they ha entiosa sway voters, iiducod f'seIns'a 4ehoc, à ý ,7 No Md lAzYý i7t'es .10 Whitbi,, Thurjüyl A89W 15, 1872. awm tu Mnk, and made ni Of _by an au ýOn40rtaU RÉ MeRse, -reeve -by in w«erm t'Otheilitroduction ton. énough'for-amm. iÃŽthm l - &lb'O, 00 As thât Mr, Gîbbsvoiddý-jwt or Brr" COlumbii4olluxu, t1m ýîw45fv6 choir suf&agu, The - . ; . - saw or ÃBORM, »mndM X Gfflespiei Oniv- bâving in town, -thoy'sa The Reeultin Bouth Ontado, effl W» WM. Ranùlt«tL, pumbled At Ug No. i--ScbSi house, S. 8, No. 8 T. P. large A bocim the require to #y, round, to Looking at theý ap»g Qr» White Punu "enud dischargod, thors Ot John Pro. bSuglit before thé Msgl"t«, and the NO. 2-j3;06,verton, w-, by Major lioreman, 00 - bc leoùded:ýy T-;esxton, 31. p. p. > »ProSen tiv votedWith the-Govern- m8et, " why let thèm do go. has no ragon to TOWXMW -or igiltà P A. Hurd--by IL B, oq)eno ment- ' Re relorred te the construction busÙleu Of W e boing Ono'tittle Of evidonce to support le,'- of the Paeffie %Uwsy,.gtafLlg that live on and te Spire, and this _1001 sih&m@d of the onded LTN, P, Paterson. it re the informaticz Actions, we ull N No -schwi house, S. S, NO, 8; Jas. Uoldon-by G, Whéler sà conded wotild, be built byEngli&h es Want, 1, Are thise not bd,*8UIL Itshew,$-th,%tthocýý vu pital, S" 3 township muni.- stand* have b6m COmmenced, sîýainst AO'2 ' --loz school hot» No, a.- bY-Thoo. Paxton, M. p. p. th" more, cosay it Wis the ,botter for Of it, just, - notý the great obs, cipalitios of Pickering, whitiy and awriey. JAmes Baird - by George 8t. johno 'O"nà dians., The p 'ty'à the court.' Young men from our toWn, wl '&' Gibbs for 161" à rrlest and imprW -rospert East Wilit ý United in TOWWSRM OF UXBRIDGE. Oftmidedby J.,ýB. Lazier. tZY WAS Ilà next thoras, and fer this ho to earn their living in- eery giviug him the tomnmt. tUr. Gibbas conduct 4& aft'er No. 1---GOod;woo Save *11 the crée- io the GOvernirient, ment of trade. How is it we i "Plondid niqcrity of igt The towns d ; No. Adam Gardon-by T. Paxton, and gave the -fAct rW that the few éf thom ? Where have the, J& cert"Y na thât of S' fioldà ochool 2-- W>'"* P" &Ocond6d bY 1r- L. Ebbèls, as of Whitby sud Oshawa gave Mr. Gibbs md9nanù»m house ; No. a-uxbrÂtO W"Nél$Ou-by G. Brabu - Govemment wag not corrript. ne Mand sud whv 2 It may lie saloly sa bis ýmajority. , knows that, conqumr. Re' We', village; No. 4 Scliooi boue, lot le, 'ed by Bobt. on, second. failli with Mr. F intelligent, indugtriýUs And Certainly it was 1 the reildt " Un" is but r#à r of 6ffi cOr;ý Thompsona vétes ou the Over obtà ined' by an3othing but crditable tbât of a 46 chance victoe' ;And Couse- B.-BiýkW--by, Shire, SOCOnded - whélO, and said thât if ho (Mr. G.J were -IL leaving is at légat #ffl mBans.ý W. jrave ibewhereo in ýd quOntly his dîmppointmgnt linds vent No TOWNSHIP OY bY -Re»zy Brethour. Olecýédhe would usehis Own opinion, Clear logo to the' Pl,,,. ceicula, GOO, Shire.- b and not be like Mr. ý Thoul - this the great Po à ry andýOth Renledyq "c- alWSYS ashe s&W hie le Pion' voting wor4Îý North Ontario," spok in the prosecution of reg.4,.bu-e. 1-ý-ZePhYr; No.'2-Tmm hAU Onded by G. iT te_ to the to a en of the. ader did; Wn 07 r ming., Our No' ,LDr, Gillespie, Bec- Messrs- Paterson, Hurd, Baird, Of flie "0 t'air population,, in towns. meu tl»ugh humble-supporters of Mr, ---FOgter's hall, 4sakWe.' T- Ný;-Gibbo-b men sanangot U& Thoyehoul Ne Observer, Nebon, ýBi&èU; T OZY Ud= un to Who arc here to-day and a White. This is the magnaà ùnity 0 TOWNSHIP or emoo(i. Onded by WM. %y, Gibbs eV i , _n t st q and WAY TPaxtOn_ý_by u* and Sllire qcke'in belw2 offtý Gibbs in theva" , trades *U& rOW, And Who havo'very little regard *0 édProfouild f »ýu:IAY'g ha . A Gordon, nd Tbbzku," Who hm Won bY11-.H0IdM-'ý-ý1 Seco ed employ for the sureanous Of thé ira hie TOWIFSMP ;»eorà the et Of Borne à f thëir arguments be. *hich activély pughedform the, e nollise. elicgOu by à , à ' gaketo iug that theý, te& W. EL Gibbs -of, à Wn a .'proq "le slip'; Wholer-by Major Foreman, elected becauwboth brothers would noté theunivîrmd,,verai,ýt of Ont Tlicy lookupou an elocti, porte» of willigin Gibbs in North - SchoeU No. Io' ûpnt SOCOnded by T. P. White. then lie able b t'6 Thou POtt'4nity for liaving A oà ou opp- Ontstrio express thoir litenu tange. à 1lotted the time go eu to go jun togother in the who are Our mstamers and ha es of both means - of comparing thiî thiak ligie ci. thoir duty 14h time ; diogut et TUJ.»z or PORT rZM. 8ROW wý esch' mo'ïer >and seconder, two use, Md the reprosentativ best &SI citizelle ; "eh ýPAItrY COnduct, WO are told,,ed Ridings would not be found her towlig. Thesef one andal minutest Sl minutes to the candi. Otin one ot PrOfoss no AU thSt, b=Umg aopirant for p.,U.4.e Noo -1 - Ph=='s hall No. 2- dates ýwho '%98mîtthOOther. Mr.T.N.rbisra- and we ouraelves Bay, wheu , sq egiance to party, and look Wera only pro 'v Upon, the Union schSl hom. "a fFir the ferred of course ta what lie calied his Mked the question, that Wlùtb veto 40 a marketable oom. M7 honorg eau OnIYýmmer them wità - pu-ný'C"OfVoakiugo-andt oe =OditYý We' W an hour tOý,f"h, of the 'S AS, des& ý,knOW-Of a whole, body of 10'Xpréuièm -regret, dates, Of Ard - Asking- DzonucTm pIRE IN WHI73T. grlat ViCtOrY in South Ontario. -in thie CIAU my Broth or siwers ý1ýAd6 in iavOr Of Mr- spirit 86 8 4190r naiL Deadness j 'If electOrO, Who, in a single efs KOeP 2" The »Ont tbioe, o'clock- Messrs ilighto orrather b- Mr- Adam'Gordon, in ri .