Whitby Chronicle, 7 Nov 1872, p. 3

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tuintest, 5 ievwvopienj Of1, us lsw- legs.end reckless civillxation W &eha,1p te:rietiecof thb. north-west7 The.undig. iifled deeavr cf Omabajudges,iu long been 1proverbtia, sasbas aslibe.n the lax Mfrllit>r of gjurr.. *Tb&. vindictive sprit of sun Omahs mob, te only equallèdby lb, v'tupera.. tire cpirit ofMltsc owII litelânc and plie meni. TiidWho katmccsipere lawlimcsnens, of disregard for -the rights o f ellieri, and a supreme centempt for the accidents -o<f existenc, as imposed Iby n9ture. The. nannrs and th. biabits of the mniddle ageire reverifled m tese western people, There 'c the âmeboisterous tone, rudengesi cf speech, volàbility cf Cath, neglect cf yereoiial appearance, diaregard cf tihe foml f rpeltleesso, lun hiséwestern Aimeans, tLes. berderers cf the. nine. 2, teenthieetury, as ever characteriz.d tb. half.crvilired Nerilînen cf tbe eleventhh cftury, or th, Scttish ber.- yen inay iot trille yUL ithile. closely. % crepped, ronlgh..beardcd feUeows areund you ber., -ne more thon yen might have with the long haired sea-rangerc cf oid ;-lhe dirk and swerd ore super. oecled, but'by the bewie.knifo and Yet a tranger mul;t net fancy that ther ia ne relief fiyom thf. eemi.bar. wba i wealtlîy and refined ; but too otnwcalth, aud ail appearance of refiuement, cover but a very savage inferior. But commerce and Irade are great civiligers, and w. expeet secu to ove a d1iffret spirit iu the peeple. S The. cifrizesef Omaha have- shown1 »ieh cuterprise. They hiave built0 supcib.sehedol buildings ; lb.y have9 eslàliilsed aotyllins; thcy have con.E o trueted acres thie- river one cf thei. largret aund mort magnificeul bridgesç In ch world. Tlîey are erecting ani biote! at a cost cf 8800,000, whichin Yi * apentnuent and appearance promises, to b epalatial. They have al teii. . ure. ocf-a great cil y and whfle tiiey1 1ave ail the Vices, they have Many cf a t1w vrlues. ,.4 W. arrived -At -Omaha frem 1he West 9 at aboutfIneen, and, hhough w. IBad M *-long been on tietroln, we had Bad] ne tI opportunity cf &Bcoverlng *bhat and I wheoOur frllew-passengers were, but d w. were net-. at :ail prepared for the a nueny phases cfIllfe vWe saw pres.nted 0 nt the stoppage cf th. train. As Ibisd city i. th. casteru terminus cf 1h.el>aci. ft fie rond, the. whiele train Io cm tied ef t] 1û; contcnýo. Seon tho wide pftormaI arouud ilie depet are aive with the. t eagterý bound passeuger-uniners returu. c .0 ing from Nevada and thec Sierras-,1 ragged Ioeking fellov., wth quiet cotrtenouces, but suaI! pciu yeai thiat seem as if tbey werc looking for si soîuetbiog, aud wilh slouehed lbats and w Conte;; çfllcore rclurntug borne on fur- t, luhficmthue enni ps in the Blockyci Mounitains er on the Pacificeoast, vil i i Oung. wives and litto clîlîdren, and fo iger trurks' caseil in white canvas ; C san, Freneisco nurchnute, 3youn-g and ta keeu.loelcug, with the inevitable cigar 01 lu tlîelr niuflie, geing le inspect tbe w la iuarkete in -New York.; Chiuese in rnueýlnaiici, by the 'clozen or score, P incessanlly. fumbling tlîeir fln>gers- gic all dressedl in leoso arxents, with, eV * wide pantalooue, and wîth luilîir queue 90 earefully concealed uuder their wide. Mi brimnned black liats, or belîfidItheir el, looso fitling coul-collar, Iheir yeilew lbé faes, ýand FmQoth White bands, andý kndw muet bo concealed Ifiere, as Ali rn Mlin eeuuecalecý lxi.; liero aund there a bc * _ Mormon or two, long and sharp nosed, Sc witlh littho grcy eyes, aud a suit cf in' black ging over le Englaîd, to beat DO< & fdIuor converts; touriste returning tw from filie Boclcy Mountains, witli lîeir, au *fowling piceeein luIcir bauds, and Ilîcir do faces browned by- mountain air and Oh mountaiu suang; disappoiuled emigraute se, vilb Iooks inupecunieus and almeel ai" cuclave roui; boys ccming froni the il, West to Beluoleti i caesh, ruuniug al ou ,arouud te look aI lthe siglils ;-men Ch: anud wven cuof everynation and longue wi aud celer, ail turu ng cul ef tIi. peut se( theli liea buse. 