r, roherwM ru te discon Wrftinu. .stablibmnit, pp, prAnnam. -.AU AilAt'rrtlse- lu 1 Nouipanie, and cents,,per lUne, fira sr lino, oci subse- de with advertlsr hoe advertisementî D1J81ne88 Dirèctory. WHITBY BRANCHY THOMAS DOW, »ONINIOW BANK# H. B. .TAXLOR, -AaENT, ranglém its fr s fcal retainer cf Hou. Mr. Camron, Q.C.,?ad Dr,bldsi-clacl, Q. C. e. 18. FAREWELL, LL. il., ('OUKT CROWN ATTORNRY FOR .J On Barrister, Solicitor, Coniey- ancer, N r3 Publie,.&c., &C. Offce-Laie- lyo0çou '64by S. H. Cochrane, Esq., laie Crowni .ttpruey, Brock Street, Whitby. * U&fRISTEE, ATTORNEY, CONVEY. ..5ancer, D>eputY Registrar, Master Ex. traordinary, an, examiner in Chancery for the Connty cf Ontario. Office, Court Hous, WhtMtby, Ont.- tOfi, oshîwa cr4 n oaisPb l. fie FM5R i eJ., 11t. McthePon TORNY-ATLAWSOLîICITOR IN ton, Brock, C V. -LYa ncpyCnveyaxj r, &., &. SR. cou Streehw. riIII L BARtRISTER, ATTORNEY.ýAT-LAW, B Solicitor i hneje ndIslvny IJotary Publice, &c. Office-mcmhhauis Blocli, Bru-k Street Whitby, Ontario. - JanIeS L'ouegne,LadAet Uxb4idge. BRISTERS, ATTOB4NES, SOLIC- G (ffie-11yron Street, Southi cf Post Office, Wlsltby, Ontario. ONCLEIIE ANI) TiEASURER, 'T WN]à itby. -Clic-Tu-we Hlall. Huera, frein 0 tu 1-c'clock. JAMUES iIcItittiN TNSPJ4CTOR 0F PUBLIC SCHOOLS -~for tIiCunty cf Oxitrio. Address- Raglan Pont CGOlce, Ontario. SURGEON TO TITE COUNTY GAOL, s* yo Street, Whitby. ____ G IUY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., the oye R. . H. L., Oshîawa, Ontario. 'J -ENTIST, (S-UCCES- cor te W. H. Card.) Doutal ilsîsnis-Duntas Street, Whi"tbyo-rer rm. Jame-iocis Stoe. Nitrons -- Oxide daet dmnuistured fui-tIse painleus ex- Iran-mon of teelli. t N.VAlimeIdJ. 1D. S. ST E ETII itserted onaisal the isateet tirtitîle o!flthe art, sas ciesp as ticeisheapsit, nîid«IS gp-ces tei bes4 Tetthîfilei ssith lC andi Suilvs-r. Teoth eurted hutiot siîu, b> podncing local anuvtesio. Deta isiltouî-in Coav- sn's ncv blos-Is, ous-ctkirioaeu' lug Store, Xiug Stret, Osliisas. i35 SSUER 0F MAItIIAGII LICENSES. .ulsîî-Twzîiflal. Iîssiteusice -Ilymon IR ESSNO ANI) SIIAVING Sà lunUrck t.,%fiitliy. JOHIN îIOLFE LÃŽEN, A GEINT FOR TTitit CELEIIUATED 11 ScettiAî truiitc-. At Mslle oi-i ùfJfsi at n W ,Vlfeneu, Dstudas St,4Viitby. JOUN t'A u 1ElRit, T ICENSED AUCTIONEÈR UFOR THEE IJCouuuîitieli (sf Ontaîrio, York suit Peel. IteiiidL-uce-Lot 8, tî ConsiueonuMai-kîsun. tPest oflite-Uiii-ills,ý. Sales attineîtîd oti tic sioti-t at eice, stust c-su tvesutllc leternis. T1 es ian lime undsss iulle priau tis hei T CESDAUCTIIJNELeR FOR THEE o4Csuytf -GCuaio,hep-s te feturi, tianulse for lte lbrau patronag-e erelofore butoecripup-ciln um, tu houceotîat ho ia prepaîr'sl te conduct sales ither lu - Tewn or Csuuty'au ruonaile rates. Ai-- rntgeimeutse fer sulesalaslienîade itier ai ith 01119NICLt.55Off1ce, cr at mn>.ownuOffice, lîreeliStreet,. Whiuy. _______ B~IRhANT TAILOII, CLOTHIER, & .,ICbotiies-, Oshias. Gentemen'spar- meuite usede np is thc brai style sud atest faîluion, A fille stocsk ofc lusut, froua vhielu -te akalle-leioîs fer OLuclee'3saiainor LUMBEIt HERCHANT, CAiSt'INTER niJoicer, Grîn St-cet, Whith>.. A large qusîuhthy cf ail kinîsof su!ncuber ccoi- essully onlihailît. UNDERTAKING.-Futicrsls lf'Il>. snp- plied snd atteà diesl cn short notice. Colluais Uepi constaîstl>. ou baud. A licarse te lire on fiberai tenrus. MONEY TO h<END. Tire ncemignei lias siuiy amount of Mou- e>. ha Lent up-cii Faricr l-~maPrupert>, li liunceusîl>.Lus' la es cf Inireol. Lusus ecau le rcpsid iu sains ho suit bar- Sevoral huaprovet Furmsa s5dWitd Launds for sale ciosp. 1 huvestmouts mado inu Municipal Deben- tumos, Banks, anti uýlir inanietitable -Stocks. -- - For furtîser p-artilsa pply to -JAMES HbLDEN, --Officiai Assip-uee, Broker, &o. OFFICE-Os-er tht, Dominioln Bank, Mc- Mulltu's i rcliSt., Wliitly. -Bp-mil ti, 1872. 15 W-htby Brasa ntiString Bauds, dpe for $ijurcos, Qcnc9Ectri uadrilles Pactiles, &c., &cs., yul enîtîl> te lest nà , bateatMusic ou moalsouahle hernts. Applicaticus musl ho tuad. itior p-rson- aU>.or by ler, (p-ast saiid,l ta J. WOLFENDEN, VnWhtby. T iH FiBES T Z HORSE MEMCINES. AU descrptions o! the Les tînmses Medi- o - inea kojt eonstantly on busu trsusîs for sale at te Whitly Lis-ery Staleis. - - S-"o charge for stivice. N . RAY. JE. O'DELL, Clark DivisionCourt, Tp. Clark, Cornmsntelner îte B. R., Laud Agent, &o.,' &a. *,, .4herly, Conit>. Osnario. atsletpt-usd, bl. - 8 VOL. XY~L -BRWOO KL]r'v, ON?., 0f Canada. A pnrely O-an ~ine -ittutton. Aloo Agentanid appralsel, for te. Canada Permanent Building and Saving Society, for loans of money si low ratesof intot. Assurance Compan7y. CAPITAL, 8400,000. ESTABLISHED "1131. This oadanid weII establihed Company Isoatd nd on-asrdons ropertnte te. aL.t . FARA Sa. ____ Office, BrokSt., Whitby. O)NTARIO FARMERs' MUTUAL INURANCE COPY, EAD OFFICE, BROOK ST., WHITBT. tlliCipsu>. enras pariBuniis Colntry Churches, Scol Honses,anid tlieir Contents, at rate% as LOis as thi-ecfisu>. veli-esabliabed Company. te Cauc.. JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY FAM]. L. FAIRBANKS, Ja,, J. B. BICKELL, Seerelsry. Prealdent. Mr. D. Hoibida>. is no longer an agent cf ihis Company.. p HRNIX PIRE ASSURAN CE CO'T., LOMBEARD ST. & CRAR(NG CROSS, LOND)ON. ESTABLISHEtD IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFTÂT &-CO., Agents for AF Canada. ;AM'S DAVIDSON, Manager. Ineurasîces againet loas by Tirs are effcc. ed on the most favorable termis, aud Lusses s aid wîthout reference te the Bloard iu Lon- YEOMA N CIBSON, Agent, Whitby. TE Liverpool andLondon and Globe INISURPIMNDC COi1PANiY. AVÀA&UT£ASSETS, 827,00O,000. Lasses *a in course cf thityfive years exceed T ORTT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Claims by Chicago Pire estimated at near- ly $8,000,000, are being liquidated as fast as adjusted without deduction. Security, Promt Pamentand Liberality in adjusi. Head Office, Canaa Éroch, Montreal. G. F. C. SMITH, Chief Agent for Dominion. L. FAIRBANKS, JB., Agept at Whitby, Ont. OHN L. WATKIS, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, BAILIF 81WDIVISON14COURT, AUCTFONEER, &c., &c. OFFICE-In Bigelow's Block, Port Perry. Fert Pcrry, June 24, 1872. 