Whitby Chronicle, 20 Feb 1873, p. 2

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UarrIM, Township &y CO' obutrarytô jhý,Érst mrmaet tbere a mlin *.th seul 80 dead, pâyMem -M V(Mi lait -eo "-,dà ncerne the people ý of ç4uada jsý Who never ýRe'jOijféd t [0 8 _&V -n-g t-i-n7 Of- to himuu bath said, le gau, r rgrseü , - jýý -Y'0-14 -Y Uýýe lAnàýý 8% ,that 1ý;- ail teii summe d #lo- fo 1 Il "The Phrenologied journali, t Contrite sin Titis is 84 rictly a Wells. literall From Mr. Lakle tj; At Onh. wa- TiheObjegÏë«:ÈbC,ýstabUih. f d. Sir Hugh man, fW7. thé _éfrjàý nent'of t Company ii to supý NAT, jsü" sbiýi or The- Science of Re cri alth1ýý-& BI Ply Cap- This iest of the liad'aeëo=vof hiiideath ward. Wells. ital for buffding pnTpOssgýýtbe Company, ,Since Ontario and Que . Mr Abbýtt wil, léave Almest - - aly, arriv4 on t",Cô ýand burial je beetýLOjd thp egrds of 'Ur. -Huston, Town clerki ça4 b« la&uro&4-joila atiuent I 4n& ed âtý19B, tiiediatel for pngl,&gd io pjséeý the tyf 09118 upoW morýgagè àééiw hsýe been r b, àkvï"" 1!Owler 1 d in the Peton urg, te-uti n'Of tlW*àciltê orzlbmein the -.0 y aminin thosewollatousi rëprt of the . Ijegistrajr;ý reco ed 1, APPUOSUD- 1ýr Chief Con«able---,Ib,, scheme , upon the ma buiý K or héus-s"àýc- 1 whicil and 4tli Febjý.i---frion ïvliicli- wýe. mak p-, tu rket. EverY ýaPi41 etock #WO,000,'div"ided, into everywherc abound.11. the following "j" mo'ndi t in e tracts . ýrt 1 hOnt8t ÇàM&ýàa wàl bid. ibem go"od "Our voyage acrose the Atlantic *as respeà% CL îm es pay up-ju samo. shares. eaéh. Snell an institu. not characte of spe64 in work, and win avoid > rized by anytWng extraor. A &&D Dji,&TI-1- Tfiùi-àd&Y night a on the back-,of the asseasment mis. .41! B. carpenter. expression ý,wh" would tion, ut the preseInt mom-ent, caumt fail dinary. The ses was ' Reasonably stranger,. apparentjy in, feeble Il ait,, Mr. Campbell detailéd- briefly what and t, tend to em. to and e the liadbéen dbiid àüdý 1 Ue - m"" ban" them. '.That is PrPvë a gréat beilefit 1 te Oshawal rOtl9b, -sud the weather stormy, but wearied with travel, stopped ut fairly eà manirestly the wiler Our 900d ahiP, the PoZymeàians maàe, boarding-he ueý, , - 'à 0 to _ey, 8( Ucated dtttYý ýpt -iÉ@ Ca 0 110--roout is te W AN naàian press, Ifs scerce, and where of mi- P. A. Pettway. a in respect, OÈthe A , ni: ýMicha ticé, lad, &u sppren- factOries Add d notwithatgnéiin,- thesý- hindraneeq, a On Sycamore atreet, And expressë,J-ý go toTpeinta. gri M W fùrtborqÛ *iâ beto watell the pro. the 9-ily comp'arativoly fast trip. OnI de thatamnibe'iu" l,4d b- , , tural, Collège, and pýaflwuy at the 0 y one , sire un ut Mnt. 0 S2 12 e #088 Of thework, and to insist that it Iti > influx Of ý -Population. eent geived to thiow a gloom aver our 'once, And a1sci that à fire,1e made as rend a lefter from. Mr4Farawel , M«p.p.,' '& Toi Il g asking for fürther instructions-1: as,.taxi Ohé t in libaded to est Otherwàe Plessant Journey. A cab lie was cold and sick. ilà 6 il re ;4re shaU be "' pliaited withiii theterme, the.'d 'and ppàiently fur faithfully obeye e fixed by -uý and,,embodied 1 - em 8 Of the gtowmg imp pa"enger, a gentleman, dl and lie fetiiedio lù ACCOUNTS,, OJ211 parlismie i Uý ortance gone in consu tription whin he emý&rk- ILejç of the plac, onjid- e and the co'ntingj6ci The next moming the. s e l"Ille- iîtroël, tractwhich ha$ nowbeet made. es of the ed, feU a victim, to ita ravageg'after It 01p, -late:calamîtious firè. And, a we tran#er . did Tc!wn, YFoperty,ý,ýýqd ire, and Wajér "ph, ONLY Si 59 PER KX "rhqe Oug4t to be ý -bat o a in other were butafew'daysoutlatses. Two uOt COMO tc treakfa8t, and after wait- PAkeýtlIrO , Ù411 Cýil=-'tÏeé,ôf thewholË,,, NÙM, . ne feeling matters,"it proves *the thoughtfui fir. days alter his d < - ing a ressouable finie, the g - àii'-*ept bmôngêt Canadiens- or anion eath hie body was, with thôse se ree-oynrnen mg paytqegt,ô, acco4utjý.__ý/ Wicke Whilby, 'I'blir.qây 6eeng enterprise an of beflt ing ceremonies, consi to " room. tô a 1 10 lu publie spirit igned to the scertain whak détai neil Johm Reithi .4105,. fur -wooa,'-, cold and cheerless deep. IL wus the him- He was found veryill.' ' Irw ý ;, John- Reeit 20, ýR73 wbô YeàUY desire 'the construction tII6 leading Il men of thut bu-ie»l 'Om- &at burjul 1 have witnessed at 6ea, oui] cian was im. ý al a e . On i . ùndý-una- #94_-75ý,ý 01 the raeirO Itaitway--and that in ble te speak, and a physi Co Oeil foïeflie -êtii-,in munity. Mr. MOULIlan, we are - given I trust I Shall never look il the like médiaté1Y gummoned - ej-ýDo. fÃ"r thât the Board abould have a je -Opt t. nd."tandý iis to bc the _ aga . We 1 ft t il . 'But ' à" Pr& drawing engine-to -R.- Secretary in e he, wharf Pnot Portland nounegd the stranger to bë'ýù a dyïng G4r -50,,1é lie A. AU Port-tY Of carrYing out the work Treasurèr. A Xetti j#12. _ïUftt(ýr-,8 salaI7 Tas se or, 8aturday evening " ' ýi _ý" > C«ontcj6z neit week Will, con. which it hao-lindertakeh. nd, thisi-Of cent the 7t ' Il Dec., and 'condition, and of courie boyond aid. fireman, $11:6b; lp;,' iergon, én,«ineer,, "Ipresen tain an article On the Town of Whitby, necessitate, hie romoyal to Oshawa. In we sighted the northern Coast of Ue. Re lived until 2 oclock, wlien, he $18-75, oné, ist , On 1 land on the- morning of Monday the 4breathed hie last, aurrouudéd by kind Feb'yi Iffl. ed by "de, MRutlfaCtUres, and resoureeb. Tle Mca EcOnOmiCal Water-wheel Ur. MeMillan WhitbY will loge a good 10th, and disembarked ut Liverpool and SYMPathising atrêngerg. . Ris dis. À large edition will " be wÃŽrkeil off to- y-mtant-,A Word in $canon loir citizm--an accourt active, energetie busiî the following U£"'rnuon.at 2 o'clock. case was constimption, and front his A len *vý -diéciission. took '66 a'ý8 to %eell SUPPly COI- W&iWe, the Dominion the joseph Hall wàrks. Man, Who lias lie aforemoot ýj gtl' ýýPIàý I remained but a few days in Liver- appearaure he ]lad long been a suf. th, igPýsýl,'of th ý' Lit, , , * Ê' place in pool. the great commercial emporium ferer. e i ru. in ire etrence kay,,.,o the town and a pTominent position in to tire chiét Emfgratioý Âgent, now in WO clip the facwing, igop eting e the digcusijou pin, and on indiger _elý91 Il e th" of Europe!, and then went on to the -He wore an Odd Fellow'à , le,, ý Meàs . Donc- Alivertisers wiahing, to givo, tuw, _of its publie, affai van, R&i, HàMOT-ý and, ýCainýbeU desîr. ing brýi, - &u.