Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1873, p. 4

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kile te'01ne f a> r0qfoep in old sd,ÇI1dràth Çon til ûa bIooût "à &wom thé uaverity' of Prpss 8iYO. li otbdmeamjéd lùab4 1, alnmilitary dscipline wonl'have *ildowu nenýc01 ira.à47d14ge aauued to (le a buadired dcaths had it e for those whgo for centuries have eU ~'Teiïèg~idhrtt1rn4ak~ote~ea~r beeti pouil4e,.was deliberately handed Oyed ten grpst ipublie endowrnent. o JOHN A. DiONAXDOC ts court oLrtiat edMctchr25,1878.Fi c o r Ã" g a h e ~ î p t l l I ï t c o altn « C O r O X Os i r e s t , f y t h t b . f a i , n o w oe u a n d t 'l a r g e ù s o r t m e n t o f t h e it o âu j n c entirely i he t.dark sas to th. fats which poverty, prodc4barnpena aw and Dwefllug - q atylse o .clelaredlens. Sandnaile I orth of ltrocklin. w ewsfted lm. Ho waa ept theroready COivfellatonsf With aliera Who, as te, ' I"s Apply to- J E A I e for an emergeiioy Which did not fa» to P'rme Minister stateai, are left ilPUQ.o i .r.r m t-M accu. A keeper of a bèer, cellar jý lion -Of enorinous ivealh7 The noe - - - leove a1e tio, respiects, thuim o e~wd pQdig, and" ,pumbei of quen'30 ocgee,9 'o. oftN ý ________nd________ Who, had been seizea Withhscute in"iux. *%nd se olerrnuly condemned by the Ca- Ydrsn & uea1 ulvi rtobè niation of Itheheaurt, or ratIler' of lits ln. tioljc Chltrclt aud- byalf$JreIand, and ereby fivcqu, thaît t-.Ontario (t1ld VeRt4g mombatile, was broughîito the gvess E êw impulse liaItor otouinei ms hoiitlt deo ktincurabl s e aqilgwbich sejeacs Ùucti otly fatal rualady. obc rx<eiinandfs' oyjtfiei es, orrai4 ; sii g>m u fng mPite Old Stan. î d 1.11 d'O aapîicipated death taken place aud banishles Mtao auitoArtf ai od c$tetrq$g a mcii Stand.. thaà the deuil salconkeeper 'wga froru Our schaô 1%, Cait je 'd ou setu ne t aiwao ~e placed lu a table by lthe aide of anothier .hôp.xa, ofew 'whole operatlugtableonwhich,w h, clr.ventcd b rckeste.mwee tt~ foreied but IVing body of 1h, fiolier, 'late m ug, n lseuhly e ntufle j wa è Mi'Ir 'lSO10 Th.e:t îiu~on, wlhii saistaute oeed. viewa pOnthia tuenrý a cd slice in both cas(s tdi il& scalp fuliy"but earnestl~ over lte oqntg a h kul mear ment tu, reject il 1~ aci,e u n 1 f)Q 4uSlý,-f-t~icE ~E 1 to eair,' igruback diviisin,,n eoeil Nda~lfohr..~ tii skllciiab ncatos pang With lte proedings,,of -b, o , RSPtce%.i tPirviaru <VOero aronnd îlhe siulll idkea cr<wn. -Intu he snd 1 hoptju and YOU;iiÃ"ccp. àtiiii*.5 s. a rîc rr~'ir -~ <ifI( AD lalewîs ircotd' e shad beén ,»lyOg n denca ,to scéere the I'l Pr,~ rv . ut A prp;dfrcmpressign5thueeVessels ent atiilQlc sy~ien»fcu »~?.iC~ ail ff Orerl med 50as to prevent hemorr. W]ltelle Psar or;e preservation ~£ ~ ___ liageand bt a Ew dros of 114C1Ie e MANUF£CTUILING COMP>ANy, loitxuriý te nirpeaio.InWHavtiagw13,ccjîiiletepes W NE AWA\RDED 1H E FI RST PRIZE R caclitlbduritwalterwas incised, snd,;dawn the Cathojed'mjority , ôGODHRbBIK, tte rvnca Qr1te>n17 lte lterisphoes of tle brsnwr e t '2w0000 Gours aud .crnolAtethe Provincial, EqoOo " ruovecd by an incision wlth a' sharp giýven ith nsprn ad ie-, , qb dlvrdlul.Tw e7l6,e îhinît'laded O.0unif aGig bya t rtsai'n reyelnmnrt. 