Whitby Chronicle, 3 Apr 1873, p. 2

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ratio n Cr mewun T'lai feieJt,8couflBitLuiug the weaittL Sohlool Lande, %068 iýces. *eh wa spr , ng iut,&--hn pegnon. and Izappinesi of a peopleis-mpotatdrn h ý *lbsiAàonigt Funtr- .Sm, 'htera« hedn-Ioe e h ing Ihe à3i thé e lton ite 0' 4U~'jb1It~.wsifu Pc- tuehard of eil ann cù f *îtia 967 Ã"V 4 of t h . iaarSc 4u&toe Abtréct-TOw hiP o Pic. thehear ofoferhertGramrgnarq iithool Landh, ericg.-tire lova Of, and conftdeeceIz-i a 8,906l acres were solde axnotnting b of The Cs4aan Pst, c* e Record- tivO or ailo$ted oôêatt' $5,585 47, the 'colletioxn being AÀ,~ 8t,140àeîau-cpf7rawford. With greferente i> lige ,îiirvest Of the 856 08$; and of the. Clergy Landse0: CrovsiL%'nda Notic- past ydaïii. 'rgets that a large nm 610 cetg slannnig$ Fafry Vos.- b1c ~cltrJSceisfiled to $28,757 61, sud the collections #121,- b AC'rrO>N Sir. in, akethe returns deerired by the depart- 818 07. The report states that tlx*ee OnTn 1iment.17 l 1 J, t1es erare now open for location, indéY the tb Port tatin sti6e. !. I i, 1 he.',Thé harvest oflstyawa o'reGaIaanfotsedÀto5' kring.wsb n reGnt n linné<àtf6ýa tn ry« naea gond one, and in fact thýeo oi. 7j owh t ~1sr !ie"n fyg ______J'es. ____ une".____ciai returne niay have causedil b oap. st. Josepýî, *bih l*lis been i h a pear worse than it yeallY was, sInce fromi theéopération ai the Act. Fgte many oncl of the Agrieultural Soellêies neg.. of these to'Wnshipiswe re o pn d ïforinca, t t lec~~te niake early ami êorrect re- lMon in ,heîIrait year, md 8ë75 locations t turnas, thus defrastfng fýrm thé -relia. were maclge èn 115,065 acres; 2.2681 ju CONLY Si 5o -PR ANNUM. bility cf the #ebcual reàulIta obtained. aràsweye soid BRlctesdrig~ -------- Théo tilmissioner adverta-to the ioi<è the same period. 158 locatiolis madle p lhtby, Trhir5-dayt APril 3, Ï873 0fe clpecaused bywinter wih4lsb Vwing during'71 were cancelled in '72, as thé T 10the entire absence ô'6lelter on -o ioçatees failid totake possession, and le] Th e Work of tits lod nminy of dur baW 'naIian farine, -and 10. the lots were re-located to, othçr appli. 'te veWît Mne of trocs planteid in snch cents. Thé Legelatuîre et Ontarjo, pfler a & ïýosion ai to seeher whéat fielils Tie total accrnal foi thé year. of tini. 1 session lastliig losé, on Ibrée mohthtb ,-fromt prevailing wingle. Tiie Azrrcultul. jer dues;, ground rirnt, and incidenjal ie *&A Perogued on SatnrJlay Jet%. 1the val and Arts Associaition is in 'a lourigs.bonssi 60159, xl v ieC roYal Salent waagiven t'o 163 of tig. ing state, as shown by- tîxe iucreaming bnsal 6915D,éè~léo h 165bilepasei-excellence of its shows, and) thé 1<gh sale of timber berthes'in 0ctober lat.- (18 163 ~ fo thé incorpora. standing théy aro aéknowledgécl to take 'The total ecllection for thf. year, of tim. <ol tion of thi Loy ran'ge Associati on in oomparigon with thé hast of thé 014 Iber dups, arnilnd reit, and, inciiléntal Vi -of Rse vs so wis Western Ontario, being Worfld exhibitionsq. Ouir local egricul. bontuses i. 0Iq6Ol42 5!9, to Whicl ma,, toi groipsevd lm thedeelsgion of lhe .Gover. titrai societies are coit ng goowork, héteeci (0101.49 JIi. bpinu payments gl InO0Oeil .Tiie work of legisilation nil théip shows o*é muel of tirir $uc- made in Dpcémhpr. '71, ton lete tb hé du erng thé seýssion waer oftlie Mosî IM. cAss to tire principle of agzgreiaîioxù, bv incli1llc in collections of flint vrar. on, ' ri ~wlieli several maill shiows of àtuinfer. ýnaking- a total colloction of $667.61J5 96) for portant eiharacter.' The number of ioi! class are united bt fôrni bole of a irrerppctivû of thge sale of Ortolîer last. Vil prlvate bills w*a rsînarktbly large. Of vAsItly sunperior charttr. Meelisnics' The oufAfthuding ?nocs of 1872 amout8e tisepubia easrés tiat ov iiad.Insttittes aS-e lding good work ini thér to $2,1),726 04, tiré grréater part of Br1 ustgn0 fthie b11,1 l oa *àyof libtarles and medn ooins, but wlsicli ropresénts dues on mew loge esjd r - touese nl unsi et"éling classes andilectuirÃŽs Of nin- square timuber remaininEz in istrranis fortr j Idebtednpus, suAd thé istribntion of itructive charaieter are sedfly siéglecesd. want if water to bring tlsém down. A Lif thie surplus, *as n'ndlothdly thé Thèee isefnl institutions shloid flot bc nittrked lfpstiiré- of thé ver in counlc- Wa tust important to tIse peu~ple of thie allowel b odoeznerae t 'm o re récréa- lion witls tli's brauncll of tise Départmont tire Proinc etlare< ~hoque tion g !nroom~s, Thé Fruit Growers' Asso. is thée sal-- of tiIotI r berthe on tlié northi the 70rodiffcuit leu, o u ond*at s cation s stili floniriliine, as is tiré stioro of Laite Huron, in Octobéir laRt. f'< a dificut 00% %à Aurouded ithEntomolozicai Sniptv, for wliicls bue wlion 5.081 squlart- miles ;wprp 'lisposed i, geoinpllcatiéé tas iL wss, tiie determin. Coloradlo Potato Bééetlé will finil ample of, realizing ès lionne $592,001 50. and r ,atioa re io jettlm il was boldlly acted.enployrment snri ng thé con feason. cn'otind rent $10.064, tmaking a)oalo y Upet<tp Auul, althoggh iL ws imposail Its- ravages lest seeson wêr not en 62.1- 50, bé.ing an evvea!zp tonnus of aPi bisluth naur c th _rcmstnes, rit asi liedt héen fearedlenbt its; arée of $117 97 ppr roué ; sévère) puirchasprs, tiio blein he atue o th cicumtanesopération lias heen Sreatly exteucléd howevtr, suit having zcomplied wi<h thé .vin, but Mtat ome municipalîties w-onld andi tire - Society's assistance may hé conditions of salé, OSOir sq. miles of the Con1 féel tlîey hll cause to complain, on tise valuiable tetiiose wlsoms crops as-e én- arrea ofl'r-red stui romain nt ftié disposai rer wlsle i cnnI e agud utIlatclngrrod. Tiré îivér stock of luiR Pro- of tisé Dopatrtmét. Anl imriression tap- Otti whol, i canotbc rquil ut hatvîne in lu a satixfactory state, auit pears b hive genprnlly onhtaiued thit pie tise settlesuest was a sgatisfactory one. even tis e pizootie tisouigli painfil nui théiletèrritory uisrosed of at fthe-,salée'vas- car, Au incubmas, wilîihwd4ighied upois many ýtronIlésome cânes not appéar to have thien, for tigé firgt time, plaiced undé(Ir muniicipalities for years, lis beti goge béen fatal su crisés