Whitby Chronicle, 5 Sep 1872, p. 3

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HatROLu MOuoX (lalely tram Inverness, Seotisal,) baga le enueunce ta tii. rusidints 0f Whilby sud viinily liI a h as reccnîIy opoued s Photograph G al11e ry, vili-all tiie latent impra'rmntoansd scen. eM-, lu tue building one dcci- soulia ai G. O. Grone haulvari ahane, Broock St, Whtby. Ha-ing ha l lngthîncd ixperiaica hi tie .i-at galerlîs of th. oadcounnry, varIes ai art second lb nona in Canadan b. assanred lie cusloauero.- GOLDSMITH'S 8HOp.- Mi-. Cilsiacln làprepened ho Mauioun.tu gald aud silven vare hiinainIthelatent sud mont beautiful eislginl Old l unuiouable juviiei-y, &ë., MAd" into the lateet styles at heaMont modurate torma. - A cal lea olicited. HIABOLD CHISROLM - Brook Street, wiit6y. Whitby, August 27, 1872., vB F0OR SALE. Ligbt asudcai-k pur. b.ed B reaiua cick-. tus .,pl l -- J. O SMIT, - DBrengis, Ont. AIl kinda cf cas' Just niceivad, Wil bu sold et 1ev prices ton ceahouly. Arrange. meunts bave beau meade le hav;e anl , a veigle4 n ow àcvlea. -- JOHN XEN'wL The sul about to besold, lie flnds from business altogether. auai nreon, sucd tuaitiauére fe ne ln turent thereon-nov inersreurs,. And wberiss for ps&'ing lb. 'Iteresl u instalmmaus cf principal mcuey duei escla Yeur, or for' cruatiai an uquà yestiy sl lag nd for t b ae tfhleipncialof ia. sald debt bril, luten dd lo bulneurred, 'il viiUiqila su equalauual. spucia ratei cf o0.mi sud Iveo-teutias cf a MilinluUP dolai lu addtion tau rates teIo. leiedil as"Il yisr. Be it tbua'fors uuaod b lauCancil the Corporationcf 01 i ofu i latby Il TiasI It $suai bu lavful for 112, Mayor t nais.e'by way cf lean fi-cm auy piou persong, iady or bodies corpmrte, via naay buhil ng teaedysieithe.sain upon tua ci-adit of.llau dubeuur ber inalemr meatloned, Aluniof Morluy Une .xeudlilg lu 1heviole tue Jmnor oevecta tbusand dllars, viil sur $ha lo esya l M t e ua1 su. oily dollars sacia, vith lutuniat tuereon At 1the rate cit six ver cent. per suniua payable halit yo-y, ou the >firt day ci .priu laé i Ait day cf Octolier lE tia yiar, sud n uiat cf tue sald pin. olpal or interest #alel bel madé payabe Att ina. more tuan tventy@yansfro the lime thia By.lav sbsltaf fet. 2., Tht it 4abali bu ful ftu t e Al Mayor te ceuse tus negnlsîte nuambun oi debente ab. mado, tôn uacla anmeo money sas may bc requlnud, ualuxced. «*-ing tu ,iaheviacle the auna cf ev tlaossaad dollars, sud ne debeuture, ishaU be for a litse uni tutuone, hn. - <led dollars isolah, >and thaI théuesii debeutures *ualbe sealid villatue osi of tbe Crpration cf tiae Town et Witb, sud esined by tb. Mayrnand coouturlguad by lb.Treusurer cf the Corporation afonesid. 