Whitby Chronicle, 22 Aug 1872, p. 4

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w; il al sgeema 10 conneJ a iso.Ernesal it ,cebut 1 t1,fnk, IT sUie, unuginly, awk » A Telegrah Stoay. are", trmmea WM me woti , Ajom aitokether, thaïI I aveybliard ofîhe -i- AU1. j A.iz ber Scaty wardro becom ohu hé ectric teleraph, was bld me by Ii ltheOhsocaio f n oFsi once heard Brnelet sy Ébat ha libd cathierof the an~k o! England. You ,ai7y, ijiailes na-st of Drooklif, one hu wllîte, and hung lhe Soral drops blet May have heoard of it.. it may have de ce Uncle Moulagu lad sent k0foiMM basaun print; i anisure ildeserves to Apl1- Jadia in ber care ;ad biis waahils ver- le: JOHN CÀIrPM3nu, Esq., -dict, afteraSll'$ Once upon a ime, theaon a eer- B3IÂ~ 517 rooldin. Onlari 'I can'b help itl ' cried, Barbara, 'Pa5 tain Salurclay -aiglit, Ihe 'folkalthe __________________,_1872. slpuately, wIille every drap of blood in bank couid 4bot make tI. balanice corne lier body aeemed 10 cocetrate itsiiif r1ghî, iy just £100. This isaaerDeas (JARD 0F TRANX&S aI Ove au ber bamning cheeks. II malter-in i ns 1111e establtshne.;I - know lirn an greaý, agi>', gawky Ilin go, not mean lias cash, but tbhegustake Mca. c, Hlal demireoimort respclffuly't but yenouglint'to 0twit me with' 1t in aritlametic' for it occasin, a w*orld ret= liebr afncere Ihanks ta ber nelghbo: cousin Ernet., mmley of scritiny. An error in ba îuciig lias audjpepe of te ls surr undîuig coat Mi. Elarlpglon, k ,mtelbeau known, I amrn lid, tg )(eep adele. f"or ePrmtudiermanr ?wa selthabshalewas, sin the' dining- galion of demIs froan eacbli 1a or ter at a 1 vnnga nsa, room, iausy witb preserves sud tarte lu- sometimes throughe..ia whoIe niglat. <th vn:t. numierable, la Iempt lher newIy arrivedl A bame and caf ' uIrse, was mande Whiîby, Augast 14, 1872.8 son oaappotite, when Barbara Moyle afler Ibis £100, %o if the aid lady iu raslied in 111e a whirlwind. Threadueedle , reet woa.id le ian the FIB1T'RN NGRI - 'Aint Eflie, tell me ; amn IBO veiY Gazette for wadit ofit. Lcy, ou Iha 0FBOCK. BETlI EB ugoodea gacon 1'ci, Sunday asioriaafnf inrheniddleEv ro.Prsui ccpeb>E Goones raios l cie Ms.of thie pirmon, idame say (lthe lruth Two. ois. sesaaaowuea lasDv Etlaeringtoai, nealy upseîting a glasos , uawn,> fait a suspco ftcEvns. Imedate pssine Saub ve di ah ai quille jely ini lier arnazement. trut.i dart thmough bis mid quicicer . ~ ~ n 'Wlaat hana coaeta the chld ? Wbalt tau aàflash of the lelegrapia itseif. He Vhitby, August 14, 1872. i& aon eath do you mesa, Barbara?' olS the chef cashier, on Monday 'Emniest says l'an uglier than ever,' moring, thal perbapa tlic mutaka B13 GOOD aobbed flic a l, ungainiy girl, as nIA mugîtbave accurred in pacig saineB sal despairingly ou the cuahions ir boxes of spscie for the West Indies, C D U C' front of thee iookinag-glass. which lad eensu ent to Southampton I..JJ.n >.>.11EW WIRI 'He's only taasing yau, dear.' for shipinent. The suggestion was uin- 'No, b's not. Hne s spealiil$file mediately acted upon. Hore was a BOOTS AND.-6H0E8, trIuli. ButI I don't Ihink lho uglît ta race ' iigbtning against steain, witî u et m h tell me $o.' eight-and.forty heurs atart given. In- Tevu6tad hap)8st. B3arbara aurvoed lersey witb a do- stantly, tle wires assIed, *"Wliather _________ lorans eamaestuess. A swtarlby, flot to sudh a vessel 1usd left the barbor?- A (lhibeal Food & Nutritive Touit, Sany MuII dy complexian, hesavy brown IlJusl weigbiaîg anchor,'" was the ans- liair, arrangeS vemy uubecomingly; wer. "Stop bier 1" fantcally ýshiimaemid ITHOTPo î-sn huta groat dark cyesa; ipptoo tiick for beausif le alectrie.Iciegrapl. OUTw adon, 'ospe emnan sud o tbenaghtdgay ty, and features nveiosc laeavy moid, ,"Heanve i nl ec aeUaala s n ctosnc hs~rus anS ita compÃ"nô lioweverlunuch il aigliatpromise for tle so ; weiglh tIeni." Tley ivere weigh- nar koiîana ula île mtentoTeyatou. fuueawas ce-iiluiy groteaanely iu- e.5 andi one-th ls em'oq udmucuansstin was o aprpiifjýagro t- al fuk , sonofa stnde tiutemore Ilan hall Ils materiaiof fhe apprpriit -u~a grl f muten-al fnai hyjua ou ofas iim ddsoicm- humain Ldy, being tonnd in ever>. tissue, Iliania returnnxl nia answeriug ilelîglat. signa beavier linan it ouglit la Le. 