réceiving orlilars. liensé to ent tirnlisér, lenitflic rcordsg of F rild of, sud an équitable and libéral 'randucattintinn. Cliéesén mai.cin4irlm iretéDpsirtnienit shonwflint in 1852-8 li-- day poliy dalt nt e al inlii adjsand bitte-rinalcors haveéft- consés wérg, prailtnd initthé locality, and I,é poliy dsai on to&H n fAe ajus. ? th fimtstéppa tgwarsls en-opération, ld l îp t.) 18536-7, eovesinjg an area of tuent. Tii.drainage set is well cal- lu thséformation of e Diirvriifent; Asso. Q.,966 msq. miles,anc litinluOct. '&3, r<392 w"i culaeéd te assist and encourage many cietion. Thé îlots.Coîisne con- sq. miles wépré tinléréd for sale byv publie r iocalîin- requiring -tli i provements élngles by sp'cakinz hopsrfiiy of thér auctiori, 942 initce of whvli i wx'éPolst béfs wlie i cntmpats.Tie et fr iumsgiratioti êéxpetéýl initheé iifln re t vércué bo o-nusof $1 14 prrumilé. wisc whih i cntepltes Te atefor és l nmmèr, iand ureaetugemore safis- meniraIef otal of 8.,18 %il1. toilés place)1ig asnndig tsa uiscipl lw fcto-yfutuire for thé Cuîuaiicn labor uudcile icnse, on thé Lake e Huron ter, Ug - tallliing an inebriate aqylcsia; for ré- rnarlii-t. - tory, or- more ilian thieri--fîrîlisor thsé Oni giilsting tise asyums for the blindlanul Tire position of of tise spveral Agri. créa oftrred et tisé salé ini Oclol)ir lest. The deaf aund uccsb, ansi for etablialîing acutrloi-ie in tlle Couuty stands Ail théeiics-nséi térritot-'v ispsédl for mer szlsool of teelinology andl practiéel as folilws: flpyeto ruulrneep iséI about 3110 sq. nmles neqîsiréil i 18)3. h .soiéncé, are ail nieésss.;ary, désirable, SOUTII ONTAIO COUNT-cvAonîcu-ne. irinz tie isst 20< vvérs oniy a fow le -ul hninagizing works'of législation. TIIIlkL Sosi$?T¶Y.---4(31 inmemîcéirs , totl ten,1ascw ls lghavelîcers in opération M Tie péla lgilalo.witls rempectt b récéipts, iniidisis balancé, $2,542; ex. on ftIsé rorîls shoréof lalce Muron, tisé, cerainrsîlwas, ssiiL-sl isestrug ébués 2,27; ico $95.oril- one of lnrsrp eésuaritv lssvinc Ien nous, lsssnrta nrve faats, rieà éeroum e nnes 14. 7;balancé nérn,$25- 11etesias laIe as 1864. 'Tiniliér fir thé assét lianand erveof i etrlig overtne 14.Ripdy of ftisé, arliér hcrujt of thèse nlle; witî -o délai witlm. À weak govérzirreént Puc)c.:erxscoTcwcec.r.Silry- 15 nas. ins i srant toearîrettakén indlis. tisé 'émuilissae bsen powerléglss b grapplé mcmr8#,f; rcc-pts, lnerlluct îsnîafnc'é r sriulv 'I'froxu Ictids sofflté Crown %tii sisctli quetions -arn tliat and tisé 61,082 9$; éliîétiié, $983,57, balancé wuluostlicénsé, inciwithisost pa-nmérit Lensis osf <11see, with tfis e ceptioru of an ocras. 055w Itinaiipal I<ossu Fusil. Of-tlic que.s- n ailensd, 49.41. ions)l trilin! gremout séénusi-ecî liv élianne. teIc-s tlits vestilated in thée Ilouiso..4'ucl Wen-rnY AxiCO EAqT WIîITBY - 1329 Of lite véars tige liencgl fireawnIlîii. %whlisslltisa Opps,îtissn lied héeen ýratli s. m'rciurs; recéeipte, in-lirîiiulîsnéi s-.ýjfý r laqs S rnds es-c as insit1ii as-t- Ti -filly rîsrgelrig dusiucjtisé recess, were $702,91; éxpensés, $6t1,10; balancé !le in eouiscqirsné iceéOmé érll'ars'fcc ons tire pito oftisu-eerlimis; ire Protn nt lin'l' 1,9ruinvaefin, ictsepropriétors of lisesé as Ils' <Clii o tissbér lisits;tise "roton rs lsnd, nl),91.mille ]555v,- -Onrzuecl lic-jréîasilnrssWs otrage"; th iséics-lîjub ralseciabout *NoRIs Ors-rAniro Couvy 8orr-v. -rérl rsn., nsrv a a rdsi-,sr té-ic tise utIle srtp cof isper-'YOII lid291nesrr ;rriî,ln-r-ic' -i lnrr . ilic-h icîil ro'lvniy é silriTo Lt Icèttrs-peakiionw", eud tlisélansler, aisée, S1,891,10; îxcs-c 1,628,70; i-lirssey.s eq. ingfor1 ir c g-s, iriLmrlajainst TIr. ItlKéiar unden ibansde $254,49). rrilcrssenlt itise b rnl b-erorilng- tise siinnietcsftihel"Elgin frsîrsIls;-ail Bunira Towvcoîrn...119 membc.s-s tisricni wlorilstsroriybirgscln-nolîsi ,w-irésatisfen torily lisposei of, bélug réréipts, incriiug bhlatnc-, $8412.118 ; APtu;(inin for ilcc 'e-cmèe tihe o d*tifised et lengtls, ans inlisvery lu- éxpeusés, 6310; balance on lIssu), $32,- lu- tisé ownprq of fbie-millg il)iiis5uetioli, stisise is getlmes a -1e()m- ggrid 98 551in sosriei iitanc-P. lpv O (rlir in NWr ettlle th getio-ii ac-uld af%ý.1ýt0(08.Cosuncil. susil spneces of torriîs-n ré Dus-l elûtho charges brosuglit sîgaîist tiséni, ~IscI rio îîî-reIl,%MA- 161 rnînse e risrss5ntise sltgi)-srsts; isé iriber rn and i hlr goosl neme vinnicaed!Iefore réetiptte, 612686; éxphluénem, S431,8,9; orn tse irourni( 0 crssrtol. wlisieli wcr-lidat tliî i cictry in tIsé snost triumiarît balance d]lietrna-crc-er, 6S502. ru forriscu- yéc-sis irve aTfsi l îîflc- ho us-inns. ltrspecincg iséruovel of 11rîCîi tisuScuno,-1'27 rïnrisérs- lent eripit forra lcîtisersc.sýl pols5.oo s it., Iccieéicesllp n ntei ilrs) ssiîe- s s-cjll. cocte, h1ics si tnof tisé A4gricîuiturti Collège. réceipte, inelrudlingha<ai- %840.41). ex-calions fsier asîdtiionilirrils. nitis pcr. wiiile tiser. is ittlcisiffûronco of opinioni penses. 313 ;,ibalansceé crgisln, 827,41). «itent aiélntaIirislisounlitlé ce-roi. Mi,. tIbsît tisa site cf Isînhco 15555nustsited, SssOTsx-i1yjmemlicre ; réctipts, ~in.(1,t 1," tcIffIic rclugwlx 011l yeft -w. cetnnt lip tlsinling that Wiitiuy cindineic alarnce, $283.63); p, peseotli-rwise liceilep,cis)tlic- invc-Otlnît iire woul ies.ha e c tiséhe bést clsoicc- 243, 4f); balancé on hans), S 10,213. san rtirelins ; fo ha vé ccqti-sisll thèse cl-nittiis wR Noilllin-e boisseuscou- sR gr for lise - ovérsnseut, Tisie will Tuoniî-74 mes-btre; receipté;. lu- brsrv btfis pirit of tlise Ci-cnsTimci(r gaiys tl b. seon aven froni thé report of tisé clsscing balancé, 6277,44; expeuses, rérs-rilions, aenîllnivsiéltrit 10 tti rinL corslm counnitteé appointes) hy theua Gvarn 218 08; balance on liens), $59,21. issiié,tise clarsé whîéh proviclés tlinaInil ment, sud in wii h 'tue >asvautagé of UxeusDoe- 51 memiérs ; receiptsle, n'Il timbrbrh iub os s~pb i ieuj n 80lânea building s rrafàigar $8,18; axpensés, 6186,24;- balalises lcié Misep- c fpien usé ieneatr -ge-----e-n-y siijést, and 5w. are aseurt-si tIsatINIrs- lietc-s-iorlb itwas cee.rtaines th.iam.t ms-. Bic agentsare quy ahtioriwelato-ver of c4sIpwè rîs ;o! bén yéers 9èciotrn leets isi th iO faoutliorned tassial