Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1872, p. 2

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solect &hiol-un' G*Muh. h belle" in parlismentazy th -VOIM-WkM about the Union Pa- 0 candidates Lad P= cille Notiee MccâM=ý; ana anz sucli as Câble Sorm WIre- 'Cumberland. TUe o -Mr.-White-Mle Union ý'p»dficwas Gibbs' 1311cause- ther, support the Govern. retiremlit Of Meun-,B At the Leur nanied'inthe not. - , . y vu ment thât have dons au in their e ima Xàe Imm- 0 po'wllr kenzie fi-oui- the'on« e -*-mue unsirveyea tarie cabinet ý will gas was a re to-fill the se ight delock, - thero ý was Sn habited W otage -a liait and ir nate and Honse.of com- -ma X illar require their plaSs to be Med at an audâuS'Of abOut dvehundred people route thi-Ough 'the country, wla -urge sot;- for hine mon» WU placemen, thug destro , . M In ed in - Ille drill bfesgm and populous citiez at esch a he miglitlack abilit (£#fonidt*. es ylng carly4ate; ndthe qàesÙoýhaturaUy "se bl shed, na of it, as ever y, hg minet wIll " >n&nS og parlia,ýýenL nat at arise Who wül be th coming men? ONLY 8 men 00wan, Gien, ýRRight 'Well SE tlÃœvtetbe J3«ÀMU they support a Govermunt s ure Gibbs,- White, 50 PER ANiquât.- Middle of the terri- electéd to repres SOufý oz thst rejected the bill f ------------ Farewell, Di. McGill, and Mr. Glimon, t it raxL ne denied the Home of communs' 'n& - --------- or trial 01 contre. Y. a it WhiLbY, T verteil ilections by judges, pmûSÉng secret sefvice Morley. OMI)ied Mats on the platform Lad been insistedthurn by Brit- maks uL Lonésty and int hursdig, &vgW 1, 1872. On motion Of lfr. Gibbs, M* i8h Columbia sa une of conditiono' (Lond le edLg). There the- old " pt ëystem Of trW'bYýROtm' Mr. Gibbels lesàr-Sir j COwanýtook the chair. r. W. P. ou e 19 'Om te cmdederatiýn that the rosa rastter, oaid Mr. White, to whi »bale, Arguïncois. alla Mue'- Mr. Cowan afie Ild be t withi. te yoâro, The called u On te refer, before cor gessing himelf Gcveram ut h&d 8, tu cause iâëy support 0, 'for sati0fied WÃœU Mr.r ted it for their It is GOveimment- dé secret lis te tell pàr M e ruade againstme service.' Gi bo's course ij own P11270l"s. 'But el if it wela the of Mr,ýGi4bs'g relatives Mr- Gibbs ha& & znoit thât refused ta pu& a m«âSe proid_ what ho lioý»ent, went 00 fu as to,,say that eue, were !39 dia with it. He says ho has even the ta be, tala thst f* the in Oshawa, sinS the cou temPt for auswering su 0 oS' IDÈ Ibr ohn"noàlu pl an over kopt no verf aCts for which Mi. Gibbs PurPOU. 01 biineg-.Brigé lumbà 1 st bol I was 0 denmed were thogo W" into Col hm never been made nest uirent .' b record of expenditure Ré "CO the pkoýViuýe, Pro f0f,ý te My fi &rg=i4t, Whou the question of par. en7ing for selUh ends bas aven goue lie Meration, it ta bas it in &Il the Yers thst 1 in Bo asserved the greaitest Praise. Th.. "montýý control over ýs'long an possible in Eng4ad an t'a dany tlut cliairm4n nOxtstated t4t oggur the conutrit But sürdy.- * lectea reev, Of the township et the Purge la in SUy record of quel e "' wo any Page, it wu not ing, ever been once bronght up brOught fOrward, and tâte abnngstion a state of tarmoil. di" the e 60 as, to give 3 Gabo 'diture, io k men *ho Lad, the trtLÏ intereste of the 'me. It in thst I. Bocaus thoy 3 ý OPt- T110,,fîollmringý quota- audýJýXr; Wthimite forty-live, mi Ir wào Ïùdiefe 01 thOlk fitilÏtionsle suà membm,.i mort a Governmont tions froin m111ýs 0 Country at bout Tadd on parlismentary te ak and ta each Ofý, ýýwon2 net do',it--to twenty-ave YBan à«Oý for the the -Hàt» ai comm na 'himsolt, which hm proven itsoif -sa Outils ta the goveriment in EnSjRudý YOL .0 rolèr. Lran Lour, roserving, the have 'ê't the exPenditure -sud 6l1ýth9 Ots wOmall«*Éôana and cries of d] gene right Wr. , Glb futengts of Ontario. ral reply- to Mrý Gibbý to, of -à' ciontrol of the money with thé 90VOM- If thm is SnY Person hore-,*h( wind ring te 7 seàét service manies, is con. the meeting - ý he thon calý u ment? And net eveu stol PM9 at thàt charge, or any boliefit of BSUWAYs 'gon on th6 fros t '11ýÎcau» filoi support a Governmogtý oinglye . - à. ripou, -thst - but. aw . . . , £o if givmg am ors the' te be true, w"ý thi mesns, of dl in ]Partieuw erally, 4114 the th£ - Gibbs. , ý1 ý . .9 in, Person bèlù matter whieh St. Uwronceý and The Secretarieo Of sutesiýd' d PriNQ090 Of t>001d *9 dàer!eO# 811trendered the Mr 1 Gibbs,. on rUM9, eau, - cOrporating and chartera atin , it, 1 ask him, nq,ýv ta cet dont". ab&ndoned others, the nôïýtO ho 1011 Q>nýPanies ta -construct the linoby wari on" p Ur. Gibbs 'Lu boeu Ourjust 'WhO may draw 7 appear, befère tolde, 0,fèr and UPOn this limil, are As'a oraOrs in Coulicil 1 But latform, and eithe over again ren's't Raid clafffl; thus insulting'the butina by Oatli net tente al of it jfýï candidate où the QýYern- it ood or derly it ? pstriotié Caradian jeea of Oujbrsýoý týYO Aémions before, and ment and their r waiting ri, supporters ,went lifte Wiras Of will ho and là -0 .9 PurPoses which do net logitimately ap- even upporters learu to 1 for hm te Bay that ho Yet-farther. They relhoed ta insert a during which calb; were ma Poftain tÃ" their soveral deportmento. belbro thora for a re. ý clause in the Act ta speak trutidany ?