Whitby Chronicle, 24 Apr 1873, p. 2

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* W1110ty,ÃŽ-1r1Nuy, pr'il24.,1,S73 * - Acceir ilPrties te whno a 0' enute have iteei latehy scti fron tm Ac ' e-' anti- ail (titr'3 in arrtur for id. Vo ti&'n',, pring, ani mub,,cripuioi)î wil - w sler a favor by remfittiuq tii anupt i tfiteir tn.,Iebtediless. prompt -- rcruitîa1cces will gav'.lis inrucli trouble fin 1 expen.t,40. Atil sb.erptlonu.,i j sgliolilil b.cl'orne iantrinti, aepayable titly li atvatice. Prospcts Of tlïè Canaidian",Pacifie Riliway Comapan~y. The stttement o ai b. ostq se Goneral, fIat thei, Pacifie aha amiwaslooeriupon witii fayot aÉ fglan 1, andti îat a aceau . s;"t oa iru- Hgit &llan's mission wig -- odte, will b. receivlet with - muechI gratification by theIi. nod ofL aita grw t l uiniî rdertaking. Ai thons hisnlsa sîrot4lti 'mbrace every tmue Cati uîlau wanuhty oi 114 e naine. it wonlbhaa tiionsanti pities titat a warl< 00 vast, 8aurOf of atIrron ,hly, national *..a citaracter, desigueul te unit. amui -, llrp tii, several Provinces of-thie D'ominion, so Weil caiculatd for de. -,,velaplug tlheir ne$Ourees, andi living Catna 1111apl0anduristanding aunongst th iinations :of ti ntheol, niionîtîb. for * on i marnent obstructeï lin-augli party ilifferences. To make sueil a work the. t-otball cf party paitias, and:ti a deavaur te mke people believe tiiet it lu -go nltiiîg qqit. ditlîrent ta w!rat it - reall1y im, is natîtingi short af s crime. AR ta the. Matemnent tîtat tIie euterprise liasbeti lanîlet over ta the contrai cf Amueicang, there is uatiîing wiîst. even ta warrant Ànch a presunap~tion. Tire lireseat directors are ail, Cana. *. dians, tire ail mnnof influencee amui 1 rge nmalle. If Aincnicans issi ta paltlieir money inthutirndertakitg, *- -wlîy ail tite letten. *Wit o wull pue- vethètii nI ? at lcest shows- titeir * Cisîmittlico ilinte eîitterprise. Tii. coinstrul1tiOof aithe Canaîlitun Pacifie wt-uuhi*iPPopts n mnes ai weaith, nom lylut" -tuimi'oveil an aitogeticen don. nl:t. -It svaîlu lirnin btteii. ontry niliioiîiu of Etgliit capital, antl i iutt. rude Of ttaimeatutis of sVrrkine3n vatîlu b. ithupantttI into tii, cOutty, wlio wol 1I ftperîns ccupy the launà l -bîtiue pi-n-ca--ut sitîhIns. Tii. O i. tttrio ftria i- watl-lfin la rsa-iv tnark-'t at-lus gloan for ail the strpîlies llonul n-nis, iti a . lurI oulu lie cne-ateti ti atunliiitui siîply oa i hases ani a Tit-, T eteltmnt aif the -cautry--, liite iiceasîaf; filt# natîal prailuititins,_ *- tle lcveîopînpnt of its minerai, wesutut, - iite grttîfi niuiictlîres eviry. W, 1iîvnlil he titi hpcertain nîsuilte ta foi- 1--v- Suacit an entet-îimieis a grandil ppor. t ittiîy itr Cna-liane ; it mueit open up iliîaeîîse flelils "for the emapaymeîmt af - lînluatr, 8ekili, anitl iiilrties aifvarions * ki-ilsm, ail nltiîu-teiy lueýlpin, ta sîulpply thie tfa-aou tie. ros, ,anti unytling, ae wus have esid -before, ilesigusîl tg' litinlor or helittie itlu snatluing shart ofi cirniniti ouilte part ilf tlioie vito wanIl -c.-usî obstruictions in tue wsy. Wo do litopth îat attiittit suceese wiil cramu Sr IHugli t liuuueregcitians. Appropriatians fan Strecîs. At-9n meeting i IitheTown Cuieil, ou Tîaonliay evtining-,,îIi-. Ilay liongittinlaa repart austing itun -mariens appropriations ta theelS sut(l wartis, ainuuusing alto- gelluen la $2,8100. Fan tii. fret tima within<Our racoilectiaut, an tlîç briging frrdarport ai the kiati, il vasr adlti viitout discussion. 'Pins Unaninuiîy lesometiîing gafleul i llte; clitncte r aiflte proceeding ai thît TuonCouneil,,anti speaks velI fanrlte fatiess of lte report. Hemetoiere,. if o19 iMt wxîu ma. ual ituvoreti at île ex- pete, of iltlltern b utait epôrte, il vak toa mmcli lte abject af certain mern- boes o twist thi, figures liaI we'y. -Ternbenmsnougiit ta gel ahI hiy coulil fuir Ileir ovut pnliculsur yard regzard. lesof lic intereets ai ohheÃŽr partions aifltae lawn. Langthy enes ofivrang. hiun ati squîbbliiug vire ltaeremuit aI thie Coumîcil board, anti inviaily sc- cetipaniedthie lisocuucio oflte suhjeet ai appropriations. Il iC pleaeiug tla finti a h iis don, avay vitît, andti laI mmnuirs hun o aavl - einteresqaf the lava us a vitale, ani l tothase -alune ai lthe patilcular yard lhày hîsp. petu ta represent. SILxten.-ýe W ,-ept thue.esience ai lte ParI Penny Standard ce a proof tlunt ile "ela lîcges" ncpcîing tIi. - a-tlway Étuatters hasve been animvrei. NVIIItl -of c 'uute hle roputstion" aif lii rlLen, whichu lue vas so vecîluin- moite et tuke upotulit. tnuaitfil- nuu m(?>)tof lii aseerliat? But wî nappas. vwlit lieniter-e hasl leomigit Wtui cealune te lase. %Wc gare lthe "fels tanI ligunes" lie ankoti for, le up. port aifa-un utilouenus; ailltaI i- allegeulbalie ~n alunduanîîy procel; sudt now thuat-lIti lie han boeîu coin- 1111111,10ltita-gilnoe (nodo1m1t14îuy tdie ctnuilig "outie.pncn;iiieuî">, ive li-is Clitai ieliaosceea lita eù rnun i uicofliji- m ite iîterneulliig, W'1 sknwv huaI te -Ititvagnonaluliu. W. aise ell Istw h1liat lipe. vasneelîlagta biegaineti by arÀuing withsic bndeigatIvee- natry-tiiat lie %vas "net vwortlitpovuler andgjwtet"-orît l raubleofrefniting lii. Il vas, iaawevr, wlth 1'tii . "outaide" partiles coimlra-ling hie ma-ad i I e e concernel1, aana-t t el.e sheet Iluy hla M'1118 thi>r muuitt.ipice; Acti MIen ail We-vo SIL oursslv'ec, Wiiere's telii. ain2 ÀA Tltoiy bvëeg oaci 1per "Dislu uic tatuimpht , thnir 4'reputalion" Wln-my littiOi reiôve-l froim theiiict crpu. tatio.i*"of thilr-tIeineig pmpi;r - BICTI l3RAifTt1e uhuliantlcue for - t B*sit' Il "u-laoieplaena BIiutnierdon LLcý bieir zrnwa a t refcuge ini otie coui -inouse wich the7. barrj.caud jl.'h t- oeminenced tIi. blooly renconiters tit ensued. Tii. building was set tlrre hi *-and tiie negroes were shot dlown ot forced baci Jte tue >rang )building Tiier, uo o oubtt bunt thlat ti. negtrop --igan tii. affray*wlmich end in the: Pautielîmetut anti -butchcery ; but tus tiîey wcre ucediessly buteli'-red 1)b ,,those who, beseiged tiiem' in the cour li honse, appeairs ta be equaliy trut. - eirgteuce cf sucii a state of Ilinge f