26 NEW I3AKERY FRUIT STORE. Boge to announco that ho je now preparodl -te supply evorything in the Bakery and Con féctionery LUne At hiesld stand, lately accupied by Mr. J. Arual. CHOICE FRUIT 0F ALL KINDS Kopi coetautly ce haud, je season. ORANGES.- LEMONS, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, PRUNES, RAISINS, CHEESE, TOBACCO. BRSEAD deivered diliy te cutemners, and ail etier peioins aud gouda delivered as may h re r. CliccoBrande cf Cigare. RICHARD SNOW. Whitby, Sept., 1871. 87 O M0V 4 L. The uudersigned lis removed hie BOOT & 81HOE STORE te thie promnises adjein ing tiec Western Ectel, Dundase Street, Whitby, wiere ho je eow prepared to executo al erders fur Wurk. A large sud select stock on hand. Repairiug dlouease usual. JOSEPP. A. BANDELL. Wliitby, May 8, 1871. 19 The eudcrsigned deire, te inforin hie friendesud patrens that lie las agate re- sumned businees aaitic u5ld WHITBY LIVERY STABLF&, Having encreased the number sud quality .,f the tud, sud alsu sdded te sud ixnpruved tho cueyances sud vehieles un thc prom- ijees, ho hepes by beiug in a position te mout tie wantis cf customors to monit a share of public patronage. nV CHARGES »MO)ERA'rE. _fi N: B.-Ccverod cenvoyances fer families ted ladies. Prompt attendance, as hereto. fare, te ail oder,. N. BAT, Pruprieor. ING BR3OTHERS, -WHITBY, ONTARIO, Isupertere, Dealers sud Manufacturera cf al Etede cf LEATHE!? AND FINDINaS, Cash paid for Midîes, Barbe, and Lenthor. Leather stretched. t-it BELTING MADE TO ORDEII ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872. .22 c EH1C A P PLE TI REE ES,1 A Il 0 [i T 20,000, '-AT TisE- HOME NURSERY, From tva ta four >.es of age; embracins' ail tho bcsh Vanieties- SETH. 0.WILSON, Lot No. 8, 2ud Cen. Fîcerfuk, an Kiugston Road -it Office. Whitb>. yAUA13L~E TARM FOR SALE. Botes' part o! lot 29, 7tt conession Scett Cont>. cf Oniario-00 acres, 75 cloareâ aud in a goond statOocf cultivalica.- Gcod dvdlling ho und extensive ouibuildinga la s'cod repsir. Appby tluths ovuer, -SIMzON TITTIn, on tic p-remises. Leekdaie, Nov. 14, 1872. 47 T. LAWLER, Importer aufd Dealer lu ail kiîda cf Faniily Groberies, Pure Wines, PURE SPIRITS, , CROCKRE, CmINA, GLASSWABE, &c., CHEQUERED STORE, .'cWsENT WEITS?, ONT., A. M.UON -PROPIETO!R The AMbsa been tboronghly resival ed, ana thesPblio.rfflina ever aoomm daton nd he estattention. Ç ENT'RAL HOTEL,' JOHN BAlLET *. PEOPEITOlt The above botel bui bau newly fittéd il nd fubdnushe ù"ests v il d ortab aommodatio n adattention. GooA stah ing and attentive hostlers COMME RC IAL HOTEL, OSR3AWÂ, ONTARIO, JAMES BLACK, - PEOPBIETOR Coiiveniently lftted 1 ocn frCommner cÇOMMEROIAL BOTEL, * ROCE ST., WEI TE?, E. M. OÂLDWELL, PROPRIETOE& Bort accommodation a IMD cuelor'ues lquors nd cigare. Good stabliz with en- ecsedYards, sms- attentive ostiers always or the premise.. Chargea moderaîto. GBRAN TRUItR RAILWAY HOTEL, AT WHITBY STATION. WM. O'NEILL- PROPRIETOR. Parties taing 1h.train and leaving horsel wml have thein wefl talion care of tilli theix returu. GLOBE HOTEL, BOORLIN, ONT. JAS. POWELL.. PROPRIETOR. YLR5T-CLAS5 ACcoUMOIDÂTI01O. o NTARIO HOTEL. BROCK ST., W]RITE?, C. DAWES, .. PROPRIETOR. Tho above old establisbed hotel lies beex nwyfitted up and reuovatod throughout, ailthe apartmonto being furuishedwith now sud suitable furnituro. Tho proprietor vil leave nothing undone in providing for the, cumfort cf the guosts, sud they may roly up- on the beet cf pure liquors boing supplied ai the bar. tictattontien psid te tho stabline sud in looldng after the civiiity cfiliostiers. R EVEIRE HIOU SE, MANCHESTER, ONT., B. PLANK . . . PROPRIETOR. Stages te and frein Whitby call daiiy. Ev. ory attention paid to guesta. R OYAL CANADIAN HOTEL, * PORT FERRY, ONT., H. FOY . . PROPRIETOR. Superior accommodation. Good stabling and shed rocin, ana attentive catlors. T IF 1 B O I U E DUNDAS STREET, WRITBT. GEU. ROBSON, - PROPRIETOIR. The propriotor beqs te announce that lie lias leased the building formerly known as Scripture's Hotel, which lias been renovated, refuirnished, and fitted up throughçut, in the besi cf stylo. The premises are ploasantly situated, opposite the Post Office, aud in the contre cf the town. Tlie Rail-way Omnibus calla ai the hôel, aud the stages for Ux- bridge and Boavertonn bave the duer oves>. morniug. Board 01 per day. Careful lies. tîcre always te ationdauco. W ESTEI'TOUSE, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. The undersigned -would intimate te ilie public, thai the above premises have been newly ftted up sud reuovated ilirouglieut. Best Liquers and Cigare. '"The Cream; of Cauada,"alsuo pure Ehine Wine, Walz's Lag. er, wheleale sud retail. Boarders talion b>. the week. JOSEPHE A. BANDEL. w ILSON HOUSE, A. WILSON, JR-, PROPRIETOR. The subscruber bege te aneunco te frieude sud the public generally that ho ha, o poued the ahove eew hoiel in the Village of Ash- bure. The bouse je uow, sud furnished iu a most thorough sud conà fortablo manuor. Guesis will Sund every ceuvonionce ai tlie abuve establishiment. Wiuos, liquers, and cigara cf the heet brands always kept ou boand. Goud stablieg sud attentive hosilers always in attendance. May lot, 1869. lStf M ONEY TO LENDI Repayable hy instalmeuts for frein Two te Tweuty yeare, at low rates ef tuteresi, wsithi- eut commission, sud aitzmederato charge,. Private Fuede ta Lend. Apply te- J. E. FARIEWELL, Soliciter, Brucli St, Whiby. May 28th, 1872. 