~INDUCEMENTS w~M. ine unstîver gllt cepsq. 'The Lanid wassaise in bronze deorated with W here hybv'Oeld t a larad viiried stock of a gilt bracelet and cesi of stUver lace. te a oeîe o~lreN O 1V O P N JNw The price of titis toy, and its xnonutinugî P N I waa 1,77bf, 1TheJJJ).gve d .L1DIY ' OJ wri:1 OUcons.ND 8JI8CEuIIES. SeveralcnseS of the most f shional>l Dres adsablead John Anderson, the rto-,udacconistuheà d-,f wrtetaAgsiztht awZuid 1give OU .. M ILLINERY SHOW ROOMS Liai PemilEse Ibsknd,.Dear Nw lied.L O WE' R I C EJ S ! for(], ait a ite for bis scientifie c al. Wl î1înhiafw 'y . thachorce varjety oftNew Great bargains ii F.nglish, and C-aradiain clotbs, rot- Agiaiz replied wlth thark,,, aud com . styles cf "Ladies, Hats. and Bonnets. Woln.,,ht plulned tht&t aven thon he lacked the -tug le ls Sn hawls, oir7 gloves, lt to nqsSprbnthehonie.ry, mtl t~ ,1u~ C LO T H:1 N G M A D E ;TO O R DE R, adcpadgnrkoskeigdygos "nldgo. %fr. Andlerson took tha't Asd tp,.n giem .1 ,e-,eii ry oos and ltaid fit lieho culd give 00-0.0 te. A uunin wie la4st sty-les inid on short nqtice. We would' Wardà a perrnanenlt ftn,î for Ãthe endow- draw attention to our large stock of Canadian Tweeds and Cloths. JS V'L't 01die choo, ad thî, ÃŽO"'.ro£ USTRECEIVING, A LARG14, STOCK 0F vzwnt aw i tes teb os d t st , Profess ri6 n stock A D IQ OR .ýa choice ot o l e ý- E A , W N S P 1oesr when arst ADLQOS wege a aeptd.1jolainderon y W4 >IS nw TAS h1NS BEST FRESH FA MIL Y GJ?OCERIES ,f snraicent; but ~nhave givan Wlîitby, All Btb, 1873. 1 mebtJ f.ùnilliantiin Landuilley'll A18 .' 0"~ B go, egiter ifi he chooýis p, ýohu Atthe Popular Dry Goodu aman Groery Establish.' -AdýoMy 30e." *Jonflentondo otoffeOtaiBnk Etmgllig paliers report tIhe horrible, "~j /(L ~ ~ >J ~ iJ. Il. ADDISON. den th cf a lad, wlo was o ulbystl as un 1 e n g ln e c l eà e r t P a d d irm g ten . T h eljoy p il 2 a , 1 7 .1 boy crept, for. warmntlî,ý into the fer- H T IF R T E mace bax otan angineottanding in tIhe IA C 3 I O IE hty pi 2d 8 Sh,,, su e ale.Sonatr, the 'Paîke pleasure in ainun'gthat-theyare r evit their anied ive,~ot<lcnowing Lh a Wag le r'eiiî fliere, kdulatilthe fiare, and lIthe poor usuitl bllpply of Fat-met!$' Iiiiplemeiits, Spadîes, ShoVels, Foî-ks, boy wal;Il 'terally m'ôated tb, death. . linkes, îloes &. A. x-cent foipeil e Cylon compelleil DNG A D UM E znanv ofthnaiithesweter D -RE 0T FRO0 M N G L .A N D 1 - SPR N A D SJ ME watersby climlm refuge e sti>ckt>f douîble a-:d singire harreL sh<ît luns, shaL pouches, R rttée Teewera founil in Inauy powderfitaa purchased befaîre the rise;.slenëdid va lue. M P O R F ITA T I I O N instancel, tu bea aready occupiail by. ,care farcenil d Thle'repDtiles Were sokACMLT veyca e . dow ing. auot yild-place te Our frivi!d's in the couritry -buidding will binc our stc f SOKI L