Whitby Chronicle, 28 Nov 1872, p. 2

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i-T. H IiIOMIiJ ilobis Bkinuer. - Qontralion-D Hlolilday, AUCTION' SALES. e aue of i#ctnstock, Isplamnst, &o., on lot No 80i secoud range 'Broken Front, Pckering, on Fmlday, Nov. 29, 182 otsrelyof, Meso.s.M, M. Chblemo, LedFairbanks, jr., Anic. ONLV - $a50o PER .ANNUM. Wlb,, Thursday, Nov.' 28, 1872, -To 0mas1oNsirs.~ive,'.'rsply te the comumunication ocf Mn. M014ilin imeciv,toc ale for insertion -In til ioste$ Il it i appoer in, Our soit. Meeting cf the Onaris'o Legluie. W.ls inA lit stated lins.0Globo ci Tuesday, tisait isa meetingof tisa on. tarIe Legllatre iasbasa flnafly sel' fied ' Idtaoke piace eszly is! JaânuAry. ýOur dan4.mporm7eryl Ein »sa 557* i tise chantéa la tha Goverismant, santhétisa Uilrne rqolred ssbuquentiy for lia',p"re- pacation cf laipoctaut aaiumeu, vod, IL an sîycse, bave made il Impossible toitlseHSouet have met balai'. lis silidle o Deembs éeiiûijs of ýfqei Çd CoR aam ouy aConc loi s'sn ie baasent Iroin home 0 juxt ai tisat psriod; wisiloftlisn'cer &p. - proacs of tise Chismsas bisdys would b halvelefý littli ore thaissua eek Ioý l actuai , lagisiation bafac tis' rocou. Tise (do P uýW Whaeva, tisarafora, isaI tliey wilba eansuising us9 - co. vetience of tise repmsentatiyes by de. o lesring tise meeting util tue limai above al mentioned, Tise ecessity for a vote Of lu Supply siglit, ho urgeA as a consti. - Y t ublonal abjection t10 postponing tisaEl session until afý0th ie commencement P of a uew- f nanciai yaar, but, lu point cf D. tact, moue wilU"be riseded uctil lise Ci Houseliass lied an opporhunlîy of grant- B, iug itluIndue fors. Ou this graund,A biseeora,, no dllllculty eau arisa IrOm tisedelay. aun Poliis In Quebee. 've Tise avents tisaI are takiag place in tise Legialatuma of Québec, wiich lu wj n ow lu session, prediot tat tise second ni Province lu tisa Union la importance W£ intenda ta range itoeof ere long under A& te Rabsns banusen. Ini tise lit Logis. dA isisîre, M. Joiy, tihe Opposition leader, or. coulA mster actually only four votai, a lnulutg lis own, on tise test question. law Éreat sa change, paiiticaily, lias fiame cvsts'qslebed rssAy bho ceu, uoi Ou Êiane frassmte defeat ao f g oea. E. col &ssrtief iii Mostreai, but Iras tise dis- Si éunseias ansud ttisions now taking place Fo lu tise, Local -Legialatume. On Thurs. Th day M1 Jdly snaved for ail papesrs re. Vg ittig toi certain aliegad Isuproper Ba tCidwd Lstar fà +mgitdiornui Ilapyea*a il iýii slîgie of1rnIî hae treovàd issibr 111 flmite as enorissons la ise as saves'al Me tiunids af milse square, aisaeiy anu hoasinal figuresan sd afcoulse witison val btiusbmifted ta onpeiîiôr. Tisera b todu. t~ iegod eaon for beieivng Pi bisatishe favored individuais ave their c gocîl fortune ho their polilicai subsen. XM viency ta Mlesere, Cartier, Laugevi1 cal, sud ÇIuau. Tise Govomsimeisi op. Ires poodll enquiry, but tise Opposition Na, imuatesisd 21 ta 88, sud extanted-, a pro. 8". mise fIrosum â.Cissuvean ta, praduce tise gail pîspers at an earlydate. Ounte follow. vasj lng day, tise Opposition intraduced a bil to preveot Anal -représenbtton. C Tise mensure wus apposed bysnesnbers *g of lise Govarnnet, altisougis tise iis." a t'y dealineA 10 suais- thse question a Wil wani af coulljence one. An amenA. Tas( aient for tise six montblis hoiit vas de.- Was fested by a -vote aI 34 to, 25, sud tise pro, seconsd realng cf tiha bill carried by tise kilie esi; and- wlis tis eanmbatiqg suisie re.u lise Davii quadrillle -a3nd, e oron», and laeb, but net ieaub, supper hy Cul. W Qen,, the ',Day't vil ihwiit.mUemrucil emld calebra4at, and vAl ha isappliy esuyd by' "a visa hosor il." e0sd r __ %uussf.t TEWHTT . 'T TO.-'We earnathnt,. tisa young man o Jiuai,Wvis-a asiujored ssaealy mCan. on tise lmtis t., at thesa by sataionu, as ta neceiaitate ils amputation olcne 91 ' WB hie legauain &emoeitPreearo condiionbin i morlfa~îouiavagmiiluasd thse 3Mn. patient frlugtee eaiktol iudargo an. t6vn, oteblaulpatilou, kil £red tisai le ofthe caunot .survive usaiY deye. BeMI Gi, isevevat', ieevlng eves'y Oas sd ai.- b tenion Atlise hinds-of Médical sienlaumilant T'orcocvure h le.luet présentilYlng. peare Taie MuotrsAn LsonsesUis. -Thse nomilnations ofleasudslas for musne. W pal hsonora viliiteks P" ieon lqMo ofy, : Decarnbp 2Wr. l O08x O luT-The n'MSiomnatuin buaI-,1 North Oxford yul taesplace i-orrov ctle (Friday). _Tie se ôtoetlof -Hon. Mr. é T4 Movat by sa in, jlue usilcipated, 0 w tisera s ~es i uf Opai slilosbi boue 8i u W.. H Unfiboun* u, is oh de l~e turne, Jehn men". Tjiis:siu ss ginsitishe Otts govenment.isdiseussed, by lie HM Ilion Tims, as foilovi:The wltni havlng seen fer s 'conai derahie ieni oftme>iunelfMinuie, linna pi tien-oknwvofa'istieanflimmi. 't -lu a Ande $4ie -cf affairelf Numemi paportbave bean bronugît leva lu mponss 40 motions of enquiry; but 1 mlsilef Mdi 'lu, va nov leara unit &Ui probablliy ilesa paparsbave bha alt«red &U4 garblad t mmssai exlgeniscls. Iiivisv cfltii.revalabit 'il mighî be Assirable, if il vere paisil te malte an attempt la sev ay char, té olt mue c',p1s ofthe ganhi papers. Bovever tila say ho, it alear, tram Mr. MoDougalli teatimac Iait tis a&firao!fliaeDofinnia"ar nprineipled bansud nAhal aGaver ment'ai Ottawa composed aI mon vJ net sieap tethe mnppression or ga-11 cf public docuonenta nsuate, papa EVuINo SoRooL. - Anotiserva long fltlinlaWhitby la balag supplie The managers aI us. Machenice' hasi tute, va ara gla&ta learn, intend Opa lag an evenlag iciscol in conuactic vIls ils Instituts, 'sud have securu the iervlces cf Mr. Caun, e teacisi vho comsuhansvibis tise hast certil eactis et suecesla ieacilg. The lai ara pinced ai $2 60, per qisartar, i tressely amnil tiat. ail young mnen ca 'aford te attend, *hile the c oat aI tii hacka meqnsc*ed Miithese dhraa i. oui #1 50. The ragniar canarsevill conr sauce an Monday eveuing nazi, In ih Hall, vian tisa nigîts Ionriholding lis clasaes wyUl ha fixed upon. Wa trust t saees large shtendance dl young' sec a4 the snbJcPla 1iéhatauglit cannob bu bq lnvalua'bls e ha tl ienlatieir busines Sr'. AmNDRs aSaOIETYOr Tssas.is.- At tisa annuel. meeting cf tisa membemi Rf tisa SI. Ana.ti>'a-society af Tisomal auid adjacent towships, tise folavine ifficema wena elacted for tisa curconi 'esc :-Prèident, E. H. Cameron, Esq. ; Vice Prealdeni, D. ]Ros, Eeq. Phsysician, Dr. McXay ; Cisaplain, Bey, D. Watson, M. A. ; Trenaurer, James Dasecon ; Socnetany, Gea. F. Brusca. 13ouavolent Committea, Mosans. James Amnderaou, Peter Murray, Jolun Moria- )n Robert Bruce and Chas-les Robin. wu. Tise anueal celebraîlon le te take Place ou Mondsy, Dec. 2nd, at Boa. oerlon. Wan,,Y C13ZI3 Ca;UB.