22-tf R OBERT JOHN YAI1NOLD, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE FOR THiE COUYTY 0F 'ONTARIO. ADDRESS-Box 9Q, WnrsE. 41 AL LEPROPERTY FOR SALE. Tic subserijber offers !cr sale thi fllc. lug valuabie prepent>.,iluthi. Town cf Whit- b> :-An excelent Brick Cottage viii J acre Vand, silnated on île cerner cf Greonanid S.Peter Ste., inte South Ward. Alae, 1 acre cf baud, voli feuceti, sud lu a higli state ef cuitivation, cerner Wellington and Gi!- ford sia., Northi Ward. j acre on Ceaire st. souhi of the resiance of C. Draper, Esq . in lie South Ward. Aise 20 acres o 1godand, being cempaseti of part cf lot 18, lti cou. o! Tvuhip cf Murray., Ce. Northumuber- land., A clear sud indie1,ntsble Iile vil] hogivon ho ail tbe aboeo pert>.. For furtien par. licutars sp-pi>. oho e r. FRANCIS CLARK. Wlmith>., Jb>. 187. 291f s UFERIOR OTITERS TAY LO0R'S'-B EeCT FRESH E VER Y DA Y 1 AT - R. FRANCI&~S. Whitby, Sept. 25, 1872,.5 A vainable Parus,ii a higli stata o! culti- vatien, seil not excelled te Canada beins Lot 25, 2nd con. West W llllauu, Coty o! Mididlesex, 80 acreszobl=roai, nd vlater- ed, geod fonces, 'od buldigo, anid a fina Y.9'oncliard cf cholca fruit ; sltuatad vwihiia 44 miles elftheo louumisig village of Park Hit, sud coutaining 142 acres. For particulare appt>. te- THOMAS KIIIGHT Park ÃIkii Whitbýs, Juil>. 24, 1871. «i-20 F ARM FOR SALE.- A splendid terni o!f Macres cflanid, on vhic-h se a large dveltms' -bouse, basa, and out-buildings, stuated ihin corporation cf the Town cf Witb>., CeunI>. ostio anid kuovu as the Tiorudhke Penn. Aiea, oe acné -cof land, aplandiel Brick Coibage, and aof outhuildinga. Latel>. ocenpued bv the laie William Thorndike. App> ii b>. l etton, p-ct paid,) t - 1 YEOMAN GIBBON, or'3, L. SMIT, - WhitIy, Exscutm oi *40lie tis ÇCLÂAY T0NSTOXB at. dd6-cat-ýîy ho7 <1*" n ous0m;fn îlý; eM PA S ¶- Ad yes h~ave am-ce lestT azo4 e u1,a rDivds hte Oaralong wid bist; if tId6n'ë lt;u*hIW you heâbd p . 3-*T - F t h r O IC e y ,- M o o ê o c a . e k 1 0 e v e r y c a 1y ,to o o k o n w iil y o u r s a l o r 's u ie c g : ! H'orse fR a k e 81 > tite, si uln. Awa ow does P urce ia03ia? , . !ý1. Yet somewhà thene ofrhangebscmrà mneh, did youavr froru Father 'Well'enongh,'oidr'-helks1 TbiffraRe(vti b ~v0auov. Tho iooïi i. isqua r mp artng ON5iery 2"- c o f hlm; lintu heoikes o' aie 4to0; tm meneear no bih fthie md Thonta Bloobaas he - ou part - Our It wasno nhflumaush, you Hall- IOnly woilcs wiî the fi la on Me. H' - - atentee; us7 ar e sf.art1ig, areý made of . houndl,' answered Flinu, 'bud,,plentyr o' alwa as 1oft wld iè-ý-maybe ice goi lb. vry ýboit uaterlal, and are tb. most' ý 1' î bP .: egood bUflSe an lovetfor us, -a' the right for au we know.: Eud! mû. off"*sid i a ricle ofthalcn ri rdue 'a TirU nxda nyaktignte H n li tn > t' yourslf-I seeloim i tturmm' into lamucoanmisniv, for a - iha work s - da asu î 'sk YOUl1 estand by "the g,,ýaUlows,' saifilte gleu-bad Ioock-tti beuI an' biow pqulckbyand vell. Sdb.8 ai=r 18 to tg T rhad iheongB- -MneS u jenn.tu sdmannaer. --'hcar he ýis, an' the avenin' onb f-alliai'.c ~, Prtcuaratenio ~~ <, À crontof gemnand geld - To sec you ewteigieg on il,' retdeidHere, yen Sca2egrace, igat.bea.iud bis f 'l atclratntioAniTRleciUsat ieLLS, h 1tr h>. haar; ' Fý- lue; 'wlieu-you'Ibithoafther wslkie' big stene,'an" equiet if yen can, an >moiy1~of!telia à i l sarch cf- it, su' your owne coffinsy your praerif ' you remember o' Thelari = toanyhin. ;followie' yen, two or tlzree miles, cf a ihein. ,lle n ihm off.' yet amman rsdnidare w Colcaibtadto, _ Ton lot thai pesîa, I oius teli nrbet-day. I often tould ycn not te Flinu-oh)eed tie-instrnaiiops cof lis1î Bav te frier oubaor idOlplle. vo ie d sof IL- ear lie watber, Jak. Bufitho aihort -companion,, compýletely hiding bimseaft Bis STRAW CUTTERS,vorked by nd Oh, no 11 =d noi eak of! hei au' tje boug ie ibis. Faither O'Clcrv bohinda mIl, rock 'tiai "slped'freii * ~ ~ t 01 0 sonf oasd soldaet a rs said nothin' bud Gocl'e t-ruth ihis blesti- the patliagaluet soins sdjoiuing masses ver Iw gue.Tintunilla, it freeîas up tic flow ed day. Tîsere wanet a dry eye -in the of ebene liai eicinied the. -valey, auda - 8quare nd RevolvnOfChurnB a aicom ly gtIss-n is place. Au' if youn au<leany-goocb,.which was, aIse partially surrennded Squar and evoivng Chra Withatise rtie vend biaies wrougbii I Jacki, by >spainl' te *anyfrieed o' yeurs, by hrusliweod, asif te add ta is pre. CLOTHES WÈIJ'GB8. or the ikes o' ilint, is nothieg but sent neefuluese.- When he hà aequat. SCUFFLERSO -WHEELBARitOWS, ta hoe noest §nI ud pegirl, whnf"udbeconie yen well. And go. ted ie his amhush, Muinawilked 9. Ati rkid f giuluplapè hcs emct ont wVoeld gh ucli î 'litell the farmer' scou, hinself, wheu1 ebowly.away frein th. spot, isud then mnte wth aI id agrac t im rvo mnîs Were genuine as lier bluali? I sec îîii next.' ii nad down a littho distance, wbile 19, mete it al te ecet mpoveens.'Let us play our plny aha aiad ho waited th. approaili of;Mr., Purcell, 1- i ronrdeuof Hre' e I kuew thec wod te weslth and state- Mubliils, 'anu' doe'i laiebtinn plaie ibe gentleman in- wheee empîcymeut, SSies nlesPr scfe mascmlesc Twasswitlia fooliebi joy! lslnmaUfac ed, i narindi mgthv fb htait i )O al i bt they keow littho about. 