ýihat the Opposition V-0 unteers, And t)iý names qf a,, prevent menibers "Dingtell newa, î 'CO" -«Fred Gibbs"--and Bocauge they support a Government secest service- per8ons receivinq the], ap 0 nos- In giving Are net Opposed, ta the- building of the money, with jhe $«Mg suamunt of of PsrmOnt fro. being contractors. f'the cowardol, &a Canada Pa thst ý&"w awaY the Only advantageo hl'41.istewaràhip lie re. WhY 2 The' 120 one accep re coula lie but one con- invitation, - and Mr. White clac Bailway. "ý On th -Pa"d tO them, Inu8the entered i te the 1bîmâtio, -coalition eltudon arriveil ut as ta thst. ne* con. n à book 14 of the roi trary, they are armly i Zn order ta be prod re- amidstleud, h in a foyer Of the in retara for- 1ýhich Reciprocity' raigh gced in eitherHous "ý te curry eut Confoderatiol noces. milnded'the meeting as c eering.], I dg sitY-its difîcuities_ý_ the ',Pa ta what Mr. Pect that aman could lis founi undertaking,; have been Obtained. V Parliameni, if required.- "a they an fully alive rteular' of WÃœ"Flm MODOl bal saidabout the woiiM ýcome,ý,fo -Bocause the Charlottetdwn rçvard'ý and mak tg 811-tLe âdVantage to be l they support a Gévemiýent and Quebeê couven- patronage deriveil frum: ti h the ,bufiding -of 'the- Inter. infamous charge >to my face. A it. wh4t: in Obje - thât permitted a citizen of Ontý,io ta The Nomination. wonreo ;sol 'ttohebe4e'àz'btrameeedýP&rov'nce'3 colonial Railway would- give the Go man, wijhth building of the 'R'aà'W,' '--np' the be IOUUYmirde-din-th ýNorth.west, defended the useles, e Re 'ernaient, when that gentleman publicly him, would go eneakingly behù y - but, the e The nominatio Xpenditure Of boasted thotSir John would have lost back. and maire twelvimMonsofdoU -by asserfin a large share of bis 8rbilWarY &Zia unéenotitutio without taking any stop te PU12ioh the Sou n Of candidates for . M astuteness if eau t; ana thon whe nal course that, it wai pîrt of the bargain w1th murderers. th Ontario, *6 would again Pari te Make it good fail ta punued by Goverament remind lie through the patronage of that under. publicly. 'It was the ait of. th, through the B Our readers, takea place ut th, Town maritime provinces ta adoPt the route taking ho wouild net ho able ta stick the poignard of calmuy support of a servile majority (of which 001luBe theY support a Govern»,ent that have oquandored a hall, in this town, to-diy (Thursday) at chosen ; thaï; it was art Of the coin- Govelument in p ta keep bis Ower for ton years te back, when that bàck wss t= Mr. Gibbs i0ene Ofthe -vast sum of the t with England ToIr, the guarantee corne. Weil, thon, lie as number,) ý whieh c'look. ked, if the him. -Now I cail upon hi., one 0, luan te select the same La , depriveil parliament of itu PeePle's Morley in 00-éalled Secret Se,- Oute, and that patronage of the Intercolonial wSld again upon any man who bas ýl right te exorcise a direct col Thisis the line was constructea- net for cura. tio vice> for which they refuse ta accourit. The Election Campaign, mercial but for milita JceeP-the Government- in pow,4 for ton that infainous statemént, ta com olver the expendituro, of the publie net the Practice in that it was upon that Yeant hOw long May net the Govern- ward' and make it now 2 [Volt, ni 1 Oney. where every penny accOunt and that ment keeP thomselves in --offico, with of Secret Service THE NOMINATIONS. acéOunt alone that England Lad under- theit raBniDUlation of the P cheering--and after waiting sera acific Rail- again, and no one coming for, expenditure is kOPt in a book, and ana- taken-to endorse our bonds- He next way, and w-ith members of Parlianient In answer te the argument thât ited every ye The fIllOwing candidates have been referred ta bis votes on White resuinedj I now brani sr. the Pacifie Rail- lace men should n'et be members of :Èecaù,,e they support a Go IL way question, in as cOntractOrs ? If there were nothing person making that charge, with p Onlinated in the, adorent ýcnstituen. Placing unlimiting elaet0condemnthe Ministry; if Parliament, and that notably in th vernmont oies power overthe purse in the hands Ofthir there mg a deliberate falsehood. Wh, case 01 Col, Grayi the set thst have in ÛvO -Years one were no other fault ta be fol with made it, I gay iur: o Mously in. teen Ministers which lie ehdeavored ta their rep that lie deliberatel resentative, lie (Mr. White,) is Ocuring creased the publie debt ont, the Governme,,ut Opposition defend, on the ground that the [sensation and groansj- Th i the -independence - Of parliament was expen- Kingston, Macdonald, xpendi- 11noidered this.all sufficilent for the the fair-play I exP-eý ditures in every department. Lincoln C=uthers- ture of the mOnOy shOuld beý--enetrasted electors Of South Ontario tn ay t ted from. an Il Merrett, 8 0 Mr. able opponent.' -18 it British fair- violated, Mr. Gibbs says that no other Because they support W Gave Lennex" Stevenson, right. McReown. te Borne one---and that in Parliarnent Gibbs that they require bis services no rCh man coula n ý t Cartw abnegating its funetions it was like a eers, and cries of "No no.'] be f9u (l ta do the work no that gave ex Rastinge, N.R longer. (Cheern.) He next arraigned White went al I am but a sý well, and that the act wai net volated' cessive reprosentation, te Bowell, _ Wal6bidge. municipal conneil entrusting a rond the Goverument sing ta pans an mechanie. for Col., Gray British Columbia and Manitoba ta the Lanark, N. B., McD-gaU, Galbraith. akPýo for relu I have no aristocratit priati n ta a co- ittee or to éom. act for the trial of contesteil elections b' tensions. 