Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1873, p. 1

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1 ffloyear, or omom", a V &JL& 71 . ', , , , 00 Or&» te discontinu &dV«U»Mmù T lu SDÀIYI jý, D. 4 r7M ý7 "fc 44 Beslnefséq Directory, 13 au ox t rq' 'WMr IT '11, jy à IrASON, fwbàu a yeu nk ISOLATEI) BISK I0IRE IN$e Co,, lk . fit di N'I',%ft 10 D A ?#If lm, là. 9 01 C&*&(LL '& pprely Canadlàn Ugdtmtio.. Th Àn, Sem ûà, , : i = , 1 rang ýy renova£. üïý"é, 't"à i.ýLV Ïgo W U J T DY B B. À N 11, ba' bffè,VM Iln-t ave7 Abo Agent end appraitar for thé emagU -Tbo,',F ï , ormgo gbonl§Lbuo AueLt Building and SgwJng Society, for silo THOMAS DOW, Tàbilhw , -i aý B N TýR k L h*e»w màsàozx M'O T É.T., ip ýbqing,,e by tho an«4ctum -0 RITISIL 43SrMAN c 0w *M "Y wip, a 00 M 1 r4t W And'yet î4is for goeà I go;, B 'Aùd yet-it lu or une - WHITBY AaEN, tTbé il ly e4utArl ii r1jjju itig hii JOHN BAILE-Yi - PROPRIETOR. *0 The Thatthe ýe nardum'Na&s appeaï; _yniay dock fier 1rom- lz!ieewc h aurance eompaq i -imbeeb néWly or 'hyadathtttarm and -paie. m"Iot TAYLOR, The aborejactel gttd 1 qui The ble apther -yet u cliyi and -*ëlL and Guette will Isna comfortabe w4m, néath ;Sud, ',M ýjfj CAPITAL, $«,M. At _tio eA.ýtiqnjfw attention irg» i;( im,411 UNE etenri g wrung âLý J. LL, lhe the ;Zty mamb, Il sf,,4?V-U]Rz, 3 t this, ibis ýr A B' L', I B X B swallow lesà T ZOSI. lot* HeUY strung, MOyon; t office, South Wîngcemrt Troilse, 'Ar. This Qu andweil establiabied AileA&ihà3ohAnd Mils %reIFcajeuut4toý Tho Ofthý, Yé=ýg faithC smile, j:tecoveýi ra ementé; for apte or cd Hom My. bars propâma to amyt risko in SU ýa»i» et BROCXC 19Ti'WITIT13Y, thàýs1euder âpra trou, Q.C., and Dir,,V*Uiobulo Q. J as those 01 asmy won ýy -, , 1 E- 14- ÇALDW Ci thy you-4taitblui amile, ýZLL, PROPRIETOIt And 1 éû i6 brave: am eagily --ked, an& ý' of x, rAnrw jýI,, L-L îAtim oX404 a on thé,w M? or 124n'e= or y lm liclum ý%nd ýcigwm. Go COUNTY CROWN ATTORNBY FOR È ilà, tanin a a, Sa ï1ïo rat". iàde' Anz a1,t;ýfîvo i>,tieià &t &hot*,,, Ontario, Barrîoter somtor . 1 un Pl and joÃœa Ancer, Nottry Public L. FAIRBANKS iit the ýý , Charges medergw. lwîfýàn ý8qif#P aind itvithedü -ue0à - i occupied by B, îf. Cochrme Esq lâte p- . . %= A stracier Crown Attorney Bri)ek.Otreet, W ÃŽb RU RAND TIRUNIÉ àAm.w*q WîKfflw.ý î flower TA Thon, ON briaxaý,yc V wake the violeté, Winiiir &en; 0hJ,ýarheu "ANI.f.f opioût tbe èlm-budoSpzing fe nëàr, A-he, baya au ail AT 'W n'te, n'y esjo'À myown When UltCes blessant, Sansmer chai lmow--&I"zt Win r9f ;49ricultur TTonni" (10X Y COY, 0.NEIL, LI ý1MrjPpSqfcre ýt41 Ohfývheuitbè-jFjý BAB""s""F 111, ýq ý prilig is hue 'W ad 114 wo>n', Or tiiý, sucer, D ty Rogintrazi Mt wter Ex. , 'A, Xé'w vdice.,- j,ý t'aordinary, anrxamiàer in Ch Fe The auýço-y for HEAD OM CE, BROCK ST win *' dows binait witb iresh bang4eb, the éo-nty of Ontario. Office, cotizt.Uouw, 'Parties taking thotrain ttndlejýhéih"j nèh Of 4ileop , chong wilJ boive thora weil taken ente of, 1111 tfi#iï ,ýtéam"o Cut wftbtlîi UA IkàowâWýëhâIf ý-W p lie, -de* on"their lips the ki'« weer Whitby. This Compm rl =. 0) lé rlàïa=*w Es IL ýfdde4 au ny iummFam ]Buildings, n6lw mslled-td «Omts ýiîfùrqersîbt bkh'BU-iteh om-diéplays; Aud,'when'with both totùrned agulaýý, Country Churcheu, School Roufflo and their ýuynigive land toaw. àtilip.14 uciroi titbalpieN con A4BýMýI'N e ý 1 M PýÉ- ENZ N TB kÙo* q zmile wM mQ' rAt0à AS Zow au those of any L013E ; ý- ý me thon » Il ma MOI ï, a NEY Anada. r4y, Do . laypre AU' Ji lenýthedIood of lisht thst showers And a halid'ivili woledine me l' 1 nÀRRISTER &ATTOI1 -AT-LAW, wouetli&thod Company in C it âdeh hà,ý yfV ý Ou bPAUW110ýébanged cotolla ohàdes.- Aflesn'; JL.7 Solicitor in Ch C voyancor, JUST LOSSES PXWMPTLY pA±D. B£09XLIN, 1 k ' * rida 9110l". on ONT &à The*&1kéýArdgayâsb 1-bower And à band WM im dits". 