Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jun 1872, p. 2

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by tire Yùdiessfc 8*g Use Co=n iu eafflng, usm r. -thse stier. NL.Y Si 5o PER ANNUM. ty, Thiirsdmy, June, 27, 1872. aa of ettr towii e*dan, tihe.letten et IlA Pickern g'teiservative' int The Ciaimseof ii. Casiddtes. We admit th4t, lu coesiderin< Use lainsM otise candtidates for Poutis Ontario,. Mnr. WIùte cen iay tee daimâ r o seupport on thse gm~utthatishoshm tiegradei tise cisurdlito-whhcis hoe e. - longs, hbr ofenlng bribes te uts ment- lions; on by osientetieuly-giving avay large sabseiptions lovants Use biuild.- ing cf chacise, att eailoing tise mn. bers ceunecti wth isentte çosai aay- -Mn., White lias ittdeecendeti te tuke tos.snwonlliy apart ,tep $useek 4 cornapt tishe usborsetf"tise.clueh l willi whicis liestands connccted,iYor tlisesake of geessing -tieir votes JI op- position ta tlidýr . ptisniple. M. Whtite, iD tlsereilee-tlias been satin- fleel te follow tise scriptus-ai nul., by liai letting hie i eft lhantiknow visai hieis ighi ebndi leoil. Mr. Wh-libse tnot secîtreel a seat ih a l'ant y tlttses awortiny meane, in ondes- t) 'gfirte e levisin sappeni te a cerntpt and priigatc goviesinnett. Ms. White, if i-l sen oe icalianntwould scarceey lhe tise tna tlItiwesldlbe loui atispport- issg a govennment tisai veniti soU bis Ceueniry, sns! hiei cottenisy's nigistu, for a - nt-sco<f pcttagtie4astise ps-sent Gof- erlt-njteseshave dotne ii tise Wasinigton Trt-îty isesimesâ. Ms. White v-cuit notlsuippoert et gvenanet tisai wenld e-necons-sgeIoniens saide, anti grant isiiinihiiiity tee arinelets-ble, eund et- isteit-l mterens, as tise prsont Gcv- ertunlueit havé- <bue isnaitoba. -Mn. Whnte- weul isesiencourage lis fellov me-n te, violete te sacretinesu cf an esth, Ley irst bribing tisenttnd tisen iciberatoiy Allowiag tisen t fore- ii-esrtirilontelvos. Mr. White v-cuit -net supponi e Goves-ntont tisai keeps ilself is power by corrnuptioîn anti joli. la-ny, iu tIse uildling cf lt a tercl. cesissi iluway-tliat venit dischange luesî'i t egineets becaslie iiîy couldt no tedte mateie tels of, os- play inte tise lunnis tof Geveruinenni coats-cettre,. -Mr. Wh'iite, wotildtl fot support a Goveru- mett t uns-rpsaltefuncticas cf pan- birin entntirer te topen up a flch cof gigaîtLie Itimîster. in tise building cf tise PletleiSIlieiway. Ms-. Witie vosit limet supeport e (lesenstens tisai refaseti lic gies île cunetry ais honosi lecticn iss fir tt- lerc-setiton cf Icibony. Mn. NWiiite weeld ntt suppor-t a Govern- ite-et tultt, ile tise redisribution of soie - ils) inîsttew, riulti ierpelrete open hue.jiiet- saned fraunl cpon tise coustitu- itit'resu, iser tcrl serve pesty pus-pes. Miltee tiinge Mn. Gilbs caay u-iîi t lievisg one. If te lectors tef7 iintîs i O net i eire thias-pespeina- tiose, tey taln contitne Mr. Gibbs iD lel.,-istciit. If they srant sucli e state tut titiges tg) fuinete, tisey yul l oet BoIt Falsification is. TIlLEMAN WVHITE AND THE V'OLUNTEERS. les aasees-te tise chias-go bronghi ;iai-t Ms. Gitib's Oshawa ergan, cf trvjisentiitg j Mn. %Witet losiion iis-efùeeneees te-thse Velunteers, thse [,'itiîcaler seke tu jistify ils mie- sise-neues1>-ittsg witcit cilegos tee, eui a repor' t f Mn. WVise'à speech iute1111, 187t, frotu tise coltue sof Noiilt creport teastpretestdrd to i, ltei,9îe tby fthe riniator ceas Jr. IV/e stes eer peeceet for, or pb lîalcd jeu fthe colîcsssnucf Tins Cinsons ICLY. S- Tisersors- is wisolly andt selely tisai offtise Viudicetzr, hii vitichs papes- il wutss pritet tint publighoeq. We es-e not, howover, altogotses- froec fr ontliante fer gving-tise editer of tise Viudhetor noe excuse for hie faleeltoocti. But, it le eue oM viicisne honsorable jeennailsi oulti seek te tîvail hituself. Dtsrng tise bttes- part of tise session, bing vos-y mach presseet r wu.Isslusies3 la T«EtsCstgeuucn.office,- - - - andt tie Visdieator -cominig out ni day cas-lies- titanlsis jcurnal, v-e agreedt t -- -accepi a ilicaant coies cf lie report, r as prinetlu tise -Vitdiceto, aneu - mîiclisv-ose untoritoodtote e a moe- tranecipi cf tise report cf tise formai procedinga' cf tisecouaciL. Those vere supplie-t eut pait fs- ai tise tinte. e Tley vote prnted lu tise Viadicatec office, fDont tise. t3eeoMtisaipapes-, aut -- - fus-ulilsi lise readereof Tas Cimen teLs, es a supplensent, vutiste expia- nation. Tisay neyer appearet Ii the r - reglar coumue cf ihis journal, sud more net ,neponteti for h, uasany eone e aui sec liy refenenc o te sefle. cf Tis eCstosccLs. Aftcs-v-rds, v-e learuet ieov inaccurete vas Use sanse report, for visicis ve pai as -a faititful tran- s cip cf tise proeetdinge cf île ÙCout Coteseil. The otites- cf tise Viitdicatcr ual ouly distested Mn. Wlite's vorse r- atnd. olteinot mney front. us undes- r- falieo pseteacos, but Use sente ingenions rt r eiltn,.(lfs-sylmg palpites- ibai ho is') nov seckS.te fasten upent Tm asoNs.r leu, tise pates-aiy Mo hieucv-n lyiug neoet. Conldinusuacity go 'farlq p 111ilsaimons' asld as Wm. GiMua' tatenttabout tae #50W sesapn te the Vlùaterr bled, vhicis vas neyer snbscgibe or paid, a" wlh wsv-uo r inligqiaatXy dew=otict ly Ur'.'Pro" tote çhamesful duofume4*s fbc ~Illdile lit toe ct-sisuch - faI~eavi-1u4gnm&iAL Tisa caltSnmy -filspmid-tis4 pisei at iisrorsgls Usapublile.vsins bai«eats antidote, eaup vert*4o , sud thisl au tb is seugit to eli omlse The i"_ f. Gibbu-metlt b. *.al c eahsaahimuqaesp4 Addlng mIs Xfodyin botis Oshaewa a y tM. Wiite was to - &nM Dr. Teteker ome oout as Pendent candidate. Somne Wiste's fiandsMa e 'ith liiipr ects suid re ongis to do .ythg to boat Mr,-ffbs, but wetbsluktiat ts is idne Of thse tisinéx tht is tu blc do Mr. nhîto-s in net tise man totresigu a nomiuetiàn for wli4 lie lias lisent workiug for! nsarly twasty yearsand Dr TUcketÏ la toe honorible ansi toe wi-se to per.