'Let sud their presence is absolutel>. essential te -1 aun alpY,' ilied Bliala, 'and ber go,' saiS tht mysîca-Loug tfelegriapla nutrition, as tley promote the conversion Erstiy olo atIhe Irutla, Oh, Atant Tn at niokawr ania iîof alînunéna Lutheafood juta fibarine, which i Efl auIwslail würa a man. Au îîglyiy jtI£1W mare, andmi lse-raorr- fle vitalizing agent *of pure, heuithy blood. 111ka, Is ieaslnus ntuetrc rwscr Thcy are coniug ino universal use ian En- woaaa s llasa oandllsa flsmtnitiî ottSwithouî aver Iookdin mblooks roreansd America in the trsatmeut of Scro- oraeoin)lriss flowcr. Mon cli figial Or delayung file voyage for anu hour. uanons, Coinsumpetive sud Venerai diaeases, against lineir owil fate, anS malete ea. INow,-Ihat fa wlnat inay-ha calile 'doiug which are cauaed by impoverished or paf- sclves naîplatce fin t-eworld; -amen are business.' gorgea blooS; anS in diseuses of women Sal- raterîx- iclpîcs.' terLngtram irregaularLt#es, abstructions and Air'1fronatUnittfinie a3rbara Milye's V,.IUALL DiscovEuii-7,s INCALWyOli. cxhaustng discharges, in paie, pony 'cliild- cnariacter rcineal ta enndergo a chianges i<A.-A lelegrmn fronSun Fr-ancisco, ren1, nS tout condition of nervons sud rh. yeteiLirý bwit. atd' Augs101h sysaLas Augeios amc5a prostrationu cesunteS trra b ad habite imaaîamre-îtahrie liq-eulra fSlno lni- dsatchanouce fearr ais gofexcessive use cf stimulants and lobacco, andn drcwramrra itlira aa;sel; aIe cltivI- espîclaannnuce Ile ariva thra a 'lSail thut train of siit known as a -fa edcal nciîal reo an-î',md depended les îte Todd party with P'rof Glass, il-ami lite. The great roliabüiit>. andl proumptuesa oaimt theiîrîn)lionadnlip ami. appravani of the Gealagicai expedition t iro-ug,,h Au?- Lu ils affects Lu imnnedLately sud permanent- otbrr. ana anal Mexico. TIey liai-a asthmons- 1> eut ainmg lias dvitalized constitution bas 'IX-nr uIlle1, iglîrd kintIdAtant Etlaer andpoudu of apecins ai gaiS anuS maSs Dis WHEELER'5 COMPOUND iluagoua; IcreIniquhoe our Barmaniisu't aivsr anS other ores, aiso sevaral pintsSa ra I lfavuiei t h Pyiin grauwingaian-amiIal If site aliauld of l>mcons and doubtiul atones calicet- sud bie tinrîi punblie lecturer oa a-iait or autha. eS Onl 11e route froan Fort Wiugato tu Sov nt 8100. rasa, flreally aolIit lctiow laow 1 coula Albuq (luen, and ounlima baudersai July 5i, 1872. 82 stand îit.' AuzoW;wliaaîare salleS th ua Ailalns. 'le lir lune, naiie,'saiS Ernest. .They hava ganuina mrubias,apimac -1AlER SLE F - 'AIl gil,%i- e ta nndergo a transition r'angiang fron tfins size ai a large pean c. siatt, andl1, alavasys tîoughît thers wass dowuwarda. *Tlia party fouind ridal iruo iaitu cominona in littho Barbera. gola and si-ar baariaag quartz near VALU A BLE FA RM Si If so wsn'tsoagly, I raally sînQild Fort Wingate. 'Tepnrty ieiia daims gi-t itate in- lier. I eiways diS ta ]lanve discovarad ni locateal fdowimmg One mile train fann ofWlitby, liklo ta sîiiay clieracîar.' p:ii Springs tha i will yield frum 70 ta LlLoaS usatt e~s u l 'l.V-l,* saiS Mrs. Etlieringtou dnb- .100 barrais asday ;1bat thevwiii nt si of Log vps. Livî g eein the jiptia4ly, sile isnt t inusoauo ; but, for divuige Iheir precise Iocntioai. In 'riS uaxt, the nortlî 150 acag ot I32sanlt it tîflit, t dant Ikuaaw low I canaiS Moundu anad rinas of aumicut cilles tilacy concession of Tomwnshieiof Wü b,ija thc sugare lrîlor.'(nuS relics ai toala, laotien-y anal woven Conuty of Onaro; and the north 160ucres Indoit, lin-,)lini,' eai] Barbara latis,ceanuriesolal. -of lot 3m;-tu the aaid concession. .N iAun ada-rtisemeut containfn pai-ticalars; ieaî, ie'aittivciy ta>)Ierself, *but I A Discot'giîmj>P.aATmIIT. -TLaa Iimî- oetsamie wilL bc pblisllediua lnvnv eeks. slianil ur-ca,-pt inLanu. 