Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1873, p. 2

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and je, 07,121 nit ig In lisse, ZequirgMeMi for P yo Apru j7th au lot 85. a$ this dayf Bn£Hghl carriée ln bi, pocket #40 141 the comfo loris tort lie ilrt "Union station# G, Pl 000 Of the stock, fer 0 «, ailler Municipaliffetcome in aimer. rt accesjamodation, Of bf,'ý Mà1 lenrm dit-il, Inspieusq en the left band. 1b. joli, J40on-L' F4r aroj"y ol Pany never i-IMyed a fract Uxbridge, 52,UO, Scot w bol fit& » th which theCom. foilowg as gisants. EuterinR from the spao. me»ddfvolr tnbbe0eMpuýr- a, ion of và'Ue" MO; ThOMÉ, '14-M ; Rama, 42,5W; nid,ý we ha =ioxwm. t, ve the proportions Of sud *41à. the, "icontr.elliiii si. wll",- hall, the dining room' pou of Rivinfl them, additional ppver. irectors," East Whitby, 84joo; West Wýbjtby, noble apariment, .68220, and MOVO(I the Cassis la the %Ing" ëbù. 819mo sou , Ri 11,016; town unie tu ý7 ý7 ý \,2', - aPa le theç'vboleýon 'e-Aevermal ce S_ of whit- -of uitiùg 180 gue«a. On Ille Oun > tiens, and à '0, ana, Thése am th 2AM. The total '11nor. relatinetothe e9abligbmon&ý.o & trois ýbo roa, are aise the comm, &Moiiald oed à 0 faCtit bYl' 4,M ; Oshawa, ercial ýoom, nianufeetur«., ' go relorrod to, -ille ac- Sir John - )j annOun if frons thons fi fi n'céd- population, mode up of 8,É75 la ON LIY et 59 ýjpjcR ade 'a 'attention in 45MO, of which MOTO on lx les' tO'digtrgat the » 20xlB; a rOsdicg rOOM, 24118, ànd a tiOn takoli bY the courait fit fin lààt ibis aftèrnom that ho Vrýý(T ýbY refftring- to the multlisrious and 19 on, Md North South Ontario bu aitting room, 2ftle. : The'ýbar.rS meeting, and now propa"d in take &ý TueRýray -for the arrointment of a al Ontario, , MI îârthArý stfp in advancéi, go sa ta got ai' - colningitt- - Colis- The ilieransis, £Iùring the l»îýdeéade, la eh entend onquire, trio th tee of .6va' moffibý,tO tc '25,987. 24%20,. fa 8ýCCfal diattesé réforjýé4 ta ýin tr Thiih-day,' 'Aptil"10, 1879,> from 'a oon'dor noms &ÛnjtO >bgdx on which the matyior Pnoy jas 4édi l x.âï4 Y thé 4194- 4,2", ý the Population In, 18Q1ý'bofÙg airdsen, imindgfOf the hall on th right band might oommnnîïgto *lth the, Pa 1fr. Hàntingtnn,» Paoifla %jjýwïy rage. b -ùk ' ' m that the billiard roëm, in ro 1 ta th, - - lution Of'ypsterday. Therehadbeený gkpgl ci of Th Oovemmept Mo the p4cidé, "i.] fers. foin en Plinais WXW, Situated in the rear,' a sicpar, Carrip 41,8M Tiào"ýh e7l ransourA duriniz the minminiz that éthe ýWAY Pâ4e in the ýNorth riding, the lacresse, sied jfýom the b . Cmmoit in ooMZý1t4i', 'Okolq ïjjojj_ý» écremment -Iwo'ntd take ibis ' c'O" n' rif , Pi si controllinOi, arWa tidywàwh and lfr. Pbilip in dissa got the 216ad, 'fî,&Ûth the abair.,,' M"ton cf Sir John A. U"IMA' Ida motion for ÉlieïîîRoýýOld8 and ýUr. Draper, r'ý'aiüýing about gsfa toilet rocus. Aseending a, fine open Ur. Lawder, xpcoùded by Mr. - lKink, thefr supportiers with the. vote flS il ing elght-foot stàircau tî: thé firat' landing, inoved thaï; fia. VIPW of the, gaverai com. ýqpOn, thens on the lirevi6ng orioe P) the eliarges 'ony Oommittee te enquff'641160 WM - the Paly reckorteil At -L 01 the municipal- and ý=liehing corri- y1ý 11, 1 Even the atirongeât, Consierrativé party i ýà two ,ýWhith.V eiotèrs ý : 1: munkàfio»o' received: b' tba'.,mavor, in Ur. Runtfugton'», mal jýn ouithe' bqýrd, it W quit* ýP1Ain,1 that' file», Pickerin enquiring, sa mén'félt théminsel a 99Tâeè8ý hy thair rè1Atl.v,ý 1 , g lias the largest total dors are two front, aitti ý e , , - 0 the extent t'O whichthis Tes ýo bals P»Per "of ùdubb»anto, 7.97& and Sougog -the 20x18, camus lig,ýrOoma'"each coulleil is propared ta submit bylawo ta' actlon.,,while - thme Who rýpté#ent Re. ta the Ë40150 Vais unicating with bed-rooms, brbught forwàrd ou Tu" " f the fîmâë 'Aï the flectors for the purpose of OrAnti»jr bout sus 'f l each bas 6" ; Brook, 18,12, and ejýeVaXl Other': -bed-rôoms. aid by way Of bonus In the fhtuina. ]Rumeur, say«I' howevéf, Afier boh)o disoiiosfonf and Pos4l the encowý money ta 0.175, uxbridge, 4,762 ; East Whitby, On the thi -oi il, foi. dUeUfiner rd story there are liteau bed. PrOPOging te fgtsblilqh thOm in ýtbft "bflçldf% 1he rassau by Ur' conatmot the rond, liait the go )inflsïn XAêý»uiiss th&' 4!cqutrOU-, 8411 ; Whitby wesst, 8,220; Oshawa, fit. malins, ibis town, Ibis connaît in propardif ta owprg, thë'GcWp,'rïtiàènt - --ta t'the'ânoÛoJq wan Jing dirbetori'!,.we , do ý not opening OU »Padoue corridors. introduce bv-laws f want le, P ='jý Ail the ro not int-lendea W 6je'oir 08" 'Who 185; Scott, 2,775,- town of Whitby.2,782; Omo lire well lighted and popp. and arbulit or the -above pur- cnuld ge' dance, du coma*W Wu ero-ý:ý d from the :e so=eý ta the electors not, 1e, otu&»dý,ter, pasa nnailqwerpd. ometodi It la Ïlbnf,291 Varad 2,ýM; Thorah, 1,965 "'and Rama airy, baving ceilings 12'feet bigh, and on the followinu basis The KinigtMàlixto impportf ris, ta annotât Of bim#ro,' Blanchît, ýBlak,-# ýjùtfreèiè' Rfý the Cars powv.