2,400 SHARES 0p $50 E-ACH. lweeueln thné 5h uy ~7.- No cero'ehilu, o a zauo pQlksnOf 0.1 n gîlon taarIiaineut againel Tender, therefor wili bc receive4 .51 the Speý caled ilaf uderignd'soffce a te lth f M BH,,e oller to Our- Customers for the coming Hafrvc,î two dis- ery, a ieruactebri. The. brain of the. preimptai eo$, s a 0 y o o ndp5icsofieteti'Mt thecrraes ' a R ç 0 ny Ur' ietMachines, whicIl in crtyltýaîî4 r~ircineirc i saloon-icceper, which was sound, te generblli ciection ta approachiug, ta ele l aiE ,B1di ane , IRM GR 0 ÇtheVUtin.ateste M k heart disons lai it i ntact, le timely mçans lor hIIe electipu o! mcm- Plant, 'aud good.will O! 1h.enianufac- 'tbY, oFehe l26. and mstusetul Mrvmns,0,tedy ý41gbeeu sensible to tlha ut à lesWo I rmt i us ' 51ciciiteturing ,business of lthe Brga&,Pa±ter- 91hea. tranoovi d e -th kulofte swadef lb-swbo Qusli prac ofjeCatiihhon Airic.ultural Works1in l'r ofwuL LESU-A and b' tinJgxious contusivance, fuihy chidrcn, ' . "hty IN LiSL-A IG RAB detailed îun'tlie Gazette, tlii.conitinuity Tl~--~----l ien~ opnMsiaBouTH RN F RAE$ 'W ofte~rterialand lvenous tubes was AJPAEE OI à i~a~î ',ate ns ompav any, MiemB.88ioQQTeuivra uccso tiTahieHEh ncoel ot estitbiished, Tii.gretet care wAs bpas ftP,-atnasu' u'a tius '5.it:tU oter -sgon havej~~L N - rasudl i.laui i h lrirwsru i ,suii h~,u~~Sl tk ttukpn iu soeuriug lte nlural adaptation hase Iwachd nxouhyhi elkbenotied amLî ouin LIRepngîîti1nea,îsmo-egin piinu e dfcle nd hues t î of tlIenhoVlprIeat ha 'i 2y b000 obaindaonigt rasadi h arstl-fot -fa:Ue n 0oa osl h rpa-rilnd fcc, anefwratoii ytgta;auà8éfRk th Iloa ftaii but!ctio fa' lin, aud tions'af sleeping. ' These are ery stm- $5 t00nalcng ng h o usrbd îmreapsuc lcsu oetl liasrý-than here-04grand er e oeplc.adha[e ii Itavimmg bccsud n rpiacdstio y ÙPiel. A malîrses lunlte for f a-vejyOf.55,000. Illail tended 'te inerease nraucsadle firttnbrtor oee othpbi. 'wa hiid owuaudlu osieonby ii.îiick quilîl,ýabcriît'eq7feet pug N; 4wie, Ibis sum t6 0120,00,'> lu ýorler tô&pro- "J scatlp, whLchl was dIrawn aveu soui 115 was-spread â i te floor, aud osier il uqs.e vide meslnefor increouing tihe buale ci JNIOR fOX edges donflued by aditeaive plaster, au&. laid an ample robe, vry î" n e ousi tssarout itero oujudtuM aveu. al was placed a bandage. -I tshaypdesd'rvided 'itlLýng eoitroulét'eac- Duity otheprsent ewee'wade teFitPr4esu DpomaWttercv1 net util asverai, day. hadjpassed thtat secves, Hiaving put onti dslt a Wôksbycli.eétiIuof tdLienlie exhbti eladpi Trtohe F i tperitad lo uhmlia, aesint Mcthî- ,4 i I b p l e î ur o u l s k l i e c aio t i s - r le s s c e p e r eo v o r s i i u s e l f w i h a o 2 u l i g e p t e i s n î t l î o a m i i 'i s l E h t t r ei o éd i T r o i n c e . s u d 0 . i a u r e eit o 1 t i l t ho e e in 'g w e u h e l i fu e ta.ieuir4 yre a a ilaui eo quill, sud slepps-if lhelias Itad ebutüo "yasudali;e îabUintythe ne*,Cupa ' it ll esel ofe rcp accd lie fio o toodYeat-s'praçîlce in te use o! titis bcd.'; 1_ 4try "nleir wliole business ou "ly challenge inventigaljan and cnlpbrigon with campetit.g' necîines, a-e arec lu heVesuisoflie ran asproei Bt h.mol pmrkbIp fealure Aicj y ahass l rer'ý ý'iQ - tifli thatiuch îitvestigation w il coluvinie qvery urîîrejîadîccdroitd. shut wi- te b. restvired. The clitef fearw Bout a JapaMeseheuüirlte il t-le rofitab le busiin arady ae f ,sr wâs bout a Japaueàelied isthe p' How.