Whitby Chronicle, 5 Dec 1872, p. 4

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! mnt* h hr clethes *4flido4 ir 100 . lef te ,Y - ethle tain aosda.> drgegne* et the preou te settie their outa(lntgqclpto. , This La e a (oes -'àeatir unewmpaPer*' war. tare but U. de Villernemut là alwaYc taklLg tf htMif ? hte som# BitofetàaYoung Hlppepotamn kt e- Mfr. 'rahk fltâclclaii, wrtingi te llghted t e be ahi. eimsue ebulletin, tduden ttue Zooiogicel Gardonsc, bas blèn-gWdliôcfgh tj hfofti m&utthat - norgiug, Neveunbcr th, et,7u15 a.ýu. Wb Iontler 4a -àd a"ti ap dlngée !Fblm-te tlîlid-baby ef our olii lfrieut madame ie ,lu hem uwith ezore seuse thanylié a',bothierîanti sftr for It dosnet as., yet require the uer- vices oetihe'wct ýnnrme-tlie >get- whio havQ bêcu lu attendance for smre daya poktE t wMllbc recollecteti that the t1asf two.young. ippopotarnl mouiti ittleai u>lbntd, frwlie t uine ft UYFmes e becn Ce01 îi vereci, u rèaïdîly miakea use; cf its mother'm milk. The i$tl~ipg ~eurslIi*lespiug by thé ide cf it'egigautie aujpiný, - but sebmetimes if gels up aud takclàâ, tout et inspection roundlIate en, *wlin -ità .apiy ikeceau bej iedate y, per. Moier rollm e Afia ~eifs ot- tcutlvcly with lier liorm-likc cears, andi grunte loudly with a deep ergan-like note ; teyougn us tanti>' answers luthe ý9m n , 'but iut hinie policlieti mahegany diuiug.room table, it l% about thrp.0 efe# x u 'imhes .e» anud Its - wcigt 'oýeuehuuàrid' Lpoundg.'EBleven hippopotami have "eenboru in Eurdpe>,a&t4.îtîsjcr i, twn aI Paris,andlhrê l filàdbt hutherIotey ie'hire <ied in their iufaucy. mua liesakept perfocti>'quiet, andi every P~reeatt>4 ta ýtakes hy Mr. Bar-, ltt-to wbom tii, reatest credit in due for ie iable managemet nt ndiccnss care l tin Y r,ýrH ib"~tIrei~i motlier hsu ini à 9 rvtlà,cS people mqviug about, dooru epened, dc. -f4r If àhe mere onxcà-pttthe por CId fhiug, wlîo looks exhaustei andi anxioum monîti prebably, lu lier Alarm, get up, rush about, aundpmmhi'not ukle liai t., -The pnblîc, therefore. 1 underatand, cmf dbu til-the,ilvctore ptmoiodue tht t le qite sLafe te do se. 'lhey ivill, lu the meautime, 1 anm ue wish this tle iippe 'long lifejna a, mrrzy oee. P. S.-Only oneue fthe eleven lippoppfti a' et n e»rared. lýt w4sw lie, t4 ilàhFi~l pas bu t gtntel u h be eI1 rh& s ob lipmout te orkorf ,0" cxîirreuce arîeiug oui t the barbarous iprRotce et wakiug," t1hedead, lhs just oàci+red 'uin ubuà. A'hli! nancd Sharpe haviug .dtei cf branohlade, Ha ,parentsebi a wakoin l accordance with thetiiaI~eatI~ofthé lowei' classes4, *lxlch, thýouzh atrougly dcountenauc- cd by the ' brtLnl, Cetholia clergy, le atili persited in, because it affords 'an occasion for dislpation. The company retiraci at eleven o'clock st night, and at Oyboak aut morniug, au aarin ef Aire haviug been raimec, the room in wlîich the cead chilci lay waa broken iepen, sud «it wam ýfounci ilut batthei fter and mother were suiffecateci sud the cop Lt,iufnwabrt to a clndera i (dr'est -iras héla iton 'the bodiëi, sud itwae proved that thec un. forunuate crestures bnci quarrelled about thVpa o (of oegltUeof the ohilci tlcy -tant aud the womau a Cathel B9011 were lruul.. The verdict t~~dh by SuUtioic." the iiubabitania f a cuntry towm wcre Alled with coqjeture at . the J.olon igu paiuted iu large capitale on the froun.4éL-, uî _ru* ,tte![,.up