ýýAMm Gordon, streeto,ýinou'r",,y,,- Ourlécal, etween the net W, Proper answer to bit rettirriga te it and ..Wed"e&ky Mr. ýhompsou, said that ho c P- White, Jas. Rolden (Who was and ingtitugons. fore and morning of the elecdono ta ý them, is &no , inquiry-, 4ý ]rà mOrning of last Week,' A fir-, originateà it onsideiý6â met with colltinued interruptions,) T. deny tbat thiS is ' an any one tran& =y in sotable 4oinm hisduty to support their la the fact ? Now ferred théir allogiane front Brother a Lutatie ?tg g the residence of ýunwAiv te repré, one party 9rý ý,wm,,ÈéArd, sr., neà r e;, AS that gentleman à &d corne Paxton, M- P. P., and Geo. Wheler. matters could, bc remedied, inýa te the other., The day. be Mr. Gibb UFO, for which lie, Mr- White delivered a manly speech, measure, were thers A little legs fore the eleo. SO hold upon South onà rio gationa charcil in this hdCO - *bÉwkto thom"'-*ith 'a faultlegs record, shOwing UP Mr. Gibbs-S pure they were for id notworth the tou.up 01 a toý' The ýher faZrý hased vie- old fogy, esseiron prinýýpIe Pm tfon RýUea1ed to the electors White the Monùng copper. il i consideration. tory in the South Biding, and pointing and more of the aegvet thinkffig, of the élection tliey came to, Mr. spresd to ýNr' Ilograos Mr, Charles Robinson, in out that kaêmuch as ho (Mr. .,W,) !"go:- essive, compétitive si White's friond'tf---some of thern te tire South Ontario. -woodon one; seconding J"d , large majority eiý:1by1fe tw.-.t'ry Mf- Gordon$ nominel ha of the ers acteil on, And- encoli tS:ue ý twô'fami'Us, and in ashort -titres motives d two or there in hie favor, and as nine-ten mtrog!4ffér rontery of bY uîý Our leading men and PA WÉtOr---aud with unbluà ià 09 for go doing - ho was a the The following are the full figwes Uiniýboth buildings were de, rosiîlent of the connty, anà had gainea larly' Our municipal co' OxPregoed: thoir regrets they COUM the close of the poll f(S esch of t troyed. eléotors of North Ontario were thgý»ub. A Position in th ersit auguredye uneillors 1 Zo..,furiu.,Un was Saved, où e municipal amin at --Ulor the success r. Officëà , should bc ever on the ait ified te do 9 divisions And municipalities. ongide Thompson. catch at any advantage our town 1 Ot vote as they liad Prout bough the county. AU knew him, d o one The speaking W-as brought to a close Secure that offert; hâd bec They will Asc râbly damaged in re. could attribute to him aný Other Bide whiel, Il made them by the bc found a guide in filture elecfions ' lov'ng 't Orthy about half past five O'clock ; and cou- nil and give it evM encou Il in Mr- 11esrdos 108" is about motives for pursuin. W ejey ehould bc really the thcY could not refuse- 1 #1., ,the col he did eluded It wu filoin, thio class Mr. Gibbs got -EAST WHITay- WHITE. GIBBS. p 0 with hearty cheers for the ers of the people in fact well S.-,ýý); insured for 8w The iire is in Pairliamont. Queen, Mr. Thompson and Mr. Gibbs, name. They should think rosiOritY- Irad Mr. White, spent CedarDale, sed to hâv'O 1>8011, 0,%u-oe(l by an , W. S- sexton nominated Mr. and for the Returnng Officer, to whom as ou- 102 Gibbs as a proper person, and because the lima, vteý of tbankS w Plans, and seize ail opporturritiE Morley, or pormitted Columbus, 81 ho said, the prosent Governmont gh as passed turning Ilis 6iends td do 66 90 el'e'7thin'y available to 1409 there would bc no trouble in win. Raglan, 47 Ould The beEt of goud order prevaflèd, witý 77 AN FiRz be etistained. Our interesta were tu accOuut. The PeSple should'aisi - - --Whitbywas visited hsvîe the members fdr North and Sont], the exception of the shameful - t and would do, nug the clueýiOn. But how procari.