Whitby Chronicle, 7 Nov 1872, p. 4

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icrerasei i "#ODAE' tb.lug n lMxt se an order for, arq - Limelok tooj aid a galon et whjikleyL.u anye old veesel yout don't une ; ase eeud 'eue pofflndof. vhie istigar and 'a sial 'ug'et vhlîkey. P. .-As vo s0ah1b e gene severnl d y s , a n d a s W e i a y , g e t e t l s h i g , M Y oc Or, vh o, la& ., m t, t pp e d ýl , . Ouigo th iat vo iîad better take a littîes:,wlUdley. $end it, and enter it on y6tur books witht other itewsi abore."îý A gnslllng poet 5anis lu the. iret lins ot a recent effusio n, "HOv many eary pilgrhu lie P'" We gave It upf but, ex- porionce has taught us that t ere are a good many. A eheap way et ettlng eredit for '11. eralitY vas de4se b ~e iuamsget of- a f air in Illinois, vho offred' a, pie- mium te the eIdest, spinster present. 0f course nobody laimed it. An eohange pgays : lThis JO thé. fiI'tIatrout daughtti28syeèw fretuthe samne 'hale,' the total weight Oet wh -leim poundu." "lIGoed,"l says the Ot. tavaCiie», "nov v@s mev whistas bois veiglîs." Hors àa'a good business.lilce litaph; "Huere liessJane Smith,,vieft T.~ Smith, marbîs cutter. This menu. Ment van erected, by lier husbaud as &. tributs te lier. menory and a speeu of ethis work. Monuments et the same * style #2501'" A Westertn editor being asked te, take tea with a lad y friend, accepted. WVhli at the table the lady observed Iliat hée lid no epeon. IIsitpos.ible," saîd, shîè that 1 torgot te gir. you s speon P I ceîîld net havd madé such s initake," *I bave no spoon, miam,"I said thie editor, rising from his seast, l'and if you den't believe it you May searchi me." Tii. Chicago Times has received an original poem on "Tbe iurut Pistriet et Miduiglt."l Thîe'102d verso rendsï: I"The derrick* standoSÛRtlil'ainat the liait finished Wall. The brick puies are quiet ; the tones are et rest.. o-mer- row tliey'Il ries, nine or ten. stories tali, lu linge, massive structurs-the voret in the West. Thîis lenlaow the Lonisville Courier. J'oîcrîal looks at la; Theyshe.ld quit * abiing Pers Hyacnthe for ' 1 qng They should reinember that tiie fas. cinations et a Yankee widov travelling as the agent cf a patent corset are flot te lbevhistied dowu the v ind as yen veuld, thie charme otan ordin2ary vo. man travellor mcrely fer fun. ,1 Mi. H. W. Brencher givon nome brief adrice te tilee vho write lettere taý busy people : 111. Do't write nt aIll 112.,Wlien you, ean't hehp it, hie sharp, short, and legible.: .III. When ou write- on yonr ovu business, pay !or the . seer.1 '4, 'Wlien yeu want money, don't begin witli piety or flattery. Beg firet sud be pions atrwsrd. * EPUer WZl' SiesU',TSaNîs.-The -Ee rWlliam ne er aýpears vith - a button eut .of place ,or a single deco. ration appropriatç,ole occasi g- ected.Hle isknown -te have visely said that a kingdom May be host by oe '0lctdbttn s haMay be he beinlg tneglience vhlch vi end The Montreal Wt'ineota ésys thai erery horses Lathat city lias been attackoed by tue prersiiing epizootie, and that ne new cases are reperted 6'om the simple teýt that thore are ne freeli victimeià orthe. dlseààW to at"k. Mayor Hall -la un4orgoing,.another trial in Nov York:; 'sud, notwlthxtand., * ing a display et legal ingeiuity lu bie detenosi-it is confldentiy beieved hoe viii b. ý,convicted ou 46tleast ons pt ýthe counts lu ths lnlctment. Thero le uothinwg we 'eaun'preperly cai our own but our tue ; sad yet erery. boly foues us but étfit tht lase s mirid The. iraI t fal irtneu hn innocence the. second he modesty ; and neithea' dlprt-v ithout belng quiekly tolloved * by the. othèr.' 