Whitby Chronicle, 22 Aug 1872, p. 3

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wel .Il es oi1Jua1% amoule fom the Ma- au t thsie?,and li trc- abveZ*r, ta i -. g-- 1 ils Fire 1 itmraneCo' féýr( reeronce to thet Sevice Myole Bréoke :ad bthe oerew f l andV ~Ca& the delal o n - o lws oe,&M'O&taing boat wiiiithe HEAD ]Pt ~ ; cinlOari mis * ~Membersb 0 rnbý admlay-cSm'. d Ag '"as at Once despatche4 wItk andocontracte, on ' 0"the steamer john 0 ortou. The re. 9stdWt ed antI ~ Y ablm..][%IC '5ia "C&Pt&Îu Wzn. POUtandbs h.Vrnei, 6, """~U aPI te 0thPropitos f the tradijng Tle 4, &M PMtE I»Oulxc sent through lIIhe&iti,,ab th 'vere ndtw 'vitwhe b itmos$ rese received a U'bbers wre ail muderon an cheers, - Aftrounds of bodts troow h m lrier. sa fhïrRZA je SOAEDaa 71 cer.Aert, pechue B = h- ie.liexq ete Et.~ Directoem tbie in OileranI itse assembled again M tVixwth&" 1 ie he n~ti 'vent to the niaket square whotre onail r. u ÂoeriA, ÀhaecamldeaIbal. L csIn the candidates excep, t-If e th~ ein avo f nein 4 I gtoisuestu ect thn 'vithdrew frore the ciina and New Dmiionre haveUnilet a n 0ùýii u o~ on Uic oi, . E. Blake.,Was declad Newy tDis inionydipfeduoi hirvl- yviiTiSimue t Csmls t~ eintedTprouent -tifs constitune igus. smond Parllamonen',Of teD.l ravelling 'correP(lntegfMQb14 thethe bmecWCon bil out- n . tngbiin cJeers ceu~ ivnfrleatour in teDominion, p1y Van.mg 'viîlwMto U-delsy an Queen, *ars trn voer th yn.E.l Tnunj anataeedBed 'ad r.B lae, e aresolve towerk out her o « eu. ~py oerthéOSh 1«wt ONCE Y'an J lgestIOn haigbeen ashed tn nobrn. wy çatar ZE1M . 19U rceedingB 'viether lMr. om h ui ambic nX Oi~AE cKENIE3,p. . l vk oulli.mtt fr West Durha a y s 835ho'tiA 9 ntcfvy r,8<jredJOHN MAUGHÀI in ~ Peud '.ecled, I't as tlnanioufled byMr.' of the Peannnition; kanaRer George Hainei, Preaident. of lie lne.-hydel fa id-( nxto for, Asocla(I'on foile idng .IalThe people w ncn ato. -Angnst l9th, 1872. 48 sboul Mr..-BliakebehoSthe" returnedt hm BraIs»,, bt e -, . =O yro b Uea rePrsent Souh Bruce, W est Duran, a Gre ter uk II cnn WOM hn :: Mr h question au to uck CE lie ie Riorm 1- ,u nd " nos> e n ces il sa *nny consent to sloop in lb. / PIOM.-..Dnld Dinnie, Whoeu quite a .a eh l naturel. We neeti net be Yeutb, madIe athietie sports a atudy s pOngs auong nations, abserlling, Dprmn fCenLne Wi a aoml n olr h tau . Aw'vaSer ,, Our 'veak neigobrs. - Topreut01o, Launs,82 cd toe lige of manhlootiand ile Ge thim&afair showv. h .NeS lieuetlo Agst J2 bis teens, ho perfOrMedscia tEngàIish apaking sous cf 1ht Nti oeBAtsale, b b. =i".1Tm" otrngt asstAPedMm n 'heL'en- -f hoi Ow WOk er teis0,e Et o fLake. Huron, Pion. Ho was bôru in beyne " am» thezn, i toîow n hew tuei n 'vaY; letSn ot fFec iewlh eas stegt s tliiet ui u h'na.tin, flyeaCevet Ot hie 'il. the DeaPartent of Crown Lant, TORN. et bereen Sctlndse', iù-.u n ti eresa s nstriencomîat nifriendly, TO , at Twelve, noon, nTUES year ag, ani dui~« bs lin prbaa wiltelewnetan. I~I~ENT dofetOCT0BE1D next. areate thadtenincfQu brer eir P or iSs"lelb. swallun-The -.flths te b. ofleret for sale are pro- atrcelteatnino qinVY o n ftel