- 215 by on tions of Mr. Holden by go in erru theïr.fair sharc ci Ou$ rnumi Mr- Gibb. 201 last gaturdaY mOrning Ontario wOrkil" together-not one Gibba's me of ;Tr. wOrk were a Proper example set ti re0l a Beat TOWNSHIP or WHITBy- About two ooclock thé stable of Pullng' One waY,"and the other another friends. helit lýy - Ilin, on sucil au- rincer. In sna" thiigs and in great, in ToIl-gate, 72 56 . Mr- John Pringle, or., north of Brown 1 way, and in earnest, old and voung, rich tain ten' Less Mr. , Pliflip Town Couneil. than fifty Brooklin, 97 105 PattersonoS MeRae suppoi-td Ur. poor, busy and idie, *we should votes woula fonudrY, W&B diScovered Gibbs, feeling that have turued the AsIlbum, 69 52-. to be on fire, 't wOuld bc botter Monday evlg# Aug. 12, 1872. firmy resolv, Sud &termine and the liantes extendin fer Our interests to do go, than Whitby shail and must go ahead, for White. Ifiley Could have - - to sup on the streets of ývlùtby, PIC to Mr. Prinevs'residence, both we Port Mr. Thompson, and h, blieve The tOwn coulleil met on Monday it eau bc donc. Don't sit down 287 218 bUMd to the grloturd. The clin M"don.1d, d evelling lard. The memberg prescrit an" -wero Offurld fol sale in doze ILË-alxa- WAS furni 90verninent croak over the disadvatitaà es W*e 1 turc should lie suatéined; 0 were, Ris Worship the Mayor (in the got, and the advautages Z have Wo speak bY elle card-knowi ne, Austin'a 61 72 'Arle 'Il 'aeel Ml' Prngle had The.môvltl and econders of the chair), Messrs. Meinilan, Ray, powel, and all the rest ý we Of whieh WC speak; ng thât Kinsale. Au 'usý ce Of #4W on the other candidates, È,, delivered short Harlier, 'Ãœng, Betts, Blow,- Clark, anâ While I den of such twai and we dOý go Y that this town is in Duffine Creek, go 65 Whicht hOwever, will not nearly 'Peoches in favor of. their regiective State, as -far as advant, in mllanie and à 0rrow. So much Brougham, ameron. woebegone thù as to _98 45 cover his 1080. The cause of th, rire candidates, STREET8 AND IMpROVEMENTS. are concerned, thât Borne of its Po, pri-,euiiougnesf, of Mr. Gibbo's Claremont, 90 51 Io attAbuted fo the work of au incen Mr, J. H, Thompson, on Coming for- Mr, Powell Presented the report of contend, Yet even if it were, wU scat- But what dces the regult provo ýËerrywOOù, 107 Wûrd was received with hearty cheers. the Comm'ttee On streets and improve- mend the inatter by cTyiný over 116 66 diazy as there has be-n no file'in or He exPressed his Plessure at Socin go mentso whieh recommended thé pou- Io tIÉS the 0 ag-to Mr- Whito ? That in his own 9 WaY men succeed in 60 &rO=d the place, where the flantes manY Old friends Present, and 'ng of Certain Streets, (gîter harvegt as world town8hip - wherc, it'*&15 asserteil lie 619 468 thanking thora took the in any PrOPer business or. o, broke out for Borne time.* Opportunity of a for Petitioned for by Mr. J. H. Long And paton 2 EverY Mau of sense knom WOUI(l not get a Majority of thirty _ OSHAWA- the bigil honor they had acco Mr. Sherffr Reynolds. The repa' was ig Dot. Take tire town as Yon f1liý iloillo iiidevil went DESTRUCTIVE FME.-Th five years ago.- eýd him rt the letigth of tat. -NO. Io 58 go e barn and 'i Before going tu Par. adopted. And ruake the Most of the advanta No. 2, Outbuüdîngs liam8ntarY niatters, ho explaineil the SCHOOL it hasq and these are very many J wütl](1 even bc liesten-he wa, 45 belonging mr. IMPROVEXE-*iTq. 112 to C. charges Of afieged negleét of duty On motion of Mr. "letittliugl IJY six hundred and nine. No. 8, 48 88 Hall, on the yingstOn road between brought varied- Seo that it loges nothîng teeil 41 Mellinan'-it was the future, whatever miglit have No. 4, him,ïs reeve of Brock in the ordered that the tOwn SoIicitý 'bc re- its roisforturres in t, ý bi 'Votes of the good and tru 85 Oshawa &na this tOwn, were destroye County Couueil, and liow that duriný quested to prépare a by-law to issue of 8 mon d le past ; give o -Pickering - and by a IIMOË,Ty - 2 by -fire Ou Tuesday evening or lastweek. One session, owing to the session ex- School deboutureB to malté provision for 110king at its drawbaeks and you 1 OF ONE 11UNDRED AND pIpTy. T tending a longer time than wa exyect- OWN OF WHITBT- for whi have struck the first blow toward bui OPPOrtent, 187 888 Avaluable teamof horsesp eh eat lie was unsb 11, 86 000 in cortipliance with the demand i-g uP in it a new prosperity b t NO. 1 Ur- Hall refused $40() soin le to attend the une bY the 130ard of School Trtîstees. The Reform 44 e time ago, Session of the COuntY Couneil. e 'J'adc a l'toit gallaut fight, N 75 and ton pigswere burned to death, and OnIY matter of importance, The THE CUlEF CONSTABLE. than the old. Putting your silouli 0. 86 56 however, tu the Wheel à the only certain way n'Id hild lie olitaitied that timoly out- No. 84 75 a large quantity of hay, barley, w1lest, that came up was the e(lualization of. Mr. Ray, seconded by Mr. Harper, getting out of the luire, and thir cas, and ti.ireghing machine And reeve acting in his place, had d a C"'ef Constable Sanderson lie donc more or legs by every citiz tire assessinent roll, and the deputy beomniis8eld froin office, for inefficieney of our tow BÃŽdý assistance in the canvasa he Ilad - p d th t a r-tg 114 206 -Power were aiso de and neglect of duty. lit tu OxPeLt, and whieh his OP 40rue rit, if lie wishes to ,, it pn Total vot 'StrDYO(I- The best for the interests of Brock, thoenollà l,*I' Mr. for Gibbs, per. Let this bc donc and 1 ]lave Polient reenived, South Ontaric would id .6 for Whit 1466 fire Was Caused by a little boy, aged "0 dOubt, and as well as if bc (Mr.