Whitby Chronicle, 28 Nov 1872, p. 4

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V .fs pUs . atalo seôIla'tbé di.- -it ý V obably b oùiud itlut thit, to but ohls. Glob*: ing th. UM~te tstmint ea ce1t. In$ th ttiatMeu 1wenty 1lioImoeoUar ms vhleh, during the ensulng nionth, r to be coined *iM làewdeup4b alù Thoe.pie.c es 1oinoonv ize 1, from. th. Sub-Treaa ln Nev York,. * whe l hey h.ba e oeu thaPasI f yearx, sud placé, t4 peli w frm 4 at*l d.ir t n, cifape tdl' ml49, -ben h the. vas owstopp.do ,lber. b"s ?iiei3pI isse cfpue o gi ces 'Anamnn i#e &r lhirty-milos (ýe mimbiw of gold 4Olia, vhen firet« - issu.d by the mint, vili weiç ,qb6 one ton (lwen yovct; and four-fiftîhe. In tventy £uaimlLepnsf 'dFlarpvwehave :l5A ly thwrytceee lo. Tho b.. by1 %brasionila on. million dollars i. $4,- 408,87. In oticer vords" 20,00,00< used iton years lonses $88,167.40. 11fb the t%%enty~ million pinces lo be melted0 liee iei a prpendlonlar line, they l wouhId reach)> leen "an& flv-.ix mueso, Wer.the.pie4sPobe lai4da on alevo lWn, 1 e OZ;d xtea u hundraf aud flft -e4ght "ilsPh4a ïdeiphia Nort h Z-an. singular vicissitudes have befllnen ~ lice Jesait%' couvent aI trasburg. The Jeauls biug obligeadtoleave, sold il w for 150,OOOLtoc MLey,vhois em-4 * tiblsbh tg n b.grouad fleor a pubS., a hou.. with kittl-grOUnd.. The resi of the. promisbas been dividd be. tweeu aàMasonle lodge sathe lc l * Lutheratlçouggetion Mi À. lame. irl, vio ad lot for four. teen years onoe loft -th. lhird-storey bock rocm an lubibeh'"she livef, vwa among .those i<'io parlicipated luntle M late ichaîdren's .Fourqions lu Fbiladel- phis. Wheu oapie4 >i$Ibe eaik" ph sked vicat the. graus ad trecs vere, and had ,to betold the. uame,of the. cuotiocz~q~oleoe.4o11Ityo* gl. grass a&l day, drcnking in tice air and sunsici0, an a. seen to wsep softIy A. tele rph cOxpany ha. conimeno- ea operaE 'r ciC11co ~oepj is te cdlfcect lIeàoficebr rteuies suh.o4bers. t with one cf Uits district *-offices by nieuns cf a teegraph vire,- so thaI messengers or privat. police, Imoxcithe. compan y viifuih,can be sigualled aI an y lune, aud respnd ini fioïn -ue- b three inutesi. Io -esp.iaily. depigued for tic. une cf- *b= onpamen. î. terrble munder, dtcovered inic Bos- ton, ou Weduesday, icn vhioh an un-,y knowu man vas fonud floatluiix > * Chares River, cue-half cf hie bcd in ne. barrel and one-hafin î&naoLrF hia. the uiortunate vicilm ben ien, tîfied, nor is thore sey clu. or suspic- ion cf lthe assassin. .- - Two or tire. wceks uPgo the creek srutng a investigation, Uc ea vas found pcuring, mb ,tic. cai-ti> thirougli a number cflevly made ïs- sures, havicg found nomne unknowu vas i-un ictoï ou Second St-eel a day or two ago, and tiunbled mb oa, mud. puaddle by a pig. Th~ie gentleman va. pff l talion 4npfluI bo8dg ,in . boàdids owner f1ned bwenty cfcl.r icrs.Ir. vas aflervard "sas lie las' requires.' ,, Tic. new sihor coins issuacd i"me erilla)> minI are o Arfctive in vcrk. mmu hlaIt th. Loncon Turnesgays cf' somne speturuens forwarded by a hacher, Ihat ticey "are cf a churacter tîcat vould indue any one. b rejeot îscele ui.thê lb.0souh not possibly have been sent forth frein any Governineut establis1nqjý, Thce London Tirnes, ini viev it. And Jliksys tulit it is juil what ho ha. been vai5aI#-forj ~-l~ U til-ty.four yeaar. 