IE ~ thea natives. locks, latclxas, buntsa, hinges, cut nails, complete as usual. Also, genuine English ACML ESOKI LLNSO Financlal circlas idi New Yorkwere white leadpit i» utgas c cnosderabîy cxcited on SaturâA. i, aitciSptOV , glss, &e. casting1;, splendîd a- ./ '- -i, 0le anniouncement that the antic 9- D RSTUE SSsGoth 0 D S s&l a detulter ntha tridling suni cf Wdays. Elaann Cisldian1and" noted" cîîe&Cnpe Ailv'ices 1fronttheonaigîmboern g, cait of Calollan8,tiluinys, &c., à 1 h e"no" le BR u E NT ' F JR L H O D sections et charleston, S. YGNreport IIATNG GI & iiasîrous rasuits b te ecrupla f;rin ther killing froat Of Ieridacy nirning, . Mncîm Whitby, Ap.80, 1878. 18 O VR ECRFIN of thme eottc.. will av te be replarted,_____________________________________ inrppralî Ft alate in ales sa icign50mn eahhia r- ALVILT-JS lM1N28. The GROCERY DEI>ARIN'î' is ri-plete with a choie 110':$ JIs"notocecurred ini luis ragion lralive ftiat sanguine fruit grcwers asti. mate te -érp of enchesnt on-thir selection ot Telus, Coffees, ncw fruit, spices, Bt.8t toulîct-o. Anrt yne sla 1fP saec ecnl of' a full croýmThe apples neyer look A MALL FAIRM FOR SALE. tlucl iu scotiand alone on fewer than ed. The grapes p)romise an aIuni?ant Now fur sale, a simallt arin connssting of Gosa rcsumîg.gtmt optto ntilion c lan bea 83 acres,whjch forms Part nf vhs, is kaown two~ ~~~~ ace.ai co.Tesrwtero r iiaalti. S.141 rHESTÂ'rE, a mile distantT NiT1>I1y turue il ito aber forests, - didi condition and will yiald a ful, irop. front the village of Dtfusi' Creck, PicItem'- .J. tJ.*vm Id lA s A littîs girl, tliroo yearns. di, wliose The cherries and plnis promiseoequalîy ihg, snd bourided-on the soutli by the-G. T. paens lY- n irokin pisue br-tvll. Raîlvay. The land chiefly consists cf a rich Dna paet sti rokipioe br .. luial jsay;about 263acres are clearodDnasS. %ýlt. »Il' thae otier niglit by eating imatches. a nd thore isaua orchard ou the tarin cf wallf April 22nd,'1873. 17 Mr. lozaga, lIme-Spanieli MiuumtcrinlbDÉo9PHÃ"RDUS, LIME, MRON, CAL- iieleted fruit trees. A beautitul place, and Para, iasala-rawlyescpei îoingt -IL I*IAYA or Peraian Barle. DR. wonld fornte a coinfortalîple residenco to a Paiha arwyecpellsn h WIIEELEItg -Compound Elixir Phos- proprietor who lias a faiiiy for taklng lîfo te uîgimt of an, oye, ligving beau acci- phiates aînd Caillaya combines t1ese valu- a doutiffy.struck wiîla a eue *wlîije play. able remedies in the forum of a deludous cor- Tavtaxs--Ono4ourth dowi,aud the balance ng billiardsa with euofl the attaches of ýdial. Phosphorons, a brain food; Lime, an lu tlîrce annal instalaments, witla interest aisLoatin.excitant of nutrition; Iron, a blond miller; at 7 par cent. SPECIAL ATTENTION!L -DIRECTED TO A PURE NATIVE GRAPE WINE, ikiten t cColokmvi le, Ont., PYly nFrgvill v4ine