- MeMillan cOntended that the fear of the result. Study out some o to-day for the -motion was out of order, beeause ail- reiLlIY good practicai ineasuré that w have been regaincil 1878 five years, Who wa, pi Thompson) had been Preserit. Ther, orders- for dismissais siloulil emanate lie a boon to us, t at lielp us on matchels in One of the lis Aying with wagl however, a d1à POSition amongst 1 frOm the mayor and not front the court- the road to prosperity, and ]'ofg)rl"t Party 'il sPitO Of ail corrtipt Majority for Gibbs h ww influences. The total result, howevero f=ÃœY'WfrO at tea. rus while the' the Members tO raiu the rate in Brock, J cil. explain W_111TBYý the 1089 ia esti- and it wu accordingly donc. itetirn. townsmen the feasîbility THE FOUNDILY ANNUAL PI mated At 02,N0, on *Ilîch there is an your fellow said Y) 1-10 a-A088 to the Nie > C. ing to mattero political, lie refuteil the The Inayor stated that the motion your scheme, it, was in order, as the Chief Constable utility and its clain Party ; it pr .-Saturday last, the e,,24e, of Momnce for 01,700. charle t ovepf that tlicy Cau- that lie hadvoted against the Gov. was th( on them for balli 01(j Rilling whenever tiley Win Messrs. Brown &,patterlon,& ern servant of the couneil, being fri 11PPort- Tell it to yo, 14niteilly Ulid witil go in tural Works enjo nt' while pledged t give 't a flir 11-PI-yed Ly that bod , and not by your cueillie TERRI LE AqçlDZNT IN G trial. The question wa y velltilate it throu-b the papcýs, publi, UELPS.- he eX aine o jýý s asked him, hirnsell,. will to (Io go. yed their 8'unual holi- pl à day, by - it, agitatc. it, talk about it in publie an F OtIld lie Support the yate, and never cease preferring il jloldà g a Pic-nie at Corbett's lýlissrs, Ray, Powell, and Harper, Pri Word to North Ontario, melancholy accident 00 gays t at that 1 ud RAINER BURNEE To DEATH- 90vernnient?" and ho bail ftnswered 1 said that freqlellt coinplaintg of the claims and successI Peint. About iline c-clock, the street -A despatch from, Guelph Il lewo nail their goodmea. 1 will surely erow 'nfrOnt Ofthe foundry was crowded Curred in that sures- It was said that ho had Pposed Cili(-11"8 illefficiency were 1 made the your efforts. It ghà ll and Inust Pr( with convoyances, in which were the tOwn on Tuesday Moriling last, by BIl the goverrimomt .,S measures, I)ut a. ýtgB Of bis negleet of dut in' VZ were vail' if tlus rel;ollltýIY; intelligent] frienils in'*Nôrth Whitby' 1 wel Y. Cases which the suçh here, it was said, Sander. and persistenti pushed. What i, Wife Of -Mr. joseph Bai was not the Case; there Wc- Bon gliotil(l Ilot lie dificouraged Brau Band, and the workmen, Piano manufscturero fo lier mlln ed to do his duty. y s j 0 y measureo passed without a divi- A hinder nof for examPle, havine a the L'I(Ictjf)tl of 11r. (Jilit)ijlij brothe ýy wÃŽth tileir wives, children, and Sweet. rinerly Of Whit- sion, and by not voting. again ý the request of Mr Powell, the titeam griBt or goo, r in liearts, to the number Of about £= byt *as burned to death. Mr. Rainer lie and the gentleman 't thcm- inotion was left over till' Waterpower mill in thi t'le ýSO1llh -The resuit of the hundred. with whoni il, Ilest nleetin" tOwn ? There is a goud privilége rtul Wth flags flyingt and lives in a new frame the east the Bide Of the - bouge, on aet'ed, 811OWed that they approved of 1 FINANCE AND ASSFSSXF.NT. 'l'ng to waste close by. No praýctiea vote in the latter congt'tueucy 811OWS a band playing, a processio rivert rieur the raaw thOm- 111401ÃœY 01'194 votes in the township» Whyl 'lis VM fll'St vote was ' 31r MeMillan presented the report of mari will have the face to gay that 1 1 . h U Was formed bridge. it soeurs, ay given in favor of the ministryý the for M Il front what could 'tId the flitallec cominittee whieli recom. mill Of this kind cannot be made to paj r. Whitc. , It wa W rit ho second was on the mended Payment of s, Iloating popul ce go Cted for holding the pie. gho W&B prepaxng to do soin t 0-clock route of -the lute amendin il ouly M,,gt tý,"'p"Ismarcl.ed thrfugh the tOwn 10 les ed,-that shortly aftr eigh ent that the lis well here as elsewliere, seeing theri ation of the two reolonial railway bc coutils ; -the report was vel'al small ac- is nOt one within six miles 01 us eithei Wýnl 0 that beautifili spot, the 0 washing not a-ilOPteil gîter a towns of W"ÃŽtl.'y and Oshawa-and Pa finany adoPted until deeided by discuMiOnOn anaccount of Mrs. 1;,0- Here we area CountyTown ci A haý gong He then voted aggillst garty*s for taking care of an 4 wýy. as roughly enjoyed. Garril and ber chadren out to the .1 the fIrst eôunties in the Domin. 