8. Tuatt hé sald db.nunne-s*bei.made payab1le lit the tinlanlo lBank eaitsI ~rancha or Afency office i tiae C4y cd Toronto, sud ebil bu se drawusas te anake t»ii. anai tiare iaandied and tlfty dallai-,ansd ie-est- c3 tii. aboe boau betideasld, udneonacre, bicore payable lnunay onu year du4ng liae peiiod of twenty yei-a fi-anathiatime ,hiesly-laysafl l aie. effet, and ne dabunlurîs .shlaU bu made payable odt a t e taki ulYccI sudlth a. hemcuîy se naoilved sai! laup aid ino the .haa cf lhe Treasurer cf liais Muicipalily le bu appliid for the aobjcct above, monlloned sud recitad, oh Tiasi foi- tbu purpooo cf fbommlng eaSinie. lu g luud for tli a peanl t1 . pssid deitures,-and tue a ntelaIt rate afoi-isald te becomu due tue-ion, au eqiasl peclal rate cf ouei mll sud twc- tet i- c sa t liatu1h. dollar .hà1U, in adddition ta e kcîohîrr atis, b. rals.d, levi.d sud collicted, teisla 1 yer upon aIl lia. ratealule propeiËy ith", eaild Municipallty, duriuig lIa continu- suce cf lia.e aid debenlures, or any cf them. 5. Tuat for tu. puaposi cf laklng the vote of the aida lMnicipal hecton on liis y-law, a RoIll hal b. cpeuîd aecoirdlaag te la», au ltai Northa rd aI tia. Meclanicn' Inatitute Hall, an Fr1- day liai Tventy-seventh day of Sep tîm'er, lit., et Niue. 'clack lun hie foiencan, aud L. H. Schotlild la herîby named teacsolasnllaturig Ofilcer te take thi e iseintli ai .d Ward. Iu lie Centra Wsrd, et lihe Town Hall, on lia. said Tweuty.seveutia day cf Sep. teaber,ins t. tNine oclck in liae foiencan, ariA G. Y. Smith le iaanîby * namo e a st as tunaang -SMeer te taku tiie votes uia.heaald Contre Ward. coAnd u teo thi-atld ula gth acayt cf i'scba, A.d. 1Jaes872. non theirs t la daf ofi acf mon et, o82. c e p fa praposad y-lavlaloiideyiof- ii laemberhieocst.,etaiue b ela.ckin ilec flreoua andla mlia atullacationer tlîetheIhateaInth aidCuSouthcLard.wa p.a, lia. daofwhiciallti-il ublcaln vas ou lias Fîfhia tiday ci telEniair, A D 1, sutlal li. oescfli.8aacorc ouiTpuW'ant-etion day cf etember,2. - AX N, tt aaToIug pla th a-la lu-laa-tuc Ward aof -iasrMached Bs'lInstit. Hal; in * la. Ointo s ar aIothawahall; ucliai aterone nliai ltheaia cfublcationd * St- thsud iao h lest uicatiec 182 tind as ia e vtno h lcoso the aid orpo atinfl thwaen hereon onth Twbly d epetmbe-,of1872. 56 tii-CintecarestCciiiopural;luerhle SouthaaaeMaiad a l re ose, or edbouas.a ohmeprpai, o a*ltcf litaiderai-ybaRaion Sudrvilb.ndold aI aheryteMial poflle tiensin l rcisaat cah TO.11>11EflLL>W Whlhby, Sèpt. 4, 1872. dmn80 T IMBER LUI' POllSALE. o oApply to D. IMNONS 11, MESSRS. FARIEWELL &' McGEX Solicitors, Whitby and <Osbawa. Siptenaber 401, 1872. O XVOIR) QIIACKM'.-A victisncf ealy iu4iscrelioii, eaaaing nervoita debility, reintuie- decay, &o., bs-ring tried li vaia ivery Advertàoed neuaidy, has dlscoverda dm a tenu 0 seLeuewhlch b. wll ie frseeerers Adress,à i X. 11BEVES, 78 Nassau St., New York. Septirnber 2nd, 1872. 86 ILLICN8 0F lPAIRS SOLD. 