1 1 ý 1ý iE(I' ln , e- _we emel Notary,'PubUe " Oigoe--Xaitdoorto the LL rý With rowa oi mimy.petl", -botwéen store of a. W Jr, Campboll,.Drock Street, JAS-POWE JAS. CLATTON, OW,ýlary..Cbntriyad to Ro't, th d t*4tobýgitý Whitby, ont. Ment YSsT-CLAfig AdCOUXODATION, Arlet Ïbeii.toÉ click anà élanh no longer zelulIt 0; May 14th, 1972. le,6ÏUOI&rrovi where they @lIdie thin zýùg, it *04la be dialouit, to ex-ý y_ this Company. My Pl It had âlwàyi beéh il &va nïesli The hOrtéman'Pfoud of the' streak and splath unie NTARIOý IIOTELA Cr" homeward Iroim bis miornffigs rida. air of- hér boy-lover 1 obe fi&d'«Cen, in t4ki'iÏ ARRISTEBS, ATTORNEYS, sulikuk RNI X PIRE ASSURANCE, COy,, 0 . M 'ýN7jFACTuB;BD 4T THE the old-dayosung it fit his réque0q, ÉWI- listenoit t4 B ton, Colivoyancoriand Notariat Pub- B-110eK ST., WIIIT]3rg Rere, comeï the Oenleeq awkward mtring, 1 as, Pr ionsto.tjwir Sad- a lie. - Olgeo-Ono door north of the Pont With bock in rope and tail Ïn knot- i eparation,ýhe ), Office Oshawa LOMBARD ST. enAiu C. DAWES, PltOPË1"ETOR. Port Per-ry'Agr" itùral Work& It 110;d ccrished the rom&utic notion'of qorà,t w6rt: sa Caoss, LONDON. Ough COIV with catalans country swing, seeking hiâ e6nuné in a fýreign conery, B. McGrE. Th In lazy walk or slouching, trot. c n liuq, V 0 &bOve old OiJt£blizbed botel han been 1 dl EST'ABLI$]iE7b IN 1782. newly fitted up and renovated throu lie htà written, -for -t d 18Ï heeliq, out, liEYYEL'A CELZURATMI), ýà-AEBIcAX -DOUBLE Will ISIIY front the mountain aide, ta their si 1 wor a kpplieil-ble ciiAnl"r.14 C. KI,,'LLER, all the aParLmený@ being furnished wittý.ne,, 7,URBIN.E WA TER tuation-the woras,>gtle . hàd aile Éfippl -LAW, SOLICITOR IN _prietor win I)Oomeà-to the close and chafing thills, TToUBY«AT GITL)ISP IE, MOFFAT & Co., Agents je, and suitable furnifire. The pro WHEEL. Lend me thy long'untiring stride Sung fer titis Stranger. -À confumd .teettou.:, ý m - Canada. leuve nothing undone in Providing fer the rowd of asgociationg, doubtsý an., jears Open 1 À-X an Convoyanèer,4c,, Canning- comfort of the guests, and the)r May, ýV IN USE Ta seekýtWitli thee thy western hilis Iý c toui Brock,"c7k. J.Affl -,S DAVIDSON, man, rely up. TilE MOST ECONOMICAL WJJEEL No filled lier mitid, ypt elle a broken. Mr. Griaée ger. On the best 01 pure liquers being supplied at I heaT the whispering voice of Spring, lý in4i3ed, but *fth pë ang it' culiar-expres thteàténeé In«uTftDcm sgainst loge by Pire are effect- the bar, Strict attention puid ta the stabling The thrashls thrill, the robinla cry; t e yery hutry -and mon, LYMAN LNGL1811. L L. 0.j and in looking alter the civility of hostlerz. with Prigoued wing agitation of croisin ed on the ma et favorabl ternis and Lasse,, Like saine pour bira her B ÀBRlST:ý AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN kaïd witlàoutreierence te. the Bourd lu, Lon- That ait$ and singe and long# ta fly. notil lent it Strsnge enArgy and pâthôs. ed still m( Chancerý,conveyânéér,&c.,&c. Sim. (Ion. EVERB HOUSE Shelladjust cetzeed to,,Oing, when'aý this momc green- bat tour fell' cas Street, Oshawa. YEOMAN GIBSON, R 0 ' 'or nue spot ci living UPOU, ler necà;, and then all prpsëol Agent, Whitby. X,&NCHESTrit, ONT., One little ffpot where leaves càneow- catue aûotber, and Tc love unblamed, ta walk unseb'il another, and au- tations, ta G. Vtiu.,Vt; -NXIT11. L L. B B. PLANX 'PROPRIE, TOII. Ta dream above, ta eleep bdlow other, 'fast as the big drops froul the ran down j ARRISTER, ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, T 11 B Stages te aDd frein Whit by call daily. Ev. swollen and sultry eloütlig, The -girl "Dô yoi 13 , Solléitor in Chancery and Insolven ery attention paid ta guests. started, shratlk, buraed) cringed ander 40*04 Notary Publie ke &a, onice.-McMiUa2..1 Liverpool àýnd London and Globe The Peep O!Day; or, John Doe. t'lem- NOW theY felt like still kneeli Block, Brock âtreo"t Whitby, Ontario. Of MOIten lesd, parchinir« il tricklings 1 It oùkli IIV.