Whitby Chronicle, 5 Dec 1872, p. 2

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It opens witha an expression ~of grafL »Oï ,4 ctIntdarimnb u e the i.Giver' of Al Goodi-for Oîtý ftoc'Co.blesslngs and avors of thie past year; Cabo"iriBoti ndSlàý touts sluded toila eeling ternis. The. Pôr o-8 o.£1, ac4 mtion eftii. Geûneva Cormiisioners No fApiaint aumu, under the. Trety of Wshuigton j, Mtts cfÀjipioso_ tP1 1 ,t-. ad the Appointmont ofa - North.ra Extenglon BaUway Co, n .i8 in 5 tsommI4 Berkshir Bor-Eobt. Bnmmeryis. od fý <îedivison of the.nomne wd. spee Notoe&-Tlidsoii of the San Jin" question Re-unon--Xechnw Istitts., l14 refqrred to as soma. length ; and con. Aprto 4Wat.m - ludes witiithe sment that ti. ,êftwooa ts~~.;Mebaul8: m th ti3 r b or f thiie , itodBLtes S "ntion, wtblout a quumtiou of disputr. __________________ ed bounday betwe.n aurterrtory "sudtii.PoDsesstons cf Oreat Britain W P~5'W on ht.cetinnt."Tihe app intment' C e omissilarwcemmended fore ONIttIj7 ? s t UflIC1 ýNNXithe cfa atonof the ýboundary ,bc- WhItbM, Thmrsday, Dcii. 5,1872. before ;w Anotiier International dispute - -h The Agrlcultural Collage. Imperial -sud Canadian Parliaments - iiavlng acepted tii Trouty of Wash- t h rset 06s orogont àoouluAÈiO elntn,, th .President recemmende sucli hiaete i4.ped t o -remeni M 9tue, legisiation by Congress.sasî lisnecessaay MbAae dtr,4d Io ,$lytigrave toput la frce the.'Provisions respect- nilatae nuad ~ytb*8aâ théldMscon fa , f 6heries. lTferingi aidÂdiintram n iLulocatlag the p o;0the. North Western -boundary, frorn posýbed .rlutrlà urin't 1t OtheLaike of thei.Woods, westward, -be- *hsun4iti ' I4yryiuec's thut tween the United States and Canada, .oeatmm'ilcÃ" Thi o ney alrdy je recommends a furthe. appriation1 spenfrhereuPon -shouid, b. no barrier p te the. obtxlnLungaà e.tuoâ,-W iniieLuorder te expediate the survey alreadyt u1out'w~o~ail ue reuireseuMs< e< e . expresses làissatis- aciaiIistuto.faction tihat the. relations between al teàt6 of European the Unitedf *We are gla.d $0 t f *thé daimsSt ts are o *the, Most friendly char-C of tIyl i4àout fOtroa- e actera,,d states t1hut naturaltzation1 ~otye~ bonhtbefre~h-xPtieo treaties with the. Autre-Hungariun the, Govern ment, sud liai, practical Empire and Sweeden and Norwuy have n mon, of SUailsades cf poliios ..wlthlu been made ; and tiatrh yha-benil thie Ocuuty;nuit. *lu âulpiengthat ne Made witiithe German Enipirerp.e-ý mûre doslraIifIehe, te ig consulsrepct rvicorl art ~yc wih aeandt trade marks, 411 cf t Prdvifer te outycotld bc select- hihhaebeenratified iand confirmd. tl adforhe urpge ntended, tiian Lu Hc refers te the. International' Statisti- s or uêt-rOur town ; and we trust tlîat cul Congresse held dnring the year, and al those who have the. intereats cf the. suggests the. propriety of invittng then] $0wn snd qouuty ut heurt, will unit. in- Congres. te hold its neit session, in o. brluging overy-lnflieuce to beur, t0 se- 1870, lu the United States, An appro. ai cure the. location of' tie proposed Col- priation te detray tihe expenge et oe lege la unr midat. vessels of war, for the thsotto ff Sucii u I'stitution slieuld beý easy American productions te tiie Vieunn In- B i of' acceso . frein, al. quairters.- Whit- ternational Exhibition, isq recemmend. it bY ln pre-eininently se, having fthe' ad. ed Tii. deatii of President Juarez, th vaptage over the, enly otiier place.-.- and the. state cf affaire; in Mexico are B Ouelpii-spoken of in conneqtion wtth briefly ailuded te. Tii, Cubun insnr- tii. sohein., Lu. the possession of an rection le rcferrdt u 'sieul admrabe arbrglving water, *swlll -gh The Preeidcnt believes that -as land comumunication witii ail tiie luvery i. tih, cause cf the rebellion, et finiescf travel. As te the quality et and thinke if that weîc removed poace H ýseil Lu tii. neighbej-hood, t ibeyond weuld b. restoied. Hec lopes the wl 'dspute tie'. luset in Canada, as tlic Spanish Geverument will taket, ts cf magnificeut farine Lu tihe higiiesi stt view, tn thc faceof the, tact tlîat th a of cultLvàîion wilU testiry,,Io even cur- Spanish Gevernrnent lias recently de. Ti] s9ry observation. The. necessary quan- chcared it c'an do noething towards eman- m tily ef land cf senfilient variety ef soil, cipafion tii eorderis restereil in Cuba. a capability cf drainage, well watered, The -President recommende suci, legi-re and _tli roade good Lu evrer3' direction, lation as wil dieceurage if net pro- of eau eaus'ily b. obtalu , ithiu a short vent ti, holding cf slaves in Cuba, edi distance cf the -tcwn ; and it is-needieos by e-citizens ef the. United Stutes'. du] te pint out- that the, tact etftth. estab. The, messageý thon states tîcat the Moset an( 1,àLuleints- sud fainei of muclivel-. frlendly relatiens exist' between the ne kucwca agriculturists sud stook-raisers United States und all tihe States cf Cen-1 Ib. the Messrs. Miller, Thempeon, Beat. tral and Soutli Americu. Withi regard je tte, Willen, . 1Birreil, . Jeffr.jy, aud te Japan aud China, the, President At éthers, whose naines are widely.knewn, recemmende au_ appropriation te sup.apl wonld prove cf -great value te Me tu- pert ut least four Ancerican boys as aa dents lu such an Institution. Whle part cf tih. officiai famniiy cf tihe Ambcas. thoso attending tiie Câllego and Fan madeorg te tuoe cotuntiries. Witlc re- enai *euld b, reinoved freithe. dangers gard -t e fluancial affaire, the, ieceage Ne, sud temptatious cousequenit -upeoc the States that the Meneye received and wt vlcinlty te a large city, a towu sncb carrid mb tiith Treasury durtng thle and sWhitby wonld allord ail t h. social, laet fiscal year is $8864,694,229.91; and w religiens and conmmercial 'advantagcs frein preunis on sale. et, coin $9,412,- Spa] afforded 6ylre lcs fti 37.65. Total available cash, 0484,402,. beneits the exp.nditure ameug us of 578-15. The total net dieburseeets a o the sîîjcue ncedcdl te place thie Institu. were 0377,478,216.21. Tii, net redule- pro tien i lu fui oporution, and ef its subse- tien ef the principal of the debt duriîg us quon t advantages te the. ueiglîbenlîeod, the, fiscal ycar wue $90,66,W,253.54. A thai we need -hot speak.