'as a gardener baborer hoe now wae, sud nov an bld t eeeth i e raIor si ls ohv e eop tatin ie Coin.l e w ail the ock la lis that the camae who had given rse ho the F A M N I P E MEN S ut bism oce e este-ths las tlie flve flgere.' -fray aI ltha Pattern somnsSevan months FABM NG MPL MENT Bu ths--m one a siser-his'Aye, you'Iliptay your own ptay, Jack. befere. wiimi whieh lie nia>. hofavored, ehea 1>., ex- I dneam'd oct te beliold;.Amabyuihvetelo tl Iamgdyuarpnta Ml ~tcnl,~n t uaate onpercsotie- Thy candour lute falsehood tun'd, Aé n' -ersbu ou'1lhe libck e's ti Ins ad .yPel, are calmul. leton in-ai JAS..- And thy ence warm heant coldl. fiefneote Th ekbeaeIles'sdM.Pretahoamup JA.CLATTON, 1 malie, whlîe le's takin' yeur mensure 'But are wo sioe? *t J~ . ir the thought cf former daye, for'tio iuump cravat,' observed Flien, 'Don't you see we are?2' answered Ma>. ctit87,.Whtb1. olse tueo as thon eart -'as itie gamblers eow rosumed Iheir Mublies. Ma 4 82Freinwe1ansecoved t e p«é puroit-IBud stop, for I thiuk you'd II iheught I sai' another by yourt ANUACTREDAT _________________________ ettbior," lie coutleued in au undertone, aide wlmen I firai enlered the vaibey.' M " ATM TATPe ODaTorHEh Dc 'au'juil mm naroueil tilt yen se. wlie's 'You thougit wreug then, Mr. Pur-v M Th Pee O'Dy - r, Jhn De. lookie ai yen.' Witbî these words cell, unless it wns who yen know, kecp- PortPery Agieutura Woks.Flrie escaîmeil frein the Forge, hîîetily ie' me cemapnu, fer your salie, tlliyen PortPery Agicutura Woks. HAPEFS II~poitig te an orifice, meant for Jiae caume yurseif.' auTEL '5 CELEBRÂLTE» AMERICAN DOUBLE Afier conuctiug ltme aId acqeant- douible isos of wiedow sud climney, 'Whom do yen menu?' said Purcell, TUR INEWATER WHE L.anees te the Sacisty, ai the Chapel, wlicb was situatedie mtae wall of the half guessing frein the nature of, tIe TU BIE ATE W EE .Fbinn reiurued te liii pince amodg the bwvol hs-hiîî iîllaa bock, in, us well as frein a recolleation of! TE OT -kneeling crowd. Wntchîug ie ltime, Tue men witii whi Mubin's was the confidence 'lie had given hlm, thee TH OTECONOXICAL WHEEL NOW IN USE tiilb.h service albowed, accerdiug te piaving lic-et tsîsit dvantags. cf Flinn's probable allusion. establislied foris, general liberty to blet, andl, fixinig Ibiir tuî'rified eyosonce 'ilauli your oar au' I'11 tell yen o. ~- stand, lie pushed on ie the besly of thiles oponîlg, saw it almosi eetirely The ould bouchai., Mn. Purcell,' ani- the Clîspel, and huard attuutivcly flic ilîps I ly the rouend. redIlifce, ani fat swereil Mullies ver>. caimi>. ; 'an' I'da separate exhortations cf Ilis Paish alitli' ers of tiîir I'aiigi Pilest, wtîe, ruake little wonder if youthougiit right,a - ~~Pî'iest and of the Rcv. Mr. O'Cbcry, to- oî-tîstîigothpr engagueets, sfic- aIl.' a geilier with the fcw worts spoh-en b>. couid tint coriscientiouRly ovcrlock, ton 'Tut, tut, Mulline,' said Purcell, the Protestant Cleirgyman. tiij Iartic-suar Suils>., iti chanîces cf taughiîîg yct, perliapesemewhat dis-c 9 Cliapel with thc resi cf the people, but iegty îîaid il n spi-culatia-e visit. fotly.. Iudeed 'tis worse than foU> inte -dallicd ucar near thla ice, tilb lie 'Ho-be 1 yo Sa.bbatli-brealcers ' sncbi a place.' thonglit lie uiighi procecd, witbîout roars-il tîe %vortliy ciao, precipitating A -panse eesued, dung vaichit v Itheir observation, te kcîp an appoint. hirossîf iîîto tlie Forge, aud, wluip iin woutd scem that ~Purcebl wished Mut- mnent witb a particubar frieil. Witbi haud, fkilltng, witb migflit andi maienami lins te sassmetbiug; but whietber ort hie haus plnnged teto bis lireeches' ils bnecks cof bis prosfane parishioirs- net aCcli was bis intention, lie was peekeis, bis liat lingieg, as uutl, on 'lav-s I foîsoil yen agan !-huave 1IlIimacif compeiled h-e continue.t - ione aide cf lis head, sud wbiile lie, found von agai. At tIse clf .vork !- ' aetntdynvr rd.o Iwhistbed n haut>. air, Fliîîîs turlned Jcwvu at titi- l work !' liacti iteratedsonu-- lis malter, Mullins, becana. I thiuk -. .a bye-patli, whichl bd frein the Cliajel tsoce n-as acccmpatiiineist te ai repeated t mn>. tiae fait inleyen. Besides thc ever s censidcrable declivit>., towars-s , i.and MsIosIîcegmufiosmore yen know o! it, the liciter yen s wreiched littie ibatcbîcd but catît-J sjîicl.ty, andwitli ostentieiisly kssts s c serve mme.' tic "Forge." It was, le fac-t, tihe sressacs, c--spc-sIttroigilthie open '.Maybss so, Mr. Purcell.' -Smille>.o!fcIme district, erî-ctcd dstit tl icorway, wiiile theie rst toi nesi round 'Mulis, I bave loved Mary Grace i sud far frein an>. ueiglbouring <t wellinsg up-on a wtiote ocat of cld aundycnimg, for yesrs; I have tiîid te wte lier for lieuse, and exciesivel>. dcvoted b>.thie n-li, we fis-gel tesayx,sast on tise iebs ycara. proprietor, whose resideuce was a cabiii the Forge firs', onicthe grormnî, Il kow that. Yoc lonid me thc at socue distance, te the purposes cf sîiiioii s pic Iters cf tic ambitioed ike afore.' These Wheols vo are nov nenaeuin bis tmade. Se iliat on a Sunday lie game. Aussriz h-eeibie zonions paster 'At first, as I oald slle oighted me, eheaper thni n>.otier shop-th.ircontrymatie no ueof, sud ebeiiedinc iiut aIseotnde tibartilusenf Ilits herse- ou occoussi cf that unfortunate young sud vo yUll give a guarautee