%UR-tNce Co 1 or Ékin, and PAN V. OY-AL CANADIAN MOTEL, h' sending 8 wIld 910W thÏ6uffll lier ira t e force, R CHAPTER X. me à'.VÀILARLZ ABBETS, $27,00.0,0W. -now like the dtîppin"s of a thaweil auswered PORT PERRy, ONT., Here, Wilile icicle, niaking her bi A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOIt IN Mary busied herselfwitll Opd, Inn ellill, and is, unfortui À-IL Chanciery, Convoyancer, Land Agent Lassen palil, ln course of thirty-five yearg Il. rOy PROPRIE TOIL. drawing down blinda, closing curtaing, very boucs to shiver. * Yiclding at lut resjstance.' Office--;,In Parriaha Block, Brock St., exceed Ft')RTY MILLIONS OF Ï)OLLARS. aud the bite, Sullivan tlirew Itimself te lier feelings, Mary Sàuk bàek j!j At t 1 his Claime by Chicago Fire estimateil at near. Superior EXICOM chair. lier Uxbridge. nioiatitsn. Good stabling into a chair, and takiLig up a book of But, raising her e es Fille saw 118cending 1 ly 88,OWl M, are being liquidisted as fast as ana 1111cit roui", aud Uttentive ostlers. engravings, 0 le pi3noý the t0ileme St adjusteil without deduction. Security, amuseil hiluseif ýj & Prompt P; syment and Liberality in ad mon site bail before hes- etat-ed to toéog- Shi entere OLIC- ment et its Lusses are the prout, just. RE R013SON HoUSE With its contents. lurealityhis dal-k nise;-his face ARRISTERS ATTORNEYS, 8 Ment featuren T flashing eýyes followed Mary in lier e of this weal thy Ce arms a tri 1târs, NotaAes Public, Convoyancers. boyilili tendern now telax d to 411 iM tu moventents to and fix). And tLougil DO$,-thO hauglity mouth Short pipe 1 Head Offic 0, Can a now quive1ýng in alàeuisllp.d Ltl£>@-J3yron »Street, South ci Post Office, Uja71ýnch, Mentreai. Dt);%)Ig STUBE-T, WIIITBY, she carefully avoided glancing towards recollec- lier teeth. - Whil j, Ontario. G, F..C. SMITH, GUO. IZOBSON, - PROPRIETOR. him, elle f4lt that lie was thui; watchin flashing. eyés clou ed', and ment as oh Chiai Agent for Dominion. 9 d L. FAMBANKS, in' Age sailly bent>4011 the miiràred image of Way to a W ut ait W-nitby, Ont. The proprietér beqs ta annonnce that he lier. The two elder gentlemen, loft to his hRs Icased Ï-he building formerly knovýn as theniselves, resullied in a low key early love. Their looks <met in hall-door. the gluas. Tried beyond control, the mueli cauti AND TREASURÊR Ã"HN L. ýWATxis, t;cripturels Hotel, Which liai; been renovated, conversation whicli Sullivan's arrival TowWNhitbeyL]zfl;lfxûce-Toivu Hall. Meurs: refurnished, And fitied up throughout, These Whe;els we are now mamulacturing but] intexrupted. girl cOuld no longer restrain herself. the winilom from 9 tg 1 oclock. in the best of style.. Tbe prentiges are pleïamantl. She Screained wildly, -and risitig preci. ting down, tcituated, y r than any btht-r 'I had no idea," Mr. Somers said - 0 N EE calte the Pest Office, and in the chcup sbop in the country J., pitate OFFICIÀ L 0 nà Z1 ly, rushed with clasped hands ta of thï cat a J%.11014 '11011111EN. y centre of trie to-n. The Rail e will glve a guarantee with eacý 'that Purcell liad acted sa very bii BAILIFF BIM DIVISION COURT, way Omnibus Wheel warranting them ta bé asweil madel towarfls the unfortunate Young Il. seýy lier father. mannyr NSPEOTOR OF PUBLIC SCROOLS 'alla at tlic 110tel, and the stages for Ux. and ta give as good satisfaction as any We spoke o£' Mr. Grace and Mr. Somers bail riseu 1 Pr bridge and Beavertnn louve the ï1nor evry fora valial for the Contity 01 Outakio. Address- manufactured in the Dominion. > At the mention of Purcell'a naine, in alarin, and werf. striving ta ascortain ta wait. Raglan Post Cffice, Ontario. AUCTUOKEER, &o., &c. Board Si per day, Careftil bas- 'Parties deniring further information eau Sullivan slightly, thougli quickly start. the cause of such emotion ered ta . 