'Thi 'n.rve wlah iulur relxé48be eye vhlh neyer blanches-bic. tiougicî M(AhaoNPtlout. vatoimmaker m> a ger Indana are neyer kuova l*oe h i a=.Le ,yln, "duarn gatho b, &ble to a>' Muy vifes*leoin iovl y$, - voman 1.11. Mo#i-.h ie t-utc ehors. Ahsase h.aua kx, sud, ho ni io4 Cama cenveuene.. 1>' aicob a bea vlgtnj 46 ýohiblecBérd hdlîIs neer MeI.W re mrra . onan 1111yen knov wuae qd * wm e làother 1. 'Wli 11>, Nov, ,1872.,4 apesnlnddelivery into my custody rTm= "aacon Whoescaped f'iom Wltby Gaol on the night of the 4tk list. L'h.11 fo ii a deiption of Jackson:c- a- ils=,119. 01Ireland; about 185ya01o ige; ýhbt, 5 tact 8 inches; hai r Iiht brown, vth heuvy beard and mouctahe; eyre sunkeù,1 and 'car on the. rlght eyelid; was dressed ina. black or-,dark-brown coat, greveut, brwn trouserswith dàrk stripes 1on hé.Mains, an nwga.ter boots. TH QuEBEc RUBBEe COMPANY Beg bo cilbhe'. tention of therpblic tb teir new style of PÂTENT CLASP FELT BfOl--agreat inprovernent, doing away rit> ma annoyance from the. old style *of îrapa and bue s. ormsaleby 1.40 o D e xo d S aDEAL.zx5oZiÇEEALLT. [FA1IMWANTED., Wate, snci ap naIi about ffty mores withc omfiortablebiArgs. ".-he subseriber takes this meéans -of informing bigcustomers and the pubic, that t-beý lease of ý bis present ,,premisesbeing a bout,,10 -expire.r ,an4 ,t-e poet being about to be sold, he linds himoelf compeled t-o retire from-,busineesaltogetber. .le hr for fera For salle thé Whole 01fH18 Large Stock of God& Anýd as the premises must, be ienup by Christ-mas, thbe whole stock will bediepoed-of in t-be meantime A T AND TINDEIR CS The - stock being 10W- complete and well selected, and having been purchased I3EFORE THE PLIESENT RISE IN GOODS PUIRCHASERS WTELL FINI) IT To THEIR ADVANTAGE TO EXAMtINE THE SAME J3efore Condluding Purcka8e8 el8ewhere, J. . LLOR Let it be borne in niind that ail must 872. 40'l- be sol& Witby, tictober 2nd, 18' ' j-- - rE ISOLATIJD RISK Fire IflBurance Co'y of/Canada. CAPITAL, 8500,000. ep Ctiwlh overnmenx, $67§000 I)ajptiseu vitcocildeicy;man Bon. ALEX. McKENZIE, m. P., -'President. "ctnager. W. A. LAW, Agent, Whilby. h$~r,.9t1 W, 9- h-i7 fil li YS TER 8. FR EtSH EVERY DAY 1 AT bitby, Sept. 25, 1872. 89 ef o're G.hristmas., CONSEQUENTLY THE SUESCRIBElI 18 OBLIUED TO MAKE PRESENT SACRIFICES To the necessities of bis position.- TigE STOCK NOW CONSISTS 0F, - ALL KIN.DS 0 F DR-Y GOOD*S SUITABLE TO -THE FIIýM 1L Y GROCEIE SEOWASON.. - AND HARDWARE, TO THE TRADE-HIe would offer his stock at a groat sacrifice. and ho je confident t-bat upon examinat-ion of thbe same t-bey will find ic advant-ageous 10 suit- themselves with purchases. TO :BTYIi DER,8 s They wilF* also ý-find it to their ad- vantage to examine bis%1 STOCK 0FHARDWARE!I It 'was bought before t-ho rise1 -and will be positively sold at - and under cost. A- SAVING OF, ORE HUNDRED- PER CENT - -* * ' -May therè'for'-be.'- éted, betwéên costtin d profit n The ,ciosing sale'under this notice-, will Comnmence a45s4. -- --Perovian Bauk,"i j P. s aewx>frrDrs tni No bek oidby miiDuialto. PRT WIr TIY &PORT PEBRIITB. iB. -à TaKA lèu g aturday, June lot, 1872, Whltby Junoen, 940.