661 shail b. at home neit Sunday,to a lady remarked, sshe ollovedt te h door hlies8u, çvho Boom dte vaver 'l lils fttbiuient. "Se simyl il"*asah.' roply. MEU. vos BàT5IN-Cricketero yl remomber Ibis year as "Tii. Year et 0raoe~, 1872." Thi" other day sl5"fl!ff' thi Blroklyn (Nev York) boat inte thi Rea Rver, 4.p*oor Irlshimun Z; sud esoud hir; Wieu I. wrsat Y.sfa l are, eun "sh >f 1 - - W. M WILIi#.3 a Prince Albert, Sept. 24th, 187,- Creek bas been trlctly preserved, and that A=ls4oudtre1asung-omthe eame,or. refomvilbepoee 'cuied vith the ulmoal rigour oLthe 1evw. 337 order. J. W. KERR, Inspector of Pisherles. ltby, Oct. 9, 1872. 41 G0033 CABLE CWWM BOOTS &SHOES, ,Last as lODg again ýas, anyother klnd. T[MISIOLeYED IN Fire Inaurance Co'y of Canaida, HuZAn Oi.ica-King St.,cor. Church,Torontc C APIT,7AL, is oq, o oo. Deposltcd wfth Gorernalea', *67,000 lt.vlU edjuet ail losseà vitiiont deiay, and pay over the cash AT ONCE. Hon, ALEX. MeKENZIE, M. 1P., JOHN MAUGHIAK 3n., Preln. danager. W. A. LAW, Agent, Whltby. Wbltby,, Octobor 9 1872. 41 a0ul t~u Jue, 801 from bu8inless igener.' For Sale the W4ho/e, ofliâ Large Stock of Ooodo., Aýîndas the prelixises iust bd, given up by Christoess, the. Whgle, tèkIb lé ed AT AND UJNDE IR.-CO0S T 1. TUhestock beýng n10 coMplet and wel'léc etêâ, andà'iaving been purchaad' BEFORE THIE PRÉSENT RISE IN GOODS1 TO T HEIR DVANTAGE TO EXAM1N 1E ÂiMB 4. Let it be borne, i ml*d lthat iaU m'ust B'efore Christmas,j CONSEQUENTY TUE SUBSCOIER 18 OBLIGED TO, EAU PREENTSACRI1FICES To t>e necessities of bis position. -~ote THE STOC~K NOW CON'SISTS 0OP ALL KINDS 0F DRY GOOD SUITAI3LE TO TUE SEASON~. FA'MIL Y GROCnoOERIES AND HARDWARE.1 TO THE TRM)E-HEe- would offer hie, stock at a great sacrifice, and, he is confident that upon examination of the samfe, they will find it advantageons ta suit themeelves with purchases. TO EYT-IL]DEIP.S. They will also find i t , o heir vantage to examine is ,5,~ER0ROYSTER.S.1 STOCK TAY'LO R'S 0F ad-1 AWAFRDED THE FJFWT PRIZE 1, At .tii. 1rovinCiaI Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870, We ofexte-our customers for the coming Hiarvet;t, two dis- tinct, Machineo, whi&h 'n sty1le and -construction, e.nabrae tho lateu& and I.'m6 dt usaeful'ilnprovements of the 'day. TM ]UKNG' OP REAPEÉS."y 1he vuil'ersai success of this, Machine,, both* in,,clo$ely contest. ed 1rfia laa.hpe ef'tle Wferer a ernt ti In saylng that, aïse Soif Rau- iag Reaptnic J&11n,.Ib more good points and leis defectit. and bas met with more -success and lems alure, tban beretofore ofiered to the public. ICA\7U GA...JUNI'OR MOWER We .'çrè, vaaded the Fîrst 'Prize and Diploma, at tbe Prcvin- .'#1'Ekhbition,-bheM in Toronto, 1870.in'cc'mpetition wib ail the leading Machin"s clufeurdin the Province; and witb env recepmt unprovements., weunhesitat- ingly 'eliaslenge investigation and comparifon ;witb competirg Machines,-*e are sstlefed thez uucb investigation wiii convinco pvery unprejudiced mii.d, that we offeY'the7beu M-OWeT to the Firmer for 1872, built in the Dominion. ersend for descriptive catalogues. ]BROWN & PATTRSION. NATEW VGOODS I NEW GOODS!1 AT MoMHILLAN cd Co.'8., The subecribera beg te, informa their enstomere and the public geueraily that thiey are nov recoiring their tel sud vinter importations, vhlch vil com- prise the meet extensive assortment lun thbs market, snd vhilcbvill be offered at prices detying honourable competi. tien. T. H. McMILLAN à Ce. MOMUln's Block, Breck St., Septembor 17, 1872. 