-A choe club vas organized in tavu, on Saiumday iigtt laitvisen tise foliowing officera anas elacted :-Dr. Eastwood, Preai. sunt; Bac..J. D, Cayley, Vice-Pcesi- luit; H. B3. Taylor, Searetsry.neaum. m'The club is ta seet evos'y Mouday mening duning tise vinten mouis. ST'. Aucussc'aSOCIETY OF NORTHu NXTAIo.-The foiloving are tise affi. eru of tisaNantis Ontario Sb. Auslrow's scioiy for tisaecrent yens-:-Major- eorman, ca-elected Presidlent; James bosupsan, isi Vice ; Wm. Kyle, 2nd ico ;' Joisn Shav, Treasumen ; J. ais-, Scmetary; Rev'ds Mm. Cumnie, LA., sand Mr. Clarke, Gisaplains. esaa.à A. Or -n J.A. tirl' g, Win. ecGil, D. mcKay, J. Swan, J. Taylor, id E. Walker, Stewards. Tise fesi. al of St. Andmew vil hoc celebrated v a itblcoüpërat lPaetPes'sy au 'da oening,20t îs mt. cnsTs itu Trs.-Meisra. T. H. IUllan & Co. announce ilu aller Insuns tise receipt of a aupply of- as fruila, k.., for Chrnistmas sud vw Yeare. Tisa otiser depamtmenle so a! counne, vell atocked with nov idu, vhich are offemed pumeisasers aI 'y loy priea. Sea- savI. C5lutPi0Nrp PIGosaN MATCH.- A xv ENOSNE Hausz.-Tse nev eu. ehanse, sonih oaI Sasa's Blocke, wk St., la complehed, and ncw occu. t 1by tis estoain fs-e englue. ï t-lu*oile- Tisec' cmmittee ai tise bice' huantilute» intend holding, nug tle visiter motithu, a aortes oft suions, similar ta uhss.whicht vere ),pular a fev yeans ago. Tise As-st ,h ld About tise misidle oaIDe- Ion, Ian vhleli&s unber aI favor-itea luing engage.y r-sýRssag's SocsRTY - AMAisVL 10.-Tse annual sermon of theo Anravs Society 'vil ha'prosched si unday, Sbis December next, la useh ,da Preabyterien Cisurcis,isera. mm MsI£rs A-D.-We leara ' a-Bracebridge contemparary tisat hi PRobi. B. Peccy, formerly of hhis I, asi candidate for tisa reaveesip fi' Lqtýausip Of Macauay.B [1<0 orTas Busrucas.-Speciai le in..direeA e the aunoonce. A àc<Mýr. John Skinner. vici Sp- «l k' iing of ils GorimilteoaItbisa tavu 51157y brâncis of tise U.-C. Bible iy, iseid on Tnssday avenlng, 201h t th@e Iollovlng rasolutions (amcngM a) vers unaulmouély passed - 4t ve5 -tie cmmsiita aIofîle havu ci Vhiîby Brancis Bible Society, do te by expres-our Aeep ssise af lie la sustansd by bbss Brasiel byhe v walý bons ou;.Misu, bycldeabi,eofb] méisanasd.faflov-mambars, Jases A MM@l, ,d1~e d 1 ,r =-d'tSa = Wsv, g.,*l a V *e.Resdent; tisi = a mlg 'elatives realizo di sieu4 eùcwsaticus vhi cA d ig 1a scuuly ievealed uin -Hi. Word." vu Itr.gub ofnthie fis aof Jas, ne a à o., be roquasiadia con, ýj4 a'dépsitorj" pg ils ýp ter 3r- ar, pal onetaniiith saime cf tise mott importan lis. questions thst' hige esse up forWh wa. ilement cinca CoMéAderstion. TiseM sm. ra. reedisesfollov(: est, ýTathie Fre andIndependent Elacldrcc lise North idinMopiOxford s-.' ic. Gsxrsixurx,-HavlngeccepteuiFt lu sud Membar oatheExecutive .Coû nei uns it innecesiaryfor me to have asea e. lun lie Legilnluce ; anA, the gesacon tecouduci et Mr. Ferry havlug crestui 15avacncy luths mpresetelion of ycu I u Idng, toc vleh 1lavé e bsalitsi Irau th becme e candidate, 1h :beg ioofil- 1 mysèf oryot suffragjes. Dif ed pubrie lie lii 1857, se a Reformer ble h1hisaugiitihon liai Reformeras vas .or rigisi la thair vieva on thieprincipal je matters vliiel agitated lise couutry, sud tisaI ou futune isaues I vas mase Slikely ta AinA mysel in accord viti tus LY. Libéral psrty tisan vihs hose ta visas lu ii .vae oppased ; sud forthie seven u-yeasai h as'n memben of!tha Cas. hoalias"Parlismeu, 1h iadthie lappmnese cf eujoying tise unintamuphed _consi 12g deuce aoI my felcvw-meformers lu Par. aiè liamentiaud in tia country. For thé eigisb yeasi hici folloved, uhougih Ilad ne expectation af aver ,n reluisg àta political MIe, yat I continu. A.ed ta hakabisat isitereet lu public affaîrs vd wiicievery lataligeni -Citizen augis ti. ta lake, sud viieliI lape tisai mas n. ilaiigent citizens do take, visateva. >u tliei position may ha ; anA during Bd tlisapsrod h perccived siobling wviue or haiuld, trasifr my sympatishfom t'hie Liheral psnty ta Ia a p ponants. S. Wlan, therefore, h vas calledl on b3 es Hie Exceîlency to fors an Adminis- of tration, 1 close ta frs anaevisici should ho rocognized sud accepted as a thllooughly BR.efons à Administration; n anA ît sa griafysng taknov tisaitise e Goveruseni as nov coustihisted lias -hie luaapprobation aI the visola Be. lors parly, as vls aIfmany Cari. servaiiveu. ae ' I sisaîl do s,' boit ta jrfstiy the te public confidence wviiclias heen mn ,0 ilested tavarda mysoîf aud tise gentle- menasesaciahed i ii me. ' Willi tisaIview, it sialhocs,' en. bt deavosir, in lise Goverument aud tise ;à Legialatune, ta do' equal juaticthoail classas, cs'eede, parties, sud persans., Tisa I nudenatand ta ho s cardinal doctrine of Refors policy. - With tlis ame 'nov, I isopa acan ho 'mature, vils tIese id af my colleagues, à sud ta carry, aI an ealy date, mes- qunes fan tise satisactos-y settiement of tishe Municipal Loan debta ; for tise juat aypmçpnsaiau of the surplus revenues aIhje Province ;' for ohtainisig an Jaugmented immigration, psnticuisrly -of agicultunal Ishourers; Ion tise mono rapid developemneni aI hhe agrieultucal sud oIson nesauncesoaIthue country ; for tise eonsaI tise lava in regarA te 3varions matters lunvisicis experieuce lisas brauglit ta ligist defecle and injur. loue anomalies ; anA for securing in- creased efficieney lu tise vamking of aur oducationai and municipal iueiitu- -tions, in tise adminietration o! justice, anA in oIson departmnenie of tise public service. M yacetanceofa a seat in tise Cab- inÏamsAsebeen alleged by nome political op ienté ta be cautrary ta Britias conatitutional ruIes in regard ta tise juiim.But t tsfatenseni is vitis. ouit t1iseaigitstot foundlation. Naomiels ule cn eau o und, exeept lu tise Inncy of tisse visa are asserting il as a vespon aofaassl againet myselî. On tise coutramy, tise well-aetiled Britiis mule in, thsat Hec Majety lias a rigih ta cail tOliser Council any aI ics- euh- Poe, wvhisr lise happons ta isold a judicial os- asy otiser office. If lie isolA an office wlsiclu, y lmv, cuiosn or allienvise, e cannai bsoid in con. junctian vitei sment in tIse Cabinet, tse ouI,' èffcct in tisaitishe office muet ho suredered, ase 1Sas-e sumendered My meaiton lIhe isaucory fend. Tise Lord Chancellor is alvnys n memh'-r of tise Britials Cabinet; sudtises-e ana almoat alvays sevemal judges in tise Britishi Parliamenl. Na office lu Ontario in mare honora- hie tissu tisai ofa Premier, ta visich Ih have beon caied ; anA tise office pro- sente a grenier field for public useful- nose iluan tisai wlich I have let. I id nai aeek or desire tise position; sud on pensonni grounds h vas relue-t tant la accept it ; but I coulA iscoven no sufficiesat reason ha juifsify my ne-a fueing ii. t If