1 want ta prove ta fiaiS Sunais rcsl(iloaitLlo for the, auec- SPrNCERI, ROSE & MACDONALD,- Er-ra-ai tt thlmra ins sanre nis lîodote ; ,linaII.Alau olace pastai 111) Vcndor's Solicitors. tlailtablIlnan al rbaoltly friglhîftini ' lurongla trac Hloosa Vailcy, and spcnt Toronto 3l uy 82 f3 -A langarous exîrcriiiauit, Barbara, lihe Sabbatla wiîhn ns fricina li willianms-. t~2tiJiy 52 fa na iaura htuaiuîy ma %venait waiser ltai town, altcunaing amlui-ch avatia ]Iniandmi - ____ iaa la-ri ld bralieant. Han-nagesIlis iammily. The firut aund seconaduiIrei- IH 0 T OcGiR A P R Y.- fiara lpiquRAIrathear nmmrriages aviicli dents of wiliiannls Collae ¶ v-ir-c, queare- p- - mariar ra lia' ecnSa nilanokn ad tcSinatinirortlodoxy lnan-imi fau- le rmommai farmeriy occupied lb' Mr. imilgricallia-aa-la.more faitli in divine wru ali ma justice Willsi, iaavea agaita barcu ipened tai the pub. Blut J laîrbanrti conlided lier secret sen- than fin lis lava anal mercy-anai iheir lic bvn aaperator, linitai m litanaeamue, anal Mus. Ellering- sermons gave eidemca cf Iliîr aLcali- - taintnarace la-n laogaccotait of Ernft, lienca lu beliaf. On flina Saaali the MVr. J O N S T'O N 110Wna la>riiiig ariiommg tine ruine aifIom- teXl ai tins wortlny lreeidaîml Fitlîr asn, ritiaiautl l Iremirstiiuieaaau, of avinat a brul- "AnS if ftic riglteaus acarccly inc sav-ad Who ais tioraruglnly acqaauirted avih lal the ireaniiercîn.tli BarbraLvaas about ta ni-lera lali flac aaumgi ad t aeiaairravemrlisinLuthe art, haeimig Leen for anlln a r, theia ree yuaru engagianeeotl itrie rmatarii aaI aga apjnar ?' Firstly, lie laid fi doavu as a largestl hmoopapiaic esta lishaneufs in Te- ria-y la-ia-- îml ILa nlavcly set aif tel htnt o in ui1,001) aouiS Le ne.uca. r. elîunsîaameffarru a perfect like- iratitc NaraLlaraliim cora-n, wluiîln Barbaaaed. Sacotily, Ilairily, ta tnaeiftiay, newi ntra liamllent miniature ta a lits ara-vaaima-a-liitar. Coloanel Alistou lie Sanid that onue uin ,aao Woul b ircane. He isnpraciica-rac. Itutcharis new mianaa-ara o nai imammai îlarliug -" ai lier, sana-d.Ethama Allen tîoaî lis mat aa.l pîmtoaa-n-nîhiar procesaaof traustcrrig lime- niaIcim liai ra au-l nIlarllinîtjOl-clucan an pnepned ben--e.Misfrimadne-aies ta couvas anS ciîoriug Lu ait!. an li re n., i friofrllatjees aand peae oe e i reil Tinspublic ire reqPectfinlly iniviteS le acl linnisorabla. ndsaiS, "Sou'î Ion-ve iumnv,' Sevei- aiea. umieacLoiemraa. Arnl y-î laalari-a naas senb.l aiopped fronta lie lrsiemsINotring chargeai if iliecnrs 4mt aIntis- IrLI'sail 1)[Ê. Eiinugtou, aune lilas, 1Wlmn salitliiad contemo Inahéecon- tactoa- lis saral, rrai ntiinatec ronu wicin clusion tluatntelt one na ul .aamwounl inî ais mmnabrman 9 amn., ta 6 purn. Ma.Aliaitara itmin jîmil enteraS, -dresseS lio saved. Thenotiai solai ilt ad lasun Piîaarar.ihGailei-, Wallacea Dialck, up foa îartinlucnrem.icolourea, ilsdIanS growing eimeassyunedar thuraaiidimmgsceaie, rtatina- aiaaîanînnnls, ', <la yoaa lnoav ln oav3-U u i idlitir aitnkai an nnitiplie-ilanal Wlmtlaa Jcly m7alm, 1872. u-295 Irnevc!-eairagoa liiîmrig tl inolat 3-car ? tins prizeai faded fronn vlan-. Ha gmaspr - - ___ 1 ivan- inn ial[my bilaara-i-telc'nun ai'- cd lus bat andi cane, ni-lacu laie rienal teiii-t,îlaalmay omît.", - saiS ta in, "Dont go ont. - Haeaili La 5A 1, E O1F <iran-a- I* IRaniS Ban-Larme, indifférent- tha-oni slortîy; lac's no-av ap tlacenan- IF- Vii, ILS aine (iiaitemagiase, sihe tasuîly." "Oli, na malter,' sai Elaîn H O U S ES & LOTS coriali mmii rasel.-il larsli.Allen, *aniy rof 3arca-t a-acone la My I 1wîinnlt-r if Ernact nioulllniiîk me chance, if 'lis as aliai as lie t-lia af!" I N TH E Migy' înonv 2"sie said, striaiug la ana leict-tine èlium-li. uaIï)ttl ihl3, Iritiitlli conceaieS Ire- miii hîi ler eçICa'. A BEÂen'IFUa.SFaNTI.%rmu.-l)r. citai- TOWIN 0F W iHITBY. 