'port tien ays in attendance. obtain it by addressing q, Whou a giffli il «jirNN, X. D.,_ OFFICE-In Bigelc.we Block, PAXTONTATE ed; buttbem.0,veujentivasso Slightas Ilew Sound from without arrested their menceil a 8 Perry. ESTERN IIOUSE, & Co., te pass unnoriàed by the speakers attention, and diverteil it from lier. pushing hei URGEON TO THE, COUNTY GAOL, w - Perry St., Port Perry, ont. Byron 8treetWhitby. Pert Perry, June 24, 1872. p March 81,1869. llitltsclf coutintied, te ail -He Mary's seream bail- source subsided, full a 110tid j 26 DUNDA pearance, Wlien a loud about arcs S STREET, WIIITBY. labsorbed in his book of exigravings. . e Outside the the hurried' 1 lige, aecompanied by the discllarp fusion frou N EW BARERY & F1;ýUIT STORE. The undersigneil woulil intimaje ta th Il tell You facJ6 Mr. Sonierr,,' Grace 10 UY'S ROSPITA-L LONDON ENG., r)ulPlic, that the ubove prernise e TR' ISOLATED RISK returtied. 'Site liolds bis written pr.. of a gun Or Pistol. ing a bide CY Il the o 1 ye R. 0. H. L., Ooliawa,,().tri.. Il A a 1) s 'N 0 w "em'ly fitted uP -l rýllovated throughout. Miel- oi Warriuge.ý 'Net Captain Doe, I hope 1, cried resumed hi 1_ ý iý __ __ 1 - BeRt Lijilora and Cigart;. "The, Creani 0 1 am astonisliedl ille clergyrnàù-re- 5ullIvan, Instantly recivering his non- ter. Begs te annatince thât ho in now prepard Caiiada,'alqo pure Rhine Wille, Walz's L g- - chalante manner. Mary, lier fathe As the ci W. AoAns, to supply everythi:-ig in the a f Fire 1h4atance Coy of Canada, sumed; 'for in the discharge ait What and Mr. Solu.rs stood in mute r er, wholesale and retail. Boarders taken by couceived to bc Iny fluty, Ptircell D ENTIST, (SUCCES. Bakery and COnfectionory Line the week. ai", lookeil out 1 . being il Protestant, I spOktý to Ilim on may, Amother 811011t, with exclama. and, au inst Sur to NV. H. Card. ) At his old stand, lately acci.1pied -by Mr. j. JOSEn A. DANDEL. RE)ID OFFI=-MngSt.,cor.ChurchToranto II Dental Ituomii-I)undae Street, Arnall. the subject, and lie assured me, with tiens of'Jolin Doo Iýj0hn Doo Il broke piece, anil WhîtbyoyerUr.jameoonlii Store. Nitrouâ ILSON HouSE, CAPITAL, S.5ooooo. solemn outils, tliat lie liad never enter- fortil, as thOuall in answer ta SuilivanIs charged it. Oede Gao admiuistcred fur the painleos ex- conjecture. c' traction el tooth. CHOICE FRUIT OF ALL KINDS W où into any Fitch eligacempllt. In fact, almost lit 1 Kept constantly (xi hand, in sotte Depo-siled with Governmen, 000 lie added, sinking bis voico still more, .'L'y I-Icaven, it is thougli Il Sullivan mark the of tit tlie conllex $67 1 'he swore ta me th, crie,, Qshin- ce N. VA#($* fi. D. N., ORANGES, LEXONS, sAR A.- WILSON, iR., PliorRirimoit. ý ion Was r il ta a window. Ejacula. quickly lie s DINE S It vrill adjurt all IOF'Res wittieut delay, and nOtOfliisownseekin-.' tiens Of apPrchonsion. and bitterness ci LOBSTERS, PRUNES, RAISINS, ' 1 dismay broke eb rrE ETH inserted on all the CHLýV8E, TOBACCp. Tho gubsciiber begs toannounce to friends pay over the cash AT ONcý* - 'Ile lied and was perjured then, like front the others, and Mary, ghaptjy bine pu the of the art, BREAD delivered da ILI]d the publie generally that lie*hrts d the liar and perilirer lie is,' the strangcr White, AtOOd with lier arma hanging by that'aneyle l. as o esTi u:theaetheegatppeaeÃŽ4nueliipdlieLigi goýd au the .. s a Il ta customers, and tjie bava new hotel in the ViliRge 'Te '- Hon. ALEX. mcKr, xýzjr.,, M. p., said, deliberately breakiiig into tile dis- all ti r ff - - A.'eh lier sider, leaning inute and terrifled Mr. Grace. boat. eeth 0 gooda delivered as burn. The huit- in liew, and furnished in President. cu.,.qi0n. against the Wall. yetý no. It Iled with Gold and Silyer. in 0 le rSerroev(llmlon L most thorough and coinfartable manner. JOHN MAUGHAN, Jit., At the saine moment Nora bounced te the back-ý Teeth extracted without foin, by prod YhobipceoBrands of Cigurs. liJary lookeil sharply rouail; but no local antestholda. Venta noorna-la ej Guesto wili find every -rouvellience at the Manager. extraorilinary interest, Sufficient te in. The noise without, liad surprised 'And oveý an'& new block, over Atkîusou'o Drug Store, RICBAILD SNOW. above establishment Wine liquorn, and Xifig Street, Oshawa. 