te' Farewell kuowe notising watvr fsevén Townshiips %wveélaisdont il tle sale. ah Àgriculturaf abot o n dai. o h - thé intention 10 appoint hirnseif. nomet lsiiehié sections ; tIsé land C u tin 4rclsualboesu ohers S~ ucVveéd nere offeresi to actuel setc0erE RRppAe of thecîas, saitable for Cenadha, as CICETcrr- Aruotîser meeting of théet Is ousia p-ieiftnrtyret Weil asl servrant girls in- large numbers, Ontario Crickeèt Cluls, of buis towsî, wnl p-r ré, ans) iurior tîsat iocjé psins (l n 1 a fs-eq1 passgage is .wlsat is wanted, - out. be IselcI to-morronv <Fsisay) e-ènin_, e t tIsé aver-age annuel sale waies ,s-y408 'lest e o! thIl hw rte of nagea wisielî niost'of Diiwesslisotel, et nîicîscil sius-ls-is.acres,Isle Patents isstuesl avereuîsg 2*22 hi-en ps-i tlim'Vcoive t hine it dfli-ui toas ellas ersns esiingtoacres ps-r enrur, isowiug that ené tlsm 1eccve }t om, i ladiflirîttsi~5 eilas érouscleirisg sibétonfléise grc-ac-r ~Part of thcé irsicniflcarit PETER savé evnla!the-Passage mouey. mm sr, arà reqisrbésta attend. Tise qsensity of Ilande sol) Isid een abers. psire 3( Tise reports Of tIhe Agents, nilI doubt- organizetion of tise chili is nons coin.-1c oneil sus inofst for éniutin-ation ; srsdc-r sec-tio legs, .fully informtheti.Goverumetit 01,pelét, in alsnost èersy pariicuier, ansithecircnîmsqtersee il iesîseévidentseCio tbisî léd and o!fltse other difficultie, e nmnay expert durinsiîithei romhnsg « tiaI tise isi ien foînu ie 'et ivcustî-fî- i-ttipiliesit wclss Ibrouzlîs Sonc, B te hé surnsotnted, .it is & question sois, tliat wil maiuîtalu tisé Isinili hslciring entes1-prisé ; it is, tisrepfore, No Li wlsether the imuigration policy o! tisé réputation o! tisé WlIitiy vcrickî»-. nsufridelsly cuticipatecl thiet tise vest éx- Chorus, Dosminioa luldnoct hé placasi upon ueère Of yéars gone lv. 1V ilte i irus)- . nclitsss-é ronneqsseoîon large unîber. Th«uiuk more libeas footissg,,in os-der te enabie ed ta sod thé cricket groundis, ear1iy n atos 1e pnn p trai, ofS a lents b conieemus-poerete', C. iou, tin pnngu ImclSnS sucsfnl wibh tsth é Cespring, for whiristise serviecesof a l oîsrlltiée i et y i est, recu tChrus agets f ehe cooitèsinsoeriu COUPteýin t&r.,iilu altis oi ýt y qust, sThuisk agens o otier-coloie. in ecuing om tîperson liave bénsu erures). i li birpids( sttlésusent of tise landsa Gloria the rlghb émus c f immnigrants for Tisis, witîs tie oîîser necéssas-y éxpenesF, sîsitaiche for e1gricuiturel purpoes,and at Alleissi Canada. null réquireae large sum o!f oy.tise sème limée open tsp thé way ba thé bron, ilDi clén'« ehoipment of wilatevér mnrl Csli Thora ère alreehy over fcircy meosiers namsmaix~ b h o nbr Hopkins. The Port Party ]Bungler on the, Rail- élhmyei ntecuty wey Charter,.c on2 thé roll, white a number of our It may elso hé nptécl ln this cnuer Mercis - townsne len-hae contribsutéd generously thon, biset a mens Of cosomîucietion tilas, l'i Tise bunglér cf thse Port PéM ape,îowards the funtis o! tIsé Club. 1'T-isebtiveén tisésettiési eonntry, éet of Donvuii iu misrepreseuîing ýwhist lie calî tis 1e boys commenîce thé .> seeson withi thec Frenchi Rin'c r, ansitise Laké Superbs-Ciriatsl paprs f te Oc4ý TWn'lgay tht ighst ntiiptios ü arégion, vhicls is bécomsng repicuy ieve Poet s papes c-ti. ConîyTbw,"- systisI hiisét aticiatins sf esnèc-efuh lopési by acluai setthement anIns inin e lii tise -ralway charter wliI ' xpr summer'a sport, and e détermination ta, operations, becémé higisily Il esssry unubr February, 1874. Would suaibc esecond ta noue amoniget tho cricetbéba-is10tishsItîetb~: Tsea w-are the case. - Il fa net go#' hewever. clubs lu Canada, tisé uninhebit-s1I istrict tretcising aioug siéet-forr Thoat aendng he ýhar6r xpiaitthshiores o! Lake Hnuron i tiie open.- oei for The~etaéndig lse cartr exirei Tex CNADAPAruairOFFCs5 cccico in', up o of ailscosi-quséot ou lumîter- usi npiylu. e au*arcly-W ave rANAD ved tP I E RE COmbRDcf ng iutisé territory nl, to a certain sicb 2arÏJiýuat -lt, W eai sirely'-WC aveecovedthe irs nuberof xtesst.reémove ticis obstacle to tise de- esue fer blanis suah ans- suthsorby stheise citos- this new magazine, wbich le designedsés resi communîication. Musical b of stuch à briglit sheet as lth. Port 1Ferry ho supply. a gréat want lises-to feit l ové o iéicpton odtinbr u eia&s'd,!o~ mowng e etts- Lt1bis Dominion. It ia exceediugîy ne-l O!fbise territorY, tise tinuber being open J. L.Pe hlm - gel soit nseou.bistunuderutandeL; nsd illuatrieés by dIagranis 0o, ta nvloeai luceraou n nn Englisil $9 read thée u 1.sèe-ahatns.rter haisnffcehlstd fotieWîé- vry faciiity Mur ev~~Ipo ~e~'iu~t sd o swW r al patente f or btise oiinexista foreaeRykaosport o! loge by t PteMs-ce' * 0hu ho0f tise Unitedi States, to flnd ont 1h.stuPdtY-ifusot scm"ftlLiiig Il shold b. inu lob. dslo! eersy ps-cvent which, wouhcî enti uts o for eue yc woroofld art mor1Pîuy smpieyer., -meehanie sud invéistor. pértmant a large arnonîsI of ossbay ; Us ten SU, - tihe re-currént destruction of tihe value. of itl I t TWà 0 2WàgàT.-.& foriUo'r amed "Ton Lns Ja.-Msr. J & Ishe stable liy ire, bthe fartsas givén tifuuî Son i,, i t, eýar Oreenbessk, Liad forty 1D. J. Adamis, buokersi, Port Pérsy c1. d with respect to théeile'of lande, rshow. h'9<~l14 !es1isê -ille nil kisnu -fa-mfos-aie 'i l y'<4atils thé absence of Rame-rss ib yu îeld 4 rg96sunual ad)il ffe srene. Thislemni)fo !ins an a s. narth shore o! Lakeé Supés-li sile cf 63,046 ses-es in bise neu Yrtins o! tisé te-itry. Iu tl 0é twosip, lethé iisi hsnsiey, thé qnanîiîy af s- nd as s9,280 acres. éeeting efthlie DomiWntOn Asitsl suld in QetaW -a u D n ij sd'àý l&e t eissél Gzcw-islsi ïreelecteil <mt,; Allen Gilmour, Vice--P-c 5r Ontario, as)d Colonel .Bs rice.Prèsidenî for Qusebesu; Bos. s- BOtsford w-ses lécles)Vice. onI for New Brunisw-ick ; Lieu, neh A. K. Mlýciniy, Vce-Ps-s rý Nova Scotia; Bon, Donald) s E cé-Pmesidéut for Manitba; amud en ator C arro ll, V c - r s î e riîisis Columbia ;Lieilt.!Colonel uPiserson, lbfsnéri-y tiA. G., 'ai, w-es-elécled Treasu-ci énl,--Colonei Stucs-t Séc-etetry s e éued ticat bise compétitis le Wimbledo<n téani shall Cake pi l respective Proimices ; thé nas cen narkssuen fs-an eis ta b 1fson wici hetsétees f twes cee-s tci Ximbisicu