Whitby Chronicle, 31 Oct 1872, p. 1

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!' iytlyX, ýorthrse * t tdiscantine dvertiâsmn inuat ba in wnlting. 014TABIO BANK, WHI-TJ3Y BRANCEt, - THOMAS DOW,; WHITBY AGENCY, Hl. B. TAYLOR, Aoîos Il. J. lIAVDONI6LL, 'LAW HANIY& CONVEYANCn OMeSothWng Court Hosu ' '=neo, QC., and Dr. MoMichael, Q.C J.' E,..FAREWVELL, LL; 13., - ('OUSTY CROWN ATTORNEY F( JOntaio,3sxnister,,Soiciter, Convi s user, NotarY Publicéx.,dc Office-L& 'o cc ld by . W1. Coclrano, Eeq.,h c~onAtrsBrook Street, Whitby. -GEORGE M. DARTNELL, ARE!SER, ~CONVEI Bancsr DgRegitar,Mster B the Couty ai Ontario. Office, Court Ru Whitby. _BARRISTEB & ATTORNEY.AT-LA' .JSolicitor iu Chancsry, Conveyanoe *Notary Pub)lie, &e. Ofice-Nexi Soor tai Store of E. & J. Campblal, Drock Siree Wlitby, Ont. FARIEWELL' & mecG'EE, ARRISTRK, ÀTORNE S OLIç] Office, Oshawa. J. B. FAiIZWELL. IL. MCGE. CHAULES C. KELLER, ton, IBrok,C TY LYMIAN ENGLI911. 1. L. 1D., B ARRISTEil AT LA-W, SOLICITOIR Il J)Chancery, Couveancer, dx., dc. Sim cas Street, Oaliawe. Block, Bnock-Streat Whitby, Outario. JANES LAitON, ATTORNF.Y.ATLAW, SOLICITOR IN AChaucery, Couve uaacer, Laud Agent, &c. Office-Iu Perriah s Block, Brock St. Uxbridge. TERS ATORNYSSOLIC. Wlatte-by < tetSuthai, post office, FIJOXAN IiUuSTON, JAMESllSicIJIta"V, * NSPECTOR OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS L-for the Couty ni Ontario. Addnss- Raglan Post- CGlevc, Ontario. 19- . J- tNN, Di. D., S URGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, I. ]yrc uStrect,W41tby., -l U'qHOSPITAL LONDON LNG., Wh y L0 l . ,OAhawa Otaio TENTIST, (SUCCES. tIM D sor ta W. Il. Card.)' Dental ltootus--Donaus Street, ýVlsItby,oaven Mn. Jaîneson's Store. Nitrons 'Oxido Oas admniuised for tise pucllcsex. traction af touilu Ci N- VARIS. L. D. M. ~ T ETH 'iiserted on ail theo -'-latee;t principles aofltoarot, As clicap as tlie cheapesi, caiS as good as the beet. Teeth fSueS with GaldiS ndSSilver. Teetb extracted witliout-pain, luy pxoduci -loala axineslsesia. Dental Ron-iu Cow. an's EÇW hlçs-k, aven Atkinsous iDrug Store, Ring Street, Oshswa. 85 'TIIOhIA'4 'IIUIuTîN, I SSUER Olê MARRIIAQE LICENSES. Offlcs-Tuvn rIail. Reidanca-flynon Strot, ilînea doore namil ai Townu Ral. JAIR DRESSING AND SHIAVING l.Saloon, J3nocW St., Wilithy. L UMBE R MERCHANT, CLARPENTER anS Joiner, Green Street, Whitby. A large sIlantty of ail kinds ai lumber con- stntLly-on liand. UNDBRTÂlCING.-lrunerala fully sup. l lied and ttendeil on short notice. Coffine kepi coutently on baud. A liers tailîire on 4bral terus. 0JNEY TO LEND. The undersignedl lies an y anoulit of Mon- sy te Lend opon Ferm or Town I'roperty, et unuusaely Low 1aies ci Inters-st. .Loans 'ccii ho repaid in sumo to suit bar. Baverai Improved 11'irms enS Wild Lands for sale clseep. Investmeuts made ini Municipal Deben. tore, lBank, and other raarketatable stocka. ror furtherperticurs epply ta JAMES HOLDEN, Officiel Amsignee, Droker, &'c. OIFFeICE-Over thie Dominion Blank, Me. Millau's ]3roel St., Whitby. lipnil Uth, 1872. 15 M SI C I MU S ICI1 Wlitiy IBraseuS String Bands, adapted for floireei, 1Pie-nies, Excursions Quadrilles P*ntles, &c., &c., will supply the hast aud latsat Mosicoan roasonable tarine. 'Applications muet ho tonade sithor persan. Ally or by letton, (pont said,)-to , J. WOLFE NDEN, Whitby. RSE MEDICINES. esnptlons af the best, Horses Iedi. n ustaitly, on baud aS for sale et 1Ib Idvr Sables, =D. HLIÂy BRUOK LIr14,_ONTr A-GENT Virg T= 18ISLÂTEP EISK BTEEINE. 0f Oanada, A pslrely Cana4iau litai Aie -àAent anud appraisar for th' Permanent,»uilding andi Sarin So bois i imouey ai Jo-w ratasIlofitare A 8111aflO ompfi CAPITAL, *400,oo. Z8TABLI8HX£D 183,1 ' This ol14 and weflýestabUmieaiCon -r prepanuti to soetrlns in lu low sureS for tbree y"ar or luis et speca L., FAIBANÉSj L ONOASSUANCE COR1i FIllE AND LIFE. ERTÂxLîsuxa EvRaves.Cussssvx, i - PinDu ixn ..£2,468,588 17a 4& HEAD AGENTIWO NTRÉAL-BRC H. àTEPHENS. No. 56, St. PranoisX a-ier Street, JOHN 4GNEW,-Age -0NTABIO PARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE C£ IMAD OFFICE, BROOK ST,, WI Tis Company ineures Peu-m 3uildj Country Cburclea, Scooal fouses,>anS Contente, et' rates as Loy as thoseeoa well-esteblsled Comspany lu Canada., J1U" 1-OSSES PROMPTLY FAIX ". 4iBNXS, Je., J. 1B. BICHEZL Il Secuetary. - Presid Mn. D. HolliSay la no longer an agen thia Company. P H(NIX PIRE ASSURANCE -CC . Co., canada f~yor any, ily 's' ' ày Wel-. la. SÊ MEO ,eut. chair )f any ID. Sent. Mt a1 ne an lei, 1 ci B LOMiiARD ST. & diAluIGoCEOSS, LONDSON. É STABLISIIED IN 1782. GILLESPIE-, OFFrAT dxCO., Agents fou- Canadi. JAMES ,DAVJDSON, Manage% Ineurnuces againet losa Iy Pire are effact- ad- on the innat favorable terme, sand Loases paî aiwithout nenarnce. ta ilseBoard-SnLu on. YEOMAN GXBSON, Agent, Wbitby. THE F LiverpodI and London and Globe INsURANCE OOMPANY. AvÂILÂELEA&SÃ"ZTI;, @27,000,000. Lassesaspeid lu connsesai thliy-Ave yaars excead FOliTY MILLIONS 0F DOLLARS.' ClaimehyChica-go Fine estime-ted et cee-. 