-,Alid in an exceos of males Over 'are elegantly furniahedý Mi a kitchen À bonus of $100 for each skilleil me. lésdeil *Îth a àPý. Cheerin ' air ren Doriond J, a. c4meronand Mal) fish andis. 0 ýzr7nu and dame$ forte and Ciel, ý i , ý , g le their 7 tý serve theii own'ofi 2, of 1240,- the numbero' chaule ta lie einployed, laborers and V, jupt, now, they gie aparîments are separ. - Il p 11VOI of pioson. trb4,oviàeïii, in ta bi 0 Aï te the igimdarà,g Challenge ils'w standing. males, 28,M ; lemales, 22,- ated from, the main OPP'7éntices net ta bc incTn4pd. Pe«M M foi, Zt thpjr Chiala neèa ta on the, AlwSts, firence ta ibe stoèk paid by poteý,. and > 278.-The femaleo being ln À, minotity proper. prom Ample security ta ho flirnialied ta the have thely ïPiri tipi, It-wat; th#% -chi! This la a Of tbe dè4j cf ýhioh IÙ 'évéry - muh"W*IP&Iity exce those brief Partigulars satisfaction of ibis entincil lair- the con. OPPOMtIon'thst cinglât ta bave cheered, larfi rOOmdiugth4t $4u#t:ibe ù. 9a, @'PtrOngth Pt' tin of silice thov hâvp accompliolied the M. ib ing in fi Witt lie êeen that NVhitby Dow Pas. hous Pniplayment of the number CePtable ta bath aldéis. âjj4,ýjsj ýrsjj3'lj tho4'ffit« 'Us Villing ta atàk&, lit% repù- es town of Whitby, wharf they pré. g(jgs s one of the vory boat bote, Mer ject of thdd nt 0 bailles agreed ta bc ênsployéd. r wiolies, have foreed the il of which Witt be loýioà"" tationi ive The movfr brielly rf-f.-rrë 1.3 9 of risment ta grantthous, thé >rà#,&,n or Inmat' Our, formai statis. dominste by 4o. The number of mar. any country tOwn in the Dominion. à ta the Gave allé via# no affl 0 ýjntfflst hi th m'ont, re probable numhpr of merried men an of Provinz, thif the Canadiân Pacific 9milngtbst thé' éditer aboulà rigd in 14,557; * white thfre are 1060 The building was - de;ignéd and laid bouspholders 10 BaUway, charter was gold ta -Sir Hugli âgel whole touchy. ý11P' 1*3186 ý etdw as -listes repu»tion" *Iàows and ouly 464 widowers--the out by lfr. Langleyo of Toronto, as skilled mechaniciii, - And tu in irect ceiv Who would ha 0 Yed Allan and hie Amfricau partners for a , thé trength of au issisertion ta thé former predominatini nu gin both Ridifi return ta ibis town from, the sa ut of luge amonnt of élection bribe" mon. gis- thé Architect Who prepared the agpr West Durham, contrary. Thom' nain gré itill.1vi The table ol&Wfjýng the axation they would ýroniribute. Re ov, WhPDPver the Comniittea la î l3g population, Plans- ; 3fr. Thomas Deverfll did t otruck, hfr. Ruuntington will lie rend' Li ussPýfd ai the Dominfon'Dank in whit. acoordfing to explained religion shows tli8t the the brick and planter work; 3fr. Ste. Algo' in ÙPIV ta Ur' Wflllg' ' and the people the power conierre-il upon muricipali. with tais wituemw.s. Y -Tl -(Bpooug t 0* the chronjow.) by'-O ne for 05,M 'of Xi. Thomas m6st- nu - inca] mérous religions body is that plien Grose whoge, interestoi he fa serving i 9 0 d of the Math the carpenter work, and tien sinder the amonded municipal set si this É9wmau'ville, April 9, 2.80 p. m., Paxton# and »Other of il, 00 ci Us- Ompose ta také, geourity for botilises. mattor moy' roi' odist churcheo. Ur. A. Wilsan il,@ peintingd and ta ail y upnn it fbat ho in "an- B- B- WOOd and Xt, G. Raines JosePh B'Relow. And glad, we are Théir union existe. however, only in parties Concerned the . wnrk i ' Ur. King and Ur. Harppr ex regmed fistutO a lftwuVOr and in ton of Bowmanvule, weré nouât 0 inire', 'Woüld the bank be-if the railway Ume; but aven recognizing the riaist - a indeeil p a Iiiub-principled nated. They 1 mont creditable. Mr, Sain thpir approval of the »solution. whieil a man ta milite a chorizo withont bav. yoya are now addreatilng *'large meeting in 110COunt were roduced by tilese aujounts, of eacli'sePamte section ta bc consider. town, han il,, 0, Of this tlipy supporteil in some sensible re. ing the messis of provinir it. The in. johfar furnishing thé Town hall. t We anticipâte wilst the plon or the dont. cil an independent chureh duit mar*kil tarent nf the SpAgion will larcely Contre Ni - the wepley- uphoisteringt DOW going on and the Ur. »Wntf;on abject on tljbigin-,,fxtiLation. and this évidence Ponti Saines renigned - Wood aide PrOBid,)Ù-t" Witt be-thât dicte noum au bfethodist, witil its 8,978 morutiers,' Cil ta the porter CIO"fly Watelip(l sint Only in The OPecimens of his aplendixl;y carved dtélJP rf-golntic;n as; ta married men and C"vn"n' alla but in the unitfd statog gleoto'dby acclamation. were accepted by the Company (thet in, fa the -mont mimerons relizious body in aideboardl,. oofa4è Joiingeo, tables, skilful', mechanics. Grent Britnin, and antfr blY the "èontrolling directors-1 tilem. the county. Ont of a total of, 18,526 chairs, bure-aux, Dr. Cordion approved of the résolu. If il].