- th pro'itblerbutnessealradowMur'talithe Fer her ferorte7the buiner lu 18itebDcninio(ho.Do.'itirod (rom thlie resuttso!f ifammualion aud Titis is a woodep box about four 'ncites lte newzCoq!pany, llaol -fld or descriptive ctalogues. -Auppration, but -forîuunately neititer liiegt icsslna in oluhe taeiha i il eaoniu neded'oBO N& ATESN ieg tusuel; sud lte wounded parte lieaied I ite tp.h t sct iejSIOD,àtoin !fidfd s-tt«tious evfuomp ai usW2 op. ON5g T' larTie .wa*ram i te firt s n papers on lte upjqler side la t-est îte ua'y, 187-Iest-s. , ro'wn k"?ýtterso la qa iffuly ufeeingipatfri iet o ecl n o ieeaa-l aipuer. of littrebeen e8rableet,,hypuofitraïea - knw hatinilyantiiadlokiiteweides iehit-desnt per-mit lte t'Weltelrg unuloVSîock above- \ " .ME., ~ -- kuou ltaIlu uppes ud ittna mI ay;ucs~av~ceialv te l*omn,to press mentWoued as lisviug"Wbeén subscribýdb l-AieO t 7 v~ AA witlcl ti»aui ea d br a l ia g e i't-O n l it s d ou le piiiuw . E very m et-n. t e rin t ii. ew C om pan y . T he %pro - WF muayd sckig ati sttloWig g ilgIe nppurnmst Palier la Inken-aif Puts ias,Y ahed-,under± h, RTE ST. LAWRENCE BANK.TO HE pieIlas'before titi opieration, andi in from tl t cualicu, ex .. oadansu-tinduispresic f- '-Ntclaeryi~uIa aeeuea thia caso the nereeî wtich lîreside Over face, wtiot it xptsigo asrt iio'xandsudpeitsion ipso, wevilieJ. eupeS enMo.te sacibTSHcEa 4eitto nidg'îioi Were far be.-piihawslip.Piofl-hsiofal t>h-ee$or-aosudathe plu<uî byd Sok0 low tepito uto. h ain rt lnlD*etiS n cépê,lytiti,iiBek is uow m e,ýn abeat cheir CE1C)W IAI ICAi litepoin of uoton. ite atiet 1ipasseul lte grenier part of lte niglît flice J.roviional Bosard at 864,2638.s- offIce, corner Jor4àanl _ einria streeta, wtu- rensnuilussosu ee frtw l eartrg te.tepea ny-sad in lu iis The estabiislanprnt hiss be in tii. pea- on or before t "e ]yMOderh weeka, as lu case of spopiexi-, the dr- no-eh mainer:- audwliten I flually clos.- ses-ion of the uew Comayin e11> - teI4'r~o E 7EJE :-A eacoîl auatrn i culatiori, digestion, sud allte vegela. eti My eyes, il waa te dlream tatI was FeUr-uat-y last-te fit-st day, of ils or- ' <K. K LCRR'AflT tiv fsulinso!Il. eig uineirut.beugskîyIîeeeîe aîltewrkeaIga-nization-ite pt-alits ef itue business ,Toronto, Marc-h 17th. 000îer e& Tsega-(u__uninothpatste_-tioe___fi____ p j00 WBROADCAST SEEDERS, ed Ti' rduiuno o tt prs i.na M i ta esti ejn lo ' hé Sharp___________andone____ creasing mevemeuls af tire limbe, of etîge o! the hôx. &'lgiei or las Citîriet- t'Ou lt si deu- e ses at cnslie -iemalrul i-ijeugre. aiha -Who do o t NIi 'le .jaws, sud of the muscles of expres. Duing my slay ilu li.ceuîtyorfrm ad ilî he ar ii ttea stialoe au t usrrsIli ie e- tte titis sse-a- e îvau1 lise whùido pl sie l to ac. hepcwe e seeheausde yo!lscuthe nateiîgPriilees. At te expiration o! 