mnwli. hésel tIhé Association. A coffinittè 'ointés) bo fratris-suies am is)r ons for lIhe Compétition 10 éaclI reé, ami) offices-s we seecc masidthe béai, eus) aso t cge for tIi. amnnai pris- e ei -ana, w-hici i is proposas)i sal ce durisg thué mntIr e! Ma ily lus Sssse, iitE AT PRI14CF .ALDsinT-On ynighut the stores andI ps-étisg ss- Wiglîtmau, Wrsight uî, ncWV Se busnes) dss)*iiThé fis-c k. orsItfinWileox's drmp store, rs-e tIse daméescoui)liebcas-sestet shle blocki, inclising tisé ebova b R, ans) Maeouiqsisý,ail, w-as déest- tise lattés- lisese w-es no insu- e stocks îof tise othcer nanses Ps sn are repo-leds) efully insus-éd, owvsséss o ! tie buildings w -a e- nis insurauce, 41t. JOHN SEINNEC, w-ho Ses uns) up iris bisiees' ln lono tioo scie, remoisn- e buPa-hilil, sl liusu Ms-. Proat, até presidei Lite-esy Society. Ms-. Skcinner 10s a w-cII ésteblipliei business hr location, W. nih otis bIe cn evesy sicca,4 tESO5CIAL lu aid o Is7. fulauof 4se geti"1nr1 l CiureS, Isiîll las w, i. e are pleasés) te learu, w-ci ld, thIerecéipt a simtinp be 6 Lhé hsîsic- ae s uel luloug.e lhèis èeîseèhsihly bis Iss, Lcuékiscrt Fulles-,mco nippéa es- blsd- sng lnncloOn tîmeis- part to se icasons. le S D u nnas.- T lse m rit for '%V sîssu liste scr einesiby Ms-,.11< suir, reirnissg yoffice-, Tisénoni 1 is f cccl fo r W e iln cscîary n e x , 1 cull I!lé IolIiigiht, s ciulte- cIt, on bhic lOch, l-. SPIZAcEa Cuainccsiguéd sic ts- theé prorogation o! tIse ýpgis of- Onctarioi.'Vars-lu cuqse red foi- is i ligci. Thse Gl lsdt tisé icte Speaker le in fusll vilb thse Go-es-nent, EAT NoNQuoN.-Demcs t o LNonquon, w-as chétcoyet -by fi cniiay o! lait nsrek, TIsé bec stesI et lsont $400, on w-hi ian iussrane of 6300, L.UAer.s. HORSE KILLEO, - TI 'ver says tIsaI a n-eiuablé Iicr mlng tci Ms-. lcLintoék, ho( w-hile under eabistel suies ès-si-ý, cnd broke one ci! itelé. y w-hué kickicsg tIret il bas) tb «Tiii-s.Seuo (Sigu o! tL Rlockiug Chai-) hidlertisésa se8 stocku(o! allkicih o! fuiruitulr o! ne somtines, Maggi. 'Lew-cs-b io - me, Darinsg. Sng and) Miess. aPet-, No. 1, in E, Denlis. da, the Osonu is on tuse Vctes' )rèssies-, ren o! Gos, -rejoice aeds ing, IViolets Polka-Miazurka., 4 asher. ei Ciséèks Polka, Harmiston,. sunas Gifta Mas-ch, Kinkél. ns) Peesuent, Pîtdhe-. 3Das-inp. Treanscription, Kin- bove pièces aeealso ps-butés) - i = fres thée sme plates sud $83.50 Yon cao sécure tise jy sending tie PUbliaer 80 lbth April number cf Pèters- tonlly, os- lue lst four cuni- lé sceul for 01. Ai)dress, 's-as, 599 l3-ussw-ay,-Nèw Yor GIvasu AnÂY-Wé -it ondes- Musicel MonlislY" ta b. sent rar te euy oee w-hWn!ens) lbcs-bera te cur pape-. Thîlnk su eau géý1 et lest sixby fBeau- g, Dues, andi Ciornsi, and, yto sis-Iý piano- pieces, Worth'. ci. ' - 0 S % Brepectini' th e tement of thé -Zcinhe"in- - - yuc- arse Juçpa e, &Uth PeM - h t l t o m u i a e di d ith r. endt 4o hi id a Lodtu p una; --On m to f 8" a useé ve l s e pend lnig c r a n portion itnafte eous on he su uject, and le-d ucn t i t d o d th ée - ttornê Genera l1'he- orders -iù m anwhile four or fi nis tho )sand dol-> are pa sed to n $ ir - - h r~ ds,on no;- b t h é w ished, m os e rp latically Couneg ivig gr ae.g tat e 1h. «>o nlulz la w orthf tthsessjp c sth e op eqatio u. snd ifth, in the saine s a , and tithon ,on ordur t asureth ilusetht te aluioutarailwaye- were atîified :Wellington, fcus 0ae l ot:t e a to peP,mpts6htî3ttmbeà hemp yeIichjg S1 iimself iluh1h- etter of tise London Grey Bruce, Norths Extension fLon: IParlinment,àtidit i théilefc*e-à 4ssoýt*- lz iLtk,-e&t18sio Globe waa untrusH ie o éIe-don, ]luron. & Brue, Prfé e dws- ar$sjsythtbt cieiutice 5- al'btss UièIhi<~c diecl or idireotlyaP* rachled ' Mr. Cit~n M1 tkr eun4ttdways und theit lbpet fUèýi if * t imlie amé -- ~-~- oi~ thé fluoIosu t esuI.imithe mtj- lde.tiéi ula ase i disi sixncllat.Or,and as ecadinote rich~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cfofrtéya-édsgt.<~-ie~ itélg cepcig1.hlre as-e connties ini Canada Imost -pas!ss.t>ugh. itnoteail ton bhatr-ýal, 080 he 184 'seprsnt ui<ià1 >nb a nd u Ae <alon- wofully Pauerishisnluregard of braes. *so that bile numbesiq crepd e y te in. Mi. TIfiIn 5111i15Y éd by - r.Meredfths Dr.'-Wilson," Mr. roeon ~ns e e10h ave had'saine with wjî1Wat- tise, dial 'd!bfatsié 'se -At~ fwiic nu le fsitd e noterccl Sxton, emes. Cibbons is on, knlqde f iuman -nature, and a presses (principali - nnrni. su~~~~1 ad Hnsn.î Wood ahdsI Richarde ad. weil devélopéd fscuibyfor twtn seo hms esiîwrsa~ n Holoù 11n. Dr. Tuppor introduces) - resa- ds-essed the Houe, pps-oviug cf bthe tise lbst nses' te wlsich unan capaci. sund .as tiey told me, Areshsept iu Most ti lt- ution, o u w lih a bill was after arils scehum e. lion. . .ý iss e on op o - ies,<nglt m o t, pr fitably b . appliesl1 perfect order by tie eug ineu of bie Pre.founded and read first tie, cocern, ed. Thé Houe * . neob lo o omuisi .itioates that soose f Lse inncnsBn. Ipse rmbîsropIii es d nt ig t ie a s sim ilatio n o f ble w e g l ts sd u p o n th é rso ltio nsw sd re ple r the t sé o f h ie day b a di ea n ed ta h o ld t ieir s .sain e 1ssà i an ce, p rt ly. o n a c c u n t o ! measus-es of bise Dominion te those of nilisout amendmenb. -- pae u ia yodigbe la iebauiu sds u.e , 7c-hesGréI Bitan. hp iesorenasre- Tise Honse adjounud ah 2 a.m. -stnaliy -acqsssred a s-eputation for nituessed i ibe-gîatpnîn ;,pé* Sena- ceiv d itis p sova by m em bern'o ! ido n h Would that the -su10V a dPartlY$'s-M tii1ré ç;lo ti t dârt- Pes.both uliés of th'e Hase, Tlssssday, Ms-oh 27î. - é.8hd th's,9- - Croideral icsio okpae On a motion to receivebise -report of< tlw opuar mind ane 'beén piteh- wonld -- li, sud ilcw * ighby - nate a on - u H on. M s. M itch ll's rs oludt o tbie C om m lte e ef tise W lts *e-Oou tise fork gl <iin to tie House of C om m o s , uc éssry l i s e lw n of W litly, a e ide t p o ie for th ée ppointment o! Ha-. M unie P l it Lo n P'snd Iesal ion, th é lid grac e nogis to padlock tieir handinl of th se ho sad pouns) notes Smithu, our Masters lu Nonne Seotia ad New Attorney-Genérai movéclils récemmit. gst anfisd reatricî Ihsénselvés to nouidalsa lié. But thé door wnu open- a Houn. Brtinswick hcy tii. (oves-rnaont. Thse