deplorabie, andi if th", Fetiral goverà in ment-bave brouglit it about, asýIe Pt Areilhargediwitii doingr, by enecourgin. I the negra, and trying ta, crueli theii jt SoutherrifeUaow citizetisof the. wiit le racetii,7 bave mucb to answertfor 1; tafais. friendship toehenrage thi negroinu Wrong-îloingfoti.ak o le Ketting bis vote. In provoking snt fost.ring a warai races itls ôonly de. oreeing lin extermination. -Y ANOTiiE E[ USEBANO SatrAPE;. - Ce- *r temporauleonsiy witi tIie account a1 *the nhooting af a husbaud's paramoni by i@i wife at Toranto, on Tiursdlay, w. have a 'repart of a sorimewiîat simt- i fnrturiately not quite se ltragio a scene,iwhicli took place usai e Oshîawa, on the same î lay. Tii. wife, tas lu the Toronto case, suspectei the * iusband's flileiity ta lis marniage vows, aucl was oi thte watciî. On tii. <ay me 'ntione th te seriFaut girl <vas ieft iin etiie hanse alone, wiie the. tnistre-si weut apparently ta pav s visit toa t* eneighbonn, catI the tuishand w'ent to tplouigl in a fieldl aijoining tu iane"q,. rSiiortiy aftrwards tIie hansAs were Fnoticed statving stili in the corner of the flelili the hutebautri haviug returned. ta the liane after tii. wifo's deptîrture. Tii. next scelle is placeI in tue fnail girl's bedroom, (%vliere tiia ituibanti was caugit in .laqrante deliclo.) tii. c.a. raged wife belshouring hlm aver the lisat i wti a stick of canîlwaod, iii'tlîe presence aoftitre. neigliiianing wvamcn wiîatslic badl assembicîl ta lie wititeqs- es af bis poena ly awi p-iiegltm--t. Tii. unfaitifil ltuslind mtale lus es- cape frotutiei. îlse, sud ttliicmni- the unfortuitate irtýs tnt-t, upot i 1o' the four waîupu fi-l svith gret vioil- ence. beatiîîg, ant i ieiitg lier in a liîacking ma-int-r. Recours- ta thte Iaw, anti fn-tuer pubilice xpmeune. ni.enry, .an-i au nhulappy lioiqpu. liald. are tue next staies, itrizgi miuiiàthtitiman',sithanieful sin lins it-c all patrties. TEMPERiNCE MasETrxr. - We IE-arti witlî pleasune thttt the Teinîperance meeting lielîl at tih. Cangtegatioiîtl Ciuircli art Tutisiia v en-it, the 1iDit must. was qitite a succees. Mr. Mce- Nantultot' lecte ivasI repli-te witlt stîîntliîîg statistics, gleetî- froii Pr. liainelitary rettinrs andt otîtet-saur-ces, as to tii. extent, aud etorniane culs of the, liquar tramfe, anti itsbiliitiiig influence ou oociety. lDr. Gittîn,' lu ma-ring arvote of ttaulis to titi- lîctut-e, tielivereil a shotrt but tu llaiîlte-Se. Revus. Mi-oesge. SatîdersaitantiGibbs almo took part ini the procceulinge, tliti latter presidirtg as ciîairîîau, çnti ler. INr. lulcDouaglr, a noteti atvocate of Teniperautce ivas preet, but iit not a Itînes s em-îetiug,, bat lias praritise-l ta visit Witly as a' icttîner at au ettriy day. W. wisb caccese ta cvcry proper effort an beitaîf af Tt-tnpeî-aucc. Tria PîînIsROOGCÂA. JauMnAifot May is an excellent nttrnbu-r ; c.;iitairi- ing rnauîy partienlariy ittei-ctn fa titres, viz :Tii. Portraits andtllife Sketches af tweis-e Riitors af icatitîi,, Rtigions newc-ptpins - rtîchi a,;s The Observer, Chrnistian Union, E'-nngc-ist, Christian Inteil i.ncnr, Libernl Cîti-zti- an, Clint-ci anti State, I3aptist Uioln, Chtristian Alvocate, N. J. Meseingir, Jewisi Citranicle, ets. ; i-{nali XTCna- I Ji J.Yarnold appaintaîl Sccrctnmy. LCTÃœRaa.-RteV.-S.'- '. GibuIs is an-. nunceti ho deiiver a Lete attlt Coli gregaliailial Cîturuil iii hue tovît, tutu Pisulsy cm'aniuug nxl, tlî.201hiîl. an "TMarks ai Design in 'Natuîre." 'Pli siul)jf'ecl ili b. illiustmatedti iîînumner- ans diegramns. FI',ickeîei 20 cente; ; plut. cee s ta he dcWtoitolatie lining ai lii, churcl pevs. rAirirvtra$csy Sînacimnmi. - TIe i.Olti Fellove ahiuirsernuan wiIh he preaclieti in ahi Saintls' Clînrelu, oui Sun. day uext, aI- 8 o'coct hy the. BÙal. J. D. Cayley, obapusmn. 'Ple Lotige -muets autvaw o'cIack. A collection vihi- be taken up la aid cf lta iowdows anti orpîsous at. LEo'ruat-Tllies'e. W. T. Stuitîteît viii tieiver a papalan ectîmne in thumi Parooîtial echeai1 brune, Wiiîby, oun tej eveolog of'Tnrf iy, April 2411, tt 7ý,eu, p. un, Subject, "Pié e ipea-ace a9 Poyer ofilhie Retligiaons Press." - Dit..Wàtsaeir:-Dr. Fuisit WN.g 1en, -e are plongasetl learu, lu canning iarn iîlmeeli a Iiiglui puttirîuî it i Proefession. 'cHie paîtnfesliip wu Ia liitlili meut vîo sîsudoco se itn i U proieasion ias Dr. Foorte' (a s ciote if c aiier colimumsa 5 i uîe irhhcn sIen inl tîe wall. Tîiatter, *ho ig wbxil.~ e4 cilin the oye, was ifm0nodj o the hosn. pi tal tl ls xorning, where elle, iesain à »precariouis condition, ,A warr#ut wall issned l'or the, arrest of Mrs.-Armqtrwüg ' bib bowev-er, was là t ieel, as nr rhip dg)iverecl herso>f Up inortly alter. ~The affir has c~rated -a #Rs't enaa. tio amntst llthon. whinare se- Ir quainted withi the par<ties. It la repart.~ e 1ta armnstrong bas left the oily., Éfrswere mnate this afternoon teo- Mitaint)ith releame of 'Xrs. Armstrongz on bail, but h proved Unisuccesful, aq the magistrat. did Dot feel justified. r nreieasing tihe prisoner before evi- ei douce on so serions a ch arge Lad been Itear On Saturiiay the. Police Magfistrate ofremaniledti e hearixig of'tii case ta îthe. 26th. 0. OPENN OuT,-Mr. J. Ti. Adldison in now opening out hjs splendid flew stock. * MR. MuRinuex as a splendi4 spring afstoci, and is receiving early summer 'rimportations of gode. * How to go West. 1Thtis in an inqniry whici .verv one Flînnîti ave trjwthfully answered before ho le tarts ou blis jonrnoy, antd a little èare taka»l in exainination cof Blites will in inany cases save inucli trouble, ytime and inaney. Il.Thie 1C.; B. & Q. Bi.i.," mnuing- isfrom Chticago -tirougli Galembnrg tri a.Burlington. lias- acîtieveti a splendid 0rieputation in thA lmet two ,years as the *leat'in.-Pacesenger Routo ta the. \Vest. eAt ]3urlington it connects with tthe ofgrei.t Bnrlington Route whlîih us di- *rect titranl,,i Soîiiliprn Iowa ta Neîmne- ka anti Kansas, withi close- connections tQ California and the Teiritories ; ana passengers startingofroin Ontario Coun- ty Canada, on tlieir way westward. cau- not <la better than ta take tihe C., B.