- mit iiniaci to e"uuedau a toolby' men wiso woulà kick but. aside as cocu as, heolied served tlieir purpose, Neltiser 1could the, Reforma perty lie carnied intoesue a e roject. -tonte of tise lesderÃŽ would go iute it - â"afly enoisgi, but tise najority wcs'i be rollediM tise mtd for nothing." Se esyu lbi. Gibbei's verecions organ. This deep ,cncoms for Dector'.Taucher, OU tise part of tise hypocitical Vsnli- oawe, ydnzt bc e source of 'týweei*f te tb6t gentieman. Yes; Dr. Tueken fa tee honorabe aSU4 tee, wise tO rmit hizmlf te o cMee atool cf anny uno. Neither, we are sure, lme Dr. Tacker foJrgottein tisesinsuling trettent receiveti by hlm et tise isande of Mr. Gilbs. Tise Do&tLor le eearceiy tise mass te dieregerd an un- repentetiinsut te lis personal isonor. We seid inl '67, wlies Dr. Tacher was treatel-se cavalierly by tise Gibtises, tisat tise day would conte wiîea tiey would have cause te regret tiseir de- citfal course towards hain. It lias now arrived, e sd thte man wossid be more-or lese-tisea moitai to forget or fongiye it. Tisé lreeunnptien of1 Mr. Gibb's paper la dragging la tise name of Dr. Tucker in thse manner it dees wlll oaly serve tiselitter te revive in that gentlemaen's recollectien thse events cf sixty-seven. The Boston Jubilee. Tise tremendone tisunder of masc nt tise Boston Jaisilee stiil attracte its tens cf theusaude cf spectetors. Ycsterday tise collecte was filet te overflowing. Over 5,000 people were turneti away fronthtie doors. Twe:ty tiosenut tickets for standing room werc oiti. Tise audience estintee at 70,000. CHANGES IN TEE ONTRIG -sBANK< AoENqCY.-Mr. Thsomas Do*, so long aend se favorably known iD couneetion witis the bankIg business ine Whitby, Iesbeen appointi Manager of tise Ontario Bankh lire ia tise place of Mr. Leekisent, whe lias nesignet tise posi- tien lu order te take charge, as cassiser, cf the newiy charterced St. Lýawrence B3auk, Toronto. Mn. Dowi bring!t an experiesîce extend- ing over ' a period of twenty years, and an emonnt cf valuable infon-mitiots ne- qired elsring tisat tinte te Lie id, whicit muet render hie aew duties quite familiar toiim--and wici, with hie cisaracter fosr caution and dserption, coupled witli an obliging courtcsy of .manner, emisentl1y qualify husn-for >t: satisfactory discliarge of tise dutiseand responsiblities of thse office. A Distinction wthout a Difference. Ný. Gilbee friends admit that Lie je onte of the parties îsaluîed in, und -applyiag for a charter to build thse Pacifie Uailway, or a portion of il. And yet his Oshawa organt tells i that bèCausie "i..No comýpany Lias or iii in thse posi- ton to receive tise assurance of obtain. ing tise above contrt ;" and "No .company looking toward titi obeetlias yet anythuxng more-tisan.pi-« visional directore : Mr. Gilbs (beiîtg only a provik- ionisi director) je "able to give'a freü, untransmelled and dispassionate vote: If tise editor -of thse Vitdi.-atore. preaching bc no btter titan hie logic, or no purer than hie political rmoralfm, we pity the congregation to whichi lie liolde forth. The Washington Treaty. Thse Geneva Arbitrators keep their deliberations secret. It lise transpired that tise Arbitrators consider thn case of tise Amesicn Goverument for indi- rect dlaims untenabie. Death of Mr. Wm. jeffrey., Mr. William Jeffrey expired a t hie residence, Lynde'e Crecis, on Saturday lest. He lied been a long time ailing, haviug licou confined to hie room the lest eight yeara; Tise romaine were interred in the Union Burial ground, ou Mosly last; the large funerai cor- tege being accompauied, -by a great numnber of relatives anui friends. Mr. Jeffrey wae a native of Twyzei,' iNorthumberland, Euglaud. IHo' came to tis country 18 years ego, anud resiti- ed ou hie fiaefonm, at Lynde's- Creek, up to thse tite of hie <etir. Mr:eff. r.y was a well kaown stock-breeder, wisose harde and fdocks have carrieti off uny prizes, and was particuiarly nioteci for his pri7e Leicester slieep. In this respeet, thse family reputation. lias beeu well meateineti by hie sons. Tise deceaseti gentleman was iu hie 78rd. year. Heoll eîta widow andi six sons, surviving htn--ail tise latter being.grown up, and wel-to-d isn tise worid. THE NuGoAeA CAszp.-Meuy of tise frients anti relatives of tise meinhere of tise 84th Battalion took advautage of tise excursions iy -tise steamer Norse- an»on Friday and' Montiey lest to visit tise camp. Tise trip on botis oc- casions was a deligitful one ; tise westiscr being all tisat conldble desired, a ud . Capt&i*AMtrter andi the Pureer, X.r. George Newland, leaving notiing undona or unprovlded to sectro tise Oomnfort :of tisaexcurionists by thse "sman. 4 5 waaexpecte4 ,ever. Wss own to visitons by tise o0kers sund mess of tis e8th,.Tise Baudet -thisitanie M ofle-waiiee, accompaniedtise excureloulete to tise. bo4t, u~dy u ~ae rea excellet piees Up to -the steuusgr'ss dpsrlture. At ton o'clock in t~he even- ineq The. cmps are bing týoisen up se ;uf 0thtthe 1 I >o<l so*er boys" Wtqs b~e xpeçteti incse before tis 1 teck, plàeeon 6n i4y 0enflng Ilst~,a tise St. L wsne Ù9,14 otrfaIlTis lnenquet wes deisoi t iet~ J.Hl auiroy .'l th usligitesitiegrceecf attention or res-- assumedth ie whcle powenranti respon- peet. it dstinctive featusies wcre an sibiity cf iccatlng tise nced as tliey arrogant assumption cf propleic poýw-- «jaset. Yet iwas tie Prôvince of es-, course ailisns te is enentie ast Ontario. tisat wonlti have te fannisis tjse prosecutere, inierierdeti isre andtisere greeten, portion cf tise mùeans towards- -witlt slang phrases anti anoeceasionai tise epns ln isômpsea next tondis of pnofaaiiy, anti a tetaliseegnirt reforne t thie meastune for, tie redis.