you apprave o! th iseweesud b opinions whicls I have indicated in tis t addmes.su d if yan believe tIsai I yl oudeavor ta Carryout wlsai I have C profeaaed, I lape tisai you will enabl-e i PFTERSî' MUSICAL Masei'LY COM- pletes ils Tenus Volume wiististe De. cemnber numuies', and il is doing Mr. Poters but simple justice ha etate ihat hie excellent mag-azine is impnaving witis age. Il wae good yesrs ago, wien it firet made uts appearauce, sud i has been atcadily inspmaving until bisa preseut time, wluen it eau anly be pronounced, perfect, and iUlspensablér oe every lover of music. Tise Decemisen number, pnice 30 cents, contains three Ballade, s Christ- mas Song,- an Antlsem, a Fonr-isaud Piece, as played at Theolome Thsomas' Orchstra Concerte, and lhree splendid Piano Piecos, any single piece heing Waris lu sheet-musia fmom more tissu Mrs. Petonsake for tise ouuire lot. Giving se mueS realiy good mausic for aucis a emaîl sus, iis no wouder isat PETRrS' MUSICAL MONTHLY isas tosto of frienda among aur music loy. ing people. Tisose who have seen it wiii, of course, rnew tiseir subscrip- tin for tisa caming yean ; otisere, lesa' frtunate, should send tise Publishen, JL. PETERS, 599 BroadWay, NeW York, $1, and secure tise lasi four uum. ers as sample copies, or 03 for a year'e subseniption. How ta go Wcst. Tis is laun inquiry -wiich evemy one ioulA have trufisfully answened before oc atante an has journey, sud a 11111e ,amo taken in examinatian of Rouies -ill n many cases ave mucis trouble,t îme sud money.c Tise 11C, B. . B.,' muuxuiug1 'ans Chicago ilirougis Galeeburg ta 'urlingion, lis aciived s splendidd iputation-in tise last lwo yeara -as use s 'adiag Passengon Route -tiste West. I I Burlingion ,il connecta wihstiset roesi Burlingion Rouhe wlsich, nuns ai. et thnougis Soutisersi Iowa tb Nobras. Es sud Kansas, wiiis olose connectionsp i california sud tise Temiiorios; sud t sseugers sianiiug fra n utario Coun. y Canaan, on 'tiseir way westward, can- ï si do betten tissu ta take tise C., B. & d sudan Bumliugtan Route. The Lino lias publiaised a pamphlet ýAIed "How ta go %Vest,', wiiclion. as mucis valuable information;- a argo correct map aI tise. Gi'nt est, vhIi can ha obtalasd free of cerg ýaddnessiug thse Genera1 Passeuger cý gent; B, & M. R. R. Buriutn, Iowa. Losa of memory ln aven tise firet la, s icahiap aI s disorden on, degenerations 1 fNervona eleseut li mapidity hI tii ehich tise mini lu Testored hy tse .Y se of Fellaws' Cosuponsu&dymp8 f f £JKUp, osa, rama, ~ 3058611, Sarsis, ro~ss,4 yrs., B. Pissa Favonrite, rosa, 2 yru., Wns. ~Whii.e Boue roua, 7 jrs J e0 K .. , white, Hon. G. V. oi..87 ml M*ghand Prinm, roa, 1. M= .n.. 180 n Young onrah, wldte, H. Beeur.... 95 .Lord B& h whie, James ]£nue. ...130 Red Cornet red, J. Mitchél ....... 75 SBlair Aiho, roan, Wm. Smth...... 0 Prince cf Oxford,roa, B. Sd.......g r-Danger, red, John Hart .;.......10 SicSinson, roa, Hon. G. V. Hoyle .... 95 ,Tlweedslde, white, John BelwooI ....4o rThere were twenty-eight Cotewoid ewes soid, realizing #2,105, the prices ýrauging from 8$40 to 8150 ssch ; nd. it aight ewes and twenty.four iambe, rnearly ail home-bred, bronght $1,110). TuompsoNasSALE 0r TÉKO0UGEHBE i. STOCK.-The sale of imported and Co,. Fnadian short.horn cattle, and imported * Berkshire swiue, belonging to Messrs. Gea. sud J. S. Thimpson, tookplace ai their farra, "Mayfield," a short dis- tance norili of this town, on Wednes. *day, the 201h i. The sale wu weil attended by buyers, and, s will be seen be thse liet of prices, thse stock- brougisi 3good âgtFres. The fallowing lu a liai CI tise stock sold, wtth the Dame of thse purchaser and the amoant paid, fronsi which it wil ho seen tisai eighteen cowsi and heiferis brought $5865, an average of $825:88 escli, and tisat ten halls aversged $838 eachiê "Scoisman 2na, W. La»g, t. MArra$2 "Heir ci Scots," Hugli Thossisoh i..w. Mary'a...... .........$475 ç 'Red Rover," W. DoýW, Whithy .$250t "Lord Aberdeen," ual offered; ' "Punch," A.'MeKenzie, Co1umbWg;.j $135 "Prince of Orange," B. S. Wlhoe . i Pickering,... ............." "Gnrley," Richard Boda, Whitby,..$15s "Marmadnka"doW. Bolph, Scarboro, $120 t "Imperisi Prince,"* Wm. âier, Atha, $145 "Oiiiord Gisief,"G. Hickingbo am Pickening ........ ..........115 "Prince Charùa,» B. MuIer, Pickering, $100.u Î2880. 00W5 AND EIVEs. "-Susas," W. Thomuon, Msrkhsmn, $225 00 ir "Qneen of the May," B. Miller, .Piceing .... ................ $84o030 r "Bose of Ailandale," J. Stephena, Blnhrd,...... .. ........p $850 30 "'Isabella " B. Miller, Pickering,.. $200 0 "Rosahelil," W. Boîpli, Scarboro,.. $8l0 0 "Golden Drap," J. C. Snell, Bd- Montn ........... ...........89100j ::spe.w , ithdrwz $730900. "Laniss," 3.Moisi, Bech, ......$295 0 1 "Myrtie." J Thomson, Go. Ox. ci ford,............ ........ .... $8200 "Snowdrop," Hugli Thompson,.. c St. Mary's ........'... ........185 0 irmay Qneen," W. Majors, Picker. W ing..................S$800 al "PerletteButrfy M'1r. Lang, ni st. Mary................. $225 0 t "ra"j. Tou Whiby, .... $240 00 al "Rose ci Allaudale 2nd," T. Cas, d Beesh....................... 8800 "NclIy Gray," Hugis Thomson, St. d Mary'-.................. . ... 225'0 n "Madeline," BHuglh Thomson, do.. 8170 00 br "Ladly Bloom," W. Miller, Picker- of "Ituby," Wm. Dow, Whitby,.... . $21500 P' Theaswine also brougist gaod prices, Berkshire sowe selling ai fmom $45 ta $70, anA yoting pige frons 89 tb $20 John A.'. Lieutcnamt-Govermor. Whcn Colonel Coffiu wae nomiustadl ta the Lieutenan-Goveruorship of Manitoba tise prevaiiing seutimuent ws one of pity aitishe oxposure of a respec- table old gentleman to ths commente hie appoinimeut was sure ta elicit, so tisai tise allusions of tise Opposition proe ho Col. Coffin'a incsacity wera couched ilalaaunage au geuila sethe circumstauces of tisa casa wonld shlow. Miuisierial scribes,.isoweven, are not so reticent sud uaw tise affair is over they comment witis cbaracterietie freedons ou tise Golouel's deficieucies. The cor- respondent of one of tise Miniatenial On. gas in tise Maritime Province wnitcs as foliowe - Mn. Coffin ia a very respectable aId gentlcmn, but thai lie is a man of gubernatorial capacity no one la awane. WVhen -ho lhad youiis anA sirngili li nigii have gone ta Manitoba. * * Ai pregent ke ie guite deaf, and verg. ing to hi, sevcnficfh ear. Anîl luis la tisa sort of Liantant. Goveruon, deaf sud in lis seventiets y'an, ta wisou Sic John A. Macdlonald nroposed ta entrusi Manitoba sud tise North-west TerniioniesI-Globe. ENaLisn POLITICS.