&.,7 80 Pmc ~WiclbY -, ' f 07aS.M.'7 97 p.m. Mklc, 9 29cma. 7 59Opi. '0 49 a.m. S 19 p.m. Sucmtt' 10 02 a,m. 8 82 p.nc. ilmauqeoi-, 10 12 am. 8 42 pa. Pilc Abet, 10 21 a. 8161 p.. orPay,(rie--10 80 &.n 00 pm màn7- 60am 5pm Mmàb.u8rr 18 .m; 2 48'p.m. 8 28a&.2 58-iSpan Myi-'ae 41a&.m. a5Up»Mi Brookiin,7 01 &.m. 8 81 p.. OPlattom Stations, Trais. stop on SWina MO0N-DAY, -I1-6t S-,E PTB,, '7y2 4ud will bc continued from day 10 ýday until' will be disposed of. t-be wbole stock TO HIS OLD CUSTOMERS t-be subsenibër desires to offerbis bîeat-fe!t- thanka for Pust fa-vors, extending over a period of so many years and iregrete thbe closing of-chis pleasing business yelations wit-h.t-hem. He deies g ay'that t-bey il rece'ivi-'t-he fuit benefitof t-be above, and also ýon the usual terms-namely, credit unitil lat October, 1873. OJ~rA~ OLD NO. 1. BARLEY.-_As so-on aà season co meikes t-be subscriber, will be ebase al kindea of graTu -as usàd i 4Whitbyr48"4*,pbw r4c 18720 thé Barley1 prepared .t-o pui E'J~. SEL RAKNG REA ERThe undersigned h-as ahI AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE 1 Làdiesd,;Gent-e', en.d Children's Fine and C At the Provincial Exhibition,Toronto, in 1870. - We, ôffev t-o our customers for the coming Uiai-vctit, -two di tinct Machines, which. in stylu and construction, embrac .the e.lat-est and most useful improvemênts of t-be day. JOIINSTON'S SINGLE SELF-RAKI NG IIEA>E] TRIE "RING 0F REAPERS." The universal success of t-bis Machine, bot-b in closely contes ed triis and ln tihe bande cf lice fermera, warrant tis in saying that, as a Self Rti ing Beaping Machina, h bas more good pointsansd' legs. dfecla, snd bas met wi lui-0 DaiÇ«u mll..sc auttaii., b, aix t.,aui r gefa &0 i, ic k:. is- OvershcE ce Slippers, &oe- R 51t- Ma>' 22, 1872. àk- ots 'and Shioes. made os lined -warm anîd comlfoirtable. Cali at the old Stand. WiILIAM - BURNS, Boot & Shoa Store, Brook itreet, Whbiby. India Ru' CAYUGAIUNIOR MOWER-HFU.RNITiÏR! FJ1NTUR We -were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin - AT THE SIGN 0F THE cei ma'tue n teProvinc;anhibour recentGREAT ROCKING CHAIR aitafocy l 4 'ingly cicallenge invegtigstion and comparipon wi GRcomatir; achineCHAeMae bq10 .5 ailfled that gocic investigation viii convin'-. every un prejudiceri mird, that vo ofler tic. beAt Ifower te the Fariner for 1872, ijuilt in thbe Dominion. jW»Send -l-- - SIL (ordecrptie atloges BovwN PAT=TEsoN. *Y-Furniture Seliing at Old Prices for cng q 30days longer; ca di are afi -Notwithstanding the rise in material-weh b E l G O S 'and labor, the underrignedoffers bis stock at -the Old Prices"4,O t EW G O Sfor 30 days longer. ticeo. Che NEW GOODS I Now is the time té embrace the opportunityof selectiàg to obt, from tihe Iargest stock in tha Contity, cf ssioeboards, buraus*centreo tablas, sofas, at-lb. A T chairs, bedroom sets, &c, and mli ci the best quality andi manufacture, tiliesc MoMILLAN - Vo,'& - JAMES HR, SAXO.~ dfscou The. subseribers beg te inforin their T V WI E A K I <- snn cstomners and the publie generall1y that The only firsî-class establishment in the County, where Fn. they are-nov recoiving thei- fail and neracis are f njIy suppiied. . 