1 have the honour, holw wu,, OnIY - 1111,11ployed by manif, t 0 v es in ustiée of Ontario, in order Ilas ROsamOnd (Iudependent.) MSsIODers, 118 gave the hackneyed the udges, as llad been done in Enj- ta stand before you, as the repres "te month- M Our maiders are W-e--ILI Il tingse W. R., Brown, dé loYal". -reasons of yielaing ta the wil land, _ta secure va Patterson and said lie coula account for tive of the grçat %ferra partý rab'er or parliament accept. fa tes- ta keep themselves aware-a ùw in Grenville, S. R., s of England for voting the T &tyý of Brouse. their net a W South Ontarioq I have had ho Il 'ng an Ofllea te which a yearly salary York, N. B., Dodge (1.), Washington, and cul by declar. than the go in any other ay Ulreause they support a G f of its con8equenc 8 te rePresent the wealthy, and popi ched vacates Lis ge&t. In the Overnment Simcoe, N. R_ MeCarthy, Cook. ing bis confidence in the Government rendering themsel-.,es. . Their re ai case of CoL Gray, lie wag pw ch the redistribution of seats in Brockville, Abbott, that all the measures of the Govern' plainly fus tO-BhiP of Pickering, for ný e shewed that they had no confi- twenty years, and were I guilty employed by entý violated every-principle of Norfolk, N. B., W", Buell. ment were good measures ; that denoe in the country Charit,.. were they _that Mr. Gibbs base crimes.laid ta my charge, Iw for the benefit of the country ; hua no confidence in the ele 8l' John A-' Macdonald, and paid a honor and justice, by carving out Con. Loneon, Carling, MeMahon. that they hua etOrs of scarcelY Océupy the prend pas salary ut the -rate of 8800 Per month. accOmplished a great South Ontario giving him l'à 111t-and in whieh 1 nowfind myself placed stituencies likely je oloct Welland, Street, Hm. work in bringing Manitoba and British that the Governmont suppo W And 't waB a PalPAP-le evasion of the supporte Party abo t S. Lanark, anted fore Yen (Land cheers.) e thug placing Raggart, Bell. Columbia into Conféderation ; and hua ta keep ÙP th, old corrapt state of r8 ve Russell, Grant, rtexs net- a more subterfuge, tu 'gay that fairplay and th, illterests of the peop Mr. White concluded by stating Cameron. the bardihood ta assert thut even the th« got in order ta make use of the Gov- lie intended fighting the battle of ýýO1- Gray dia net vacate lits sont be. Beefiuse Messrs. White and Thomle. N. Leeds& Grenville, jouesé Montgomery. financial. arrangements of the Govern-' ernment patronage, and perhaps the Reform part cause lie ýras employed by jks monilb p- ment with the other Provinces we Y uPOný lionourable 'Pr. son disapprove of al, - sucli nefarious Electors of South Ontario. re net Govermnent secret -service money to ples; that he was not afraid of (Mdiloi by ilie yea.,. it is by the suP.ý Objected tu bY the Opposition, but ordy keep them in power; otherwise -they cause-that bis cause was the cauE Port of sucil ilireling, Procoedings- Mr. Thompsou opposgd 'Secret through the Opposition press. (cheers.) would have net au set the People of South Ontario and ýv as Col. Gray, and thora in Iris place in Vote for nbite, and against d refused ta Pass Mr. Walsh, one of the Parliament, and e Mr. White 011 cOming forward was for the prevention of bribery and cor- their support lie relied ta put down Coin IntercOlonial Mr- White COUdOluns them in bis ad- Servie "jabbery. John A. admit, tk- received with cheers. He expressed ruption- at elections. misBiOuers, and a large dress ing 8220,000 out of the- publie treasury himself glua. of the opportunity Referring ta the ruPt 90verument-to keep ont of ing with the electors of of meet. Conièderation Act, Mr. White said the hument a time-serving servile rý] 1)()rt()n of the majOritY, more or legs Because the Brothers Gibbs pursue for whieh ho refuses ta Of Oshýwa. the risin'y toWn measure was a good one ; lie approved sentative and ta uphold honest pri diýOctlY in the pay of the Goverriment, Vote for White, and against any Go. 1. of it, and believed the best of results pies. a the wrOng course, for theil'own selfinli voice-you won t lie elected. would flow train it. Wht ho insistej [Great cheerîný,ýeý1nL st wi that Ministers have carried thoir mou. verniront ta rétain hired supporters in 1 Mr, White-The result of the polls Mr. White resuméd his sý'5îît, it haç sures ;ý-and it je a 0 I)urPOses-wuuti,9 ta make thoir par. Parliament. upon was, that whën the Act was pass_ belon