'lt - miiwants t-rliente tcs rmt e paile rsan ioîiene-tie-c-.tîuiîîlu did nethbesome passible until lte closof l. t5 f icltopstfik5antl accuatom-lim ltrl ySauefieu-i eea'stY ct iejrtîci,t- VCwIIfetiVib idtil-th î omeng etetbupnîrîs -il te tisird week, sud tîren ih waaheilat- ing MYý,palaîc te rsw frealitfiait. tm tti ýsaiû fv rsxwës al b h' ewl iv osn iti u 'Ohrpr iîîg, sîanmcring, as s chiid lest-ns. -AI-Tl. lîp obaai' îyha na generai meeting o! tii. lluarelioldet-s 0 . on notie,-forb1e *»-. ..e- tieecountr-y. wiîerc tirlY ai-e be-img t-aile-di Vl siiy day, a., we has-en Thie, "'OUORATIONb0aTHncTO 0F -(i0ifl ta'l'ire -i rî uitliu nttonce-.au,] sa-e-upui-ut flrivit tiîcm upqmmiiigel 5 y , titeugiit Ilwaseevident flitItitispattent àtwo:inch pillew, I gav-e up in uttetr 1 .lct;o a prmannt usarNa!Fit--Ijw TO'WN O np niIRAW tried to uttervýt)rasirndtsntee-rses-k0i>lîst tscermannilBaardean as C tsw i i ie-é sid gh yeîîr Mai-ndinet n ltle t ltr arssu sntnes i dsair, aftert ryiug in v-arn te seire ec InssuHOlhees ! ti.oorpmuyo ' e-gir mîw Ie e<lsaoityae-rrkitnic-ui ed'lt îri-uî- wl a~ rdusily tiraI lie power of tire box by tying it ta my neckssud t* a. ûtlile articulation retunted. ' héiud. W' Subset-iptionain t o10 stockvaru.rtirei n&uder-de, n Our rIFi T5#n WONI>ERFUL mESU LTS.. ucit-e oi-Ioft-esk in'teilneri. 10 - T. et lini is Te li-ttl îitjourrS--uitsas-e- re natad te-mail ai îho' To aiet oaixte eôî aTli alueg pi e ctasfmîiiy iv The Coutacil of lb. Corporation of the mitc-iig, lieiides ii ns-rsî-ed-d mîlluî,miewsks-urltitttiui iteAGuEelleTIre"aineo! bte stc k, s a myiug41v-tuasn of Whitby hereby offer thteabus-et-e- w:iy, mIltke-, iL qtt;te a l- itan i-ois Ile ot- c-s- e r thaaiiii-i ite îs a - tabular îe fh nrm a sinvln . ry"sada iine i rr idiuvsteanrt, niay bc regnated as scat-d for suchltinuformautiont as wil hcad to one- ete a, .W LN at-yupmurseu ieam sdhuiYankee counisel, lu aîsuit aboutaoicI o! iatagea le te Townî o!f Vhitby sui iparties fîzunni'dealro%,iug or 'dannaging thte ----- :o oN. dyas ru esrteu îay la day l ' ieioe,"ie8wrejs iîîysxIoeCDnult !O Otariolit securing a illashde or orniental trocs on tire public 13i kol inaucrammuepiluse s île beotlite a dsil tea- trt-cc or tuwrî pruperm3-. ilynkilorme; ieo me aele gis-un >in-tisat-i-e ;je ta mebl tI larzeenulof lte !asoraiîiy icrown J. }lAMl*j.1GIEENWOOD, - TUE E:ISTEILY BROADC2ASTSED-RA) UTVTROBIE persture o!flte inbM, as shown by thî 8-8It-ty-s te ue atiy itr,,WOt-lis o! Mc-sas. iqBrown & Patterson Myrsofc,-E.DI 'f UTVTRrlIIE tis5 s tuanyn domseof lnttead,, jat-o ititutmust atonnie commoud tlîemsc-Ivc-a. Myrsefr-,Mayor.- - ieuoe- udgesa etgae jty-box, Geutiemen Tlitrtut ie Whittry, Nactr 18,1873. 1-tf4alWdIyt,)etl l. qIIso te imuure o! rettrning seusibil- didrmot gain luis case. cure Parties desiiug te euhlsct-iie fot- stock Ma-v-e[s iiw-wîyîts- ia isored .t-ul l(- th-uce-st Agcu s tuI lJin-Th ily o! tiheflingera sund lips, as gis-en by -**.at-e' eqiesteul te e oasirieuiT-uni'rCONT. COS.