ý cof tise sisuplesi miles cf Englis graint- tnilinticil cf seats, antid so- , ya man. - Ugterueatis cli tise, titugli referenco te façts TId»iare ow manifeeteti lese in s-worstietian in tonjulsti il-was. ana that instoad oet bing anti manuer, sves plainly tisicrnilile a e ain noedittiuticn, giviDg those fainly, nevenge againet tisose wvio bai lieca entiieti teo it encreaseti reprieatation, instruseniai in liringing client tise ne- il sais only designoi te serve at Iceai prosecutions. Tie impression onde. Ontario, iê' sait, _ ws. zuuecei was, euly ýhlelteotiby1 bis Obvions letweeu tise other Provinces east ,efforts attise repressien cf bis rossi son- anti west. lu Uste cases cf Bnitisis timents, anti net a few Gentiles leh it e Columbia nlat )Iqpiteba thsa'con- tabernacle devouiiy thankful that they ttitution was violteIÃŽ by givÇug thii still hadthUe protection of Use Fètierai a greater isimabe-r'M nè'preéeuttivcs Juc&chary anti Gem. Morrcw's regimnt titanU stey*wr entitia t te e- -of luer-càetg et Camp Donla. -- cehve ois o eèu~e t thrqq poesesingthe 4owen MA te ptaus, Tx)tB!LE MATRecniz.-Bnffsslo, June secureàt Usse àà ute~ vÃ"es, fbr -the, - 2,-Yatsda-afernonPptriek Mor- Provic en oeftsd by-ise expqtiditure. rssee,-lu hiesnmotises larding lieuse,_ te -iiciOntariohaid le coutibste the whiie 'siseiras preparing t inuer, gct greatedt n He-eneint n<erre4. inte at tran àIf se-us lienë, smaté4sd t< Use 1 - à8 -IIeàty,- ainsa tise a5 cars'sng-knife fnoismlier hu 'hai iuing lup ef the fishenios, seidth ie Gos'- stetisadro h eTeiwf nhnif oé*c a'uabn ,éu e ad tostifyiag te tise Governor-eneral, op" xbsdï Bsns . BFem 3. . .1A. Sangte ,G. Whoer, J.B ie departu.re fz95U, titis coutry, thier 3. Diey J. Perey, B. Parker, J. icumseof, Lié higli.chaater of dignity, Sherrard, J. Hewitt" I. G.Crosby, and coxntésy anti abllity sethis h eis T. G<oulti reprcseutîsti the Sovereign, anti their Scott- Mesur., J. K. Vernons,- A. regret et hie retinentent. 'Tise invita- Qi P ~ ;ap J.-Pliuipg Or'mroâ A.olTanner. tipuen taws heit eut te tish iee Mea a-antid nt-.esn.A. Kent. wae, ves-y cortialiy respoadedti, anti nedy, P. Warren, 'J. Wadtell, J. Mr, fit. Lawrence lialpreseateti a brilliaut Ras. P. Giielsuet, and ýN. Thonmpàon appearance.os tise occasion. Tise chair JThorantMee, . obinsn, . wae occupietihy Sir Hli ais b,.in Frtezr G r. ValJ. rfce tise unavoidall absence cf IHie s r Wm. Cochirane, anti J. O. Baker. - slp tise Mayor ; ou hbie iglt were Scugcg-Mces. W. Traylor and D.- ELord iegar, Geso. '.-. Ca rtier, Si Fran. Bateman. cie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h HÛskleP eitlei o. ~ Ts omination cf candidates was, cis'4uèsno. . ithellýn- S.thon proceotetiwitis. Tisey weno: Mn. L. ilty, iouDr.Tapten ani Hn.Charle Robimmc,i-of -Beevertoui Mn. iCi. ~ n, iL otn nhie leftwiere Sir, t~s enin fMancheste; 3Mn. Hastinge Doyle, lions. L. rnýAlexlàtier Kennedy, d c rtr; IM?- Mr.Dar, Cnsl Gnerl o'to UiteýlJoisnHall Thompeenr, cf Brook ; Mn. Mn.Den, Cnsl (encal f iseUniet Josepis Gonit, cf Uxbridge ; Mn. Tises States; lHOU. A. Casmpell, I>ostnaster iPaxton, .-. P. ', anti Dr. Martin, cf Genenal; Hon. J. H. Pope. Mn. Hes-- Port P>rry ; Mr. Wiseeier, ot Uxlinidge. bort, M.P., froin Engiant; Mn. Dos-ion, 'Tise maný lied acte cf tise Govenu. anmd nany otites proisstent genulenen ment svene criticized anti sevenely con- detismnedti h ie several candidates, Whso we rc rscnt. Leiters of apulogy wes-e s 'k y ita receiveti frointirn Johin A. Mactionali, Mn. Tisempeen, in piacing hie par- tise Spe-ahen (if tise Hoase of Cdumonis, linsentas-y record liefore thec conven- tise LAeat.-Govcrnor cf tise province of tien, alladet te tise greatiny matters Ontario, Letut.-Governor 'of tise Pro- cf importance tisailied takoen pitico turing tisefive ycare cf bis penliansent- vince cf Quebteie, Jos. liowe, lion. Il. ary cancer. lie regretteti that mny L. LangesVin, lion. Mn. Aikeus, Hon. useasures'wlsicislho wonlti like te have A. Morris, lion. Jos. E. Caucisou,.iIon. acu pesset, anti whicis woulti have J. C. Ciapais anti loe. E. Blake. prevei mott hneficial te tise Domtin- ieu, lieu been votei dewnisy tisenta- DsscstAuGocn. - We learn frein tise Jenity coatreileti ly tise Gover lieeht. Héliaid, lie sait, as'fan as bis judgteut London Fret. Pre8tisai Geo. Heriey, servetd ini, voteti for tise besi intenests tise one-ermet ma, Who, il ivilil e of tise Domtinicn, irrospective of-party remembereti, was asrestei.isere fer -hé repeateti irrespective cf <paty, forgenqy bat sultsequnstly dischengcd, becauso, lie sait, taisanl ail tisetee- ant innmcdatey ftewa-dearesîtisures proposet liy tise Refont penny, and1 imodatey atewars' rretei jant in lual tise yolesgivon liy Usent, by tise Chef of Poic-of Londeon ont ticy ihaîtitise inteneets cf tise country et sispicipa cf conspicity lu passing liscat. lie was ps-epared te follcw in forgeel drafts on sente London bnok- that couree if eloctet. (Cheers.). -Ho