linbu rias ho ûend thé' fifs ' para- votiog, for thon tisenos-k of législation esi sud go I osust' bse. thé dividesst nt - foi- advisabitity o! aliowiuu tisé appoint- graphi, whis greute 81,000 per mile o! wonlid b. wonderfuliy expedites) But payiog roomi -It is a ves-y large one, e J o h n m o t s t o -e s t i t h i t i s é G o v e m m e n t w o r a i lw sy t a m u n i c i p a l i t i o s t s a v i s e M - o a l P t t , e t s u h h o n i h i e v s < o o s e c i i g l -Mou- fnily disesasei. Dturing tîe cons-se o! grauteid lionuses te ine coustrued ]lue enu onîv repéat, sud tisaI ses-y ie)!circular-forni, nitis scouinter saine r, sud tise débat. Mr. Wilkes smadle sonte ré- emocé Confédération, bot proes ta thé- clumsilyt wlat ' lias béén said bpfore, 6 fet fromn th 1em tb cosrespound, éach. o! y. t ections ounlise ebiiity o! Mr. Cawthra, pessiisg o! tisé Iailnay Aid Act o! 1871. muet needs sproîît end inform tise tise siselves labalés) Âmes-beau 7-50%~; ou for <uonnithtIsé arbons- Comuuissionere. In tise fis-st instance, iL nas proposesi norîsi of Ilis vsspility. I des-e say tlsat Cearian,, sud otiér seenrities. I wes ace in Mr. Cranfocd sud Ms-. Beety lotis de- tihe amount lisonis) b. disidad only thés-e is sanie suhjet upon wlssch tisa tel(, by a méssénges-'tihe emounlrê- nes o! fendési tIsatgentleman, amnoug tfisemunicipalities on u sch pcs- <mas-f mus-ph is h i erlwtia.jevdb h akfrpyn hs eo seul Tise resohsution wnecocnctsrred iu, ans i tîn cf railwaye as bal me-of teceived = ,,f man' hanc he bés-ci itisah-divdn;iytse- am n r pyiut Isosél ity to a bill nas iuti'od:ued foundeif on thé GOvernmi cîisl snder tise Act a!1871 venlagé, i b orainscnceté leet dividend Tee; l nas um éé, bu thIsa leétédsaie. -Chose which lc-d grantes basunsés ta hava a s-allouali jisou ontisé compar- s-ois as it neanet s paýn day. Front e nas Aflés-récese tIsé répos-teo!fbise Minis- tise aided portions not participatiog. ative value of crsrots ans) mangolda this na passés) la thé, Busliosi rbisii; wils égîîa- tes of Imlnd Revenuse andl of Agriesul. Lt nas buis arrangement tisé répsen- for feédisug out, sud hé may lcnow tise spécial as-des-; -viés-'e 'ému en Dir- s Pro- bure néeelaidi on tIse laile. latives o! Viçtorie protestes) cga-mal, whic s e sébeel -stunzping muselilue. eclosaïe nôt aloaied tla gaonisethé éd to On ressiming- thé debaent he mo-~ ansi dinides)tise Committée. upon, on Hé ma-r knw hat kind o! saw% doee couleter. Aflter a short-time, -say Ina' to as-- tion of Ms-. Dos-ion, respeting bhe Ré. Wedoeedsy eseniog in lhise esest o! its wrk ist', ani,. if once cacas-pentes-, minute, a persan came froni tise 'enlIa ug at tus-ning Offices- o! Muskoka, Mm. Darion ces-bain sections 0ofbIhé Tor-into ansi Winl ble é rolsahiy to say w-bêtisés- itis bwo ingolsu o! gais),-about 6 incises I také cividési hie motion into 1w-c pas-ts. le Nipissing. 13 thelise néoment, tisé Ibis or tisaI kins) o! bs-e se. auoat ta hé hoqg ansi 4 nide, wéighing about 16 Ibe, îy or tihan soved tisaItise Returang Ornce- sum grentéd un respect o!fbisé unaisîec reliés) upon, &o., &c; but it lsas-lly fol- w-Listii800) pounde sterling éacs., We_ lied actasi iliegally in maliiic t - ,ipaciaI portions o! this suddIstes- s-assasi- i ons biset, because hîi minci bas; grasp- w-èse allowod 10 hsundie Ils-n, but tisaI réturu, but tisai, as lié blas)ated On lamîy situaed wIl lié divides) amongat éd a efw simple idesbu connéctiau w-as aU. They nés-e 18 carat fiué, ansi Tu s. lgal aivice, lie Ie disehanrgés.- This ail tie i nicipaities tirt hav~e -otes) wibhi ls ife-wos-l as s ferm er, milles, m ade me hink larg lyo ! M adoc, o ly a s or~ motion leing cars-ed, M -. Dorion m ov honussa, joiner, orcaudestick maes, tîat ier- litte more s. Frons tisie e c m ien- eitco adlbut tise practice of obteining légal Ths ameudméol méets tise case o! foreéliemust et once graduae, lto a eil edtracing ous- stops, after about an Vicxinformation iîy tise Réturoing Offices- Brock, Ehiion, ans)te biséolsr tqw-nisipr etatemuan, S so on as au eccenîrie hsous's sojouru. On comingout né neré fist thsoughtisnterlstvention o a candidate tat have grantea bouse a Iote éNip- enttécfoimr at eln lo- h uriBue ié- ur and tis. 5cnanéé indtise out e. nt bcmoti.on eer.Frèéian)Patnmcl and)exigénry, Isoiet hi o-rer t ies of 85 o! tiseGrenadie r se stationes) fflthefenncel n'te ftur. nthsmoion Mesrs Faewel nd axtn mdeof 500alémen loto thé Legialaturé,eersy niglit unsier an offices-, They are buiid- M r. C ckb urn o f M uekoka spolie, but au 5 in îff ctu l att m pt ta have W itihy B a ii asametd by 15 o ! tIe m pltse és ci*tie 'besng floche ta kéép Iis langsuiagé sud tise municipalities eloug the W~hiit TeDigafircnnustegge'ak lflW k d.8ý sett1 syed. nitîsin Parlianientary tés-ms, tise Spc-ak- by snd Port Pers-y lina inchudés), ie- TIsé ouie atisecntinuésd te en.greak, sl !ulQ,' arms i ti séoeda ,ance, ès- nas ohslgési bascciillm ho os-cicr sua catuse,s;thse Attos-ney.Genés-al hsélcl mmci o! ulic attvlenintans)utsnon.gatriacitiiia itiel y iw-cti onkés s o ti e. l s e th ic e n t h< r é é s u c c e s s iv e o c c a s io n s . th é w -io l é o f t i a t i n é îîl a t î b e én a d e s-, F u s-L t i d e v h s; u l èI n t e le s-a e x - O f t e. M u e ls i a s e d i t Is i n s p e t ao n bu A esgthy. chiiate nsuei on lse ap. Se-e-ai other aeniédnins -eiddr étsenictisde niIbhèé lo ieboItsuh ioi)tk weéif-ery genealy liei, bist ven nés-e run tO Lodoi.Bisgé Station, tke le1 btpointusent of Retts-ning Offiess ' lie moyeu liv ufiésnhét-e esd déclarés) bat, thé fcrgriesproses) aainsl Ms-. D. carsaelàut luie a isuribéslook ah thé 'btld GoveromAnt, af'±îr w-hics tise motion At tise 'eeing itting, lHon, Mr. Me- tisé conduit o! flic é Rssauyn w-oulcl stili Crystai Palace; et Sysieuhami Isd 1 w-as cars-led. 1Mr. Bll, thé lietnrning Reliead-les).hise a*péied statenséo in hé isels ) h la-r. ieen acandalosaibutheé 80 té ea Ical lmiles builî up'ami i jsOffices-,w-as thoen cailel to tii. Bas- f viosicetion cf blé silefs se inustri- lest dégréé. I hguan~uerly fos-sw-nrn thsîs ny you may eay ; but to gise you juit tise Honse, informési of tii. resoluticuo,. oushY circulsted agêlost hlm, Aftér ita politice, adsiw-huat I se-v ou ts ubjet asîy siéscription o! il la ont o! thée i, by and nas dis cisaresi fs-m u frth ls i-. concu sion so rnie m asurs w ese for- le n t 1sa m ch <y ow n opiion as th é q uestion. Iw a only w -cor three liours an i tendita, ce. -w csde si a stage, son ) a long discussion opinion o ! th é g n ra i public , It tie se. O ne lling I dd nIl, ice, a n s ia ta i o ! A b i l l w a s i n b î - c c h u r é d f o u n d e s i o u a n s u c î o u t i e m o t i o n f o r c o n c u r r e n c e s é eo n a h o ne n e r , 1 0 - li é t i s é c o m m o n w a s a e eB é a ! c i e m n i o i a s ) i s i i e s i n - t& résolution of the lion, Ms-. Miteelél, ré- lus tisé Immigration vote. An ettt judgm'ant, tIsaIMs-. Dodge la bouns) ta sida o! a emal housse, on lise soutis rit r as- latin.