îleiisentfr îfIt-tie pt-iue n-uv- ii, ie. iiei-tti rl 'misav ,,l tiirat n u instrumient caileti au utiesinutetor ; '1ev~~-~- o-pi, enytm le -t- randl desefile ok h-VCiisi-ul lid linIlleiico, fLad ies' 'utii'athosa, asyeur rend(L~'l PSrIRÀ e NDPoiN.D Macleod ptp at i an c uiy ay, Ti t rrcr5ae bu e re a- t--a, -m ec-5.o î ~ ~ îss,î w.yTu il tlt ui ansroto eecoqnnme fsaste ilutugtisae Sca-l-ciua-ngeruti.-.ic-u . 1/,'O intêeseted l inte tuain farts oniy. g nte iragmbidnioraBaten coiinteD INCSNEstý-jty sug DOsthe '-e-ecinaitgataieea-îwt l ra!tiat le- s-ci l laso i-a agebuldngtn- u urlirgSurol eH. D HNW.O, as WrihR AS IOWAN Kng . . UR, atligln wlipii slievell hcaille intelligile it est ltigliandB, in Companyillage eoftn GrsCreek, Pic-erngTel.ug. Ten- M.WESLEY rnbtEuw-ii nube ofN.i. î0W5bersvil,ýLTHuOStl heCat aRof . OWiu Drîngtn, HO. %cA.IIB",%W-E'tby LIar.BOpesa.mos wss fanutilitItheisoldiet-, si.se ilas hoimber uen osgers, whieut ~May. linJiNpcii-îi-, vl ec-e H mLTNCaie o DEtNut iutul, Mi. RiNO4ual 'ql, liali fo*gottphet ireiy big military slot-m cante on witis terribîle force. 0rne "-'. YARNOLt5 1'rcsiricnt. ah Hdmaorrd -gttwDfi i etel, We .01V15 ]308., PClareiterimugSouthEîTXVGasriobry EO.OEV, Whlî trairiîng aîîd discipline ;on lte otlier fte Paasengî-(rs w Clit-ul luiBamy, Se'ctat-y, do flot binri ont-selvs a teaccept lte iowest JOHNWILLS Wliîbv J. MZELY Aurt'o lsudlu ai, I oraiexmnslo,"Titistwa niuiters ltiui bçgint ~i,?ixaj 85 1fe-rny truder.AJOresa LIS-muul >, it -M c-atY Su ur lu te preseuce of a number o! wilucspt-ay orw&i a bi tio187i3...-,Na j 'freIgP. . .5, ~~pry tIepuor! itr ie u er n bie lithaa cario t-aycai lie ikeM( tire habit ai buying sud seliiîg, Muni------ 6-*- ..1COMPOUND SYBUP F feelting lire uuimîsaîredl cerelîral acîiyity A FÂSrmremABLnr yUnug ladly, of-alter - o! Ire ltter Hie emor recaletitieatenuateti figure, wliulinie lu bead 1<!II!IUIUd saloon keeper's relatives, frieudsansd o irtismkr, became aiarradedta etitorners, wiuam lie caiheiisy usine. bt0 pcoees potue ele TVitesde ltied anboeenugli, tacitun, t-e- badice, sud declaret tiraIlse Couiti Thieouly SYruipept-etîfrom Dr.Ghi-ci - ' GRAND CLEA RING SAE I.I. Mu&.y-l--1_ 22, iA"l - 1_-1-1_l, -I,-- rh c FIIG.-ý-cietelake e isa.FRESIEWILBE -IEý 812,000, sud te complele lunoet-y de- UN DEF teînptedt lawt-et lue pistol !rom iia i-IIO-Auel-ea'edl tiel A llpc 51c Reînedy fou-. ail Dî8în ' FE ST lL IVNputet FNO lte test o!flte men impîy loeuiug ou' citer, l'Yeu are witing uaylbilihnou ye-'-of th anse d, sdkidn-esj; fDorpsze2" A lu auy Minuuactnring Cempauy prteT.H.M ILA Ca wiîîhteir back towaudtilIeba-A rougit piper, tir." -Novet- mid,"Sizedlings; Contploistts iacidcnrtaltot buildinrg an eT.bisH.uîlulit lwu e ~rpyo ielte;'tlas ta Fenrales ; anti al Disesci of tint Uîte.i.E GIEWOt'ilr,1 tii jniîctt-e6 a voile y was fluedto th lie fileti before il comes imb court, r-rai-y OrgulEENs /it &c..lu-r Sez. p ou rnrabeilu, by at leastatiglil ar ayOgi&initercx Ien mn. CapI, Wiliaîmsansd tti-e. o! A Cuu rvosýToorsc Acap,.