- Nifflotry have Captý Figure@ and, Pacte va italiwsy itig. salves,) in payment of * frruitu bedstendgs and £)Iller tien, btit tlinu!zlit the arnount committeil the Crime witi, wh stock, and that Calling thomselves Bfetilocliât", the elegant ta bc !eh they poop, re ed instead of giv. t th doubtag genei maroles. )Ierspro. Bigelow aud-paxton have no. Wesleyan ' and exponsive bang- jZiveý aliculd lie divid Rare Obearge il, th Clin lie na 9, as stateil above are the ings, are of the best and ment coati,, ing ail ta one pfr rèceive. counto for which they cissins crédit as mont ruinerons; the EpisSpal bfetho. son. itellinz Willi or was willing ta a railway charter eau pana lincon(lemn. wrec] The Port Perry Standard-whieh ail. âgâfu0f"tllO notes, and thai the latter dists numbMniz2,777; Prim description. Re aup y Ca)rfr.uL'Anvwiedwe lu ibis rtyppet. N iament and the people. plie, aise fort moet Dr. ed by t1;ý Pari Ahnn 't'va Noth- mattraftes, spriý,F bedst and toilet sets M'r. Campbell was willina ta enter- hy th Pâffllý,to have Jinan specially @Btâbliîb,41 en only belli as collatéral oeCuriýV with oiligqtiip 1721; 485 belong ta the New ta match. The ýýst ta y sinL . -of Sir John Macdonald of the new furni. in an le proposition, and digensa (Frons, the Jfail.) land ta sPlu rigmaroleu -and balderdsali for the COmPnnY's bande. The facia# as Connexion; 2,197 are rêturtied as turc exceeds three tliouo;.qhd dolia". it on itg morits Re agke(l wlist minr. The motion little fia part ý Perry railway'patrons-throws stated by no, are not alwred. When Bible Christiang. 5 as British Episcopal The building itEw.If cogt iipwartis of antpP wnulil lie iLiven that the skilled for oiractly the committee finught hy wrocli out the following brave Chau Io- t janios m,,,Iinie, wnuld bc marrieil mon'? Mr.Iguntingtoniiirpgaril,-aa,, a niai. Old. dé anges the notes were gîven theri was ne ac., Méthodiste, and 862 simply as bieti hirteen thousand. Of lfr. and arLyuo-.d that il wai; the dilty Asive, désire ta ili4ouss this question count against the Company. The bank, diste. Next in numerical importàfice Pringle, the proprietor, sa 1 of the ter stroke or policy. The Grits Ca" brotil, ng and ceuneil ta sec tilat the ArtiClý mains- bave nothing ta COMPT se à third Party holding the notes, have comes the Presbyterian church, with favorably known ta the trave a aîoly" Witt the éditer or red was saleable before granting a, are ove Ain of now, and York. th@ ronk' give un the ligures. Come istfâllen thau thoy tlucis, Iling coin. factu là more are do*n tô,faëtot and show how it id that nothing ta do witi, the accousits of a grand total of 10,216 morutiers. mussity, it in quite unnecessarv ta bonus, &,a. estf raav. trait u the rand was Dot comploted' two years Mesors. Paxton and Bigelow. The lattèr Of thfge 6,704 belong ta the speak perannally. The Reval Hotel. Mr. Law(Ipr ritlieuled the childish Wfý'nheyOppogition wonld faits havait the ri, liai if t un Were ver ln existence liens ta the Company, and we agzain ap, and the Lower Provinces, and 8,. élà.the a bitby men, were at the gave their notes ta côver their indebted. PrembS ý Pian Chureh of Canada, wilicil lie ]las stiocedecl in erecting and Ur. King wam Riirpriqe(l at tilem. fr'ends'vcted dnwn Ur. Iiiintinutnn'il urviv ar«llm--ntR of the applity TAPVP. bolipve(l that the Govirumpnt and thpir rppellp ta en lete fi. Let u: have COMPleting after the m2nner we have, Ur. Harper Raid they were ablilird. motion IPeause it PrOPOJP(l ta enquire necesa a list, of sert that the notes gtill romain în trje 189 are connecteil witl, the Church described, stands a monument, coin- The mayor imid theý bat] no fore., into the Govertimentp conduct in con. la r. 't 0' sa lie morieys si that date and wrre un ingilIt 'ta the Common noction wifli the pacific Railwav suil since dieu allie. lie alludes-to Possession of the hank, and that they Of ScOtland ; à52 belong ta the mending in itsýlf Isis 'Rucepi;gfiil enter. gens.- tif th , rang,,,, it ' the contrâclaris Who have never iléon paid, - Denial anà neformed Presbyterian Church. and prime as p- conneil. ac-home. That was the tant pog lêfti of or -une , ait glown, nt every Board meet- mystification on this bond in useless ; 761 are returned -as Presbyterians, fitable as wo know it will bc fouti(l do- ellai-acterizinz ail the talk about tnar- distant intionclo. Thpy wili e mont Prise. which we trngt wili ro- Mr. Watflzon opposeil flic nsolution. flipin wlierpon ta Jiang aveu th jng. âtail piersist i - ri in Otions for the documents -fipegk for themaisives withnut statiniz ta what section they gÇrving of publie patronage. Whitby rieil men acon bave 1 ýreToni ailvances ta ilio ntr tond a ainst f a si kilfu mochanics ana the fullpjqt oppnrtiiiiity of putting their ýî.an; a the 'Imputation" of the atronjzpgt assertion to*tl 1 fi onatthinen ofthe éditer of the belong. The Church of England liai; bas been long favorably Ppoken of r bOttl f y aftpr the House met vpiiterilav Sir ho fa Afté?pnr a ticliailq, and in morne respects a le proof Short- liýnO r-tlO innn *t'thé town of hitby. Standard ta the contrary notwithotand. 