-hoatIse Port W'siii i! i,orotreal on btme pas-b cf tIséOpposition b reucé]lave a légal decision as ta tIse cisarse- fthéPalace, wlies-atise béés pot eccesaIci n hile ans) Qusélsé, having foc its ohject tise suis item w-s eudféatesi by a large me- tes-of Lise chargés b'-cuziit againet liii, bie floners ands) ebhe uteide, for thés-e g cu- étu btiis s m n I o ! m e nuse t l pe --»e t jority . A t lia f-past Inelv é t ie H ou ssé B athî id s a se equ ally in ereste d i nbut isé a se p le ty o !. t io s in icosso n . 1 ehip alp e atsn itîs grain, lean'imig port acjOosi-nss).. examinési tiém thorcuglsly Ibinsortie- s itis m isais ca gcse Friclsy, lasci 2811. Som e friend a o ! the Go-r srn ent Iiîisg b iseh m ysaf,)' ans) hoard bie Sflise M o ischy, M ascIh 8 st. On m otion o ! H on , A ttorney-G e ur ci tiink th at ilnuld hale beau iser by esy elabor tée description o ! -th ée uiler. -c-k , A r mo n g t o t i és- q cîs tio u e p u t t o M sw a t t ie r s o lu tio n s r tify i rs g c e r ta in a g r a I d e ssi o t t c o n t n d t be p o in t b n t k in cs o ! b c s , th isa s c e ll e, c o lo n ie s , c a - M in is e s -s n t se fo l o w i ig : lia ilw a y o s-e s-s in c o u n il w a s a d o p te s), a b o u t t isé p titio n -a g n i no t fr , W ilk e, m so d e s o ! liv in g a n si g c s'rn i g , & o ., V M -. B l c k i - w - h s t ie r th é M i t e t é s -o f O u t h é q u e io n o ! c o n c u s -r e n c e in t ie t i e i s s e is s- f o r T co r o n to C n tr e , a n s) 1% id h s t n t lea c t is ia s e t u f é sio sit y t 107. Ju s-tic e sIni ig tIhe ae gen éc i lection, su p îéem en a sy- stim ate as ve s-l a. th at in fa t upon other m a ter a of coin - ov és- all th ure in tisa w ay of h îves. This u - i'e -clt ie gun oat, Prince A lfred, f or dm e t a w -ès-c nove si and cle -rd paratively m nons- im portance th ey I coulsin otstan sd an si broke o t lit once a n d t i c - p u r p rs é o f t r a v e l l i g f r o i n G o d e -i r i s e l , T se b i l l I m sp e c t i s g t i s é M u n i c i p 1 l c o u h s h w e il h l a v e é a ff o r d e c i ) t o l e t t i e O p . b y s a y i n g , " S i r , I a m ' a C a n a d i ea n , a n d i ieft toa Sirs-iian, b in qiés-ta attendchtise, Lamb. -Loan Funci clbt nves reportés) froinposition ]have lîseis w-ay. onvé ous t spècktsatbri, ao onntnt n hnet icr omte ftpwilsvrlaed ups hyko ,adten, IToain ri rne tisrcnscsllciesbeno! jténslvse l am eusi eIssso hhoey uon tiis, co)tiiyu- etststFie ioam rueus béng ejecesa prnBrookliu, (wihsout tseyil,) ao éat Sou th B ru ce nom in ation , an is) h cnce T ie ous séw e uh into C o m miit he o ! question n l l u, I suppos , tisé e t ou a l Ita its for bee h ve a.". H é e e us- n bigisstu-n to Sa-nia, hetie ie Wys ans) Mean, ans liaring repa-té), ishmnh of arile upon a poin, hicîs édtd c do nie, but I ot saimé o!bits V e t m a d e n v u s e o f l i e P s - b u e A f r e s ) u s - u i l s-M . C r o o k e i s t r o d u c e d t l i e S u p p y B i l , I t i e p r s én b l i s s e m é s i t a h éoa u ie n c e 1a b e l e - r é m e , a n d ) I d a e s - d btishelion, eas) upon nn-osé cnIiorit; niicis w-es reasi fi-st, second, ans tirs-doult, iz: w-isébr tie fisst day o f W Iitnto go tb viil tisa bét, and)r( n in ie m ad eé us é sf th ée P rin ce A lf s-e d usn - ti sée s d passe s. n e n P rliam e t, w lie u h ès-é le n icict lo yal o ! B ritai us scolonies, an c I ki l D b s r i n g t h é é l e c t i o n , P R O R SO G A T I O N . S p e a k e r i n t i s é C o n m o s , s so n i c i I s é . w u l d p -o v e i b i i n . T h i s s e m e i a RiiIHn icJiuA aioac nSIn-a i xelec iéreknes) ce a portion of tise session os tunnér, ens ise'a vei uy dr-swin RiltHn i onA.Mcoad O audyoi xelnytent 9 atoution oe esycor-k noos) hi ýeasaisIit utéicMinistes- o! Justice, clmiusg Licitesic o cvernos- assentes) in Her Tise Cnrs-sers, nso léacl tiséw-a-r in w-as axiibifhoig. whiêhs I tous) -lmw-as. et tis e scént clpecion. nvce offeres) a pas- Itajestyonneetb 165 bille peeses) Ottewa lu tise matbér o! suniptusous lighîtes- airais- bian to argué w-iti ume on srcgeisnlice steamer, Prince AIfs-écî, ta dns-ig thée5session. Tisa acte inrorpos--id rndafaronToas eelvs.Te i ast- go Iti Goc)erilic,nvae; gonsgtises-e nethuer aing tise Or-anîge Lougés o!Ester n Tues-tay ninnb, lieagn afrerothPlc sonses' éfiane, Théaqariu cm o! té- cia. or nbt. Wlseuuelim-e,lise asîces)tiltcaptain an.î W'este-rnuCanada w-es-e resérvési for tnesda veuinenthe o! cneté alent o levés-ySnetlereatks-eronat ,-n-o hees-nr eerl aray, ans) I beliéve il nes siI lsd a thse 1must tinîy tIci ' bise las-goi-fishli, t(1< b,, Çtng occasion o!fVisé nminaetion o!fltie Ms-.Speaker- thoén sais):-coulaîsielédésires), Wlsal edifférencegsimeli-flis 'aiso O! évery ds'à pict sion. némnhes- for Lanuiton. ans) subsé- "llcéy it please yoicr Exccelleccj < beîw-éen "1non ans) tien"-theu, lmeau-.i'ou sea thsu-m ths-ougm plate glass -l ar- quénthy et tise récîneét of bise MinisVer "AVé, Hé - Majesty's niost dutifiui andsiieo hihrcs ai s n cs Jsic, ie teoerca-ie)isns1 îitfilsucecetséLgsatve Assens, bnpthe olsi By-town rgime. We are aieol-hcaok,]aS ra-l c Rinces-sinp, andsi lcaIiGoclerli. Héf'cMY cf tise Ps-ivbuéo!Ontario, lus <gebtigolstsares-e s CON u pliacs), bsI tse fisiaéc cn pau tl, cuare l n obhcuir-use o! Prince Alfs-esiRion assenibiéci, pprisacli Yous- Excel- O-D6 COON. outonus)itornsouget te i e coe Ag ire stising thé éiéctionIin ans- Ici the, iency aethbIe