0 river for water. th ate." -un that c'usa Of thé POPulation are of cricket, qltioits, boating, Shé rungt have been e round-ab Ut rOut adopted, wilicil ion, old, rieil, well settied, with tw, more or lc"803 "able tu bc leil away by th dancing - tu in the set of putting on the f any, use to the À FIRE ENGINF. RailwaYs, a splendid harbour the ont- influences Mr. T. N. music of Clearwater S waghing country. Referring to the admission Ict of the shortest route be;ýeen the quadrille ban excell nt boiler whon lier clotiles cg On motion of Mr. Ray, the eonneil do and appropriate airs when fonud the - nght fire, and Of Manitoba, lie showed tliat the policy went into committee on the petition two great bodies Of wateri Huron and obta"lod ]lis Maicrity of 94. of Ontario, possessing a,, The clection wag touch boiler, was lying beside Of the goverriment in granting 1,400 165 t the advantages _and.go Wth playedin goodstyle by the YVIlitb IlB, and the Joe 1 ra lepayers praying for a fire engille of being Connt 'âfr- (liblis in this Itiding; ho Il Bandq helped to pass the y MO acres of ]and to half-breeds en blo _Mr. K ng in the chairr ters of 0 y capital, the head quar. nairow, exea ad a and AU pregoût-froin Father Humpli. afte coverg of the otove WerO Off, t, etinguisil Indi titlest retarded 1 Mr. MéMillan advocated the ptirehase ur County légal, municipal, tirue a"Y' How lier clothes caught fire, or wllcther emigratiOn, and tha au' of Dot L t the 0 Pý0sition plan 1 of a fi n 'n'l'tary and agrieultural departinl thau- 50 votes ý,vnL re e ginc ut once. The reYto the vi)nnffnef. they werc ignited ohé was in A 1ýL -il 1 1-1 ý1__ ___ 1 . _cu,,fl and onlv M10 'eM were! bozihd,, Ép in-the lam two ýyexà " M t.jië by 1 1=0 r to Qle West- wante4 thoir grain.- Ai, Uihný -connecta t grest Bmiffigton Route which du of _1 0 rIM9 ho -ratffly rect thwagh Souillera Iowate Nebras ka and Kmisa494 with close connoao,, tâIj Cedorilis and the Territodu; Md Famn9m starting £rom Ontario C-mm- t _,C c -Y 'alLau, on theà way wesward, can- a hÃýý on rfflm- net do botter thau- to lake the C,, B. y-howýýthegym.- __ - ÉýrhÃœgton Route. were. Q. -sud a and The llino hag-published à pamphlet ty to IY toý called élHow to go West,' which, cou- .rutam-nmh valuable mfor=twn; a ve n hm a fau- Jar «HëtleDvson CoM1ý go correct map of the Great Weît, name-tO.,ao 80 for whieh caý bc -obtained froc of charge mon ig net knýwn by à ddîesMng the General Passenger Division Court, we Agent B. M. B. B. Barlington, Iowa. give your numerous of Mr. Gibbo's - lead- Mowing Macýhin;: r'l'w Cost of Pro- duction. e all > with of the Swtch Toi- S Éeph IM Manufacturing small dog, very ý Oshawa, are offering soMe Bnt "bà rking dogs » 3fow Ohio Mowers fr, Paterson is a 1 1 xceedingly - fond of ozze 1 Cayuga - Chief . Junior or arned conviction Nowerg, and Woodla Self-rakers, at-a Mother Mmiliar il- - 1 :[ar bolow coâ projuction. At have donc with N price of Bantam Cock is but the present price of iron, »LOhinery r ikes to bc heard, cannotýbe made at anything Ue the 'itÃelf heard on the present prices, and farmen will llo y te seule of 'th" iull to purchue this year, as the sav- often loft te crow mg will bc more than the intérest -of terwilis very much ne ialýBa to liear themoney for several years. Labor g-à sked to rep17 te -ust be very scarce and dear. All 1 p his féathers at wanting machines wfll do well to go to vith a lond crow. Oshawa befère purch,.ig. se esent shewed , Iron bas advaneed-100 per cent, and Mýr Paterson, by ni lie was caned on is still a-ilvamffig- n bc got through thanfý>ýlistening Pickering Couricil. ing te all mensures Saturday, 97th July, 1872. à order to, securé The Pickering Couneil met puriinant Stent- with spend- t-oai4ouirument. Themember,5aUpre- pig-pens Unt- *hen Énits his Petitions presentedof Trustees of vassing Mara, bc school section No. 2, by Mr. Brown; or né of his leadm-g Robert Spears and several others ajk- Wn < called on ing the'Council to vest in the overseors ' alwayg given, -a of high-ways, power te protect all ma- 9 , wýrned hy ý his terial for repairing roadsý in their res- 2el pig-pen ý would PoCtive r0sil divisions throughout tbe vote, Gibbs tries township. ing of the weather, ý The fouowing acconnts were ordereil )eing raid of-l'how, to lie paid.-- te Gibbs Te ý. J. Groei4 for balance of ex--- Ilad any objection -pended road gralit as per reportý_#6o, Id engage m pray- for wor - Greenwood rosa, $53, ,o. Alter a long for work on 6th con., road ùr frant of iend-remarks ïhat lot 12, 041i' :fôr work on Greenwoed ristian mani like road,'gmntëd in 1871, $20, for work dný or mm to send to 5th ton. opposife lot No. 4 69; -A.