-îîle ini l- tautr iyo h îoseBsttesMayor, Whihby. kiu mon were insantly kilieui, Andrew th4bfrequal q6antities o! eayen %anti' tdoupi bé 1ülly couneleti p-:Wt6yFb.2,87.9f iu-a MeIvilie was imortaily wounded, sud- il corlmon -,pcjýpur, Tixeti witi -u-' rt 1pr-Boht or yai tgsa laf-oiiis c+talemenî,liese were gatîrer- gsr,is ua certaint cuite for lootlitat-le. ~ ______ ei. lp oulte ceonere inquiest - iTe tbath lduitibe piug-gedWibh la il - - vic'1 lI seeras ltaI no evitieuce wae elicileti as o!flire mixhur'e. EC I IC 01î-Ai luiterie s ioirt outei ie Acampsny in it leurrtiî teling farmei '4 Ã"- inuIrelamni for lte profitable Utilusaîloti :-IL \TIzIsTzcsLLE]Ž r---_ Celùsa4uixc'r&r.DÂmAGors.-I âine Tim Of!thie nastive Peut asuppilies., Auanng tire The- King ai al, Liniments."- Le cs-seellsd îbrptornotet-s o! Chee eampauy iîlte Lord a ry Oue Pundfrasee n d b - ruv4yot o! Dubinu. V Fe cmnincnf/enGrt, Ncîrelgid Larn~- t onPtýllne." FPit-,but,-ont- hdor, - hen tlteWdiqPts t~'ea I vrit sutave. daiuages. -,1»e lacked- Tue Nos-a Scohia Eqtinuabea were pt-e- inn thne Linbs orJuinteSprat' - Brntisei, le mnj &e, stîd if I bati heen lu-liedte s senleul blte LhetiLl-gisinîîqru yes te-r- nimnco Swlliogs, Iloadact-te, Botoc/uc, tess'party I couldnWt have gene." Jurige: day. Tii. calimateti expenditLdro la TeS IlnîqUeat, i(bt. 44Tiie Court kuowe uohhing about con- 090, andthie estimateti revenue, $792: Buy j!. Tr/ 1J!t Prove it, eeqluenlsl damnages- You muet cari-y 900. 1Pilte- cpt-Botî..-1i 1- ilDrg1se.1 0') yatr~hc taGenev. Tits Caîut deCha mbardliras setoutgt A 'Boestn rinister once tli WendelhIe Pope titisaura o! ton diro.qndt france tI 1 T n C Pilipe tirati f is buoineO*>Mn lil! was as Poe,'e pence, accomanaied by a lot- _ 4,-_ , -PA te Bai-e tise negroas, Wi6-uRht tol go tet- sddreeeed 'tatise s-cerablsiip-souei CARB OLJC SALVE sosit, whfee sYt-usr, sud (do il. o! tue Vaîliean from te i.slie o!flte Worti liaWeight in 9oîd -' "lThitnlawei- th-inkieg of' repiieti hosteo! Francs." ' « -- - ;ïýndwa -ytrbuies n ý9A Spebnyld for <huis, Wotarls, BÇrtes, Phî?' lr s sd wme im la ye rbuneslu. The Pst-al a ulirotes lias-e dter- Brui-n, Scalds, Belle, Piler, Pimpuna, anad IST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS life?'~~~~~~ "T semuf-s- el, -p.mneul te impose ma duîy ou cîeanuns 'C/ir-oni ise uaaef thre Sta fevn ,tisL-- edthe liteiastur. "Tiierigo lher, sud at- !lu Ski ' -' tsaL fevee'tr ieu a-0F8 tend -to YOûr business," replieti_ Phililpe.enare ,Dugit 'NTl¶r Tit EglsbNoco!orntstmile nume no - lO,00,00itest- Price.2ie Pet- Box. Sel b a Ã"uîî F UiA¶ U i 1EIIY f' DPEIT £19 OOTO F iJAfVI Thopt-a gl- [a tisi laîur -- ¶ ?0ît TE -s-tse1873 t-ad rguis-esesugge/ail sie seri OF:lal aid .voîcila Ù,in ac ueîr./en u ie foera ceeîfaaia in trgeûn, ohalesth. préflixa!f t, 144, V Ê'sC~ 46______________VTE, __________ Begspticto id i«W rs adlreàred '1ev. C.HSpm, SENTPCFrsî O oDRATi-San Pt-an- Q Y R N L YAfl nicmplete assoeuthret aiwaya auniband Jl lbO~Ii8~çIi<,Ddteea bê4so. Muit-i2.