close o! ons- labours nilu M.s n aMr rye. natend outslos- ése oart-nIe s -ndugA Squiestion, nitnisoséentisosity lisé maclé sentimsen-ts o! unféignes) ulvotion ans) M-, Gcu o Ms. Dyden inausio t i èseComasene , anors)x isuse o! tise Prince Alfs-ed, lié iiit iy icîyahîy tIci es- Mijesty's pereo n -Wev ensi - td o u lt sleti s-eciIy Scécru islul of ieérentr Ix cli tîrrt tisé, Misistés- o! Justice aakèed tisé Gîssertment, anîl iusmbhy ag te ps-e- Wkae enrqusé)10pbi i socuclie a uoe n iels ! iffn t e Capteisu to le gond es-ouglita CakeIisixu, sent ,for your ExceIIancy s acceptaicé, tise folisnving lettes- c - kindepaying avit ouaarnole- i bieau-e asîi lie took Iiin. (Lanub'ter.) a Biîi intibulési, 'An Art foir granting To JAbIEs Desoici EsQ., fs-et square. Wrhen I go lachi, if 1 do w-I lire -Afls- roumirc prnrcclillgs. lis Hur Majesty certain aunîs o!fîooney Brook lin, Ont. saoI wiiliebaide to giva a Icttér ae- fav se, Ms-, Scliulz moves) for copiecf ai 1 defs-ay thé e-pc-osés o! Civil @on-est-. DEAn Sz,-Oum=y rébus-n bonne I couint o! thé Crvslal Palace, lut m-y ins élu r COsporislnce a-idiîIncliasandl otîserSmeut fs-rbisa yar- 1873, ansito pr-ovidé fousîs a abl uletise "Torcoto Globe, bu tise le agein up, ans)shall give yossr un thé Province ot Manitoba w-ibtisé cestain anmseéxpéodeil for - tisepublic ansees-aba hèllés- o!f intie hirli ep- - onsething euLe inu tubs gri.at counutr-ylu inGovis-niénut on lice suibjet o! tIsé dis- sos-nire in lise yéar 1872, ansI for othier péares) in thé Mafil rseéciog lise Port my next. ù b9 sisactiompenani iun in - teewiis i purpose 'tispaigat tisedisposai WhiIly ans) Port Pess-y RilIwaiy.Cons- 0101e -oi Meliaiimonandsot) is acîe thioiés O! tise Crownthisnuene !y w-ics tisepany. To gin'é efféct Ici your hetbér, in FATAL RAILwAY ACCIDENT. - But-.ps-c Miobyar 1871thé suppntteor ie Gcinrnment may lié made efficienit yousr cloeiog paragraEh, you 1crtimaté lansi, VA., Masris 80t.-An accident, Yo- in the e r 1871.pc Hue spch, sh-ime for th~ervceas)nefréo ls s-- yon Willteke t a mattèr loto a rlnlé ih!tifuicon eqsecezeoc. Cili vmvdl niés)th mmier u ns , Hs-erce yaniand isai) mfatumséyfli aceplsericeon auu ! h tnnéawihs-s-nsSa-tgRiwy, m lie moitiomiualed isediees) frhoi ns)vice u ct, cup lî-r eeno iou ,icnetin ul1ha ltes-, tissé a a-ienft mie subuo!Suisî an thesotpart iém asstacreofIna Inions c, n)asunnoIbsDii nBr sln lstés.ets- -itnepebsgSttoasi isntétri-ciéi~ 01 nnxaion H sw he poleof u' 1- juui utz5-utu-,,race toosu place oser fusé usuel lsamcaCscomoti-e, w-hiei on Ibis side w-as lhut acr al calîbge eus) classs propercrg.su ivingnyeassaut u tse Bill for plcing cours fr-eus Putney te Motale, s dis- fen fet tiglisThe car-e ere wrecked,' At t: I bi s a d t e u n a n im o u sn «'d é I ré, o m ia s a tisf c o sy fo o tin g bIh é d élI e o - ta n c e o !, fo u s- m ile s sn d w o f rlo n g . a n s) t ie la g ga e a reîs to o k fi s-,a ns d t'i e o sw - -lié truste), o people o tisé omn- Mncpl Mniiais The tart w-s mace etisis-looè Min- Iliougir mails wee about uial busnés) w-ce (n w a s Vo li e an s) d i a C n ad ia u s a, u n ci a L o a n u n i, an s) fo r, t th e u te s p s b 2 o ' éhck . C a m br id g e o ok u p . T h e p a ss n g r a in t ise tw o r éa e s- C o n M sw- sain e t im e , d o in g ju s tice o lie sest o ! t Ie l éa im m e sia t éy a sa ne sy r p us) cas-a w -e-aa l s ak e u, u p '- b e ly , isrd y a tis M r. ilk es t io u g li t req u ire d c n . t Ie P ro v in ce ; an d ) II s îtr is et t is t e s îsok e an s) w e s-a s f i - d s a ce a ise s) n y esc p i sg w ith o u t arm a c a c o - t slalion, en)tm leîi ue-éi setîlémént o! timis bnp--ré-d eus) con- of theis- conipètitore ,tD2.ishiops Cs-eek, bs-uise. -- dsm - d s i r e t o r o m o s . . s n a t i O a l e n t i m e n t . p l i c t e s ) q u e s t i o n w l c o n u i n e 1 0 t i s é 83 < r i c g a f o i i e t s - i u g p i n .t E Ha efr-es)toEcgiih ubieOpinnon iniereas) psosperity o! thse nibus mu- Hère île Oxfcordiboat 'uts igsou. AN INDIAN RMis ON MASssoBA Apax- lise -( - a s i a ff e c t e s ) C a n a d a , a n s ) h é t i o g l t n i c i p a l i i s i t r e s t d . y a n I d r a n p , p a s e i i s e C1bb s h. . 1 , T l e r u n r g i e ~ s n a - trelations tisaIt w t-èr e ey- u tisais) y nisiis is ssénd es-teanage) tiseSoep w-orks, e mile ans) four fus- iaL a large body o!- Sioux-hava crosseS a-h mntes)u on-s-enatiao gtse sy ala ntempie'sud1 ranlongs rom tise Aquaductbridge. The lise lin. ans) contempiete eas-aid-on tise bil -~ ~~ ou)os osdéroHe -sgls i n)yornn fortstehecur anstéacly stroke o! tise Centab; soon afférBUndeois Bay' Conmpany'a poste a't-Port léhés tsa tseilsié ! is pople o! incres;ei Immigration, nili, Ieus béen liso tel on tiséir opponenîs, amuinbuElice ans) thé Qu'Appelles. Since thé TU tise motisér countr-y w-as not expresses) é#nv'incè,d, banefit aul sections o! tise a fen moments (Jambrisige'lad resuni- as-rivai cf Bon. Chie! Factor Christie w-épe ly hose w ho argue s) for t ie se e sanc é cou ntry. e s)t ie le es. T isé race w -s practi eely have nquire ni o t h m , but l é- do i 't n pL ts e, !Y tiand conialconen. haffredten onu Sa iforMy'ds nie mmd the ais overst Co-néy Beacis, Camrnbidge thés-e confisrn tieiateligenceftlser Ien by î1-7, tmy atns) 1eruolthar olone sco-dntis iut gstiyasétoe . asosafiés- m aiteiuiug thé lees) suis)winning abating Battises-e.w-ère. aconsisdérabletes-de operbnted hémiércnt-yt iprtn esué !Eucation, M-eaaiiy by tIrée léngtiss. 