ý Montreïl Wâter Worko,--or rather we ro. On metropolis, London., There I spent the diseovery of hie condition, the noupoemetita apoeialprom penoual, ai; well as publie groundi, we ed te ]lave it reférred, and i400cei 011OUI4 ollould say, the Wate ýnine ddys in the Most distressing wea. members Of the two lodges in this City by the committeà Ion . reporteil on r COMInittee of recethis intended il'pen" fr6m a. ther. Itain and log unecasingly alter- vied with eaCh other in ministerjng to pplilcatýong tO'ý %Vrirrer aval' ih0m$élvég Of t1ili opportunity, that City,--fron, the, &aÈ. It i kii nating. This state of thin hie wants. ' IL muet be said, to t" office.' Mr. Philp,' go did not, to.. seçonded. by Mr.. 'indigert ândýàe4d la j4eii. orderli an, es4y Uà Mongsi ýug;'blit nt the Rame time wish hwe honor, that thongli they ku aved' have it réferred, tici Othe well-deser, beir WûtAàn,ý in ver, deter me front my purpose. ew nothing committea or the whole. furnieh possible. ved tributs to the 'l'gh -biln every success in hie new sphère of I believe I saw almost as much of the of the Stranger, lie was nursed as Th-élatter 'Wood, - reputstion of tle JOMP" Hall WorkO- usefuln.eBo. immense city as it was possible for one tenderly and afféctionutelyý- as th gh motion fina1IymprevaiIed, and after some and $1 We ose that the Water ýCommittee 14 iR, we believe, stijl in cc toi sec in the Rame. space of time ;'and lie lied been a native 04 Petersb Ou time sPent in 'committec, a resolution and, Mr Ruilway Progr«@.-The Duty otOn- have "Ported W favor of a je atempla- urg and tarlo ýMen. riville was reporteddirecting flint the petition whéel to ýreplace the breast wheel tion to carry 1 out the firat intention of tli&t assuredly was not much in rela- one of' the Most Prominent and bIlOved bc referred to the committae On appli the firsi tion "tt) the whole. Fancy yourself in citizens- Mr. ! which, . it bas been docided 8611 be Te. estffblïsljiug the beailquarters of Cations to office; that they advertise fer wonld r, 'J'lie meetings advertilled In Other moved -'Committée IL COU11- the inidst of four millions of people, If wa-9 ascertained from papers on collitiiiie, ýtO furthebr - the inté The thProféos to be ty Building Society in Whithy. And, a* hie person that lie was frot one week in TuE CHit6-SiICLE for iLpp4-,-' cil in 2 resta of desirous of procuring e best wheel -ith tire couvenience or the Rogigtrar's actually encurnbered.with, every man. Canada, and the etter, the qua for the office, and report. ut a, to Open the QUebec and Ontario Railway, made, and we suppose we must believe special Meeting of tire ýojïjlCi1 ce office, Sherifi's office, office c, ner of store and dwelling housse 2 It original of wilicil 1011owing le posses. mlloulil, Claila th& ýent that ù8ir decision has been in a Ord- f the Clerk is now in th attention of all unes with thoir avOwal.ý we believe of the pouce, Official Assignee's OfEce, would take montbe, yes yeun, to bc- sion of the Rev. C. i. cýibso D. D., if intcreste(l.aloniz the. route, and more collié even partially conversant witi -Plaine bis standing there Mr. Kin,- brouglit up the report of however, that the report will creûte, and aU the other publie offices which titis moilster place. From London inan of the Protestant flic License committeê, gtating t1inti li., ej4peclaity of the People of the coutity surprise in the minds Of those amo of Ontario. In Dg the sOliOkOrs for Snell companies muet went to Paris, the capital of France, Episcolial Church, te wliont it tnay ;,censes bail been granteil to ail the par- Mr. Lui je Object -should be to us Who are practically acquainted with nece is liereb obtain thsi fuilest poàsib ý information. tire relative Merits of water wheels. ssaTily have recourse to in making and the metropolis of the fashionable conceru tieerecommended by the- License In. le if loans, the greste'r suitability of Il , world. It is in truth, a city f splen- ]Rev. and Dear Sir-The benrer, Wrn. spector, but that no license had bc,, aceordir And for this PUZPOJ§e, the wCot4n w's MiF't&kO'I)Ot, tire wheel the Corn- t 'e flor and magnificence. 0 COUWaY, is Icaving titis paris1 for the issueâto Thomas Newtonfor the Hui il t t P 96 will mittee favor bas had to take a back caunty town as the location of sucil an the salit for the first time since I left United States, for the benefit of hie bp'adtlrçused by deputations on be Holise, inasni neh as the preruises bail FI Mills half place in view of modern iii2provements institution must bq obvions. Canada, and enjoyed the luxury of a health. He is a sober industrions not been recoiximended. On motion of Broolçlij Of thO COMPànY, Who will setforth the in tIliB branch of hydranlic machinery. ý X1 fine day. Here the eye may ficast nieclianie, and desires wlierever lie Mr. Wi.1lig, the report was referred baek and Wa fact'd in Connoction. with the çontem* Private experience i « n such inatters fi; "The Aldine." itself on Brenes' of tinparalleleil gran. may bc, to put hîmself 'in communion for amendittent. The c deserving of ail attention and the Coun- (leur *nOnuments of Art and Genius with the Cliurch of Christ. Platod roadi the companys Claim tO cil bef6re deciding upon ita acticil wi I therefore On motion of Mr. King, seconded by 24th in-, municipal bonnes- th -The Aldine for February je in cvpry thilt arrest you ut every step. A COmmellil him to your Spi itual care Mr. Pliiip, Mr. La &0., and be prepar- regar& to the report; will do well, to able 1 ý hors foc ýý yon, may beliold the and kind offices, in whatever way you i and tlie Mayor authorized to cil to givo , all other necessary inform. aocertain the opinions of the mill pro- respect equal to the sanguine expecta- morturnents of uestruction and min cau lie of service to 1 ' * illl;""Olýp blei