jecteti Townehips, estimated at an are& eacb rie cf Euglansî,ý andi ber laeu cte.in te eser bytie greater, but of 26 square Miles 'vhere the outlia are Prine Aber, fon,.'vin, . cnsot conSeIition, 'vif c implies mutuni regalar; each Township tu b. put paeu ninc eklert, cforegard. o r0 eî-ired concessions andi mutuel privileg.' Bert1hanti oitias uch, anti te hoastijnd. cf y es of leasrbec Paereanu-ed>er te the parsen bidding lhe highest anmount of yarsho-12aubee threconireaef benns per square Mile therefor; paynxent champion athîcte. Ne'v andi - -,s - YELLOW FEVE INi SOUTEAMZIC. for the sanze tu be Matie on the day cf mode, muaNwYork, Ang. 17.-iAn epidemicusim. apmbth aiutlf t*chs't nnt r tu n cross1? ,oen wiir tb yelo'vlever is ra g hainCartha. tee cetiiVtmthe apaaut oî fprewna t prliez tee ha CO i',. c ar Landseaver ingattaktBank authorimet o e rceiva de- anti ho yeOaI ofor,5000 Junos e. Ptisit5en Londoen, Euglend, hq>, rr6ï ffeverybu oly5'îÏs.ig 1,0 o~n ont cf the Geverumnent ef aingiit"- Mcv fort tPeugth deah hrci a lparaiso, more AUlfBerthaseold te ba subjeet te correction dt ye fou.d a han alf fom oall-px, w icis rag. with respect te area, undar the first clause fop",.WQrh Ç."m.kel.sli laI iug tbroughut Chiliand peru of thte Co flTerhaseltionl h ssue Ume yLicnebenna saI bssmeuforTOv Bertt dth f a odirl e a aed 1 e1116 l s~aanAL ofL.-II Sat- et tthe "Crown Timber E ffl ions' jtoîlws a rai in ng, 'viiei urday a younggirl lippei frein a rock of bonus anti grounnt-rent for ecrent ses- peiý t 9rtofisnparallel. near Terrepin tower, bclow the bridge, 6011- ëdsic m. aidiebeing a greal ati.Nodutin rmaesl, Jwdfr 10eb*nl âbeo auedgnl.mt Niagara river, and'vas being m'ept eddcin ri ramii Joe o ,sdla ausruciet in manner au odnb he 'vietwe»Ilier father water. mesntnau'ggn. obyleurn, The Departmant reserves the right te 011e i*.siyin utrength. James Fleming, praugha anti saveti ber. Thte'vater bld on eacb ]ierth; anti aise the right te ta k'rtiifr Scleban...~retino 'as sc shallo'v as te alle'vlm tu main- grant special liceuses te tut fuel en the a,0FthDkelde î Ho tn-- etasrtaienear footing, but the locahity la Bertha oiti, fer the supply cf ceasting î .o th Due o Atoi.Ho s nt cst ooifsrthe brink to e darbe111 ihle arme auld am Dinnie and ferk sr b A Stap hoigiheBrtatobcdpoe shee boe ad zusce i a ongWa adig.ef May bt, seen ut the Woeds anti Porets' behinti. YeS Flemaing, 'iti eue excep.y Offiee Deparimant Croire Lands, on anti tien, antionOuenly, bas prove-i bimself B IRBT HS. aftr.tW.iitSinTant lo be ie hSt man in -Amýerice. Hlm teats am pertermati 'vith ranchaci . RICHARDSON-.At Whitby, on Sfoth.W SOT in_ lie ancient danceof -àGhi ,20th imut., lie wifc cf Joshua Ilicharti- Krie-The ares to ha effereti as Tiimber Galluru,"* or sword 'dance', wiich re- ou, Eýsq., eteoflaso. Bertha, is very extensive. ambracing al quirareal agiîîty anti grece, ho car- - D I E D. nosoitiant illicenseti landetis fthe Crown riesticboIt AIIlramar 'vin tt ÂGEW' SÙ~deuy, e li ~ orth of Lake Huron anti North of Frenchi iitebUffiAtudr Sfio banneret thirne aaGntV,-se, nhl at., D; si-River, anti