& Q.ant iîrlington IRauite, Tlit Lite lias pubiipd a paniphlet 1 calleti "Iitw ta go Ws, which con- tains nîncli vaialile iinfornitnn ;a large correct mîal) of tîte Great Wpst, whicli ean le nlttijieilfre of charge Iîy altîreseingth te Gpner-al Pa1stengori Agent Il. & M. R. R. Bîî-ligrton, Iowa. -1 Wewiil senti a copy otf air lîn-r aîîtl a Crtpy of' et'c u ica nthiy." for oune year ta aîiv ti ent ins $3 59.' Our paper speaks for iteîf, ani iYAu runy know thievalua of Ptr'Milqical lo')titly," froi thte t fluet tlint everypyerly stîlscriber getr about sixtv gongs, Dtîetq, antil Cliarie anti froin flfîytain ixty Piano picces, wortnh at lcast $-Il. Mu.uic Gcvpe:'r AwAy.-We, wiil onr '- '-Ptt-rs" Mtîsjcal Maîloti-" ta lie sentT ftor anien-ar toa any ane wlio wnUl sentit liq ten s11b-teribers ta auir papl. Thiik N of if! Yonl cati get at letret sixt y Beau- tifîtl Songe, Duels. and CItaiises, anti fi-rn filtty tri cixty piano pieces, wartlt r fit Iv ait $49, by senîiing ui ton suh- e serîbers to our paper. ff r Tup ALINE oi- rMay is the uiact ff ituilliant uitnibîtr of tItis gnp'-rb niaga-n zince é-en t r.it apens svitlî a C niagitifiseut m'eriris pictute, "Tite Le(, ci Slian,ttby F. IL.(de liane, wlia tantir, rn lty gettet-l cousent, ait titi heati of the marine painters of Aituenica, anti wiio lias neyer tiane autytliinq si) fins as titis tira wing. The fury of tire wiil(s andît waters tîtat lhave tIriven tte gottl elîtp frou liter course onaietîterrible ee shotire-h renticereti with wonierfil ltr-,aîitii anil vigor, anti vîviîlly recalls thet lestruction %wliitli calIntely as-itacok tlie ill-fitîtl AfthsîV. ýVe turu front tfiti irifi'fleriggeof tt eemtr in toa tIieions îlr-tNiing aftvr tit riii.p il tf Motîginot. It je etitleti 'Utlitîl- " iei Guîttaîi rpsents a group ot I Iiittei on the ittle tf an epliture, ai t untking ltavoc aînong tte d<lcies. Ourle lias liipset thaeîniliclip. ,]isi.lieciug b' TxitiAinsanN WA.-Sigapre, ic i tîtril iL.-The Ateen w %:îr aontittces. an> tA etop s titîstÊitwaq initie wvith par- ti stc t Titi Diitetiicarnietiltwî we' forts hut wer-t r .plss i 1fi-o, atiieprit>- n !pfti foîrt. T.'iey are ilow biusiegiiig titi' A n iUttitns paluace.Ti. rte flrcing WîrS îles- sas pote.ra Tite Dirali cajiiîntlnerKi-It ac ler %vas rillil totatlitîr iiti210iiof his pie iton. Tites Atelite-neso were, haily an arriieti. 'rie Diltelit ave caliltifor re.- itfarcereints. Gri-at iîickness prevauls but in titîir rautks. Trhe palpîer ports are con - ocal.tiie A MVUBDLR-piî HÂxNoa. - S.Vracnse, ta i N~. Y., April l8tl.-11,nry Frralick wasmi iangpdl t the penitentiary in titis eity ei bhis aftt-îiioon at tweiiîy-ane minutes mid piict il oeloek, for .tihe ninrier of Pe-ter ýj icltii.fler. rtiliek inarciied flrmiy te wri tie gallows, whera lie matie- a speech, . ioniînnerng the _Jn.ige anti District 4t'oroeinbitter agnage. He closed his rfean by saiuig, 'Iln the.naine cf ma Ga Almity Iamrn radyr jet mg go." wi Tih.St. Catini Npiès cf Manday -but last, says -The Rer. Ni. Cayley, otco', M'Thitby, hîremcuîcîd inSt. é Gersti Jiurclî yester.ihm, hotu inarine ant i ta Mvnig ie ilitccaiîrdtes wcre listcned eca to ivitii-profaund attention, beiîîg ela- a: îuîe»1t coropo:tions, anti very l1ogieiuiiy e PIiî* tie ikeuîingr of Coesaî- te wrridly sun >ower sd arroacp., was especiai e w01VcJ0 d1i, uMo, ~unnTR1A.-3Amie, April 22.- te lItla triai of Miran, wht> wtt. a -rrecteti ntii. nier oi Marsitail, -in -tii. awuiiî-Adljal , ent- gofiiyç str<lay. Tite, pitry 3ruitinen ilitDf- not of< Ini'y l <u tti,,7re lbox, 3fonuun a Ir uitbat belon, lie Ieft tii. towa lie 1 lo Wou 4luia4o eq w wn ev.'ny unthn. aunsicoutn ta a- fru o! noe.Itporlti froi n coiteitte a-f the vqliais -Mm. Blow in the obair-reai a hhird l imesu d paRseci.- STREET AND WAEI> À PRrTIat<S. Mr. RaY' -mprti ,fronthe commit- tee i o t-rest, aslcing fa-rlte folowlng aupitmniations, -Brook - street, 87010; Dunîilas etreet, $500),Base Lin., $250: Nnrth Weiri. :8500: Centre Word. $500; Seut Wamd, 850.: (lîcîei Le cnmittop ai the: vholh-Mr. Camnpbell le tp chair.- S Mrï Lsvderm itihobe as -quit. prem. n'nred la adapt lte W.poft as il shooti, but wanteti ta, kîuowvhiter the Sp. pronnuatione agnetfor ver. langer or amollpr uth hoe i flasI year. -n. Ra iesi lImaI ltîheyv ers a trifle iargýer, andi that tuie encrpasefi amîîunt vasq reuderetinsessmary in cenemcrAce a-f tlimeefficient -vav lu vit bie ork on tire streets halil bs-s dans tring tii. pae;t fewvyearx. The varie proptissul ta b. <ilon. titis yesar vîntlt bhais-a re durable chuýactpr. 'Pli adl-itional amaunt requimedi vas U250. He alita etatetiltaI it vas; pro. rosetita anitf nuit, sitone drain - cf at Colemiam's haio an Brîik streel. aI an epiense ai $75, sud that thal nnunt vas inlu-led. Mr. Picilp stta-ti thal lIte comutnitte hlîlt matis a carpftiuinspection aiflts. etreet;, flittimers vers an unasauri ntimuber ai crassinge in à<i hadt vy snd anti metinirnur ta b. re-painsti. Mn. Lnwtisr liiil abjhietft A t report. H. rstinenmhiesiten Broit atreel casl front 8910 te 01.201), anti liluauîgit hg cammitte le cttinir tii. amnonttmduceti dave hatidains eli. Mn. Harpe-r espetinîlv approveil ai the apprapriuliomt anDu ntas stre. TIh. comunittpA tIen rase anti the repart vas adopteti. ÀCCOU5Tq. Tcfr. Camléi braui-it farvnti se.- auuints: ai Mn.Bracit for $19. for fweire iti-. iibbentdni's on su inii,utnf s'iauni. vita vas tlliv-rrc-î i c chili « titi nrcon i 5 424 25 niH. Sttpnir'. fon fouir sippliell fa inAili'ete h i- r if tlîe mus-ar. Of flis firet acceunt. hi' taitt usA knew mtotflîiuua'anti vas 'mat pre- tnr-t ta re,!ammnn,li ties-vmnt. 