8,098 members, and the Roman Vatho- its gond Ilotel accommodation, their unintiAlierble diaengsion the rppolution Jal W ar Wljotet)ileavoredwît the nt clors, ing. -In tact ta this note blisincon, re. lie stands next with 5,077. The vari- clèalllinens and gnod Oriler, and the in Maeddisald gave noitice thât lie slat, ta buy ap the joie of the At wag carripl- Mëssrs. Campbell and intpnf7cd -te tunve fora appelai commit. of the î Oak nt nortfd for payment of debtî, and the ans sections of the Baptimt Murais polite attention of the liof;tg. and this Watson votinz nay. tee of five mprnbpr, ta çnqu-re inta t'ho dead b( cents in îhe fin l'sr ?--«.ttlle men ofltilY' ciller questionable mears - allah as number 1972, ;and of those 1845 call lut addition of Menil pringle la the XINCFLLAI;ZOUS. Charges confained in Mr. Huntington's town of Wliftby. The unfiniolleil fitate maid members ta he appointêd wherd, 1 cf the rond bas nothing ta do Witll the VOting thomaelvois large lumps of Illeuillelves simply Baptipts, 818 are crowning effort in the saine direction. Roaolution referring petition of Il. motion, a lady MOwanCeý or bontiii ta the Munici alities. money for pretended sen-ices--regorted Free-willý or Christian Baptista, and Crosby and ailiers ta commitice 01, by the Hanse. In Ortler Oint tlie Co.- ring on ;,et ail it exp'bctetýlte get, ta by the 11controlling directors," ta 809 belcing ta il strepts, le body known as Ttin. GOOD PnieFs Fon FAT CATTL niittee miglit bave the fullest possible and bfr Cils, Men are deak ýtith as Our nten- nui, tila su. PaY flicir stock-ruay be traced the hors, and 9 ta the Plymouth Bretliren. townglyian, Mr. Henry Go 0? report, movetl by Mr. Meritt, T", rend Adoption 0 scope in itq enquirv, it was hi, i Provyl-i14one-d', al, early embarramaments of thé, compa Of the less numerouqly elle lui eqljitab]Y ai, any in the llld,' shipped Blow that it wns iilinecessary ta ap- tien, lie saiti, ta aàd ta the motion that, yesterdi represpnted four car loadi; of tiplen(lid fat c ip attle for point a wond insppetor. il nep, lie, the Commitice should bave eizlity c Ille Standard denies that Port Perry religions bodies we find that the Con. the ýfontroal Enster Itfarket last we,?k. _z A41ciption ni ri-port of finance Cam- wor Io ait during the recess ; and. if wirdej itation on thf in indebted t "INOW We tire Willing ta atake Dur re- tional Church numbers 622 mem- Arnongst the lient was a remarkably mittee, moired hy Mr. Campbell, pay. rýeed bc furthéir, that a Reval Commis- ins liavf ýpi 1 strength of this aoserý i a the town of Whitby for t of acconnt'of returning officer ior sien Phoulil issue conferrisig extraordin- ta the ' tien. If th the roa(l,- and sa a that guets a aýt4fe bers, the Christian Conférence, 1,176; fine thrfe-y ar old steer purchaseil from dead. a Chronicle can provo wliat - y p centre waril. 1 ary power8 upen it. ]le bel 0 insinuates in roforence ta -sto ont la "ail t)onjiense"-istlif) veriest and the membersý of the Quaker per- Ur. Jas. I. Davidson, of Balpam. nt the Adoption 'of report of printing com- We promiseil the Opposition that fitied ois Pliiil bY notes,' lot- lais version of th hine." Well, the town anly eave sunsion 618. The Unitarians nuitiber good rosmil sum of $165. Mr. Ditri.1- iiiittep, moved hy Dr. Carson. hmhould ]lave their fill of this mat- Several publie ta throw bis assâýLi(n8 Co the tiliugg ho hêlieveil ; if net, we ask the $50,0W bonus and tolok 010,000 stock, rprulate gtora"e of enal ail i%ýi1 other f'l ilr 109; the Universalists 49; the Swe. Rois is i-lesei-véilly noted for the excel. Couneil in committec vu bv-law ta turned ttlIrly arc tliey got throligli with it. Calleil siron his inules and the bats., si and in doing sogot the credit of furnish- denborgians 18, (al[ in Pickering); the lence of his stock, which always bring combustible 7ýati h.llllif.-li -rial in larze quasi or 0 vote élown Ur. Runtine. "ne CO lit iniz the back-bone of flic undertakint, Lutlierans, 78. Outsido the pale of high prices. The animal mesition 0 a , 0 reaL "As ta Port Perry being ois, ta It fi; the truc " outàiile-prei;iclé-nt" s christianity we gars, al, was ir, 1 r.. th'. ed titipq. After consiélernble discussion tons ()tien becanse it was in tact, and là find no Pu et by a piire-hred short-] coiiimittee à-ose, ropnrte(l proggress and V. ne of non-confidenre in his f 1 the town for the constructineloYille Dow ta laillýlli at the town'a folly, and thnýjzh there are lel classed as such out of a fourth crosa Rhort-hornn eljollwll, pý le tyle - obtained leave ta sit again at next ---minent. He now virtualiv pro. perly 011, p th r0ad,' and MÈ. Bigelow ffiaking Illis in the Province, no Greeks, 'no Jewg, and showps what pc-rfection may-be a t sanie motion Ilimsiý£ Te were flon illouganjg out of it,, that in al, nonsense RaY that the claims of the ratepayers of Mr. Lnweler gavc notice that lie whaýtu;ay, Ille dastards who have In this ý -the verieot inconshine-and cannot Whitby ta any consideration in the rio Mahometans, no Atheists' 6 Deiste attaineil byjudiciouply managed crosg- wntlll at the next meetin- of the coins- n sa 1 1. ' for montils past Circulait- dr'w"d lie atibstaiitiatc-d." and only one Mormon, besiiles 796 re- es.