West cf tht inditan Raserva on chi- 'vie e aerons, t oir el; , o. nt o-he lâth4îst Dr. ~Laike Npssnt'>the Eastern bonndary of chif;whe te Cmeons o Lohil -J.N.Agncw, i h h e f]ise-the Tonships of Airres anti Vankoughnet, 'vetheli.Ferbas, MeeKeuzies antieg. xtendin' INorth freimt nt iuan Reserve thier clans mieS oilco a year to ie 1e_________________ on Lakte Àipiï;sing, an estimat, t, distance cf theur. standarti-not, as hinciays ot yere, - -- 24tît!theTonshiduciet e ai7nohet ha àeadly tod- but in friendly coin- TRA VELLERS G UIDE. anl of the Townsit of Vae fuhsae. poStion, inui andFlemng lhave for - GRANDi- Maj,s Clatht eu»ya, for ma, ing zaeyearscoqoealthe talwart GADTRUNK R. BR M're4sro rk o C.nN. 7oRn Higlanders - vhs bave oppist Trains leave Whitby Station as follows ttas' Lrne J. L ATE.d. :5T Electro-Plated Goo( ..Wratciies & Cloc1ks of the be be' oi-W E ach carefilly exainned, proved, ýafi4 jperformaànce. guaranteed. Jrc-tWh hby, 2DR$~r * N CAN BE F cx s SAN NE-RHAD-AT J 0-1 N Proof :--The piles of goods carrid d away dai1y, bY Customers who corne and corne again, and recornmend their friends to buy! % JOHN SKINNER Selling off at- the old cQst price Whitby, August 5th, 187,2. JMSJOIINSTONt Practical Wateh and Oiock-,Maker., Aîgust 21, 1672. - - 34 BARGAINS I braithat e o Wbltbi, JuIy,9, 1872. BAKER ÀANI)CONFECTIOIoER, SODA BISCUIT MANIJFACTORY,ý The nder 1 ig nedini etiù.ing blianku b his numlerOu8 customà- ere anti tho publie an'geaeal, -1er thailibéral patronage te htn for the past 5ve years. TtsaiUIIslcitsac ontinuance oettte sasmu;ant i mies te annetince Shah i addition b hue foylrm er business, b.he ispurebasmeti, et à Clonidarable CxpOltaO *-machiner7 for thternanufactoring of Bisuisanid Crackers- of every kind, und he is prepared to fil orders Wholesale and PRetail, ou sort notice, ut reas nabit rates. Customners cao dépendi on being supplieti wiih b uperler Biscuit, sanoue but tht hast mi tarial la amati ho hneafacturing. Bread, Cakes, Candies sud Sweetrneats of every description tn e« the very bout kinti ha always te o b at at tht oltI standi, Brock StrteS. Also, an assortment of al- kinds -of MCDO-UGT'S. F'ILIT inga 2the isa.- GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING! LATEST STYLES! A ehoime and well selected stock Of CLOTNS9, ý'TWEEDS, COATI NGS, &o., &o. -1- - ý"% 1 # - A correct: Fit Whitbv, July 1iulî, 1872.. R H JceO s> exeedlingly modjeate. -I A fui lime of Gen Goodskept constantly on baud. ~c~xxqxcp ~ALE' BOOT AND SHOE STORE W">,a 17 C i i g a t O n X C I1 h A u g u e t, 1 8 7 2. 8 4 I' - " ' "Il & ,V ll ii v i , VA 1 UX O u(7 8 , MUD1 - expreS..-:070 P.-Epres.--8:12 aie. ALfOFL7_ Sign of the Mammoth -Boot. N EW M U SIOCTO E Yorlç, Augui Express.... 8:aller.P. in.Exp.)Iailo.2p.m. B. E19 NE n'ond, about 60Cdock ficaerdah afe1Thterans'un otreal lime awhich jis USES& O SB tt oe..' iritian 22 1n2nutfat t nitby lima. O S & L T shl arligIi ot orde tiiou WHIT13Y & PORT PERRY R.n. l, INTRE R B 1 .KE LE ,ýGER s B wInuerairo m the thisrd h c i-yof Trains Going North- mail. 3 ixid. R B O K tenenient bls t45E t Sovu- Whitbjy iacio, :,07 arn.7:42 pin. T W F WRIB . leuthstet.e aS 405 earshet pWiiby Jncio 9:00 a.m. 7:5 pm. kvngrcivdfrte ditons B oots and S R heniaîeS Ts iicrrsit p Port Pary, (arrive) . 