46 liv1" inlInoed c. r.Etînerington. mans beantifully says: I"TIno hit cly,]nararît, vonîai-t1a eutifl î" tuaI 1 laaatan imiai lIna naon-ICI ana kuona-i N CHANCEZ!Y shum a-as. Tli lango feataîn-s avere in aifinhe listoi-yof ni ankfundl, laaelia-a ana CHA CEleY ire-nnaa o îw nevitîn flinec eaI ailier face, ta look upon tîneir en-on- asn oi'ianvnal pui-aanrait tean nu eir ef thne aiS Counrt, tlina compnile-xiolamm mciclena t a a reamy lu anger. MIen I takie tire lisi of mnis ina the causne art "Cloak anS Watson." I. Whltby, Augual174, lm ..8 Rs ' fa. tus ru, 7, ah ng Ina 88 '8 r. n. la bU ehf tteCii To tairainto consideasjik the-a&ad or Approvai of a certan »goii., etbtî.B0amS cfDàimcon ofc z th luau uts Pýl bond e W h ib eHm b r P v e n ýb > . t h n a s a i S . ail Haliarb(oinCompany,seai aboni B>.d ofrde Isr>. W. 'L LAW$ S-ccnfarY acS Treas Secret4 187ce Tins aloie meetfing ipostuaned r TtIE5DAY,Ithe lOua day of EPTEMB W. A. LAW, Secreta-y isTresam lLAWLER, Family Groceries, Pure Wini PUE SPIRITSB, CROCKERT, CHINA, GLASSWAliE, d CHEQUERED -STORE, Wiiitby, Ma>. 1872. , 22 I )OIIT WHITBT k&PORT PERRBY R.1 Tl I iE - T A DLE. 'akes sifect au Satumday, Joua lut, 1872 Ta Il Trainas *oing Noerthn. Muim< Mixed Whiiîby Janetion, 9 001asm. 7 110 pi whitby, 9 117 a.mn. 7 817 p.c Broolaln, 9 29 s.m. 7 59 p.x Myrtis' P 941 a.m. 8 19 p.n Summiit' 10 012 arn. 58112 pn Manchester, 10 12 a.m. 8 42 prn Prince Albrt, it0 21 arn. 8 61 pm Port Ferry, (arriv-e,) 10 30 a.m. 0 0O p.n T rains Going Seuth. MixeS. mii. Fort FerrnSea-tQ 6 00 ar. 29301p.1a Prince AILaca, O6109 sm* 2 89 p.ma Mancheaster, 68*18 a.m; 2 48 p.n Sauamit* 6828 am 2 68 pcr Myrtlen <i 41 asm. 8 IXi p Brooklinu 7 011 am. 8 81 p.u Whitby,' 7 211 am. 8 53 p.n Whitby Junction, larr-) 7 110 am. 4 00 p.n *Platborma StaCioins, Trains stap on Signa an]>.. JAç vanll avll grcins raeI~lnss~~ rt.Vinsg, ni-m aimm n ijapearu t . Lot 206, in Permys pion atoresaid. aIain1 tîntMlii a June las te ilonan 7.l'aira cf lai 25, iu the finît cncession "t arn ar~ne,"calcuclar, -asj a Siciian nartyn'-. WVly ofthCie Taaa-mmehiiietfWhieby, now part ofthîe *AnSdsellewass lu his tyts the mari-i. is nana lias beau canneajct n-ibm Tani <Iwu e-,asnos' an île eccupation bains change avonglit y bine inscrulable dancingrnainesuiabody knoava. et Mr.t. A. Hoplkinsi, station master. Upon aid alalaeunîst, Time. tis in a <ainva-staray trame Swellig'hous. Tînt nigt, wlasu Barbai-a came inaeretv icly opposite re-laislia a n am i h ruTnnk 1 hmrn and mat before lier mirror, un- "sns a ole Sa n asulaa- poor arealit e tation, anrS near thie 'art Whitby sud Part a, cinsipiug iemnod filet aud bracelet, anselinensimcy are not knoavi andPaery ilaiway Jummtion station. andS iooscninag lbsttusky-waves aiflier ltheotmîî-e cUnt tlcy ara. S. l'art oethîe seuiLhall et lot 2.5, Lu tle subol lsiranSsas îleneacefii fce ino edvrtisnncnt i a esicinfia-il concessiono et iaTons-hipai Wiitby, stbi ar n a h ecflfc h detsrno efitýi- oaniaaiu araraen -acres, miore or hes$. anaS white latins of oid Calanti AilsIon sbon-cuîîer rende :-Il Tinose ainn Luy 'ýs t iiIland ira a anal orchard sud il is au lins piflana-beyoanS, slne put lhemlInuStombalanes ai ni, look avis 11rlmaanda ini Startion ,nn anartr rn antdsnly lae lien 'ieat. Wass il eas.-satisfaction on tînt'graves Of tmic T-ulSiaon don panmg 2 aeuili-canai-se ? Wass il a frienada. 1Rargistrars abstracts et tilles ta the abonve tlisciansmîeHéall olaIe, o h i. Caille are uub Ireaite, Laut iay gel- 'sean rat tua- ntîlea he t itin eds dcitors takeaeleSuamande P DiS slIc dutoyer tn innr-te fic fth eno'Slcios tbn or tenairt anme, ta h idM-.6 ueîînasea Ina-mrd. r.m wilvila oui>. bau ibliged to larnial lai-taiEmnest Etlnenoin all thsse ce-a8ra-f rthle Regisers't abstracts, asdfa aînsanentaakîon-a e a7 "I'mViiglaS 3-arlunicani lmI aon min1- mrdaiarcii-tla lrd u srpisessian, tîve ashuiders," au lhimaaniaarai l Le li. ait n-na iotibar obli , ICitopaduce or tamniali jtiiiug îotiy, slao oropî sd1.ana tins ion- tuaI nias gaiug ta LabmnîmIg. ay oari se actpies0cfsanme, lnom 1. abariligard ta prove the ast btfrntIsa- 'lln'e-pât!d~ casapet, anS Ineit sîîenîmy A Candian uoti once lnad a matice tan by tino irnedu-tion of the