'And cabmen ae co - îloilg l uce the ignorant ;'bue 1li. menu arc eMyng eut their masters' lieuses ; belle are ringiu ndticket. ab, * ,sellers Fliouting ;Whle 'line baggaLye. tic mien Coule witlîI lîir -barrowe aud CO( truiîdl's und bang lb. Irunke eut fren ICIl on. train ou the* platform, and thon aI iîuto atuolier train waitiug le tuke tîîem OP( acres. the river. Woe belide thp, man i or froîan Who lbas not an iron-beund nl evuer viclies it bo go te Chicago. lu enether beur the vast machines of transpert are redy ; aîîd seeni thcy ft, -lrt;-bis limne te diverge, ani the v Company tliet came from-1h. meun- ac tains togellier, are seeu geing away val r. ,' t,. froni oee nother aI the rate ef forty itt miles aun Leur. W \Dînvria or bMa. 3oîueSiStt..-Branip- t on, $ov, 2nd.-Mfr. John Snell, cf Willow Ledge, Edmonton, Ont..,cied at hie residence ou thei.lot cf Neveni- ber. W Stern Canuatla e largely indebl- ed te l'. Snell for greafriiprevemient iu long.veci; shîecp and] Durbain caitle, ho havingl been oeeof th. mccst ue- cessl'ul lpcrters and breeders cf hue. lasses cf animaIsl Iie Dominicu. is Aeathi le deeply- regretted by thie 'ommiinisy inu which hoe iveci, ac ho as oneof tb,.cldesl, nMest cstuened, nil MOSt useful citizeg n. uil. suzemny anPoîsooNo--Tuisît IECIT DxssATîu<.BerinNov. 2u.- about tLirce 'elock tîjis aflerucon, a sFpated L lwr- lforînerly cf V ie,4o Village ;- nameY Mandecloli, pemiumtted suicide ly lakngthe con. tenIs oMa dracLun olueofM strychnine çr eured lu Clîlcago, frein vhhPlace C%~ad jusI returned, afler a froîitiess kpirôti for a ituatin. Hol eavcsý? 'val toili esterday and n doubt Lý-oe ave icenupllhed l cpurpcse 'Pr hue 6x t e imay interferenee of &net 1L 130 on ou n a uiay el'erytt almost wore a eharied bioek 'AtHamnilton whiere Yjeu jcin, train ozugfrpin th. Bridge ycî Amn orfellew lraveUlr.VkTi inea difference in the face àind ccmp: ion, e. - ifferen1t et fclohes i ,whiskeri n hiebge.lemen, a p.. abtundance' of gaudy coleurs on ladi, hair doue np i vhaât ighi described as a sty'le cf fasitastî el ite. ýcoiifUsicci, a -différant kink. ci1J ont Mf the eyec, different accent 1 -h om me etent elsq a.difrent spe Thus, for e'xaxplé, yeni becomefamil with ha-n, !vliat ve oeil unpleasan described se rougi, suad scmieth great or unuenal is caileci big. ) cannot help ncticing also-ihie"gutat, tendexicies cf yeur nev frieucle. Il caid te have been very cemmnon ami th. Jews te carry a basket vilt t fer provisions, In that respect 3 migLI suppose tiaI you-Led discovei tLe long lest oeeof theten trilles. Eni nov sud then oee empany, or asud! hauls up a basket frem bélow, or do- fronu above, sud forthvith, huej ,peurs ouly quiclcly te disappear aga ceîd fovî, sandwiches, cakes, Pl a'ple, ra e-oranges and ,cOU tl'gtonumerous te mentiou, i which fi11 the hunigry culeeker vi ave and envy. The cusîcu lieuse dfficer uiealt geuf witL our goods and ehattels, which suppose, muest cf course be Iraeeab asl ail Ihingi cf Iliat kund are nov tri ed loe b toIIiJýdng effeet cf the, & tLemeut cf the Alabanua caims. quite williugly accepteci cf ny em= inetelment cf iuudiu.eci acîanteges returu fer in.dirci daims. It v îiAlu when y, crosseil tLe State Mtichigan, 0let us pas. onete Clâctg Fer miles befoe.yen reecli this-wcnid and' prude cf' western cdties, yon ha xlear indicationsi 'th-& maz, cf *te] graph vires c f railway- traeke, aud t] nmber cf cars standing upon the bhat you are eoming te a greal cit [Iahd intended spending et least ex f'là here, but home vas