10.80.n,. 19.15 pi.. ! y bi themt41rs ngielbyte niudI N CilHA N C l",il . large Spring Stock, is now selling alli f'Bos adWhere wilI befodSeeMsind uscbosfal f li it ksme~ t i tiu gathe. Pîn a rt T r G ong o t 600 . m x . 2: il. P suant le an cder oft heihaaid Court, S h es, su ittb le fo r th e seaso n , at u n h eard offoinn, S e ent s icv e y d e c ip i n, i cl mii oisgz.Whitby, (arrive d) 7:23 s.in. 8:58 p min Ii h aue0 lakadW to % Vhifdi 'vas guôiing froini lire terrible . Dartneli, Exilnie, Master of tihe sai(]Court, inle ie, eto gii Vibod otblocto, 73an S:0tringis andea 'oaio f ere .Bows of<J~* in ~olnStig adBoso tebetqals- s tilb 'ounda in ber tlrnott, 1?ymn IIESEVC. at Whitby, thece mli liese oiti by Pllie PrisGosi i vl owî oeaier', . euiu ainn uto l Mc.Levi Fairbanks, Anctioneer, Prisrequiring GosinnsLitie, Stat.ionerv ScholeBookne& Over lbar, 'vithu, ong gCleti antide ialtbenloants o ec uia iea- okSi !r sba n 6. Le aom~ r't; kie,steesi AilSaite'Clsr'A la.yleyt7 .on SAT L1D.ýY, the 2 t a il AUGUS usstuseveucSalcasugeandlir. slageexereet atith vea he u ba .m - r. M . ay y.1872, n i O n 'e i, k p. in,, the foeow lng he tern is o u 'vich fe is tabl at tep e'ch a e , give ùn very a i ty f r giving ta b le ,o r P re se n ts, c o n s a t nIl ~~Catholie Ciirt'h-Evwry Suoetlay nning prop artitrs :- braiseretofore unknewn in Wiitby and iJxbridgeii 'tat*du Oethbéeirman were lier ai 8.80 anti 10:51) a. ne. aliernstly-tlp c . Ts nttrîiri fltnrbersiz Mî.KELR lo aiîfctre ilkhd f ttce, eeon hand. t've 4*scuia arespectively 10 anti 18. Shea; residence, Oshawa. 1.Te n Peg Wor flo ume sxf i.K, eZeier, raso nates l Rpiedenf tt on ert n S i*w<J Thee*àÏf Alih the'vliiclitillic i'anadsbautivtesSu I beld I a. . i i flrtlliretbirdtoublaranehurt is-At , ti a.ermon ean fiai erlser, Chiceairsdonc nishrrangee aad60p.m -e.14r. ill£entytte. j ictk stireet, in the totvu ol t h, Uvepof n a:80 ii Chut-ih-Ai ii a. nu. athi iis aouble frte tenoeins, uid, cecat> adieA n a th grelening liae r, velas ýCnrgtoa hre-tl .m i ereeite t ti, tenante. Whilhjy, June 19, 1872.BB.KE R ttuijin 'itî ar, 80il h rve ),ml6:m .- e,1,Gibbs. e argiil.., B. B. KEELER, ,A CHOICE AND VAR1ED ASRMtT Ywore like a rnailman. Si. Antiress-js Chrch-At Il nanc. andi 6:30 2. Il'aiseof lois 20 ni21 eatn ir l ie murdoerr ien taken hoaSfic sic n-Re.Mr. 1Framer,.,secondl double ranige, mest'of flreck Street, d * tien-bouse maidti laI i Ili anla mas Woflelen Melndist Chllrsis-At totgo a, fWhithy, fonting 'on Centre trdei, as tnow in j»Mgzns eidcladP MarkFlanign, taS ie- wasa soo.m. sud 6:80 p. i.-Rèr. Mc. Sands-rroin.' the oct-npatittn of the MirM. sandeceon. Mar -i nak13 y a le,a o at kiloti ----- - Upon thi-t arecta frait dm-eling heetisetwo dr brMftflBok aefil iil Mriker 45yeai Cl, nd ie aëlkiled trsIe>ltighs, gottsl outbuidingî and tit le.' Ili wio bcaufe heandhischidre lreakfitam.-. Epps'e cocon.