'ABLE SCREW WIRE BOOTSAND BHOEB, 'ENT1U.L EXHWBITIONf 1872. DY. iHiLO Ir -T- 0F GUELPH. eN rTE W 4th of Octàber, Zlg TO ALL. a' ti-Assomwuox MÂrca.-Ocpen te ' nembet cf (Couuiiy Association. lot IC prize,O$10; Sud, $8; rd, #5; 4th-audý j dlaf 6t ach1" ;ôàanad 7h,, #Seach. a aguso0, 500 ud 600 ysrde; ô&bots nt OACh. -Eutracoe, 9~5 cents. yBulussu d Regulalions cf 0utasrl, reProvincial Aisoclatioea cf 1872 te gor- llr ena lsboape4tion. IrI ExfraFriie.'willl be anuouugea, se the funds admit. 61f Alentrittbe made witlathieSec- 7, rotary previona te hali-peut nine 'clock to on the mornang ?i thi, Math, -other. ~ leth Wl"hrrd as pont en. At te lbue cag o 01r HO USEeLOT, f And ocher vinable p'rapcrty in Pn aau te &.,ducre@anad final orddi- onsiuaiby lb, Court cf Obsucery; lu fsut ciMuiurvs.Vboulbrs wUbe old. byPublfo Auctlcu, et tiie Commercial Htel, King Street, ýOshave, by Mi-.,Lévi ZFaibanks,:Jr Aucticatuer, sud- vitb the. &Wltm >.poa. ucgerge -ILDartull, Eaq-, thae iasstr oftbe< Court bi Ohaucury, aI j Whitby, on Monlday, l6th Beptember next, lu thre. pareils, tue-fohbcvng valuable pi-o. PAPtiCEL 1.-Thalcilon cof lut numbir i ieven ou lie nartia aid e ofBond Strut, i lb. vllage cf Oshiava, vhicialies scutia cf ia feuce soi-c&as aad lot, nov lu the. occupa- ation cf onu Danil, McOaa.ty. The. lot con- teins about à of sunsoi-e, sud vil'bc sold sub eot te a claimacf Mary McCarty, for a e oed iai-c ud, utali sbond fi-eu W. 1, >Ghbuon te hon, viaicia wl b. produceil aI tue sale. FÂRCEL 2.-Ail hast parcl cf snid lot viaich lies nertia of lie- said tino.. This p ai- cil en taine about j of à&i soie, sud f i e aeicted taureou a comfci-lsble fi-ami dvllig bouse, oui sud ouiebeallai-oy h0gb, st pi-euln occnplud by one G. E. Munne. PARCEL 8.- tha pcul if ]and on lie vest aide coWïe Z atr nai-yoppo- site pareil numbea- tva, tue igiat of diaviug 48 square luches a vater, as speca- ladt lu a deedfrom, John Bolase Warren te Hugia Munro, -dsted Sti cf lauuary, 1842. This pazeel centainteoui quarter cofsunsoi-i cf lsud, sud lierearaie eicted Iheen a abrick sud fi-sai building tva aiai-iea iiq , farmerly usaid as s touudry sund ma- chine sbops, sud las-ing Iherein s lino cf sbafliug aud othe fixtunes. The itla dîeds froam John Irlasi Warren davuvenda, cf al l theabovei pi-cpi-tva- iu lai possession cf Lyman Engli. .Y;Iarnls ter, viio clamas a lieu 'lii-eau foi- thi sum The abave prapirty le vall siluatein ltlia vcilla g f Oshawa, sud pAncel Ne. 8 hs suit- able.Zfors machinaeuiacp or factory Tii.e cuditicua cf saliesi-i tiastanding conditions cf lia. Court, villatha foilowing variations:. The purchesers s: liai lima of salishalai theîtimi of saleay dovu a epeai i lthi proportion af 860 fer e-riy #M00 flis piarciasse mouiyî » the Veudor, ai-hie Sali- citer,sud shal psy 'thînînasindiroc iaihepur. oiaasimouayi4 vekeirana