stili vesîvai od so I pnrsned on. In passing fro one railvey station te enother, I w Iriren thrcugh a part of vihat Led bei th. burnt district. Those viho si liaI yen coulil not tell Ibere bail ev ceen a lire muet oither have lost tI ne cf Iheir eyee er else nover ses Chicago befoe..Ils; marks are abuu danlly visible still. But the eity mu be building up et a rate surpassir Ilmeet tLeecreations cf fiction, ani fi surpassing the conceptions cf eny et. who las net secuil, Al L e strec tureugli vhich, vie vere driven vex crowded vith the debris cf old buildini and yuLh nev mateniais ef ail klni rr lieuses lu the course cf erectioî Du every bîand, vberever yen chance ýlook vere nev buildings in ail shagu :f pregrese, - audJ housanils cf werkme 'ere plying tlîçir arts villi unvearie =d %tr. Il vas stated by e cil aphr onî celebralion cf Itie annivex iry cf tLe fire that, since the fire, ,ood eized building lied 'been put nl icery vorking heur. The city vi. ,eon be rebuult, auJ villa structure cor0 solid, more extensive and mer 4egent et-en then these vhieh f.]ý uer.r thec fumes a year age. The Chicago, Ruck Islandl and ]?uci ireilroud vîuicli I nov tae. mn hiefly aiong tLe vefley cf the fllluoi iver. Il is apparentîy a fertile valle, oundec by rieing grouutd on the soulli ïfer as erepe are coneerned yen se, lterminebie filds of Indian corn uni uthing .1.. viorth sipee king of. Thesi we yeare itlilus been a very large erop id the question le now vibat lis le bi me vit i il? Tliere lsaubundauce e Id cern in tLe country, tLe ne i i arcely suleable ut uuy priee, auJ liov oe if ler te strew il avay or fee ýil i. puzzling nearly ail the fariner! it wiet. Tbey feed il te herses anc îickeus, pigs auJ turkeys are fettenei 1htl il, cowsanau calves, everythine enis te 11k. cern, auJ cverytliine ete il, but, I bave îuol ceeu a scrap 0: on breed of eny kind in an> Ouse. I bac] iîtended suying e word or twe eoutth limnpeniiing presidfential edc- mn. I ami surprised eat tiie perfect oluese cf tLe -people, vLcr. I auni e icIt, about il. I liave scarceiy heard peep about it exeepl vihen 1 have ýoken of il. Tliere are ceuses foi lis. In the lb-st place Itie speech- îking bas ail been clonn befere thie ne. Il nov awaits tic issue of the îllot-box. Agein, lth. re-eleclien ol rant lias been cousidered 'a settled iing since OLio, Indiana and Pennsyl- anie voted 1he Republicen ticket ; and irdlly, Iowa lias elwuys been sucli anl si sliglîtly ehltercd se 0as te -intemeepît and on approaclîing near onougZLi vas sLoI by Mr. Camercu, itie En. ieem, wlîo then laechoc is canc, i in about ten minutes froni being et sighled it vas triumphautly baul- 1en board. It proveci te b. a very se buck, lu spieudici eetu'liou. The nue vas eue cf eousiulcrabl, excite. enI iuring tb. short time il lstei.- racebridge Adumocale. lfîlcîItAL . EaCrzeîS il EXOLAN». London, Nov. 2nd.-The municipal -tions Ibreugliont Ejugland yecter. r, resnlled iu heany Ce -,ative us, which are athibtted te L pas. ge by Parliament sud Ihe enforce. ut cf thi. Licensing Act. MueL dis- efeetion vas exprecsed et the work- c f tLe Nev Bellot Act. AI souxe cf opelling places the procese cf voting Lse slow ILet mauy pensonsavicre chIele tocecI Iheir ballots -before tLe ur arrincil :fer. cleeing the poils. SunnaîtDzÀTr.-Neil Brice, an bec. r ah Mabee'is Holel, CanuinglnJi9 ry suddonly, on" Tbursday last.-He La n the ect Mf raising a peucf Pote- 0int hieswagon, sud, hlig Conu. kmcd Mf crampe ýin Lis legs,i e. ktly tell fervard 'and lied ithout ad mn. 'Hé ha&ýbeea akhgw rnkr gin edi mei ýelec day gai sagý ni aie vai una s ver *dist grog --ê;osnpce * ~ u -. 1-W i si thecapfain juseci eneryeffrt te anive elires Oe te th Ipassengeme, viorkiug brarely lm. U alt selfwiththe bLe..