erslia alo bed.disciarred-onthewcnld netlie bia"et te do wisat ras, ors, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n itsas cledsia-e n Iew-u Ant i vletiser tise uminec c&f lattet change, the' Coun1sel for tise con-thl convention or not, lie was prepýreèt jpiai4iauîs net isaving sufficient evidence to support any gentlemen receiving tise te warrant isusih detaisin" tihe ns- nomination tisai wcuil carry eut tise cused.eanie views. (Ciseens.) In tise earier cuse. _______________ part of iii career iD panianieut tise FiEaza- anrcoeeAdestructive expeuiliture cf a lange sant cf money on a gigantie scalo liecame necessany. fine occurreil et Cannin en tist5 Hte aludedto thie bail - fg cf tise Inter- torning cf Metndcy ast, tiesiroyiug colonial Ecilway. The Refont party tise plainhng mille of Mn. Johin Cox- wene axions tisait tat noati shoulti be wort, waich lid bu ntceuty ben uili on tise mosteconemLical principles, 3lO0 anti were tiosircue that ishouit ho se enetet. Tise lose je about S3,00,on ihil se as te conneoçi edvantteously wlnici tlisent-was ne insurntc. witlithtinoLowcn Prcviuces-ithoso ne- - -- 10 moto portions cf tise Dominion. Titis, BBatat'S* STRIei.-À e otg rant froin unfortnnaiely, tliey were stable te New York scys tlisaitise harlees cf 1le effeet ; for, insteati cf building tisernad 7100 sisops in tisai city stnssck work on economicaliy, a route almost a perfect Mouay ornngfor tleurboinheure otrele, wase cisen, costing tweutytmi- 1I.îouday ntoan tinnt-licite cf dollars, whscne eigist milios front 7 a.sn. te t8 ïk wiltan i .v(rjnsl(-lhave aulpiy sufficeti, ad cut oef for ' insses. Tin- edri- -lidscancehy "reatie-r benefit te tise Province cf Ou- inangeincteti wliess 1,200 cf tise siosp, acceeticth ie deryluantIe cf tisenmen. tan-no. But tise Goveranneet carniet Tis emiseee f fs-e- lundeîieeiopsilrougis tiein more extravagant plan, are stliiou strile. t - areue eran nti r of Asesîvx. s' ent Dur~si~-heSupporiens cf tise jGovennrwsnt weuid AuniAL r Lon D.vFij. have h eu i os-don te subsenve tliein tiehankation ef Lond ands Ladly 1>nferin, own pt-ssouci onde. Andtihie Province anst Suite iook plasce et Qeece yester- of Onutas-ie, svhshhalied 10pey tise langer .4ay, when !lis Excciicnse was neeiveel proportion of tise taxes, was olligedt t ly ilse sncmieas of tise Goverssuent, sinnut te tise iniquuty of sucis n pro- andi ncpresenithtive pliblic ebudies, ivitis ceedhigý. Ih isadbheon expresset ci tino tinte of Confièeation tisai srnoglistise sutalle slemonslratieess ci weAcotflC patrolsage of tiij Large oxpendtihsre cf and'se:spect. moety tise Govornssnt woulti bc en- - --- - chiet to hodt office for ton years, anti CRICKTia Mrte-. etteit llltween tti-ylisaticertcinly made tise asocf tise Uxbridgc criý:jclu dinhii tise On- lineir sharnefil neisesse cf patronage. rei luc itie tn. îh pae At tise present dsy tise construction of tises Pacifie lidilwtsy woniti place iD tise ai Uxldeidgc 5*ii-na-n 05itittiiitiiilDav. IIcoisoh cf tiseGoves-aneat an enor- IJ D1-i Ameseexpeteditune, euand ihis.îinepito Ixetmn s A tT'tiei~. M. 3~s-of ail rnuonsinansce, tise Goverasuent solis, tinsownier of tise' Stalliettli pilîursued the- plans ef netaining ail tise lcs-iteVs-l njemni ,, tisai power ove-r tino expeeatture, anti diste anmai on Tnesday cf lest sveok, ai patroage tu tiesces Inetif * 1 in- g plat tise disposai cf thc Pan- Sunder-lasndi- 'fis- ioeree -c!atînglit Mr. itattl-(iettof tise country, il was placet et B. iear ttii lii5bit ïll ie 1555ette, ani tihi- uispeesis cf tise Exeuive Council,ý lifting jIns iifrotis tish rtsitJl e iu'ilttet i xl' tesfoi-in compeniei;ati charter severci v. -î thesti fer tise bsilding cf tise Roct, but l, give ouet, i tisein pieceure, tise con- Genaxn I)PLt:AtSULstExîuîesîi tracts wititout comini blefore Paslia- llCIFTtctest.-Atentiorit lecîtteil toes nt.îî Tut-y olicineti te theontelves theltee powver oves-tise exeeutture cdvi. in cuis-r cohumns, <f ltrthe euilwhut costuting tise legitimete body lelasnne etesresion te enaiîs las-tit-eto svic soisiti]laesth ie eveneigîicf it- lji pîresecrit itises great carnivai, fier tise reicresentatives of tise people. A thediýrî'uton f rizs.vasi numier of useasus-es which vouiti tisedîe4-ihnisîncf jtsce. have- ;oetvcdof great benofit te Ontario Cennty Coart. lit bhi-e-t voteet down, lecanse, witis cl this Ipatronsage- lu thoirbnsd, tise Gev- Tise follesviusg cases wes-c triesi ailsr eriintit wene cnachet teohtein tise we iadgoie t pe.5 lat wLk vote-e ofeneenhere. leie hsteecedth ie Hieqresvs. 'usejlhTlte svss ns eiii for tint-triai cf conltesteti eléetione - frlr.i 1.Saii le-lTiisy George in j",tIn- uegewieroby, ineteed cf go- inteu .1epi uieZdc-,lt y rg eg Cctise Hense cf Commens anti Tise systent, frequeutiy gets eut of enter anti sionili e et once reguiated, cisc otiser trpublcs will ensue; whems pisysic.is ineedeti take Parsnt Pargne tire Puis; -they are a idfe, wisoiesene, aântuîi aarleicine. Forty Ya<lxpnec have testeti the xirtues oM->. Wistar!gs-BaisentoM Wilti Cherry,- and itus now 'gcneraily ackncwletged te the lest nentedy ex- tant for puintcnary a8tiung dsee embracing tisewiole range front a liglitceldto teesettieti Consumption. Wherc it net for 'its ntelita hiiwoalt iong sinecehave "dieti,-and tase né CMo a o rd eventng liy àtea i m ý sino .f 1nte k-o n jâm sifrn.e selves te giLve thei best oupport -te thse neuminee of tise eonYéntlexs Mf suce", iu spite oM ail théô opsition 0f tise enenty, "a udiltiset tise livish Tise.Wûiby Gibb*-min; To t edilo? of the Whiibll Chroe» Cie.