, (Port of ltar-heserri, cly ar t9 P. m-, i.xi'i.SatarrLsy, when Ke. eaves rit 2 p. rer. frBric tghtonr. PeDr inlustock, &e., vil! tlid lins lire riteaPret arnd mit çexîci.iiian. route to New Yne-k, livnat, Aliîamry, &ce leur tuetIer ifotration aînly ta- Il. CIZAWF.OlitI), Or C. Fl'or-t Hope, Airril tl, 18713.14t SOLE AGEN4T cOR WHJITFLIJFYS PÀT.ENT. BEP. (J.Agent for the sale of -Sewing Machines, anîd Cabi-ueL -Cali- and exb' mine his immense Stock. Prions stili furîher- reduéed. Whilby, 'April 2, 1878., 'AMESH, SAXO. Sigao ethlie Great Rocig Chair, Brrýç4 Street. GRAND CLEARINO SALE *I RETIRING PROM BUSINESS 1 i Wo beg le, annouucolto oui~ enslomers and frichis that we have now,éonmmen- ced, aud will continue for Que Mcxrth, te effer tire whoeeof our extensive stock' cf Dry Gods, Ciothirig, Grecerip,, ad Liquors and Wine Ar reRIME CesT. We nrake lis arînorencement iu ceunse. - quene ofMr-. NMian iraviug acruept- ed lte position cf Secretary-Treasurer cf tIre Ontlario Loan & Savings Comp'y, wii onceseitrrtee hie orner-ailte Oeir- area. TIhe sale is thereforc a bona-fide eue. We piedge ou-ecives tiret every article wiii lbe offered at Prime Goal i TErus-Strictiy cair for al eururier 650 ; 850 andi npwards, six menthe credit wiii l'e given on approvefi paper. The present affornis an excellant opper'. tuuity, fer irarties rcquiring goede te el'- tain liem t a 25 per cent lems Ihan nenal prices. Our- stock amoruts te about $12,000, and te comple in evury de- pertinent. T. Il. MeMILLAN & Co. THE OLD STAND. T0 CON'J'IACTORS. T A B I IS [ 33 The Soeycii-y t rir-nîdeare nborrt ttecrict ES a lairge hrilliirg for a JJiirdinîg Se-treol inr tir' nillagt' oft l>rin' C-ceck, lieeirrg. Trn- T he urrdersigîtcd iu retut'uinig tltaîks tbu' The Iiberrd patront- niers w-it l'be ee-irent uritil tire tLday of itittarto extr'rtni ttiirte ci tld liii ft ocr ec- rr «àperiîd offlirt% yeurtî, lie raît plaminsl Wiila tItrillbc-tek Sieres 1 tr rythél'tireleas ttrw mti hiina:ielarge -rrnerrtrreritofthte mosr .rrrodtr rtg1.1 Io trot hintci oarselvne tor ci-pt tire Iowe -t ciegant ety les ot ne- i-niy tender. Ailre4ae EDMCND WRlIGHIT, TUTELJJ~KJ~U( 3P luîreli lliU.'iitn And triusts- by proper atte- tirîn andî moderaite priees to Se- F E E E ,S I T É Underteking & funerals Fully Supplied as heretofore. TOWN OF WH ITBY. A IRE -SITE WtILLE- nGIVEN to Ui Manrlet oclUrng COMcpnrrry J. HAMETtGCEENWOOD, Mayor, Witby. Wrunry. Fc. 126, a1ra3,l-tf ST0FTME DIVISION COURiTS m le% Y Y et' Trotx eSpî'eifieRc7eey for all Di8eaoc8 of thce ?lndran in ; Dorpaial Se lbnga ;,, Coin,,iaieets ureideutal ta Femalee r;natil Di8eaBeâ of thre Uri- nary OrgansIefi etlîr Be>. Try it once for anry of the rrbove llisrilers aid yOu relU bc frily eorovited oitw gre- Price $1 per Boutle. Solidl'y al Pruggite.' ILECTIIIC "I'rro he 'cg of ail