--Three of th.e ï;ei etpassengers are nov here, i mee This information vas brounAht hlir La.this aI ucnb ylbhe amer Axnus sud from NaaSeulte Li.Br-iisIx Consul, anc, lt"" 6ômmunliens vere seul he . th", lantie Mail Comppany ,s8 office'in New Sb York. The oigm cf tLe fire is nu. bar- ],'M 00 T*oef thi.'boats cff IL ill.faled Mis-' l ý fluri vere bhured alengeide the vesel, 'eh, anidIliere le ne -probability ltb anyor Biar tLe ethens erer reeciied sliere. Il s . iIIje prolmable thetuoet a single lifs ing svculd have beeneaved -heciil net béen c)u fcr James Culmer, e resiclnd fBe y tera su epessenger eu board. À 18 uevi boet Lad benpureLgàed ini New Yng- York and placec on deck, but as lbe 'ein. vetlier lied been beisterous ac hLad FOU net beau se=*red either by grlpec or by red checks. When il vies kiievu Ihetthîe ery rvessel vould go clown, Culimer, villi a bey 1ev cîliers, lauuelied thiébout, holding ,wi fast the painter. Wheu 1he jumpeci ýP- everboerd and, swarn te îLe boal eleven în, etliers folloved i hm, and civen thon lied ÃŽes, 1h net heen fer Cublmer-vho vas ac- uer quainted viihth îe management cfaà but bout aoc] look cluirge andi piloled hier 1h sefely Ibreuglu tLe surf-she oulil have been lest wilh the. others. llY The three psseugers viLe are here v,1 er. beuncito Havane, and vilhi ho for- lee verded'te thaî-pont by John Jay Phil- 1ic- bniclc, the agent cf the Atlantic Mail et- Sheemnship lino et this port, -vho bas Itaken enery meesume tovards securIn iltheir cenifont. lu Thîe Missouri seiledl frein Pier No. 4- us Nor-th River, New York, at 8 o'clock, cf a.m., lest Fri.day, fer Havane, via Ï. Nassau# liavingcu board e crevi cf 58, ter ail tll, 29 registereci peseengeresud v. an I crli argo. Among the saned le- le mentloned a écoloreci pessenger, whese lie presence vas net kuevu et tLe office cf im the, COc.Mpny till yesterday. This ty. vouîd mi akeetntal of 88 pensons on ue board the doomed veseel et the. lime cf rd lier destrffêtion. 0f these, as cul y 12 Wa are reprted seved, 70 seemnu doubted- las 1>' taliane perishod. enl Col. Evans vas agent for tlie Asse- aY ciateul Press et San Francisco, and] Mr. er Cleveland vas proprietor cf th. Royal hoi VitorisHotel, et Nassau. The fin. uiservante, accompanyiug the latter gen- f-tleman, hec] been eugaged lu New York st for service lunluis Lelel. Ncthing furth- îg er coulc] e leaimcdl egardigthe pas- mn sengeme. 0f the crcv cf fifty-eight men, iO cf whcm cnly fine seemedto have been les eevcd, ltieComipany liail nelist, but Ithe e followiug, aIl of vihoni ara mported 95 lest, ti7cre nrnecl by Mm. Qunan, frein 18 mcniory CapI. M. R. Greene, of AI- '.bany, N. Y.; First Officer, John Brown; c] Second Officer, Leis Farrell; Purser, es Wni. D. Hiempstead] ; Chief Engineer, nJohn Islip. A list of tiie reniainder of Jtheu cev eau enly Le ohtuincd fet the ýY office of tLe Uniteil Shah..sSlîipping IIConiimiioner lu Cheri-y street, tiie a crcw liaving been slîipped by huim jusl jlbegere tbe sailing of the versse]. uapt. Greene, viuo leune, a family ut 5Albany, vas of mniddle age, auJ bas ebeen about ineyears lu Uic service cf tlhîe Conmpany, by iheni lie wus ihly esteenied fer persenal worîli, an3 e- l-garclec as a falîlîful and efficient officer. is Mr. Brown the -FirsI Officer, bus been LI in tLe eniphoy of the Comppany duriug e Y Ion-g su'ies of yeurs. Ho wus formely 'second ofIi of the. steamîluip More Ie Custle c f t sainc lino, aud was trans- d ferreci te tLe Missouri on bing promet- ied saine tme ega. Mr. Hemipstead, 1 the purser, lied been acting lu Ihîsilce- Specily for four yeers, auJ vuws vlJ.Iy >f knw as an oblaging auJ courtecue OMhicer. Mr. Islip, thie clief englucer, wavu formcriy engiuec-r of the steamer IEscort, of tici New York Steamnboat Conupany'c lino te Orient, Sag Herber, fanJ Grcenpoiut. H.elied becu trans- Ifen-cd tleh Miseouri, jîîst betore ber Isailing, Ly A. W. Dimock, wvho is presi- Ident of bahL onipanies. ETIi,- Missouri n-as a woon, serevi -steamuship of 1,250 tons burîlien, builta ah Mystic, Conu., lu 1862. Slîo vue of 0 oak unu Cliestnut, eoppc-r und ibo-u- *fustc'ncd, andîllaJ tîîree docks. 