ý But, we may adul retnrn te a geld staicdard et values ut Mai that If i. stuted tiit ther, arc now 182 the. earliast practicable Moment isurged. al - tuidents attendting-the Agriculiiral Col- To tacilitate commerce and tie tracîs- cd t] loge, cf the, Stit, cf Michigan. -pertation ef produce, tiie Presidient miax Tlilc Couuty ls fairiy eutltled to recominends flic building a elîip canal nou favorable consideration frorui thehande around Niagara Falle, and tliixîke t du.i on the. *ubject' Soen.fethlie péetbinding on hiesuceerej ,î.w ifef 3 bmlers of thc. cOuxicil iuuy have tieir mened drawbaoes; but, ext the vicele, vé Maythci OA aa WO' have seen worse Wiitby Chiet Justice Morris Appointed Lieu- o h Towa t4quneih statirtof 1872. - And tenant Governer cf Manitoba. nosemn or 51u hatter meetings@icuve been - s dloLided ixuproveniijlt en,' hise' iel' Tue r'ceuti>' appointel Cief Justice - u b.ls)icugcfhi.yean. item.'Mrihe beén mude Lieutenant bors are gehiug ta know oee sother Gos'etnot of Manitoba. Hov loe,. hIs betee--nev m 41mbers an, becomlug Suswer tae thcer>'scalitél>' sud land- botter squaintel witch èe- cities- 1>,' iisisled upen b>' thé Miiielenial press, ansd conoeqcaenti>' -ee-eithiu,ç 19 getlug 4 in ie ase or car. ceevax, ticat "anae le vont more smçctli>'ausuilie mui. juage 5lWsys a.jcdge"2 nem ofethle Counuiali aitec, le h - transsoefl more saltàt' lor i~O i. An a)SUICoc'E.-A luionring -viol. v. incline b lie oin.nlc muanr amiedFraucie Teévin, résidiug thé ratepayers nia>'maeéa o.vrse n li te Bu>', uttecu tel ho commit 0clelicn eetaiiqthce présenut gen. Buicihe on Saturda>' merniug b>' cnt- tiemean Lu office fao1r anelier terni. lin8 h5 iztrcat sud athénvunîs jumnping - Inlo a a li. lRe va, cemmillte lic te ST.'AccUsaW'S, ftiTrVA.-The, et ceunI>' gol for eate-keéping by Mn. val unde he ' e uspices cf 1h. St.May'or-Greenvool. erAg n. rvBelt> t ILt> alPik SALMON ce m sais' CsguIc.-Mr. J. m-on o b Fe-ida>' evuiug -Th at, hafi W. Ker, Inspecter cf Fisheries, repet. ômoheu b nitsces..- Tite lar e bail lsumeon tea fny numérous Lu Dut- oull lié PA Meie' Intie vas t5jte' fin'. Ce,14 this fui, viée lui,>'come <ni>'sud8.1>'decea rth-le Caccu- .te pavu.', Sevena ilai snénther, al ictoo.flsnineaul ansoe'vouil average 15 unI 16 p osBach, plcue-s~ resntiga ~y 5aesp â sd s iitev - higi us 20 ponad, ttai,' Tuer. vas a large number preect, vilëie-tsiunden 15 pounle vête vêt>' vh6, aller sorne excelent 5dnres,~nneos ieCellru i mui P.tialg, -by diff.e-çselales tspsvuigoseân last fui, vue unIon sud gentilemen, engg.d la dancing liecare cf Messrs. Hantiick sud Fengu- te lhe MwunieetfDavl's quadril. Isui. sn Buppeu ièsaPmevli,4 pi>'Mn. Cnuein, se and of Il wesUud -'cly asaylis Il vas -IlesuluAcec.- The carIs, efthéfi ahundan' nS c4 <sitleos. h'vàan auWestern, Citizeus' unICanada Parm- earlr icour wiiqu'the Comipany>'brokeors' Insurnce Ceenpauies, for ici up atera.a mont enjoyable nighi's Mn. Joséphi Holanan LeagontinluSouthie eneliuà-Ont ariia, îllbeuond Luour ulvertis. ' lug ceinnias.ý Tue -companèe e are Sua L01,. Â~?INo@yCL55ZL T e rilable, andt iose deining te Lutfure Lu Mau¶ f thi e buc' Insituts iemv*91 findi n . Holman a pains. onav C1&4 "'on ladies. tàýg,herd-vorkingagent. (Seecard.) ' The 01Mq viilb. hleçiou Mccids>', Couen" r CpURT AXIi GamERAcxSES- If 't #«y"" rlay, ,*eni <eur' te aomu.-Tue Count>' Court cccl Genéral d en t ie- vSssions 'vil- cocucuduce, bofe freiigo -A--Z dat' $2 icor Judge Bumuliai,-en Tnesq~ ,- i ' udeAl#anount cf politicai gosdp onacu the i new'Vice-Clianceflor'a .reltiontlpt t- the, late Preietr of Ontario. peaing4of il, 1h. Globe "The Lne Mr. Bilae. of s tiou.. ]s'as the man undobel wbo, by th. ufmfrsof thi egaco. essieu, wé ~d -lisave be.n lain s as tbe prope4, ieiiient of the bonur., Nor viiiau one-wiio kuowç tii. ne Vice-,Chane ilci-feel tbInaholie basin. the slightest da coprocm eu c litical Couvctons byther. p' ho a takent. Thi posiio.n cf s jndge express- Iy relieves ts luumbent cf aIpOiltcal allegiance. Altbeug i. bal taen ne. very proin~e:tpart l inubui affairs,' Mr. Blake has been a6 eteady sund van oppdliento MeDinistorwviceha. nov conf.rred xnpou hLm tic.Vice-Chaucel- lorship, andlih. ha. attaiued thce dtguity wv'thout fo ue moment sacriflcing hie personai lun ependeuce. a oTo these1 who> viev the, métter froin a p DoesIl istand-peint, the. seleetion made by t ie Minister cf Justice vçiIi nef appear ý t ail surprising. Wicatever errons may have manlced Sfr John A. Macdonald'; administrations, bis jinli- ciai appoint nente have generally been regnlated b, a regard foi the. charaàcter of the. Benec 'and the, standing at the Bar et thos, appoiuted as judges. In tbc presen case it is uo4~rous that a veylreproportionu 'et ileadiug 1 ace y ers are rnembers- cf the Retouiu par y. If ncay bie doub.ted, lu !t, wlî,tî r Sir John A. Macudonald coula have ouud an eligible Vie-Chan- ceilor l i týaues cf bis owu foilowers. To have pas ed over his--poiticul oppo- cents wouli aimeet ine-çifa'biy have cecessitated tice appointinent cfa- Coin- non Law'vpnactîtioner as au Equity rudge; and althongh tue weuld not have been uithont precedent, Lt le cer- uainiy desiraici,,iiu the, Lntrest hefh et ice Courts and tlie public, that sucli arrangemenfis shonld b. aNVided as tuà as ossibl.0 So far as fr. Blake Le concernedh may bo* cou atuiuted on ha-ring, at se cmpanative ýy early un age, attained to in emmnence in hie protegsio thut liast uabied hLm te uccept a judgeship with fe full and hearty apprevul et hotu ieids and opponents. Ascending theIl Bencli in fi le full vigour of. lite andt nteileet, we trust lie vil long ecijoy4 he honeur to which hi. career at tie ar ha. entil led hi=" Tue proceedings té= PlY"ManUer d-te tth. taon. of th.e Pformers Tic. lelegnupia vire lba ail laid ,$teAustralis,àsud th.1 vomil Le nov Lu ahmost instau1 nicaiel v thle fan outiying, ot Nev Zesiaucl sud TascuSua as lie greut cntinent cf à ilseif. Tis grcup ofacilonice ls important segment et 'unlintel b>' eiecnLcily vili ti, iucit>. Itlais Inn. lat Q t. otyel gindielviii them.l but nov ne very împcrtabt cou heyond tleicImmédiate toli influence of Loulou, New Ye fie otier gi-est commercialc Wiliin a tev yéar. China, Indio und tic. Pacifie Coast cfth. Blutes, hue-e been bronglit vi circuit efthie magie vire, sud ti cl-mImzer la rapidi>'- eneeping South Amexica aud Japan. Tua ScavaNuaac.