85 Whitby, Sept., 1871. 37 ways kept on give positive confirmation ta lier sus- lier M'bile enjoying lier secret indul. liave no con: - hand. Good stabling and attentive bustiers genee, and foIý4àf1i1 of lier caution in the bousé.' 1;110»A,4 IIU.,ï'lltom, always in attendance. M. WILLCOX, picions, was visible in the face 'ai, inati- E M 0 V À L. 'May lst, 1869. W @ ner of the speaker. lIaving &0 spoken, lier féar, she now dashed into the druw. Ta the ref R 18ti SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. lie returned ta bis examination of the ine-rOOn2 with a short black pipe spas- besiegerg lit OMee-Town Hall. Residence-Byrou The undersigned has. removed his LICENSED AUCTIONEER engravings. Mr. Grace eyed him car, modieally between ber jaws, while and, enrage Street, tliree douro north 4?j Toývn Hall. ONEY TO LEND! FOR TUE COUSTY OF ONTARIO, AND i0uslY, but said nothing. 9peaking througli-her teeth, elle cried outrages of BOOT cf 6110E 8TORE 'Ifisassertiens witji respect tu lier out: tackeil it in ta the prernis unfortunate Young brother appear 'Mistrcss 1 Master 1 We're all un. tinued clatt, AIR DRESSING AND SUAVIN(?r 'rüwD.sb!P Of hlarlpOsl&(artwright ta donc 1 Ruined for ever 1 ad' n the WesterrrHotel Repayable by insttLlineritii for front Twe ta liave bern equally linfounded,' Mr. rOined for knocking,,as Saloon, lirock St., Whitby. Dundan Streen, Wlitby, whgre ho i, no- TwLiity yeurfi, ut low rates of illtere t ith -'b F hâ -anY friends and th, Soniers continueil, making the remark lver 1, Here, running to Mr. Grace, Of 911ns, nue prepared ta exceute ali or dors fur '%Vork. A Out cgmmlssioll, und at moderate bal GS ta thank 1 1 B Public Fenerapy for the liberal patroir. more ireneral thfin Ske Aimais large and select stock en hand. Renairinu Private Funila f. T-A t bellind him. orinnAd him f..# brobahlv flin j, P Jemios 8 Mis- fvè n Ur uruwune, a plate. '119Y Rood lady- 1 -her w1jéW to fim si OL 'nit tol" Ly tven to 81hwe Qd4, 0 Our" à ti teanq. d canters 1. 1 - Z ý:-; sa i 1.ffl la Éëmàfjii bëcoming seri, 'f lier bil#iueoi' ri 0 ýwv. u Q Y feýaL a b y on de tilk i ' Itit iisqltki.-r »went Il re, ont* at kýiüd'n-eni;' toi ulwt;ýitwi-il , , er féeli -ýilrëadfnll itý*ï doült.. e lier.' Y There was an awful i" , dowii. stairs, just nt ý thig wonàý t. -We gat iflll",Aý na , W,àl-týed Jèýiuilfiali; ii8tw pre- seutlymaie lier sÊmàranoe;-ýVèe *ne bitterly.. t She milid -£-011 l'ma M, Oh, girl -that ever was. ý yg-,fçll dpwA,ýdown with thé diniieîtHm l' -Jeaý!4;*1wimusei4à, rotùîm&nàe . Wwke n'o't, crom *ifit Yi My there is WhOlIt-Pie6o, of crocker-y in the house. She wavçd- her aruý wiWly, ap4 knocked a f2ýV orqàlÏ,eýtaj t4in;,,$ eý e iddebéard. '-How eau' ever-repay ilie cried; . in pitepus accepta, said "Your presenee liere, mý good girl, la costiug,ùs, bn un average, aWut É!ji!lint(*aüiiiiute.' If yon wbüld-ônly dý takennother siý.Uatioh--sày in the china Ellop at the > cornýèr,«the'street-wo miglit, w'itli a lew ýears of ptinliry and piivation, gra,-ý dually re.cover ourlosiies." She na- W-ý it 'in the same light, and wenL ' Jemimi'i sister has câlleff once or t%ýke silice-'and said how j;orry r5lie W-as. WÏ 'Uve ', on fliede - occasions put the chain nez before speakin- to lier. We think it àdýiqab11e that sobg should not come-inside the home any znvre,,ý, 'tà &UNTESS GÃœLCCIOLL-Tbe death at Some of the, Couutess Guiocioliv' was annOUnced:ý on Fridayo rè CAUS terestm*" recollections. of a,- In n the LOI-riB.Vrý)n,-vfith whom fifty-four yëàm ago, Ler na'ýie wnsintiEýate1Y as-, sociated. She was bora nt RavCllnâ 112_ 1831, the - danaliter- of Coànt -G-ýtrùb, who was descénded eddi iý faUiilý rank and ififliieddë..' - Ëgàet «iffil; î4i;-*efè