- - hall not Flewry,,forroad scrapers $12; W=_ = eey-leftý Stephenwnfor work in_4th con., bc tween lotà 2 and 3, #48.80; John P."-. Ir instance of the ter, for woÃk in 9th con. $38 ; John 'r. Gibbs in order McCSnmk, for work in front'of 16t 18 ide. Mr. Gibbs iný 5th con, #20; John wilgon, for gra- in, aiïd vol, #15'; - Richard Raney, for work on cr tbings *M 4thcèùý road, #40.;-Wm,Çlarýýjcr of the intelligent- grIavel, 04.85; D. MéPhee, for support id ere the .20th of foundUng, $22; James Whitson, for wn mistaken in gýodssuppliedto Alex. MéKee, $10; majority -of the Richard Wilson, for graveling, on side tome at the close mail betweëù lots -4 and 5 in 8th con., ; wiser znan. $50 ; -R-ý'Wilà on, for plank and jarrel, eetin *th $5.21 ; nalph Ward, for gray 1, 88 CILS th7-Bi S. IL Brqwn, for gravel purce xy a large IC. Crawford, $2.40; James Coultis, ý for work in 7th con., ý#5o; George Sâton TROBAH. for wolk between losts 2 and 3 !à 5ffi con., $55.20; C. Stotts, for wood on Brock road, $661.50; Geo. Robertson, Iwo. for work on Post's hill, sioo; jam,,g Geddeâ, fýr work on Dixie ni'U, $250; ]exil (0)-Oppndli4ots James eourtney,-fot.buüdin,- bridge in Sth con. liatween lots 13 auffl,,920.25; ick, X, electéd WM. MeNeterick, for sheep killed, ý by dogs, $738; Colin Philip, for sheep kfll.; A. Macdonald, cd dogg, $6X6, ,604. Iln Miller introduced a by-law to L, elected by assess the ta=lnî fbr__the;a rZýe- Stevenson, .3f. ment of roulis and ridgéÉ, ,f., 1121 ; lfe. rend- three severai times and passed, y 574. MM Palmer introduceil a bý,-Iaw to id Lewis, M., open UP and establish a road acrose the south part of lot, -No. 22 in-!ho thir(j Cockburn, ccu-, whiêh was rend the #rst time- PU. On motion _Ã"f Mr. Brown the by-law,- for elosing up and -sale of the allowance, ý3L, clected by for rond the third time and passoiL - * Mx. lifllei* mo-ýe-- that James' L.- leeted by ac- Palmer bc a Co= oner toexamine the.sidè road bet*een 82- and,83-atlhe ith, 0., 567 - on ascertaîn what alifère- cDongall, M., tions and repairs are requirea ai that Uli over Rosa. -place and report at the next meeting of 7alle the coulicil. Carried. On motion, Mx. Palmerwas jimtmct.- .624 ; ed te , get the bridge over the west aity for Bo*- branch of DuEms' Creek iêpaired forth-, V'r fi suil. searceýy cirer awler was awalt* call ausoeur wharves, and c allowed -the Re condemned stitýt 1 affi Is.-Everything the élection law, andsaid 1 résorted te 1 by the oppon;nt; Z-eu,,Lsuai liberality 1 TRE 110-88ON ROUSE PLUE CASIC.- Opposition'a aniendirlent had not yet coma. Re ex. 01, thei of bfr. e th ý fuâ day's WhOWas brrested for atteMpting te fire 1 g ord,; 0' Id. mg the ve7ale in wh4o lit the lAte élection. Pay, and beà a« The charge agsinât Thomas NeBride, Mt bil th:d a= erol a new English enj;inc' wh'cl" ha - dtvill"deýYlik down there, 4nd e We think it Gontributed een ýffm botter te withhold, thsir publication. mOst 90126rous1y towards u oPted it would bave Iléon ed"that there was not go much il 7du ýydown oreý»V reine - This toi, ig t bc f4 thé RObsOn bouse stables, the particu. beneficlal,,,a-nd the country would not in No «oeil dObgYing the exPon"- 8 of the pie-nie. or mo ocnie pr oper scheinea of Il coUld, come of it. Bather let The committee of managementt t JO lm of whiel, were gven the ý1ice Of steara and energy and enterprise. A c wheel il, ul now try and forget Our late, dis. in a recent have been kept in a con- d that hose for each would ar wo 8] st te of politicai e fsctOrY Would pay well; and Our agreements, and forgive the un a d but right to &Mt are déserving the issue of Txz CniwiçCLEP Wss dismiosed tinnal a L xcitement. cos te ffloailnesel, nearly equal care would Rilways give no facilities for moviug A es n But th e ment lie (Mr. T.) voted bg required for them, while a hand en- and using this sud all Other of our ir grestest praiu for thoir. exertions in on à fonday last, for Want of sufficient f6r, élections held simul- Part'zauohÃŽP Of Mun Who should have Maïeing the Occasion what te have Ze 1 wrne w= equire a larker *oOmpanv, mauaûwture -'knOwn botter, and Who mlüt c it really wae évidence. tanéously Wâs", lie regretted, lest. The Il bave to be properl cloth. 8 that few other towns Ir rt controverte ' y POse,ý Th foul lieurtily Ashamed o ain'y --Wkrest success. d élections were not trïed ed- es and ný;111 11, luy other indus- il, Of the ignoble PREACHNu POLITICB--IVe commend by Judges, but by the Rouge, . Mea- Mr. tri ýnufactures parfectly feasi- tl part they played. . It i@ now McMiLIAU exPlained tlmt the bli for the considération of acmé of Our et and worthy of our serjoug atten- tli plain that A youNG 1 ýure lie Condemned, and lie gave an spécial inspectihg committue South Ontario JO dà tltero't for the Belorm LADY GALLANTLY BESCUED werowere Instance -of the working of the present go much te blame as they net tion, that Might be made available for go Mx Daowxlxa.