-A n cf a nuber cf lie iesding mi. cf tis lovevas hel eon Sa evénLug lasî, $0 discusathe aIe-i et dis coutiung accepting foreigt af pur, unI exactlug s discount u Mn. G. C. Gros. vas caslilehe unI Mn.,Jas. Cuuphell,of thé fin A J. Cacupbell, requestel $0 secretary. Athle- s discussLen, agreel te accept Britisic sud At .11ee ou naaler Tuesda>' nexc instant, ut lie follevlng r.t the Americun icait-dllar villici at 46 cents ; tic, quarter ut 28g tic. lime aI 9 cents, lthe hait-dI 4 cents, sud thé sixpence t 12 Deat, of Horace Gracie>'. -Mr. Win. Gibson vas relieve, -sein et moue>', fie exact ame Anohcr eAmerica'. meel promin- wviceh iIInotlean, on1 nt men bu$ gene te iis last home. uigct isut, vile at fie Comn otace Greélo>', tnewcc akuct e-rer>'- hotei, boe. A young man,i ien. us tlie tounlen sud editer John Angove, vice lails froxu 'thé Nev vont Tribucnc, beuehie Penny, sud vico vas employel ai set, on Fijîs>' évelciug, 29th nihe. 1er allihe Cemmercial, vas armesi 'he picysÃŽiants wvie lndel îîi'ndur- suspicion cf h.Lng thlie lRi ig hie ilIneý. defluol hie diseuse as nongicî béton. lice Mayon ou Sali e crguuic affection oethle "brain, the vien s number et viluessesvéei esuitetfpicysicul prostration. Tic bees acluel, aul lie case vas peeti fl iteif; thé hcarrassents hlieéneur- until Monda>' vien he vue- cemu su ad tice hirueleun exorlions hé mal, ton triai,.lie eleclel le be tried 1 aring the laIe Preaideutlicnu, fite CeunI>' Jutige, unI bis tris, Id lis lité of deaséicea loil, combinel, béén sel dovu for ho-day, (ThurdE Ddeubtlmt allai> hastenel. hie enti. ILLEOÂL PxsEUmce.-Tvo tisié: Mn. Greeyvas a soif-matie min. Wm. A. Sinclair sud Salseént>'W ve as bornnet poor panent., Lu 1811. w îr, uie e[pe . W. Kerr ai fuxteen yéar8 et uge hé bécaxu, an Bunlinge, Esqs., J. P.'s, at Du )prentice lui tle Pnntiulg business lu Creet, recénîl>', ton IlcatcbLng Vermonut nevepapor office, vieré hie kiiiing vwhite fishinLuLake Oulsu astérol Iie IraI,, lu 1881-viien Shoai Point, on Nov. 22ud, alose nrceiy eut Of hie leens, io- tvenîte osou," aud funel $5 éach sud4 vw York City, a rav contry>'a, Théir fishLng beat und 1,600 yai thont moue>' unI vîthonît ficuls, vwhite fiai gl net, sud lie tisi ce i vonkol ues a jomrneymuprne. vére coufiecated. eLle se employed, hice votel ever>' nre momnent tte iprovoment etof i- ATBoEÂe-EwNox.-Thc stel minI. ietfugli hixuseif, sud Méessrs. Jeffétie ACe., et Beut'. vol imiiiea golleoucicer us véil la eettoyel b>' fine en Sunda>'ila alept eciiolan.- Nuluraij ambiti- Lug luet. Tii, stock et geol, sud lie11 spireel le aemebbing iigier office cf 1h, Dominion Telegraph el' wonkicg ut lic.d"casé," sud atter winic as iocaléd in lice building,, c>'sM, gbrlgsete estbbisic!novapaponi, aise burnné. The boss vas coee euding ien tailunes, Lu 1834 lie tonl- inanrance. Thé cause ofthlie tiré iE lie NewYkToi ue.e hici, atter ituevu. c>' upesud dovus, becs-né, as il TuEz REsULi- Os-SieOv-BaING.ie.- je, eu oe efthe Ieullug unImoat Lu- Meudlalt, s large liglil et glas uhtial nevepapers L ic te vend. AndM aeen.vuo, aulu c ils une 1sud prospeît>', tho 'lame M.Jmsnsw-dw auda Ho-une Grelo>' las been as hie a broten, b>' being stuait vi -or alays, wll e, insparblysnew-bui, hhougifiess>' lirovu i rcee ulways ele viiioiuso pub.yi>. Il i. te be iceél fat tli cetl f.-e>'exceo one boiea wsmulug ton lie beys te bile.,balin votilieexcepion t eu e in Congres.e, lu '48, uer ve ewas s ho au n ie tees ào etoffice, until, vhen iuogit ouI AuaEGEu ROBEauxrREÂN ,cE. - ce candidate et lii, Libérai ilepuli. girl namél Hlannuic SIale>' vas c ne, opposcd tb th, no-eiéctieu et mittel ton triai b>' J. W. Ailisen, E ,il, liiiÉyoear lie stnnggied muntuil>' J. P., Port Penny, ou a chaurge et st th honon ot ecenpyicg thé Pnesi- ing 865 frern Noah Bates, cf RBi chair. The coubeel, cowver, our Sie vii ble triel befere tic. Ceu lots anc avare, resullel Lic issignai Julge te-la>' (Thurelu>'.) at. As an, Amerieun centempern>' WOOD.-Mr. Keitc aunotnces tics, "lié liaI tuilel le appreciate eipofiv h dr cds f couccnnding position wviichihlaI tecéct het five hdrelcered éed as luxe iealing A 30cm jur- lice codr a-afrcsh su ad Lu beue-ug Lt te punanue fie odoncralfrcsh ýfatuu8 et tié Presidéucy, he> COOL.-Cool Burgess, vili icalu icI the substance, for the eiudewvot'aioetneveliLes, i.annucel f0 spp calu destruction." Ib is salI of hum in theMechaniceshail, bere, te-Lig bis, lite vus a pure eue, Idla minI bla eue, unI tuaI lié sactlicel ii, Exicuion sud legeneralion feu unr the goal etis ceuntr>'; andti1he excessive use efthtie seuses, vihi cuit net, hie déalle vil b, c-.due intenvuls of test te-r repair. 'd b>' liconsaulsin e-en>'part et enler le muintuin the voutel enerl ivilizeel vonld. But, lu lie vomIs lie force expenlel, viieliéet o bol>' ýTribucnce, te thé poor viain liemmud, muet be reefonel. Wheu 1 i-el, te lice lovi>' viom hli liflel expénliter.eto brain malter and otù lite slave viose bucit he sue ervous elecuents la continuel b>' o, thé iueîî, le the eppnésseî vies, enthle esti>' extinction et lite itu Lgs hcemade ici. evn, tic. an- mu>'hliotel ton a.slice teseit cf et xéeméutthitHoeeel O Horuce déenertien. Tic. Ingrédients ci more vill tuû lte tii. sioci et a Pcsinlg Pelows' CeMPOUnd Syrup en cuiumiby. - Hypepcespicites, are muai as conestiti iceaith>'blooeî, re-estublisi sonauen EnîITon ASSAÂUuuED.