-Jeu0 Devine, cvct. e- YCERINE JEt ,, u~Itti4pieu ed o! lte mut-ier o! Auzîtb Katup, wasa P-minent'ylte Ladies' Faort.DT> TT The e;citemtqnt <î..-ff lq the New yo lat-day sesîbeucedt lab. hanged o s and 1 i.11 tt'CorieNi.. I~~ i<-1l maste, cansa4 lsy ilite di uige ofis.,,<11h o! May.e 4,-eoA NDF8, S bC-a e-eklENPi;res Mvs gld tol18j dldmugt< ~tatiie. "iThe0,u un c. r. , ,.in n& - n., tas ufrrie 'ii--,.Lr;, Nu 3.... ZlA l Choai eh. ul~~itte offlinofo!Grauti eciegelier.4rx -tusugrte lte systoni îbilameniempo. ropuQ=i.biulty2 - Tise Emnpeor Francis [f nieoepêed à4cres amemorsudu mèdae i rJe es~wsw 1, in endus toabalO Vizler, uftsi5 a of Minishet-lal iJosephr, o! sus- FPet-QrLtt-le of No l;v it 1; it Nii.r...i'IeI rit> r iî"~ li Nqr7i.'sfr~nsi iIra jt . ,IcLÈ Building. ,I P-AI ENI MEDIjOIN O P.S.A-ýN'D RF MERy_ -~~ TOiLET A R ,ICLE,, A - - r ARGE 7 a itcd pli ail the LUIts"st iro s'mel s, and e t- 1ç2n- ,Pictures enlarged & accurat 1ely copied. -- 3'ANDSO.NE-FRA.MES AND CASES. Businesp bcùrs 8 oj'clock), a! m to 6, .P. m. No business doue )n Suldayp. - ' - N lB R E l"I JIA0LTN eh - fering ,t-ebalance of tier-age OU 13gBirg ins in N ubias, .B reak Éfitt S haw ls, r s o ç~ ~ .' Slsawi.'Cluti Jacets, V îne.yhirtsiFiauneMar. txkets lisai a n ii G O e - , M l iu - y G o o t is, v e i?' eh a a1p -' A f e w S u ite t L a i ei usl a s c F u t-, t art, (G1e n t s4' F u r C a p , m f a oR obe s ,> a L à i-g. to ck cf u b CMADE TWE Oi.-'OÈ ' rt MAE7O3R.RI ,'0THI N G SPRING S"CJF 0F OOT$ AND: SHOES. 8W.'- - ~~A, JOURNsAL or aexs te annonce to bis cuitom--isaînd the' ýpuli thuit be, BeaIend. kathe cto.f ajoernalzdeteu, s pndbusiness ou the premises hsteiy occupieci by teP- itencuragenet the te safacti[tring Mr. Batidurl, on Brou-k Street, and that-h'e is îîow and niming nlaresWf Csnad&s, w.beg toý itni-eceip o! a splendid Stock of the ' aSfl5raoelit.hea dtof ambeucit ediedbyP.W.GlpEsq., under ihman andtite o TE ScxTmCàxpzb, Damsa RH1G-HT FIT ' AND M A KE andttIesïr au-w h8ncc Wtc- ai csers c nineersmn hlrouçbtîhii- Arîid of the best style of Boots 'ard Shoes. ewomna, sudhbuiess sue tl'rorgltaan lire 104100 copies. 'As aàaleans ofiadveulliaigfou so onf han' a large stock of Ilome-Made Boo1ý and Shées ail classes of manntfacre, it vi have tu eniot be iirrrpassed to- quiiy and pt-le-,e For fut-tIer-liot-nmatlon-aàdregs Tex 1orders puuCtually attendecr to. Repais -neatly' St-. ' Fe c ,Çsitaw1873. 1 ), M ay 10 , M18 7 1. C L H s . I . S B L 0 . G U EL P , ONT. PRIZE' MEDAL CABINET ORGANS, 1PORTANT N EWS- kl- Ghtenlng StarsPlk . ae 85eie Eddie¶ ePola Powle a. HarryngStla.sPok d aln Sane5 Pml !l3at'olk a..'",- ipkel85 A Piece maed 9-.piiarciita J. L . P E T E S, ,C a n t-a d ia , L M E ~ LC) D -E QTS. SOie P eebossd Manufactrr- f "The O AN tTEp cenltaining Scrib- uez Patent Quaiifying Tubes,. Awared the On/y -MedaI 1 Es-e- gisen to malter, of .Rieed Itruments ah Provincial Exhiibitions for ProSicie- cy lin Musical nstruments, beshiea Diplonssud Fi-st Prizes a alther Exiitionis to au-; me-oua ta specify, i Out- Instrumnents are ackne-wledged by Muaiciane sud Judgea lo be the.liment yet prOduced. Onu- latenadt dioavaluabi.iMi- pros-enent in lb.