Whitby Chronicle, 31 Oct 1872, p. 4

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fronitwo a ils mon- en, t'ho tb oller la, là Suseau immn. bI emetered, ma Âlio < a diof ta" ail 10 coma thdo e Mare aàdàn ay- Ti» maprs, bim i fainb.W tbtl s too oean lavesimoeal b at àli &go too the1 In aborer. TheWMwr'qins -G=ated, but tuat - s no.eu=Wnjv -Ishuid Dot e t o- g*t Mô." or islt; -bt, ounlthe otbipbad, Iis inanu xolect resom sh hé lAadLoid e OW- -YOZy ogWttodo vithout ibe' iaborez' sd tVis viii nauestlousbly b. the Zsut EHlUzeio lssiffed prprtors mdfarmers bavre usuay ieaed thir workmm theiom ploylaht, ItiI.probable ta ils vinter il! sie a vid ffurenc ii this respect.NOIRn esaylng:l'If I'M to gir. four dollars oaveek vbere I £vu tjree dollars, I must linocli off la. brrs *liuïïï > I get a chanc.. e" Bcb acoursevlZlno donbt,leadtom. rr= tomouit dWis$osng risultfto Ilwl.ru;, b.Apn, Ibis year Vie co. ioion bas more tian ever forceditueilf onuiee mnd of agrlculturists that ltie Vre. klngdoms mutl icome-more sant more a bücoiicrallier Ihan au- grULi lural country. The. ery le mel for vhuat, but meast. Tbis chiminluad. înlrably wuilli lan imdo'.ews on * tha-labîor'question. Oseitlu aneh3eup. raloing equire but very fev mon as touipared vill agriculture. - Latly, th introduction. of maehlury vili be si4*11,ialti labeh ouity to bu dlspéuaed, vfth. Ain bisvii bàb1y moeto for a lime coîiiderable bllvela -ieend theresut vilbe ex. callent, fog l il eav's ti.Mostl est amon'g tbhé eu klboethtbe eau do btter: e fleebr. Ti.migra. tion of uisoboto thesceed. 0& by= remoi tst 0Irigb by gIhlty thoueaud, for the brie! 1crm dia it ilila the report. iieently ve aUImdeA ti.eviil of.EgifehlinlorY. min tq the West, and selecîgronnd lor nome- bundrede vho wero comlng to- galer$b'ètie n I~iiaiuspot.',ii. ro biclwvordsof Mr. Walter, 'of bbe = : *r51 ose Mobr yet, em4itin tau hâtin-847-8; elesA o! Iel nd"-ae frap y m n fulfilld, altbougb froni causes whcb bu, peelApI, ina fot nl buve divin- J- ed. Wel*oeiaI Vi te great strue of Vie century viiitend equaiy he .sa- vantage o0Gart"Bri a our Great West. T he Daosof Nev Yorkc. The N.Y. Worlrlofthe 214t lit., aludwa bthebi uneoftlat dily, ay:- d*n inereting exPosition o!_crime loae apelVaric treet, lait evîn- ing-W the nector, B«e. Alvsh Wiawafl. - i i dcour s e eUvýued lunonnue. tion vibli lie aunail neport r.cently readered o! et. John's GUll, a Socieby orgal*sixiryeare aego, foruketven tion idWYOen sdcrm. w wu s ýa IProverbe ,xix.,1M. The speak ellM &udlmgto thi syteai o b. - bi ble $ onld. b..c dev m z aonoy 10 theohm mnto! jdlenese ud Vice., 4»iibid la troug coloure lthe -condi. ly.f thepoobin tbceFfth sud E'th ti '0 . Ten Vionsand àfamie. iv 'W 6U # ;4vstedby lia <uild duing-tih. = raxer. - -Za tenîmeul.liouees, iiibw nienily the hrc.dlng places 'o! duesa~ sud dasîli, and vhere poverty vWas Only "uras"e by crime, vomun e oul,> befound vbo, froni laiuflolli- * i, Ii4 