0fT t brigantine rige, sio wst-us210 feetlhon g, t 24 led beuni, aud 23 eed lu Jepth. 8h. ax lîaJ Ivo stouni clonkey pumpa and tvce *band purnps, auJ le saiJ ho have been v r liberully 'supplifcl aitLhase, buekels, andi in short, ahi ordinui-y uppliances for exlinguisliin." fire. Sl a id -SIX bouts rmtdc] mdci'the oic] 1ev te carry1 f80 persans oacI,, auJ- under a reccut amenidmenl, 25 persans c'acli. She cf vus valued at 8200,0O, aud vas insured Si for $100,000, Jist ributediamong varions b cempanies. Hem carg? je estianate" fiîlîing, being ti.cex6, fene They viere also fineil $5 forflasing onunB Sunday. They ver. the sqrne parties -i vue, twc yeare ago, sc e ereIy beat Mr. WiImet in the ipreseenion .of hic duty. One Clinten Gffj vsalcohf funel *20 for fisiing lun the creek for tin saumon at Bevueunville. *del WHITBY MARKE S. wi Cureoxxeux 0nFIczi Non. 069,17. N FallWliest...........St$1 îl40 Spuung Wlait. $1 15 @ti 20 r Ilarley_... .... .......65e72, - '1 Peas ................ 65o 0 7e Bye ............ .... C a 6& O.t ....... ............35 IaY................. 65@C17 L Potalees ............. 2eï @ 80e Clover Secd ........... 5B Tinuothy.................- Maîle Sugar.. ........ 12c à 156 Eggs ................12e@ 15e Butter.,.............. 15e c 8 *Cheese............... 140c 18C n - ]ieef, hind quarter... $. 8, Deef, fore quarter .....*7 i$7 S Park, per vt ... »........t66 *85 À Wood ..............8p5 'P 1WeOl................ Ã"* £ibicke s......... 0idtpr p remesu-dm-e&y k hTintidivf v eVrydvtsc remaay, haa dfaovered a e ho is few.sdrr.ds IH.BERVEs8 78 Ni2anSi., New YoÏk. September 2i&,1872. NWADVERTISEMENTS. EXTENSIVE 1REDT SLE, 0F Iffl4 RT" D ND ANIBEa SHORT-HORN ÇAtTTLE A"n» MORTND ilLEiK SHIR E S WINE, W'11 be SOld bY Public MciOX4 ,at MAY- FIELD, WHITBY, ONT., on kWsý,5thorougli.bredcatlle, 22 th; Pickering, Oct. 30,1872. 0 NSOfLVENT ACTAP FýIM . iiettfil te m t abi tePlace ef busi- ness"; n ÃŽk ôret l. l..T. f Wbitby, in l.Ccno f (Ontario, OUI Monday, the lBth ofNov,, 1872, To tèceive ÃŽtalementoohs t l5fats, le appoint ân Asiee.& O EN Dateciat Wlitlit 291h dÀy of October, 1872. '2ill4à, JOHN MILLER'B FIFTH ANNUAL, SALEÉ 0FI THOROLIG - BRED STOCK, WEUNESDAY, INOV. 2Othi, 1872, Iwilitak leu, eenhis Fan, Lot e2i-7,' The oUoingValableProert, bl - 7th concession cf Pickening, ou 1h iolv ug suaie meerl, eing- 1 TJ1?RSDAY,;ffOV- 14, l872, J.S. IL G. Ti-OMPSON: IMPORTED CATTLE.-J six-year nid Cov, lu cei; 4 three-year olci Cowsinl cal!; 2 y"arliug ulis; 2 BullCaine,. CANADIAN BRED. - 3 6,.r-yemr ob Cv,lu i caîf ; 2 thmee-yeam aid Covginl ca! tvo-year olfi Redoera, in calf ; 7 Bull Calnee ; 8 H effer Caine,. Aise 1hepair e!c Sheers vilich to the Silver.Cup aI ithe laIe Exhibition et Hanulton-veiglit about 56 evit. Tluree Iiup.nted Bierkshire 5ev., 18 monîhe oid; S 8ev Pige, 8 meullis olfi. Aise vill lue seld 2 fine yean ld Mares, by Iiported I Nehherby,' vith their bals, by iprtedl "Cenaby." Teabone Stock is ail good, anda icludes s number of first-class Shovi Catlle. Thue Clies are gel by imnperted Il Grand Duke o! Orange' (28762), au4 the Covis sud Helfers are all bed te tiported Il"Breaulal- bans" (28073). TERMS-Ererytulug ofeéred i vil e selc vitlient au y reserve wvitener. Elenen menthe credit villbe pivnuon furisluiug ay pro-ced security. 8 per cent. off for cash. Fa Catlle, cash. Suis at Oua oclock. Lunch et noon. MAYYIELD le adj'ufning îtehev o! ofWhit- b>', lv, snd a half nmiles frein lh. Wbihby station, G. T. R., vihere leanis vill meet lb. Trains the uight prenions te, endi en the moruiag of the sale, lu cney parties I. Ih. Fan. Catalogues- sent au application. L. FAIRBANKS, Je., Auchioneer. Mayfield, Non. 6, 1872. 