Whitby Chronicle, 14 Nov 1872, p. 4

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6NQWf.hlnksîI. PZ Dytbllsa ontI' mai 'put' $oyhomeI < onu oi rm rap : andi when 1 serfpl, s&, foundt Rogient Il wih àfevdr, lh"fee ~ad o Sir-Wlllam unilfor bts atten- anew orthousailtidollars, A ckiley conducteti two ladies te an obsevattory1t e, s.an ocoupes.oft he moon. They were too ýlate-the à, Clipse was over, and 1hie ladies were dlsappointeik "Ohl" 1" lsmei ur lharo, "doné bfet ; 1 kcow lte.atrono- mer well; b e Is very polite man, andi I'm sure Wýi1i begin again." CUST Ruz'xaxs07oT vanGREAT Flg]»- EuîoCC.- lady rmde ie a pomPlaLult Frederfrk the Great, Klug'o Pru*p -IIYour Majesty,saidti he', "1,M ji bitn d treats me lcd ý. <That a noce of My buslnoso ," replidh,'Ring. "DBut lie opeake i, e; you,"91 said lte lady. "Thast," replied ne, "la cocýoio pour business., À Tonnoises paper &ive* np>e«,ma Ï9f Mie dlscovery é o! a 'iË Pa'"> Couuty l intaI State, tostboneti with "rock ice," whlch cau be usetifor ail týe et lasofic, but doos not "Sir," nidta Yankee th ameraber of Congres, "lyou premiseti, to vote for tu il."l "vel,"sidai--the member, "val 1di titiV'" "Well, sir, pou vototi * agfainst it." "IVeilval t i iV') "Wbl,sair, yen lied 1" "Veli' val il uid'?" Trhey have àa crinsincionna flag fioating trami the ýtop bf lhe "taber.ý * uacle" at a Massqaciusetts campmeet. ing, wlere titey aloo quote lte price et, lotsa, soxnewitt as falows : -".The' earlile iste. Lord's, nI $250 a lt ot by sixly tat." o, ot Tho Éontuckians aie e tél h o b. troug moin. Titere was one whoee ainazing strengh was attentietiwitit ftaliconsequences. He was cutting a sl iceofetbroati-anti.butter, when lite knlfe lippoti, and ho eut hlmself in hait, anti two mon beitinti hlm. A traveller lu labW<una, intiing hMA supper ta îonslsEs of fri.sd bes,frledâ batrcakes, andiht o ffée'. Iiike an appropriâI. epitapit upan the gave of * very alter man who dietin thal codntry would-be, "Eileti by' trylng., Pan. "At lte close of a violent thunder.- etorin,ý'-writes a Milwaukee reporter, "a sit of latîes were faund ti lteo foot otan 'aktréee i» te suburb ' Pofrozu- whicli lte récent occupait seefned te- * have licou porcussivoly elimitateti by a flash of ligittouiug." A young New 'York denlist was lu. Iroducedte l a fauhionable beautyi anti' gracoully eponeth ie conversation b y saiylng, "Miss Wilson, I hope llhat I mtAy conaitier ltaâtive are noftnirely 'umacquainted. I hadthie pleaoure of pulling ont a' toath, for peur fauter a * short time ago." Tho Buffalo -Board ot 'Traie have delcare t ta, witonover praclicable, rive osouglit te b tunnelleti' 'ratîjer titan bridged, 'te latter mode of cross. ngbeing anu ipedimeul te naviga. tiot-. There ix ou. young lady ln town wto. ate oystera all trougi thle monlt of' August witon site col gel Item, under te supposition-ltaI litere waian 'r' lu lt Imout, 'lOrgusl' was te way site speit 1IL In roply te lte question whaî hg con- sitierod ltedarkost heur of* the. war, 111r. Seward oce sail . "Titl wiich lpsed bolweén my ssntiing l,1ie letter aon tho Trent affair informally te Lord Lyens anti hearlng. tram itim ltaI it was salisfactory. For 1ý kuew tai 1 liai «tno ýte lteé utmost lmit ltaIt. country wouldapprove, aud-ltati flte latter was unnatîafactory te ýEnglout, we sîtoultibc etaIwar with' iter ilu a mentit." *4 Ponusylvanlafarmer etau a actiond bongitt an olti hoorse, because ite'ti 'Il' beau wanling aà rig oet some kindt e laite Mariar and it. cýiltiren tW clrcuses anti tiro, andi hanIlpotatoeesiu." Il requfres m«ors elieacy of. 