- SR:- Your rntrh ith refereace tetse osition wsih J.Gbeie tw stise, Western section of tise Bi îug ' 1 -Itrut5 ave due Wedg>t with the -electers M'Pickering. Tbt5 have. exactly stated the case. Justie<, or fair-play lies ngt beau g'ynea icher-. mng, nor any tse'4eWss -Itowa5d4t doing se, tbh xeny lngday. But not- satisfled oes 19tWis set sud tise ,Wost tise greed of tise', Gilibses ex- tondis alec te tise North,. Surely tise free sud thintking eisetors will have tise courage, as it la tiseir sluty, te xise up lu tiseir rnigist ad& break up this pretty arrangement matie for thse sggnandize- ment cf tise Gibbs family?- As respectestthe towii cf Whitliy, it ls apiz tisat tise people cf ycur good town sasouitipesit ID unumg a poli- csedetrintental te theïr own inter- e:Tise divisions cf your prontineut mess, andtir-enpersenai diffculties witis cacis' other, have iD tise peet bind- ed tisen totehie truc lutoreste cf tise town- Tise evancement- cf a tow-a comsty tewn--so fevorably sitttited as Whitby, muet have been setiiy negIeet- ed by those wlio shoulti li its pro. moters wheu we sce it so fer, ont- strippeti by its lees fnivorcd 'rivai, Oshsawa. But surely mea caunot lic 80 completely blindeti te wist tliey owe thenteelves, or se infatuateti ly Party predilictions as net te have sente glint- mIngcof a state cf thinge 50 plainiy learte outsiders, tiset ID electiDg Mn. Gibbse the are eleveting their rival et their =Ys expense ? It ought te le enongis for tise prçudent portion cf tise iscavily texeti retepayers cf Whitby te mark tise men cf your towu who are Mn. Gibbs's supporters, se as et once te decitierupon tise course they elieslti pursue. I venture te assert that e- monget tise test forward supporters cf tise Gibbs regivié, wil liec founti cithen men wiso have got office at hie bante, or wisc expert office front hint-men wlio have received promises, whis have been promiset bis influence te place, or other Governinent feàvors, or who either tiircctly or indirectly reep soet pecuniary benefit et tisé bande cf tise Messrs. Gibbe. Anti this muet lie douisly clear wlien yen sce tise sabe clase cof persens supotig tise eimis cf W. H. isstise Nertisas weii asT. N. iD tise Sentis. I dotic eony t1'at Mr. Gise may have honorable supporters lu your 'town wlio favor hie election front conscientions motives, but I do essent tisat tise great tejority will lie fonnd doing so front intenesteti motives, or tise hope cf pecssnieny gain. But one anti ail who do se are decitetly acting adversely te tise intereets of thein owa locality, or thcy cane so littie about tsent that tisoy are needy te sink thien t tisiMn. Gibbs nssy tise te great- er power anti importance, tise more fatally tît tura upon anti crash tisent heneath is eheel. - Yonrs trnly, A A PICKERIING CONSERVATIVE. Hasty Coneuraptien cureti by Fellows' Hypophsosphites, Canbouant, Newfoussd- land, Jan. 3, 1871. Mn. James I. Fel- lowe, Dean Sir: I camne te titis country lu May, 1869. 1 founti a coantrymnan of uine lebonrnigunuden sente affection cf tise luisig. I recemmeateci your syrnp, tiieti et tise Dnuggist iD Harbor Gtilce, but tliey thouglit I was mnventisig tise nianteet their oxpense. Howeven, in April, 18701, Mn. Edigar Joyce rapit- iy westeti eway witli eveny symptent cf qnick consuniption, so tisailie wa unu- able te welk across tise neent, saiug rue appetite, pains iD tise left side, ner- vous systemntunstnung,' dry, - hacking ceagis, &c. Fortunateiy I learnedt ta yous mp tconi lie obtainet at Mn. Deania'ne, in St. Johin's andti mmediate- iy procuretisente (shewed one te W. H. Tisompsen, who ortiee e a uppiy front yen et once). This was Tuesday alter- noce, et nigit he teck tise preecribeti doe, anti in tise norning lie tescnibeti tise vony nesuits ssotifseti on tise wnap- er. Hie apputite econ liega te retura, anti a vonaciosscoe h wastee; thse dry, isacking ceagis cisengei into looso but violent attache, flalytisappeaniug altegetiser; pains lefi hie side, hie haut asueantei te usuel steadiuese, anti le- off Use traok) andth U. rpassengene sus- telnet no injuny. ht is a meo u iguar Uing Ust aing ail Use numlben cf lillet ani vont, iet -us antv-c ex. cepto f,~z, Us diver, sud another tn, Uose injureti ditanet i utain ,the contuions;buithtise"at wee eyndedeecrptieus. A sihte feight sisal on saitiray en uassuflienat to u thUe strongesi nenves, matcroate a elg ofpt Uselwhardeas ani. Tienp, steio-aupots tresile -beda or usai- àsslispes the. loors-ougsitise ~ fil lerM looking, nilele asi~ .ehtinmr~aioi u is bsu fev othere onUthe tmain, v-ita tse, exception of tise ocua;1 ts cf Use -Pull- upau cas-, vhicis was fll Ail eut veR util oee oick iD tise' mtrigvsn about haif a veou -at cf Snnuietise flauge cf coecf tise fOre-ii'lseehs MUste locomotive broke., sud i went off the tracS on'tise loft- hant ieIteh Ue train, whiih vas ou a dojâ andthosn gocln, et tise rate O ufl Mis an ho un, vihicis cf course rendered i ontevuatidifficulit t = ee h n y 4ipicly tner cen- Teedriver, Hiblient, who vwas eue Mf thse lesi onthtie test, did' hius utý nmu; sut, as',la ;cuay 'in sch Cases' "neqversei;"but, iIfotunatelý, aU hiseffoàrts te avent tise impenting danger were narailing. Tise englue, Mien pnrsuin.g its career for sente dis- tance, cf course diaggmng Use freinefier it, finaily fell over tise e Iban'meni, v-hich ai that sot is about eighit fot bigis, faling vsits stc intckl- varda, 0t g airecty cross