- (4ate. 3. ParttCorte satilai 25, froniing on 1 PO RT NN W * ii t1 re tc i o us i an ti o fth lui tnd omtorllmg.-"By a through ..u. T A pT N E W S ! ders for MDow and Btokecoccupationl4od klwedeofte ixnrllat w P oe n nlp e t , axso lt tseoccMaaynet29, à2 * bouse. MFaniawlîo mas 40 te opetia cf deton and avti oentli ev. Mc. Ilyrne. Upen ti i a sramettopaioeodgstnatiurieaddelsghuen niaIefseishg.-----:o-.. Wtb.ay 12.OH PST ycare oIt, liroti euly eue boitittai- b>y a careful application of the 'rne proper- 4 ato a Bo o.26 rnige mezi tabbesl. lies of weil-sa ecteti ccra, Mr. E s eus 4 'r fsii c 0 ruig * -- e , *---rovitat our brcakfast tableas witis a s elicstie- DnbpSrc.UoiIi sataedul B O S AD SH O E S. Mr.iiotm.I"o- mrc-elmeee pst vortibeverage, wiich may mayaus Iteinent, 0one cian a if tornes lîjh, et inoteors bave beau at nigit very plenti. ette. Mtdee oecuptttion cf Mc. ElwîoruLianti tul;','cutseveral hava beaun treemîug MI. Epliee e aeleiJs e&5, Lo t 6, 169, and 209,u per lan tougihie ïupper atmesltai-t. Lest Ce Homoeopsthie Chamisis, London. Aien caiof liroci t sreet, in thetSownesefbby. FTheu drind a ag soko avening oua particularly fine one -mas niaesofEt Milky Cocea (Cocos anti 6. Loi 206, Se. Perry's plan aforesaiti. m nesge a ag tc fS M E notîced, andtheS~î brillant tail, or truck condeueeti8 7. Part of loi 25, ihe ise rt conceession Lde' Gents', aid (3ildren's Fine and Course Boots & Shoes M MLL o s etmiehi, tae n htht mooniit, nu-ni -- fthe Township of Wiitby, nom part et tht Ladies'.N e3.'b-i intiti lcy tc tixor seen WIITBY ARKET. oeM. C. A. Hopkins, station master. UponA.P L W y4itiî mratin srlsfls rgty CillteznqCLz OFycz, Auguat 2isl, 1872. Tis lanits t iherar cf the Gren uni 3oots'and KJIOes mnae O oe d.Panama HaIs, frein Il$1871t 80 it l.* yfra oet rte -iWia......12 0 station, andtitar tisa Port Whiiby anti Port ry= re.<L)Straw Rate, front - lee10 5 ~VAimtAlnCni.-Ie -».~Sring Wltat. $ ..... 1 20 @ 81 80 P iUlaivway Jonction station. WETE M ioi-h rprs Pig ba ... $ 0@si2 . Part of <ha aenih half ef lot 25, in the Overshecs ined wairmand comfortabie. Irudia ltubbers, Fait Rate rom -- 76co28 'viscimo ]lur frein cli parts-et theaiey.......0 (16e *final concesibu cf tise Township of Whîtby, s ~ ~,&.SlkHRatesfrot ai1 ou0 couty ,Of tSuc IlArVost jUet being gtier. P-es$ ................ 65e @5 70eo -contating fouteen aces, more or lues,.0IpPei- Le oasfrm e t ie o e oS t lrnde scripioS.RYt................0e @165e .on tht, in s nd a l rrsieeard anti it t arug- io t rin . 1î25 e femea eei lletrnglecrntou Ote.........tO @45 uitahie toc palure, ant i tauer iie Grand ~nal oe Lustret1and RuselCortiCoets, 2 00 t The biel sai- oultofmhe a ms eer ici. Hay............... 4e6 4c rakStation. bte ultofwetwsnvrbrRa...........$6Registrac'a abstracts oftitles te tht aboya Cali at the old Stand. * Moelle Drema Goode freim late25 vestat. ' IneOM~O localities tthe 11Petatoes.