Liniments." For Zfhecurnatisin, Gfflît, Ni'urnrtgia,. Lra;ri bagol, Sciatira, Warrderierg Pairs, Blrffnecss ini tire Liimbe or Joints, Spraine, Itrujees, Nurgbares, Swellinge, -Hcrdlace r acre, Tooathache,<cf-c. Buy ft, Try It. Prove It l'eire 50c par Iottie. Sorel ly ailDru991rte CARBOLIC SALVE Worth its Wcight inhiGoId! .4 .5pebifte for Città i, aueda; .ruieeî, Bîrnrr, Scind9e, SoiouePiles, Piimples, anrd CIeroric Dàceicdof thte SIcia o everil des- 'ýI-YCERINE 'JELLY q/irinexrtly tlîetadiea' Favorite. Fhor iufpieig &ÃŽr4Compýirtoiatd for eroving Tane, Rrnburnr, Fa-eeldez. impLes, tciar, CJraz7pid H rani, Childlain,i Frî iorn ore Lîps. 9 û T 0 9 à CUUNTY OF ONTARIO, FOR tTHE TE ARI 1873. Nro 4 ....t 29 %:n ' ru ' D .1URNIIÂM, Wiritiiy, Jan. 1,1, 1878. E v Eil y - Inventer, Mechaie, Manufacturer, Buider, Eng-ineer, Ciremist, Farmer, Mercirmut, Sliard at once seutil litenam n sud reesc - Nith Q1.50 for one yesr's subeceiptito thlie Canadian Patent Office Record AN]) .MECHANICS' MAGAZINE, -To tire Pul'itsre, GEO. E. DESIIEBATS, MirnreaI. A cepy et fi rot ne. eau be ceeu aI trie offce. JýOI-N BLOW Bege mmel eespealfrmly t10 uottfy Farmners audi etirer- tirha te speeparefi te cupply any - quactity ot AGR-ICULTUh'AL SALT AND NO.,i iBARREL SA LT, AÂT MO0D E 1,ýT EPI1Ç E Si -PLATER, -WTR-,,tIAE, ?ANID :OO - Ar Some splendid specirnens of Pictrure Frames, and Gild. ing. .Iemeînheri- he ONd Stand. JOHRNSTON'S SELF-RAKeI"NG REAPER AWÀRDED THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial Extiiition, Torop-lo, in 1870 %Ve oller to our ctustomers for the coming Ilarvcdt. two'dis- tinct Mavchinîes, which iu style, anîd onstruction. enrbrace the latest and iGst tuýefu' impraerenents o! the day.. JOlI NSTON 'SSI ( I LFlAK NG IEA1>I THE *" ]ING 0F REAPFtRS."1 The univc'rstrl succr'ss of titis Machine, 1,oth ini closely contes4- ell tririli rd ithe hnio hu- e r r i ee rr' aw rrsnrr us ierlr' hat, im a Seli itntk- inrc Rr'aping illricine. hil 'ire trire grîriii ran d iebrs defectsirird fines met witiî mrore succres nid ler-ri irilure, thin iIereroftire ofîered to tlire public. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER1 Ie wvre awarded the First irize aund [)iploma, at the Prcvin -ùi Exhit ion. fid ini 'lornoutor. I 70.irr c, iirret îtiorr soh tri! tire lemrdirit g~ thr. msintiirctgrgtri iin the Province ; ami wirth orar recetit imtrrovtoent.e. we osiîbreirtt iogi v rtmitrnge iovrret itin a tni cotrîpe.ri-con with r:rrrprirg Machrinesr. earr- Si-g tfied dtit it i veetrgrrtrn wiil rogrvrrr'e eVer v in~rrjî itre i id. ghar wt' c>tler tire l'est Mower to rihe Farin er foir It72, hilit in tire Demrirrio, :F'Serrdl fordeicipivecaalgusBZOWN & PATTERSON, A WORD 0F TIMEL-Y WARNING TO THE EAILE3P80F O1TTAr.