ot bruatiuid th. .antly lias pestilential air o! the Street for yeara, - r hile U I snse o! mod.sty vas destroy. cd bylltu? Ivo sexes living in continned -t \ poi.yImproper -charactira plieA t her trade openly m uvery house., man burgarsn, .Iluevez anA pickpocket& svarmed (rom #sret 10 celle:. In 870, 100,000 puionsvee sntb b>thVe lcorruîo theV prisonsreformatories, poor-lionies, &a. Of lb... 80,000 vire relesdsud liahreturned 10 Ihein bm-. mer pursuits. Probahly 100,000 of Vie telniment population ba&been in prison for smre crime oh olbcer vithin thi paut fÃ"ri»iniencÈ ai.dellot n- iad only randqred Ilium iveafoid -vos Vian before, for prisons vers butischooli -b re viauuis vas O penly ta gt b>' tateribusiluvice. Tic amuahof la. inpcaae uteumuent boni., coula lutine punchase of liquor. Tenieut bouseeblldrua drank luhimpiraucil wiihthiur mothar'. millk Dauglteriu vure giua one W hacu b>'bblow mothura, si o4d $ laughit b h.i > thulr falter. Poorhu- an sdprss 4ncreased the irIls Viey woves tuend ho suppreai. Thir ninou'remadi>' vas the îCricIon of ovzv (mmii> b>' la- dvidiad fr, e hW» , à=4b. pro. ivvdd 1l»imllqof he dîstilutu ho zouermvec&blr 4Mployment 4> s etâad, byou> lirvicions pesns atvre removud. Toceary ot Vifs an tiers *ài iià&4& re;éîirdUot t l lb dqprvecd an& dstital. cooulA be pur- chaud St lms plethan lb. continua- lion dollas anuel!>' vire roquirsd ho eun>'on lhé priçonà t è le-raiof Vie paup .AaWpbu'alolsle*V b ui iud piaeolalaluI "iUln-Jo rustrain, p rab sdspport crimiais pa arTivf= ,bo ' O Tl y Ci1- ro ws: fhe courtoid A"se, Niad Pries, 'Jyer san Terminer, sud Gener- AI GolDiUvery,yvil b. JholdeR n udnfor ltb. Ounty of intarlo, iti. burt) Ho., la 1 n he Town of Wbitby, on Wedn7esdaîy, October 3Oth, 1872 At * toub~r of 12 o'clock, noon,,o! which AU Coroners, 3nstiecçaof lthe Pcace, and aul othermconcrned, Utae .notice and gpv- eru hhuniselveacoerinÉly,.1I1 NEL8'JN G. REiYNOLDS, Whitby, Sept. 25, 1872. 89 4 T ISOLATED BISK Fire Insurance Co'y of Canada, CAPIT-AL, 5500,o00. Deposlted wltbOoernmen~, $67,000 iL vii litaillsses vithout ïdelay, antl 'pay ovor the as AT ONCE. Hon. ALEX. MeKEEZIE, M. P., President., JOHN MAUGHAN, Ja., Manager. W. A. LÂW, Agent, Whitby. Whllby, OClober 9,1872. 41 su PEÙ 31B01O TAYL.O.RS YS8 T EES.' B EST FRESH.. E VER Y DAYI AT IL FRANCISS. Whitby. Sept. 25, 1872. 89 JhtTLIC NOTICE 1 Public Notice is hereby given that Ly-nde's Creek bas been strictly preserved, and liaI &l parties1 ud Irespasstng on the sanie, or seekigloZ ake fish Iherefroin, viiibcprose- cutudvith the ulmost rigour o! lb. lav. Dy B7 ;. - I eco i abnertes. wbitby, O0..9, Iuipet, - 4 --j- P J The -subser-iber takes ti informing his customnrand -ah. publie, '1 presntpn1~Sbeing about beyr ine -a ont tn bc mold, bc finds himself 3erty For 8aIe the Whole cql'H18:Large Stock of(Goode. Andaàthe. premiàés mjnst 1egiven up by Chrptésel oWsoc ilt. iPodo AT the~uiee0pS T jeuROiHÂSIRS WILL FMrD