-According te sund sensé,, sud vilceusequeuti wet'e Cuuningbou Glcanor, lie oui>' pmeeéufhise erianslion, but rof thaI pupon vue brutali>'as- imeel caséestestoesuai as le lest. Ia b>' a muan namel John Brownu,1 lu -- 'ond>' eel lut. Ti, el In'e ti, cangeable alimats nothii ler Nel Bow, ws lrkng earismore important than dry tee ut, eilBreu, as urliugnea, ieli uand lite dépend con it ; ticrefoc Lais, if necesan>, uccording tehthe bu>' Cuidé Sarev Wiré Boots uanI Sho mentience aboyé. The 'man w*a-never lest et rip. inte cuatol>', cul commltel ton t lie General sessions te lié held Hov Cc go West. next veet. ThissLean inquir>' vicic e-ver>' ci -UNIeae.-4. no-union unIon lice sicul hae,trcctisfxlly aswerel befoi ce. ofeticWiib>'Méchianice' Iu- lie stateou iijoumne>, sud a 111f ele snnquncée bte place Lu cure tlten lu exuminullon cf RoufI lail ou Thiui-ely ee-ening néxt, vill n cuuuy casesue-ve mcih treubi mest. The programme on ftie limé sud mene>'. [n promcises to be au iicleeting The "C., B. B .R .,' rnmm mnssling of cvecal undInlstruinen- frem Clicugo througi Gulesburg1 nasin, res4inigs, recLtution, &c. Buriugln, ha. achieved s spieuli 3ervicés cf séyeral pretessionaîs, reput'toc in fie iltvo yéars us Il i umber !of taiexciel amuàleee luig asnrBut 0li e up, te frein1 vron1 neune es ne:1 AN] éditim saulte( on Mg bretis papén tatés triai si Icere aý anspici elitute 121hi occasit oic, e0 sud a some i9rsI ap cd, and eill be G. T.:1 last moi a>' moi eunt m sw bu Reached ils - - un puyveilLu ohér evue t7 aoeiilecture urgestrougi> iit iaî'ais loue sd oarr o e ene uucompara,. s, n . au alnecaone f ' vs Duriug lice la>', aLe usuali lua e h aesime asWhitby, and siiin> Lu lie capacil>' et-r nient, an an>'viÃŽl àl' ccgiO tepoiry. 1ý rés~~~~ ~~ as cases saineoa a er as - Lluyutleexeue erreiee.sud ntevé e veen the ture o e inflamm-ation e theé ain, i piysi. eituate. Amre as nCahcohe capciy, hel b-doe el nd - -tris al beluhiei e te mp in 'alesufféring waséextèî.î> siigicî, but: Lu Straîbre>', Lu Stratterd, Lu Port vithont 8,1yYusu ion-etfaine Or joît- - A ver>'ntheetiCtngtse is * pnurg 0dns ableotsétbeedl b> tèliîjl? inrae obdaction et minI vas Hope, i Luday i uelh n, liu- etfélo-irs th ieigL i itilCor tHinsug eodienef unI frénlymer, d -n Lu Linîsu', Gueipi, Ling poition Puaiuvoiviug lhe epon sibulity oet hce h ue uIsticel1s"n évident from xuerior maulféstaticue. minu>'thien fovue I coula mention. a man eccupiee Le net ail impertaun eter no eenpi epn>' arrivel vién ve caOéa eit as At 5 80 un olci tamil>' frieuti, ituov'u Gelphcbuit a market viien lice tevu'natter, thaI zfon the.c'orrect trausiniasion ef mess- lin8 happi>y'aSccempllshed. Tha seuns Ing us Aunlie Luvecu, enterel unI op- vas ne langer'thaun Wiiitb>' is nov, 4"Hor on ehamte freinne condition nise; - spécâiaton -in cil bande tels- ment belvéén, lie Ive countc-ies teud- ?t; proacichie belbo. Mn. Gneeiey vas sud t pull for ilsefin luehé..tian len 4.et vei your part: thene-edlithé houer lies." gnpbd b>' tic Westeru Union lin, lig 'tevard fniýléui uon, wvic bere-é i-e then ronsel b>' a friénl, viceasitel, yéas, sud il le nov a greul sourcet of-êý.-...-.. "I heillcanul ;" but wheéu licedls-ltofre lmbaheé iIabl QOpposite sud "Do yen kuowwvietis le?" lie reveénue te thé lave, besidés belug a M 0Frndéhuemet v 'Yw renispatcic vas deiivered il rns-i "I-sodlie centending cucieuis, 4 cv m-r fbIl yssid "Yes," stetahéî up bis hénéfit und aonvenience,te bell, seller Lu Boston more ton - - '.ticun dalands " li*by, l bi.saeuI'wlatulnIea vincig nd ingreetiug, und tien relapsel unI buyér. It eunee fott 113eoqeîDmnn' ir vemefétdby beeiseLuvin t il Ltertivt i ta 5diraficu. inte iila ret'erie. Hé vas asitél "Do hre -lego into lie figuniees'.regatdiig ;nuderooc toleshow tuaI man>' et ii. roprty The cempun>', Lu detence, lEkrearned t h léTeasr'MC yentno yu ae lin," udLu h. hécontrutin atirevenue etf5astate'nts ereotehimping Euiïlïah movel for bfou-suit On the ground tuaI okrsen,'$ i toast cf lice sarne isuner, vibiiout fremer er ecu- martel Lu tuis lovu. Tue>' have agaîn 'lies" Contrat>' t e us s.cu , i asne ar-'al 'meeee;bu reaI. ne cou, h. aneeél"Y..." Wléu nIndgain been gie-eli; tIc, malter bild Fronde-beal a mueteni>' retrea le hse. iéjUr>'reluruéti a'verdictltit tié )r usted if lievus in pain io laid is been se fui>' liecusél lime aaftr e positiial o' h os o SRGÀ AES h Aeia danîupon Ids brest, but vilicut tinié, luring leiagitations ve havé ou, froxu 'wbîci lie mu>" - l ttedaintvailefr'i e osl EGAt, W Bague -sTii, -An cau ta ervisehrplyiug, unI réturuel tée ii.fon a marktlthat the. natepayer., s t I éveuisvtiibs crase îî piaLh _r', e gfolen 'tcourt te swgu, vovaeed000,1h1u e coshutte, lylig n v ith believe, aeful' acquaintel vLth thliémission and lectures gtt'e offéncé e t héi toner:a -»e1 l u in reetleeAxlcuxtln eh le, -closel eyes, unI baud.eccumetime vboié question, aud are capable ofthlie Boston demesîie-wîîoe national- message.T pany oansar ut beiug lI~ted, bias vcuý_tbemoe tvc)tcling nenvousi>', but genenail>' sf111. judging vilior th,>' vaut a market îty neéti net be etalé1-aud théecosIpi- iceudel vLtic nsdIclaimer e logf, grnLuonl At 6 80 lie sumed uneasi>',and begauor net. liAéiaihna- netiigM.iaulI'ecp urpa e esaee,. aye, hé reachcélthé Gcljldlcn te mutter ludisinctysemttng viiiic But, Mn. Editer,the course Mn. Me- Fronde tic. cher la>' vas astouiehied but business men lia-ré Te a. long tfume ah1:80 c'ciocc. As ho,.