$.4;..e ..0e CadOt lots anti ettrai ef tht tille dieis tan ha . -Grenadine Divea Geetiefront l2lce i 'viecl is net sucli non abuntiant yielt as Clovar Seeti.......st85Bau aI the office of tht Veedor'm Solicitors. JAM B NS un alliai-; butinhaliécases thé quelitY Timoihy......... Tht Vend'trmil ulybtnoligaandfuCathiP-ns is.gooti, andtihioe priaitg 'vitlnovai Mapît Sugar..........12i 5@ 15e cieies et thé Rcgistrar's abstracts, andt te h boegod rsdd protinea thetittlt ded nli er possemsion,- May 22, 1872. Bot&S t, Breck strcet, Whitb.ay. bellt;vain ,ase market. -TheiO nover 'vas a boiSai- ci-p oet o, Butter--------L d 7 at e r dtoro'e nns oi haSe is.Teaoeuoe r elel i ..........1e@lcgi irtt4 eto i espro fca - le * ant illter cearma grauie are tqnaîly Cboc"ob\igtcd rovte a tc-s1e mettonec Oodt. -Ilteeods lnet a:ar that îtaîocs .......... « @ 1e Ihan liy-thieisu ttastat urihar TTBY 'UNITED cRACRY.SAZe OF V i> ULUI115 av* -s ffoetI muo e ýa tram llact, hind quartai-..$ 8 5@ $8 posssson. Pwuti f efthe deeda lu ber H omnScoI EM ,T. H. MOMILLAN o * etebuorbligit, adte opro- Ilcef, fort quarter-....$ 7 5@$7 Tht ethaîsthe G rammar d mo ShosWity ueg 82 mtise an ebuntaut yield. OSier reats Peck, par cmi----------$6. 0 5 @,$6 50 lime 0fUssleti pay bo tht V ndor, or hier V,'?.LU A B FA Wity Jn 1,182 are eýuaII.y proiisng, andi mal l ay Weod ........... ....5 5@ 5 Soliiter, oea tenus et taie pureht.e mon ay; WILL RE-OPEN os thya sw aelatciy beau enjay. Wooi---------------....52e sdttprcîec arti Beanti, 1m1x lng li i ilbttul ~~e mili atreitd te isi' tthe halane mithin Tusau au; hemos es cg culwei, wmih ont mont t roil t> tinte etsait. Wil ha ailS, pursuant te dacrea in the_____________________________________ baurfly cf grveate i gro ni!nyTi ueeeao tn ta ecl vlA punctuai attentante et pupils is ce- suit ote ng s.t'ivinatsofeluotambeinlo bau bu cofotucitlgrowThe nti NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. h uA aerefteohe- " M Dl uete. i Q~ w ltr ttiieaititfrut, reib nto ay mchontesmi, qtaet. .onc.etsnofTownffhip o Wtbyinithe S BI G DS ? ME, year -Crcaemoe, ilii n mnhfront Ch. B. et G. C. S T 1lot 83, in Itha saiti concemsion. * a - ha ilaocaity. On the mhoîe, mwe cen ttlttis cf sale, anti the balance i - tiA ,ý4 detieetcntiigpatclr 'tis Yeux conigratuinîat hecountry en 94ual snna i naiilietot, ith inta re hitby Agnt 14, 1872. 83 oAusale tiemeut ceainn arti weus. one ot tic inutS bountiful liarvestseer et> T e tPe iinin,fayahit itai cch 1M -- TA7 instalment, toN,. terni.dmotgai BUY700D SIEMCPRO ROTEA&T I O N S, getieredti ir Cttnnli.--Cobenfrp y o i. inturance ciansa. Ut11on i ptyrneni of the PNERSE&MCOÀD purehasa money anti. givins taie mortgBegt,' olctes Cosxz< HeaE.~V ar inorlice . taie porchaser mlibheuetititI t jet arlntituth 1WAf1872 Vodo-'sSlcio CoiaEOF--ýV reifrlelpossession or it e ceipîtfil he rents frein LADL E SCREW W'IR E Toouo,2li ul, 87. l-a list a nu'nbar of young Canaies w'ia - o the tataet the axacution cf thn m6ctgaga. H sAHy lft Canada c tam yearm ga ta eck BOTTO L D N o. .4.S tii orue iiSicfgh ise t tc Thse eherconditian etofsale aetesad thi ftues ilte, are about e fla oue REQ ISI. O n inoii tsal f ah ora.t ai. stan- BOS 810 HTh oGRAPHf Ij1itesILtaU IsS ae TlI OtNa ! ingnconiinsc ae ttntCutetCa- The Best anüd Cheapeit. Thtcerna eriy eccupieti by Mr. -. *B