* What Mr. Davidson lias snccepded cil move for lenve ta introduite a by- inz villainous storips, affèctiiig the ý - matter le " ail nonsenRcý the veriest racter of the nrat Miniter Much botter, People Witt lie inclineil moougliine." Small wonder the pe accomplisbed by mont .. fore dawl turned as of no religion ai ail. A con- in doing misy bc Inw, imiler the 303 section of the missi- or and cha "'ln one time aille icipal act. In replv ta %Ifr. Harper. lie We kilow they can't provo a tittle of from i ta f. ta say, would it lie for the Il controiling of the town, who wer promised suais siderable number romain under band- of our cattle breederg by proper atten- explailripd that the îlh.ject was ta chviate their vile accusations. But tJjpV will instantly diroctors" ta turn their attention ta the fine stations and workshaps, and 60 the difficultipli of providiniz entiorgerf; ay tY Penoni a ings of a very inde.finite character; tien ta feeding and breeding. The at ull Pvents. be no longer able 'ta instant needs of the rond, instead of many attiser' benatiil ehould feel indig- 05 èalling themBelven Protestants, Montreal and Toronto markets, are ta crt corporation paper disentintêti at that the Govèrnment stiflea enqiliry. bouse on Jâring a Priut ta diseuse the uufortuuate n'ont and dis « without stating ta which denomina- now yearly supplied witli.more Christ. the hanks. the npw law trivinjztli.- coiln- The case la now in tlifir own barils. was one v gunted. They expècted We shail ope bow quickly th Position in which thoir management botter things and fairer consideration cortinrate seal. erang will returu ta the band which tien they belong, 20 -being clasmed un- mas and Easter beef from thiR $;action cil power ta (Io sa by by-law iinder th, 1 bonus- saine timi der the general heading of Other De. of-the country than froin mogt ather Couneil ai1journed at quarter te thl1w it, trips beioi han placeil tha afrairs or the railway.- from the Iloontrollingdirectora." They nominations, and 843 refusing ta state parts of the Province, and the demand eleven o'clock. The dpeigive majority of 81 in favour ellildren j Ulilike the ".Controlting directors," we now know that'they have been first of hrinjzig do-not désire ta discuss the matter. hoodwinked, next ois what faith they profemed. will doubtlegs bd t greater attet tî provided qe ion of the Government on £%Ir. Huntin eated and- îngulted. 'ýu1 ickc!ring* Council. ton'i; want nt P'nnAApnýa Tant lias ý beau donc alroad yand ta such The position of the prenaient ilcontrolling The Nationality of the people of ta thir profitablk source of incom, ta an extent thaï; people must bc surfeited directorsi' thomzelves wenilm;f ia « ta nati... ,1ý - . . - eýog ère àfýîLw tant Ali sa tua, e: the Ro;ý. Mr. àffteheu in- th' edugi È I ha& am lion, -*Pclr ýV1iCb lie ta; thai it du hi,ýQ iliue, suavity- -of "the fiàolxf&, týe yem, ceeon!tbe cau]Utýbut havé ground do*n, -IDOM or Due "hm ;1 lesg t114 sharp angles of his Character. t'bis But thera - is Iota of fight in him yoi, ?,Cpnd one ofily tfiat, he- will come to the fia - ýffiecý. 1 1 mors _aUtiOný and p Ywith as; nèý 1 p robably with _b&tr ar succý,o& , There Ca% be ne- donýj, iiow- e î; à' ad ý keen-:witted homo, an the judividuil i had te, who wanti; te catch him napping WM hikve te lie up hefimes and very ýich wasý awake indeed, T-howlie-Beenlwto 112,,Ve tejied a_ of, -instinctive ý aptitude ý. for. the anclr the Pgrticulýr intereste ho " rvisà,' and tllb# thon foc, ho eral etntiiiied has about him ge, , , .ry clevér Officers who mm both en* Ifell %villingr to give inll efftt te Fi 1- or the the Iiews"ùf tbeir ellief. -, YOU égu't roleived crani ths, marines and 1 althonau-t à bouse control t1je figh- ' - bey The stoi-y ve.ry well lnq they knew-a fua w1jeh they hear it. On th A Flencll reporter and eýj1itýr wgg ýnward,î,8, b-rOugllt to flic bar of the commons, bu ro last niglit for calline "me of the mem- .0 statpé. bert bar(j DjjMQgý anj of tile is Io be up agp;k On PrObitbly he willl have 'Lu a mon -He Coules under the CI-Donro*of the 11OURe-_ beeause lie is an Pitrn -ritei s Onf'. well is an 1? 187& % publie ut none the leiiiiagured lac Ilatýe,, Portion ôf tho newspiL or O-Wrek Oming Very nasty, and for row hnot e bc sony to Seo its ;t eek, wme eck d, ré, and Yours, Ilieil 0£ ive h&J OLD COON. 0 firy'e, How to go West, real nt This ii ut) inquiry wbieh every one fi]10uld have truthfully answered before r rijz;l , lie F;ta,ý7ts on 1 - - i Grand ken i lis journey, And'e little apacp -ýeay1à ta n eXamillation Of Routes ê w.