m6thet and üandmotheï 6effl she, wai aw possegseil of elekant manners and ý accornplij;hments. At sixteen she W4,1gremoýve'd froià the coà- vent-which edueàted lier, and inarried to a twice-widý)wered and elslerly noble- Mani hall, nothing to recoin Mead iii thé wqi df fijtelledt if looks. Under these . circutnstanees ellé was thrô',LvR into the soriety-of Byron, and a culpâblé âttachment wis the re. sult. ais attachaient, Mac'aul4 says, was virtuOUsý1vheù j ndged, bý the standý ard of the countryiàviliich . àt'tlio.titue lie was living, but it nev'eýthejexÉ tôrâi» ed one of the dark, spots in. the . histoty, of the poet. There is no ovidence-tligt, lie félt ÃŽbÉ lier a v'ery eng-roming pas. sion, but for a few.yeam their iiitîff24cy was a su-'bicot of world-wido not-oriety. Micro wag, it, is, wnsiderea, no floubt 'of lier ilevntinn-m ilim f4li. 1- Kinds of al durable itreains im - cornmon thiefil first, Harry Navanagli Il nce ilithe Mont re- 9 t toulh ýhe la-. And the fzaze- 'I kneýv yqu alinost from t - caonnottilebrùt lw-l dre il young man- 4 he W ic 'l . c Yt There is s.ffl, ru""In r. _t .'l ,.or pronipt, an ient firewoodi an imber Puglivd away in chair, and paced am here te protect you.' Theu, ap- an-,rily about tile roorn. liush, dear Mary 1 But fear net. being i3meare Mu for the use of the place. The * situation la parky, wore (Ji LEATHER AND FINDIN03f , , Pricel; Obtainell. Consignera kept pleasant, being midwav between the villages Maiýy grew deathly pale: Grace and posteil al; to sale of their go',ds, prospects, of Greenwood and Brungham. tlv ranching the bewildered host : lyoâ Aronnil bis wi UMBE R ML, RCIIANT, CARLIENTER CamIL paid for Rides, Bark, and 4eather. tre, Illiorinativiiaii to price, &c., furnished For all information en-q-uire of- 3 clergyman excliangeil glances. ave arma, iilkd joiner, orocti Street, %Vllitby. A Lamber stretched. on application. L4ÃŽ, A trial con8igninme In a minute, liowever, Sullivan was ri Mr. Gmee 2' in token of au HENRY HOWELL &Yen, yes Il the old man returned. ly armed su, large ilitaiitity al ail kinds of lumber cou. Brock Si., Wli' a , Le, BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON îtby, calm, and turned te ffle rest with But you know they are the first things except the lasi atalitt ou haud. GLeOliCrlý', PERRY, iit. Wliitby, Sept. 10th, 1872. 87. smile on bis prouil Young face. 'U.NýE.RrAKING-11..eralu fully sup- SHORT XOTICE. Ileference : we shall have te give up.' Who, having tý plied au(Latttinded ou Khort notice. Coffiam Mzy4t3i&s. J,;o. DOUGALL Co. 'A thousand pardons,' lie apologized, ýGive up P No, by Reaven, Sir 1 his face and iropt coriétutitly en linud, A heurme te litre May, 1872. 22 Tan uary 13, 1878. lya IDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA, 'for speaking no warmly on what little Let us arm ourselves at once-you, and whom it migE 04 fiberai tarins. -m- - concerne us. Thougli concern me it Iandthe]ý«tsoathereý and we-may and totality 01 ALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. TIME-TABLE. does, as such a story muqt rnove and ONEY TO LEND. c H 0 1 C E V concernany one ofthe right feeling yet beat them off. Your arms, Sir- 'John Dýe 1 Going North from Port Hope te Lindsay. a quick 9 lie added, in a tone of morne. leader, as ho The subgcriber offers for- sale the Béaverton and Orillia. who, like me, miglit chance te hav The undey*igne(l has any ainolint of Mon- 4«L 0 follow. il ...... 8:40 a. m. 1 Mixod .... 8:40 lipard it in al, its hideous truth. But thing sa like command, thst Mr. Grace, Was WA11 echoi ey ta Land upon Farin or'l'otvii llroperty, at ing valtiable property, in the Tovn 1 Whit- Ma this in no therne for the promeut. Yen who was a weak man, infitântýy lins" lie coutil ljl:-An excellent Brick Cottage with j acre Going North ta Peterbora' & Lakefield, zed by leaving the room in saurait followed. uit4onally-Low Itates of laterest. o land, Rituâted on the corner of Green and Ring, Misa Gmee? I think I board obc Loans uati bo ropald in munis to suit bar- Mail .... .. 