'hPi Tfîtno pliinet flinl lie etamin campeoff thi- frtait afe cft ni-îlit: flint glut vaqsioutl-ten-n' ken iii ai T)Iwse's Ilci. anti tîtat lus liai anrietrer liatrI, sitenloil-ilme pnuirlv cunreti fonr nt tflue expeof atlIe towu, if se. as Rn iniint esn Ail n rimai-ko bt ssav-ran mmimsr. si ta fiers henicn ma iarmafiant vlin itPvrnn as. &c.. anil Rnisffomf tanrefer lie unafIer ta flue rnlie'f cam'îaillse an -ittn lu--i i r. Pulp. s hnît y Mcr.1 raw-ien, ftheaceanut vasn. iireti bînci ta tue fiiinie er-mmiftes ofaiumrtiuen nnqîin-r. Tithoaint ai H. Sheppari mes onuee ta be pulid. t BNcusEs TO MANUFACTURES.n INIr. Lavîýler Istuli on'- the table tIti uiant aif tit. eipecisi cammittes, Sap-i noiiiteuilta coinfer ifli cerfalu uniu uclumnîne witi resipet la bonneen. T'P ,(marI set autl lIte vaniaute propositionst unr Hlie e'ttabiliet faian orîsut and 1 ucboticaut iu fctorv. a liant anti elîne înutifocuar-, anti s iuilfdinu -for tthei ýI-k Factuiny. Tme committpê, lcie iti. yen nt yel pre-pantitivihtaivt-s tt.rnmme-ntisfia'n, ltse repart simpiy '1 îoîtî vtaltraneprireti. C Concil arîjoti-neti at 9.84). ia s lana and R-auna Cortres',oudeuce-- Extension ai the Whitby sud Parit Penny Railway-The PaIl Wheat- Bad state aiflthe i-asts-Tic Nan- i rave Bridge. t Thle exteins;inonfaitii. Whlibv anti v artnr.v lailwIvy questionnle attrait- 1: gi cl srions attu utiann a iour vise- tC 'reTp via e-pei lte inte-Iliceuce ai n uni uuîî(-îlin£! viliu surprise anti certain- n v vitît nao mal iîle-!re sofiplitasare, am ns monolrflian ntvuiti gis-s lreun 'unef P mmuuli-iihiiwifiithlItsConutty'Pown, -8ities affortiinq thiten othtr valiihie h ,Is-antasPBuulci t apr-scut tiîey taclo nt paseI llut-le la the.remate- 5 -e ai lusse ltois' gistpq front the cn. rpoie aiftteCrtutnly. Tiouigt i te .i f epss-tuprs andtihie issîtiolulere vd-re al ut preptimulta cenuIeluher lte Tcfidi. a mil or Narftru Exhensian Railvave a ai utute, sttii i1 sun îuîîîy ons-muceil ltat I ey yul fnceuy gir. salionni; ta the,- art Penny anti ýViitby Railva, ascr pi- matt importantl intureets are atonepiP ntmediateiv concenmiinlit ifsbiing IL it lîntiî li tii.section ai cauintrv. -ti uî-y btail vitît tatisiaclion aud tielitluf i prospet of thes ntipmtaking luein2 v ietideu ii-t, andl es-idstlv-*e lu A inti laa ssie ahl titeir powver. ItW Pistives timey vagi iller 2 Hov nw iigitant tlîey vouuîi fesI TuiaIHem ai' ShighvavsshonuitiLe in sud A th' uletcl .eMaWeanti cndition. oni iThe Namrnov britige.-Tiis piles are il tiy ail in lime grounti, sud lb. othen d ,teris, neariy ail reaty to praceeed ohi h limhe vari itiault ikay, gnson - navigation -opens, of whuch tiers is;tOf ehîi gitt prospect' for some v.eks ta-si Me. 'Plias. est acquaintea i vth SU it vont on'lii.brdge, are ai opinion ,., at itnl b ouli ncbhueltýen, anti more nonmical la biit ldRone pic'm. atonce, i cnsîmucl a tiarabie uti cubesatisi igé titan ta Le expeuitiug--arge mef ai maoney every fev years ici Pairs,&c ».ut.y tliiait thIis )ney coalti veli Le apphieti toolher rposes i6n'lb, beneof.aibell ca1on- A destrucîtive finsà visitetil île viiiage OUI ipeuvin th lti ntresatlisfation or ti speakers. that a Proibitery Lacw w Ibc passet att au eariy day (?) anth jI-suppose society wiil betregenerat.d INo mare rum.Iioies siher titis; no met 1 u>IThe brewer- will convert h stock ai swipes lute vinegar, anti I came a& manufacturer aof pickles au kiPPereti fisii; tbe distiller wilh war <love bis tangie-ieg bite higb vines,t ho aflerwards cativertet i ita olagO. andi the. essence a-f à Ibousauti flowel sud lte vine-mereliant wuil make t immense pyraniti cf eals'es.fa-ajeUl inta which h.liii our lii. balaned bis part and serywiierewli te ce]i braIe tii. triomphe o! ofhe cause; fis as vou weil l knw, people wh losiutit t thei vemy sinell ai ' ine, âan& van no mare let il trlekie dowe their so phagus tban 50 mucii,'puDic soii eau, fia (10o uetate ,jirhly, witilth roy nilpasably veil, -m"vIithi fat anrate) asking questions for.con science osake." Now ail -luis xuay i ta amuse rte million oun Sunitay siteT manous, sud ansun amafull believer i lthe priricipiena- fta-tai abs-ineoce, wil addt wîth tue lgeutie Cowper, whieni coince ta pans 'Inay I be tîtere ta sre But is il truéiei i even prowile lb. a ProliiitoiyvLiqaam Lais' iMi nulth cautry of titi awfahleurse ofi intet pi-rance 2 As Inn. antis prol-altie i taI yaî cua es-aparate Lake Outat-4 witît s box of luci Pm matches i Thi fact is thutt tl.e extravagances, not ti tise a tire foncihie expressioni. oaitl Prnhihto-y Lawvoiicates. ant i fan tao iarge a nuimbe-r ai Temperani« aralors ai ail classes have doue a gréa deal afi lainage, anti I vt-rg enutchi feri tlty are again getîng tale etagé ivien they viii iintgaslant anotl 'nîl!aper' ai the great anti gloniauts en&tr pnize, rs thuey titi aeletwenly yean ugzo. Until helehecause Itail grnu-i prospîreti, but Ilivswuutier thc icont suasian stenuuri, andl nesniy. if rnt fuilli ne iali of tiiielthen populationar Unitedi Canadla, eitier ne; a malter C consecience, an as onet ai noble se1:. tieniai for aIliers' sakes, hliput aqmitlf tuhl sorts at itevengslitsving Iittitxcat ing- praperties. Ina a iew yîars nmore ai -qutaily ivehi ilircete I c Tort tue hiti ai lte people voulili as-e itepncouv- crI ta eut ire abîstinence, buI a fie zealate in Montneal anti elseiere un irgunetilthey woe' quili'etian ênonmil ta carry lthe "tine Law," as iltia calleui, sud feeaking tue goati ait Giloloreui plan. tiîey cominence1 t)iteir crus;ade. Palitical Spoiti-rq Charlatane,. antI Greenluorne iveuilait i uvith a rush, anti tIei. inlwio pt- unuocti la question lte iviclorn ai Ilîi tiewe ca unh nil anti insuller as -nean.cpiniteti, cold heartîil, wromg- teatleul, &c, &-r.. Wpll lIe Prohtibîition- ers wpnit al il in tlir wn wny, an. a nttightY patter tltey titi tattle fan t etiile, an 1-that ivaq lthee uidof il. Tlie enî of it i- Na, indilu, lte mcciii s-as taIlthe pragmess ai licTetaper« une mavenîtent viu arresteul andtihet car aifltheprivions îwenty ysars lu agreat measurs leel. Leltiti. laîr nai gzain cismottret a tir lic abtaineul an-1 lIt viii be lthe gain ? WilI il exeînte il. self? Haruiy ! Tite law protecting property, ianogi Iaeketi hy rteself- interest, wlîiclî makes men uliligena i- purunuing the. liifanti hring-ing ii ta justice, dace ual make men imnest. Thune is raitle-y, Ilîsit anti siinuilin- -bnaxioas ta ltîw gaian 1 1thelte ime, ani lter. is clteatiîîg sud circuinven- tin anti stamehees nsîtry, not cogutiz- able by the elatites, a hunulir-foil grester pnacîiced, es-en nl-er the irasI if bigm nespectabilit-, simd, aitun fao. utierhe sacreri seii ai religion. Hase i il liaItii.e law (uîoese t extirpate cli thie rascality'? 