'l tOW,aOo, are bing liquide-teS a; aset a -aduteS villaut dedation. Secuiity, Pri.r.-t.Pymet ad Lber luinadjast. 'Head Office, Cana anch, Monîreal. G. F. C. SMITH, 0 Clief Agent ion Dominionu.c L. FAIRBANKS, Ju., Agent ai Wlithy, OuiC.c jOfN b. WATKIS, t OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, BAILIFs- OR5D IION COURT, AUCTIONEER, &o., '&o. OFFICE-In Biglowas Block, Port Perry. FPtIerry, Juno 24, 1872. 26 N EW BKERY FRUIT STORE. RICHýARD SNOW Bege *ttananounce chat lue h .uow prepared ta sopply e'vrything i the Bakery and Con/'ectlonery Lino At bis aid stand, lately accupied hy Mr. J. Aru. CIOICE FRUIT 0Fý ALL KINDS Rept eoustautly ou hand, in seeson. ORANGES , LEMONS, SARDINES, LOBSTEilS, PRUNES, RAISINS, CHEE SE, TODACCO. BREÀ eÂnSliveraS daily ta customers, and ail aller p ravisions and goods dslivercd as ma' ho ordered. Choice Brando ai Cigare. RICHARD S NOW. Wbithy, Sept., 1871. 837 R EMO V AL-. Thes uudereignd lias removad lis BOOT & 8110E STORE to the promises adjoining the 'Western Hotel, Dudt tetuby, where ho ta now prepared to executealal orders for Work. A large and select stock ou baud. Repatring dons as usuel. JOSEPHE A. BANDELL. Whitby, May S, 1871. 19 L I v E Rt Y 1 The uunderaigued desires to informn hie fiendseaud patrons, that lie bas again re. sumned business at the old WHITB6Y LI VER Y STABLES, Havna nceassithe nmer and qnality of be mdand aIe de ta and nuproved the covayanes an vales on thea preni tee, h laes y bing iî eapsition ta meet tha-autsai cstoers ta menit aeshare al publie patronage. nV-HAUGES MONIEUA TE N. B.-Covered conveyances for familias and ladies. Prompt atteudauce, as heneto- fore, ta ail ordera. N. RAY, Proprietor. K'ý IBROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Impontens, Deelers and Manunacturere ofai i Kinde of LEA THER AND FINDINGS, Cash paid for Rides, ]lark, and Lcather. Leathen stretched. j Ll BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872. 22 c l HOCE APPLE TREES, AfiSO0(UT 20,000, -AT TUE- HOME NURSERY, Prom tva ta four years ai age, embraciug ail tha hatvarieties. SETH C. WILSON, Lol No. 13, 2nd Con. Pickc' nouKigston RloaS, "t Office, Whitey T.eALR Importer and Dealer in ulil lîntud of Famnily Oroceries, Pure W/ries, .1 PURE SPIRITS, CHEQUERED STORE, FicEN Ijnl AL ZIOT'EL, B ROUPGHtAM, HN 33AILEY'- IRsMbatioaaaandna is1enton. 6io, c 0OMUà>lt-IAL RTI JAE BL5ACK, -OAI Couveniently litIai roafoua caàl traveilars. Biaroiaattachet c-OMMERCIAL ,UOTBL BROOK ST., WvITmrn, B. M. CALDWELL, 'PROPItIE1 Beal acosmmoda-tion anSa onuarior' lkqoors anS cigare *Good stab lg, - closeS yards, snd attentive osîlers Càv ils pu-anles. charges maerate. GRNT> 'FRUNK RAILWAYIle AT WIITBiTATIONj. WM. O'NEILL - PROPRIE' Parties t akiag tise train antileaving I will bave Iban eile-lase cars ai bih LOBE, HOFEL, EneOlaLIN, ONTv. rAs. POWEL4 ~- - PROPIRIET PinaT-CLAse ACOaMODÂTxax. NTARIO IIOFEL, .lBROCss ET., WHITBT, C. DAWES, - - PROPRIEF< The e-boys aIS astabliahed latal bas1 îevly itteS np anS renvated, thnaâ ill tise apemimenîs being furnied evlt nS sultuihie funnitune. -The prppnieto laveniig uhugndauon pr in ia anf"rothe guaste, anS they may rei: ths- bn 'ptr.icttetn paiS ta tisa ste' mnS lu lokig aier île civility- oni ise E VEREf lOUSE, M5ANCHESTER, ONT., B., PLANK - - - PROPRIEF Stages ta anS iran 'Wiithy caill Sily. « -y attention paiS la guesîs. R OYAL CANADUN HOTEL, PORT PEsuaT, ONT., R. FOY' 'PROPRIEFO anS shlsd roon, aud attetie sers. T RiE ROBSON flOUSE, DUNnÂS STREETx, WHITIiY GEO, ÉOBSON,- - PIIOPRIETC * The prepriator hega ta annaunca îleS beas leesed thse building faninanly kusovi Scriptnre's Hotal,-svliclu les heen ?euovai reliiiniailied, anS SItteS up tlu-oufghout, lu lest of style. The prenisas are pleasqai aituated, opposite the Post Office, sua in1 centre ai the towu. The Railva> Osunil rails cit te botel, e-nS tisastages ifor i bridge and iieevei-ton leave lhe door evi mmng. Itoard 8i peu- day. Careful h tIers eln-eys iiu edance. w FSTERN flOUSE, DUNS s TIIEItT, ri Tnv., Il, iflat ti aboya premises have bef w1y fitted up ýand reuovated throughou ft Liquors and CiFars. "The Creaun nada,' also pure Rhi'ne Wine, Walz's,La whioleeale and retail. floarders taken1 oweek. JOSEPH A. I3ANDEL. 7ILSON flOUSE, pub na-t D3es Cau an,1 A. -WILSON, Jn., PROPIETOI The suhecriber hegsto aunooncetofrieni and the public generally that lie bas opene flua aboya sew hotel in the Village of"A hjum. The bouse is new, and furnishedi a moa;t thorongh *and comfortable manui Quests w-ill flnd every convenience at th above establishment. Wines, liquore, an "igare of the hast braude always kepto bauî'd. Good stablùîg and attentive hoatli alweays in attendance. May lai, 1869. ý.48tf n AILY ILINE TO RIOCHESTER. TU~E NEW LAKcE STEAMEO9 Will leave Coh)ourg every momning et 7:30 Port Hlops at 9 o'clock, for Rochiester, con nect'ing lre witli the New Yýork -Central No-tlheCetral, aud LEns Railweys for a] pointsRasi, Soulthaiid Southi West. RETURNI!