viithoacicf posoession oves-il. Furihermome, ais- itjîil. Ih usa unierous tl eliar the lad, ICavangl. But wluen lie was putC Wlieet -wsrsnuting the ons e hoas wsoU made, preiendîng tîcatl hibe sesnctioc toteti,-crics andmst shcuts cf l, a, 'wboe o ut cf lie nray, tint is, wien hie own annfaciurd e the Demilaion asU>. was hl iforth b>. lie massive anvil or feuuLws, of fc-sîîî six teo c-vs-n fout ligli, dciîîgs put imn oe the way, thon I Pauaredsin n ther teemio atien eau gigantie siaitereti bellews, the enIl- as tlscy qîsails-itor juirepesi lic-ucauth iefourîdfaveur wltla bier.' obtateil b>. addrosslug avaibabie preperty ieft during tbhe Sali- iandi cf a litte ronnîcl mac, n-lie en- 'Are yen sure, Mm. Purcell?' PAXTN, TTE &Ce, bath on the promises, lie lîad cuver tic-s tutysirab streiiglli nas net esîib te to 'Xe doutcf it; I had ne fear of suc- FeryXTON.A o, eryOigene te tic expeuse ef a door for thse tîiaîs-enîainîc- in ôeeof thi-r ingers. ceas tillt tiis Engliai interloper came Merci 81,1869. 'ai -hovul, sud it consequntby gave au or wlis, at lc-ast, )y flic mc-est shiew of betweccnus. De yen thuii I wouid oen, and, se far as in it la>., a licail>. ei-s tasses, uigîslii--have ûseds ltag- propsee force a wemau whobl welcecae, eue day te esc-luweek, hss aIl ellation. Bust as tic- besats cf the net given m& tile fis-st eneouragement? ]~ K hne coesrs. And, the yenr round, fii-set alil trelmble ifi Lioii'sroar, so Nt IMi~ns ;yeu n ov Ivaoul admit-aimost eyatenuatically uponc Ilat slsc-isli ai abs- voiceocf ltejr prieats. o-es-, ali is owiug te tis Engll suisat- AS HOLIDAY PRENENTS. day, uts particufar visitera, home cf MWe have cepu a usai cf coue IsiiesreJa, teru.' 0Oi Sent, Post-paid, ou receipu o!fIlie the s-ery lowest order cf Irishu peasatîts c-vert iii tIse excitsms.ît ociirîmîtual pas-- 'Ayc; tise red-ceat Sasseusacli. Wcbb marked priea re passionntcby attacimei te Csî-J-play- sic-si andi c-o:ilisct, fli'v, forgc-tfiîl o c-ver>.. a rmon ?'C eaureommndliefolovms Voaliug, rallier, il weuidsiesenu, for itie onke tlîsisiut Itîe, moral tsri-o f Lispre- 'Don't you thinl it a shame sud af cf the amusemenut hnia gambltig s-sice, a h.ti e rcs ia-ite arc-t IsIipi>., ow, Mublins, tb te girl sud l i Wee rcmedtefloigVclview. Ansi cf ailcoca-culent places ilu avlc-ta c-ay atone ta troppes inoatbîe moue>. eluculi leave the countryv .Clleo i hie" lce Paongl;Songs ; "Shining s neighbeurlicosî li, tesIcrnro a t ensi. Oritise prearit occasteos, the wutisa mcd rag like lin, when I offer l -'ihs"(ace og) Golden Leaves"e c'oisrc Ve~.I nd I.;"Hari nd om:"field, or lie deptis ocf a saud-pit not ex- fluis-bof ilIs-ii luthe l-'cî-e bore ainuiilai' b ic-pplier se oie ougit te b. Icept,1 r"Fireside Echoes," "Sveet Scuaide," sud cepted, tiongli bothiaIatts are cftc-n tc-sttitc-ny te n, similar tulsî'iice. Iu snd makie lier au Irisliady on myown1 "Pricebess Geins," Frico, $1.75 cachinl rescriedtitafer fii.csamne pusmposes, noise ist, tIse place n-as, tn a few minutes, estate ?'t boards; $2 te cloili; #2.50 lu cbotli sud surpase lu attraction the desertc-d ot clai-esOf: aIl e-ci-pt the Cieu-sc-inau T~Lonomon-duoul, ycs! The groundsE gibi. io AIsethie fulovteg instrueuntal Coilec- ioalet Toirge. ani Mitfitns. For Mciiins wotl net s-ii teck ors-p-cor Kavansgh's liea c lions s "Fairy Fiugera," "M1 -age Circle " Te tlue adjacent Foi-go, tison, ous- mii as the ochesa dii1, bottiDow stccsb ste as geat as se ceinte to you,' "YToung Piauli," anid Pearl Dmps"-feur friecti Paddyti>.Ffjn dimectcd ]lits stcp~-sissi i nti, as as-ci as liec- -ull, iii- 'Corne, coru, Mulline, nctbieg cft easy collections "Muei-al ]Rucreations," As lue advanced, lue met, in successions, liff--eii. lit sile turcs-J te tlic ilat.' "Pleacaet Momories," "Golden Chines," tva or Ilîree itle boys, wluouu flue Psi Pris-st. andssi ieycîs lixed ou tIie 'An' tIme biood-money yon got for sud "Brilliaut Geins," fer mure aslvaneeld pry in ferbittici pastime 1usd sent lssîîsl s-spe ai-enss. lîuctiu' lm te ttie ilack'nerti matiea n p * rs rcs ef each bock, 81.75 te boards;- $2e su cbtli$#2.50 luncli suad gilh ' ont aud sîntioeu as scouts, te girL- 'Asnît(1(e) -ciifuris- p, yoi uînifoitise-gentleman e' you.' Strausa' Wsltzee, (ask for Peters'Editicn, tic-m timel>. notjce cf tlîe probable risj- aIe ainîsea- ?' astebis liest, scre'aeieg 'Wiiat bas tItis te do wîtlî tle busi- te 2 vols., $4oas-h luincbards; $5 lu clth. taïon ot thuir enU>. good anuit essions a uic- nîs w1îecliaesiscovei-ed im es.u-s, Muilins ?' Novdleo's Cheap Editien cf Plane-Forte Parioli Priest, freiulieus .thlisylad 'ltit b-Il sc-ns-t yess-youas sac-l as 'An' sure, you're n justiceoe' the Clasaica, censistiug cf Memdelscehn's coin- vaini>. heard epeatud proiition.,; thei- --o -if tlierv*kg vu-hic- iii sc-iaeioie puas-e tee.' plets vorkin t 4 vols. Svo, prico $1.50 oaci'; eolio Edilion, $6 cacli; Beetbioven', Sona, against suc-h breaclies cf lie Salîhsah, ands]whtipcord-s, I-Il convert yen case 'Do yen meante insuit me? tas, $4 ; Beethoveu's Fieces, $2 ; Ciepiu's sud Ite, failing in wemdsandsut ftc- tu a hls-r ietsr-;' andslIli wsaoundila goot 'Avaclu, mia; ouI>.ycuîseeliîow itiI,.' Waltzes, Polonaises, Noceturnes, Mazurkias, surprisei tisera wtlhlis nmore connuie- fsI <I Muinm. 'well , thonm, le business. You will Ballade, sud Prelndik, price $2 ecdi; Sehu. iug cnslgei or luîsewfip, es-hie ucy 'ui iscih nats onscensc- V assist me'?' cautinuei Pun-cell, limaI-e et'To Soas,$;Shbert's Piano vereecgdintefslails Feces, $2; Soats 8;Snts 8h Wbrs eenau eliefs 'niracf sjs-lst-tths' uff-muîs lipas-t>, vut-in i a batik-note o! some valu. inte Complote Piano Pinces, f4 ; Sehumani's 43tlieir game. Ttse ittie urchîtes apisil>. li liai fs-lt tte is'în--t cf thec- -lip. Multc'shand. - Fiecos, $2, etc.