2Anti ane we la he tlt bat s lawwii wiillihs-c no inîernu-t igaur je gointa hot aI uIan es-il, s-ast- fy more pneuioinin an d ttlobsicîate tan any allier s-ici- on crime ? Iu iîety nithe ont ai a iuutinleil cases, if net in tae full imuntineu, if a man is rab- bedilhe viii set lthe vIale micchiue-y cil' poiuce anti law in auleralian la recaver. lei property antI puicît li te olleuttirg, ut I -,enture ta say thai in uiueiity nine uses ont ofasiuntiel, rof the Irangi-s- aon of i Iuur iaev, tiu naecviiitraouble utneef litu ringlithe trnigrescîîr ta istice. Whiy. tIhe law as' il existe hfers large neývanîls for the cone-iction )f pensons wi-ia sutil witîuut ietse; mil yel lItaI law il esut nt rieflance a Iouîsanuî times a drinl Ottauwa, ai tillions ai tites in tint Duii-nin wiliî îunity i I wae bith urpîu-îeuianti esetita itear lte anc ,excephiin -a te speakers I have meuutiaîîuu, lira- dsing hile utter ivînt ai cautft.lence iti SProiiitary Law hit Sumulay. Il vas a tielusion am-I a ignare, lie said. titi wluo u1o YoemsuPuiaoe ltaI cpi-aIse- Glnr Canadisu Doclars vIa signeti l paper drink vine evemy d'ayj if vI t ley - lid elaliti bI t tount ta a row ai pins. I L'ai na-i Iugt ta gis'. yen encit alomily 1Tempersuice, but Iliere yen bhave sRuchas il i.,ant ifhitl eats cue ai o.r Temperancie neaders ta sh*sp 'ilbis Ieacacy oi the gooil cause by tke ritanmdel,- saways rmemer. litaI lime Maken an t bs~er-a îlskey, &c., are is eilow crealuras, an seucin enttlet - tu fraternal 'con.. eratians, even vhen lie olisappraves Wîeir-prîtetices, I wlii calhave scrib- tdin vusaie, "Teach rue the l4appy art, - With msslnness lurspnove; - To htthle "miri inattU y isart SOLDCOON. Elurgirs maie an atteeult onittain'. lyand Similav la rab) tbe1Batleofi Ontmea t Firgusb Iv >ryng.peýn,i-1 ite ta ebarge a mettiben aoflte Hong(>. 011 wriiniz.a malicions, foui, îinjnstifif le and sca'ndaiÃ"1us ibel tpon îIbis .Hoi dl1 (CiieSmu.) If-the. man.eWho wxote ire arti Cle believeti it ta be Imne,- then aiv sbeulci, for ltme saike of bis own chi ils ter, hâve retirefl from t.e Hanse bel i.- wmritng il. Thpe was, hlatiie wl miii aqngaIs oft pîuliamentary - history- rAL precedent tuaIt couiti be faùud for1 ta gras a nnt lecorous language tawî ne ruembers ai a legisiative boily. Ti ,ra, fore, h. cotntendeil, tat it woulil b. anl wortby of thItis Hgoug.te continue ta y. ny lnger with a mani wlo ceîuld, ci of actemize tlioe wlo,,snrouuided 1dm e- nwyindlems anti menc cavicted eMIbribe bn, (Cheers.) H e: (Mr. ýMaeédonald) ti f7proeeded Wa-reati extraits f-an.ani i t t icle published i jtee St.- Jéibn Prsss so. eOntitlëd "Tii. Vote -af April Secor <1,, 'lîe ecitor cf thet paper was T. ýe Anglin, a memiier a-f tri Hase.1 uit article was lItaieti "EditoriliCor S- pond1eusce," andi was signeul T. W. A laoH (Mn. Macdianaldi) tiieneit Fr- citargerlthe. membe-r for 8iioucei in witit iaving penurei the libel ta wi i h. referreti. if 0fhei extrscts reati by Mn. Isicti -" tlt.he following lu a i;pecimn at test vote vote hiai; at lengili beeu tait te aud tht> Gavernn-'nt, Opposition t i- counry knaw iiow many crut ivilint us sacrifice lionar, cîaracter, hioîr-ty, ai plttlin, atui sllhttat me-t piirai ie li;gýlîly, anti eoýer tîciticelves with ta famny inctinceivable, fan s cotîcidc Ci lion." y3 Aftr n aeiiKeuit;sion tue pape-r v ce ni-ailandi Mn. TclDonalil rmaiveti;SACec at cii lv M. Dnvile, "Tîat te pal mnr îînliillued iut lte St. John Jtrepi,C heft date ai the 1l2th An-il, 1873. uni r lte hr-ad 1,Eliltariatl Correspinre r- juet reati îy itîte CIe-mi, is scanuinlu e taise andl maliciotte, i.s alibel an1 yV luonor, chîrracter ant initelligenceof1 al 1ou-e anti certint memîters tiient V, and saId publication- is in lîlurît c( of tempt ailit1wpi-ivileges zantI constitutic f al authioiry ai tii oue f.- Sevenal îueîtbem-s ;expnsseei tht 0t- nitiîons on titi mater, anul nasur chiure ai peu conalities Serre hat'e re tuot-the Oppmootlion nime-spoi k ing t iînu'ctly azaingt tItis motionî, e É-thte îiinietttnria!it.ts hinq, saune jut fai W of lut ýnIoulue-rs offullowing it ta tireur - Mr. Mille tuavei tluat al iva ti afte t-n~ h o "bcexpîtîtirel, sand lte t eq lrswing suthctitîîl "4jV:hie titis Fl il will aiwayrc be rliuposelt) h nsent ai ivinutiinte its Privile-es o aial sittu -,oteasiane, it loîs nat deia it ailvisal it no lîitrfenît wÏtlithesmec-bm af t' - unessii ite genenal carnnteai ir erýtiîisins on the procedings ai Il - Thte discussion ivas canlinutei 1- Messrs. Costignui. Mmtî, rigtl I F-tciel, -q, N5iVlites anti Giu a untilafaîttinluluigimt, wlien Mn. Mi L linetuzie cîtoke stro.tgly against thetni It ti n. C - Sur Jahnu.1. Macdoanaldl woni up tl e uehîte. ti Mn. De Cosmos na-etian amen y meut tu tlie aineniiueitt citai-nterizii I flic article ut inti Frelluia as; a ii --but decinning it unulesirabie ta interfe: sc-m tiilte fnpesîoitrof tihe press andti t -diguily ai tue Ilauce. tMr-. Mille aâmendînient ivas let, Si th tii<otion wa etur-rioilon a uiviciai * slte lte vote cIao I-Yvns, 92 ; mmty Tiie Hanie aujourri-ti at 8 a-m. Fniîiay, Istit. Cinlimal usinefs was transacte( IAter rouîtineî business. Mn. J.-H. Car et-ou. ne Cîtairinan of thi corrîmittee a] pointeil ta enqui-e imtalte Pamcifie Rai way eliar4esq, itttrodiîceîl a Bill ta texatr im ii iitueceqesunuer outit; bunIJi ulotlîeul lte posvî r ai Pînlîitmentt ILpaiesusch a Bill. A gent-rai dis:t-u4io cicumeil, andi ttel>Premier-invit- thI serions attcutio ftheîf lei--Lh talent tue Hanse taelte poitt aiséd-LH fawn opinion waqr: nîthlte Hause lia . i lia-er ta pies suait a Bill. It wii l'fi rti i]' settîcuel tint the ituIler chlou' he atne fuliv euiisi.i neul eehe ii heBi svas bntua:lit np fuir a tluid eailin Si-sti-rilhis ivînu-adlvancedl a glage pri viittg fan local wtirki.i, inelu liuîg th siîip chitatel iii L-îke St. Pîtvr, andtIhl oliantiel improvrntl htwmtn NMat Ir-i a-ii Qîîîlîec. Haut. Mr. Tiliey' bllifuir thér apriîtînnîot a n insuirnc. incuietuir wirendt a firet tirai; antd tii W>11 couîfirtting ltae canînut wilt S Htt';lîAllait ion carnyimîgthue oceait mail waî adivmtied a sltge. Manuiay, 2ist. Amaonget titi- bis inltitinsel ias<mn, Iîy Mi-. W. H. G-tils, la inearparane ti Oelutuwa Liotîai Pioftuile. - Plie bull provi.iug for thue examnat lion oa iwtuuî-ees iiieroathiti h l>tmifle Ruîihwuuy chîtrriti-stgni- tftuplanti picei a lange numben al-lie items aiflte appropiamtions. A NEoRo aFi.aaGuD;-Weliai, April 2int.