ço..Leaves Charlotte, Porto Iloîhester, 'cvcry cvening at 9 o'clock (excep Satuirda>4, when she ]caves at 2 p. m., fo Brig~hton, direct.) The steamer celle at Brighiton Mondays and Thursdays; Coiborne every day excep li'hursday; et Wbitby Osfiawa, Darltngton and Newcastle on Wecinssday,ebould freigk offer. Dealers i stock will Sund this til cheapest anS qulckest route ta Albany, Ne, BakIouton, &c. Address R. C. CARTER, Port Hope m ILAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. and after Monday, -Nov. luth, trains run as follo'ws: wi r Port Hope, depart.... 9 16, a.m. Linedsay, arrive ...12 0&, a. mn. ;i depart ..12 15, a. m. ]3eaverton, arrive .....i 45, p. Mn. Port Hope, depart .....8 00, p. ra. Lindsay, arrive .......... 6 80, P. iM. TUAIE 5 OOINO 5O1:,l . lOaveton, depert ...2 45, p. m. Lindsay, arrive......... 4 15, P. . depaxri.......... 2 32, p. . .Vrtlipe, arrive.... 7 19,P-. Lindsay, depart .......... 9 25, a. mn. Port Hope, arrive ..12 50, P. iM. H.G. TAYLOR, 7 Supt. of Trais. ~[ONEY TO LENDI Repayable by instainents for froln Two ta Twenty yeers, et Iow rates of interest, 'witb. out commission, and et modirate charges. Private Funda ta Lend. Apply to- J. E. FArRWELL, Solicitor Brock St., Wbit6y. Maey 251h, 1872. 22-tf Mrs. Harvey begs ta ann.ounce chat she in preparsd to ixaice ail kindo of fuosin the~ latent styles. Fors re-lined, and tinuninga furnished ïf rcqsired. Bcoidenee -- Centreî Street, nortîsai Methodist Churcli. Whutby, Sept. 25, 1872. 8 fiE. O'DELL, ATHERLY, Y Clork Division'-,.Court, Tp, Clerk, ComiiojiëoifoeluB. R., Landi Agell, ê. &xc., Athly, ConntyOntario. b stabL Provo- I uucola rneycOose wasee] fýw eas eT. l Y )the - SfIeryTFPost"c"eps be thé mê ie' of guey#bim~inauwiil' an cean '7q Say, le to Like sp ulnE violets over t be1% aVz - - - .. wo>k P t oh, My <Irpes, MY' - g/1ana aee5'" tt DsiWhtlvtangela LUcOli1loewih > and ot hi w hat psu on d, hmseeu-ta ba- vithoni aitiar ITise reasoeabîs -ierispipoaso by Ilvu Fhe subseniban offers feor sale ils folio-w-lisouesey or pu-inciple?2e-udwhiy sstl!JFtsetuevr,1vve, ec~a o ing~ ~ i vau-i npny uthe Towsn ai Wlh.il ithappen thisetthsé me-nWvob ollaead Tom >IMsuhn coula i2spt vsae p b -Auiaxceilauî Brick Cottage vih acre I"eîo yu ofi land, situe-at ancthe carner ai Green anS epenly anS so kuovingly cilagraced bis _pospect 'af- udepeutiésec econiry St. Peter Ste., in tle Seuth WarS. .Abo., &relugione anSIluis naine, muet -.&U ta seaV ZEVeu Whua, bver, yas mOt-ta hMm tisa an acre ai land,, van lanceS, anS lue- 11gb staelot?2 Oh, ne I-it Maltera litilslio 10W I mosi dapraslg censdaerattian. Fait ,it ai cultivatincaruser Wellington anS 01f- love hlm, eand I grant -4blut in suite of ima issn vanto n d euS feieretely I-s-d fond sta., NortiuWard. * acre aCnr t l ia ssiapns Ihv ýgr rls ô't iitIsa solemu nword, of iluat, soutli aiflaheaidance ai C. DraprE m1 île Souh Ward. Alsu20 aceas 0 ugaffection fou-r M"oya nUvo; i dlî î lmumîn hdei baesediaregares- liti bein cômposeS ai part of bot 18, 101h con. dçse'ith4>ctisai ffectin viiijivelong e-uS, ea Fetherttagad- made hlm ha. but,j a.nlip Murney, Ca. Nortlumuher. -I casene-w neifflru * ur eisi lv , thatson wbc ai alvayapray. Wea IanS. al, u' vlieu at jjeî'kca'tnie ô ts~ ad nl bnour haftsrapv A cloeranS Inclesputabetitla wMvibe given suu-elycontinue lgtae~, euii ~m,.'3- - ' I ta al thsehave properly. For furthen pan. '9 là'gt -love I- ' ' - ticularsapply ta île o-anar. ' 5 8 0pneceeuoe, ' thisetii~t 'I.aiauro-yonr, m MaIsOn, u-plied thb. nui pas ribla fou-lin hums têaet , nte u1neriw1U1vrhâ nt FRANCIS CLARK. of thi aveu- ta cland r e -gîn ihi, uIll et inre-se-Iave-e-Sal iq Whlthy, July 1871.29 ut les tis ig sud i ane 4u 1vi l,'i-ar'p av oaalms - bt lst hen mghilit'ay cane outinMy - eruuabuin - -tlara -bonit; -Hù no-w si sosa yçuailtiatisiamo. butii t aveuL. Xtis, * tuifi hizsg .uli ARF O AE.hlgdetin. came about, m tia trastelae-topdo wvus an obstmao , ha montis, tiset me-ye-seSougbt'ta change w'fh4ý$-îitha-me-n*vhé', 0 lion 200 A cres. myfeIgs boward, '4varter ie au ieasy'sIlanSduI it - 'Mightu't you ses bIliosevr,-anu'ý WelJ, 'a ir,' rîýepleSm'M'àon,'- .'yon tove Tliaundasignd leanth .11e leeaUîeheur visatie haas toasey ûrIiuef'know vbAthia dylsegfi lher'avworda vor tion- sorh f ai botiNo. 