IT TO THEIR: ADVANTAGE; <TO -EXAM&INE 1IffESAMdE* 37eore 'Concludîig itréha48 e esewhei'e. Lett be b,,orne ii nind.thàtatllms j.sId > COItSE]QUENSTLY TUE eUBfflBIRlm ODLIGERD TO WAXII PRESENT-SACR.IFIC ES To the necessities of hie position. ---0:0-~ -,TFIp STOiC]ý NOW C0NSlT9F1F SUITAI3LE --TO TITE SEASON. F-A MIL Y GhOCEPI!E&S- AID' HA'RD W4#E. TO THE TÈADE-Hne wouldtoffer bisuttkaLa r~~.sticnfice, al, e~is Cc1Tdq 4at upon 'exaination of th arne, they «'Il fiut4 i advantàgeous to suit tlîemselves with pnrchases..- - TOrt~ E S They will also find it to -their vaîýntage b e'xÂîminê-huiâ STO 0CK ad- 0FHIRD 'WARE It was boughtbefore the risei and ill U - hopostreysod and .ud under co. - i el sld-1 A - ,SAVIIiG GOD CABL2 ' BOOTS 419- idCi1tw WIRhI* & SHOES lâg & ong aa s any other kWn. PPBT WHITY & POlIT PERU B.I. TO ioqc nSàtnrdy, J u 5ik. -the subsi T"Goiag North. 9Moal, 7 ai ..teoiË ~~by~n, 9t00a.m. - 7 80pM. dsrg !94AM 1 .,above, a - 10 02 ami. 8 8 p.m.Ocoe ff 10 12 am. 8 42 p.M. Otb Pd inc Abrt, 10 2i .m. 8 51 p.M. ~~~ 1089.. Opm Me. Mai I ortPe952a<dpat,) 600m.2 Dopm Princeort, ô509a. 289p. - hMau ester, 6 18Bamu; 248 p.m. - s'lm i 6 28 .mw 258 p.m. trola 7 01 sm, 8 81 p.m. 1 À Wlutby, 7 28 a.m.3 W p. Wltbylunction, (arr.) 7 80&Mn.- 4 00 p.m, SABIiUPC 'Pâalorni Statious Traie stcp on Signal ihs.a oaly. - , B, MT f 0FON IU.eINKEDý, ER,,ÇEWIT May therefore be effected, betweea cost then and profit now., Thé.J- 'osin sàle uII( lhisî e will commence -- IVQN DAY,,I 6th SEPTo. 7 And will bc coatinued from diy te day util tihe whole stock, will be dispose4 iýf - RIS0LD ~B-OM RS ýcribcr1 désires to 2ir hhear t'tanki f.* pu~ pflxiOd gr-*-" 51ipg l> C~.~ ~g~ ~O44 Z~V,-EB 44aT en ji . ar1ey! 0 jO NSTON0-: S-ELF-ýRAKING REAPE ,'AWAÀRD *ED TH E FI-RST., PRIZE1 At th. Provincial Exhibition, Toýronto, in 1870,. We oer teoOur customers for the. comng Larvest, t wo disé- tinct Machines,. which in style and construction, 'eïnbrace -tbe lateot and rnOst useful im p rovements of the dAy. JINTN'S SINGLE SELF-RAKING-REAPER TEE " '4' NG 0F. laAP] S. The universl, succea ofthis Machine, bothl in cloýsely contest- ed trials »ud igthe banàseof the farinera warrant us in saying that, asa Self Rak' ing Remping Macine, itbas more good pninte andi Icas tefecta, ni haemet vith more succesansd leus hlare, thon beietofore 0'flered t10the public. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER 'e were awarded the Firat Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin- pjdI ,Exhibition. beld inl'oronto, 3870.in coînpeti on witb ail Lbe lcatingi>lachines rmaufact.ured lu tb. prov4incd; and vitb our recent huprovemets o nbesieita*t- Ing17 challenge investigation- and comptbrison with competirg Machine%, vo are asutlsflud tht sncb inesigation wiii coniinée every unprejudiced mid, tit ve ofer, th. but INower to the Farmner for 1872, hut in the Dominion. fW-V8cnd pI gBROWIN & PATTERSON. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT MoMILLAN t ,"ç The subscribers beg ho inform their -cuelomers aniitlie public geveraily thal bbey are now receiving theirfail and vinIer importations, vhicb viiicom- prise tbe most extensive assorluxenî in this nieket, and which vili be offered aI pricea defying bonourable competi- lioni. T. H. McMILLA-N & Co. McMlilln's Blocik, - Brock St., September 17, 1872. 8 STOVES! STOVES-!!i ÂArnstrong's OJelebrated Cooking, Parlour, and Hpating, -for Wood or Coal. PorLons desirous of purchaming SW FIRST-CLASS STOVES, wkth Firsi- Clame' Furniture, sbould flot fail to purebase ut the Il- votd Cesp roue."HATCFI & BROTHIER. S#-DIRECT FROM ENGLAND, A large stock of Double and Single Barrel Shot Guns, Pow- der. Pouces, FI:,sls, aleo a large stock of CutIer>', SIîelf and Heavy 1-ardvare, Ce., &t. S150 Tous of Iron, large stock of Refined Horse Shoe Selws Anvile. Vices, &--. Apple l'airers, pares like a chari, only need 10o ueo il ork to bu>'. 100 boxes tin plates, il (oatbridge' 300 boxes Canadia Plate. Best brapiti for sale. AU goods as heretofore guaran- îeed as recommended. We desire to retun tbanks to our numerous patrons. for pa favors, and'muy add our stock and pricos we intend t-3 be ful .up to the lita.., 10 me your requiremnents and confidence in the il Noted Cheap Honso." &' Wb'ttby, September 18tb, 1872. C,4RIAESAND. CUTTERSI m.e 'O OY NS SPLENDIDLY FINISHED CA RIA CE8, BUGGIE8, AND .CUTTER8,1 0F vEB E-gRwo.RkiàAsITip. BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS AS USUJAL. WITPY l4ov 22nd, 1870. PH0T'OGRBAJI11, GALLEIRY. BROK TRET ~VHTBY7 l 0 OPPO-SITE, ONTARIO BA MK.* Begs to' aunnonce that hEt has built on the above premises, Which;he hue ftted np- with al the lateçst- imProvemients, and!- nemaitA0impro!eéd apparaus for îaking - pictureï-front life-size 10nnyre LPitures enlargéd & ,accurate1y -copied.: [11A.DSOMEFRAMES-A.ND, CASES. BOOTS ANP 5.ýSH The irndersigned has a large Lidieà', Gents', a'id Uhldren's Fine and tjôaie1 U7'Boots aud. Shoes macle to Overshoes lined warm and comfortable,A ýSlippers, &CI,, &C'4 SRepairing neatly done. Cali at the old Stand. WHiAIAA.f BURNbl Bot&Shoe Store, Brocli Street, May 22, 1872. FURN1TIJRE!, F1RiN1TIJI TuE AT TRE SIGNO 0F' GREAT 'ROCKING CHAIR r- 4C-Furniture Selling at Old Prices for 30 days longer; Iare Notwithstanding the rise lu material ex and labor, the undersigned'offerss stock at-the OId Prices flot,à the p for 30 days longer. Ilion Now is the time to embrace the, opportnnity of selecting tolo froin the largoat stock in the Cougity. of sideboardi , boreaus, centre tables, sofas, uýtIlï chairs, hedroom sets, lc., andi ail of tb. hast quslity andi maniufa&cture. titinu JAMS H. SAXO>. plll The only firat-class establishmnent in, the C ounty, where Fn- nerals are fuIIy supplied. SMO0KE RS 1 FOR A GOOD SMOKE USE THE MYRTLE NAVY. See T. & Bý. on Each.Plug. . Price so Low that A/I Can Une it, Saptember 17. 1872. 