Previougly intimated ta hin, overument carred "allentarY influence the means of per- will shew that. (Laughton) ed all parties sbould abide by it. ne the chairmân thist the time allowed 1 1 Mr- White, resuming, said lie hua insisted that the Governmênt should up.] 011 bY sucil demoralizing influence& that sOnal gain. Vote forMhite, sud parlianientary been selected by the Reform party ta net be ut liberty whenever.they the Mr. Glen -as next called upon, j (Jibbil has stipporteil, through thick Bocatise of the danger ught central over the people's money. represent certain principles which they fite or whenever it suited thoir purposes and thin. of delivering up both Ridings of thi Vote for spoke in favor of Mr. Gins Zand a County ta a Whitet the huilent *mans believed the majority of the electors of ta alter the Act. The moment the door Govern ent, and was followed ky Ur, Gibbs desir,» candidate. in te make much familYofpatitical speculators, ta two the ]R'd'ng held. It was in that capac- was once opened there was no security Farewell (who spoke very b . riefly, Citllital, bebausù, itY lie came forward. Re trusted the ut§ ho iiiiiierce, the op. Vote ibr White, the Working man'8 whatever, and Confederation became a was unable ta proeeed through. illne pou brOthers reuiding in one extreme corner candidate. content would be COnducted with all delusion and a silure. Itwas Confoder- in favor of Mr. White. 't'O" refuse te accePt the Treaty of of its limits. gentlemardy courtesy. He undertook ation no longer. il Vote for White*, and equal rights ta ta do sa on bis own part, and lie -Confeder4tion, a. Dr. McGill also addressed the me Wamhirgton ; and t ut in doing this And the clectors wlio condemil gueil bis hand (reaching over Ve MOngst other things, waK designed ta in fater of Mr. Gibbs. Mqý] they tire littlu logis than dialoyai »in re. wrong doings wili mark their 8 and shaËne secure Upper Canada, (nowontario,) -erson followedan*& pithy remarl te obey the Que6n's mandate. y Vote fer White, and un Income Flan. hands with Mr. Gibbs,) te bis apportent repr Wh esentation by population-a riglit brouglit out proiÙinentry saines of di8approval b' Voting against th, chine. that it shoüld be sa, and that ut the end icli the people of Upper Canada hua bad votes of Mr. Gibb',. And the latt A 1010lesale ulltruth. Nothing coula Gibbses, and for the tried men, and of the eOntest-however it terminateil, b bc more contrary ta the fact. The op_ bouest politicians, Vote fur White, and au liônest election lie would be as good friends with him ean for years contendinÃŽ. Certain gentlemen wound up the meeting wi pqsitiOn ta- theTrety White and Thomp- law. rules had been laid down in the act as a general reply, referring ta the arg in en no such Son. PersOnal]Y as lie waq before. (Cheers.) ta what should be the basis of repre. ments ofULr. White as grouild. The Impérial Govern. Vote for White, the PeoPle's candi- It was, lie said, the Privilege of the sentation in eue], of the provinces. tiens.,, d'trivial obic never saugijt te coerce EIIIN AND THE BRENNANS.-This pop. date, electOrs ta Pass their verdict on the Quebec was ta have 65 membems, and The proceedings were brouglit ta Cltlllt(,Ia into aceý Rets of their representative ; and it was, whatever that proportion would be ta close by passing - tlle usual vote pting the Treaty-or ular exhibition in announeed ta appear fer them ta consider whether lie ýMr. G.) e other Provinces thanks ta the c4airman proposed 1, tu take a mouey considera ut the Ilechaniels Hall, Wliitby, this xamination Of PuÉlic School Teach each representative til tien, -or any hua fùlfilled bis pledges ta them and were ta be entitle Owlor consideratio 1 ers. discharged siatfàaýctory bis auties in a ta hav representa- Mr. Gibbs and seconded by Mr. Whit, Il for the figheries, (T"MdaY) anà te 112.1-low evenings. tives. Tliat rule ]lad b e departed and with three cheers for the Quee, %viliell Joseph flowe said were dé au The scores in Ireland, xplained by a The semi-ann Par1ianýent- In order ta examine into from in the case of Manitoebean and Brit- and three for the respective candidatei nul examination of can- the conduct of their representative the ish Columbia, where although their ever-l'oeurrillg lalvest" for the grain. cOmPOtent lecturer, are rendered anius- didates for certificates as publie School more effectually, it was necessary that population entitled tile E AND MR. GIBBS A' gruwing provinee of Ontario. Th ing by an Irish Guide, while other Teacliers in the County of ont they hua his votes before them. And member each, they. obtained four and assent, of Sir Members of the trdhpe assit in making held in Whitby, during the third and six respectively, ta the John X Macdonald's was in Élis- respect -ho (Mr. White) was Governille4t ta the Treaty, of Wash- the eutertainment one of the best trav. forth weeks of saine manifest injus. BROUGHAM. ing. July- The examiners ha what ut 9 disadvantageq because tice of the people of Ontario; for lie A VeIT large meeting of the eleetorf ton hua, in the words of a Co elling. The