15, anSdilshe rtb-aast j cakeS Reneâ. -t e ~m of~ lo N.16, lu île 5thconcession ai Pick- 'Na,' abseother raplisd; boar sxÉ-'Ae ixtl 1u'I liewthaü, Inan 'B' ernug,coamprislug .200 erres ai excelent land, ms,,sat o.MY asrJyn'b evhpu-d u a 5u 'thise velai -epied for grain anS peelure, tva 5115 isead asryvas wiseein'vr durable stneame ronni g throogbhflue feu-m.reet usuneS-if ho baS cuyt)o t s- upilae ecu'idvi o ttotaes Tbees aufflcenst ineonad anà rail-tumber li lise d6fesc(,i i ld eelS- rJ éad'«àtàfiîi ,"t'sés a ~ ~ l-s.tissu- lt the nes ai tise place.' FIa situation in eases! ta ese me. Ono 1 6lboe-ase j brd lImlôve-thesel-' asia> as I do. -Ivillai ploaaant, being midwv ebtween ils villages I feel tisât Ia's dafeucelesa.' - j isM done Msy dutty, and! èommnunicaled âeconu oi Greeu-soati anS Rireugham. In ibis pecuhlaratea ôf'gfrnmoin-I thaun tebini, ase I oughi.' - lsis'i For e-l informe-tion esuieof"-e n-- usS iel"supezI- M' e on I MtN S p , l ~ 5 9 r a c l -e sai f . d o r r g d r ne. y : , e e-g y s À p l o y 'à b q k s e-h d i n e - n i e l a u t . o h e r Bast., Whftbp-. eIiee tslI - enl.S- heo0 Tt'vasu!i our feul; wva var Wvllii' -ta asiaence,:v live--olh 1 net insrÃŽly vlllin' te iva, but se.' -auxious ta die tisera ; but i e-n't ha. GbôS.y-i-à Andi-so lsey parte&.(T M'Malior On bis ratursu bains found Éryu, visa na-w speut meut t fha timg at Caruigiasa, befue ihm. O)n enteiezlg Fe-'W th8 boug es,illy, ,visa vers eil- as- tbougis'be coi ýeambedàa jsvheilsexpression ei is 'iuàaineveu-th.î .."il UAtI1 IRia Lnoay Wiui gjees M50se-meeiunaainrieIJi55ZJèe aus iijaed i th i-ife'-Jt' Thay Ara mnpénlao, tean otu Gtoyoou- btio kl 'W. kow ye fi isc h idga na~e iuiii 6ve hm -ri Ai ~l5STR WCU~TrEwou-euyh vine? ni 1TOE. aeo1o; hy ail so *a"hean ' is full ci rolielcing;, l'lenile s. in~saoilisr iàlabet;for ;f 1: Il -n esiy woGroviùg is aven; bitrveatit Sns; 'î oau 've 1dmI m nent li bra te- gai outcciai sez,1:1 a , an iiS Au u rii er-àleng- eau at leè.it rEpeét e. Veu-y loir,-figure. A i letes ne si fu. -~a~CC1tsXq, abi i - qadadRviig i h Ch1urns," h éro'alojd oMM uf v 0fU«i Stay.BrwnEyet uieppeiqtir ie ~oal'eit !e"O A. ~ crawuaof ak IavBwi-uh7 ebleut, ýjtlink <lhuielf'-if possible '-rjgý ith wIb O"LOTHES RrGB5,1ehndlck yrl)row, W2eie galy tgie abenide i ~Ja l >é TO.SCUFLERS, W EELATOWjWe lo ciuwidrtlatsoOtent." , il- sOon ppe1 , o eaxiat i. . Antd al other kinde iOgf pun l pe. Flus Octobçr's wvoic oe ýwiu g leihd it"altieard- 1ei ch su:L- into witli aU t . recent inaprovrnents. Wh laOisi PPele comshigly play'sd; 5c5Uid-b'hecà,eS-tohersat. M'Mahon,ý Has aving proonred ouea a.i arperso New Ail the raS Coa , wiusie wene rusgiugî, oul)etiginde acqualitd iwith wlat ay nSteaEmni suîin, (ana ai isine onpaî i AnSf Brown Eyea liatened, vus fottps Iu d, ceira,, h lie baid heard frira the kina manufactureS,> Ieth ae. igu s 9stye S' - steu-Dora, Sin'py aiS-dsin.ce ahe )TL aie e erteSong bbas -,not eîôd myseaiun-oppziui « T E , F A B i M I N G I t < P L E l E N T S L is t e x e d a n S l a n g ul e S t h r o u g l i i s r m u y O è h uhth .e l u 1 . ~ a ~ a t i n î w i t i - h i n s h ai e m a y b e f a v r e d , d e p l , e . d a y ; - o nh ' r a s a, éiciply exAndeau-ilanS sey féli'ta- flelT#'miling, as abs lï;'a. t, t'à,al OM i" a tTo. atioiy anS ta goaranteai complete setia- As baud tin band tley wandened Asi ý ý JAS. CLAYý6ON,.-- 4 irele îarsae Brook Si., Wbith. THE EM1àRANTS- cDo rindfa~o.M'aa n.s~ IerMay iiluh, 1872. ory - <l e'ditaSlibl b ~ie-o u blood muet .bd -u, iyn>bt LIST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS A, TALE OF111SE 1M.,- ÀIUI'nwli~ithîss'afu- CHAPTER XXI" br. , a--ol (p gia TOR COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, Gene-Iacavanaghi felt hirnsilf secret- it'a nsthË is'haâunhh n'e or >veabaass,. FOR TEE YEAR 1872. ly nelieved by tise disclaeoafhunmess. flou- uelesi priSa tifït ls a'bier,-et'i, s age te M M a on. aies oi , b t a gréat M in and a ' .~ c 1 s- .~ ntuaiaffar tiougsi le, *"ta ava se-n -tht'.full of irnith, biglu tbogbs I iafarsaIlleS, un' ail expactation cf ~n nbalv obrrlgo u l < '- lier inenniage lnocked op. 1 11lbe bounSpraapenliY aa n Versa-win Es; ons.4 )R. . ~. - ,21 2I 2a lihîls tims vill cool tis4 fooliai - girl5 51111,' Dàra,1'flt ia0 ro'tha il boeau Nsu, 2. ..jo 8 22 _ anS put Elward Burke lu tise way p aveu- suaak back h iô rent euS peisal dt 1ot s.8. IR 2 jI 8. I 29124 19 succeedin'l. As fan Hycy, 1 insasclear. lieu- foot9lilasa.lie;e4 by tiatriasans, Nev . 19-14 29 12-, 17 Iy tisat wioever je hoesceesi, his'e t. mÉaka'"' self boïïstaii. wÃ"usd lubarE ,r ine No... 14 16 27 2 ID, tise man-an' tise mare iie pity, for eyes ; I o-6w va 's-e ibhat 'if I diS soi irteN.18 2 20 tise s )rra oue of thein allso machs the ihe'd despias -me. Gosi biesaibar, at ýyu--gentleman, non wîlli ve iu aicis style.'aiavns udmkhe-sppItst' bling Z. BURNHAM, Flure gloom whicis ley upon lise beau-t the warst I wishar.', tIn.Judge. of Kathleen Cavanaigh vis nailliér I 'Amnen,'. uenlied Dora,; you hava saiS Whitby, Feli. 18t1, 1872. 7 moody nr captions, but on lise cona.- nollalng but tha titb' about 'ban, anS ry remankable for a spirit of extrema uSa-aded I soe fryan ibat you know hieu-r 1~jANFATUED AT TH gntienees euSplacidity. - Prom lise î'aT~u nlStognuoadialgaf O.Port Perry Agricultu.ra,' Works. 