iý ation, Prietom in the vkinity. We belleve tion excited by the January number of that Pnissia and the Commune left te Your faithfül br "MI tion for a proelantation for a rl(,w elec. the -result will be a verdict Il other in Christ, conficillor for the Centre ward, IL is very gratifying to find amongst earing Ont this retnarkable periodical, of whici, PerPetuate their mentor A résolution. on motion of Mr. the foregoing rémarks. The wheel y. After a J. D. CAYLFY, the Board 06, Directors Snob au influen. CI iming pre-eminence in every each issue appears to bc the climax "Ilort stay of eight days in Paris, I left, Rector of Whitby, Diocese of Toronto, Secunded by Mr. Watson, rpF;ciiiiliiig re- The ree% respect, with muell reluctance, for the south, Canalla. follition passed ut the last meeting Rp- severi ti tl business MaU a# Ur, Glen, of is known as the "Leffel Dolible Tur- until ifs successor appears. The opên. ' Whith , Canada, Jan. 3, 187,3. pointiug Aie%, Cameron cliief co arrears c Oshawa. -,Jlo bus alwayg lisent & fore. bitielf# and it is mduufacturetlnot in sPenditig five --dÉys on my way ut y ns4ble. I-11iladelpi i but in ,tiiio; ing illustration is a majznifieCI)t füll lyono;-a city of exquisite taste a 1 About 089 il, curreney was fourtil on lâlir. Dônovitit' gave notice tiiit, .110 laid on Most Promofer, of in(lustrîal' projecte, ours" 'ut Ira- Canada of Page bY J. D. %'Voodward, of Ptinclieon I)eality-i;ittinteci ut the confluence rof his person, in addition to flic papers would, ut the next illecting of the Cotin. arrears C and of evecything tilat ia good in the the Joseph Rail Works, IRUD Falis, whieIl is Cërtainly one of t'le 11110118 a04 tire Saoùe, renownel above refprroci« to. The décéameil is cil, move for leave to iutroeluce a Ly-law lit], cor Oshawa. Every wheel PUt in arcunil the Most delightfül. pictures whiel, it is for its excellence in the manufacture of believed to 'lave lyo 1 ýen about forty ycarq to aiti in the ej;.abliiqljment of inanufac- Colinty ' eonmunity,' HO 18 largely intefested Montreul lias been of titis Pattern, and silks and glovee. Here the rve im 110 of aý-. As soon as 4Peatil ensilefi, tlle titres in the town by bonus. ing petiti in the &Crierai promperity of tlli there are 6000 now in ciperrition il, Possible to Conceive. Furtlier On we longer 8hocked by those unsightly blots Odil l"ellows here telegraplied te Miiit- The Mayor informed tile counefl of iliCi to in i 11, Canada an the States. The manufac. have thrêe stnaller illustratio district, and bis, Idgh . standing and ni; b the that in a mensure marred the fin.-st by, Ca., annouticing titi! 1neinnehoi-, til P'sale of certain Town debentures., rond, 81 turers have a starding challenge of came artîst, the whole binttg illustyrative scieries in Paris ; but a perfect patio- event, and agkin.a ilistructionis as tri tII&P Couricil adjourtied. in connt business Capacity, atleh un to inspire 40,000, for tire production of any wheel of an article en Virginia Aef»npiýY, with rama of elegance and . lovelin(,,, confidence, in ally tindertaking witli which Leffel ,s disposition to bc made of ]lis reillains. Cardenj shall surpass the ý the especial reference to the bpalities of tire unfolds itself upon your view. The In the mf,,atitiiir they proeul-ed a rient Meetin.- of the Board of Schoal Tr,,- store lice whieli lie is identified.ý Td flud in hitu am-ount te be given by flic winnerg to Blue Bidire. l'An Attack in the ]Rear." Prusmian carne not liere with fire and coffin and made ail otlier neceqseirv tees. Uy-Mr. E un active promoter of liailway Progrès: establish a free inechanical library, in hy J. G. Brown a, snowbalIing sketeli. sword, and the only evidences of the arrarjgementsfér ]lis interment. Shoulà favour of tlirouglicut the cenuty of Outario i anY tOwn they inay deeide upon. They ig worthy of thaï eminent artiý8t'sirepu_ presence of the Commune were the no orders bc received beforp Sýiliiiiav The first meeting Of the lic-WIV eler-t- evntre r* -elaim that thpir wlicel lias been tation, and it is in the exhibi on of words "Liberte, egalite, fraternitc" lie will then bc intprred in Blandfo'à ed members of the Uniteil B(;ýir(J' of un accoui éncouraging for future rd success' thoroughly testea in Canada, the States work from the pencil-q Of tlA firmt Paint- Painted On ail the public buildings. Cf'rnPtc-rv I)y the Oild Fellows of Pe- ljigh alid Public School Trustees was ing rond i an .1 piasperity. , As we lately adised and Englaind, and founil te bc the most ers in the country th.,Lt tljp Aldine is Ilere also *you could easily discover the tersburg'-Last iliglit bis remains were Ji(-Id at the Co* Honse, on W(.ý(Int.F;- ed in. 1 the ruadlers of this paper, there je a econornical water-wheel extaut. They juqtif3'ill,- flic hi*gljf,.qt expietatiolls of desire cri tlie part of the Republi, to heilig watelied by membrirs of the Or- dav, the , 2-th int. Present Révd. Mr. pointing i clortainty that the, roaàj will be built. also give a full warranty for the satisfac. its friends. "Biiqt," by Win. Al. Cary, )'(inove every remuant of royalty by der, who front the first have do-ie al] Dr. Guiiii, Dr. Tucl£c.r, and their sala Itihas aireudY received liberal -tOrY-working ofall niachinery tbeyereci. 