followiug are was unable ta procure a copy Of the (Mr. White,) hàa Yet ta leaM that ten numbering over 700, eu ed by M, ntempor. selected Preseut würe, James MeBrien, E sq-, P. votes and proccedings. While the Gov- fliousand half-breeds in Mairitoba were White, was held ut Brougham, on Frida, ary, tonded ta 0- degrade the world. W of bundrodi; of- Rev. Arch. Ctirriet Broek, and ertiment were expending millions in better than ten thousand Canadians in night. Mr. Gibbs was invited, and ha( wide loyaity',Of Our Dominion. SMlarly Uttering notices of the press, Rev. A. Maclennan, 'uxbridge. Other directions, they neglected ta fur. Ontario. Were this staté of things ta bis supporters from the town of Whitby Makiug the Treaty CIO duty_ and ut hume and abroad. were il 8ecOjldý and 22 There nieh the PeOPIG with the journals of the go on, fur better, lie said, Ivould it be an Hollse, go as ta grable the people ta that Confederation had never taken the ridin-, drummed up with the in. calling upon the Io aity of the coun. Pro", eho Liverpool Northern Tim... didates. The examination papers were criticize their acts. Cinder these cir- place-than that the ri,-Ilts of the peu ýtry in llupl)ptt of it - in satisfactory-not ut all tention df making a grurid ra Y. I-IC, but a -P- Mr. and Mrs. Brennan have fzained dacult ; well ýumqtances, lie (Mr. White) bail ta look pie of Ontario Sllôtild hn inv-1-1 sw'è" "in gý eý ty4o 'âee_,Oàü -Prûo&mks lu My VIEM , con- ýnwhe.t4e,"Partydprogreu.,é,-, lun ýd- ï eazahsvýe beenMmiud t6 en Who am dmed the _ýfOx L lut twenty iled -il, -W lYe=ogýÜ&Ucontinud' -t*enty ý, ým ýaý in power aboie more, might pe]ýh Ur ready to e." 4ýhen be n that, an ixAeed aýf1Y )î are tùkinà_ý in ý-The 1 have 'V'nz se' i.- They 'are> ab -out îo' Of thoir 1 . té si - - surande Ù1tý lUnPX,,- the na-yi. prohibiting the Baie tio uéfthes wrenéeforýW1gM- ' " teü,yve"mnandif ir John lives to no me-, New -Varietieff, thing neaf mathügelïhl the Igiic N&wg a)id pô- tua May be lof Tluktliolu spedconi h are mediums for ad. "the. d6 Party, of Progrem," t 1iceÉtiýus and, ob- ý The _party have sent a few Ëurveyors Lres àù&goodu., The to work on the p&ciûc Raflroa£L At fifty citizSw of Bùfra, theyresent rate the-road- May perba )assage of this ordin- be bnilt in a thousand yem. Quiu the PeýiO&csb men- ight, thrqýore, to eau thein the lTarty nd destructive. to the of Progress. I n'il so they are. We The P lmve au - Emigration ;kle catied ont more Bureau w rin to the countri xw. . 1 - 'about aman Und avoy for every enn- x>ENT -jirAREZ.-Tole- gration agent ern oyeîi A who, ; bringýc,ý=ewz of the do go much for t oettlezùe"nt of the it Juaàýëz, wlw for country are of course s.l1_Pârtyýof Pro- 1 a pýoýMinent part in The Party, through thoir lézan, Sir ies of' Mexico. Ris John A. Macdonald, say that it is use- ime when the conn- less to proëeed against the murdmr ôf )rganised, when the poor Scott until a Manitoba jurý can-ýbg- revolutlonary forces got to convict him---.say twenty years tbý B country and engag- come. A Party who, are -Such keen adi- which seems almost vocateà of speedyjnatice eau be nothàig, ithetanding the des. else than a 'l Party of Progress." Forth by Juarez to The Party have been üinkering with mies and place bis the road over British territory to the 'Ing, Whether the Red River country for fifteen yea ag actor in the They have not made fifteen miles of a the charaoter of gcod road in the whole time, but expect ant romains to bc to et«tfinisbedwithinouchaperiodas quite entitle thern to the appellation The-- 'of the 'l'Party ofllýrogress." Let the drones and the barnafles and ,Minion LýýaS the fôl-, ihestieà-in-the-muds everywhere shake issue îé-Sýeaking off their 'Ifiainess fir a-moment, andjoin ,ronto Mai, of jipn. in one bk shont for the Il Party of Pro- ýntcwio has jeaameci , gress 1" ly hig ý Worth, as à - ------- -private citizen to Longfell,-Jw's Break-Down- t commoi4,ýuneduà, mp of Tru»n P. The correspondb nt of the Troy Times specimen to show wrote as follows abo ut LongfellQw's re- wool Tory viewe cent defest At samiog.%:- this country. Mr., .. Jent and industry o6ne horses run a g,-)od way acrosa ýe leading men of the lfne before-,they are brought up. rsboth because he They are ht backý to the Judges education of Mr. ers e, jockeys ju7e weighéd, the', back ground. Off- As -Longfëllow came bac2c to'W@rds - H 3 very men of Amilton the stand it was Seen tfiat he WU with profit ? Let lame und limpm'g. ]le- went on three way, then farewell leet alinost. -It bas broken his 1Lt'arÉý working men." saixl the sporting Laen, tobe bëaten, . it had do ne sa, he had ý a betfer hjart Mý" anT DmEcTION- biM than half the men who boast their understand thât in-hooit., Straightway a crowd gathk- < is written jo the ered - aboutthe gallaàt animal >to see, ýps of the Grand him. and finit out the nature of hisý that there must great misbap. Ilis - nigh fore ankle joint was-zwolleil and swelling. There the part of any was the outward Sign of Ida injury. Hie . ý men, undertheir rider, a colored, boy from Kentucky,, er fér the one side wassadly dejectedaüd Éaidthat a good coming elections. waypiece back - he feit the horse give. t hat the G wayorlhüunderhim; thenhe stum- rancl bled and almoit feil.; when-he came in political *ni OP1mong, the shoe on the 1 _f ë bot was broken.