Manufacturer. It is more pleasant tlian a Claret, and lias the virtue of a Pure Grapo Aine. $1 50 per gallon. Five gallon lots at a rcduccd rate. R- H- JAMESON, SOLE AGENT, WHITBY. Also Aiit for the CelebrItel WIIITE' W iEA_ WHISKEY, a lîigly rect4fied Canadiau Liqtior. i'7'iýtluton n fvor 1 Prli- c nevoueprotraionandWM. GORDON, lic ofa e~itini I~' ~ tinuanevon postaton udgeneral Or hoel3ayside, Whitby, meus metinglu futre, nut îat lilitiad-lly. Phosphatas@are tliQ only agents J..GODN taneknnwn thatoft innued'atulonu tîe stoauach lima ~ ~ ~ r inhda fJau al îyear. frecting the digestion sud assimilation nifflarrister, Whitly. "It la rumnored,"syli thpte r cf ÃŽ.1,and eternuing the formatîioni nipure April thI, l1873. Dr. Lushtington'a secret îcoet Vc 0 rai isrlable i evbildig dscoverd is - OR AL the~~~~ 0ur "c' 200eTit uidn cîeittiîs ACRES OF LANDFO SAE rou ias et licdwit outi LordllB run iwn with nId complaints that have 0- ro ii ciii il:ir n iie lereinfore resisted ail ordinaiy nueihoda ofThsbaibreesfosaeLt, d ruade public bafore loiig."eltrertmnut. Sold b>' aildruggists. cnThescmiîî of it-ucb; sale quLoti5, ni Ou Fritbay niglit, six tumorethe .ULth 1 Vau ieQI' 1<K A victian niearly uardahaîfon Sul)rmiit Sadthio uW RElfes dosaited tronu, i égarriLian at A idscreion, cuusiug nervous debidliîtymieo prmt ttinp.W Halifax. prammaa edecaK, &c., having tii i l vay p. 1. Rý. Frfuanlier particulars etquire s'et> advei-tisod reinedy, bas dimcovered a -L,.HAL An unpraeceuiotil cbonnund for bitters simple measson self-cure whlcb he vilii Leb'C.l e, li bas s"pmunig up inmthe onn;ylvania send fres ta bis fllow_-suderers. Addres, Oshawa, pril730,1878. twn blli voieci for no liconse. J .RE E, 78 Nassau St., Now York.............__ _ _ _ Tl~aappril~n c a yulî îaîy ~ September2aîcl,1872. 11 UI lng a dog cart anal smoktinig cigarretes 5 n-.O k ,01à . - t'imp'a b m~i.e., PtJISIEEPBY- aNloumlbed Centmral Park the othor after- 1111 ogall ' 'as5aa , a,ýg-" B>'a thorough Doon.knowledgo of the natural lava vbich goveru Je Le Peters, 599 Broadway, N, Y, ucîmu.the ojieratinus ni digestion sud nuurition,and Tha NewYor'k Tcnmlm s fto be damaI- 1>'sCaroful app lication nfilthe fine proper Mailed, post-paid, ou Receipt cf Price. iedac leeccllieegroing wana t oôfof -ected cocos, M. E Ps ha, mommere, jrolddà our_____a blos wtb alicate- Y O C A L y ..u>cevcaa ci iinysvaiAhnve aîîd Below. Sac-ted. 1Dy Jn3e ila word ountthe lst of May'. M . Ead inpi>' itm boling atemr oy rem shillingspaceotuslahaiid-Jti. E ers Bsek te the oaIdhane. Sonig &ut tII sa A bale teleg9rmai ysSir Ssanal liak. CO-. UOMCeopathi(; Cbaiiiost London. Darlinig, wecp ni mre. *1..Ha>'e 83 er là sta Ocolera, aiise nuîi iIt Wo teyÂcvor uCamco--" Wo yl nov Dtnt vecli an, s6ter clariing. Song, h "1vaau acout cfIbm recsa anpte byDoz't forget to Write me. Sang & Cho. Ctor 33. 