-The negro wlio comuuilletiatt intiecent assanit ou a womau in Fort Enta, about two mîinlls aga, receiveil 20> lashes, 1he first portion ai bis pua. ishiment,, about cite o'clock to-day. He ne-rer flinciteti ouring- the procee.- tn amel a gruan escape. About tero months henée le wiihrmceme thie r.- muintier ai bis punishmeut. FATAL Accînîcý;T.-Orillia Apnil 21 -4,st Tiinî-sîay, a Young man uttînieti Wltifism hIt-yutoh1s vas mu icerioucly itu. jure-il by s fi-ce falling upon hua Ihtiat nie dieu in -à few days atier, lathe. towntship of Medocte. The. seceasetil was abiont 28 yeaus ofa ae, atud hlighly The Toronto City Councilbave a ssed *nstia - nnnlouauhorizing fiîe wtc.r cotn- iiiowt>ets YiPi punliase tise Meti-opati- itare siiud ual bavé disait with ane, r*otbp e LiAgti i0tporating limé Intemoceanhac blai oftitIo OMPaniesa- incaporateti b v Camp a y dit.* The o ey diffrenci no Parlicugnulhast session. ,lheferring ta vas asgligîilOneans ulteva-mils vithre-, this the. formation af ne v <o upanieg, h a ndtt h ie price o! the . landt. T vc- rds esai-thati srey lie proper course for lollars anti fifjty cen te ws oI>' pokeus lere- Govëmauent ta ihave adaped, lu viev aif as te ivetrge price per acre. -Saint Un- aif lie siut îd p oiley f-lime coun nr yw itfi of f ie andl ý ' s zinera land a nd other ar- cO i tu ih i of a ~i, b ie vori;, -sw o u a lle as t iv c h-ts e -aqkéd ti f 7 a - - As hgvo been ta bave invitd ten rs traint'ion. genlemenu bail ad. the opportun- ry . a l vw ite ch o s, ta ten d er. If G v r ailu - y af co uversi g sei l lie L ie ule esul fi n m ent imAa sake i P arhij a mne u las î session G aiernor a-f t iei. N ertI ve t territory iar- t a ive t iteinRuth o.rDity -ta- pr vent co n -, If tliey ia , ther vO I dI se a Iat th t ria P l ti n .' P a ri s u n t v a - n i d n e e r Il a ie p i c e v a a i-ru y lo a v é5 I r a , e e inu te d.", 'atented, ta- grant ucit poer, &anti et n-bat a nagnificeel fnture as bfort W . tîat a s vat the Gove mm ent - Ihall bat country. T Iie Com pany vauillii- T h e o n s. T h ey h a tl, sn g lt It ie p o vc-r ici a s; m tm ciiin te re t et lu se li eg flime In it7 ,es- susîie îîcm ta-.secu me co federatinn. a s; the Go sernm e nàt, andi the on.- g n- 6 t u t n d ex er cised t lta >cr a I, a uo n o lily le aa n l a ilad m itte d l l i n u th e ett et- un, He caatenter tatte capital for te, iicit ie lid ivittenU il ouit bé lit, RtP c c cO n s-t mu e llau a io itse n a o a ial b e-n in e re s t i ht.e C am p a uiy t a se l ,i s uan l a ud edulceti fromAO )millins, as; oriinali- scît a picese ouidt ul bslrnre f i x ti u , t e 1 m i îi n . î î va s n o m in a l] - n s el e m e n t . T I i . I a ù u i g r i a g e ti c e i < n n - 1- m il lio n s, letu t hlIe ch a rter p ro v i e ti ' n i a n l u c s l e N o t iient "A t ula I on y V10ler cent situld i e callîe-1 Puifi c R ai hay , vit l t e s exception in . uip . 'Ple h a elio l terg ,,w c m s p ro lee leui tiia t.in fi i.la tter t e sa ieg uurd e vek r-- and y îe ' c iar fr, viicl adlî t h e effpeci not m a te t a I lie G over utm ent l us-r. i- zta a an Act ai Paliament, rat a petpy srterd in Iis ciarter Why-diti natt re- mre tian lin per cent unîîl te a- lion. genlemuan make its ojction, lai a c ft m a u i t v i r i l i l i - h a l b o r n a e u l u p n m - a r i - f o r e t e G a s e r n ne t ha t C o in - l- i s on d si h l lu b een ex m n d e ri ; la ot hîmu- n itt ed t iim eel ses ta t iti c au rs e iei c. ir -i w or -s, the v oers a t-lorizeil ta spe ui fl ey h lîsl Iken ? B ut i li o h n. fi n mt a i l t e c a p ita l i re - p t t eé i n ai v , bu nt vis a ai c a k e n . a n tih l a i d r a s v n i e lut- ias îiey w v e n t allo vîti ta a u u pon eir t nian incorrect s to nrces. Nr )-l-th ernslves for mre tîan 10 pin centl Fleminn, *the engiýnee, hll show- Lp e r ai th e ca p ita . W iîn t ie co 'iu m m v n o st e aiclilqiv cy h lîr lie b e lie v e l il) a i o a v at k P n e il ta lt e in î r ta n c e a i th ti-p lie u n tt m ta k in , liv s e îîsc rib i u mg a t -lt ilrquuttion, an i ifcpoition, uclie ati- .anpan. 1hot ii h.eimpos-ihe ta. icol il voulu ual bhe baumioh y iteIlPle titis vasI eauuiry lo-y ie lttje fu ) l t, i n a in , i ii th e a g, p ( éni t t- t b î b e u t h , r a i l osu e c o u ni p e e , U th lie b n n llio l(l - t i( u, - p n y a i it e g v en n ae u t, n o a m en - -s o u ll bl e in te ne s te il in e tt in g il . tsw io n va s m a ie , as ta t e ru n n in tgo ai l t' li e li ai. g e n tlem a n 's p ro p o sa i t i e - i , r a t . I H ep , h u n a - e t t b p ;. i c î r e a c o n - - ' r i - e 2 5 l i e r c e n t ,. a if t e l a n d i v a i l ,- n- rntutei lie oaiPsone kint, Ihawvs-m tas-p pmcseîltii. eetltmeroit ai liii> t u1 - n f e ir , flut e c am p .ln m -'e la n d s a il s a bid . n a n io n . 'Plu - P a r li n n e t -o f C a n a rite Andtipfln' ne res-ring ltti tht cvr-t a-ldiieirtttaI rond mati ilauil no> i. ntuît'uuutuns lt a.ie me-onqtetActulIanit- hias propaeed lb5 " liiou. fiinl, ili i p ,n p -rl l i I i' t e rn . i t e scîe un n i t I l - th e G o se rn î m en t. H qi liai ci secitei vtiitlie iti not bliches-elufi-nd iou' lit-e i eehi -aliase tiea rI- ceaîî,anti enn'uecly triteiil oulu -m1, antI aidtlt asete Interoceanie titinutt, thé- eouuitiyvaWos quit. -mInTtýium fa Comprauy iu no -rgpt lte corauts vor ire on thelnde, ant i nost liklscli lt te Go-enuntithil tteondto' 1 . t h li e a k in g o f t se r ai lîs-y . 