19 a Powerrul delineation"of a catastro. elian,ýiqjz the naines even of those that inortals coui(l, and (lerrionstr.,,té,,l Campbell, Cameron, Grozs, Ler of the Muni* The question therefore for tire Couricil Phe on flic plains, and flic correct strects called after the Imperia] faniily Ilint there are siieli tliiiieýg as pur,- Ilatri, Ilatiiiam, Al.,Ic(lotlill and 01-ný;s- in the rn èiiýâl bonumes; it will be sided by Gov. is: Io the wheel the Water Comillittee details Show that titis a' a solithern course, I lel' friendship and love aniong nier. ton. On motion of Dr. Tuelier, secoild- licenseq t( eruinent favor, better, or as good as the rtist is no no- Still holding t ezl, rend a grants, and it je in the bande -Leffel vice jlu the Aperiences of M ëstern Lyons by rail, and scion reacheil the 'Ir' Mr. Macilon, il C211E - 1liiF cil by Iý CaulPbell' Of Meui Who have both the means Double Turbine,," inanufactured in frontierlife. The other euts are ail town front which I have dated titis WýýYý. ýK&L 0 . F j anada, wlw (lied was ýýtpl)oiutt-,tl chairinan. Mr. James The foi] Canada. We l'ope the Courreil wili good "à of interrst. The literature of letter. On my way to thiq illaep. and , Vhitbv, Cz Draper was re.fil)l)oitltpd secretary. Viz; G. and tiM influence ta carry it through. Satýsýy*itseIf on this point before takijlý iit iss Petway's on Fritiav last was the present number Ieaves nüthing to shortly after leýaviiif,, Lyons, I could sec buried SuliclaY froni Grace éluire centre ron Tlie question in, Ilow fur should the ilecisive action. be desired in Vie waY of ejçcejlpnce ýn(I the IiOarý-Jiea(Ie(I Alps looiiiiiiLr in the l' by Froul Mr. Gililis, late warden of the fire il, T, people of this Colinty, and the town. vairietv. The poêiýs are -6 peradven. distance, casting the self-sillne cOld deeased bolonged. County, givilill- consfable LECTURE AND COxc1enT.ýTIje lecture turc," bY Julia CI R. Dorr ; --A Tartar look of indifférence upon the excitin - Iiis lieaity consent to ships more immediâtely Interesteil, 9 A very large conzreg the oÃŽ the L'oard being liid and concert advertiseil to take place 'SOng," bv Henry Richards ; 11Up in scelles of the prescrit tinte as they did atiot, was rit t) 0 commit themselves to the schome'? those of cent chtireli-,to witriess the solénin and itilit' in tlie'Griiii(l Jury rooin. nt the Cliureli of Si. Francis de Saley the Trepý,- bv Jolin Sydney, and tilton 71,1ý125, aý1;rca Taken by itself, Ibo Queboc & Ontario uries gone t)y. presi4ve evrenionies, and to pay t) Froni the Del«: rtnjviýt of Educatioti no 1 e 11oad, runuîng acroaoqthe county, and Duffin's Creek, on Wednesday evenin Bitst," by tl;e editôr. ppr year There in silent solitude they stand, last tribute to the siraliger and brotIj-'ý"" riotifyilig the 13o';'trti tliat the stiiii of 9 with Premitlm cil chromos "Village those grand old sentinels of tirue 1 who fc.11 in our iiiidst, -- Deatli, at al] ý736 liad beeil 1 Ined to iis " cri-dit- Ne. 3, $15 of blet week were, we tO Belle" and "CroRxing tir,? 14,K'20 What thrilling tales of peace and war Il g OIT the tirade of file Nortil from learri, very '. are pleased tirries terrible. a4.ýïuli'os a dai-ker flia- 1 beili., for ail attelidance of 92 pultils at ' "' ' o 11-1 N .6, the South, ;WOuld iloubtlei4s find many uccegàful. The Chureli ilielles. James SUtton & Co., publiqIj- would t 46; M. M r 0 hey not tell if they could cul>- (low wlieti it overtinkes the vietirn per head. MeLauglil: oppotients. Taken-coujointly with the was thronged. A correspondent writes cri;, 58 Maiden Lane, New York. speak ?-- Surnebow I felt familial- with awaY front homp und frivrids and kiiiii- Froni Mr. ýleý,fillan, solicitor foi- tir,, ,t rey e 1 iterition of the Whiti us that the lecture delivereil b Revd. their appearance, and hail as it were red, wli(-re no Io%-(-çi. faoü iiicets thp Inst executoi of the late Joint Hainer, ofler- Z) 0 'y Une, north, y A RCP'Ublic Proclaimeà in Spain. an affection for them. Was it that 1 gaze, or atyrýctioll*,g ilafi'l rmooths the i for sale il brick b tO OOMO point on tire Georgidn Bay, -J. J. McCann, on thesubjeet of Temper. bail rend go much about theui when Il pillow of the dying, lput it, will doliht- corllcr.',, for a beliool bouse, ut $850 Riving the line to Whitby an equal ance, WaB One of masterly eloquence, Latest accounts front Spain give an boy, I coula not say ; or that they less bc a consolation to the Front Miss Me.111au for al, ine cotaieil nt in aceount of the departure of the fri(.Iltls of rease chance with the Nipissing, Midland and as touching as if was eloque ex.xing, lookecl go Mlle" 1'ke "Omo with their the deceaseil to know that ail tliat Of salary. ary nuxt. and -Northern Unes, to compete for Iiii; description of the evil effects of in- Amadeus for Lisbon, and tire egtablisli- fleecy covering of beautifill snow. 1 human power conIqI do was Cloue SELECT CObIMITTEE. the North. and N temperance. sec them now ÃŽroin where I write, and thoug 1 ail was futile before th.- sn' Orth-Westerri, trade, The concert by the choir ment of 'a Republic. The resolution eveiy inorning I take a glance ut them ffl lu. ?%fveI;rs. Guiin, Haut, Tucker, Hall- the schemO assumes flic charac. of St. Patrick's, Toronto, leil by the in favor of a Republie was ailoPted bY tIieýremind nie so of Canada. dear Iý!' morts of the great M[aster wlio liad nani and Perry were appointed a select Tlà is a: called titis brother to meet the 10 t0r Of -a great coutity tji;tlertakii)g-nne Revd. FatherLaurènt, w1lo presided ut a vote of 25fi to 88. The National Canada 1 But it does not lie in that above. dge c(ýinfnitiee te strike the standing com- should liav( fiola'wliîcil every portion of the county the organ, was, sa was auticipated, a Assembly assumes ail the power of direction, and is so very fur, far away 1 The two lodges of the 1. 0. 0. 1'. 'o'r mittees. lie Starts Oý In Annonay I have begun to enjoy titis city took charge of the liesolution-ori motion 'of Dr. Glimi, great musical treat. Miss Maloiléy. stPrenle authority. The new Govern- reinaitis as s,,,eonileil by Dr. Tueker, tbat tire select care taken wOuld recoive a reai bouefit. The 4 tliat rest so grateftil to My weary roon as it was known that Ji belonged COMMittee report nt the iiext Meeting will il mari CouutY Of Ontario would in lact be 'prima donna" of Toronto, surpassed ment elected consists of-Senor Tug-r- Iiinbs, after the incessant toifof these to the order, and were un"wraried in made the gruat highway --éver wInch herself on file occasion. And not the cas, Preriderit of the Conneil; Senor past weeks. I have also availed iny. thoir attention until the fil i of the 1joard. tâne and fin flic ûnérmous trade froin Làk. ûb lenst of the attractionq of tire Cordaba, Ministee of ivý,. D.