- te frionds &round hfim coulai nt catai. Milanule Ltaing iLu lis market ques. b>'the delénulthut hieguéstaIbioul regared*-'hsa.asaunipî <otan,,as, fi. Stand, PLeet s*i!eet id lis daugiten Ida, Mn. anti Mr@. lien is jual lie sumé as he teck Lu re. b, Lue-LIed to léavre he i"ipe" éxciuslÏe of thec. ýt blaiitb" lui h. va.: entu t 'e Stewart, Mn. Carpeuter, Dr hae eec ote t£ ieegn.H oudisail eat er un r 1e hi IL oan , AuntOLwd ee ln ti, opposel lic.puncasa. cfa.stescu tire- emburrasaing pesition ; but thliceIfi- ,1-eu.lcj liay.ldked hb ese tia vciligsie- n ré '-0 Me ilusnst ea l vends, englue le lie bitter end; lfiifoniar, cuit>' vas increaséa- b>'tho tact lit h - -- ule a adlea 1prho SMe-. Greoe>'y indletineti mnnmr.l for icevever, repeslxng fiehe-trcsanul tic. empic>'ment 'Offices vein L euPune teO si vii,,sud ai lat st ezoid 5, It ià eigittihnd performances he practis. vili t he anti-Fronde servants. Tic, When are w. te get <lie fmutic about casion. Batféc hs everyv re - sdoué." Tuer. va. ccc evilence cf pain éd, in crIer tle defeat lie purchaae. cueumnstancaêes eteli cthat i in ti éte nts la preveut emigretien frecu wei receiveil. , in ilutsImoments. The ftce band>ly l ppslo a e es-i.pecuIllar couleal lie kitelién overcine '-te Grman empire ? One ster>' su>'. La chaungea, oui>' settling a. lttis Into a And nov, air, viat do yen tiuht he tcparleur. It vas net alvlabIe le o W-liem i er usbis béette préw D.2.- n, Suay nicc-p y >ot et perfect peace. Dr. Cioste vas su>'.? I ieamd hlmmyseiftelél a gén- diemisg fie rebellions "lelpeansd Mn. " à ; stc r asy Walieisn.tov, Dec.-ommoaon tmi et' e-~' i. , u Ztin ieiut leinn, thit ilva a tiret aes"'englue, Fraude came le lie relief et h e v- ave a disuaio froozr Wasilnn coa icum o tanga a- té Groele>"s heurt, ma 'li Lgone.' sud tihe eery tising thse-toin -swanîteed i trolden hast b>' pmopasilig instant l-S>Le:BrnSioeé,lc-eca co~seg Ant it vinijue hé théeame in thé penture. Teeveir1hrt i. ~LL tebs erpéie ubsinte uti -uam.d iely j Loesz cm NAvaeAcimei.-..Tué Welland marktlquestion. Aller th. market is 'open, as uensby-, nupiéssant éxpéti- déniai eofitehegrapil state eulliI iatHa Canai vas offilcialyciceil on 8atia-day usuad eryhel>' piésset viti, ena.' lie Mlcin gainel vuluabie io. en Weluesla>', ree uletteP en Y) lest., Fer s week ait, tug bouts bave lie samé as lie>' ver vili -the file.- Icuevisge et the sîrtun ec5 oce ffo1ieGra00rcIr ain u u 1-been ecuplo>'ed, $0 get tli eves senglue, lien Me-. MeMîllan vil su>- wven uti e vc uthe nge tin. t caltcosh icad bee yn gnleas-l bai se pi. ma % tirongi, as ti. cee vas rapîdi>' tanin8 "Jusl lie tuing lie teva vanted t" fréuk cf setglien tél~alestacsi amunsd5lUi a- - Ntahd o h sudbocouclng strong; but ailare net And io, ne deuil, vil eudea'orto$0procedent, le eufiiienl te siarw hIistor- sgr ei i, einEprt~ t lieongi y.l, and il la ail litat more mat, lie people helieve, Ihat lireugi cans> viellier ja u anlaii riaese oficretir se 'tio. for - d gte l thanthe nueuainumber vIl be frozen i.erertions fie 'in tel 'vas huit irc 1 s"n'atzsdm>'lueL.prpo'exofpresebutlgucniOn. duc ucg e 4 inl. Mii crevdlig oivemse la ic e Bulviatan Ih)latepayers. etiùc L fiid te-tlmfrontc,$ a t o u tmeseaa~oil cat n ae 4 . uIJm àiymt,« mai~ inévvi o1lx oe rin e --sud8uà" pueIa' - iea -- B.a araffls-à» kafl mrb z w &e flu sic wse- r uc la.vu u vur or it n.-vhoiall.a Lt, bil mthr Mn. ~<> duie. ie - TheBeee 175, ix cixtic.tow su Thce Agricitural Coliege. to the pat o f -Bondieati4 ta- déclare& regain in the"Lowe- oe assdai ss.d duly Pe- e - Pro.vincial crezay. se- expensive abancery juit Il"Wsbake off"Ilthat lhé belonged $0 oopant Hésa 34clis Tjectedlr7 ithe Lords. lu~ ~ ~ gm tu 2 k o ierLgancip fli i m l ie Hoï , rk tro ety tome six TO the EditOy' Of thé. WlzQby Chronicle. mited tlirt ie was la fvor of Conzti- I$ wiibe remeibeed that the King the e8 âbldm e <n o the ~7 ~ e ua i n e m t e mo t --tutional M onarchi, but added i"The interfored, s da i t i pt f ti ~.t. ~sanguine carket av t oproduce &-SIRn. Mouarclyiy laimpossible'; we 'haýve a vcshesof thie Emperor.-Kiu5, the Lords Pai, . single logical argument lu favor of I nnderstand' fror the. pro. Bepublie, Jet nsoinake itConservntiv ' tirew>ont lie bill; The Diet va. pro. The.=repýnthe ienspeoteor cfLi- ucarket h l âin LOmalAl oves llke our 'ceedings c f the. Wiitby Town Condil He denied auy share 'in the olieel roguedýind liee-1)1.1agala lia, met. c. ensé, me i e " etiton. fr lcense' o ndl, sd - r l aiî v td . b e ~de. that they av é etition d th é Ontario opinions f le Left, sd c.iô.. 'with Ila os llllty sodified o nu lthe bill as ,ne buwbitby. on moicn -cf Mr. Blow lhe aws alnost every 'frmr0 ,other Parm ah Wlcitby. This ilastop Lu the, Goverment vas firanness, modération luaite u.v iiape ifxias pasg.d ifs first c v l ed m itae ., vas efer rýe d $ lihe lice se coin . ia n s-" i He c nte ds t irt t ice ig lt direction, as-, t 1. the it enuti on- s d .im pa -talitY tow ardâ ail partieÉ . . resding, sd It la pe fecty, Sais t e s y eiv ud-it oberae à "aburd" sd lhe policy of lthe Govârhffi et $0 abandon tie site -Saturda 's despatcles tat.. that-le thiat t iii pou a l ie rd reailng sd commuit- s RilaL e WÏ71 certain liai .se séleted by lie late Goveruxuent -1.as position cf sffstrs et Versailleïlas gain be 'sent t$0the Upper Hense. The - isiUmds Ur. Blov iutrodnuced s by-Iav $0 ap- $cun s a fsrkél la muit, I"'se sure vii net'beingajudiccous. eue. I believec a.suaued a met slakming aspect, sud Emperr-Xlng le Lu laverofet l>1, na vel point returmulug'iofficers, sud fixing u oa -ei ~su ouLt etingapeé Icit opro- France seeme $0 be on tice verge Of and h. bas yrcmised 'Éthtif tic. Lords Lue e-aia lac s f r h IdL i~ ie unI Ipa el a f ve l m erited con tem pt. " HR e pose fi P a rni, San t h etc, ove rum e t s io s p olitical st c-gg e, if n t suoth e n sab oula ebn Ïixnne ta ebel a second fi ne &9r lion or1p 8 Iiellwug'e ffls Il "tbat lie wicole schémma t. one shoulai b, veryc',autions Lun ticemalter.civil van. Tiie couelia$r ore'hm evi ak uls fbi rrgtv pentd:Nctl yrdhHe ~ ap, frught vithtlie gesetdanger, telie Tii. place -ehould lu lie firef place b. poraily adopted - by lie Assmbly bs' sud croeste as nywy peere as shah bo pointait ot.ec ard' ai;Henry nard, tev," sud Ihat the&'fore "as s rate- gse situatedilatt vould, be easy cf siready boen sfultified by'a edesvour uecessary te pae élus bil inola aw. in ie