'Tva alka fronu Wisconsin hava eau Iefsto.Jamies Epps & Cdanufacturerimics. oîgoouî.inlcu3 seuil ~ ~ ~ ,n 1lie ie aExoiinotdietelic articles, at ther waî in he, s iloua tethe lucaveul>' gardon. Soný;i 53 aelt O te iena xq*. iio- Huston vorknon"-aslu 11wLiîJ'OU were I,wonld yen ? Song. Shattuck 80 'Waren, O01mb, luitti have a womau )ild Rad Lonou"- 40l' Hu K.imi*sme, dsrling are vu part. Stewart Bo iramsaband,. _______Little BDind. og & clh, Ha., s801TE E 48Little a ln Nai ng & Che, Macy0,T I EN T A -RI 0 ]Imry petatoma are plantiful inArkan.NV DETSMNf Lord, ferever ai Tii>' ide. Danr. uns,______________________ Ifeol me, Beqsie, lunlIhe ell, Stewart $0 sas --~--a -Meeutnie, doareat, wih à kise%. Daulce 80 WHITY MATC f Ta T~ UEE's BITHDY. y boy -acroais theo ses. Haye. 85 I WHI-BYý---liX-BTS.--TH QTOEN'sý RTR A-ý giv ni a home liu che Senth-. Hatys 40 L A N & iuVuuN G S - Oh,Sini. Song & Chbn. Ilyo 86 Ciaoirtc lea crc, Aprhl 30hb, 1873. A G RA N D tul>' fuir you, llallad. Delinz 853 vauwlea .. uLtile pet.- Scong & tCho, Haye 40 FeU ~ ~ $ WWel..... e uLi u4 PRPaEpADE sy>'ho..e.Teiperance aong. uu40 O H .X 7A Sp ln W ue t- -- -- - -- ~ ,iC O C E T W O r O i n h t Song. u t. 40 Incorpo a ed Febr ary, 1873, Pu maant t a th e A ct f Parliam en i 9t b V ic - liaiIf> ~ ltho@ PS Wii hagivn aItheDRIL SII'0 on Wiln thon veap viion I ani loy ? 'aaker 25 Itlatk- Eyo Pea---.... 7e 8k 8.TURDAY EV'NG, - 24t1c MAY, INSTRÙMENTAL, -Cmpe 0 u ueduus Bye, ............ e..o 3co Firsi-clais Music vill ha pmavided. POLKAS-Snmeam, b>' inlel, 35 cIa; - Osu....... .......U7e 0 rced 0h pîel ulqiainBelleof8asatOu,by 'latter, 85e; May' Flow' Ha>'---------------.. 8 e18, oaf- ithle debb ou Ail Saints' Cliurcb, MAUIA-Awkening o th i Po ...t........------0 à L*- Sec posters sud programmes. ȍ; HapVj Thougiais, b>' Wslkem, 80e; Permanent . ixed Capital - - - $200 Apjas pr bnl. #0WUhlly, April seiim, 1878. 18 Lauguglave, by Wilson, 80ec; Sauibean, ...tter ..1r GA7LONTEPTTESCNUAT, k -Charlies & Freidls, b>'Kin. Shares, $80 Each,- ................ lacw HIJT Bu SHOTTICHE S-Fatal Glanca, b>' Young, Payable eilimer a1 once, or b>' Monthl>' Insaaluerits, tuil' qua $ W 1o B -. 20oe; Ma>' Morning, by Schmidt, Smc; Sïn Daef, foe-uTe .... 0 Notice la hart-la> givren, liat for lime cou- beani, b>' Iaumpel, 35e ; Willie's. Kinket,8ue Ileef, fors quareier.6ic vueafniShillîpers, Tradersi, and ail per. MARCHES-lielIe ciffSaratoga, b>' Buin Purk, par Lct.. ,.,,#o~~I nu intereateil, a Cousuluir Ageney of lime -bath, 40o ' Mollie'o b>' Kiikel, 33e, ClaeI.n---------5 5e er pair., Uniieci Statea ut America bas beau csabli»Iab.WALTiE.S--CaI;Â, Geomgie'a, Lottia s,. Dccli, ar Pr---------soc fCd et tiblajlace, and limat lime saine vil bc' .Sllie's'aud Msggie's, b, Kinkel, esch