- self of these IpiglirA f,% . _. - - neral was H MeY VOUI WOUI(l do for it DOW cOmmenc1ý, and titat Hénryioreph East Whitby Couneil. platesi branch the Wh' b "Pelterâ' M- = ,'O Church, tomorrow (rriday,) 't y and lOrt 'Perry Une. And sieftl Montlily," fron, the even ton tilries more 1 1 întend te and Jamés 1-loideu, Esq., o Gravenliu, f Wllitby. too as mach 1 imitoad or looking on, at the distruction et bat every ýearly subscriber gets leave bore in a fow daysto resurne My lie appointed scrutirivers and tilat illey Columbus, Feb. 3, 1878. 'nos ts 'e journey southward, and expect to reaci re ort the resuit te this meeting at The Couneil met this day.. Members in e ssco ns-.,ý,in, o1ý tra", and the cutting off of busineFs about sixty'Songe, Duebe, and Choruses THn OsiiA-tv,& ý-RLFOR311,11" has Dot, the Etprual City by the beginning ut' th'ree o'clock, . ail present, froln Us by rivais on every side, lot us and fro- fifty te Sixty Piano 'pieces, we are pleased te learn, fàlleti into the riext month. This wili be the teriiiin- The scrutineerf; reported tlie follow. l:etitiong ù turn the ýopporÈunit4es noW preBenttd -worth at least #40.' J'auds Of the Philistines. The Refor,,- us of my travols in Europe nt present. iný gel received:-of A. S. Por. ý t Cýi vi , Alemen duly elected as 'l'rc-etOrf, tpous, asking to bo appointeil Tavern C,,u11tyý to 11, lis to the Most avant ers of the locality have come forward I shall ruost likely spend several weekýý 7.-J. C. Fitch, John Cowan, NV. F - Inaé;pectol.; of J. Rateliff and Otherss ago' The Co in lienie, a short time it is truc, wlien Yn'y TuE NEw ILLUSTRATED AyNuAL OF Allen, Capt, Thoq. Dick, A ýT11oionrtineà,1n, jp>rlllyllirs,ý,Atslsce!5sCooiu;ncoitl Gteo,,pýl.ciJftuju and ta, tlwlleu tý of Ontario--Md ý the people Of the tO the ret3cue, and continue the publica- ôtie thinks of ail tliat is te be seen Toild, R. C. Jýninieson, of .35 others, praying for a tavern liceliso ICTO a-lipad god 0,, who 1 icli as 1 can at and John Walker, Esq., ofLondon. aruc or a iiniversa] CORIntY-,tOwn of Whitby-way bave PHRENOLOCFY ANE PilysiooNdBiY for 1878, tion of the paper ai; a joint stock con- there, but it is as nitlif!n, 1 shall tirrn ý The Directors iiiimediately met an certificate, fo contains portraits and sketobes of more corn. pressint afford. And si r Nlrs. Downing; of Thos. in the Cole, fr( _Yet 9,nat golden days in eto'e thail fifty distiliguishod subjects ; in- iny sttps towards that spot; that land electeil J. C. Fiteli, E4q., presidelit, Taylor and 82 ütliers, for a tavern land Company for them. the leadîng- -Me FinLe 41LA-izais.-There were tw, f,,,e of ail the earth I love the best. anfi John Cowau, Esq., of Oshawa, li(cerise for Tlios. Brooks; accoinodatien n eluding goward, Livingstone, Fred. 1,11ougis I have looked on scenes most Vice-Presideut, K. F. Lockhait, Cash- of W. I.J. Wilcocks and 30 others, for deý amocgst'ýu& (like Mr. Gleu,) be but -Duglans, Arnold ; with Indiang alarme of fire last week. On Friday brîght and beautiful, on ci a (1, ier. Hodg- actuateil by' the spirit -and enter. vening a blaze t1iý1els-ril-11.1on, i . The conneil theu passed by-lawso very t taverti liconse certificute for Geo. tlise lianes pf Nearos, Malays, Mongolians, Arabs, frOm the 81110k0- and on cosintries ricli and my grumbleri Pyij'00ftlludAYitl*àich wolive. Lot Caucasiaue ; Views or the Humau pipc of Kines taunery, and on the £ol- litart is still et home, in Canada; 80 TFRaiBLE AND FATAL EXPLOSION.- son appointing A.S.Porteous Tavern In lieve they wil] thoui try and leoiýpiellend Yhat the Brain ; Language of the Lips - charac. lowing, evening, a fire by which work. niuch go that I niay say with Gold- Montraal, Feb. 15th.-The boiler of speetor, and James Burns Assesgor for -Mara.-Time i future demande- et thrir hand", and lit ter in Expression; Physiognomý ; with men were engaged at Walkey's car- Smith- engine No. 384-the I-lemiugford-of 'tiie present year. us not hûreaifter be pointed..at as the Dortraits and âused a flurry for the " Where'er I roam, whatever realms I see, the Grand Truuk, exploded et 1:30 a correspondèn duli victims sketches of ali the Presi. riage factory, c Mr. Lick gave7notice that et the next My heart untravelled fondly turas totheo." O'clock to-day, near the Mounfain meeting of the couneil lie would intro- PLIOP of-negl.actud opportunities. àonte of the U.* S., from Washington te moment. Father Sliea concludes bis* letter with crossing, while standing on the duce a by-law to appoint Overacers of COUXTY.-A Y Tiii, ---------------- ---- *ý_- = 'Plie engincer, Alexander Kelly, Iiigyliwa rs, ýnd Feue Grant. A capital Han&ýBook of 75 ToILET ARTICLES, &c.-See the ad- kindly greétings te ail fi ends. and VICTIUS-To Tas Nipiouxn.,-Brý»k ys, Poundkeepe C -It appears ft Farmers complain of boing victi' pages, 12m 9. Price 25 ce write; hopefülly Of the improved state ag'd 88, was hurled against the second Vie%ýers for the prescrit year. at a stand s the Nipigsing na to Weils. 1 1 nte* f3' B* 'Vertiseineut of Jas.'H. Gerrie & Co. in story of 'the adjoining tenements, Ilowevc,-r, Mari ]Railwayi in logfng four p Pufflher, 889 Broadway, N. Y. other colutini%. of bis health. The letter, we need On motion of Mr. Motheréill, second- ti, 1 scarcely 'add, was net intended for uke, the rcevo gtanted his, a part of it, if 1 cents a bushel OU th PwihreednceabhoehftelllivtOe tlimeingurtoesundaftcarudbeienXg- erddbeyr oMnrt.hL hirds, Conntyl Buildi a tranipbrtatioix MUOIC GtVEN AWAY----ýVe will order The blood . iscomposed of minute par Publication; but knowing how many e Treasurer in, favor of Jas. and TL-or.ali. coi 6 bava'Beavertýn "Peteî%l Musical Monthly,, to be sent of the good, kind Priest's friends will Shena for 84 67, .;béing two t of grain. And now W picked up by the neiglibors. e of sheep küled by do yen r to . any one viko will send -tièles or dises resembling the scales of be grat , iflea te bear from hira, we bave The fireman, Henry Feli, who was valu 98,, the W1ùtbý, and ils CÃ"MPluiuiug, 0»ýOther,ý, gmim-do,,,of tlm for one a figh. Nervous force is the'agént by taken the liberty to print the extracts nt the, time fortunâtely . beneath Ilie sauc'bav'ing, been ýTOveù,î0 t shorteoiningà on that A- corres. u&-ten subscribers to our-paper. Think which thm cligesý aiýo engine, was out upon the kueë and foctio ié thom times are "ndedt:w.ri"g, doMpl conveyed te the given- n of the counci£ 01 bui1dfn-_S-ý Aîné ý tbat Boa. of it l' Tou cang hands and scalded in the face, and was on motion, of -Mr. Smithi seconided pies. tiful Songs, Due l IIDL verton is a «0rýY victim- Ito ý the Ni -1 A MAN EATEN By WoLvEs.