-Englieli politics ne sadly oui of joint. A higs sud1 ùy couservativa party propose tisaj policy of simple resietance ta ail bauge, no motter wisat tisa pretext. &wisen conservatian s lafor yieiding omething ta popular progneas, espec. ,lily if hy same concessions tliey cau et office. Buratise rub l aee kgain secune a coukei-ative worklag najoriiy in Panliameni. Mr. Glad. oue's fanits sud failinga gresiiyf 'enken isim wiiis -hae psnty, but atml se populan tide is tisai way, anA a îauieni af brushing isim side ih s6 aucceeded hy a siill mars deci v 'ruahing "sde of conservsim. Eng. 9 and sud Europe ara driftiug ta yard )actical demaenacy, tisa mua of th. >eople under whateven fors.. b ANOTHER SEA DrSaiTER- ELEVEN V t WLOus DiawiiED. - Boston, Nov. 0 Ztis.-Tso Gunard sieamship Batavia, a: isicis arrived isene to-day from, Liver. t Sal, reports tisat on Novamber l9th i, latitude 49 1-6, long, 41.27, ase feU r' 2witi tise wneck cf tise barque Char-. es Wanf, of Newcastle,' England, front zebec, bnA for Sunderland, dis-lx 2asted sud waten.logged, uhe vessel ir ,viug encauutes'ed a hsurricana on tise ' tis.' AU tise after part af tise vassel A ad been washed away hy tise ses, sud d ie aurvivors af tise crew were found'a( lnging tothie iggiug, wliere tliey a ., eunexposedto tie wind and wavsAa S80 houne, duriug .whichs lime Il af A s'q crew wera wsshed overboard andA z rwued. The survivors, iacluding tises taeten, Capi. F. Beltlt aia 2nd ~ tea, aud six of tise crew were safely e ,nsferred la tise steamer sud brongisia painful rumour comes lrom Ne*w Tock, to tise affec tta, Mn. Hoase Onelez' su as i an attack cf lasanily; but il 810to be iapatiat tisarepart l falsa. 'ist Mc. Greeley in i, tiare inen loubt ; but hie friands stata tisi ha wil be.,betten in a fow Aays. Tise lailian GovermmntinluAlansed at tha lacrease, cf migration tathe United States, anA nu official enqur bas' beau inaituted to, ascerlain li canse cf tisaexodus. H poir BunàÂ.ox.-Topokas, Kau. sas,-Nov,, 56-A' despatoli tram Fort )odge ias- A consirnotion train on the Aisan, LeavaeuvorisansSanIe Fe B. 'B., paaaed tisrougi a lierA cf bof., ains anmiles iong by ivovida. ,Tiut valeysar ff ofuners l400buffa.j ol4egpyeeery, . -or y F A IV g ai la w in in hi his 18 PR th la lu loi Qi mi mi tr bis 1 ý ýre he lm am U. àt et Br ijz lh fr does nai the infsatuation, wtis aIll our advaniages, aiill exiet ? At pro- sent tise desire af paaaessing soaeo iising ia no grealtishat people are vemy ofteu deceived hy neceiving tise I"old" in nov forma,, met as Arisiotie deceived lia ancionta, visa tiougisi lley wene gaining kuowladgo while learuing new sames for aId hhings. But "Torsius.haanotbeau lait alone to guard tise laudmanka ; ho la asaished uy some, vha are s0 tenacions o! evemy. ising ancieni, ihat tlsey appoar tises. selves ta ho 'nelics af tise pasb.' Tisey aro consiaaily regnetting the changes tala place, speakiug disarngiugly aI tse prasent, anA telliug isow tise saun revoived saonAtise earh when -tisey were young. One olA lady sys sciene as compileoly deetroyed lier pence aI md. Tisa recallechion. vas sosweet sn former tises tisai a cup of colA water pteuented toaua individual en- Litled ns ta a neward by a kind pravi. lanca, but that ides la abandoned, as, accordiug ta tise vise mon aI tise day, îe migh it hstise vater gave hum s Ilorrid worm aud cause lis deah." Arelation of lions saya vison she vas Fouug, cisildmen vere ta ha sea flot osrd ; nov tisay must loti be 5000 bn ieand ; tien-ail tisa aducation girls >mnaird vas ta ha able ta rend tise Ri la; nov ilsey muet ha accosplieshed, tn undersiand ail tise dena languag ssidea tise living aune but if sked ramas the Firsl's moseibous q-uestion, .Cao yau apla?" tise y vould ha filaed itis oadnnover isavlag iai'd aI Uci e science. But tha dear olA aie longeltinht aplm'nng sud ail tise sing are dons bDY macliaamy nov, Md ahnaai the ouly tuiigtitcna o dane hy "Im la thetohiinn o ducation. The lament for olA Usages slmply wcsuso ilioy are OlA la prepoaterous. nutiquity lias ne pawer ta lacrease tisa1 ruti or meal value ofîanything Ha 'ary persan beau satisied vi» is A,. no inupmveseats vould e ves' have eau made. A dairiIon tise nev isav- ag bea. anpnted lis aur ssature, it i s desgaed thora sliold have, beau, [vancameni,anA ta tuais deefre muat e attnihuted tis aïîared lunveationa f anis et ytia ili suA -ngenuit sievscidiy "ton thée val. inlan e re forsenly separatedy I cehey are Pcv uuUe b T T bi di ai in Ph ha th d I d Aoi ai ou Sei gol ine lak dif bot nit vas ion taj1 Ais Onu sut t' au bi ei bi À lm i ai a vu Mf aof cen- lie so* OlA- ua hie ýara ian- so- &gad sud and )t la tise igît tisa sgy tisa une 'os- sot se,' seA oer, 'oén au e of ris is- sad aidng Devers 'blac in the i antd tise ild a mes o eioacanA SoMas te ras.-The a vnmg- o: iev ra lu no, but it lu ytt realizeAi ov glanions viilb ha t dany, visasnen vestige of au part causes s sladow t a lu upon tisee vrycentury as il rollsian aveepa. ils- esihi-of ageeraic sasn; antIas old FaisTserhi tsa cears along, tley leave uiaeir aI change upon tisa generahi .ona lallow. ýNo ranger lu tise varA in by brute ,force and, by, muscle. man viso vould ha ana ofaoarth'a aresl iltis century, musI ho a mi fhought as val as migaf. nard1 lise -bavest price ,ofl succas. lisone la lape for tle future. The,% la maving. The greal sud con mlaof isumnaniiy liasgraspai chars of liallowad, l oneat Io Wortliy anA toî.vomn wonkars fait anA anon la the mard i nAatnifa,1 fallowa veap tiair Ione, anAd'thoan ing. avay ttisa as wvls bidl sd it thes, tliey 'alcnggle on. Tise changaeihave evoked au ujpwamd oe visics men vii ual willsngly let SUiRlYoung la tise love of tis- ehi fnl, shiI Younglanits queucisiese i after tise tmue, va @e tisaI cieering sence- "la hand it bears miA suow and ie The banner with the strusuge devine Exceliî Fair fungers have vnougstilasa ai tisai banner. Many a poor yc witis lofiy ais, sud isonesi os:, hennI, cmuised hy contempi, or -world'a 'colA aneen, hbas feli tisai m la lis. saul, hike he Ist vestige of1 ernug divlaity. Tise studeni bni, tiai motto saibis midigis lanmp. pcpinta it in varda, on viic glas'aheauiy'has been tilin. coisiar i Excelsior 1 Lot lbc ha ie mn aI eacis aI us, my fInonda. Downw nover i Upwad!1 y os, even upwa tili piemcing tise clanls 'sud mialf escli we secothse glory of tise luii One bnratiug upon ns, anA Sean voice blessiug ns, fros Hie tisnonE tance cf approval anA valcose, delii iug us aur reward, "h1 have madet s litile lover tsan tho angeis1 crownod tle vii glory sud hlion eavar munile -'viithéue gey naUP Youti, and te please theosv tell of -lihecounsels 'bresthe laE .iveet ihadai et Eden, os- the vlisi lueundai lie vinea a figicee panarcl, tises;- vlible ses-ter lita a b a il mode-s liproersmu anA vhie lehalg dons ai prasent. Change la Timea pas-ogativa.. teration hakea place ianavar the" Man', witi lis scythse appeaua.