-,ec. Iu ericrte iese, ue'. enireti cf Fiin, as sean as lie appear- 1 ' bt lain ot' ttIsai aîi, hadT e Tty mu, avie.l,' anevepreti MubilinsI C'4 'gi e videuce of tle marks osigiuusl>. stacîp- Hie ciecîl a fc-'s minutes after thue 'Hcav le tuaI?' demurreti Mullins. T cd ou the pastc-bcnrt, but ailuer fri-cn lsgcascat appas-cîtl>. ie îles-p 'Hi jea worm ie my path, Mublins ; i: Printed te OU clors, l16tues fr-oua Sixteen subsidisry lierogl.plsics tluat liad gi-a- tlutgtt; thuee sideel> tomnedtiet yod knô' Iho is. He lias cresseti menatw Stenes-sizo, 16x20 techos. Tic subjech istiuabl uceeit h rgnlsgs ev h oewinlewsmta h eymmn fhp. lio-size. Exquisite sud pleasteg .I i eau > mcedt oleo-gnlsgulsis iaheewuclensamta h eimmn fhp. net bc teld frein tie original paunling, suda aud as gratinallybecone aeknowîeJg-td, the tbreslsold b>. Flitîn. 'Aye ; se lueina. Wel?' - is rosit>. vorti $10. .Iexceeds te beaut., frein menti le moulli, mis>, fron yuar 'Coun i vi]me b>.thue suIdeo! tius 1h sliyau miw-ienving yeurecf te Et sie anid valusean>. picinnre ever givon wvth te yenr, b>. the peraevering sud vaics-lis-roo,' cai Ff ion, apiil>. waikiug in gnus it-hion man>. jourmie>s more tI an>. publication.No0100 Fictmee au gave fnl b assrvers. -tîe'dts-ectioc lue peintet ont. 'Let us ougtite ho ake ? I h iuel but one,' il more pîcasono er ho a crater oruament te an>. iouseliold. Il eaus'beSeS FRE, nd No notice vas lakemi of Tlion's e- gc-t aioni- tue ills befoeu e spake anti Purcelli alitaher note imiho Mul. il vo dcn't ask subsenibers te vaii montés for trance, if wc except a ligit rastn- of acyttsicg mos-c-absout it.' liiu's .buaud it, but yul aeud it ai once, er h eau ho lied tic eycs, anti aun cccmp-anying noise, Tîte','-cerilingly conlinueti their 'An' tiat-ene-is-' saiti Muliâns, ti of cur agente. Ne vsiiirg. Pictures Nov lie a girut, directeti te in b>. Mullins, us>.incttl tic-y batmusclied tisocittude stevi>., as lue p-ut up tie second bribe, e( read>,anid delivered b>. us at once I Weansd meant, vo presume, for fivauci cf a mvtld l tIle rIs" and<l ure Flin 'Frein this vcrbd to the liait l' i iter- t] vaut UNE AGENT te every noighborliood. recognition. Tic nen pursuedth le cri- agate pansisul attdresset lits con-s-upted Pus-cuIt, lu s vhisper, yet of se sJ EMIPLOY1VENT ! tical hure cf thei gane vitîî al the ai- paube. 'Wiiat are you geins' tho <esbsmp an& ùuJuble a kiud,tlst lte banks e atracion o! blein caste, anti viti ah lite wid Puîsceit?' lie amiJieci>. asic-J, star- sud rocks aront i dishinctliy rie-etedA We vaut onby Gocd, Active Agente, eilior1 attendant symptons o! Jeep stnty ; ig ug 1 nis fusl lunbbc face. ht. w bocal or envasS11, as vo simoit giva ava>.Ithant in ho a>, bout brave, p-sotrusions 'Rad] eut te hics, Isowdo h kncw ' 'WliisImt, minu ' eplid.Mnljns, sois- eI a alabe uilni fnnshli bes a>. nsd compressions o! tic uip-e anti oc-a- caiti Mnllinur,'ln ylieaskesi me yes- '-a Ii tes agon te Amerlos. Give exclusive ter-ioa puessd '- alivs uPurcelt hy lie arn,wvile litelon, S, ritery, ani tic baittl o eork i vt. O1 oguiomigts-l> rne fbrn sinlln aue n edy vnn lr ywr a heumgi deep sud loo, vas Iess me. Iagents baving immense uccesi, sud m ukisaaesaItlIme vali, oronteuho!ftiors. dele, ta met im ueî'e, an' Isaiti ytt, s'enlies titan PurceUl's viisper-'How fIGin $5 te $15 pen day. Oasentt hock 40Flinu, tee, after hie firet unueticeti becauso il vas as pgccdase osa> ne.' do yen linonvint ear lte atones mnia> ssîbsriplosti e&L;da, others report fensalutation, kept silence for same lime, 'You wenlsle't, Yon.1 cnrse-o'-Go b'YUl' lian b0Ote 25 per day. Speesmen copies of ,pr hnug etniMtlsat scigUn, uueite le,'e e ln'telu 1hi t.,inolcîlgl funt partaculars, teni, &ae, sent freac p>her, pbn>.int oinha lnti. adlest iner- b aflîsu elhe tier-souon wolsaîeve Eveniath PuefcteUhtP addito.essd pa dhn. A atteitr cAlrsli'teps niht rshood visibi>. pale anetd n bing, u Write AT OxCE 10 '"Our Fineside Fniend," regnunt o! s deal nilovei lin a nfeu poor fllaosyou knev aeythieg about ts1b mccae isnnemieeI- Chicago, Il, sud Brooklin, Ont. varda. . -vouludyen ?' S L. C. Tiexa, BEncolla, Ont., te Maager 'Wel,' lie said, Ih vas at Mass, 'Hoe!Ihbel whîo are yon spakin! le ?' mast ho a Paroxysin. th of lis Can*a d dpAnhient. Canadien cor- boy.,e - uln. 1aevudciedmyuson respoudfairt uls ah ddass lbe Ontae of-" 'T uralltise botter o' ihat~, anit sc-Ied iuns -' He yededovem e, yen stoun-i i les 6.~~~n on~ne 'h~ dont veliliknon, reybe,' aaid de? oalei mvn ihosudsi yen ?t"BaiaiMullins, ln.'BdI1evvuo Iiiiyn eheppng back. AR FR AL.'Toelhe sure I amn, you Gatiove Bird, linon tac, tiiere vouitilbu noit'iaer ' Me 9'- for vhsl sud for vis.? F AR FO SAE you,' aseresi Tinu. 'An'. vocldt 'î or uer gior>., gain nom envie', in - put up youn banker, Mr. Pur- pc - elinnt to balle o'- tint, le botter tellin' your tbouglmts ta sneh a icunti cell, or give il te myself fer Howard.- in 2 C ( A. re ieron- lIme prayere yen gel ont o' lie as punceil, fan al lut, mniatru.tes' wan- Sure I meaisi nothli' a n. 1I vajuelt.t Devil's Hemn-butte yen. henitiin. your munta an' the liko. TîoumigihI sa>. agie, as frigliteneti as yourself, abouit it; onîy re The undaralgned le auihorised te sel liah handt ters ?' Jacli, theîtu îauge Priosl lobs] us enougli I Jou'l looki se white, an' shaka aftler cc nortbi j e! lot No. 15,anid the northa5eet j 'Wall, s-vici,'saniti Mullie, -tran- te day ta makle ns do aur besl in tho s mnper. Toutrseaf linovavalls hava cf cf lot No. 16, inte i h concession of Pick- quilli' doaling tic carde, fais- cause.'