-OuMon- a 0 110- ou et at léast oixt.Ir Beau- eiercised muscle» haPPUY IlOt-very severely injuredt, he -by Mr. Lick; the reeve and. clerk-,'ý were 'k ý"' d - A ing. That ce In -the several members of the body, was removed immediately 'te the Gen. instructea ta ion ts. ind Chortiges, and, grant certificates for t 1; for. and ab, 11111MY, Ilndortoqk 'io cou. from fifty. to sixty pîauo pieces, day last, as a Germen farmer was erai Hospital.* A woman, namedý Mrs. Tairern Licenses to Thos. Brooks, Mrs.ý Ne doubb Ontar ne4t witlé the Worth the M'Ucleo aie moistly voluntary: those coming out of the Woods, about twenty Hendriéken, residing ý in one of the Downing and Geý;.,"Hodgsoù, oâ 'theý Midlud 4silY fôr.bere at loget 840, by seaffing us ton 8'ub- of the' heart, lungs, stomach, &c., are- miles north of Perry's Mills, lie found c Maire, and Rami We seribers to our paper. tenements situated within a few fect of saine terms asgranted in the yeaï 1872.' shou1d'ý aise loi libve been' deprived of thec2 involantary- a man's boota, with the feet left in the track, was struck by a piece of iron On motion Of'Mé., Motlier-,4ill,* èeëýù(i- and Black Ilive: no oftén them, portions of clothing, a few boues, thà winter, that a mov«Unt ýý ii con. AudTtôx SLlà.-Attentitin ià dire In order-tÃ" restore a disease4 in the hesd and felled te theï ground. ed LickÀtte reeve.'grtî'nfed-iiis eted -or en. a étend dog, and two déad wOlves, Physicians were at once called in; she order on the 'Iressiiȑr for the folloiving tompikeato-have thom ome 0n,ýthe tô the ânnohncement il Bfr. T. p. feebied Oréan. ', It Je necessary to pro. Signoof a terrible strnggle were ail if; consid i The orgau of White in other columnè. _-The 'Bal- moto the 8tren eréd to lie at the point' of accouple, -,ïz,- ofJohù Ibi'ek6on, flour NOrthéMý-to orillia, thm e)aa 'béing e 1 9t4ýof inuscles througL ýround. The unfortunate man's Dame Catholies canno takes place on Taeoclay neit-,-àt wiùte. the nervous syssem. death. lirOO4'gaimt the flurries thét bârricààý ionoiknownsayet. The'supposition bupplié-àÀO and'Of tiens Éér a îtboni val@. îs that he was-go Jobli Smith, relief to ladigenté, $3. J'on Ill., bec, -We have no ing from one lumber- A Lutherisn chaplain, namedýRessccl, en adjourned to the cause of the, t1w nervous tonie at once so, ing camp te another, wlien the wolves belo a Germant emigrànt vessel The C'étincil til Pr reliablO and conVeffient ao>*'Fel' at flrst Mônday . in Marëb, at ten o'clock cOuntryý 10'ws' (who are etarving on account of the lias'been arrestedoù au- a-.' M. OrrAW.& WATZErlWDRU,'ýýtlO tend$ * r 001nponnd Syrup Of IlýTmphosphiteo, deepanowpreventin them, froin ran- P_ ng the cor @_ - lu the case of C*« MGÇý- - The' Spring ot Mr, B. Gib g le îmýf;treét Iur- soit of " town', for the and we, therelore, glailly, ricommend it ning down thoir game),overtook him dorer. Ris friéads Ray they will be STAY OF-ÉROCFàikàs IX -T'RÉ STONgi Anti Martin lià ýn ùt whitb will coin. âu@Ïirnctio- of ille Water.' on t1wroiffl before lie icould ]lave time able te prove that lie waz; ill at bis C,&sp,.-New Y' n wOrksat Of- in tho'diseaires o! suel, organs as f-le si 7114 ýý -, 4 peu orký Feb.' 15th.-Judge clains. fo tà,ýa; hà W pwd. ltAM»ùntii,,Â.orýÉeàitiï te climb a treë, and ý devoured him. hotel in Londonat the'time the murder, Davà li.aÉ ju.st féudw;od fiis démion in husbàüd ClAi i upon involuntary muiscular 4. 0.à W.Mc - ý.Y elf. ýJMol11ujýy, a Dyiiiu (Incea alla pièsWý, aproine hoippeil Àù£litor, in place oi ýett', resieeil. ý ý , ý motion ofur. Campbell, 84 ggart, 'z , hy. M ÃŽlnii-p'ector- ic nt yeaT' m-tïbý-,f y&,- Burroughs, the foll nts' ere orhe'ýredý W be püii goode f4ilùiïâeld' Sylvester 0 ished",Wm. ( r. füiï, , i - > 3nt, #12;'Wm. Phillipo,'Èdei ""ne betýweennlotsýý18,an(j jý ýsiýn, $43; Drs. Foot, Wane en, fôr, mè'flieal attendant ýnts, 075; also that C. A. A h -M' , Cunan _wîth à Co Éaiýr'ü hd ýBailey Obèý hale per week until the first of Irs. Laby 50éts: per wéek- 'st of May. . lleTa,ý,gart gave notice tlit at the first meeting of the ( April next, intro'duce a bý il hqt portion. qf Charles È ing, r'. Mills property, as in:ca-p4ll and '%Vay'à Pl., ,age of Brooklin. MeTacygart mov--,s, reconde, 111717011-lis, that the clerk be 1y required to grive legal ri in,- té law, for the openin )rtion of Charles Street a(Ijoi ls's ProPerty, in the villap ýin, as laid down in Camp] aYs plan.-Carried. cGuneil ad;journed to MOU c4., at 2 o'cloek p. m. ------------ * Mara Couneil.. Town Hall, Feb. Sth, 187 icil -et. Mernbers all lire.- -ve in t-lie chair, ral £0111m'inications relatinj of t=es were rend. The r, tl;e taMé. a statement of of taxes on l'of N'O. 29, j-n :)neession,' taken by hirn f TreuFurer's books, the roli ýtionFr were'- hatided in, %iz ', ndijrents, $3; for nid on 7th ý 1 ; for schoot section purpd nection with the TowneliiF $1 ; for hotel 1 icense, $7; !eLise, $3. A certifféate sig Ritchie, rond coirirnissioner )f eo. Biuce, for gravelling Oad, amountill,,r te $5 74; j int of Arthur Reever for rite serapur, $1 20 wc-re also lia By-lftws. were passed for municipal officers and fix ary, au-1 for limiting the nio le Ilotel linences to be issl nullicir)alitý- to W, and st to $2. ànditors report rece oýýný accl af o 1. el'eques were grant pteu e5774, gravelliii.- )ad; Joliii Xalsli, $1, keepi fowii Ilail; Jolin Neiles, ý at élection; P. i ellicer; A. Reeve, $1 road semper; C. Galliv. ,ars of ta%(-s; sec. No. 1, $2 S. taxes; No. *2, $3 6 5 75; No. 4, ý21 ; Nô. 5, S 6. $;iS 44; No. 7 and 9, $4 ffl, wid( Mit ; Wid( clicquus granteil thiq di -liliOuLlýcà to 22ii(l of Fébr How to go West. an inquiry whici, every or Fe truthfully answered befoi on his journey, and a litti ý in examination of Bonté iny cases sa%,e lunch troubl( money. B. & Q. R. R.,' runnin go tliroiiý,11 Galesburg t 1, lias * acliievod a splendii in thf, last two Vears as thý Fsenlger Ri,ýute to the NVest it connects with tly ýn-ton Route whic-11 nins (liý Il S'illtll(ril Iowa to Nebras. 