rest cf G. Y. Smith, aI ýlie Town hall; South payer I seLtZheartUlg sxnt Myj vote acces. The. land eiconld betfsnoci a'a.ou Ssturdsy tbobtain s reCOnai- ceusiection'l wtt lii.question ve have, ho es-th ard, Jas. C m pel, at Jas. C meron's a cit ." u lity th al t vud produc, abun- dration et M initer Dufare'e résolu- moe Ian once refered te lie dad. bg bo t.bou e.alY, M -. E ditor, a il of th . fore. a tly ; thon, in lat ca e , vien'the ti n ;, sd One f 'le deputies, M . ock 'viLaInocc rred i a le progre s et going qu tations pp osr $0 av é fie reports of tic. proceed e of"the. Par i Duval, actually carried y a m jo ity f. le Engli eBef eni b ill a n 1831-2. on ,nti->'s I h ao tse is . idsn true ring" cf thce pt-otagsedaacceo et tek1. IiCunr , bey a M cotien cenng the Mizister cf Ibat occasion lice Britishnicuse et egnaphie airiars te i.msos fsv iOur public rights, but nôv for tic. an- vouid b. cf sneb a charat fat eii ieh Iterior for receiving from cen- Peen resisted lie Co-uions aud lice cnt sund tevus, vicii aven- -kin grant. vould have soe inducement tain Municipal Couneis memonials cf K 'gcame le the rescue. He did pré. cone-s.<c- 4ratiu oue~~c ~ The acte cf MoMillan Lu 1867 repiy. $0 come te tis country $0 'cuake a encouragemenîte Président Thiers, de- ciseiy vbat lie Ezj>eror-Kiug nov cetrs Cuba infsudmadion ceLvd evnngterl rlies, tg7bisuti-manket arguments ia permanent home for thémeelvés upen- claring at theesanie lime lio actioa cf dees. He 'Ibreatened$0 create as ia Cb m1s2 fresud independent Canadien soi. the Counclls anad ofthe Minister iflegal. inu>'ew peers sa s éield force lhe oUnited vcLhilpace Lic e bauds of tIie lu tiheyeae- 1867, sft.r years et agi. I amu pnetty %ve11 acqusintéd vwiti lice Such s déclaration- b>'lb. Legfisiatuire efoe-cabill 1hbrQugh the Houa, of [ti the clerk. t ation, tic. $0vn council snbmitted s ProvincetofOntario sud I do no ratcal' ancounftoa vote c0f-noR- Lords. T'e'fuflimeul Qf bis ticne&t ffiv ind NI-155UENT LAIS. by-la $0 lice natepayec-s le purchaebelieve tint thete las oeleigibie a eLle prcnidece o ovruen a udM.vanenè.s-y'frieLdsgv Mr e-.Milsu introduced4 s by.lav t%;. "Houait propent>'," aud eneat s in tice viole Province as tie sixhbun- Thiers canuot but accept tlii.attack s way snd the -bill becance Iav. Pïivil. toeoxteud lie tixn9 for lie sale cf non-.cmarket building and leva hall thereen. dred acres. on thi e elst idaeOfT xirdnel>'pereofiai. AS migha h. sp- eged sýnders bale parvxenucs inPruseim meeting resient lande ton taxes. Tue iy-lav Thot by-Isv vas cane-led b>' tie people Town. -Tlite i. not lice saine umeunt peeed. Puniis aagain Lu a state et <e -' quiteas muai as liey do Lu Eugland, rei n s passe d tiroughi ifsseveral readings. " Lu A tgust et that year. . B e tof la d 0' y ni'it eidge ly ng in o e m e t, s a il the.M iuilter e Il ave s eul lu sud il is safe $0 ta In il f r gran ed lat On t TREse-AmND m xcuOVxamENrs. McMiiisu v'as ticon àsiennte ut paeL in .heProvince se veil adupted their réeignations, sud fie Président tho Prussieu niaris >' v il yield laturds>' geod tÃ"'wn-he wvueanatepaytx-yea, Yfer"tice purpose ae fie six huudred seeme dispeaed te folev héim éxampie. reté ler hbave teir numbete Luneas-- Onlut> motion et Mn. Donovan, th e ovas s voter, and RE VOTED FOR acres aliud.d leoii tic.h different Tii, conséquences cf M. Thiers' retire- ed b>' vuiguf recruits. The bill, vili n"'lt chaiman onstreets sud impteve. THIAT BY-LAW. Not oui did h. kitîde cf soi freinalieue-y Cia>' te afine ment cannot, nov b. calculated, but iLthlie aid cf lie Ring, la sure te-pase, sud .11ileor ments, vas instnucted to adventisé' ton vote for t, but h. verited ce- it-ce sandy lain, thene net being on, ace e cléar that"le hoped-for speédy déliv- lie reenit vili i. sa gala $0 lie pepular epo Lt teder'fo lie nessry usuit> otcauvaesed ulght and day ton il'; lhe vus but vicat la first.cuuee arable land, vilic er ae t ié cunI'froioreign oc- cause seellasas ev sensaltiont$0Ina- e chair, inuber and Stone fr 178. a cuemier of a select, self-censtLluted, a large etreamcof etaer running thrcugli cupation' vIl b inévltaily deiuyéd, 1perLal Gérmau>'.,flamant measfoupa. m of B. FNC N D tx iOA$SE55IENT5. pnivate commifleé, te securé lice carry. tt, sud vifi fine dat e vel adupted for sud, authfe present mineont, the -politi- eut 'liIf Prusés la $0 b.relied upon net as Mr. MaMillan pneseuted the report mng oethte by-lIuv; ho acted as tres- eitiier pueture or meadove. Thete ce cul lhorizon levers glo0 yiudeeui. for figihtig men, lh ice in ýe etftic. above committee, vhic>i recoin- suret et fiat COuMMittee,eAND suascMEmsnone ilubt about te li âto h 'ai e.2d- cbntcmme ae ae. T h te ungRe t was meudéd lice paymnt oet i.accounts AND )PAM M ONzy te place beyond doubt site, i th valicntaboultoaPriDc 2d- cbntcou ut ae ot.Te un e nenasuot ohnSihti, *; Mjo Haper ex tc. ovenxunlsîculf maecils, each et onfgd' rion, vereheld toriabil mU t, Uerefone, become lav. meres ofJon Siè, 0; ajo Hrpe, x- hecarniage oethtit identical by-law. this place their cicoice, and lu locating yetenday. Ateunl de'ber ton upon zf, lti penses $0 Kingston ton fire englue tri-l, TiiIl"Houait property" vhici ccet thé College upon iLt lie>'wouid mulethe situation, M. -Thiers finail a greed Pân.uczx e n~ otice in our cein- tes: - *12:35; tic-,report vas sdopted sud fie tevu an expansive -cicauceny suit the meet judicions choice ticat il le te nemain in 'fiePresitdency' if lthe merdiai suun=ai>' cf tiIs veel several o luken theacceuts e rdered $0 b. psid. _ýIl "shaite off," Mr. MaMillan veted possible for fliecute mule Lu fiLe Ministère vho teudered thein nesigna- failures, involvlng losees $0 lie vicie- cents; n THE muta COMNY~e ? for in 1867. Tic.Il"logical argument" Province., I oui>' hope tic. Goveru bleueg yeeberday weuld withdrâv thezn, sale frade cf a large, axcu, n th ie vMrt Pope s d een ire cemmitte, Lu fayot cf marktets Lu emali tevus lIke entuculviiconeiden