lia. day cf sae'u- and upon tuci a ymeul 1h. purciasuer chai b. anlitlld te canvayancia, snd la lai"lit intcooisessoia. the purciasser at lith ini cf eaete aigu au agreemeut fanrlia. comple- lieu cf tia purchasa. ,1 Fui-hi- p articula-,ausd pai-ticulars cf sale, îay bva eblainat fi-cm O. C. KRler, N'eudana Solicitor, Caungn ; Lyx huglia, Oshava * Fai-everl & MG Osawa sud Whit4iy;tliaauctlonuar sud tiae uudaa-igned masler cf iaiheCourt. Dated August 24th, 1872. GEO. H. DARTNELL, aan-m dMater. C, IV. VAiteeIL.D8 TEÉTH insertel,;ounallihi Tlittait prauaclples cf lta, art, as cia s eaiciapeal, sud asegocdas atliie bush. aelia ilied vitia Gcld sud Sure-r. Tati ixl-adted vithaul Pain, by pnaduig lacal auisatheula. Dental Rcoms-iîn Ccv. au's nîw blocke, o-rer Alkinsou's Drug Stoe-, Ring Strict, Oshawa. 8 A FA1I FOR SALE ON EASY Daaag 60 soi-as of fi-eut pait cf lot 2, aou- cession 6 inlth. Townsiaip cf Uxbindge Caunuy ai Ontaric, 40 soi-as cleareal. Gcuid fiami buildings, g cd cichard, plety cf vater. Bush, gaed hai-Wdal. Apl a JAMES HOWATT, ounlthe premaisis. Or blater, outl pald, le addriess, Cla-e- Mont 7 0., Piciriug, Ontario.- Pickeing, 241h AugÜ'si, 1872. -- 4iu8b O FFICE. TO lENT 111 GE.RRIE'S IILCOX. Tioromorne. Presently accupied by Dr.. Evans. - nrn.diste possession cen bo given.' Enquire at Gernie's Drug Store. Whitby, Âugn 1,187I2. na8 N E W PHOTOGRAPH GALLFIRY ailedt e offers For 8aIe the Whole of Hiâ L-ûi'ge 8tock of Goode. And, as the premises m'Ust be gîven, p by Christrnas, the whole stock will 'be ip04o in the mùeantime AT *AND VND ER CS The -stock -being; n0W "completé, and weil selected, and. having been purch âs-d BEFORE TuE PRESENTRIEIGOD PURCHASERS WfLL É1'IW I TO T HEIR AflYANTAGE- -TOQ EXAMINE THE SAME ýBeJ»re Jonluding Prce 8e8,,where., Let it be borne in- mid' that ail must * be sold Before. Christmas,l CON8EQUENTLY THE SUBSCRIBER 15 OBLIGED TO NMX PRESENT SACRIFICES To the necessities of hie position. THE STOCK NOW CONSÙSTS 0F 1ALL K-1ND S 0 F DRY G 0QUDS, SUITABIE ,,TO THE SEASON. FA MIL Y GROCERIES - A ND HA RD WA RE,. TO',THE TRADE-Hfe would offer his stock'st a great sacrifice. aund he is confident that tupon exaniton of the same they will flnd it advantageoîs to suit themselves with purchases. --000- -- rr 0 tIERs We, aire.mqý'yailyreeeiving 1arge. sb.ip-- ments of DRY GOOD8 f OR 'THE, FALL --TR4DE. And notwitl htanding ail thecy eu the, ter aé.dvance.of woolen goods-'we àav'e been fortu- nate eïiough to get 0oura At such a price (and by seiliDg on, e xceedlpgly amail profita,) as to siipply Oiur eO- stmerwat a Vej8light advam"oe onifr8t year'8 Pries8. -LAINGl'& BAR STEWART. GAI IN' C a-oo ( (A BEHAD AT. JO :KN :ID8S SKINNEB'S. Proof :-The -piles ý>of goods carred away daily,', by customers w4 oCorne and Corne again, and. rçcÉ&Liend their friendsto0 buy! - JOHN