- connected with it This lamea borséamhad run on -bis nerve, use its namé 1 for and pluck, in this Tnaiii d coùditio,34 hé employees are nigh a half mile, and forced the other i, as they them. Swift competitor AU the way,. Surely either voting or his blOcd totil in that terrible emergency ,.&, without , -flie ir foUo * andduringthat dreadful-t-orineiii. It, lay co'rag any Was an act of patient, almost -intelligent e other. pronuse endurance, which is greateË than gain- It " ' iiag the race. The disaster was someý ;ty and propriety e this notice, but thing 1&0 a favorit,6- nmi 4 stricken by- great misfortuné. The belief aznongý less congrattdate the veterina It -is expecteil M folka is that the tendon the Great West- e 'iJýuHed from its fasten- ing, and Longfellow's rachLcr days are her railways wili imple set them. over. Others Maintain that the broken shoe'eut the leg and did the harnL11 Thatisthatworstfeatureoftiîe race; R.-Our readers the only dïuwback. - It was a" splendid eitement about contest, from. flist to last ; a nëék a-, 44 'hich took place neck race as you may Bay -au the way, and Was won, perhaps, by the impair- Xs ag?, When a ï,-Èntýof L,,gfilowl-s stre.9ffi-Il LS mUrdered in -t - nOtwithstand- Encouragement to Canadian Volun- as to the per- teers. crimï could be tory in relation ' The last number of the Canacýz been circulate azette announces-the receipt oftwenty- d* Martini Renryrifles, withio,000.rounds of a wonderful of ammunition valued at £200 SterEngI, of which rival bei:ug the reui It Of a- collection made' ýs the vaulted undér the auspices of the Duke, of Cam. Oth Cave itself, bridge, the Lord Mayor of London, and z bas- been un. a comn2ýttee of ffistinguisheil noblemen when the-ený -and gentlemen- dmilig the may6r-alty, Of dicovered by Alderman Besley, sa - a testijnonial th Searching for markthe feeling entertained towards and near its the Canadian acti ýleton of a man alty and ve militia fàr- the-loy- Valour displayed by -thera Ju L'ad a sera 0 ýepe!ne Fenian attacks on the -&-- _ Ik 9 'Richard Sol. ciig.ooi.oregpotuhaeolienterMesotronomf etphté paenod. ;bjýttt i d" tthhay desired 1:10 (Mr- oi-,v-- - --ey aé ii ne wore taix- 'Mt., and thst the p lis do Vý,,àlo-MsrY "sy of V Ji t notwithstanding all Mr. 9. S. Campbell, of Pick * 9 'Will 10, OPen for Fr0s1ý ih# Birmingh,= au si or terni ints again erm 0 Vov. 29th, Brown, Janet MoDermid, ple, The same policy lad bel pur- th Mr. M one duy ouly, from niue Louisa Deh C at dsui: said to the contrary, the made soins very goodo po cDou all'Ê 0 clook, a. m., Dày'o XUOIC HALL Comie dUett. art, and El lizaboth Bol oued, it would,,be, récollectea, by the sua,1124ceouvernineut had any power Mr., Gibbs ; iustancing to five Ol P. m. The followinà lits, they rank high Ontario Government. So strong were 1 al r the set of Conféderation. And charge of extrava than any OthOr The Elêct-ô-rf-i-àll'OüÏd rèmemb that, the Mi gisla 0 nt in building the ter- or nistry in the local'Le ' ture wever the lawyers miéfit the Governme are the polling places in the aSorent >iîîormers Who liave yet ap. junderýthepreâçnt election law, there thst they, -thouiht they coulif violate strain the law to the contra divisions:- potred m Birn IM, h Their d ry, that the colonial, and dwelling upon, the,, MUT Wntrny. mes, sung will be but one day's polling, instesd of the conotiintion of t4 Countrywith im. en are new, and 1 P lie Im= * i eublie danger of entrusting men, who nity. - They took the money of the C ýsrIiamel and t ave selves so corru pu ParIrm doue coula h ad proved thein pt in No. 1--Cadar Dale Warehouse, op. of COUÙcahtY, Without extra ense pel of Oiitazie by the aid of a serville the set; that WithOlproggion, and with a keen s two days,'ag in 1867. the machinery o the ut lie past, with unlimited power m the. à buffoonozy or course allusions, va«ant posite 0.1 T. B. station, Codar, Dale; "Wlùoh mafority in parlisment ; but when the provided within itself the ý menus- of es-n7ing out of go gigautic an undertak- 1 No. %--jýçwn hall, Columbuo zdake them, agl to-aÏÏ-a-nd which SAD 1 ople came to les= what lied, been remedying any grievance under itý-ana ing . as the Canadiau Pacifie Railway. No. 0-So'hol hol Raglan., 04121 for the performersa hearty recop. The Tories are worl"g like Trojans, they rone they turned * the Ministers out, that it was never the intention, when Mr. White replied very effectively t tien wbell they al Bay; and told the representatives who had pas t, thst it should be in &ho pow. poffiting out where Mr. Gibbs had ab- WHITBY ýrowNsure. The Ã"âÏwa îsý8 gays Of the -And of it they brag and they boast; proved false to the trust réposéd in or minister of the 4y te aitet it negateil his flinctions as a 'member of 3 No. 1-ToU gâte " them thaftheir services weSe no longer at hie will. and disregard the