lice 'natter vel and flic latter cousenfeathé i propos- aggnegafe. Nclvifietaudlng licen- imeaet w evâelssit ed taken let ; hitby, vas Lu 1867 suppliéd by'Mn. befothey decil,. -ai efthe Preaideut. % pleasant nature- e-t1flise unferbunate cents, fie-e compauy? tufrmaMeMillan's "l'sanguine" vote. The I remain, &o., Il La repoted liaI Gen. Deccrot hue occurren es, ch 18e1problyl- bettér, eluce Mn. Harper regreethlaItie chair. altempt Il 10 drive saa>'almeet éver>' Yonrs, beén euxnmnoed le Versaileés le rep>'lite>' ver. e ateplace,' tiat fiey ~OE.man et thé cominittee,(. Lw fa)Moiner vte ermnke87.Thevabs de yOW . tereporte aacusing lim oefpep ig ene breugit $0 au issue at tfie partccu- (Mn.f Lavien) préMnt. Risn' sokote in187.hicmaa,,d -thle troope te -act Lu a iceeti leatd an liane, ratiien tien liaI thé>' sionld dn of s vasgntlpement. ea iceadsotn le haed "and "suicidai policy" vere "HuaTS ne YOUeNMuENONe PEEPAEA- te lice Governnent iL» case cf a aniss, bave beau. deterred $0 lie sprzng. 'un cftict gntlmensevralturessudbadratifued lu 1867 b>' Mr. MaMilan'. Vote. TInOU s-aBusiies."-Tiise ctiti, sud etflauing couas$ ieGn hut lebn ae nln aEg Pnida>' got up s iist of names et paties wll Tic, endéavor l"te sini thtii, tvu to s irua tthGe- holte nkaesuiginE - mr in g $0 jeun, but Mn. Lavier lbadtneyer s statfe e vilmeritéd coulecupt" vue et a lecture récenti>' ddivoned by gr. darmien ubiedistrict,, cndering lièc 'land b. iuitained at or about présent nenlalapoined Ime or metig, udmade b>' MeMilsn'e vote in 1867. Geo. Hague, a veli-kuowu Bankt mana- teinut, enq ir>'L he-1h.pclitic-aifigures, lieefeafct mné'm arkt na ced o gan izin g th e. c eupan >. T he eng le T h t sch ém aé Ilfra ng t w ith lie ger, et T o i-nt , before t ic, stu de ,ta o p ine ion es ti e tact li a G e . D u roT ii, o ninb e n'e l agelv e a lm o re a sediý i Port vas, hovever, vel taiten cane et, sdan tetd ane eti eu vsscr i.Bita mncnCm eial Ol-f seb.sasioné etta mtnt Dco-atteoinion eAîysprg nenerll xps i s icost! eao u as e fe-,adiy lice v"te et T. H. MeMillun Lu loge, Toronto. The, Menetas-y Times, mund ius net reussurng fo liose vice paymnus for <ail stock mature, viii te n Temayor expresel bis surprise 1867. 'in a short synopsis efthle lecture, eayc : tear a cou. ituesesa more eevec-e strain ou thé-- sudOnad stated liaI ice voul see Mn. Law- And, lustly, as a ratépayer "hi. -Mn. Hugne's lecture is a plin, prao- Mou.deptes u>PoiLaimrllanv.xenecduSp' eo va s e r , s ud u r g e h i m t e m m e d ia t e y t m h a b i > u t h i ésou r m t u a , L e i i e t e a e e n , v f x u u ' M o atI r e u t V é a i e s a e s e e f u q u e bel m er e t. I la e a s0per c e vi n S e p - ardu>', s Compan>'. -standing reeondéd number thinteen on pretensiene te crnamentatien, o hmtet lii, îic iltugcf are.viiiscocuuo, tockrst. ioetesttoe v a > le Mn. Clatit regretted Mn. Lavien'e ab- lieegasd te réal u f - -lcm uo tcs fîslen sae -.hc a reex-th North Warl poli liet. qualifications whiclecmelayugtc eLaLo tleCmnte eb ae 9b ocdo.le'aktu spo encate, sinadé. cdne aie té Sucic vas Mr. Reeve MeMiluan inman te the notice et a bunker or mer- apitdudrMnse uar' uhaprobt ri h odto cittl The Lattr thocn droppéd. 16.chiant, sud whîch propane hLm foton e apolted nd nte mnetier thuee suai aeniey mrkbo dt h ule sconiton bef WaeaIGIet 0F COAL. Bua.-In bie tenciuile language oet lute ateiigtearspni le neoutin. 'lu fie.eaue lifevt-.tfe me>' mil ar aelarsu d eea - ýlhtheGlobe- Lt iLe enongh te malte a posb iitic credit and success. Thi e paefi>eaattiesueevaet. le asnvIl bar anel>' épiva-eial.- i u Mn. Denovan Ltroduced a by-lav te herse ei." qci-epre>'ugnau, the fast,-edvleacmardilalaîmgt ny.) repeI a ortin ofthe y-la 207andthé laz', lhe gamester, the supec-de. The Pope befoe the Quen. be -realized ton them no. And le _amend the saine se tan as relates tote ce s ' &o',coratel uese-gay gn-ean veic.,wolésale trade vouid. at vseîy if, on a>'.> réeal a ortialon tthe by-iv 207aud - ONE WHO KNOWs. pling >'outcs lie plgestiném an, 1hohp- The Bisehop et Suitord bas vnittéen tic. iret indication et s fatal cWeakness, unI itîmaes îeaî tc, aever thle foiloviug in rép>ly oe, attacits ou ie>' vonidni. m a laimeédiate sud Tigct, B>' lie b-athe charge for veighing 2nd December. aditmtesan applic ation ton a piace Mayone et Manchester ' and Saitord ficoreugh investigation cf 'hem debtor's id a - eton ite osal et 0 i. pteud0 et' "-"' l ysgtrion liati t for aeplaaeton being presént ut lIce banquet vien affaire. B>' fia meune lié>' vil get. na B.bperTtonPope" ausopt2posodsbptoreo"Tiasinid etslangeronshsud of tueIeeame îffcn's lrieni>'. The. by.isv Passéd. To the Editor of the h1 Chrouicle. "'pas dovu air, if yen pIeuse." lie pro "ThPoe aprosdbfeIlhe idOËagru ,nd-obeom sua d L xcCENs .- fers the quiet, stea l>, p od ln.- eîow s, Q u en" :-' m a ter. t a fi e vién fheyT can b , ri , af M. King pr sented the report - eft . D A u S cu :- In T Ez C au NC LEce of et providing lie >'have g el lte che n quali I I perceie-, la I a litle m uunde - béat attended. o, m ore il b e raiz d. 3 s e s . l i c e n s e c o r n x it t e e , vh i ah r e c o m u e n d e t h e 2 s t l l ., I n o t ic e s c o m mn u n i e s . f e u lt io n s . F i r s t a m en g t h s , li e P U t e S t e i g h u a n e n L s m é q r e s t c e b > a l v n ' c e r s a f s e co te at n e license lb, grante d l e o Thomas. tin oce- e osignature f T. H . M oM i. god' h ndw iing, tien plain figures, owing te tc.heal th.of tic, Pope h ue-ng fritter a vay ; il letar botter fat le>' Cosia., laih ailudes te tice membere et gool aritiîmeticu toveg neugbeén proposed.béton, tint et thé Queeu aboula beosel vile hère Laseeing ird-'f Newton, us prayed fer. Tii, report lie Town Counail Lu général, sudleto amiiiua-ity vitie mental aritîîneîic, tien ut lihe dejecicer vicici teck place on te lie gel, han le vait fuilesci tireditor OubÏ vuesadepbed. msli- t bîc m ot nates cenies n eto.te occasion of