'P le C a n tih e H îu i , e c i i n o l - n rý - u l th e r n- itil a-la Paiii îivrCr-i Mllie antions althliion. geitlieman. If lb- foi - h lai e n est a hli h et uu i r th e n ai # hl o n . - get !em a n isb e l liii G as- i-nn en t t e en a if t s. C a u a i a P a i fi e R a i i s v s C au t - to t u l I t e u r k , i il i t a 'o i l f l a s - i b r o t i l t n o i s r u e t i a u me r . D i e ul c s n t g l I e l a n î l _ , n t u f i i a b i l l fa n - i - p a i t h e A c t i l a t t s t e . .- île fath cli acpanv lie sulîmitte, 1 sf, timat sien ; bînt so tlas tult t drmaiuet l ei l i t h C i u i C t ue p r u e o a t l e a ht v o i i u î î« . . o n t h e s c h t u e b o o ti k h e s e n c co l i m i îî u . L l i i l i f id o l a r s p e r - a c r e , L va s p r a c î îc î l î i - c a l t i n t p a le s . - I in it i t b h h a s - u noil xcluiulinthum mafrinItue m-rkct. ni show negatisîauus Itall bien entent tt ino is îechuing t -lun laei agrinet elu- ttîinuny stnibr, nsu]tHis House mnt ; ani, 2,id, taI lte grant cm- ould not pasems- ntsciol-aiaum witiî.< ly is- l] c'il î;s-aaîîultlani ront i tioît leaking goand fait iti t luse ie. lit, wustirn itoututans- of Ontarioatlut hue-roatiîig Il, anul alco wit-iî hi' Provinces Alo Pancifie enast. We batlniai-e laniue of Manitobalia sud itishe Columsbia. ac- asailaile fir sitlthmt-t lu the North. Ttis mas fot muia-chelartr, !lut la i n - ve s l t ua i t hbI t alt n a m alu t s e t l e l i w us a c h a te r o n la dt, a nd t I e lo n . aie Uniteid Stt anti Cinsa tag.t-ier. g-enteman rpsed ta alrgae ih e- fie Tis se-airiogive amne ideaioftiti un- causec le Gvernment lîsti nal en uiertalking hefuine us iii setliiug tti foitunatccenaugl la secare huis assistance il]- NartiivicL liiitair, oani lue-e q lîýti. Tue campan3i of lis lion. frient i slte tug htioiin etatuuliss aI if t-utc Gisernumenl ctaracet I nOnt-aia caaspany, anti t ,e , b a i e ri c ii tii e n tY -fi -i - p r c i- a h o fr t a i a iS ir H u g h i A ha n t le c a r a c te r o a-i -e tec emîany'c landîl as secuity onrliie a Qnbe.c caupany, antite Gos-inn. Let .c;a isfactout-y com p itian a tît w Orkinz - tuent tlsiring ta ba ie m en rm ai al tît t e ailw v y , t ey e itti l a se d n s g ati P ro v in ces aif t e 'D om in io n , ieci tid et a ii service ta te cntnr . A c eaolni r t ta give le chatner ta eiîluu- Com pany. i in. thii rate ai population an hante in tins He couttend ticllaI thieresoinhioas ngit. if , Untled States, foty m illions of people fa le c asiniteeul anti voel n as a t u-r e require ul f anr te ettem n î ai u r, vItle an ti no l separately. H e thure . el Naniuwest lnd, anti acctîning ta te fae mused in auenumenî "tuhaI unter p Dominion Rale eigliîy millione; but t-e paivos cufernil by Parlibmnt lu lt t. ainforttuîitîcy ltiepas-mnent oa i ltesitis lad tîssian lite Gavernua n iCou'tilho m - n d s ia u ie m v n l h i im p o s s ib le an t lie p i-i p Ia si tg g r a t lt a c a it r c o n tr a e l ta à 'a ýp vîieît as ta Ile cîîuugeîî for landsc anti Company fa cncîrnel re Pîcifie Rail- y i l1 - v î i cli t G o t e i m e n t va s i t a u t î si y . I n w a y , , ,v i i l i c h ta t er c a n r a c t i s l u h i i l r s - c on sion, lie exp nesçse t l is pini aut f arc i, i l, is inexpeient it ît a vie v ta o1 ulie t a I t e ch at rer a liie p r eseu m C ain - th ie n-h- y c am m e n e-em e l i f h ue rilw a-y b , ta îîanY citnlîl ha ahuogaîrîl, for visîcit andt hue keeping ai failli vith Briisi pi c u a c t i o n t l u c r e v e e u e m e î n t s , t h a t t h e C o l l i m l li n , l u uv i u g n g a n u a t u s t e r n n i s t r ie e un n t - y v a n iu al t le r t a e t ie a ti - lip a n i c t h ui t P r ao v in c e U n ite d t i l e f . t i ofatse-aiofluhe charter, cuti atitîceti , esit.fleDoninonta rinsiten att'-s-f tI li a n a îv a uta g e t iia t w v i m ig ît m a it ta th u e ns lu ti an s n o v a u litahab l i t ue te [Loi i-e hu-efseuthmnt oai . liteqetin.iii Ildu-se, nuîl titîth Ie Hône tirifanu aiqstat tipr.çliîu 0f raiis-uys mviielui W" pirîmeuîl tuirtetir lt-r if lte day nexî ai- cI il. utous-rife for suîulliiotnt iluiEtuiani nitîl tu-nrlte sait nesaintionus." il i-hspirce. Wîiueu iitIip * tfu i mho Titi Hosne Iien uis-iiet, andtihfleof z.qutestiaun aas îthnanmgiuly uîîîîer-îoat l, iti um,-mî-Iuucn msas curnieti. Yeie,44 !li t.- the coumumuns-t vanîlîl hi ftlItuat oui- nie, 13. a- i e p - r l a în e i m î t y s - d e m tn a l h e n u - Y t e M t s r A i k i s , & r e l i l a i ij , t i tiv peîei ta a vers- grntsti-ain is- lte jAruruanîl, Btuoisoui, Baiefo-u, Buîruiîain, us i cotunre pu rcutid . hlte Gas-ininent. Cuuîiî,Carrall, Citapais, Chlîîîts-uu.a lIo. Ti.Cam1ttuii sliil m-re -Ciîînlîili, Caclitrîne, Diciney. Dutut- iu H o " .a M i- .t c as u p le i t : .q n i e i i o n ce e l, F - ie, F îîr r iu n . F li n tl. G it chl Gautrumumeula ;eu anti, GiuisnmattHammilon, (Inket- Pl i- a coui-se lia-i hîîn sotitieil uniithatiiu i -tait), Keuitiack. Kitiv, Lacoste, TIc- ai létant a C trrttitilgu"tit nas ta aoret-te t-iLhm.(a Mvul)Teîunîail(tra-ito a letr- us-ul. Pluterac a in it j;t. MIe-limn <La-uiiautiernu-), 1Meiuînaî t1 a nienît ai mst th iti (t-t-iiioiit itniti-t(VicIarin, MucfitirIaie,TIiilteai, -Nor-- me <ru-cahitiatis, Iii> lte gî-atu-eI sin oa i! iii îi), O iiir, Pantît, P-muy, Pi-, - le w q n o l tn e n hin e i . I urs t ia t tli ii R ta i, R o ble t st o n . RIl ,a i u, s i . un Gts-rimeup ui t int Lgis-p îue citant-r ta S-îîilhs, Suthterlandi, Vittal, tYnnis, Wl- tii ftle Intu-naceanie Co mopan y-. (Hu. t casti- 1. e Itian.> If the Gns-erîuuumont iad sieur-il th tigtinmfcis iohn. 'fritnt, the Nays-T.Ii-seris. Blake Bureau. Cîaf.- LeHoutcc vnUluloual am- huanl aifliesei, r, Clii-istie Comitr, Dikui, py a ~s1tite anml p-li lm iot thi.tuilua f ttliîii-duicSt. Jli.t.tLocke, TiMa- i r ma v îîw e ir tî u îî c t a r s- c( r e t e tie - ti-r , M a c p h ei r s o n , M i i io t , I t e s o r , a i estn o' at hatutIlaîet fa trlianuî,u-lîr. -simpsn-13. lat Luiet sessiaus huire v-e noa iinnhrs aif- lu t e H is u i s v u o e r s u s o r e s ix r io u îs h oi t M a r i C o u n c il . i s i l intention la encu a grse c aupetit n lu j>e. O'D amnel, ork- on i-a t, #5 IL , ; tiiku iale. Il lusti eca cngceed aboni-cotract n ccliiconcession. t1w 1 tat il ere s itulti have, been a Com peti- $53. -t rt litn bptwc. ite Company aifTMr. Kr'- Sliep«killedt by og, Johin Glei-is, stem n, tla I ii s hon. iien t, anti 088.8 es'; N iclola s Campbel, $8 ; W . A t ît of Sir H ugh'A llan a n sd heu t ié M Piee , 8. 