'The Oxford bans)-o! Sionux Inclas ntse- anau.pers the ny tise he-dsipe nîticisaffectes) nicipai, .sad 1Law Reforos w-hieS ysun e-nroweéiltram 89 t10 483erok der Ss-tise eadérsisip o! "Litîle Roifé."caa biéntive population imu conséquence, -aepseadwih11-o Dtdutce toe a eo t h , e l a n d l t e n u s e . H r - e t h e n w a s n o ! h a v e p a s e , g a n ) w - i c uS I d n o t d i m i n u t a , s d t i e C a m l e s f s - m 8 8 t e 4 2 1 W h s t t i s i r d u i c e o r w e s - e , i s - l i s ) D o t v a r i a i obstclete ise cqns-ig b éTé-y w-i osovéoulanhgéan lups-uuitroks. Thisins. o tie race was 20 rofése tekno1w-.Soli) s irgeiun- hbas., jéct a pes-sonel intes-ésî in thé soul. ie 6 UI t1g Aos). o uI ésr - - --1 rfri otelninte>auofexpre sskhgmy les-ré o! you tIh deiul Mr inuessu 8asod s sér o! the- -iudiin- be uthe 'vewful lu ndi communication belnéému Great Bril exofp'bressabos ion b' Pssiseo~niV Wi wIl - ofkig Ouyr! ispCusan6a and ies- ctesn eusires * w-t hi o!wyes- abourédls bise s 'esio n tisd cpy of "Peters Musical Mohhly" helplu& thenselvespaiclryhoe uti P a c i f i e I t i l a y o u f s ) s nu p p i Y , a n d , a o e r t i s a y w d é l J l ' e r d po s h a e b é n s o n -e r o a n n e s ù d n ;a s -' M a n i t o b it a s - t h s o s e w - e h a é T i e À déclarés) tht te grét s)éeny w-ih Llcic osné)b tinôm us-c prueneefo0-eyOur pbis aycne seforing s nienlone-sc -igs lethe-èm l cam thie country as) bfore il was au Ob. an ic onschanvet ti. iésares6850 Os-paes seaa or til! rtufoic b tiel- lumds-ugOpredsém j t w o r t h Y o ! t i s , a m b i t i o n o t a - i h h s r c l e ) y m s a p - s wian s ) e l .y o u m a y n o n t h e _ a l u é o ! t i n s b y ea s a i s ) o u li s a P r o v i n c e . W é T h é ie lie t p eo p le. ~- l y c n s i s S i e c m i c b P tr a" ' u sica l M o th sy " f ro m t ie d o o l h imk . th ése i e i in nt d an 8és- f s, si S u s- J o h n M a c d o n a l d ,, c s i p l m e n t e d J é l i l o ! u g . a l . , - f a r t th a t e - e s y y è r y B s b s c i e r g e l stus a v n , b t i f i i e h u s 1 8 7 8 , ci agsinst éfficiently-aud if énigraîlon capibn d htindépendance méant sucera- e? aèulk - dGesnitlue- iof t/té <anffrfayty e xty piano pléeae, w-e must hase troopa stetio c n ,s)ît]h E 1~ -Th Tioion was cas-ed aftega 4miiv A8mbly wor- - -' 40. - - mnor.-sanitolan, _- - Stas lenàtisned ébaé. - -"lb la is Excelleney- the Lintnu.'- - ~- ~ --- 's. ~ (Ol G v r S 's s u s i l a n d -p le a u r ê t h a t '- t h s AP s u s ,i s nW A - C O eT s . ri o N . - B l s l b l . L ' a é c L A w . - S t . L o u i s , . M i s c h 2 8 t . - Tnse day A p -il et< L egisla t le A ssein bly iiaes o m ge n e d ) u-s i e ah 9 ta .- A o U ifsio n betw e éu - G o g e B -y n , a n g r 9 , s, ee ha ng eéd M -. W a lace, (Norfolk) intsoduced- -t i. ri4av, te i i li d sà 'of 4M a î t,' x t w 1 ,d reig n h N rhe Cen- by 'ainob a I ChIi o i l M o., <su W ed.- Mise i résolu tions on C a ad ian itn d te lie t4 ùhè b ore 1l1 <iow y o c" 'day~ d e n c e , w i d h f t e u d i c l i u s s i o o n, . h iiéil T ,-rsa a t iu. Y 5 î e-a _<- ." k- I l- d a y n i gýcû * t o n a i i t t v g ýelMa mnizzeurlgging. nisics w-as ahOVO w-aber. Seèbnq h.ennofléi do notining bisése, he *Peuh <o-wsr)ans) uns-osé théhalva-lis, lieing aasisted hy Speakmàn andOwen, qua-Ic-r-ncetess Bradley teol the hahyàer ansd ail lus-e - swesuhto thé mockali; a *as, then hauleci seti, and a ni i jo!flise passýengel.é lad hy iL, A ci ut, niapy Ss) pt on thsé rock, i)t ssthl~e tltlp w-as sisiigt-heir position' was nbette- th o u tise' vPeesel. Juit lien tise fisheicosen oms Shore came& ont- inlioas ansd néscueil hse on thse rock ens) also a large nusn- be so le-i'ing. Bradley rénain- édl et'tise scène tîll 0000 bo-da-, w-iss ail w-ho we-alise on lunesil Éa) bééfn sarés, éxcept theé chie! officer, Ms-. Frith, niso w-as in lthe rlgging shouting for iséip. Braey seu bihst hé triés) te gel s'c'te o cout te repcue Frith, but lise seswau nning go heavlly tisaI nobody wnus) vesture. A1togébisher about 250 nése saves, inclni1ing Cajst. bise liOdtu!c assît ueheà' fl "eiée*a eI;iore. Notâaelugkle, Woman OhI. chus) w-as sa-rés); ss of et i, as w-cl as bundlrede of thue,nèn, e-e drb'wnell lu lbi- héuctis. Th e âéhitsruicli-t 1wo n'cioek Ihis moruiug. At bt sour bise néebhie --w-es dari but 'sot thicli, and the es rompis. Stés'mérs are gohsg' clown to-niiht tbrends- w-Sel assist- ance hy =n. Ail of thosé sarés, except, Bs-uslléy, are sabih et Prospet, w-liés, lie fiehés-men es-e gi-sing Iisemý aIl tise assistance lu tiseir poner. Hon te go WcuC. This is aniiuqu.iy iich Ë,e-ry one seul) have trutllfull ananses) béfore sie starta on bis journey, as)utà ittie care takslo fé x&amination ýo! Routes vili i aoy ceuSa4 sa-r. mueS troublé, ine ens) mcney --. Thme C., B. . .'--ung rom CIh icega. "lis-ougil Gaiesiurg b.t 3urlington. les achieves) e eplendis)ý- -eputaîlon inu thé lest1wo yéare s ste leadiog Passengs- RoutateW tse Wést. At Buhimiglon il connedîs w-its thé gretît Burliugon Route whics rans di- éd blîrougls Soutlsern Ions eb aisas ka eus) Kansas, wibis close connections to Califes-nie an)tise Ter-lîore; eud, easengers stes-tlng <rom, Ontario Comm- vy Canaîdc, ontbirs-w-ay nesînarl, can- aot do bette-tIssu ta bakEe thé C., B. & and Burliopton Roule, Thé Uimé las publishe) c pamphlet tues) 1O "Bo ego Wèat," whileS con- aine. nucs'aiuable info-mahcon ; a ar correct map o! thé GréaI WPst, lich eau liéobteinesilfées o! charge y auddrs-sing lIse Genèrel Pasiénge- Leub B. &'M. R. RB. Burlington, Ions, Tua SCmENCE 0F 1HEALTB rfor Ifarc one o! the béel numbems e ébpnbliih- io! tli5 cen an) plpular momithly,' iiels la repidhy graning lu public xor. Dé-rotés) t a subiech o! vital 2portance tb tIse uman'race, lb dé- ,rves a w-rild.nitié circulation. -Tis ss-cis oume- onteing Pcpnier Pisysi. -gy ans) Diseaesso!thée yé, w-is éen- isves) illists-iiou :c'Bas) Béa) on ungSimouldèrs ; Sîig fa !s Balbîy ils); Crnelty, b thé Young - Vacel- ion Problem ; Diseuse and its Treet- unt; Seascicabla DisSes ans) Bon ta sk tsènu ; Aicoisol an) Opium; Lals o! Basskére; Heeltn a! Women ; bing sd-oem.s, ans) e masso!of'üher. Wrésting résiuig , mette-. IÃŽ is pub. as)d at'thé papuls- price of $2 s yèar, 10 céntà-a number,, leluding a fiué xOmô te nén suhes-rilere. Asidrés, R. Wells, 889 Broadw-ey, New BAD SiAT- or r- iNS-- Si'Ax<-Ttm rse cÈ BsERGA TAKEiN s> DESaTRoymis [s1id, Mes-ch Blet.- Déepatcelss ns Bas-e.,lonaSasy thé Situtiou ln dt ity lé grave. lIntelligence les- rics) tIser. tisaIthé Lin eof-Berga, ch w-es captlred by tsé Garlists on iey, hail beén destroyéd hrfire by-- imumg-ents, w-ho before apiiving tisé bh saturae) s cusuler- o! hûldingîs Il petralésin. »Lie neoaf-Lise burnîng o!fbthe bon' ltes ps-et ésciteme!nt lunJBarcehos)a' le biné thé hast Clepatchés - weré es-dd) rom <Bat dity thé- populace asséniblng in tisé streéta lu large ciergyans) s numbes W - cflinns- --(i

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