e ss econt 8l scar vas puide oves' on its siteAnd sas h capsizet il unforiunatoly euisitishe saft-valve anti tdoiecf Use englue, lineas.ng Uent bots, andi lettiug tiseie cmecotente cf tise bioler Ite Use car, anti aise into tise smoking car, v-hichdi sicoecf its. ondeslireken in. Tise seene et tise time ie desctibeti s tnnly ev-fnL. Tisemoat frighifal seeens aud crics ferrisolp roui Use air, andi fer a few toment, se dense vas tise steant anti se intense, Use heat, thai noc assistance culti l e ndered-tc tise unfortanate croatures v-ho wene beiDg gradnally bied te doatinlatisein woctien prisons. Ai lait thsnee bra-ve men, M li as-ny Neelsca, tise contactes- cf tise train, tise Pullman cas- conduci- or, visose naine dit not transpire, anti Mn. Robent Nelson llctty, v-caltclishe neecfie anti succeetietinlulilicratisg lise suftoners. srarsTsXNcrOF ANc EYE v-rrscsss. Mn. Betty made Use fdilov-ing etate- ment te cur reporter, san t igives e rer graphie accounnio! Use affair :-Ho sait : I nesito ai Peterlioroughi anti at manager for Mr. Watsen, v-lie las tise coniraci for building Use Dominion Teog epis inofrn that p lace tc Banni. Outisenigisi cf Aday last I toh tise train ai Port Hope, fer Bncck- ville, haring wits me eleren ton v-ho hati leen v-orkiug for me, anti te wiom 1 lied grantoi fqnn ticys lbave cf ab- sence te aMwv-of Usein visiting thisei fantilies; alMofisent liret inDtise Lov- er Province. Tley v-es-e ail steady,. uts-ci vonidsg mon. I was iu Use smoking car, anti efier remaining e short tite I vent inte Use secent-clase anti ashet my foremate Cornte uts te luto tle fi-cus part of tise train; but hoe deelinot te do se. I thon s-e- turnet ties-e alene- anti lay towu upon tise seat, v-hon I sutt denly foCt a jas-, as if soeteof tise cars in tie fore pas-t cf tise train weose tippiug oves-. I iniedt t opon tise windov- of lise cas- I v-as in, but iappeaneti telie jemmeti, aùdti1 gci eut of thse toor and s-an 10 soc vInai vas tise maties-, but fer c short tisme comM meot do se for Use tdonse Clont o! stoat. AMtos-e montent en lwo, I managedti t get to tise front cf tise train, anti freus Usese into Use uppes-- nicet side cf Use secouti-ciase car. I triedti teopen the windows; bui, int- ing I counntteose, s-a rondattethe phetform idle cf Uso smoking car, anti get a ercw-bas- oui cf a nutber wbicl iselcegedtote ur mes s. aw that lte cars wore I telesepeti."_ Itison cent- ntencedt t break Use windows cf tise second-chus Car, antiacrsai cf tise mon gel eut thneugl Usen. Iseisasiset iD Use dtos, tend as Use steans lied ps-et- iy v-cil disperset, I vent iD eut foanti seinecf tise men sitting in Useir seete, appareuily stuneti eutuncoascions. Condueter Neoison, tise Pumant car contacter, anti twe Veiunteere front Pont Hope-one of Usent v-as neused Skiteis-tisea came in, aniv-e-eut te tise middtle cf tise car, anti eaw tisattise site v-es conspietely emasseti, andthene were ny cf tise passongers Inniet antong tise ruine. We imntodiatehy commencei lifting Usentcnt, tend, as I was.tisas engaged, I fcund two littho ehiltrea iying et tise bottmc1tise car quite deat. Tise cîctises cf al Uhsee 1 teucheti were se hot that I coulti liardiy bon te isentile Usent. One womn, who I beliere o tele ri: Cal- bes-e, diet jusi as sise vas licing liftd ont. The safety-valrc cf tise engino proirutet i rglitinte tisé car, anti1I'do aci think tisent wae e particescf weler tv-o msinutes aftes thse englue v-ont oves- ounie site. Wlienalal tise pese- ongers Set been got out, I went te look etthUe cugino, anti eaw Hilent, tise drives-byug lietireen tise ongiDe anti tise lnekea trucS of one cf tise crs, quiju e eud. Five of tise etiere dieti liy, Mn.a L»eom -% . cCntckl T.H edy nt. Cdoiar ., Mrs. Callea- dnM aryCalendan, Anebibali Me-t Nain J HuIlt, Mnr. Nelson, Mrs. Mary Nelson,. anti D- Cantenon, cne woman, eue girl, one baby boy, eut; two mien, names uiskiiswn, cense te Usein death from nt mig steant, anti froe" eni c tiselbotiy, cansed bliytUe breaklug cf Use valve cf Use -boier cf eni e nten198, ass e s epe-cf senand waitherfrot; Usat front the evidkee -charove ard anti front Peroal Insp-ection oMUse vtrccOfMUse' e0~ug e r Way tu 4 we are cfopinion tisaiUse-accdeont v-acaset by Us e ieaing cf tie se- ia tise ni$it1 NO. 198, aud tisa -ithias pnncly acci-8 detaUsin lurtopinion ,'Use tracS in lugooti'condition; tisai Use en- L ner wlo w4p -a eieefi et, antid = iior ahie -Vo.e L lu -fanr1 case v te o0mrepretntve. Tise le-uiry wil lue neu tet t-ntnrow (McnDy) mora-1 mg. The-firemnur thUe englue, wisose1 kniee wes liatly - crusieti, is a id hie leg amputateti, and is ibing well.-0 .T£le foliowinig la Use surgeon', ftte mient ofite ilhleti andi injuneti up te ire o'ciock tise vening.- . Dubres,Que>,ec, ld ecoe JA. Dumasn, Queliec, -tiüc. vr La..Men, te.,tic., F. Lebiance, Tliree Rivers, du. P. Butnibie, quebec ; do.' J'. Razeau, -Vantreteuil, bati. W. Rieiaut, Vanidrueuil,se-ill reecven.