-rê will in many cases save muéh trouble, lanI of tirnri and money. sec ak ýn TIIOý'Ç-,e. & Q, running i' froin chi'a fjiioà,-,Il Galer,'burg to in the -L>Urlin-frtoll.. has iiellieved a splendid clIme, reputation -in thp ]art two years as thez-, yeuré - - ssenger Route to the, We ig lagt At. Burlifigtôn it conne-cite with the,, ly (lu(, M"rent LýIlriiii4rto*n Route whieh mus di- navi- rpet tlirougil. SOuthern Iowa.to Nebxas- inown ka and Kan.Ras, wit]:i close coÉiiections, te California and, th-ë Telritories ; and littif- pa-qsen gers startingfrom Ontario com. have ty Canada, on their way wegtw'ard. egn. froln t not do better than to take the C., B. saine 1 have Q. and Etirlington Rente, athër The Lillihas publislipd a pamphlet àiling called 111lo-, to w, M'est," whièh Con- 'el) Of tains n)uclj valnable information large correct map of the Great Wpst, f ýtb, whiels can be obtnined Iree or -charge. 1y te hy a(li1rtýr.9in- the General Passenger Mity A R. Buirlington, lowa- the --- hu- Music Gl', EN A n-74Y.-We 11111;ters, Musical MOntIjýV,, te be sent or one DY One who will send, eori- bMý tO Our PaPir.- Think 110w ôf it 1 Yen ean gst' ut leagt giÉty Beau- tirtil Song.-, Iineta. and 'Choruseg, and s of froni fift.ý te sixty piano pieces, worth 1011S aTleast $40, _by rending ne, ten sub.; ake. scribers to Our palier. ps, We will s l'lie e-bfl a Copy Of ourpuper ind and a copv of"Pèterq Musical 3,fonthly,- he for one yl-ar to any one * sending uà the f"(ýa $3 50. Our paper sPeaks i6r itsel.4 aný1 You maY know the value of r!elz "Petërs' MuSical ýiontlily," from -the ýI1e faet tliý,it:evéiT yearly subscriber gets fn- ,nd abolit-sixtýy Sonr, Duetn, and Choruses ýla and fl-Olu fiffY te sLxty Piano pieces' lip worth ut least $40. of m.ýj.rit:V of flic mortality cases in eil tllis conutry jnaýy lie Èracý-d to digeasa of tlif, hings, Ilicleétl, 1 tllese inaladies arc Y On the illerease. We do, ,a not kriow a remedy better suited,- te tg illix diseuse than the Coinbinâtion or HvTiolillosphites discovered by Fellow. it ONTARTO, a wa. Anril 7-Xf- ejy provinces rock and Dundas street AmhrDgp Bincionhu Commissioner, on Riii The Right Hon. Sir jolin the roail Dot fluislied thon %muge in counection with the ioad. but 577 were born in elle other corner ool Il If, Li à1il, in" làt of Mr Speaker lie ý,y heruuti, ttaugtedd Il r we doubt whether the editor of the port of the Dominion; 81 in Prince Edward nt ied by Mr. te Gibson, and n second treate.a the resolutiôn with 1,ýî1n11elf C ý ^f ,r Brt ý con., ta f gnulinff Ride lino $50. discuss ita manil did nOt'deign Pvell ta j 'Il erits, but ai; sonn as it wag Damble, m faund by Mr. Robinsong Perry PaPer eau make them out ta bc Itilland ij, Newfouridland, and 80 in ýCeup 1ý1,e,,.,es, andst Laing's old store, with a Wm. Dixon, CommigRinner; on wpstérii placed in the at possessions. There were vim »tin- a new building ta be townline, sonth of Kingston rond, on called for a divison, and the >-solution thé duginftr eml)loyed by- elle Com. altogother bereft of reawn. Duy the eondition that the Munieipality ofl w= ated _fr iýta 84bornin Germany; 10inAuf;tria;8 occupied by the Dominion Bank. The hby a majority for the Gov- pany to moasure and valise it, did OtO-ek et fiîtY Cents in- the dollar 1 A %arhoro' urant alikà-, sum, 020. Thon. or of tl irty-one votes. The yens ,t,, in France; 1 each in Busgis and Spain, es Chester, Co wa. ro new édifice will be three stories high - mmissioner ; at lot No. 10. wère 71,it,,nl elle navs 107. The remit ýo'f'r'elyil,97seur: work ta the amonut- of #89,0W. For lucky purchase it wolild be-for the liold- mat ton on the Sth con. lino for Cuttiniz ilowm ýC d with rolonged applause. ight ta witne and 8 in Swedeen, Norway and ed ta Cost from seven ta li this lie got #30,001) cash ; 81t,000 paid ers. Butwe doubt if the eilitor under. Den- thousand dollars,-and will be built in hifl, 0100. T. Gibson and T. McAvov. t ýet 1 up scrip'- and #68,000 in bond$. He stands what lie is saying 1 fi a style as ta add rnueh ta ition liad determined ta try thoir gý.ýjjl ti mark. Seven were borit in other Týis wsta hA question upon whicli the 1 ,nany ppoý ýq foreign coutitries, 9 at sep, and the the CoininiRsioners ; at lot No. 11. on Sili 1 il refused ta go on with -thé rond un] ve said more on this subject 1 gue, con,, for ctittinz down bill. $100, T. jtrený'lý,,and ly their desire for office jam ' the ga 29 is. net given. Ppearance, and provo a most désirable t ibi furthe ' r ailvalices were Mg'ab him, and than we intended when we began, and -place of addition to that part of the town. o. lY the wave "se We-ha 1'iýtb Pujzh. coinmisaioner ; at lot No. 11, on li.y iteil their utt.