1-sas, witli close connectionf ýa and the Territories; and sLartitil- froui Ontario Coun- on tlieir way westward, ean- er tlian to take the C., B. lington Route. 'l'as I)Ublisl'P(l a pa!nplilet w to go ýVefst,' whiell con. J soon have stations in ilaust oply tell. 80 writeB mt. wosED Nicw NORTHERN Mara COrresl)on(lelit rays the New Couiity afrair ir, All, at le-ast at preàent. 1-alwillnot.cousent to bo, W w&R -ÃŽilto-andto re mautuen Port on the matters stat- grounds th the ýRiver Detroit. Am ng- ed in thé saîd dommenti -a n-diinto the the eUIB'read a second tù,» _vge. ý4o circumstances eonnected with the alleiz- one to iIncOrPOrate, the- 4ondon and, jed- imY,-,îoýpe-r intwèýeDce,ýOf Jolin-W. Petrolia Pipe iCoD2pany',-ý - Lewis inýtheýelectionoand the authority Tlie.adjourned deb;!ý was of ,ýývhieb lie go acted ; such committee tionst of Mr. Eykert ' nd t 1 CO emililW_-3fiât!ý to,1 have p6ýrer to senti forperaons, poliev of the-, Government ijý,geUjàgae_ý ý'barles papers and recerds and -tu report the tùubýr licenses 4)»D the no-rth off or 'the _-evide#çg, takçu ý,Y them, and tliat-*Iâuëb Lake Hproui waaresumed byýH0jjý.jW. éommiftee co'p'Bisit of Messrs'.' Rýkert,.' Scott. lEW. contended that if was -- eèOIîdý PardeeMàëclo'pald (Lmis), Galbraith, fectly compétent for the Goivernujeaite lowlug 'Bouliei ând Prince. 2Ëid. That the soli the Lake Huron reffien, withonts a 1 i Mr. _fiaid cômmittee bas made a report te speIéiàI vote of tJie Rouge, as the statate l' , lire- ýÈjis Ilouse and hàd âWaded thoreto law gavé power of sale t-O theecutin,-i- 1 the, *eyidenee-- i.aken before it, and that Cou aciL , Froni 18,55 te 18àg ý ýnforma,- - câalien tile, sàideepurt and, evïden'èe have ýbeeu tion had been obtained about the région rbuild- read at the lable. Brd. T-bat -from the which, '.ivith the colouization roado,.. 9,' 7th saidI,ý -ëvidencoe it ý appearg -thst Lewig cOst -818040, and he did Dot think'thÏ or and was-appéinted by the Government Of Country would have justifid hù, i, 1 C4 ýôn the! late Hon.- ý. ý S. Macdonald to value 90ing into additional expeng« in M'r- Illemi certain 1 ýftnpÉtenîed Wndz, inclading veys and exploratiortit. believing that. cId of those situatéd:in"ibe tôwnsbp of Pro,- there was sufficient informatioli in the Z ton - and that àfteT lie fie' COmPleteil DePurtment te justify the sale. Thero NIaY; the '1r;Iuatioii of the Proton lande and was more information guventhàn îf- ùntil loft that part of-the country; sud, authe -forded by the Sandfiel(l Macdonald', 27thofNovember,1871, he wrote te Government at the Muskoks, sale , He at bc W. Dickey-j-Esq., the libéral ý candidate, was ÃŽrjfluenced by a désire ter ope*n the Caun- for Sonfli Grey, ýxpressiý« bis '"0 te YmPa- > COuntrY settlers, and -that induced )Y-law thy with Dickey's candidature;- 4th him te * order the sale. Mr. Dea'con Street Thât afterwards Lewis went tu Nori;Ï safd'that lie 'iLOnght that the Govern- 9 laid to value some lands there, and from, ment were justified in. selling, as it Ln Of pleted this; work woÃœld be ridiculous te the time that he com sup ose that the in Norfolk he cea6ed to be in the pay -Goyernment should wait ?or the ý meet- ýd by of the à6ýérnmîent. .ý'eth. That sübse- ing of the,11ouse, whieh occurred only and quently to this the saidt Lewis,. ât - the for 'Permission te &eIL Mr. notice jnstajýje of some supportefs of Mrý ;malliy;rlaint) a ' aid the immense impur,- no, Blake's Govemment, aeeed, togo ffp- tance e this subject was sufficieut 'apo- )ining to re in Ordet to atsist Mr. 'Dièke e length of time given-_ te the ge of n h% ca That Mr., Blake i y uvags. &IL y 02 igulm of the timber policy of thq tbell's knew nothing of the. arrangement," ând êOuntr - He looked upon the régula. had Do communication w1atéverwith tion adOpted byýthe patent Commission- tiday, Lewis on the.subject, and neverauthor- er as substantiatfon of the policy àdopt- - ized,4ïm to give any pledge or make ed bY the Sindfield Macdonald Govern- any statement whatever. 7th. That in ment. The only two sources te, look the course of bis journey to Gxey, to in future: will be the Crowýi-Lands .Lewis liaving gone to Tgronto, ionght and Direct Taxation. Therefore it'is 73. au interview, wjili the .Hon., A McKel-f' our duty te io- regulate sales of timbqr,. ýscnt. lar, infVrin'ed "Ititu that-lÏé"wiwëji bis thât unpleusui recourse to the latter-, %ray to Grey,ýandinquired o May Dot have4o beneceaury. Patting lý- to the policy of the new admi' i irat more timber into et than w» £Il..' reeve was as tý6the Pr6ton and other Govern- solutely necewary_ý- for thé mtiler,, wm r the meut lande; to whîch Mr, McKellar wrong; asJowering the- price of tin&e the replied that the poliey of the'Govern. The Conimig'mioncr,.h , id a - légal right týw froni menii.aa'iust whatît hadleeii when sell^thetiÙ3bér,-.bùt;he(Wm»did uûe How- thev were on the other side of tbe think he bad aicted expediently in soli- 'For Ho6e, and that j ' t wüs the intention of iDg at tllàt paiticular time. He was -, con. the Govcrnment, -gs, to - the janderre- notinfaÃŽou'rofdyingbis'handsin the- )Oses valued, te make reduètions, *herever it insinuer prnposed-by the resolutiong, as p of was necessary to do so. 8th, hat there were: cireumstances to justify the for Mr. McKellar gave no plèdge whatever sale. -éoiitended thatuo timber lands ,ned te the sai(I-Lewis, and make no state- ought to have been sold until thé fùllest r in ment tu him other than that coutainea inlormation hall beýn obtained respect,. on in the lastdroceedîng-reBolution-. -9th.