SKINNER. Sélling off 'at the ýold cost, price "I Whitby,. August .5th, 1872. -JJJST REýCEIVEDI I A LOT 0OP - FI2~TE A choice lot of Java Coffee TO ARRIVE. M- Dublin Porter aid English Ale, in pints and quarts. Whilbyv, Jnly loti, 1872. R. H. JAJIESON. IMPORTANT'-NEvýs! BOOTS AND SHOES-. The undersignedlias a large stock of Ladies', Gents', enid Vhildreî's Fine and IJoarse Boosy&,/ Shoes AL.LcWPtOB E7-'Boots and Slioes made to ordoek«gD1 Overshoes lined warm and counfortable. ImdiaRbé Theywill also find it to their ad- Slippers , c,.- iiRbes vaniagi., luexamîine tin STOCK - [t wlas bought be.fore OFf HARDWARE the rise, and will be positiveIy sold at and under cost.1 SAVING 0F ONE HUNDRED PER CENT 1 May therefore be effectcd, between oost then and profit now-. ANOD -> ',uUl GENERAL OOLDSMITH'S BHOP will commeice. asing sale under this !notice MONIDAY,I 6'th S!PT., '-72 And will be contînued- from day to day until the whole stock !iil be disposed of. TO HIlS OLD CUJS TO'MES ,tesubscribc-r desires to offer bis heartfelt 'thanks> for put iitvors,, extending ovr 1 a period of 80 many.,years. and regrets the closing of his piessing busideas relation$ with t heun. BRe desires to say that they will lecoie the -fulli-benefit -of -the, above, and aloon the-usual te m--aey rdit'uni t'let October,1873. - OLD NO.A., LEYL.-~-A, Barley cf to pur- I~.Repairiîig neatly done. May 22, 1872. Cail at th.é nid Stand. WILAIAM - BUJRNSt Bcdt & Sboe Store, Brock street, Whitby. An Imense Stockof AND GASAE XX #cXXXALE Ï0n Bottio. Dow's 'Superior Bottled' Ale. Whitby, Jùne 19, 1872.- R.FRAýNCIS, Family Grocer, kw SPRING STOCK 0E-O BOOTS ýAND SHOES, MATTHEW COLLI Besto. ann oune-tis- has onebuiness on t - -Mi,. Bandeiol, on Brook inlureceiptof RI1G ,HIT-FI1T -'AÂnd -of the beàt s aqrs and the pnbli that le ed by 1 Short saotie. At reemouable saua à supîrior Biscuit, sas noue but ]Bread, Cakes, Ca'die sud cf tie vury.bet kind le ali >Also, an asî FRUJIT in their seasoii 3. G. NEW .-MUSIC, STOR-E, GFeRIE S BLOCK, BROOK, STREE T, WHI-TBY, Where wilI be found SheetM'usic,'bud, Musie-books of sa11 kiDds, Musical lustruments ofA every d escription, includ-, -ing Violin Sgtrirî 1gg and Baws of the best qiiaity; - Stationery, Schl 01Books,,&c., Beautiful Musical and Litertr>rWorks, Sui- table-for Pýëenti3, eostant- - ly oniaand.. A CIIOICE ANI) VAIED- ASSOMTMENT, ~'Magazines, Periodicals, and, Papeirs supplied. Ail or- dem for Musie ond Booksesrefully filled., - SON OT. Whilby.- Bay 29, 1872. -- j SUME AT MoMILLAN c GOODS SfrevHS at, 10m - - $1871lol#8S0 Fait Bats tram - - - 75010260 QUk Ilasfreni - - a00 t0400 Liners Coatsfrom' 125 ta 800' Lustre sana sul Cord oaats, 2 00, te2 50 MfuslihiDnisaGonds; train 10e ta 250 Grenadine Dues Gaads froni Uic to 50e Brllliate, Pa'ints sudCottouof -erery liue. Tii. aboya gacds are -decididly tue best valua n hieii ai-kil. 200 b/e. Cotton Yarn. T. H. MOMILLAN &Ce. Whitby, lune 12, 1972. 