-ï Joeasa;p.,tiod. 11 A. Fournier, Cotean, do. J. Tnemliley, St. Henni, do. H. Hentersen, Trenton, de. Donald Caeteon,- Cumberlandi (on OttawaRie) outfi Joh Mcene, Eimsgcn, wil s-e- covrn Antenie Motenier, sukucwn, toulit- J. Berihionue, unknowa toubtfnL Enery Richant, Vantimneail, do. Maxime Pagnain, Three.Rieere, selU' reeover.' Geo. Sevecque, River Onele, do. La. Canipte, Vantrucilvcny bed- StepisenBeals Paris, will recover. Baptiste Lefèvre, Coteau, doubifal. V. Cardinal, St. tlmctisy, te. Robent Pratt, eigisteen miles front Ottawa, te. Francis -Lenoix, unkuowu, to. Richard Retenu, unkuown,4 may ne- covrn. Ignace Tauceissin, uukssown, tioubtfsl. Barualie Bisosmetie, Vandruenil, very lied. Jes. Itolea, Quebse, wii nreccrer. John MeDonaiti, Cumbierlad, deabi- fui. J. B. Levoix, St. Celiste, do. A ma n nkncwn, will die. AitlKingston tises-e as-e lerael Laiente Coteau; Josephs Pelon, do.; Chaucey Gilelinisi, Cissyton, New York -H. Pelon, Coteau; wiso ail v.eat onise same torulng, eut are not vcry ses-. ously hurt. Ai Shanonrille tises-e ar- Chevrette cf Gatineau Point, wiso- Muay yecoven;, Xavier Chaboct, Quebec, led; Oliyen Lafiantus, Montreci, lied; Nathsan Asnderson, Trenton, ntey ne- cor. Alex. MeClellan, Glenarry, who may recoven.- Wm. Henry Auger, Trenton, faidily ijureti. At a prirate bouse in Belleville, J. Clicevere, cf Beileyi, will nocoven; anti C. Methent, Toronto, wil necover. At Napance, H. Exley, net bliy hurt, anti wcst on by >o. 8 train ye- tenday. Ascbadit MeNair, Pont Hope; go- Cenmhck, Montrcal; Josephs Malette, Beanharuohe; Ahi Tresnlley, Qudlice; T. Hardy, Kinsgton; Wm, Cyilondon, seife anti osse cuit, Hlempiville; citi - unknewu, a girl; 'Ms-. anti hJrs. Nelson, Montreal; Onesime Codte, ;Sti Honi; John liblbert, Tes-ente; Joint Beau, st. Mantia ; Baptiste Benertien, Tisnee Rivess; Oliver Cou-ier, Vantimseuil ; O. Mcnlpeiien, Ventimnouil; Moses Cheliot, Mentreal; a boy, tunkssown); Mrs. Loroi, District Joliette; Nonante Blants Qaeboc; lady usslcnown ant ili two men uhlmnown. Tise clore liste mnako tnp s total cf 45 wountied anti 24 dead-69 pensoun I cil. Seernt cases cre expeceti ttero- minate fataiiy to-nigisi. Ail Use wounneti have boom rousovedti iis oves- hng frointhtie freigitshedisot1 more cont- fortalile quartene ID tise building form- eriy seet as a convent. An Amenican anmy surgeon sidthiis intoring thai in 25 yesre isard service loelied novers-ecen a mtlitary liospital afion a action ps-sent- soef-fua appearauce as tise freigisl shedi diti yestentiay mernu g. Mn. Spicer, wih a nuntis of Use officiais anti our reporter svent te Shsa-i nous-ile te haspect tise ssreck. The ou-i gine le iying on île site, protty finty1 embettietinIDtise embamkment; but its. ntacilery le not irrotsievably dantag- cd. Tise Tender le bettes-et ccmpletely1 oui cf shape, anti seents as if ithi lie boon isurieti seinte consideraly dis-1 tance. Tis eontcýf tise smoking car le kcketi ont, anti tise sl a long sean ou its sicle, stepping short eithtie post-i office comipastntnt. Tise see «e cas- le a wreck cf lise moit thsongis1 cimesacter, being smashcd-up complte;j anti tisai oeryboty in il was net caoj emassedt t atents is e marvol. Thei '-e ansi eue snev-ng ratue 0 ea lue qualifictions v-hicS ie poesessces,v-oisi lbe inctilctet te Use great etivantege oM Use sbov.-goink people v-ho haro yet te. neelizo the vaine oMa jitticioseasdulli- oral effusion Mf printera ink Mn Ellia Ses recelvoti lettons endering tickets front front ail parts of this continent. Fs-cm Maine te Caills-i, frourtise boil;,toàky H--lauds of Use Hudson te vison. tisev-aiere Mf Use Gulf vasi m tropicaloon, tise iarne andth Ue fate- cf Our tovasmnan have gene forth, Use, tint sud purpose cf hie gMat enierprise - are fllly epprociatoti, aud su4etatial' - testluuonuiels te hie intogriiy anti v-riS- as a couduor of a graund carniral gift concert, have conte te hlmiD 'ntise form of entera for tickets, tes su exieni tisai- voniti scancely -be crediiet- UtilS toc many boit projectore, he isnoit tied wvus Use achievemntniof su osdinery succese; anti very fan fs-cn sitting devin sud cotplecenily fohlcita- hfissof upemi hIalreetiy, greai mucces lie but iredoubles hie exetilons te usae. Use great'carnival concert v-cthy Mf bjmiself, anti M Use city Se represents. Tetise briliaut .constellation of an- tisis v-loaLe names have eiretedy heese announced asud vho are te contnibute Useir smodicus airainme t tegrandi cutburatcêfmnsic v-hicS v11-flost exgi fron segan arhIlval -pavillion on Useontngorldaye ofJuly, isolha nov atitiM'leTedesca, Use osuint latiy-s'ioiiniet;- Mrs. Henry -C. Wtsone,- Use celelis-tet cautatrice;_'Miss An- toet Sterling; J. H. Bonavits- an artiet irhose fate preceetieti hî - te -ths country, iu -whicit ho iaioly arivet,.- Mn. Bout, Use great nornet-player sut George W. Colbry7aU cf v-he i -Il take pont ID Use concert and hieip te givo eclcet tte eoccasion. Il Sas Iscen- annethUat 3Mn. Bamnumt vas lun1e-n .lest vce, andi turing his stay v-as lte -gues of Mm-- lles, v-Se Sas mate ,enarangements v-iS hlm to e ese se niticeut cer- nival pavillon ehippel front Nov YonS pi tise early part cf tUs e voe. tnter ne eireurnstenees case Usera le suy posiponontont of Use cennival concert. Mn. Blle feels Usai hie reputtiun, v-iich Ses boeuf ineaiet inlucertain quartera vits a lHgitceÈs vlicita e gn- ileman cf hie standing cesu effort te trest mihsilence, is ai staSe, andtisl dtotrminedthtiitise nprecedentmi- cal . anti distribution cas-ival concert v-biclu is ev-n gonmus suggested, e-ma11 lie cenniedt Usougis te a succosffl con- clusion, andti thUe satistatiion Mf al., Those v-to are desinous c f pnocusing tickets, shoulti Soeur bleuseoros. -The tiemanti for this egreat, andi in Usis case, simsple justice requires ,Usai Use raie 'finit conte, finit ses-veai" sisulti le U *'aidheiereil te. Applicaionsefor ti9cketsinuperscn on by letton -U ho ai- tondeel te prcmptly. Tan TesaT.