- hand-mamia sa long guardoti b,'Il" inus" as-n e bag ramovad cm dasi aiL Ocesn'a prond vavea rall atreets once' cravded viblihua,' nut tudea in puisait of pleasuma. Ci lava hacoma desolate ;he' grand temples, damai, sud arches ara rin. Natios lave taliesnIssu i as s'aitaandi fougil liIe'as attles, île,' ara gona andtI liir places acupied by otiars. T- TIasulions, laya, anA custami thae eld nationa bear but a ai rasemblase ta thase aIflise prosei aonA il vould Puzzle a akt)Mul aniiqx ion le tell loy tise people cf past c luries laaSa,-for tise mates-fais fasiion aregc panisisabla se the user ali not lia vnlîeai o! ah eipe pictuned lie limeasents oaI Ibm s tellig af vhat tha people taîked Il he île,' Aressed luintliir time,a il is Ian thoe WvIa AnAamusement eiasiniug tiase cecords ha note1 constant clangea. Bat variet,' la Area s a net heo' Aiffos-ence ta ha abserved hetveeu os: lises sud nov, tise change of lion1 lu oqual,' apparent. Tiesa sbjeets isiterest or alarm wvicl roased -t Ilguilds" cf Bugîsud, slook tise tas ihcaugs ah tise scsnow ahreeîs, or Aie Avellinga, oan AlleA ta overflowiug i greal Gatiia srdles, ana long gc 0of aIleas-ing. Tise nasau aur ancd tans AId not tliink as va do, vas:t lisat Ilailr minde vice diseimilas-; lth vo-e a Aifferont costUme anA lok ilis-ugli a different veil. Havevd sains aubjeiss-deam sa sort af avengre interesi; a tiseolagical dispute, or OxzpedÏ*lus sud oxtnsas-inary- soda gelting rieluInas tise same shiractio tise varA over nov as il lad ceuturi ago. - Mauy aid usages arq falling inta A unse ;issvlng bard île vorld'a Arej sentence, Ilunvo'Ihy oaI is enlighie sA age," passedl upon îlesn, tise,'i mome ahsiete. Our ancoshars iu issu, vaya o! gaining ileir abjeet visicinlutiese gonther (soine vould s sucre degenorate) dasa, appear ta envd of bruinlit,'. Tise,' setiled disputes 1 duel ;-oacrtaiuîy it vas a sving cf ticx -nov, oven aetox.pense of tise, ii' cousidered mos-e in accandauce wil justice ta have trials couductid 1 jury', as tis mffenlng o! thse inuocel is pravenled, sud ithe lava o! reciprd il,' observed. Attse commencement of lise proee cuntur, ecer, ps-lshlinaia vs ied cossu, evas-y village ils gist an apparitionu star,sud almoel eves mssu and vomnan bildseen son strange siglil os- laard soims unaccouni abie sonA. But tise Infirios" su Ileprites" lave disappeamed ; no longe o tisey- ance on tho green saad h moanligsu ;-tsey coulA not bear th brigStneýss of tise sun-anA tise matte P-fact people af thie ago, isnving etj ioned ever, nook anA corner, no plat ras ioftlas- tises. Iu oves-y age lisera have licouihos 'ho rognetted the chsangeofol dsetasi 'la patriotie lamentations on lise du; mêdonceofaIarcher,' have beau recordem ise,' said I"il vas enongs to akle til sn,' yeoanuoaI rec,' sud Agincous ,ra in their graves ta es the descor runts aI tise gailant lbove take i îcoting bits af lead oui o! brasa tubes çi a duet callid guupavder. Coul hose s5ain lAvarions lave beei rosent ah tisa late Frsnco.Ps-ucsia. iar, sud observedl ail tise sodert tuproveunentin lars-are being used osc oeic aid baithe fields, anA wstcSeA ti sîloona ascending ta ascertain uSi trengts af the eues,,ould lise,'noi sve thouglit the~ saints tîseiseivea isat mre dovu to help aud voseelsaceing rm ? AnA would Ihe,' not regret e,' Sad not beon pas8ssed of equs' dvautagos, oc ihe,' sigsihave con- uered tise vorld, anA excelied an exsuder ? Wisoutho aucient Gieoka songlîl irection froin tise Oracle, lise,' ose Ad tcf Illahor 1"'" luban1" 1"labar 1"- a,' Aid. sa, anA vo canualliol- Imirng tise phsilosophsere a h, vils- it madol or prodecessar ta guide usm, made aucis adveuccemenl in oence sud literature. Bût after san,' nensiions lad passed, a?ýothes' seau- vg as givesi ta tise vas-As, sudîle 4eniion hurned ta a Aifieront kind of be' Couneil met punsuant t 1 esmm aad from tise Reeve. Ail the members Ot, sent. Reeve in tis e hair. ""Y Tihe neeve neail, and laid upan1 'or table tise petition of Edmund Bail by aud aiea of Charles Wheeien, prayi t'Io fo r elief as indigents; aIea a commu 5cation from Jeremiali O'Connor, ush reference ta vaim impounded, and pr by tioning tisaItshe poundage ba nefund nit also from a commsttee from the Lod 'O- of Good Templais aieking permisi ta pase aa tove-pspe tisrough the libro ?t Wall. Tise followfing accourits w e- ordered ta bie paid :ý-J'osepi Pearn, id $18 25, for sheep deetnoyed Vsy dce CY G. A. Afleme, for- goacie farnished rue Switzer, $20; for ifolur furniehed MI rt' Maly- Wieelen, indigent $3 50, X id Hood for placing railing on emli >r ment ai Patiy Mille, $29; Jas;'He hY for grading ou sidia une hetwPen h ie 28 and 29, 2nd con., and opposite I r-27-and 28, 3rd concession, $25; Ey SDake, gradling on. Sideline, betwe, ee Wisitby and Beachs, opposite lot1 $25; Thos. Arkaey, for preparing gra- e pit on aide Une between lots 20 and e.4tis. con., $8, for gravel furnushed Ovc seers of Higlsways, $6, for making roi Ito gravel pit, 04; George Frankis 6teansing 5 daye, $15; Wm. Twe ir for gravel $10; Jesse Welle, asp n- patisater's accounis, $101 20; Lu] to & Robents account, for nrepaining ecniý s ere, $4; John Eilia nepain.ing scraper I $1 50; W. H. Higizine, foi. printin eu $9 80 ; Henry Derby, nepairing ea] tr ens, 5Octe; Jas. Scott, for digging dite] M and building atone culvent, oppositeb in 28 8111 con., $31; E. R. B. Haywari )e staiionery, $4 52; Thos. Sionelsous ie for filling four bouts and grading hil Dt opposite lots 31 and 32, 7tis cou., $400 A H. Spencer, coniraci of grading au lu aking hreakwater, ai bridge ou e tmron near Bnooklin, $50; John Giîbi Ias der coutract for gratîng new roit North of Brooklin, $20; Digry Bti u nougis, for grading on new rond, sont of Braonic n$ 21 25; Thos. Rice, fo bt gravellinig on 8rd con., opposite lots'42 e sud 28 $10; John Goodman, for gra -velling on aide line, between lots 20 an, p21, 7th con., $70; G. Bickell for grad Liug on Bnock rond, hetween lots 26 ans e27, Susi con., 050; tise Reove, for retir ning bank noie, $500; Jas. Gutteli, fb pninting, $15; J. P. Campbell & S. Ji Wickelî, amnont of grant expended o a ide walke iu Brooklin, $50. d On motion of Mr. McTaggert, sec ,t odedb Joeph Bunnougi's, it wae re v sovedL't he eeve la lieneby author eized ta grant lus order ou tise treasure: in favor of C. 'Wieolen, indigent, fortig snm of $5 ; aie a ta the reeve author 1ize C. A. Allema ta furnisis E. Baile' fwith provisions, ta tise amount otii per week, until thie next meeting of th( council. 1On motion of Mr. McTaggart, seê oddbJeh Burrougs, it was r sovdttte petition of S. R. Wici. ett aud ailiers be granteil under ti direction af a cammiitee, consistiugç'<ý the Reeve and B. F. Campseil. On motion of Mr. McTaggart, sec- onded by B. F. Campbsell, il wae reeolv ed tisai John Tweedifi be and is hierehy appointedl a caxnnittoeeta waii un Jas. Anderson, sud enquire in1ý-b causes of tise accident near J. 