'toucit, a botter' acqua4tanoe lith tii, lutter emotions of'tite heari,asti gronder Paltos of 'sentiment te maire a 4eoaràý. - ion et love titan l teeos leput up a 'There are iu Lonadnst preMnt 117 Bainan Cahote >ipCh xsndha ée, 214 prieuts ; 14 communîtiea of mon anti 81 et women , 2 -oUgegai;, L12; charitable institutions - 7latMuinstrll' scitools for boys, anti 10 er girls, anti 5 cometerles. fehls l t hâ. tlite cIter rels lu lit '.se& aber. 9WO1e to put Ibert, Sept. 24th, 187. 8 Oc PUIBLIO NOTICE I P 19I*o. firbe~îan Cr.ek bai bsem .ritly presérveil, and that seJmug to t wuuiirero*e. cuted witthe oi. t otrigour of ti a W. By Eyor. 3W. KRRE Ziiector of Pisheries. WIbOot. 90 1872. 4 GOOD CÂBLB1ileB8OREW =R BOOTS-& SHÃ"EOS last aq long sgaO1 as any otber ktnd. rjEISOLA' D 1118K Fire9ilourahoe Co'yofCanaà EID Opploz-Kng St.,coî. Clturch,Toronto Deposlted wlv.th Groverunmn, $67,000 Il viiam ti ous w ithoul delay, andi pay ever Ih ah AT ONCE. Han. ALEX. McKENZIRï M. P: Presitient. JORN MÂUGHAK, J., Maager. -. W. A. LAW, Agent, Whilby. WhtbY, Octeber 9, 1872. ' 41 S UPEIII-OlI OYS'TEES. [TAYLOR'S BESTI faSESH EVÉRY DAY i1 AT -1. FRANCIS'S. 0 y (Iis7rp, <o? Feruviain Bark, POlIT WXTBY& PORT PEI1B . R. T"offeet on Saturday, June it, 1872. lmbb Junotlon, 9 10 S.M. 7î se.m. 907 c.707.m Myrie ~ 949 a-m, e 819 p.m4t Mrincesther, 10 1a.m. s86 p.mi. Pofttr, Csi*v,) 0*8q .ic. 9 0 p.m. Trains Going;doeti. mUsa. mran Por*~sry~ep ô 00 OOau. 2 sam. 19rils' ô 41a.m. B8IlU p.m. Brodklln, 17Ol1a.n. 8891 j.m. WbttIcy, 7 Vam f8cm WNby ýumctf0ac, (Airr).71 BOlLm. 4 0Op.m. , OPltorm-Stations, Trains sop oSg JAS. ____t.ý Omo hï from-business altogether -B«-therdore offers for Salethe Whole of His L arge ýStock ofaGood8. And as the preiüisé srmut'bégivenup by Ch.istmaa1 the wrho1e .ck el'b ISPP ed of A Tl in t'he meéanUmé- AND TJUNDEIR COST The- stock ,beiug, now complete and wl iseeted,- -ud hba ing beeénp-'irehaee BEFORE TH-E PRESENT RISE. IN GOODS PURCEASEI~tS~ 1V~ FINLD IT,, TO THElR .A4DVANTAGEI ,Beéfdre <Jôicluding Pu.cha8ea elèseuýkre. L4çt it be, borne in mffd "that al must Befor Christmas, CONSEQUENTLY THE SUBSCRIBER IS OBLIGED TO lMÂKE PRESENT SAOI'IE To 'thé necessities of his position. ---0:0- THE STOCK NOW CONSISTS 0F AÂLL'- KINDS 0F. DRY GO0-ODSi SUITABLE TO TUE SÉASOXý@ FýA MIL Y Gh'OCEIiIES AND HARDWARE. SE L F 4 , AWARI JI TD TH.E FIRST PFR1ZI hlWf .Et Rhilvm*¶ftn . v nr 19 Wero#erto our customers for the coming Harvest, two dis- fiur4t machines, whà Ic ,in tyk Iua4 -,Ï6Ù,tructiot4j'ênibrace^ the latest anid, most useful improvement8- of the,day. JINTNIS SU N«LE SIÉLF-RÂýKI NG REAPER T=- RING OP RIAPRRB." The universal su'ccess of this Machine, both ini closly.conteat- ed trlsfrndinathe bandse ofthe armerswarrantu&,le sayi'ngthat.,kuRt ~ak«r ing Rupins machine, -IIbau more good 'oints and lems dfe asan bash, Met witb mocre aucces end