'aiob wsbeve aecxi jDr uSis- fxt io ua1 b rtewo more silent tisan sise lied even basin, citergil mi s Jnuldeed by Evw LEFFiELS CZLESISAT£D AMEUXCÂN DOUBLE, but ah tise sajsetimo her- daponimoiit lhaT rtô:rommniau bis natlye écun u-ry anS - TURBINE WA TER WVHEEL. wa clianacienised byàc tenderuesataô. I sliars wistevaur-fata tiyl gt alWi hiit wards tise othen membera of tise ilemiy, ýýwau it seat*that ia'f--dy ate- TEE MOST ECaiaouCcAL WIEEL NOW IN USE that vas sarrovini ansi aifeetiug ta this *ài)dahie fethçr foondtl- t a d only- lasi degree. Rer sister Hannag'a symi- terrnis u viicb haé'rs'ni 'a ibs pathy was deep and Inil' cf sornow. t arin warq sà4ch àa could' scarcely' ha R. Noue of tijei, isowaver, knev lier fonce sai ita'"- 6 w me a euing SA'da of diserater, non tisa inroe-ds vhicli airit-of th; a edlsS' adgè'ivq anS under guise aithis ple-elS salin; stron'g latiiv.' ,- h iàk,éiea tifor theè :.'ermls. grief va8s aýcretly making oit lier isealtis ou ivisich isafarmevai e- ffareS hlm isaci euS spirite. Thue pslenese, fou- instance, vas 'ishdebféd ta" Cisavydale iseli, W, wluicli esitilsid euhan clîekse, tie lîs îo salati'as ha knew"bla faisan il neof ibuer loveras apastecy, as il was bail éutaniainad a'igh respect for Oa i n called, anS as ilie cansidened it, racieS' 3ItXnhXcon, -ha voulS ual'Wsufer bimtah lier, neyer foi- ane momeont lait it attten. e pùîut u. Tisa fatixer liésicles voteSlg le varsis, anSdse nesembled saine ex. fol- hum', and elways baS voteS for tisa I qnisitaly cisisellaîl Statua moving by famsily.. "Do: vîîat Yeu pissaets vihtisaW me-ehiiieny more ilian anythlng tria- ta son,' lie pnaedd-'gat i#d of hi42 as tle vîsicli vse au sompnre lier. - you lilqe, 'but I sisas't. suifertisa fatber n îtly -ishe wesseihtiiîg with Hanna vîsen tebeba emoved, Lot 1dh aesefri [bu l----i Ier fatlîer returned, afler liaving deliv. uýon reasonablo larme; eand by tisehg areS lisr message te M'Maison. Tlîe way, Fethartonge, dot yon tisinla naw eryold man seemeti, -if aeue caula judgni by it vas rathar an indapeudent e-ch ot tisahi as. uts featuras;, ta feel rether Setisfied, as sYoung iellov te vôte for Vanston, ai- I - i n fuel vas the-icane, anS cter iciîgtiougisise kseew tisat I lieditl uinMy us ýJ put up hie good liai, and laid7 asisle bis powar te senti bina about hie businesa?' wv 2 - best cnet, lue taid, 'I have SaliveraS 'Il vas boii as impudent- a pise aiof l your message, Ratîsîcen, au' dean ingratitude unSdefience as everîI vii- Isuo-sal'inglaSiliere's au ed eu h tisc essee,' neturnnd tiseallier. 'Tisa vily -e the busietcs-it nevan lied my m-arin ieert. rescel éalculat ed upon youu- feu-biaa-e-no Thoe %bels a 1halwvays bai mine, then,' replieS anS sasine s of dispositiou, anS eo ima- ha iut. s'Wel w are nov minufacirtun uRnne, -an I thinir wc ouglut nt ho gined tisai lia miglut do visailie pleaied nio cliepenilen auy ailier ahop lu ths country, judea ur fellnw cneaeii-s ton severely, vils inpîiuity. -Wea isahi velmn ag- anS va -will givelguarentas yul searI knowiu' ais wo do ltatlicnec's no suais iovever.' ufoiiv lm hy Whoaaiv*arrauting Ibemwuo h as Y.eu mae, tiuizug as îeriecioinl this worbi. Wisat 'Weil, but yon fou-gaI tiset ho aldus sud ta give as goad satisfaction as anye maînlactured lunflue Dominion, lie -sou-na caula, hava came aven hlm, an'saine cause of dliÉpleasurea sginsi us, Iz - Parties Seiriug furtlier infonnation eau tempted in tai vote as lia ldi 2 Whlst in conseslotuce of beving neglecied hiei obtain it by addresselik - diShliesey fathen. wheu you broughit memorial toetisa Comnsoeraia-l P'AXTON, FATE d- Ca., hl le mseage ?' -ie, Penny St., Part Per-y, Ont. 'Affheu- declaeedit,' replieS ie fatS. ' Fes; but as I sais! lisons, isov coiild 1e SMercI 31, 1869. îsu-o, 'lioe ss tmck dums, anS neyer 'va witli credit invelve ourselvas in tiselin Once apened lue lips; but if ha idu't iilegil vilicuyof a exunggler? It1e sac- as il. NOWLNGspake, hie tialer Donc dia. tuelly -e discnèdut ta hava snis a fellaw ha: ie. R. NWLN'An' wlue dase say-geuau-ous and po i ré liI~estate., 'Ha la lu tisa irst se in. M g aha- l ade iWityaSspiriteS litle Dore !-yiset cilSsie se', psite, e-'ble xamplée, u~calcule-ted bel en viciuity tisat she lias received ail tho e aes fetiien?' by hie conudciau na fulce'- ta apreud Ar leo stylea, lu Ha tlisasr'-peated tisa messageas nse- dengeirqus prnsciple mosaeg letousse. la SReal Ha/r and Imitation Caris, cui-aitely ais lue cosld-fon tIse luonesî lu-y. liowpver, as it la, ha le forune the on oId riar vais iiyïs>licud itlî 100 eneciese- ly for us rtliser veil lirîou e-t prescrit, v. 15Svitcelue, Chignons, Peasfan nolling auS tiana e lave aif truthsta disguise an con- 1h la nov perfsctly niotanieus-aeS I au] plaitlug the hein over,Lineu Syltdli- ceai a sligle sylisa lie ta lied beau in- have it froin tisahaut autianity-oeseaai e es, BraiS, &-c., &oc. trustla ta liin on eitlier aide-'Tirath,' tise parties visa 'as, sagnizauf c f lais er- ~MILLINE IL IE Y! saiSlue, '-tie saine Doaaus tise use ai ceudu-ihaîhis vote againsugusyaia thm t1ILLINE Y lanrtangue n-lieuntse pleases; lei lien,.' resait of a deliberata compact 