Seeda in -lem besialo the pillaw, pressing lier ipeo dineS tlhIlsreadiîg-oom, tia~aGentie- pairtasiôu. liira againll Imnoescatianed iran-grym o lmmeieansg toH peil i n-ii uase hale The purchinar ailila nrqired at the iocdas. yesterday's papers. ' unie o asale opuy la the Vendar,oa ir m rnueven- li o fnghs i8 as," apou. WIy ail peoptean-Imasil an frac acats Soicitor,unue tn o! ime purdhutasmous>.;b - -Strd. Nu;I ove drame wal ul ile>. a siie nnnes rauafi irrnanS ILs punchasel-B et parceis Si-e andsnix f de o nevr deame wht nt lkelyte erie mcli eneit om ill Le reqiied ta puy tins baiance withinr Wighnt camle tane nilien 1I lieid higoing ta dhuraI ?-Becanae hiey get oeementh froin the lime at asie. onîce mars h Buto lala b. usband, adioaalng meuly anS tnderoil-onr aoseilip The purclasems et thé othar parcei -l! -M neyer i-etlentral naunnkinS w/ai-S ý ny A Mempîis jr-y (United States) lia-- bu reqnndtaps 0 n hr as1a-il, noble iovlnggm a lla u r oectoYn, mg cOnviated asmnan -a( murdor, uow alltsinIuLmtênalrdeîe - pnrclaran asemoneywil nensmonîl tram 1 aili li ns ete tînce 1'tfunSe thssupposaS lua-dca-ad man i uret ime etoeae, nS Ilhe balance in ta'o AnS Basnbama's vas' sas regintered in liv'ing. The quetion is avietîsen -tic equai annuni inseaimnts, -aithn inîerest atCo the Ingh leavena sove. verdict siral ha nescinded, or the man eglat per cent m~r annum,?uayaLle wih esel ' WIe ea aalS he ax mouigailanvedte homuraer irs aictimm. inetuhueni, tl e secured y monîgage wLlh'b servantsinnurance clause. Upon, payinent eith11 Ileser anteeeapping at lier door Sî-na.-TIe Yanktee tinat leils pua-ahane nions>. anS giving the mortgae ü ailI conusef ulfernsce, anS whit nladow outin thîe nain aS gaI lfweî, îhe purchasen 'caLUl e entitleS ta ble isî teaj filîcîned faces. I"Master hftd faisan in lias aid--ahsquatuleedand ~paoally possession oa n oareipt of thelenis foin a fit or soning VI'RHadnaltle.- gone to tle region na-lana lhnsindividluai te at the 'e uo f the nortgage. -B tun b alrirjk lis aoffee aI the solilar>. esdes thtîntla-eS ta draw bis la-enùlIaThe othec conditioins cf sals are the stand. reaiesit, whlcî avas bis usuailhabait, ailIa aorkscrenv-. fng conudilLous af sais ai thîe Court of Chan-] fov be i~as 05haigaw d , dh1 vr oYioaHaaam>.a Fnther pationiars anSdacoditions oteaie feU frali 15diaeiavdead being Il ai-an up" at home, take andmaparîiclaïogani othls reMenI natalsanc - r' the' uunsel of the ;Short atipid ,ý Baibav ahri 15a ortIhRiver sfsannboal 'tenancien, eau Luo otained trom Messrs. ed v-,'anl'.a ncncag >hamnsIemn Farewveli & McGee, aI Oshanva anS& WIIILy sa-m otonyôo1Your affaira, ly leing bloioni W. H. Billinga, FaEs , G. Y. SmithI, Enq.,san atm'nnn5erwars, wÈn aie ' odabs up away frolun home. Mn.Gnsn'o arltM tin Iiby MeCnaUme ý erýý1 SoebysasysasBôme mncii hua kingd Tornta ; anSdtrain ths Auctianeer. L eg ihrùto bà diesa r oe easetayrssrardnt Di'ted Lis 251h day of Juiy, 1872. ~, ~ owi, tooxst, pirl anaYPe gel iuddled ailI.GUO. H. DARTNEI4 à sbr p Up oae's belsau t1=a - ? AR]3WXL.4fl BE 14 shinaonly -R* eut, lm. Mf SIiftra i - - . - I - L. DRYDEN, B. B. KIMJ3ALLL, Frealdent. Gen. Sanp H OUS5E AND LOT FOR SALE. The frame dwelling, with quarter acreof land attached, corner af Ring and Jahn 5ta., as at present occupied by the undersigned. - A. CAMERON. Whitby, Jiane 4, 23 CAUTitN. -AIllgnffle bu the Dame *'Peruvilsaalyru," <Mac"Pruvien Bark,", New York. lMold by il 1Dralflaa.' V ABLE ARU -FOR SÀLE. The north hait af lot Na. 18, in the Ith concessian af tls Township of Beach, 80 cres cleared sand 20 acres in waads. Good buldings sud archardâ. Railway. station an tecorner of the fea. Quarter af a mile frim Prince Albert; and ans mils tram Port 'err. For fartbar particularasp1t WILLIAM MASSON. Broaklin, Angut lot, 1$72. 'Sin.81 EÇ I ItGý BROTHERS, Emportea, Deniers anS Manufactureraof al ANK INDI N081 Cash.poaS tomRidles, Ba-k, ana Leatheor. Leslher srelchad. SrBLTlNG MADZ TO ORD.BON, M~ORT KOTIOE. n1ais anci Ua4p8, i;u wilenspeciat atSUCn. le sead. ,GROCERIE 5.