8 Scs. - - nÂi r co n a I seh ult ave b acu given ta hat .The îlowing committee vee ap. foul Company viel mate tie o esI ten- ponined on oas sasd- bridges, W in. Vh tie. Il an evident froun whit lîti iPe, Tios. Hannandsuthle Rueve. eni h - c c v r i t e n I y t h e I t o n . g u n l e r a t u ' a T ue l u - r v a s b s i u c t e l l a o h i f y O c i 0 C o m p a y - t h a I h e y ii u h n o t - c n s i ie n th e . M . . R ., b , a if t e i n s n il l c c y a i P u fl î n r I h îe r e co u l i l e a ny îd im uinu t io n i It e u l s -.t-rI , 1 c u1 t ,i i ie i a u p i t e s t u tp t a te SUhuiîIy ai $5u),0000givsen i> lue aOfime îoatl ci-notsing. an i tiilin. ilisOfal C o tm p an y lus't IiiL e m i, a îtr c. H ie itn . th e I u i ip tn itv , W . MeP l île va s au w v It - i ne tt i isatî e u u h)W se l t h e 'l m m e m b e s o a i on i r z îJ t oh a p r o c u r e 1 2 r a d l c i f) t a i 7p b is C o m pa n y , b u t l e h b cii -v e ui i ti t p b ,d i tr b ite ti tlro u u k li e s a e ra l ro A i tit1 c o nm m e r -c i a l , p liti i ia l oia l vo r l u l uta t te m a hi l e : - P e ti t i an e fo r a i tl i nira P u é1 1 mîcîuy a the nihers ari ofhe Cannd& rocls vre rcfFredto ecmiuitteeon der Paicifie Campny vr. ,qnit4e quisto roalIanail bridges.- - tlose vwhn were nmbruu f tiîlif, it,-n- coutuil aiji-.rDedtintil MaY ral' ita- .,.-. Y lle't.J sqei e,tuarlo, ou ni. J Tbomas. eue of lthe ses-en -vitlcanos vilin a -Adint; of titirty mls-Iacr le et preseul in mi e ýbst,- hn ig tavn ils site, msîstiat simi'ems cf ilava. - --jible- aI nifflit tloa.g tt'pwlitalsAeas tlie Beisani region. Thle aoits af f'lic hlîhudeen riport lis Unileti .Slatps Cagirmitlit lea mass i fruine jusie, ,hmnuigiltti. vails lane standting. Mr-. BitIdie, itit lis tii-e littea-raos, mi a 'tarraceape.Dnlriug i tva ta-s t-uîrve fficertreeminei in SanSalvadlor l'bey feR elttcitbt SIICÇ; il) soins placepi 'hîe grourit] craccen a fool vidje anti s-eny <hep. Vis;itons consiuliet i isa tomptatin nf Fraviuience o ta nic tilie -ify in lthe esma- ýSprl. 'Ple cru tI elaw t ife es-îtcntiy a uni-neciteli. Tii. Par iaccîltla- lis graititehans ainoise lite nnnninfrz--waler, gsid a faili of lic-m'y t-one pr?'ces a lhallaonrnu. 'Pie hîuuiss onîiti ues,-n lîu;îIonait is site. Paniama. -Apr l 11.-Peintlelligns recels-et iîy preis-lottemail fraun tii.l -tort-I is ua l y canfirinel', but bninges imewe tttue lineîpliali came 10 oa cli- max vit t tuecuti-s eli-tticlan a-f the .tnpita ofCSlt-'or anthtis nin aiflthe noîîu'îîtioofai41,110 ipumopis. 'lia fin-sI rî-aiy miolentl sbocit accumneil on tlie.4h ,-i Tlarcli ah abalit 5 P. Ta., icshioning, uuanyliasîses. Tha qlm-uki'ig ooubinuaed tI fn-quit-ut intervs-aiwntil the moriiti ai lie 9tli, viP.ten aI2 n., tva igl -itiocteq, enumcetel hi- a trîita az ne, te- ;sIrayin tthe intime citysu- a a."ppimua, Ilapange, -Sanm Tt1a,, . jcna.nta Tic-ask la-e ail suffire-i ta a leceer exttOt, as cri-lu as ci-i-nycit- sitliin a mtailit ai t-veniy, miles. Fontuînabîiy, awiugz ta lie ainnin of ît>e4tut.chxrpmsidtents as itat no1 efItte cl7 lis-inrain Itué inîbis or lite. public plaxans ; Ite-nca îhe' iivielost tîtli ralvire fumie- l>y tiîniniitel. Only - 1v6buildlings,. the HInel del Plae-ue- an-theisGai-cn- meuir Palace. are liii ch'unding. 'Ple lame is ectmmatlet I5200,0.Tii.e aggregate laie of anti vounde isla530.. the. Modoc atnanghoîd ini thé Lav& Betis. At ttmes lime It ntay b.ie lteret;titig lao repn-otlce tIie faiowing 'description firnisie by 'Mr. 3,ec Appiegýate ta au Qregon7 pnproaithe Position accupieti îy lthe Moitariy ai Captain. Jack. Phe us-r-t "PetiregnI,"hie lthe yard 'cautyan" bas be-en introduc'eti inta aur lauage froun the Spanisi, ias tesigua. ting a fenatur ni' o heu lapagrpity mars clearîy, sud lersply t-han auyyawrd an - tInse in oun iangnage. As by the conul "eautyan" theidesai af à-ras-lue 'elveen vall ito rock is conveyeti ta, thic mind, sa by -he vonsi "1peimegai", ce unulenctanti an itreg-hn valcînie unrface ûai fbasali, li-aclyt, &.,mari nr ltess luroken itmIa plucavais fr-mt beou andl cracteti anud flirstet u inthe -raceF of aicaoliug. 'Pite cinongluolti ai te Moiic laPOians ho a 'gitî gaittof tie matit exteiteive suitdmîlraaeteies- riptii; it aci-upico, vitIhbut fev lu- nc-clsg, 100 square miles. If yon eau imagiute- asmoh ol Lîcîl ai gmauite tun miles square-, andi iM feu ttiet,,cos-ritmg reitmut mines i) gnitpavtler, ec.tînîpnst Iimegnian tî-ns-s tiler- il; tIaltustese rntaes ie explodict similtateauîsly, reuding ti le i fiflýi lte remla'îgiînr mse uîmn tii ofaia -nîathixto tlIt-of* clintu, ll uup;g biesmasssiigh- ci conie pnets ad leas'ing deep fim nieii thers.Fuo'igtiie ex- be(Ilon lthe wiîo' btnîgis; phuceil in anc ) Vituctals ernicibies ani utete lta poinît uruietii.hewlule begînq ta 9flic, aid iuuuîutno-tlî.n d umltîten suif-met o cootl. Tii nougInees rtof thi ahîpî,r ttfumc nemaiiis asiltaeexmalnlefI t, sviii aul l lov h i iey-combcd iîy lisecrui'cit anti cres-ices -casit-Al by ltse ahling of lit,îu intcti rock: Fi-anche top aifaute of tithss tan. ,rnntiîlsîan uuiffin au shoot a mani iitaîmîes-eut xpaitîngia Sîluare ,utl. fhulunîseli. Re cani, uviti dme htaîihc,. iail ani shoot a comîmuni niuzzIsJoal. u- ide tan humes hefane a1) utan cira. nuuinhle as-en ,lie rocks.; unt clasatsq 'twremu liîmsîaiuî_ andtihîe slnyn. If7 thuei lenri-lle expeuise aofi fa frce elo-igesima roun hi e co-erlie lua n1y ta uirttp[lutôa n-] fa'law sqo:ieptub- ,riancuan Pa -age viviithici lue is aiiar ta t.atl.anotlier ainibushi, frein Ïiluce I it.il ciet lia mare hi-es -ta slauge him, anrl se an. TiiMnoWrnu-San Fr.nnejeco- pris-ate teesputecb iioun Dr. L-neg at t Lavsa Bcd lasI eveniug raye : 'PTihe itucâ>uia-e led la lte his Soulhepasl lie Las-a, B.d. 'Pie eus-almy is iu ýi-suift. Sergt. Foi-est caplunedtihte >O lc hlîstheag ant oIs -the scalp a-f an- Firced lianlie- 'Pie efuvageef ean.

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