mi' censecrutien. I i l ilettél hie ahane ,of whutnia>'b. hiAT 'OFs TiApXtEnS. an e goiugnc làeea lea inas sud meq eleco- l. noc-wh surprise tintthle veet- lett. This action vouid alec tend le Ountmction et Mn. MeMillan the. Inea- néo*ve'a remaries, as the, principal por- garda as'Lulolonabie ; mistaitea are n-lu- 'pint asserts that tic, annhbishop fhe public ude-utag. b>' eilnating et u nén vs ins ru ted t e gtrant ice or lén ion oetisi, lett on Le cm po ed f la n- excusable nd inadm i aable. R eiLb i- propo ed, IlT he H ealt i et Our H ol >' fro cu le Iade n élé em nt wviiala ou l Lu tue- aor ofA. K. Rice fer the. umounufguage liaI au>' lionorubie maxi, calliug Il>' anti accunay an -nit aIong side lice SevereLgu" (sic) Pope Pins XI. Tic. prove moat duneronsLu a lime et erton, of ieistaxés for tice present yéan. imcseif a gentlècuan, voul be ashaxuel cardinal e-intes etflîcîeat>' and t-cu-- urchbieicop di net use liaI expression, gênerai dépnessicn.-..ZMoetai7 Tumes. cotu. The Council then adjourned. t u i an e iînt cco.tleal u ielasccnee n net ould an>' Cathcliceout et Ital>' use I -- . bu>' 1k., cl "nanes" vtii Mi. Ma-cetnt. Ater expainig uIilntrt t. The terme Sovereigia Pontif" CcameF eaGÀuaAe)So-ae r CeMagistrate'. Court. Milan, but Il notice muttine sainse ing tho qualities to e lecultivtel b>' a and Ilici>' Faticr" ue understod b>' maÂ-.-Cttn, Dec., S.- M. CrasSe Co.,Lulenest te lhe rabépayere. lu reter- Young inan éntoriug a commcereil office everybol>'. I regret ticut fie Mavone cuptian et a eailing e-esàeeiou lie lekes, ver, BEs-euE BIS vecteuIP THEMAYOR. ence tc lice marktlquestion, Mn. Mce.lhe sumoem enup astoîîowa :- I. et Manchcester und Saiford saboul isve. vus mule fie victicf a couple of-con-; ad b Milau tteptsto mke ou bliee Srengli f chracerwhic wemaybéen suhjéclte alats ovng te ficeir fidence;'men, vie borroved 855 tli ý un- ALLEGczn PEiuuua.-A respectable latI I as sa'ing e-eir ' oolii hinge in ub-divide ito île, tllowin g :-Stea l. lieving b en my geset. I suppose n e thé>' g ete Buffalo sud ten tried to ycung man, namél Due-id Beufh, vice inbreduciug lhe murket uy-av. Il la mness in vont ; ceci-ug o, t overceme Englishiman wonld expect 'né, because get eut et Crueee's vu>', but lie foilov. réside& near Columbus, vue triel betone hie foi-te te miacenstrue, mistepi-esént, difficulxis ; Patience te' bean cenîx-adin- I ain an Englishman, te, départ freinéd oet hem sud grabbed hlm b>' lie hie Woehiip lbe Mayor on Monda>' aIl or liminiali, as the case mayre-9 lieu; persovenunce le tise ufbon failing; tbe lelLuauli rincistitonical ise-c, llrsu d d eun adn>'bis loybicer. s-lu night iset, on a charge et peijun>'. quiné, lthe sîtétmeuts eft ho,, te vlomlionéat>', li-uthfuliiesa, prempînees. 2. ed i u Costtonth head ali h a aygtrbe. sinTii. information vas laid b>' a Mn. ho Le oppoeed, te suit isove purposes. Telinical abLili>', via :-Geed, cicaxi, spiritual Icéal I necoguime. Theé Ma-ver Crasse drev ii.revoal-er and tlinaen- $10, Fitzmaux-icé, a dnuggist, et Oshauwa, He telle you thatIl sprng " the, mur- cdean îanîvniting ; nnîiunetical kpetof-Manchester fui>' underetoed tfi. a, é lafine if hl ie IInet giy. baclE? c"' tic a vii hern mthe accusel hoala isputeé tlby-lav on lice ceuncil. What non- ledg, ; neutnessaund crIer Lu vcX4içya 'liýeha net mentionel vcut Il hov- moue>' Therobicer grabbedas8s' sshort t ime sge, aseote echange fer sense te corne freni a man vice clame gtod memor>'; combînel napidi*t>"'ïtliî viin> etin ii ibn nx evist, furneth le murzle cf fie vespoxi y soeéherse meliaine preanred b>' hlm. se mucuc intelligence aslié boa t1 And accunue>'. 3. Powen te think, e-Lue: To it, Iéxpiained liat "The Héalti et tovard Cra-ssandfiriéd, eleoting hlm w i ii B e t i a ter ards euor ed again t you can ju ge eft hle correc nees et th t-mejlg n t on le m eth od pur- the P ope" as tga nd b ' u s a L t é t i i v t c b eo v u revo ie-e. eae itmmauricé ton selllug liquar vihout rééve's statément b>' référence éLîhén sued ; te etrike -eut xne 'W "und bebtée'rélyrellgiehentactcaedov herier rowudcnietsud tu as I icpdh e eb e -np. -er le rver licens, toe eRLicard Costes, on thé le lice minute-boot et thé counail or tle courses ; tbpunano lhe elcortos ato e céenldceder tlipi>' us unicr. TESRiosO i LFT lôth Novecuberlet, sud b>' Ii. lice couxil reports lu Tues CusoxecuE. tiie lèsîrél end ; te adupt- gênerai prin- i. eie iIh efcl'udn a uvvn mraILFT' - A (Beatic's) évidence, Filzmaurle v as At lice meeting ou the 21sî Octee, cipiès t10 evor ciianging cireuiustances. atooatlus ; ticut tieugb a' Protestant, "Misseu."- A- deeputai frecu'NeW co n f uned $40 sd Costa, b >' M r. W . H . I m ved, sec nedelb >' M. C la ti, "hat M r. H gue'. suces e s a ban ie n u Ia nd n t a r e naii o tr l gi n o - Y r u ' i t D vid N orth, f B on- Gibbse sud Dr. McGil, J. P.'s, on tlice utheopnion et tic cueil il Le nec- hie constant tcontact viti al classes vicIions, aud hlieèlaboucldo vint I dont, N. Y., oneofthle tour reang sq,281h ulto. Fibuemaumice puLl tic, fine, essar>'fotonlie beneit und prosperit>' c1 qualit>' hie te deteet lice weak Peite* xogi _~lt.MyojcLuivîn srioneti.Mscr vobea-- oui- sud ticen chargea Ileathi ith peejuc->, thîla8 corporation ta purcicuse a marktlOf icunian nature, ta disceven lice rgg- leIliiInheuisl rafatnvdhnnrae e> arwLni respe ts te lie rie- odé , su db r ie a t au e penb o u n rt, e saud bi oc p ni Yours lnùjï. RAY. Wbftby, Nov. 27th., 1872. Le coma look antfm. undo With tue coueffl 1: £W ths imyment 01 the t]l in ke ofi ti ofs 'nd' auk Dep lie o i pani Lot sudt t ou Ac the-- uot a RA' bouse venel Carousc beane fei aTo Pene loi lie 2Tw 'nrous hère isu Ted ioh 'Yort; Ng -bétveeu -for -41,Oi woen-te-d ige, b ppinf s., lice Pro.t suppresse appéarel Tlcnee c Canniel ofl «N. B., vit À Mairý i'é soule dc, béen b and ha bt A nev beîng ee Litel' lie ictt f 2g A projec ýO estahia mli dpal Tweut> 1,

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