88 STOVES! STOVES!!n'ii Armstrong's Celebrated Cooking, Parlour, and H4psting, for Wood or Ceai. Pereans desirous of pnrchaging W~ FIRST- CLASS STI'VES, with First Clase Furniture, should flot tail te purchase nt the 'ZJoted Chesp flouse."3 HATOR & BROTHER. .-Co g~DIRECT FROM ENGLAND, A large stock of Double and- Single Barrel Shot Guns, Pow- der, i-oucbes, FIieaks, also a large stock of LCntlery, Sliîlf and Heavy [f ý Cda e- c, &c. g '150 Torts of Iron, large stock of Reflned Hforse Shoe Bellowe, Anvils. Vices, Lec. Apple Pairore, pares lîke a charmi, only need ta see it work to buy. 100 boxes tin plates, IlCoatbridge.' 300 boxes Canada Plate. Beitt brande for sale.' Ail goods as bere.toQfore guaran- teed as recommended. W. désire to return thanks to our numerous patrons for~ psst favors, and- may add otir stock -and priccms we intend ti be fulll np to the times, ta meet your requirements snd confidence in the Il Noted Clesp fouse." ýWhitby, September lSth, 1872. HATCH &BRO. CUTTERS BSE S T 1Lt was bought before the i ise,ýand will be. positively sold at FRESH EVERY DAY, I AT IL F'RANCIS'S 89 P ORT WTT ORT FEURRY BR. Tekesaffect on Saturday, Junle lot. 1872. Tras»*sGelgXort.' MaIL Musa. *Wlty Juneticu, 9 WOeu Om 1 ~07 a.M. 7 37 pa. -4 e ,9 -99 #.m. 7 59 p.m. M~v!e'40 &.M. 8 19 p.x. Siuinidi ~ 10e02 am.58 2'p.m. Msnobstsr, 10 12 s 428 p.m. Price AUbrt, 10 21 .m. 8 51 pin. TMtPsy, <rrve)10 80 S.M. 9 00 p.m. Trains Qelug South. Mlxe4 MVail. "Port Petxy<e, (éprt,) ôS00a. 280 p;i. PulneéAl rt, 1309 am' Q09 p.M. *~anehster ô 18 Li;, 2 48 p.= 'Jémma~ *6 28a., 2 088p.nî. Wlb 3ut9,(aLrr.) 7 80 s. 4 00 p. Plt m ta tozise TzraIn stop '6n5n1 aga.. ÃŽ;à SAVING -0F ana uncler cost. ONE' HUNIYRED.- PER -CENT May therefore.-b. effe9'ted, between cost then and profit now.- The clo'*ng sale-underthi .will commence nicde MONDAY, 6th SEPT,7 Àndc will be continned frrom day ta day until the whole stock -'will be disposed af. TOI H'S OL]i C JSýTOMERS the suhscribPr desires ta affer b-s Mesitfoit thanks for put favore, exteniding ,oïéir tup4riod ofýP .mAany e"ýaAd kegrete the closing of his pleasing'businesi elation&u4th tbem.H. driisto say thât ,they.wîillcit' h ulbnfto h above, and aleo on the usuaàl termsà"nainély, credit unil lut October, 1873. OLD N0. 1. -BA Scasoli"c M. 0'DO0NO0VAN'SA SPLENDIUDLY FINI8HIED CARIA ES, BUGGIE6I AND CUTTERS, 0F VERY SUPiTRIOR WORKMÀAN>HJP. 'BUGGIES SLEIGHS. REPAIRS, AS UUAL. PHOTO GRAPH' Overshoes lined warm and,èpýinfortab Sllppers, &c.., &;C. iD' epairing neatly done. Cali at the oid Standi. WILLIAM FIJRNzIIIJRE! FURNI AT THE- SIGN 0FTHE May 22, 1812. GRIEAT -ROCIKJNG gFurniture Selli.ug at Old Prices for 30 days longer; Notwithstanlding the-rise inmaterial' and labor, the undersigned ofièrs hie' stock at theé Old Prices. Now is the time. ta embrace tic opportunity of selectiri freon the largest stock in the euiity. otasideboïrdg, bureus, c'entre tables, sefiu chaire, bedroom sets, &c., and al ef ths beat quahity and 'manufacture. The only firit-ela.-s establishment in the Qpt,' whIere Fn neyais are luily sùpplied. ,SMOKER-S I FOR A GOOD SMOKE USE THE MYRTLE NAVY. See T. & B. on Each Plug. Pr/ceso0LoW that-AlCan U8eit September, n,',18729. 3 38' J JS T Ec E I VElID A LOT 'OF A choice lot of Java Coffee_ TO01ARRIVE. g~.Dublin Porter and English .Ale, in pints and quarts. R. H9. JAXESON. -Wlntby, hJu1t' b, 1872. An ImrnenÉe.