a ticn 'lhuiry wae iutantly set cu foot but ne eue cr'<el Se'w strauger iunflic towu. The second weck work, aud ceucluded b by ýddng-'aund The latout Yankee invention lo a new. tfsoe dtrael1nubag, la.;w S ý il teuxLifu e a)crey and travel withcut Uic kuowledge cf ýc pO q ~ s Un meularfarj Au illlminated copy ofthIle. aacrcd a s", f-!an prince. It wil poitofe108 folio vol,. urneli, cf which - iMY I- are, ccpletèdý al lu letters et golc, sud bound iu cm- bcoldoe .11 lclver cdupe: Theië copylut là tO receive $2,500 for the l è'vSa'psu te removewidcw's wecdm; heemyaà goodlookng man lias only te A hnsc widaw ix California 'biug, ýÈ rif &h'rdiscaseti Soiglar a mode cf howlng her grif acoutedl for it by ssying thatle b mýd@elber promise net te maki again Whlil the morter ofe tm rb ro. lîl.ly.wrot. ýO.h 'uts t tu *was 6'tlvited out te doj opr thiedal ce0egewaB SUrprime t tereceve a dispafch frein tiche J iwo alter, eSyin "fyen 'canà'k'ce mrydaughter away frcmithme e blateti ménaglerieusud idé-ohows, I wil corne - 15?9wteEa ' .k n*aveL Wlnuas n m,,ao.,,5A ci#,Mû% TO THELADIES.' Dme I4dles, 1 $bank yen %çq kind fAvers Àud :: a contlrnuance ei th ein sa>'lut; 1ithave$ed lt a yeaç, with secsa5yU Iat owstand l inbusinesu s ires .noé ,*n liZru Mtntou Il& uow begie caMn iT yfalstock of Fano>' Gooda uitlt l 'Yeu wl i Sd thern selectea i th prudence 1aMdoare, ,4,,a 1 Sud the prices me low a vi mike you a&l Witul boetaand, hais, I axeo ns mto "s &ki ism.mlng tee, -Sithougli sucb a Çii w- 1hgnnsh ava thelùino mepreit>',son cui~r1,rm surs that wiU cure your K>' new stock et jewclry lu .of the latest To Wh"ch1 now cail your particula? atte- richesmy o, adladin , yt'h tv Ceins buý pyur Christmàas preucuts froin- Whitby, Nov. 0, 1872, 4 s@ 141 C= z go ~'ti~u'ssc~' -f ~The aboya "ercw ii be pad fer the afprhiutldn anti deliver>' into my 'custoti> & Thomas Jackson, who escapeti from , % 0eîýev $r.bc.ugt« -he4th ipaet. H9p ipnativeof Irel!and;aLaut35< >eàrs o! a~;hqlh,5et ihs ; hait, light 'xw,'th'avy beki-ti antimout&che; eyem unkeu, and scai- puthe right cyciti; mas dresseti in a biack..er.darIc.bro A'ce70à, - grer vést, browu trousers, wth dark tripes domu hiC seame, aud .new0aiter boots,. eWAITEÎ GOUIIIHA!RD, Gaoler. rV1EISOLÂTED 1BISK F/rdinsurance Co'y of Olinada, ÉZAM OFrc-King St.,cr Church,Torouto CAPITAL, 55oe,ooo. >Dposlted lwi Ge'verninen , $67A00 it wyll adjuast aI lese mthout tiel4y, anti pa>' ever the casli AT ONCE. Homn ALEX. MeXEEZIE, M. P., Je~K AUG1AN - Prcsident. '%anager. - W. A. LAW, Agent, Whitby. Wltby, Octbber 9, 1872. 41 S UEROROYSTER S TAY-R s B.E ST FRESH E VER Y DA Y *~ AT R. FRANCIS'S. çý ?N.-AIi eunbutinm "oca yrnp," (SOT'i! Perudaàn lark, New Ycxk. UcId by & m rwti.. ~ORT IWITBY &PORT pEEny B. ]a. TIXfEnTADLE. iTak;efsct bun Saturda>', lune lot, 1872. umi Pbitc ïý4elc prat I ;b79 00'n, dà. 780 p.m. 9 07?a.m. 7 87 p.ma. -e 9 29a.m. 7 59 p.m. -11 49aa&.. 819 p.m. rit 10 02 a,m. 8 82 p.m. cuestes, lu 12 am. -8B42 p.m. e Albert, 10 21 an 8 51 P.m. Ve-, arrve,) 10 80a&.M,~ 0.u ta Gclng SSouthx. Mixai. MmL To THEIR ADVANtAGEI TO EXAMINE THE SAME- Before Concluding Purchases elsewhere. Let it be borne iih tn~1hsit ail must bé Èo:ld' J3e f ore Chris t Ë a-' S CON5EQUENTLY THE SUBSCRIDER 18 OBLIOED TO MA"E PRESENT SACRIFICES To thç necessifies of hieî position. THE STOCK NOW CONSTSTS 0F ALL KINDS 0F DRY- GOODSI 87UITABLE TO.