-ýA very large -Stoek,ý the U;hoicest, Fresheat, and' Best.n Hfardware o'f al kinds, Qils, IPaints,&e;Iý FJELD ýANP -GARDEN SEEDS, New, Choice, auld ood. AUl the leadbng varueties-ofTurnip, -0-- Hlaving iýeeived further additions t 1118 lrgeSpn Stock, is now mieling all kinds of Boots d 'F'oea, snitable for the-season, at unheard f Parties .reqiuiring Gonds in ais L'ine,> wiIl do w>ell.to examine i stockpre 4s .1nrensnég 1sw>eee. HMo large experieoe, adthe favoxa- -,@àr a I>w~ii * .iuhiâ, à=- 4opurchase, SIe lui> every faclity for giviqa 'bârgeminhberefrenkoein Whtby and Uibridg. Mu. KELER lso anufacture&'aI kinds of Stitched, e~ Pet Work, to order, on rçaaonable ternis. 1:' Repaira don. on short notice. R. B. B. KEELER, Whitby, June 19,1872. FJJRNI TURE! FURNITIJRE! AT .THIE SIGN 0F TfIB GREAT RÃ"CKING CHAIR! #ý7Furniture Selling at Old Prices foT 30 days longer; Notwithstanding the rise in material and labor, the undersigned-ofiers bis stock at the Old Prices ,for 30 days longer. Now is the time to embrace the opportu.n'ity of selecting from the largeat stock luths (ougity-of uideboards, bureaus. centre tables, sofas, cairs, bedroom sets, &c., and aIl of the best quality aud manufacture. JAMIES H. SAXO. The only firat-cla.s establishmrent in the Count*y, where Fu- nermis are fully supplied. wniwy, A~Tit îï, lofai, ?,on s tg M. fL-2 sot u Mr. M. n. t n. U. X i. n n. TI ed Bags, Porte -monnaies, &c-, Electro-Plat eGs! aes- C'Facli carefully exaanuied, proved, mand tinied, and their' per~formance guaî'anteed. r JAMES JOHNSrTON, Practical Watch aînd Clock Maker. J roc];-st -W hi tby, Ilay 7th, 172. __ -19 [ESTA BLISHED 1833.] The undersigned in regbrniing thanks for theliberal patron- bitherto extended to the old establishmnt, for nearlv a period of farty years, de lires ta aay that lie has now an lhard a large assortmnent of the mott îndcrr. and elegaut styles of ]hWtT3.Mt JI And trusts by proper attention and moderate prices to se- ire a cantinuance of publie patronage. Practical îîphùl,4tering. Furniture rc- iufted and covered. gndertaking & Funerals Fully Supplied as heretofore. Ar Somo splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gild- ingS. Remember the Old Stand. JOHNSTON'S SELF-RAKING REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE! At the Provincial Exhibition, Tororto, in 1870 re offer to our customers for the coining Hlarvceît, two dis- int Machines, which in style anad conistruction, enubrace OIINS'I'ON' S GL EL lÀKN R Ap RW athes & THE " RING OF REAPERS." rie universal success of this Machine, Fboth ini closely con test. trials snd in thc handa af the <armera, warrant us in saying that, es a Self-Ra k- iReaping Machine, it, hua more good points and legs defectQ, and bas met wit~ ore succeas sud lesa failure, tlîan heretofore offered to the public. " CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER.'!1 7e were awarded the First Prize and Diplorna, at the P rcviîî- il Exhibition, held in Taronto,' 1870, lu competition with aIlthe lcîîdiîîg Machines unufactured in the Province ; ad ivith aur recent impravernents, we uîrhîesitat.. gly challenge invemtigation and comparisan with competirg machines, we are isfied that suelà investigation will convincme everv îînîîrejudiccîl nîiLd, ihat we re the beat bMower ta the Fariner for 1872, bîiilt in tie Dominion. WSid rdescriptive catalagues, BROWNX & PATTERSON. SRRING ST'OCK 0F 3_OOTS AND SHOES. MA1~THW *COLLINS. Bgs to annohince to his enbtomc,,rs and the public that he bas opened business on the -prernises lately occupied by ?Mr. Bandell, on Brock Street, and, that lie is now in receipt of a splendid Stock of the R1GHT FIT AND MAKE And of the best style of Boots and Shoes. Aiso on hand a large stock of Hiome--Made Boots aînd Shoes ch cannot be surpnssed for quaiity and price. Ail orders punctually attended to. Repairs neatly done. whil E TI Lc slip, litly, gay' 10, 1871. JO A SPE DS OMNMET SO Spring and Stimmer Boots and Shoes, ALLÃŽTHIE LATEST STYLES. Ladies' Balmorals, Pîunllas, Gaiters. Tis, Cro- quet Slippers, Newports, &c. Geiitlernens' Boots ;Ud bhoes, in great-va-iety. oys' aîd Girls' sewed work, very cheap. Ail ordered work promptly attended- to. REPAJRS NEA&TLY-- <XECUTED.