'sis aour e-c A ND sraid lie, spekin' aifKellilees e e, #if aemVanstan,,ans! abat ha received wl gà D R E $ 8S. Il A K 1 N G, -M its ailluenreligion or sammon justice e=brbe' i ftiy potinaisfrein hlm. Tis ac thainiaises lier- couieunu my lrother hlibas 1usd thse audacity ta, ackseo'si. ie In every Departinueîsî, eaSdcanrding te the vidantliscanin' lis Science. GooS-bysedge bimef, baisge lavary amnount of clin lateet Styles anS Feshions.oa n ee atesm e hc iepnlyaantw A large stock ai Fancy GoaaSJw ov, seys ase; give nîy lave tai Renne iasi avtasts eat antv i-y, Artiliciel FlQwa-ss, dc. aunS tell lieu- sîses wou-h a sisip-load af i hmvas mitigalad by Vanston's inter- hal line. KNO'WLING, lheu- isately sister.' farene. Iu tact liseseondral i la-i- t Bnack St., Southi ai the Cliranicle Office. '1oou- Dora l' cîclitined 1e-nue-, ready îie-mous lu tise couutry.' for Wsitby, April 24, 1872. wluilaithe teers came taelien eyes, 'isao 'Wisut, fou- receiving a briba 1' exclaim- d - - -------enu blanc lien fan Sefeuding se good aS Chevydale, Iaokin ai 'tise agent lii 0 R S A - 1 E ana affectiante a brother? Plgn on with a Sigslficat omi yand! what, the i vA -luehle Penn, in a higis stete ai enlt- no tuais iling lu tIsa coiutry.' visa gives and him vbo takes c bribe? In jj ation, Oilnet excelleSl in Canada, heing 'As for me,' seid Kathleen, I ould Lat unilookset Soins a litie, my good ou Let 25, 2nd eau. West Williams, Conniyofni ualcaudemnu lîluvithout a licarng, if Fethentonge, e-seSlearu a hitlacsehy i ,1Midieex, 80 acres caned, anS nell veten- I lid nny donît canot luis conduet, but ta hosaevisa arr aie vs de. AÀme-s e-nd t aS, poilfonces, gond buildings, anS a finae uv a.R ýoubair partw'saisd have beel un->' itable .anS ivrosg.1 nti, sur,' the olai man prooados!, e'lsr hnIveopeijnca-yott,1 en& u s ay. 'Look atpoku-Bu-yen, s e-w lie vas seoarly runas! by4ibs uty af somecowa-dly scoueduel , adreo, vbozebupsotalhlonbis le- e-id 1 sifer t"an - au-e à së We than aven lise Dukola 0Wlai5 eo 56$oo. f ,tfl ' - p edth s'e .- oi anuif, Ilthat'a tea' muab-.taa - b>' ter-by feu."-- st But bis guemi, e-ier axpaliallng tor 'u-y vhula upoutse ee-ipaweshs la Soullssrn a l -5 hèep, s's gesteS îhe question: osc' hiu-Dua !keot Weillgtou lev-vsone lhar? FIe sla sp, tear tisugisi a &litË $nuiteeS e-glaseft taSi"su' hus plies!: "Flie Dise et ,Wae e'n sut ne donht, a clevser'me-a -veu ,v si niever, I baliave. -Tbaybell me isa-i 'y a goodsoer; bultishen, d'ye sè e ia resesabla men te de al i 't--te- ier saSÏeaas naer'alse-t Celi a-undenstand him,' avauy aiseai -bier et hoth efficarsanSmn<in l-i a"ura,,eitou-ail ithe coulai-,mnage, 6s ,li twenty Iliensashe iap beieabis( a il'le, bIa i ýco u d : n e t n d ra n e d o bS vanS Ile Baia, Geeie o nglai, e- uSbrin5 veuy se o.thi iam e -Fa'i, ne Trs Id il-ýI Sool lt-uni ,c Tise iniarnea asevidaut. - Figist witl Indilans. bc CAPTURE 0F THE INDIAN CÀMI ai li TWENFY-THIBE KILED. ~' Wasinigton,' -c . t.isStheoila' unghlis eerecieS eu-, Chicagc -F Oct. iStis -"Fdo tIse Adjutant G7enaî b5 et Au-ny. Col. Meokenàzia's sodmmA 'y lied e figît wvuS Cemaclies on' ]ort- Feu-k, Res! Rivas-,' kiling '28 lucham ig ovlosabodhies evestons!,-nSce-pti '1 ; Mq 111e camp sud'aveu- 120 sque-aau 5cudu-an. lu addition -'iise klingý ieutena-nt Crosby, Ste-nie>'reparla tls -leui. Lewis ASalu- et tie'22n5 - -luùi, tu-, vas menlalyvonalèsby; an-Indi a e-on tis,41h i.,e-OS cieS ou tisa db er Lieut. Adair ni'ataily venecias!étisen ae dieu Wvis abt' hlm, 'visa vaisube qusutly killeel. Cot Stanley'a euvas e- as elso killeai by 'Indiens, 'ýs'o cIle ans! came seser catebiseg Gen. Rosi T is ae-l occurres noanResrtetIiv t osaing,, 44iles trous Hics. Lieuý Asi-'a baS>' yulliebreugli h., Ste-i lay's commanji -s*lllse-t Hics ou hi l8tis ou- lfts. SignaS, P. H. Shesridan, Rasàse-a tAE, er SEtZEP-.X LING ET CÂT.-A' rathei1r 1emankalle case oftsissp killg, by ail eor r aS by tishe-vtaa: Cizoe,-WIieh thys: -T-Fis resuaents i l ua e- setiieenm tseverel miles bacis et Bni"kingisaiiù 'val 5legs e-a beau ton sons F'essgpaisilà constarnahion ai ihe iftheir sisaal Nigisi sitar nigisltabs fadas wveaviilte tliy semas bloes!.thira$y animal, sudatis s etîars à e-voasluthe' noznlng- lens eu onfa tl slit Jambe bilas!, eàuiohu auj- -mailiering isa seaniemark,ý- rasne-l isola belowvtheiaer,' lisugli vbisistlb r lanili vas blsed te deetis.- Bieory limes 1sep asonnaides, earcis as mae fou- soun tu-e-ceof ta alItist bas cemmitted tisa Sapredsetian, hut: ns lu-aca ou- lchccoulai le' tana. -Tlis veons, vas seat lika vise-I e- d or aus vehi vould mae-laseudtS é,bliet-u vule seel only bave ,e-tasse-large bis, lu hi vicimi, but veuide-Ca lave ýlait use tu-edie i fsel li2thI ua. 'Thé set- tiers aI languis tonaiit -necesiar>' te fastae* tiseir ep kpena avpeu,- uigisi t ae thesaum. 