- ane, an',vaUsare nsaéIaeo'stoneslike 29 orng, c eisins' 200Oacrez cf excellent land, "la.deye. n lvUen cieti Fliumm. 'Hld iyenr langue,' eniti Mullins, lte atones near ne;' turing thie barn- lu voll adapted for grain and Iclufam I den't knov vitlol or ill myseif ; II non notlling nt ath o! il. Don't hoguM uins ha i nti evd, - witieut durable sireamsns mnaing linon hoiirt:e Tiare îte su£cfout :revoed iartmail-liniber but I knov the dayihsnt's lu lu s tIse lothiest' me for even. Whnl eau >yengi-ring a> nuy s4piiôus. appenrance, ho for the nos oflte place. The situation in day o' a"sy. For, sayiu* nothieg o' do biad spake, spake, sp-alec?'If yen stand dinucîl>. belveen Purceil sud lte a pleasent, bains' nidvrav baet th villages lie stranga Prient'e samien, litho dîti could. de auything elou teeovouin' o' rock mtiner -vhioh Fbinn la>. conceabeti. li o! Greenvoodand Brens'bam. a> es linvet U.-ese icPlle a vun'l havýée - I muaitcontinue 10tuae o nv For au OWELL mSassnactu Minithen prachin'te ns off trouble eo' mectin'tlus black r Protosanu' {hôveven,' resuie-xclta Pe.apu"au Bro u. u8u.o'lesai trvt onvnS n t Iis blesseel an' tub]>.nigdlil; su'- otitenand -as lie melurse - - t 8 ýwhew âge40 179 u , t* INO B o <le taceola5; down by!'aid.bo avodthle ôiiblotoc.' "Twasu 1 r- 1.psolt i Strnwflbd Tell, vitore haviug selectet a sutabie pieceofo! -rond lina fild,. ho>. lest no tinte ta putting ticinsels'i in flp-iticp- Inn. WiIh he i~vevo!, provenllup- vlat la vuigar> celbet s rup-pishnmatch, aacf lie fî '0sUt- elsa hast hon hs'înelogel>.Oroppat. Sueconds sud n nefer.eelad been chosen, lhe figit abenennceti, sud continueL oi au adminab>. tispa>. on hotu- aides: for, near>. lai! an--bour ; vwhn, tnfentunately' belote il coulbe hodoid-- id vhic vasulthe beller voman, Ivto polisemen madee ibeir appoarance, and. in lie preseut unslietaor>. stsie o! thlw bis',1h as deometi atvisabie - 10 rerent. - The prIncls s Ibaneforo .se- companiet b>. Iieireuds. aud-a& body of specators, nnmb.rng.lu ait about, 20O persons, returnadtho 1h.cilv la- ing speut s nioeh enjoyabte aflernon. 'It's s>..namiznin'luGO?;W:k7 bu. le- Doe s eroverbial -a. i. During s!eain Ilat plutvial '8ï6tchIown, mi efoo Gfoyer-lisai 252_daýys Albumnsu MOGLA&" 0 '.Aye,' Multins n eglet liresnmad.-.ý iwen once lu, vo -needn'i fesnhl'iIe !'Rigbl, or yen kn6v voll boy tb pro- vent it, if yen 11ik. Werýiu' yon taug-ht 1ev te mae a nbasket ho put a stogo lu, vie we ero n -a à -o'-vnr'-iý1' -t" Purcell.' - 'Yen kmev loy littla se cdamai>.sua- pectati. Il le juti lise- ime -an& place' for su EngIli-hoMeen là e o--.kad for b>. sud s inan sDoe, on soeao! -is people. Thonn a loôyal person aria a ningietrate, sud yeu're luns>. eèmpie>.., meut, Muhlins. '- 'A>.., faith, sure I.- undernmun i n tirel>., Mr. Purcell.'! - 1 'Coin. nov. But alay-we. muni not vabli hogether hovards my lionne.' ',,No, an' y'd betthon go home 101th. clen lint's expectin' you,Mn. Purcell. NVhnt '11 yen do vid poor Canth, I won- derm?' 1O, d-n lie-, Jack,,lt e ie go hem wsys,' asavenctiPurcell, lais bren anti eye damlicne4 b>. lie sujtden question.s 'in long tiret of tuer.'- 'An' se let lier sure eneugb,' saiti Muties, 'tis goad enongi for au>. o! lier sert. Aeî' yul, Mn. PurceU,:asevas a clanc, likel>. p-ri vien yen env lier, fimet; an' nov' lier heet tisys are even., Failli e has fev 'uti gis', lier a vol. camne, h'm tiainkiig.. Stîllif ais. p-t Mary Gmace for yac; Cautiateen muet, tae the Jour, acyliev.' 'Go.~,Muilins,' satid Purcell, e- vadteg further %n mation on Ibis Inet p-oint. Ho wnl;Tida fov steps ava>., tien relumne, anti again spolie. 'When it ie etece, anti vebi doie,come ta my heuse b>.the. bnci va>. -ou'Ul flnd ne te parler,, sud lieu vo eau p-reparu for lthe otiier business.' II viii,' respondeti MulUins. PuXesell rtaosl n moment sulent, sud again huma- eti off, avilth s gooti-is>.. 'Geed-bye, thon,' edhouti hie compan. ion. 'Sta>. an instant hure, 1h11 I'm cul e! siglit,'*Purcel[-coutinnei. 'Yen remein- ber evert->tbing, sud mark me?' eti rapl>.ava>. 'Or,' itereblite other,viueu lic vas ont o!flieat., 'if. I diglu't, the DevUl lias market] yen, an' tbsah'e enongs fer ns both.. :FUnn !'-asud Mm. Fansu o- cordlugby appearei. (vo BE C-etTtscUx.>. A STRANGE Visîea.-Thie Mazatln correspondent o! bie San Francisco Chronicloe sys :-"A sensation o! soinu importance ta tle Spirilusuiots liere, las, excitetheti public mmnd ever sînce lie loss cf tIse il-fatoti steamship Cou- tiniental. The sensation vas produceti iti Iltenner : A clairvoyant plysi- c-ian, su Anerican, wnb batel>. ammiveti in biais c-lt>., antip-mactises lis profession lere, hgat a vision on the nigît the steamer vaq wvneckellu Inte vision lie ssv an aid vemnu vieo appeared at lais betiside,- sud vas evideuhi> p-enti>. afflictuti. At firot, itq< as startlet b>. the apparition or sph-ut, but seau cabre- eti deve, anti asieti tic gluosi viat causetiiem samnon. Site tien vrate upon lie vall tialt the steamship Con- tinental had jnust fantereti at ses. Tite sph-bt o! tic obti lady, atiougi net gis-mg the batitude anti bengitude viene the disaster eccunreti, vas p-srticnlnr le obatlcg tiîat tIse vrucl hock p-lace off Cape St. Lopis. Hnrving robioveti ler- suif o! tlais p-foc.e!o information, lie app-aralieu disappeareti, sudthe