9:30 A. m. 1 Mixeil .... 6,00 P. M our Father pr i ig from of t em. 'Lawless m Si. Peter Sts., in the 'South Ward Almo, 1 omise usa soi rowerd. A P PL E T R E E Sy acre of land, Wall fenced, and in a ýigh state Coming South train Orillia te Lindsa y 'My wespons are my words, Young claimed, appl eaveral Iinpruvecl Farms and Wild Land# of cultivatioix corner Wellington Peterborol and Port Hope. Y, Yen.' gentleman,' Mr. Somers said, in a Beek y"ou in 1 aÏd Gif- 'NVell, Sîr,' the lient said, 'if you are for sale cheup. 0 V 'r 20,00(), ford sts., Nortit Word. J acre on Centre St. Miyed- - 5,85 a. m.ý 1 p. m. Idier and in se ruffii ILveqtm(ýnt» ;nado in Municipal Debeit. no. very fastidjous critic, I am m tone of gentle reprooL II am a se titres, Bank, and other niarketatable Stocks. -AT THE- soutli of the remidence, of C. Draper, Esq.. in Coming South train Lakefleid. tire ner 2' the South Ward. Alho 20 acres ci good land, Mixed .... 8-00 a. m. 1 Mail ...... 9. Mary will bc glad te sing te Yeu: of peace., 'First, your For litrtitur particulars apply ta being composed of part of lot 18, luth con. .00- p. mt kind old man wu puzzled by the 'Mine are more te the purpose, Sir, - JAMES HOLDEN, HOM E NURSERY, of Township ciMurray, Co. Northumber- Connects with the Nipissin auw, a ta mingled veliemence and indolent grace on such an emergency as the prexent,' elicking the 10 Offlefal Assignec, Broker, &-a. From two to tour years of age, embracing au land. and tram Toronto-and interm: 2.0 statLe. of the etranger's manner, and was glad Stillivan-or, as we may now call him, whilO the othi OFFICE -Over the Doinînion Bank, Me. the bout Varicties. jA elcar and inclisputable fitle will be given et Millbronk for PeUrbarol endorillis, and te get rid of a subject thst had, ýâIled Ravanagh---ciied with a half sneer. of their weapà to all the above property. For further par. With Grand Trank et Port He 6 both morn- for the recorit explosion. 'Soldier, or no soldier, , they get a shot ]ýâvana9h, th£ Udigiilii Brock St., Whitby. SETH C. WILSON, ticulars apply ta the owner. ing and eveuing with trains Cutand West Dprit-oth, 1872. 15 FRANCIS CLARK. Sullivan bowed, and leading the or twoý-from me, the ]ý7U-----'-- Lot No. 3, 2ud Con. Pickering, en Kingston Whitbyl jul R.G.TATLOR, rascale 9 Ha 1 Mr. 91vau 11P- S I C 1 Rond, 7st Office, Whitby, y 1871. 29tf hosteso tothe piano,, busied himBelf Grace, thatis something like', as that aside ;- 'Get 7 Supt. Of Trains. With opening it,'ÃŽlo;ëiug hei sent, and gentleman re.-urned with firearms.. Wýitby Braît and String Bands, adapted S U P B B 1 0 R OYSTERS looking for ber music. Mary was Tack'em will for Solreeo, Quadrille VALUABLE PARM FOR SALE. ARTNER WANTED 1 trembling visibl ber-beart liad sunk lie added, in a wh 7hatever liappens, isper, while pissing el s0d I diflâJ Partfoo, Éte.-, &o., Will sapply tàe best aulâ p net be a legal low within ber. Yet elle seated ber. ber. priant might7ia lâte4t Mufle un reasonabla terme. Being part oflot 2D,ý7tlj concession Scott, W th train Three to Five Thýousanci Dollars selfi and mechanically ý turned over d8tand near us, Mary, and be of good Applivations muât be made elther persan- Connty of Ontario-100 acres, 75 cleared TAYLO R'S BEÃŽ "r -cap,îtal, ta invest in a prolitable Manufactur. some 'WOII, Unfértl Ally or by lattere (pont maid ) ta and lu a good state of cultivation. oued Oheetil df the musîcý by lier side, cheer.1 Mr. Grace aaid, as he stoo d , ing business in the town ofWbitby. profits until Sull- Soniiil'POÉliùA 3. ÃŽVOLFENDEN dwelling bonne, and extensive autbuUings il Man, stooping oyer lier over the chair jute _Iwlùch. theý 'giri= Wliit6Y. In good repair. Apply to the owner, FRESH EVER Y DA Y J gm=tudst one huadred Per cent- Apply i;houlder,, took up à mannocript song now sunk, au y te d tenderl 1aîc1'lÙý, 4ùd swered ; wh J. Ir, ]L,.Whuby P.