constitu., Parlianient, and voted - with the Minis. a 1 grave' zl trol The last. entertaùlzuent by But, although 't'm a !"IgbOr 01 lm" unto relquired. And if the latp Government tien, which* was the security for the t the interests of lot 26, 4th concession Mr. and bfra. Bremian elqualled, in the - them, of Ontario were cond»miàed for usurp- rights of alL The precedent in thiqýre. SrÃ"yuitnh Oonptpaorsiiotiaound ttohe Dominion. The No, %-Town hall, Brooklin attendance, 00 àr as niiiÏbers and res. It will Prove' te bc "Low's Labor Lost." ing the power of parlièment in the ex- opect lie feared was a most dangérous thirty miWons of monoy towards the c No. 0-School house, Ashburn. ctability, were concerned, their firet. penditure of one million of dollars, how one; the effect was, tUat there was né building of the Pacifie, lie se, was but PICKERING. eho Bink Music Rail wu literg1ly CABLE SCREW winE Boots and Shoes di Dnuc,,.m,,re d the Ooverrment of the security for any of weaker provinces, thel end of the wedge, for judging ii crowded on Saturday el lagt, and are sure te supersode al, others bocause su, dogme to No., 1-Union 'Ochool house, lot 1, the performances lic be condemned for and that even Nova Scotis, might yet tlif;Winistry by thelir past icts respect. 2ud concession - werb admirable. Mrs. they are the -mopt pliable-durable-do usur ing the right to expond, thirty be the firit to suffer froin the bad ex. ing the construction . of the Grand not rip or leak. Try them. Al, gnu_ millions and make sway with fifiy ample made in her favor. It waa lie Trank, the Governmont Building ut ai No. 2--Oràngo hall, 8th con. an -engaging manner, Who rapturousI miUioin'of acres of the- publie lands said, against this very danger, th&Ï the Ottawa, and the Iutercolonial, instesd NO- 8-TOmPerance halls ý Dallbu, recolved; and scaicelýy less 00 wu,; Miy jule gol are stamped. 80 What should bc the publie verdict in thirteen colonies, orl composing of the amount etopping at $80,000,000, Creek Anziie Reillys the charming 1 Nôrl their case? The saine prm*eiple should the United States, secÛred themse it was j No. 4-T.ýwri 1 Dublin Dan cracked bis à Ives, ust as likely to bc five or six P' iall, Brougham , whip es mal, 1;ýe» The elect'on for South Ontario be extended to thel . adne mous- when, in adopting a constitution, the times that al ai and )Ieinher Von Dunek showed clear. Ivill take place on Thur&ky next, 8th No. 5-School honsel elajemônt ; stice meted out tdom as to the had resolved that no change should be The proceedings was brol te a it, IY Onotlgh that " Irish humbu lire lo ou inst. Remember. only one day,» Pol- OtheýL1uo Thst hud n third vote of close-at mi lit. Mr. :ohù Philipe; ul theýdel of oulpabihty in rinade. in it, without a two. dnig 6--mocroigus schOêl, house, lot igh hiimbug, all âh liumbug.,,g' the case ot be 'Of ChAl 80, 8rd concession BrOl la4 montibned, but r. lings from 9*00 a. M. till 5,00 P. m. Wthe Dominion Goverament the pelqple, en donc ably discharged the dutici ' m ' * not least, Let overy friend of Mr. White vote, if was oc, much igrel An« if they in adopting the Conféderation set, be. As at Oshawa, the znoëtiiigàt Broug. nt1el solioot houe, lot usjesrt tO Perfection, and in pail ý go by the exporience of thé cause'it was the work of the Im riaL bain was a gain for Mr. White, and the co 82, î8thlconcession. blé permitted, to, gay tlint happy vote before noon is worth two after, tion of publie worke by -the Govera- a ,dýpende thio excellent troupe of artigts possible, before ton O'clock. ' One past înthé management and conotruc- Parliament--and of course Ca= as« Gibbs party are decidedly dol and of No. J.:-Mr. Cartwella Office to Meet'al ne we may 110Y Occuffiug a différent are-fait becoming despel cy we are Borry to part, and hope ment, the thirw ='"mous 0! dollars àW position tO tlWt Of - colonies to meet PREsÊÊTl TO, Xý F.ý,' LOCXIUËt. the fifty =illions ý 01 acres, loi, land now which had revolteil from the CrOl MEETING AT COLUMBUS. No.,2-To*n han; -_ 1-11, 11, , f- , - Esq- . 71 veàamgîncîîîgýt-Oàj' pro -given away wau but the But,,%U the, sanie, in the one casolt re. aeý '?i4oço w7oj 0 0 we quire , a two thâd vote of the ý e0plé, té dorson thea=Udpwnio Of the An end oi.th dge, p AfNr., Gibbs'o meeting, hold'at Col- of itiii ý, f ho, Mr. of ffýwh an under change the titut', :11 umbus on Monday evel thçre were 'yp- Domina Co0w 4aking Unk:n lgtmdà ý,'8ch6M (Ëuzz 'As Whité held, in the other, it relquired, &bout 400personsprésel ÙW=a* It we Greanwoodfýîday"' 'týlýday - Il To" oy, wiMlly, Ang, 2nd. fur. of an instance dýtldo,, there, was 4he ex sanction of the weré supporl V last in the', a the Imperial Gâvelà. Of *hOm, 10 f Mr. g- bb"Z aPI No. 1-Mechanics, hall Mi'È Wilwz The late superint peu , e of 00 g solomniy adopted, for the Dominion' notimetin the Grand Trunks ment to change brought Mr. GibUs the constitution Oshawa No. 2--Skatinlr:rltk-,Dtm as strole Oshawa, Sâtl August 8rd - unt Mr, K. F- LOckhartwas pro enif that cost thrale ol times more thau and Mr. Glen spoke on the Government