'Tiss.Whobe-Sclose boIsuses foi their i' ckls a-ya to' funa iuen saeain theémax-sng, 1b allethrs, vhe haS ouI>' choie eslirîsaep in y ada neaeïar bouses, continueS le have Ibsir ie-mbslMeisa. Tisa mystari- oua dýeainè c -aainuqd 1 for- aoin i, pizzinib, tesabliers, sonse ol Whio m:ett-iliuta tism teiupeu-naisal me-ils ea-aw -racket amoagsb hie acI abfate o eeaeneS inag iu n * sfls. juldplme:irreIhu¶ gâlsi tram I."a*SI le orapt ont saufil'tothe &a roésaf-tisa psu,-an neheieo<f ua- lmmba ïtrng, glig4i tIseagonies 0f.dees-iainee e! et thé -ehalasnu-a, ans! twds-i-ia Ia holding a tikbt upatils'I 16 anS Iisroet. -'I"vU esn F1iDreoa lie-s!" o n li bsi t i rèd. He Ie7u-rS e-siuaiutakebla t"miaj" e-uS, ta bis atqiouibhmeait,'bé tounSon examine-lIon tabs anim.Ià tisI eree " ig tisa laimbéava- ' hu ga éb Tisa eua ha hau it'-ia àarY Y-'le- lta anSdlblack tam, stroiigstiugh-o, faeap e-n dgin tishe uutsi', as!, - tEe-n wonirde Ue- ily couer io isillÀ imatni;r e- aip. ' -ý1 nIu'ot -"e~ s t h,, -so. rig'h .1Býryaul'seid eg yns, Ill r~ds ynssayés-arae. hide, 'prSeeeS 'va muai lava ts a ece t vad aisôs-muais; viireve lie-a for isnndrede3oIf ysu-. - Fihis seQùt] 1sttes'ost prasper in, esI-e suot "long lc-tssvevy Cday. InuaI lavathe oul p lae-e asa tauls Fahertoeseg-,tisa Meona aiSera asud Caririlsa i ýl ha 1 MMeIQas t b- a ndtie-SCarrig. .mua nie;'but God'e vili e dase l mueit leoisto hint ulireet of -yous cisilcire'; but, GaS halp us, it's vi ! can't do Sou-s fou- thafuturs.' -Evt nue ai sense e-ns! substance is So in' an, vby suldu't w s e-as ce-ns ooci salves as vail as tisa reatP Vhet vaut bars la encouue-gemaente-uS f ýluy; huifeer gai, it isu'itat . Tise gloom vliicx tiey reas inu1 cnteanea as nov expliel, lis vas nseaeil;- il lmmedissteîy aeltl upen tise etier lmbes ai tise fe-ui: vw,isa es mmedlutaly moved,-ail- 50mev, and-sama a-veu ta tsars. Doi Whvlo lsotvihssteusclng visai' bau- bh be-S sais! vits regard ta bis hntention emigeiiseg, stiil mintineud a late ha pe that-lia 'm'igsi change lais min e-uS tisaia r eeoneili-biosebeuideaîmg yi h be rught e-bout- hetoeen luies 'a K]athleen, nov vent tô lier faISan5,' au ,wilS tsars in issu-eyas, - isuev isen au- shootluienaoi, excle-im'ing: 'Oh, faf su- Seer !ou'ît isins of laviegubis pies forb. oW ceuld va Isava ut ? Wluet eUI, eutycoulai va aven lilas svai uss ygu-endfabie-iers isa'a craspi in, sure ise's net tise sains me-se oiti ti ash faw methe,-eh, how yen linis brnsgiu' hlm, nov thatuhSe'a peu-tly-in h grave, an' le,'ashe aSsed,l -n'islaip null ai compassion, 'an' Se pently debi vuish teehîsssans! sga.' 'Huash saeiS ieu-fatiser, 'va mus se îething of ite l in. Tisai muet I kepi a saeret frein hum, an, it's likel se vou't notice tisa change.' Shibhy tissu vent ave-, e-us!layin ser beaS on hon faîluneruse r, se-id 'Fatier, fer the lava ai Gea, Son't tels as frein Carniglase an! AiseSrra: chatoyer tise oarî bias for us, viseti for good er evil, lai us ba1 h eu-s.' 'rie-ther, yen von't bring us uer yo o't go,' aSsed Dera; 'sure w's neye nuelle uy sesuabla bers, visera v bave ail lseue se-hppy.' 'Poor Dor- 1' saiS Bru-n, 'viat ulisa akt a! ist eaitisa cenlrary 'r ils veu-y luapinessa ta I anSde-Il c is esejoyed issue, ne-w euly adsata vIsa 'n suifarin'.' '(DislsIPa',' saisi* tisa iatlier, 'aurbe-ns! su-S lias broisen uis ov fsutiar's Sin )rmise-yen ail remanIer ha-w fil o iligisi I camsehliesta you iran DuS on, anSd ev ase tiset'a gone'-ss pana I-ha, coered hie te-ce wvus bis apei e-nde, abrougs vhlcstise toars vans aen tê-t-lse. This. allusion ta thse'] slaves! mothar vas* tee mucis for tisan nthur ansd Micliael sain silence, ual xoin g exe-chly upon visai greni sr etIser liaS formes! e-reseintion icai, vsaen propoesite liim by Bu-yar ppeared ta haeonaeb ovhicb bis beari nild neyer bond its sanction. Ne seose- 'vwas tiseir motiser nanaS, bost everi han lisey, teabecama Sseply mevei, ,nd wisan Kitty euS Dara bila russe ?itia o utcry ai serrai t t isir fathi :claiciig, 'Ois, ictier Sea- 1 ilins et su- that's ine tise cay-fan lier sake, hauge your mind and donti tse-o'us ta sens ws cas e eaweap a tee-r avez er blessas! grava, non ever laneel ever ;t offar a prayen vitîin ber Isearin! )r ier seui l'- 'Childra',' ha axelaimed, vipiug eve-y a tsars tiset lied iudeas! SoyaS lu ail le bihhueess ef grief e-ns!undaservad flichion; 'ebibara',' liarepliaS, '0o 'ul ha manly nov; it'a bacause I loe nu au' isels asexiona ho ksep yen fr 1om eggary anS sonnoa-et a future lima, Sd deshitution, eu s hauess, sucS e-s we ae amanse 50any canot ns aveu-ySe-y tha veea, tisai I'va maSse up my dnS to go. Our le-udiens! veut giv aur farin bai nin' e-t a ranit tiai'uS ing ne devu day by day, ta peeferty Sd disixeas, liko ta meny et eur nelgîs. nu-a, We his evaat sonma Irifa mneyleft, e-smucs as vill,by ail counnio, euae-heus ta tase"eI mana ta ise-ase a feu-m in Amerlos-an' lsn't baiihen far us'to go abers, sud le mi- ýeseent, sano uattilsu- v iset i mna? it our hearta ta auffar hy Sain, se, t sta ey heu-e untiltisa taw boud-a' ai I'Va gaitetgeth islamaltaS ave-y t- Of My pocisai inioe lspclasi io -a alrS îleS noy-ser asitisuouhs usaIt t1cowovav'uegeti' on, aisathar ve're Soin'wvai u-rill. Flan sici tis conut te Brye-u , tisea; vho naglecies! liansvand w lale mane-i - SSidney coula, hlI!o utno lfiger, but buriino, s-wear- fi-tugIter, upset*iiug inu luismaxriment tia vI saisabligb. e nt sia ud -ulsending blocs, boards Wkisié, and'tumblar al l -oné'aontie ~jpileataibis test.