58, o winter importations, wvich i)>vicoin- __________________________ _ Lent prise lthe most extensive aseortinent ini this market, and vhich vill be offeredS M 0 K E R S at prices defying honourable competi-O KIE 1 S II FOR A GOOD SMOKE USE THE T. Hà. McMILLÂN & Cc. KNTA TX ll.ia' Block>, I 1IX1lll1NiV sad9e Brook St., September 17, 1872. 88 the Bull See T. & B. on Each Plug. h lovingo Pr/ce 8o L ow thatA//lCan Use it, il:I Saptember17. 1872. - a-8 8eady STOVES! STOVES!!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ frein t)> mnoment Armstrong's Celebrated Cooking, Parlour,. and Hpating, for o oG Àfi GA tLE oY Wood or Coal. Pereons desirous cf purclinsing Mr FIRST- CLASS PH0TO R -P i G L E Y, ayt STOVES, vitb F'irat- Clasm Furniture, sicould not faii to purcicuse uit tie ci; a M il Noted Cbeap House." tio i-.-.. oi-iuat HATCH &BROT1HER. OUX --00- A 8ALRIRE 1'n SDIRECT FROM ENGLAND, - BC<TIEW IB, - bet of z - 1C TIET HIBI h. pi-ef It la free A large stock of blouble and Single Barrel- Shot'Guns, Pow- aui oticen der, Potices, Flaska, also a largo- stock of (Jntlery, Sicelf and Heavy I OP P OSI TE O NTA R IO>BA N K. - a Hardware, Cc., &c. inc order1 SW' 150 Tons of Iren, large stock'of Reéfined Hforse Shoe Begs to scunounce that, he bas bult pn the above premises, andto si Bellows, Anvils, Vices, ke. Apple L'airers, parcs like a chari, oniy nouAA.NE whom. v to aee it work to buy. 100 boxes tin Plates, ilCoavbridge;'l 300 boxes Ltif - o a G Canada Plate. Bestt branda for sale. AUl goodsasa heretofore guaran- Photo4granli 60 ticosevi. 6 teed a. recemmeuded. r a±ey ~ s ni gthsat - cation, b We desire to retunthanks to our numnerouspatrons for Which he 1has ifitted ujiîih ail-the latest, imptovements, and, ,, , pa favori%, anA may adA our stock and prics e intend- toe full np t'O ne' and imnproved appai-atus for taking pictures, tîronc life-size te anyy ' LI, fev ais lthe limes, te meet yonr requircuients and confidence lu .tice uNotbvlcic1>m-etin Cheap -Housc." aoc urddretin."'-.L ndi Wtby, September IthA9172. HATCIJ I RO. Pictures enlarged & accuraté1yc1opied., naUn IIANDSOME FRAMES AND -SS en toco Busines., hcurs 8 o'clock, a. M. te 6, pý M . ~o business done An lImmense "Stock of on Sundayn.]Bi-oughia A. B A RkEl'. i,- - Wbitby, Jnly Srd, 1872. MR 3l NEW OROOKERX,, f«rth, pal CA RRA GES AND UTTER8 eut hesitai A N G LA S 'W A 'T.ever use&. thhe any - * - 14 feet iraj M. 0 'DONOV AN-'1S.' foan XX XX AAAIE Îin Bottie. W- SPLENDIIDLY FLNIffED YL 10ED Dow's Superièr Bottled Aie. CAR]FBGIS, 4D CTEi8 O R. F AN ~0.Sf-- VE-nr S UPEBIR 1 .WORKMfdYSHJP. - bEub WhitbyJune 19 1872.Fýzily Orocer, SOC.& IE H. -Wity Jn 1,182BUGGIES Le[-HS REPAJRS AS U!UL Baiâff WHIITY lIci-22nd, 1870. - violeblnca acculA il corne i person ticat Spm cng mnade or sol Slased to eaA. ecan gellect i la te Bay, lice nw vendor vho i. a4 aines, and lkew dresa cf tice Hoi or elseviere, -w ticem. un-arn È 3n of thce pz cga agminst ge te rn person ïwicn MiO the aos f isiwn wui icn flaA-t tei s. 1 *omsete Lne il minA send a reply, abating ber tic. medinmes are genuice or 3 t if apurionsice nMaay apply toa erson frorn vicom h.purceda te bave lula roney relurined. emiefs nA Drggists wvice dsi-e tain lice rndicllces eabe auppliea. loveal vicolasale p-fcin lila-m ci cccl leua tian 020 vortic-vz., 122., and 84s., par Aceen boxes of r-ýpots o! Olntrnent, neIt, viiout nI, fcrivlcicc remlttance must b. c ad-rance. I bave tic. ionouci-te b., Witcgi-eut respect THOMAS HOLLOWAY. )xford Sticet (laIe 244, Strand), idon, W. C., October 1, 1871. 