() she bad juW dOWLL HE BEST SIMBÃ"N 171FFM, A T Put - and Mutely upon ber head.. t Mai-eh Oth, 1878. ploeed. itou the staiïd. The girles sus- on the premises. 10 'Och 1 yes, Muter, we wi1l'f*ý .Nor&« S Lc,,,,kdaiý,, Nav. 14,1872, 47 IL FRANCWS. picions were, nOw' 811 but certaiiity. cried, again drawing noîtreiii. 'Why, then, HDRI.31E M '&-:DlOINE Whitby, Sept. M, 1872.' OR' SALE. Thé% son wai one, the words of which Spaak to them fL»t wi ence's lavé, no 89 F had been sent her byherboy-lo, d said Kavanagh. ver, which ý plied MuIIiàý 'All descriptions'of the bout Horse lésai- LAWLER, fiad, adapt-ed À NUMBER OP ELIGIBLE te ber favoluite air of ý mr. Grue, :augr up E! RUI4 and ly on the Clerg] 'dinfý)i kepteonstantlyon lirtiid and for sale et -T OR SALE. 'Aileen Aroo mou, ta4 the ti.' Bowing ber headi and t4e Whitby Livery Stables. Importer and Dealer withont ocheredit tbought, she com. here ?ý boIdýly asked #Whit do yon jàrxp charge for advice. -_in aU kinds of À viduable Farzn, in a Idgh statu of cýIti- BUILDINGE LOTS 1 'enced, With 'a tremulous hand, the éopeu your the goc untl'e N . B rikg- 'l 'il net excow ý 'l- cenad&, bain 1 ý m ad ý'Youý ýd Fainily Oroce ' 8, Pure Wines, 'ato ', SïVeral Park Lots, Imm one toton Acres ope oeil, a Lot 25, 2nd con. West Willianin fég symphony.. B. OIDBLL, ench, #A M knowl, two or th g"rdedý by fW6 Middlesex, 80 aéres cletrea and we ýýw£ter_, ye ary lier..'fatlmsaid,, *hen rea rou*.j1ýVokés -,,ex- H O PUI?-- SPIRIT$, ad, good fonceai good TXý 1 en _a âne' Au id fil"-elus centriii, positiozi In the slii pl4i,' 1thit 'is Next, my goï AU a few- ýenoté8f yo Do Yeu, seek arms V domanded aing orchard of choice fritit ; éitnsted TOWN, OF W pretty soùg, and a fàvourjto1ý of mjine. CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE, &o., within 4j miles of the fiourishing village of, 'HIT -Omnkiniz Mary. Park W94'àýd containing'142 serto. ta-, Fourhoqso with halî au 4= of Clark Dlyliglon 0oùrt, Tp, Clork, la44 Gift.iiun now ONo 1 , Who are Yen that "kg that Word te whiýpïï CHEQUERED STQel:,. For partieulato apply te- att Comminsioner in B. B., L escu P". pray do;' Sulli An4 Aaent, &o., vaq'svoioe entreatea, question 21 Nom startéd Atharly, County Ontario'. 11900X îTRERT R Gffl fflý,QOD. ýWe ' liwve nn THOMAS KMGRT- while he continue& te. stand et 'Wax. monay i4 the honse at me Il she cried Park 'thit fur us' '>resent,' parlqyed Grà0a. back. -Pra $Zig, ChrWthôn 1 Ndi f4ý mi, tg ç94ýfQ1j# eqý a râpe 0004 Ch1ýzËânà Il Ji yý irst timeat'Lady Blesiin#'tons when 'he was past forty, said she bad ýthe nost luxuriant gold-coloured hair, blue ýyes, , and fresh complexion thac lie ever a1w. And vàitors in the salons of ?aris in the lâter dayo; of the second wapire wonde»d at tbe durability of hebeautyýwjùch bad long buigrg ue,,n elebrateiL ÙýAnq1* Býàzi1ian Times gives the )llowing: .. ý-Near Cim os, on the oth 'eb. Sr. J ABarrosa E - Siqueria wag 2urdered in >hie hoÙie by some of hie laves, sud hie vife waz saved only by ào devotioir of-l'suother, who, thongh everoly wonndéd with & bW.hooki guc. aeded là keeýiffl-off the agumin. &a. r obbind the'hitue'they went - o« tô Luider à tenant of the &un(ls,-büt fan. IL d Énd him. On thé *av to Cý.M"- Le, Siron de =019 , t4, r. Siqueirs, accompanied, by fi» --ýoti.,. perom, sud in au emuina fight kill- One sud woundëd tbree, the Biλn id Captain Effifanio Fýancis de Xiý_ 3dâ es"Ping wigiout attack. Some Mo afterw",the daveawm wMaed Mont reài&t&nceý The 'ro- etëd biz ilý âà 1 ý . V.- an- ber ' who helped to imard over e, au to be keed. YVOIC "D WIT.-,&.gSUis ýmanpz-àpàsâ th4ý'ôn, ýhe_ Jbo»ý ap àtead of the org&Û- lié' let 0 gorisz: ni !kny,.bé pèueid en bNnùpmý lut, Llity, sa in nit4s, tIg riOý c" w4e,ýý- adjà, L-n&-ýPn hm - schine,

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