Bec JIR; 02 orôthe trsaction cf business ou sud ?ouflvbAl -te umeu,> ý s prlb.......7o0l0 r tiis date. M lotus ýWILýLIÂMt MCGILL, Eq., M.IDI, P1tiIE ,04 30 @ 65 A WfcVmen Poka-Mazrka-all by Drasalar. .F OAEsta., VCr-PREsauxyr, CoslarAoi t*SALO>N PIECES->anceofnithaeHacyma- T.N. GIB0B9MP. - 2RA FETLE .1' ,G UIDE. bty pi O 83 18 kei'a, Wilson,-75e; Love's Caressea, inkel, l BB,ÉtaP P,~. W. GLEN, EOQ., 40«e; Ma>' Blnssuin, Kinkal, 60c; Plainte W, H. -GIBBS, Esqê, M. P. FRANCIS RAB, EsM. DM. G1RAND T11UNXK'B. IE. WLÙAt-ilson, Wipmfraa, A. 8.-WHITING, Esq,, *..H. THOMAS,, Esq. Trslmisijîi*ui Whltb>' Station as foliovs: A C A N T A T A, Auny pece maildpesât.paid, on roceipl t J. AK~,EQ Galng Bas- apuapg WasAd-. EXprs,,,75a-.- Lôtuac. . - -âc rzma p, . ET-R,-5T.Bradwa,. MCMGILN, E - lX d-2:139 P. EpssalS.i.MECHANIC8' HALL, WHI TBY, JL EESZ2mavy .. --SLos - - LYMAN EGV; H Eq ýExpress:,, -7W2?p. ml 6:0dP. l . -, aeus - - ONTAR 0 BAl'TK TEeîrains re îysprirna tt hidli la -- --ON - DRS. FOOTE &WARREN, 22 ineas a tr mthutmesl tain....W RIDAY EV'NG, goth MAY,'7,- a . WHITIY & P'ORT PEIUTR. R. 33>' limaYoung LOaW ies i e,Tunlôr Division BROORLIN, ONT,.-fi Tan otg Nrth-, Mail, MixedHlgm Sceel.Copni rret dvc mnl ~bJieo, 90 a, 18pn B HT, UIA ODCO.Ap>i-l 22nd..1878, 171 Rme m sms pi- 200mad uar ailvnc moeY1>1' p u or. Coutry Real ________________0_____:03_.M U t WHTE,'MUICA 1PUCORI17,do, for froru Ive ôta wli'ty year ; psy- w h t y : 7 m .dT7:c109 a ul . li se -v.se T 8 -able in m nothly, quartoerly , h l fy orly , or my l ' alm n tul, (t a su it l cth 0 - PoiFrr,(riv)1:0 a:m. 8: 4e p.m; iei05cne eïre as W 0 yIr .co.au - oSZh- eniencocethe s fore anin li rates aiofere* t TrWhGol ouh in, 7:10 p.omdat lie ai- Ou î ogieo 1, and loWa g adwll aîîov interoat a b - Pot PerryWepi.rt, 8:30 am 100p.m Eaiaiu ,-d >r adat f6 sdtwrb ~ ~ a h altp -hty (ariv) :58a.m,2s pan. W, W178.-On 38 Sat imfl, Idj,'alaco, tbewnteofspIer et. er anXl upithe sanie. TIieStock cflthe Comupau1 in 18- -J SPbIt Stationi) and Majoserinalled' ot leear- " -eurtforjsl -pspad helng unmier lIhe gcver4inent oëDiromlcl J MPRurild ug taime saine bcIôfr ez1,ame'uee l butucos, wvia are valkuo ovutee.ganIrai onmuni. DIVINE SERVICE. RZÈE TONYA eeylro SB. Soicitor utofceyCoi AUl Sail' VChii-AtIl s. in,,antd 7 p. NatnPublie . . ' -Oi-WiibyfAtl 2 -1; - - ar tihstt To whic.h theyinvite ai 'ory ttiaeribablo fabrie prï <oDEFY COMPETITI \As b value, assung thoat iwhd &t. toi hen with their patronage of gettlng (Jheap1 - Dresa Gocais are ucagnificenti Thair stock of Vlothi g e a nesd well-ausorteai. , \4 \Eti h rptto 0 - ' ~~~~~%Tai hirplla o the choicest in the Couuty.,,:A large stock of Canadian Gooch cheap. Millieay, Taloriug sand DrassumtaIing Mr TO -0R DER'.a FR E SH G R0CE R lE 8 4 An early eaul soiciteil. t OWES ig POWELL. C$>. DOMINION -BANK. Notice le hereby gieii thtt a dividend of four per enît upon the Capital Stock ni tbis Institution lias ben tiu day dcclarcd for theo carrelit lialf year, aînd that the saine wiii bie payable ut the Bauking Hoase, lu tiuis city, n and mfier TUSATHE 18T DAY OF MAY NEXT. The transfer bonite will bei clomedl frein the 1fitî to lice ilt April next, bnth days lu." clusive. The ucunuicl moeting of the Stockholdere for th e lmtioîi of Diré-tare for the eusuing yaîr, will bc îeld t the Baniing Iouse cn 'hi. e-ity ut 12 n'elock inon, on Wedinesdy, the '2801l day of Mîîy fîtc. lia orther of tlie Bouard, 11. IL. JETHUNE. Camblier. Toroto, ?March 2Gîli, 1873. T AMING WILD IORSES 1 Prluted inâtructiong by m-bil the inont tiiia mirai. niay lie PfAcetiy subdued.- S-ut t alahy atidreasgfur 0 cats. JOS. DUFOUT, 10-GiMoore's Station, P . Q . [N IlA NC E a y. h t Sofpnl, A. D. 1873. Dc-TV.-c-s E-]>WAltD SMITII, Plaintiff, EI>WAIID HOCKINc+, Defendant. Upotna lime mpfflic-aiounof theoaboaeuaumad 'Iiitilf iand u111)(M bcariig readlb-i affidmcv. itS of ti ù a-iifPhiiEdwin Farewellj Gi-orge e Hî'nry lartisel(EnilCharlcs Cham'I blauia, i ordecred ilia thie Defendant do ounor before thîe 21st DAY 0F AUGUST NEXT, anrwier or deamur teltce Bill ni Conuplaînt lu lhIas cause. Edad cifug talce notice tuat if yen dojt auncswem or de mnr te the Bill pursant t thie ache orleÉ, lthe Plaintiffina y obtain au ordei- te tuilete Bill as confessed agalua u"ý nd udhenCourt rai>'grant auch relief as emay be enutitted te on lUs owu simoviag, amI yoîa iili-uit eceivuî auy furlîmer notice of ctmofuure proceechninn uthe Cause, J. B. FAREWELL, V X very low prices. Having personally exainnd~c ac WA LLPA PER:i Just received from England direcet, wîthstandPinge avneiite rc fPpr w ilsl 0 JAS. Il. GERMIE kco, A gétt for I-arte's and (lampbell's Concentrated Lve, for makiug Hari or Scft Scap wiliut Lime or Lye sud-with lutIle or na trouble.- Iu 11h boxes, pri -9 95 dentsa or 6iv. for 01, A FULL ASSOMTMENT O1i.' SOAPS AND PERFUMERY 1 Condition Powders- ail miakers, or made to order at theý lVit y pris, d18yth7 at8.eras sd GOLDSMITH'S HALL! o - ----- flaving decided to visit the Evropean Markets, I wÃŽll fromn tliis date seli out the present 8tock ot Jeweliery, Fancy Uoodu, and Bleu, tro-piate at a Discount of 10 per cent off Present -Prices. IGL N SIECI LE SUI'1' LESITS 1Oliasl'autff Sliier fon enldbeulgsntea atisî setpceando: qualiy Ie. 1)1iOCLMATON-- -(oldimtli'a al, Whitby, Mach 12, 1873- TOWN 0OF'WHITBY. HE PUBLIC HEALTH, S P R 1 N G -S Whlereate ica smoa barrivad vbu na public iuealih deiamuida taiprnmIu4mes- tire ha taketi teo ec-nrc tbe emoval of ail nuiicuce xitiu vihi te Corporation; Notice im uhlereinro given ibat a i piivieti muai ha emptie.