45 M RS. KOLN TO THE LADIES. Dean Ladlies, I lhauk yen for kinci fanor, umest, And hope.a ceutinuance of tliem ay>'lest; i ha-ce tried il a year, vith succose as you Se,, AuJ non' stand lu business as free as need b e. Andi bere y aur attention I'd nov beg te ceil To i a1 stock of Fancy Geede suited te Voi ý%il fSud thein selected yuL prudence aud rare, And tLe prices so 1ev as viii mals yeu ail stargl With bonnets aud hals, 1Iaarn xieus te plouc., Aud in dress-inaling tee, altheugh snob a tease; In chignons I han. thenu, seme pretty, sorne plain. And slippers, I'm sure hai viii cura your My nevi stock o! jevielry ta of the latest invention, Te whlrh I nov eaUl your perticuler atten- tion ; Andi now , my dean ladies, yen vihe have iches te roîllu, Corne boy yeur Christmas preseuts frein- MRS. E. KNIJWLING. Wluitmy, Non. 6, 1872. 45 The abat-e revend viii be palid for 1he apprehieusion and deliveryh<,luo My eustady i Thomas Jackson, h escapcd fromu Whitby" Gai on the aight of the 4th inet. Tb. l lovin g is a description of Jackson : e isea native ci Ireland ; about 35 year, of age ; heigLI, 6 feet 8 luches ; hain, ligLI brovu,,%wth heann beard sud moustache; myes suuken, and Sour on the iight eyelid ; wa5 dreased i L bledk or dsrk-brovn coul, qreynsest,hbravn Irousers, wiîL dank stàipes aoin the seains, and new gaiter boots. sT Rl A Y R D. There caen mhe .promisees of tLe un- leneigued, in the rnonth of Aucuisi, a Large Sov Pig. The owuer cen tek. hem evay my pmonlng preperty sud paying expeuses. WM. KERR. Lot 21, con. 5th, Whlthy. lVhiiby, Non. , 0187-2, 3iu45 flE QUEB-EC RUBBEýR GP1- Beg t le Utbe stteution ai the ublic te beir nevi style of PATE)XT CLAS FELT BOOT-a great impnovement, douug avay w-iti ail aunoyance frein the clii etyle of traps and buckles. For sale by Bin45 Boor & SHesDîcAuxuis EEBîAuuz. [NSCLVENT ACT 0F 1809. aElb mUualIen ai Tlomàu Jackson Hoilldoy, Daniel Holidayand Richard Trnsvii Harrison. as vei indit-iduaily aben membere oi the tfrm- or coprhehp uatnying on businessnde thenaine, stylesud brin of Hoiliday & Hrion, insolvents. By ninlue o! the powier nesled lu mýe as .ssîguee of the saîid Insoînenîs, aud b>' >nder of Judge Bunhain, I vii seil b>' Pnb- e A.uelioetmaI W i nby, thîe Towin o! Friday, the 1,5th day of Nov,, '72, It the heur cf two o'clocl lu the aitennoon, JI he dehuts sud the eutahanding cdaIms due Laingt the estate cmf 1h. abone-named In. Invents, Thons Jackson Bdilida>', Daniel aolida>' sud Richard Trusvil Harrison. : the natter o! THOMAS E. WILE[ý, su Insalveat. B>' hile sane pover sud snthoritzi viii Oen fr salebyPublic A uct,athheane imu sd lac, . bone mentioned al lbh bts su tW"nd&'ng, elaimc s expstlb laIeothe b.sdl Isent. Tos JAMES HOIeDEN. eronuber S, 1872,.1 45 H5 E ONLY ELIABLE CCVEEIIGý FOR TUE FOOT-GOOoD BOOTS & SHIOES.ý Vacane>' for a fevi beadans aet MES. NOURSEIS, 1postte imCaon£=L6Ofic. hitby, Oct. 80, 1872. 44ITOBE TU LET. SA preoeut occuxpied b Mm. Keeler sa v .1o aind Shoe Sin 7iLeWMm loc Ick. ,oscssien giren u Noveuber. G*by 0 29 B, M&8 jt When the feilovilng anImais vilb. fnd 40 Jauporied and fUeme-.bred shent. 100 Iuxporied, and HNIme-bred Cois. wold NSe-1,. 1lOme6iled nd llôseebredflerk. sbire if cge. And .1 Jmperted 2.yeair olu! Draaght TERMS.-A.il seins of $100 sud unuler, as;onen that amenuil liinunhs cnedit viibe; ginen b>' parties furniehlug approrecl paper. 5e-cen per cent aliovied for cash. Teamne I Ib. ah Duffins' Creek Station, G.T.R., tLé night belere sud the m.rulug of the sale te eonvey parties te lbe sale. te, cataloguee sent ou application. Pickerlug Oct. 19. 1872. 