- SRemember, the riglit place. Wluii.y, May 8,«872. JOH'N SA.UNI)]EIIS.- Brock Street. MATIIE lW- COLINS. VIPORTANT N EWS 30OTS AND SHOES, Lie undersigned lihas a large .5tock of dies', GenWs, anid (hildren's Fine and Coatrse Boots & Shoes p5~s ~, ~ Warm nd ~Gents' Shirts, white and coloied, JOrHaN F E or G & ONp, !M DUDhAS T.,orW# Draper Respctfuly intitmates that lie 5 110w inreceipt ,pf a la re Stock ai New -Goods fori- SPB NINAD U E Il WE A E. Canadian Tweed Suits, Cloth Suits, Bys' Suits, Youths' Suits, Ch idren's Suits-eveiy Style ýand Nr Repuiring aieatly done. -Ctill aI the old Stand. JOHN, FriGUrSON, - lothier k&'Gents' 0Ontfiti - Dndas St. «V - (PremiSen latelY Q ocid b>. Mr Grrria, an a Dmu WILý1LIA-M BURNS 0,1BYIV labelars 588,O~XFORD$TUE"T, LolSDoN, aviera onby tbiaa re manfutured, and, in no obar part ofltheaorld. The re-- talprices are on the labels i British cnirrency, sanS not in dollars sand cents. No representatia'e o! mine avili ever- travel blarough aumyarl ai the Brilti -Proincsa, or the UnitedStSates, eiiher ta Bell, oai-b talcs Si-ers for My>.Pilla ana Ointnienb, anS as I have i-canon to~ believe lIaI attempts i vil-er>. probab>. la maSs te deceive lias publice i liais aa by perçons calllu npopn medicine, vendors, faIsel>. repreaenlingfinaltinshye sare acting for nme, and wavin>. noavi- edge anS consant, I deen iti adviSable. loput the1ablic o their guard againat. sn s ch epliona. I1 mostaIearaneatly entreast all tuos wo. may.read liais advemlisemeant lIaI lhey b. pleased, ianlias public inlerest, ta com>nnnicatele 1 prort o!flia, sanie to theirfriemada th nlley nMay nofrbe defrauded o! Ilsir money by parchaig perlajîs worlilesaimileliouaofthe gen- WDneIoLLowAT'S PILLS AND OfnnTYX. I avould selas a-greal iavonr, lIaI ahlnSil came t101h.knaavledgeai an>. pereon lIant ipiaus medic 'ines are be- ,i5g niasSeorioId in- my naine, le le plasedla senS nie'allsh., parlemulars, le can cohet respscting Ils terne, liant s lu Bay, tle noainsd addrés aitIc Tender Wli iîseiliaigtbe apuriausmedi- cinen, aund liceaine tls naine andS'aS- Ssresaifltns Hanse in t1e UniedStSates", or ebseavhere, wvlicî me>. have supplieS hrenn, sa ai ta enalfle nue, for the pro- tectiionaifline public,' tea luine 'pro- ceedingsaegainat mcl evil-does, anS I engage la retininerale ver>. bandsomely au>. persan wlio me>. givecniesa ie- formation, Ils lnfarnaat's naine neyer -bslug Sivmlgsd. ShoulS an>. person liav'e esn to ae- lisve bat le las besan deceivçd b>. bu>'- in1g spumious imitations ai liase unsdi- danes, e, isavldo vel lu s enSdnie, ina belirer, laoilsheaddres ataIfoot -(avhihe - can do at a Caîl ai six cents in postage),., one aifIls jaools ai instructions wlùch are affixeSltinsthesaine. I promise ta examine il anS senS a repi, stating avîether ths medicines are genulans om- nôl, 50 that if eparomar le may appi>. bu tins person friàvinoanir le. parased lliei oolave bis mnny'nteaaed. Cheiasuansd Draggk"la -Whoadésire bu altaun tins isdicins en le, supplieS ait thle vet wlalesale pnice -ian qas-, titles af nul les thinn-$0avortin-viz.,.- 88. 6d. 22., anS 84s., per Sozsn boxes of- Pilleuor pets of Olainent, nelt, aithoat discaunt,fIor whlicln remilînance must le - sent ian advance. I hava. tlielonour ta le,. -Withn gi-catrespect THOMAS HOLILOWÂY. 5M8, Oxford Street (lits 244, Straned), F ROM NEw YORK TO EUROPE!I cet~ SAFEST AND BE STn* Freigît saiS pnuge reduced. Passen. gers b>. Raüia> provided wllh fraI. cla Canesast tIc asie rate as second. dlais 1.th Ils iniLine. LEWIS ALUIN, Agent, Whitb. Me>,. L'ýtl, 17.20-8i CA R ARA T R-A T RE Celsîatedl Car.atrSau Mineai Wu. te.