3M-38 JIJST IBEC ElVE D_ A LOT 0F. A choice-iQt of Java Coffe T0 KR R IV E. CW DuËlin 'Porter and Eiglihl, in pints and quart-. R. H. JAMESON. WVhitby, July 10th, 1872. A- AnIidnse Stock of NEW 0ORO00OK-E"IR -AN'D GLASSWARE. XX &- XXX ALE in Bottie. Dow' s Supe'41w Bottled Aie. R. FRANCI St Fsinily Grocer,&. Whitby, J une 1, 1872. Carrhge8, Bdg~ies, Waggonsi de, SAMVUEL> WAL' seut mn advancc. I have th. bonour tb b., With geut respect, - THOMAS HOLLOWÂY- 553, Okdord Street labo 244, Strand), Londoit, W. C., October 1, 1871. IMPOTAT T ATE S < il A 'fl<'R W' EXTRA MACHINE IL Titis bil1 excels i&U nIiez OU, boti animl and Vegetable, sav e are prepared tb aho t!. sprolf thum 011 b al othmiz, il tladaVWetetsnecesaary tb procure a fit- hlasà article, il le adapte ether lbgbt or iieavy maenery, f = a dlock or s= n- - machine 1taVihea-dieel of shabt. The.fol«m- inin tb 'tslnvhicliiiexceisobtier7ý 0Ols : 9Ë ffl NOT GOUM, b hee macin.-- eryeanbe kpt eanv-ith btUfetml .-lresay g-ned 1; ot=er 01'. Il viiin ot coge r luion l ia hecoldeet o! veait er. Tlie e a3 liy o! the'. hie&t iportance,- fr-om thei. clan 011 nol havîng tins qua]lt y vii not lubricate ascola siift, such an Oi may.ho applied in a heate& eýtatelt i th moment it touches a colAseftîi econgeal- ea sudaviiinot lubricateunutil Vie 1journa by fictlo-cquircethe temratiure eary to redue il 1 a i.qiuid etatemi;cir ung a bieier temperature Iuy journal expandesud the box le injured, it la- asimpouile to nu noù bhatvlllcillon a colAs laft *itiiouthisrea as t s to min- *gle oil wili valer. J. B. Stocks OÙ ivuilu- bricte the. coldmet iuacinery the mement it implied. Tiiuoliieovneediuovertvn hunddestablialimutsan sulegiviug tha besl o! satisfaction, sud aul nitlem- aYiag the prefer ilto refineti Sperm or pureolive.: it isfr-ecfrom the objections urgea. egainal all oflucr, as il doem not gnm nur freere. Nov as tho public are avare liat mny vorhuese hings arc pnfed m int oriety. in ordor 10 prove liat tVisiisla uo iumbu g,. sud bo secure ouirSlveis ageinet Vie opera.. tions of! nsrulone où agents, Cmyo Vine 'the cte tea a foi ever nu&, I- iisalgo eheq than any 0zou. ILW. h Il1 fuI t rou plainez,?7 liv Il keepiKthee bols Cie= ài mnt vaut anydhiig botter1 DESIBÂBLE FR -_ N TEM Township o Tluab Firsb.class Parui T w àhip o! Beach, mab >o su,17ad 18 in tue-U property ci Vi. labo -Alen aeceae -W lIbetW on a.1 moena ar.I conais1 by,o! rbie land, anda, paiure land, -and le cou as regarda maiole anA ra 27.. Bull4ungs art conne Lut*u viisi KEYI, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, STREET, WIJIITII3Y. la. étUJrnig thanks for pasi begs to announcel, thagt lhe bas constiintly -course Of manuflictur, Carriages, Buggies, (cc latest styles ,nsdvebieles of every descriptioi AS hcues. nouie butthe besL iflaterial,-aIld i '-J J e' TUE Lwbbt 38 -ý ý L' 1 P.-M, Ne hnsiness d bcurs 8, délock, a. ý M. to

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