O aà ut home. QuiSe a,"lar-go pery ty e ltn i il-Te J. HamarcGOretumeot Esq., Mayon e uthe at nadconditbeansooenaileteelit pub. Y. G113 feue eNewv York this tf. - .Tiey indthtae Town of Wlitly. Funhd partieul fteres nti routi ts ue Gotilam a a plce iriere yonng untnacritTi e nerd sraeaers - cutlia anitu cliecftai rn entalm esos.anti HNS N e ree o soer inintraushaitsheeyuémerh paiseS rte pasre amties tneete e b hinSfri Mm A Charncal Foodi & Nurtv ol.cmpèe St ~o n ùl hs. jusoft.rciedafi M r. aJb 1Oe te-rocNimt FTewOl&N ,GeesutGloves, F aucy and l>ressGoods. P ra os n g e tv ret auiteméney, but a but] placeta lira' custom, csil 1ontiay nexi. Msr. We-ve s-iatht Gtmmai, andthi a Ciiel in tacortlaniet viitaie uguaj W. 1H. flinra, Ena., C-G. YSmith, Esq.,a1n THmigit atit,eeo Who ta Ihoconghl ui nte ihail the asud of vr ad. los TesE They are plâg bouletO settle n tbaittiJohneeada.rCamerezbnMc Henryi &pkSh19 action, mince PliespiernsaulianY oldsimpmovemen1s lacithe t aiÉbeo- o naie citieo's, mifeet lai liere'a ne Thous. L4wler, James -Jchst,,n il & J'kins, Toronto ; andi fi-e htut io eai- iltOinl .le oiapmr fti la etti place like Caànada alter al. iCatmpbell. Win Butes, Laing & StewartIl1' Datedti bs 20th Uy~of July, 1872. narveus anti muscularytent. They coni- largest *0 ,es anl1%e cflu T.Goa hc uqaiyadsyeCDltb uns.As B. BTauae-Sl aie u . e etin 8.eM.son;JScith, .11. ,o coehythnhl he trda fte ot. "b.ston fesaperfth ike- and Caps, to whioh sbicia-l attentioni aid iN)ru ROBLs.Sai ak, u. sonhnler S M.B. iIiL, . -L JntaLL ioienbody, heing fount inluevery, tiosu eit, fm thenaal it ura teG < M W-.Tic Idies of- Sepet Ceuly1. ii. Philp, Iicharâ 1raucsta'1C - GE. H.DA TNEr.anhte i-t tseit a lt enata euecn.. . in Rer_ lua-il-sBr.Mete.ani hisprsnc e baitey seniMre.aaie rcuBe i- utiir's'tJLP LçIS. ne*reStc arc aStI o ni UnotraOs AtY John Pringle, and evea otirîtb FAREWEI,.-& eE, n. ioas they promet4 the conversion popehie *te ocet fehet u es. ry' ce copçmane eioftht inovel$q irtîe and 3e1, 172. Solicitors. of aleunten lu lie food ctomb-ie iihf ro l a iaeuint o Mpo re-m e l- GeDita, Myo1ett2. ** Tey rehenlegIne oivt-gl ue e E. atii-Pcttily irittite m lu c c with he aboe requsitiontd-81 lhe vitaling agetetpr, heaitiy NlOM. -Tht publie ar .etu ivî aOm liaiti-t ecntpanfes of ihantry ehu ti OW ofWiitby, do hrb elr R O AE dAelai h ramn fSr-xtgd a bc despatehodt to eseefli1te ontuitytiei AF OR-AL.fL aC .nrianaeh- ,metetSro otbi Ccni.s -rag es-ýat once. ,Cavalry in no m n the Mondy, the26th ofAugust, '72 lehiee6hme Irli Tewehiet roiloiidni i o oi st.R euapO n rnt .t.tSpm rTer a no do hI à n o t Ih e In ie s t e li c rpo at on tm ilesm t d eti ciacio liim.one nC t i lng fr m .d:obstructions -an ti P itog i-ph Gale y W la l c ,u âni ibe font *hte Mant <ttb.i- tubs Hblc oliday,ltelh observedw Wi h i yilmie mtietBrodion eihutin omiiPau p-Ony cut. lu -* iE L N DS E ahre i oudolie mer b h, Ëiavigthe ae enc#ilmc., At, Upa t pply t- ri-, a ciondii>»eF ia-ou ni iiuityJl a rce I t e S u g .A nJO H N 1 4M P B E L L , 3 q. n~ s r mt e ni et from b a t b i ta1 mb 87 .G A D N bol' tiecharedt