- jeuannurpaased ~a apleasant and coolixag apenient., On? a-ior glauses et Carrtraca evecy naraaing betore breactast, oa n- uax:' emlty sîoinacl Suriag the lot aweather niil laeep your nyalern cool anS healIl>. CarnutaaaWater ntands unraileS ëas t valanabie reinedjal agent in casas ai Haai- tual Constipati on, Dérangement ai tls_ itomach and Ios-els, Chrome Iaifisiumnation tf the Kidneya, Gravel, Gant, Rthenniin eilythe claa-nifciaais), Saaofua Shiu 'un, Acidit>., and an a purgative aller a Dabanc i i l anequailed. , The (Jurmatnsca Minera Wate- fresa frai las Spn*ngsat Psntagenet, Ont, fa Iept on ele r>. Batela, Pmugilha cnSothena9 o 'oa the oinion, anS na>.bL ld n barrai.s sd kaga ofJthePraprietoni, WINNING, HILL & WÀRE- TMFOXITAIgT TO PARTIEs USIMiC, J. B. SOOÏK'S' EXTRA MACHINE'OZL.. Tis il 1 xcals ail athea- 011, baîl animail sud vegetabis, sud s'a are pa-eparad e ho lô- Ilesnupenionit>. of fiais Oil- to-li o11ers, il standsitle tasîs ncessa>. o procure a Ïfin- ciasarticle, il la adaphted ta aithea- llghte or la-> machiner>., tram a dIock orseng. machine ho île leaiaet sauti. Tin.toi losing are theLaunù Ins-hichit.excelsaîlur Ol: ITWILLNOT GUM,hence naclin- en>. canine laept dean smih but hlehtrouble, anSditavili déan maéhinan>. îlat has een already garamed b>. athr-Oil. lt-avilinDot cogei r thiclien in thc coldeet ai wealîer., îa5it fth ihest importance, fr ,th act a Oi Dot iuuviungliais quality s-ilil nlricate a coldShnait, suaI an Oi mu>. Le appliedSi n s lestaS aLte, Lut the moment ilt ouchas a coidShiatLt ii ceugeal- cad suili natl ibrcate umml th1e joua-ual b>. fictien acqufres ths temperature neccea- sin->-te radance il to a liquid itafe ln scqnalr. iug a bigler leraperutune b>. fiction, -the journal exup sds anS the Lox-S injuired, it-ia as impossibie ha use' ail ihat avilichili an a. coidShnaftsit vllut this resulas il te tmin. gl i ai LI saten. J. B. Sloclr'i Ofi as-ilu- biicate the coadat maaiiiney the mement Lt is applied. Tisin ais now s- unmvent-va Indred estabihentsa udla giiing fIe Lest o aisifactfion,1 sud , sU mue i5niying tle preter il ta reflanad Spermnoa purs oinve. Il is tran tram tle objections urgeS against ailothani, as it Sea not gumnonr freeze. N ais.a he publie are as-arc lIaI rnany avorthlaîn thiaigs are puffed iota natonset>., in ardai- la prave Ihat ibis In no Iîmiiug, r anS ta secure anuel-as sgainit the opéra- tions et unscrupuiena ahI agents, (maxi>.oa s-ham -fil nal hasihate la puim 0511te mes»n of ail ail nefianerias as Leing fdeutical with Sticîn Etra achi ,e propose, 1t' lIane s-ho areinlete d alan ls tulofa thane Etateet, ta siaùd" ta hem, oni-ap. canian, b>. na oran aiea-vis, free aofsag Lu su>.«s-ai-, a ample ai theail , Ilat itmaa speaktfor 1ei. nS s-ili also aetn -li a tes- simple tesnt, as effectiv e as thaînests b>. s-hch gaiS i no-n iroli.tls baser met- as, anSds-hich s-iieanabie pa-tics ardorng ho nacunae eievea againat imposition, b>. euabling Ilein ta Satan-aune aI once na-eth er ths Oil boni-a-SeS is as geaiS as ?'ample. Ali parties Seaiuagin Machine Ouili Mdo s-ail ta comannnicate -fin Soe Brougima, Ont. SoeAgent for the Daaqiinu Brôegném, March 1811, 1870. TESTIMONIAL. Tara Joazpac HALL MAcmacs WOMKE, -- 1. Oshawa; ApÈr 4t, 1&7Q,~ J . B. Si-oca, qBiouoat±a, - - - - 1 .- - DPaiAR- i j c m si - 1- Ay Do l1 id 1 -i f EA Il 1 1 THE 1 OLD STAND.- 21000 bushels ofIPeas Wanted. r Y. GIBSON, r quod2f iHAMILTON &--Co.. Have opened- and are now showing a very large andvaried Stuc-k of i'eneral Dry> Goodu, cornprisiug New. Millinery .in the La test Styleff PRINTS, MLSLINS, SHEETINGS, WHITE COTTONS, GREY COTTONS, TICKINGS, HESSIANS, HOLLANDsi GLOVES, HOTIERY, HATS,- CAPS, ÏSHIRTS, OARPETSI NEOX TIES, LACES, & WINDOW CURTAINS,- MO0U RNI1N G GOODS! 00 A Icarge Stock of Cloths an d Canadian Tweedi~ CL 0 II[YG 311DE 0 OR DERB. NEW TEAS AND GIlOCERIES. CHOICE 'WINES AND LIQUORS. COLDSMITH'S HAOLLm -Y 0TED FEOR GIHEAF4NPÀ D -RELIABLE G 0ODS. 1872. Whithy, April 17y : lim er it 1 TH£R -- -- 1 -m- Jewelfery, Desks*. a*nd , W-ork-boxes, i SA UNDE R 8 FERGUSON, 10 ]E[ -N

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