-At lest tffie treaty seemit> have rscchot suneoth waters. Wisen theo indineét dlaims vote pre- sontei liy Use Antoniesu- coansci they 'faitey didlnoiexpect ervwisis fora pocuiany av-art, eut upon thUai deciar- Lord Teutorten, Use Britisht Agetat. coalendedt bist acces-ding te Use prori- sious cf, Use treaty, Use arbutmres , cut mot beke inte considéeration any questions, oxcept Uscse that vote te ho preesë o a e entney aarti.-Titis point 'Sering boen naiseiv-as deciteti by Use arliltraters iD tavrrof Engians teUai thuere le ne deubi nov- Use v-isle malter v -inb lie paefnll anti saisactoïîy_ selved. franwtslseuit aqntvor, andtiernon ue as sioaty as it-Sdet crnbeen. 'She va asesetiD a bWak go-va, svithoit ouxeenianti ler heiir as toue ssp iu e plein tanner after Use feehion ase isa fllcv-ed sinco lien incar rnation-. Sevenal, miuisiers wv-represetttoug iris entvenoticoti Ber's.;Canon lusses,- Dr. Cooper, G.- Bicissirdeon, anti a nant- Ibe- cfladies,. Miss-Mercen, MMns.0- benne, Use Metron of thejeil sut otheri.- Sho convorseti freely ïith Usent, shew- mDg ne tisiudlination vuternte speak ofise- unfontunate position, sud UseuS- edtiefoisfaerisyttishevu hon duning her confinement sm the j!a Abrio! perioti vas occupictiun ksingLn anti prayer, iDnv-hichsite joine tth-u greai canelacessanti appas-ont gretiti- cation. At tv-ent-y minutes peat eigist, ticket' isoltere s aing boen pros¶ousl-y'admit- tedlt, e sointerio- cf Use jae matie. hieappcarnaceaisi Ue troMtUe coutemnet cell. This officWia Sof a tail, pcv-enfui frause, andi ias tresset for Use occasion in an Oe-llooking blecke goun, wutshbie faueannooncealed ho- hinti an equa'llyill-lcckisugmek r tv-c otidiy-cut locp isoles lu Use uppor part of Use mask isi eyos poet -l ish an uneasy andî esiless expression; The Seugusen's appoarance ai Usecou ticlon, in al Si, treati hahulisacute, bat net Use leasi perceptible effeci Upou Use: feelings cf tise. prisons-. Sise. arose esvitiut assistance te meut hlm anti ne- questet te lie ailoedetoe alS te Us. place cf execution unpinionod. lien tiesirov-as oneeeti, sut iD ccmpsuy. v-ts Mis Noces-,. Mre sOsborne, Use jail officiais, sud tlÉe executioner, site waeiei itsout heip, te Use corridor, towm tisenannoir stainvay tteeball beov-â,'M'ocf tise gaie toe se- folti. Wiii sny she Set Inonoasise sitoo hante as ase aso 'long, anti intfirm tenes bate tem . farevdil, sud expresset eho eote axeet Useni lu iseaven. anti untiniuetg nesrve Use poon v-otan muntedth ie incine te tiese caffolti, tnltte-ing, almosi inandibby, Use vors-d, "'Goti have mes-ey--Gct saro me." The isamgmass immediaiely proceetedti e-U ble v-os-k, ant in a short tinthUe teeS o! pinionisg lise arme anti feel iras lin- Wisile tise angman iras ýgcing on- seits tise preponatione ttho Rer -Canon Innes need extracte front Use foilov-ing statement te tisopreseut. .Tisstate- ment le in iser-cv-n handrtivmtng anti iras penneti a day or tv-o cgc: Mv DEAnsFasNc>Sse-I nov- speek te let ycss Saw ov5v-ltieful I1lie te yen for Yo" ides ýTie Sisriff bas been rey tin"t m , Mr. Samuiý Glass ia en eykîndti me, anq Ms-. lInos-I v-i say Usat Se bas la- lie-e iaril fer me eut done ail bist ley in hi, pcvos-r, aud.v-isUshe heip et Got, te sure my seait- anti new I UsauS ii for il ; anti Mn. Bicha-tson, he attend- cd me very close anti toucv-Set ho clt, ati I tutuS hlm for bis kint- nees, anti Ms-. Nasit Ses aiso licou very Slnd te me, etand oue v-Set hocoulti, anti I tisank hlm for bis gedases; anti Ms-. Cooper doue v-Set he coult for te, ant ih utu hlm ; anti there iras a greatmntay tees- Clinistain fiente Usai cahli ot tesc te anti givai toegooti ativice, Use sente as al cihere ; anti I Usan t tient for ail Useir-kiudness; anti Mns. Mes-corlias rieiet me.ores- since I v-as here, andi toue aill that lay iD bes- poir for me, anti I et se tunk- fui lo erenfor hon hindnegs,,andti ruit that I v-l meot tisent alin. heaveis. I nov- ihank IfMn. Xely for hisintidnese ant is iSlnd . tanne- te me, peor uss!ontumatev-otan I le, amd Ms-. Mc- Inless for hie kindness,- ant I ncw lisanistees- Mre. Doyle for iser Sintinees eut goctineesstoe enha y long con- finement. Sise has boa a -moliser te me v-len mine ires fan a-,ay, anti a fient toishe frieudiessenhomuine v-as tan front me, eut God i liopen Use teer cf heeven te les-. I say nothing about Use jaier'Wsýkindness, but I pray that Got i ll forgirve ail thai.I have, tone anti Sno* o v-ill, te. I Usan tise pnlisonose il fer UeinSidntlness, anti I pray te Got 10biese Usem. ant i ve Usent Hie Holy 'Spirit, tte acli ilen, guide anti direct thet, eunsy prayera, has been for lisemse-tisait y great anti living Got vili avae Usen totea ens 'e, of Usai danger anti Sopîe Goct v-lUleas Usont aud guide Usent foreez. I lov- thank 'Use jury for -lining%àuë mecil rilty, ana hope I wlmtathUemntl esvn, nd thnk he jnBâe'fo:xmy niglt Sentence, and say for a tnuulhibey doue v-Set- v-as niglnin Use eSýWti greet se by anc.- listen arma c.-lJ~n't for- <'5- ~5je~j~ te. -.0 1 EEE.-Port Hope, Jun '24- teal o e xiteusont bas beeseCe tise sisooiing cf Mn. B. H. Bes ticucer, etthUe, Queensliouel. e day sight by- a .-iàa-namec Hhy!nna .Gos-tan *pleturE ht appeaern.as'sente dù to, fcammission clerget o p4ctressoit, wv-hslotito-bleu Usytaupullti t a revol, fret tvos _ea B~.eud, bï takingeéffeet;-oeein" Use 1.1 near UseIs»ant, antfise othén Kihdneys, iriere Usey atl, resu Restilies in a vcry cniticel doctes-sgir. rery littié hope -cd covery. Haymnan vas himdi restet, andtiee aprélintliiry -aticu Usis mornia. -v-a8s sac,

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