dir No. 8--Town'Ull. t, (Mr,, WhIte.) ý, 9 -- 1 with an address and' sented was ertimâtéds;ýAl which, yeal lie next roforred to «the #220100o, secret. oide, Messrs. White and' Farewell on dis Dnnbal Mgndsly, Ang, 5th. a h8ndu0me Pie- -year,. and session aîter session they service fund, whiéh the Governirient ro- thst of the opposition, The Oshawal nez (Mr. to 1 bible end-Mn. Loilchart with a found Y applications for Government lused to account for, contrary to the peol eý ewere, somewhat too demonstra. ly u grants of aR kinds., practil in. England,, where every item ti- * theïr eihibitions of appr North Ontario. bc tifui wrifing deok as a token of lol subl and ve m -0ýal and sue Claremont, Tuesdsy, Aug, &h. (Mr. of the orect, of a dûiitar fund was audited. And lie ihat- Mr. Doo- suc thel shoctionste regarL H@1instanéedýai» the cost disipprol inuch go The returni4ý Oincorl lý40e ion of the Purliament buildings. The ailded thaf if it had been legitùnàtelv little, of ýCOIumbüs, hàd i remind them -pro ]R6Y]2Oldg, has- recoived M,&TCu-i lacrogge match - --------- estimateil coit there was-,$000,WQ ;- but exponded, w4y should. there be any OS. that ilie meetl a meeting ý of the for, smuor-Soiroot.-Attentic;ý is direct. wag--played,,Dà the ' find--that th -le jection te let a momber of what did thev el :Oot the 0 051- eople of Columbus, ýwho degired to North OÙ&rio- and iuu*4 bis prol groandet eue about t1iiele biüfiono' of dollars or tien sworn to seerlec3iý examine tLp 9 1 0 ac- ear *hàt the 'candidates had to gay, by' tion thcreupdýr. The no Po ed-to the anloouu«inent of-the opel bel du Fr!4ý àl î lut bet1ween, nearlyfmr. times, the amonnt ôf the count. ' The salar a #50ýffl - t'O the ma - that, - ina" iï as the Ol PUI-1 §»AeýIând"î - . .!, , ;,ýý'I' 1 su cauville, for wldclî p le, takëvwo,*t,»@ yAligepf iblebi f - . mah wuld tell Governýr Gel sàoOl îýàr children -by Mil thîjuýéXùIe ilubi Éttzio Mr. Gibbs gentlemen hàd alroady hourd tl e ' ak q-p. _ni- *tby, Thé IÂËér"ëà OZ the wit of build- voted,*henfftWb vouMhéveauMéed, oz% iliey enot to allow thë ne b B Brock, on T.ueoâay, as the "me priviloge. 0 mat- waw 4n spokte tL _y. giWeiL wàs a1sjý objecteil to by Mrý the puifio',R4wày,ýÙm White, The ey lied no- survol rdite' laiti týo, jüncli tio emswýeu ;%wu, âcïb. 1 MXý dtjx commg as rî. ýr*WedWe'-the assault case (the an& vas jcI1Qýâ jéà,ý Mt ot*o Mâla4o ét tw h"-. uâin people hm it =uèdeý,Y ci WeùîYý uà -toliaireiL ci. 1 peetive, Ël- - :- - « ý ýL"L'La 01 tue - res- [ty Ru Officer = e rov'nSs Only, Who arë n"' "Rang, - and 1tý Members of the force, an& L fight took "0 for at jeast One year _ of thé'com. miédiately proviens ta the 119 in, - un- the loft eye. au who eau be certifi Y, 1872, 1 le- PerfOrmed the annual ed ta as baving M 'doorway iind,'îvto hav drillfor that er by a. $hot year :jo. 1 1 11180 Pa"ea through the jýC ProBelilled cýnrsu:-O£ ýtarget practice. bAehnolotfoffisueeüh as were bona fideý mem. ctjve;ý mffi,îa fo iüa, eut 1 1 m 1870,and have r the year iug in wait. duce retired thorjjýý. M tremen8 2ud. Snider rifle only ta be used in 119 over the this competitiOný -Rangesto be 2W, L ?oral miner r'baoU()gaend 600î Vrd"' fve h-ts at each .ýnding of -' Returus of names.Of- winnèIS, with 'vertý some detaÃœ Scores of eae" *be sent ta the tAdjutant General-st Igeadquartj, at me"rindi. ý ho termination Of each competitjo;ý following 1 DzoPERATE AFFUy.- At Lo2an, iule Lwi, county, jows ai W"r"k killed S»phn Hyde bB ý card, Wolrick wâs a butéher, jýnd had been: n the 'of 8ûchrv with llya,,, es being a dôllar'ï, worth nô Boad, P SYMM a gam In "wa' "am- A--clmge'of eh f bee lims eat'ng ý elf in led ta 2"*'*"au- was dca fiàhtdurmg Whieh tfie,ýtbbig inst. Re ne. The Conneil Bluffi Non ae eil sSYs:ý " Düring the parý uP two Used alutchej kefo, the flgbt -Weirieh Me of *lùleh 'A bOuse -was six incheg Joug. ýVith thb ta sen out ho etabbed jffyde in we', thé thigh, in the bat State. aide of his bod and M« his brene. BY mfortable the',last -71- a ile hol" intoH 1 woun the knife wu plunged .*de'sbreaottothe'hantlle. Hyde I ta "effle had, Weïrich bythe throat at the uld act go same timel and was choidng him go rleàtrýY to death tbat -ho was black in the 'dd"t'ed face, and hie tangue protruded four or Muence f1vo, incbes from his mouth. Indeed, in, No' Welriell would probabl toalc te choked ta desth by hi8 dy - have been y:ing :Coe lad vezy net the by-stander§ torn the latter from M.t ta a his hala. As Ilyde was taken off, ho eàerviii èxClÉmed Tar God's E; 1 ýajS jet me IdU told ýhfm'forhéh&s-killed-mej' Re then thinggý ý1é11'baek and diel ýümOst ibotantly. le then In the first stage of ille-conflict, Wèirich Ind bid atýempted ta g7asp a butcher kniËe- 6 ýO thell the fight being in the latterla butcher his son Rhop -but ilis ant onist pushed«-bizn miniltes away from it, thouz ili doing 80, ho ýýed hini within resch of another. CBnag; The symps'thies of the oommuliiity are, verdict dividid- ,tam The Prusiau Band has elcared $45,. WO st the Jubilce and other in United

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