-THEE SIEASON. FA MIL Y GROCERIES AND HIARDWARE. I..A... TO THE TRADE-He would offer Ili S stock af a great-1 sacrifice, and lie is confident tliat upon examination of the same. they will fiud it advautageons to suit theinseires with 'purchases. TO 1;):m li S. They wifl also find it to thefr ad- vantage to examine his STOCK OFf HAR-DWARE It waal bought before the riseï aud. vfill b,ç potitively sold at, and under cost.1 SAVING 0F ONE HUNDRED PER CENT1 May -therefore lie effecfed, between cost then- and profit now. The closing sale under this 'notice .will commence MONDAY, I6ôth SEPT.,'72 Aud will lie confiuued from day to day until wilI b. disposed of. the whole stock1 TO ,HIS OLD CIJSTOMEIRS the s3ubseriber desires t'o offer hie bearffe!t thankýa for past fa~s xendingover ua pe*iod' <of mu manly',yeurs. 'ýond regret. theýclosing of bis pleesing buiness relationswthhe. e- desires to say thaf th ey will receive, the, fuîl benefit of the above, and also on the usual terms-namely, credif until 1sf October, 1873. Muséeuii, -6 18 a.m* - 2 8p. ô O4lam; 8':Li P.inc .B RL Y -As 9s BrooklUn, l 01Olam. 9 81 pm. WhiltbY.a 7, RI,m. 8Pm. - Whhuby Junction, (arr.) 1, 80â.m. 4 00 p.M season clommhlences tue subscib.i - 0Platfcrn tàtious, Trains stop ou signal chase all-kinde of grain as: user ~. ~'4~Whitby, 5optemiýur Srd, 1872k OLDNO. i 00on as theBarley ber wilI b. prepared te pur- YRM~GI3SON, 0Some. splendid ig. J'O H NS T.O1N 'S AWARDED-.THE, ,FJF$T PflIZE,,I- At the' rovinc xiiin oronto, in 1870. We offer to unr customers for the. coming Haîv cet, two aie- tinct,.Machines, çwhiéh id stylv, aud construction,, enbrace the latestaud- muet useful improvements of the day.;: JOIINSTON'S SINGLE SELF-RAKING IIEAPER mm' "IMNG or REAPERS.", The universàl enecess of this 'Machine, both in closely conteet cd trials and in thi banda of the farmers, warrant us iiieaying thst, as s'Self Rsk- iig "epins Machine. it hua more gnod pointe and lmn defects, and bua mét witb more auccesa and icas fAilure, thmn beretofore offerecd to tic public. CAYUOA JUNIOR M0WERI WVe were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin. niai Exhibition, held in Toronto, 1STO.in c)mpetition with ail the lcading Machine& manuifnttîred in-the Province ; and witb our recent lio)prôvemenfe; we onheoi tut- ingly challenge inventigation jand comhParisoXn--with ccniPetipg Machinc". we are 89ntlsfled that sucb investigation wiII convint'. every utnprejpdîeeeid sât w. ofler rte buet Mower te thc Fartuer for 1872, built in thc Dominion. jWVSerid f«V &eeuptiiVe catalogues. 1. S TOVES! SITOVESI! * Ai~sron'sCelebrated Cooking, Parlour, anà,Hpsting, for Wood or Coal. Percciis-desirone of purchataing IW- FIR.ST-;CLASS STOVES, with Firej Clasa Furuiture, should flot fail te purchase nt tise .L etd Chsp Éue;lHATCII & BROTIER SDIIRE3Cr FROM ENGLAND, ýo far as - AIlarge, on u the Double ààidz Single Barrel Shot. GP4s, Pow- der. VticO,Ih' :'r à, alco' a lài¶,'e stoc'k of Cutlery, Slieif *and l-avy flardwitre, C.1 &c. LW" 150'Toits of Iron, large stock of Refined Horse Shoe Bellows, Aiîvils, Vices, bc. Apple Paiiterm pareg.Iike a charm, only need» to cee it work te buy. 3100 boxes ii» p1'at'ia 6"tioatbridge." 