'B.15ei oll's usill, sud report aitishe nexi ameet- ing of tlie Cauncil. On motion of John Tweedie, second- od by Mr. MeTaggart, it was resolve ihat B. F. Campbell and J. Burrougs be sud are liereby ap,,poinieil a comit- tee ta examine tise hl beiween lots 82 ani 38, Sili con., sud ta expeud ithe oui* of $30, providisrg George Ph1ips expeud the sum of $10, if tisey deem it expedient. John Tweedie *ives noie tisai aiilie nexi meeting ofthe Cousu cil lie will move for beave ta introduce a by.law ta open up for public travel part of 'Chales Street on Campbell & Way's plan of tise village of Brooklin, sud tisai be and la hereby required to give notice accarding7to Iaw.. On motion of J.Burous, seode by Mn. MeTaggart, a by-law 'was -i- inoduced sud pesdtat appoint an overseer aofHiglWy for Rond Division No. 20. Tise Coundil thon adjourned until tise firsi Monday in December. À New Brunswick newapaper.exnlt. iugly alludes ta thse Ministenial raid ou Welland in tie followiug airain : "Dr. Tupper'a onset with Mr. Mackeuzie ai Stmaiisoy succeededeo well Ilat ie sud Mn. Mitchll recenily engaged inan. other conhesi aofilie sasize i-liaractem. It came off ai Welland, inu-Ontario." Ba il diA ; sud tise 'esults were strik. ingly similar-A. P. MconalA defeai- ed, Rase clected ; Dr. Ring defeated, Thompuion olected 1ITt wouid py-tis 1 i - Ai v i d u a s i l r a s l e U n i t e d S t a t e s , o r s e s e b t t i e d o t o r e s a n , ' n o . D z s u 5 < X G A N S i - l g t Iras individuals at tisetise resiîling in TUiEE Hu oxNxr- lpii aosfras NewYG ksitstA âïý A Mexican tenrtai,', but v5o atonvarde Ias iseEaiau regard-ha tise disease 1,' 800 Itaians, naw at Caetle Garden,- Obtained'protection in tise tenito,' !of ug iLsng l , u ayslaitsohavebofefranda t iier xuno -, D e h ntdSaemn,'present their resemblauce ta hog choiern and la more bs abaud a sgataldes ~ clirs ordmaes60ilerrditb'-fatal, neyes- lailing- ta kil vitîlna siew appears tisai tisy e,' e ndueed to leavév.ý- fichA laig the abject of tIse-commnission ta fors -bourg. Th~e fiel symptas i. .sarenesisehmê 'ystance of lie advntages mcl s n completo judgemnen aI tise question. ln the acte, fbalovetifrequnti,' b,' naitlug tises liBuenos A,'ses.Tie'adoi C a m p e te im p a r tia t ,' i ii g o v e r n i s h e e d in g . T e n lie t n g u e c o m m e n c e s v s e h l A l s -s f l is i a ' e a c i -d o i condustet, anA be-lmg govemued aoleIy y t>,' peel, proirudes Iras tho montS sud veuld b e i vsaiîin-'~I'NoYak l pninciples of ibe-ats-icleet justice, itl s- tus-ns bîaok, sud the isag Aies, frequeut- hake tises a ia, s ei mi.'., . p vites pensons nesidingIm-'-thse United jy' aunlions-or loua lime altos- eing aI- Weduei f_0 iw-' cu-eli, tise, non Statea, or ovning ps-operty therein, anti taeked. 'N iemcdy has beeA isoe-w one dsu r vlia mn,' boievo. hl>e,'have a nigbl4 o ed. - ~- tharites have labo the hau r- Th -eeba chas-a ScatsWshntn.Srngr ri copauc uhoe ndpoaincommitteil by baudls o-ganied in Mxi-' ieclbaeaalo,"orts"has:o t ~ Sisgn sc c a n t e n a i 7 t p r s e u t s e i c a - a i s d b ,' M . i Ra p i , a If P l ù l a d e l p b i K , a r v i n i n C a n a d a a r e n t a l l o ve d t a - i ln s v a r p l a l a bt is t e C o s s ia e i n i t i s n e é e s - a n Ad v a î e d n t 4 4 0 ,0 0 0 , a d t ih a n o i ct e t n A avs t l n s d t h a S a t i san' poal.. os nilu exian on trtte-, Camr'," vuei -,'Lon' actsullil homide kuova ta luthd nior'ar slcie t p-set ies otrýýa,'ota, snvane en-air * oigraats'in Europe. atr selves hefqne tise commaission in -os-des' 00, AeA t- etdrape, - SAN JUAN.-New York,. xov. Qti.-.e ta have sll'neceesar,' menus and facil- PEussosAI. A. W.'jiauderM. _,muo~n 5peil à~ aysitelinov lies of kuowing vhnl bas occurroil ai P. P., vill pr c - ta England, ailes'vsseevdlaehs'ea g tiat, (ieno li eets4ai are said ta, have been the onsuiug session ai the Logie'latus-e, ou ntzicuac fteil the eveuts an bath rontiers, anA usaI 'toa st for lis lamil' alie distribution ojcSn Juian y thecniteey- I 1 andti- ibe,' sa,' boexplained adpeetdO agWett wih hyhave Biiiforces, 'enntdO rdyc itisefture. Tise investigation vill latel,' hecamne eitiled .1,' lie deathiofby taé vitharawal aofie 'latter, un -efi evideuiiyiake n ide rnead ,raccordasncevitii the tesai i leBs-ofl include fihsteing ou tisis rntio. Dnring1.1 e1naj ai diinstrlincson. Dal- MELMCOL Dsisze-A or ml-the clés"--aI the - Ul.M. Thopsn 2 A 'RET SuT.-Nev York, Ncv. he 29t ancal, 'ccienihmppoedneits- Col- toole occasion tua a a e i. laon atiseba area,'cien apeln tiseEs-s utled b,'Th hsugaodou ond,' ltesoa, b' nciifon i viitise Belonspart,', audio te re Raflva,' Campais,'ageas , vlici igsise ie tsem ica.TIeaunoance tià sain-uthe plat, Bsa vanld Dne rvt aivs ve millicns,, u n o n ta te e n v ose t y - tO fa e n d b e b e ro un d a c tin g i li h e in I th isa a I d alla y u c cAT h tryfu n1. ns àbezd l havabee-rem Ti la s s A i s i s t ie p s - p ll o n M a r y a rd , l à b - T is i ln o k s t ie C n e r a t iv e E r i ed , ' h l a t r e a s u n i n o f t h e , O t a viscisrauupas s-c! aiven oiid-'af Tiosapaa'neutlrait,' squame fBrioainluIMtjlS,'tle sale'a ood sd T o s-bu y,,n SundaY n igli "t he iha - _ sa d eh ls re a oW eO a sud alcr ps-aecedlag anl,'about ivo Nzv YoRK, Nav. 2.-Tha affidaviti HuRsZEna' E8s Ynarilsi lindke .radsfsoshe vessel, tise af Prefsideni Watsa, o ieBre i- 25th'it lnc I.s'ts b o s i u v i c . a e v M e c a p i z e d l aa ser o n ,eaè r l i i M :a brea4es, Thcee ýai iesvre abserv- cause of action agast tio>sd for, more e -bl,- havtisele bouin ad ce uinggta the hoal asauliisunitissu tiese us af 89,726,541, la viic eî asJ1 .bunir a v. r a.dàjýWi thautoon boardthSe. propeller wveonu- latereai i. ta ha auldeA ; liai suolcaunsea-Iorn Pra Sêinste res li,i - able to rnder assisaie. -of action arises r as the frandule t de. e ai t of ïh t leEeat nda Fous huail-eti-voes-.- no-te hatetin, emhazlemen, and misappli. - Ca- iu - Pour nasaai Moean'gstere aIt cation af tise moue,'antiprpet, tbu P5aapc 'Plac , qe i osu. .