&IRIO.' GENT7LEIIEN: - As we are only manufttcturing 1300 BROADCAST SEEDERS,. tlrirs yerrr. aund cme' hîîndiedr'-t îhe rcene lndy gene. cil ho wish tee net1 rergi harer! lt.tnîî.do fit)rrt oîtee as lte iicnti te e gireai. Im4irnrr Who do 11ti lionk nrtt in tinte nemrrnt îloe t--ci] Lina sen. »e , r>woriinlikv r' t-r, riiev Ai wrrntsir lîar home tirst- 11,rir t-nfojir> rrirttt, ineonénenrect rrg.ntirgtr ta pr-y tr tiroir fimrrroiilîse , vii l'nvtrr-atnîeti]tirîgrvii cal tto ot .it -rrtsrfil tire conntr-y. vireatiiiy ae -being ehclte1- 'vrry dray, ar-nwe hrrve no mcorntr i ntore %. qtm mm tty ù cet.it-.i Wr>e nrtrrtti'arrsi ýtire-rip uidget tt otîr tlir'rvek Ilirxre c<atilas serin as pnreiiti:tire t yotitr a'ritn-Ilinus We. 'giitraee them tri dii ai tirerare rr>arîrntreidr.d Ucdr, itn ogr -pe-titri tn'stimtiali- Tht, çt tiint orur $nnrd'erts, save ie niti antnarai! 't~ spediinpg. !legier aving sied nd rudsoinpr tue. - woe-k bettre- t4namr- - i, s rrrl. wtry, mkes h. qrito a s in onue mtîsoru for- rvery farrr e ia, foisn-o t oun Ytee. &C., -P. FW. LEN. - TUEEASt'LIL BOADASTt~RDlRAND QULTIVrATcR&IOýIBINED Tt; filoved hy rheese tlira, Ihave work-ed il..lo ble the -beî Aenrr iergal Itr-. -/ J~~j - ARI. -HA MIL T 0OY J'Ci Are offering the balance of thei STOCK AT GREATLY -REDUCED PR-E:lÇ- Special Bargainsin-Nublas, Pu-enkfitst.'.ghawIs. P: Worci shawie. , Ciotir tuckets. Wlncey Shirtings. Flrnneit, Il e'ry. and GiTovex, blillirrrcry Gh-ods,ý very cheap - A. few a Mlitik Futr», aL cet, Grenrw' Ftrr Caex, .Iluffstlo Robes, a L: CANADIAN TW40DS. CLOTHING MADE'TO 0RD ER. Wliriby, Februrary 5tb, 1 873. SI'RING STOCJZ 0F BOO TS AND'SOS MATTHIEW COLLINS Begs to aunounce to bis1 currtom 'rs aid the Piulic that he hers opetîr.-d beusinuess on the premises 'lately occupied b>' Mr. Bandeil, on Brock Street, and, that he is- now iii receipt of a splendid -Stock of the RIO-HT FIT AND MAKE 1- A vd of the best style of Boots and S hoce. Also on hand a large stock of Home- Made Boots and Shoes wltiih esriiot bue s t-,nîr or quatiy and pniao. Ail orders putîctuail attertded to. R epairs neatly done. MA"iHENVCOLLINS. S.! BOOTS AND SHc5ES. The unidersigned lias a large -Stock, of Lades' G±îrs',u'd Childremr's Firle and t'omuse Boots & Shoes ET1 Boots and Slhoes made to order. n ()vi-rhesicd wai'ni anrd comlcrtable. Irrdiiî Iubbers, .sîltl; ers, &Cn., &c. te,- ipciriiig neatly doue. Call t the eld Stand. Boot-Sue Srnre, Brock steest, Wiritby. -My 22, 1872. G.ENTLEMEN: LARGE STOCK.(>F' -NEW SPRING GOODS. 15 NOW COMPL.ETE!*. Constistiîrg of a splendid asortmuent or Cloths of alUkirds for Grîlrrcswear., ailri a comirIete âtock of ti113e Fer J, W. BEATTY'gS 1ORR Prry Sourd. Ci. W. LITIJTE OPPrIC*, EieSbrdgs. J. P. COCKBUKN8S STORE, Gravuflnuet. Ard tir. CUCWN LANDS OFFICE, Toro-s 1Tendem may utile eittier asipecille cun pie- ile, or e-aetee-forthe different ktnds ef wee-k deseribed luthe Speceticatien.