-r weaknex througli thé p( 0 the *'Goutrolling directora', we Brd cou. lino for cutting down bill, &o., T eir been drawn by the lotir we have now too far tired elle $25, S. K. Brown, Comminsioner. su t is ré whil 're -solution, and their against-the sid quîtrreling- atoh selfisfily trying ta ' - HOW TUE BONUs TO 21VIANUFACTURFS patience of tlip renfler. The duty of re. BANqUET- ON THE OPENING OIF THE That widow Gaies reccive aid ta elle efforts ta emharrass the Government, Quarter-mafi make bis own littie game-law Pro- plying bas again been foreed upon un 18 TO nz arvzbr.2Mr. Lawder, on 3l')U- ROYAL HOTEL.-Steps are now being amount of 80cts per week frani lrt will ho barmleu during the remainder followind stat, coeilinge wiýréýtakOn, And Mr- Dumbld,' by elle buncombe bravade we bave 14Y 9veniug, intrOduced and carried in tk,, toward well-earned, Commissioner ; that Plirebe Jolinson been fairly flattened out by this trial of Officer, Mr. Il 0 paving a january te Ist June, Levi Mackey, of the session. Mr. Mackenzie ]las 1 weilf upon tl tràèn-forred bis intprose !n'the contrâct abOvO quOted. We have given elle -the Town Council a ver proper resolu- compliment ta Mr. Pringle on the open. receive 40etti per week from Ist April strenRtth. He used Mr. Huntington as stand into ta iii ta lfr.,Eugliah., The latter gentleman faces and figure', Calied for. But i tion, Istylng down a b7sis upon wÉieh t as- M of the Royal bote], on ille 23rd ta first âme, S. J. Green, Commis. a Ca a ta feeI bis . way ta elle run lier glistai next clamoured Mr ad7&n'Oeu, thrêston- difficult ta get truth intô the editor of le is proposed ta extend aid ta manufac- inst. Several prominent gentlemen of giOnpr ; thst Ale%. Mackie be paid -the treasury ?ellnwclles, and ho soon - digcov- 'salubre,' from ing ta stop the work-'unlers his demads the Stand.ard'g head as it is ta get a turcs, We refer ta the resolutioll Riitu of 88 for rond scraper, supplied, ta ered that the leader of the Government tON me Qat I itself, the town, and friends of Mr. Pringle âBe, nail out of the wall by liaminering it in. WeAforthcoming. In, Engliah'.a C whieh will ho found in the proceedings. elsowliere, have taken the matter in or, Mr. Browi James McAvoy, overseer. was more than a match for him and his mate. I thon Mr. Draper. (the thon Prosident.of the On reading thé nonsensical arguments hand. The occasion will b - marked bv, Mr. Brown moves for leave ta intro- In the Rnuse yesterday, Right Hon. 011011141 go on 1 Report received and adopted. hungry office-seekers. Company) insisted that Englieh ahould FuN AT Tgi MFCH.4xco' R,&LL.- liý-8iugt snob a resOlutiOn, Amall won- a grand banquet for whiche invitation's due@ a by-law ta anthorize the trustées Sir Jolin Macdonald gave notiC& that would née sec expond saine money of bis own--to re- Captain Thomas, a famons wizaird and der, the rengler wül admit, thst they are now being Of Sellool Section No. 4. west, ta borrow lie would move, on Tuesflay next, for a struck on it. 1 g issuei. presont wliat Dümble bad been paid velitriloquiPt, gives exhibitions se elle were characterizeil ne "ridieulous," --- the surn of $800, &o., &.o. cominittee of five members, ta. be.ap- no use for nie tg in exciens of the work doýe by laira. bfechanica'hali, on IVedn'esday, Thurs. "chfldish," "&board"-that they * had . LECTUitE.-Thos. MeNaugliton, Esq., L-ave granted and elle by-law wax pointed by the House, ta enquirë juta ed the man at t Engligli !efneed. 'The moult-'Waà thst doy, and priday evenings. M. A., of Cobourg. is annon6ced ta de- read three several timps and plas'ed. elle nature of the charges made by Mr. the second offic The prose "no 'force,",displayed a want of senue, Mr. Miller moves dise the acconntit Huntington the proviens dey. The au- was reposing ir the directorg agoutned the woik them. ope& highly of bis wonderfut perforni. and wore "au iù" of the township of nonncement of the bold stepon the the weather w, suit ta thé Common liver a lecture on Tempérance and Pro. of elle corporation prgoiodings--Ïýe &p. suce&" The- karkham Eëmwmigi oeuse of the couneil"--" they positive- hibition, nt elle Congregational Church Pickering for the year 1872 as set forth part of elle Premier ta disprove the second officer wg in - the rpport of the auditors be Dow charges of the Opposition wàu received room. The mai poititaient of ArbitutorýaDd-au- awud speakinit of what ho - did in thst vinage IY were. in this town, on Tuesday evening nexÙ, finally suiliW by the couueil, and thé wi.th land. chéërs from. the Muiéterial out "Ice ahead. of the' Mate Oluumbiml, eharacur. sayo':.ý-ffle io au anitmoly--aü housse '68ockA and Old women'a shoes," ex. the 15th inst FrOm what we lesra of' ame are hereby confirmed. barried. supportera wIMO au Ominous silence rua and told the up to this time the AC1tMý -Amouât éf mani 'bùt remarkably light fingèred. claimed Joe Pierson, saine years ago, the lecturera abilities we bespeali him a s On motion of Mr. Palmer the Couný, reigne& on the Opemition. amongýthe ice, il maké di steil at elle speeches work doue was th, made at a good and' sbip Atruck. 