-Mis, Clara Aru&U, PolticiauIJ--nOt a hundred miles away the Prpi; not pro. Party, and that ait that in neceu froni home, the following laW, fil whiel, one constituency-Kam. perly or rather erîtY Of Our town. But Lhave ni ary te daughter of Mr, John Ar",t confec. blief couver- aroui;ka-wai; almogt entire ? fully instructed by - the sketche My share of them-let each of win it back, in better Organigation, and tionert of t ly unrepre. conneil se te what kind of hJ& sation: It couveyo a worthy lesson. sented one sessiqu, ne had stroùg was reqllired. an engine -Y fellow citizens do as much,- or sug- go united action. With this let us ho COU. t1l, lecidentally fen off Ill ne eting. objeaions, lie said, to members of Par- Mespris. Ray, and Cameron contended 1 9?st other or botter schemes, and I will th the Wharf intb the bay, while ver 90 insidO that me give way te himi only Ilkeep the ball it teÃŽ14 sid rather souk to close, thsu bom, the excursion on thé return'ng bouse Again 1', exclaimed an anipy lisment'being paid by the Goverument, that it was unnecessary te seuil A coin. rOýb 't 1 in Norlem«, itician; Our minister does notIdugýVuli which amounted to having thbir hands mittee te insPect the enginesas engines e they are doing this, 1 Might 1 ad lieu 1 p opou the gap that divides no from on S&tUrday- night last. It a eau preach politico., tied, It was but r!Ot that they sbould would be brought te Whitby, if the Our Iliseparated ibrethinft -even if they thât in the pp 'WhY, !ý did net t bc expected that e ada te the abovë; without comment at da darkneu she struck fier fout nkin Y dear man, * lie be free, and it migh onneil would purchw;e them providing resenti that we want in Whitby a a lie be I'reuegade Belormerg,, soins of 0, ag.well-as I rem' IL Pà paid by the Governmont would they would, do all that was guaranteed agaitlât eue -Of the 'é skids" on which in &il . ember, larger corporation, -a i;m--Iler and legs dei our correspon.dents stigmatize thom. the -tiraber is now did frona sermon.' ý -1 support thât Goyermrnent through thick they would do. If these engilles faileil éxpensive ûre engine, and a smaller wli the cars '!No, but bd or was fuR of it, and thin. It wao thon our intereans te in doing it, théy would be taken away, suPP1Y of wà ter for extinguishing fires hir into the barber. She Wu rescued by se, withOut Ces and Il PmVeél à 9ainst our party point have indépendant men in the lieu ting the town anytlùng. ÇAUsE ?0 " a CONGRATULATION.- the prompt exertions of 3fr. SeymOur and not Place-mon. Re alluded te the Aprolonged discussion foUoWed than we now have, and a market lieuse dis One thing, st least, about the South Whitue "Why, you mean,? i did eue of Col. -Gray, Who was paid for to whether a hand or steain flt ' as and town hall a little further removed tioi Ontario -élection, for * 'y and Othur b ystanders, and nuit nofiée iv, cod&ing thé laws of the Dominion, but abould be purchased, and it e engine fiým, the business part of the town than vit, ý which there JO with no otheiin, was fln&UY at présent. f« 0 nngmtnlatî0n, JO - Jury, we are pleased, te "Didn't notice it 1- Wl, didý hé net Who was paid mônthly in" d of year. resolvea thât Musera- BSY, Harper and Do that it- May, ýà " the dueldng and > ber Yours truIy, fiight caused prayagainstbril _ya;yirýudeatelec_ ly in order to escape the spirit of the MoNfillan should be aPP'inted to in. puseil off qui0tlY and Orderly, and 'by ber unolpectedly perilong tions y aà d dý, t, ho pray thst c( spect:fire origines lit certain places Thi ýwithOut di4stt*baÃŽce of ny kind. This > Position, defeate' and )rmpt lzwo'whâe almost koepffig to'the Jetter. and PROGIZESS. lie wè-May add that those 96 ol"tg are di', honéstand- Re défenduil his -vote on the Customs' Mun. t bo- ' ' 2ort at the next meeting of the Coun- 8thýAutriist, 1872. was as it should be, for there -w-as ý no Mqu' bérch' Oï " 64"- and , toisa - mumerous, extracts Only tomporawy placed on the wharf roal cýUs0 for any bitterne8o of feeling. Amm-Veaches of Lower Province mem-ý The Conneil sdjourned. Lett mime tu Great bailà or$ frOm the Great West, The On1y élément Of thst for diatO COnvenienèe, and are îe& discomfort is canseil 1b«sý«8q8 Ir,.