- lite ait compan. --ifi9ras 1 1 --- 1 Wisitby Township Council. sert, .Varygine, s.ut saon tona'Wun vailing, lu ierhan Iaepide , ucis unden :vater, and Paris, No. 26-There la grejAt ex-.lthéaptain 'rdered' le bous tea ha compeely iffmanageabl. Tir a gle t. h citement luitis cil,' sd urougiomalthe loeveed. Ail as conufsion, anA on occurred on Tisahy, tie 1715 ist., ta ha p o v lce , oves'the aspect' o ! affaira at attem p llg 'te lever le firai b at' andincraaedintensity ao le day vo e na n~ V ersailes. I l i . annon ued tii. nira- thisty p asons ju sped ' i e banbe , -but n. -T o ard e iigh ts ie bega n la g ai- 'mgio aghat memb rs allihe parties ofthte ig te the m'umanagcen t ftolhe aerlogged, ad t 4 a'locl tie n azi eart'L' Right Ce atre la the National Assem hiy davit, oe oend flehinlta the ss,' te mornngÉie vas saImeS b,' a udde a round have om a te tisa deter snatin ta su - chias rem aining hangig i le he air. qu ll, andI vas tlsnan ov ar n o bler io u aof po t thie neva aIf lie ism m itie te Except F seney and 8 o bers, o ing beam n s. At tis junetu no ee hall iiss'k d as sa ep y t atis es e sag eoof M . T hier s e t hte r al l g o f ite u h lp in ut h eis e sv y o f t ie cr a v w e e 'b al o w in t e fo ec asie mark se mbried n it reort.sea8 thse lt go an wer wa h buit gest exertions; he,'managea litai Parl, Nov. 2 P. m .-Tie. misoriy a ay. N le clung ta liee'boat- until to oa vi on dck. The captin and s Ofd a tise com initee on the, ddress, wvIa 5050 pers n n board lie s ip ut the carpente , h avever, fale ina h ir n at- T ish sge 13 i t i e report, mad a by le davite, sud t ie Sat, 'visu de t b A i s tem p i te esac pe fro ua t ioi place afIls- inio ajorlty, lave adopted a resoîntian ta vater, voni free aI the ship. We saavpniaoamant anAd'vene Anovned. An- vaSpropose ta ushe Assesnbly, vIs., tisethie bonI bottas. upvendB, viitva no ived on deck the crav soi about gotting - -- w ki nom ination of a co sim itee ' o ! 85, itis m en cingig t ener el, W . t re v lie e !ssel ighte , an A it hi sli . bject sodA Inuctions ta ps-osenit a'bill oatabblis- lies a line, talked ,aviue vsihlites, hie,'eut avsy lienrunasts;e;lle tien m" 11 g B in istérial es o n ib i t ,' sd e mn - an A a u ed" u e s t a-c am e ' sd jo i ssu s, a s ed b er a tu a l p ositio n , u ti nlu - an mOn b dyisg con aitstiora î r eor mu eces ary but tie ,' c asid red the ispo ition b lai dalai g s alber awsprit napp ot, a ndt h le i tis e socurs tise regulan wocklag 'b!the' tin uransd ielüsaed. Oaa af aur cahin Ieck-housee anAhoats vere svt chi.Repubilcan Gavernuieut. Tise resala' mou joined tisese 'tva, anA one af':lie ava,', anA viii thieslihe Iodlasofti lv ion lias been eubmiiied tea1Tiios, and tva evam'aven ta ns, helug anc aI tisasa iUfrssln tsae etpa'n andcarpene. oh i ~ e p e idl is entire appraa fita . saved. W e' smet C uliner' hat'. an A O aaeaof le bah boded seamns a da l- ec p ion, viclu vas la sgel,' t;- as keod i s ta adm it un e a b elg a a truck b ,' a piece oM i ube n and cairred un d e A te ud e d , va s g iv e n a h lie E x e c u i v e i uk lag c o n d itio n , b u t C a b n r r f ts d v r o a d i e p - s e t a i e c o sdManeion lest niglit. Manfisal ' MeMa- sayiug le blad encugi an board. W. voie nov sppaJUin l the extreme, anAd isml on as pesousdtiegoiigh-taA-olA -mas. t add ta thier -miseythe,' er. leIt tti. &w e i offices' sd M. Thiers vas Cuises- hrew tusa- buket, auti vo htried ithi t vater andi no pravisions excepi th rs v e ry co rd iL G o era l L 'A d mnira u lt , i e ffe tu a ly t a b a il u r hoa t. . C u ie s- t v a h e a n da s. q i a n tity o f eSa lt f .... mi1itaryr gov rnor aI Paris, w lo as Steered taards Abaco. W e h dýfur aaie Th y huddladti tgether unde n an awn- - pre, presnt, Baia, uring a conversation, Atnigitall vo puileA ack toaa d t eise g ai le Stern, and in iis pitiul tia tie Cil,'af Parit uppated tie steamer, iopng the ire oli& pove a pligt le, remnained for 48 lume tili P r sid e t la li a p re e n i c o te at i ty u l b e a c on a a ud th e o n s m e p s m g v e s e l ii y e re r s e e d b ,'th ei a " Lo c h T a " ' »i r " th e p a rties a th e A sse es hi. ig it p ick s p . W e c a e vi slin o n th é e 2 0 . I n th e i e sv a l th iy 'ere Pari, Nov. 26 (veing)-Tlso ma. hallsa mile f tie Missasai, sud about passat as short disanace b,'a stea- iec et jo i,' rep rt of tie c assite a n the 7 p. s. the steam er isappea ed , ud- o aet wvi e paid no attention tea liu onli Addreseas roa n atie Agsemhîy his deul,.' We tisn put ur boati beobes-eag"slof istres. Tisir ecue b,'the seae t ste noon , I ' le a s r ag indictiment thie in . O u the second sd tir A "L c is T a "' 'as so mn e ha im irac lous. 1 tie aga lut tie Radical part,',asd insiste days vo vee stil bef rethe in , sd T isaI vessel enc untered part of the nete ou tie esatblishmentoaI'n reponible uffrlg terribi. Ontlis. atter day- galeviicis truck îe i-fated sisp, nds ling- M nistry as tie m enue aI fig iting R s-. ve vs a vess l c m e witila & m ile ai be lag con eqUe tly d ive a out eof ber nush dicali s . A m ajorit ,' f the com m itte a ns. W e s lo ted sd bisoited ur cl t - course t ae ee ard, alie g aI uto.-lie T ie aked for tisa im mne iate consideratin ,i g, but er . un he tea tahrac h atten- tr'ac f aI tihe "A go." On noti ing -ie- 1 hi e aI t ie report. T he m in anit ,' s ved ti n, an A the vesesl o lte dl sail sud "&A go'e"' signa i tie cap ai ui aI tie Ex.-- itabe postponed uuil Thurda. Tie sî4éred aa. On tie fouti As,'onc "Lochrae.i set off a boat under -tie u o t110 m o tio n va s c a rrie d b ,'a v o te aI 8 5 6 aI t ie c e v ie , s ud t ia i ig li t v a c eo ai a m o faI t ie m a t , a n . sl lh o n g is iard ye s t a332 uys. n ie r eent la regard- otisn, aving bec am e razy, jum ped th ew 'vw" a hea ns,'s& i t i.t Isth Seh Sr A 1 d as a ver ,' Ivo ra he indication for Ov rboard. T ie boat vas lw ay s ful ha t sssmcimgclit tll vrtipsa th, rans fer tg O ! the G avermu ent. T isa Pre iîen îs ap . f vater, sud ourselvés Sitting va st. he "Arg a' e w es e t the "Am & Ta: i.- mnite p rtons in tie s sem bly elieve tha i deep. O n tie f it is m aning, an cihe n T ie rewtned sea se si ar eto asî fin p s-s se H s sg th i . v te v ir tu îl , n d e t ie cr i is ,a ns d ie . W e w e e s ai l e o r e t is e v l ad . ao f bie l a n c i a c o n d n s si a m & na l y I, I e a - 51 i tisaI n sisilar maorit,' is sure fomtise That evening vas calsi, sud ve Sue- ment tie,' eerienced, snd aisaesn tise iv s-- G ov omm e uh nex i T lu sday. ceeding in baililg theo bha t i s tva pasa ge t ath ie C yde-.. tiee A Berlin dspaci.saeys, if Tisriosislbas, a crus,' san aig liran tie' an A em oved or supe ceded, tie G e m an s uciet overboard. Fr om hree hIfe .