300 boxes Canada Plate. ,Bes rands for salé, Ail: goods'ase heretofore guaran- tecd as -recornmended. Weesreo.urn tbanks to clur numnerous patrons for past fnors, andinay à-dc ur hia*-fidl UV, i jfl the times, te ineet yeur requil-vments atA coaidence in the " Notcd ChcapHous." }ATCH kBRO. Whitby, September 18th, 1872. 38 PHO0TO0GR.APH 'GALLE RY.1 BIROOK STIREET, WHITBY2 7 tsOPPOSITE ONTARIO BNK Begs fo announce that he bas b Uilt ' ounfthcabovýe premises, A NEW Photograpli Gailery, 60,feet in lengt-h, Which be bus fitted Up with ail the lafcst improvements, 'and ncw andi improved apparatue for takitig pictures, frqpm life.aize to any re- qîîired dimuentions.. - Pictures enlarged & accura.tely. copied.. HANDSOME FRAIMES AND, CASES. on Sundays Wbitby, July Srd, 1872. a. ini. to 6, p m. No business doue A. BARRETTq 28-ly CARIA ESAND OUTTEfI M. O'D ONOVAN'."» SPLENDIDLY F CA RRIA GES, BUGGIES, ISED AND .CUTTERS, OF ~!Y SUPERIOR 7WORKY;A4Ys HZ?. BUGGIES k- LEIGHS. REPAIRS',AG6 UUAL' SVHITEY, Nov 22 ndc, 1870. FASHIONABLE TAIL OR IN~ GENTLEMEN'S FUIýN1ISWNG .GOODS, AT JORN FEIRGUÜgON'S, lYecat TiIr&Draper,_ DUNDAS SREET, WHITBY,. Larg-e wlnter stock-"Can-adian,'Scotch and".Enàglish'Clots-Tweed suites. Yoithii' and (Jhifldrena', muita," Splendid m, aterial for o vercoats. Gents' white aud colored Shirts, and Fnrnishing Goods of ail kinÜd. c (~1tbier& Gets' 0Ouifitter, Dundas St. Whitby. The un&jersigned has a lare tadies', Gents', and Children's Fine -and Coai E2i3oots and Shoes Made, 1 overhoes lined, warmn and comfortable. 5"Repairing neatiy dQne. Cail at the old Stand. WILLIAM, BUIRNIS9 Boot & Shoe Store, Brock street, ýWbitbY- May' 22, 1872. FURN'ITURE! -FIJR'NITIJ1 iÉ AT THE SIGN OF THIE c GRIPEAT ROCKING CHIRI-MM 8:1Furniture Selling'at Old.Prices- for lte 30 -days longer;oe Notwithstanding the tise in material and labor, the undersigued offers bis stocàk at the'0"1d* Pricei for 30 duys longer. Now is thie tine- to embrace the opportninity of selecting from the argest stock l ic heoutit>', cf ideboards, burýeauis. hntre tables, sotus, chairs, bedroom setsa, &c., andi all ic ebest qu.iity anti manufacture. JAMESR., SAXO.; The ouly firkt-class establishment in the C0oUity,,yrhere Fn- FOR A GOOD SMOKE USE THE MYRTLE NAVY. See T. & B. on Each Plug. Price so Low that A/ Can Use it.- Sopteniber 17.-1872. m 8 An Immense Stock of N EW 0CROC0:K=,E.R-Y AND GTJAQ S WA IEB,. X Xx cXXAIE *in Bottie. oW*-Su o Bttled,. -4e ýWhbifby, June 19, 1872.- W arm Winterý- A N D Faniily G rocer, Goods FIR s S8HGR0ERES JAM] B~SJ. 1JRHIY MO Iug everal splendid fiues. ' WINCEYSFLANNELS, BLANKET, UND-RCLOTHING,' TWEIA.DS -DESIS FANCY DRESS iOS-1pkSIs'nliu uteIrish Popliits.'D4 iy Vardens.- Wbitc md"OM Cottons, Shecfhiigm, Tickings, d&. &c.cenidrabiy ander uarket value,.zqwlîc"bjn.vitcs the atteuîion ýfel ux- - ' Chie eeton of ,tb6 best Fresh Groceriee. Wbiby ct 2n 189.'rc, c'1~- ~ 'Dunidas Street. Caniage Pggc& , ' j4.g1aif *c SAMUE PRACTICAL CA. arDUNDAS In retur-ng thij menie àcoinmumical rugxn, Sole1 BogaMarc i TEST: Tai JesrpH JH We haveýbeea un loi the Ifast four moi out heiation chatil ever une&i. It lu aIe uhan ian>' cher oil 14 ted lion plainer, xI -keq epuiitools Ce not'mant anyihin)g b w. M. WILL( LI/C0ENSBED POU THE Cctivy TqWns4blp, ofar me and adi- InitetiStates, ave uppliIi for flic pro-. notfte pro- ,dcrs, and 1 rhsndsornely me sucli l- nasme neyer reason f0 lDe- Bfred by bny.. tiiese medi-, end