-" OaaoNcxrr." cer'tainiug Scrhbne-'s Patent Quali-vitg Tubeslthee.. i-ch of-r-lhit ar-e ta ea-iy double he power aI lhe sane tiue rendeing ltbe hon. ateotit ari pipe-lite. By Ibis wondei-M inv-enion, w. cas make an nstr-ument ofneat-iyilaubi, ,th. powse- o! a pipe Ot-gan a hualllte ex- pense. C A ÙT 10NM Asa we bas-e rursbaied te sole rIt-bt e! tuauufscu-ng qcr-ibner's Patent Qualifyitîg Tubes for tsePomiaibn ef Canada,we be- its caution ai] parties frv ru uritsiug hem, eiaewitere, as hey wll b. lisai, to preeum- tien- W.bas-e copyiÏgitted lthe narne e! THE ORGANETTE- Foreour Itraiuments, contaulrgha van- der inimrveeît nymnufsLntrer..- fringing an titis copyrigbt 'e-l bep-esecut Dlust-ae Catalogues fut-nisiteilby ad- are W..g- BELL ui- CO., - GUzta-s, Osa-. Guelpb, Jat. CCti, 1873. Ol WESTERN ASSURANCE COMsPANY- DOTS AND SHOES. undersigned lias a large stock of '. Gents'i at-id Uhîldren's Fine and C.oarse Boots & Shoes Boots and Shoes miade to order. Li -shees iîîcd waîmin - coralot-table. Idia Rubbers, R-epairiîîg neatly doîse. CaîL at the oid Stand. W'ILLIAM B lUliN, 872. - ioas & Stite Store, Brock att-cet, Whitbly. arm Winter Goods,, AN D 17 Q H flDC~flPDIr'ci UUUULtX1LI~'i, 1 f' 0il JAMES J» MJIkRPIIY in recipt of a hemvy stock of Winter Goods, embrac- lepat-ment, YFLANNELS, BLANKETS, r4PITAIL, - --2OOoo :R CLýO THI N G , T W EEDS, _ D O EbK IN S. Oe i, c. 87 .7 4 Y' DIESS (4ODS.-BInck SiksuiiiTnm, Luetrp8. Iih )0OM i N i 0 N il511 V ress. - VU ie a ii tes- osteuu, Sieetitgs, ik lges - L UR &F. Ivrably u der usîtket v -ue, (os e lli h . invites thir atention o! u - F O R LE ,ST> R E '~. The. nderaigne beg tei intorth ieirait- A Chs'uice Selection of the best 'rcsh Grpceries. opnda11uradFe traluth~ey ba-a isea lateiy occupieil by MrJaesWallce - JA ES . MUPHY on Duitdas Stree, ~ Oc. 2nd.157, Bndas Street. Qpposite 1 the Robson Houge, - -ct 2n.184.Whe-e tiey trust by kee lgevtyntn *l -lteitlinet-ayseo nltiabstotep,. satisfaction le/ustmers. Bran, Srit ts, Ostineai, Craclted '_tVieat, -&., e!f 'tue bealquaity. lm, MFLOUPII-Fall Wbeat, SpI'ng, andr Mixeri )~ ~ ~-and ail kinde aIf Feefi, se . D~g at-he-îawesl living puices fer casi. ST OGRlA PH GALLERY SMITHy Ii.~ridislEurstP12A ___________Csh ait ad foraUeiindsoiFsxrex'i;Produe 0 0 e -iS. A- H . - 8 A. E?. E?~E~ E ~E p ~OET WEITBY - PORT ERRY IL B. I zi I; zp ] BIROCK STREET, WIIITBY,7 )PPOSITIE ONTANRIO -BANK. _TIM B T A,-93LUt - Taces effet-t on Satnrday, Junehiff, 12. announce that he babu l)ilt ôîî the abov c r s s A, -1 o eW ' - stiTraineL'caiug NorIth. Meil -mixea. -~ W itb y lrn rc ll u p , l if' a r a. 7T 8 0 p .m 'ý%%tbv9 107 asm; '7 87rpm- grp. Gallery,. 60-feet* in length, 'Mr6 y. .;9 ami-7 àpm ý'. - < Pince lbet, 102 .. 851ý*'i CAPITAL STOCK, - $4o0,Oo. JOSEPH HOIîMA,4NROO.KLI.1-, ONT. Alsa Agent for lt.6 CANADA FARMERS' MUTUAL 1N5'URAN0E'COMPARY, Hleari OÃŽFice, ]HAXUa TN; sud --0 ' rtiqu é*ý'ândý ifnt 1.ý T 1 01

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