- À lan ofSpecffatcmr for lime bridge eau Landls, Toronito. Brruetc ie rv Tire Cecucisiloer cf Creva Lands ri- serves tire rigirl et acceptimg aniy or noene -efthlie Tenders efaéred. R. W. SCOTT, DepsutintloetCrevn Lands, Toronto, 2ud Ape-Il, W&8.10-4Anu. TO ~MANUFACTURERS! VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE. ba gprcieeds ofcuetlandI u ire parel o donalu toay respobe urs Ce- percens,Wvvie-et cnbstautil a - facluririg Works, te give cordanut eurpipy. -ment te 800e- 40 inen, FOUR ACRES 0F LANqD; w BEiL &CO. .G.U ELPH, ONT. ]PRIZE MEDAL CABINET ORGANS, P. W. iLI'Ii. Omirava, Omit. - M E L 0OD E O -N S. Loue0e- .tr ~sd 3Maufsctees of "Tire e ' eTTE ,'! ecutaicing Scnir- ueres patentQialying Tubes. Awarded 'the. OnIy Medal -! Ever given toe srs ef Beed Incste-rments at Pr-ovncial Izimibillens fer Profl ci en- cy in Musical Iunrments, besides Itiplemas sud Fie-st Peixes- at etirer Exiribillens tee, nu- mne"s te specify i Oui- Inotfbmusnts ae-e ackn<rtveriged by Mnsieiancsu d jndges te be lire fil ty et pe-odnced., 0cr latent sud mesr lu-able Ina- provemueut ltalte IlOmteÂrT," ceu'taiumng Sce-bner's Patent Q'v uelm t eteof het bare te ecfd.1.2 lrepve aI tire"cantuie -eudeerg lire loue cunceti sud pope-ike B y lis vendue-fui invention vs eau uiske ang Irtslent efueae-hydouble lthe povere f, spipe Oirganahsthfu heex- pense.- Csw A d Iprlbudthe solerN to As ve ave' pu me-isPatientsol e-igf Tubesmfac thefu e mninros Paent adifylbn by caution al parties te-ea pue-eirssigtiren eisevlr, as hey viii bulicsble tao purecu- tien. Wuirave cepyrigirted tire usne ef "THE 0OBG4AN ET TE" For eue- Instruments -centaiuierg ibis von- derful impe-veumerrl. Any mimufaclurerli- fe-tngimug ou tht.copyright eill be prorE,,ut. I iucte-aee Catalogues furuleue by sel- deessmg- W.BLL à c GO., GENTS' FUIINISkLINCwU UOUDSoiiisutm,8 THEE NE WE ST OUT. A SPIJENDIL) STOCK 0FIZEW SPRING IIATS & CAPS. CHEAP FOR CASH, VA. PRINGILE., àXityMrrch I 9th, 1873. 12 PHOTOGRAPHIGALLE RY. IBý-A E;., Mrr-r BRLOCK STRIEET, WHITBY, r~OP PO SITE: ONTARIO BAS-NK.- I3egs to announceý that lie bats huilt on the above preýmiseB, A INE W Photograph Gallery, 60 feet in 1length, e-Whliobb-É li' as fitted up wtîaltmlacs rpoents, and, UU-P, NT LD O M INIO N FLOUR & FEED STI T'iraue-stga"ed à>",111te loriratI, it"sus et Wirtr sd'c t at t : a opecea aFlour umu el erStneu i fi iMe.aty oceupied bý uMr-. James1 -n DudsSt-eet, Opposite the- Robson 'Ai Wiuetrytrust by heepnuer tiee n lays omriismmd.toe .irbie calictactien te egralomers Be-an, SiierIs, Ostuueel, Crackedl &o., eft-ie best quality. FLO'UIt-Fs1l WirualSprii ar - a nt dahiles cf Fere iita9g at living pnies fer cash.. CasirpA p ORT' IMPORTANT NEW, ti Litby, May 10, lb7l. 1 March, 1878. - 1 1 JF ale, 1 1

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