me, ina a Df <vhicli h. examnine if. anti seuil a reply, stztfin- mhether ftic medicinesaxsec genume or net, se that if spurious he ma-y applyto thec person frere whem' he fflpure them t6 have bis Mcney returnei. _ .Chïeinifsandi Druglsfs whoaslre te, obtain fhee medicines an ealiMsppieti attUiclevest wholesalc-prices ia quan- tities-of nof lesf han $20 verth-vir., -s. 6a. 22., anti 84s., per dozenl box es of PiM or pots of Olinment, nett, mifLliet discount, for viricli remittàn ac unat ha ent i la avance. Ilinve Uic boueur te lie, With great respect, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 558, Oxford Street lai c 244, Straxît),jî Lno W.C., October 1, 1871. JMPOETÂNT TO PARTES U5IIG .B . S T0OK'S1 EXT-RA -MÀCHINE QIL. Tus 011 excu ail eter 011, bct&-animal andi vegetable, anti e ame prepuredt te bom theýeuc czityetthis 011 te 'au others, it stands th. teste nec tuPry 1 e ure t a- dlams article, it in da to i t her ligt or buavy machiner>', frein a cock-or mig machine te ithe heavîest of shahs.T he ol lowing are fthc pointe lomblchit excelsother Oilsu: IT W" T- NOT GUM, hence.naebia- eau cm bdacet deanwmith lb ut itle trounbie, dl .iichan machiner>'tbhabs been simd>' gammcti b>' tl=rwiu Itwlll acf congemi or thicken.in the coltiest of mwéather. Tuùs la a qualit>' of the h*geut importance, frein the tact aiOn 1mai ingius quafilt; mWiiinet labicate a celti shafftsncb au ii me>'b b.appliet in ua heafetatfe, buthfie momnent it theae a colti sha lîtis congeïl- eti and mlinet.lubrlcate uni» the -bornaI by Siea acquirmu the -iemperatnre necces- sarY te reduce ite oa liquiti atate la acquir. iug a higlier feinperafure W ictlen, the mor al tandag and the box la injrLij T2=psacbeto nuze on ib at MiiibM lon a colai ubf ithonthudresult as hete oMin- fi e cil wltli mater. 3. B. Stockeà O» mii lu- bricate fhe celdamt machiuery b th eetuil cu appiieti. Tiu oilAs nov used in overtmo budbuti cutabulihmenue andtinle givig the hast 0 etiatction, anti1ailnife la sarl9 the pi-cher it> i-cafnes Ssperm ozre O-ie. I is frefromfhe bje cfionu u aga .ut OUl ethers, as i dees mnet gum nor i ee. Nov as tihe public are-avare thatt ian>' mwortleau fhingem epuffed into netoriety, in ci-Sr to prove thjai tis iiu-no humbug> audi-o smccnr ouraciveu against fthe opera- tiens ef unecrupnlcnu o»l ageuim, (masy of mixoln Miinot'hcitaicito PRIMoffibexeanl o!lo » U eneeaas o et ' bclge icuilncal mith Stock's Extra-Machlne0ll' e propose, i. thos mheani-etèa.vmsat. i. he s, .eo tli aise encýith là cuive as chose teste7 frern flhc biscimet- le partieu ordering: mut imposition, b>' dac ai Once wlcfhcr- 1fe ne0 do- e DroÎgi nt, t Lt oci-flcDâiluc. r, i brc A â- rý TIJ susciber takes tasmeans of informing bis customers and the public, that the leas. cf ', i , p resent 'rernises being about to expire,'and Îh. property- being about to besuid,, be fiada himseif compeiled tW retire m4r business altogether. Be therefore uffers, For Sa;e th0è Whole of H18 Large Btook Of Good8. And -as .thepremises- must- be given. up' by Christmnas, the whole stock wi11 be disposed cf in -the meantime A-T AND IUNXDb ER COSTI The s tock beng -n'ow> complete and well selected, and lÈaifing been -purchasedl BEFORE THE PRESENTRIe IN GOODS *- PURCHASIERS WÈLÉ ÈiP-LT I:vel 1 1 -010 Wbitbý y

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