- in- them It befrig. *six o'clock the and That no offier member of Mr.; Blake" Ouse rose. à? Afterrêcess, sundry pri- end- Governinent bad any communication vate billa were advanced a otage. Mr. Étnd- wLatever with said Lewis on the sub-, Boultbee coutinued bis speech on the ap- jeet. 10tli. * That the sàid Lewis todk tizùber poliéy of the Goyerument, whieh Kiiig with him. to Grey a inemorandani book lie strougly coudomned as lagainst the uln- used by hiin in bis valitation of the seuse of the country., - Mr. P rice ap- ;lied Proton lands, and which he had always proved Of the Govérnment policy. it tore retained in bis possession, but did not would have the effect. of opening up a ýeiv- obtain the valuation books returned to large section of valnable country on the tiie departnient, oi-any other book in north. shore of the lakes te seulement, tea, the hauds of the Govern 'ment. 1 while every precaution had been talion on That while in Grey lie said Loý 18 to prevent waste. Mr. Wood (Victoria; )ing t'al-ely represented to some of he defended the Goveiiiment, and - moved $1, eleetor4 that lie li.td ailledge from tfr. an an2endment, ý 'IThat thiýs Ilouse ap- $4, Blake that if they suppýrted Mr. Dick-, proveis of the POUCY Of Placing - under 50, ey they would get the benefit of his licensé sections of the country-in ad- ,an, valuation, and te §ome of the electors vance of se ttlement for the purpose of ,29,- thât Le had a like ýledge from the GOV_' promoting opttlement, and 'also ap.. 60; ërnment, and te some of the electors proves of the regulatieus bitherth in ý5.- that if they did net support Mr. Dickey 1 force and acted U-pon,- of. Dot granting 17,- they %voulfi bc treated as satisfied with lic.ense for new tim.ber berths ofthe un- ow the origiiial price of their lands, and by surveyed territo -n'es until sections of ow sueli and like mâri-prosentations eu- territory wheie suell berthe are to be deavored unduly to influence the elec. allotted-have been-sùrvej;ed, go far as hiv tors ; and that such conduct is deserv- practicable and required by- the puwic oILIIie ,,,,everest repreliension. 12th. interests.', After e r y Mi. pel ýi was not anthorized by any Corby iii fkvor of the original .-,resolir- ,iOý_On 0 made any snob repreoenta- tiens, and Deroche and Paxton ou the Itlier the Governinent nor other side. Mr. Cameron attacked the .eany iuqividual other than, Lewis him- Govern entpolicy. Mr.-Lauderraoç-' sjýlf . 8 in any wise answerable. There- ed an amendment whieb condemned ne fore: ;aid? that lie nioved these reso- the rent sales withoutthe consent of Ire lulions op the account of the fréquent Parliament.-- Mr. Frazer moved! th& Lie ,,lisions uakv to the subject bythe UdjOurnmentof thedebate which was ütlierside of the House. Recondemn- earried, and thellouse adjourmml" ;ese,ýI ts,,econduet of Lewis as most repre- 12.o'clock. le, ýu cý and lie did net wonder that liad > brouglit the matter Fxiday, Feb. le onM3rf.rýtah".% After routine. 1 g havil beci, use ; but an investigation lield, lie thonglit it was The Atty.-General, moved the adop- to air to nernbers of the Go,,r,. tiOu Of flic report concerning the con- id mont at the time that the House sh,11 tract with the Canada-Car CC-). for con- te pronounce a distinct verdict. If w,, vict labor, One of the Objects Of this not a case for a verdiet of not proven, contract was the moral advantage of' but one of positive acquittal. There- keeping the Prisonors at work. ý. By- . e luiýe lie illItroduced bis resolutions. this contraet 50e a day were te be given. thOuý - for the first two-and-' lit the reso a-half years, 55c., lutiO,ý, irregular, anj that thèr. for the next two-and-a-hau years, 60c., was ço precedent for their introduction. ù)r the remaining peiiod, ý and he cou- lie shid the report of the Committee tended that the Act of 1871 gave the haduot been brought bellore the Ilouse, Governmeût full power te deal with and that the correct method woulà COnvict labOr. ]lave been te move the evidence of a 1 Mr. Macdonald was -astonished that ilew - committee, whose report could be the Government---hud eutered . into a liresented. He took exception to the contract during recess, whîch hall prov. t eu,-* on its merits. Messrs. Prince ed a failure. He would be sorry to Lýi.»tliiiiie, Wells, Oliver, Wood (Victoii-t- advOcate'a breacli Of the cOntract made, a), Wood (Brant), and otheýrs!;ýpported forthat the Celàtrai Pris-on éontract Nays - Messrs. Boulter, Cameron, 1 Beni would hav-ê-tà -assume Corby, Craig (Russell), Ferguson, Fitz- zI rGeoapvôIc"Disibilisy. qimmons, Gifford, Ouest, Lauder, Me. The Atty.-General replied and cou- c,,", Maeflonalà, MêÎeditli, Merricà, tended that -thie contract was 8 favour- 11111flith, Rykert, Scott (Grey), Tooley ab4 -one, and that better terms were 17. obtained than, there was any probabil. lit the divisions Mr. Boultbee poired ity of getting eliewbere. w4th lfr. Mrells, and Mi. Code -puired The resolution wàa then carried, with Mr. CaldweIL Mon- Mr'. X0wut moved that'the And the Mo',iise. adjourned at two HOuse go into Committee on 'Ilesjay o'clock in the morning. next on the bill for appropriating #Ioo . ;)00 JG>r à boRpital for "bittW druný. Wednesdày, Fzb. 12. .,,A,ûer routine. fïon. M. MeKellar, in reply to Mr.' Rykert- moved a-seriesof reoo- Cameron, 8aid the site, -plaus and esti- lations. havinLy for thoir obieet thA'trtrAý maLa te.,,IA L. res ýCe' et inatelwogid, b6 S'lie Cau lielp it. ontributied to the publié diii-,,s -àf 'Toronto and Ilose, who paid taxes ' dead aggainst any m'ore, "Anil,"indeed, it lis only 'couldllame tbein., -Yet, ibt bpý theÏè *iI.1 bé IlZaillit saidnéW coniity.. - ifio,.tàà)rbe glâd to lose > mafér, with them théy Dse, the - NaiTow*,ý Biid or too. go t t )f the v7àticp» R Baya that t ýot join in the snboMp. lument in Italy te Napo. cause ho W£Ls the ebief g ýieSexiL condition of thut . P .U&Ivmvt jlý&&vmg lur MeIr oujea'Ine pro-, servatiou'and hn'âbàÙding of ýthetûnbei 71ande ;'the fôRowing b-ëjng'tlie" pr"in'ci.' ýpaUÈrovisionl3 : "(1), timber lanps are, to be surveyed' before beinà sold, (2), set- tlers are only to entfor actual eonsiump- tion, aud (8) for the purpose-of lumbeiý z in au order in éouncijý confi=ed by. 0 IIAUSL will be required. The pre- servation of out tiraber was, of the greatest imwrtance. aiid ît bêhoveil na The bill to :Lnpebal coneun,

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