'JRTANT TO PARTIES USING MACBINERY. Y. B. STOOK'S 'RA MACHINE QL.-- 011 excels ail dcci- 011, bolii-anliai getabl, anA ve are p-eparecd te a*% saerieity cf Ibis Oil toanai others, it macinry frm dockeor " . ýaretlie icitolnvicichit excésother rT WIL:r'NOT GUI!, henca nmachcin- b. kal ean vitx butIlitle broubl, w2il ean mcnahinrethIatbas .been gummed lcy ='a Itw111 not or licickeu in the coldest cf veather. Sa qity o et licegheah cinyoi-tance, he tct n O no h tins qullt %hcbricate a colA shÏaf , auec an01 a1plied cca heated ate buýt lie it i toucesaa- clsliaft itL aconem vii ual. lubicate umciihcjourna on acqui-es tice température, necces- reduce tto a iquic& state Iii acqui- bigcer -temcpérature by aicton, ltce txandsand thé-box la injred,-f--m abe te use off liaI viii cmon , at ^without ticiaiesuil as il àabo juin- hith vaher.- J. B. Stock's 011 viii lu. tie coldast zuachinerythe marnent il cd. This oci l nov used lu ovartvo d.establishments and I- g'i-; lie satisfae±ian, and ailluniteélunsayln ci-il ta refined SpezmarpureOie- -, as il dees - iiuno i-e ie ite public are avare bcd ncany sa thinzga are puffed inlo natcrle te pi-ave hicat t -la sno bumbu;i, cure enuiacives agaist lice opéra- !!umc a o il agents, <ncany cf vi net h 0etapalcn offbthe mean rafinerie. as being ldentcltiî Extra mae e 1,)v prp 0" to tb am ar natdlic te ont f teinent, tlesen eio api by mil or aiervse, fi o f chag way,aa nmmef ie ai, ticat il ina assedwthcit cpi, lest, as effective as lices, test hfIdsUo frinllcebaser m- elhencaeesagainatImposition, by the n= ta détern éueat once vi ae r >immnincate vihý J. B. STOCK, Broughain, Ont. Sol. À unt for bhe Damiri,n. TESTIMONIAL. OT ' shava, APi-4ac, 1870. ben Us=ng r LJuictig > an1 a -s y th - atien tcat ib is licebea cil voha-r; Il ais a eheap, sud Isa slonger dcci- cil. We have- un our large Onlplainar, 7days vit>oee flint aybing better as a lb'rctr.- V8ED AUCTIO2E( Ex coUa-cY c]? ONTAaxo, im ) ýp orfMariposa & (;aytwïi~ ýo th n k h % lu fn\fs l Goocisi vv A i4 D1Z' 'AlmOaa~J ed- l e t* offce, S J.m TJRp. S AMUE L ýW.,AT,,ý , aeaysock of Winter Goods, le mbac. PRACTICAL CARUAGE MANUKOÀTUR, FL cg sveral pendid nes. ~~~~ U WTTTfVlTse FLANNES, BLNKETS0-],oDm TWEEDS, - OS<IS il returning thanfl r Past patronage9 o:-- OO( DS - B ack' Silke, M itslins, L stre, rscbý 1Duo n e t a o b s c n t nly on band, and in Whbite sn4 Graey -Côusccc., -heetinas ies. Coinse of manufacture-, Carnaýges, Buggies (covered an o e a - Io now in recoipt ofà VAXCY DRUSS -l PohiI,'dcii! ndr'are t-0n-suf se. eusueauy adr aika vlua t wcii cainiti heatenîion l>g IW'A Chcice -Selçetion of t-ho best F'resb Groceries. iR» Some splendid specimens 'ofPie.tire F'rame ing . Remmber the Old Stand. JOHNSTON'S 1- b. TE au- "J ofJ IL thani tic, iâ Toi-wn Broo miicl imaUl ta in aulha. p.- Warm Winter -L Ir 1 'l - ý Suu --ooo- ýâd BOOTS AND

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