Pl lnton ta fgI. lst i nmi syfrttbttroe-n. co eO t hre Oc a ï see trai i entu aitbcc, antiOF ew,- 2 , - C4:- <n MroW hm sr, fa ,ôpfui cf tht mnte. Droikliemat sthtain t 81e maanstc TAND,0d Alte ed Osfe Themret Ibopba an5 7 - Mea Y ngold W urtzel, Carrct, Cabbagc, Onion, n 4h r F e d uàar e a o/_____________________New, Choice and- GoodiAil the Ieaingval ptrmanenTt-nap ga~lg a itet e ietifr -a l y u igth ealre osiuto m rtii l ý Th want of ood afrientheImBO Ci-e. Prsruta ecnpej-byDr tàhe1 t6 ha Wo-- e, RAMER GREENWas ,îolant li .Maves'e Hayer. Evan 0F PHOSPH&TEB A" DC.ALI- foi-lie prompt anti lib000lbmauer lu ofthi - - o a c e, ausS uain. W Ob p ied b D . S Y & gea t v o it e it h ti e P y s c i ta e y t n e d tt lon d a e msot d e, i- m s v m in-o -o ç -zqieetGrilaIT9str.le s hih guaranteed. Pri- lemen's futrnisliing 'X -PRINGLEe, Whitby, JuIy Srd, 1872. DOMINION LOWE S InS5 BrieMuslins,' Briliant G- r, nadines, Baftiet Clotho fer travelling Dresses, %ire nesnfl Stripe 'Shawls, &é. A hice assortment of- Ladies' aý cbiidreinie Hats, Flowers, Rlibbons, Laces, Parasols, &c~,à suitabl: for the sesson. A!Large Stock of Summer Clothui just, received. Millinery,,Dressmaking and Thilô ing, to ordér A Choice Lot of New Teas, expect'( in a fow days-r - LOWES & POWELL. JunAeRI 2Gtb 18N29 m. O'DO0NO0V A N 'S. - , PINIIDYFINSHED CA RIiA QE8 - BUGGIES, A ND CUTTERi8 0F VÊgRY SUPERIOR IW0RKMI4NjSHJP. BUGGIES& SLEIGHS.- REPAIRS AS USUAL. WIIITBY XIov 22ndi 1870. An.Ilmmense Stock of- ý'ýOUTE2S-y AND GLSSW-AR E, xx ý& 'xxIX Dow's S j Whitby, June 19, 1872. The sîîbscriber in'returning, thanks to bis frieuda., respectfully hegp heave te apprize ibant anti the public generahly, ef tht arrivai et a New and Complet. Stock et s UMM- E R..GOO-DS,5 Consisting of the following liues: Black Silks; Grograin and Plain; Figuret Site, Japants., Fancy Dress Gochi, Mueline, Fape, DaRly Vnrten'a, a choie. seleetion.et Pihas, Lustres ha varions colora, a grand auaert- mcent Irish, Pplins, White, anti Grey Cettens, SMeetings, Shi-Singe, Tlcitings, a magnificent tiispiay et Ladies' Unterlothing, embroideret anti Plain ý_Ciild. -onu' Dresses, Infants' Robes, Boennets, Haa, Plumes, Ribboit, HoiTey, Gievesi, Chignene, Braite, &o., &c.- The Gentlemen's department js-,fur- ihed with West of Englaud ýBroadolothe, Doeskuns, Fancy T'weeds, (Scotch sud Canadiau,) Mats, Caps, Neckties, in the latest styles-;SIfirts sud Collarsiâ great variety. The--Grocery, Departnient is re-plete with a choice selctin - Tas, Cdffee, Spices, Pickle, o baccods, -&Ç.,&c. Avisit to hseabishment- is respeotfully solicited, where erpn ativantages peesesseti by -ifm -he Io preparet i tetfs gooim aS pifos [ALEi'n, Bottie. ?erior Bottled AiÀe. R. FR AN CIS,. Family trocer, &c. ?ariagsBuggie, J 13 . UPY ýYmahcC B>AMUEL PRACTICAL CARRIAGI r JINDAS STRJ JUST RECEJVED A LOT 0F A choice lot of' Java Coffee TO.. ARRIVE. VEf" Dublin Porter and English Aie, in pints -1 pandl 1 uné 26ýtb, 1872. -1 1 1872. Whitby, Xay 29th, 1872. J- MoDOUGAL.,l ff-EB* GOODSà JAMES J. MUURY.

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