leus allure, thau herofeore offere to the public.' CAYUGA, JUNIO.R M OWER lie were awarded the First Prize and ipoa at the Prcvin- omieI Exhibition, held ln Toronto, 1670.1n compeOtition wî i the lieading Machines man-àfmctured in.the iProiince'; and with our meent i mprovementa, we unhiesitït-- ingly challenge invesîlgutlon and comparlmon wtb competla'g Machines, ,e e sstisfied thot sncb investigation. will convinrie ever nrpuie' eid. bwe ofSer the begt lfowrto the Farmor for 1872, buili l h.e Dominfion . EFSead 'for descriptive catalogues. Dfl.~ W ~ ~ CA J2L2.L~DUL~. NEW GOODS I1 NEW GOO0DS! AT MoMILLA N d Co.'s. The aubscribora heg le lntorm titeir cualomers anthie public geuoraily ltai thep are nov recoiviugthhoir fali anti' winter importation.s, vhicit vilcom- prise lte meut extonsive-asaortment in thia market, andi which vl be-offeroti aI pricea tietying itonourable competi- lion. T. H. McMILLAN & Ce. McMillan's Block, Brookr St., September 17, 1872. 88 CARIiIA GE8 A ND TO, THE TIRADE-fie would offer CI'IGS bis stock at à great sacrifice, and he is confident that. uponý-AR GS examination of the same, they will find it advantageous t F E suit' t ume1e Irpurchases.OFVR * *. ' ys w t' uiIQ TO TI EI1 - hejwflif lso flnd Oi-t, to 'their' ad- vantage to examine bis' STOcK 0F H4RDWARE Lt wns bouglit before, the, use, and wil 1i. poSitively sold at and under cost, t ÃŽ t ASAVING 0F ONE HU,ýNDRED. PER CENT May therefore ho effected, between cost then and profit now. The closng, sale under this ;,notice, will commence MONDAYIt ET,7Z AÏuý willbe conti'nued from day to day unitil the whole stock wîll be disposed -of. TO ~I Jf CIJS~UOMERS »he fiubsçrikW psiesb Alr s heaytfq!$ tbgnk>s for ps favors, exteàdiing'over à péÏiod Oftso i ùZ3edà' n2rgr tb~CIs~n O 4s pe~~ngbuinss el~tons with them.He d Biest ay tat they ,wKIl ieèive "tha il1b éfit fthe 1above, suDd alsd- on'the usual terms-n'aià?ëly, credit unlil lot October,1873.' OLD NO. BARLEY.-As soon as the Bairley seasofrcormwnces the subsCriber*ell'béo prèpiiied to pir- chu jqs of grain -as usua.l'. F Whi1byt fýcevâbw dý187% 8 C UTTER' M. O'D0NOV A N'S. SPLENDI:DLY FINISHED BUGGIE8, AND CUTTERS,1 ?YSUPERIOR WORKMAYASHIP. REPA 1IftS* AS USUAL.ý WHITBY Nov 22nd, 1870. STOVES! STOVES!!lml Armstrong's Celebrated -Cocking, Parlour, and. Hpoting, 40tr Wood or Coal. Plersns desirous of purchain. £Wý FIRSiT-CLASS STOVES. witb Firet, CIase Furniture, shôuld fpot fil to purcbase at tile 6-Noïetd Chesp House." T --00- SD*IRECT FROM . HA'1VII ti&JiJOTHIERII1 ENGLAND,l A large.stock of Double *and Single Barrel Shot Guns, Pôw- dér, *euces, FIiaits, also a large stock of (iutlerp,- SticIf" andi Heavy !,.150 Torns cf Tron, large stock cf Refin ed Herse Sboe Bedie, Anvils. Vices, k. Apple Pairers. parc 11k a ai-n, nxed, te seitwork 10 buy.' 100 haxce tin P-latfi., "Ce'atbc-idge." S00 bit. Canada Plate.fBout brandsla1rsale. A-Àil goodas herÉéitforé' ýàap- leed as recemmended., Wel desire te return thanka te eu n nereus ptroros for, past*favors, and iai mapdd'oursock and price ve intendti.obe fuill 11P. e the, tintes-, te mmet pour requirements and Confidence in the uNoe Ube-11Hor e. ,WVIitby, Septemiter 1Bth, 1872. IRACH BR .3 wJIIw P' 0 T O GRBAPH GALLEIRY. BROOK STBEErTy WHITBY, LWOPOSI TE .ONT A RtO ' BANKý. Begs to announceý that, he hbçmlbùilt on-the abov e premi se, A NEW P hotgaha1~, 60 feet l lngth, Which hel bas fltteL¶ up hatthe ,1atest inlprove.ments, and uew and improvod -apparatus for taklng' * re- qnired dimenions. Pietu res, fronu life.sie anyr_ Pictures8en1rged & aecurately copiedi. IIANDSOME FRAMES AND> CA SES. ,8uBinesP hCurfi8o'clock, a. p. to 6,,p. m.