7 W benches. -&ggOM ýQuuà jo Ho tet his-audience that'he wi logu ience cil stands djourned till Saturday, 2ôth, (From thé Hamilton have.been expouded by Dmble,,.and them, belieu what tÜ'ey-do née see, and publie meeting in favor of mauufac- April next. put thé belni ho #18,000-the "l M ý SouTa B T.--The nomination of 1 Froin one point of vipw the Hunt. výrseîl the engin Dune claimed by not bolieve wbat, they do seeand lie tures. "An a boule of smoke V, cries % L left the wheel ho LUXG & STEWAUT AT OLD NO, 1. ingtou motion on t4é Pacifie R&ilwaý EngrliAli ta have been ' expendold and in. idoes exactly wbat lie mye lie will cia, Ur. Watson, with equal propriety candidates 'South Brant will take As will ho seen by their auneuncement and its fate 'were Indierous in tbëex- tor *heel bouse Oqqpd ýôr expensis bY himliéIt In EU MiMitWy io Perfeýt, and bis m-ntril. before the 'Éown Conneil. The re- plue on Uonday, 21et inst., and the Messrs. Laing & Stewart are now fairl trome, and justify a ' uy &M, onnt of, cou- and disbibuted t 07,0à0, Y.t electionouAhe 28tli. Me ý à_ Alt - ssrs. H Y e-rnptnousýjau,-hter. The importum outtinitAway the thrcugh ý the ooliunion oquism unl" 4&"d. Parties wi9hjýg PIOACII cO'àveyed more thanwas intend. ardy. settled at 1101d No. V' It - réquires a which lir.->'ftuiiti;igton "evideùtl t- A little hav am irectorsol, Vîth Eng. te enjoy An smiloingly oeusational Îd ÎD bOth cases. of tIRA Ilocutrollingd (Reform) and Hawkins, (Conservative) visit ta be enliviu - céd. of the splendid tachedý-ýto' Ide motion, leading bini munney, bothqu lilho (We state' this ai are the candidates. ViWfY) thé ý, Pro. aveiling, à nid visit, hà exWtions Our readers of eouàe will perceive ýy , r, ý 1 ý ', goods the offe ,wbfle their courtesy th" ta ,éourteonol give the Govern. lier brother, Alfri coediMMwore not prope 0 'M' nent notieà Of bis rly prosecuted which are afýAy'8 vaiùd., that the resoluiioù binds jhe tOwný te TIIZ THUNDER STORM of Saiards ta engtomê,-ra'inrariably in Illes more the ex- in the fùtérext of th, Cou, ny, and y than a second visit from thm who go -V ggtron.ý despatches from Otta-1 """' re 'o"'- nothingýthat it simply lays dowin morning appears ta have been generai wa. :inüt)bating' that the defest of the bc ihrOjlý ta sfe them once. r». tll,,Ii ohtaiuý'à au award giving him Anderson, basis tipon w4jeh iddrmati n o #Plinut thé country, and, in. mapy Governmont waR almoxt a sure thing ou tÉo Ck .(improper au on handsome, Éýrimeýý E amer lftfi supplied ta Applieanti; U4 ta the amôuntýlaceq the storm was'accompanied by WALL PAn re 1 Rave 'i O?â,00 çash. 0,80,0oo ma coived: from the.general exeetfitioti that the flebate 3taytltere uutil 1 mhloi) and #10,OW veal,ýýtainb, and Tork, Diîkingý *eîèdàtý an&nature of,-the aidihat mýy bà o Uléf,,bailý£tones o'funuwim a Etigland nt, jtq 6îeveloprnen -J)ý would bc long, fierce and çmshiniz in clear ta Put hpr a #Ad* 66 me, ta Thon per con xhip JBudden1y list 1'OPT J. has arrived à Dreilge fron., Il ni' raised file Pioneer le bottom Of the ir,6ek %vliere it has, paF,"ie(l the winter. Tilel salni' géntli-man is succei;sffilly raigîng - the Lock gates and mikîng -- them fIt for Illp.fl ta Opéri and rlifit; - ivere. iL require .- 1 f6r. as they a powe;lu 1 ex tearn or (1011key engine to pezlorm, thaç ifftl When will file auth'riti,, place a ,ridge otcr tlie-iriver'herer* 'go that the '01011ization licad may be of uft to ;h,- ;Ottlcrs'cif the nLiý,liborbood 2 'Twas ýrl'f'l ta Scp POOr Il Orges Swimining à e riv- r tiiiiiiic, the viriliter, ta tako, Ont aie ýQOjs of parties goïng out.-pac»t. SUICIDÉ.--i.rwO Of the Italians talçen rom WarTs T.qland ta RUpp1y file place those W'10 left the wOrl& Ot the Xew ork GasCiiiipan3,on Sat-urdaypreferr- Iticatli Io thatkinéi oLindustryand roivne(l tlienisel-ies. Others élamoured > e riturlicýil ta the'Island ta await gs CXI)austin- EXTFNSIVE riRp IN cal, APffl 7,-Tliis -1norniff- a fire oke-Out in jameison & Co's varnisfi, &e., illanufactory, Point St. Char- and. some dixtance beyond the city tjftf;. ()'vin- ta à deficient water sup. i the fire gOý0n attack-ed- Steele'à pat- b roofing faetpry, near bY, and despite - 1 efforts of file fireiuen both buiiiiines ýre complet'Ay -ilëstïbyeil. steEle es his entire stock, whieh wae unin. *ed, -a8ýl vallied at 84 000. Jamie. t'id los& in stock is 52,060. ýOrt Dalhousie--On the south sidp of ýw Ontario-was visited by ve on, snturdav, M'Ilich grent]Y ai- jet] dit 1-esilletitq of thut 'place. No ange W-is (101le, but -1 congiderable litity of dead fish wu left upon th& OAL MINE EXPLOSION. - London, ilà An explosion of fire damp oc- ý1d tn Il COal Mine near Abertillery 1mouthebire, ye-terdiaycawcmg the five m;n(-rS and WC ýy others. l'dg At, struck hy-lir On ýay and ci)nsi(ýerabJy dàmàked,

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