-hm Position. Mr. mg kind was the bd-'rOPI&Oed bY safe end pomment l5y th ýc ýc , stating thst if MÀMTOBA. Pertiunal one, unadviseilly inùoluoed ways. 0 use 01 pugatives whi&,epe à "One aded by, 7-Prom the Pubhshed trade [SPecial correspondence tO the CIMOlqICLE.] plal and rock the ho coidd -not conscientious y do what re urns Of ""0 Province we find thatf terr bY a few of the over.zoalouis fiiende of tive Pius âme "stem- Paraon'a Purga- bis conatituents believed te ble-his- daty, during the last year, their importa have Kansas, July 25, 1872. mg is N . frae froui Ill impure mat- if-electedhewouldresigm. Reremim- anionnted, to abouta Minion and Ts r«N Tjultus and a quar. bfr- Gibbs, in their a te injure 1 toit and are Fields were green and vegetation any Mr. White. MU sud health-giving in ed his seat, amidet enthusiastic ap. ter, while their. exporta, - boing princi. OrmistoP, 01 New York, their operà tion. plausew confined to furi fresh when 1 loft home. Fall whelit inst a4uOuneed te delive, ajecture en ibbs said that lie pro- fusait 9 &c.'y have beau wasjust begilMIng to show faint shades WORTE READINU.-We sub -Wesley= At . 2t ne Mr. W.7M Gi #an One bimdred thOusand dollars hé, mm .publà h t1à thVý7 9604 1 -of Olé year . erampg 'Hentud hfmself as a 'candidate fgr the It JO çrati jý Of Yellow;' and ver Odi: ject in the 2t1illà to Observe-that Wth ;- '0 . yw re was that beli( t e richneswof verdure, tiut the most pro- ýsupi week ably written jettero frein the in. Xé hurah, -Brooklin, 'on Ifou. and P, in thé- StOmuh and bo*els,' suffrages Of the people Of Nort4 - on- th es of transportatiý1n, Eng- pitions* of maisons With rain and a=- ý9ov£ telligent- correspondent of Ta£ omw»n., 4à y eýîuing-nox t, 19th'inst, tario ; -ho' &dwd for support on ýthe land and Canada have almest are, quite, 4wnOPOý shine justly portioned, a, gr6und that hé was a supporter of $ir -lized its trade. The :fo give. But Gibl in the Western - States and 6OMMOI]j sud, 'abOuld 'be checked at, Uo"!'ng fré the a& Lneared the Du. 0XùSrojF.ý lolulMacdoiýdd'$,Xoven=ent, 'and hé smounto J.Mrchased froni each edmitr -IntercolouW Lino, the Gibl on Tom Matters.- This well-knOWn once. Johnsônls Ânoayne-£ý y. j3ýth; #ùt believed thât bc would it. (Meurs, Great Britain; $gnoo6; tinited States green Of thegÃMË.-'aloné'the rondoide vote Oë wQý, -twý ti périlow nu frefthéd in 910 Cs" Presb the' An&'ÇriOs d No», re extolled the #82,80i5; West T-ndies,' #(jg. w-aa changea si Was Mtèýâ*q Y*, belli 0 ivt ýA11 bel 6 aréhed, and excej >d in gr, _-NA -lm ?xazwe vùtues of the moasures of the,,Govfrn- #14,M; Rolland, -#j,(jû; andI found *thât -four ýWeeks look - .4q *vo, *I.npt ýîn4î_;" Spain, #4 104P Id* -au-- *9 proli- 20 ié of rain, vîlià e it had- hagimed the Oum- &May, 1747: 1: change, liad #unted the growtji of cent t ot grW and grain.' ýjà . oiï The murderer Riel. Thi kanifba to be -el. tremely well n !ted by 529 inforIned as to abouts of Louis MeL the-where- Baye ou ý- - t ý Re is at,ý home, nbottomla con em orary, tending týhe Motheei rarm 1% ;Ly five mileij Of port Garry; and-in all Probability; -Wal ected by a a few week8.-be member- for Provencýîler le e.lettion instead of hatc1ling Fenian ilotg.,, Tids « deed. 's newB m But th, Ma elecied. ban pot only, nito- thù*g Riel is int.1y t, oc- Beted by cufy that dWingifished position but holds him W I ý OrthY of the- frust.' "if there la one man in the province elected ared to opposO any en£roachm pre ent on Uritiah * ts it is Unis Riel;" and be elected. adds,-'efien we are dealing with tbig, j() Ma- it is just as well to PlIt-it on record, )n, M. thatýto day domme.t. ex-st . 1 which go received to show thêt if Louis Riel had chos le return to Bell Idu loyaity, he Might have bee One- Of the weaitidest men ncrth 0 CllicagO." The ý 1>11 i ýPçOPle of Manitoba Must lievery Iorbeà ýg and forgi VM cg" Nir. jas, to-aUOW such a cold bloodéd, murderer der that to live amongst tllem it Pears ve !nefittéd, OtrangO tO us thgf-some e ort is nroyt mblicityý made on the Part oi the au horities to aken ill havPffie man arresteil and tried for the murder of scoý mpanied )m that HORMLE MURDEIL -A despatch er, not- from Mngston gays that a Most appall- ,essiozwl mg crime was coranlitted b named Scott on Saturday lj,-ý ,in the ks o4o,- -ý,Townslùp of Bedford. It appean thst HYPOP- 1 Scott, wLO is Of a very violent disposi- to me. tiOn, had a quarrel wüh his father on tiffie the 4y mentioned, and attacked him with a hay fork, inflicting two wounds work, on Lin, from the effect or whieh be hCarty died in about là - minutes. Hüberto 8 very his father carried a defeu&«ve weapon ,with hilu in case of an assult by the L&N. son, but on this accaffion he wga ran- ascillar ning from Mm ana received a wonnd in force the back. Re then t-4=,d round ýÙnd ,Ophgs. faced hiz son, upon lvhic4 fie- gave him ent, iý a fatalwound 'm the chest; , ' The-78on fled to, the village of ý and was Reart arrested illere. FUGM"TxC.ýý Xùe and OfB&Uýr Wnt At Win 4ht comes off to-4&Y at so