24 BOOT'AND SHOESTORE Wallce' BlokWhitby, and, Donlnion Block, Uxbrldge, Sl~ Sgn of the Mammoth R. B. B. K E *E R flavig rýeeived further 'aditions, to his large Spring- Stock, is now, selling ail kinds of Boots and, Shoes, squitable for the Besson, at unheard oif Parties 'flequ.iring-Goodsi-in'nie Line, will do welto examine hl ,stock previous tle=rhasing elsîihere. Ris largýexeperience, adthe favoria- bu tterme on which eo k îuabled to purchse, give latn every fuihy for givlug bargaine, heritofôriaakqýown eWhtby and Uxbridge. Mm- KpzLEuRIso. manufactures al inds of Stitcee, Sewed, Peg Work, tc, order, ou reasonable terme. 5 gar epamr doue on short no". Whltb~î 1,1872 . B. B.ý JKEELER,, Boot'q DOMINION' - LOWE Picein, Auqus 27th, 172. -. dm BYLW NO, - B3Y.Lw go eesart of tho Uwna road b.gso. a o 22ifani 28, inth d Bang. of BrokoenFront coaeesaim -/f th. TomlsfofPckefnginWe.tonFalus.r, - hie. lwir, and aungnfor..er. The.Caonof the Corporation cf the Township of Pickering enacts. Thot portion of tlm sllowsice frrs between -lots NO,$. 22 aud 28finu lb. BM Ba'ng. ofthe cBron Front, concesson ai the Townsip cf Packerini, and May b. dw ffm oflowis l sto sa comn lb. nrtb.ss* of tb. masurnnioag tenoe South 10 dlemest 20 ebsins thence South 74 depuis West BSlikstiienee' NortIrIO depies 28: minutes W.s 20 cbatiu, 74 does estdOlluika b lb.e place of W0 sud the âsin i fereby vested i. Westcn Paumer, Id% eirs and sssigniorev.r. Tii. above in s Op'f srosed by-law cil oflb. Corporation cf P'cb.ringatitsI nexd seslqn to e h heIon -Saturdy, the OM1 dlay ofSptenber next. - HECTOR PEATON, Ci.rk. WAN TE D. A boy to learn th. drug business. Apply At Gerri.' Drag Store. Q Wbltby, August 28, 18M2. 35 T REISOLTED 11K Fire'insurance Co'y of Canada. HRuDnOprîcz-,King St.,eor. Church,Toroeatu CAPITAL, Sj5oo,ooo. DOposltedwlth Govermnun-n, $67,000 TVu " hour alimiMEIxsusMacz Co."bwving beau uutsblisbad solely wxtblth. viewof lusuring agaluat Iossor =Zag by gre, the ovuirs 0f IsouàbuDan sd wox- Itwfll luum effy isLâ raI othut no on.e eau ints9 more than oui logis- thuIg 1te m= the .soeurty trough aGz el usinusaf oCompany doteg a Xl Win Dot insure mesTils ,stores, iulammabi. gs.or otherbhazardous rnus, but couna 9e bus..ines t A e s limonsu cIf anmipetsd detacbed Residences lun Towun$ d illages. It wlf4l.AdU al bases vithout delay, sud psy ove lb. cash ÀTONCE. Hou ALEX. UoKEEZE, M. P., JOHN M&UGH.AK la W. A. LAW, Agent, Whitby. Âuguzt49itla, 1871. 4w54 SALE 0F TIMBER BERTH8. WAREO 1L11 ARE ýIN -RECEIPT C0 nadinesl, Bo Stlipe Shav A ch Childreus'1 suitable for -I A -Mun.. Wýitby, 'Sept, 4,1 ID 1", i . 1 1 113,2 1 0 01!8, ý: van ;l Thn -ân 1: 1 L L INS

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