--No business done ZIBoots -andý Shoes made1 Overshoea ined warm and éomfortable. It epairing' neatly doue. caltaIt he old Stand. 11,11AM gay 22#, 18 72. Boat & Sho. Store'.Br FIJVRNLTIRE! IRI] AT TBKE SIGe OF -THE QNFREAT ROCXING C19AIR1 o-Furniture Sefling a3 Old Prices for 30 days longer; Notwithstanding the-rise lu material snd labor, the undersigned offers b is stock ýat.the> O]d Prices for 30 ;days, longer. No* 18 the Mime to embra'ce the opportuùnity ëf seleoting tram the aga stookin the Cou"ity, et sidcbuards, bureaus, centre tables, sofas, Chairs, =eromsets, &c., anti alci0bohe at quality and, manufacture, JAMS 'R.SAXO. The only first-class establishment in the Connty, wbere Fn nerala are fully supplied. FOR A GOO SMOKE USÉI~TE MYRTLE NAVY. See. T. & B. ýon Each Plug. Price, so L ow tha t A Il Can Use' it. September ."11,187.2.3m8 JLJST JRECEIVED. A'IÃ"T 0F- A choice, lot of Java Coffe; TO0.A RRI1VE. W~ Dublin Porter and EngliEh Ale, in pinti and quarts. Whitby, iuly lOtli, 1872. An Immen~se Stock of NEW OROOKERY AND GLASSWARE,. ,XX #c 'XXX -.ALE. in Bottiec. Dow's Super-ior . -Bottled, Aie. WiyJune 19,1:1872. Carria,~ * Family Gxoèer, Sic. sont lu aavace. I have thte ixoneur te be, With greal respect, THOMAÂS HOLLOWÂY.-- 558, Oxford Street (laIe 2M, 't-sudy, - London, W. C., Oclober 1, 1871. IMPORTÂ8<TTO PARTES 'USIiG - 3. B. STOCK' EXTRA MACHINE 014. OU s 11eceis an ehher 0Oit botanimail and vegelable and lwo are prepared te show li spele; cf Ibis 011l t ai otheru; it stands lb. tests neo sa~te procure a Birst- clama erticle, il le adapt e i thber Iigbl or bayniacb"ery, frem a cieck or machine ho the hesvied of amttfts. The fil Mx~ Ic.4 aup tean and ti lwflean ina already gummeti by a caugeaI or thiciien in i wMi netlubzicate a-« nuay b. applie inlua'1 moment ut teuchien a t ,ai mad vii net lubr by fictien acquires lthe sry, te reduce it tôal ing a bigiir trem» jaurns.e's'sadt ai îlnpssbe neue ci colaati it hont tui gle où w vit'aher. J. bricale the celdant,me in applieIt This oil i wortlese tl lu arder tap an,,te sr tions 01 ni( hbose stet MA~ parties dealtin veil te cammuuica, Sole. Éreughsi-nMarcii1 TEST] Titi JEszreRH J. B. SuaciK, Esq, ,zrieIafu montai, anc eut besitatien lia t it tie bas ever use&. It aelsebeap, aiz than ftny ehirOiL. We bavej 141001'iron plaie, 7 days.vit Il keeps lthala deàan d *b: ccl vaut anytbing better Raia amt,vyoura hi F» "PW. GLE D115 ILÉ FAE TO IN TUB Township of'1 1Tbat FirI-clai Far=i, aili Td'hsip cf Beach, andtizi NO e.1, "ud 18 t* i c seven pemrIt C 70Oae bijv6 si e . .It .a .1.... aggons,Jo t- .-, -4 -i. I1RACTICVAL GARR arDINDAsSrS .Iu returniunth ai] bega to ainneunce, thait he .1 J-J Laz raweui Sevd lerua tulrys Fer 1 l' 1 eeet SLEMIMS. L 000- 1 . 1

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