43 p BIVATE SALE OF Vallualble Hou8ehold Furniture, Censisting ci Hairhoth Sels, 2 Rockiug ChaIrs, hall dozen Parler Chuairs, 1 Centre Table, Tapeslry, Carpet, Whal-not, Sida Stands, Lacs Cuntains, Dinfug Table, Cane- seated Chairs, Sideboard, Frech b.d. slescis, Beureaus, Longe Toihet Stsnds sud sets, liedrooe nd HailCarpets, Hal Stand, Dinlug-rceui, Kitchen and Pi>elcr Sheves, 4 il Peintinge, Engravng% ,Cmocker>', and! Glassvare, &c., &c. Aise a famil>' 5ev- lng Machine. The prepentycan be ceeu di!>froni len toe iecleek, aethe resideuce ci îhe undersigned, Dunlop Strect, near the Public Schoals. Tiie vhole yull he dispesed in o eelot ut a hargain, or lu lots to suit pnrehaser. Sale toe onunence on TuesJaý, 2-2nd lest. 'R. B. B3, HEELER.- Wbitby, Oct. 23ra, 1872. *43. E XMNT PUBLIC 8CHOOL TEACHEFIS. The Couuty of Ontario Serni-Anu nal Rn. -ainotion o! Candidates for the office of Public Sehoel Teucher vii be held lu the -y -AA -f, That they evga.ged the servk'ës. of Mr. Clements, of London$ COMMuENCING, ONc Englanu]. isiely et Toronto, for the better exeention cf etting. 2311 NDiIY, 161h DEC.'R, 1872, Wbeu they may confideuîly rely on getting ea At 2 o'cleck, p. u., for Candidates for Sec- ond auJ Third Clase Certificates. GOO D FITTI NG, WELL MADE ARTICLE., L .L,, *j4.1, JL .L IN -(3 NéW Millinery Gonds, New Clethsam &ew Dre'ssGonds, New Wod Shii Newhawls a1u- d*Jickets, K'iwf4Qsiery, Ne*Fijnui~aid B~anet, ew Gloves -,NE~W FUM, i Clothing Made up to Order- on the A large, assortmieht oft Ready-miade NEW TEAS AN]Y GCROCERIES. LIGHT! LIGHTAI LIGHT! ,apS,< r s and Drawer*# HAMILTON&Co Is-the C heapest, Safest, amd Best fllu- miliater 110w lu use; é.,ves a brililint liglit equal teý gas, with- out o0F offensi'retodonr. The I'ufdl, 4ýui' 'ers, Lamps, &c., in large or small quantities, :an be proured of JAS. H. GERRIE & Co. A latge stock of Lazarus, Morris & Co. celebre ted Perfected Spectacles. They are the enly Specta- cies that prer;erve-as, weil as assist the *sight, and are the cheapest ,because -the best, alwsys last many years without yhn-e being necèssaryý Sole agent o hîy Chandeliers, Lamps,- Brackets, ]Bur- ners, Chimneys, &e. Ceai 011l, Wholesale and Retail. A fresh supplyý of Clear Fresh Strain- ed Honey, at- Wliitby, Non. 6th, 1872. LAING J..H. GEBRI3& CtGo., 8T00x CE0-- TrO Boo meudc About the firat of next moiith, he wiiI seli ail kinds of Boots annd Shees at: prime cocI in order to reduce hie presnt marnmoth stock previoLm te xnoving.. (.WCall anId get. bargàins while you have the chance of Eo R. B. B. KEFELER. P. 8,-Those who are indebted wili plei"settlue immedintely. Whitby. Oct. 9, 1872. 41 -COLDS-MITH'S HALL, NOTED FOR CRL4P .AND RELIABLE GOODS SEngli*sh Colored GoId Sets -and Gem IRUngs. AMEIBICAN.GOLD SETS. ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Electro-Plated Goods!1 Watclies & Clocks of the best Makeýrs, iFý 11ach carefully examined, proved, nd tinied, ndtheir performance guaranteed. JAMES OHý TN -Practicl Watch and Clock Maker. J3rock-st., Whitby,'August 21, 1872. 34 CHEMISTE & DILUGGISTS. &STEWART -Beg te eau ,the special attention of the la'iies of Whitby and vicinîty te their large and varied MILLISrJRYTERM 0F LEASE NEARLY EPPJPD- t he Gentlemen viho are requiring Winter'Cdlothinçj1 The ceniiueatieu of Candfidates for FinIt Class Certificates v-Mi le helc et the sanue Tucd , te 6thda olDeembrinThe stock of stapie and faîcy Dry Goods is fuily assorted T u e d iy , h e 6 1 d a y o D e e m b r , i n a il d e p a rtin e n s .1 AT À REASOINABLE PRICE. JOHN The whole stock of Dry Goods are being solda E COST PIRICE AND JJNDER. Dress Gonds of every kind much below cost. Fiannels eof ail kinds et hast seasons e cis. Staples- 10 per cent belovi lamt season'm;*cost. Overcoats sud Peacoate ,unden cosi. Vestesulan î nsaet cust - Hc>oiery and (-x'loves ain conh prie. Faney Wooljen goeda-atcast prie.. Yansih ceet p*ce liais aud Cape et cost prices. Tweeds nt coen prie. 