* Stock of AND G LASS&W ARj;E: Plflor pets ef Offtinent nett, wit1ieut discountfer 'hich remittance usat be sent lunSilvance. 1 have the lienonr te bs, With great respect, -THOMAS BHOLLOWAY.. '558, Oxford Street (late"1244, Strand), London, W Cl., October 1, 1871. I PORTA2NT TO PARTIES V8lKGr M&CHI1fRRY. JB. STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. This 0.9 xois el llotber 011, bolli animai. and vegeteble, snd vo are prepared te show the supericrlty cf, this 011 te anl others, ilu stands ti tsh ce 7te procure ae Srat- chas. la eietber Iighit or heay acbneyfrom a ock or se fIl': maschine ta-the heaviest'otehettes.Th o iovlng are itbs poitsluvbîchit excelsotber Oils: IT 'W]IL IOT GUM, boe ne achn- -ery enu b. kept dean viali butlis trouble, sdiviicIMpan macbleythat lies been already gummed by ther 1h .tvil net congei or thlcken ilu thé coldeat o! veather. This ie a qualitY Cf i heigliesalmyortsuce,. fcthe fest an OUlnothbavlng this qualitr vih net itibricatie a colA shaht, suchen Oih- may b. applted in a heat6d state, lù1t the, moment it tonches a coid sha1t it 25s ongtai-. ed sud vii net lubricate util the. journal lîy fiction acquires the temperature ee5. sexy te reduce lte oa liquid etate lu ecqulr- ling a hligher temperature by 'fiction, the. journallexpsuds sud tie box ile lured, r'~. a'mossle teuse oll that vii chilione colA dait vitiacut this resuit as.lt la to Min.- 0i ohl vlth vater. 3.3B. Stock's 01 I E llu- bricate thé côldsst mechinery the mement it le appu h l ed. Tu s illov used lu overtvo, hdrdestablishments sud in giving the, beaof satisfe»on, sa l unite in se' ng: the préfrit i ened'Spermc,rIeOlive ib las ýfre. foneti.objections urgedA agalnet :aIi others, a>i does not gem' nar freeze. 110 e adiepblic are aarethet msuy' vworthlessthgo are pufed li ntoretiety, lu orderte prove thaï . àalanus umbng, anA te o'Cersourseivea s aist tlieopera.. tiens of unserupulous cil agents, (msany of vhbomil Mnet hesitate te palmoff thaea,, 'cf aU cail refineriesa s 'beng identical 'wth Stock'»-Extra Machine 011,) ve propose, te diose vho are interested mn thes truth cf diose statementa, te send to tbem, on appli- caton1y l or othèrwise, free of charge lu a an ay' esmple of ths cil, abat lt may lpakoritsi.And viii also-send vath It a - 1eiple tst-aseffective as abuse teste te soeurs thenislvis egainst imposition2, by enablgfthen te determine et onc hedîer tie a Orh la isas o asa le Ailparties deabuglu Machines oill mde voll te semmunicate vith' -'J.B. STOCK, Broughamn, ont. Sroula Agent5 for the DomnInon.. * TESTIMONIAL. THE JcExRPx HALL MÀsaPnoe Wors, J.B TCK 9q Oshiea, Âpril 4th, 1870. 14 eest iran plaine, XX.:& XXX ALýE in otte. DOW's Supe 'rior Botted Ale. DEI: R. FR NCIS, Township -Whitby, Ju ne 19, 1I872. GALLE RY. :v VMT- BRCKSTEE, 1B, 0'OPPOÃ"SITE, ON'T ARIO-BANK. Begs to, aunounce that he lis built on th. above premises, A ,NE W Phoogrph allry,60-feet inlen9tIi, Whic h ba ftte u wh al the latest improveunent%,-and new~~ ~~ sp ppolaparatus for tslcing picitures, tram. ife sze h n e quiu~ dimnet1en> ,Pictures enlarged& accurately copied. U-ANDSOME F.RAMES -AND) CASES, Buàsinee hcurs 8 o'clock, a. r'm ta 6, p. -m.. No business done bui sua4ays.. Carnaes, Bggi es, Family Grocer, ,Te No Waggons, The B SAMUfEL WALKEY, PRACTICAL QARRIA.GE MANUF4CTPURER, gi2UD1NDAS'ý Iii returnu' hege toaiinnouno coune ofn'ianufac late8t styles, sind HÂRBDýWÂR 'ICARRIAGES AND k me sir eyl unu L row S, for hul F STIREET, - WHITBY., CHAIER 111lý ci lulwlw

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