-, bsck-yarda, cellarsan sd JEL N FU'-E B -I G bog îîcns c-eaîîeeîl, sind niber nuisanea ira- Th isetr a rciedsrit l3uc egs to inforuR hMs customers tl'itfie le tin ca te briamg beforo lInq Mayor au>' parson , 'i r St ck o th .P Iirt..ilepC loth s, T w eeds,' ALEX. PRINGaLE,d WhIiitb>, Apral lStim, 1873. lô.t, &d &c., very select, -and suit'îhle for, thé IM NýLABOR SAVtEl>in ifaSrlg1miee T - ~Ail oxiers3 promptly attended to and TUE O5CILLATING style. Spacial attention palil lagiving a uiAfâ0tarYý WASHING ,,MACHINE furnihiuggaod.'ncluding halcpuubels P4toeteil on the- 18dblui>', 1870, b>' JOHN Fi WILLIAM MATHE-FWSON;, - lotbierJ BDROOKLII', ONT. Theo Palonte challenges Sa>' 01m ai as. ing machine nulain u»e o cn, te ËaltWhitby, Apr il l 1873, hie, foi- ansumme>' i naane. Tbe Ma- chines ias Utime0rTA1uay etd, and sed a- iearl>' ail lhe pýi-; tlup s and inz frrnkr ïï 4h. (14- _A-I-] lators onl fhliU, and will le 501<1cheap foi cash. JAMES_ JOHNSTONt flowî n, receipt of a Vesti ngsy e SOason, which h. la h. shorteat naUals~ Thme allanlio ~ctor, Imprns'ements made on any ronLammdasince tl ime ni sn'eb '.- tien, c l alst te the occupanit, ueA sncb occupation bas been autimorized b>' lb. Department. THOS. H. JOHNSON, Departument 01~ Crovn Lauda, Torento, Aprili; 1873,ii-ia DIVIDEND»_ 0o. £82, Notcicer eeby given, thata Divileud et Por e cn. p h e up-capital Stour par oea Intiiticn a Idhecarrentu half.year, bas ibis day beau declarod, ant& limaI the mame vili be payable antlbhe.fisuk sud ils Branches, on sud slter MONDÂT, thme SECOND DAY 0F JUNE NEXT. Thea Trauster Books vill bs closed freux lime l5th to the 81,1of May, both daysin- - cinalve.- Notice la aIse givan, lmaI lima ÂNNUAL GENERAL- MEETING of ltha Stockmolde.m, for ime- elaction of Dir.. actera, will be haldat thme Danking Hanse, mn BowmnviUe,n TUESDAZImithé THL1D DAY OF JUNE NEXT. 1Time chair te ho talion at 12 o'clock, noon, Precitel>. DJy order efthlie Board, D.- FISHER, Ontario Bmnki Casimier. LAS T GREA T NO VEL IS NOW APPEAJEINcG Di "THE GÀZETTE.y The Publisbèeiof Tira GAzETTE aves competd srrangementuis h th e Executors of b lac Lord Lython, for lime exulnaive semZi pblicatwion Canada nofiasi utgi-ast T-HE PARISIANS 1 lime publication cf imiebvas-W comauencad on Saturdayi 121h April instant. si-y Reprta, lie Yesî Law lReports, full Re- ports cf lulc e' teosrlml su emlete Comm i-ci eaioiL, Thea5lipplng nue in Tira Gà ziTTa la worll anuy limes lime pice ot seibsMtp- NOW I8 THE TIME TO SUBSCBIIE I May' b. orderad fi-cm Posimaserasi ainew -Agents sim-egimoutCanadaor-b>' mmail, Titus--Dail>' 68 par annuma; eky #1 CO per annuni, Addresa Weky T. & B. W IE numbers atm publication oi in informing-their îrieîîds that they have îr, old stand to EXD Whitby, Maroh 26, 1873. GF 0 c ti MEDICINES, E N 1 1 'N IN CHANCERY. ý 1-b- 11)ROGLAMATION 1 JAS. H GERRIE'à 00. 1