- 'Nows, He-u-y,, did Pa-xee-lIv look thai re'w-ey?2 J- disl'i kuowlie aveu du-anis aent aDy liquers. 'Ma ecys lt'e v-ong,' me-it s i SsSnps soons la-aou~ld eI i sa çs) u-atraig t. Ye'Vs, ha cdlSdo jutata ey I show-, è,, è'yôff,andai'eVin'-a manx,'iI lieq0as4 tD6a %inen -b.este-ries! tacoma-oui, I u-e, 'rau oui en thse pavement, ans! II heare -ý a eqay, 'If suter goes, on in' tis' vaýy. elb-e'lin lu dger sacin.' -'Wlat ras dldîsmean, Siney' 2'1 - ia Baera -Sidney coud! -uplytha din-. i~ nair-beil vasune anS tise isnnguy liltie- ul failowsenused, intothe louas. îà; Seacejý e-i isa ilow overloaisinZ M tthe pIe-y' iïUnd5 tia ftiser 'of haso Sa ohilarqn be-si sas e-ns! iseerd, ibrougi lk1tise half-olosne4bZ blinde, e-il '1114liai- îne irauspi-el . -Wofi:Sae -"overless te-'- nS express the-,liog lt egitated Lhie ru-k brat ia Iia les bson, sounoon- ç-lo sceey tuglu va-not'îosi,' fou- neveu- asn',id'he"drinike- gl&ýs oflisluan; thaehliéani e-si cudéres! hlm 11YIlplay- hng al-ksaeissg rastauraset."1 FTRX DumoiN, SWVIDL.-TII aÀnia rp'. fou- miuing'.spéculation ue-hclilias bihihento bien contfines!' princieiluiy silver anS gala, be-s brokise ut- etu-mli iù dae-ouds. -Il la bot aàesort' une. &' go isal tIesa nodazzliug sliais vere ;o. toîi 6f Itse abundanca ofSianuoseda, as -a e-efél -9-eeS'of oillei Pirecous cloues, îlu na xiezonans e-DwiMexcieo.-Soins dia- tj inonde buought-frein LauSon nsex.- saiibitase absAheow-:e oweas orflan -~Franc"ace siopa. 'F abulons -êconsentei na wers prisetes! ept pe-ie Ielied elsovol-' ai lia tisup by tise pesas ans!ý bnahls, e-t ans! tissue vasa popular fiction.- lsd J- untald ýquaniies of ti h ma been Se- lia. posileS u isa théBe,-of niCallas-nie-. b.A stock aompe-syve-e inineie-itly feu--r n. aS, utluraspoissibla 'man e-t tisebéaS ie- of-il, vho lie-S ben -induces! -ta laci il tlsgir nae-ms tea-tlise avincle, undar filsa ai pnstencss,,e-adilshelans vers put up-. ne an lÃŽiise e-ra. Simùiiltaneoaly dia-ý su-réouis vas xiibtes ii'hsprincipal i,' 'large sitiof' ise siouitry,,- nS evary i~preparetiol' unedeby tis-orlginatoge of aeth hIe lms tareeliza outhe sisares e-uS it lsai gai ont 1fron u nder, *len sea pailaslu- Sa Fruicsca vI-vers n'ot aa-creaunisàabliers, wvaut te sspot, L.- ta examIne for.iisemsalves, 'anS-teuS la lIai tissu- er.na.Siamionssoeu-eny îý aller valles aberse- ns! theanhue -ituet,]idÃŽ6'vér, la' anas mors ravi'- L.-dil' audaimltaneonslyi the public la in. ý1'fu-ueS 'lise-i Siamoiolbave beau dia. coyeredlunNqva'Seootnans!Nea-sa. -WÃŽtiîenaerdtoleiue laetlibe Oa a papers inonairepartsà-of soyasu-rinue i meu*eaf Celifornisa emenS hum- -: tae, supplies! villa large qu-nuilas aof il Slenon4a..pacîmaus, MApa, nbanla4:ev.- e ersenieset sorveys.f s!oshie iou mnat Sdécision é et abs Att6iney Gàesnis ré;se me fetene te a ntering nsinuug tracta. Thi Fle-l bukthtisaais! tau-y avare-gain,' ,àans!poblily is ea aiScollection. ai itu"If, vissaisasuses! te verla up tisa a Axiizona excitemant. lu tisa liqht a i pe-at- expcrlatoil la isensible ta givé' auy diemoud opéations a 'veu-w iia Toucbiug incidenta oftan eccur.lu bIe 'tpolioceux-ta o! Ns-wYork. A fsw daya eago avome-n, grossinltomxcaed,,wvas Yickedip.lths tret, ami taken te Jeffargon Msrlat anS loesalup. 1 va -gtsluaieS that batheliae-liaiheu- sumband vers confirmneS el-nokarde. T hey hbes l"ao hildu-su, a girl ages! tan anS a boy agçi-' ighi years, wvisup- r éorith'em. Fise1boy mae-as pe-wupers, an5 ýtisa ittls girl sells tIens luthe - evaninge. Thesa xaxlr'nsing' ils-girlý *ewnt te Jafferecn Marktau!ging up, ta--Iba -bancl,saiS lu pathetia loues 3'Jucie, ry moussu- la looked up e-us!1 lu-e noamous> t ýa ey ,to ler ont; thsha'I hiv5,'be-ûuin, 'him a pan - vipar, 'anS if ýyon làesit, eaid. lot sui e-rallerionte I iil riag; oua lundI. et vipeçrse-s seon as va, George aaa1 eaaiefrd'lhaxis'.'Thé jusice, touchaSl by- éappél of'fhl i l ane, teck lbe Wiper, gavé lbau a blii - wiis'ylh teï lily iotluing ta- est,-, asuS ibn aise. chargeS. théa uotiser. witli ,ban l bier eyzi ab liftle girl the-tkeel In and lad bau- motheiýway. Tise moibar qoiuch-a éilldsUioniS-ieïd' abéltèl lite, ;-Cbouical e4map (Who es4jeola ta lSîn9ise, andmanote a ee xam- "y $i,;it ayouu-na e-sir?" Côeye uey 1 c 1 1 - l 1 r [l 1 1 - 1 On Il A Dublin chemnbermaic1i ,s mLsi ta have gt twelve, commeruw - tr»VeDi'rs inta etenbeilroom,, ana yet ta hA! given es&'& asepriràatýë'rocom. Here We ha'va eIëesn-ro 11271--4 I 6 117 18 t 1 OT# "Now," saisi abs, 5'if two oflymp:en ÃŽtieen io uNo bdronji L

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