- T eP»s o! E s o e wil viie-ccupy the viole of t se d pa t . preservers vo m ade a om al m al a il, T h- p m e o t m e, m nta ece stly evacua ea. p ead out, sd stee ed su l ; but ou i Ausiia maises er-a Tm,' bn5Îrem .s e Speeiladespaticisas ras paris tethi e xiaustledn as so gresi. Usai vo coulA millians .sterling eause toutiu-, L an d a u a ft e n n c o n p a p e r e s a n , ' t i e R a i - d o b u t i l e . O u l e é a h l s a n A s e v e n l i A - e ,'ha a a i tpoda e t s a 2. ical joumuals aI-tise former cil, ana via-dAsys aur situation vas nuclauged. -On a ,'ear if hore- ia an,' veaJk spot li n s lent in tieir la nge. The,' delamo lie eighiis day ve sig te A an , 'andA Austrian. prepamaion for v a r Zh p r . t î a t a t e r r i b l e r e v a n t i o n y ul l o l o v s u c c e e d e d i l a di u l g a i P a ve î ' e B n ,,a y5 u o n s i e i i L a e e u tse overthrov af tse Goveruset of M. near Abaco, la tis evuing. We li a ce n i raees tssaisO5tar cu- tie Tisios. Ths e 5 jo u ais accus o tise ncten an Adank noti ag hi ce - leav g na ,' ask m is eieL B ut the rdin iàtcy ile,, Legiim iss, Orlea ulal, an A Im p oial. the s ip, an A laid d avu n the beaci n-Iii wv nt. te ho able te m eet va wiUJi'aut ding ista aof lav lg lasm cda n coalition te n horrible conditin. Alter a i saie f effective a ns,' of 80 ,000 oi sieD , an Al unul- osk for tie dovuali aI tie present ret on siore, vo gatierd trngbis denanA - farn hisi a p cîf or lu G over um é u. G en e al C h an ga rn ier i a enoug is t a s-ach i s m e d se -ted-h ases, s q u ster nif a m i ll a , a AaEe r u h s e- alsa chargeA itis aiuing 1e secue sd gai sulefresh aer. -We l,1 h ep [n e-ice tuas-e er. eis.- ed ; p aer. buddleia togetier ah i mg t, sud on îe wvIl, G os-a n, undos- Bism arck, vusu )dg e - *n i ais d ay v o fou nda s e v icm t o s, c ff r sM iloaIF s-e c i m o e,', is g o lg ; Sin TuE DEATU F SIR JOHN Bovrr<, vichs e boiled, baving found matcies ta bu,' 8,00,000 ries af a- nov pattesn,. ray LL.D,F.R.S.-Tiia deceasd States-andapot in one of te oss. i egel a gua vieh l viiouisot -and Son, evonshire Iamil;, vhsicligave its ilasnclieA ans-boat aud tried ta s-oaci -Franetocsfodeie 5 a nasne ta tise estate aI Bovrnigleigis, tise niinlanA, but, lailiug, vo returzied sterling ta he ans-eoa a ver, largo G a n d h o va s o r u a i E xz ete , O c t a er t a P a v ll's iB sa , sleep in g th iere. N e x i a n s ' a a h c s l n d e a I l a s Ir'711, 1792. ' In carl,' ile lie .va tise morulag vo nmade a Ainal effort ta sande ai mon must ho avopl, thai saine las. pupil aI Jeresu,' Bentisam, anA aller-s-acithe mailand, lbut 'vre g0oex- day -Francoenia,'get eVen viii lie ~ uic: varda heense editos- aI tise at uriday saustedthtii e vosee lasAI'able tapeople visa have' laid, gai tie bettes- OoA Rvies. On tIe dentisf aIus mster, stand, sd tien la,' on near tie bhat o!les er-i,. Su 15iepee l o t s v i s s e S u c c e s o r a n d e x e e t o r l h o h o - i n a d y i n g - c o n d i t i o n . ' S i o r t I , ' a l e r - O f !l e r o pe0 te- i s o n e l li i -e îa Lot cme0Is ehstngmiasedhisel in Eu- arda va sav a mal sloop crnrsmng ýy r a -a p e ss. lite sa tu r e , simid i tr as la te d sa n e a r t a th is s sa d . W e o i te d s a i e E x -c a p tr o le r C o n n l 'l u s a l A t ae , een num er f p eni au oter rod e- cloties on the anne, sd again i'a' ov have joined is Iýnsl, i Spai, but lm s 18 tiens fs-a s dives-i,' af angu ges. As au tie beach. A ouu of W in. C rry sp nt msu of hi ie i s alce lie eft i kv l a statesm an lit- asîs arene d e so v, as on board tie sloop, sud h o sa v ur iero lin sam bles thrs-u h Spain, Po t -e 21, f a-, l avin g moade tie ec no mnics an A signal i ssedi tely. C urry cam e te gal sd It a'li. - H e-left au N ov , l ai forp Mr-: lieraisre ofas-ailnsd cosmmerce ast ur 'escue, anA oak ant landet i n utie Hol,' Lan, Eiypt,- Lnica, Agsiansd ad special s ld,', e i vario s ii es set- G reen T u sle K y,', h on vo re sa iue S Japa n. h l tated that n fem ale con- Is d as special caniissioxer ta Fancle,- seven days. Fous- dasy afes-arde e fdental ageint af Connolly's secured ' fie Blcgim n sd ot es- ou susles, an d hie reacied N assau. T ie Am e can C n. Cou ty- A d ter> W at on 'e book, la i - 9g per reports on tie commercial reltians af suls a i Green Turtle Ke , and Nasau as Aposited i u the sale depost vaulte -il ke G reat B rita su vt s t sese nations er o treated ns mi dl . s t ie P mark B ank B uilding, an Ad lin it i o b afr e P s r l i m e n t . îH e s a i s a m e - , * 9v i s w i c l i t h e - a s a u n i e a n A d a t e s af i e 'r , be -m for t ie C i,le B r a ng u e f so nu 18 35 A cu ri o s p e ce ceeb eisatio n teck mm so l n a d ist rb u t d b etw een f - l ng, lia1837, and for Boltoni r as 1841.ta place a i Sedini, hItal,', recen l,' an A the m e s es-soaItie -ring- w ee cu s-ojIc a 1849. Ho rceiveci a landsoe sers'ice t*ety ine familofrom egt Anglons inidetail. TIe boaS vascarxied to.E- ,Is, af pInta froin tise Manxmeu las- iies ai- districts taok part la tise salenu, part. nope. e 'sa lot voeaeyOfau an nt aI Pssniameut vîsicîs The hlahop aI the diocese, accampanled FASTvzs MPO ICITac 5<Rccsr-e AllUsi- ls rd, fie ablained Ion tîseir omancipsutian b,' Ave priostsansd b,'theo autisorities of eteamer Polynesian rasrived ah ILcadox se nfos feudal tymanun,asd fras tise Mal- aI tse country,, assistei aItishe cere- de o n -tise s-A Novem-ber. S.oI- in, onli sniices as their unofficial mou,'. it hganb,'tisee auebled lu a Quee oth noon - an tise 26li Oeioben,tî )0; epr s otative ln tIe H nse aI Coi- arge field n ons- Sedini aI the diffaent thus nisling tIhe passage lan 7 da ysif 8 ' ' h nAd mous. Great liritain oves ta ii, anid- groups aI tise parties lateroated, visa Sauresud 55 minutes ta Dcns-, an& ~ edb,'use aIePrine a Cuath-e -*bervards borMed lato sesarste od s-oveays sud 7 Saurs ho Lj*ves-paal.TMý bal introduction aI tie tîin end o !'., l ae ao offend rs an A offend d y tieassas- le tho. fastest ttip On reIuý A 'A, wedge toavad etIe adoption a i i i ation s com m itte d or van s inflicted -ep ar c i ma a l sy s te s aI c o in a g e , b ,' p r o cu ' u , e d t a v t si h I h u y n - . A C Q U srrx s.- D s. 3 a ,',th e A m e s-h a n I ci fors hicll iing p ec ,aI tie R yaf to Di~ <s isn, p acing theselves opposite tie visaad s hio l sd kiled a laborer lu, OU nt sIisopan perfect, tise,' embmaced escis Lauon glnd as been tried an&l .91349lise vas Britisi consult'.Cnton; :-aiSes' wo us,'tva, ait s-st vies n cer-acquited..1 a- lu 1854, hile oau ave aI siselce otala reluctance, but b,' deges tie ice DAEsi RWEK.WiIOtie u id asprmocdtaholie- aSît'sPln.melteA, sud soon use groatest corda- steamer Algaîs vas lag ai Bythe L- ipoteuteutiar,' lu China sud oveour lit, vas sanifesteA on Sali rides. Tise hulot, onFs-idan,'niglut,- tva mon. Who id aI Hong-Kong, neciving, mos-cocon tvonty.nino bamiîies, vitis iheir rela- praceeddt hr aasnlhs i r- ionous- IkugImt:oo. Heubeque tians e th 1e bannISgeneration, asoni- Ls-ce aihens, vèeedroWnedin' couse-aa un ,' ca <lstigusibed y eeving sev- cd in ail ta 1,200 peopleo sathua ex. quence of liavlng alm ru ie - a- R . e r a b f o e ig n o r d e r s , a d h o b e c a n e' a _ h a n g e A t o e o n c e . - ,lr o _ r I t -gha sù M oth a il u h a e a r

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