'fies and crfac e as. Sîxuaiised-Jacketset cecI price. 'Under Skirtganti Hoops at coshuprice. Corsets aI cecI price. [Djý Every'Articele at ()ost Prince. AT uNE 0'CLOCK, A. SM. Intendiug Candida tes vill please notif> me vîthaul dela>' o! thelr intention t e pre- sent thenîseines for enaminalion, anci aiseo!o tbe GEtDE of the Certificat, for vihich they intend te apply; vihether 1s1, Lnd cm Ord -Class---!orvardlug at the sanie tinue the necessary Cerlificate ociinoral chanacten. As Inspectersarn required te ferward te the i)eparlrnenl a statemeut o! L.henuber o! epplicanîs ineach 4.slasmsehel the necessar>' number o! Exeuufuation Papers may luenmade ont sud metumneflinlu ima fer th. Eraumi nation, intending Candidactes vil me-thie necessity for fcmvarding thes neces- sar>' information at ence. Applications muet b. lunu>' Lands b>' tLe 201h dy e! Ne-emben. JAMES MeBlIIEN, Inspecter Public Ocheols for CeunI>' cf Ontario. IIAGLAXuP. O. Raglan, Oct. 30,1872. 44 F Am FOR SALE. The north Lai! c! Let N. 31. linl. te4h cencession o! the Townuship cf Wbitmy-; 45, acres cleareci, sud the balane n-aluable Voce lands, Frame bocuse sud barn. Rebu Brothers, on Lot 32 la ILe Brd concession, vili showi the farm te tntending purchesers, andi fer further particulars appl>' te WILLIAM MASSON,. Broolin, 181h Sept., 1875., -38 FARM WANTED. Wanted, % ,sinali fan, ceutalnlng about Su>'y acres with coudore bidns 1Address, nabebidns Whitby. Whltby, October Luci, 1872. 40 dOAL 1 GOAL 1 Ai l ue! ofceai md recived. WIi, e sod et 1ev prie,fer cccii0i>'.Arsge.- mente La-ce been maise te hýau Ilcosl *eigheI ou Towin se"!,. JOHN KEITH, Brook 51., Wlitby. 1Vhtby,-Âugast 28ti, 182. 8 F R*FOR 5IR AÂSPIisddfan of! bIs, 01 lin&, o vwih is 1 lange dveIlug b ous, bamu cs" cnt-buIls, itualel wlhbinccpo a=c .f ÃŽli., Tov01 cftuby, Ceuni' atacrie, and kncwn s. lie Theupftks Pen. . Alwson. ermof land' 'isplen Brl icko Colae u ond p. Latel>' 0 L ~ iimThomdike. YEOMAN GIBBON, or J. rL. SxMITBý Whlitbl Enecuton te *11 w lh. Whitby, October 9, 1872. * dred acres ipply te- JON ÂMBELAMs. WhiLby, Oct 30, 1-872. FASHiONABLE TAILOIING A ND GENTLEME-N'S FIJRNISIIING GOODS, ÀT JOHN FERGIY5ONy 5 Merohanit Tailor & Draper, - DUNDAS -SREJET, WLIITBY, Large winter. st-ock-Canadian, Scotch su.d E>giish C lofhs-'Tweed iit& . Yonths' and Childîcus' saits. Splendid material for overceats. Gents' white and-colored Shirts, and Furruishing Goodis of ail kinds. - ~ 1JORN PEMGUSON, Clothier k Gents' Outfitter,ý - Dundas St, Whiîby. 1Wbktby, Oct 22, 1872.. 43-ly Goods, FIlE HGRCERIES. 1now iîï, reoeipt pi s, hesavy stock of Wiuter, GoocIsenbrac- iug Seneralcpilendid lhues. WINCEYSO, FLANNELs, . BLANKMT, UNDIýeL'r N , :--,TWEEDS# DOE)SMIS. FANCY,- DRUS 400D8.-Back Biîks, bMuelins, Lnstres, Irieh Pephine, PDol>' Vanden,-Whit. aend Gre' Ooîtnnx Metings, Tieiage &"-y &c,. considemablyunuder imarket vaIne, te vwhich Le invitasi be attention of on#- '1'A Ohoice Seleetion. of the best Fresh Groceries Whitby, Octeber 23, 1872. NEýW GET :Y<)UR FALL OLOTHES ATý ]E» R x w iv Xa . ff Before theé-; busy season begins. You wiIl find there a splendid msortment ef FAL CLOTH 0OF ALL XINIDS.- ýNE.W- ALSO, And a complete assortment of Ïiew Furnishing, Goods. Whitby, Sept Srd, 1872. 36 NEW MU 10 STOR E, BRLOOK STREÈT, W Where will be flbund Sheet Music, sud Mt kinds,Musical lustruments of every descfi - zn ViliaStrings and Bows of the b. 3A~E 1, UIPKY. I. . - DANFO000.-- SKINNEH, coing, Out of 'Business! JOHN SKINNER. GOO 0D s5 Warm Winter TBY, ý wbuby, ý iým CHEMISTS, & DRUGGISTS. Whitby, October 23, 1872. H A T.-S 43-ly J.PETR 0-LEUM FLUID,

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