clair- voyant vas loft ho cogihate upenlthe marvellone. Next morningthe-tiecton arase, ant ile vas so streng>. impress- cd vili tle etrange anti msterons evente! the niglît, tint h.holi insu>. of bis frienintep-rivale o! vînt lho hat seen ant iheard.. Hiefs-tende conula net kecp tiie secret, anti se reports o! lie sareci sp-s-ati napidt>.nugi theo cit>. As migit ha expecleti, grosat suet. was fuît fer lthe ea!chy o! tb. passen. p-crs, anti ever>. pemsou vue lad rois: tives or frienson boardi vas vonier- in- vlietier tIse ebairvay n as rip-lit om vreng Sucli s stmeng hala didthtis reports laie upou tic public mina, lîsat lie auterii-s lbin te tioctar arrestcd, ansl i tnust Iin lirt..fivc diollars as a Jistumber cf Itie pence. The Spimitdatiata c! ihis diiys-anti il musl be litiewn tatSpiiualfen la cnaking rapid progroos amng lta Mox- ten p-copie-acere aomevlîat indignant ah tle amreot ; but tie antbomities heeti- oti ne proteste, sud exactetiltme fiue. Prcciceby eiglh Jsys after tlaeqe avents, noe amniveil frore Cape St. Lucas viea La Paz a!filie vruck e! the Continental, anti the ueWe ceufirmet iun evury par- tin lI te otor> o!flthe clairvoyantl. Knv ti.Srtaiste re in l h-i0-tee f261gEe fon h 0o >e. slug wvaier L,0i5- 5I.Y. OPr- fiedýthe l-clsapeL. - Bsn vish vas ioon fl- LIed , orai ltanoxt uaisuîof lie Ring te SI. Cys the eirls angs'll.s feioviais Grand Dien, sauv'ez ie moi f Grand Dieu, vengezslearoi. 1 Vive lemroi1. s Que toujours soie glorieux - Là ouis victorieux, Vola ses ennemnis . Toujours soumis I Somie timne after, îl1e illustrions Han- dol, beinp- il Fance,hItealtheia nlicla ie Versailos, accompanied by a brillinut -Orchestra. Strnck - b>. its4-overn sd, majeetie effeci,n ie obtalueti a copy frein t-sSupunior o! St, Cyn, aiud onhie re- lus-n te Enp-laid presented ito George ths Final. îThe anihor of Ibis nov- ans- insrlal prodtinnas L-elile, t he citapel master of lte French -Bing. Amuore Anvxsrzsxxxssr. - Ads'er- isermenu of' s vine -mrchant: "h ativerlines' havlug misse.,sun ebantage- ans purchase, offera for- sale, on 'sen>. boyf terni, -ab-out six .Jozen o! p-rime porh<vlnc, bat. cf the p-rapi-t>.cfa gentleman fort-yeame o! -agefullit e lady and viti sl i- hou * The lave folloaving, emanateti frein a aveU knowr'ulivery.slaleeepest: To ho sotl elieap, a, splendid g-na>. line caleulateti -for as champ-rior,- o uole carry s lady vith a svitah lait. "UTe bo soîti chlp,.a ian p-inclue, lie 'Pro- p-erty o! s gentleman viihsamovale iend, as goti as nov." &Ton sihillings neaard.-Losl b>. s gentleman, savisite terrienrtiop-, xcephtentichestia, vîticlt le blacki. je o brpup-hs t," etc. -"Te le soiti, an Eirti grand piano the p-re-, pent>. o! s lady,,- about te travel lu a valuait vaod case viii canveti legs.", Ativentià ers are adepte je smnhiguit>.. A lady ativertise lionrtiesine te obtain s iund suti 'vii nRoman noce laviisg streep- religions luntiencies.' 'A spiîusý ton - painticularly . fond cf c-itibtnn'in- forme tle public tînt sic viocies for tavo orlhree, lavnp- noue e!lir ove. Sonebeti>. aanie s ayauep-man te took sftcr sa lors. o! thi -Mouhedist persua- sion' ; n draper Jeairea la ineet viti ,au assistant vlio veult i'take au active- sud encrp-eîic inturoat bu s emel bai ans Innle, andi in s quiet fanti>';-' anti n Boston citemiet selverti ses 'the. gentleman wvIe left tufs stornachlifor anaitysie, avili plissa. eal au-]pet it, le- p-cher vil the reunt.' SlipeliotiEng liai, lowver, is not confined, te advcn- hisinp- comumua, or sheuiti net rosnd o! thc slioting O!f xvild cast1>.a lithoe boy- fis-e feet cuglat luches lons'; of a proacessionwvial vas 's'ery fine, anti neani>. le miles ine bcngtb, aa vas aao the prayer o! Mm. Ponry, te claphat' ; nos- sionîti avebe muciscaudalizot te note tic faci noconil>. siateti in acrte journal tuaI a self-madlemin arriveti in California -.lavant>. years - ago viti cul>. anc ehint tois Issu, sudsinon 'tien ia centriveti, b>. close appiicaltoia ho business, le I&canslate oer tan mill ions! A Fssv PIonnEs our WoOL-The hobtiors o!fveoblhave broughaithe muanufacturerat'ternoms, santheamtra tqite active nov at advanced prions. The staliies of tis a lpiafor 1872, shcatthlIe Americain clip - amountesi le 160,000,000 p-oueds, on 14,000,000 more lIse in 1871, ansi8,000,000 los tisu in 1870. Tiie importation rose te 98,306,581 pointis, nu nnprecesloutcd amouent, 23,000,000 lu oxcees o! 1871, sud 70,000,000 in excese cf 1870. The present stock inb Boston, Plstlatelphla sud Nov York are tbuet 12,000,000 lu - excese o!fIlsoso ah lie sanie lime luti yium. O! tle enlirestsocki, 154,000,000 ponda aere neet-iudoese w oolens, 10,000,000 bu aloddy>, 5,00,000le lussiery, 18,000,000 in vorsbed. asud 25,- 000,000 lu cairpeti,; Pniaes are nen a Iite iowem than scJanuar>., 1872, but s prosti lprevemnent on ltes. o! hast fail.- Thse anuat pize- o!fhaveuhy-flve guineas ferlie bosessa>.ou a histeni-. cal, subjeat given b>. Sir William, Stiri. iug-3aavl, Bart., duiug hie tenuro o! offiae os; Recior o! lie Universit>., lise; bee nwsmýdeul for -tise yem 1872 te Mmf. Donald Rosa-, M. A. Tite-subject vas "The reanîls o! hie Union betavosu Engiln and seSotland ou thé Litera- hure o! Great Bnitain." A PLEÂSINO INCIDENT.-Tha folov-> ing iraçitint is 1011 o! HieExcelbeca> thie Geveruor Genemal :-.-Tie falien cf Mr. Samuet -Hasielt, amit, Montres], vas himseif an artisi, reslding lu Ire- landt, sud, as sucb, onjoyadti he patron- sp-e o! L ord Duiherin. Hie Lordship-, seau aften srniviminlu is counitsywa8 matie avare liai Mn. Sanuel Haksiht,-